1. salute you.
Copy !req
2. Be gentle, Hanno.
Copy !req
3. We invoke you
by your great names
Copy !req
4. to come to our aid.
Copy !req
5. Defeat the Romans.
Copy !req
6. Destroy their ships,
Copy !req
7. their engines of war,
Copy !req
8. and their soldiers.
Copy !req
9. We will prevail.
Copy !req
10. Ozalsces.
Copy !req
11. Arishat.
Copy !req
12. Hanno.
Copy !req
13. You did not make
an offering today.
Copy !req
14. I prefer to sacrifice a Roman.
Copy !req
15. Where you are,
Copy !req
16. I am, too.
Copy !req
17. And where you are,
Copy !req
18. I am, too, forever.
Copy !req
19. My wife.
Copy !req
20. The wind is too strong.
Furl sail and strike water.
Copy !req
21. Furl sail,
strike water!
Copy !req
22. Furl sail
and strike water!
Copy !req
23. Strike water!
Copy !req
24. They have no lands
but the ones they've stolen.
Copy !req
25. Wherever they go,
they leave destruction
Copy !req
26. and call it peace.
Copy !req
27. This is the last free city
in Africa Nova.
Copy !req
28. Today, we go into battle.
Copy !req
29. Pray that your god is with you.
If he is not, he is no god.
Copy !req
30. We've nothing to fear.
Copy !req
31. Where death is, we are not.
Copy !req
32. Where we are,
Copy !req
33. death is not.
Copy !req
34. Stay together and listen
for my commands.
Copy !req
35. Your eyes up
and your head out.
Copy !req
36. Fire!
Copy !req
37. Ready your weapons!
Copy !req
38. Again!
Copy !req
39. We're ablaze on the right!
Copy !req
40. Keep formation!
Copy !req
41. Pull!
Copy !req
42. Archers ready.
Copy !req
43. Release!
Copy !req
44. Nock!
Copy !req
45. Draw!
Copy !req
46. Loose!
Copy !req
47. Archers!
Copy !req
48. Fire!
Copy !req
49. - Raise the tower!
- Raise the tower!
Copy !req
50. - Back astern!
- Back astern!
Copy !req
51. Keep cranking.
Copy !req
52. Drop drawbridge!
Copy !req
53. The drawbridge is stuck!
Copy !req
54. Sir!
Copy !req
55. Loose!
Copy !req
56. Back.
Copy !req
57. Archers!
Copy !req
58. There!
Copy !req
59. Kill her!
Copy !req
60. Arishat!
Copy !req
61. Arishat.
Copy !req
62. Arishat!
Copy !req
63. I'll wait for you.
Copy !req
64. Check all the bodies!
Copy !req
65. Leave nothing!
Copy !req
66. I claim this city...
Copy !req
67. for the glory of Rome.
Copy !req
68. Vae victis.
Copy !req
69. Woe to the conquered.
Copy !req
70. Next!
Copy !req
71. Move it!
Copy !req
72. - Down the stairs!
- Downstairs!
Copy !req
73. Hey.
Copy !req
74. What damage have they
done you, eh?
Copy !req
75. Lift it up. Easy, easy.
Copy !req
76. Hold that.
Copy !req
77. Arishat?
Copy !req
78. I am sorry, my son.
Copy !req
79. I have not long.
Copy !req
80. This galley
Copy !req
81. is sailing us to something
I cannot endure.
Copy !req
82. I am ready... to be taken
to another place.
Copy !req
83. Stay here a while longer.
Copy !req
84. I remember well
when you first were brought to us.
Copy !req
85. A lonely boy from the desert.
Copy !req
86. Afraid.
Copy !req
87. You embraced everything
we taught you.
Copy !req
88. You found Arishat's love.
Your soul was replenished.
Copy !req
89. When I die,
Copy !req
90. my ancestors will meet me
in the next world.
Copy !req
91. Who will meet you?
Copy !req
92. Hanno,
Copy !req
93. I am done.
Copy !req
94. Do not let them change
what you are.
Copy !req
95. Have you seen this boy?
Copy !req
96. Eama! Eama!
Copy !req
97. You must
go alone now, Hanno.
Copy !req
98. Never let them find you.
Copy !req
99. Go. Go.
Copy !req
100. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
101. Emperor Geta.
Copy !req
102. Emperor Caracalla.
Copy !req
103. General Acacius.
Copy !req
104. I have taken Numidia
in your names
Copy !req
105. that your dominion
may eclipse that
Copy !req
106. of every emperor
that came before you.
Copy !req
107. Crown him with laurels, brother.
Copy !req
108. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
109. In honor
of your conquest,
Copy !req
110. there will be games
in the Colosseum.
Copy !req
111. I require no games
in my honor.
Copy !req
112. Serving the Senate
and the people of Rome
Copy !req
113. is honor enough for me.
Copy !req
114. You are too modest,
Copy !req
115. It does not suit a general
as accomplished as yourself.
Copy !req
116. The glory is yours,
not mine.
Copy !req
117. I only ask for
some respite from war
Copy !req
118. to spend time
with my wife.
Copy !req
119. Your wife, yes.
Copy !req
120. Remember the privileges
we have granted her?
Copy !req
121. Where is she now
to ignore such an occasion?
Copy !req
122. There are victories
yet still to come.
Copy !req
123. Persia.
Copy !req
124. India.
Copy !req
125. Both... must be conquered.
Copy !req
126. Rome has so many subjects.
Copy !req
127. She must feed them.
Copy !req
128. They can eat war.
Copy !req
129. Your triumphs
will be celebrated
Copy !req
130. as a tribute
to the greatness
Copy !req
131. of the Roman people.
Copy !req
132. Go to hell!
Copy !req
133. Macrinus of Thysdrus,
Copy !req
134. master of gladiators!
Copy !req
135. Stay close.
Copy !req
136. Aediles
and the town councilors,
Copy !req
137. distinguished guests,
Copy !req
138. citizens of Antium,
Copy !req
139. behold the fate
Copy !req
140. of the conquered enemies
of Rome:
Copy !req
141. The barbarian Numidians
and their chieftain,
Copy !req
142. Jugurtha!
Copy !req
143. This one is interesting.
Copy !req
144. I'll buy him.
Copy !req
145. Halt! Who goes there?
Copy !req
146. General.
Copy !req
147. My lady.
Copy !req
148. I thank the gods
that brought you back home safe.
Copy !req
149. Thank the Army.
They protected me.
Copy !req
150. Mm.
Copy !req
151. Let me feed you.
Copy !req
152. Go.
Copy !req
153. To the wall.
Copy !req
154. The arena
is a sacred temple.
Copy !req
155. For the bravest of you,
Copy !req
156. the road to glory
runs through the arena.
Copy !req
157. The arena turns slaves
into gladiators
Copy !req
158. and gladiators into free men.
Copy !req
159. You have worms.
Copy !req
160. I know this one.
He eats monkeys.
Copy !req
161. Go. Sit. Eat.
Copy !req
162. You.
Copy !req
163. Hanno, get up.
Copy !req
164. What is your native language?
I speak them all.
Copy !req
165. You don't answer because
you can't or because you won't?
Copy !req
166. Mm, all right.
Copy !req
167. Violence...
is the universal language.
Copy !req
168. Viggo,
put him through his paces.
Copy !req
169. He can fight an ape.
Let's see if he can fight a man.
Copy !req
170. Enough!
Copy !req
171. Very good.
Copy !req
172. Very good.
Copy !req
173. Hose him down.
Copy !req
174. Bring him to me.
Copy !req
175. Ah!
Copy !req
176. A strong jaw.
Copy !req
177. Good arms.
Copy !req
178. Better smell.
Copy !req
179. You will do well.
Copy !req
180. It is an art,
Copy !req
181. choosing gladiators.
Copy !req
182. Some choose entertainers.
Copy !req
183. Some choose brute force.
Copy !req
184. I choose rage.
Copy !req
185. Crowd loves blood.
Copy !req
186. And they love those who
love blood as much as they do.
Copy !req
187. And you, my friend, rage
Copy !req
188. pours out of you like...
Copy !req
189. like milk...
Copy !req
190. from a whore's tit.
Copy !req
191. You will be
quite the fighter.
Copy !req
192. Not for you.
Copy !req
193. You're right,
you do not fight for me.
Copy !req
194. I put you in the ring,
you fight or you die.
Copy !req
195. The choice is yours.
Copy !req
196. But whose head
could I give you
Copy !req
197. that would satisfy this fury?
Copy !req
198. The entire Roman Army's.
Copy !req
199. Too much.
Copy !req
200. Mm.
Copy !req
201. The general will do.
Copy !req
202. General?
Copy !req
203. - General Acacius?
- Mm.
Copy !req
204. Use your rage
in my service,
Copy !req
205. and you will have his head
ready for your sword.
Copy !req
206. Serve me and I will serve you.
Deny me...
Copy !req
207. and you will die.
Copy !req
208. There are times I wished
you'd abandoned me
Copy !req
209. rather than
fight their wars.
Copy !req
210. I've made my choice.
Copy !req
211. I can live with it.
Copy !req
212. But my patience with those two
is at an end.
Copy !req
213. Leta?
Copy !req
214. You may go to your quarters now.
We need nothing more.
Copy !req
215. To hear wives and mothers
mourning their dead
Copy !req
216. on that beach at Numidia...
Copy !req
217. Lucilla.
Copy !req
218. No more.
Copy !req
219. I will not waste
Copy !req
220. another generation
of young men for their vanity.
Copy !req
221. If I fight another campaign,
it must be to depose them.
Copy !req
222. When will your troops
Copy !req
223. They land at Ostia
in ten days.
Copy !req
224. How many of them will be
loyal to you alone?
Copy !req
225. All of them.
Copy !req
226. The emperors do not have
the support of the people.
Copy !req
227. The people are weary
of the madness, the tyranny.
Copy !req
228. What is the dream of Rome
if her people are not free?
Copy !req
229. Enjoy yourself,
Copy !req
230. to excess!
Copy !req
231. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
232. Oh!
Copy !req
233. Please, drink.
Copy !req
234. Ah! Excuse me. Macrinus!
Copy !req
235. I knew the provinces
were not enough for you.
Copy !req
236. - I'm just here for the games.
- Ah, well,
Copy !req
237. you won't be disappointed.
Copy !req
238. Rome has all the games
that men like you like to play.
Copy !req
239. Men like me, Thraex?
Men like us.
Copy !req
240. I know nothing happens
in Rome unless you've tasted it first.
Copy !req
241. What is my purpose here?
Copy !req
242. You'll find out soon enough.
Copy !req
243. What's this we hear
about you being interested
Copy !req
244. in standing for election
to the Senate, Macrinus?
Copy !req
245. Me? No, I'm, uh...
Copy !req
246. I don't even know how
to use an abacus.
Copy !req
247. But I do understand that
Copy !req
248. it's customary
for your guests
Copy !req
249. to make wagers
at these affairs?
Copy !req
250. How large a sum
did you have in mind?
Copy !req
251. A thousand gold denarii?
Copy !req
252. Two.
Copy !req
253. Two?
Copy !req
254. Denarii.
Copy !req
255. Stand back! Stand back!
Copy !req
256. My emperors.
Copy !req
257. Lords, ladies and gentlemen,
and senators.
Copy !req
258. For your entertainment,
Copy !req
259. the art of combat!
Copy !req
260. May I present
Copy !req
261. the barbarian versus,
Copy !req
262. from my own stable,
the mighty Vichek!
Copy !req
263. - This is your gladiator?
- It is.
Copy !req
264. Three rounds,
hand to hand.
Copy !req
265. Swords!
Copy !req
266. We want swords.
A fight to the death.
Copy !req
267. No quarter to be offered...
or given.
Copy !req
268. Fight now!
Copy !req
269. Brother,
Copy !req
270. let's not kill each other
for their amusement.
Copy !req
271. Remarkable!
Copy !req
272. Remarkable!
Copy !req
273. Thraex, he looked expensive.
Copy !req
274. - Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
275. Remarkable.
Copy !req
276. From where do you hail?
Copy !req
277. Speak.
Copy !req
278. I said speak.
Copy !req
279. He is from the colonies,
Your Majesty.
Copy !req
280. His native tongue
is all he understands.
Copy !req
281. "The gates of hell
are open night and day.
Copy !req
282. Smooth is the descent,
and easy is the way.
Copy !req
283. But...
Copy !req
284. to come back from hell
Copy !req
285. and view the cheerful skies,
Copy !req
286. in this the task
and mighty labor lies."
Copy !req
287. Virgil, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
288. Poetry!
Copy !req
289. - Very clever, Macrinus.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
290. I've grown so bored,
but you surprise me.
Copy !req
291. To amuse you is my only wish.
Copy !req
292. We are amused,
we are amused.
Copy !req
293. We are amused.
Copy !req
294. And we all look forward
to seeing your poet
Copy !req
295. perform in the arena.
Copy !req
296. As do I, Your Majesties.
Copy !req
297. Thank you.
Copy !req
298. Viggo?
Copy !req
299. Come with me.
Copy !req
300. You fought well today,
but you were lucky, too.
Copy !req
301. The lines you recited.
Copy !req
302. You didn't learn that
in Africa, I know that.
Copy !req
303. - A good verse travels far.
- Mm.
Copy !req
304. Who taught you poetry?
Copy !req
305. A captured Roman officer.
Copy !req
306. I was posted guard over him
and he used to tell us tales
Copy !req
307. to pass the time.
Copy !req
308. And what became
of this prisoner?
Copy !req
309. Oh, we ate him.
Copy !req
310. As barbarians do.
Copy !req
311. As barbarians do.
Copy !req
312. And where were you born?
Copy !req
313. Why does my past matter
if it is my future
Copy !req
314. to die for you in the arena?
Copy !req
315. Tell me what use have I
for Roman money.
Copy !req
316. A gladiator
Copy !req
317. can buy his own freedom.
Copy !req
318. His liberty.
Copy !req
319. The Roman dream.
Copy !req
320. No, the slave dreams
not of freedom
Copy !req
321. but of a slave
to call his own.
Copy !req
322. Cicero.
Copy !req
323. Is that what you were
raised on, Macrinus?
Copy !req
324. What did you have to do
for Roman money?
Copy !req
325. You promised me a head.
Copy !req
326. Earn your keep
and you can have anyone's head.
Copy !req
327. Father,
Copy !req
328. protect us and guide us.
Copy !req
329. Senators.
Copy !req
330. My lady.
Copy !req
331. My lady, I wish we were
meeting in better times.
Copy !req
332. Better times will come.
Copy !req
333. And why are we here?
Copy !req
334. To take back the city.
Copy !req
335. And restore Rome
to where she should be.
Copy !req
336. An exciting venture.
Copy !req
337. - When?
- On the final day of the games.
Copy !req
338. My army waits for my command
at Ostia.
Copy !req
339. Five thousand soldiers
loyal to me...
Copy !req
340. will enter Rome
and then the Colosseum,
Copy !req
341. where they will
arrest the emperors
Copy !req
342. for their crimes
against the Senate
Copy !req
343. and their people.
Copy !req
344. Uh, this plan
is ambitious and risky.
Copy !req
345. Rome will be yours
to administer and to...
Copy !req
346. Marcus Aurelius talked
of restoring power to the Senate,
Copy !req
347. but that was a generation ago.
Much has changed.
Copy !req
348. The people
have not seen hope
Copy !req
349. for many years.
Copy !req
350. But with time...
and guidance...
Copy !req
351. Lucilla, you are the daughter
of Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
352. He had my loyalty.
Copy !req
353. And so do you.
Copy !req
354. Senator Thraex?
Copy !req
355. Politics follows power,
my lady.
Copy !req
356. Take back
what is rightfully yours...
Copy !req
357. and the Senate
will support you.
Copy !req
358. Thank you.
Copy !req
359. Food! Food!
Copy !req
360. When I was told of this place,
Copy !req
361. they never mentioned
the stink.
Copy !req
362. That would be Hanno.
Copy !req
363. Well, you'll have to
put up with me as I am.
Copy !req
364. And what's that up there?
A wolf?
Copy !req
365. The twins there,
they were outcasts.
Copy !req
366. Left in the hills to die.
Copy !req
367. That wolf found them
and she suckled them on her milk.
Copy !req
368. Raised by an animal.
It's in their blood.
Copy !req
369. How do you know this place?
Copy !req
370. I know the chaos
they brought.
Copy !req
371. This city infects
everything it touches.
Copy !req
372. I never dreamt
it would be so big.
Copy !req
373. Don't fall for it.
Copy !req
374. This city is diseased.
Copy !req
375. Food! Food!
Copy !req
376. You! Barbarian scum!
Copy !req
377. Help me.
Please, help me!
Copy !req
378. - Ah!
- Thraex.
Copy !req
379. About our wager.
Copy !req
380. Ah. The barbarian.
Copy !req
381. Yes, I haven't forgotten,
I always repay my debts.
Copy !req
382. I was merely
going to suggest
Copy !req
383. that perhaps your luck
might change.
Copy !req
384. Shall we say
double or quits?
Copy !req
385. - Ah.
- Ah.
Copy !req
386. Get back!
Copy !req
387. Fresh meat.
Copy !req
388. Line up! Line up!
Copy !req
389. Play! Play!
Copy !req
390. Emperor Caracalla.
Copy !req
391. Emperor Geta.
Copy !req
392. Citizens of Rome!
Copy !req
393. These sacred games
Copy !req
394. are held to honor
the victory of Rome
Copy !req
395. over the barbarians of Numidia.
Copy !req
396. Go! Go!
Copy !req
397. And to honor
Rome's legionary commander,
Copy !req
398. General Justus Acacius!
Copy !req
399. Long live Acacius!
Copy !req
400. And with him
Copy !req
401. Lucilla, the daughter
of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
402. - Lucilla!
- Mother of Rome!
Copy !req
403. Acacius.
Copy !req
404. General.
Copy !req
405. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
406. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
407. Speak to them.
Copy !req
408. Speak to us!
Copy !req
409. I am not an orator
Copy !req
410. or a politician.
Copy !req
411. I am a soldier.
Copy !req
412. I have seen bravery
in men and women during war.
Copy !req
413. And even once in this arena.
Copy !req
414. So if you ask anything
of the gods...
Copy !req
415. ask for that same bravery.
Copy !req
416. Because Rome needs it now.
Copy !req
417. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
418. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
419. From the South Gate,
Copy !req
420. fighters from the stable
of Macrinus of Thysdrus!
Copy !req
421. From the stables
Copy !req
422. of Emperors Caracalla
and Geta themselves,
Copy !req
423. the undefeated champion:
Copy !req
424. Glyceo the Destroyer!
Copy !req
425. Hold.
Copy !req
426. Hold.
Copy !req
427. Hail Caesars!
Copy !req
428. Glyceo! Glyceo! Glyceo!
Copy !req
429. Hold together and when it charges,
break for the wall.
Copy !req
430. Why should I?
Copy !req
431. Hold!
Copy !req
432. Hold!
Copy !req
433. Break!
Copy !req
434. Cowards!
Copy !req
435. To the wall!
Copy !req
436. Come on!
Copy !req
437. Brother, it's that poet,
is it not?
Copy !req
438. I can't remember.
Copy !req
439. That night was a blur.
Copy !req
440. "The gates of hell
are open night and day.
Copy !req
441. Smooth the desc..."
I forget.
Copy !req
442. "Smooth the descent..."
Copy !req
443. "Smooth is the descent,
Copy !req
444. easy is the way."
Copy !req
445. Shield!
Copy !req
446. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
Copy !req
447. Blood.
Copy !req
448. Lucilla,
Copy !req
449. shall we show mercy?
Copy !req
450. Mercy.
Copy !req
451. No mercy!
Copy !req
452. Your life has been
spared by the gods...
Copy !req
453. I would sooner face your blade
than accept Roman mercy!
Copy !req
454. Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
455. Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
456. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
457. The road to freedom
doesn't run through the arena.
Copy !req
458. It leads to this.
Copy !req
459. Go to your cells.
Copy !req
460. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
461. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
462. "Gates of hell
are open night and day.
Copy !req
463. Smooth is the descent...
Copy !req
464. easy is the way."
Copy !req
465. There, there, there, there.
Copy !req
466. And I've got you.
Copy !req
467. I'm Maximus,
the savior of Rome!
Copy !req
468. Scatto and Argento.
Copy !req
469. Lucius is safe?
Copy !req
470. Lucius!
Copy !req
471. Lucius,
Copy !req
472. you're the sole heir
to the throne now.
Copy !req
473. There are men
who want to kill you
Copy !req
474. so they can take power.
Copy !req
475. I promise I'll bring you back
as soon as it's safe.
Copy !req
476. Mother, why can't you
come with me?
Copy !req
477. I... I have to
stay here for your sake.
Copy !req
478. And for the sake of Rome.
Copy !req
479. Remember who you are.
Copy !req
480. And that I love you.
Copy !req
481. I love you.
Copy !req
482. Come.
Copy !req
483. Give me your leg.
Copy !req
484. Go. Go!
Copy !req
485. So...
Copy !req
486. What's your name?
Copy !req
487. I'm Ravi. I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
488. Because... more men die
of infected wounds
Copy !req
489. than out there, in the arena.
Copy !req
490. This needs to be cleaned,
it needs to be stitched and
Copy !req
491. it is going to hurt.
Copy !req
492. Mm.
Copy !req
493. This is Devil's Breath
and opium.
Copy !req
494. It's for the pain.
Copy !req
495. You should breathe in.
Copy !req
496. I've been here
so long now,
Copy !req
497. I don't even notice anymore.
Copy !req
498. I've done more amputations
than I can count.
Copy !req
499. - Where'd you learn your trade?
- Why do you ask?
Copy !req
500. You've got a heavy hand.
Copy !req
501. I used to be
a gladiator myself.
Copy !req
502. Ah.
Copy !req
503. And would you have bested me?
Copy !req
504. In your prime, of course.
Copy !req
505. In your current state,
I could best you now.
Copy !req
506. Luckily for you,
I have put down my sword.
Copy !req
507. So now I spend my days
Copy !req
508. saving lives
instead of taking them.
Copy !req
509. And why such a change
so late in life?
Copy !req
510. What we do in life
Copy !req
511. echoes in eternity.
Copy !req
512. I feel like
I know those words.
Copy !req
513. I can't take credit.
Copy !req
514. It's written on
one of the tombs.
Copy !req
515. Over the bones of a gladiator.
Copy !req
516. My champion!
Copy !req
517. I smell Devil's Breath!
Copy !req
518. My... champion.
Copy !req
519. Did you hear that crowd?
Copy !req
520. - Did you hear that crowd?
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
521. You have something.
I knew it from the start.
Copy !req
522. - Did you now?
- Yes. The Greeks call it...
Copy !req
523. thymos.
Copy !req
524. Smoke.
Copy !req
525. Rage.
Copy !req
526. That rage is your gift.
Copy !req
527. Like the great Achilles.
Copy !req
528. Never let it go.
Copy !req
529. It will carry you
to greatness,
Copy !req
530. my champion.
Copy !req
531. Thank you
Copy !req
532. for inviting me.
Copy !req
533. This is truly an honor.
Copy !req
534. I hear you are
the talk of the court.
Copy !req
535. Yes.
Copy !req
536. We've met before.
Copy !req
537. - Have we?
- Long ago.
Copy !req
538. Where?
Copy !req
539. I was in the service
of your father's army
Copy !req
540. on his African campaign.
Copy !req
541. You served
with my father?
Copy !req
542. Mm.
Copy !req
543. I had the privilege
Copy !req
544. of reading
his "Meditations."
Copy !req
545. Mm.
Copy !req
546. "The best revenge
Copy !req
547. is to be unlike him
who performed the injury."
Copy !req
548. I hear you've been
arming half the legions
Copy !req
549. in the entire empire,
and here, now, in Rome...
Copy !req
550. you're gaining influence
by sponsoring gladiators.
Copy !req
551. I do it for the love
of the sport.
Copy !req
552. And where did you find
these gladiators?
Copy !req
553. They're usually
prisoners of war.
Copy !req
554. Or vagrants.
Why do you ask?
Copy !req
555. A man can choose to fight...
Copy !req
556. and stay alive.
Copy !req
557. It's the same in life as it is
in the arena, is it not?
Copy !req
558. Who is this?
Copy !req
559. That is my father
as a youth.
Copy !req
560. She had a child?
Copy !req
561. Mm.
Copy !req
562. It's common knowledge.
When Commodus was killed,
Copy !req
563. - the boy disappeared.
- Mm.
Copy !req
564. - But who would care?
- Lucilla would care.
Copy !req
565. - More wine!
- More wine!
Copy !req
566. He was of the royal bloodline,
after all.
Copy !req
567. And his father?
Copy !req
568. Ostensibly,
Lucius Verus.
Copy !req
569. See, it was
an arranged marriage.
Copy !req
570. She was 14.
Copy !req
571. - Mm.
- Females were not his taste.
Copy !req
572. - Nor mine, some days.
- Nor yours!
Copy !req
573. No, no, no. By rumor, you see,
she took lovers.
Copy !req
574. And by rumor, the real father...
was Commodus.
Copy !req
575. - Brotherly love, you see?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
576. If he died,
Copy !req
577. - there has to be remains.
- Mm.
Copy !req
578. And if he lived,
that would make him about...
Copy !req
579. Um, well,
let's work it out.
Copy !req
580. - He was about 12 when he died?
- Yes.
Copy !req
581. So that would make him...
Copy !req
582. My lady.
Copy !req
583. Gracchus.
Copy !req
584. - Please come.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
585. Gladiator...
Copy !req
586. do you know me?
Copy !req
587. Do you have a family?
Copy !req
588. A wife. Arishat.
Copy !req
589. Arishat.
Copy !req
590. She was killed
under your husband's command.
Copy !req
591. Rome drowns
in its own blood.
Copy !req
592. And yet you enjoy
the pleasures of the Colosseum.
Copy !req
593. There is much
you do not understand.
Copy !req
594. Lucius.
Copy !req
595. I do not know
who you think I am.
Copy !req
596. My name is Hanno,
Copy !req
597. and I have no mother,
or none that I can remember.
Copy !req
598. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
599. If your son were here,
I feel sure he would tell you
Copy !req
600. not to grieve him.
Copy !req
601. For he would not be the boy
that you sent away.
Copy !req
602. That boy is dead.
Copy !req
603. You may think
I have little worth.
Copy !req
604. You may think
I betrayed you.
Copy !req
605. But I need you to know...
Copy !req
606. if you will not have
your mother's love,
Copy !req
607. then take
your father's strength.
Copy !req
608. You need it.
Copy !req
609. His name was
Maximus Decimus Meridius.
Copy !req
610. And I see him in you.
Copy !req
611. Get out.
Copy !req
612. My lady, we must go at once!
Copy !req
613. Lucius, you were loved
Copy !req
614. by myself
and by your father.
Copy !req
615. Your name
was on his lips...
Copy !req
616. Get out!
Copy !req
617. Lucius is alive.
Copy !req
618. Are you certain?
Copy !req
619. Yes.
Copy !req
620. I know my son.
Copy !req
621. I spoke to him
Copy !req
622. He may be lost to me
for what I did,
Copy !req
623. but he lives.
Copy !req
624. The third day of the games
is tomorrow.
Copy !req
625. Most fighters won't survive.
Copy !req
626. Acacius,
Copy !req
627. you must help him.
Copy !req
628. Help him? Yes.
Copy !req
629. I failed him then.
Copy !req
630. I know I did.
Copy !req
631. I cannot fail him now.
Copy !req
632. The army is in Ostia.
Copy !req
633. If we wait a few days...
Copy !req
634. He could be dead
by then.
Copy !req
635. Acacius,
Copy !req
636. I would willingly
give my life for Rome,
Copy !req
637. but I will not
give my son's.
Copy !req
638. And one.
Copy !req
639. And two.
Copy !req
640. And one.
Copy !req
641. Together.
Timing, timing, timing!
Copy !req
642. And one. And two.
Copy !req
643. And one.
Copy !req
644. Pause, pause!
Copy !req
645. We won't get far
like this.
Copy !req
646. Just him. You go.
Copy !req
647. Go!
Copy !req
648. Let's see how far you can go
on your own without your team.
Copy !req
649. Ready?
Copy !req
650. One!
Copy !req
651. And two!
Copy !req
652. Timing, timing!
Copy !req
653. Come on, more!
Copy !req
654. More!
Copy !req
655. Leave him.
Copy !req
656. It's just vinegar,
my friend.
Copy !req
657. There will be
no more opium for you.
Copy !req
658. There is plenty of pain waiting
for you in the next life.
Copy !req
659. I don't know why you are so greedy
for it in this one.
Copy !req
660. Are you a free man, Ravi?
Copy !req
661. "Free."
Copy !req
662. I am. Mm.
Copy !req
663. I laid down my sword
Copy !req
664. and I swore never
to pick it up again.
Copy !req
665. And yet
you choose this hell?
Copy !req
666. Mm-hm.
Copy !req
667. What was your home before?
Copy !req
668. Varanasi.
Copy !req
669. And why don't you go back?
Copy !req
670. I wish I could.
Copy !req
671. But...
Copy !req
672. I met a woman.
Copy !req
673. - It's always a woman.
- Always.
Copy !req
674. She is from Londinium.
Britannia. You know.
Copy !req
675. So now...
Copy !req
676. our sons,
they speak only Latin.
Copy !req
677. My daughter's eyes,
they are as blue as yours.
Copy !req
678. We are Romans now.
Copy !req
679. I grew up hearing stories
at my grandfather's knee.
Copy !req
680. He used to talk
of the dream that was Rome.
Copy !req
681. It was so fragile,
you could only whisper it...
Copy !req
682. or it would vanish.
Copy !req
683. So,
Copy !req
684. what was this dream?
Copy !req
685. A Rome where all could live
under fair law and be protected.
Copy !req
686. A Rome of the Senate.
Copy !req
687. A Rome of hope.
Copy !req
688. Your grandfather,
he sounds like a dangerous man.
Copy !req
689. Hm.
Copy !req
690. The odds are against you.
Copy !req
691. The odds
are always against me.
Copy !req
692. Don't worry, old man.
Copy !req
693. Eh?
Copy !req
694. - You should get some rest. Hm?
- Mm.
Copy !req
695. Your men will need you
to lead them tomorrow.
Copy !req
696. This is about survival.
Copy !req
697. Survive!
Copy !req
698. In the name of Poseidon,
Copy !req
699. we celebrate the glory
of naval war.
Copy !req
700. They have archers.
Copy !req
701. Be ready.
Listen for my commands.
Copy !req
702. Stay together
and pull as one, yes?
Copy !req
703. Yes!
Copy !req
704. - Yes?
- Yes!
Copy !req
705. Today we relive
Copy !req
706. the Battle of Salamis!
Copy !req
707. The Trojans
versus the Persians!
Copy !req
708. - Oars out!
- Oars!
Copy !req
709. And... pull!
Copy !req
710. Archers!
Copy !req
711. Archers!
Copy !req
712. Pull!
Copy !req
713. Pull!
Copy !req
714. Pull!
Copy !req
715. Pull! To my time!
Copy !req
716. And... now!
Copy !req
717. Left side! Ready, and
Copy !req
718. ship oars now!
Copy !req
719. Oars in! Oars in!
Copy !req
720. Get down!
Copy !req
721. And pull! And pull!
Copy !req
722. Don't stop!
Copy !req
723. Pull!
Copy !req
724. And right!
Copy !req
725. Ready to ram!
Copy !req
726. And brace! Brace!
Copy !req
727. Everyone regroup!
Copy !req
728. Praetorians!
Copy !req
729. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
730. Move, move.
Copy !req
731. In the name of the emperors...
Copy !req
732. the victor is Hanno!
Copy !req
733. Who did this?
Copy !req
734. Who did this?
Copy !req
735. - It was me!
- I did it!
Copy !req
736. - I did it! I did it! I did it!
- It was me!
Copy !req
737. Geta will want retribution
for all of you.
Copy !req
738. Did you learn to shoot
in the same place
Copy !req
739. you learned to recite poetry?
Copy !req
740. Be glad it wasn't me,
Copy !req
741. or that arrow
would have found you.
Copy !req
742. Be seated.
Copy !req
743. I have news for you.
Copy !req
744. He's here, sir.
Copy !req
745. Oh, still here.
Copy !req
746. Macrinus.
Copy !req
747. Welcome.
Copy !req
748. Yes, I'm listening.
Copy !req
749. You know
this is my house now.
Copy !req
750. Your debt to me is
over 10,000 denarii.
Copy !req
751. You know that.
Copy !req
752. I have other things. Uh...
Copy !req
753. Cattle. Art!
Copy !req
754. Truth, then.
Copy !req
755. What do you... want?
Copy !req
756. Truth.
That's what I want.
Copy !req
757. Nothing happens in Rome
without your knowledge.
Copy !req
758. You have
the senators' trust.
Copy !req
759. You have
Lucilla's trust.
Copy !req
760. More importantly,
you have my trust.
Copy !req
761. You wish my... loyalty?
Copy !req
762. I own...
Copy !req
763. your house.
Copy !req
764. I want your loyalty.
Copy !req
765. I...
Copy !req
766. - Tell me.
- I have heard...
Copy !req
767. of a plot...
Copy !req
768. - to dethrone the emperors.
- Yes.
Copy !req
769. But the plan
has been delayed, uh...
Copy !req
770. A gladiator is to be rescued
from the arena.
Copy !req
771. - Tonight.
- Mm.
Copy !req
772. - I don't know why.
- I know why. I know who.
Copy !req
773. Pack.
Copy !req
774. Quickly.
Copy !req
775. Open up!
Copy !req
776. Open for
the emperors' guard!
Copy !req
777. My Lady, come with us.
Copy !req
778. Thanks to the civic virtue
Copy !req
779. of men like Thraex
and Macrinus,
Copy !req
780. your insurrection
Copy !req
781. has been revealed.
Copy !req
782. The honor,
Copy !req
783. the dignitas that Rome
has bestowed upon you...
Copy !req
784. all this you have forfeited
by your treachery.
Copy !req
785. Please, Emperor Geta.
Copy !req
786. Torture me if you want,
Copy !req
787. but do not lecture me.
Copy !req
788. Your name
will be forgotten!
Copy !req
789. Lost... to history.
Copy !req
790. You are damned,
Copy !req
791. - You laugh.
- You damn me?
Copy !req
792. I don't care.
Copy !req
793. Everything is forgotten in time.
Empires fall. So do emperors.
Copy !req
794. Why wait?
Copy !req
795. - I will gut him right now!
- No, no, no!
Copy !req
796. Let them be. Come! Come!
Copy !req
797. His death must be public.
Copy !req
798. Public?
Copy !req
799. Hang his entrails
from the city gates!
Copy !req
800. And crucify her!
Copy !req
801. Crucify her!
Copy !req
802. Take them away!
Copy !req
803. Shh! Shh! Shh!
Copy !req
804. Thank you, Macrinus.
Copy !req
805. Come on.
Copy !req
806. In these last days,
Copy !req
807. I have come to think of you
not as a subject
Copy !req
808. but as a true friend.
Copy !req
809. Thank you.
Copy !req
810. Thank you so much.
But as a friend,
Copy !req
811. I must counsel caution.
Copy !req
812. Acacius is a hero of Rome.
Copy !req
813. Crucifixion
is for thieves.
Copy !req
814. Christians.
Copy !req
815. - It's too common.
- He is a traitor. He must die.
Copy !req
816. I agree.
Copy !req
817. Let the gods decide
his fate in the Colosseum.
Copy !req
818. Let the gods decide.
Copy !req
819. You know, last night I woke,
dreaming of a dark river.
Copy !req
820. This time,
for the first time,
Copy !req
821. I was crossing it.
Copy !req
822. Hm.
Copy !req
823. Well, you know,
where I come from,
Copy !req
824. crossing a river,
it represents forgiveness.
Copy !req
825. Represents... salvation.
Copy !req
826. Where I come from,
it means you're already dead.
Copy !req
827. But as I saw it,
I was not afraid.
Copy !req
828. For...
Copy !req
829. For someone was waiting
for me on the other side.
Copy !req
830. There.
Copy !req
831. Who is this man?
Copy !req
832. Scratched out?
Copy !req
833. Maximus.
Copy !req
834. I saw him fight once.
Copy !req
835. - He was magnificent.
- Mm.
Copy !req
836. Yeah. My time in the arena,
it was after his,
Copy !req
837. but many still talked of him
in whispers, you know?
Copy !req
838. Spoke of him.
Copy !req
839. What he did.
Copy !req
840. I met him once.
Copy !req
841. He was kind.
Copy !req
842. He bowed to no one.
Copy !req
843. Come with me.
Copy !req
844. - Hmm?
- Come. With me.
Copy !req
845. When a rebel gladiator dies,
we bury them here.
Copy !req
846. "What we do in life
echoes in eternity."
Copy !req
847. This is Argento.
Copy !req
848. This is Scatto.
Copy !req
849. Cheers.
Copy !req
850. And stop.
Copy !req
851. For his treason
against the lives
Copy !req
852. of the emperors
and the Roman state,
Copy !req
853. General Justus Acacius,
Copy !req
854. an enemy of the people!
Copy !req
855. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
856. - We love you, Acacius!
- You are a hero!
Copy !req
857. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
858. Vae victis. General.
Copy !req
859. Acacius!
Copy !req
860. Acacius! Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
861. From the vanquished city
of Numidia,
Copy !req
862. the victor of two conquests
in the Colosseum...
Copy !req
863. Go now. Vae victis.
Copy !req
864. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
865. Hanno!
Copy !req
866. Oh, Lord, any honor I have,
Copy !req
867. - I will give it to you!
- It's too late.
Copy !req
868. The Roman traitor or
Copy !req
869. the barbarian hero.
Copy !req
870. Let the gods decide.
Copy !req
871. Lucius... wait.
Copy !req
872. Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
873. I am a vessel.
Copy !req
874. Fill me with vengeance
Copy !req
875. and vanquish the betrayer.
Copy !req
876. - We love you, Acacius!
- Move it!
Copy !req
877. Pick it up!
Copy !req
878. Bravo, Hanno!
Copy !req
879. We love you, Acacius!
Copy !req
880. What are you waiting for?
Copy !req
881. You will die!
Copy !req
882. I know who you are.
Copy !req
883. Lucius Verus Aurelius.
Copy !req
884. Acacius
has raised his hand!
Copy !req
885. He has surrendered.
Copy !req
886. Let the gods decide.
Copy !req
887. The gods have rendered
their judgment.
Copy !req
888. Do what you must.
Copy !req
889. But on my death,
you have to know...
Copy !req
890. I love your mother,
Copy !req
891. And your father...
Copy !req
892. Maximus.
Copy !req
893. I would have died
for him.
Copy !req
894. Kill him!
Copy !req
895. Let him live!
Copy !req
896. Live! Live! Live! Live!
Copy !req
897. Kill him!
Copy !req
898. Kill him!
Copy !req
899. Archers!
Copy !req
900. - No!
- Kill him!
Copy !req
901. Acacius! Acacius!
Copy !req
902. Kill him!
Copy !req
903. Kill him!
Copy !req
904. Kill him! Kill him!
Copy !req
905. Acacius!
Copy !req
906. No!
Copy !req
907. No!
Copy !req
908. Acacius!
Copy !req
909. Damn you!
Copy !req
910. Death will be
too good for you!
Copy !req
911. Is this how Rome
treats its heroes?
Copy !req
912. Tell me!
Copy !req
913. If his life has no value,
what are yours worth?
Copy !req
914. The gods have spoken!
Copy !req
915. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
916. For our own safety,
we should return to the palace.
Copy !req
917. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
918. Stay back! Stay back!
Copy !req
919. Arishat!
Copy !req
920. We had a bargain.
Copy !req
921. I gave him to you.
You let him live.
Copy !req
922. And you got
what you wanted.
Copy !req
923. I always get what I want.
Why did you let him live?
Copy !req
924. You bought a gladiator,
not a slave.
Copy !req
925. My will is my own.
Copy !req
926. Ah...
Copy !req
927. How blue is your blood?
Copy !req
928. Perhaps the heart of a Roman
Copy !req
929. beats in that chest.
Copy !req
930. The greatest temple
Rome ever built.
Copy !req
931. The Colosseum.
Copy !req
932. Because this is
what they believe in.
Copy !req
933. Power.
Copy !req
934. They gather here to watch
the strong strike down the weak.
Copy !req
935. - There has to be something else.
- There is nothing else.
Copy !req
936. - There has to be another Rome.
- There is no other Rome.
Copy !req
937. - The "dream"?
- Mm.
Copy !req
938. The dream of Rome?
Copy !req
939. It's an old man's fantasy.
Copy !req
940. Who are you?
Copy !req
941. What was your name
before you traded it for a Roman one?
Copy !req
942. You'll never know.
Copy !req
943. I have a destiny.
Copy !req
944. The gods delivered you to me.
Copy !req
945. You will be my instrument.
Copy !req
946. I will never be your instrument,
in this life or the next.
Copy !req
947. That will not be my destiny.
Copy !req
948. But I will see your end.
Copy !req
949. What else could I do?
Copy !req
950. He and his bitch
were plotting to kill us.
Copy !req
951. Don't you hear them?
They're calling for our heads!
Copy !req
952. The Praetorians
will put down this crowd.
Copy !req
953. - Like they have every other.
- You brought this on us.
Copy !req
954. Filthy ape!
Copy !req
955. Perhaps you should, uh,
Copy !req
956. take Dondus elsewhere
to comfort him?
Copy !req
957. Forgive
my brother's outburst.
Copy !req
958. The disease
that infects his loins
Copy !req
959. has spread to his brain.
Copy !req
960. - Every day he gets worse.
- I will reason with him.
Copy !req
961. I see you.
Copy !req
962. I see you.
Copy !req
963. Caracalla, Caracalla!
Copy !req
964. Come on, stand up.
Copy !req
965. Get up, get up.
Not you.
Copy !req
966. All right,
there you go.
Copy !req
967. Now, listen to me.
Copy !req
968. What's the matter?
Copy !req
969. Nothing's ever mine.
Copy !req
970. Everything is ours, always.
Copy !req
971. Even in the womb...
he tried...
Copy !req
972. to cut my umbilicus
Copy !req
973. so that I couldn't have
any more air.
Copy !req
974. - You remember that, do you?
- Certainly.
Copy !req
975. - Come, sit.
- One cannot forget.
Copy !req
976. My conscience compels me.
Copy !req
977. What?
Copy !req
978. Sit.
Copy !req
979. Your brother
Copy !req
980. means to blame you
Copy !req
981. in front of
the entire Senate...
Copy !req
982. But I did not do it!
Copy !req
983. for what's happening
in the streets.
Copy !req
984. - The chaos!
- He's lying!
Copy !req
985. No testimony
can be more damning
Copy !req
986. than one brother
against another.
Copy !req
987. That's a lie!
He always lies!
Copy !req
988. He can be very persuasive.
Copy !req
989. So?
What will they do to me?
Copy !req
990. Oh, I don't dare imagine.
But imagine this:
Copy !req
991. What will they do to Dondus?
Copy !req
992. What will they do
Copy !req
993. to Dondus?
Copy !req
994. It's your decision.
Copy !req
995. Brother.
Copy !req
996. Put down the blade.
Copy !req
997. You lie.
Copy !req
998. - Give it to me.
- You always lie!
Copy !req
999. Give it...
Copy !req
1000. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Copy !req
1001. - Lie!
- Listen to me. Break the spell.
Copy !req
1002. - Lie!
- Break the spell!
Copy !req
1003. I've always protected you.
Because I love you.
Copy !req
1004. Come back. Help me.
Copy !req
1005. Lucius.
Copy !req
1006. Never could have imagined
the fates would lead us here.
Copy !req
1007. And yet here we are.
Copy !req
1008. Everything has
brought us full circle.
Copy !req
1009. You sent me away
and yet fate
Copy !req
1010. brought me back
to the very ground where he died.
Copy !req
1011. This ring...
Copy !req
1012. belonged to my father.
Copy !req
1013. He gave it to your father,
Copy !req
1014. as a token of trust.
Copy !req
1015. I gave it to Acacius
for his valor.
Copy !req
1016. This ring belonged to my wife.
Copy !req
1017. I shall wear it next to yours.
Copy !req
1018. I am truly sorry for Acacius.
Copy !req
1019. I could not see the man.
Copy !req
1020. He was a soldier of Rome.
Copy !req
1021. There was a plan.
Copy !req
1022. He was readying troops
at Ostia
Copy !req
1023. under the command
of Darius Sextus.
Copy !req
1024. Troops he was to lead
against the emperors.
Copy !req
1025. Acacius. Maximus.
Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
1026. They lived and died
for Rome.
Copy !req
1027. We all do.
Copy !req
1028. Is it true
they intend to kill you?
Copy !req
1029. One man or another
has had a sword against my neck
Copy !req
1030. since the day
my father died.
Copy !req
1031. But now
that I've found you,
Copy !req
1032. it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
1033. I am not afraid.
Copy !req
1034. I've become well versed
in losing the things that I love.
Copy !req
1035. But now that I've found you,
Copy !req
1036. I have no desire
to lose you again.
Copy !req
1037. - You stand like him.
- Mm.
Copy !req
1038. Alert.
Copy !req
1039. Proud.
Copy !req
1040. I do not have his strength.
Copy !req
1041. I wish that were true.
Copy !req
1042. I wish I were telling you
to flee this place.
Copy !req
1043. Go now.
Copy !req
1044. Strength and honor.
Copy !req
1045. Strength and honor.
Copy !req
1046. As Emperor,
Copy !req
1047. I have convened
Copy !req
1048. the Senate to appoint
my First Consul
Copy !req
1049. and bestow upon him the power
to administer the military
Copy !req
1050. and civic functions
of the Empire.
Copy !req
1051. I name...
Copy !req
1052. Citizen Dondus!
Copy !req
1053. Hail Dondus!
Copy !req
1054. Hail Dondus!
Copy !req
1055. - Hail Dondus.
- Hail Dondus!
Copy !req
1056. Hail Dondus!
Copy !req
1057. As Second Consul...
Copy !req
1058. I name...
Copy !req
1059. Citizen...
Copy !req
1060. Macrinus!
Copy !req
1061. Hail Macrinus!
Copy !req
1062. Hail Macrinus!
Copy !req
1063. Hail Macrinus!
Copy !req
1064. There will be
a triumphal parade to celebrate.
Copy !req
1065. There will be games
Copy !req
1066. and mass executions.
Copy !req
1067. Long live the Empire!
Copy !req
1068. Long live the Empire!
Copy !req
1069. Long live the Empire!
Copy !req
1070. Sit down.
Copy !req
1071. I happen to have...
Copy !req
1072. with good fortune
and not a little skill...
Copy !req
1073. the remaining emperor's ear.
Copy !req
1074. I can speak logic to it...
Copy !req
1075. and tame the madness
in the street. But...
Copy !req
1076. to restore order...
Copy !req
1077. I must have power...
Copy !req
1078. and command
Copy !req
1079. over the Praetorian Army.
Copy !req
1080. Ballot...
Copy !req
1081. or hand?
Copy !req
1082. - Aye!
- Aye!
Copy !req
1083. Your humble servant.
Copy !req
1084. Put your hands down.
Copy !req
1085. You can sit down.
Copy !req
1086. Rome must fall.
Copy !req
1087. I need only
give it a push.
Copy !req
1088. And after Rome falls...
Copy !req
1089. what then?
Copy !req
1090. You are
your father's child.
Copy !req
1091. His dream of Rome
was never a dream.
Copy !req
1092. It was a fiction.
Copy !req
1093. "The best revenge is
Copy !req
1094. to become unlike the one
who did the injury."
Copy !req
1095. I have made myself
unlike your father.
Copy !req
1096. He spoke of dreams,
I speak of truth.
Copy !req
1097. And the only truth
in my Rome
Copy !req
1098. is the law
of the strongest.
Copy !req
1099. I was owned
Copy !req
1100. by an emperor.
Copy !req
1101. Now I control an empire.
Copy !req
1102. Where else but in Rome
can a man do that?
Copy !req
1103. Do you recognize
your father's mark on me?
Copy !req
1104. If there is anything
Copy !req
1105. you need...
Copy !req
1106. in these last hours,
Copy !req
1107. we will provide.
Copy !req
1108. Your death will clear my path
to the throne.
Copy !req
1109. Tomorrow
there will be games.
Copy !req
1110. And at them...
Copy !req
1111. I will prevail.
Copy !req
1112. Ravi!
Copy !req
1113. Can you get me a message
to Ostia by morning?
Copy !req
1114. What is in Ostia?
Copy !req
1115. There is an army.
Copy !req
1116. I'm asking you
to risk yourself, my friend,
Copy !req
1117. in the service
of something greater.
Copy !req
1118. Ride to Ostia.
Copy !req
1119. Take this ring
to General Darius Sextus.
Copy !req
1120. Are you listening?
Copy !req
1121. Darius Sextus.
Copy !req
1122. He will know it
as Acacius's ring.
Copy !req
1123. And, uh,
Copy !req
1124. who shall I say has
Copy !req
1125. sent me with this ring?
Copy !req
1126. I am Lucius Verus Aurelius.
Copy !req
1127. The Prince of Rome.
Copy !req
1128. Tell him
I am summoning the army
Copy !req
1129. to the defense
of a new Republic.
Copy !req
1130. - Should I trust you?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1131. Should I? Yes.
Copy !req
1132. Ravi! I need your keys.
Copy !req
1133. Thank you.
Copy !req
1134. Stop! Come back!
Copy !req
1135. Who gave you this?
Copy !req
1136. Lucius Verus Aurelius.
Copy !req
1137. The Prince of Rome.
Copy !req
1138. Must we kill Lucilla?
Copy !req
1139. Until she dies,
you will never know peace.
Copy !req
1140. Ever.
Copy !req
1141. The people love her.
Her death will incite the mob.
Copy !req
1142. If she dies and the streets
rise up in anger,
Copy !req
1143. I shall deliver them
Caracalla's head
Copy !req
1144. and the people
shall acclaim me.
Copy !req
1145. That, my friend,
is politics.
Copy !req
1146. - Shall we?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1147. Today will be
your last fight, champion.
Copy !req
1148. And our master
has bestowed on you...
Copy !req
1149. the wooden sword of freedom.
Copy !req
1150. But you have to
earn it first.
Copy !req
1151. Today, you're gonna
defend your mother.
Copy !req
1152. Wood or steel,
a point is still a point!
Copy !req
1153. Wait for me.
Copy !req
1154. In honor
Copy !req
1155. of the acclamation
of Emperor Caracalla,
Copy !req
1156. First Consul Dondus
and Second Consul Macrinus,
Copy !req
1157. and as punishment
for her conspiracy against the empire,
Copy !req
1158. for her calumnies against
the emperor's imperial bloodline
Copy !req
1159. and for fomenting
military mutiny
Copy !req
1160. along with her husband,
Copy !req
1161. the queen will face
divine justice
Copy !req
1162. at the hands
of the Praetorian Guard.
Copy !req
1163. I am not a general.
Copy !req
1164. But we are all soldiers.
Copy !req
1165. And up until now,
Copy !req
1166. we have fought for nothing more
than another day's survival.
Copy !req
1167. What will you
have us do?
Copy !req
1168. Well, you can return
to your cells
Copy !req
1169. if you do not wish
to fight this battle.
Copy !req
1170. Or...
Copy !req
1171. you can join me.
Copy !req
1172. And fight for a freedom
far beyond these walls.
Copy !req
1173. Aye!
Copy !req
1174. There once was a time when
honor meant something in Rome.
Copy !req
1175. In this Rome
Copy !req
1176. I no longer believe
that exists.
Copy !req
1177. We must find it!
Copy !req
1178. And know this:
Copy !req
1179. Where death is, we are not.
Copy !req
1180. Where we are,
Copy !req
1181. death is not!
Copy !req
1182. By my sword.
Copy !req
1183. Strength and honor.
Copy !req
1184. Strength and honor!
Copy !req
1185. Strength and honor!
Copy !req
1186. Strength and honor!
Copy !req
1187. Let it not be said
Copy !req
1188. that the emperor
is not merciful.
Copy !req
1189. The queen will be granted
a single gladiator
Copy !req
1190. to defend her against
the Praetorian Guard.
Copy !req
1191. The champion, Hanno!
Copy !req
1192. Hanno! Hanno! Hanno!
Copy !req
1193. Yes!
Copy !req
1194. Summon the cavalry.
Put this down at once.
Copy !req
1195. This is war! Real war!
Copy !req
1196. The army of Acacius
is advancing just outside of Rome, sir.
Copy !req
1197. We can still
outflank them.
Copy !req
1198. They have only
5,000 troops, no more.
Copy !req
1199. How many are we?
Copy !req
1200. Six thousand.
Perhaps more.
Copy !req
1201. Ride to the gate
and hold them.
Copy !req
1202. Filthy scum!
Copy !req
1203. Lucius!
Copy !req
1204. Give me the bow.
Copy !req
1205. Go, my son. Lucius...
Copy !req
1206. Shh-sh-sh-sh...
Copy !req
1207. Horse!
Copy !req
1208. Will nothing
kill this barbarian?
Copy !req
1209. My name is
Lucius Verus Aurelius!
Copy !req
1210. A man does not
become emperor by bloodline alone.
Copy !req
1211. It must be taken by force
and kept by force.
Copy !req
1212. Are you such a man
as this?
Copy !req
1213. I don't fight for power.
Copy !req
1214. I fight to free Rome
from men like you
Copy !req
1215. and to return it to them.
Copy !req
1216. The gods themselves
want Rome reborn.
Copy !req
1217. They sent me...
to fulfill that task.
Copy !req
1218. And what if your gods
sent me here to kill you?
Copy !req
1219. Huh?
Copy !req
1220. It's time to end this, Macrinus!
Copy !req
1221. Hah!
Copy !req
1222. Strength and honor,
Copy !req
1223. my son.
Copy !req
1224. You look to me to speak.
Copy !req
1225. I know not what
to say other than
Copy !req
1226. we have all known
too much death.
Copy !req
1227. Let no more blood be spilt
in the name of tyranny.
Copy !req
1228. My grandfather,
Marcus Aurelius,
Copy !req
1229. talked of a dream
that would be Rome.
Copy !req
1230. A dream that my father,
Copy !req
1231. Maximus Decimus Meridius,
Copy !req
1232. died for.
Copy !req
1233. An ideal.
Copy !req
1234. A city for the many and a refuge
for those in need.
Copy !req
1235. A home worth fighting for.
Copy !req
1236. A home that Maximus
spent his life defending.
Copy !req
1237. That dream is lost.
Copy !req
1238. But dare we...
Copy !req
1239. rebuild that dream
Copy !req
1240. What say you?
Copy !req
1241. Aye!
Copy !req
1242. Aye!
Copy !req
1243. Aye!
Copy !req
1244. Aye! Aye! Aye! Aye!
Copy !req
1245. Mother.
Copy !req
1246. Speak to me, Father.
Copy !req