1. Sir.
Copy !req
2. General.
Copy !req
3. General.
Copy !req
4. General.
Copy !req
5. Sir.
Copy !req
6. General.
Copy !req
7. Sir.
Copy !req
8. Lean and hungry.
Copy !req
9. - Still nothing?
- Not a sign.
Copy !req
10. - How long has he been gone?
- Nearly two hours.
Copy !req
11. Will they fight, sir?
Copy !req
12. We shall know soon enough.
Copy !req
13. Soldier, I ordered you
to move those catapults forward.
Copy !req
14. - They're out of range.
- Range is good.
Copy !req
15. - The danger to the cavalry...
- Is acceptable. Agreed?
Copy !req
16. They say no.
Copy !req
17. People should know
when they're conquered.
Copy !req
18. Would you, Quintus?
Copy !req
19. Would I?
Copy !req
20. - Strength and honor.
- Strength and honor.
Copy !req
21. Strength and Honor.
Copy !req
22. At my signal, unleash hell.
Copy !req
23. Load the catapults.
Copy !req
24. Infantry form up for advance.
Copy !req
25. - Archers ready.
- Archers!
Copy !req
26. - Nock!
- Nock!
Copy !req
27. Fratres!
Copy !req
28. - Maximus!
- Maximus!
Copy !req
29. Three weeks from now,
I will be harvesting my crops.
Copy !req
30. Imagine where you will be,
and it will be so.
Copy !req
31. Hold the line! Stay with me!
Copy !req
32. If you find yourself alone,
Copy !req
33. riding in green fields
with the sun on your face,
Copy !req
34. do not be troubled.
Copy !req
35. For you are in Elysium,
and you're already dead!
Copy !req
36. Brothers,
Copy !req
37. what we do in life
Copy !req
38. echoes in eternity.
Copy !req
39. Pull!
Copy !req
40. Cohorts ready, sir!
Copy !req
41. Archers, ignite!
Copy !req
42. - Ignite!
- Ignite!
Copy !req
43. Archers, draw!
Copy !req
44. Loose!
Copy !req
45. All right, men, ready!
Copy !req
46. Hold the line!
Copy !req
47. Loose!
Copy !req
48. Reload!
Copy !req
49. Hold the line!
Copy !req
50. - Draw!
- Loose!
Copy !req
51. Stay with me!
Copy !req
52. Stay with me!
Copy !req
53. Roma victor!
Copy !req
54. Roma victor!
Copy !req
55. Do you think he's really dying?
Copy !req
56. He's been dying for 10 years.
Copy !req
57. If he weren't really dying,
he wouldn't have sent for us.
Copy !req
58. Maybe he just misses us.
Copy !req
59. And the senators?
He wouldn't have summoned them if...
Copy !req
60. Peace, Commodus.
Copy !req
61. After two weeks on the road,
Copy !req
62. your incessant scheming
is hurting my head.
Copy !req
63. He's made his decision.
He's going to announce it.
Copy !req
64. He will name me.
Copy !req
65. The first thing I shall do when...
Copy !req
66. Is honor him with games
worthy of His Majesty.
Copy !req
67. For now, the first thing I shall do
is have a hot bath.
Copy !req
68. Your Highness?
Copy !req
69. We seem to be almost there, sir.
Copy !req
70. - Sire.
- Where's the Emperor?
Copy !req
71. He's at the front, sire.
They've been gone for 19 days.
Copy !req
72. The wounded are still coming in.
Copy !req
73. My horse.
Copy !req
74. My lord.
Copy !req
75. Kiss?
Copy !req
76. You have proved your valor
yet again, Maximus.
Copy !req
77. Let us hope, for the last time.
Copy !req
78. There's no one left to fight, sire.
Copy !req
79. There is always someone left to fight.
Copy !req
80. How can I reward
Rome's greatest general?
Copy !req
81. Let me go home.
Copy !req
82. Ah!
Copy !req
83. Home.
Copy !req
84. They honor you, Caesar.
Copy !req
85. It's for you, Maximus. They honor you.
Copy !req
86. Have I missed it?
Have I missed the battle?
Copy !req
87. You have missed the war.
Copy !req
88. Father, congratulations.
Copy !req
89. I shall sacrifice 100 bulls
to honor your triumph.
Copy !req
90. Save the bulls.
Copy !req
91. Honor Maximus. He won the battle.
Copy !req
92. - General.
- Highness.
Copy !req
93. Rome salutes you,
and I embrace you as a brother.
Copy !req
94. It has been too long, my old friend.
Copy !req
95. Highness.
Copy !req
96. Here, Father. Take my arm.
Copy !req
97. I think it is time for me to leave.
Copy !req
98. So much for the glory of Rome.
Copy !req
99. Magnificent battle.
Copy !req
100. General. Still alive?
Copy !req
101. Still alive.
Copy !req
102. The gods must have a sense of humor.
Copy !req
103. - The gods must love you.
- Valerius.
Copy !req
104. Back to barracks, General?
Or to Rome?
Copy !req
105. Home. My wife, my son, the harvest.
Copy !req
106. Maximus the farmer.
I still have difficulty imagining that.
Copy !req
107. You know, dirt cleans off
a lot easier than blood, Quintus.
Copy !req
108. - Here he is.
- Highness.
Copy !req
109. Senator Gaius, Senator Falco.
Copy !req
110. Beware of Gaius. He'll pour
a honeyed potion in your ear,
Copy !req
111. and you'll wake up one day and all you'll
say is, "Republic, republic, republic."
Copy !req
112. Well, why not?
Rome was founded as a republic.
Copy !req
113. Yes, and in a republic
the senate has the power.
Copy !req
114. But Senator Gaius
isn't influenced by that, of course.
Copy !req
115. Where do you stand, General?
Emperor or Senate?
Copy !req
116. A soldier has the advantage
Copy !req
117. of being able to
look his enemy in the eye, Senator.
Copy !req
118. Well, with an army behind you,
you could be extremely political.
Copy !req
119. I warned you. Now I shall save you.
Copy !req
120. Maximus.
Copy !req
121. I'm going to need good men like you.
Copy !req
122. How may I be of service, Highness?
Copy !req
123. You're a man who knows what it is
to command.
Copy !req
124. You give your orders, the orders
are obeyed, and the battle is won.
Copy !req
125. But these senators scheme, squabble
and flatter and deceive.
Copy !req
126. Maximus, we must save Rome
from the politicians, my friend.
Copy !req
127. Can I count on you
when the time comes?
Copy !req
128. Highness, when your father releases
me, I intend to return home.
Copy !req
129. Home? Well, no one's earned it more.
Copy !req
130. Don't get too comfortable.
I may call on you before long.
Copy !req
131. Lucilla's here. Did you know?
Copy !req
132. She's not forgotten you.
Copy !req
133. And now, you're the great man.
Copy !req
134. If only you had been born a man,
Copy !req
135. what a Caesar you would have made.
Copy !req
136. Father.
Copy !req
137. You would have been strong.
Copy !req
138. I wonder, would you have been just?
Copy !req
139. I would have been
what you taught me to be.
Copy !req
140. How was your journey?
Copy !req
141. Long. Uncomfortable.
Why have I come?
Copy !req
142. I need your help. With your brother.
Copy !req
143. Of course.
Copy !req
144. He loves you. He always has.
Copy !req
145. And
Copy !req
146. he will need you now, more than ever.
Copy !req
147. Enough of politics.
Copy !req
148. Let us pretend
that you are a loving daughter,
Copy !req
149. and I am a good father.
Copy !req
150. This is a pleasant fiction, isn't it?
Copy !req
151. Good morning to you.
Copy !req
152. I need three more horses.
Copy !req
153. One! Two! Three!
Copy !req
154. Four!
Copy !req
155. One! Two!
Copy !req
156. You sent for me, Caesar?
Copy !req
157. - Caesar?
- Tell me again, Maximus.
Copy !req
158. Why are we here?
Copy !req
159. For the glory of the empire, sire.
Copy !req
160. Yes.
Copy !req
161. Yes, I remember.
Copy !req
162. Do you see that map, Maximus?
Copy !req
163. That is the world which I created.
Copy !req
164. For 25 years,
Copy !req
165. I have conquered, spilt blood,
expanded the empire.
Copy !req
166. Since I became Caesar,
I've known four years without war.
Copy !req
167. Four years of peace in 20.
Copy !req
168. And for what?
Copy !req
169. I brought the sword. Nothing more.
Copy !req
170. Caesar, your life...
Copy !req
171. Please. Please don't call me that.
Copy !req
172. Come. Please.
Copy !req
173. Come sit.
Copy !req
174. Let us talk together now,
Copy !req
175. very simply, as men.
Copy !req
176. Well, Maximus,
Copy !req
177. talk.
Copy !req
178. Five thousand of my men are out there
in the freezing mud.
Copy !req
179. Three thousand of them
are bloodied and cleaved.
Copy !req
180. Two thousand will
never leave this place.
Copy !req
181. I will not believe that they fought
and died for nothing.
Copy !req
182. And what would you believe?
Copy !req
183. They fought for you and for Rome.
Copy !req
184. And what is Rome, Maximus?
Copy !req
185. I've seen much of the rest of the world.
Copy !req
186. It is brutal and cruel and dark.
Rome is the light.
Copy !req
187. Yet you have never been there.
Copy !req
188. You have not seen what it has become.
Copy !req
189. I am dying, Maximus.
Copy !req
190. When a man sees his end,
Copy !req
191. he wants to know there was
some purpose to his life.
Copy !req
192. How will the world speak my name
in years to come?
Copy !req
193. Will I be known as the philosopher?
Copy !req
194. The warrior?
Copy !req
195. The tyrant?
Copy !req
196. Or will I be the Emperor
who gave Rome back her true self?
Copy !req
197. There was once a dream
that was Rome.
Copy !req
198. You could only whisper it.
Copy !req
199. Anything more than a whisper
and it would vanish,
Copy !req
200. it was so fragile.
Copy !req
201. And I fear that it will not survive
the winter.
Copy !req
202. Maximus,
Copy !req
203. let us whisper now,
Copy !req
204. together, you and I.
Copy !req
205. You have a son.
Copy !req
206. Tell me about your home.
Copy !req
207. My house is in the hills above Trujillo.
Copy !req
208. A very simple place.
Copy !req
209. Pink stones that warm in the sun.
Copy !req
210. A kitchen garden
that smells of herbs in the day,
Copy !req
211. jasmine in the evening.
Copy !req
212. Through the gate is a giant poplar.
Copy !req
213. Figs, apples, pears.
Copy !req
214. The soil, Marcus, black.
Black like my wife's hair.
Copy !req
215. Grapes on the south slopes,
olives on the north.
Copy !req
216. Wild ponies play near my house.
They tease my son.
Copy !req
217. He wants to be one of them.
Copy !req
218. When was the last time
you were home?
Copy !req
219. Two years, 264 days and this morning.
Copy !req
220. I envy you, Maximus. It's a good home.
Copy !req
221. Worth fighting for.
Copy !req
222. There is one more duty
Copy !req
223. that I ask of you before you go home.
Copy !req
224. What would you have me do, Caesar?
Copy !req
225. I want you to become
the protector of Rome after I die.
Copy !req
226. I will empower you to one end alone,
Copy !req
227. to give power back
to the people of Rome,
Copy !req
228. and end the corruption
that has crippled it.
Copy !req
229. Will you accept this great honor
that I have offered you?
Copy !req
230. With all my heart, no.
Copy !req
231. Maximus,
Copy !req
232. that is why it must be you.
Copy !req
233. But surely a prefect, a senator,
Copy !req
234. somebody who knows the city,
who understands her politics.
Copy !req
235. But you have not been corrupted
by her politics.
Copy !req
236. - And Commodus?
- Commodus is not a moral man.
Copy !req
237. You have known that
since you were young.
Copy !req
238. Commodus cannot rule.
Copy !req
239. He must not rule.
Copy !req
240. You are the son that I should have had.
Copy !req
241. Commodus will accept my decision.
Copy !req
242. He knows that you command
the loyalty of the army.
Copy !req
243. I need some time, sire.
Copy !req
244. Yes.
Copy !req
245. By sunset, I hope you will have agreed.
Copy !req
246. Now embrace me as my son.
Copy !req
247. And bring an old man another blanket.
Copy !req
248. - My father favors you now.
- My lady.
Copy !req
249. - It was not always so.
- Many things change.
Copy !req
250. Many things. Not everything.
Copy !req
251. Maximus, stop.
Copy !req
252. Let me see your face.
Copy !req
253. - You seem upset.
- I lost many men.
Copy !req
254. What did my father want with you?
Copy !req
255. To wish me well before I leave for home.
Copy !req
256. You're lying.
Copy !req
257. I could always tell when you were lying,
because you were never any good at it.
Copy !req
258. - I never acquired your comfort with it.
- True.
Copy !req
259. But then you never had to.
Copy !req
260. Life is more simple for a soldier.
Copy !req
261. Or do you think me heartless?
Copy !req
262. I think you have a talent for survival.
Copy !req
263. Maximus, stop.
Copy !req
264. Is it really so terrible seeing me again?
Copy !req
265. No. I'm tired from battle.
Copy !req
266. It hurts you to see my father so fragile.
Copy !req
267. Commodus expects that my father will
announce his succession within days.
Copy !req
268. Will you serve my brother
as you served his father?
Copy !req
269. I will always serve Rome.
Copy !req
270. Do you know,
Copy !req
271. I still remember you in my prayers.
Copy !req
272. Oh, yes. I pray.
Copy !req
273. I was sad to hear of your husband's
death. I mourned him.
Copy !req
274. - Thank you.
- And I hear you have a son.
Copy !req
275. Yes. Lucius.
Copy !req
276. He'll be nearly eight years old.
Copy !req
277. My son is also nearly eight.
Copy !req
278. I thank you for your prayers.
Copy !req
279. Ancestors, I ask for your guidance.
Copy !req
280. Blessed Mother, come to me
with the gods' desire for my future.
Copy !req
281. Blessed Father, watch over my wife
and son with a ready sword.
Copy !req
282. Whisper to them,
I live only to hold them again.
Copy !req
283. Ancestors, I honor you,
Copy !req
284. and will try to live
with the dignity you have taught me.
Copy !req
285. Cicero.
Copy !req
286. Sir.
Copy !req
287. Do you ever find it hard to do your duty?
Copy !req
288. Sometimes I do what I want to do.
Copy !req
289. The rest of the time, I do what I have to.
Copy !req
290. We may not be able to go home,
after all.
Copy !req
291. Are you ready to do your duty for Rome?
Copy !req
292. Yes, Father.
Copy !req
293. You will not be emperor.
Copy !req
294. Which wiser, older man
is to take my place?
Copy !req
295. My powers will pass to Maximus,
Copy !req
296. to hold in trust,
Copy !req
297. until the Senate is ready to rule
once more.
Copy !req
298. Rome is to be a republic again.
Copy !req
299. - Maximus.
- Yes.
Copy !req
300. My decision disappoints you?
Copy !req
301. You wrote to me once,
Copy !req
302. listing the four chief virtues.
Copy !req
303. Wisdom,
Copy !req
304. justice,
Copy !req
305. fortitude,
Copy !req
306. and temperance.
Copy !req
307. As I read the list,
I knew I had none of them.
Copy !req
308. But I have other virtues, Father.
Copy !req
309. Ambition.
Copy !req
310. That can be a virtue
when it drives us to excel.
Copy !req
311. Resourcefulness, courage.
Copy !req
312. Perhaps not on the battlefield,
but there are many forms of courage.
Copy !req
313. Devotion to my family,
Copy !req
314. to you.
Copy !req
315. But none of my virtues were on your list.
Copy !req
316. Even then it was as if
you didn't want me for your son.
Copy !req
317. Commodus,
Copy !req
318. you go too far.
Copy !req
319. I searched the faces of the gods
Copy !req
320. for ways to please you,
to make you proud.
Copy !req
321. One kind word,
Copy !req
322. one full hug,
Copy !req
323. where you pressed me to your chest
and held me tight,
Copy !req
324. would have been like the sun
on my heart for 1,000 years.
Copy !req
325. What is it in me you hate so much?
Copy !req
326. Shh... Commodus.
Copy !req
327. All I've ever wanted
Copy !req
328. was to live up to you, Caesar.
Copy !req
329. - Father.
- Commodus,
Copy !req
330. your faults as a son
Copy !req
331. is my failure as a father.
Copy !req
332. Come.
Copy !req
333. Father.
Copy !req
334. I would butcher the whole world,
Copy !req
335. if you would only have loved me!
Copy !req
336. Maximus, the Emperor needs you.
It's urgent.
Copy !req
337. Lament with me, brother.
Copy !req
338. Our great father is dead.
Copy !req
339. How did he die?
Copy !req
340. The surgeons say there was no pain.
Copy !req
341. His breath gave out as he slept.
Copy !req
342. Father.
Copy !req
343. Your emperor asks for your loyalty,
Copy !req
344. Take my hand.
Copy !req
345. I only offer it once.
Copy !req
346. Quintus.
Copy !req
347. Hail, Caesar.
Copy !req
348. I must talk to the senators.
I need their counsel.
Copy !req
349. - Wake Gaius and Falco.
- Gaius and Falco.
Copy !req
350. - Sword.
- Sword.
Copy !req
351. Maximus, please be careful.
That was not prudent.
Copy !req
352. Prudent? The Emperor has been slain.
Copy !req
353. The emperor died of natural causes.
Copy !req
354. - Why are you armed, Quintus?
- Guards!
Copy !req
355. Please don't fight, Maximus.
Copy !req
356. I'm sorry. Caesar has spoken.
Copy !req
357. Ride until dawn,
Copy !req
358. and then execute him.
Copy !req
359. Quintus, look at me. Look at me!
Copy !req
360. Promise me
that you will look after my family.
Copy !req
361. Your family will meet you in the afterlife.
Copy !req
362. Kneel.
Copy !req
363. Blessed Father,
watch over my wife and son.
Copy !req
364. Whisper to them
that I live only to hold them again.
Copy !req
365. At least give me a clean death.
Copy !req
366. A soldier's death.
Copy !req
367. The frost,
sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Copy !req
368. Praetorian!
Copy !req
369. When was
the last time you were home?
Copy !req
370. Two years, 264 days and this morning.
Copy !req
371. Blessed Father, watch over my wife
and son with a ready sword.
Copy !req
372. I will try to live
with the dignity you have taught me.
Copy !req
373. Whisper to them,
I live only to hold them again.
Copy !req
374. with a ready sword,
for all else is dust and air.
Copy !req
375. Whisper to them,
I live only to hold them again.
Copy !req
376. For all else is dust and air.
Copy !req
377. Papa!
Copy !req
378. Don't die.
Copy !req
379. You'll meet them again.
Copy !req
380. Not yet.
Copy !req
381. No. They will clean it. Wait and see.
Copy !req
382. Don't die.
Copy !req
383. They'll feed you to the lions.
Copy !req
384. They are worth more than we are.
Copy !req
385. Better now?
Copy !req
386. Clean. You see?
Copy !req
387. Proximo! My old friend.
Copy !req
388. Every day is a great day
when you are here,
Copy !req
389. but today is your most fortunate day.
Copy !req
390. Those giraffes you sold me,
they won't mate.
Copy !req
391. They just walk around eating
and not mating.
Copy !req
392. You sold me queer giraffes.
Copy !req
393. - I want my money back.
- Not a chance.
Copy !req
394. - I do special price for you.
- On what?
Copy !req
395. Have you seen my new stock?
Come and see them.
Copy !req
396. Do any of them fight?
I've got a match coming up.
Copy !req
397. Some are good for fighting,
others for dying.
Copy !req
398. You need both, I think.
Copy !req
399. Get up.
Copy !req
400. What's your trade?
Copy !req
401. I was a hunter.
Copy !req
402. No, I bought him from a salt mine
in Carthage.
Copy !req
403. Sit down.
Copy !req
404. Mark of the legion.
Copy !req
405. Deserter.
Copy !req
406. Maybe so, but who cares?
Copy !req
407. He's a Spaniard.
Copy !req
408. I'll take six. For 1,000.
Copy !req
409. 1,000?
The Numidian alone is worth 2,000.
Copy !req
410. These slaves are rotten.
Copy !req
411. It all adds to the flavor.
No, no, no, wait! Wait!
Copy !req
412. I can negotiate.
Copy !req
413. I'll give you 2,000,
and 4,000 for the beasts.
Copy !req
414. That's 5,000 for an old friend.
Copy !req
415. Come on! How long does it take
to get into my own house?
Copy !req
416. I am Proximo.
Copy !req
417. I shall be closer to you
for the next few days,
Copy !req
418. which will be the last
of your miserable lives,
Copy !req
419. than that bitch of a mother that
brought you screaming into this world.
Copy !req
420. I did not pay good money for you
for your company.
Copy !req
421. I paid it so that I could profit
from your death.
Copy !req
422. And as your mother was there
at your beginning,
Copy !req
423. so I shall be there at your end.
Copy !req
424. And when you die, and die you shall,
Copy !req
425. your transition shall be to the sound of...
Copy !req
426. Gladiators,
Copy !req
427. I salute you.
Copy !req
428. Red.
Copy !req
429. Yellow.
Copy !req
430. Yellow.
Copy !req
431. Good.
Copy !req
432. - Red.
- Red.
Copy !req
433. Spaniard.
Copy !req
434. That's enough for the moment!
Copy !req
435. His time will come.
Copy !req
436. Next.
Copy !req
437. Spaniard,
Copy !req
438. why don't you fight?
Copy !req
439. We all have to fight.
Copy !req
440. Well, I don't fight.
Copy !req
441. I shouldn't be here, I'm a scribe,
I write down words,
Copy !req
442. and speak seven languages.
Copy !req
443. Good.
Copy !req
444. Tomorrow, you can scream
in seven languages.
Copy !req
445. Perhaps the scribe will be
the one who wins his freedom.
Copy !req
446. Freedom?
Copy !req
447. What do I have to do?
Copy !req
448. You go in the arena and you kill me.
Copy !req
449. And him,
Copy !req
450. and the Numidian,
Copy !req
451. and the deserter.
Copy !req
452. And 100 more.
Copy !req
453. And when there's no more to fight,
you're free.
Copy !req
454. I can't do that.
Copy !req
455. No?
Copy !req
456. But I can.
Copy !req
457. Is that the sign of your gods?
Copy !req
458. Will that not anger them?
Copy !req
459. The gods favor you.
Copy !req
460. Red is the gods' color.
Copy !req
461. You will need their help today.
Copy !req
462. Proximo!
Copy !req
463. Still leading with the German?
Copy !req
464. The crowd love a barbarian.
Copy !req
465. Besides that, he's making me rich.
Copy !req
466. Has that Numidian fought before?
Copy !req
467. No, first time.
Copy !req
468. And that one, laborer, soldier?
Copy !req
469. He's a Spaniard.
Copy !req
470. He might as well be a eunuch
for what he brings to the ring.
Copy !req
471. 500 sestertii, the Numidian
and Spaniard team makes it through.
Copy !req
472. And 1,000, that the Numidian
makes it through alone.
Copy !req
473. Are you asking me
to bet against my own man?
Copy !req
474. It's unethical.
Copy !req
475. What if I make it 2,000?
Copy !req
476. Some of you are thinking you won't fight,
Copy !req
477. some that you can't fight.
Copy !req
478. They all say that until they're out there.
Copy !req
479. Listen.
Copy !req
480. - Kill! Kill! Kill!
- Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
481. Thrust this into another man's flesh,
Copy !req
482. and they will applaud and love you
for that.
Copy !req
483. And you,
Copy !req
484. you may begin to love them
Copy !req
485. for that.
Copy !req
486. Ultimately, we're all dead men.
Copy !req
487. Sadly, we cannot choose how,
Copy !req
488. but we can decide
how we meet that end,
Copy !req
489. in order that we are remembered
Copy !req
490. as men.
Copy !req
491. Come on!
Copy !req
492. On the left, draw your shields!
Copy !req
493. On the right, draw your swords!
Copy !req
494. - Kill! Kill! Kill!
- Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
495. Pair them up, red with yellow.
Copy !req
496. Next!
Copy !req
497. Move!
Copy !req
498. Usurper!
Copy !req
499. - Go away!
- You'll never rule us, Commodus!
Copy !req
500. He enters Rome like a conquering hero.
But what has he conquered?
Copy !req
501. Give him time, Gracchus. He's young.
Copy !req
502. I think he could do very well.
Copy !req
503. For Rome, or for you?
Copy !req
504. Go to your mother, Lucius.
It's what she'd like.
Copy !req
505. - Lucius!
- Mother!
Copy !req
506. Hail, Caesar.
Copy !req
507. Senators.
Copy !req
508. Rome greets her new emperor.
Copy !req
509. Your loyal subjects bid you welcome,
Copy !req
510. Thank you, Falco.
Copy !req
511. And for the loyal subjects,
I trust they weren't too expensive.
Copy !req
512. - Caesar.
- Gracchus.
Copy !req
513. All Rome rejoices in your return,
Copy !req
514. There are many matters
that require your attention.
Copy !req
515. To order, please. To order.
Copy !req
516. For your guidance, Caesar,
Copy !req
517. the Senate has prepared
a series of protocols
Copy !req
518. to begin addressing
the many problems in the city,
Copy !req
519. beginning with basic sanitation
for the Greek Quarter,
Copy !req
520. to combat the plague
which is already springing up there.
Copy !req
521. So, if Caesar...
Copy !req
522. Don't you see, Gracchus?
Copy !req
523. That's the very problem, isn't it?
Copy !req
524. My father spent all his time at study,
Copy !req
525. at books of learning and philosophy.
Copy !req
526. He spent his twilight hours
reading scrolls from the Senate.
Copy !req
527. And all the while,
the people were forgotten.
Copy !req
528. But the senate is the people, sire,
Copy !req
529. chosen from among the people
to speak for the people.
Copy !req
530. I doubt many of the people
eat so well as you do, Gracchus.
Copy !req
531. Or have such splendid mistresses,
Copy !req
532. I think I understand my own people.
Copy !req
533. Then perhaps Caesar will be so good
as to teach us,
Copy !req
534. out of his own extensive experience.
Copy !req
535. I call it love.
Copy !req
536. I am their father.
The people are my children.
Copy !req
537. And I shall hold them to my bosom
and embrace them tightly.
Copy !req
538. Have you ever embraced
someone dying of plague, sire?
Copy !req
539. No, but if you interrupt me again,
Copy !req
540. I assure you that you shall.
Copy !req
541. Senator, my brother is very tired.
Copy !req
542. Leave your list with me.
Caesar shall do all that Rome requires.
Copy !req
543. My lady, as always, your lightest
touch commands obedience.
Copy !req
544. Who are they to lecture me?
Copy !req
545. Commodus, the Senate has its uses.
Copy !req
546. What uses? All they do is talk.
Copy !req
547. It should be just you and me and Rome.
Copy !req
548. Don't even think it.
There's always been a Senate.
Copy !req
549. Rome has changed.
Copy !req
550. It takes an emperor to rule an empire.
Copy !req
551. Of course, but leave the people their...
Copy !req
552. Illusions?
Copy !req
553. Traditions.
Copy !req
554. My father's war against the barbarians.
Copy !req
555. He said it himself, it achieved nothing.
But the people loved him.
Copy !req
556. The people always love victories.
Copy !req
557. Why? They didn't see the battles.
Copy !req
558. What do they care about Germania?
Copy !req
559. They care about the greatness of Rome.
Copy !req
560. "The greatness of Rome."
Copy !req
561. Well, what is that?
Copy !req
562. It's an idea. Greatness.
Copy !req
563. - Greatness is a vision.
- Exactly. A vision.
Copy !req
564. Do you not see, Lucilla?
Copy !req
565. I will give the people a vision
of Rome, and they'll love me for it.
Copy !req
566. And they'll soon forget the tedious
sermonizing of a few dry old men.
Copy !req
567. I will give the people
the greatest vision of their lives.
Copy !req
568. White and red wine
for your drinking pleasure!
Copy !req
569. Games.
Copy !req
570. One hundred and fifty days of games.
Copy !req
571. He's cleverer than I thought.
Copy !req
572. Clever. The whole of Rome
would be laughing at him,
Copy !req
573. if they weren't so afraid
of his Praetorians.
Copy !req
574. Fear and wonder.
A powerful combination.
Copy !req
575. You really think the people
are going to be seduced by that?
Copy !req
576. I think he knows what Rome is.
Rome is the mob.
Copy !req
577. Conjure magic for them,
and they'll be distracted.
Copy !req
578. Take away their freedom,
and still they'll roar.
Copy !req
579. The beating heart of Rome
is not the marble of the Senate.
Copy !req
580. It's the sand of the Colosseum.
Copy !req
581. He'll bring them death,
Copy !req
582. and they will love him for it.
Copy !req
583. All you do is kill, kill, kill.
Copy !req
584. The crowd don't want a butcher,
they want a hero.
Copy !req
585. We want them to keep coming back.
Copy !req
586. So don't just hack them to pieces,
remember you are an entertainer.
Copy !req
587. Spaniard.
Copy !req
588. So entertain!
Copy !req
589. Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Copy !req
590. Is this not why you're here?
Copy !req
591. Spaniard! Spaniard! Spaniard!
Copy !req
592. - Spaniard! Spaniard! Spaniard!
- Spaniard! Spaniard! Spaniard!
Copy !req
593. What do you want?
Copy !req
594. Girl?
Copy !req
595. Boy?
Copy !req
596. - You sent for me.
- Yes, I did.
Copy !req
597. You're good, Spaniard,
but you're not that good.
Copy !req
598. You could be magnificent.
Copy !req
599. I'm required to kill, so I kill.
That is enough.
Copy !req
600. That's enough for the provinces,
but not for Rome.
Copy !req
601. The young emperor has arranged
a series of spectacles
Copy !req
602. to commemorate his father,
Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
603. I find that amusing,
Copy !req
604. since it was Marcus Aurelius, the wise,
Copy !req
605. the all-knowing Marcus Aurelius,
that closed us down.
Copy !req
606. So finally, after five years
of scratching a living
Copy !req
607. in flea-infested villages,
Copy !req
608. we're finally going back
to where we belong.
Copy !req
609. The Colosseum.
Copy !req
610. You should see the Colosseum,
Copy !req
611. Fifty thousand Romans,
Copy !req
612. watching every movement of your sword,
Copy !req
613. willing you to make that killer blow.
Copy !req
614. The silence before you strike
and the noise afterwards.
Copy !req
615. It rises. It rises up,
Copy !req
616. like a storm.
Copy !req
617. As if you were the thunder god himself.
Copy !req
618. - You were a gladiator?
- Yes, I was.
Copy !req
619. You won your freedom?
Copy !req
620. A long time ago, the Emperor
Copy !req
621. presented me with a rudius.
Copy !req
622. It's just a wooden sword.
Copy !req
623. The symbol of your freedom.
Copy !req
624. He touched me on the shoulder,
and I was free.
Copy !req
625. You knew Marcus Aurelius?
Copy !req
626. I did not say I knew him. I said
he touched me on the shoulder once.
Copy !req
627. You asked me what I want.
Copy !req
628. I, too, want to stand
in front of the Emperor,
Copy !req
629. as you did.
Copy !req
630. Then listen to me. Learn from me.
Copy !req
631. I wasn't the best because I killed quickly.
Copy !req
632. I was the best
because the crowd loved me.
Copy !req
633. Win the crowd,
and you'll win your freedom.
Copy !req
634. I will win the crowd.
Copy !req
635. I will give them something
they've never seen before.
Copy !req
636. So, Spaniard,
we shall go to Rome together
Copy !req
637. and have bloody adventures.
Copy !req
638. And the great whore will suckle us
Copy !req
639. until we are fat and happy
and can suckle no more.
Copy !req
640. And then,
Copy !req
641. when enough men have died,
Copy !req
642. perhaps you will have your freedom.
Copy !req
643. Here. Use this.
Copy !req
644. It's somewhere out there, my country.
Copy !req
645. My home.
Copy !req
646. My wife is preparing food.
Copy !req
647. My daughters carry water from the river.
Copy !req
648. Will I ever see them again?
Copy !req
649. I think, no.
Copy !req
650. Do you believe you'll see them again
when you die?
Copy !req
651. I think so.
Copy !req
652. But then, I will die soon.
Copy !req
653. They will not die for many years.
Copy !req
654. I'll have to wait.
Copy !req
655. But you would? Wait?
Copy !req
656. Of course.
Copy !req
657. You see,
Copy !req
658. my wife and my son
Copy !req
659. are already waiting for me.
Copy !req
660. You'll meet them again. But not yet.
Copy !req
661. Not yet.
Copy !req
662. - Unless...
- Not yet.
Copy !req
663. Not yet.
Copy !req
664. There he is.
Copy !req
665. Out.
Copy !req
666. Move, go, out!
Copy !req
667. Good to see you again, old friend.
Copy !req
668. Bring me fortune.
Copy !req
669. Have you ever seen anything
like that before?
Copy !req
670. I didn't know men
could build such things.
Copy !req
671. Win the crowd.
Copy !req
672. Get inside. Move.
Copy !req
673. Inside.
Copy !req
674. He sleeps so well because he's loved.
Copy !req
675. Come, brother. It's late.
Copy !req
676. I will make Rome
the wonder of the ages.
Copy !req
677. That is what Gracchus
and his friends don't understand.
Copy !req
678. All my desires
are splitting my head to pieces.
Copy !req
679. Commodus, drink this tonic.
Copy !req
680. I think the time is almost right.
Copy !req
681. I could announce
the dissolution of the Senate
Copy !req
682. at the celebration to honor our father.
Copy !req
683. Do you think I should?
Copy !req
684. Are the people ready?
Copy !req
685. I think you need your rest now.
Copy !req
686. Will you stay with me?
Copy !req
687. Still afraid of the dark, brother?
Copy !req
688. Still.
Copy !req
689. Always.
Copy !req
690. - Stay with me tonight.
- You know I won't.
Copy !req
691. Then kiss me.
Copy !req
692. Sleep, brother.
Copy !req
693. Having servants who are deaf and mute
Copy !req
694. at least ensures I live a little longer.
Copy !req
695. They're arresting scholars now.
Copy !req
696. Anyone who dare speak out.
Even satirists and chroniclers.
Copy !req
697. And mathematicians.
Copy !req
698. And all to feed the arena.
Copy !req
699. The Senate did not approve martial law.
Copy !req
700. This reign of terror
is entirely the Praetorians.
Copy !req
701. I'm afraid to go out after dark.
Copy !req
702. You should be more afraid
of your activities during the day.
Copy !req
703. The Senate is full of his spies,
led by that whore master, Falco.
Copy !req
704. But what is in his mind?
That's what I trouble myself with.
Copy !req
705. He spends all his days
singularly obsessed,
Copy !req
706. planning the festival
to honor your father.
Copy !req
707. He neglects even the most
fundamental task of government.
Copy !req
708. So just what is he planning?
Copy !req
709. And what pays for it?
Copy !req
710. These daily games are costing
a fortune, yet we have no new taxes.
Copy !req
711. The future.
Copy !req
712. The future pays for it.
Copy !req
713. He's started selling the grain reserves.
Copy !req
714. This can't be true.
Copy !req
715. He's selling Rome's reserves of grain.
Copy !req
716. The people will be starving in two years.
Copy !req
717. I hope they're enjoying the games,
Copy !req
718. because soon enough
they'll be dead because of them.
Copy !req
719. - Rome must know this.
- And how?
Copy !req
720. He's going to dissolve the Senate.
Copy !req
721. And who will tell them
before it's too late? You, Gracchus?
Copy !req
722. You, Gaius.
Copy !req
723. Will you make a speech
on the floor of the Senate,
Copy !req
724. denouncing my brother?
Copy !req
725. And then see your family
in the Colosseum?
Copy !req
726. Who'd dare?
Copy !req
727. I have been living
in a prison of fear every day,
Copy !req
728. because my son is heir to the throne.
Copy !req
729. He must die.
Copy !req
730. Quintus and the Praetorians
Copy !req
731. would simply seize control
for themselves.
Copy !req
732. No. Cut off the head
and the snake cannot strike.
Copy !req
733. Lucilla, Gaius is right.
Copy !req
734. Until we can neutralize the Praetorians,
we can achieve nothing.
Copy !req
735. So we do nothing?
Copy !req
736. No, child. We keep our counsel.
Copy !req
737. We prepare.
Copy !req
738. As long as the people support him,
we are voices without steel.
Copy !req
739. We are air.
Copy !req
740. But with every day that passes,
he makes enemies.
Copy !req
741. One day, he'll have more enemies
than friends.
Copy !req
742. And on that day, we will act.
Copy !req
743. Then we will strike.
Copy !req
744. But until then,
Copy !req
745. we are docile.
Copy !req
746. We are obedient.
Copy !req
747. And we are treacherous.
Copy !req
748. Come on!
Copy !req
749. All right, that's enough.
Copy !req
750. The Emperor wants battles,
Copy !req
751. and I don't want to sacrifice
my best fighters.
Copy !req
752. The crowd wants battles,
so the Emperor gives them battles.
Copy !req
753. - You get the battle of Carthage.
- Massacre of Carthage.
Copy !req
754. Well, why don't you go down
to the prison,
Copy !req
755. round up all the beggars and thieves?
Copy !req
756. We've done that.
Copy !req
757. If you want to give away
the best gladiators
Copy !req
758. in the whole of the empire,
Copy !req
759. then I want double the rates.
Copy !req
760. You'll get your contract rates,
or you'll get your contract canceled.
Copy !req
761. You don't like it?
Copy !req
762. Then you can crawl back down
that shit hole that you came from.
Copy !req
763. Cassius, please. You can free us.
Copy !req
764. Gladiator, are you the one
they call the Spaniard?
Copy !req
765. Yes.
Copy !req
766. They said you were a giant.
Copy !req
767. They said you could crush
a man's skull with one hand.
Copy !req
768. A man's? No.
Copy !req
769. A boy's.
Copy !req
770. - Do they have good horses in Spain?
- Some of the best.
Copy !req
771. This is Argento and this is Scarto.
Copy !req
772. They were my horses.
Copy !req
773. They were taken from me.
Copy !req
774. I like you, Spaniard.
I shall cheer for you.
Copy !req
775. - They let you watch the games?
- My uncle says it makes me strong.
Copy !req
776. - And what does your father say?
- My father is dead.
Copy !req
777. Master Lucius, it is time.
Copy !req
778. I have to go.
Copy !req
779. Your name is Lucius?
Copy !req
780. Lucius Verus, after my father.
Copy !req
781. Lower!
Copy !req
782. - Claudius!
- Yes?
Copy !req
783. - More shields!
- All right.
Copy !req
784. When the Emperor enters,
raise your weapons, salute him,
Copy !req
785. and then speak together.
Copy !req
786. Face the Emperor
and don't turn your back on him.
Copy !req
787. Go, and die with honor.
Copy !req
788. Hail, mighty Caesar!
Copy !req
789. Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
Copy !req
790. Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
Copy !req
791. - We who are about to die salute you!
- We who are about to die salute you!
Copy !req
792. On this day
Copy !req
793. we reach back to hallowed antiquity
Copy !req
794. to bring you are-creation
of the second fall
Copy !req
795. of mighty Carthage!
Copy !req
796. On the barren plain of Zama
Copy !req
797. there stood the invincible armies
Copy !req
798. of the barbarian Hannibal.
Copy !req
799. Ferocious mercenaries and warriors
Copy !req
800. from all brute nations,
Copy !req
801. bent on merciless destruction,
Copy !req
802. conquest.
Copy !req
803. Your emperor is pleased to give you
Copy !req
804. the barbarian horde!
Copy !req
805. Anyone here been in the army?
Copy !req
806. Yes. I served with you at Vindobona.
Copy !req
807. You can help me.
Copy !req
808. Whatever comes out of these gates,
Copy !req
809. we've got a better chance
of survival if we work together.
Copy !req
810. Do you understand?
Copy !req
811. If we stay together, we survive.
Copy !req
812. The Emperor is pleased to bring you
the legionnaires
Copy !req
813. of Scipio Africanus!
Copy !req
814. To the death!
Copy !req
815. - Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
- Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
816. Stay close.
Copy !req
817. Come together!
Copy !req
818. Stay close. Staggered columns!
Copy !req
819. You don't have a chance.
Copy !req
820. Lock your shields. Stay as one.
Copy !req
821. Hold!
Copy !req
822. Hold! As one!
Copy !req
823. Well done.
Copy !req
824. Hold. Down low!
Copy !req
825. Yes!
Copy !req
826. Hagen!
Copy !req
827. This column to the chariot!
This column stay with me!
Copy !req
828. Quickly!
Copy !req
829. - Get out there.
- Hurry!
Copy !req
830. Maximus!
Copy !req
831. Single column! Single column!
Copy !req
832. We win!
Copy !req
833. My history's a little hazy, Cassius,
Copy !req
834. but shouldn't the barbarians
lose the battle of Carthage?
Copy !req
835. Yes, sire.
Copy !req
836. Forgive me, sire.
Copy !req
837. No, I rather enjoy surprises.
Copy !req
838. Who is he?
Copy !req
839. They call him the Spaniard, sire.
Copy !req
840. I think I'll meet him.
Copy !req
841. Yes, sire.
Copy !req
842. Hail to the barbarians!
Copy !req
843. Forward! Arms at ready!
Copy !req
844. Drop your weapons.
Copy !req
845. Gladiator, the Emperor
has asked for you.
Copy !req
846. I am at the Emperor's service.
Copy !req
847. Rise. Rise.
Copy !req
848. Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard.
Copy !req
849. I don't think there's ever been
a gladiator to match you.
Copy !req
850. As for this young man,
he insists you are Hector reborn.
Copy !req
851. Or was it Hercules?
Copy !req
852. Why doesn't the hero reveal himself
and tell us all your real name?
Copy !req
853. You do have a name.
Copy !req
854. My name is Gladiator.
Copy !req
855. How dare you show your back
to me? Slave!
Copy !req
856. You will remove your helmet
and tell me your name.
Copy !req
857. My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
Copy !req
858. commander of the armies of the north,
Copy !req
859. general of the Felix Legions,
Copy !req
860. loyal servant to the true emperor,
Marcus Aurelius,
Copy !req
861. father to a murdered son,
Copy !req
862. husband to a murdered wife,
Copy !req
863. and I will have my vengeance,
in this life or the next.
Copy !req
864. Arms!
Copy !req
865. Live! Live! Live! Live!
Copy !req
866. - Live! Live! Live! Live!
- Live! Live! Live! Live!
Copy !req
867. Arms, at rest!
Copy !req
868. - Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
- Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
Copy !req
869. Father.
Copy !req
870. Why is he still alive?
Copy !req
871. I don't know.
Copy !req
872. He shouldn't be alive.
Copy !req
873. It vexes me.
Copy !req
874. I'm terribly vexed.
Copy !req
875. I did what I had to do.
Copy !req
876. If Father had had his way,
the empire would have been torn apart.
Copy !req
877. You do see that.
Copy !req
878. Yes.
Copy !req
879. What did you feel when you saw him?
Copy !req
880. I felt nothing.
Copy !req
881. He wounded you deeply, didn't he?
Copy !req
882. No more than I wounded him.
Copy !req
883. They lied to me in Germania.
Copy !req
884. They told me he was dead.
Copy !req
885. If they lie to me, they don't respect me.
Copy !req
886. If they don't respect me,
how can they ever love me?
Copy !req
887. Then you must let the legions know
Copy !req
888. their treachery will not go unpunished.
Copy !req
889. Poor sister.
Copy !req
890. I wouldn't want to be your enemy.
Copy !req
891. What will you do?
Copy !req
892. This way.
Copy !req
893. Rich matrons pay well to be
pleasured by the bravest champions.
Copy !req
894. I knew your brother
would send assassins.
Copy !req
895. I didn't realize he would send his best.
Copy !req
896. Maximus, he doesn't know.
Copy !req
897. My family was burnt and crucified
while they were still alive.
Copy !req
898. - I knew nothing...
- Don't lie to me!
Copy !req
899. I wept for them.
Copy !req
900. As you wept for your father?
As you wept for your father?
Copy !req
901. I have been living
in a prison of fear since that day.
Copy !req
902. To be unable to mourn your father
for fear of your brother.
Copy !req
903. To live in terror
every moment of every day,
Copy !req
904. because your son is heir to the throne.
Copy !req
905. I have wept.
Copy !req
906. My son was innocent.
Copy !req
907. So is mine.
Copy !req
908. Must my son die, too,
before you'll trust me?
Copy !req
909. What does it matter if I trust you or not?
Copy !req
910. The gods have spared you.
Don't you understand?
Copy !req
911. Today I saw a slave become more
powerful than the emperor of Rome.
Copy !req
912. The gods have spared me?
Copy !req
913. I am at their mercy,
with the power only to amuse a mob.
Copy !req
914. That is power.
Copy !req
915. The mob is Rome.
Copy !req
916. And while Commodus controls them,
he controls everything.
Copy !req
917. Listen to me.
Copy !req
918. My brother has enemies,
most of all in the Senate.
Copy !req
919. But while the people follow him,
Copy !req
920. no one would dare stand up to him
until you.
Copy !req
921. They oppose him, yet they do nothing.
Copy !req
922. There are some politicians who have
dedicated their lives to Rome.
Copy !req
923. One man above all.
Copy !req
924. If I can arrange it, will you meet him?
Copy !req
925. Do you not understand?
Copy !req
926. I may die in this cell tonight,
or in the arena tomorrow. I am a slave!
Copy !req
927. What possible difference can I make?
Copy !req
928. This man wants what you want.
Copy !req
929. Then have him kill Commodus!
Copy !req
930. I knew a man once,
Copy !req
931. a noble man.
Copy !req
932. A man of principle who loved my father,
Copy !req
933. and my father loved him.
Copy !req
934. This man served Rome well.
Copy !req
935. That man is gone.
Copy !req
936. Your brother did his work well.
Copy !req
937. Let me help you.
Copy !req
938. Yes, you can help me.
Copy !req
939. Forget you ever knew me,
never come here again.
Copy !req
940. Guard! The lady is finished with me.
Copy !req
941. What's your name?
Copy !req
942. Julian Crassus.
Copy !req
943. Name?
Copy !req
944. Marcus, sire.
Copy !req
945. My father's name.
Copy !req
946. They must have known
of Maximus' escape,
Copy !req
947. when they found
the bodies of the four men.
Copy !req
948. They thought it was a barbarian raid.
Copy !req
949. These are good men, sire.
Loyal to the Emperor.
Copy !req
950. Load your arrows!
Copy !req
951. Prepare to fire!
Copy !req
952. Then perhaps it was you who knew,
Copy !req
953. and never told me.
Copy !req
954. - I didn't know.
- You didn't know?
Copy !req
955. But a general is always in control.
Copy !req
956. Always in command, isn't he?
Copy !req
957. Yes, Caesar.
Copy !req
958. Then give the command. Say it.
Copy !req
959. Fire.
Copy !req
960. Maximus.
Copy !req
961. You commanded legions?
You had many victories?
Copy !req
962. - Yes.
- In Germania?
Copy !req
963. In many countries.
Copy !req
964. General.
Copy !req
965. You have a great name.
Copy !req
966. He must kill your name
before he kills you.
Copy !req
967. Yes, at the far end.
Copy !req
968. - Senator Gaius.
- Hello.
Copy !req
969. Senator Gracchus.
Copy !req
970. Don't often see you enjoying
the pleasures of the vulgar crowd.
Copy !req
971. I don't pretend to be
a man of the people, Senator,
Copy !req
972. but I do try to be a man for the people.
Copy !req
973. Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
Copy !req
974. Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! Caesar!
Copy !req
975. People of Rome!
Copy !req
976. On the fourth day of Antioch,
Copy !req
977. we can celebrate
the 64th day of the games.
Copy !req
978. And in his majestic charity,
Copy !req
979. the Emperor has deigned this day
to favor the people of Rome
Copy !req
980. with an historical final match.
Copy !req
981. Returning to the Colosseum today,
after five years in retirement,
Copy !req
982. Caesar is pleased to bring you
Copy !req
983. the only undefeated champion
Copy !req
984. in Roman history,
Copy !req
985. the legendary Tigris of Gaul!
Copy !req
986. He knows too well
how to manipulate the mob.
Copy !req
987. Marcus Aurelius had a dream
that was Rome, Proximo.
Copy !req
988. This is not it. This is not it!
Copy !req
989. Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus.
Copy !req
990. We mortals are but shadows and dust.
Copy !req
991. Shadows and dust, Maximus!
Copy !req
992. Representing the training
lyceum of Antonius Proximo,
Copy !req
993. Caesar is proud to give you
Copy !req
994. Aelius Maximus!
Copy !req
995. They embrace him
like he's one of their own.
Copy !req
996. The mob is fickle, brother.
He'll be forgotten in a month.
Copy !req
997. No, much sooner than that.
Copy !req
998. It's been arranged.
Copy !req
999. We who are about to die salute you.
Copy !req
1000. We're with you, Maximus!
Copy !req
1001. Fight on, finish it!
Copy !req
1002. Pull, pull!
Copy !req
1003. Loose! Loose!
Copy !req
1004. - Gut him!
- Kill!
Copy !req
1005. - Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
- Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!
Copy !req
1006. - Kill!
- Kill!
Copy !req
1007. Maximus the Merciful!
Copy !req
1008. Maximus!
Maximus! Maximus!
Copy !req
1009. Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
Copy !req
1010. Forward, arms at ready!
Copy !req
1011. What am I going to do with you?
Copy !req
1012. You simply won't die.
Copy !req
1013. Are we so different, you and I?
Copy !req
1014. You take life when you have to, as I do.
Copy !req
1015. I have only one more life to take.
Then it is done.
Copy !req
1016. Then take it now.
Copy !req
1017. They tell me your son
Copy !req
1018. squealed like a girl
when they nailed him to the cross.
Copy !req
1019. And your wife
Copy !req
1020. moaned like a whore
Copy !req
1021. when they ravaged her again and again
Copy !req
1022. and again.
Copy !req
1023. The time for honoring yourself
will soon be at an end,
Copy !req
1024. Highness.
Copy !req
1025. Maximus!
Maximus! Maximus!
Copy !req
1026. General! General!
Copy !req
1027. General! General! General!
Copy !req
1028. - General!
- Cicero!
Copy !req
1029. - General!
- Where are you camped?
Copy !req
1030. Ostia.
Copy !req
1031. - We love you, Maximus!
- Praise the victor!
Copy !req
1032. Tell the men their general lives.
Find me.
Copy !req
1033. - Move along!
- Find me!
Copy !req
1034. Can they hear you?
Copy !req
1035. - Who?
- Your family, in the afterlife.
Copy !req
1036. - Yes.
- What do you say to them?
Copy !req
1037. To my boy,
Copy !req
1038. I tell him I will see him again soon,
Copy !req
1039. and to keep his heels down
when he's riding his horse.
Copy !req
1040. To my wife,
Copy !req
1041. that is not your business.
Copy !req
1042. And now they love Maximus
for his mercy.
Copy !req
1043. So I can't just kill him,
or it makes me even more unmerciful.
Copy !req
1044. The whole thing
is like some great nightmare.
Copy !req
1045. He is defying you.
Copy !req
1046. His every victory is an act of defiance.
Copy !req
1047. The mob sees this,
and so do the Senate.
Copy !req
1048. Every day he lives, they grow bolder.
Copy !req
1049. - Kill him.
- No.
Copy !req
1050. I will not make a martyr of him.
Copy !req
1051. When I went to the Senate today,
Copy !req
1052. I purposefully told them about using
the grain reserves to pay for the games.
Copy !req
1053. And did you note what happened?
Copy !req
1054. - Nothing.
- Exactly. Nothing.
Copy !req
1055. Not a single word of protest.
Copy !req
1056. Even the insolent Senator Gracchus
was silent as a mouse.
Copy !req
1057. Why?
Copy !req
1058. I have been told of a certain sea snake
Copy !req
1059. which has a very unusual method
of attracting its prey.
Copy !req
1060. It will lie at the bottom
of the ocean as if wounded.
Copy !req
1061. Then its enemies will approach,
Copy !req
1062. and yet it will lie quite still.
Copy !req
1063. And then its enemies
will take little bites of it,
Copy !req
1064. and yet it remains still.
Copy !req
1065. So,
Copy !req
1066. we will lie still,
Copy !req
1067. and let our enemies come to us
and nibble.
Copy !req
1068. Have every senator followed.
Copy !req
1069. Cicero, my old friend.
Copy !req
1070. I thought perhaps I'd seen you
for the last time.
Copy !req
1071. - I thought you were dead.
- Close.
Copy !req
1072. How long have the men been in Ostia?
Copy !req
1073. All winter.
Copy !req
1074. - And how do they look?
- Fat and bored.
Copy !req
1075. - Who's in command?
- Some fool from Rome.
Copy !req
1076. How soon do you think
they could be ready to fight?
Copy !req
1077. For you, tomorrow.
Copy !req
1078. I need you to do something for me.
Copy !req
1079. Come, see, witness.
Copy !req
1080. If you haven't been in the arena,
you can see the show here.
Copy !req
1081. Giant Maximus
is defeating our emperor, Commodus.
Copy !req
1082. What are we to do?
He's just defying everyone,
Copy !req
1083. by doing this to him, they do...
Copy !req
1084. My goodness!
Copy !req
1085. - He got him, he's defeated.
- Give way!
Copy !req
1086. My lady?
I served your father at Vindobona.
Copy !req
1087. - Back.
- My lady.
Copy !req
1088. I served your father at Vindobona.
Copy !req
1089. Back!
Copy !req
1090. And I served General Maximus.
I serve him still.
Copy !req
1091. Stop. Stop.
Copy !req
1092. Stop!
Copy !req
1093. Stand back.
Copy !req
1094. The general sends word,
he will meet your politician.
Copy !req
1095. - For your loyalty, soldier.
- Thank you, my lady.
Copy !req
1096. Leave us.
Copy !req
1097. Senator Gracchus.
Copy !req
1098. General.
Copy !req
1099. I hope my coming here today
is evidence enough
Copy !req
1100. that you can trust me.
Copy !req
1101. - The Senate is with you?
- The Senate?
Copy !req
1102. Yes. I can speak for them.
Copy !req
1103. You can buy my freedom
and smuggle me out of Rome?
Copy !req
1104. To what end?
Copy !req
1105. Get me outside the city walls.
Copy !req
1106. Have fresh horses ready to take me
to Ostia. My army is encamped there.
Copy !req
1107. By nightfall of the second day,
I shall return at the head of 5,000 men.
Copy !req
1108. But the legions
all have new commanders,
Copy !req
1109. loyal to Commodus.
Copy !req
1110. Let my men see me alive, and
you shall see where their loyalties lie.
Copy !req
1111. This is madness.
Copy !req
1112. No Roman army has entered
the capital in 100 years.
Copy !req
1113. I will not trade one dictatorship
for another!
Copy !req
1114. The time for half measures
and talk is over, Senator.
Copy !req
1115. And after your glorious coup, what then?
Copy !req
1116. You'll take your 5,000 warriors
and leave?
Copy !req
1117. I will leave.
Copy !req
1118. The soldiers will stay
for your protection,
Copy !req
1119. under the command of the Senate.
Copy !req
1120. So,
Copy !req
1121. once all of Rome is yours,
you'll just give it back to the people?
Copy !req
1122. Tell me why.
Copy !req
1123. Because that was the last wish
of a dying man.
Copy !req
1124. I will kill Commodus.
Copy !req
1125. The fate of Rome I leave to you.
Copy !req
1126. Marcus Aurelius trusted you.
Copy !req
1127. His daughter trusts you.
Copy !req
1128. I will trust you.
Copy !req
1129. But we have little time.
Copy !req
1130. Give me two days,
Copy !req
1131. and I will buy your freedom.
Copy !req
1132. And you,
Copy !req
1133. you stay alive,
Copy !req
1134. or I'll be dead.
Copy !req
1135. Now we must go.
Copy !req
1136. He'll be waiting for you.
Stand at the foot of the colossus.
Copy !req
1137. He'll find you.
Copy !req
1138. It won't work.
Copy !req
1139. The Emperor knows too much.
Copy !req
1140. And as for me,
Copy !req
1141. it's becoming dangerous.
Copy !req
1142. You'll be paid on my return.
Copy !req
1143. I give you my word.
Copy !req
1144. Your word? What if you don't return?
Copy !req
1145. Do you remember what it was
to have trust, Proximo?
Copy !req
1146. Trust?
Copy !req
1147. Who am I to trust?
Copy !req
1148. - I will kill Commodus.
- Why would I want that?
Copy !req
1149. He makes me rich.
Copy !req
1150. I know that you are a man
of your word, General.
Copy !req
1151. I know that you would die for honor.
Copy !req
1152. You would die for Rome.
Copy !req
1153. You would die for the memory
of your ancestors.
Copy !req
1154. But I, on the other hand,
Copy !req
1155. I'm an entertainer.
Copy !req
1156. Guard!
Copy !req
1157. He killed the man who set you free.
Copy !req
1158. Praetorians, master.
Copy !req
1159. Halt!
Copy !req
1160. Where have you been?
Copy !req
1161. I sent for you.
Copy !req
1162. Please, brother.
Copy !req
1163. What's troubling you?
Copy !req
1164. Does Gracchus have a new lover?
Copy !req
1165. I don't know.
Copy !req
1166. I thought you'd seen him.
Copy !req
1167. He infects everyone like a putrid fever.
Copy !req
1168. For the health of Rome,
the Senate must be bled.
Copy !req
1169. And he will bleed, too.
Copy !req
1170. Very soon.
Copy !req
1171. But not tonight.
Copy !req
1172. Do you remember
what our father said once?
Copy !req
1173. "It's a dream,
Copy !req
1174. "a frightful dream,
Copy !req
1175. "life is."
Copy !req
1176. Do you think that's true?
Copy !req
1177. I don't know.
Copy !req
1178. I think it is.
Copy !req
1179. And I have only you to share it with.
Copy !req
1180. Open your mouth.
Copy !req
1181. You know I love you.
Copy !req
1182. And I love you.
Copy !req
1183. Out. Get out!
Copy !req
1184. Move!
Copy !req
1185. Congratulations, General.
Copy !req
1186. You've got very persuasive friends.
Copy !req
1187. My brother has had Gracchus arrested.
Copy !req
1188. We daren't wait any longer.
We must leave tonight.
Copy !req
1189. Proximo will come at midnight
and take you to the gate.
Copy !req
1190. Your servant, Cicero,
will be waiting there with horses.
Copy !req
1191. - You have done all this?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1192. You risk too much.
Copy !req
1193. I have much to pay for.
Copy !req
1194. You have nothing to pay for.
Copy !req
1195. You love your son.
You're strong for him.
Copy !req
1196. I am tired of being strong.
Copy !req
1197. My brother hates all the world,
and you most of all.
Copy !req
1198. - Because your father chose me.
- No.
Copy !req
1199. Because my father loved you.
Copy !req
1200. And because I loved you.
Copy !req
1201. A long time ago.
Copy !req
1202. Was I very different then?
Copy !req
1203. You laughed more.
Copy !req
1204. I have felt alone all my life,
Copy !req
1205. except with you.
Copy !req
1206. I must go.
Copy !req
1207. Yes.
Copy !req
1208. There.
Copy !req
1209. And I got you.
Copy !req
1210. Isn't it late to be playing legionnaire?
Copy !req
1211. I'm not a legionnaire.
Copy !req
1212. - Not a legionnaire?
- I'm a gladiator.
Copy !req
1213. A gladiator?
Copy !req
1214. Gladiators only fight in the games.
Copy !req
1215. Wouldn't you rather be a great
Roman warrior like Julius Caesar?
Copy !req
1216. I'm Maximus, the savior of Rome!
Copy !req
1217. The savior of Rome?
Copy !req
1218. And who said that?
Copy !req
1219. Where's Lucius?
Copy !req
1220. He's with the Emperor, my lady.
Copy !req
1221. - She couldn't.
- Yes, she did.
Copy !req
1222. She took it from a basket,
Copy !req
1223. and pressed it to her breast,
right here above her heart.
Copy !req
1224. - It bit her in the breast?
- Yes.
Copy !req
1225. You see, Lucius, sometimes royal ladies
Copy !req
1226. behave very strangely and do
very odd things in the name of love.
Copy !req
1227. - I think it's silly.
- So do I.
Copy !req
1228. So do I.
Copy !req
1229. Sister, join us.
Copy !req
1230. I've been reading to dear Lucius.
Copy !req
1231. - I've been reading, too.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1232. He's a very clever little boy.
He'll make a grand emperor one day.
Copy !req
1233. We've been reading about
the great Mark Antony,
Copy !req
1234. and his adventures in Egypt.
Copy !req
1235. And the queen killed herself
with a snake.
Copy !req
1236. And just wait until you hear
what happened to our ancestors.
Copy !req
1237. If you're very good,
Copy !req
1238. tomorrow night, I'll tell you
the story of Emperor Claudius.
Copy !req
1239. He was betrayed
Copy !req
1240. by those closest to him.
Copy !req
1241. By his own blood.
Copy !req
1242. They whispered in dark corners
Copy !req
1243. and went out late at night,
Copy !req
1244. and conspired, and conspired.
Copy !req
1245. But the Emperor Claudius knew
that they were up to something.
Copy !req
1246. He knew they were busy little bees.
Copy !req
1247. And one night he sat down
with one of them,
Copy !req
1248. and he looked at her,
Copy !req
1249. and he said,
Copy !req
1250. "Tell me what you've been doing,
Copy !req
1251. "busy little bee.
Copy !req
1252. "Or I shall strike down
those dearest to you.
Copy !req
1253. "You shall watch
as I bathe in their blood."
Copy !req
1254. And the Emperor was heartbroken.
Copy !req
1255. The little bee
had wounded him more deeply
Copy !req
1256. than anyone else could ever have done.
Copy !req
1257. What do you think happened then,
Copy !req
1258. I don't know, Uncle.
Copy !req
1259. The little bee told him everything.
Copy !req
1260. Open, in the name of the Emperor!
Copy !req
1261. Proximo!
Copy !req
1262. Open the gates,
in the name of the Emperor!
Copy !req
1263. Proximo!
Copy !req
1264. Open the gates!
Copy !req
1265. Open the gates, Proximo.
Copy !req
1266. Do you want to die, old man?
Copy !req
1267. Here.
Copy !req
1268. Everything is prepared.
Copy !req
1269. It seems you have won your freedom.
Copy !req
1270. Proximo, are you in danger
of becoming a good man?
Copy !req
1271. - Juba.
- All enemies of the Emperor die!
Copy !req
1272. Open the gates!
Copy !req
1273. Pull!
Copy !req
1274. Move! Form a column on the left!
Copy !req
1275. I only need moments, so do not
be careless with your lives.
Copy !req
1276. If you don't want any part of this,
go back to your cells.
Copy !req
1277. We'll wait here for you, Maximus.
Copy !req
1278. - Strength and honor.
- Strength and honor.
Copy !req
1279. Go.
Copy !req
1280. Strength and honor.
Copy !req
1281. Aim. Arch your bows!
Copy !req
1282. Shadows and dust.
Copy !req
1283. Maximus!
Copy !req
1284. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1285. It's done.
Copy !req
1286. And what of my nephew?
Copy !req
1287. And what of his mother?
Copy !req
1288. Should they share her lover's fate?
Copy !req
1289. Or should I be merciful?
Copy !req
1290. Commodus the Merciful.
Copy !req
1291. Lucius will stay with me now.
Copy !req
1292. And if his mother
Copy !req
1293. so much as looks at me
Copy !req
1294. in a manner that displeases me,
Copy !req
1295. he will die.
Copy !req
1296. If she decides to be noble,
Copy !req
1297. and takes her own life,
Copy !req
1298. he will die.
Copy !req
1299. And as for you,
Copy !req
1300. you will love me,
Copy !req
1301. as I have loved you.
Copy !req
1302. You will provide me with an heir
of pure blood,
Copy !req
1303. so that Commodus
Copy !req
1304. and his progeny will rule for 1,000 years.
Copy !req
1305. Am I not merciful?
Copy !req
1306. Am I not merciful!
Copy !req
1307. - Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
- Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!
Copy !req
1308. I'm a soldier. I obey.
Copy !req
1309. Nothing happens to anyone that
he is not fitted by nature to bear.
Copy !req
1310. Maximus.
Copy !req
1311. Maximus.
Copy !req
1312. Maximus.
Copy !req
1313. They call for you.
Copy !req
1314. The general who became a slave.
Copy !req
1315. The slave who became a gladiator.
Copy !req
1316. The gladiator who defied an emperor.
Copy !req
1317. A striking story.
Copy !req
1318. Now the people want to know
how the story ends.
Copy !req
1319. Only a famous death will do.
Copy !req
1320. And what could be more glorious
Copy !req
1321. than to challenge the Emperor
himself in the great arena?
Copy !req
1322. - You would fight me?
- Why not?
Copy !req
1323. Do you think I'm afraid?
Copy !req
1324. I think you have been afraid all your life.
Copy !req
1325. Unlike Maximus the Invincible,
who knows no fear?
Copy !req
1326. I knew a man who once said,
"Death smiles at us all.
Copy !req
1327. "All a man can do is smile back."
Copy !req
1328. I wonder,
Copy !req
1329. did your friend smile at his own death?
Copy !req
1330. You must know.
Copy !req
1331. He was your father.
Copy !req
1332. You loved my father, I know,
Copy !req
1333. but so did I.
Copy !req
1334. That makes us brothers, doesn't it?
Copy !req
1335. Smile for me now, brother.
Copy !req
1336. Strap on his armor.
Conceal the wound.
Copy !req
1337. Ring formation!
Copy !req
1338. Quintus, sword.
Copy !req
1339. Give me your sword.
Copy !req
1340. Sword! Give me a sword!
Copy !req
1341. Sheathe your swords.
Sheathe your swords!
Copy !req
1342. Maximus.
Copy !req
1343. Maximus.
Copy !req
1344. Quintus.
Copy !req
1345. Free my men.
Copy !req
1346. Senator Gracchus is to be reinstated.
Copy !req
1347. There was a dream that was Rome.
Copy !req
1348. It shall be realized.
Copy !req
1349. These are the wishes
of Marcus Aurelius.
Copy !req
1350. Free the prisoners. Go!
Copy !req
1351. Maximus.
Copy !req
1352. Lucius is safe.
Copy !req
1353. Go to them.
Copy !req
1354. You're home.
Copy !req
1355. Is Rome worth one good man's life?
Copy !req
1356. We believed it once.
Copy !req
1357. Make us believe it again.
Copy !req
1358. He was a soldier of Rome.
Copy !req
1359. Honor him.
Copy !req
1360. Who will help me carry him?
Copy !req
1361. Now we are free.
Copy !req
1362. I will see you again.
Copy !req
1363. But not yet.
Copy !req
1364. Not yet.
Copy !req