1. - Okay.
Copy !req
2. Sound check, please.
Copy !req
3. - One, two.
One, two.
Copy !req
4. - Okay.
Copy !req
5. - One, two.
Copy !req
6. - Comfortable?
- Yep.
Copy !req
7. - So, um, I guess I'll start off
by asking you about the film.
Copy !req
8. What is the film?
Copy !req
9. Uh, well, the film is the story
Copy !req
10. of what happened when this guy
Copy !req
11. tried to make
a documentary about me,
Copy !req
12. but he was actually a lot more
interesting than I am,
Copy !req
13. so now the film
is kind of about him.
Copy !req
14. I mean, it's not
Gone with the Wind,
Copy !req
15. but there's probably a moral
in there somewhere.
Copy !req
16. - So who is this guy?
Copy !req
17. male narrator:
"This guy" was Thierry Guetta,
Copy !req
18. a Frenchman who had been living
in Los Angeles
Copy !req
19. since emigrating
to the United States
Copy !req
20. in the early 1980s.
Copy !req
21. A regular family man,
Copy !req
22. Thierry owned
a vintage clothing store
Copy !req
23. in the city's most bohemian
shopping district,
Copy !req
24. and he made a good living
selling his wares
Copy !req
25. to L.A.'s more fashion-conscious
Copy !req
26. - At that time,
Copy !req
27. I used to buy old Adidas
and old things
Copy !req
28. and, you know, things
you couldn't find here:
Copy !req
29. Shoes, bags.
Copy !req
30. And I had a warehouse
with big bales of these clothes,
Copy !req
31. and we used to buy these
for $50.
Copy !req
32. I used to take things that,
Copy !req
33. when the sewing was different,
Copy !req
34. I call it designer,
Copy !req
35. and I'd put the price
that is $400.
Copy !req
36. So from $50,
Copy !req
37. sometimes I could make $5,000.
Copy !req
38. But there was
one very unusual thing
Copy !req
39. about Thierry.
Copy !req
40. He never went anywhere
without a video camera.
Copy !req
41. - I don't know
how the video camera
Copy !req
42. came into my hand,
Copy !req
43. but I know the moment
it came inside my hand,
Copy !req
44. I couldn't let it down,
Copy !req
45. It was like more than any drugs
to anybody.
Copy !req
46. It was obsession.
Copy !req
47. When I picked up the camera,
Copy !req
48. I couldn't do anything
without capturing it.
Copy !req
49. I'd keep filming,
keep filming, keep filming.
Copy !req
50. I was filming and filming myself
filming me.
Copy !req
51. It didn't stop.
Copy !req
52. It just didn't stop.
Copy !req
53. Ooh...
Copy !req
54. In my own house,
when the kids grow up,
Copy !req
55. I had cameras set up everywhere.
Copy !req
56. I was completely maxed
with camera.
Copy !req
57. - Even taking pictures,
he would do it like...
Copy !req
58. you know, like, he was using
even the picture camera
Copy !req
59. like he would use
the video camera.
Copy !req
60. He was pretty much obsessed.
Copy !req
61. He filmed constantly...
Copy !req
62. tapes and tapes and tapes.
Copy !req
63. - Aaaagh!
Copy !req
64. As time passed,
those who knew Thierry
Copy !req
65. stopped even noticing
his ever-present camera,
Copy !req
66. while everyone else soon learned
how determined he could be.
Copy !req
67. - Can I take one picture
before I go?
Copy !req
68. - You know what?
We're working right now.
Copy !req
69. - One picture, yeah.
Copy !req
70. - All right, go ahead.
Copy !req
71. - Oh, no, no, no.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
72. - Thanks.
Copy !req
73. - C'est Shaq.
Copy !req
74. Hey, how you doing?
Copy !req
75. - What you doin', bud?
Copy !req
76. - Ça va?
Copy !req
77. Say hello to the French people.
Copy !req
78. - Hello, French people.
Copy !req
79. That's enough.
Stop recording.
Copy !req
80. - That's good.
That's good.
Copy !req
81. - When you gonna film
someone else?
Copy !req
82. - Yeah, man, I do.
Copy !req
83. - Eh?
- I do.
Copy !req
84. - Why don't you go
and do it now?
Copy !req
85. - Because it's not every day
that I see you.
Copy !req
86. Thud!
Copy !req
87. Thierry seemed
happy enough selling clothes
Copy !req
88. and pointing his camera
at anything that moved
Copy !req
89. until in 1999,
on a family holiday to France,
Copy !req
90. a chance discovery
sent Thierry's life
Copy !req
91. in a dramatic new direction.
Copy !req
92. - My cousin, at that time,
he was an artistic...
Copy !req
93. you know, he was putting
mosaics together
Copy !req
94. and trying to do the game
of Space Invaders,
Copy !req
95. re-creating the character,
kind of way.
Copy !req
96. So I film him.
Copy !req
97. So this is what you're doing?
Copy !req
98. - I need to put
some white ones here...
Copy !req
99. - Yeah, yeah, that'll be crazy.
Copy !req
100. - It was kind of fun,
Copy !req
101. because he was, like,
doing some tile, very small,
Copy !req
102. and putting it on top
of couple building,
Copy !req
103. and I thought
it was really nice,
Copy !req
104. to put some stuff
that you love,
Copy !req
105. something that you want
to express yourself,
Copy !req
106. and put it outside
Copy !req
107. and people can see it.
Copy !req
108. It's not straight! Up a bit.
Copy !req
109. A bit more
on the other side now.
Copy !req
110. There you go. That's good.
Copy !req
111. Thierry's cousin
was Space Invader,
Copy !req
112. a major player
in an explosive new movement
Copy !req
113. that would become known
as street art.
Copy !req
114. This hybrid form of graffiti
was driven by a new generation
Copy !req
115. using stickers, stencils,
posters, and sculptures
Copy !req
116. to make their mark
by any means necessary.
Copy !req
117. With the arrival
of the internet,
Copy !req
118. these once-temporary works
Copy !req
119. could be shared by an audience
of millions.
Copy !req
120. Street art was poised
Copy !req
121. to become the biggest
countercultural movement
Copy !req
122. since punk,
Copy !req
123. and Thierry had landed
right in the middle of it.
Copy !req
124. - When I was with Thierry,
Copy !req
125. Thierry was with his camera,
Copy !req
126. and he was filming me
all the time,
Copy !req
127. but when people were asking me
what this guy's doing,
Copy !req
128. I was saying, "It's okay;
it's my cousin."
Copy !req
129. And generally,
people were thinking,
Copy !req
130. "Oh, this guy is cool."
Copy !req
131. Like, "Let him film."
Copy !req
132. - Is this your job or what?
- It's my passion.
Copy !req
133. - So what do you do
for a living?
Copy !req
134. - This and that.
Copy !req
135. But right now,
Copy !req
136. I'm having a break.
Copy !req
137. Through my cousin,
I met André.
Copy !req
138. André has this character
Copy !req
139. that is a smiling face
that's blinking an eye
Copy !req
140. and, you know, with,
like, long legs
Copy !req
141. and walking everywhere,
you know,
Copy !req
142. like kind of
a cartoon character.
Copy !req
143. When I met Zeus,
Copy !req
144. he was, like, painting, like,
shadows on the streets
Copy !req
145. of different things.
Copy !req
146. I liked to capture those people
Copy !req
147. because I thought it was nice,
what they were doing,
Copy !req
148. and they really believe it.
Copy !req
149. You know, they really loved it.
Copy !req
150. I started to really see, like,
a gallery outside.
Copy !req
151. - Don't walk all over the paint.
Copy !req
152. - I'm trying not to.
Copy !req
153. I just loved it, you know,
Copy !req
154. filming at night
and street,
Copy !req
155. because it was, like,
a mix of fears
Copy !req
156. and getting something
that nobody sees,
Copy !req
157. and somewhere you
and... illegal,
Copy !req
158. and you can get caught,
you know?
Copy !req
159. So it was, like, that feeling
that it was, like, a danger,
Copy !req
160. and I like that.
Copy !req
161. You know, I like the danger.
Copy !req
162. You know, it made me feel good.
Copy !req
163. Thierry had
accidentally found a focus.
Copy !req
164. The man who would film anything
Copy !req
165. had stumbled into
an intriguing underground world,
Copy !req
166. and now that he had found it,
he wasn't about to let it go.
Copy !req
167. - I guess Thierry
was in the right place
Copy !req
168. at the right time,
Copy !req
169. I mean, the thing is
that most all art
Copy !req
170. is built to last, like,
hundreds of years.
Copy !req
171. It's cast in bronze,
or it's oil on canvas,
Copy !req
172. but street art
has a short lifespan,
Copy !req
173. so it needed documenting.
Copy !req
174. You know, we all needed someone
who knew how to use a camera.
Copy !req
175. - Fuck.
Copy !req
176. A few months later,
Copy !req
177. Invader visited Los Angeles
for the first time,
Copy !req
178. giving Thierry the chance
to pursue his new passion
Copy !req
179. on home turf.
Copy !req
180. - Uh-oh.
Quickly, quickly, it's the cops!
Copy !req
181. - You can't do that here.
Copy !req
182. - It's to take pictures.
Copy !req
183. - Right.
Not here.
Copy !req
184. Not that, no.
That's graffiti.
Copy !req
185. - That's not graffiti.
Copy !req
186. No, no, but that's not.
That's not graffiti.
Copy !req
187. - Then remove it,
because you guys got to go.
Copy !req
188. - That's an art.
That's an art.
Copy !req
189. - You guys need to go.
Copy !req
190. - But this is,
like, Space Invader.
Copy !req
191. You know Space Invader?
Copy !req
192. - I know Space Invader.
Not here, no.
Copy !req
193. - You don't know Space Invader?
Copy !req
194. - Go!
Copy !req
195. - I was filming Space Invader,
but I wanted more.
Copy !req
196. You know?
Copy !req
197. So I mean, it's like,
Copy !req
198. I could get him all the time,
Copy !req
199. so I wanted somebody
that I couldn't get.
Copy !req
200. Thierry's opportunity
to meet someone
Copy !req
201. who could keep him
in steady thrills
Copy !req
202. came a few days later
when Invader arranged to meet up
Copy !req
203. with another
West Coast street artist.
Copy !req
204. His name was Shepard Fairey.
Copy !req
205. One day,
Shepard would be famous
Copy !req
206. for transforming the face
of an unknown senator
Copy !req
207. into a universally
recognized icon.
Copy !req
208. But even back in 2000,
Copy !req
209. Shepard was the world's
most prolific street artist.
Copy !req
210. Shepard's experiment
with the power of repetition
Copy !req
211. went back to 1989
Copy !req
212. and an image based
on cult '70s wrestler
Copy !req
213. Andre the Giant.
Copy !req
214. Combining Andre's face
with a command to obey,
Copy !req
215. Shepard had already clocked up
over a million hits
Copy !req
216. around the world.
Copy !req
217. And although
he didn't know it yet,
Copy !req
218. his world was about
to collide head-on
Copy !req
219. with Thierry's.
Copy !req
220. - Shepard Fairey
was at Kinko's on Vine,
Copy !req
221. and Space Invader had something,
a trouble with something,
Copy !req
222. and he couldn't make it
that moment.
Copy !req
223. But me, I wanted
to meet the guy,
Copy !req
224. so what I did,
I went and meet him.
Copy !req
225. - Invader.
- No, Thierry.
Copy !req
226. I didn't ask him;
I just filmed.
Copy !req
227. That was my thing.
Copy !req
228. I didn't ask him anything.
Copy !req
229. When I came,
I came with a camera,
Copy !req
230. and I start filming.
Copy !req
231. So why did you do him?
Copy !req
232. You don't know?
Copy !req
233. - Uh...
- Oh, you knew the guy.
Copy !req
234. - He's funny-looking.
Copy !req
235. - Oh, you didn't know him?
Copy !req
236. - No, I didn't know him.
- Do you think he's dead, or...
Copy !req
237. - Oh, he's dead, yeah.
Copy !req
238. - Yeah?
Copy !req
239. So you have a partner works
with you, eh?
Copy !req
240. - Yeah.
This is Amanda.
Copy !req
241. - Amanda, how are you doing?
Copy !req
242. - Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
Copy !req
243. - So how long
you been doing this?
Copy !req
244. - 101/2 years.
Copy !req
245. - Oh, yeah?
That's a lot of paper.
Copy !req
246. - Yeah.
Copy !req
247. What do you do?
Copy !req
248. - I film.
Copy !req
249. That night when
Shepard did meet Space Invader,
Copy !req
250. he took him on a tour
of the city.
Copy !req
251. - Thierry was there
Copy !req
252. filming everything
that Space Invader was doing
Copy !req
253. and then, of course,
once I was with Space Invader,
Copy !req
254. everything I was doing.
Copy !req
255. You should probably
put an invader
Copy !req
256. up on Hollywood Boulevard.
Copy !req
257. What do you think, Thierry?
Copy !req
258. And when Invader
returned to France,
Copy !req
259. Thierry simply carried on,
Copy !req
260. tagging along
at Shepard's side
Copy !req
261. whenever the artist
went out in the streets.
Copy !req
262. - 2:00... if he's gonna be out
past 2:00,
Copy !req
263. he needs to call at 2:00.
Copy !req
264. - Okay.
I'll make him.
Copy !req
265. - Otherwise, he gets beat,
and he sleeps on the couch.
Copy !req
266. - Amanda always thought
that he was weird,
Copy !req
267. but I said it's great
Copy !req
268. that we're getting
a lot of this stuff on tape.
Copy !req
269. And for me to have someone there
as a lookout was always good.
Copy !req
270. Keep your eye out for the cops.
Copy !req
271. I finally did train him
to not turn the light on
Copy !req
272. while I was on a billboard
or a rooftop,
Copy !req
273. where he was gonna
blow my cover.
Copy !req
274. No, no, no, don't use that.
Copy !req
275. - Yeah.
Copy !req
276. After ten months
of Thierry's constant presence,
Copy !req
277. the question inevitably arose:
Copy !req
278. What exactly
was Thierry filming for?
Copy !req
279. - It's cool, though, right?
Copy !req
280. And that was the moment
Copy !req
281. Thierry came up with a big idea
Copy !req
282. that would dictate
the path of his life
Copy !req
283. for the next eight years.
Copy !req
284. - In the beginning,
you're, like, thinking,
Copy !req
285. like, "The guy's gonna film me
one time, two times,
Copy !req
286. three times, five times,
ten times, twelve times,"
Copy !req
287. but after a while,
he's like,
Copy !req
288. "What you gonna do?"
Copy !req
289. Because usually people film
a day, two days, three days,
Copy !req
290. and they make something
out of it.
Copy !req
291. But I kept filming,
Copy !req
292. so he's like,
"What you gonna do?"
Copy !req
293. And I said, "I'm gonna make
a street art documentary,"
Copy !req
294. you know?
Copy !req
295. Take two.
Copy !req
296. In his new role
as documentary filmmaker,
Copy !req
297. Thierry now started traveling
the world with Shepard,
Copy !req
298. recording every detail
of the artist's life.
Copy !req
299. - I knew that
couldn't be far away.
Copy !req
300. Even though
the Andre the Giant sticker
Copy !req
301. was just an inside joke
Copy !req
302. and I was just having fun,
Copy !req
303. I liked the idea of the more
stickers that are out there,
Copy !req
304. the more important it seems;
Copy !req
305. the more important it seems,
Copy !req
306. the more people
want to know what it is,
Copy !req
307. the more they ask each other,
Copy !req
308. and it gains real power
from perceived power.
Copy !req
309. - Can I talk to you
for a second?
Copy !req
310. Police officer.
I'm not gonna arrest you.
Copy !req
311. I'm not gonna arrest you.
Copy !req
312. I just want
to talk to you, dude.
Copy !req
313. - Don't film from that side.
Copy !req
314. Film from this side over here.
Copy !req
315. You understand why, right?
Copy !req
316. Because you're gonna
attract attention.
Copy !req
317. - Oop! Whoa!
Copy !req
318. - It was like a big adventure
every night.
Copy !req
319. We were going
on top of buildings
Copy !req
320. and going on top of something
Copy !req
321. that was not just illegal;
Copy !req
322. it was dangerous.
Copy !req
323. But I would do it
Copy !req
324. because I wanted to show
that I could do it.
Copy !req
325. You know, it was not like,
Copy !req
326. I'm downstairs
Copy !req
327. and you are upstairs
doing your thing
Copy !req
328. and I'm filming.
Copy !req
329. No.
Copy !req
330. I would go upstairs,
Copy !req
331. and I would go even up, up more
to have the shot that is great.
Copy !req
332. - He just wanted to go
whenever I was going,
Copy !req
333. and he was always...
Copy !req
334. he was always very diligent
about climbing,
Copy !req
335. about helping move the buckets,
the ladder.
Copy !req
336. He was not only a filmer,
Copy !req
337. but in ways,
he was an accomplice,
Copy !req
338. and I don't know whether
it's just that he's passionate
Copy !req
339. or whether
it's that he's passionate
Copy !req
340. and he's kinda crazy.
Copy !req
341. But I respect passion.
Copy !req
342. But it wasn't just Shepard
Copy !req
343. who caught Thierry's eye.
Copy !req
344. As he ventured further afield,
Copy !req
345. Thierry was constantly meeting
street artists.
Copy !req
346. - And in my head,
Copy !req
347. I wanted to make a movie
about street art,
Copy !req
348. so I wanted to get
as much people as possible.
Copy !req
349. Even people who tell me,
"No, I don't want to be filmed,"
Copy !req
350. I find a way
of making the no as a yes.
Copy !req
351. Oh, cool.
Copy !req
352. I love the design of it.
Copy !req
353. So you draw.
You know how to draw?
Copy !req
354. - It's a painting.
Copy !req
355. - Yeah.
Copy !req
356. And I start to know one,
Copy !req
357. and one make me
meet another one.
Copy !req
358. - Very important
when you put the poster
Copy !req
359. to see where
you're gonna put it.
Copy !req
360. - Usually, I just...
Copy !req
361. I choose a wall
'cause I like it,
Copy !req
362. I like what it feels like,
you know?
Copy !req
363. The texture.
Copy !req
364. - When I go with the artist,
I'm just living them life.
Copy !req
365. You know?
Copy !req
366. I'm a ghost
when I'm with them.
Copy !req
367. I'm kind of a ghost.
Copy !req
368. Don't you wish to be taller
Copy !req
369. - Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
370. So what name you are using?
Copy !req
371. - Borf.
Copy !req
372. It was the name
of my best friend
Copy !req
373. who killed himself
when we were 16...
Copy !req
374. And I just do it to...
I don't know...
Copy !req
375. commemorate his life.
Copy !req
376. - You gonna hit that?
Copy !req
377. - We're gonna do both.
Copy !req
378. - Are you gonna do both?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
379. But, like, I think it'd be cool
if you came up with us.
Copy !req
380. - Excuse me, sir?
Copy !req
381. Can I have a quick word
with you, sir, please?
Copy !req
382. - Excuse me?
Copy !req
383. - Could I just have a quick word
with you, please?
Copy !req
384. If I can ask you to stop
any recording that you're doing.
Copy !req
385. - It's not recording.
- That's fine.
Copy !req
386. Do you understand English?
- Yes.
Copy !req
387. - That's fine, sir.
Copy !req
388. I'm sure you can appreciate
graffiti's a criminal offense.
Copy !req
389. Right?
Copy !req
390. Thierry's documentary
was shaping up to be
Copy !req
391. the authentic inside story
of the birth of a movement
Copy !req
392. starring the biggest figures
in the street art world...
Copy !req
393. with one exception.
Copy !req
394. - Now Tate Britain
in Pimlico
Copy !req
395. refused to discuss
security arrangements today
Copy !req
396. after a graffiti artist
known as Banksy
Copy !req
397. was able to leave
one of his own paintings
Copy !req
398. in the gallery's
landscape room.
Copy !req
399. - I hear about this Banksy.
Copy !req
400. "Who's Banksy?
Copy !req
401. Banksy this."
Copy !req
402. And I said,
"I really like that guy."
Copy !req
403. You know?
Copy !req
404. And it's like,
Copy !req
405. "I want... I want... I want
to interview this guy."
Copy !req
406. Thierry
wasn't the only one intrigued.
Copy !req
407. By now, word about
this mystery provocateur
Copy !req
408. and his increasingly
ambitious adventures
Copy !req
409. was radiating far beyond
the world of street art.
Copy !req
410. Banksy had started out
as a provincial graffiti artist,
Copy !req
411. but before long, his stencils
were appearing all over Britain.
Copy !req
412. Through a series
of DIY art shows,
Copy !req
413. Banksy was now taking vandalism
in an entirely new direction.
Copy !req
414. - So I ask Space Invader.
Copy !req
415. I ask everybody that I knew.
Copy !req
416. "How can I get this guy?"
Copy !req
417. They said, "It's impossible.
Copy !req
418. It's impossible."
Copy !req
419. But my focus in my head,
it was like,
Copy !req
420. "How am I gonna make it?
How am I gonna make it?
Copy !req
421. It's impossible,
but how am I gonna make it?"
Copy !req
422. While Thierry schemes
to find a way
Copy !req
423. to the one missing star
of his film,
Copy !req
424. his other subjects carried on,
Copy !req
425. letting Thierry capture
every moment
Copy !req
426. of their creative process.
Copy !req
427. What none of them suspected
Copy !req
428. was that Thierry's
street art documentary
Copy !req
429. didn't actually exist.
Copy !req
430. All the tape that I film,
even if it was good,
Copy !req
431. it was going nowhere.
Copy !req
432. It was going
in a box somewhere.
Copy !req
433. Sometime I don't
even write anything.
Copy !req
434. Sometime I write the year.
Copy !req
435. Sometime I write nothing.
Copy !req
436. But I would never watch it.
Copy !req
437. Never, never, never.
Copy !req
438. When it was filmed,
Copy !req
439. for me, it was done.
Copy !req
440. It wasn't important,
how it was made.
Copy !req
441. It was important what it was.
Copy !req
442. It was the capturation.
Copy !req
443. Thierry's
extraordinary habit
Copy !req
444. of filming everything
Copy !req
445. and locking the unwatched tapes
away in boxes
Copy !req
446. had its roots
in his childhood in France.
Copy !req
447. - I lost my mother
when I was 11 years old,
Copy !req
448. and the day that I find out
about my mother,
Copy !req
449. I was at school.
Copy !req
450. I remember I was
in the playground,
Copy !req
451. and somebody come up,
Copy !req
452. and he says,
"Oh, you're laughing, eh?
Copy !req
453. You're laughing, eh?
You're laughing, eh?"
Copy !req
454. Like, behind the gate.
Copy !req
455. "Your mother is dead."
Like this.
Copy !req
456. And after, I was like...
Copy !req
457. I didn't know, in reality,
and after I went back to class,
Copy !req
458. and I was crying,
and I didn't know.
Copy !req
459. And from that things,
Copy !req
460. they took me away.
Copy !req
461. I never went home again.
Copy !req
462. I went to a cousin or something
outside of what happened,
Copy !req
463. not to see anything.
Copy !req
464. You know, they just took me away
from everything happened.
Copy !req
465. The youngest
in a large family,
Copy !req
466. his mother's illness
had been kept from Thierry,
Copy !req
467. and after her death,
Copy !req
468. the sense that he had missed
such an important event
Copy !req
469. stayed with him.
Copy !req
470. Later, as an adult
raising his own family,
Copy !req
471. Thierry became
increasingly compelled
Copy !req
472. by the need to record the people
and events around him.
Copy !req
473. - You know, I felt like I should
capture everything on film,
Copy !req
474. because I felt like everything
Copy !req
475. that I would capture
at these moments,
Copy !req
476. any time in my life
Copy !req
477. would be the last time that
I would see it the same way.
Copy !req
478. It was like a need
to be captured.
Copy !req
479. I would make them live forever,
Copy !req
480. those moments, you know,
forever and ever.
Copy !req
481. Making a documentary,
Copy !req
482. it was like having the key
of getting all these people.
Copy !req
483. That's why
I kept following them,
Copy !req
484. following them,
following them.
Copy !req
485. And because I never made
a movie before
Copy !req
486. and I don't know how to stop...
Copy !req
487. and I don't know
how to stop...
Copy !req
488. I kept going.
Copy !req
489. As Thierry persevered
Copy !req
490. with his quest to capture
the world of street art
Copy !req
491. in its entirety,
Copy !req
492. the profile of the one artist
who eluded him
Copy !req
493. was about to become
bigger than ever.
Copy !req
494. - He faced Israeli army fire
to pull off his latest stunt.
Copy !req
495. Subversive graffiti artist
Banksy, whose work...
Copy !req
496. By targeting
the world's most notorious wall,
Copy !req
497. Banksy turned a spot
of hit-and-run vandalism
Copy !req
498. into an international
news event.
Copy !req
499. Now it seemed everyone
Copy !req
500. wanted to know the answer
to one question:
Copy !req
501. Who was Banksy?
Copy !req
502. His work seemed
to be everywhere,
Copy !req
503. but the artist himself
remained as elusive as ever.
Copy !req
504. - He was, like,
the only one that I don't have,
Copy !req
505. and people
that used to be in street art,
Copy !req
506. they all tell you,
"Yeah, he doesn't have a phone,"
Copy !req
507. or they...
even if they do have it,
Copy !req
508. they wouldn't give it to me,
you know?
Copy !req
509. I didn't know what way that
I'm gonna get this person,
Copy !req
510. you know,
Copy !req
511. what angel was gonna bring me
to that person.
Copy !req
512. With no leads to go on,
Copy !req
513. Thierry was forced to accept
that he may never find a way
Copy !req
514. to the mysterious Englishman.
Copy !req
515. And then, miraculously...
Copy !req
516. - So I went to Los Angeles
at about spring 2006,
Copy !req
517. and when I got there,
Copy !req
518. the guy that
was supposed to be helping me
Copy !req
519. got turned back
at immigration,
Copy !req
520. so I rang the only person I knew
in Los Angeles
Copy !req
521. and asked them
if they could help me,
Copy !req
522. and they said,
"Well, there's this French guy
Copy !req
523. "who's a cousin
of Space Invader,
Copy !req
524. "and he knows where
all the best walls are in L.A.
Copy !req
525. He can help you out."
Copy !req
526. - I was in downtown
Los Angeles one day.
Copy !req
527. My phone rings.
Copy !req
528. "Hello?"
Copy !req
529. "Hello, this is Shepard Fairey.
Copy !req
530. How are you doing, Thierry?"
Copy !req
531. "Uh, yeah."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Copy !req
532. "Yeah, do you have any walls?
Copy !req
533. Because I have Banksy here,
and I would like"...
Copy !req
534. And I said, "What?
You have who?"
Copy !req
535. I'm like, "Uh..."
Copy !req
536. "Yeah, yeah,
there is Banksy here, and"...
Copy !req
537. I'm like, "Where... are... you?"
Copy !req
538. Red light.
I stay.
Copy !req
539. I vrrr...
I go through red light.
Copy !req
540. I was driving like crazy.
Copy !req
541. I mean, I'm lucky
I didn't get caught that day.
Copy !req
542. - So this guy shows up
Copy !req
543. looking like something
out of the 1860s,
Copy !req
544. with these, like,
huge sideburns, sweating,
Copy !req
545. telling me
he could do anything;
Copy !req
546. he could take me anywhere;
Copy !req
547. he could get me
whatever I wanted;
Copy !req
548. he could fix it all up.
Copy !req
549. - "Yeah, yeah, yeah,
like, what do you want?
Copy !req
550. "Anything you want.
Copy !req
551. What do you want?"
Copy !req
552. - He said,
"Have you got a phone?"
Copy !req
553. And I said no,
Copy !req
554. so he went to a phone shop
over the road
Copy !req
555. and bought me a phone,
Copy !req
556. and he bought $100 worth
of credit
Copy !req
557. and punched his number in
and said,
Copy !req
558. "Right, this is my number.
Copy !req
559. You call me.
I have everything you need."
Copy !req
560. - "I drive you
if you need to go anywhere.
Copy !req
561. "I'll take care of you,
whatever, whatever.
Copy !req
562. "I'll be your driver.
Copy !req
563. "I'm not doing anything.
"I'm not doing anything.
Copy !req
564. I'm not doing anything
at any time."
Copy !req
565. - So on the understanding
Copy !req
566. that he would just help me
make some paintings,
Copy !req
567. we went out that evening.
Copy !req
568. Circumstances had conspired
Copy !req
569. to bring Thierry face-to-face
Copy !req
570. with the notoriously
secretive artist,
Copy !req
571. and fate remained
on Thierry's side
Copy !req
572. when he got his camera out.
Copy !req
573. - Well, I'd never let anybody
film anything before,
Copy !req
574. but I said he could film me,
Copy !req
575. but only my hands,
from behind,
Copy !req
576. and on condition that I could
check the tapes afterwards.
Copy !req
577. - It was magic that this person
let me film, you know?
Copy !req
578. I felt like I had the piece
that will finish the puzzle.
Copy !req
579. It was like getting something
in the daylight
Copy !req
580. that what you see
in the night light.
Copy !req
581. He was even more
than I expected.
Copy !req
582. I mean, he was, like,
just incredible.
Copy !req
583. He was cool.
Copy !req
584. He was...
he was human.
Copy !req
585. He was... he was...
he was...
Copy !req
586. he was... he is the...
Copy !req
587. you know, he's really
like what he represent.
Copy !req
588. You know, he's really, like...
Copy !req
589. I think he's really, like...
Copy !req
590. I really liked him.
Copy !req
591. For the rest
of Banksy's stay,
Copy !req
592. Thierry made himself
Copy !req
593. leading the artist to some
of the best painting spots
Copy !req
594. in the city.
Copy !req
595. - I mean, Thierry
was the perfect host
Copy !req
596. if you're a graffiti rat
and you're miles from home.
Copy !req
597. He had no fear.
Copy !req
598. He wanted to keep going
all night long,
Copy !req
599. and he had a massive larder.
Copy !req
600. click!
Copy !req
601. A few weeks after
their chance encounter in L.A.,
Copy !req
602. Banksy invited Thierry
to England.
Copy !req
603. - I always avoided cameras,
Copy !req
604. 'cause what I do is
in a bit of a legal gray area,
Copy !req
605. but I brought Thierry
over to London
Copy !req
606. because it seemed
like a good idea:
Copy !req
607. Start videoing the work.
Copy !req
608. I mean, we had to,
'cause, you know,
Copy !req
609. a lot of it was starting
to disappear the next day.
Copy !req
610. But Banksy's
close-knit team
Copy !req
611. of trusted friends
Copy !req
612. was horrified
by the sudden appearance
Copy !req
613. of this camera-happy Frenchman.
Copy !req
614. - The first time that Thierry
was filming Banksy,
Copy !req
615. I was like,
"What the fuck is going on?"
Copy !req
616. I thought, you know, that nobody
was allowed to do this.
Copy !req
617. I thought it was
a big breach of security.
Copy !req
618. Being the man of mystery
Copy !req
619. and being filmed
at the same time
Copy !req
620. is a slight oxymoron,
I think.
Copy !req
621. It's a very dangerous thing.
Copy !req
622. - All the people
who was working with him,
Copy !req
623. they didn't understand.
Copy !req
624. They look at me like,
"Who is this?
Copy !req
625. Who is this guy?"
Copy !req
626. You know,
"What is he gonna do to us?"
Copy !req
627. You know?
Copy !req
628. And he didn't care whatsoever.
Copy !req
629. - Two, three.
Copy !req
630. - I guess Thierry
showed up at a time
Copy !req
631. when I realized
that the reaction to this stuff
Copy !req
632. was, you know, one of the most
interesting things about it,
Copy !req
633. because for me, it's
an important part of the job
Copy !req
634. to run away
as soon as we've done it,
Copy !req
635. but at least with Thierry,
Copy !req
636. we had someone hanging round
Copy !req
637. who could capture some of it.
Copy !req
638. - This is when I saw
that he was, like, a legend.
Copy !req
639. He was like kind of
a Robin Hood or something.
Copy !req
640. - You know Banksy?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
641. - You know Banksy?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
642. I mean, I heard about him.
Copy !req
643. - He does
very, very good graffiti.
Copy !req
644. - Looks a bit like Banksy,
Copy !req
645. but I know he's doing a bit more
installations at the moment.
Copy !req
646. I like it.
I like it.
Copy !req
647. - What do you think of it?
Copy !req
648. - Someone is annoyed
with BT telephones.
Copy !req
649. - Yeah, we were, you know,
laughing like trains
Copy !req
650. at all this stuff
he got out of it.
Copy !req
651. So yeah, he proved his worth
on that project,
Copy !req
652. brought something to it
Copy !req
653. that we would never have had
Copy !req
654. Over the rest
of his time in London,
Copy !req
655. Banksy took Thierry everywhere,
Copy !req
656. even allowing him to film
inside his studio
Copy !req
657. as he prepared
for his first big American show.
Copy !req
658. - He opened his door to me,
Copy !req
659. and it was magic
kind of way.
Copy !req
660. You ask the question,
"Why me?" in the end.
Copy !req
661. "Why?"
Copy !req
662. - I think maybe Thierry
Copy !req
663. was like a bit of a release
for me, you know?
Copy !req
664. Having spent years
Copy !req
665. of trying to keep everything
completely under wraps,
Copy !req
666. maybe I needed
to trust somebody.
Copy !req
667. I mean, I guess part
of the power of Thierry
Copy !req
668. is this unlikely...
Copy !req
669. the unlikeliness of it.
Copy !req
670. Yeah, you know?
Copy !req
671. I guess he became my friend.
Copy !req
672. - Oh.
Copy !req
673. - It's all money.
Copy !req
674. - Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
675. It is real?
Copy !req
676. - It's Lady Di
instead of the queen.
Copy !req
677. - It's so cool.
Copy !req
678. - I made £1 million worth,
Copy !req
679. and I was gonna throw it
off a building, just like...
Copy !req
680. But I took some out,
Copy !req
681. and I handed some out
first of all,
Copy !req
682. and people spent them,
Copy !req
683. and people were like,
"Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
684. Two beers.
A couple beers."
Copy !req
685. Nobody noticed,
Copy !req
686. because when you
got them like this,
Copy !req
687. you can actually spend them.
Copy !req
688. - And they won't know.
Copy !req
689. - And when that happened,
it was like, "Holy shit.
Copy !req
690. We just... we just forged
a million quid."
Copy !req
691. And obviously, for that,
you go to jail for ten years.
Copy !req
692. So I have them up here,
Copy !req
693. but I don't know
what to do with them.
Copy !req
694. - You find it here?
Copy !req
695. - I made it.
Copy !req
696. - Wow, you made this?
Copy !req
697. - For fuck's sake,
I printed it.
Copy !req
698. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
699. Back in L.A.,
Copy !req
700. Thierry struggled
to keep himself entertained
Copy !req
701. after the high
of his scoop with Banksy.
Copy !req
702. - I'm like a bird.
Copy !req
703. I always thought of that.
Copy !req
704. I'm like a bird.
Copy !req
705. I never want to be
locked down anywhere.
Copy !req
706. I like to fly
from one artist to another.
Copy !req
707. You know,
that's the way that I live,
Copy !req
708. one life to another.
Copy !req
709. You know, I like to be free.
Copy !req
710. You know,
my wife was worried
Copy !req
711. because, you know,
bill to pays,
Copy !req
712. and me, the only thing
I wanted to do
Copy !req
713. was, like, buy some tape
and go somewhere, you know?
Copy !req
714. - I wasn't worried,
but I'm sure my wife
Copy !req
715. had a little problem
of sleeping sometime.
Copy !req
716. - He was following the artists,
Copy !req
717. and he goes to here,
he goes there,
Copy !req
718. and I worry.
Copy !req
719. I worry for my kids.
Copy !req
720. I worry for everybody,
Copy !req
721. but he doesn't care.
Copy !req
722. He just goes and does.
Copy !req
723. And he forgets
he comes with a family.
Copy !req
724. You know, just...
we need him.
Copy !req
725. - Bye, Gigi!
Bye, Jackie!
Copy !req
726. - Bye!
Copy !req
727. - I love you!
Copy !req
728. For five years,
Copy !req
729. Thierry's family
had learned to cope
Copy !req
730. with his endless trips away,
Copy !req
731. but now there was
a new development
Copy !req
732. taking up his time.
Copy !req
733. - The way it started,
Copy !req
734. I took picture
of me holding a camera,
Copy !req
735. and I asked somebody
to illustrate it,
Copy !req
736. and I liked it,
so I made a small sticker.
Copy !req
737. And I made it transparent,
you know,
Copy !req
738. because I never solid,
Copy !req
739. A transparent looked
like a little stencil in a way.
Copy !req
740. And I liked it,
so I went to Kinko's,
Copy !req
741. because I learned from "Obey"
and things like this,
Copy !req
742. and I started making
that photocopy...
Copy !req
743. I don't know... 30 feet
by 40 feet high, you know?
Copy !req
744. And I went at 10:00 at night
Copy !req
745. until 8:00 in the morning,
Copy !req
746. and I made, like,
this image giant
Copy !req
747. of me with the camera.
Copy !req
748. That big image, I thought
it was kind of cool.
Copy !req
749. And I start doing it
Copy !req
750. kind of the same story
of "Obey,"
Copy !req
751. following the movement
of street art.
Copy !req
752. I start to make copies,
make it bigger,
Copy !req
753. and starting to put it
all around the city.
Copy !req
754. The enjoyment
of taking the glue
Copy !req
755. and making the thing
and going,
Copy !req
756. I was, like, addict.
Copy !req
757. It was like a spiral,
and I just fall in it.
Copy !req
758. I just fall in the spiral.
Copy !req
759. I fall, like, making the art.
Copy !req
760. A few months after
Thierry had seen him in London,
Copy !req
761. Banksy returned to Los Angeles.
Copy !req
762. He had arrived with his crew
Copy !req
763. to transform
a large run-down warehouse
Copy !req
764. into the venue for
his first major U.S. Exhibition,
Copy !req
765. "Barely Legal."
Copy !req
766. - Oh, my God.
Copy !req
767. It's really big.
Copy !req
768. It is giant.
Copy !req
769. Trippy.
Copy !req
770. It's the biggest elephant
I ever saw in my life.
Copy !req
771. Look at this.
It's really big.
Copy !req
772. But Banksy
had more on his mind
Copy !req
773. than getting
the show's surprise guest
Copy !req
774. ready for her big moment.
Copy !req
775. - We were right in the middle
of putting the show together,
Copy !req
776. and I had this idea
Copy !req
777. to make a piece
about Guantánamo Bay
Copy !req
778. and the detention
of all these terror suspects,
Copy !req
779. so I took Thierry with me,
Copy !req
780. and we didn't tell
anyone else about it,
Copy !req
781. and we just shot off, like,
the morning before the show.
Copy !req
782. - I came, picked him up.
Copy !req
783. Just me and him.
Copy !req
784. You know, I'm kind of excited
I'm going to Disneyland.
Copy !req
785. - In just a few moments,
we will begin our trip...
Copy !req
786. - It was around the anniversary
of September the 11th,
Copy !req
787. so it was a pretty
high-temper moment.
Copy !req
788. Can I get two adults
just for Disneyland, please?
Copy !req
789. - $2 is your change,
and your two Disneyland tickets.
Copy !req
790. - Is Mickey Mouse
gonna be there today?
Copy !req
791. - Yes, Mickey Mouse
will be there.
Copy !req
792. You go to Toontown,
and he's waiting for you guys.
Copy !req
793. Okay?
Copy !req
794. - So we've been wandering around
the park for a while,
Copy !req
795. and then there's this sign
with a picture of a camera on it
Copy !req
796. saying,
"This will be a great place
Copy !req
797. to take your souvenir photo."
Copy !req
798. So that obviously seemed
like the best place to put him.
Copy !req
799. - He's like, "This is
where I'm gonna do it."
Copy !req
800. And I'm like, "Okay."
Copy !req
801. He goes in the corner
Copy !req
802. and starting to blow up,
through a pump, a doll.
Copy !req
803. Tssh, tssh, tssh, tssh.
Copy !req
804. And he goes,
and he start... put it in.
Copy !req
805. And he put it.
Copy !req
806. He attached it
to the metal bars,
Copy !req
807. and he takes time,
Copy !req
808. and it was kind of suspense,
Copy !req
809. because, you know,
it's Disneyland.
Copy !req
810. There is...
people comes.
Copy !req
811. - And then I walked off
one way
Copy !req
812. and left Thierry there
filming it.
Copy !req
813. - And me, I'm filming,
taking pictures...
Copy !req
814. Because it's like,
you know...
Copy !req
815. it's, like, the moment
that I'm here for.
Copy !req
816. In one moment,
they stopped the train.
Copy !req
817. - Sorry for the holdup, folks.
Copy !req
818. - Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
819. may I have your attention,
Copy !req
820. All of our trains are stopped.
Copy !req
821. - We start to see
some people coming in,
Copy !req
822. security and people like this,
Copy !req
823. but not dressed like security,
but look like, you know,
Copy !req
824. like people who's not
at Disneyland
Copy !req
825. to have fun, you know?
Copy !req
826. So I'm starting to feel scared.
Copy !req
827. I'm walking to leave.
Copy !req
828. One guy is behind me;
two guys behind me;
Copy !req
829. three guys behind me;
four guys behind me.
Copy !req
830. And one moment,
Copy !req
831. pom, pom,
pom, pom, pom,
Copy !req
832. from every corner,
they were on me.
Copy !req
833. - I went in the toilet
to change my hat.
Copy !req
834. I changed my shirt.
Copy !req
835. Then I went out,
Copy !req
836. and I went on the,
like, Indiana Jones ride,
Copy !req
837. and then
when I came off that,
Copy !req
838. I tried calling Thierry,
didn't get any answer,
Copy !req
839. so then I went
on Pirates of the Caribbean.
Copy !req
840. While Banksy
went on the rides,
Copy !req
841. Thierry was being introduced
Copy !req
842. to a very different side
of the Magic Kingdom.
Copy !req
843. - So they put me in a seat.
Copy !req
844. There is a guy here,
a guy there...
Copy !req
845. and they said, "You are
in big, big, big trouble."
Copy !req
846. - So they actually started
shutting down parts of the park.
Copy !req
847. There was, like, walkie-talkies
crackling everywhere,
Copy !req
848. and all of sudden,
Copy !req
849. it seemed to be a very,
very serious thing indeed.
Copy !req
850. Held in an interrogation room,
Copy !req
851. Thierry was questioned
by Disney's security people
Copy !req
852. and one man who claimed
he was from the FBI.
Copy !req
853. - I'm like, "I don't know
what you have on me.
Copy !req
854. "I was there.
Copy !req
855. "You're, like, telling me
Copy !req
856. "that I have something to do
with this person.
Copy !req
857. "I don't have anything to do
with this person.
Copy !req
858. "I don't have anything
to do with it.
Copy !req
859. "I mean, it's...
I was there at the wrong time
Copy !req
860. "at the wrong moment,
you know.
Copy !req
861. I was taking pictures,"
and things like this.
Copy !req
862. And he says, "Did you take
a lot of pictures?"
Copy !req
863. I said,
"No, I took one picture,"
Copy !req
864. and things like this,
Copy !req
865. "but I even delete it
when you guys came to me."
Copy !req
866. No... the camera
is on the table.
Copy !req
867. It's full of pictures,
Copy !req
868. and I'm telling that
to the guy.
Copy !req
869. So I'm lying completely.
Copy !req
870. The only thing he has to do
is to turn on that camera.
Copy !req
871. - So I tried Thierry again,
and this time he answered,
Copy !req
872. and I said, "Where are you?"
Copy !req
873. And he said,
"Hello, my chéri,"
Copy !req
874. and, "How are you,
my darling?"
Copy !req
875. And, "How are the children?"
Copy !req
876. And I thought, "Yeah."
Copy !req
877. At that point, I thought
I'd better leave the park.
Copy !req
878. - He's like, "Okay,
show me the pictures."
Copy !req
879. I take the camera...
I take him...
Copy !req
880. I said, "Look."
Copy !req
881. I put it on, I go...
I go on Menu right away,
Copy !req
882. I go on Delete,
and I go, "Pffft!"
Copy !req
883. And the thing goes,
Copy !req
884. And I go, "Pom!"
Copy !req
885. I put it down, and I said,
Copy !req
886. "I don't have
any picture on him,
Copy !req
887. "and I don't have any proof
on you.
Copy !req
888. "I don't have nothing
with you guys,
Copy !req
889. "and I don't have nothing
with this guy,
Copy !req
890. because I don't know
who it is."
Copy !req
891. Like this, I don't...
you know, I'm clear.
Copy !req
892. After four hours
of questioning,
Copy !req
893. with no evidence to hold him,
Copy !req
894. Thierry was released.
Copy !req
895. - So after Thierry
withstood interrogation
Copy !req
896. from the entire Mickey Mouse
security team...
Copy !req
897. didn't fold,
didn't buckle;
Copy !req
898. he did a really good job of
stashing the tape in his sock...
Copy !req
899. I guess I trusted Thierry
with everything.
Copy !req
900. He was my guy after that.
Copy !req
901. - Hey, man.
How are you?
Copy !req
902. - Good.
How are you doing?
Copy !req
903. - Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
904. The day after
his close shave with Disneyland,
Copy !req
905. Thierry,
along with half of Hollywood.
Copy !req
906. Was at the opening party
for Banksy's show.
Copy !req
907. It was an even bigger star,
Copy !req
908. who provoked
the real sensation.
Copy !req
909. Banksy had camouflaged
his rented elephant
Copy !req
910. with 12 liters
of children's face paint
Copy !req
911. in an apparent statement
about how easy it is
Copy !req
912. to ignore the things
right in front of us.
Copy !req
913. But the American news media
could only see
Copy !req
914. what was
right in front of them
Copy !req
915. and came flocking to report
on the elephant in the room.
Copy !req
916. - I'm Angie Crouch.
Copy !req
917. Coming up at 5:30,
Copy !req
918. animal rights activists
are outraged
Copy !req
919. over an art exhibit involving
a live painted elephant.
Copy !req
920. - "There's an elephant
in the room,
Copy !req
921. a problem
that we never talk about,"
Copy !req
922. says this small white card
given to visitors...
Copy !req
923. What's the matter?
Copy !req
924. - Just say when.
Copy !req
925. - Um, you already
got your interview,
Copy !req
926. so can you...
Copy !req
927. The magical combination
Copy !req
928. of controversy, celebrity,
and the painted elephant
Copy !req
929. turned the show into an event.
Copy !req
930. - We had the sort of attendance
that you get for a decent show
Copy !req
931. at the Museum of Modern Art
or something,
Copy !req
932. only over three days
and in skid row.
Copy !req
933. So I think a lot of the people
in the art world
Copy !req
934. were a little bit confused as to
how that would happen, you know?
Copy !req
935. As were we, to be honest.
Copy !req
936. "Barely Legal"
Copy !req
937. marked the point
at which street art
Copy !req
938. was forced into the spotlight,
Copy !req
939. attracting sudden interest
from the art establishment.
Copy !req
940. In the months that followed,
Copy !req
941. prices for work by
leading street artists rocketed,
Copy !req
942. with collectors
rushing to get in
Copy !req
943. on this exciting new market.
Copy !req
944. - Lot number 33A,
Copy !req
945. the vandalized phone box.
Copy !req
946. And I'll start the bid
at $100,000.
Copy !req
947. $110,000, $120,000,
Copy !req
948. $130,000, $140,000...
Copy !req
949. Street art had become
a white-hot commodity.
Copy !req
950. Now no serious
contemporary art collection
Copy !req
951. would be complete
without a Banksy.
Copy !req
952. - For $550,000.
Copy !req
953. - Those little bunnies
are Warhols.
Copy !req
954. That's a Lichtenstein.
Copy !req
955. And then that's Keith Haring,
who I'm not a fan of.
Copy !req
956. The Andy Warhol "Mao" is
the first thing I ever bought.
Copy !req
957. I was, like, 20 years old,
and I put it on layaway,
Copy !req
958. and it's, you know,
the smaller "Mao."
Copy !req
959. And it's beautiful.
Copy !req
960. I mean, it's beautiful,
but it's in the closet.
Copy !req
961. Oh, yeah, here's the Ba...
here's a big Banksy.
Copy !req
962. That one's
from the show in L.A.
Copy !req
963. I saw Banksy, and I thought
he was a genius,
Copy !req
964. and every person I told
about him bought something,
Copy !req
965. like people who have Picassos
and, you know, Mondrians
Copy !req
966. and Paul Klee and...
Copy !req
967. God, I don't even know
who else.
Copy !req
968. They have...
I mean, serious collections.
Copy !req
969. - So then these
famous auction houses,
Copy !req
970. all of a sudden,
they were selling street art,
Copy !req
971. and everything
was getting a bit crazier,
Copy !req
972. and suddenly, it had all become
about the money,
Copy !req
973. but it never was
about the money.
Copy !req
974. So I said to Thierry,
Copy !req
975. "Right, you have the footage.
Copy !req
976. "You can tell the real story
of what this art is about.
Copy !req
977. "It's not about the hype.
Copy !req
978. "It's not about the money.
Copy !req
979. "Now is the time.
Copy !req
980. You need to get your film out."
Copy !req
981. Banksy had put Thierry
well and truly on the spot.
Copy !req
982. He now had to devise a way
Copy !req
983. to transform thousands of hours
of unwatched tapes
Copy !req
984. into the epic documentary
Copy !req
985. he had been promising
everyone for so long.
Copy !req
986. - So we start working
in the back of my house,
Copy !req
987. doing some editing.
Copy !req
988. It was, like, kind of a vision
that I saw.
Copy !req
989. And the way that I made it,
Copy !req
990. I really did it
kind of the way,
Copy !req
991. you know, like,
when you have a bucket
Copy !req
992. and you have a lot of numbers
Copy !req
993. and you said...
Copy !req
994. you look in one,
and you open,
Copy !req
995. and you said,
"This is the number 12."
Copy !req
996. This is the way that I made it,
kind of way.
Copy !req
997. I used to... couple tape here,
couple tape here,
Copy !req
998. couple tape here,
couple tape here,
Copy !req
999. take a little piece over here,
Copy !req
1000. a little piece of that,
a little piece of that,
Copy !req
1001. and this is the way
that I made it.
Copy !req
1002. Okay, now let's go back
a little bit
Copy !req
1003. and do a review,
Copy !req
1004. Like, what I say:
Copy !req
1005. I'm playing chess.
Copy !req
1006. I don't know how to play chess,
Copy !req
1007. but life is a chess game
for me.
Copy !req
1008. The following spring,
Thierry returned to England.
Copy !req
1009. - I'm gonna do a flip.
Copy !req
1010. All his years of filming
Copy !req
1011. and thousands of hours
of material
Copy !req
1012. had been crafted
into a 90-minute film
Copy !req
1013. with the intriguing title
Life Remote Control.
Copy !req
1014. - He called up,
and he came to London
Copy !req
1015. because he said
he'd nearly finished the film,
Copy !req
1016. and he came round my house
and put the DVD on,
Copy !req
1017. and he said, "This is it.
Copy !req
1018. It's nearly finished."
Copy !req
1019. Um...
you know,
Copy !req
1020. it was at that point
that I realized
Copy !req
1021. that maybe Thierry
wasn't actually a filmmaker
Copy !req
1022. and he was maybe just someone
with mental problems
Copy !req
1023. who happened to have a camera.
Copy !req
1024. It just seemed to go on and on.
Copy !req
1025. It was an hour and a half
Copy !req
1026. of unwatchable
nightmare trailers,
Copy !req
1027. essentially like somebody
with a short attention span
Copy !req
1028. with a remote control
Copy !req
1029. flicking through a cable box
of 900 channels.
Copy !req
1030. - Peace to the whole world.
Copy !req
1031. - You have to keep an eye
on the big picture.
Copy !req
1032. - I told him I'd never seen
anything like it,
Copy !req
1033. and I wasn't lying about that.
Copy !req
1034. Yeah, I was faced
with that terrible thing
Copy !req
1035. when somebody
shows you their work
Copy !req
1036. and everything about it
is shit
Copy !req
1037. so you don't really know
where to start.
Copy !req
1038. - He's like, "It's good,"
you know?
Copy !req
1039. "It's good," you know?
"It's good."
Copy !req
1040. - I mean, the thing is
Copy !req
1041. that Thierry had
all this amazing footage
Copy !req
1042. of all this stuff that,
you know,
Copy !req
1043. in this tiny world
of street art,
Copy !req
1044. was kind of important,
Copy !req
1045. and it was
never gonna happen again.
Copy !req
1046. So it felt right
to at least make something
Copy !req
1047. that you could actually watch
about it.
Copy !req
1048. So I thought, you know,
maybe I could have a go.
Copy !req
1049. I mean, I don't know
how to make a film,
Copy !req
1050. but obviously,
that hadn't stopped Thierry,
Copy !req
1051. but I needed him
out of the way
Copy !req
1052. in order to do it,
so I said,
Copy !req
1053. "Why don't you go and put up
some more of your posters
Copy !req
1054. "and make some art,
you know, have a little show,
Copy !req
1055. invite a few people,
get some bottles of wine?"
Copy !req
1056. And off he went
back to Los Angeles,
Copy !req
1057. and he left me
with the tapes.
Copy !req
1058. Thierry returned home
to Los Angeles
Copy !req
1059. full of enthusiasm for
his unexpected new assignment.
Copy !req
1060. Banksy had just given him
Copy !req
1061. what he considered
to be a direct order:
Copy !req
1062. To put down his camera
Copy !req
1063. and become
a street artist himself.
Copy !req
1064. - I think he put me
into street art
Copy !req
1065. because I like what he did.
Copy !req
1066. Me, as respecting him,
you know,
Copy !req
1067. having him to push you
to do street art,
Copy !req
1068. I just went and, like...
it was not even a push.
Copy !req
1069. It was, like, an enjoyment
to get pushed, you know.
Copy !req
1070. So now, using the
formula he had seen work so well
Copy !req
1071. for the world's
biggest street artists,
Copy !req
1072. Thierry set about creating
his own alter ego
Copy !req
1073. and iconic visual style.
Copy !req
1074. - I came up with the idea
that the whole movement of art
Copy !req
1075. is all about brainwashing.
Copy !req
1076. "Obey" is about brainwashing.
Copy !req
1077. Banksy's about brainwashing.
Copy !req
1078. So I use MBW,
Copy !req
1079. and I am Mr. Brainwash.
Copy !req
1080. But Mr. Brainwash
had some catching up to do.
Copy !req
1081. Many of the biggest names
in the street art world
Copy !req
1082. had moved on to gallery shows,
Copy !req
1083. so Thierry now started
Copy !req
1084. to plan the next phase
of his artistic career.
Copy !req
1085. Fuck!
Copy !req
1086. Film! Film!
Come closer.
Copy !req
1087. Look at the pink.
Copy !req
1088. When Banksy
had suggested to Thierry
Copy !req
1089. that he make some art,
Copy !req
1090. he could never have imagined
just how far things would go.
Copy !req
1091. - We have a mountain of...
Copy !req
1092. Thierry had now
remortgaged his business
Copy !req
1093. and sold off whatever he could
Copy !req
1094. to invest in a huge studio,
screen-printing equipment,
Copy !req
1095. and a full-time staff
capable of producing MBW pieces
Copy !req
1096. on a commercial scale.
Copy !req
1097. - Just wait one second.
Copy !req
1098. No.
Copy !req
1099. Yes.
Copy !req
1100. When you have Damien Hirst,
Copy !req
1101. one of the most expensive
artists in our generation today,
Copy !req
1102. and having 100 people
working for him,
Copy !req
1103. do you think that he's gonna
come and cut little papers
Copy !req
1104. and start to glue?
Copy !req
1105. No.
Copy !req
1106. I'm not gonna make it.
Copy !req
1107. I'm just gonna come
with the idea and say,
Copy !req
1108. "This is what I want,
and I want this like that."
Copy !req
1109. - Thierry's creative process,
I guess,
Copy !req
1110. he's inspired by other things.
Copy !req
1111. I guess who isn't inspired
by other things?
Copy !req
1112. We have, like...
look at this.
Copy !req
1113. Like, he goes, and he, like...
Copy !req
1114. four different-color Post-its
in here.
Copy !req
1115. That means... no, five,
I think.
Copy !req
1116. So he went through this book
four or five times
Copy !req
1117. and, like, selected
different pictures,
Copy !req
1118. wrote notes,
Copy !req
1119. and they're all in, like,
fairly bad English.
Copy !req
1120. Thierry goes through the books.
Copy !req
1121. He finds the paintings
that he likes,
Copy !req
1122. and he comes up with the ideas
on what to change them,
Copy !req
1123. and we scan the image,
Copy !req
1124. and then we Photoshop.
Copy !req
1125. - This one is Elvis.
Copy !req
1126. It's, like,
a piece that I made.
Copy !req
1127. It's, like, I changed Elvis.
Copy !req
1128. He had a guitar,
Copy !req
1129. and I put in a toy
from Fisher-Price.
Copy !req
1130. You know, a toy
from Fisher-Price,
Copy !req
1131. and this piece called
"Don't Be Cruel."
Copy !req
1132. And this is what I create.
Copy !req
1133. It's, like, to trying
to do some lines
Copy !req
1134. that,
when you're close to it,
Copy !req
1135. when you're
really close to it,
Copy !req
1136. you just see lines.
Copy !req
1137. Any kind of people,
Copy !req
1138. they come to the market,
and what they see?
Copy !req
1139. Bar code.
Copy !req
1140. They come to the thing,
Copy !req
1141. so they leave with it.
Copy !req
1142. They brainwash.
Copy !req
1143. That's why I call myself
Mr. Brainwash.
Copy !req
1144. It's because everything
that I do
Copy !req
1145. somewhere brainwash your face.
Copy !req
1146. This is one piece
that I really like,
Copy !req
1147. kind of way,
Copy !req
1148. and it says, "Bat Papi, 1893."
Copy !req
1149. It's before Batman.
Copy !req
1150. It's Bat Papi.
Copy !req
1151. You know, the papi,
it's the father of...
Copy !req
1152. the grandfather of Batman.
Copy !req
1153. You know?
Copy !req
1154. That's who started,
you know?
Copy !req
1155. While most artists
Copy !req
1156. work their way up
from small beginnings,
Copy !req
1157. Thierry was determined
that Mr. Brainwash
Copy !req
1158. would arrive with a bang.
Copy !req
1159. The former CBS studio complex
covering 15,000 square feet
Copy !req
1160. in the heart of old Hollywood
Copy !req
1161. had lain empty
for almost a year
Copy !req
1162. until Thierry decided
it would make the perfect venue
Copy !req
1163. for his debut show,
"Life is Beautiful."
Copy !req
1164. - I didn't want
to disappoint Banksy.
Copy !req
1165. I wanted to try
to do something big.
Copy !req
1166. In the end, it's gonna become,
like, a big space
Copy !req
1167. with pictures all around.
Copy !req
1168. I want to make it
more like a show.
Copy !req
1169. Like, there is
a park amusement;
Copy !req
1170. I'm making it
an art amusement.
Copy !req
1171. You know, I change "park"
to "art."
Copy !req
1172. Thierry's plan was
to emulate Banksy's L.A. Show
Copy !req
1173. by transforming
the cavernous space
Copy !req
1174. into a street art spectacular
filled not just with paintings
Copy !req
1175. but sculptures
and installations too.
Copy !req
1176. And if he didn't know how to do
any of these things himself,
Copy !req
1177. he could always employ people
who did.
Copy !req
1178. - I answered a nondescript ad
Copy !req
1179. looking for sculptors or artists
who could work in papier-mâché.
Copy !req
1180. - He said he just needed
some things built
Copy !req
1181. and he wanted to know
if I could build him
Copy !req
1182. an eight-foot-tall
spray paint can,
Copy !req
1183. and I said, "Absolutely."
Copy !req
1184. And he said, "Can you build me
a monster out of TVs?"
Copy !req
1185. And I said, "Sure."
Copy !req
1186. - And then he actually
got us into the space
Copy !req
1187. and had us working
on a day rate
Copy !req
1188. so that he could kind of
keep coming up with projects
Copy !req
1189. and change 'em around.
Copy !req
1190. With a growing workforce
Copy !req
1191. and Thierry adding new projects
by the hour,
Copy !req
1192. the scale of his production
Copy !req
1193. was now running far ahead
Copy !req
1194. of the little show
Banksy had suggested.
Copy !req
1195. - I was so much focused on it
that I put all my money in it.
Copy !req
1196. Everything that I owned,
I put it in it.
Copy !req
1197. I was refinancing the house.
Copy !req
1198. I was putting my life on...
Copy !req
1199. on the border of losing
everything that I own.
Copy !req
1200. And just
when it seemed that the pressure
Copy !req
1201. couldn't get any more intense,
Copy !req
1202. and with his grand opening
Copy !req
1203. now set
for just three weeks away,
Copy !req
1204. disaster struck.
Copy !req
1205. - So basically,
this is the... called...
Copy !req
1206. this bone's called
your metatarsal,
Copy !req
1207. and this is the fifth one.
Copy !req
1208. It's all the way
on the side of your foot.
Copy !req
1209. And you fractured it
right through here,
Copy !req
1210. and this piece has been
pulled back a little bit.
Copy !req
1211. You see that?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1212. Needing an operation,
Copy !req
1213. Thierry was ordered
to slow things down,
Copy !req
1214. and now, under the influence
of pain-numbing drugs,
Copy !req
1215. he at last glimpsed the enormity
Copy !req
1216. of the enterprise
he had embarked upon.
Copy !req
1217. - It's just so much work to do,
prices, and...
Copy !req
1218. it's like being an artist
Copy !req
1219. You know,
that's what's happening to me.
Copy !req
1220. You know?
Copy !req
1221. I'm nobody.
Copy !req
1222. I never did an exposition
in a gallery, really.
Copy !req
1223. I never show any work anywhere,
Copy !req
1224. and I'm doing this big show,
Copy !req
1225. and it's all... it's all
a make-up kind of way, you know?
Copy !req
1226. - I mean, it was all starting
to sound a little bit crazy.
Copy !req
1227. These reports are coming back
Copy !req
1228. saying that Thierry
had found this huge warehouse
Copy !req
1229. and then he'd broken his leg
Copy !req
1230. and it was all kind of going
a little bit wrong.
Copy !req
1231. You know, it sounded like
he needed a little bit of help,
Copy !req
1232. so I rung a few people
Copy !req
1233. that I thought might be able
to help him out.
Copy !req
1234. - Like, this room looks cool.
Copy !req
1235. This room looks interesting.
Copy !req
1236. This room looks almost done.
Copy !req
1237. If this room stayed like this,
that's cool, but...
Copy !req
1238. - But that's one
out of four, five, six.
Copy !req
1239. - That makes the rest
of the rooms look bad.
Copy !req
1240. Myself and my girlfriend, Sonja,
went down there,
Copy !req
1241. and we figured out
what he needed
Copy !req
1242. along with a few
of the show's other producers.
Copy !req
1243. We made lists
of what needed to happen.
Copy !req
1244. What's the capacity
of this place?
Copy !req
1245. - I don't know.
Copy !req
1246. - Capacity's approximately
gonna be, like, 750 to 800.
Copy !req
1247. - Got it.
Copy !req
1248. - What about getting...
Copy !req
1249. I was very curious how the hell
Copy !req
1250. he was actually gonna finish it
and pull it off
Copy !req
1251. and realized
he didn't have a clue
Copy !req
1252. of a lot of the final logistics
that needed to happen.
Copy !req
1253. - Like I saw in Banksy's show,
Copy !req
1254. mostly, the people
came and came back.
Copy !req
1255. - He'd seen people
do big art shows.
Copy !req
1256. He'd been to them
around the world.
Copy !req
1257. He figured, "I want
to do something just as great."
Copy !req
1258. - And the insurance?
Copy !req
1259. - The insurance,
we're taking care of.
Copy !req
1260. With Roger and the team
Copy !req
1261. now taking care of
the practical arrangements,
Copy !req
1262. Thierry was free to spend time
Copy !req
1263. selecting which
of his many pieces to include
Copy !req
1264. in the show.
Copy !req
1265. - Valet parking,
or they just go?
Copy !req
1266. But instead,
Thierry busied himself
Copy !req
1267. with a different concern
Copy !req
1268. hype.
Copy !req
1269. - He asked me
to promote the show for him,
Copy !req
1270. to give him a quote
for a press release,
Copy !req
1271. to send it to my mailing list,
to post it on my website,
Copy !req
1272. and really, to validate
what he was doing.
Copy !req
1273. And I was uncomfortable
with that,
Copy !req
1274. but I said that I would do it.
Copy !req
1275. - So then I got a phone call
from Thierry,
Copy !req
1276. or Mr. Brainwash,
as he was now calling himself,
Copy !req
1277. asking if I would give him
a quote to promote his show.
Copy !req
1278. And I didn't think
there was any harm in it,
Copy !req
1279. so I wrote him a sentence,
and I emailed it off.
Copy !req
1280. But Banksy
could never have guessed
Copy !req
1281. what Thierry had in mind
for his modest contribution.
Copy !req
1282. - So this is gonna be
like a jail.
Copy !req
1283. It's gonna have bars here.
Copy !req
1284. I'm gonna put
some more cans all the way...
Copy !req
1285. The endorsements
Copy !req
1286. were immediately picked up
by the media,
Copy !req
1287. and within days,
Thierry was being interviewed
Copy !req
1288. by the editor of the city's
biggest listings magazine,
Copy !req
1289. L.A. Weekly.
Copy !req
1290. - The only thing
I want to do in L.A.
Copy !req
1291. Is to show that Los Angeles
can have great shows.
Copy !req
1292. You know, it's like
a revolution kind of way.
Copy !req
1293. A few days later,
Los Angeles awoke
Copy !req
1294. to discover there was
a new star in town.
Copy !req
1295. MBW was front-page news.
Copy !req
1296. - Okay.
- "Life is Beautiful."
Copy !req
1297. The L.A. Weekly
also reported
Copy !req
1298. Thierry's
promotional brain wave:
Copy !req
1299. The first 200 people
to turn up
Copy !req
1300. would be given a free,
one-of-a-kind screen print.
Copy !req
1301. - Do you think that people
is gonna wait and wait
Copy !req
1302. for the 200 free posters
or no?
Copy !req
1303. So now Thierry
had to come up with a way
Copy !req
1304. of turning
200 identical screen prints
Copy !req
1305. into unique, collectible
MBW originals.
Copy !req
1306. With a crew of 20 people
Copy !req
1307. working around the clock,
Copy !req
1308. the building was at last
Copy !req
1309. beginning to resemble
an art gallery.
Copy !req
1310. But the walls remained bare
Copy !req
1311. because Thierry
still hadn't decided
Copy !req
1312. which paintings
to frame and hang.
Copy !req
1313. - So how did you like
L.A. Weekly?
Copy !req
1314. Following
all the press coverage,
Copy !req
1315. private collectors
had begun to inquire
Copy !req
1316. about snapping up
MBW pieces ahead of the opening,
Copy !req
1317. giving Thierry his first insight
into the value of his work.
Copy !req
1318. - The Campbell's Soup
with multi-ply colors.
Copy !req
1319. Yeah, it's very nice,
this one.
Copy !req
1320. I would say $24,000.
Copy !req
1321. "Scarface," is it a big one?
Copy !req
1322. Okay, cela $30,000.
Copy !req
1323. Prepare me
some canned olive paint.
Copy !req
1324. Just listen to me.
Copy !req
1325. I mean, make them work
to do something.
Copy !req
1326. There is nothing to do there?
Copy !req
1327. There is nothing to do?
Copy !req
1328. It's like gold, you know?
Copy !req
1329. 'Cause you spray,
and, "How much is it?"
Copy !req
1330. "$18,000.
Copy !req
1331. $12,000."
Copy !req
1332. With his big day now upon him,
Copy !req
1333. Mr. Brainwash
still had plenty to do,
Copy !req
1334. because it was only now,
Copy !req
1335. just eight hours
before the doors opened,
Copy !req
1336. that Thierry's paintings
finally arrived,
Copy !req
1337. framed and ready to hang,
Copy !req
1338. almost 200 pieces
in a riot of themes and styles.
Copy !req
1339. - I have never seen someone
with so much goddamn art
Copy !req
1340. in one art show
in my entire life.
Copy !req
1341. I haven't seen group shows
with that much artwork.
Copy !req
1342. Whatever elves Thierry
had making that stuff
Copy !req
1343. did a good job.
Copy !req
1344. Outside,
the first eager art fans
Copy !req
1345. were already starting to arrive.
Copy !req
1346. - We're here to see
Mr. Brainwash, bro.
Copy !req
1347. He's holed in L.A.
Right now, bro.
Copy !req
1348. He's up on every corner.
Copy !req
1349. - Come on, guys!
Copy !req
1350. Let's make the show go on!
Copy !req
1351. Fuck!
Copy !req
1352. But inside,
Copy !req
1353. the pressure
was starting to show.
Copy !req
1354. - Okay, okay,
there is one thing,
Copy !req
1355. one thing, one thing.
Copy !req
1356. We're gonna have a meeting.
One thing.
Copy !req
1357. Starting with...
starting now, this second,
Copy !req
1358. I'm running the show.
Copy !req
1359. You're not giving order
to anybody right now.
Copy !req
1360. I'm running the show.
Copy !req
1361. You listen to me.
Copy !req
1362. Okay?
Copy !req
1363. Anybody's listening to me now.
Copy !req
1364. Okay?
Copy !req
1365. So now you follow me.
Copy !req
1366. You're coming with me.
Copy !req
1367. This oil painting,
do you know where is the two...
Copy !req
1368. the two-tone metal spray
over there?
Copy !req
1369. - Yes.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1370. - You take off the two.
You hang down.
Copy !req
1371. The right.
Copy !req
1372. Right. This wall.
- This wall?
Copy !req
1373. - This wall.
Copy !req
1374. Okay, you show me,
Copy !req
1375. and I'll tell you a pile...
Copy !req
1376. a pile good
or a pile not good.
Copy !req
1377. You too.
Copy !req
1378. This one, good.
Copy !req
1379. This one, I'm not sure.
Copy !req
1380. This one, good.
Copy !req
1381. By mid-afternoon,
Copy !req
1382. a crowd of almost 2,000 people
had amassed
Copy !req
1383. for what was now
widely tipped to be
Copy !req
1384. the hottest art event
of the year.
Copy !req
1385. - How'd you guys find out
about this event?
Copy !req
1386. - L.A. Weekly.
Copy !req
1387. - Do you guys think
you still have a shot
Copy !req
1388. at getting a print?
Copy !req
1389. - Yes.
Copy !req
1390. - I'm expecting to see a mixture
Copy !req
1391. of street art and pop art
Copy !req
1392. Really interesting stuff.
Copy !req
1393. Very modern.
Copy !req
1394. No one's really done it
the way he's done it.
Copy !req
1395. - You know, it's one
of those kind of things, man.
Copy !req
1396. I'm not quite sure
what I'm in for,
Copy !req
1397. but I'm excited about it.
Copy !req
1398. But Thierry
was still finding distractions
Copy !req
1399. from the task in hand.
Copy !req
1400. - Who are you,
and what do you do?
Copy !req
1401. - I'm Mr. Brainwash.
Copy !req
1402. I was a filmmaker.
Copy !req
1403. I mean, I am still a filmmaker,
Copy !req
1404. and I start filming,
I felt,
Copy !req
1405. like, because I love art.
Copy !req
1406. Sometimes in life,
you have to go... to go...
Copy !req
1407. - I'm so sorry.
- That's okay.
Copy !req
1408. - Wait.
Copy !req
1409. - No, you've got to come
right now.
Copy !req
1410. Or things will turn bad.
Copy !req
1411. You have to make some decisions.
Copy !req
1412. The whole big room is empty.
Copy !req
1413. - Okay, can they unroll
all the canvas?
Copy !req
1414. - I've done it.
Copy !req
1415. Now it's those other big walls
Copy !req
1416. - Okay, I need you
to just to take oil painting
Copy !req
1417. and put them in the small room.
Copy !req
1418. - Yes, but I've done it.
Copy !req
1419. - Put them in any order
in the room.
Copy !req
1420. - That's done.
It's the other big space.
Copy !req
1421. - Just put them all like that.
Copy !req
1422. And I'll come and decide.
Copy !req
1423. - In the big space?
- Put them all out.
Copy !req
1424. And get the canvases rolled out
flat, and I'll come in a bit.
Copy !req
1425. Okay.
Copy !req
1426. It's okay.
I can do another three minutes.
Copy !req
1427. It's okay.
Copy !req
1428. Eventually,
with only three hours left
Copy !req
1429. to get everything ready,
Copy !req
1430. the crew started
Copy !req
1431. putting the paintings
up on the walls themselves.
Copy !req
1432. - I brought in three
of my staff members
Copy !req
1433. that have been here
since 3:30 or 4:00 working,
Copy !req
1434. hanging stuff,
moving stuff, carrying stuff,
Copy !req
1435. you know, working just as hard
as the guys Thierry brought in,
Copy !req
1436. realizing that, frankly,
he's just kind of retarded.
Copy !req
1437. - Almost certain
Copy !req
1438. this is probably my last
MBW show I'll be working.
Copy !req
1439. Finally, the doors opened
Copy !req
1440. to a public eager
to feast their eyes
Copy !req
1441. on the grand debut
of Mr. Brainwash.
Copy !req
1442. - What do you think
of the "American Gothic"?
Copy !req
1443. - It's gothic.
Copy !req
1444. - It's a triumph.
Copy !req
1445. It will go down in history.
Copy !req
1446. I'm glad my friends
turned me on to this.
Copy !req
1447. - There should be more stuff
like this in Los Angeles.
Copy !req
1448. They say that art is dead,
Copy !req
1449. but, sweetie,
it's all around us.
Copy !req
1450. Great.
Copy !req
1451. - It looks like
it's sort of a one-trick pony,
Copy !req
1452. but I think if you look at it
Copy !req
1453. in context
as an entire body of work,
Copy !req
1454. I think it's exploring
Copy !req
1455. some interesting notions
around celebrity.
Copy !req
1456. - I never met the cat
till tonight,
Copy !req
1457. but this fool's
down for this, dog.
Copy !req
1458. With over 4,000 people
flowing through the venue,
Copy !req
1459. Thierry's entrée
into the art world
Copy !req
1460. was nothing less
than a sensation.
Copy !req
1461. - Amazing.
Thank you so much.
Copy !req
1462. Fantastic.
Copy !req
1463. Right on.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1464. L.A.'s art fans
watched, spellbound,
Copy !req
1465. as a major new star
was born before their very eyes.
Copy !req
1466. So desperate were they
Copy !req
1467. not to miss out
on this cultural phenomenon,
Copy !req
1468. those left outside
Copy !req
1469. felt compelled
to break through the gates.
Copy !req
1470. - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
1471. - It's beautiful.
Keep on doing it.
Copy !req
1472. - Most artists spend years
perfecting their craft,
Copy !req
1473. finding their style,
Copy !req
1474. and Thierry seemed to miss out
on all those bits.
Copy !req
1475. I mean, there's no one
quite like Thierry, really,
Copy !req
1476. even if his art does look quite
a lot like everyone else's.
Copy !req
1477. - I see this particular one
Copy !req
1478. reoccurring
in so many different mediums.
Copy !req
1479. Why does that one reoccur
so many times?
Copy !req
1480. - Because I think it's
part of the popular culture.
Copy !req
1481. Andy Warhol passed away,
and I'm here.
Copy !req
1482. - Can you guys form a straight
line to the right, please?
Copy !req
1483. But the ultimate validation
Copy !req
1484. was measured
in dollars and cents.
Copy !req
1485. By the end of his opening week,
Copy !req
1486. Thierry would sell nearly
$1 million worth of art.
Copy !req
1487. Mr. Brainwash had arrived.
Copy !req
1488. - One, two, three.
Copy !req
1489. - Whoo-hoo.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1490. - It was beyond my expectation,
like they say.
Copy !req
1491. I would never have thought
that it would be so many people.
Copy !req
1492. And it's not
that it was so many people;
Copy !req
1493. they were so happy.
Copy !req
1494. They were so pleased
with what they see.
Copy !req
1495. They were so... you know?
Copy !req
1496. They were so touched.
Copy !req
1497. Like, they caught me as Banksy.
Copy !req
1498. Like, they said that I'm
as good as that, you know?
Copy !req
1499. So I love it, you know?
Copy !req
1500. Somewhere it's great,
but from the people,
Copy !req
1501. I think I got accepted,
you know?
Copy !req
1502. It comes to a point
that I got accepted.
Copy !req
1503. Originally booked
to run for just five days,
Copy !req
1504. "Life is Beautiful" stayed open
for a further two months,
Copy !req
1505. and as word about MBW spread,
Copy !req
1506. his pieces appeared in galleries
and shows around the world,
Copy !req
1507. from Miami and New York
Copy !req
1508. to London, Paris,
and even Beijing.
Copy !req
1509. - He's kind of the rightful heir
to Andy Warhol, in a way.
Copy !req
1510. Andy Warhol made a statement
by repeating famous icons
Copy !req
1511. until they became meaningless,
Copy !req
1512. but he was extremely iconic
in the way that he did it.
Copy !req
1513. But then Thierry really
made them meaningless.
Copy !req
1514. - How do I feel about being
partially responsible
Copy !req
1515. for creating Mr. Brainwash?
Copy !req
1516. I feel like, um...
Copy !req
1517. I had the best intentions.
Copy !req
1518. I think even when
you have the best intentions,
Copy !req
1519. sometimes things can go awry.
Copy !req
1520. To put a huge body of work
Copy !req
1521. and sort of try to,
you know, come out
Copy !req
1522. as if he is a fully formed
artist ready for the world stage
Copy !req
1523. I think was a little premature.
Copy !req
1524. - I feel good.
Copy !req
1525. I feel good as an artist
to have a reputation now.
Copy !req
1526. You know, an artist is not a guy
that you see in one show
Copy !req
1527. and you can decide who it is
Copy !req
1528. or if he copies Banksy
Copy !req
1529. or if he copies Shepard Fairey,
Copy !req
1530. if he copies...
Copy !req
1531. it's about time.
Copy !req
1532. You'll see in time
who I will be,
Copy !req
1533. because with time,
you'll see my creativity.
Copy !req
1534. You'll see
if I'm a real artist or not.
Copy !req
1535. - I do think
that the whole phenomenon
Copy !req
1536. of Thierry's obsession
with street art,
Copy !req
1537. becoming a street artist,
Copy !req
1538. a lot of suckers
buying into his show
Copy !req
1539. and him selling a lot
of expensive art very quickly,
Copy !req
1540. it's... anthropologically,
Copy !req
1541. it's a fascinating thing
to observe,
Copy !req
1542. and maybe there's some things
to be learned from it.
Copy !req
1543. - I don't know what it means,
Copy !req
1544. Thierry's huge success
and arrival in the art world.
Copy !req
1545. I mean, maybe Thierry
was a genius all along.
Copy !req
1546. Maybe he got a bit lucky.
Copy !req
1547. Maybe it means art
is a bit of a joke.
Copy !req
1548. - If Thierry can pull it off,
then amazing,
Copy !req
1549. but, you know, it's kind of...
I think...
Copy !req
1550. I think the joke is on...
Copy !req
1551. I don't know
who the joke's on, really.
Copy !req
1552. I don't even know
if there is a joke.
Copy !req
1553. - I don't think Thierry
played by the rules,
Copy !req
1554. in some ways,
Copy !req
1555. but then, there aren't
supposed to be any rules,
Copy !req
1556. so I don't really know
what the moral is.
Copy !req
1557. I mean, I always used to
encourage everyone I met
Copy !req
1558. to make art.
Copy !req
1559. I used to think
everyone should do it.
Copy !req
1560. I don't really do that
so much anymore.
Copy !req
1561. Some people, you know,
might think that I'm a rabbit
Copy !req
1562. because I'm running around,
Copy !req
1563. and they think
that I'm not organized.
Copy !req
1564. But I said,
"Wait till the end of life,
Copy !req
1565. and you'll see if I'm a rabbit
or a turtle."
Copy !req