1. What is that?
Copy !req
2. Uh-
Copy !req
3. W-? Owww!
Copy !req
4. Yuk! It's a doggy poo.
Copy !req
5. How disgusting!
Copy !req
6. What? A doggy poo?
Am I disgusting?
Copy !req
7. Ha Ha Ha
Copy !req
8. Ha Ha Ha
Copy !req
9. What!
Copy !req
10. Did you just laugh at
me mister?
Copy !req
11. Yes, indeed. I couldn't help it though.
You know where you came from.
Copy !req
12. What else did you think you were?
Copy !req
13. O.K. I am a poo. So what?
Copy !req
14. You are not just any poo.
Copy !req
15. You are a doggy poo.
The worst kind of them all,
I may say.
Copy !req
16. Then what are you?
You are ugly, and mean.
Copy !req
17. hmm...
Copy !req
18. Hey! Doggy Poo!
Copy !req
19. Psh!
Copy !req
20. I am really sorry. I guess I shouldn't
have said what I said. I didn't mean
to hurt your feelings.
Copy !req
21. I apologize, I mean it.
Come on.
Copy !req
22. Yeah, right!
Copy !req
23. I was just teasing you.
Copy !req
24. What am I to say anything to you
anyway? Like you said I am ugly
and... mean.
Copy !req
25. I am very unlucky, too.
Copy !req
26. I don't know if you care,
but I came from...
Copy !req
27. a farm not far away from here
where I used to grow beautiful white
potato flowers all summer.
Copy !req
28. It was the best time of my life.
Copy !req
29. It was a God-given work, which
I loved to do, and I worked
very hard.
Copy !req
30. So many potatoes were growing
around me.
Copy !req
31. I couldn't be happier.
Copy !req
32. It was yesterday... when the farmer
came and started to dig into
the ground.
Copy !req
33. He scooped me out of the ground
and put me into the oxcart.
Copy !req
34. He said he was going to use me
for building a house.
Copy !req
35. I had myself some great times
growing potatoes,
Copy !req
36. but let me tell you little friend,
being a part of a house sounded
just as exciting!
Copy !req
37. A house keeps people warm
and happy
Copy !req
38. So I was with other soil waiting
and thinking how lucky we were.
Copy !req
39. My heart was pounding
with excitement.
Copy !req
40. Until... that is, I was hauled to this
very spot on an oxcart and...
Copy !req
41. And what?
What happened then?
Copy !req
42. I fell off from the cart by accident.
Copy !req
43. Oh, no! That is awful!
Copy !req
44. Yes, It happened that way.
It's over now.
Copy !req
45. Soon there's going to be another
cart coming this way
Copy !req
46. and it's going to run over me
crushing me into a million particles
of dust...
Copy !req
47. Then, what? What's going to
happen to you?
Copy !req
48. Nothing. That's the end.
It's adios, I am finished.
Copy !req
49. The end? You mean it's all over?
Just like that?
Copy !req
50. You know... it's awful thinking
about dying.
Copy !req
51. Especially for someone who did so
many bad things
Copy !req
52. and there is no way to pay back.
Copy !req
53. You mean, you did some bad
things before?
Copy !req
54. Yes, I did some horrible things.
Copy !req
55. And it doesn't matter
how much I regret it.
Copy !req
56. It was just last summer.
The sun was sizzling right above us.
Copy !req
57. We didn't have rain for a long time
and everything dried out so fast.
Copy !req
58. I was so thirsty,
Copy !req
59. but these little peppers were
constantly sucking up
Copy !req
60. every single drop of the water
out of my body.
Copy !req
61. I hate the peppers.
Copy !req
62. Then one day they really died
Copy !req
63. I have a pang of sorrow
Copy !req
64. when I remembered
I didn't help the pepper.
Copy !req
65. It was all my fault.
Copy !req
66. And I am being
punished for it now.
Copy !req
67. No, that's not true.
It couldn't be your fault.
Copy !req
68. It was too hot and
there was no rain.
Copy !req
69. No one could have helped them.
Copy !req
70. But the poor little peppers were
so helplessly dependent upon me,
Copy !req
71. but I let them die
just like that.
Copy !req
72. if I could ever go back to the farm,
I would do my best
Copy !req
73. to take care of the grains,
but there is no hope for me.
Copy !req
74. I will be dead soon crushed
by one of those oxcarts.
Copy !req
75. Good bye, Poo. It's over now.
Copy !req
76. I am going to die.
Be good now.
Copy !req
77. I am only a doggy poo.
What am I good for?
Copy !req
78. God has not created you
for no reason.
Copy !req
79. He must have a good
plan for you.
Copy !req
80. Ugh!
Copy !req
81. Oh! Isn't this from my land?
Copy !req
82. I must have dropped it on the way.
Copy !req
83. I shall return this back to my farm.
Copy !req
84. This is the best kind.
Copy !req
85. Am I going back to the farm?
Copy !req
86. Is this for real?
Copy !req
87. Giddy-up!
Copy !req
88. It's good that he didn't die.
Copy !req
89. I am glad that he returned to
where he came from.
Copy !req
90. But now I am left all alone.
I have got no one to talk to.
Copy !req
91. He said everything has a purpose,
but what would I be good for?
Copy !req
92. After all, I am just a doggy poo.
Copy !req
93. Ugh!
Copy !req
94. Poor baby...
Copy !req
95. Baby... Why are you crying?
Copy !req
96. Come on, baby.
Why are you crying?
Copy !req
97. Who... Who are you?
Copy !req
98. I am a leaf.
Copy !req
99. A leaf?
Copy !req
100. Why is a leaf rolling around
on the ground instead of hanging
on the tree?
Copy !req
101. Winter came.
Copy !req
102. We leaves...
Copy !req
103. grow larger and become greener
under our mother tree's great care
during summer.
Copy !req
104. But as fall passes and
winter comes..
Copy !req
105. We all fall from the mother tree
and scatter around.
Copy !req
106. We have to leave so that she can
grow more leaves next year.
Copy !req
107. It's sad, but everything faces
death someday
Copy !req
108. and it's how nature intended.
No one can be blamed for it.
Copy !req
109. I once knew a lump of soil,
and he thought he was going to die.
Copy !req
110. But, he end up going back to
his farm somehow.
Copy !req
111. A lump of soil?
Copy !req
112. Yes, he used to live in the farm
near the hillside.
Copy !req
113. He fell from the oxcart on this spot
when he was passing by.
Copy !req
114. Oh, no!
Copy !req
115. The soil thought he was
going to die for sure,
Copy !req
116. but the farmer came by and took him
back to where he came from.
Copy !req
117. That's nice.
Copy !req
118. I guess it was not his time yet.
Copy !req
119. There are things that live only
for a day
Copy !req
120. and others that live for
thousands of years.
Copy !req
121. But a leaf like myself cannot live
longer than a year.
Copy !req
122. It's a complicated world!
Copy !req
123. Yeah, it is.
Just like there are kids like you
Copy !req
124. who cry alone in the empty street
Copy !req
125. and leaves like me who wander
around everywhere.
Copy !req
126. I can't go anywhere.
Copy !req
127. I am stuck here forever.
Copy !req
128. You are in the better position
than I am.
Copy !req
129. At least you don't have to move
around as wind blows.
Copy !req
130. I don't have any choice but to follow
wherever the wind takes me.
Copy !req
131. Where do you go?
Copy !req
132. I don't know. I will end up being
somewhere and that will be
my final destiny.
Copy !req
133. Huh-
Copy !req
134. What's wrong with your voice?
Copy !req
135. I think it's about time.
Copy !req
136. I will be flying
with the wind again.
Copy !req
137. No, You can't leave me.
Stay with me please.
Copy !req
138. I wish I could, but...
Copy !req
139. Good bye, baby.
Copy !req
140. No, no. Don't leave.
Copy !req
141. Please don't leave me
all alone here.
Copy !req
142. - Come on-!
- Hurry up!
Copy !req
143. Wow!
Copy !req
144. Is that a walking bird?
Copy !req
145. Hold on!
Copy !req
146. What is this?
Copy !req
147. Me? I am a doggy poo.
Copy !req
148. Why are you looking at me like that,
walking bird?
Copy !req
149. Pu ha hah!
Copy !req
150. What? A walking bird?
How silly!
Copy !req
151. Listen to me, kid.
Copy !req
152. I am not just a walking bird.
Copy !req
153. I am the mother of eight boy chicks
and five girl chicks.
Copy !req
154. Do you understand?
Copy !req
155. Kids!
Copy !req
156. I am sorry, ma'am.
I ask for your forgiveness.
Copy !req
157. Now you get it.
Copy !req
158. A child should learn to
apologize properly.
Copy !req
159. I was looking at you to see
if you could be my babies' lunch.
Copy !req
160. What? You want me
for your babies' lunch?
Copy !req
161. Hum... let's see...
Copy !req
162. O.K. I will be a good meal
for your babies.
Copy !req
163. I am glad to give up myself
if I could be useful for something.
Copy !req
164. You can have me now.
Copy !req
165. No, no.
We don't need you.
Copy !req
166. You are not good enough
for my babies.
Copy !req
167. Come on, kids.
Let's go.
Copy !req
168. Baby, that's not good for you.
Copy !req
169. Yuk, it didn't taste good anyway
Copy !req
170. Hey, let's go!
Hurry up!
Copy !req
171. Gosh... I'm not even
good for a meal.
Copy !req
172. I wonder why God has created me...
Copy !req
173. What beautiful stars!
Copy !req
174. How can I be like you?
Copy !req
175. Wow!
Copy !req
176. Hello. What in the world
are you?
Copy !req
177. Hello. I am a sprout
of dandelion.
Copy !req
178. I am going to become
a beautiful flower.
Copy !req
179. A flower? Is it as beautiful
as the stars in the sky?
Copy !req
180. Of course. It's as beautiful
as anything.
Copy !req
181. Does it shine too like the stars?
Copy !req
182. Yes. Oh, yes.
It shines with golden color.
Copy !req
183. Maybe the star fell
on this very spot.
Copy !req
184. How do you become
a flower anyway?
Copy !req
185. With a lot of rain
and sunshine.
Copy !req
186. They take good care of me.
Copy !req
187. You must be lucky.
Copy !req
188. You will become a beautiful
flower someday.
Copy !req
189. I need one more thing though.
Copy !req
190. What is it?
Copy !req
191. I need your help.
Copy !req
192. What? You must be kidding.
Copy !req
193. No one ever wanted me.
Copy !req
194. What can a useless doggy poo like
me do for making a flower?
Copy !req
195. Oh, yes. You can be a good
fertilizer for making a flower.
Copy !req
196. I can't believe it. I could be
used for something.
Copy !req
197. Not just anything, but for making
a beautiful flower!
Copy !req
198. You have to melt into
my body though.
Copy !req
199. You have to give me
all of yourself.
Copy !req
200. So we both can become a flower.
Copy !req
201. I... become a flower?
Copy !req
202. I could actually become a flower
that looks like a star?
Copy !req
203. I will give all myself to you.
Copy !req
204. God has not created you
for no reason.
Copy !req
205. He must have a good plan
for you.
Copy !req