1. If our gods and our hopes are
nothing but scientific phenomena,
Copy !req
2. then it must be said that our love
is scientific as well - "L'Eve Future"
Copy !req
3. Repo 202 to Control.
Arrived at target airspace.
Copy !req
4. Commencing data relay.
Copy !req
5. Fill me in.
Copy !req
6. The perp killed the owner
52 minutes ago,
Copy !req
7. at crime scene #1, then took off.
Copy !req
8. Ambushed and murdered two cops
at crime scene #2, an unmapped alley.
Copy !req
9. All access points are blocked.
We storm it in 2 minutes.
Copy !req
10. That's the cyborg cop from Section 9.
Copy !req
11. Keep your distance. I hear his
bum luck catches like the plague.
Copy !req
12. E-Police want to horn in on us.
They're asking for a data link.
Copy !req
13. First it's Public Safety,
now the E-Police.
Copy !req
14. Decline their request... Respectfully.
Copy !req
15. Help me.
Copy !req
16. Help me.
Copy !req
17. Already this week,
Copy !req
18. we've had eight cases of gynoids
murdering their masters.
Copy !req
19. After each killing, they self-destruct,
electronic brains reformatted.
Copy !req
20. In each case, the model in question is
Locus Solus #2052, "Hadaly" type.
Copy !req
21. A prototype developed for testing,
Copy !req
22. they were provided free of charge
to contractors.
Copy !req
23. Now, they've recalled
all the prototypes.
Copy !req
24. According to their most recent report,
Copy !req
25. they've identified no defects in
either software or hardware.
Copy !req
26. You get all that?
Copy !req
27. Manufacturer's latest gynoids
go berserk, attacking their owners,
Copy !req
28. company panics and recalls every one.
Copy !req
29. They can expect
lawsuits by bereaved families,
Copy !req
30. inevitable liability trials
and mammoth damage awards...
Copy !req
31. I get it all except
why Section 9 is involved.
Copy !req
32. You get it?
Copy !req
33. What you call getting it
may be just wishful thinking.
Copy !req
34. Right now, Section 9's involved
for two reasons.
Copy !req
35. First, not one single family
has filed a lawsuit.
Copy !req
36. In every case they've settled
with Locus Solus out of court.
Copy !req
37. Second, the victims included
a politician
Copy !req
38. and a retired Public Safety official.
Copy !req
39. Because terrorism's
a possible motive,
Copy !req
40. it's our job to consider if
it's a matter for Section 9.
Copy !req
41. Ishikawa and Azuma are
getting background on the victims.
Copy !req
42. You two check out the gynoids.
Copy !req
43. No questions.
Copy !req
44. Just for the record,
I didn't volunteer for this.
Copy !req
45. There's no way I'll measure up
to the Major...
Copy !req
46. That's beside the point.
Copy !req
47. I hear she's still listed as missing.
Copy !req
48. The Major could only call her brain
and her ghost her own.
Copy !req
49. Although even she doubted
whether they were real...
Copy !req
50. Her e-brains and hardware
were government property
Copy !req
51. and her entire memory,
including the classified information,
Copy !req
52. were part of the deal...
Copy !req
53. The top brass only cares about
recovering that memory.
Copy !req
54. Her life is not an issue for them.
Copy !req
55. So, where do we start?
Copy !req
56. Locus Solus is located in
the northern frontier.
Copy !req
57. The first step is to check in
with local Forensics.
Copy !req
58. Police
Copy !req
59. You guys...
Copy !req
60. About the gynoid this guy
wasted yesterday...
Copy !req
61. She cost us two young officers.
Copy !req
62. Don't tell me you want her back?
Copy !req
63. That's part of what
we've come to determine.
Copy !req
64. Forensics is up on 19,
a right at the end of the hall.
Copy !req
65. Need a guide?
Copy !req
66. No thanks, we'll skip the tour.
Copy !req
67. "Birds never peck at
green persimmons,"
Copy !req
68. they wait until
the fruit is ripe...
Copy !req
69. Back when you were a detective,
Copy !req
70. you would've had a choice
word or two for guys like us
Copy !req
71. swooping down
to horn in on your case.
Copy !req
72. That's why it's so irritating...
It's like watching my old self.
Copy !req
73. "It is no use to blame the looking
glass if your face is askew."
Copy !req
74. "The mirror is not an instrument
of enlightenment but of illusion."
Copy !req
75. Well, neither of us has looks
worth staring at in the mirror.
Copy !req
76. You can come here all you want,
I'm not sharing this investigation.
Copy !req
77. And if you're too persistent,
I'll have you detained.
Copy !req
78. I'm Togusa, Public Safety Section 9.
This scary-looking fellow's...
Copy !req
79. The guy who blew apart this girl
with double-0 buckshot.
Copy !req
80. A 50 caliber hollow point would've
left her easier to reconstruct.
Copy !req
81. She wasted 3 people,
two of 'em cops.
Copy !req
82. She was trying to "commit suicide"
before you shot her...
Copy !req
83. Isn't that right?
Copy !req
84. Commit suicide meaning... Miss... um...
Copy !req
85. Haraway.
Copy !req
86. Miss Haraway, how exactly
would a robot kill itself?
Copy !req
87. By intentionally malfunctioning,
these gynoids are capable of
Copy !req
88. self-authorizing attacks
against humans.
Copy !req
89. In logical terms, this liberates
them from Moral Code #3...
Copy !req
90. Which stipulates, "Maintain existence
without inflicting injury on humans."
Copy !req
91. Isn't "self-destruction" a more
accurate term?
Copy !req
92. If you assume differences between
humans and machines are obvious.
Copy !req
93. Are such "suicides" confined
to a particular model?
Copy !req
94. Not necessarily.
Copy !req
95. In recent years we've seen a surge
of robot related problems,
Copy !req
96. especially among the "pets".
Copy !req
97. The cause?
Copy !req
98. E-brain contamination from
microbes and viruses,
Copy !req
99. human production errors,
Copy !req
100. functional defects from wear-and-tear.
Copy !req
101. Take your pick, but...
Copy !req
102. But?
Copy !req
103. I say it's because humans
discard their robots
Copy !req
104. once they're redundant.
Copy !req
105. When owners constantly trade up
to newer models,
Copy !req
106. some of those abandoned
become vagrants,
Copy !req
107. and degenerate
from lack of maintenance.
Copy !req
108. Perhaps it's a kind of robotic protest
against their own obsolescence.
Copy !req
109. Absurd...
Copy !req
110. Humans are different from robots...
Copy !req
111. That's just an article of faith,
like black isn't white.
Copy !req
112. It's no more helpful than the basic
fact that humans aren't machines.
Copy !req
113. Unlike industrial robots,
Copy !req
114. the androids and
gynoids designed as "pets"
Copy !req
115. weren't designed along
utilitarian or practical models.
Copy !req
116. Instead, we model
Copy !req
117. them on a human image,
an idealized one at that.
Copy !req
118. Why are humans so obsessed
with recreating themselves?
Copy !req
119. Do you have children?
Copy !req
120. A daughter...
Copy !req
121. Children have always been excluded
Copy !req
122. from the customary standards of
human behavior,
Copy !req
123. if you define humans as beings
Copy !req
124. who possess a conventional identity
and act out of free will.
Copy !req
125. Then what are children who endure
in the chaos preceding maturity?
Copy !req
126. They differ profoundly from "humans,"
but they obviously have human form.
Copy !req
127. The dolls that little girls mother,
Copy !req
128. are not surrogates for real babies.
Copy !req
129. Little girls aren't so much imitating
child rearing,
Copy !req
130. as they are experiencing something
deeply akin to child rearing...
Copy !req
131. What on earth are you talking about?
Copy !req
132. Raising children
Copy !req
133. is the simplest way to achieve
the ancient dream of artificial life.
Copy !req
134. At least, that's my hypothesis.
Copy !req
135. Children... aren't dolls!
Copy !req
136. Descartes didn't differentiate man
from machine, animate from inanimate.
Copy !req
137. He lost his beloved
five-year-old daughter
Copy !req
138. and then named a doll
after her, Francine.
Copy !req
139. He doted on her.
Copy !req
140. At least that's what they say...
Copy !req
141. Can we get back to reality here?
Copy !req
142. I'd like your observations with
respect to the Hadaly robot,
Copy !req
143. model #2052, manufactured by
Locus Solus.
Copy !req
144. Right...
Copy !req
145. It's very well designed.
Copy !req
146. I understand it's a prototype, but it's
intended for particular functions.
Copy !req
147. Particular functions?
Copy !req
148. It's equipped with organs unnecessary
in service robots.
Copy !req
149. Meaning...?
Copy !req
150. It's a sexaroid.
Copy !req
151. Nothing to brag about to
your neighbors, but hardly illegal.
Copy !req
152. I get it. Scandal. No wonder those
families settled out of court.
Copy !req
153. When its systems shut down,
the e-brain reformats.
Copy !req
154. That's standard protection for
manufacturer's proprietary software.
Copy !req
155. But...
Copy !req
156. But, what?
Copy !req
157. We found a file in the audio buffer.
Care to hear it?
Copy !req
158. Help me...
Copy !req
159. Help me... help me...
Copy !req
160. Thanks for your help.
Copy !req
161. Um... one last question.
It's none of my business, but...
Copy !req
162. No, I've never raised a child.
Copy !req
163. Nothing registered
at the ovum bank.
Copy !req
164. Thank you, Miss...
Copy !req
165. Haraway.
No need for Miss or Mrs.
Copy !req
166. She's not really the type
for technical work.
Copy !req
167. Her reports are doubtless
full of unsolicited opinions,
Copy !req
168. just like mine were.
Copy !req
169. Which probably held you back
from promotion.
Copy !req
170. We secure that gynoid's brain
for the labs at Section 9.
Copy !req
171. Guess that's the last
we'll see of her.
Copy !req
172. She your type?
Copy !req
173. Actually, I like older women...
What's next?
Copy !req
174. We follow standard procedure.
Copy !req
175. We investigate
the Hadaly consignment inspector?
Copy !req
176. 09 calling 907. There's been a 602
in the District 201 boathouse.
Copy !req
177. Victim is consignment inspector
for Locus Solus.
Copy !req
178. Scene secured two minutes
prior to local police.
Copy !req
179. Roger, 907. You're kidding.
Unbelievable timing, huh?
Copy !req
180. "A fine spring day/ A carriage sprints
between this world and the next..."
Copy !req
181. You're all alone here?
Copy !req
182. Koga got reacquainted with his dinner
and went back with the corpse.
Copy !req
183. What a wimp.
Copy !req
184. The scene, twenty two minutes ago.
Copy !req
185. Ugh! You made a rookie deal
with this mess?
Copy !req
186. Life's a learning curve.
Copy !req
187. Here's what we've got.
Copy !req
188. Analysis of victim's brain yields...
Copy !req
189. Jack Volkerson, age 54.
Consignment inspector for Locus Solus.
Copy !req
190. He applied for leave five days ago
and vanished.
Copy !req
191. Three days ago, he rented this
Copy !req
192. The murder weapon, kitchen utensils.
Copy !req
193. Inspection of the area turned up
a vehicle license
Copy !req
194. linked to organized crime.
We're checking it out.
Copy !req
195. Seven credit cards found in jacket,
presumably the victim's.
Copy !req
196. Investigating transaction history.
Copy !req
197. 38 caliber SW.
Model 2602.
Copy !req
198. Looks like he ran out of time.
Copy !req
199. Doubt it would've done him
much good...
Copy !req
200. "An illegally powerful cyborg," or
maybe a professional faking a psycho.
Copy !req
201. 969 calling 906, twenty seconds away
from the scene, don't touch...
Copy !req
202. Not a thing.
Copy !req
203. Let's leave this to Forensics.
Copy !req
204. 907 calling 09.
We're handing the scene over to 969.
Copy !req
205. 09, Roger.
Copy !req
206. It's my daughter's birthday.
Copy !req
207. Family man, huh?
Copy !req
208. I'll drop you off.
Copy !req
209. Wrong direction.
Copy !req
210. Not headed his way, either.
Copy !req
211. Okay. Daughter's birthday
takes priority.
Copy !req
212. You're a cheerful bunch.
Copy !req
213. The chief showing up at a scene?
Copy !req
214. The corpse is missing parts,
that's why.
Copy !req
215. The place is all yours.
Take your time.
Copy !req
216. What's the big deal over a local case?
Copy !req
217. The boss has taken an interest.
Copy !req
218. Found it! Divided up in jars
in the refrigerator.
Copy !req
219. Heart, liver, kidneys,
even the pancreas...
Copy !req
220. Conscientious bastard.
Copy !req
221. Fresh dog food, huh? Stick to dry food.
It'll last six months.
Copy !req
222. I can't feed him that.
Copy !req
223. You're teamed up with Togusa?
Copy !req
224. Beats being paired off with
a rookie fresh out of training.
Copy !req
225. For an ex-detective, he's got his uses.
I've got no complaints.
Copy !req
226. Except that the only one up to
your standards was the Major.
Copy !req
227. Cut the chatter, Ishikawa.
Copy !req
228. - Later.
- Batou...
Copy !req
229. What now?
Copy !req
230. Stick to the dry food.
Copy !req
231. For nutritional balance,
it's better for the dog.
Copy !req
232. He died from a blow that severed
his cervical vertebrae.
Copy !req
233. The kitchen utensils were for
evisceration, not murder.
Copy !req
234. Someone took their own sweet time
dismembering the corpse?
Copy !req
235. So it appears.
Copy !req
236. We've confirmed the organs in
the refrigerator were the victim's.
Copy !req
237. They reveal gastritis and cirrhosis of
the liver. Apparently an alcoholic.
Copy !req
238. Why'd the perp bother with the organs?
Copy !req
239. Maybe to create the impression he was
a psycho or a freak.
Copy !req
240. Or to underscore an element
of retribution or revenge.
Copy !req
241. So we're not looking for an assassin
posing as a thrill-seeker.
Copy !req
242. What's with the warped doorknob?
Copy !req
243. Analysis indicates a Chinese
prosthetic limb, model NR26.
Copy !req
244. - Commonly known as the Crab Claw.
- Strictly military.
Copy !req
245. Available on the black market,
defective ones, anyway.
Copy !req
246. The Claw jives with that stiff's
mutilated neck, too.
Copy !req
247. Did you track down the license
on those yakuza wheels?
Copy !req
248. Yeah. They've covered their tracks
with a lot of illegal modifications.
Copy !req
249. Stick to the facts.
Copy !req
250. We tracked down records from
a nearby parking lot.
Copy !req
251. The vehicle in question's
registered to
Copy !req
252. an organized crime group
called Kojinkai.
Copy !req
253. Car's bulletproofed, with a reinforced
chassis and rear shocks.
Copy !req
254. It's been linked to a number
of assault scenes.
Copy !req
255. Custom wheels for a cyborg...
Copy !req
256. An illegally powerful
bodyguard at that.
Copy !req
257. So this was yakuza payback?
Copy !req
258. But where's the motive?
The Kojinkai's...
Copy !req
259. an entrenched Japanese
crime syndicate.
Copy !req
260. Drugs, hookers, gambling, scams,
an anything-goes yakuza operation.
Copy !req
261. And a Hadaly gynoid yanked off
the big boss, Inoue's head 3 days ago.
Copy !req
262. A young turk, Wakabayashi,
took over the show.
Copy !req
263. It's a no-brainer, then.
Copy !req
264. Avenge the boss's death
and his throne is yours.
Copy !req
265. Hold on.
Copy !req
266. If Volkerson knew
they had it in for him,
Copy !req
267. why'd he take the trouble
of hiding-out on their turf?
Copy !req
268. We don't know. His e-brain's wiped
clean, so the car's our only lead.
Copy !req
269. Let's leave this one to the locals.
Copy !req
270. What about terrorists-masquerading-
as-deranged-robots scenario?
Copy !req
271. There's no political link
between the victims,
Copy !req
272. so I think that's a dead end.
Copy !req
273. But I'm putting Batou and Togusa on
all our berserk Hadaly cases,
Copy !req
274. full-time, this one included.
Copy !req
275. The rest of you, get back to your
regular shifts. That's it.
Copy !req
276. Togusa.
Copy !req
277. See me before you go.
Copy !req
278. Talk to me.
Copy !req
279. We'll check out any links between
the Kojinkai mob and Locus Solus...
Copy !req
280. I mean Batou.
Copy !req
281. Your job includes monitoring
your partner's emotional state.
Copy !req
282. I know, but I'm not a cyborg or
an electronic neurologist.
Copy !req
283. "One need not be Caesar in order
to understand Caesar."
Copy !req
284. You're a family man, right?
Do you consider yourself to be happy?
Copy !req
285. Well, sure...
Copy !req
286. Most of us are neither so happy nor
so miserable as we think.
Copy !req
287. The key is to stay engaged
with your life and your hopes.
Copy !req
288. I don't understand.
Copy !req
289. Lately, Batou's reminding me
Copy !req
290. of the Major before she disappeared.
Copy !req
291. You know, "Let one walk alone,
committing no sin,
Copy !req
292. "with few wishes,
Copy !req
293. "like an elephant in the forest."
Copy !req
294. Boss, why did you pick me
for this job?
Copy !req
295. Because it was the Major who
plucked you off your local beat.
Copy !req
296. What'd he want?
Copy !req
297. Apparently you don't need to be
Caesar in order to understand him.
Copy !req
298. That goes without saying,
Copy !req
299. the world cannot live at
the level of its great men.
Copy !req
300. Whoa! You planning on starting a war?
Copy !req
301. No need to be a yakuza to pay
them a visit, but we'll need weapons.
Copy !req
302. Listen, I want to
get something straight first.
Copy !req
303. Yeah? What?
Copy !req
304. We're just going to chat
with these guys, right?
Copy !req
305. You dislike yakuza?
Copy !req
306. Sure. Detest them.
Copy !req
307. Same here.
Copy !req
308. But we're just going
to chat, right?
Copy !req
309. Like I said, you don't need
to be a yakuza...
Copy !req
310. I know... to pay them a visit.
But you also said we need weapons.
Copy !req
311. I'm a family man...
Copy !req
312. I can always go alone.
Copy !req
313. No. I'll go with you,
Copy !req
314. I am your partner.
But I want your word.
Copy !req
315. Okay. We're just going to chat.
Avoid shooting as best you can.
Copy !req
316. - Happy now?
- Just fine.
Copy !req
317. Let's go then, pal.
Copy !req
318. Who the fuck are you?
Copy !req
319. Here to chat with Wakabayashi.
Go get him.
Copy !req
320. What about, "Avoid shooting..."
Copy !req
321. I did, "as best I could."
Copy !req
322. Move out, you're on point.
Here comes their back-up.
Copy !req
323. Images!
Copy !req
324. That son of a bitch
infiltrated our vision!
Copy !req
325. Blame your own cheap shit
Copy !req
326. What's up?
Copy !req
327. Narrow, dark stairs.
What's the program?
Copy !req
328. We take turns, I'll lead.
Copy !req
329. No, I'll lead. You're so damned big,
I can't cover you.
Copy !req
330. Your little gifts exploded
above my head.
Copy !req
331. Even presuming they went off
at their most lethal range,
Copy !req
332. you think two grenades are
going to off an armored cyborg?
Copy !req
333. You insult me.
Copy !req
334. Start by telling me about
the dead consignment inspector,
Copy !req
335. then spill your connections
to Locus Solus.
Copy !req
336. Well, look who's here.
Copy !req
337. Bring it on, Crab Man. You and that
claw look nasty, but I'm ready.
Copy !req
338. Betting on that obvious a move?
Copy !req
339. They told me where to find
the consignment inspector...
Copy !req
340. So we whacked him.
Copy !req
341. I'm fresh out of 3 years in the pen.
Copy !req
342. I know jack shit about what the boss
was up to with that outfit.
Copy !req
343. Still with me, pal?
Copy !req
344. All I could see...
were my wife and daughter's faces.
Copy !req
345. That wasn't your wife or daughter...
Copy !req
346. That was the grim reaper.
Copy !req
347. I ordered you
to conduct an investigation.
Copy !req
348. I never said skip the paperwork
and act like vigilantes.
Copy !req
349. I certainly don't recall ordering you
to barge into any yakuza office.
Copy !req
350. This isn't the jungle and
you're not Special Forces hit men.
Copy !req
351. You still pissed off?
Copy !req
352. I am not pissed.
Copy !req
353. And I hate to sound ungrateful
to the man who saved my life...
Copy !req
354. But being your partner is definitely
gonna take a toll on me.
Copy !req
355. Look, it's only the two
of us on this case.
Copy !req
356. A half-assed approach
just won't cut it.
Copy !req
357. If Locus Solus has anything to hide,
they'll come after us.
Copy !req
358. So that's why you put on
that yakuza gun show...
Copy !req
359. Yeah, and if the boss was really
pissed, he'd have suspended us.
Copy !req
360. Pull over, will you?
Copy !req
361. Later.
Copy !req
362. You're in the kill zone.
Copy !req
363. Don't tamper with the settings
on that new arm of yours.
Copy !req
364. The operating system upgrades
can conflict with the weapon-control,
Copy !req
365. rendering it entirely useless.
Copy !req
366. Then you'll just have to
reformat the thing.
Copy !req
367. Hey, where are the remains
of my old arm?
Copy !req
368. Don't even think about it.
Not much left.
Copy !req
369. The organic components in this
new one match your DNA.
Copy !req
370. I suppose that, with enough use
it'll feel like my own.
Copy !req
371. Ouch.
Hey, just hold on.
Copy !req
372. The fact that you carried
him here means that...
Copy !req
373. Yeah. I broke into
your little love nest.
Copy !req
374. I just couldn't stomach
Copy !req
375. the thought of him moaning with
hunger, covered in shit,
Copy !req
376. waiting for you.
Copy !req
377. Believe it or not, I'm a dog lover.
Copy !req
378. But I'm the one that took him in
for the night.
Copy !req
379. My daughter's in heaven and my wife's
fuming over her dirty carpets.
Copy !req
380. When did you start tailing me?
Copy !req
381. It's no big deal, man.
Copy !req
382. Yes, it is a big deal.
You used me as a smoke screen.
Copy !req
383. If you had more experience,
you would've caught on.
Copy !req
384. Blame it on the boss.
Copy !req
385. Is this pooch a clone?
Copy !req
386. Aren't originals
outrageously expensive?
Copy !req
387. His was the first line bred
by artificial insemination.
Copy !req
388. It's hardly your style to let them
hack into your e-brain.
Copy !req
389. And any daily routine just
makes you vulnerable to traps.
Copy !req
390. I told you to stick to dry food.
Copy !req
391. But he likes the fresh stuff
Copy !req
392. and that's the only store
around here that carries it.
Copy !req
393. They had you going berserk,
Copy !req
394. shooting five bullets
into your own arm,
Copy !req
395. and nearly blowing away
the store owner.
Copy !req
396. He may be nuts, but it's a rare
bird that can hack into this guy.
Copy !req
397. Except for the Major...
Copy !req
398. And why didn't they make me
blow my own head off?
Copy !req
399. I think, because they want
to disgrace you, not wipe you out.
Copy !req
400. First, you barge into a yakuza office,
Copy !req
401. send a dozen men to heaven
or the hospital,
Copy !req
402. and that very same day, unload
your weapon in a grocery store.
Copy !req
403. So we think either you've gone mad or
your e-brain's shot.
Copy !req
404. But this was a planned attack.
It proves that our case wasn't random.
Copy !req
405. We can't pull out...
Copy !req
406. We'd jeopardize the whole point of
Section 9.
Copy !req
407. That's what the Major'd say...
Copy !req
408. And I've got a message from
the boss, too. Stay on it,
Copy !req
409. but no more official Section support
until you come up with material proof.
Copy !req
410. We'll go to the source then,
Locus Solus.
Copy !req
411. Nothing preserves secrecy like speed.
Copy !req
412. You're going to the far
northern frontier immediately.
Copy !req
413. Far north?
Copy !req
414. You two can't handle it?
Copy !req
415. Sure, but... what about the basset?
Copy !req
416. The idea of a single man in this line
of work keeping a dog is preposterous!
Copy !req
417. And of all dogs, you choose
a high-maintenance hound.
Copy !req
418. It's not my problem.
You guys figure it out!
Copy !req
419. This area was once intended
Copy !req
420. as the Far East's most important
information center,
Copy !req
421. a Special Economic Zone
in its heyday.
Copy !req
422. These towers survive as
a shadow of the city's former glory.
Copy !req
423. Its dubious sovereignty has made
it the ideal haven
Copy !req
424. for multi-nationals and the criminal
elements that feed off their spoils.
Copy !req
425. It's a lawless zone, beyond
the reach of UN or E-Police.
Copy !req
426. Reminds me of the line,
"What the body creates,
Copy !req
427. "is as much an expression of
DNA as the body itself."
Copy !req
428. But the same applies to beaver
dams and spider webs.
Copy !req
429. I'll take the coral reefs as
my metaphor.
Copy !req
430. Though hardly so beautiful.
Copy !req
431. If the essence of life is information
carried in DNA,
Copy !req
432. then society and civilization are
just colossal memory systems
Copy !req
433. and a metropolis like this one, simply
a sprawling external memory.
Copy !req
434. "How great is the sum
of thy thoughts.
Copy !req
435. "If I should count them, they are
more in number than the sand."
Copy !req
436. Psalms 139, Old Testament.
Copy !req
437. The way you spout these
spontaneous exotic references,
Copy !req
438. I'd say your own external
memory's pretty twisted.
Copy !req
439. Look who's talking!
Copy !req
440. Sorry to interrupt, but we 're
about to fly over Locus Solus.
Copy !req
441. 777/5 pass is for you,
so take a good look.
Copy !req
442. So much for the free tour
Prepare for landing.
Copy !req
443. "His legions, angel forms,
who lay entranced.
Copy !req
444. "Thick as autumnal leaves that
strow the brooks."
Copy !req
445. Now you're quoting Milton,
but we are not Satan.
Copy !req
446. Batou!
Copy !req
447. You've sure gotten informal, Lin.
Since when do you skip the "Sir"?
Copy !req
448. I haven't forgotten
the debt I owe you.
Copy !req
449. "The less one forgets
the less one can remember."?
Copy !req
450. Oh, c'mon, Batou... Sir.
Copy !req
451. Now you want to butter me up
with "Sir".
Copy !req
452. Please, forgive me, I beg you.
I beseech you.
Copy !req
453. Know a guy called Kim?
Copy !req
454. Never heard of him.
Copy !req
455. Actually, they're a dime
a dozen up this way.
Copy !req
456. I'm just looking for a particular one.
Copy !req
457. We got loyalty even in my line.
Copy !req
458. "There's loyalty that protects secrets
and loyalty that protects the truth."
Copy !req
459. You cannot serve both masters,
so which loyalty is yours?
Copy !req
460. They say there's no truth
without secrets.
Copy !req
461. I'll ask you again,
do you know a guy called Kim?
Copy !req
462. Never heard of him.
Actually, they're a dime a dozen...
Copy !req
463. "Life and death come and go like
marionettes dancing on a table.
Copy !req
464. "Once their strings are cut,
they easily crumble."
Copy !req
465. He used to be a long-range
military scout.
Copy !req
466. "Unfit as a commander,
unfit to be commanded,
Copy !req
467. "fit only to languish
by the wayside."
Copy !req
468. He bounced around between
Special Forces and Electronics,
Copy !req
469. and got into black market weapons.
His reputation turned to shit.
Copy !req
470. Wound up your garden-variety hacker.
Copy !req
471. Sounds like quite a story.
Copy !req
472. Yeah, but no matter how far a jackass
travels, it won't come back a horse.
Copy !req
473. His downfall came when
his reach exceeded his grasp.
Copy !req
474. Let's go.
Copy !req
475. Batou, the study on the top floor.
Copy !req
476. I guess we were a little late.
Copy !req
477. Pro-active firewalls must have
zapped him hacking in somewhere.
Copy !req
478. In any case, doesn't look like
he would've been of much use.
Copy !req
479. "The deceased firmly declines
offerings of fresh or
Copy !req
480. "artificial flowers or birds
released in his honor."
Copy !req
481. "Sleep not you of the dead," huh!
Copy !req
482. Even Confucius says you should never
pretend to sleep like a corpse.
Copy !req
483. I haven't got time for your
stupid little jokes, Kim.
Copy !req
484. Haven't seen you since
that landing operation in Nemuro...
Copy !req
485. I'm here on a job.
Copy !req
486. Meaning Locus Solus?
Copy !req
487. They came late to
the robot racket,
Copy !req
488. but expanded rapidly once they
focused on high-end gynoids.
Copy !req
489. There are whispers of links
to politicians, bureaucrats,
Copy !req
490. even crime syndicates.
Copy !req
491. Wary of local regulators for these
"specialized" mannequins,
Copy !req
492. they shifted all production
Copy !req
493. to a multi-national factory ship
anchored in international waters.
Copy !req
494. They turn out some
mighty fine dolls.
Copy !req
495. Fine enough to commit suicide
after murdering humans?
Copy !req
496. If that's true, it's pretty unseemly.
Copy !req
497. That would mean replicating humans
by breathing souls into dolls.
Copy !req
498. Who'd want to do that?
Copy !req
499. The definition of
a truly beautiful doll
Copy !req
500. is a living, breathing, body
devoid of a soul.
Copy !req
501. "An unyielding corpse,
Copy !req
502. "tiptoeing on the
brink of collapse."
Copy !req
503. Or reduced to a ravaged body with
an e-brain... like you.
Copy !req
504. The human is no match for a doll,
Copy !req
505. in its form, its elegance in motion,
its very being.
Copy !req
506. The inadequacies of human awareness
Copy !req
507. become the inadequacies of
life's reality...
Copy !req
508. Perfection is possible
only for those without consciousness,
Copy !req
509. or perhaps endowed with
infinite consciousness.
Copy !req
510. In other words,
for dolls and for gods.
Copy !req
511. Shouldn't we get back to business?
Copy !req
512. Actually,
Copy !req
513. there's one more mode of existence
commensurate with dolls and deities.
Copy !req
514. Animals?
Copy !req
515. Shelley's skylarks are suffused
Copy !req
516. with a profound, instinctive joy.
Copy !req
517. Joy we humans, driven by
Copy !req
518. self-consciousness, can never know.
Copy !req
519. For those of us
who lust after knowledge,
Copy !req
520. it is a condition more elusive
than godhood.
Copy !req
521. And this conundrum compelled you
to inhabit a doll and play dead?
Copy !req
522. Is that your reason?
Copy !req
523. "Without knowing life,
how can we know death?"
Copy !req
524. That's what Confucius says.
Copy !req
525. It is a rare human who knows death.
Copy !req
526. Most meet death unprepared,
armed only with ignorant familiarity.
Copy !req
527. In other words, people die
simply because it is inevitable.
Copy !req
528. But death is a precondition of life
for a doll...
Copy !req
529. Kim chose to become a complete cyborg.
That was his reason.
Copy !req
530. He bounced around between
Special Forces and Electronics,
Copy !req
531. and got into black market weapons.
His reputation turned to shit.
Copy !req
532. Wound up your garden-variety hacker.
Copy !req
533. Sounds like quite a story.
Copy !req
534. No matter how far a jackass travels,
it won't come back a horse...
Copy !req
535. What's wrong? Let's go.
Copy !req
536. Batou!
Copy !req
537. "The deceased hereby proclaims,
that on this day of this month,
Copy !req
538. "I have attained
my own celebrated death."
Copy !req
539. Truly disturbing, isn't it?
Copy !req
540. I really understand.
Copy !req
541. The doubt is whether a creature
Copy !req
542. that certainly appears
to be alive, really is.
Copy !req
543. Alternatively,
Copy !req
544. the doubt that a lifeless object
might actually live.
Copy !req
545. That's why dolls haunt us.
Copy !req
546. They are modeled on humans.
Copy !req
547. They are, in fact,
nothing but human.
Copy !req
548. They make us face the
terror of being reduced
Copy !req
549. to simple mechanisms and matter.
Copy !req
550. In other words,
the terror that, fundamentally,
Copy !req
551. all humans belong
to the void.
Copy !req
552. Enough. Let's get down to business.
Copy !req
553. Further, science, seeking to unlock
the secret of life,
Copy !req
554. brought about this terror.
Copy !req
555. The notion that nature is calculable
inevitably leads
Copy !req
556. to the conclusion that humans too,
Copy !req
557. are reducible to basic,
mechanical parts.
Copy !req
558. "The human body is a machine
which winds its own springs.
Copy !req
559. "It is the living image of
perpetual motion."
Copy !req
560. In this age, the twin technologies
of robotics and electronic neurology
Copy !req
561. resurrected the 18th century theory
of man as machine.
Copy !req
562. And now that computers have
enabled externalized memory,
Copy !req
563. humans have pursued
self-mechanization aggressively,
Copy !req
564. to expand the limits
of their own functions.
Copy !req
565. Determined to leave behind
Darwinian natural selection,
Copy !req
566. this human determination to beat
evolutionary odds
Copy !req
567. also reveals the desire to transcend
Copy !req
568. the very quest for perfection
that gave it birth.
Copy !req
569. The mirage of life equipped
with perfect hardware
Copy !req
570. engendered this nightmare.
Copy !req
571. "God's... everlasting... geometry."
Copy !req
572. Here goes!
Copy !req
573. Batou!
Copy !req
574. How do you feel?
Copy !req
575. How did I...
Copy !req
576. Looks like a tangle of virtual
experience hacked into your e-brain.
Copy !req
577. Just as luck appears in threes,
misfortune also arrives three times.
Copy !req
578. A gaze averted in discomfort,
a realization unspoken,
Copy !req
579. advice unbidden...
Copy !req
580. Without noticing,
we welcome catastrophe.
Copy !req
581. But our world cannot afford to ignore
the first sign, let alone all three.
Copy !req
582. I told you, Kim, I don't have time
for your stupid jokes!
Copy !req
583. When did you catch on?
Copy !req
584. No one's easier to trick
than the trickster.
Copy !req
585. You may be an electronic
warfare specialist,
Copy !req
586. but you forget my line's
Copy !req
587. And besides...
I come complete with a guardian angel.
Copy !req
588. Try digging up the hall image in your
external memory database.
Copy !req
589. Jacob Grimm wrote that,
Copy !req
590. by inscribing "aemaeth" upon
the ancient Golem's brow,
Copy !req
591. the clay man lived by drawing
energy from the word for "truth".
Copy !req
592. But simply removing "ae"
to form "maeth"
Copy !req
593. or "death," returned
the Golem back to inanimate clay.
Copy !req
594. That prophecy told me that no truth
would be found within these walls.
Copy !req
595. Someone broke through
the firewalls I devised?
Copy !req
596. Preposterous. Who on earth could!
Copy !req
597. Like I told you, my guardian angel.
Copy !req
598. Game's over, Kim.
It's time you started talking...
Copy !req
599. That's just a doll.
Copy !req
600. You don't know when to quit, Kim.
I won't fall for another diversion.
Copy !req
601. Batou, how can you disprove
Copy !req
602. this reality is genuine
Copy !req
603. or an extension of false illusions
generated by virtual signals?
Copy !req
604. My ghost... is whispering to me.
Copy !req
605. Humans are nothing but the thread
from which the dream of life is woven.
Copy !req
606. If dreams, consciousness,
even ghosts
Copy !req
607. are no more than rifts and warps
in the uniform weave of the matrix...
Copy !req
608. We are both but worthless humans,
Copy !req
609. though we walk very different paths.
Copy !req
610. Of course, if you don't
believe in ghosts,
Copy !req
611. you'll never know madness
or schizophrenia, either.
Copy !req
612. The little that's left of
your body will not rot, Kim,
Copy !req
613. but continue to function
Copy !req
614. until you meet
a suitable death.
Copy !req
615. Are we actually back
in physical reality?
Copy !req
616. Good question.
Copy !req
617. There is no way to distinguish
reminiscence from true memory.
Copy !req
618. Whatever they are,
Copy !req
619. they can only be analyzed
after the fact.
Copy !req
620. The passage of time itself can't
be stored, so it's tough.
Copy !req
621. And inevitable,
Copy !req
622. now that our e-brains
share external memories.
Copy !req
623. Do your wife and daughter,
waiting for you at home, really exist?
Copy !req
624. Or are you, in reality, still single,
Copy !req
625. living in some cheap rented room,
only dreaming of that family...?
Copy !req
626. Don't you want to verify that?
Copy !req
627. And if you knew almost
from the start, why?
Copy !req
628. I had to ascertain his motives.
Copy !req
629. Kim set his trap knowing
I'd come calling,
Copy !req
630. inserting the virtual reality to shake
us off... That's about the gist of it.
Copy !req
631. Maybe he was the hacker who
planted something in my e-brain,
Copy !req
632. making me dance to his tune
and blow away my right arm.
Copy !req
633. Just as Ishikawa surmised, not
many could have pulled that off.
Copy !req
634. Locus Solus suspects as much.
Copy !req
635. So you anticipated all of this...
Copy !req
636. Pretended to fall into his trap,
Copy !req
637. then beat him at his own game...
That was my plan.
Copy !req
638. But Kim was pretty sophisticated.
Copy !req
639. I only made it out
because of the hallway clue.
Copy !req
640. The guardian angel you spoke of...
Copy !req
641. She's gone...
Copy !req
642. Somewhere beyond that "rift in
the uniform weave of the matrix."
Copy !req
643. Merging somewhere on the vast net,
or with the entire domain.
Copy !req
644. There are as many paths to proving
your existence as there are ghosts...
Copy !req
645. And you've got your daughter.
Copy !req
646. I thought Kim knew other paths too,
Copy !req
647. back when he and I were
in the jungle together.
Copy !req
648. At least I've figured one thing out.
Copy !req
649. What's that?
Copy !req
650. That I'll never cut it
as your partner.
Copy !req
651. Lost your nerve?
Copy !req
652. No, but to quote you,
I've got a daughter to go home to.
Copy !req
653. That may be, but you'll still
need to pay your way out of here.
Copy !req
654. Don't you have enough?
Copy !req
655. We can nail Locus Solus with
the data from Kim's e-brain.
Copy !req
656. No. We can only prove he interfered
with an investigation.
Copy !req
657. That plus the ethics violation.
Copy !req
658. Besides, our investigation's
officially off the record.
Copy !req
659. So, if we're going to make charges in
those gynoid serial murders stick,
Copy !req
660. we need material evidence.
Copy !req
661. And Kim's a dead end.
Copy !req
662. No, he's not.
Copy !req
663. His ghost may be beyond reach, but his
e-brain's still tied to Locus Solus.
Copy !req
664. We've got to settle this case before
they clean out their operation.
Copy !req
665. There's an old saying,
Copy !req
666. "When you're neither right nor wrong,
Copy !req
667. "it's time to beat
the drums and attack."
Copy !req
668. In other words, when dialogue fails,
it's time for violence.
Copy !req
669. Hey, this isn't like barging into
some yakuza office!
Copy !req
670. Then I won't count on your
Mateba revolver for cover.
Copy !req
671. "Birds seek refuge in the heavens,
Copy !req
672. "fish dive deep into the sea..."
Copy !req
673. I've made contact with the escort.
Copy !req
674. Roger.
Copy !req
675. Diving's risky for a heavy
cyborg physique like yours.
Copy !req
676. It's so deep here, if you sank,
we'd never retrieve you.
Copy !req
677. I used to know a cyborg
whose hobby was diving...
Copy !req
678. Don't know what got into her...
Copy !req
679. I'm helping out because
you're a friend of Lin's,
Copy !req
680. but they say no one's come back
from that ship alive.
Copy !req
681. Then I don't know what's got into you.
Copy !req
682. Exactly. Let's go.
Copy !req
683. Hold on!
Copy !req
684. In 12 seconds,
we'll trip their sensors.
Copy !req
685. I'll send 2 seconds
of camouflage signal.
Copy !req
686. Roger.
Copy !req
687. I've routed this thing's into
the chief of security's e-brain.
Copy !req
688. Initiating synchronization.
Copy !req
689. I'm in.
Forward the vessel data.
Copy !req
690. Download complete.
You got my vision in your sites?
Copy !req
691. Recording now.
Wouldn't miss my mentor's assault.
Copy !req
692. You're a real smart ass.
Copy !req
693. Infiltrator detected.
Copy !req
694. Rebooting level 2 security system.
Review status of all on board e-brains.
Copy !req
695. Scan for matches in memory usage
and virus size.
Copy !req
696. It may be a latent virus.
Cross monitor.
Copy !req
697. Logical contact with
the chief's e-brain denied.
Copy !req
698. Just go ahead and reformat!
Copy !req
699. Rebooting of level 2 security
system complete.
Copy !req
700. Create a detour,
divert the infiltrator
Copy !req
701. Rebuild the logic firewall.
Load antibodies.
Copy !req
702. Scanning viruses.
Copy !req
703. Response team,
prepare decoys for ambush.
Copy !req
704. Deploy all latent viruses
along firewalls.
Copy !req
705. Security wall 014 breached.
Copy !req
706. Error type 280 in security wall 032.
Copy !req
707. Rebuilding level 1 external
security wall.
Copy !req
708. Fluctuation in enemy's pro-active
firewall pattern detected.
Copy !req
709. Transmitting virus.
Copy !req
710. Pull out, Togusa. You're in danger.
Copy !req
711. They're onto you.
They'll fry your brains!
Copy !req
712. Not yet, a little further.
Copy !req
713. You idiot! Don't be crazy.
Copy !req
714. Illegal access at Hadaly gynoid
final production area.
Copy !req
715. Suspect an unconfirmed
latent virus attack.
Copy !req
716. Release all vaccines to thwart.
Copy !req
717. Too late, all systems activated.
Cannot establish logical contact.
Copy !req
718. Currently loading combat robotics
control software.
Copy !req
719. "Veni sancto spiritus."
Copy !req
720. Been a while, Major.
Copy !req
721. How shall I address you now?
Copy !req
722. To be precise, it's just a fragment
of me downloaded via satellite.
Copy !req
723. This gynoid's e-brain lacks capacity.
Copy !req
724. It can only handle the combat
robotics control system.
Copy !req
725. This is the best I can do for
facial and vocal expression.
Copy !req
726. There should be an emergency
access terminal
Copy !req
727. fifty meters down this passage.
Copy !req
728. If we can infiltrate that,
we'll take over the whole system.
Copy !req
729. You haven't changed.
Copy !req
730. Move out. You're on point.
I'll cover the rear.
Copy !req
731. Just like the old days.
Copy !req
732. "Who can gaze into
the mirror without becoming evil?
Copy !req
733. "A mirror does not reflect evil,
but creates it."
Copy !req
734. Poetics, now?
We're running low on ammo.
Copy !req
735. "Thus, a mirror bears a
glimpse, but not scrutiny."
Copy !req
736. Hey, isn't that risky?
Copy !req
737. It's just until I shut down
the operating system.
Copy !req
738. Plug into the auxiliary
inputs in the floor.
Copy !req
739. I have to gain system control
or this gynoid's nonfunctional.
Copy !req
740. I'm counting on your 30-caliber arm.
Copy !req
741. My brain can control firing,
but I've only got one clip left.
Copy !req
742. And I have my doubts about going
hand-to-hand with them.
Copy !req
743. Here goes!
Copy !req
744. Illegal on board breach
of main system.
Copy !req
745. Onboard? Isolate access point,
erect pro-active firewall.
Copy !req
746. Multiple camouflage signals identified.
No fluctuation in any terminal.
Copy !req
747. It may be an outside access.
Terminate all external network links.
Copy !req
748. Physically disengage external inputs.
Copy !req
749. Emergency control system
not responding.
Copy !req
750. Diffused viruses coalescing.
Breach in system area firewalls.
Copy !req
751. Prepare for system reset.
Isolate level 1 data.
Copy !req
752. Multiple illegal access in core system.
Our countermeasures can't keep up.
Copy !req
753. We're in control.
All external links severed.
Copy !req
754. The ship is totally isolated now.
Copy !req
755. We're moving?
Copy !req
756. We're heading south, leaving
Copy !req
757. international waters for
sovereign territory.
Copy !req
758. This entire ship will be
the material evidence
Copy !req
759. that proves Locus Solus' crime.
Copy !req
760. They'll come after us.
Copy !req
761. Before they do,
we'll have an escort vessel.
Copy !req
762. There. It's already done.
Copy !req
763. And we have the time to examine
Copy !req
764. the Locus Solus technique that
infused dolls with souls.
Copy !req
765. Haven't you cracked it?
Copy !req
766. You've got a hunch, too...
Copy !req
767. It's absolutely silent.
They must have sealed it off.
Copy !req
768. Ghost dubbing...
Copy !req
769. In past animal experiments, scientists
mass replicated inferior copies,
Copy !req
770. but had to abandon the practice
as it destroyed the original being.
Copy !req
771. But Locus Solus brainwashed girls
supplied by the Kojinkai mob,
Copy !req
772. dubbing their ghosts
onto gynoids.
Copy !req
773. It was the ghost that made
Locus Solus gynoids so desirable.
Copy !req
774. Help me...
Copy !req
775. Help me...
Copy !req
776. You came to help me.
Mr. Volkerson promised...
Copy !req
777. The police would come,
and rescue me.
Copy !req
778. I was stage four, but my friend Soana,
is already stage five.
Copy !req
779. She can't hear anything
and never answers anymore.
Copy !req
780. Volkerson, the murdered consignment
inspector revised their ethics code.
Copy !req
781. Exposed, the yakuza served him up
to avenge the crime boss.
Copy !req
782. But Volkerson was right.
Copy !req
783. If the robots made trouble,
someone would notice...
Copy !req
784. Someone would come to save us...
Copy !req
785. Didn't he consider the victims?
Copy !req
786. Not the humans...
Copy !req
787. What about the dolls endowed
with souls?
Copy !req
788. But... But...
Copy !req
789. I didn't want to become a doll!
Copy !req
790. "We weep for the bird's cry,
but not for the blood of a fish.
Copy !req
791. "Blessed are those who have voice."
Copy !req
792. If the dolls could speak,
Copy !req
793. no doubt they'd scream,
"I didn't want to become human..."
Copy !req
794. Let me ask you this,
do you consider yourself happy?
Copy !req
795. A nostalgic value, I suppose.
Copy !req
796. At least I am free of qualms.
Copy !req
797. "Let one walk alone,
committing no sin,
Copy !req
798. "with few wishes..."
Copy !req
799. "Like an elephant in the forest."
Copy !req
800. Always remember, Batou...
Copy !req
801. Whenever you enter the net,
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802. I'll be by your side.
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803. I'm going...
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804. She showed up on that boat,
didn't she?
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805. Your guardian angel.
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806. Clamming up again, eh? Why?
You think I'd report you?
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807. I'll pick you up at 08:20.
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808. I owe you for looking after him.
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809. Why don't you come in?
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810. Hanging out with someone else's
family... just isn't my thing.
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811. My present, my present!
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812. I remembered, see?
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813. English subtitles: Linda Hoaglund
with Judith Aley
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