1. It was the last day of the war between humans
Copy !req
2. and the giant monsters — Kaiju.
Copy !req
3. But to me, it's more than just history.
Copy !req
4. It's family history.
Copy !req
5. That's my mom.
Copy !req
6. They say her bravery saved the city that day,
Copy !req
7. saved everything.
Copy !req
8. This is also the day my mom met my dad.
Copy !req
9. Oh, yeah — that's my dad.
Copy !req
10. Maybe I should skip.
Copy !req
11. Nothing says freak like coal for lunch.
Copy !req
12. You're not a freak, Duncan.
Copy !req
13. Get real, mom. I eat coal.
Copy !req
14. And my skin?
Copy !req
15. You can call it pumpkin.
Copy !req
16. You can call it tangerine or — or burnt sienna,
Copy !req
17. but let's face it — it's orange.
Copy !req
18. And "orange" you just adorable?
Copy !req
19. Ugh.
Copy !req
20. Duncan, this is a new school, not an execution.
Copy !req
21. Just try to socialize, make some friends, and —
Copy !req
22. And stop getting into fights.
Copy !req
23. But they're the ones who start it!
Copy !req
24. Jerks are instinctively drawn to me, like...
Copy !req
25. homing pigeons.
Copy !req
26. Duncan, you're a 16-year-old boy,
Copy !req
27. like every other guy in your class,
Copy !req
28. and every kid in that school has problems of their own.
Copy !req
29. So, if you can just get along with people
Copy !req
30. and keep your temper, everything's going to be just fine.
Copy !req
31. Message received.
Copy !req
32. And, Duncan...
Copy !req
33. I love you too, mom.
Copy !req
34. Actually, that time, it was "rock on."
Copy !req
35. Unh!
Copy !req
36. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
37. Wh—
Copy !req
38. Whoo! Whoo!
Copy !req
39. Yeah, Jenna!
Copy !req
40. What's going on?
Copy !req
41. Yeah, looking good.
Copy !req
42. Check out the new kid.
Copy !req
43. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
44. I thought there was some bird crap on my rear view mirror,
Copy !req
45. but now I can see it was just your face.
Copy !req
46. Yeah. That's a good one.
Copy !req
47. Whoo!
Copy !req
48. This is going to be the best homecoming ever.
Copy !req
49. Bye, Jenna. See you later.
Copy !req
50. - Ugh!
- Hey!
Copy !req
51. You're so —
Copy !req
52. So... hot.
Copy !req
53. Hmm?
Copy !req
54. l, uh — the coffee.
Copy !req
55. I meant this coffee is — is so hot.
Copy !req
56. Oh, I'm so sorry!
Copy !req
57. I ask them to brew my café con leche at 150 degrees
Copy !req
58. so it's still hot when I get here.
Copy !req
59. Diva, right?
Copy !req
60. Uh, how did it not burn you?
Copy !req
61. No, no, it feels good, actually.
Copy !req
62. I was freezing.
Copy !req
63. I don't know why they always have to blast the A.C.
Copy !req
64. in these schools, anyway.
Copy !req
65. It must be 80 degrees in here.
Copy !req
66. Oh, whatever.
Copy !req
67. I'm on the student council, so I'll see what I can do
Copy !req
68. about getting the heat turned on.
Copy !req
69. I wouldn't have pegged you for the student council type.
Copy !req
70. Student council,
Copy !req
71. chairwoman of the homecoming committee —
Copy !req
72. I'm that girl.
Copy !req
73. By the way, it's Jenna.
Copy !req
74. - Ugh!
- Oops.
Copy !req
75. I'd like to ask the whole class to give a warm welcome
Copy !req
76. to Duncan Xerxes Absalom Belphegor Gressil Pythius Wu Fan —
Copy !req
77. Uh, yeah, just "Duncan" is fine, Ms. Dreakford.
Copy !req
78. Oh, all right.
Copy !req
79. Take a seat, Duncan.
Copy !req
80. Hey, Duncan, sit here with Kenny.
Copy !req
81. He doesn't have a lab partner.
Copy !req
82. - Uh, thanks, lsabel.
- Hi. Duncan.
Copy !req
83. Ken Rogers.
Copy !req
84. Kenny Rogers, huh?
Copy !req
85. Do you know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em?
Copy !req
86. No, not even a little.
Copy !req
87. Like reptiles and insects, amphibians are ectotherms
Copy !req
88. and cannot internally regulate their body temperature —
Copy !req
89. what we used to call "cold-blooded."
Copy !req
90. Why did we stop?
Copy !req
91. Did the amphibians object to being labeled "cold-blooded"?
Copy !req
92. No, Mrs. Dreakford,
Copy !req
93. this is so wrong for so many reasons.
Copy !req
94. Beyond the obvious animal-cruelty issues,
Copy !req
95. students have a right —
Copy !req
96. Uh, Jen, that'll be enough.
Copy !req
97. No, a duty to refuse to do anything unbelievably gross.
Copy !req
98. That's quite enough.
Copy !req
99. Forcing us to mutilate these helpless innocent animals...
Copy !req
100. without offering a choice in the matter
Copy !req
101. is clearly an abuse of the authority of the school board...
Copy !req
102. Jenna, just zip it!
Copy !req
103. In case, you know, some sick kids actually might enjoy
Copy !req
104. cutting up frogs and pulling out their guts.
Copy !req
105. It's inhumane —
- Whoa!
Copy !req
106. Aah! Oh, no!
Copy !req
107. They're waterboarding Kermit!
Copy !req
108. Whoo! He's a jumper! Look out!
Copy !req
109. Hey! Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
110. Uh...
Copy !req
111. Whoa!
Copy !req
112. Ohh!
Copy !req
113. Aah!
Copy !req
114. What is that?
Copy !req
115. Are you done?
Copy !req
116. What is up with you? You make Troy look mature.
Copy !req
117. Stop it!
Copy !req
118. Settle down, everyone.
Copy !req
119. I can't believe that jerk.
Copy !req
120. What a dork.
Copy !req
121. And I actually thought he was kind of cute
Copy !req
122. until he did that.
Copy !req
123. Nicely done, man.
Copy !req
124. Just don't mention it, all right?
Copy !req
125. Bad joke — that's all.
Copy !req
126. Okay, Mr. Belphegor Gressil Pythius,
Copy !req
127. what's your secret?
Copy !req
128. Hair gel, extra hold.
Copy !req
129. Ha! No.
Copy !req
130. How come your name is like an A-list of mythological bad boys?
Copy !req
131. Care to explain?
Copy !req
132. Unconventional parents.
Copy !req
133. You really know your cryptozoology.
Copy !req
134. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
135. lsabel loves all that creepy stuff.
Copy !req
136. She's a giant monster fangirl.
Copy !req
137. "Monster" is in the eye of the beholder.
Copy !req
138. They're Kaiju, Kenny.
Copy !req
139. Fine. Whatever.
Copy !req
140. Sorry.
Copy !req
141. They're not monsters.
Copy !req
142. They fight us because we keep trying to kill them.
Copy !req
143. 16 years since Belloc was last seen,
Copy !req
144. and we keep thinking the Kaiju are a threat?
Copy !req
145. What's the matter?
- Ugh!
Copy !req
146. What sphincters.
Copy !req
147. Shouldn't evolution have weeded those guys out
Copy !req
148. of the gene pool eons ago?
Copy !req
149. No, cockroaches have remained unchanged for millions of years.
Copy !req
150. Well, you're clearly not a moron,
Copy !req
151. so what was up with the idiot dance back in class?
Copy !req
152. Did you like it?
Copy !req
153. I've got some notes.
Copy !req
154. But I liked the part where you hid something in yourjacket.
Copy !req
155. You gonna show me?
Copy !req
156. Just keep it quiet.
Copy !req
157. No way!
Copy !req
158. Gomorradon — unreal!
Copy !req
159. It's kind of like a little tiny Kaiju.
Copy !req
160. It's a Gomorradon, my dear Duncan.
Copy !req
161. These things live on Kaijus.
Copy !req
162. They scout, warn of danger,
Copy !req
163. and live off the slime that forms between their scales.
Copy !req
164. Sorry I asked.
Copy !req
165. What's it doing here, and how come you know all this?
Copy !req
166. I read books on this stuff all the time —
Copy !req
167. small press.
Copy !req
168. Watch it. Whatever you do, don't —
Copy !req
169. Ow!
Copy !req
170. Let it go.
Copy !req
171. Unh!
Copy !req
172. Ugh!
Copy !req
173. Right here — this is the one.
Copy !req
174. This is definitely Jenna's locker.
Copy !req
175. Hye!
Copy !req
176. Ow!
Copy !req
177. You guys are morons.
Copy !req
178. Give me your library card.
Copy !req
179. And that's how it's done.
Copy !req
180. All right, ladies, line up.
Copy !req
181. I'm your new gym teacher.
Copy !req
182. You can call me Coach Barnes
Copy !req
183. or, once you come to love me, "Blitz."
Copy !req
184. Hey, "Blitz," I was wondering when I'd run into you.
Copy !req
185. Gym teacher?
Copy !req
186. That's your cover? Really?
Copy !req
187. You're coming down in the world since the last school.
Copy !req
188. The whole vice principal thing really cramped my style.
Copy !req
189. I could only yell at the kids.
Copy !req
190. Here I can get a lot more physical.
Copy !req
191. Heads up! Unh!
Copy !req
192. Yeah! That's right!
Copy !req
193. Two losers left.
Copy !req
194. Up yours, Troy! Unh!
Copy !req
195. Time to take out the trash — the trailer trash.
Copy !req
196. You really are the king of the jerk wads.
Copy !req
197. It's good to be the king.
Copy !req
198. Enough!
Copy !req
199. Huh?
Copy !req
200. Hey, spread out!
Copy !req
201. No way.
Copy !req
202. Yeah!
- Whoo!
Copy !req
203. How'd he do that?
Copy !req
204. What?
Copy !req
205. Troy, catch with your hands, not your face.
Copy !req
206. I didn't ask you to do that, you know.
Copy !req
207. I know.
Copy !req
208. Didn't need you to save me.
- I didn't.
Copy !req
209. I Just got sick of hearing the dillweeds crow.
Copy !req
210. Well, that was fairly cool.
Copy !req
211. Actually, you could take that show on the road and sell tickets.
Copy !req
212. No big deal.
Copy !req
213. Get lost, trailer park.
Copy !req
214. Uh, it's a free country, amigo.
Copy !req
215. It's okay, Kenny. Go.
Copy !req
216. You know what happens now?
Copy !req
217. Well, traditionally, this is where
Copy !req
218. I hand you your meat, all nice and on a slab.
Copy !req
219. But I pretty much promised my mom I wouldn't fight,
Copy !req
220. so...
Copy !req
221. later!
Copy !req
222. Get him!
Copy !req
223. What is he doing?
Copy !req
224. Hey, Blitz.
Copy !req
225. Ugh!
Copy !req
226. What?
Copy !req
227. There he is!
Copy !req
228. Come on!
Copy !req
229. You all right?
Copy !req
230. You don't want to fight me.
Copy !req
231. Don't worry.
Copy !req
232. It's not going to be a fight, just a beatdown.
Copy !req
233. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
234. Oh, forget this.
Copy !req
235. Ugh!
Copy !req
236. Holy hello, kid.
Copy !req
237. Way to keep a low profile.
Copy !req
238. Dude breathed fire, man.
Copy !req
239. W-What is he?
Copy !req
240. Get to class now, or you're expelled.
Copy !req
241. It's not my fault! ItJust happened!
Copy !req
242. Later, kid.
Copy !req
243. if Troy's hurt, he was asking for it.
Copy !req
244. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
245. I was going to bench him, anyway.
Copy !req
246. He runs fine, but he couldn't hold onto a ball with a handle.
Copy !req
247. Well, this doesn't look too bad.
Copy !req
248. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
249. My face looks like the Australian outback.
Copy !req
250. More like the surface of Mars.
Copy !req
251. Mars?
Copy !req
252. No, it's not Mar—
Copy !req
253. I mean, a little bit Mars, but no.
Copy !req
254. Is this it, doc?
Copy !req
255. Or should we expect other surprises?
Copy !req
256. Well, obviously, Duncan's innate strength and resilience
Copy !req
257. have been growing steadily since birth,
Copy !req
258. but his natural fight-or-flight response
Copy !req
259. created a hyper-stimulated state,
Copy !req
260. which manifested itself as incendia respiro.
Copy !req
261. It's fire breath.
Copy !req
262. Yeah, you have it, Duncan.
Copy !req
263. You'll learn to control it in time, but until then,
Copy !req
264. you're just going to have to stay out of situations
Copy !req
265. with, uh, potential conflict.
Copy !req
266. Like high school?
Copy !req
267. High school.
Copy !req
268. I remember high school.
Copy !req
269. That place didn't work out well for me.
Copy !req
270. What I'm asking is —
Copy !req
271. when will Duncan constitute a threat?
Copy !req
272. To humanity? Duncan?
Copy !req
273. No, no. He's a sweet boy.
Copy !req
274. He's not a pandemic.
Copy !req
275. It's only a matter of time before —
Copy !req
276. Duncan.
Copy !req
277. Hi, mom.
Copy !req
278. Whose brilliant idea was it to bring Duncan here?
Copy !req
279. Uh...
Copy !req
280. how have you been, Margaret?
Copy !req
281. It's been a while.
Copy !req
282. Look — l-I don't like this, either,
Copy !req
283. but there was little incendia respiro incident at school and —
Copy !req
284. That's what we call a "your problem."
Copy !req
285. I have a legal contract with MEGTAF,
Copy !req
286. stipulating my son have as normal a life
Copy !req
287. as humanly possible.
Copy !req
288. And that's exactly what I'm doing, Margaret.
Copy !req
289. Your son's a fine kid,
Copy !req
290. especially for a boy without a father.
Copy !req
291. I'd be happy to give you my two cents about him
Copy !req
292. over dinner sometime.
Copy !req
293. - Ah.
- A son of a buck!
Copy !req
294. Not bad, huh?
Copy !req
295. Very interesting.
Copy !req
296. Oh, baby.
Copy !req
297. It's an old gag, a classic.
Copy !req
298. The flash powder ignites on contact and — poof! —
Copy !req
299. fireworks.
Copy !req
300. You can buy it at any decent magic shop.
Copy !req
301. What? That is such a load of bullcrap!
Copy !req
302. The freak's mouth shot flames!
Copy !req
303. Ugh!
Copy !req
304. Troy, we have discussed school policy on name-calling.
Copy !req
305. And, Duncan, your prank could have ended in serious injury.
Copy !req
306. No, i-it did!
Copy !req
307. My eyebrows were totally burned off!
Copy !req
308. Troy, no offense, but I've had you in here so many times,
Copy !req
309. your name should be on that chair on a brass plaque.
Copy !req
310. Now, since you're both at fault,
Copy !req
311. you can either choose suspension,
Copy !req
312. or work together to clean up the damage.
Copy !req
313. Your call.
Copy !req
314. Oh, yeah, right!
Copy !req
315. Like I'm gonna do anything with that yob?
Copy !req
316. Look, Troy, um — I'm truly ashamed
Copy !req
317. of my thoughtless, dangerous, and immature prank.
Copy !req
318. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
319. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
320. I know what I saw.
Copy !req
321. You are some kind of freak.
Copy !req
322. Just stay away from me.
Copy !req
323. Could've told you how that one would go.
Copy !req
324. So, you coming to the big party on Berkshire Lane Saturday?
Copy !req
325. I wasn't invited to any party.
Copy !req
326. Nobody was.
Copy !req
327. It's a "someone's parents are out of town" party,
Copy !req
328. where everybodyjust shows up.
Copy !req
329. Uh, yeah, i-it's not really my kind of scene.
Copy !req
330. l-I'm not totally comfortable.
Copy !req
331. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
332. You just tried to shake hands with Troy Adams.
Copy !req
333. This is like 10 times easier than that.
Copy !req
334. Guys, seriously, it was in my locker.
Copy !req
335. When I got back, it was just gone.
Copy !req
336. Why were you keeping the money in your locker, anyway, Jenna?
Copy !req
337. About that party —
Copy !req
338. everyone is going, seriously.
Copy !req
339. Everyone.
Copy !req
340. Uh... maybe I might stop by.
Copy !req
341. Hmm.
Copy !req
342. Duncan Rosenblatt.
Copy !req
343. Where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
344. Well, uh, it's like this —
Copy !req
345. I'm kind of going to a, um, party.
Copy !req
346. You were invited to a party?
Copy !req
347. Oh, I'm so happy.
Copy !req
348. Your confidence in my people skills is overwhelming, mom.
Copy !req
349. Anyway, it's probably going to be just a couple of dorks
Copy !req
350. sitting around playing video games.
Copy !req
351. Well, I hope you have fun.
Copy !req
352. Hey, Jenna.
Copy !req
353. Uh, so, about my little dork show in biology —
Copy !req
354. What?
Copy !req
355. Y-You see, there was this thing, and I had to catch it.
Copy !req
356. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
357. Duncan, right?
Copy !req
358. As humiliating as I'm sure that was,
Copy !req
359. I would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
Copy !req
360. What's up?
Copy !req
361. I saw everyone acting weird around you.
Copy !req
362. You haven't heard?
Copy !req
363. I lost all the money we'd raised for homecoming.
Copy !req
364. No way.
Copy !req
365. I thought it was in my locker, but it's Just gone.
Copy !req
366. I've looked everywhere.
Copy !req
367. I think I'm losing my mind.
Copy !req
368. I'm sure people think I just pocketed it.
Copy !req
369. Then people have their heads up their butts.
Copy !req
370. You'd never do that.
Copy !req
371. Thanks.
Copy !req
372. Anyway, it doesn't matter what anybody thinks.
Copy !req
373. The fact is, there's no dance without that money.
Copy !req
374. I'd do whateverJob to pay it back,
Copy !req
375. but there's only two weeks left.
Copy !req
376. Look, Jenna — I know you don't want to talk to me,
Copy !req
377. but this guy is bad news.
Copy !req
378. Stay away from him.
- What is up with you?
Copy !req
379. You want to know the punishment
Copy !req
380. for being stupid enough to date you?
Copy !req
381. Dating you!
Copy !req
382. I'm telling you — he can do freaky stuff!
Copy !req
383. Troy!
Copy !req
384. What part of "grounded" didn't you understand?
Copy !req
385. He is so busted.
Copy !req
386. You must be a glutton for punishment, boy.
Copy !req
387. Wow. Is that his dad?
Copy !req
388. I guess the rage issue doesn't fall very far from the tree.
Copy !req
389. I bet he wishes his dad would Just disappear.
Copy !req
390. It's getting late. Excuse me.
Copy !req
391. What?
Copy !req
392. Oh.
Copy !req
393. I — okay.
Copy !req
394. Unh! Idiot!
Copy !req
395. Struck out with Jenna, huh?
Copy !req
396. You're not the first.
Copy !req
397. I wish I knew what I said to set her off.
Copy !req
398. Jenna's dad is dead.
Copy !req
399. Oh, man! How stupid am I?
Copy !req
400. I mean, I totally know how bad it bites
Copy !req
401. to grow up without a dad.
Copy !req
402. There's a rat in here!
Copy !req
403. Whoa, something Just crawled on my leg.
Copy !req
404. My purse — it's in my purse!
Copy !req
405. There's one right there!
Copy !req
406. It's those things again.
Copy !req
407. Gomorradons.
Copy !req
408. Whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
409. Whoa. Aah.
Copy !req
410. They didn't come alone.
Copy !req
411. That's their master.
Copy !req
412. Kaiju! Look out!
Copy !req
413. It's Belloc! Seriously — Belloc!
Copy !req
414. Run!
Copy !req
415. It doesn't make sense!
Copy !req
416. Why now? Why here?
Copy !req
417. Because I'm here. He's looking for me.
Copy !req
418. Why?
Copy !req
419. Because he's not only Belloc, king of the Kaiju.
Copy !req
420. He's also...
Copy !req
421. my dad.
Copy !req
422. Is it smelling for you?
Copy !req
423. He must know my scent.
Copy !req
424. I'm not kidding about him being my dad.
Copy !req
425. You better run, Isabel.
Copy !req
426. Aah!
Copy !req
427. I said run!
Copy !req
428. Ugh!
Copy !req
429. No! Let her go!
Copy !req
430. You'll crush her!
Copy !req
431. I said let her go!
Copy !req
432. Duncan.
Copy !req
433. Aah!
Copy !req
434. Let me go!
Copy !req
435. Where are you taking me?
Copy !req
436. Excellent.
Copy !req
437. Huh?
Copy !req
438. Duncan...
Copy !req
439. let me look at you.
Copy !req
440. Why don't you Just kill me and get it over with?
Copy !req
441. if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead.
Copy !req
442. We are an ancient race, Duncan,
Copy !req
443. so old we became myths to the humans.
Copy !req
444. They call us invaders,
Copy !req
445. when it is they who have infested our world.
Copy !req
446. Where are we?
Copy !req
447. Home, Duncan, your true home.
Copy !req
448. No way.
Copy !req
449. This isn't my home.
Copy !req
450. That doesn't change just because my father's a Kaiju!
Copy !req
451. I am not a Kaiju.
Copy !req
452. I am Belloc, king of the Kaiju!
Copy !req
453. Though you are my son, you are weak.
Copy !req
454. Unh!
Copy !req
455. I'm strong enough!
Copy !req
456. No.
Copy !req
457. The human world has made your heart soft.
Copy !req
458. You must be hard and remorseless
Copy !req
459. if you are to rule over the Kaiju.
Copy !req
460. Listen.
Copy !req
461. They're assembling.
Copy !req
462. They've caught our scent. Come.
Copy !req
463. There is a war coming, Duncan,
Copy !req
464. between human and Kaiju,
Copy !req
465. a war that could end everything.
Copy !req
466. It is a terrible burden to bear.
Copy !req
467. But for the good of all, you have no choice.
Copy !req
468. You think I'm going to be king of these creatures?
Copy !req
469. I am not a monster!
Copy !req
470. You are my son!
Copy !req
471. You are half-Kaiju, Duncan,
Copy !req
472. superior to everyone you have ever known.
Copy !req
473. That's why you brought me here?
Copy !req
474. You ignore me for 16 years, and you expect to train me
Copy !req
475. for something that I don't even want?
Copy !req
476. I'm your king.
Copy !req
477. This is my son.
Copy !req
478. You desecrate our race! You shame our ceremony!
Copy !req
479. Bad enough you keep us from exterminating the human vermin.
Copy !req
480. Now you mate with them.
Copy !req
481. Who challenges their king?
Copy !req
482. You, Abaddon?
Copy !req
483. Or you, Astaroth?
Copy !req
484. I thought as much.
Copy !req
485. Then I make my choice.
Copy !req
486. This is Duncan, my heir!
Copy !req
487. W-What happens now?
Copy !req
488. Ugh!
Copy !req
489. Aaaaaaaah!
Copy !req
490. Ugh.
Copy !req
491. What?
Copy !req
492. Ken, it's me.
Copy !req
493. Duncan?
- Wait up.
Copy !req
494. Before you open the door, you need to know —
Copy !req
495. I look weird.
- Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
496. No, I mean weirder than before.
Copy !req
497. Compared to this, I used to look great.
Copy !req
498. So brace yourself.
Copy !req
499. Okay.
Copy !req
500. You want a soda?
Copy !req
501. So, you're not freaked out?
Copy !req
502. Not really.
Copy !req
503. Belloc's all over the TV.
Copy !req
504. Our Kaiju alert level is red,
Copy !req
505. which is like the highest.
Copy !req
506. Compared to that, you're just not that shocking, man.
Copy !req
507. Besides, when Isabel told me your old man was Belloc —
Copy !req
508. She told you?
Copy !req
509. She tells me everything.
Copy !req
510. We're best friends.
Copy !req
511. It's like we have some kind of deep, mysterious connection.
Copy !req
512. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
513. You can totally tell.
Copy !req
514. So, your dad's king of all monsters.
Copy !req
515. Cool.
- No, not cool.
Copy !req
516. First of all, he did this to me.
Copy !req
517. That's why I came here.
Copy !req
518. My mom is going to seizure when she sees this.
Copy !req
519. It's not that bad, bro.
Copy !req
520. So, your mom — she's human, right?
Copy !req
521. Huh?
Copy !req
522. Cool.
Copy !req
523. Yeah, so, not only is my dad, you know,
Copy !req
524. a monster, but he's psychotic.
Copy !req
525. I'm not big enough. I'm not tough enough.
Copy !req
526. I'm a total disappointment to him
Copy !req
527. unless I do everything his way.
Copy !req
528. He —
Copy !req
529. Y-Your dad — he's on a trip or something, right?
Copy !req
530. Yeah, pretty much.
Copy !req
531. When does he get back?
Copy !req
532. Yeah.
Copy !req
533. That's a good question.
Copy !req
534. We're friends, right?
Copy !req
535. I mean, you can keep a secret?
Copy !req
536. I think my old man is a spy or something.
Copy !req
537. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
538. He can't talk about it, obviously, but the pieces fit.
Copy !req
539. He's always vanishing for months at a time,
Copy !req
540. then reappearing without explanation.
Copy !req
541. Hmm. That could explain it.
Copy !req
542. You can't tell anyone, okay?
Copy !req
543. Consider your secret kept.
Copy !req
544. And if you could refrain from mentioning
Copy !req
545. that it was my dad who crashed the party last night,
Copy !req
546. that would be great.
Copy !req
547. What were you doing at that party anyway, bro?
Copy !req
548. lsabel invited me.
Copy !req
549. lsabel invited you?
Copy !req
550. No, no, she Just told me about the party.
Copy !req
551. But lsabel was there, at the party?
Copy !req
552. Yeah.
Copy !req
553. Hello?
Copy !req
554. Yes, this is Ken Rogers.
Copy !req
555. Who is this?
Copy !req
556. Duncan?
Copy !req
557. Hi, mom.
Copy !req
558. Half of MEGTAF is scouring the desert for him, Margaret.
Copy !req
559. if Belloc's out there, we'll find him.
Copy !req
560. Colonel Barnes, maybe you should send out allof MEGTAF,
Copy !req
561. since half of it is having difficulty finding a 120-foot giant.
Copy !req
562. But Mar—
Copy !req
563. Ugh!
Copy !req
564. Easy, mom.
Copy !req
565. It's not Barnes' fault Belloc is back.
Copy !req
566. Well, it's certainly not your fault, and it's...
Copy !req
567. Duncan, are you blaming me for this?
Copy !req
568. Duncan, everything I've done, every choice I've made —
Copy !req
569. coming here, the deal, MEGTAF —
Copy !req
570. it's all been to protect you.
Copy !req
571. Well, it didn't do much good.
Copy !req
572. Nothing can stop the biggest monster in the world.
Copy !req
573. Your father is a great many things,
Copy !req
574. but he is not a monster.
Copy !req
575. You don't know the things he's been through,
Copy !req
576. the good things he's done.
Copy !req
577. I don't expect you to understand, but I did love him.
Copy !req
578. And he gave me you.
Copy !req
579. So, what am l?
Copy !req
580. Am I human, or am I Kaiju?
Copy !req
581. You're you.
Copy !req
582. That's all that matters.
Copy !req
583. I suppose, now that you've seen your father,
Copy !req
584. you've probably got questions about how you were conceived.
Copy !req
585. Uh, I've got questions, but that is not one of them.
Copy !req
586. It couldn't have been more simple.
Copy !req
587. No, no. No. No, no, no, no, not listening.
Copy !req
588. See, now you're just being rude.
Copy !req
589. This is why you don't have any friends.
Copy !req
590. I have friends... kind of.
Copy !req
591. I was at Kenny's house when you called.
Copy !req
592. He sounded very polite.
Copy !req
593. I'd love to meet him — and your other friends.
Copy !req
594. I got time tomorrow after school.
Copy !req
595. Tomorrow?
Copy !req
596. You seriously think I'm gonna go back to school tomorrow?
Copy !req
597. Like this?
Copy !req
598. What do you think's gonna happen?
Copy !req
599. I don't know what's going to happen,
Copy !req
600. but this doesn't determine who you are.
Copy !req
601. You make your own choices.
Copy !req
602. Except for college.
Copy !req
603. You're going to college, no choice.
Copy !req
604. Hey, hey, look — there's the guy.
Copy !req
605. There he is.
Copy !req
606. Awesome, dude.
Copy !req
607. You are awesome.
Copy !req
608. He's so cool!
Copy !req
609. Ugh!
Copy !req
610. Freak.
Copy !req
611. At least Troy still hates me.
Copy !req
612. I was afraid I'd lost my mind.
Copy !req
613. That's incredible.
Copy !req
614. You should have seen — Look — there he is.
Copy !req
615. We just want to say, what you did — wow.
Copy !req
616. Uh, mind if we take a picture?
Copy !req
617. Oh.
Copy !req
618. What up, superstar?
Copy !req
619. This is nuts.
Copy !req
620. What were you telling those two just now?
Copy !req
621. Just about how you got Belloc's attention,
Copy !req
622. lured him away from the party and saved all their skins.
Copy !req
623. Oh, thanks, I guess.
Copy !req
624. Speaking of skins,
Copy !req
625. I kind of thought everybody would be freaked out by this.
Copy !req
626. Haven't you heard?
Copy !req
627. Scaly is the new suede.
Copy !req
628. You see, when Belloc nailed you with the fire breath,
Copy !req
629. your skin got all weird.
Copy !req
630. lsabel, what I told you... about Belloc.
Copy !req
631. Just before you saved my life?
Copy !req
632. Yeah, what about it?
Copy !req
633. Hey, Jenna.
Copy !req
634. Please. Ugh!
Copy !req
635. What?
Copy !req
636. I'm still here.
Copy !req
637. Um...
Copy !req
638. I'll catch you later, Isabel.
Copy !req
639. l-I just remembered there's something I got to do.
Copy !req
640. Yeah. Sure.
Copy !req
641. There she is. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
642. Huh?
Copy !req
643. Ohh!
Copy !req
644. Oh!
Copy !req
645. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
646. I Just wanted to say that was really amazing,
Copy !req
647. you saving everyone and everything.
Copy !req
648. You're a real hero.
Copy !req
649. I Just ran. He chased me.
Copy !req
650. First time I leave a party early and look what I miss.
Copy !req
651. Totally my fault.
Copy !req
652. I'm — I'm really sorry I brought up —
Copy !req
653. What? Fathers?
Copy !req
654. It would be kind ofweird
Copy !req
655. if no one talked about their dads in front of me.
Copy !req
656. Lots of people have them.
Copy !req
657. What's yours like?
Copy !req
658. He... travels a lot.
Copy !req
659. So, is, uh, is homecoming off, or what?
Copy !req
660. No. No, it's back on.
Copy !req
661. Turns out homecoming is going to be big this year.
Copy !req
662. Great.
Copy !req
663. So, who — who are you going with?
Copy !req
664. Are you asking me?
Copy !req
665. Yeah!
Copy !req
666. l-I mean, yeah.
Copy !req
667. I am.
Copy !req
668. Great.
Copy !req
669. For a minute there, I was afraid that I'd have to ask you.
Copy !req
670. Going for a check-up with Doc Pytell
Copy !req
671. doesn't usually make you so happy.
Copy !req
672. I'm not.
Copy !req
673. I doubt very much that she's got a skin cream
Copy !req
674. that can handle this.
Copy !req
675. Well, then I'm guessing it has something to do
Copy !req
676. with taking Jenna to homecoming.
Copy !req
677. Yeah, how — how did you —
Copy !req
678. I'm your guardian angel — I know everything,
Copy !req
679. except how you got her to say yes.
Copy !req
680. Well, some of us got it and some —
Copy !req
681. wait, this isn't the way to the base.
Copy !req
682. Thought we'd take a little detour,
Copy !req
683. see if anything out here'd Jar your memory.
Copy !req
684. I already told you, I don't know where his lair is!
Copy !req
685. Maybe.
Copy !req
686. But I think your body'll know when he's near
Copy !req
687. and do the funky Kaiju.
Copy !req
688. Not happening, Barnes!
Copy !req
689. I'm not your personal monster detector.
Copy !req
690. Try and stop me, junior.
Copy !req
691. I'm —
- So dead —
Copy !req
692. Is that a threat, boy?
Copy !req
693. No. We're so dead.
Copy !req
694. Hold on!
Copy !req
695. Can't hold her!
Copy !req
696. Get down!
Copy !req
697. Aaah!
Copy !req
698. Duncan!
Copy !req
699. Reach!
Copy !req
700. No!
Copy !req
701. Huh?
Copy !req
702. This is Barnes.
Copy !req
703. I want every unit we've got deployed inside the perimeter,
Copy !req
704. and I want it yesterday.
Copy !req
705. Aaaah!
Copy !req
706. Yes! Better!
Copy !req
707. What is this? A test?
Copy !req
708. A stupid test?
Copy !req
709. Duncan, kill the Xornga,
Copy !req
710. or it will surely kill you.
Copy !req
711. I don't want to fight!
Copy !req
712. The Kaiju know of your existence!
Copy !req
713. Any of them may challenge your right to succeed me at any time!
Copy !req
714. I don't want to succeed you!
Copy !req
715. But you do want to live.
Copy !req
716. Only your bloodlust will save you!
Copy !req
717. Excellent, my son!
Copy !req
718. Perhaps it is not too late for you.
Copy !req
719. Finish it!
Copy !req
720. Barnes!
Copy !req
721. Fire!
Copy !req
722. Get down!
Copy !req
723. Stop it! Stop firing!
Copy !req
724. You'll kill him!
Copy !req
725. That's the general idea, kid!
Copy !req
726. We kill monsters!
Copy !req
727. But he's my father!
Copy !req
728. Please! You can stop this!
Copy !req
729. Aaaah!
Copy !req
730. Come on! What are you doing?
Copy !req
731. Shoot! Do it now!
Copy !req
732. No!
Copy !req
733. I surrender.
Copy !req
734. What?
Copy !req
735. Okay, boys. Wrap him up!
Copy !req
736. Duncan!
Copy !req
737. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
738. Well.
Copy !req
739. Ahem. You look nice.
Copy !req
740. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
741. My mom picked out this suit.
Copy !req
742. l-I think it's kind of...
Copy !req
743. Oh! You look nice, too.
Copy !req
744. You haven't been on many dates, have you?
Copy !req
745. Well, first of all, relax.
Copy !req
746. And don't forget to give a girl a little attention.
Copy !req
747. Um. Yeah.
Copy !req
748. Hello.
Copy !req
749. Oh, look, you brought your friends!
Copy !req
750. That's so thoughtful.
Copy !req
751. We usually don't do school functions,
Copy !req
752. but since this is the first dance with a Kaiju alert level,
Copy !req
753. we didn't want to miss it.
Copy !req
754. Any other surprises I should know about?
Copy !req
755. No.
Copy !req
756. Let's get this show on the road.
Copy !req
757. I'm supposed to be there early.
Copy !req
758. Oh, yeah.
- Mm.
Copy !req
759. Easy there, chief.
Copy !req
760. Save some for the after-party.
Copy !req
761. Hey, there.
Copy !req
762. Duncan, did your mom just flash you
Copy !req
763. the "rock on" devil horns?
Copy !req
764. That's "I love you" in sign language.
Copy !req
765. Oh, that's so cute.
Copy !req
766. I guess the suit clashes with orange.
Copy !req
767. Everyone is staring.
Copy !req
768. Could you be just an eensy-weensy bit
Copy !req
769. more self-absorbed, please?
Copy !req
770. Duncan is not the center of the universe.
Copy !req
771. Got it.
Copy !req
772. Come on!
Copy !req
773. So, this is pretty cool, right —
Copy !req
774. that we came and everything?
Copy !req
775. What is up with you?
Copy !req
776. I'm just — I just want to make sure you're glad...
Copy !req
777. you're here... with me.
Copy !req
778. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
779. Happy to be here.
Copy !req
780. So... you want to dance?
Copy !req
781. No, thanks.
Copy !req
782. I don't feel like dancing.
Copy !req
783. And now, without further ado,
Copy !req
784. the results have been tabulated,
Copy !req
785. and this year's homecoming king is...
Copy !req
786. Troy Adams.
Copy !req
787. Big reveal time here.
Copy !req
788. Big reveal time, but remember —
Copy !req
789. everyone here is a winner.
Copy !req
790. This year's Herbert Hoover High homecoming queen is...
Copy !req
791. Jenna Shwartzendruber!
Copy !req
792. You've got to be kidding me!
Copy !req
793. Yeah! Whoo!
Copy !req
794. if the queen will please receive her crown,
Copy !req
795. she may then perform the coronation dance
Copy !req
796. with her king.
Copy !req
797. No way.
Copy !req
798. No way am I doing that to you.
Copy !req
799. It's okay.
Copy !req
800. No, I came with you,
Copy !req
801. and I'm going to dance with you.
Copy !req
802. It's only one dance.
Copy !req
803. It's tradition, Jenna. You have to.
Copy !req
804. Jenna!
Copy !req
805. Now I feel like dancing.
Copy !req
806. Come on, wallflower. Let's dance.
Copy !req
807. And what am I?
Copy !req
808. - Whoa!
Copy !req
809. She came with me!
Copy !req
810. Ken! What is up with you?
Copy !req
811. Are you mental?
Copy !req
812. No, I'm human, unlike some people around here!
Copy !req
813. Calm down. You're with friends, Kenny.
Copy !req
814. Everything is cool.
- Everything is not cool!
Copy !req
815. Ken, why don't we go talk about this outside?
Copy !req
816. It's not what you think.
Copy !req
817. No!
Copy !req
818. The only reason Isabel likes you
Copy !req
819. is because she knows your old man is Belloc!
Copy !req
820. What?
Copy !req
821. It's not true.
Copy !req
822. Is it?
Copy !req
823. Jenna.
Copy !req
824. Get away from me! Get away.
Copy !req
825. Forget this. This is a joke.
Copy !req
826. Huh?
Copy !req
827. Duncan.
Copy !req
828. Dad's right. I'm wasting my time here.
Copy !req
829. Aahhhh!
Copy !req
830. Hmph.
Copy !req
831. Aah!
Copy !req
832. Oh, Kenny. Why?
Copy !req
833. I don't know. Don't ask me!
Copy !req
834. No! I want to know!
Copy !req
835. Wha?
Copy !req
836. Kenny!
Copy !req
837. Wha?
Copy !req
838. What's going on?
Copy !req
839. This isn't good.
Copy !req
840. What is that?
Copy !req
841. Kaiju! Aaah!
Copy !req
842. There's another one!
Copy !req
843. Children, please find the nearest emergency exit
Copy !req
844. and in an orderly manner —
Copy !req
845. Aaaaahh!
Copy !req
846. No! Ms. Dreakford!
Copy !req
847. Aah!
Copy !req
848. lsabel!
Copy !req
849. Get off!
Copy !req
850. Right here, ugly!
Copy !req
851. Do it!
Copy !req
852. Ken!
Copy !req
853. Ugh!
Copy !req
854. Stay away from my friends!
Copy !req
855. Kenny!
Copy !req
856. lsabel.
Copy !req
857. Huh?
Copy !req
858. Duncan, sorry.
Copy !req
859. I can't believe I told everyone your —
Copy !req
860. It's okay, Ken. You told the truth.
Copy !req
861. You do look real weird, man.
Copy !req
862. I guess right now, that's probably a good thing.
Copy !req
863. Kenny.
- Let's get him clear.
Copy !req
864. Aaah!
Copy !req
865. Aaah! Aah!
Copy !req
866. Okay, you filthy, fat freaks.
Copy !req
867. Let's see you keep up.
Copy !req
868. Okay, we've got two unidentified Kaiju
Copy !req
869. heading out of town, so let's move.
Copy !req
870. Where are you going?
Copy !req
871. I'm going to help my son.
Copy !req
872. I know you must hate me, but let me help, too.
Copy !req
873. I don't have time for this.
Copy !req
874. Get in!
Copy !req
875. Whoa, this is crazy!
Copy !req
876. Oh, it gets better.
Copy !req
877. Ugh!
Copy !req
878. And since you wanted to come so badly,
Copy !req
879. you're gonna help me.
Copy !req
880. Uh, where did you get that?
Copy !req
881. Duncan's father gave it to me a long time ago.
Copy !req
882. Duncan.
Copy !req
883. I can do this.
Copy !req
884. Get that transport loaded up.
Copy !req
885. Move it, double time!
Copy !req
886. And I mean speed of heat!
Copy !req
887. Whoa! What's that for?
Copy !req
888. Duncan's father and I have some unresolved issues.
Copy !req
889. Ready to meet Duncan's daddy?
Copy !req
890. Margaret.
Copy !req
891. One chance, Belloc.
Copy !req
892. You haven't changed.
Copy !req
893. I'm going to ask you a question.
Copy !req
894. Lie to me, and I pull the trigger.
Copy !req
895. I don't doubt it.
Copy !req
896. Did you send those things that are trying to kill Duncan?
Copy !req
897. Abaddon and Astaroth.
Copy !req
898. Traitors.
Copy !req
899. Answer the question.
Copy !req
900. I did not send them.
Copy !req
901. But I suspected they might come for him.
Copy !req
902. That's why I let the humans take me —
Copy !req
903. to be close, to protect him.
Copy !req
904. I knew it.
Copy !req
905. I'm not going to let you take my son, you know.
Copy !req
906. I know.
Copy !req
907. But if he chooses to come freely,
Copy !req
908. what will you be willing to do?
Copy !req
909. For now, let's just hope we can keep him alive.
Copy !req
910. Get down!
Copy !req
911. Whoa!
Copy !req
912. What the...? Aw, dang!
Copy !req
913. Turn it around! Turn it around!
Copy !req
914. Return to base!
Copy !req
915. Aw, dang it!
Copy !req
916. Here we go.
Copy !req
917. That — that guy on the jetpack
Copy !req
918. looked Just like my gym teacher.
Copy !req
919. Come on.
Copy !req
920. Aah! Huh?
Copy !req
921. Get up here!
Copy !req
922. This is all your fault!
Copy !req
923. Belloc is back because of you.
Copy !req
924. What? I haven—
- Shut it!
Copy !req
925. Let's drop the act, junior.
Copy !req
926. I ain't no father figure and you ain't no kid.
Copy !req
927. Kaiju!
Copy !req
928. I know what you are.
Copy !req
929. I saw you tear apart that thing in the desert.
Copy !req
930. There!
Copy !req
931. Aaaah!
Copy !req
932. Just hold still, buttercup.
Copy !req
933. Barnes!
Copy !req
934. W-W-Whoa!
Copy !req
935. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
936. Aaah!
Copy !req
937. Whoa!
Copy !req
938. Flap!
Copy !req
939. Flap harder!
Copy !req
940. Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
941. Oof!
Copy !req
942. I think you'll be okay here.
Copy !req
943. They seem pretty focused on me.
Copy !req
944. Why? Why'd you save me?
Copy !req
945. You know I need an "A" in gym class.
Copy !req
946. Consider this extra credit.
Copy !req
947. They'll probably kill you anyway.
Copy !req
948. Before they do, I'll be sure to tell them
Copy !req
949. where they can grab some lunch afterwards.
Copy !req
950. Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
951. Aaaah!
Copy !req
952. Dad!
Copy !req
953. Dad! No!
Copy !req
954. Strap in.
Copy !req
955. What are you gonna do?
- Help him.
Copy !req
956. How?
Copy !req
957. Hold on tight!
Copy !req
958. Aaah!
Copy !req
959. Uhh.
Copy !req
960. Mom?
Copy !req
961. Jenna!
Copy !req
962. No!
Copy !req
963. Aaaah!
Copy !req
964. Mom!
Copy !req
965. Ha ha!
Copy !req
966. Fight, Duncan! Kill them.
Copy !req
967. There has to be another way.
Copy !req
968. Be ready to move.
Copy !req
969. Belloc!
Copy !req
970. Aaaaah!
Copy !req
971. Aahh!
Copy !req
972. Aaah!
Copy !req
973. Dad!
Copy !req
974. Get mom!
Copy !req
975. Uhh!
Copy !req
976. Aaaah!
Copy !req
977. Mom!
Copy !req
978. You did not kill them.
Copy !req
979. I wanted to.
Copy !req
980. But it wouldn't have changed anything.
Copy !req
981. It would have changed you.
Copy !req
982. But you did beat them.
Copy !req
983. I wouldn't have thought it possible.
Copy !req
984. Perhaps there wasvalue in leaving you with your mother.
Copy !req
985. You don't have to go back there to that cage.
Copy !req
986. I'll free you.
Copy !req
987. You will stay with your mother for the time being.
Copy !req
988. And I... will be nearby.
Copy !req
989. Holy hello, kid. What did you do to 'em?
Copy !req
990. Nothing. They're cold-blooded.
Copy !req
991. They're hibernating.
Copy !req
992. What about you?
Copy !req
993. I'm not like them.
Copy !req
994. What are you geniuses waiting for,
Copy !req
995. a written invitation?
Copy !req
996. Let's get these popsicles in the freezer.
Copy !req
997. - Hi.
- Hey.
Copy !req
998. So, I figured out who...
Copy !req
999. Thanks for saving homecoming.
Copy !req
1000. Like any of that stuff matters now.
Copy !req
1001. It mattered to you.
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1002. So, I'll see you at school Monday?
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1003. I don't know.
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1004. You still want me to go to school?
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1005. Oh, yeah. You're going to school.
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1006. Then I'll see you there.
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1007. Looks like our ride's here.
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1008. You know what, mom?
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1009. I think I'll find my own way home.
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1010. Whoo!
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