1. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
dig it, oh-oh-oh, yeah
Copy !req
2. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
3. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
4. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
5. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, yeah
Copy !req
6. With broken hands and weathered souls
Copy !req
7. Emancipated from all you know
Copy !req
8. You got to go dig those holes
Copy !req
9. You got to go dig those holes
Copy !req
10. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, yeah
Copy !req
11. You got to go dig those holes
Copy !req
12. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
13. Get that straight.
Get that straight.
Copy !req
14. Let me tell you, boy,
we're burnin' up back here, man.
Copy !req
15. This global warmin'.
Copy !req
16. Hole in the ozone
is directly above my head.
Copy !req
17. The hole's in your head.
Copy !req
18. Barf Bag!
Copy !req
19. - Man, what you doin'?
- Barf Bag!
Copy !req
20. It ain't that bad! Come on, man!
Copy !req
21. Come on, man!
Copy !req
22. This ain't funny, Dog.
Get back, Barf Bag, for real!
Copy !req
23. Come on!
What are you doin'?
Copy !req
24. - Barf Bag, deal with it, baby!
- Barf Bag!
Copy !req
25. All my life, I seemed to be
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Copy !req
26. My grandpa, Stanley Yelnats II,
Copy !req
27. says it's all because
of this 150-year-old curse.
Copy !req
28. Now, I don't really believe
in the family curse,
Copy !req
29. but when things go wrong,
Copy !req
30. it kind of helps if you can
blame it on something.
Copy !req
31. And for me, things went wrong a lot.
Copy !req
32. Oh, jeez! Oh!
Copy !req
33. Grandpa says our destiny is sealed.
Copy !req
34. Could a pair of shoes falling from
the sky really be part of my destiny?
Copy !req
35. Come here, boy!
Copy !req
36. - Hold it right there!
- Hey, why you runnin'?
Copy !req
37. - Did you steal those shoes?
- Officer, I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
38. - What's your name, boy?
- St... I'm Stanley. Stanley Yelnats IV.
Copy !req
39. You see, my father, Stanley Yelnats III,
Copy !req
40. is an inventor,
Copy !req
41. and for the last few years,
he's been trying to find a cure...
Copy !req
42. for foot odor.
Copy !req
43. I'm glad you're here.
Copy !req
44. This whole floor
smells like stinky feet.
Copy !req
45. What did you do to my Stanley?
Copy !req
46. Don't freak out. It's a bruise.
Copy !req
47. Can I just say right off the bat,
this is a big mistake.
Copy !req
48. Don't say nothing
until we talk to our lawyer!
Copy !req
49. You're gonna be sorry
you ever messed with Stanley Yelnats!
Copy !req
50. Let me see that.
Copy !req
51. Just don't grab it out of their hands.
Copy !req
52. - Why not?
- Because you're gonna make 'em angry.
Copy !req
53. Would you like a piece of cake?
Copy !req
54. Excuse me.
Copy !req
55. How about some coffee?
A little cup of coffee?
Copy !req
56. Now, that is a fine pair of shoes.
Copy !req
57. Could I just smell your shoe?
Copy !req
58. How about if you take your shoe off,
and I'll just...
Copy !req
59. Check the bedroom.
Copy !req
60. Just a minute!
Where you going?
Copy !req
61. This warrant isn't warranted!
Copy !req
62. This will never hold up in court!
Copy !req
63. Uh-huh. Here it is.
Copy !req
64. We got him.
Copy !req
65. We share the room.
How do you know that's not mine?
Copy !req
66. - Which bed is yours?
- You don't have to answer that.
Copy !req
67. We have the right to remain silent.
Copy !req
68. - Oh, wouldn't that be nice.
- I sleep here.
Copy !req
69. It's all because of your
no-good, dirty-rotten,
Copy !req
70. pig-stealing great-great-grandfather.
Copy !req
71. There is no curse on this family.
Copy !req
72. There is on the men in this family.
Copy !req
73. "If only, if only,"
the woodpecker sighs,
Copy !req
74. Please don't sing that song.
Copy !req
75. "the bark on the tree
was as soft as the skies."
Copy !req
76. Please don't sing that song,
not at my table!
Copy !req
77. Ma, relax.
I don't believe in the curse, anyways.
Copy !req
78. We're gonna need a damn good lawyer.
Copy !req
79. We can't afford a lawyer, pop.
Copy !req
80. We don't need a lawyer, Stanley.
We'll just tell the truth.
Copy !req
81. Stanley Yelnats, please rise.
Copy !req
82. Stanley Yelnats IV.
Copy !req
83. Sit down!
Copy !req
84. I could send you to jail,
Copy !req
85. and I would not lose
one bit of sleep over it.
Copy !req
86. But I don't know what
good that would do.
Copy !req
87. There is currently a vacancy
at Camp Green Lake.
Copy !req
88. They help troubled
youth build character.
Copy !req
89. The choice is yours.
Copy !req
90. Camp Green Lake... or jail.
Copy !req
91. Uh, well,
I never have been to camp before.
Copy !req
92. Eighteen months, Camp Green Lake, son.
Copy !req
93. Well, the sun is shinin',
but it don't feel good
Copy !req
94. Don't smile down on this neighborhood
Copy !req
95. When I go walkin' through
this stinkin' town
Copy !req
96. This is why I keep my eyes down
Copy !req
97. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
98. The brotherhood of the misunderstood
Copy !req
99. Live and die here, in all likelihood
Copy !req
100. You're livin' in this town,
better pray for sundown
Copy !req
101. Like all the men, you go downtown
Copy !req
102. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
103. Hey, baby!
Copy !req
104. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
105. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
106. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
107. Thanks for the ride.
Copy !req
108. You keep your eyes down
Copy !req
109. Yo, fresh meat!
Copy !req
110. So, uh, where's the lake?
Copy !req
111. Hey, what did I just tell you?
Don't be a wise guy.
Copy !req
112. Follow me.
Copy !req
113. Sit down.
Copy !req
114. What's with the sunflower seeds, man?
Copy !req
115. I give up smokin'.
Copy !req
116. Stanley Yelnats...
Copy !req
117. - ... The fourth?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
118. Everyone in my family
names their son Stanley 'cause it's...
Copy !req
119. Yelnats backwards.
Copy !req
120. It's like this... it's a little...
Copy !req
121. It's a...
Copy !req
122. It's a tradition.
Copy !req
123. My name is Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
124. Whenever you speak to me,
you will call me by my name.
Copy !req
125. Is that clear?
Copy !req
126. Yes, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
127. Do you think that's funny?
Copy !req
128. No, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
129. This isn't a girl scout camp.
Copy !req
130. Understand?
Copy !req
131. Here.
Copy !req
132. Boy, you're a bag o' tricks.
Copy !req
133. Thanks.
Copy !req
134. You thirsty, Stanley?
Copy !req
135. Yes, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
136. Well, you better get used to it.
Copy !req
137. You're gonna be thirsty
for the next 18 months.
Copy !req
138. Look around you, Yelnats.
What do you see?
Copy !req
139. Any guard towers?
Copy !req
140. How about an electric fence?
Copy !req
141. No, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
142. You want to run away?
Copy !req
143. Go ahead, start running.
I won't stop you.
Copy !req
144. I'm warnin' you!
Copy !req
145. You heard the man, Spence.
Copy !req
146. Oh, don't worry.
Copy !req
147. This here's for yellow-spotted lizards.
I wouldn't waste a bullet on you.
Copy !req
148. I'm not gonna run away, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
149. Good thinkin', Yelnats.
Copy !req
150. Doesn't nobody run away from here.
You know why?
Copy !req
151. We got the only water for 100 miles.
Copy !req
152. Our own little oasis.
Copy !req
153. You want to run away,
them buzzards will pick you clean
Copy !req
154. by the end of the third day.
Copy !req
155. Hi, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
156. Undress.
Copy !req
157. You get two sets of clothes.
Copy !req
158. One for work, one for relaxation.
Copy !req
159. After three days,
your work clothes will be washed,
Copy !req
160. your second set
becomes your work clothes.
Copy !req
161. - Is that clear?
- Yes, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
162. You are to dig one hole each day.
Copy !req
163. 5-foot deep, 5-foot in diameter.
Copy !req
164. Your shovel is your measuring stick.
Copy !req
165. The longer it takes you to dig,
Copy !req
166. the longer you'll be out in the hot sun.
Copy !req
167. Sorry, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
168. You need to keep alert
for lizards and...
Copy !req
169. rattlesnakes.
Copy !req
170. Rattlesnakes?
Copy !req
171. You don't bother them,
they won't bother you...
Copy !req
172. Usually.
Copy !req
173. Being bit by a rattler ain't
the worst thing that can happen to you.
Copy !req
174. You won't die, usually.
Copy !req
175. But you don't want to get bit
by a yellow-spotted lizard.
Copy !req
176. That is the worst thing
that can happen to you.
Copy !req
177. You will die
a slow and painful death...
Copy !req
178. Always.
Copy !req
179. Stanley Yelnats?
Copy !req
180. - Yeah?
- I just want you to know
Copy !req
181. that you may have done
some bad things,
Copy !req
182. but that does not make you a bad kid.
Copy !req
183. I respect you, Stanley.
Copy !req
184. Welcome to Camp Green Lake.
Copy !req
185. I'm Dr. Pendanski, your counselor.
Copy !req
186. Start that touchy-feely crap,
I'm outta here.
Copy !req
187. Give him some towels, tokens.
Set him up.
Copy !req
188. You'll be in "D" tent.
Copy !req
189. "D" stands for "diligence."
that's the mess hall.
Copy !req
190. There's the rec room.
And there's the showers.
Copy !req
191. There's only one knob 'cause there's
only one temperature - cold.
Copy !req
192. And that's the Warden's
cabin over there.
Copy !req
193. That's the number-one rule
at Camp Green Lake -
Copy !req
194. do not upset the Warden.
Copy !req
195. - Yeah, he seemed kind of...
- Who?
Copy !req
196. Oh, Mr. Sir?
Oh, he's not the Warden.
Copy !req
197. He's just been in a bad mood
since he quit smokin'.
Copy !req
198. Hey, Mom...
Copy !req
199. Who's the Neanderthal?
Copy !req
200. This is Stanley.
Copy !req
201. So, what's happening with Barf Bag?
Copy !req
202. Oh, Lewis won't be returning.
Copy !req
203. He's still in the hospital.
Copy !req
204. Stanley, meet Rex, Alan, and Theodore.
Copy !req
205. Hi.
Copy !req
206. Yo, my name is X-Ray.
Copy !req
207. And that's Squid, that's Armpit.
Copy !req
208. Him, he's Mom.
Copy !req
209. They all have their little nicknames,
Copy !req
210. but I prefer to use the names
their parents gave them,
Copy !req
211. the names society
will recognize them by.
Copy !req
212. Theodore, why don't we
show Stanley his cot?
Copy !req
213. Go ahead, 'pit.
Copy !req
214. Welcome to your new home, Stanley.
Copy !req
215. Barf Bag slept here.
Copy !req
216. Keep your bed clean.
Copy !req
217. Hey, I'm Magnet.
Copy !req
218. That's Zigzag.
Copy !req
219. Hi.
Copy !req
220. What I told you about leaving
that thing right there, man?
Copy !req
221. And this... is Zero.
Copy !req
222. Say hello to Stanley, Zero.
Copy !req
223. Do you want to know
why they call him Zero?
Copy !req
224. 'Cause there's nothing goin' on
in his stupid little head.
Copy !req
225. Did you tell him about the lizards?
Copy !req
226. Ricky, let's not scare Stanley.
Copy !req
227. His name's not Ricky.
Copy !req
228. It's Zigzag, a'ight?
Copy !req
229. Stanley, if you have any questions,
just ask Theodore.
Copy !req
230. Theodore will be your mentor.
Copy !req
231. - You got that, Theodore?
- Yeah, man. Whatever, dude.
Copy !req
232. I'm depending on you.
Copy !req
233. It should be no labor
to be nice to your neighbor.
Copy !req
234. Hey, Theodore, is there a place where
I can fill my canteen up with water?
Copy !req
235. - I know he smells that.
- Yo, my name is not Theodore.
Copy !req
236. It's Armpit.
Copy !req
237. There's a water spigot over there.
Copy !req
238. Man, 'pit,
what you gotta be so mean for?
Copy !req
239. Man, I ain't mean.
I'm his mentor.
Copy !req
240. Ain't that what I'm supposed to do?
Copy !req
241. Thanks, Armpit.
Copy !req
242. Man, whatever.
Copy !req
243. Today's menu - chili, string beans,
Copy !req
244. refried beans,
Copy !req
245. garbanzo beans,
Copy !req
246. green beans,
Copy !req
247. and banana jell-o.
Copy !req
248. Hey, Stanley, come here, boy.
Copy !req
249. This is where you sit. Sit down.
Copy !req
250. Hey, yo, new kid. Hey, yo.
Copy !req
251. See, you didn't dig today.
Copy !req
252. So, uh, you wouldn't mind
giving up your bread
Copy !req
253. to somebody who did, now, would you?
Copy !req
254. No, you can have it.
Copy !req
255. So, what'd they get you for?
Copy !req
256. Stealing a pair of shoes.
Copy !req
257. From the store, or were
they still on someone's feet?
Copy !req
258. No, no, he just killed the dude first.
Copy !req
259. You just left out
that little detail, right?
Copy !req
260. They were Clyde Livingston's shoes.
Copy !req
261. Sweetfeet? What?
Copy !req
262. Man, you did not steal
no Clyde Livingston's Sweetfeet shoes.
Copy !req
263. His world series cleats.
Copy !req
264. Hold on, hold on. How did you get 'em?
Copy !req
265. He's, like, the fastest guy
in the majors, right?
Copy !req
266. The guy hit four triples in one game.
Copy !req
267. Clyde Livingston donated his shoes to
this, uh, this... this homeless shelter.
Copy !req
268. Did they have red X's on 'em?
Copy !req
269. What?
Copy !req
270. You got Zero to talk.
Copy !req
271. Hey, yo, what else can you do, Zero?
Copy !req
272. Yeah.
Copy !req
273. Yeah, they did.
Copy !req
274. Tell us a little something
of your background,
Copy !req
275. Mr. Livingston.
Copy !req
276. Besides the fact that it
was your donated shoes that were stolen.
Copy !req
277. What other connection
might you have with this case?
Copy !req
278. Well, I was an orphan.
Copy !req
279. I grew up in that home.
Copy !req
280. I don't understand what type of person
steals from homeless children.
Copy !req
281. You're no fan of mine.
Copy !req
282. It was all because of your
no-good, dirty-rotten,
Copy !req
283. pig-stealing great-great-grandfather.
Copy !req
284. That's who sealed our destiny.
Copy !req
285. Why do you think
none of his inventions work?
Copy !req
286. Pa.
Copy !req
287. I learn from failure.
Copy !req
288. Doesn't matter how... how smart you are.
Copy !req
289. You need luck. Something we ain't got.
Copy !req
290. Yeah, what about your father,
the first Stanley Yelnats?
Copy !req
291. He wasn't so unlucky.
Copy !req
292. You told me he made a fortune
in the stock market.
Copy !req
293. Some luck.
Copy !req
294. Yeah, he lost everything.
Copy !req
295. He was robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow.
Copy !req
296. Get on up outta there!
Copy !req
297. Gimme your loot!
Copy !req
298. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
299. She kiss him?
Copy !req
300. Oh, no. She only kissed the men
she killed.
Copy !req
301. What you got down there, huh?
Copy !req
302. Pass it up! Come on!
Copy !req
303. She left him stranded in the desert.
Copy !req
304. Come on, boys! Let's ride!
Copy !req
305. No water, no food, for 16 days.
Copy !req
306. If she'd have kissed him,
she'd have killed him.
Copy !req
307. You'd have never been born.
Copy !req
308. Smiling faces! Smiling faces!
Copy !req
309. The early mole digs the deepest hole.
Copy !req
310. Shovels on the left,
tortillas on the right.
Copy !req
311. Let's go!
Copy !req
312. Okay, come and get it.
Copy !req
313. Let's go!
Come on, Magnet! Open them peepers!
Copy !req
314. Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
315. Head's still on the pillow!
Copy !req
316. This ain't no dreamland,
it's... it's reality.
Copy !req
317. Let's go, hotshots!
Step up and get your...
Copy !req
318. Hey, man, you picked up X-Ray's shovel.
Copy !req
319. It's shorter than the rest of them.
Copy !req
320. Smaller shovel, smaller hole.
Copy !req
321. H-e-e-e-ey
Copy !req
322. Oh, sinners, let's go down
Copy !req
323. Let's go down
Copy !req
324. Let's go down
Copy !req
325. Oh, sinners, let's go down
Copy !req
326. Down in the valley to pray
Copy !req
327. Oh, sinners
Copy !req
328. - Let's go down
- MR. This isn't a girl scout camp.
Copy !req
329. Nobody's gonna babysit ya.
Copy !req
330. Let's go down
Copy !req
331. - Dig here.
- Oh, sinners, let's go down
Copy !req
332. - Now, if you find anything interesting...
- Down in the valley to pray
Copy !req
333. you are to report it to me
or Pendanski.
Copy !req
334. If the Warden like what you find,
Copy !req
335. you get the rest of the day off.
Copy !req
336. H-e-e-e-ey
Copy !req
337. What am I supposed to be
looking for, Mr. Sir?
Copy !req
338. You're not looking for anything.
Copy !req
339. You're building character.
Copy !req
340. You take a bad boy, make him
dig holes all day in the hot sun,
Copy !req
341. and it turns him into a good boy.
Copy !req
342. That's our philosophy
here at Camp Green Lake.
Copy !req
343. Start digging.
Copy !req
344. Show me the way
Copy !req
345. Good lord, show me the way
Copy !req
346. One down, 10 million to go.
Copy !req
347. Show me the way
Copy !req
348. Good lord, show me the way
Copy !req
349. Oh, sinners, let's go down
Copy !req
350. Let's go down
Copy !req
351. Let's go down
Copy !req
352. Excuse me, can you throw that
in another pile or something,
Copy !req
353. - 'cause it keeps getting in my hole.
- Shut up! Just shut up!
Copy !req
354. Watch where you're moving your dirt!
Copy !req
355. Watch where you're throwing
your dirt, Stanley.
Copy !req
356. It was all because
of your no-good, dirty-rotten,
Copy !req
357. pig-stealing great-great-grandfather,
Copy !req
358. Elya Yelnats.
Copy !req
359. It started in a little
village in Latvia.
Copy !req
360. He was shoveling in Morris Menke's barn,
Copy !req
361. When Myra, his beautiful daughter,
walked by.
Copy !req
362. And that was it.
Copy !req
363. So, what does your
great-great-grandfather do?
Copy !req
364. He goes to a fortune-teller,
Madame Zeroni, for advice.
Copy !req
365. All you think about is Myra Menke.
Copy !req
366. I know.
Copy !req
367. That's when our troubles began.
Copy !req
368. Listen to Madame Zeroni.
Copy !req
369. You should go to America.
Copy !req
370. That's where my son is.
Copy !req
371. That's your future.
Copy !req
372. Not Myra Menke.
Copy !req
373. Her head's as empty as a flowerpot.
Copy !req
374. Mr. Menke...
Copy !req
375. I would like your permission
to marry your daughter.
Copy !req
376. You too?
Copy !req
377. Igor Barkov has offered
his fattest pig for her.
Copy !req
378. What do you got?
Copy !req
379. A heart full of love.
Copy !req
380. He's just a boy!
Copy !req
381. I'd rather have a fat pig.
Copy !req
382. Morris Menke is a schmuck.
Copy !req
383. Okay, here's what you do.
Copy !req
384. Take the little one.
Copy !req
385. But this solves nothing.
Copy !req
386. So, it will grow.
Copy !req
387. Every day, you carry the pig
up the mountain.
Copy !req
388. Make it drink the water from the stream
while you sing...
Copy !req
389. "If only, if only,"
the woodpecker sighs...
Copy !req
390. Woodpecker sighs.
Copy !req
391. "the bark on the tree
was as soft as the skies."
Copy !req
392. While the wolf waits below,
hungry and lonely
Copy !req
393. He cries to the moon,
"if only, if only."
Copy !req
394. Every day, the pig will get fatter,
Copy !req
395. and you will get stronger.
Copy !req
396. Now, after you give the pig to Menke,
Copy !req
397. you must carry Madame
Zeroni up a mountain
Copy !req
398. and sing while I drink
so I can get strong, too.
Copy !req
399. But, if you forget to come back
for Madame Zeroni,
Copy !req
400. you and your family
will be cursed for always and eternity.
Copy !req
401. - Get your water, Dog. Get your water.
- Oh, my god.
Copy !req
402. Here comes the water truck.
Copy !req
403. - First hole's the hardest, right?
- Let's go!
Copy !req
404. Hey, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
405. - What you doin', man?
- Get your place in line, Magnet!
Copy !req
406. Keep your hands off of me, man!
Copy !req
407. So, how'd it go your first day, Yelnats?
Got some blisters on ya?
Copy !req
408. - Big, fat blisters.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
409. Well, don't worry.
Copy !req
410. Everything turns to callus eventually.
Copy !req
411. That's life. Next.
Copy !req
412. Myra!
Copy !req
413. Who do you choose - Igor Barkov...
Copy !req
414. or Elya Yelnats?
Copy !req
415. You want me to decide?
Copy !req
416. That's right, my blossom.
Copy !req
417. Gee, I don't know.
Copy !req
418. Which pig weighs more?
Copy !req
419. They are the same.
Copy !req
420. Oh, I know!
Copy !req
421. I will think of a
number between 1 and 10.
Copy !req
422. Okay, I'm ready.
Copy !req
423. Marry Igor.
Copy !req
424. You can keep my pig as wedding present.
Copy !req
425. Two pigs for one daughter!
Copy !req
426. You done already?
Copy !req
427. Don't you know, man?
Copy !req
428. He's, like,
the fastest digger in the camp.
Copy !req
429. He's a mole.
I think he eats the dirt.
Copy !req
430. He's a weird dude.
Copy !req
431. Moles don't eat dirt.
Copy !req
432. - Worms eat dirt.
- Really?
Copy !req
433. So that was it.
Copy !req
434. He took Madame Zeroni's advice
and went to America, like her son,
Copy !req
435. but the dummy forgot to go back
and carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain.
Copy !req
436. If you forget
to come back for Madame Zeroni,
Copy !req
437. you and your family will be cursed
for always and eternity.
Copy !req
438. Somebody help me!
Copy !req
439. Anybody up there?
Copy !req
440. I'm done with my hole now!
Copy !req
441. Oh, god.
Copy !req
442. Oh, god.
Copy !req
443. Don't move.
Copy !req
444. Oh, f...
Copy !req
445. Get your stuff.
Copy !req
446. Get yourself a good sleep, son.
Copy !req
447. - Yes, sir.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
448. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
449. What color was his blood?
Copy !req
450. I don't... I don't know.
I couldn't tell.
Copy !req
451. I wish I'd have seen it.
Copy !req
452. Bam!
Copy !req
453. If Mr. Sir didn't shoot it...
Copy !req
454. Stanley, you'd be in a hole.
Copy !req
455. Did you know
that each one's got exactly 11 spots?
Copy !req
456. Yeah, man, but if you ever get
close enough to count 'em...
Copy !req
457. You're dead.
Copy !req
458. Look, it's the lizards
we're working for, man.
Copy !req
459. We build their houses for 'em.
Copy !req
460. I mean, yesterday, I saw, like,
10 of them in one hole.
Copy !req
461. Man, we ain't diggin' for no lizards.
Copy !req
462. What we diggin' for then, man?
Copy !req
463. Like Mr. Sir said,
we're diggin' to build some character.
Copy !req
464. - Come on! Wake up, buddy!
- Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
465. Feelin' mighty fine this time
Copy !req
466. "Dear Mom...
Copy !req
467. I'm having a wonderful time at camp.
Copy !req
468. Yes, I am
Copy !req
469. "The food's great.
Copy !req
470. Not as good as yours,
of course, but I like it."
Copy !req
471. Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
472. Feelin' mighty fine this time
Copy !req
473. "We've been out on the lake all day."
Copy !req
474. Where's a person go to
the bathroom around here?
Copy !req
475. - Man, pick a hole, any hole.
- Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
476. "Once I pass the swimming test,
I'll get to learn how to water ski.
Copy !req
477. I've made lots of friends."
Copy !req
478. Oh, you're goin' to hell for sure.
Copy !req
479. Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
480. - "And the water is cool and refreshing."
- Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
481. This time
Copy !req
482. - "You'd like my counselor. He's a doctor."
- Yes, indeed
Copy !req
483. Smells like puke from a mule
Copy !req
484. been ruminating on asparagus
for two weeks.
Copy !req
485. "And I'm really enjoying the wildlife."
Copy !req
486. Don't believe a word they say about me
Copy !req
487. Because I'm feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
488. Feelin' mighty fine
Copy !req
489. - Rent time! Pay up!
- This time
Copy !req
490. "The other boys aren't bad kids.
Copy !req
491. Like me, they were just in the
wrong place at the wrong time."
Copy !req
492. Get on there, fool!
Copy !req
493. "Well, that's it for now, ma.
Copy !req
494. Say hi to dad and grandpa for me.
Copy !req
495. Love, your son, Stanley."
Copy !req
496. Who you writin' to?
Copy !req
497. Aw, you miss your mommy and daddy?
Copy !req
498. - I don't want them to worry.
- They don't care.
Copy !req
499. - Give me the letter.
- Believe me.
Copy !req
500. They're glad to be rid of you.
Copy !req
501. Found something.
Copy !req
502. - It's a fossil. You see that?
- Well, that's interesting.
Copy !req
503. Do I get a day off?
Copy !req
504. - What?
- That's what Mr. Sir said.
Copy !req
505. He said that, uh, if I found something
interesting, I get the day off.
Copy !req
506. Stanley, the Warden
isn't interested in fossils.
Copy !req
507. Let me see that.
Copy !req
508. - What is it?
- Man, see, look.
Copy !req
509. Look at the little fishies!
Copy !req
510. Aww!
Copy !req
511. I mean, you know,
it look like those cave pictures, man.
Copy !req
512. Ain't nothin', anyway.
Copy !req
513. Fossil. I tell you what,
I think Stanley belongs in a cave, man.
Copy !req
514. I told you he was a Neanderthal
the first time I saw him.
Copy !req
515. Guess there really was
a lake out here once, right?
Copy !req
516. There was a town, too.
Copy !req
517. The Warden's grandfather owned the lake
Copy !req
518. and half the town.
Copy !req
519. Whoo!
Copy !req
520. - Tie her off, there, boys.
- All right, now.
Copy !req
521. Get your sweet,
sweet magical ointments!
Copy !req
522. Get your elixirs, health potions,
onion tonics.
Copy !req
523. Onions, get your onions here, folks.
Copy !req
524. God's own chosen vegetable.
Copy !req
525. Nature's magic vegetables
right here, folks.
Copy !req
526. Mr. Collingwood,
let me see that head of yours.
Copy !req
527. - My head?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
528. Yeah, that's what I thought.
Copy !req
529. I got exactly what you need.
Copy !req
530. Just rub this on his head
every night, Mrs. Collingwood,
Copy !req
531. and before you know it,
his hair's gonna be
Copy !req
532. as long and as thick as Mary Lou's mane.
Copy !req
533. Sam, thank you.
Copy !req
534. The ancient Egyptians knew
the secrets of the onions.
Copy !req
535. How its potent juices
can cure stomachaches and toothaches
Copy !req
536. measles and mumps,
rheumatism, hemorrhoids.
Copy !req
537. If you don't believe me,
just ask Mary Lou.
Copy !req
538. All she eats is onions,
and she's almost 100 years old.
Copy !req
539. - How would you know, Sam?
- You're not a day over 25.
Copy !req
540. Nature's magic vegetable,
Miss Katherine.
Copy !req
541. I don't care how much gold
there is back there,
Copy !req
542. I ain't goin' back
without some lizard juice.
Copy !req
543. I see your friend back there
wasn't so smart.
Copy !req
544. Too bad he didn't know
Copy !req
545. yellow-spotted lizards
don't like my onion juice.
Copy !req
546. Get your sweet, sweet onions, folks.
Copy !req
547. Health potions, lizard oils,
Copy !req
548. onion tonics, cure-alls.
Copy !req
549. And for you, Miss Katherine,
Copy !req
550. I have this special bag of onions.
Copy !req
551. Thank you.
Copy !req
552. - And your peaches.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
553. Sometimes I think Green Lake, Texas,
is heaven on earth.
Copy !req
554. Those peaches are the work of an angel.
Copy !req
555. I like peaches.
Copy !req
556. Come on, boys.
Copy !req
557. - Buy you a drink, Sheriff?
- Buy me two.
Copy !req
558. That was some lame crap you pulled.
Copy !req
559. What?
Copy !req
560. Look, man, you ever find anything,
Copy !req
561. give it to me, you understand?
Copy !req
562. I've been here for over six months
and never found anything.
Copy !req
563. No one has.
Copy !req
564. Why should you get a day off
when you just got here?
Copy !req
565. You know what I'm saying.
It's only fair.
Copy !req
566. Right?
Copy !req
567. - Right?
- Right.
Copy !req
568. That's what I call
an informed decision, Dog.
Copy !req
569. - What are you doing? No.
- I'm watching that.
Copy !req
570. Not today you ain't.
Copy !req
571. Look, you broke it!
Copy !req
572. Right there!
Copy !req
573. Watch it!
Copy !req
574. You watch it, man.
Copy !req
575. What you say to me?
Copy !req
576. Sorry, man. I didn't mean...
I didn't mean to hit you.
Copy !req
577. You're a dead man!
Copy !req
578. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
579. Hey, just chill, okay, man, all right?
Copy !req
580. Look, we start a fight now,
Copy !req
581. the Warden will come down
hard on all of us.
Copy !req
582. Just keep that punk away from me!
Copy !req
583. - Cool.
- Just chill.
Copy !req
584. It's all right. It's all good.
Copy !req
585. Just relax.
Copy !req
586. Here's your tunes, man.
Copy !req
587. Don't look at him. He's crazy.
You understand me?
Copy !req
588. Hey, nobody messes
with the Caveman. Nobody.
Copy !req
589. - Did you see the Caveman back there?
- No, I don't want to mess with anybody.
Copy !req
590. Let's go eat.
Hey, you coming, Caveman?
Copy !req
591. Come on, Caveman.
Copy !req
592. Come on, Caveman.
Copy !req
593. What?
Copy !req
594. Caveman?
Copy !req
595. So, I'm Caveman?
Copy !req
596. It's better than Barf Bag.
Copy !req
597. Line up, fishies.
Copy !req
598. Get your lake water.
Copy !req
599. You get it?
Copy !req
600. Lake water. It's a joke.
Copy !req
601. You're here now, Caveman, all right?
Copy !req
602. - Let's go, fellas.
- Move up, fool.
Copy !req
603. Hey, X, when you moving me up?
Copy !req
604. Oh, man.
Copy !req
605. Can I start now, your highness?
Copy !req
606. Yes, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
607. What about you, Jose?
What do you like?
Copy !req
608. I like animals.
Copy !req
609. That's what got Magnet
sent here in the first place.
Copy !req
610. Man, it's criminal the way
they keep them locked up in cages.
Copy !req
611. No, Jose.
What you did was criminal.
Copy !req
612. No, no. Tell 'em, Magnet.
Copy !req
613. They wanted 1,000 bucks
for just one puppy.
Copy !req
614. - What?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
615. I would've made it out
if my pocket didn't start barking.
Copy !req
616. You boys get one life,
Copy !req
617. and so far, you've done a
pretty good job of screwing it up.
Copy !req
618. So, you're Caveman now, big shot.
Copy !req
619. Got a nickname.
Copy !req
620. Well, let me tell you something,
Copy !req
621. You are here on account of one person.
Copy !req
622. You know who that person is?
Copy !req
623. Yeah.
Copy !req
624. My no-good, dirty-rotten,
pig-stealing great-great-grandfather.
Copy !req
625. That's who it is.
Copy !req
626. No.
Copy !req
627. You screwed your life up,
Stanley Yelnats,
Copy !req
628. and it's up to you to fix it.
Copy !req
629. It's not gonna be easy,
Copy !req
630. but you'd be surprised
what you can accomplish
Copy !req
631. once you set your mind to it.
Copy !req
632. Even Zero here isn't
completely worthless.
Copy !req
633. What about you, Zero?
Copy !req
634. What do you like to do?
Copy !req
635. You just won't talk with me, will you?
Copy !req
636. Man, he only talks to Caveman, you know?
Copy !req
637. You think you're better than all this?
Copy !req
638. I like diggin' holes.
Copy !req
639. Then you're in the right place
for it, buddy boy.
Copy !req
640. "My dearest Stanley,
Copy !req
641. your letters make me feel
like one of the other moms
Copy !req
642. who can afford to send
their kids to summer camp."
Copy !req
643. Do not touch my shoes!
Copy !req
644. "Your father thinks he's real close
to a breakthrough.
Copy !req
645. I do hope so, Stanley,
'cause the landlord
Copy !req
646. is threatenin' to evict us
because of the odor."
Copy !req
647. Sir, you are an insult
to the chemistry of smell!
Copy !req
648. - Eight months!
- You know what I'm gonna do with this?
Copy !req
649. I am going to boil
it with cross-trainers!
Copy !req
650. Don't do that!
Copy !req
651. Aah! Aah!
Oh, yeah, "Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!"
Copy !req
652. "I feel so sorry for the old lady
who lived in the shoe
Copy !req
653. 'cause it must have smelled real bad."
Copy !req
654. She's crazy.
Copy !req
655. What are you laughing at?
Copy !req
656. Uh, just something my mom wrote.
Copy !req
657. She, uh She said...
Copy !req
658. "I feel sorry for the little old lady
who lived in the shoe
Copy !req
659. 'cause it must have smelled really bad."
Copy !req
660. You know, like the nursery rhyme.
Copy !req
661. I... I feel really awkward
Copy !req
662. with you reading over
my shoulder like that, so...
Copy !req
663. I can't read.
Copy !req
664. Can you teach me?
Copy !req
665. Um...
Copy !req
666. You know, I'm... I'm not really a...
Copy !req
667. a good teacher,
Copy !req
668. and, uh,
I get tired from digging all day,
Copy !req
669. so, I just wanna come back
and chill, you know?
Copy !req
670. Just relax.
Copy !req
671. See you in there?
Copy !req
672. Look at this guy.
Copy !req
673. Whoo!
Copy !req
674. Armpit, put it down! Put it down!
Copy !req
675. Armpit!
Copy !req
676. Hey, look, a cloud.
Copy !req
677. Right there.
Copy !req
678. Maybe it'll move in front of the sun.
Copy !req
679. Come on, little cloud.
Copy !req
680. You can do it.
Copy !req
681. Please, that's all I'm asking
for is just a little shade.
Copy !req
682. Warden owns the shade, man.
Copy !req
683. Maybe we'll get lucky.
Copy !req
684. Maybe we'll get some clouds.
Copy !req
685. It will rain for 40 days and 40 nights.
Copy !req
686. Yeah, and we'll have to build an ark
and get two of each animal.
Copy !req
687. Yeah, two scorpions, two rattlesnakes,
Copy !req
688. two yellow spider lizards. All of that.
Copy !req
689. Hey.
Copy !req
690. What do you got there, Caveman?
Copy !req
691. What?
Copy !req
692. What do you got there?
Copy !req
693. I don't know.
Copy !req
694. Hey, X...
Copy !req
695. I think I might have found something.
Copy !req
696. Let me see that.
Copy !req
697. What do you think?
Copy !req
698. Looks like an old shotgun
shell or something, man.
Copy !req
699. No, man, it's too skinny
to be a shotgun shell.
Copy !req
700. - No. No, it's not a shotgun shell.
- Yeah. No, it's not a shotgun shell.
Copy !req
701. Look at this. You see that little heart?
Copy !req
702. You see that?
With the letters in it right there?
Copy !req
703. - Yeah. "K.B." that's what it is.
- Let me see.
Copy !req
704. - Let me see it.
- K.B.?
Copy !req
705. - Yeah. Yeah.
- That's Keith Berenger.
Copy !req
706. Man, who is that?
Copy !req
707. He was in my math class.
Copy !req
708. - Stupid.
- Good thinking, Zigzag.
Copy !req
709. Yeah, it must belong to him, huh?
Copy !req
710. Yeah, it must belong to him.
Copy !req
711. Well, I'm gonna go show it to Mom.
Copy !req
712. - Maybe I'll get the rest of the day off.
- Rest of the day off?
Copy !req
713. No. No. Your hole's already dug.
Copy !req
714. I'm not even close.
I'm gonna be out here all day.
Copy !req
715. Yeah? So?
Copy !req
716. So, uh... Why don't you, uh,
Copy !req
717. Why don't you just turn it in tomorrow?
You know, give it to Mom in the morning?
Copy !req
718. Then you get the whole day off.
Copy !req
719. That's good thinking, Caveman.
Copy !req
720. I like it.
Copy !req
721. Pretty smart, Caveman.
Pretty smart.
Copy !req
722. No matter how you're sad and blue
Copy !req
723. There's always someone who
has it worse than you
Copy !req
724. Sometimes you gotta pay your dues
Copy !req
725. So, don't worry, just push on through
Copy !req
726. Keep'n it real
Copy !req
727. Gotta pick up all my peoples
who be working on the future
Copy !req
728. Though they know they gotta struggle
Copy !req
729. - Keep'n it real
- To all my Homies working on the 9 to 5
Copy !req
730. And doing right to keep themselves...
Copy !req
731. - There you are, X.
- Keep'n it real
Copy !req
732. Although sometimes I know
it seems impossible
Copy !req
733. Good morning, Theodore.
Copy !req
734. Man, it's Armpit.
Copy !req
735. Yo, I don't know no fool named
Theodore, all right?
Copy !req
736. - Well, I don't know no fool named Armpit.
- Whatever.
Copy !req
737. There's your water, whoever you are.
Copy !req
738. Hey, Mom!
Copy !req
739. I think I found something.
Copy !req
740. Come here for a second.
I think I found something.
Copy !req
741. Looks like a... Gold...
golden bullet or something, Doesn't it?
Copy !req
742. It's nice, right?
Copy !req
743. So, I get the day off now, right?
Copy !req
744. You just might.
We're gonna call the Warden.
Copy !req
745. Hey, Lou.
Copy !req
746. You better get down here.
Copy !req
747. I think we got something.
Copy !req
748. We got something nice.
Copy !req
749. Got something nice.
Copy !req
750. We got something nice.
Copy !req
751. Sometime
Copy !req
752. Get a hump in my back, sometime
Copy !req
753. I'm going over here, sometimes
Copy !req
754. When my honey comes back, sometimes
Copy !req
755. I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes
Copy !req
756. Get a hump in my back, sometimes
Copy !req
757. I'm going over here, sometimes
Copy !req
758. When my honey comes back, sometimes
Copy !req
759. I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes
Copy !req
760. Get a hump in my back, sometimes
Copy !req
761. I'm going over here, sometimes
Copy !req
762. When my honey comes back, sometimes
Copy !req
763. - Whew. Oh, man.
- I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes
Copy !req
764. Get a hump in my back, sometimes
Copy !req
765. I'm going over here, sometimes
Copy !req
766. Right over there.
Copy !req
767. When my honey comes back, sometimes
Copy !req
768. I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes
Copy !req
769. Get a hump in my back, sometimes
Copy !req
770. I'm going over here, sometimes
Copy !req
771. When my honey comes back, sometimes
Copy !req
772. I'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes
Copy !req
773. Get a hump in my back
Copy !req
774. This where you found it?
Copy !req
775. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
776. Dr. Pendanski, drive X-Ray back to camp.
Copy !req
777. Give him double shower tokens
and a snack.
Copy !req
778. But first, fill everyone's canteen.
Copy !req
779. I already filled them.
Copy !req
780. Excuse me?
Copy !req
781. I had already filled them
when you drove up in the car.
Copy !req
782. Excuse me?
Copy !req
783. Did I ask you when you last filled them?
Copy !req
784. - No. You didn't, but...
- Excuse me.
Copy !req
785. Now, these fine boys
have been working hard.
Copy !req
786. Don't you think it just might be
possible they have taken a drink
Copy !req
787. since you filled their canteens?
Copy !req
788. It's possible.
Copy !req
789. Oh, it's possible, is it?
Copy !req
790. Caveman!
Copy !req
791. You come over here, please.
Copy !req
792. - Get over there.
- That's right.
Copy !req
793. Go on. Come on over.
Come on over.
Copy !req
794. Now, did you
by any chance take a drink
Copy !req
795. since he filled your canteen?
Copy !req
796. Oh, no. I... I'm fine. I have plenty.
Copy !req
797. Excuse me?
Copy !req
798. I... I might have, uh, uh, drinken some.
Copy !req
799. Thank you.
Copy !req
800. May I have your canteen, please?
Copy !req
801. Oh, god.
Copy !req
802. Can you hear the empty spaces?
Copy !req
803. Yes, I can hear.
Copy !req
804. Fill it.
Copy !req
805. If that's too much trouble,
Copy !req
806. you can grab a shovel,
and Caveman here can fill the canteens.
Copy !req
807. Armpit! Squid!
Copy !req
808. Get them wheelbarrows out of the truck!
Copy !req
809. Zero, you take over X-Ray's hole.
Copy !req
810. Caveman will assist you.
Copy !req
811. We're gonna dig this dirt twice.
Copy !req
812. Y'all be good now, you hear?
Copy !req
813. Get "C" and "F" over here.
Copy !req
814. Get "C" and "F" over here!
Copy !req
815. I'm gonna be a wheel someday
Copy !req
816. I'm gonna be somebody
Copy !req
817. Come on, boys, let's see it.
Copy !req
818. - Use those muscles.
- I'm gonna be a real gone cat
Copy !req
819. - Keep it up.
- Then I won't want you
Copy !req
820. This is a special day.
I got a good feeling about today.
Copy !req
821. There you go. I'm feeling some
double shower tokens, boys.
Copy !req
822. There'll be steaks for dinner tonight.
Copy !req
823. - Keep it up.
- Then I won't want you
Copy !req
824. You're doing fine!
Copy !req
825. - No hurry.
- You can cry
Copy !req
826. We don't want to miss anything.
Copy !req
827. While you were high high high
Copy !req
828. - We don't want to miss nothing.
- If you were wondering why
Copy !req
829. I don't look at you
Copy !req
830. When I go rolling by
Copy !req
831. Pick every rock now.
Copy !req
832. Make sure it's a real rock.
Copy !req
833. - Caveman! Let's go!
- Then I won't want you
Copy !req
834. - Hey, how'd she know my name, man?
- Oh, she's got the whole place wired.
Copy !req
835. Oh, yeah, she's got these little, tiny
microphones and cameras
Copy !req
836. all over the place.
Copy !req
837. Yeah, she's got 'em in the rec room.
Copy !req
838. She's got 'em in the tent.
Copy !req
839. - She's got 'em in the showers.
- They're not in the showers.
Copy !req
840. Man, don't listen to him.
I read his file.
Copy !req
841. It says he suffers from, um,
acute paranoia.
Copy !req
842. Hey, so that means
she watches me every day, huh?
Copy !req
843. Man, he says she got
cameras and microphones,
Copy !req
844. not microscopes.
Copy !req
845. Get outta here, man.
Copy !req
846. Okay, children, come back
first thing in the morning.
Copy !req
847. Okay? Rain or shine,
we're gonna have school.
Copy !req
848. Put your cap on.
Copy !req
849. Oh, here, take that, Louise.
Copy !req
850. Bye, Miss Katherine.
Copy !req
851. See you tomorrow!
Copy !req
852. Hello, Miss Katherine.
Copy !req
853. Hello, Sam.
Copy !req
854. I thought you might
still want some onions.
Copy !req
855. Thank you.
Copy !req
856. I can fix that.
Copy !req
857. Sam, are you gonna try to tell me now
Copy !req
858. that your onions are a cure
for a leaky roof?
Copy !req
859. Naw.
Copy !req
860. I'm just good with my hands.
Copy !req
861. I built my own boat, you know.
Copy !req
862. I needed to get across
the lake to my onion field.
Copy !req
863. Well, then, I guess you'd be
in real trouble if your boat leaked.
Copy !req
864. I tell you what,
Copy !req
865. I'll fix that roof
Copy !req
866. in exchange for three jars
of your spiced peaches.
Copy !req
867. It's a deal.
Copy !req
868. Well, Miss Katherine,
Copy !req
869. I guarantee that roof for five years.
Copy !req
870. If there's anything else...
Copy !req
871. The windows won't open.
Copy !req
872. And the children and I would
enjoy a breeze now and then.
Copy !req
873. I can fix that.
Copy !req
874. "And this maiden,
she lived with no other thought
Copy !req
875. than to love and be loved by me.
Copy !req
876. She was a child, and I was a child
Copy !req
877. in this kingdom by the sea.
Copy !req
878. But we loved with..."
Copy !req
879. "With a love that was more than love,
Copy !req
880. I and my Annabel Lee."
Copy !req
881. Sam.
Copy !req
882. You know, that door
doesn't hang straight.
Copy !req
883. I can fix that.
Copy !req
884. "The duck swims on the lake."
Copy !req
885. - Very good, Mr. Penn.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Copy !req
886. The d-duck may swim on the lake,
Copy !req
887. but my daddy owns the lake.
Copy !req
888. Tsk.
Copy !req
889. That will be all for tonight.
Copy !req
890. Thank you, class. You're dismissed.
Copy !req
891. Come on, boys.
Copy !req
892. Hey, Katherine...
Copy !req
893. How about me and you,
uh, having a little picnic?
Copy !req
894. Take a ride on my motorboat.
Copy !req
895. No, thank you, Mr. Walker.
Copy !req
896. It's brand-new.
Copy !req
897. I mean, you don't even have to row it.
Copy !req
898. No, thank you.
Copy !req
899. Uh, come on now, girl.
Copy !req
900. Hey.
Copy !req
901. No one ever says no to Trout Walker.
Copy !req
902. I believe I just did.
Copy !req
903. Come on, boys.
Copy !req
904. We're digging around, all around.
Copy !req
905. Then we're digging toward the center,
Copy !req
906. Got something to do with it, huh?
Copy !req
907. Today's the day.
Copy !req
908. I can feel it.
Copy !req
909. You know, the ancient Mesopotamians,
Copy !req
910. they didn't have shovels.
Copy !req
911. Glad to have you back, X-Ray.
We can use your sharp eyes.
Copy !req
912. Hello, Warden.
Copy !req
913. Ma'am, I think I found something.
Copy !req
914. Are you trying to be funny?
Or do you just think I'm stupid?
Copy !req
915. No, ma'am, I... I wasn't
trying to be funny.
Copy !req
916. Excuse me?
Copy !req
917. Well, Armpit, your little joke just
cost you a week of shower privileges.
Copy !req
918. Aww.
Copy !req
919. All right. Everyone back to work.
Copy !req
920. - Man, you sleeping outside.
- You heard her, back to work.
Copy !req
921. Aside from that,
everything's going real well.
Copy !req
922. I don't think so. I want results.
Copy !req
923. Sam, this is the finest schoolhouse
in all of Texas.
Copy !req
924. Thank you.
Copy !req
925. Thank you, Miss Katherine.
Copy !req
926. Hello, my friend, it's been a while
Copy !req
927. It's nice to see your beautiful smile
Copy !req
928. We went our separate ways
Copy !req
929. Only to return
Copy !req
930. To face a lesson
Copy !req
931. We failed to learn
Copy !req
932. We didn't understand the truth
Copy !req
933. We're blinded by the eyes of youth
Copy !req
934. - Time kept on moving
- I can fix that.
Copy !req
935. And the change has come
Copy !req
936. The change has come
Copy !req
937. You think that I don't know
Copy !req
938. Where you're coming from
Copy !req
939. Well, I feel just like you
Copy !req
940. And I cry just like you
Copy !req
941. I cry
Copy !req
942. But I heal
Copy !req
943. Heal
Copy !req
944. Just like you
Copy !req
945. Come on. Ha!
Copy !req
946. Under my skin
Copy !req
947. Under my skin
Copy !req
948. I'm just like you
Copy !req
949. Four days.
Copy !req
950. Four long days.
Copy !req
951. And this is all you jackasses got
to show for it.
Copy !req
952. Probably ain't nothing down there.
We would have found it by now.
Copy !req
953. I wouldn't tell the queen bee that.
Copy !req
954. I ain't on stupid pills.
Copy !req
955. What are you jawing about?
Copy !req
956. If you can't get 'em to dig any faster,
Copy !req
957. you can grab a shovel and join 'em.
Copy !req
958. How about that? Huh?
Copy !req
959. Get to work!
Copy !req
960. This ain't no kindergartners
in the sandbox.
Copy !req
961. I want to see some effort here
Copy !req
962. Or I'll put a hurt on you.
Copy !req
963. I ain't just whistling
"Bye-bye, sue" neither.
Copy !req
964. I am surrounded by cow turds.
Copy !req
965. Stop it! Stop it!
Copy !req
966. Yeah!
Copy !req
967. Lady, where you going?
Copy !req
968. Stop it!
Copy !req
969. Do something!
Copy !req
970. Yeah, girl!
Copy !req
971. How do you like me now?
Copy !req
972. Sheriff!
Copy !req
973. Sheriff! Come quick!
Copy !req
974. They're destroying the school!
Copy !req
975. Give me a kiss.
Copy !req
976. You kissed the onion picker.
Copy !req
977. You're drunk.
Copy !req
978. I always get drunk before a hanging.
Copy !req
979. If you hang him,
Copy !req
980. then you better hang me, too,
Copy !req
981. because I kissed him back.
Copy !req
982. It ain't against the law
for you to kiss him,
Copy !req
983. just for him to kiss you.
Copy !req
984. Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
985. There she is!
Copy !req
986. Come on now!
Copy !req
987. Sam!
Copy !req
988. Sam!
Copy !req
989. Sam!
Copy !req
990. Sam!
Copy !req
991. Listen up.
Copy !req
992. After the behavior exhibited
these past several days,
Copy !req
993. the Warden and I have decided
Copy !req
994. that your character-building
be best served
Copy !req
995. by returning to the digging
of individual holes.
Copy !req
996. Over to you.
Copy !req
997. All right!
Copy !req
998. Let's go dig, boys!
Copy !req
999. Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
1000. Good morning, Sheriff.
Copy !req
1001. Do you still want that kiss?
Copy !req
1002. Water's the most precious commodity
Copy !req
1003. on the face of the planet.
Copy !req
1004. All life begins with water.
Copy !req
1005. So, think of it this way...
Copy !req
1006. I'm giving you life.
Copy !req
1007. Say "thank you."
Copy !req
1008. Thank you, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
1009. Next!
Copy !req
1010. Don't get your hopes up.
Copy !req
1011. Them storms never make it
past the mountains.
Copy !req
1012. Maybe this time they will.
Copy !req
1013. I got a story for you girl scouts.
Copy !req
1014. Once upon a time,
Copy !req
1015. there was a magical place
where it never rained.
Copy !req
1016. The end.
Copy !req
1017. I don't get it.
Copy !req
1018. Have a nice day.
Copy !req
1019. I never get anything he says.
Copy !req
1020. Guys. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
1021. What?
Copy !req
1022. Anybody want some sunflower seeds?
Copy !req
1023. Whoo!
Copy !req
1024. I can't help it, man.
My hands are like magnets.
Copy !req
1025. Good old Magnet.
Copy !req
1026. Sticky fingers.
Copy !req
1027. Pass it over here, man.
Copy !req
1028. Yeah, I'll take some of those. Whoo!
Copy !req
1029. Hey, Zig, come on, man. Hurry up.
Copy !req
1030. Mr. Sir's coming back.
Copy !req
1031. Hey, he's coming back!
He's coming back!
Copy !req
1032. Catch it.
Copy !req
1033. Oh, Stanley, you butterfingers!
Copy !req
1034. He's coming back.
Copy !req
1035. You better hide it.
Copy !req
1036. Hide it.
Copy !req
1037. Come on, man.
Copy !req
1038. Well, well.
Copy !req
1039. How did this get here?
Copy !req
1040. What?
Copy !req
1041. How did that get there?
Copy !req
1042. Did it fall from the sky, huh?
Copy !req
1043. No.
Copy !req
1044. I stole that out of your truck.
Copy !req
1045. I think maybe the Warden
would like to see what you found.
Copy !req
1046. Let's go.
Copy !req
1047. Y'all having a nice day?
Copy !req
1048. - Yes, Mr. Sir.
- Good.
Copy !req
1049. Hey, what are you doing, Dog?
Copy !req
1050. - Caveman...
- See what turns up.
Copy !req
1051. What?
Copy !req
1052. We found a little something
in Caveman's hole.
Copy !req
1053. What is it? What'd you find?
Copy !req
1054. Come in. Come in.
Copy !req
1055. You're letting the cold out.
Copy !req
1056. Tell her.
Copy !req
1057. While Mr. Sir was
filling our canteens...
Copy !req
1058. I snuck into his truck
Copy !req
1059. and, uh, stole his sunflower seeds.
Copy !req
1060. Yeah.
Copy !req
1061. That's it.
Copy !req
1062. Caveman, would you, uh,
kindly bring me that little brass case
Copy !req
1063. in the bureau over there
with my nail polish in it?
Copy !req
1064. Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
1065. Them little diddles think I
don't have eyes in the back of my head.
Copy !req
1066. But I don't miss much,
Copy !req
1067. as you well know.
Copy !req
1068. You know, my philosophy is...
Copy !req
1069. See, I keep 'em in line,
punishment and reward.
Copy !req
1070. Punishment... Reward.
Copy !req
1071. Every time they see me coming,
Copy !req
1072. a little shiver goes up their spine.
Copy !req
1073. "D" tent, snaky little bunch, you know.
Copy !req
1074. They think they're a step ahead of me,
but I'm miles ahead of them.
Copy !req
1075. I come back at night. I look around.
Copy !req
1076. I see in their eyes. They know I know.
Copy !req
1077. Come right over here, son.
Copy !req
1078. - Here you go.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
1079. See this, Caveman?
Copy !req
1080. This is my special nail polish.
Copy !req
1081. I make it myself.
Copy !req
1082. You want to know my secret ingredient?
Copy !req
1083. Rattlesnake venom.
Copy !req
1084. I just love what it
does to the coloring.
Copy !req
1085. It's perfectly harmless.
Copy !req
1086. When it's dry.
Copy !req
1087. So, you think he stole
your sunflower seeds.
Copy !req
1088. No, I don't.
Copy !req
1089. I think he's covering
for X-Ray or somebody.
Copy !req
1090. It was a 5-pound sack,
and he claims to have eaten it all.
Copy !req
1091. But... but it
was only half full when I got it.
Copy !req
1092. And, uh, there's a lot in my hole.
You could check that.
Copy !req
1093. I will. I will check it.
Copy !req
1094. All I give you is respect and affection.
Copy !req
1095. I suggest you go back to your hole now.
Copy !req
1096. Ohh! Why'd you do that? Ooh!
Copy !req
1097. I liked you better when you smoked.
Copy !req
1098. Aah.
Copy !req
1099. Hey, look who showed up.
Copy !req
1100. All right, man, we thought
you were dead for sure.
Copy !req
1101. Hey, Caveman, what'd you say?
Copy !req
1102. Nothing.
Copy !req
1103. What'd she do to you?
Copy !req
1104. Nothing.
Copy !req
1105. Pbbtt. Nothing?
Copy !req
1106. Yeah. She didn't do nothing.
Copy !req
1107. What is this?
Copy !req
1108. Thank you, guys.
Copy !req
1109. Man.
Copy !req
1110. - Don't look at us.
- Yeah, it was Zero.
Copy !req
1111. That boy likes to dig holes.
Copy !req
1112. - He'd dig a hole to China, man.
- Yeah, man.
Copy !req
1113. But where do them Chinese kids dig to?
Copy !req
1114. Man, shut up.
Copy !req
1115. Hey, Zero.
Copy !req
1116. Why'd you dig my hole, man?
Copy !req
1117. You didn't steal the sunflower seeds.
Copy !req
1118. Yeah, but neither did you.
Copy !req
1119. You didn't steal the shoes.
Copy !req
1120. You still want to learn to read?
Copy !req
1121. All right, man.
Copy !req
1122. I don't like no hocus-pocus.
$14 for onions.
Copy !req
1123. We don't need no stinking onions.
Copy !req
1124. - You told me to get onions, I get onions.
- I want to taste it.
Copy !req
1125. - Go ahead and taste it. I don't care.
- I'll taste it then.
Copy !req
1126. Go ahead.
I'm tasting it.
Copy !req
1127. Whoa. What happened to your face?
Copy !req
1128. Something the matter with my face?
Copy !req
1129. No. No, Mr. Sir.
Copy !req
1130. You got that right.
Copy !req
1131. Anybody see anything wrong
with my face?
Copy !req
1132. I think I'm kind of Purty, don't you?
Copy !req
1133. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
1134. Clean this up.
Copy !req
1135. I think we just learned
a valuable lesson.
Copy !req
1136. We're all people, and Mr. Sir
is a very sensitive man,
Copy !req
1137. just like all of us.
Copy !req
1138. Leader, he's a mighty good leader
Copy !req
1139. He's a mighty good leader
Copy !req
1140. Next.
Copy !req
1141. All the way
Copy !req
1142. All the way, lord
Copy !req
1143. From up to heaven
Copy !req
1144. You thirsty, Yelnats?
Copy !req
1145. - Yes, Mr. Sir.
- He's a mighty good leader
Copy !req
1146. There. That should hold you.
Copy !req
1147. Next!
Copy !req
1148. Magnet, wipe that smile off your face.
Copy !req
1149. Yes, you.
Copy !req
1150. You want some water?
Copy !req
1151. Remember that gold tube?
Copy !req
1152. Yeah.
Copy !req
1153. I think that that tube...
Copy !req
1154. was a tube of lipstick, you know?
Copy !req
1155. And the "K.B." stands for Kate Barlow.
Copy !req
1156. Kissin' Kate Barlow?
Copy !req
1157. Kissin' Kate Barlow.
Copy !req
1158. I've done a lot of things
that I'm not so proud of
Copy !req
1159. Took a lot of turns
Copy !req
1160. That turned out wrong
Copy !req
1161. That's a worn-out song
Copy !req
1162. Day by day, moment by moment
Copy !req
1163. Takin' my chances
Copy !req
1164. Trustin' my heart
Copy !req
1165. It wasn't too smart
Copy !req
1166. I will survive, I will endure
Copy !req
1167. When the going's rough, you can be sure
Copy !req
1168. I'll tough it out, I won't give in
Copy !req
1169. If I'm knocked down, I'll get up again
Copy !req
1170. As long as my dream's alive
Copy !req
1171. I will survive
Copy !req
1172. I will survive
Copy !req
1173. All right. Come on now.
Copy !req
1174. "z"... "e"...
Copy !req
1175. Okay.
Copy !req
1176. "r"...
Copy !req
1177. "o."
Copy !req
1178. That's it.
Copy !req
1179. I can help you dig your hole
so you won't be so tired to teach me.
Copy !req
1180. No, I'm fine.
Copy !req
1181. Look, you're a slow digger.
Copy !req
1182. Oh ho ho.
You're trying to bag on me.
Copy !req
1183. Yeah, I'm trying to bag on you.
All right.
Copy !req
1184. This way,
we'll be done at the same time.
Copy !req
1185. - Well, it couldn't hurt.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1186. Go ahead.
Copy !req
1187. "z"...
Copy !req
1188. "z"...
Copy !req
1189. "e"...
Copy !req
1190. No.
Copy !req
1191. This has to go out like this.
That's an "r."
Copy !req
1192. - Okay.
- Okay?
Copy !req
1193. his one's easy. "o."
Copy !req
1194. That's it.
Copy !req
1195. You know, Zero's not my real name.
Copy !req
1196. It's not?
Copy !req
1197. But even Pendanski calls you "Zero."
Copy !req
1198. My name's Hector, Hector Zeroni.
Copy !req
1199. Hector Zeroni.
Copy !req
1200. Nice to meet you, Hector.
Copy !req
1201. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1202. 26 letters. So, we can do
five letters a day for four days,
Copy !req
1203. and then six letters on the fifth day.
Copy !req
1204. That's good math.
Copy !req
1205. I'm not stupid.
I know everyone thinks I am.
Copy !req
1206. I just don't like answering
stupid questions.
Copy !req
1207. Right.
Copy !req
1208. Yo, Caveman, it must be kind of easy
Copy !req
1209. working with your own personal
slave and all, huh?
Copy !req
1210. What's up, stupid?
Copy !req
1211. Come on, Squid.
Copy !req
1212. Whatever, man.
Copy !req
1213. "m"...
Copy !req
1214. "o"...
Copy !req
1215. "m."
Copy !req
1216. We weren't always homeless.
Copy !req
1217. I remember we used to live
in a lot of different places.
Copy !req
1218. And then...
Copy !req
1219. We didn't live anywhere.
Copy !req
1220. It must have been hard.
Copy !req
1221. Yeah.
Copy !req
1222. My ma had problems,
Copy !req
1223. but she would try so hard to
make a better life for us.
Copy !req
1224. Yeah.
Copy !req
1225. She always used to say,
"I love you more than air."
Copy !req
1226. She couldn't take me
everywhere she went.
Copy !req
1227. I used to have to wait like
on a porch or a playground.
Copy !req
1228. Then one day, she didn't come back.
Copy !req
1229. What happened to her?
Copy !req
1230. I don't know.
Copy !req
1231. That's what bothers me the most.
Copy !req
1232. If I could,
Copy !req
1233. I would hire a whole team
of private investigators
Copy !req
1234. just to find her...
Copy !req
1235. or to find out what happened to her.
Copy !req
1236. I used to wait at Laney Park.
Copy !req
1237. Laney Park?
Copy !req
1238. Yeah.
Copy !req
1239. I used to go to Laney park all the time.
Copy !req
1240. - Oh, really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1241. I used to sleep in the tunnel
next to the swinging bridge.
Copy !req
1242. But no biggie.
Copy !req
1243. Let's go, boys! Lunch!
Copy !req
1244. Where's your whip, Caveman?
Copy !req
1245. You don't want your slave
to be slacking off.
Copy !req
1246. It's not slavery.
It's an agreement.
Copy !req
1247. Yeah, man, whatever.
Copy !req
1248. Line 'em up. I don't have all
day. Let's go. Let's go.
Copy !req
1249. We have bologna and cheese,
apples, and graham crackers.
Copy !req
1250. All right, let's move it along.
Copy !req
1251. - Get your sandwich.
- Hello, Theodore.
Copy !req
1252. That's not my name, fool. It's Armpit.
Copy !req
1253. Uh-huh. Alan, a good day to you.
Copy !req
1254. Good afternoon.
Copy !req
1255. - Ricky...
- Sir.
Copy !req
1256. Sandwiches?
Copy !req
1257. You can have one sandwich.
Copy !req
1258. This is America.
We speak English here.
Copy !req
1259. Hey, man, I got some
extra graham crackers.
Copy !req
1260. Hey, how about I give you my cookie
and you let me dig your hole?
Copy !req
1261. Go on. Take it.
Copy !req
1262. Look, I get it, all right?
I'll dig my own hole from now on.
Copy !req
1263. Just let me eat my lunch.
Copy !req
1264. He isn't gonna take it.
Come here.
Copy !req
1265. Eat the cookie.
Copy !req
1266. Whoa.
Copy !req
1267. Back off, man.
Copy !req
1268. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's going on here?
Copy !req
1269. Nothing, Mom.
We was just fooling, right?
Copy !req
1270. I saw what was going on.
Go on, Stanley.
Copy !req
1271. Teach him a lesson.
Hit him back.
Copy !req
1272. - Yeah, teach me a lesson.
- Yeah, Stanley, teach him a lesson.
Copy !req
1273. - Come on. Hit me.
- Hit him.
Copy !req
1274. - Come on. Teach me a lesson.
- Hit him, Stanley.
Copy !req
1275. Get him!
Copy !req
1276. All right, all right.
Copy !req
1277. Go get him.
Copy !req
1278. Awww.
Copy !req
1279. That's enough!
Copy !req
1280. I said, "That's enough!"
Copy !req
1281. That's enough!
Copy !req
1282. Stop. Hey, stop, Zero. Hey, stop.
Copy !req
1283. Come on, man.
Copy !req
1284. Now, I said, "that's enough!"
Copy !req
1285. When I say to end something,
I mean end it.
Copy !req
1286. - Come on. Let's go.
- Get back to your holes!
Copy !req
1287. - You all right?
- Zero's crazy.
Copy !req
1288. No, no, no. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
1289. Basically, Zero almost killed Ricky.
Copy !req
1290. Basically?
Copy !req
1291. Uh, uh, Ziggy was beating up
the Caveman, right?
Copy !req
1292. And then Zero started choking Zigzag.
Copy !req
1293. I had to pull Zero off of him.
Copy !req
1294. Yeah, I mean, you know,
Zig just got a little hot.
Copy !req
1295. Out in the sun all day,
the blood starts to boil.
Copy !req
1296. Is that what happened, Zigzag?
Copy !req
1297. Yep.
Copy !req
1298. Like X-Ray said, you know,
Copy !req
1299. working all day
out in the hot sun, you know,
Copy !req
1300. while Caveman sits around
and does nothing.
Copy !req
1301. Excuse me?
Copy !req
1302. Caveman digs his hole
just like everyone else.
Copy !req
1303. Sometimes.
Copy !req
1304. Excuse me?
Copy !req
1305. Ma'am, Zero's been digging
a part of Caveman's hole every day.
Copy !req
1306. You're not digging holes no more?
Copy !req
1307. I... I'm teaching him how to read.
Copy !req
1308. What?
Copy !req
1309. He's a smart kid.
Copy !req
1310. Smart?
Copy !req
1311. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
1312. Hey, Zero, what does c-a-t spell?
Copy !req
1313. What's it spell?
Copy !req
1314. Yeah, he's a real genius.
Copy !req
1315. He's so stupid,
he doesn't even know he's stupid.
Copy !req
1316. Okay, from now on,
Copy !req
1317. I don't want anyone
digging anyone else's hole.
Copy !req
1318. Is that clear?
Copy !req
1319. And no more reading lessons.
Copy !req
1320. Why? I mean, if the hole gets dug,
who cares who's digging it, right?
Copy !req
1321. You know why you're digging holes?
Copy !req
1322. 'cause it's good for you.
It teaches you a lesson.
Copy !req
1323. If Zero digs your hole for you, you're
not learning your lesson, are you?
Copy !req
1324. Yeah. See that?
Copy !req
1325. Why can't I still just dig my hole
and teach him how to read?
Copy !req
1326. 'cause I said so.
Copy !req
1327. We know you mean well, Stanley.
Copy !req
1328. But the mental stress
Copy !req
1329. just causes his brain too much
of a challenge.
Copy !req
1330. That's what made his blood boil,
not the hot sun.
Copy !req
1331. I'm not digging any more holes.
Copy !req
1332. Good.
Copy !req
1333. I mean, you might as well
teach this shovel to read.
Copy !req
1334. Go ahead, Zero. Take it.
Copy !req
1335. It's all you'll ever be good for.
Copy !req
1336. D-I-g.
Copy !req
1337. What's that spell?
Copy !req
1338. Dig.
Copy !req
1339. Go, Zero! Go!
Copy !req
1340. - Run, Zero!
- Don't shoot!
Copy !req
1341. He can't go anywhere.
Copy !req
1342. You think I was gonna shoot him?
Copy !req
1343. The last thing we need
is an investigation.
Copy !req
1344. I know that.
Copy !req
1345. Misinterpretation.
Copy !req
1346. Let him go, then. Let him go.
Copy !req
1347. I want round-the-clock guards
on all water sources.
Copy !req
1348. I still expect seven holes.
Copy !req
1349. I'll have the chicken tenders, Warden.
Copy !req
1350. I'm a heel. I'm a heel.
Copy !req
1351. I'm feeling queasy. Take it or leave it.
Copy !req
1352. You still pouting?
Copy !req
1353. No, I'm not pouting.
Copy !req
1354. I'm just asking,
are we sure that he had no family?
Copy !req
1355. He was a ward of the state.
Copy !req
1356. He was living on the streets
when he was arrested.
Copy !req
1357. Is there some prissy caseworker
who might ask questions?
Copy !req
1358. He had nobody. He was nobody.
Copy !req
1359. I want you to destroy his records.
Copy !req
1360. He was never here.
Copy !req
1361. Can you get into the state files
from our computer?
Copy !req
1362. I can do anything, but I'm telling you,
no one is going to come looking for him.
Copy !req
1363. No one cares about Hector Zeroni.
Copy !req
1364. I do.
Copy !req
1365. - MR.
- They was in this thing together.
Copy !req
1366. Yeah.
Copy !req
1367. His blood's on your hands, then.
Copy !req
1368. Man, if he's not back by morning,
Copy !req
1369. he's dead.
Copy !req
1370. He's dead either way.
Copy !req
1371. If he stays out there
or if he comes back.
Copy !req
1372. When do you think
they're gonna find his body?
Copy !req
1373. What body?
Copy !req
1374. Man, Zero's buzzard food.
Copy !req
1375. You know what?
Copy !req
1376. They pick out the eyeballs first.
Copy !req
1377. I can't believe you just said that.
Copy !req
1378. Learn how to take a joke.
Copy !req
1379. She left him stranded in the desert.
Copy !req
1380. No water, no food for 16 days.
Copy !req
1381. Well, grandpa, how'd he survive?
Copy !req
1382. They said he found
refuge on God's Thumb.
Copy !req
1383. - What's God's Thumb?
- Who knows.
Copy !req
1384. He was half crazy when they found him.
Copy !req
1385. Zero!
Copy !req
1386. Zero!
Copy !req
1387. Zero!
Copy !req
1388. So, what you in here for, Twitch?
Copy !req
1389. Oh, ha, joyriding.
Copy !req
1390. I guess you never really plan
to steal one or nothing,
Copy !req
1391. but when I walk past
a really nice car...
Copy !req
1392. Whoo! Oh... I just start twitching,
you know?
Copy !req
1393. Really kind of...
well, you think I'm jumpy now?
Copy !req
1394. You should have seen me behind the wheel
of that mustang convertible.
Copy !req
1395. Whoo! Vroom!
Copy !req
1396. Come on, Twitch. Let's go.
Copy !req
1397. Hey, Twitch, get some water.
Copy !req
1398. I'm getting tired...
Copy !req
1399. First hole's the hardest.
Copy !req
1400. Thanks, man.
Copy !req
1401. If you see me coming,
I want you to jump out of that hole.
Copy !req
1402. Be first in line right away.
Copy !req
1403. I'm a little scratchy today,
so you got to be sensitive with me.
Copy !req
1404. - Yeah, I apologize, Mr. Sir.
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
1405. Hey, man, I'm sick and tired
of you cutting in line.
Copy !req
1406. Man.
Copy !req
1407. Chill out.
Copy !req
1408. - What's wrong with you?
- We all getting water.
Copy !req
1409. What? What?
Copy !req
1410. Don't be squabbling up in here.
Both of us getting it.
Copy !req
1411. Gentlemen, there's
only one law around here
Copy !req
1412. and that's me.
Copy !req
1413. You guys want to learn
the tough lessons? Here.
Copy !req
1414. I'll give you a tough-guy...
Copy !req
1415. Come on. Come on. Put it in gear.
Copy !req
1416. Hey! Wait!
Copy !req
1417. Aaaah!
Copy !req
1418. Wwaahhh!
Copy !req
1419. You stop this truck...
Copy !req
1420. Or I'll kill you!
Copy !req
1421. Wuh!
Copy !req
1422. Keep going, Caveman!
Copy !req
1423. Yelnats! Stop that truck!
Copy !req
1424. Yelnats!
Copy !req
1425. Bye-bye, Camp Green...
Copy !req
1426. My truck.
Copy !req
1427. You okay? Caveman!
Copy !req
1428. You all right?
Copy !req
1429. You done it now!
You done it now!
Copy !req
1430. Get back away from that truck!
Copy !req
1431. Get away from the truck.
Copy !req
1432. Yeah!
Copy !req
1433. Keep going! Don't stop!
Copy !req
1434. Yeah, keep going!
Copy !req
1435. There ain't gonna be no Yelnats V!
Copy !req
1436. Whoa.
Copy !req
1437. No, senor. Not for me.
Copy !req
1438. I'm not gonna see what's not there.
Copy !req
1439. All right, fill in this section here
Copy !req
1440. and start digging over there in between.
Copy !req
1441. What are you gonna do about Caveman?
Copy !req
1442. He ain't like Zero. He's got family.
Copy !req
1443. In two weeks,
we'll report he's run away.
Copy !req
1444. Call in dogs, helicopters,
the whole nine yards.
Copy !req
1445. By then, there will be
nothing left to find.
Copy !req
1446. That's exactly right.
Copy !req
1447. Zero?
Copy !req
1448. Zero?
Copy !req
1449. Stanley.
Copy !req
1450. What's up, man?
Copy !req
1451. - How you doing?
- All right.
Copy !req
1452. We thought you were gone.
Copy !req
1453. I was.
Copy !req
1454. Let me see. You don't look too bad.
Copy !req
1455. You got any water?
Copy !req
1456. No. I'm out.
Copy !req
1457. But, hey, you know the water truck?
Copy !req
1458. I tried to drive the whole thing
over here. I drove it into a hole.
Copy !req
1459. Figures.
Copy !req
1460. What's in the bag?
Copy !req
1461. Oh, it's empty.
Copy !req
1462. No.
Copy !req
1463. Zero, we got to get back to camp.
Copy !req
1464. I'm not going back.
Copy !req
1465. Want some Sploosh?
Copy !req
1466. Some what?
Copy !req
1467. Sploosh.
Copy !req
1468. Come on, follow me. I'll show you.
Copy !req
1469. - Some w...
- Come on.
Copy !req
1470. Can't you get a door?
Copy !req
1471. This is how I found it.
Copy !req
1472. Here.
Copy !req
1473. What is this?
Copy !req
1474. Sploosh. That's what I call it.
Copy !req
1475. Drink it. It's good.
Copy !req
1476. That is pretty good.
Copy !req
1477. - Yeah.
- Tastes like peaches.
Copy !req
1478. How many of these you got left?
Copy !req
1479. That's the last one.
Copy !req
1480. We need to go back to camp.
Copy !req
1481. Okay? So, let's wrap it up, get your
bag, put this in there, and we'll go.
Copy !req
1482. I'm not going back.
Copy !req
1483. You will die out here.
Copy !req
1484. Here's what we're gonna do. Okay?
Copy !req
1485. We're gonna go back to camp.
Copy !req
1486. And we're gonna tell the Warden exactly
where I found Kate Barlow's lipstick tube.
Copy !req
1487. And she'll be so happy,
Copy !req
1488. We won't get in any trouble.
Copy !req
1489. Okay?
Copy !req
1490. What's "mare-yelo"?
Copy !req
1491. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
1492. Mare-yelo.
Copy !req
1493. I don't know.
Copy !req
1494. Come on, dude.
Copy !req
1495. Come on.
Copy !req
1496. See?
Copy !req
1497. Oh, it's "Mary Lou."
Copy !req
1498. But I thought "y" made the "Yuh" sound.
Copy !req
1499. Yeah, well, it does
at the beginning of a word,
Copy !req
1500. but not at the end of a...
Copy !req
1501. Word.
Copy !req
1502. See that mountain right there?
Copy !req
1503. - That one?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1504. What does that look like to you?
Copy !req
1505. You know,
my great-grandpa almost died out here.
Copy !req
1506. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1507. But they say he survived because he
made it to the top of God's Thumb.
Copy !req
1508. - You ready?
- It's a long way.
Copy !req
1509. - Yeah. We better get up before dark.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1510. All our dreams are gone
Copy !req
1511. With a loss of faith
Copy !req
1512. And we're still hanging on
Copy !req
1513. Hey, Stanley.
What do you think's up there?
Copy !req
1514. Through another day
Copy !req
1515. Oh, I don't know.
Probably a great, big frosty-freeze.
Copy !req
1516. It's so hard to see
Copy !req
1517. Good. I could use a hot-fudge sundae.
Copy !req
1518. - That it's gonna get better
- You know what I keep thinking about?
Copy !req
1519. Imagine how fine this
Mary Lou probably looked in a bikini.
Copy !req
1520. But when will that be?
Copy !req
1521. It's hard to say
Copy !req
1522. Whoa.
Copy !req
1523. Don't give up never give up
Copy !req
1524. We won't stop givin' all we got
Copy !req
1525. Don't give up never give up
Copy !req
1526. We won't stop givin' all we got
Copy !req
1527. Don't give up never give up
Copy !req
1528. We won't stop givin'
Copy !req
1529. - All we got
- Come on!
Copy !req
1530. Don't give up never give up
Copy !req
1531. - We won't stop givin' all we got
- Don't look down, man.
Copy !req
1532. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
1533. You okay?
Come on, Stanley. You can do it.
Copy !req
1534. - Okay.
- Come on.
Copy !req
1535. Okay. I'm coming.
Copy !req
1536. - You grab right there?
- Yeah, look. That's where I got.
Copy !req
1537. Whoa!
Copy !req
1538. Whoa! No, no, no, no! No.
Copy !req
1539. Come on, come on, come on! Come on!
Copy !req
1540. Whoo!
Copy !req
1541. Look at that.
Copy !req
1542. Look at this, man.
Copy !req
1543. - This isn't cool.
- What happened?
Copy !req
1544. All right, hold on.
Copy !req
1545. - Aah!
- Is it numb or is it stinging?
Copy !req
1546. It stings, man.
Copy !req
1547. Don't think about it now.
When we get to the top of the mountain,
Copy !req
1548. I'm gonna get you a hot-fudge sundae,
all right?
Copy !req
1549. - I promise.
- Good.
Copy !req
1550. All that Sploosh is getting to me.
Copy !req
1551. Maybe he found Zero.
Copy !req
1552. Maybe they're both still alive.
Copy !req
1553. Maybe the Easter bunny
and the tooth fairy are still alive too.
Copy !req
1554. Yeah.
Copy !req
1555. Maybe my Mom will stop drinking
and my dad will come home.
Copy !req
1556. Man, when Caveman stole that truck...
Copy !req
1557. That was awesome.
Copy !req
1558. Yeah, man.
Copy !req
1559. Caveman did have style.
Copy !req
1560. Give me another word.
Copy !req
1561. R-o-c-k.
Copy !req
1562. R-rock?
Copy !req
1563. Yep, that's right, man.
You're doing good.
Copy !req
1564. Keep practicing.
Copy !req
1565. We're almost there. Come on.
Copy !req
1566. You all right?
Copy !req
1567. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Copy !req
1568. Zero!
Copy !req
1569. Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero!
Got you, got you, got you!
Copy !req
1570. Got you. You good?
You good? Hold on.
Copy !req
1571. All right. All right.
All right, hold on.
Copy !req
1572. Hold on. Let me get in front of you.
Stay right there.
Copy !req
1573. Stay right there.
Copy !req
1574. Okay. Here.
Copy !req
1575. Slide this down. Okay. All right.
Copy !req
1576. There you go.
Copy !req
1577. Nice and comfy.
Copy !req
1578. Stanley...
Copy !req
1579. I got to tell you something, man.
Copy !req
1580. What?
Copy !req
1581. Come on, Zero.
Copy !req
1582. Zero, Zero.
Copy !req
1583. All right. We can't sit here.
Copy !req
1584. Got to keep going.
Copy !req
1585. We're gonna go get the shovel,
Copy !req
1586. and we're gonna fill
it full of ice cream.
Copy !req
1587. You must carry
Madame Zeroni up the mountain
Copy !req
1588. and sing while I drink
Copy !req
1589. so I can get strong, too.
Copy !req
1590. Damn bugs.
Copy !req
1591. All right.
Copy !req
1592. Wait a minute...
Copy !req
1593. Wait.
Copy !req
1594. If there's bugs,
that must mean there's...
Copy !req
1595. water.
Copy !req
1596. Hector, wake up, man!
Copy !req
1597. Hector, wake up!
Copy !req
1598. All right, buddy. All right.
Copy !req
1599. There we go.
Copy !req
1600. Wake up, Hector, huh?
Copy !req
1601. Hector, wake up. Wake up.
Copy !req
1602. Ooh!
Copy !req
1603. Dude, this feels so good!
Copy !req
1604. We made it!
Copy !req
1605. Stanley!
Copy !req
1606. Ah, ha ha!
Hector, we made it, buddy!
Copy !req
1607. Whoo! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
1608. Cool, cool, cool!
Copy !req
1609. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1610. Here, try this.
Copy !req
1611. Try this.
Copy !req
1612. What is it?
Copy !req
1613. It's a hot-fudge sundae. Just eat it.
Copy !req
1614. - It's good, huh?
- Mmm. Yeah!
Copy !req
1615. That's the sweetest onion I ever tasted.
Copy !req
1616. "If only, if only,"
the woodpecker sighs,
Copy !req
1617. "the bark on the tree
was as soft as the skies."
Copy !req
1618. As the wolf waits
below hungry and lonely
Copy !req
1619. Cries to the moon, "if only, if only."
Copy !req
1620. "If only, if only," the woodpecker...
Copy !req
1621. Honey...
Copy !req
1622. - Would you smell the shoe?
- Oh, my god, honey.
Copy !req
1623. Can't you just wait
till I'm finished eating?
Copy !req
1624. I know I've asked you a million times.
Just a million and one more.
Copy !req
1625. Smell the shoe.
Copy !req
1626. - Honey, I don't smell anything.
- What?
Copy !req
1627. I don't smell anything.
Copy !req
1628. Pa... What do you smell?
Copy !req
1629. Nothing.
Copy !req
1630. Peaches and onions.
That's the secret.
Copy !req
1631. I don't smell anything.
Copy !req
1632. You don't smell anything.
Copy !req
1633. - I don't smell anything.
- Whoo.
Copy !req
1634. - Whoo, I don't smell anything.
- Smell anything.
Copy !req
1635. We don't smell anything.
Copy !req
1636. I told you I was on the brink...
Copy !req
1637. - I don't smell anything.
- ... of no stink.
Copy !req
1638. I don't smell anything.
Copy !req
1639. - I don't smell...
- I don't smell anything!
Copy !req
1640. Stanley doesn't smell anything!
Copy !req
1641. - I don't smell anything!
- Oh, no!
Copy !req
1642. Rise and shine on you, man.
Copy !req
1643. Been farting all night. I can't sleep.
Copy !req
1644. I think you overslept.
Copy !req
1645. - How long have I been sleeping?
- A long time.
Copy !req
1646. Stanley, I got to tell you something.
Copy !req
1647. What?
Copy !req
1648. It's my fault you were sent
to Camp Green Lake.
Copy !req
1649. I stole the shoes.
Copy !req
1650. I didn't know they were Sweetfeet's.
Copy !req
1651. I mean, a lot of people donated, um,
Copy !req
1652. all their old stuff
to the homeless shelter.
Copy !req
1653. And I saw the shoes and I just...
Copy !req
1654. I liked them.
Copy !req
1655. I didn't know they were famous.
Copy !req
1656. Next thing I know,
everyone's bugging out...
Copy !req
1657. "The shoes are gone. The shoes are gone.
Copy !req
1658. Where are the shoes?"
Copy !req
1659. Walking down the street,
I heard the sirens coming after me.
Copy !req
1660. I got scared.
Copy !req
1661. I end up getting busted the next day,
Copy !req
1662. lifting a pair of shoes from a Payless.
Copy !req
1663. That's destiny.
Copy !req
1664. Hey, yo, check it out.
Copy !req
1665. Maybe they're coming for Caveman's body.
Copy !req
1666. Jaguar. That's a nice car.
Copy !req
1667. Don't even think about it, Twitch.
Copy !req
1668. Back up!
You can't keep him from me.
Copy !req
1669. - Excuse me...
- I'm Stanley's attorney.
Copy !req
1670. - I don't care if you are his attorney.
- You have no rights, okay?
Copy !req
1671. - We have a right to protect our kids!
- That's it!
Copy !req
1672. Come back here with a signed
court order, and then we'll talk.
Copy !req
1673. What kind of operation is this?
What kind of malarkey is this?
Copy !req
1674. I'm telling you, I'm not done with him.
I'll tell you that right now!
Copy !req
1675. I'm not done with you. That's right.
Copy !req
1676. Excuse me!
Copy !req
1677. We ain't seen the last of her.
She'll be back.
Copy !req
1678. And next time with a court order.
Copy !req
1679. We'll just tell her the truth...
Copy !req
1680. He ran away.
Copy !req
1681. Right?
Copy !req
1682. He ran away after he was told
he was gonna be released?
Copy !req
1683. Been almost three days.
He's a goner for sure.
Copy !req
1684. What are we gonna do?
Copy !req
1685. You'll do as I say.
Copy !req
1686. What did she say?
Copy !req
1687. Not much.
Copy !req
1688. What'll we do?
Copy !req
1689. You'll do as I say.
Copy !req
1690. But you didn't say anything either.
Copy !req
1691. Hector...
Copy !req
1692. I'm glad you stole those shoes
and threw them on my head.
Copy !req
1693. What?
Copy !req
1694. None of this would have happened.
Copy !req
1695. When I first got sent
to Camp Green Lake...
Copy !req
1696. I thought I got sent there
Copy !req
1697. because of my... my...
my family's curse.
Copy !req
1698. But we're not even at camp anymore.
Copy !req
1699. You know, we're... we're on God's Thumb.
Copy !req
1700. I just have this weird feeling...
Copy !req
1701. Everything's cool.
Copy !req
1702. - Yeah. Same here.
- You got the same feeling?
Copy !req
1703. - Same feeling.
- It's a good one.
Copy !req
1704. You know, those stars look like
a shovel to me.
Copy !req
1705. Exactly.
Copy !req
1706. Hector...
Copy !req
1707. What's up?
Copy !req
1708. I feel lucky.
Copy !req
1709. The onions have gone to your head.
Copy !req
1710. What do you say we dig one more hole?
Copy !req
1711. It's so hot, Sam...
Copy !req
1712. But I feel so cold.
Copy !req
1713. Sam...
Copy !req
1714. I can fix that.
Copy !req
1715. You got five seconds to tell me
where you buried your loot!
Copy !req
1716. I've been waiting for you, Trout.
Copy !req
1717. I ain't gonna kill you.
Copy !req
1718. Go on.
Copy !req
1719. Where's the loot?
Copy !req
1720. There ain't no loot.
Copy !req
1721. Don't give me that.
Copy !req
1722. You robbed every bank
from hell to Houston.
Copy !req
1723. We saw you headin' back
with the shovel, Miss Katherine.
Copy !req
1724. Linda Miller, is that you?
Copy !req
1725. I've been Linda Walker
for the last 13 years.
Copy !req
1726. - One...
- Aw, Linda...
Copy !req
1727. You were such a good student.
Copy !req
1728. You must have married him
for his money.
Copy !req
1729. - Well, it's all gone now!
- Two!
Copy !req
1730. It's dried up with the lake!
Copy !req
1731. Hasn't rained here
since the day they killed Sam.
Copy !req
1732. Now, you better tell him what he wants!
He's a desperate man!
Copy !req
1733. - Three...
- Go on. Kill me.
Copy !req
1734. The lake goes on for miles.
Copy !req
1735. I ain't gonna kill you.
Copy !req
1736. But by the time I'm finished with you,
Copy !req
1737. you gonna wish you was dead.
Copy !req
1738. I've been wishing I was dead
for a long time.
Copy !req
1739. You...
Copy !req
1740. Your children, and your
children's children...
Copy !req
1741. will dig for the next 100 years,
Copy !req
1742. and you will never find it.
Copy !req
1743. Look out!
Copy !req
1744. Come here, sweetheart.
Copy !req
1745. Start digging, Trout.
Copy !req
1746. Come on!
Copy !req
1747. Ready?
Copy !req
1748. You see right there?
Copy !req
1749. - That's it?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1750. Book!
Copy !req
1751. - Is this the hole?
- Yeah, this is it.
Copy !req
1752. - Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm positive.
Copy !req
1753. It's gonna take too long, man.
I got to go find another shovel.
Copy !req
1754. - All right. Be careful, though.
- All right.
Copy !req
1755. Of course, she's gonna
make you pay for it...
Copy !req
1756. It's your truck. Now you're accusing
me of doing something!
Copy !req
1757. You think I did this to my own truck?
Copy !req
1758. You left the keys inside
of a truck in front of a...
Copy !req
1759. This is a juvenile work camp
with juvenile delinquents.
Copy !req
1760. Don't get me heated
because I... Don't insult me!
Copy !req
1761. A truck with a tank full of gas?
Copy !req
1762. I said, "get me a wrench."
Did I say, "get me a wrench"?
Copy !req
1763. All right, fine, I'll get you a wrench.
Copy !req
1764. Get me a wrench! You dumb...
Read my lips! Get me a wrench!
Copy !req
1765. I'm gettin' it,
you sideburned Neanderthal!
Copy !req
1766. I ain't here to be a mechanic!
Copy !req
1767. Aah! Don't you throw nothing at me!
Copy !req
1768. Whoa!
Copy !req
1769. Man, you really been working.
Copy !req
1770. - Coming down.
- Go.
Copy !req
1771. How's it going?
Copy !req
1772. Who knows? I could be digging
up diamonds and not see 'em.
Copy !req
1773. I don't think Kissin' Kate Barlow would
have buried her treasure this deep.
Copy !req
1774. Come on.
We got to make it wider.
Copy !req
1775. How do we know one of her gang
Copy !req
1776. didn't already come back
and dig up the treasure, man?
Copy !req
1777. We don't.
Copy !req
1778. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
1779. What's this?
Copy !req
1780. Watch out, watch out.
Copy !req
1781. Hoo Hoo! We found it!
Copy !req
1782. Come on, come on, come on!
Copy !req
1783. This is it!
Copy !req
1784. - What did I say? What did I say?
- Oh, man!
Copy !req
1785. Thank you, boys.
You've been a big help.
Copy !req
1786. Oh, jeez!
Copy !req
1787. Get back!
Copy !req
1788. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
1789. O-o-oh ho. Ho ho.
Copy !req
1790. Don't move.
Copy !req
1791. Well, get in there, and pull it out.
Copy !req
1792. You get in there.
Copy !req
1793. Fine. I'll just wait.
Copy !req
1794. Won't take long.
Copy !req
1795. No, it won't take long.
Copy !req
1796. Oh, my goodness!
Copy !req
1797. Yeah, check it out.
Oh, my god.
Copy !req
1798. - Here we go.
- Hey, Stanley, guess what?
Copy !req
1799. You're innocent.
Copy !req
1800. Your lawyer came by
yesterday to get you.
Copy !req
1801. Too bad you weren't there.
Copy !req
1802. Don't listen to him, Stanley.
Copy !req
1803. Least now we'll have a body to give her.
Copy !req
1804. What about Zero?
Copy !req
1805. Zero was never here.
Copy !req
1806. We got lots of holes to choose from.
Copy !req
1807. Do you know how long
I've been waiting for this?
Copy !req
1808. My granddaddy owned the whole lake,
Copy !req
1809. then it dried up.
Copy !req
1810. He drove himself crazy out here
digging holes.
Copy !req
1811. Made me dig, too...
Copy !req
1812. Even on Christmas.
Copy !req
1813. All Righty. Today's the day.
Copy !req
1814. I'm tired of this, grandpa.
Copy !req
1815. That's too damn bad!
Copy !req
1816. You keep digging!
Copy !req
1817. Well, excuse me.
Copy !req
1818. You'll thank me one day.
Copy !req
1819. Maybe we should just shoot them.
Copy !req
1820. The lizards or the kids?
Copy !req
1821. You don't want to shoot
any of those lizards.
Copy !req
1822. They'll start leaping
all over the place.
Copy !req
1823. I just want to know
why they haven't been bitten yet.
Copy !req
1824. Oh, crap.
Copy !req
1825. Oh, for Pete's sake.
That can't be her already.
Copy !req
1826. Well, it ain't the girl scouts
selling cookies.
Copy !req
1827. All right, keep holding the boys
in the mess hall.
Copy !req
1828. Tell them not to talk to anyone.
Copy !req
1829. As long as they keep their mouths shut,
they won't have to dig any more holes.
Copy !req
1830. But if they talk...
they'll be severely punished.
Copy !req
1831. What should I tell them
we're gonna do to 'em if they do talk?
Copy !req
1832. Use your imagination.
Copy !req
1833. Go on!
Copy !req
1834. I just don't get it.
Copy !req
1835. Nothing makes sense anymore around here.
Copy !req
1836. - Stanley...
- What?
Copy !req
1837. Is your last name your
first name spelled backwards?
Copy !req
1838. Yeah.
Copy !req
1839. We wanted to call, but the phone lines
go down out here sometimes.
Copy !req
1840. - Well, you could have tried harder.
- Watch your step here.
Copy !req
1841. - You can always reach me.
- We did. We called several times.
Copy !req
1842. Don't go no further! It's danger!
Copy !req
1843. - Where's Stanley?
- I'll tell you.
Copy !req
1844. He broke into my
cabin about an hour ago.
Copy !req
1845. I woke up and saw him running out
with my trunk.
Copy !req
1846. They ran out here.
Copy !req
1847. I don't know what the hell
they were thinking!
Copy !req
1848. I witnessed it myself, counselor.
Copy !req
1849. Don't go too close!
Copy !req
1850. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
1851. Don't move.
Copy !req
1852. - How long have they been down there?
- Have you tried to get them out?
Copy !req
1853. Well, just what do you suggest,
Copy !req
1854. Well, this wouldn't have happened
if you had released him to me yesterday.
Copy !req
1855. Excuse me. This wouldn't have
happened if he wasn't a thief.
Copy !req
1856. What?
Copy !req
1857. - A thief?
- That's right.
Copy !req
1858. Oh, back up. Those things'll bite.
Copy !req
1859. That's a lie!
Copy !req
1860. Stanley didn't steal anything!
Copy !req
1861. Thank god.
Copy !req
1862. - Thank god, you're okay!
- What are you doing?
Copy !req
1863. It's Stanley's.
What are you doing? Let go!
Copy !req
1864. Now, listen, you've been
caught red-handed.
Copy !req
1865. I could send Stanley right back
to prison if I pressed charges.
Copy !req
1866. However, in view of all the
circumstances, I think I'll just take...
Copy !req
1867. It has his name on it!
Copy !req
1868. What?
Copy !req
1869. - No, it doesn't!
- Let go!
Copy !req
1870. - Oh, my god.
- You see?
Copy !req
1871. "Stanley Yelnats."
Copy !req
1872. He... he can't read.
Copy !req
1873. That's not possible.
Copy !req
1874. Stanley, I'm taking you home.
Let's go.
Copy !req
1875. Come on, Zero.
We're getting out of here.
Copy !req
1876. - What did you do?
- Come on.
Copy !req
1877. Get your hands back.
Come on, get your hands off.
Copy !req
1878. No, I have to look inside.
Get your hands off. Listen... don't.
Copy !req
1879. This is mine, it was on my property,
Copy !req
1880. - and you are a thief!
- It is not yours!
Copy !req
1881. - My granddaddy...
- It has absolutely nothing to do...
Copy !req
1882. - This is un-American.
- Stanley, come on.
Copy !req
1883. Put your things in the trunk.
Your parents are waiting. Let's go.
Copy !req
1884. I can't leave without Hector.
Copy !req
1885. I'll be okay.
Copy !req
1886. Stanley, there is nothing that
I can do for your friend.
Copy !req
1887. Don't worry...
Copy !req
1888. We'll take good care of Hector.
Copy !req
1889. I'm not leaving here without him.
Copy !req
1890. Earl...
Copy !req
1891. Would you please get me Hector's file?
Copy !req
1892. Most certainly, Carla. Ms. Walker...
Copy !req
1893. Well?
Copy !req
1894. Get me the file of Hector Zeroni.
Copy !req
1895. Well, just do it.
Copy !req
1896. They're alive!
Copy !req
1897. What are you gonna say?
Think of something.
Copy !req
1898. - Caveman!
- Hey, Zero!
Copy !req
1899. What's up, Zero?
Copy !req
1900. What's up? What's up, man?
Copy !req
1901. I can't believe you guys made it.
Copy !req
1902. Oh, man!
We thought you were buzzard food.
Copy !req
1903. No, I'm not.
I'm going home.
Copy !req
1904. - Going home?
- Man, you stink, dude.
Copy !req
1905. What you been eating, man?
Copy !req
1906. You smell like onions!
Copy !req
1907. Whoo! Well, uh...
Copy !req
1908. There seems to be no file of...
Copy !req
1909. - Hector Zeroni.
- What?
Copy !req
1910. Is that so?
Copy !req
1911. What kind of a camp you running here?
Copy !req
1912. A nice one.
Copy !req
1913. If the state would give us some money,
Copy !req
1914. then we'd have some decent filing.
Copy !req
1915. I am ordering an investigation
of this facility.
Copy !req
1916. Hey, lady, you got a pen
and paper I could borrow?
Copy !req
1917. No, I don't.
But it looks like he does.
Copy !req
1918. Yeah. You got a pen?
Copy !req
1919. Yeah. Here.
Copy !req
1920. Here's a pencil.
Copy !req
1921. You got paper?
Copy !req
1922. Um...
Copy !req
1923. Here.
Copy !req
1924. Here you go.
Copy !req
1925. - Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
1926. Hey, call my Mom.
Copy !req
1927. What?
Copy !req
1928. Tell her I said I was sorry.
Copy !req
1929. Tell her,
"Theodore said he was sorry."
Copy !req
1930. - I will, man.
- Thanks, man.
Copy !req
1931. I will. I definitely will.
Copy !req
1932. Marion Sevillo.
Copy !req
1933. Oh, crap.
Copy !req
1934. It's been a long time
since el Paso, Marion.
Copy !req
1935. You're in violation of your parole,
carrying this weapon.
Copy !req
1936. I had no knowledge of that.
Copy !req
1937. Oh, yeah, just like you didn't know
Pendanski wasn't no doctor neither.
Copy !req
1938. What?
Copy !req
1939. Sit down, Marion.
You're under arrest again.
Copy !req
1940. Marion? Tell ya, I didn't know
that was a man's name.
Copy !req
1941. It ain't.
Copy !req
1942. Ooh!
Copy !req
1943. Okay...
Copy !req
1944. This facility is now
under our jurisdiction.
Copy !req
1945. - What?
- Boys...
Copy !req
1946. Put these three bozos right over there,
Copy !req
1947. let them see the other side
of the criminal justice system.
Copy !req
1948. Excuse me?
Copy !req
1949. Don't push me! I'm a lady!
Copy !req
1950. Come on, Hector.
You're coming with us. Let's go.
Copy !req
1951. Come on, boss.
Copy !req
1952. What's that?
Copy !req
1953. It's rain!
Copy !req
1954. Whoo!
Copy !req
1955. Hector!
Copy !req
1956. Stanley!
Copy !req
1957. Come on!
Copy !req
1958. You be careful out there
in the real world, a'ight?
Copy !req
1959. - All right, boss.
- Everyone's not as friendly as us.
Copy !req
1960. Hold on for me.
Copy !req
1961. We'll miss you, man!
Copy !req
1962. All right, guys. Be good!
Copy !req
1963. - Keep your head up!
- We'll miss you!
Copy !req
1964. All right! Stanley...
Copy !req
1965. Stanley, won't you just open it?
Copy !req
1966. Just let me see what's inside it,
Copy !req
1967. Excuse me?
Copy !req
1968. - Have a seat over here.
- "D" tent!
Copy !req
1969. - See you again!
- I'll see you!
Copy !req
1970. "D" tent!
Copy !req
1971. You have the right to remain silent.
Copy !req
1972. If you give up that right,
anything you say can,
Copy !req
1973. and will, be used against you
in a court of law.
Copy !req
1974. You have the right to be
represented by an attorney.
Copy !req
1975. If you cannot afford one, the court...
Copy !req
1976. Okay, one more thing,
no matter what is in this box...
Copy !req
1977. We are still family.
Copy !req
1978. - We are the Yelnats.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1979. We know.
Copy !req
1980. - One...
- Cross your fingers.
Copy !req
1981. - Two...
- Two...
Copy !req
1982. - Three.
- Oh, my god, honey, you've still got it.
Copy !req
1983. You are so strong.
Copy !req
1984. Oh, my god!
Copy !req
1985. - Yeah?
- Oh, mama.
Copy !req
1986. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
1987. Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
1988. Let me see that.
Copy !req
1989. - Sure.
- Look at this.
Copy !req
1990. Okay, guys, hold on. Hold on.
Copy !req
1991. Before we do anything,
I think that it's only fair
Copy !req
1992. that half of whatever is in this box
goes to my best friend, Hector Zeroni.
Copy !req
1993. Aw... You want to go halfsies? Well...
Copy !req
1994. Did you say "Zeroni"?
Copy !req
1995. Sure did.
Copy !req
1996. Ha!
Copy !req
1997. Oh, my god!
Is that really worth $25,000?
Copy !req
1998. Hold on. Check the date, though.
Copy !req
1999. AT&T.
Copy !req
2000. 1905.
Copy !req
2001. What's it worth, honey?
Copy !req
2002. It's worth a lot more now.
Copy !req
2003. - Millions.
- Millions?
Copy !req
2004. - Millions.
- Millions.
Copy !req
2005. - One for us...
- One for Mr. Zeroni.
Copy !req
2006. One for us...
Copy !req
2007. One for Mr. Zeroni.
Copy !req
2008. Boys.
Copy !req
2009. Do good, bro.
Copy !req
2010. Right this way, ma'am.
Copy !req
2011. Thank you.
Copy !req
2012. I love you.
I love you.
Copy !req
2013. So, Hector was able to hire
Copy !req
2014. his own team of private investigators.
Copy !req
2015. Turns out his Mom had been
looking for him, too.
Copy !req
2016. I love you.
Copy !req
2017. And that's how
the great-great grandson
Copy !req
2018. of Elya Yelnats
Copy !req
2019. and the great-great-great-grandson
of Madame Zeroni
Copy !req
2020. became next-door neighbors.
Copy !req
2021. Camp Green Lake was closed
Copy !req
2022. and the boys released for time served
Copy !req
2023. and sent to real counselors.
Copy !req
2024. They say Camp Green Lake
will be reopened soon
Copy !req
2025. as a girls' camp.
Copy !req
2026. At least they won't have to worry about
lizards anymore.
Copy !req
2027. Just as long as the girls eat
lots of onions.
Copy !req
2028. Come on, everybody! Out of the pool!
Copy !req
2029. It's showtime! Book it out!
Copy !req
2030. Come on, boys! Hurry! Hurry! It's on!
Copy !req
2031. It's on!
Copy !req
2032. Come on!
Copy !req
2033. Sit down, sit down. Oh, good.
Copy !req
2034. To my fans, I'm known as Sweetfeet...
Copy !req
2035. But to my wife, I was known as...
Copy !req
2036. Stinkyfeet.
None of his teammates ever wanted to sit
Copy !req
2037. next to him in the dugout.
Copy !req
2038. But that's all over now,
thanks to Sploosh.
Copy !req
2039. Sploosh.
Copy !req
2040. I just spray a little on each foot
every morning...
Copy !req
2041. And now he really does have sweet feet.
Copy !req
2042. Sploosh! Now available
in the Sweetfeet collectible decanter.
Copy !req
2043. A product of K. B. Industries.
Copy !req
2044. Plus, I like the tingle.
Copy !req
2045. The world we know was built on skills
Copy !req
2046. But that alone don't count
Copy !req
2047. I guess you have
to fill the rest of the holes yourself.
Copy !req
2048. Without the sweat and toil of mine
Copy !req
2049. Wouldn't be worth a dime
Copy !req
2050. You got to live and give
Copy !req
2051. Share and care
Copy !req
2052. Really put some love in the air
Copy !req
2053. When your neighbor's down
got to pick him up
Copy !req
2054. Nobody can live in despair
Copy !req
2055. Everybody let's sing, sing, sing
Copy !req
2056. Let freedom ring
Copy !req
2057. Everybody let's sing, sing, sing
Copy !req
2058. Everybody, let's...
Copy !req
2059. Let's all pitch in do our thing
Copy !req
2060. Make a better world to live in
Copy !req
2061. Everybody let's sing, sing, sing
Copy !req
2062. Let freedom ring
Copy !req
2063. Everybody let's sing, sing, sing
Copy !req
2064. Everybody, let's...
Copy !req
2065. Let's all pitch in do our thing
Copy !req
2066. Make a better world to live in
Copy !req
2067. "D" tent.
Copy !req
2068. Oh, that's what we're doing,
we're singing.
Copy !req
2069. Y'all don't know nothing
about this. Watch me. Watch me.
Copy !req
2070. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
2071. Prove yourself.
Copy !req
2072. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2073. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2074. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2075. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2076. Two suits two tokens in hand
Copy !req
2077. I got no respect
'cause I'm the new man
Copy !req
2078. Got my shovel, shoes full of sand
Copy !req
2079. Check out the tag
the name is "Caveman," Unh
Copy !req
2080. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2081. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2082. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2083. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2084. Take a bad boy make him dig five feet
Copy !req
2085. The dirt in these shovels
will give us a beat
Copy !req
2086. Okay, you gotta find something
never found before
Copy !req
2087. If not, we'll just have to dig some more
Copy !req
2088. Na-na na-na na-na-na-na
Copy !req
2089. Na-na na-na na-na-na-na
Copy !req
2090. Na-na na-na na-na-na-na
Copy !req
2091. Na-na na-na
Copy !req
2092. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2093. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2094. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2095. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2096. - You got to go and dig those holes
- Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2097. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2098. - You got to go and dig those holes
- Dig it, oh-oh oh, dig it
Copy !req
2099. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, yeah
Copy !req
2100. Your eyes may blister
Your muscles, they sore
Copy !req
2101. You want a break
knock on the Warden's door
Copy !req
2102. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2103. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2104. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2105. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2106. A-r-m-p-I to the "t"
Copy !req
2107. What is that you're smelling?
Dawg, that's me
Copy !req
2108. I don't take showers
and I don't brush my teeth
Copy !req
2109. That's all I do is dig holes,
eat, and sleep
Copy !req
2110. There is no late there is no shade
Copy !req
2111. There is no place to hide
Copy !req
2112. So just sit and wait to fry
Copy !req
2113. You got to go and dig those holes
Copy !req
2114. Na-na na-na na-na-na-na
Copy !req
2115. Na-na na-na
Copy !req
2116. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2117. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2118. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2119. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2120. - Wake up in the morning before the sun
- Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2121. Keep digging that hole
till the day is done
Copy !req
2122. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2123. - Wake up in the morning before the sun
- Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2124. Keep digging that hole
till the day is done
Copy !req
2125. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2126. - You got to go and dig those holes
- Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2127. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2128. - You got to go and dig those holes
- Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2129. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2130. Dig it, oh-oh-oh, dig it
Copy !req
2131. Dig it, oh-oh-oh
Copy !req
2132. The old man's been stealing
Copy !req
2133. She's holding a grievance
for a hundred-odd years
Copy !req
2134. We all keep believing
Copy !req
2135. That history repeats itself
year after year
Copy !req
2136. All I fear is that the future is worse
Copy !req
2137. We have to give in
to a hundred-year curse
Copy !req
2138. Sweat in the sun
like we're digging a grave
Copy !req
2139. Dig deep enough
and our fortune we'll save
Copy !req
2140. "If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs
Copy !req
2141. "The bark on the trees was
as soft as the skies"
Copy !req
2142. As the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
Copy !req
2143. He cries to the moon, "If only, if only"
Copy !req
2144. Chasing the skirt of a beautiful wife
Copy !req
2145. You'll make mistakes
and it's my back that breaks
Copy !req
2146. And forever my past steals my life
Copy !req
2147. To submission I'm beat
Copy !req
2148. But there's hope beneath these feet
Copy !req
2149. Blisters and blood
and the sun makes you blind
Copy !req
2150. You don't let it eat you
can't help but be kind
Copy !req
2151. 'cause you know what's important
Copy !req
2152. With your back to the wall
Copy !req
2153. You can break metal chains
Copy !req
2154. You and your friends won't let you fall
Copy !req
2155. "If only, if only," the woodpecker sighs
Copy !req
2156. "The bark on the trees
was as soft as the skies"
Copy !req
2157. As the wolf waits below
hungry and lonely
Copy !req
2158. He cries to the moon, "if only, if only"
Copy !req
2159. But if you forget to
Copy !req
2160. come back for Madame Zeroni,
Copy !req
2161. you and your family will be cursed
Copy !req
2162. for always and eternity.
Copy !req