1. It all began under the Frankenstein
Copy !req
2. It was my tenth year with this circus troupe
Copy !req
3. and we were passing through a bleak
territory of vampires,
Copy !req
4. will-o'-the-wisps, and water sprites.
Copy !req
5. Hurry, as quick as you can!
Copy !req
6. The ring master whipped
the anxious horses.
Copy !req
7. But I had other things on my mind.
Copy !req
8. Lazy bones!
Copy !req
9. Keep cleaning, and do it right,
you have to earn your bread!
Copy !req
10. I sensed an opportunity
to run away.
Copy !req
11. They'd been getting on my nerves
for quite a while.
Copy !req
12. They used the fact that I was an orphan.
Copy !req
13. They never paid me
Copy !req
14. and they even made me do girls' jobs.
Copy !req
15. This is a dangerous place!
Copy !req
16. Hurry up or we get stuck her overnight!
Copy !req
17. Gee!
Copy !req
18. Miriam!
Copy !req
19. We feed him, this kid...
Copy !req
20. And look what he did, the bastard!
Copy !req
21. Witch!
Copy !req
22. You'll go hungry for this!
Copy !req
23. No dinner, and no food tomorrow either!
Copy !req
24. - He bit me!
- Don't you dare beating me!
Copy !req
25. - Just you wait!
- You're not my mother!
Copy !req
26. She cared nothing for you,
Copy !req
27. and I should rack my nerves
trying to raise you?
Copy !req
28. I don't need you to raise me!
Copy !req
29. I'll put you in an orphanage
the first chance I get!
Copy !req
30. I'll find better guardians!
Copy !req
31. First you'd have to run away!
Copy !req
32. Let him try!
Copy !req
33. Go if you want to run into a vampire.
Copy !req
34. Come back, you darn kid!
Copy !req
35. - He ran off, the little bandit!
- So what?
Copy !req
36. - Who's gonna feed the horses?
- Devil may care!
Copy !req
37. I said good-bye to the circus.
Copy !req
38. And that was the beginning of the craziest
adventure of my life.
Copy !req
39. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you.
Copy !req
40. Is the water fairy still at the circus?
Copy !req
41. What water lady?
Copy !req
42. The beauty up front, at the wagon.
Copy !req
43. I don't know.
Copy !req
44. Are you very hungry?
Copy !req
45. Eat!
Copy !req
46. But it's still alive.
Copy !req
47. You don't like fresh fish?
Copy !req
48. Come, we'll find something to eat.
Copy !req
49. The Slovak Film Institute
Copy !req
50. Based on Frankenstein's Aunt
by Alan Rune Pettersson.
Copy !req
51. Screenplay by:
Copy !req
52. Count Dracula! Your brain! Got it?
Copy !req
53. Excellent!
Copy !req
54. Enough talking! Let it cool!
Copy !req
55. Henry Frankenstein had waited years
for this moment.
Copy !req
56. Script editor:
Copy !req
57. Directed by:
Copy !req
58. Friends! This day will enter
the annals of human history.
Copy !req
59. - Brain!
- Here.
Copy !req
60. Brand new and fresh,
Doctor Frankenstein.
Copy !req
61. My goodness! You left it to freeze?
Copy !req
62. The count told me...
Copy !req
63. I said let it cool,
I didn't say put it in the freezer!
Copy !req
64. I've waited for ages for
Professor Sedlmayer to die!
Copy !req
65. I am sorry, sir Henry.
Copy !req
66. He was one of the greatest geniuses,
Copy !req
67. and you freeze his brain to stone!
Copy !req
68. What if you damaged some
important section of it?
Copy !req
69. - I'll try warm it up.
- Scalpel!
Copy !req
70. Here you go.
Telephone, please.
Copy !req
71. Telephone!
Copy !req
72. I can't work like this!
Copy !req
73. Dashing. What're we going
to call him?
Copy !req
74. I suggest Henry II, after you.
Copy !req
75. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
76. But he will beat us in significance
and intelligence. Hopefully.
Copy !req
77. My favorite apprentice has
a fitting name. Einstein.
Copy !req
78. The Joseph who visited here
during the holidays?
Copy !req
79. No. Einstein's name is Albert.
Copy !req
80. Fascinating. Very original!
Copy !req
81. May happiness be his companion
in all his life!
Copy !req
82. May your name be Albert!
Copy !req
83. Zipper!
Copy !req
84. Careful, countess.
Copy !req
85. I have to attach it right,
otherwise he'll be a leftie.
Copy !req
86. What is it, Igor?
Copy !req
87. The electricity will kick in soon,
the antennas are up!
Copy !req
88. Now, we wake up his
nervous system.
Copy !req
89. The further the worse, Alojz.
Copy !req
90. See that liver? Go, don't be scared!
Copy !req
91. No trout!
Copy !req
92. Ok, two beers then, that's all.
Copy !req
93. - Three. Pilsners.
- No!
Copy !req
94. Do you want to drink yourself to death?
Copy !req
95. - Touché!
- Dame!
Copy !req
96. I'm taking that.
Copy !req
97. This too!
Copy !req
98. Help!
Copy !req
99. Guys, we got a problem!
Copy !req
100. What's going on?
Copy !req
101. Terrible things are happening
at the castle.
Copy !req
102. Give him some liquor!
Copy !req
103. - Plum brandy!
- Coming up!
Copy !req
104. Wake up!
Copy !req
105. It was a vampire.
Copy !req
106. Up at the castle.
Copy !req
107. Count Frankenstein put together
a horrible monster.
Copy !req
108. Just like his uncle five hundred years ago.
Copy !req
109. I saw it myself. Look!
Copy !req
110. He let the dragons out.
Copy !req
111. When the lightning strikes them,
the monster comes alive!
Copy !req
112. Nonsense. Nobody can construct
a human being.
Copy !req
113. It has happened in the past.
My grandfather saw it.
Copy !req
114. We cannot let it come to that!
Copy !req
115. I must go to the castle right away.
Copy !req
116. I'm coming with you!
Copy !req
117. You came to see us, brother?
You decided to do some work?
Copy !req
118. Later, Berta. I don't have time for this.
Copy !req
119. I have to show them
who the inventor is around here!
Copy !req
120. They are going to see one Hufschmied!
Copy !req
121. It won't be long before I get married!
Copy !req
122. Never again will I touch a hammer!
Copy !req
123. Until then, you just keep picking it up!
Copy !req
124. You work! I'll be famous!
My name will be in all the papers!
Copy !req
125. Excellent!
Copy !req
126. And now let's see if everything works
like it should.
Copy !req
127. The hand... the fingers.
Copy !req
128. And now the major stuff:
Speech and sight!
Copy !req
129. The sight is perfect, but...
Copy !req
130. Come on, what's wrong with you?
Say something!
Copy !req
131. It should work!
Everything functions!
Copy !req
132. Wait! Say something!
Copy !req
133. Say it loud and clear!
Copy !req
134. Here I am!
Copy !req
135. Are you in the netherworld?
Copy !req
136. I'm in the channel!
Copy !req
137. Is that you, Alojz? What's going on?
Copy !req
138. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Getting drunk and make a mess!
Copy !req
139. There's something I've got to tell you.
Copy !req
140. The whole town is on its feet.
The men are coming here.
Copy !req
141. Now you'll see what my invention
can do!
Copy !req
142. Don't go! Come back!
Copy !req
143. A child speaks when you
slap his butt.
Copy !req
144. That's very unscientific.
Copy !req
145. Let me think!
Copy !req
146. Think fast, those people will be here
any minute now.
Copy !req
147. A scientist cannot act in haste.
Copy !req
148. We'll set the castle on fire!
Copy !req
149. Beat all the spooks!
Copy !req
150. Why won't you talk, stubborn thing?
Copy !req
151. Lie on your belly! Turn around!
Copy !req
152. Don't you dare! It's unscientific.
Copy !req
153. People do it - you said so yourself!
Copy !req
154. My goodness! Look at how ugly he is!
Copy !req
155. It's not beauty that counts!
Copy !req
156. But his strength will save us.
Copy !req
157. It works! Welcome, Professor!
Copy !req
158. How do you feel?
Copy !req
159. Fantastic! Excellent!
Copy !req
160. Are you all right?
Copy !req
161. Come on, guys!
Copy !req
162. We'll deal with the count
once and for all!
Copy !req
163. Albert will win them over,
you'll see.
Copy !req
164. Professor, once again!
Copy !req
165. Welcome to the castle
of Count Farkastein!
Copy !req
166. Frankenstein.
Copy !req
167. We hope you will...
have a pleasant visit!
Copy !req
168. Open the gates!
Copy !req
169. Open, or we'll break it!
Copy !req
170. Let us in and hand over the monster!
Copy !req
171. Open, otherwise we'll use
heavy machinery!
Copy !req
172. Quiet, citizens!
Copy !req
173. Welcome to the castle
of Count Frankenstein!
Copy !req
174. We hope you will have
a pleasant visit!
Copy !req
175. That's him!
Copy !req
176. Welcome to the castle
of Count Frankenstein...
Copy !req
177. He's trying to fool us!
Copy !req
178. Albert knows no fear.
Copy !req
179. Calm down, Albert knows no fear.
Copy !req
180. You, butcher, give him,
you're strong.
Copy !req
181. What is fear?
Copy !req
182. Be sensible, I made him for you!
Copy !req
183. - He doesn't feel anything.
- He's not human.
Copy !req
184. He's a monster!
Copy !req
185. It's a terrible misunderstanding!
Copy !req
186. Step aside now!
I'll start my fireworks.
Copy !req
187. Be reasonable, people!
Copy !req
188. You still want to know fear?
Copy !req
189. Is this fear?
Copy !req
190. Welcome to the castle
of Count Frankenstein...
Copy !req
191. Throw it away!
He can't throw it away! He's done!
Copy !req
192. No answer.
Copy !req
193. And he promised he would call,
my famous nephew Henry.
Copy !req
194. Pack my suitcase, Charlie,
I'm going to the castle!
Copy !req
195. It's time to see the ghosts.
Copy !req
196. I was a little girl when they sent me
off to school.
Copy !req
197. But I remember you, Countess.
Copy !req
198. So you're from Frankenstein, Miss?
Copy !req
199. Call me Claire.
Copy !req
200. And now you're coming back.
Copy !req
201. A lovely, educated young lady!
How long are you visiting for?
Copy !req
202. I'm coming back to stay. I'll work
with my mother at the pharmacy.
Copy !req
203. Come see us at the castle...
if you're brave.
Copy !req
204. I'm not sure. I think I am.
Copy !req
205. Frankenstein!
Copy !req
206. - Claire, here I am!
- Mom!
Copy !req
207. Good-bye,
Countess Frankenstein!
Copy !req
208. Don't forget to come visit us!
I'll introduce you to my nephew!
Copy !req
209. I won't forget!
See you later, Countess!
Copy !req
210. Watch out, after that scandal
everything is damaged.
Copy !req
211. It's in desolate condition!
Copy !req
212. There used to be a door here. Open!
Copy !req
213. It's destroyed.
Copy !req
214. I should sell the castle to the government.
Copy !req
215. Why? It needs to be reconstructed!
Copy !req
216. - Waste of money.
- It's a great castle.
Copy !req
217. What if he's hiding here?
Copy !req
218. Are you here, Henry?
Copy !req
219. He's not here. Let's proceed, Madam!
Copy !req
220. I don't like this.
Copy !req
221. This is where it all happened,
at the lab.
Copy !req
222. This used to be the armory
of Count Theodore.
Copy !req
223. You've done some work here,
dear ghosts!
Copy !req
224. The Countess never found her nephew
at the castle.
Copy !req
225. Then she invited all its inhabitants
to a dinner party, which was nice,
Copy !req
226. because they behaved strangely here.
Nobody gave me anything.
Copy !req
227. I was worried that my spooks never eat.
Copy !req
228. A raw steak for Mister librarian.
Copy !req
229. He likes it bloody.
Copy !req
230. Bread and water for the White Lady.
Copy !req
231. I'll make an exception.
I'll have the fish.
Copy !req
232. Sorry, I didn't see.
Copy !req
233. Enjoy!
Copy !req
234. You're not wearing you glasses!
Copy !req
235. Have you gone nuts, Sepp?
What are you doing here?
Copy !req
236. I don't know this gentleman.
Copy !req
237. "I don't know this gentleman."
Copy !req
238. I'm Fiery Sepp!
Copy !req
239. I'd shake your hand, but mine
is too hot.
Copy !req
240. Sir Henry made a slight mistake
when he calculated energy.
Copy !req
241. Are you Henry's creation too?
Copy !req
242. When he tried to fix me,
he almost burned himself!
Copy !req
243. Igor! My sherry is gone!
Copy !req
244. Sherry. I've never drunk that before.
Copy !req
245. - What's your name?
- Max.
Copy !req
246. - And?
- Just Max.
Copy !req
247. Everyone has a surname.
Copy !req
248. We're friends, I'll give you a name.
Copy !req
249. I'll call you Freckle.
Copy !req
250. Max Freckle Frecklenini,
like Paganini.
Copy !req
251. - Frecklenini?
- A great artist!
Copy !req
252. I have a name!
Copy !req
253. Max Freckle Frecklenini!
Copy !req
254. - Want to go for a ride?
- Sure!
Copy !req
255. Careful, Frecklenini!
Copy !req
256. Good evening! Welcome home,
Copy !req
257. You're still alive?
Copy !req
258. I'm immortal. I got news about
your nephew.
Copy !req
259. You know where he is?
Copy !req
260. At your house in Yorkshire.
Copy !req
261. - How do you know?
- I got my bats.
Copy !req
262. I send out signals to other bats,
they forward the message...
Copy !req
263. Us bats, we have a perfect system
for communication.
Copy !req
264. I'm amazed, Count Dracula.
Copy !req
265. I feel something now.
Certain vibrations.
Copy !req
266. Henry wants to call you.
Copy !req
267. He's walking to the telephone,
he's calling the operator...
Copy !req
268. He's giving your number.
They just connected him and...
Copy !req
269. This is Henry, Auntie! How are you?
Copy !req
270. I want to tell you that you turned
the castle into ruins.
Copy !req
271. That's the risk of business.
Copy !req
272. I've been working on a new idea.
It needs focus!
Copy !req
273. The castle needs to be renovated!
You have to come back!
Copy !req
274. The line is bad, I can't hear you.
Copy !req
275. It's a terrible connection!
Copy !req
276. You no longer want to sell the
family castle.
Copy !req
277. - Who said such nonsense?
- Igor said!
Copy !req
278. Igor spreads gossip and panic.
Copy !req
279. - Ladies and gentlemen, to the castle!
- And to the Countess!
Copy !req
280. May she forgive us our sins
and be with us for a long time yet.
Copy !req
281. Until the end of the world.
Copy !req
282. Stop!
Copy !req
283. Everybody, over here! I found Albert!
Copy !req
284. He opened his eyes.
Copy !req
285. He's alive!
Copy !req
286. Wake up, old friend!
Copy !req
287. Welcome to the castle
of Count Frankenstein.
Copy !req
288. Welcome back to the world!
Copy !req
289. And we have a pair of hands
stronger than ten others!
Copy !req
290. I'm thirsty! Give me something to drink!
Copy !req
291. Albert, that's not whipped cream!
Copy !req
292. - Brush it strongly, Max!
- Is this your way?
Copy !req
293. So, Albert was born again.
Copy !req
294. With the soul of a child
and the strength of a giant.
Copy !req
295. Soon, the castle was like new.
Copy !req
296. But the Countess did not let him rest.
Copy !req
297. Without mercy, she ordered
his humanization.
Copy !req
298. Poor thing! I wanted to teach him
about the world,
Copy !req
299. but she sent him to the library,
Copy !req
300. as if books could educate you
how to live.
Copy !req
301. This is a man? He looks like me.
Copy !req
302. That's correct, that's a man.
Copy !req
303. And what's this?
Copy !req
304. A w-o-m-a-n. That's like you,
a woman.
Copy !req
305. What, me? Me, a woman?
Copy !req
306. A woman is something beautiful,
ethereal, and mysterious.
Copy !req
307. She offered him her lips.
Copy !req
308. Lovely... her lips.
Copy !req
309. - Max, will you be all right?
- Sure!
Copy !req
310. Has a woman ever offered you
her lips?
Copy !req
311. My mom.
Copy !req
312. But then she disappeared and I never
saw her again.
Copy !req
313. And is this not your mother?
Copy !req
314. No. She's the kind...
Copy !req
315. that goes with anybody.
Copy !req
316. Enough! A am a grown up man!
Copy !req
317. I have the right to a woman!
Copy !req
318. I want a bride!
Copy !req
319. Don't hurt me!
Copy !req
320. - Do I know you?
- I came to help you.
Copy !req
321. I know a woman
who would give you her lips.
Copy !req
322. - She likes to kiss?
- Why not? Yes.
Copy !req
323. And she's strong, and pretty,
like you.
Copy !req
324. Here, sit down.
Copy !req
325. You have a lovely zipper on your head!
Copy !req
326. You are the only person who
really wants to help me.
Copy !req
327. But don't tell anyone.
It's going to be our secret.
Copy !req
328. Help! I'm drowning!
Copy !req
329. Could you be a little more quiet?
Copy !req
330. - But I'm not doing anything.
- You're disturbing my peace.
Copy !req
331. - I haven't said a word!
- Do you want to argue with me?
Copy !req
332. What's all that sighing and whining?
Copy !req
333. - I apologize. Should I leave?
- Yes, please.
Copy !req
334. Or stop whimpering!
It makes me nervous!
Copy !req
335. - So what am I supposed to do?
- Look for a bride yourself!
Copy !req
336. Myself?
Copy !req
337. Every decent man looks for
a wife himself.
Copy !req
338. You don't want to be my bride?
Copy !req
339. You're talking nonsense.
Copy !req
340. I feel that I like you.
Copy !req
341. He passed through the wall!
Copy !req
342. - Watch out, man, step aside!
- Me?
Copy !req
343. - Oh my goodness!
- Wait!
Copy !req
344. It's the monster from the castle!
Copy !req
345. Alarm!
Copy !req
346. Into the shelter!
Copy !req
347. Inside, now! It's the monster
from the castle!
Copy !req
348. Look how horrible he is!
Copy !req
349. He's like a child.
Copy !req
350. Just you wait!
Copy !req
351. Let it be, I'll take care of it!
Copy !req
352. Albert! Come and see
if I can fulfill my promise.
Copy !req
353. - You know what I mean, right?
- Our little secret.
Copy !req
354. You and I - we're friends, right?
Copy !req
355. I am sure you will like her.
Copy !req
356. This is my sister.
Copy !req
357. You should get to know each other!
Copy !req
358. - I'm Albert.
- Albert who?
Copy !req
359. Just Albert is enough.
Copy !req
360. He's a good friend of mine, right?
Copy !req
361. My name is Berta.
Copy !req
362. Is this my suitor?
Copy !req
363. Isn't she pretty?
Copy !req
364. She weighs at least 300 pounds!
Copy !req
365. Are you as strong as you look?
Copy !req
366. He has to go!
He'll destroy our houses!
Copy !req
367. Go, kids!
Copy !req
368. - What's he up to?
- He's destroying our town.
Copy !req
369. I just wanted Berta to like me.
Copy !req
370. We have to tie him up,
or he'll kill us all!
Copy !req
371. Calm down!
He hasn't done anything wrong!
Copy !req
372. That's my tree! I told him
to tear it out of the ground!
Copy !req
373. Albert may not be coming back.
Copy !req
374. Don't worry. We cannot have everything
we'd like.
Copy !req
375. Easy for you to say,
but I don't have anybody.
Copy !req
376. - And whom do I have?
- The Countess and the ghosts.
Copy !req
377. But there are things I will never have.
Copy !req
378. I cannot sleep.
Copy !req
379. I lie awake at night, eyes open...
Copy !req
380. That's how unhappy I am...
Copy !req
381. And it's getting worse.
Copy !req
382. - But why?
- I'm cursed.
Copy !req
383. - Have you done something bad?
- Yes. It's hard to talk about it.
Copy !req
384. Something terrible. With Elisabeth,
the White Lady.
Copy !req
385. Can anybody help you?
Copy !req
386. Yes, but I cannot say how.
Copy !req
387. We are in the power of the Iron Man.
Copy !req
388. I can save you, and Albert too.
Copy !req
389. So, how about you, genius?
You haven't learned much.
Copy !req
390. You must get better, if you want to
make an impression on Berta.
Copy !req
391. Will she offer me her lips then?
Copy !req
392. You'll see.
Copy !req
393. Why does your sister need
so many sleeping pills?
Copy !req
394. It's not just for her.
Copy !req
395. I can't sleep either.
Copy !req
396. - How can I help, Mr. Hufschmied?
- Isn't that too much?
Copy !req
397. Give him what he asks for.
He's the customer.
Copy !req
398. What are you looking for,
little freckled freak?
Copy !req
399. - Who are you?
- Iron Theodor.
Copy !req
400. I forbid you to sniff around
for our secrets!
Copy !req
401. You're not my father,
you don't tell me what to do.
Copy !req
402. - So, Berta?
- Good... I had a drink.
Copy !req
403. What, you too? Get up!
Copy !req
404. You silly cow, you drank from it?
Berta, wake up!
Copy !req
405. They're drunk.
Copy !req
406. You have to help me!
Wake up!
Copy !req
407. I'm worried about Albert.
God knows what happened to him?
Copy !req
408. It was his decision to leave.
Copy !req
409. He's like a child, he could get hurt.
Igor says...
Copy !req
410. Enough of Igor!
He's just a servant.
Copy !req
411. - You don't like him?
- Pay attention!
Copy !req
412. Albert went off to look for love.
Copy !req
413. - At the blacksmith's?
- That's where he chose to go.
Copy !req
414. You want to get rid of him.
Copy !req
415. Like my mom wanted to get rid of me.
Copy !req
416. - Alojz!
- Here I am, Freckle!
Copy !req
417. - Start!
- Yes, sir!
Copy !req
418. I have a bad feeling about Albert.
Copy !req
419. Now you go.
Copy !req
420. Don't worry, they were all fast asleep.
Copy !req
421. Except for the blacksmith.
Copy !req
422. What? The blacksmith
is up to something!
Copy !req
423. - Go get help!
- Just sleep!
Copy !req
424. We'll take a look
at Frankenstein's secret.
Copy !req
425. Lalali, lalala,
your head opens up, lalala!
Copy !req
426. Wake up! You have to help us!
Copy !req
427. Your brother wants to hurt Albert.
Copy !req
428. I'm Siegfried Hufschmied,
the greatest inventor of all times.
Copy !req
429. - Open!
- Come, Sepp!
Copy !req
430. Let me warm up! May I?
I want to use my invention.
Copy !req
431. - What an invention!
- I call it laser.
Copy !req
432. Attack! Out of the way, Max!
Copy !req
433. Help! Quick!
Copy !req
434. Igor, quick! I think Albert is hurt!
Copy !req
435. Go back to the castle!
Copy !req
436. Leave the chains!
Copy !req
437. - I can't untie him!
- You shouldn't be here! Stop!
Copy !req
438. - The chain won't let go!
- Let's see that!
Copy !req
439. That's gunpowder!
Copy !req
440. Albert is on fire!
We have to untie him!
Copy !req
441. Water!
Copy !req
442. Firefighters! My workshop is on fire!
Copy !req
443. You idiot! Go to hell with
your stupid inventions!
Copy !req
444. It's that monster's fault!
Copy !req
445. It was arson, he's a criminal!
And you have to pay damages!
Copy !req
446. - Put him here.
- Careful!
Copy !req
447. - You'll pay me for this!
- Off the carriage, Huschmied!
Copy !req
448. Claire, save him!
Copy !req
449. He needs help immediately.
He could die.
Copy !req
450. He's running a temperature.
We have to beat the fever down.
Copy !req
451. - What is it?
- A zipper.
Copy !req
452. Albert is a modern man.
Copy !req
453. We never learned at school about this.
Copy !req
454. When I was little, mom would
blow on it when I was hurting.
Copy !req
455. Shall I try?
Copy !req
456. It always helped me.
Copy !req
457. It worked - the fever is dropping.
Copy !req
458. - He's better.
- It always helps.
Copy !req
459. Can you hear me, Albert?
I'm Claire.
Copy !req
460. Can you see me?
Copy !req
461. - He's pale, he lost a lot of blood.
- Young, fresh blood.
Copy !req
462. He'll sleep for a long time,
sleep is healing.
Copy !req
463. I'm glad you are here.
Copy !req
464. Would you like to stay overnight?
Copy !req
465. No, thank you. My mother cannot
find out that I was here.
Copy !req
466. I sneaked out, she doesn't know.
Copy !req
467. I'll send Igor, he'll take you back.
Copy !req
468. - Your coat.
- I'll take you home.
Copy !req
469. I will! I will!
Copy !req
470. - So who's going to take me?
- Me, me...
Copy !req
471. Gentlemen, what is this
supposed to mean?
Copy !req
472. You're bothering this lovely
young lady.
Copy !req
473. To your service, Madam.
Count Dracula from Transylvania.
Copy !req
474. That's the monsoon in India.
Copy !req
475. And this is the Opera La Scala.
Copy !req
476. And if I stretch out my arms,
it plays in stereo.
Copy !req
477. That's impressive, but...
Copy !req
478. Just a moment... Do you recognize
this voice?
Copy !req
479. Claire! We're waiting for you!
Mr. Hans is here!
Copy !req
480. My mother!
Copy !req
481. The mayor's son is here!
Copy !req
482. Open up! He brought you roses!
Copy !req
483. Please, take me home right away.
Copy !req
484. It will be my pleasure.
Copy !req
485. But the sun is still high!
Copy !req
486. I'll take counter measures.
Copy !req
487. We're flying!
Copy !req
488. Faster!
Copy !req
489. What was that?
Copy !req
490. You're safe in my hands.
Copy !req
491. A fireball!
Copy !req
492. - A fireball, Fiery Sepp!
- Shouldn't we land?
Copy !req
493. For that nobody?
We'll fly higher instead.
Copy !req
494. People of his rank
cannot follow us there.
Copy !req
495. - What's going on?
- She locked the door and won't talk.
Copy !req
496. - I'm worried about her.
- Miss Claire!
Copy !req
497. Leave her alone!
Who will help Albert?
Copy !req
498. Careful! You'll break the door!
Copy !req
499. You'll help us. Let's try together.
Copy !req
500. She wouldn't harm herself,
would she?
Copy !req
501. Quiet! She's alive!
Copy !req
502. Go out! I have to close the window!
Copy !req
503. Claire!
Copy !req
504. Albert, what are you doing?
Copy !req
505. Get out!
Copy !req
506. Hello. I was just coming to see you.
Copy !req
507. I saved you a trip then.
Copy !req
508. Can I borrow your bicycle?
Copy !req
509. It will be my pleasure to run
beside you.
Copy !req
510. I'm going far!
Copy !req
511. Doesn't matter. I'd follow you
to the world's end.
Copy !req
512. You have to run faster then!
Copy !req
513. - Not to the castle!
- Why?
Copy !req
514. Come back! Aren't you afraid?
Copy !req
515. Yes, me. How did you know?
Copy !req
516. You have the softest hands.
You must be beautiful.
Copy !req
517. I'll remove the bandage and you'll see me.
Copy !req
518. - How do you feel?
- Great, when you are here.
Copy !req
519. I called you.
Copy !req
520. Now sit quietly! Don't move!
Copy !req
521. I think I'm in heaven. I see an angel.
Copy !req
522. on my bicycle, to the castle.
Copy !req
523. No way! She's in her room.
I talked to her a minute ago.
Copy !req
524. - Can I see her?
- Of course you can.
Copy !req
525. But calm down a little first.
Copy !req
526. We're closed, come back later!
Copy !req
527. In the afternoon.
Copy !req
528. It was horrible,
but I feel better now.
Copy !req
529. You'll see her. She's taking a nap.
Copy !req
530. I think Claire is up now.
Copy !req
531. Claire, where are you?
Copy !req
532. Come!
Copy !req
533. You see? Do you still have
a headache?
Copy !req
534. You look pale.
Copy !req
535. I had a terrible dream.
Copy !req
536. You went to the end of the world
on my bicycle.
Copy !req
537. If you came by bike,
it must be outside.
Copy !req
538. Outside!
Copy !req
539. My bicycle!
Copy !req
540. I'll come again!
Copy !req
541. If the mayor finds out,
everything could fall apart.
Copy !req
542. You're nursing such a monster.
It will cost you such a husband!
Copy !req
543. Albert is not a monster.
He even likes poetry.
Copy !req
544. I can't take this anymore!
Copy !req
545. You're driving me crazy.
Copy !req
546. Who's disturbing my sleep?
Is it so late already?
Copy !req
547. Your tea, my lord.
Copy !req
548. - What do you think about those two?
- You don't want them to be happy?
Copy !req
549. That's not the point.
Copy !req
550. You know what happens if
the two lovers have to be separated?
Copy !req
551. There will be two more ghosts
wandering around the world.
Copy !req
552. Why ghosts?
Copy !req
553. When someone ends up alone,
he turns into a ghost.
Copy !req
554. Is that what happened to all of you
here at the castle?
Copy !req
555. No. To all people walking the earth.
Copy !req
556. - So you too were lonely.
- Your tea is truly delicious.
Copy !req
557. Put your hand on your heart
and start with your left foot.
Copy !req
558. It's just a question of will.
Copy !req
559. I want to pass through the wall
and I can do it!
Copy !req
560. Albert, did you see that?
I passed through the wall!
Copy !req
561. I want to pass through the wall
and I can do it!
Copy !req
562. What's that going to be, a cradle?
Copy !req
563. I wanted to make something nice for her.
Copy !req
564. So that she would see how clever I am.
Copy !req
565. A cradle for Claire?
Copy !req
566. Is she expecting a baby?
Copy !req
567. There's going to be a scandal!
Copy !req
568. Is that you, Albert? How handsome!
I almost didn't recognize you.
Copy !req
569. I came to thank you
for all you have done for me.
Copy !req
570. - And please accept this small gift.
- A gift? For me?
Copy !req
571. A cradle?
Copy !req
572. That's so nice!
Copy !req
573. Did you do it yourself?
Copy !req
574. Let's take it inside.
My mother is not at home.
Copy !req
575. Do you like it?
Copy !req
576. - Why is it so big?
- It's for two.
Copy !req
577. Come one then.
Copy !req
578. You are so serious as if you were
ready to declare your love for me.
Copy !req
579. That's why I'm here.
Copy !req
580. First you just wanted to thank me,
Copy !req
581. then there was the gift,
Copy !req
582. now you want to declare your love.
What's next?
Copy !req
583. You'd make me extremely happy...
Copy !req
584. if you offered me your lips.
Copy !req
585. My lips?
Copy !req
586. They're right here!
Copy !req
587. What's going on here?
Copy !req
588. Do you hear me? Stop that!
Copy !req
589. This monster dared to kiss you?
Copy !req
590. - Albert is not a monster!
- Go to your room!
Copy !req
591. He brought me a gift!
Copy !req
592. Don't be mad at Claire.
It's all my fault!
Copy !req
593. Out! Get out!
Copy !req
594. Get out! You monster!
Copy !req
595. - Albert, I'll help you.
- How?
Copy !req
596. - We'll turn you into a dandy.
- Hardly.
Copy !req
597. The relationship between a man
and a woman is based on dance.
Copy !req
598. Graceful steps will lead you to love.
Copy !req
599. Shall we dance?
Copy !req
600. Doctors cannot cure love,
just like the flu.
Copy !req
601. The ring master said that nitwits
marry soon and the prudent never.
Copy !req
602. Unfortunately, our Albert fell
into the first category.
Copy !req
603. And we just had to help him
on his way to hell.
Copy !req
604. We taught him how to dance and coo,
Copy !req
605. because women like the looks and talk
more than the man's heart.
Copy !req
606. And because I know the world,
I gave me a piece of advice:
Copy !req
607. First, you have to charm her mother.
Copy !req
608. Dress rehearsal!
Albert, you're at the pharmacy.
Copy !req
609. Let's try a compliment.
Copy !req
610. I am under your spell. You look young
and pretty. Prettier than...
Copy !req
611. - Than who?
- Than your daughter.
Copy !req
612. A real Casanova!
Copy !req
613. I hope you remember everything.
Copy !req
614. Don't worry.
Copy !req
615. - Good luck!
- Thank you!
Copy !req
616. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Copy !req
617. Good luck!
Copy !req
618. And remember to kiss
the lady pharmacist's hand!
Copy !req
619. He acts like he's at home!
Copy !req
620. - Inn-keeper, treat him to a beer!
- I should invite the monster?
Copy !req
621. I'll pay.
Copy !req
622. Young master! A word!
Copy !req
623. - Why don't you join us!
- Me?
Copy !req
624. Cheers!
Copy !req
625. He's nice and tipsy already.
Copy !req
626. I have to go pay a visit now.
Copy !req
627. You wouldn't do that to us!
Copy !req
628. Cheers!
Copy !req
629. Say hello to Claire for me!
Copy !req
630. Claire! It's me! I'm here!
Copy !req
631. - Claire! You got a visitor!
- I... I love you!
Copy !req
632. The gentle young man is here,
the one who reads poems.
Copy !req
633. I want to hear your sweet voice.
Come to me, my angel.
Copy !req
634. Let's dance. One... two...
Copy !req
635. Mom, tell the drunk I never want
to see him again!
Copy !req
636. We've been waiting anxiously.
Copy !req
637. I see him!
Copy !req
638. If I weren't curious,
we would still be waiting.
Copy !req
639. After Albert was rejected,
he wanted to end his life.
Copy !req
640. It was good luck that the count
taught him to fly in the daylight too.
Copy !req
641. You studied philosophy just to
start jumping off rooftops?
Copy !req
642. Life is colorful and exciting!
Copy !req
643. Not for me it isn't!
Copy !req
644. Sadness descended on the castle
and the clouds were gathering outside.
Copy !req
645. The public prosecutor, feared by all,
was coming for a visit.
Copy !req
646. And nobody knew what he was up to.
Copy !req
647. They must not find Albert.
Copy !req
648. Mr. prosecutor!
Welcome to Castle Frankenstein.
Copy !req
649. Good day! I'm Dreyfuss,
public prosecutor!
Copy !req
650. Here Professor Švajcer was
Professor Sedlmayer's best friend.
Copy !req
651. We investigated that the Professor's
brain is at this castle.
Copy !req
652. And according to the testimony
of blacksmith Hufschmied
Copy !req
653. it was transplanted here into
the head of a certain Albert.
Copy !req
654. Here's the search warrant.
Copy !req
655. - The prosecutor is at the castle.
- He won't help me.
Copy !req
656. He's looking for the Professor's brain.
Copy !req
657. - And where is it?
- In your head, you silly boy.
Copy !req
658. - I am a professor?
- No, but you have his brain!
Copy !req
659. - We have to hide you.
- If they find you, we all go to court.
Copy !req
660. I know the perfect hiding place.
No one will find you there.
Copy !req
661. - What is it all for?
- Quiet! I hear voices.
Copy !req
662. And what's over there?
Copy !req
663. The underground jail and
the torture chamber.
Copy !req
664. But here, this is a fine collection.
Copy !req
665. - We'll take a look at the jail.
- Nothing stops him.
Copy !req
666. Put your hand on your heart
and stop breathing.
Copy !req
667. I want to pass through the wall
and I can do it!
Copy !req
668. Please.
Copy !req
669. Come on!
Copy !req
670. Give me your hands!
Let's try together.
Copy !req
671. Quick!
Copy !req
672. Who are you?
Copy !req
673. Professor, check his identity!
Copy !req
674. Run, Albert!
Copy !req
675. He's too big!
Sedlmayer was a lot smaller!
Copy !req
676. But we only care about the brain!
Copy !req
677. Dear Eugene!
Copy !req
678. - My name is Albert.
- Damn it!
Copy !req
679. Albert is not an artificial creature.
He's a member of our family!
Copy !req
680. You would have to prove me that!
Copy !req
681. I have no reason to prove my innocence.
Copy !req
682. I can prove it!
Copy !req
683. Look at his head, there's a zipper!
Copy !req
684. That's where they inserted
the stolen brain into his head!
Copy !req
685. That's unquestionable evidence.
Lie down, Albert.
Copy !req
686. Where is it? That's impossible,
I saw it with my own eyes!
Copy !req
687. Hufschmied! I'm warning you!
Copy !req
688. The countess can sue you!
Copy !req
689. - It's not worth my while.
- Accept my apologies.
Copy !req
690. I'm closing down the investigation.
There's no scar and no zipper.
Copy !req
691. How about a glass of sherry?
Copy !req
692. What happened to the zipper?
Copy !req
693. What happened to the zipper?
Copy !req
694. The day I saw Claire for the first time,
Copy !req
695. I knew we were destined for each other.
Copy !req
696. When she said she didn't want me
anymore, I got very scared.
Copy !req
697. You were scared about losing love,
and that made you human.
Copy !req
698. Because there is no love without fear.
Copy !req
699. The two of us could write a novel
about that, couldn't we?
Copy !req
700. That would be a sad book.
Copy !req
701. Poor Albert, it was all in vain.
Copy !req
702. I'll buy the rings and my father
will buy an automobile.
Copy !req
703. It's a four-seat vehicle.
They'll bring it on the railway.
Copy !req
704. May I explain to you what is
an automobile?
Copy !req
705. It is a...
Copy !req
706. I don't understand.
Is it something you eat?
Copy !req
707. - No. It's a...
- Crinoline.
Copy !req
708. Or a musical instrument?
Maybe some kind of animal.
Copy !req
709. Let me explain.
He's been learning to drive for weeks.
Copy !req
710. Do you have me for a complete idiot?
Copy !req
711. I saw hundreds of automobiles
in London!
Copy !req
712. I even drove one myself!
Copy !req
713. That picture has live eyes.
What's the secret?
Copy !req
714. And who's that on the gallows? Igor?
Copy !req
715. And there, that's going to be Elisabeth!
Copy !req
716. That's just me.
Copy !req
717. If you're brave, at night we can
learn some of their secrets.
Copy !req
718. Are you sure you're that brave?
Copy !req
719. I'm scared but I have to help Igor!
Copy !req
720. Wake up, Theo!
There's someone to see you.
Copy !req
721. You'll never discover our secret.
Copy !req
722. Igor will never have my Elisabeth.
Copy !req
723. Why?
Copy !req
724. How dare you touch Count Theodore?
Copy !req
725. Watch out, Max!
Copy !req
726. I'll cut you into pieces!
Copy !req
727. Run, Max!
Copy !req
728. Thanks, Sepp.
Copy !req
729. As long as I exist, there will be
no human love blooming here!
Copy !req
730. We'll see that's stronger.
Copy !req
731. That's easy to say.
Copy !req
732. I haven't found out Igor's secret yet,
Copy !req
733. and the engagement of Claire
and the mayor's son
Copy !req
734. who is smaller than me.
Copy !req
735. Really! Charming!
Copy !req
736. Poor Albert! As if he knew!
Copy !req
737. Why else would he set out
into the world on this very day?
Copy !req
738. She can no longer like me.
Copy !req
739. You have no clue about life,
you need my experiences.
Copy !req
740. I will wander around the world.
Copy !req
741. I don't want to meet another woman ever.
Copy !req
742. There was still hope.
Copy !req
743. I sent Fiery Sepp to look at the car.
Copy !req
744. For the journey, Alojz lent him
his wet coat.
Copy !req
745. Here it comes!
Mayor, your automobile is coming!
Copy !req
746. My dear lady, dear Claire,
esteemed citizens!
Copy !req
747. This is the very first automobile
in our town.
Copy !req
748. May it be the token of happiness
for this young couple!
Copy !req
749. Smile!
Copy !req
750. - Take me with you.
- My little teacher...
Copy !req
751. I know everything, I crossed
half the world with the circus.
Copy !req
752. And who will take care of Auntie?
Who will free Igor?
Copy !req
753. We have to say good-bye.
Copy !req
754. Wait until the morning to tell them I left.
Copy !req
755. Something's going on! Let's go see!
Copy !req
756. Hold on tight, ladies!
Copy !req
757. He's no good at this!
Copy !req
758. That happens when backing up.
Copy !req
759. Goodness, what speed!
Copy !req
760. Slow down, mom doesn't like speed.
Copy !req
761. What are doing? Stop!
Copy !req
762. That's Claire! Look!
Copy !req
763. Stop!
Copy !req
764. Quiet, woman!
Copy !req
765. Help! Murderers!
Copy !req
766. Albert! Stop, you'll get hurt!
Copy !req
767. - Out of my way!
- I will sue you!
Copy !req
768. He saved them!
Copy !req
769. Claire, you're not mad at me?
Copy !req
770. - But I'm all wet!
- You saved my life!
Copy !req
771. And now we have a wedding to deal with.
Copy !req
772. What wedding?
Copy !req
773. Just you wait!
Copy !req
774. Excellent!
Copy !req
775. I've always liked them together.
Copy !req
776. Esteemed audience,
may I have your attention?
Copy !req
777. Dear bride, dear groom,
dear Countess, and my fellow citizens!
Copy !req
778. I stand here before you as an honest man
and an ordinary blacksmith.
Copy !req
779. All my life, I was an enemy of the castle,
Copy !req
780. but I want to set things right
and make up with you.
Copy !req
781. Quite a transformation!
Copy !req
782. As a sign of my respect, I will light
the candles on the wedding cake.
Copy !req
783. Friends till death parts us!
Copy !req
784. And now nostra magnifica Miriam!
Copy !req
785. Homer sang praises of her beauty!
Copy !req
786. Miriam, is that you?
Copy !req
787. The servant stood under the gallows...
Copy !req
788. Who let you take the cake?
Copy !req
789. I bought a house with a fish pond.
Copy !req
790. It's over three feet deep
and it's full of fish.
Copy !req
791. They invited the whole town,
so we came too.
Copy !req
792. Darling, where are you?
Copy !req
793. I can't find my brother. I'm worried
that he's up to something with a bomb.
Copy !req
794. He was here a minute ago.
Let's go find him.
Copy !req
795. Take the cake away!
Copy !req
796. Violin!
Copy !req
797. To the peace between the town
and the castle!
Copy !req
798. May it last forever!
Copy !req
799. From now on, we are a pair.
Copy !req
800. We were never really scared of you.
Copy !req
801. Sure, he's nice and clever.
Copy !req
802. I'll let him help me out
at the slaughter house.
Copy !req
803. He is now the Count at the castle.
Copy !req
804. - Where are you? Come have a drink!
- Sure, why not?
Copy !req
805. But come on outside!
We'll drink in the yard.
Copy !req
806. You're up to something.
Where is that bomb?
Copy !req
807. What do you mean? What bomb?
Copy !req
808. Go with that fiery dwarf and let me be!
Copy !req
809. Here! See? He's lost his mind!
Copy !req
810. Bombs is all he thinks about!
Copy !req
811. I'll take you!
Copy !req
812. Watch out! There's a bomb!
Copy !req
813. Disturbing me again, earthly worms?
Draw your sword, Hufschmied!
Copy !req
814. No!
Copy !req
815. I haven't even dreamed of such
Copy !req
816. He just conquered gravity.
Copy !req
817. He'll be orbiting around the planet
until the end of the world.
Copy !req
818. The blacksmith's bomb destroyed
the Iron Knight.
Copy !req
819. These pieces are all we have left.
Copy !req
820. That's Elisabeth!
She needs help.
Copy !req
821. This used to be her cell!
Copy !req
822. - Here I am!
- Elisabeth!
Copy !req
823. - We are free after all.
- And happy.
Copy !req
824. We'll rest together.
Copy !req
825. I revealed their secrets.
Copy !req
826. Young Countess Elisabeth
fell in love with her servant Igor.
Copy !req
827. When a child was born to them,
they got rid of it.
Copy !req
828. For their terrible deed Theodor
had her walled in and Igor hanged.
Copy !req
829. The two lovers were cursed.
Copy !req
830. Only a child without parents
had the power to free them.
Copy !req
831. Are they dead or are they sleeping?
Copy !req
832. - They fell asleep.
- For how long?
Copy !req
833. Nobody knows. Perhaps one day
they'll wake up again.
Copy !req
834. All the arguments and fights were over.
Copy !req
835. Love, that powerful magician,
defeated evil
Copy !req
836. and brought peace to the castle
and all the townsfolk
Copy !req
837. and turned Albert into a man.
A husband, actually.
Copy !req
838. And I put on my vagabond shoes again
Copy !req
839. because life is change.
Copy !req
840. I'm coming with you!
Copy !req
841. To the end of the world!
And I'll buy you an automobile.
Copy !req
842. I chose the profession of a comedian,
Copy !req
843. because deep down, I never stopped
wanting to do just that.
Copy !req
844. Is that sherry? I stopped drinking!
The woman won't let me!
Copy !req
845. I'm not saying good-bye!
I'm coming with you!
Copy !req
846. Excellent! Long live Frecklenini!
Copy !req
847. The ring master welcomed me
differently this time.
Copy !req
848. With magic I learned at the castle
I am the star of the circus now.
Copy !req
849. The people love it, they applaud me,
and I say: Watch out!
Copy !req
850. Because every one of us could be
a big or a small ghost one day.
Copy !req
851. Executive Producer:
Copy !req
852. Director of Photography:
Copy !req
853. Directed by:
Copy !req
854. Made by:
Copy !req