1. The Doctor Who TV movie was originally broadcast
in the UK on BBC-1, on 27th May 1996 at 8:30 p.m.
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2. It had already been shown in Canada on
12th May, and in North America on 14th May.
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3. Except for a charity special in 1993, this was
the first original TV Doctor Who in seven years.
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4. The opening voice-over was originally given by the
Master - delivered by Gordon Tipple, playing him here.
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5. It was one of the many ways producer Philip Segal
tried to make the show accessible to new viewers.
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6. The BBC did not own the rights to the Doctor Who theme
tune, so Segal had to purchase them from Warner/Chappel.
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7. This version was arranged
byJohn Debney and John Sponsler.
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8. Debney's music had previously appeared in Star Trek:
The Next Generation (1994) and Deep Space 9 (1993).
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9. He would go on to work on numerous films,
including Sin City (2005) and Iron Man 2 (2010).
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10. Louis Febre also contributed to the final score.
It was recorded on 16th and 17th April 1996.
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11. An orchestral version of the theme was
also used when Doctor Who returned in 2005.
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12. The TV movie was intended as a "back
door" pilot episode for a potential series.
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13. Segal was keen to maintain continuity
with the original series.
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14. Hence the sonic screwdriver - used
for the first time by Sylvester McCoy.
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15. It hadn't been seen since
The Visitation (1982).
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16. This song is In a Dream,
performed by Pat Hodge.
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17. Being out of copyright, it was more economical to use than
director Geoffrey Sax's preference - 'Swing on a Star'.
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18. British writer Matthew Jacobs had a
previous connection with Doctor Who.
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19. His father, AnthonyJacobs, played
Doc Holliday in 'The Gunfighters' (1966).
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20. Matthew Jacobs remembered
visiting the set at Ealing.
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21. Segal felt that Jacobs could write a script that would satisfy
all three production partners: Fox, Universal and the BBC.
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22. He outlined the requirements: it needed
to tell a story "personal to the Doctor".
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23. It also needed to deal with his
regeneration, and return him to Earth.
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24. The decision that the old Doctor would be played by
previous incumbent Sylvester McCoy may seem logical,
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25. but it wasn't popular with everyone.
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26. The BBC wanted Tom Baker
to play the old Doctor.
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27. Fox didn't want a regeneration scene
at all.
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28. CGI was used to create
the "Master Morphant".
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29. Using CGI to "morph" shapes was popularised by
directorJames Cameron in Terminator2 (1991 ).
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30. The influence of Terminator2 can
clearly be seen later on in the TV movie.
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31. These opening scenes were recorded on 31st January
1996 at the Burnaby studios near Vancouver, Canada.
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32. The cut to an image of an eye repeats
one of the recurring motifs of the film.
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33. The movie opened with a shot of the Master's eyes,
and eyes will be important to the plot later on.
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34. Location filming was carried out
in Vancouver.
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35. Vancouver, like San Francisco,
has a Chinatown.
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36. But it doesn't have the same steep hills -
hence the city's suspiciously flat appearance.
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37. These alley scenes were recorded
on 1st and 2nd February 1996.
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38. The camera script says Chang Lee
is "fifteen, but looks older".
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39. Yee Jee Tso, who plays Chang Lee, arrived
an hour late for his final audition.
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40. The casting team decided this reflected the "I don't
care" attitude of the character, and he got the part.
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41. The gunplay in the TV movie alarmed the
British Board of Film Classification.
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42. They initially gave the movie a
"15" certificate for its video release.
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43. This is one of the scenes that Sax trimmed
so that it would get a "12" instead.
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44. The "Visit London" poster was a prop,
as was the rubbish in the alley.
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45. The rubbish proved to be
a bit too realistic.
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46. It was cleared away by accident between
takes, and new rubbish had to be found!
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47. This scene was the last recorded
by Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor.
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48. He had arrived in Vancouver accompanied by
a young actor/writer shooting a video diary.
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49. The young man was Mark Gatiss, who went on to
write for and star in Doctor Who from 2005.
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50. The last shots of McCoy
were completed at 5:20 a.m.
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51. Paul McGann was on set.
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52. McCoy shook his hand and said,
"Cheers mate, it's all yours now..."
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53. British viewers should note
the US health system isn't like the NHS.
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54. It is insurance-based, which is why
Chang Lee needs to sign the form.
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55. Using the pseudonym "John Smith" may not in reality
be an effective way to get free health care.
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56. It is, however, a name the Doctor
often used in the old BBC series.
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57. The "ambulance park" is actually the back
of a few buildings near the Chinatown alley.
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58. TV medical drama was revitalised in the
1990s by the popular American series ER.
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59. These scenes mimic the rapid tracking
shots and fast editing style of ER.
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60. Indeed, the production team
nicknamed this sequence "Who meets ER".
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61. This sequence is reminiscent
of 'Spearhead from Space' (1970).
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62. In the earlier story, a hospital X-ray
also showed the Doctor's two hearts.
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63. Not true: a "double exposure" would
have shown a denser image of one heart.
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64. An air bladder was used to inflate
the sleeve here.
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65. The music is 'Un Bel Di' ('One Fine
Day') from Puccini's Madame Butterfly.
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66. But the "opera" is really a tightly packed
set of seats, and the tear is glycerine!
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67. This was recorded on 30th January 1996
at Burnaby studios.
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68. The final script describes Dr Holloway
as being "like a young Grace Kelly".
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69. In earlier drafts,
her name was "Dr Kelly Grace".
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70. Californian Daphne Ashbrook was one of the
few Americans to appear in the TV movie.
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71. Most of the cast were Canadian.
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72. Ashbrook had previously appeared in TV programmes
including Knight Rider, The A-Team and Murder She Wrote.
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73. Her first audition for the TV movie consisted of "a very
heavy scene" in which she talked about her childhood.
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74. The scene was later cut.
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75. She said she didn't get the "tongue-in-cheek"
aspects of the script until rehearsals started.
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76. This scene was recorded on 29th January 1996 in a
disused wing of a Vancouver children's hospital.
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77. Sylvester McCoy suggested that
he should pull off Grace's mask.
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78. This meant the regenerated Doctor
would recognise her later.
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79. The anaesthetist
is played by a real nurse.
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80. She helped Ashbrook,
and advised on medical accuracy.
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81. Her opinion was overruled by Sax
on a few occasions.
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82. He explained that their aim was
dramatic effect rather than total accuracy.
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83. Grace's anatomical knowledge
is unfairly mocked here.
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84. The right subclavian artery arises
from the brachiocephalic artery.
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85. So it wouldn't be hard to hit one
en route to the other.
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86. The monitor shows a real operation
on a regular, single-hearted person.
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87. This was another sequence edited
down by Sax for the BBC Video release.
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88. Sax raised the volume of the opera music
in post-production.
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89. This reinforces the fact that it is the
last thing the dying Doctor remembers.
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90. Thus the music will become important in
the new Doctor's relationship with Grace.
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91. Not only does this X-ray show two hearts
- neither is of normal appearance!
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92. It isn't clear why Chang Lee
hangs around in the waiting room.
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93. In the rush to complete the movie, several
such plot holes were noted but left unresolved.
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94. In the final script, Grace also pilfers
some of the Doctor's property.
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95. She takes "a bag of candy" from the Doctor's
possessions and puts it to one side.
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96. These shots of San Francisco
are stock footage.
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97. This scene begins with a ticking clock
- another visual motif of the movie.
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98. Bruce's bedroom
was a studio set at Burnaby.
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99. This made it possible to move the
camera around for the crane shots.
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100. This scene was filmed
on 8th February 1996.
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101. After being wheeled around all day, McCoy joked he
could write a book about the ceilings of Vancouver.
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102. Wild Bill Hickock (1837-76) was a lawman,
scout and gunfighter of the Old West.
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103. "John Doe", meanwhile, is a common name
given to unidentified persons in the USA.
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104. These technicians were originally
called "Bill and Ted".
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105. Bill and Ted were movie comedy characters of the
early 1990s. Their catchphrase was "Party on!"
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106. Bruce took his name from Jacobs's rough
screenplay notes dated 27th June 1995.
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107. The character - originally a Fire Chief -
was referred to as "a snoring Bruce Willis".
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108. At this point, his wife was called
"Demi" after Willis's then wife Demi Moore.
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109. Miranda, as she came to be called, is played by
Eric Roberts's real-life spouse, Eliza Roberts.
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110. The movement under Bruce's t-shirt may allude
to the "Chest-Burster" of the Alien films.
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111. Listen for the cable-car bell
clanging outside - very San Francisco!
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112. The movie
is James Whale's Frankenstein (1931 ).
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113. The rights were owned by Universal
Studios, so clearance wasn't a problem!
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114. The mortuary set was built in the old
swimming-pool area of the children's hospital.
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115. The regeneration was filmed
on 26th January 1996.
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116. Motion-capture shots of McCoy, Paul McGann and
a skeleton were mixed to produce this effect.
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117. Sax said that McCoy's gurning skills
were very useful.
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118. They gave the effects crew
something to "latch onto".
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119. Note the way the events in the morgue
and Frankenstein mirror each other.
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120. A smoke pipe was used for this shot.
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121. Dr Frankenstein's dialogue
is garbled here.
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122. The original line was "In the name of God,
now I know what it feels like to be God."
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123. It was deemed blasphemous and cut out when
the movie was re-released in the late 1930s.
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124. The dents on the metal door were created
using a low-tech but effective technique.
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125. Two props men stood the other side
and bashed the door with mallets.
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126. At this point, the imagery switches
from Frankensteinian to Christian.
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127. The Doctor emerges from the tomb
wrapped in a shroud.
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128. The script specifies he has "just risen from the
dead" and is in pain from a wound "in his side".
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129. Later, it states he kneels down
"as if in supplication".
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130. Sax claimed he didn't see "the Christ motif"
until the Fox network pointed it out to him.
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131. This was shot in the old hospital
Limb Room, also on the 26th January.
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132. The production team also considered
using the hospital roof.
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133. Sax came up with the idea of the mirrors - but
denied there was any significance to the number.
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134. But there are seven of them!
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135. Some fans believed this referred to
the number of previous Doctors.
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136. Sax just thought it was a neat way for the new
Doctor to see his own face for the first time.
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137. Unlike previous episodes of Doctor Who, the TV
movie was structured to include advert breaks.
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138. Thus it was divided into seven acts.
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139. This is the end of Act One.
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140. The script describes "Grace's
sleeping face in the soft dawn light..."
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141. "She has been working hard all night."
Copy !req
142. This scene was filmed
on 23rd January 1996.
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143. The Tom Baker scarf
was Philip Segal's suggestion.
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144. This alley scene was filmed
on 1st February 1996.
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145. The mask caricatures the notorious former
US President Richard Nixon (1913-94).
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146. The intercutting of these scenes emphasises
the theme of the old Doctor versus the new.
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147. The Tardis key is based on the design
used byJon Pertwee's Doctor.
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148. The script originally called for the Master's
body to decay as the story progressed.
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149. Test prosthetics caused Roberts
skin irritation, so this was dropped.
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150. Similarly, the contact lenses
irritated his eyes.
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151. Furthermore, his original costume
was too tight-fitting.
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152. In short, being the Master
was an uncomfortable business.
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153. William Sasso played Pete
the morgue technician.
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154. Sax described him as a "real find".
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155. Sasso would go on to do voice work
for the cartoon Family Guy.
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156. In the script outline dated July 1995, the Doctor left
the hospital during the night, running to a nearby park.
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157. He was following a vision of his mother
in Edwardian-era San Francisco.
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158. He then returned to the hospital and met the
Master, but the two didn't recognise one another.
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159. Here's the "ticking clock" motif again!
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160. This scene was filmed
on 25th January 1996, at the hospital.
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161. Not as easy as it looks - the crew had
trouble getting the X-ray to burn properly!
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162. Michael David Simms plays Dr Swift.
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163. Simms has often been cast
as an authority figure.
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164. For example, he played a government agent in
both The XFiles (1994-1996) and X-Men 2 (2003).
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165. In Jacobs's original draft, Grace didn't
she was fired for losing a patient.
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166. The lift scene
was filmed on 24th January 1996.
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167. The first cut of the film used a different
take, with the Doctor shouting "Puccini!"
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168. Sax decided this was "too much" and
used the quieter take in the final edit.
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169. This scene was filmed on 5th February 1996 at the
Golden Crown shopping centre car park in Vancouver.
Copy !req
170. McGann was wearing moleskin soles
to protect his feet from the cold floor.
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171. This scene was a little different in Jacobs's
revised first draft dated 28th July 1995.
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172. As the Doctor pulled out the wire, Grace
watched his wounds heal "before her eyes".
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173. The close-ups of the wounds weren't filmed in the
car park - they were recorded later in the studio.
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174. In the final version of the script, the Puccini score
reappears here, soaring "to a suspenseful high".
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175. This brief scene replaces a longer,
more dramatic one in the first draft.
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176. In that version, Chang Lee tries to sell
the Doctor's possessions.
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177. The Master arrives and tears the store apart
with psychokinesis to get the Tardis key.
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178. The final script says, "The Master realises the Doctor
has regenerated, but can't say this in front of her."
Copy !req
179. Grace's house is located
on Ogden Street in Vancouver.
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180. Filming took place
on 15th-17th January 1996.
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181. This was at the beginning of the shoot.
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182. 28 shooting days were planned,
but it ended up taking 35 days.
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183. The list of actors who could have played the
Doctor would fill an entire set of subtitles!
Copy !req
184. Potential doctors included Patrick Stewart, Anthony
Head, Jeff Goldblum, and Paul McGann's brother Mark.
Copy !req
185. Paul McGann was known mainly as
a film actor at the time he was cast.
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186. He had appeared in Withnail and I (1986),
PaperMask (1990) and Alien 3 (1992).
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187. He recorded his audition tape on 12th September 1994. Peter Wagg,
a producer then associated with Doctor Who, said "he was terrific".
Copy !req
188. McGann acknowledged the possibility that he
may be the "George Lazenby" of Doctor Who.
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189. As it turned out, he was half-right.
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190. He didn't appear again on TV as the Doctor, but
made numerous Big Finish audio plays in the role.
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191. A mistake in the script
meant the next line had to be redubbed.
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192. He originally said "twelve lives".
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193. Grace's use of the word "crap" was of
some concern to Fox, but it stayed in.
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194. Puccini again!
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195. These scenes were filmed
on 1st February 1996.
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196. Sax decided Lee would walk around the Tardis to
establish it was "bigger inside than outside".
Copy !req
197. A similar technique was used
in the 2005 episode 'Rose'.
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198. Plot hole alert!
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199. How did the Master get into the Tardis?
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200. Presumably this was overlooked when the
"pawn shop" scene mentioned earlier was cut.
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201. Remember Eric Roberts's problems with
the contact lenses and the tight costume?
Copy !req
202. The sunglasses and leather jacket
were the solution!
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203. Roberts got a Golden Globe nomination for
his debut in King of the Gypsies (1978).
Copy !req
204. He was nominated for another Golden Globe and
an Academy Award for Runaway Train (1985).
Copy !req
205. Later credits included
The Dark Knight (2008).
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206. He recalled watching Doctor Who
during a stay in London.
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207. He remembered the Master
being "a black blob".
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208. As he was training at RADA in 1973, it's possible
he was misremembering 'The Three Doctors'.
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209. End of Act Two!
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210. These scenes were filmed
on 15th January 1996.
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211. It's unclear why a cardiologist
would have a microscope in her house.
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212. Grace's expertise with it may reflect
the influence of Scully from The X-Files.
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213. An earlier TV series proposal byJohn Leekley
had included the Doctor's father as a character.
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214. He was called Ulysses, and the
Doctor was travelling in search of him.
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215. The sign behind the Doctor
was specially made.
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216. Sausalito is a little town
near San Francisco.
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217. The budget for the TV movie
was 5 million dollars.
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218. Fox provided half the money.
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219. The BBC provided 300,000 dollars.
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220. The rest of the money
came from BBC Worldwide and Universal.
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221. The Master's search for a new body had driven
the plot of two previous Doctor Who stories:
Copy !req
222. 'The Deadly Assassin' (1976)
and 'The Keeper of Traken' (1981 ).
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223. In the script:
Copy !req
224. "The Master smiles... humans..."
Copy !req
225. The Production Designer
was Richard Hudolin.
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226. He would go on to work
on Battlestar Galactica (2003-2009).
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227. The Cloister Room is another detail
from the earlier series.
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228. It was featured in 'Logopolis' (1981 ).
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229. The Eye of Harmony was first mentioned
in 'The Deadly Assassin' (1976).
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230. In that story,
it was a power source on Gallifrey.
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231. Lee's removal of the staff is reminiscent of
the Arthurian legend of the sword in the stone.
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232. The carving on the staff is of Rassilon,
founder of Time Lord civilisation.
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233. Underneath is the figure-eight "Seal of
Rassilon" from 'The Deadly Assassin'.
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234. Another use of the "eye" motif -
perhaps the definitive one!
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235. Up to 1989, the Doctor hadn't
shown much interest in women.
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236. The kiss between the Doctor and Grace
was therefore controversial.
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237. McGann kept his lips together,
so it wouldn't look "too sexy".
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238. These scenes were recorded
on 13th February 1996.
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239. The projections were recorded
using green screen on 12th February.
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240. The plan was to show
all seven previous Doctors in the eye.
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241. Unfortunately, the team couldn't get
copyright clearance.
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242. The Doctor's half-human parentage
was invented for this story.
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243. It is reminiscent
of the half-human Spock from Star Trek.
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244. Segal had insisted on this point
from the beginning.
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245. The originalJacobs story outline
stresses the importance of this:
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246. the Doctor regains his memory when
he recalls how much he loves humans.
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247. The script describes Grace's thoughts:
Copy !req
248. "Her heart sinks, she looks at the man...
who she was growing close to..."
Copy !req
249. "Now he's talking about spaceships."
Copy !req
250. In Jacobs's July screenplay,
the Doctor describes the Eye:
Copy !req
251. It is "a kind of mirror world,
made from the energy of a black hole."
Copy !req
252. "It runs the Tardis- or the Tardis runs in
it, depending on how you see the universe."
Copy !req
253. In the July screenplay, the Master manipulates
Lee by showing him his dead father in the Eye.
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254. This sequence was filmed
over the 15th-16th January 1996.
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255. Ashbrook enjoyed a good rapport
with McGann.
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256. She said she appreciated
his sense of humour and professionalism.
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257. These were especially welcome given the long
hours of night shoots on the production.
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258. Sax was keen to develop the chemistry
between them.
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259. He made sure they had plenty of rehearsal time
together the weekend before filming started.
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260. This special effects sequence
was "very tricky" according to Sax.
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261. It involved taking the glass out of the
window, and putting in a CGI image.
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262. The script says the Doctor pushes in
"as if... through saran wrap".
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263. Those of you living in Britain will
know saran wrap better as cling-film.
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264. Crew members lifted McGann
off the scales to get this effect.
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265. In the background, the newsreader is talking about
the shooting in Chinatown involving Chang Lee.
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266. KKBE isn't a real channel, but this is a
real newsreader from a Vancouver station.
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267. The news desk scenes were recorded in late
December 1995, before the main shoot commenced.
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268. Mi-Jung Lee, the main anchor, has appeared
in several other movies as a newscaster.
Copy !req
269. These include X-Men: The LastStand, Snakes
on a Plane, and Watchmen (2009).
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270. Joanna Piros, the other anchor, has
also played a newscaster in various movies.
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271. These include
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005).
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272. Atomic clocks work using the signals
electrons emit as they change energy levels.
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273. Beryllium is highly toxic.
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274. It tends to be used for mechanical
applications rather than clocks.
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275. End of Act Three.
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276. The exterior ambulance scenes
were filmed on 23rd January 1996.
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277. The interior scenes were recorded
in the studio on 22nd January 1996.
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278. The Master's wrong.
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279. "Transference" is when someone redirects
their feelings for one person to another.
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280. It was an ad-lib by Roberts.
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281. Sax wanted an upturned circus truck,
with animals running amok.
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282. Budgetary constraints
meant he had to use chickens.
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283. The Master is shouting,
"I can't be injured like this!"
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284. These traffic jam scenes
were shot on 6th February 1996.
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285. The chicken noise here
was provided by Sax.
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286. It's his second cameo -
he also played the Daleks earlier!
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287. Here's a bit of British culture
unfamiliar to American audiences.
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288. The jelly babies
were sourced from the UK.
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289. Sax told the actor playing the
traffic cop to bite the head off.
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290. He thought it would
"really say something" about the cop!
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291. - Don't be a fool.
- Are you with me, Grace?
Copy !req
292. We don't stand a chance!
Copy !req
293. Would you excuse me, please?
Copy !req
294. Grace, I came back to life
before your eyes.
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295. I held back death.
Copy !req
296. Look, I can't make your dream
come true forever,
Copy !req
297. - but I can make it come true today.
Yo, let's go!
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298. An alternative version of this scene
was recorded.
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299. Taxis down here...
Copy !req
300. Give me the gun.
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301. In it, the crowd shouted at the
cop in unison, "Give him the keys!"
Copy !req
302. - Hey!
Copy !req
303. Sax thought it was funny,
but the studio didn't like it.
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304. OK, give him the keys.
Copy !req
305. He concluded that maybe the joke
was a bit too British...
Copy !req
306. Thank you.
Copy !req
307. - What are we waiting for?
- The road's still blocked.
Copy !req
308. This is an ambulance!
Copy !req
309. Right.
Copy !req
310. The motorbike chase is another
element reminiscent of Terminator 2.
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311. The dialogue close-ups of the Doctor
and Grace were shot on 7th February 1996.
Copy !req
312. - Maybe I should have kept the gun.
- What?
Copy !req
313. Look!
Copy !req
314. Their bike was mounted
on the back of a low-loader.
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315. - Doctor, look out!
Copy !req
316. The shoot came close
to running out of time.
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317. Breathe in, Grace.
Copy !req
318. Ashbrook has said
she was totally exhausted by the end.
Copy !req
319. She had to get things right in one take,
because the sun was about to come up!
Copy !req
320. Don't worry.
- I'm not worried.
Copy !req
321. Sax described the first edit
of this sequence as "perfect".
Copy !req
322. It was left unchanged
for the final version.
Copy !req
323. What are you doing, Lee?
Copy !req
324. - This way's quicker.
- It better be.
Copy !req
325. Look, this is my town.
I know what I'm doing. Trust me.
Copy !req
326. The editor was Patrick Lussier,
a master of fast cutting.
Copy !req
327. Faster.
Copy !req
328. So, what's the plan, anyways?
Copy !req
329. We'll let him get
to their clock, then we'll get his body.
Copy !req
330. His skills have been used to great effect
in horror movies such as Scream (1996).
Copy !req
331. I think we lost them.
Copy !req
332. Good, hold on!
Copy !req
333. Hey, man,
when I get all that gold,
Copy !req
334. you know what I'm going to do?
Copy !req
335. I don't wanna know.
Copy !req
336. This dialogue was shot in the studio
on 12th February 1996.
Copy !req
337. You kill me.
Copy !req
338. You want me to kill you?
Copy !req
339. No! No, I mean you make me laugh, man.
Copy !req
340. You're a funny guy.
Copy !req
341. Yee Jee Tso said that he liked and respected
Roberts. They worked well as a team.
Copy !req
342. I'm glad one of us is amused.
Copy !req
343. Hey, look, cheer up, man.
Copy !req
344. You'll get your body back soon,
and then we're a team, right?
Copy !req
345. Yes, we're a team.
Copy !req
346. These long shots were filmed
on 2nd February 1996 by a second unit.
Copy !req
347. - Not again!
Copy !req
348. Stunt doubles were used.
Copy !req
349. Oh!
Copy !req
350. Great! I finally meet the right guy
and he's from another planet.
Copy !req
351. - Doctor!
- Yes?
Copy !req
352. I only have one life.
Could you remember that?
Copy !req
353. I'll try!
Copy !req
354. Thank you!
Copy !req
355. The exterior of ITAR is the Plaza of
Nations on Pacific Boulevard in Vancouver.
Copy !req
356. Oh, no! Doctor, look.
Copy !req
357. End of Act Four!
Copy !req
358. These scenes were filmed
on 18th January 1996.
Copy !req
359. Doctor Grace Holloway and guest.
Copy !req
360. There you are.
Hello, happy new year!
Copy !req
361. First time being
on the board of this place
Copy !req
362. has ever done me any good.
Copy !req
363. He must have found a back way in.
I can't see him.
Copy !req
364. Sorry, no one beyond this point.
Copy !req
365. Why "Doctor Bowman"?
Copy !req
366. Oh, this is Doctor Bowman from London.
They're waiting for him. Come on.
Copy !req
367. You'll be allowed in with everyone else.
Copy !req
368. It's possible the alias comes from the hero
of 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Dave Bowman.
Copy !req
369. I'm on the Board of Trustees.
Copy !req
370. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
371. Come on.
Copy !req
372. Welcome to
the Institute
Copy !req
373. The sheer size of the Plaza of Nations
made it difficult to light and shoot.
Copy !req
374. of Technological Advancement
and Research.
Copy !req
375. After dinner, Professor Wagg
will invite you
Copy !req
376. to join him in celebrating
the official starting
Copy !req
377. However, Sax thought the spectacular
visuals were worth the trouble.
Copy !req
378. of the world's most accurate timepiece,
Copy !req
379. the San Francisco
Beryllium Atomic Clock.
Copy !req
380. Here's a bit more scene-setting
for new viewers.
Copy !req
381. How are we gonna get that
on the back of a bike?
Copy !req
382. No, no, we only
need the tiniest part of it.
Copy !req
383. People are starting to stare.
Why don't we just make conversation?
Copy !req
384. The reference to other species
is intriguing.
Copy !req
385. So, time travel's possible?
Copy !req
386. Anything's possible.
Copy !req
387. And why don't you have the ability to
transform yourself
Copy !req
388. into another species like the...
Copy !req
389. Well, I do, you see,
but only when I die.
Copy !req
390. We'd only ever seen humanoid
Time Lords in Doctor Who up till now.
Copy !req
391. And that rival Time Lord, The Master?
Copy !req
392. He's on his last life,
fighting to survive.
Copy !req
393. And the science has shown us
over and over,
Copy !req
394. in the fight for survival
there are no rules.
Copy !req
395. Also, Grace, if I tell you a secret,
you must promise not to tell.
Copy !req
396. Professor Wagg.
This is Doctor Bowman.
Copy !req
397. Professor Wagg is named
after Peter Wagg.
Copy !req
398. He's from London. He was just going
to share a secret with us.
Copy !req
399. Peter Wagg worked with Segal
on the Doctor Who project from 1992.
Copy !req
400. Yes. Er, Professor, is there a chance
of a closer look at the clock?
Copy !req
401. No!
Copy !req
402. No, I'm afraid that I am the only
person allowed up there.
Copy !req
403. He left the project in July 1995,
and was sorely missed by the team.
Copy !req
404. Oh, can't you just
bend the rules a little?
Copy !req
405. No.
Copy !req
406. - Oh, but you see...
- Grace says you have a big secret.
Copy !req
407. Professor Wagg is played
by David Hurtubise.
Copy !req
408. What is it?
Copy !req
409. I'm half-human.
Copy !req
410. He also played scientists in The X-Files
and Stargate SG-1.
Copy !req
411. On my mother's side.
Copy !req
412. Very clever. Happy new year.
Copy !req
413. Yes, I think you must be.
Copy !req
414. Champagne?
- Oh!
Copy !req
415. Grace...
- Oh.
Copy !req
416. The millennial countdown was a hangover
from the September 1995 script.
Copy !req
417. This is when I wish
I had my sonic screwdriver.
Copy !req
418. What?
Copy !req
419. This version features the Master
trying to harness "The Millennium Star".
Copy !req
420. The star in question is a power source
that comes to Earth every thousand years.
Copy !req
421. It is revealed that it was the star
of Bethlehem seen at the Nativity.
Copy !req
422. You see? I told you it was small.
Copy !req
423. What is it they say?
Copy !req
424. Yes, they say that on my planet, too.
Copy !req
425. The security guard is named in the
final script as "Gareth Fitzpatrick (18)".
Copy !req
426. I know you.
Copy !req
427. - You do, huh?
- Gareth, answer the second question
Copy !req
428. on you mid-term exam, not the third.
Copy !req
429. The third may look easier,
but you'll mess it up.
Copy !req
430. He is described as "young and zealous".
Copy !req
431. What?
Copy !req
432. Remember, answer the second question.
Don't forget!
Copy !req
433. He is played byJeremy Radick, a former child
actor who began his career at the age of 6.
Copy !req
434. I won't. Now can I see
what's in your hand, sir?
Copy !req
435. Mmm...
Copy !req
436. His other credits
include The X-Files (1996).
Copy !req
437. What was that all about?
Copy !req
438. The reference to seismology
is pertinent given the story's setting.
Copy !req
439. Ten years from now, Gareth will head the
Seismology unit of the UCLA Task Force
Copy !req
440. and devise a system for accurately
predicting earthquakes.
Copy !req
441. - You mean that, don't you?
- Of course!
Copy !req
442. San Francisco has suffered earthquakes
in the past, most notably in 1906.
Copy !req
443. His inventions save
the human race several times,
Copy !req
444. but first he must graduate in poetry.
Copy !req
445. Look!
There's the kid who took your stuff.
Copy !req
446. The 1906 quake was followed
by a fire which devastated the city.
Copy !req
447. You see who he's with? Come on.
Copy !req
448. The ITAR sequences were cut down
to reduce the running time.
Copy !req
449. The Master?
Copy !req
450. The cuts included the scene in which the Master is confronted
by guards; in the final edit, we only see the aftermath.
Copy !req
451. You're lucky
he only got your wrist.
Copy !req
452. - Why'd you do that?
Copy !req
453. - Liven things up. Come on!
Copy !req
454. This scene was filmed in the studio
on 12th February 1996.
Copy !req
455. Door!
Copy !req
456. You're not afraid of heights, are you?
Copy !req
457. - Yeah.
- So am I.
Copy !req
458. Everyone, stay calm! Remain inside!
Copy !req
459. Don't panic!
Everything is under control.
Copy !req
460. The escape from ITAR was filmed
on 18th January 1996.
Copy !req
461. A hoist was used to lower
the stunt to the ground.
Copy !req
462. You go upstairs, I'll seal the exits.
Copy !req
463. Doctor!
Copy !req
464. The use of the hosepipe was Sax's idea.
He thought it would be a fun visual effect.
Copy !req
465. Sax was keen to bring
a cinematic quality to the production.
Copy !req
466. - Here we go again.
Copy !req
467. He started his career in British TV, with
series such as End ofPart One (1979-1980).
Copy !req
468. So, do you know what's
going happen to me?
Copy !req
469. You don't want to know!
Copy !req
470. Right. You can't not tell me!
Copy !req
471. - Grace.
- Oh, God.
Copy !req
472. Brian's gonna move in again!
Copy !req
473. I can't say!
Copy !req
474. One of his episodes included
a Doctor Who spoof.
Copy !req
475. Please?
Copy !req
476. The universe hangs by such a delicate
thread of coincidences.
Copy !req
477. It's useless to meddle with it,
unless, like me, you're a Time Lord.
Copy !req
478. Sax chose not to watch any old episodes
before directing the TV movie.
Copy !req
479. All right.
Copy !req
480. - So just give me few pointers.
Copy !req
481. He wanted to bring his own style
to the production.
Copy !req
482. Sax would go on to Hollywood success with
White Noise (2005) and Stormbreaker (2006).
Copy !req
483. - There she is.
- A police box?
Copy !req
484. - Key.
- Now I always leave a spare key...
Copy !req
485. in a secret compartment
above the door.
Copy !req
486. Great minds thing alike.
Up you go.
Copy !req
487. In the old TV series, the Tardiswas
disguised by a "chameleon circuit".
Copy !req
488. The "cloaking device"
is a term taken from Star Trek.
Copy !req
489. It's in a cubbyhole above the P.
Copy !req
490. Got it. Why a police box?
Copy !req
491. Its cloaking device got stuck
on a previous misadventure,
Copy !req
492. but I like it like this.
Copy !req
493. A locked-off shot of the Tardis was mixed with the
motorcyclist in post-production to create this effect.
Copy !req
494. Doctor.
Copy !req
495. I've got no brakes!
Copy !req
496. Oh, my.
Copy !req
497. The Cloister Bell that sounds when the Tardis is
in danger was first used in 'Logopolis' (1981 ).
Copy !req
498. - Wow!
- Do you hear that?
Copy !req
499. - Yeah.
- That's a warning. The TARDIS is dying.
Copy !req
500. - This is amazing.
- It's no good.
Copy !req
501. We don't even have enough
auxiliary power to move next door.
Copy !req
502. The beryllium chip, Grace.
Copy !req
503. - Yes, Doctor.
- Careful!
Copy !req
504. In the script, Grace rubs her wrist
"where it was sprayed by the Master..."
Copy !req
505. Yes, Doctor.
Copy !req
506. - This looks pretty low-tech.
- "Low-tech"?
Copy !req
507. Grace, this is a Type 40 TARDIS,
Copy !req
508. "The colour of her skin is changing,
a rash has spread over her whole arm."
Copy !req
509. able to take you to any planet
in the Universe
Copy !req
510. and to any date in that planet's
existence. Temporal physics.
Copy !req
511. Oh, you mean like
interdimensional transference.
Copy !req
512. That would explain the spatial
displacement we experienced
Copy !req
513. as we passed over the threshold.
Copy !req
514. Yes, if you like.
Copy !req
515. Yes!
Copy !req
516. There! The Eye is closing.
Copy !req
517. The design of the console reflects
Segal's wish for a "Jules Verne" aesthetic.
Copy !req
518. Now, let's see.
Copy !req
519. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
520. - Oh, no.
- What?
Copy !req
521. The prop was extremely detailed.
Copy !req
522. I have a horrible feeling
we're already too late.
Copy !req
523. It's 11:48.
We still have eleven minutes.
Copy !req
524. There is no context. Hold on.
Copy !req
525. The destination list on the console
consisted of planets from previous stories.
Copy !req
526. What are you doing?
Copy !req
527. I'm setting coordinates for
one minute after midnight.
Copy !req
528. - Why?
- If this is true,
Copy !req
529. the Eye has been open too long
and there is no future.
Copy !req
530. These included Argolis,
Callufrax and Sarn.
Copy !req
531. I only hope... Oh, no!
Copy !req
532. Is this thing reliable?
Copy !req
533. The date indicator included eras related to the
old series, including the Manussian and Sensorian.
Copy !req
534. Whatever's happening can't
be stopped by closing the Eye.
Copy !req
535. Well, how come you didn't know that?
Copy !req
536. I haven't opened the Eye before.
Copy !req
537. Now you tell me.
Copy !req
538. Grace, closing the Eye
may not be enough.
Copy !req
539. We have to go back to
before the Eye was opened.
Copy !req
540. Maybe even before we arrived.
Copy !req
541. This is a time machine.
Copy !req
542. - With no power.
- What?
Copy !req
543. The concept of going back in time to avert events
had been explicitly avoided by the 1963-89 series.
Copy !req
544. The Eye being open so long
must have drained the TARDIS.
Copy !req
545. - Great!
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
546. You must have the power to get back.
You must!
Copy !req
547. - Not enough!
- What about all those
Copy !req
548. glorious predictions?
Copy !req
549. All that knowledge about what's going
to happen to Gareth,
Copy !req
550. 'Day of the Daleks' (1972) invented the
"Blinovitch Limitation Effect" to prevent it!
Copy !req
551. to me, to this city?
Copy !req
552. That must come from somewhere. Think!
Copy !req
553. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
Copy !req
554. Are you any good at
setting alarm clocks?
Copy !req
555. - No!
- Grace!
Copy !req
556. - I'll try. OK.
- Listen very carefully...
Copy !req
557. The Tardistool kit is based on the designs
from The Doctor Who Technical Manual (1983).
Copy !req
558. We pre-set the coordinates
just as I divert the power
Copy !req
559. from within the Eye itself
into the time rotor here.
Copy !req
560. - We jump-start the TARDIS?
- We jump-start the TARDIS!
Copy !req
561. What do I do?
Copy !req
562. Hit the top switch on the console there.
The top one.
Copy !req
563. The script states Grace's "skin changes colour"
here, although the effect is somewhat obscured.
Copy !req
564. Good. Now pass me the neutron ram.
Copy !req
565. Grace? Grace, the neutron ram.
Copy !req
566. Look, I'll show you.
Copy !req
567. End of Act Five! Tea?
Copy !req
568. The scenes of the final battle between the Doctor and
the Master were filmed on 13th-16th February 1996.
Copy !req
569. Daphne Ashbrook's eyes were scratched
by the black contact lenses.
Copy !req
570. Oh, no. Oh, not you, Grace.
Copy !req
571. This is no time to play
doctors and nurses.
Copy !req
572. She was very nearly taken off a day's
shooting as a result, but she soldiered on.
Copy !req
573. It's no good talking to her.
She's possessed.
Copy !req
574. You. You took my things. Where are they?
Copy !req
575. Stay tuned for more eye abuse later.
Copy !req
576. They're not your things anymore.
Copy !req
577. Pretty soon, everything around here's
going to belong to the Master again.
Copy !req
578. "Again"?
Copy !req
579. What's he been telling you?
Copy !req
580. When he gets his body back from you,
I'm going to be rich.
Copy !req
581. And you believe him?
Copy !req
582. Why shouldn't I?
Copy !req
583. I suppose he neglected to mention that
Copy !req
584. there won't be any place
to spend your money?
Copy !req
585. Which is why we have no time to waste.
Copy !req
586. But time to change.
Copy !req
587. The script describes the villain's entrance
in "Masterly robes that flow out behind him".
Copy !req
588. I always dress for the occasion.
Copy !req
589. The robe is reminiscent of the Time Lord
costumes in 'The Deadly Assassin' (1976).
Copy !req
590. Well, I'm glad to see that you are aware
of the gravity of the situation.
Copy !req
591. I never liked this planet, Doctor.
Copy !req
592. Well, that's good, because
any minute now it shall cease to exist.
Copy !req
593. What's the time?
Copy !req
594. The Master was going to wear a black suit, but costume
designerJori Woodman added the robe to make him stand out.
Copy !req
595. Time enough for me to get my body,
get out of here,
Copy !req
596. and take Lee with me.
Copy !req
597. Lee is the son
I have always yearned for.
Copy !req
598. She wanted it to allow movement, but still have
the "wackiness" of the 'Deadly Assassin' designs.
Copy !req
599. Oh, please!
Copy !req
600. Grace.
Copy !req
601. Woodman went on to work on films
including the Final Destination series.
Copy !req
602. Put it on him. I suspect you know how.
Copy !req
603. Lee, this is my TARDIS.
Copy !req
604. This is my Eye and I'm in my own body.
Copy !req
605. The Master has run out of all his lives,
now he plans to steal mine.
Copy !req
606. That's the truth! Look at Grace!
Copy !req
607. The musical cue for this scene
is called "Crown of Nails".
Copy !req
608. She's possessed by evil, not goodness.
Copy !req
609. The contraption Grace puts on the Doctor resembles the Crown
of Thorns forced onto Jesus' head before the Crucifixion.
Copy !req
610. This won't hurt, much.
Copy !req
611. The music in the background is Ride into the
Moonlight by Chuck Duran and Jess Harnell.
Copy !req
612. I didn't think I would make it.
Copy !req
613. Hey, baby.
Copy !req
614. Hey, Pete!
Copy !req
615. My life's work.
Copy !req
616. Om.
Copy !req
617. Om.
Copy !req
618. The device is as uncomfortable
as it looks.
Copy !req
619. In 700 years no one
has managed to open the Eye.
Copy !req
620. It really is holding McGann's eyes open.
Copy !req
621. How did you do it?
Copy !req
622. Simple. Lee is human
and you are only half.
Copy !req
623. It resembles the eye-opener
from A Clockwork Orange (1970).
Copy !req
624. Lee, open the Eye for me, please.
Copy !req
625. - Mr Wagg!
Copy !req
626. Ladies and gentlemen, in three minutes
the world will enter a new millennium,
Copy !req
627. and with it a new standard of accuracy
Copy !req
628. will come to how we measure time.
Copy !req
629. According to the script, Wagg's face
"goes beetroot" when he hears the bad news.
Copy !req
630. What do you mean, it won't start?
Copy !req
631. Much of Lee's backstory
was cut from the script.
Copy !req
632. Lee, this is your last chance!
Copy !req
633. This is my only chance.
Copy !req
634. He's right, Doctor.
There's nothing for him here.
Copy !req
635. He was conceived of as an orphan
looking for a father figure.
Copy !req
636. No family, no gangs, only death.
Copy !req
637. But with me, he gets see the Universe.
Copy !req
638. Tso explained the Master's betrayal would shock him
into realising how his vulnerability had been preyed on.
Copy !req
639. This is his last chance to stay alive,
and you know it.
Copy !req
640. What do you know of last chances?
Copy !req
641. More than you!
Copy !req
642. I have wasted all my lives
because of you, Doctor,
Copy !req
643. and I will be rid of you.
Copy !req
644. All your lives! Didn't you
tell Lee I'd stolen your lives?
Copy !req
645. Lee, he's lying. He's used all
his lives, now he wants mine.
Copy !req
646. Like I told you, this is my TARDIS,
this my body.
Copy !req
647. Don't believe him. Open the Eye.
Copy !req
648. Lee's fight with the Master
was originally more spectacular.
Copy !req
649. He said it himself, Lee.
He's wasted his lives, all of them.
Copy !req
650. He was rigged up in a harness.
Copy !req
651. - Open the Eye.
- No!
Copy !req
652. Wire work would have made him
"fly" across the room and hit a pillar.
Copy !req
653. You lied to me!
Copy !req
654. The shoot was delayed
when a leaf blew into Roberts's eye.
Copy !req
655. Lee. Lee.
Copy !req
656. So lack of time meant
Sax ended up going for a simpler option.
Copy !req
657. I would never lie to you.
Copy !req
658. I would only protect you.
Copy !req
659. - No!
Copy !req
660. How will you open the Eye now?
Copy !req
661. Grace, come here.
Copy !req
662. Unless I'm mistaken, in her present
state of mind, that won't work!
Copy !req
663. Her eyes aren't human anymore.
Copy !req
664. The script describes the Master's kiss:
Copy !req
665. Watch...
Copy !req
666. "The Master kisses her as if he were
sucking the poison back out of her body!"
Copy !req
667. See? Now they're human.
Copy !req
668. - No! Grace, close your eyes!
Copy !req
669. Too late!
Copy !req
670. The mechanism of the energy transfer between the Doctor
and the Master wasn't described in Jacobs's script.
Copy !req
671. I'm blind!
Copy !req
672. Your sight will return, Grace!
Copy !req
673. Sax and Segal worked out the logistics
when the set was completed.
Copy !req
674. Sax suggested using the balconies.
Copy !req
675. Segal decided to use mirrors on the staffs
to reflect light between the protagonists.
Copy !req
676. What's happening?
Copy !req
677. He can't move
so long as the Eye links us.
Copy !req
678. Sax stated that he liked to use
studio light to give "life" to CGI effects.
Copy !req
679. Remember, Grace! Remember!
Copy !req
680. Reroute the power!
Copy !req
681. In the console room, go!
Copy !req
682. But you'll die if I leave you!
Copy !req
683. We'll all die if you don't!
Run! Run, Grace!
Copy !req
684. I'm taking your lives, Doctor.
Copy !req
685. Run!
Copy !req
686. Stock footage is used here to convey the effect
of "a major disaster of biblical proportions".
Copy !req
687. I can hear your thoughts, Doctor.
Copy !req
688. The script says: "The Master is now
absorbing the very essence of the Doctor."
Copy !req
689. I can feel your memories.
Copy !req
690. Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
691. End of Act Six!
Copy !req
692. This can't be how it ends.
Copy !req
693. Stop this. Please. Stop!
Copy !req
694. These shots of Grace working on the
console were among the last to be filmed.
Copy !req
695. God, please!
Copy !req
696. They were recorded
on 21st February 1996.
Copy !req
697. Oh, what have I done?
Copy !req
698. - Thirty seconds!
Copy !req
699. 29, 28, 27, 26, 25...
Copy !req
700. - 20, 19, 18...
Copy !req
701. Back to the clock motif!
Copy !req
702. 17, 16, 15...
Copy !req
703. Press PAUSE!
Copy !req
704. You may catch a glimpse
of Paul McGann in the Master's costume!
Copy !req
705. 12, 11, 10...
Copy !req
706. And I thought surgery was difficult.
Copy !req
707. The script states: "The Master is
showing signs of becoming the Doctor."
Copy !req
708. Nine...
Copy !req
709. Eight...
Copy !req
710. Rerouting the power.
Copy !req
711. The Master's "I'm alive"
echoes the earlier Frankenstein scene.
Copy !req
712. I'm alive.
Copy !req
713. - Seven.
- Any minute now.
Copy !req
714. Six...
Copy !req
715. I'm alive. I'm alive!
Copy !req
716. - That's all the time we have...
- Three...
Copy !req
717. I am alive!
Copy !req
718. The script describes: "Grace's fingers... still speeding
through the wires, trying to determine which is which."
Copy !req
719. One!
Copy !req
720. The clock was wound backwards
by hand for this scene.
Copy !req
721. We have to go back
to before the Eye was opened,
Copy !req
722. The intention of the white-out was to leave
us "hanging as to the fate of the planet".
Copy !req
723. maybe even before we arrived!
Copy !req
724. Alarm clock, alarm clock,
think alarm clock!
Copy !req
725. "Temporal orbit"?
Copy !req
726. What's a "temporal orbit"?
Copy !req
727. Landmarks here include:
Copy !req
728. Stonehenge
Copy !req
729. The Kremlin
Copy !req
730. The Eiffel Tower
Copy !req
731. The Houses of Parliament
Copy !req
732. The Statue of Liberty
Copy !req
733. Walker General Hospital
Copy !req
734. Feel free to go back
and use the PAUSE button to check.
Copy !req
735. Feel free also to wonder why it is dark in Moscow, Paris,
San Francisco and New York, but twilight in London!
Copy !req
736. She did it.
Copy !req
737. Your life force is dying, Master.
Copy !req
738. No!
Copy !req
739. The script makes it clear that Grace
saves the Doctor's life in this sequence.
Copy !req
740. She does this
by breaking the beam of light.
Copy !req
741. We're in temporal orbit, Doctor.
What is it?
Copy !req
742. Unfortunately,
this also frees the Master.
Copy !req
743. What is that?
Copy !req
744. Daphne Ashbrook didn't socialise much
with Eric Roberts.
Copy !req
745. Grace! No!
Copy !req
746. She said she thought he was a "sweetie",
but found him intimidating.
Copy !req
747. Grace...
Copy !req
748. Sax explained that Patrick Lussier used "every
shot" in the edit to make this scene flow.
Copy !req
749. You are my life.
Copy !req
750. You want dominion over the living,
yet all you do is kill!
Copy !req
751. The phrase "life is wasted on the living" is quoted from
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
Copy !req
752. Life is wasted on the living!
Copy !req
753. Adams was Doctor Who's script editor
in the 1979-80 series.
Copy !req
754. Wires were used to suspend Roberts
in mid-air for this sequence.
Copy !req
755. The struggle over the precipice is reminiscent of
the Sherlock Holmes story 'The Final Problem' (1893),
Copy !req
756. Give me your hand!
Copy !req
757. Never!
Copy !req
758. Doctor!
Copy !req
759. in which Holmes faces down his arch-enemy Moriarty,
and apparently dies with him at a Swiss waterfall.
Copy !req
760. Note that the Tardis uses American dating - month,
day, year. The UK system uses day, month, year.
Copy !req
761. The hero reversing time to save his friend
is a device reminiscent of Superman (1978).
Copy !req
762. This sequence, although less frenetic
than the fight, took careful storyboarding.
Copy !req
763. The light on the Doctor had to fit
with the CGI effects added later.
Copy !req
764. The script says: "Gradually the light
from the Eye of Harmony fills the room."
Copy !req
765. "The Doctor looks back to his friends, their bodies
seem to glow as the light becomes warmer and warmer."
Copy !req
766. "Suddenly they are breathing."
Copy !req
767. "A slow smile of relief
crosses the Doctor's face."
Copy !req
768. Doctor, I have your things.
Copy !req
769. To publicise the TV movie,
an "Electronic Press Kit" was made.
Copy !req
770. Hello, Grace.
Copy !req
771. Well, how does it feel
to hold back death?
Copy !req
772. Interviewed for this, Segal explained the blend of sci-fi
and love story would appeal to the American audience.
Copy !req
773. The Eye of Harmony was opened and
closed by technicians under the rostrum.
Copy !req
774. Incredible. Did you see that?
Copy !req
775. What a sentimental old thing
this TARDIS is.
Copy !req
776. Well, congratulations. You've both been
somewhere I've never been.
Copy !req
777. - It's nothing to be scared of, Doctor.
- Oh, glad to hear it.
Copy !req
778. Did we go back far enough?
Copy !req
779. Either that or I'm talking to a couple
of ghosts and I don't believe in ghosts.
Copy !req
780. The TV movie
had a mixed critical reception.
Copy !req
781. American reaction was perhaps best
summarised by the New York Times.
Copy !req
782. So, uh, where's the Master?
Copy !req
783. It compared the Doctor to Gregory Peck,
and the Master to Bela Lugosi.
Copy !req
784. Indigestion.
Copy !req
785. So, let's see where we are.
Copy !req
786. The bemused reviewer thought the script
could have done with some "meddling".
Copy !req
787. There. The future.
Copy !req
788. Wow...
Copy !req
789. Look over there, on the other
side of your galaxy. That's home.
Copy !req
790. Gallifrey.
Copy !req
791. The US audience seemed to agree. It got ratings
of 5.5 million, and a 9 per cent audience share.
Copy !req
792. Two hundred
and fifty million light years away.
Copy !req
793. Phew.
Copy !req
794. That's a good ten minutes
in this old thing.
Copy !req
795. So, where are we?
Copy !req
796. This was below average for the time slot,
although it was up against stiff competition.
Copy !req
797. December 29th.
Do you want to get off here?
Copy !req
798. I don't think I could
live through that again.
Copy !req
799. I definitely wouldn't live
through that again.
Copy !req
800. Reason enough.
Copy !req
801. This included a pivotal episode
of the hit sitcom Roseanne.
Copy !req
802. The programme did better in the UK,
with 9.08 million viewers.
Copy !req
803. Critics generally welcomed
the return of the Doctor.
Copy !req
804. So did the viewers, according to
the BBC's Points of Viewprogramme.
Copy !req
805. That's not funny!
Copy !req
806. Eleven, ten...
Copy !req
807. Nine, eight, seven...
Copy !req
808. Six, five...
Copy !req
809. Four, three, two, one!
Copy !req
810. As the script puts it:
Copy !req
811. - Have a happy new year...
Copy !req
Copy !req
813. "PARTIES..."
Copy !req
814. "Everyone going absolutely insane!"
Copy !req
815. Happy new year. Happy...
Can you believe it?
Copy !req
816. 2000.
Copy !req
817. This scene was filmed on 7th February
1996 at Andy Livingstone Park in Vancouver.
Copy !req
818. The park was opened in June 1995, and
named after a former Park Commissioner.
Copy !req
819. The rain made this scene hard to film.
Copy !req
820. Now, that's as it should be.
Copy !req
821. They even tried to shoot it
using umbrellas.
Copy !req
822. Your things.
Copy !req
823. The rain frizzed up both Ashbrook's hair
and McGann's wig.
Copy !req
824. My sonic screwdriver. Thank you!
Copy !req
825. And, uh, these, too.
Copy !req
826. Please, keep them.
Copy !req
827. - Really?
- Yes, really.
Copy !req
828. Tso, meanwhile, got even wetter when
he stepped backwards and fell in the water.
Copy !req
829. I'd better go
before you change your mind.
Copy !req
830. Lee! Next Christmas, take a vacation.
Copy !req
831. Just don't be here.
Copy !req
832. Right, thanks!
Copy !req
833. Thanks, Doctor!
Copy !req
834. See you around, Grace! Happy New Year!
Copy !req
835. In Jacobs's May 1995 outline, Grace decided
to stay with the Doctor at the last minute.
Copy !req
836. There you go, interfering again.
Copy !req
837. Grace, something you should know...
Copy !req
838. - Don't tell me.
- Why not?
Copy !req
839. I know who I am.
And that's enough.
Copy !req
840. Both Ashbrook and Tso would have loved
to have done a full series.
Copy !req
841. I'm glad.
Copy !req
842. Ashbrook liked the "limitless" format
of the show.
Copy !req
843. Come with me.
Copy !req
844. You come with me.
Copy !req
845. - Me come with you?
- Yes.
Copy !req
846. - Me come with you?
Copy !req
847. She was also inspired by the affection
the crew showed for the programme.
Copy !req
848. It's tempting.
Copy !req
849. Sax, too, was disappointed
the series option wasn't picked up on.
Copy !req
850. I'm going to miss you.
Copy !req
851. How can you miss me? I'm easy to find.
I'm the guy with two hearts, remember?
Copy !req
852. That's not what I meant.
Copy !req
853. Segal believed
the programme would return one day.
Copy !req
854. He stated that he kept the
key to the Tardis, just in case.
Copy !req
855. - Thank you, Doctor.
- No, no. Thank you, Doctor!
Copy !req
856. The TV movie changed the way
the BBC handled the Doctor Who licence.
Copy !req
857. They took the book rights back
from Virgin Publishing.
Copy !req
858. Bye.
Copy !req
859. The first novel to feature McGann's Doctor was an
adaptation of the movie, written by Gary Russell.
Copy !req
860. The ending of the movie went through
several versions in post-production.
Copy !req
861. One used a quotation from H. G. Wells's
The Time Machine (1899).
Copy !req
862. "... the Time Traveller is one of those
men who are too clever to be believed..."
Copy !req
863. "... you always suspect some subtle reserve, some
ingenuity in ambush, beneath his lucid frankness."
Copy !req
864. Sounds better.
Copy !req
865. Right, where to next?
Copy !req
866. The final version - with the record
sticking - was decided on in April 1996.
Copy !req
867. Jon Pertwee, who played the Doctor in the early
1970s, died a week before the UK broadcast.
Copy !req
868. Where was I?
Copy !req
869. A caption was added to the UK
version of the movie in his honour.
Copy !req
870. - Oh, no, not again!
Copy !req
871. The US version included the credit:
Copy !req
872. "Based on the original series broadcast
on the BBC"
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