1. Writing an e-mail?
Copy !req
2. D-Don't stare at me!
Copy !req
3. Huh? Are you going somewhere?
Copy !req
4. To a friend's birthday party. And this is the present.
Copy !req
5. Gimme!
Copy !req
6. Nope.
Copy !req
7. Gimme!
Copy !req
8. Nope.
Copy !req
9. Gimme!
Copy !req
10. Nope.
Copy !req
11. Stingy.
Copy !req
12. To send mail, click here.
Copy !req
13. H-Hey!
Copy !req
14. Don't send it on your own!
Copy !req
15. Who is it for?
Copy !req
16. None of your business!
Copy !req
17. Meanie.
Copy !req
18. I showed you how to send it...
Copy !req
19. Oh, you're going out?
Copy !req
20. Take care.
Copy !req
21. Okay.
Copy !req
22. Huh?
Copy !req
23. Mail rejected?
Copy !req
24. What's wrong with Sora?
Copy !req
25. She doesn't want to receive my mails, huh?
Copy !req
26. What is this...?
Copy !req
27. A... Digimon?
Copy !req
28. Hey, isn't there anything to eat?
Copy !req
29. And Hikari gets to go to a birthday party and have cake...
Copy !req
30. I'll make you a cake.
Copy !req
31. Really?
Copy !req
32. Yes, really. Can you get me some eggs?
Copy !req
33. Let's see... did I forget the wheat flour?
Copy !req
34. Yo, Koshiro. Come in.
Copy !req
35. Th-The egg...
Copy !req
36. The egg hatched!
Copy !req
37. No! A Digimon egg!
Copy !req
38. Oh, welcome, Koshiro-kun.
Copy !req
39. Thank you.
Copy !req
40. What's that thing? It looks like a jellyfish.
Copy !req
41. It's a type of Digimon we've never seen before.
Copy !req
42. It's kinda cute!
Copy !req
43. So what about it?
Copy !req
44. It seems like computer bugs from various places merged to form the egg.
Copy !req
45. How do you know that?
Copy !req
46. A friend in Russia who I talk to a lot analyzed the data that forms the egg.
Copy !req
47. She's still in grade school, but she's already got a guaranteed opening at the university.
Copy !req
48. I'm in grade school too, and I only get to go to grade school.
Copy !req
49. It evolved!
Copy !req
50. It's... an e-mail from the jellyfish.
Copy !req
51. I'm hungry
Copy !req
52. I'm hungry
Copy !req
53. "I'm hungry..."
Copy !req
54. It's hungry?
Copy !req
55. This thing grows by eating data.
Copy !req
56. And it's eating a lot...
Copy !req
57. It's only at Baby level now, but if it keeps evolving, it will eat data from all over the network.
Copy !req
58. What happens when the data's eaten?
Copy !req
59. Computers will go haywire!
Copy !req
60. Are you serious!
Copy !req
61. Welcome.
Copy !req
62. That will be 125 yen.
Copy !req
63. One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand...
Copy !req
64. That will be one million and 125 yen...
Copy !req
65. Welcome!
Copy !req
66. A million yen...
Copy !req
67. A million yen...
Copy !req
68. Why do I have to pay so much!
Copy !req
69. Supermarkets and convenience stores across the country are having trouble over issues in their computer systems.
Copy !req
70. Taichi, I'm coming in.
Copy !req
71. Excuse me!
Copy !req
72. What's with the hurry?
Copy !req
73. We're gonna use Dad's computer!
Copy !req
74. Well, can you take these?
Copy !req
75. My, were you that thirsty?
Copy !req
76. Thank you!
Copy !req
77. Um... how did this work...
Copy !req
78. I'll do it.
Copy !req
79. Please... I have no clue.
Copy !req
80. Is this PC connected to a phone?
Copy !req
81. Y-Yeah. With ISDN or something.
Copy !req
82. Hey, could we delete that jellyfish thing from the internet?
Copy !req
83. Delete? How?
Copy !req
84. If we told the phone company or a computer specialist...
Copy !req
85. That's useless.
Copy !req
86. The friend in Russia I mentioned before told various people about it,
Copy !req
87. but they wouldn't listen to her.
Copy !req
88. It evolved again.
Copy !req
89. It must be at Child level.
Copy !req
90. This is bad...
Copy !req
91. This is bad, Koshiro!
Copy !req
92. Unless we defeat it now...
Copy !req
93. But how?
Copy !req
94. Well...
Copy !req
95. Are we just gonna look while it keeps evolving?
Copy !req
96. If only Agumon was here now...
Copy !req
97. Taichi...
Copy !req
98. Agumon...
Copy !req
99. Taichi!
Copy !req
100. If only you were here...
Copy !req
101. Taichi!
Copy !req
102. Agumon? Is that you, Agumon?
Copy !req
103. Hey! Where are you, Agumon?
Copy !req
104. Taichi-san, here!
Copy !req
105. Agumon!
Copy !req
106. Taichi!
Copy !req
107. Agumon...
Copy !req
108. Gennai-san...
Copy !req
109. Long time no see.
Copy !req
110. Koshiro-han, how've you been?
Copy !req
111. Tentomon!
Copy !req
112. Piyomon! Gabumon! Palmon!
Copy !req
113. And everyone!
Copy !req
114. So, do you know about him?
Copy !req
115. Yes. A new type of Digimon in the net, right?
Copy !req
116. As expected from you.
Copy !req
117. Be careful, Taichi. He's a really bad Digimon!
Copy !req
118. It will be really bad if we leave him be.
Copy !req
119. Yeah... but how do we defeat him?
Copy !req
120. Taichi... we'll fight.
Copy !req
121. Agumon...
Copy !req
122. But—
Copy !req
123. We'll enter the net...
Copy !req
124. and just like you all saved the Digital World...
Copy !req
125. this is our turn to help you.
Copy !req
126. Tentomon...
Copy !req
127. Got it. We're counting on you guys.
Copy !req
128. You're the only ones who can do it.
Copy !req
129. Koshiro, your Digivice?
Copy !req
130. I brought it, of course.
Copy !req
131. All right... we'll make you evolve with our Digivices!
Copy !req
132. OK!
Copy !req
133. Okay, I'll send Agumon and Tentomon to the net, so hold on a second.
Copy !req
134. Okay, all set. I'll let everyone know!
Copy !req
135. Hello? This is Yagami, is Jou there?
Copy !req
136. Exams?
Copy !req
137. Exams... for middle school?
Copy !req
138. Okay, I understand.
Copy !req
139. Yamato is out?
Copy !req
140. With Takeru? Um, where?
Copy !req
141. Eh? Shimane?
Copy !req
142. Shimane...
Copy !req
143. Koshiro-kun, would you like some Oolong tea?
Copy !req
144. Ah, sure.
Copy !req
145. Um, I'm sorry, is there a phone number where I can contact them?
Copy !req
146. Answer answer answer answer answer...
Copy !req
147. Here you go.
Copy !req
148. Thank you.
Copy !req
149. Hello?
Copy !req
150. May I ask who is speaking?
Copy !req
151. I'm Yagami, from Tokyo...
Copy !req
152. E-Excuse me, um...
Copy !req
153. Sorry, could you please repeat that?
Copy !req
154. Um... can I speak to Yamato and Takeru, please?
Copy !req
155. Yes, they're my grandchildren. They're really good boys...
Copy !req
156. Who is it?
Copy !req
157. Excuse me, there's something important I have to tell them!
Copy !req
158. I see.
Copy !req
159. Yamato...
Copy !req
160. She hung up...
Copy !req
161. Are you going somewhere for spring break, Koshiro-kun?
Copy !req
162. No, not really.
Copy !req
163. Don't you feel like going somewhere?
Copy !req
164. Oh well, next!
Copy !req
165. Ah, hello?
Copy !req
166. This is Mimi! Please leave a message!
Copy !req
167. Mimi-chan!
Copy !req
168. Ah, I'm Taichi. Call me right away, okay?
Copy !req
169. Man, all of them...
Copy !req
170. Sorry for making you help out.
Copy !req
171. Hey, do you know the number of the house Hikari went to?
Copy !req
172. Like this?
Copy !req
173. Yes, make sure it doesn't get lumpy.
Copy !req
174. C'mon, Mom!
Copy !req
175. Right, right... there's a memo right there.
Copy !req
176. Uri-san's house.
Copy !req
177. Seriously...
Copy !req
178. Happy Birthday!
Copy !req
179. Hikari-chan...
Copy !req
180. I can't go home yet. We still haven't even blown out the candles...
Copy !req
181. Okay then, come home after you blow out the candles.
Copy !req
182. Koshiro!
Copy !req
183. S-Say... can you call Sora's home for me?
Copy !req
184. Sora-san? Shouldn't you do it?
Copy !req
185. Just do it. Here!
Copy !req
186. Oh, you're calling more friends over?
Copy !req
187. Gimme some Oolong tea too.
Copy !req
188. Why don't you answer me?
Copy !req
189. Okay, I just have to let her know to call the Yagami residence, right?
Copy !req
190. One moment, she just came home.
Copy !req
191. Who is it?
Copy !req
192. It's from the Yagami residence.
Copy !req
193. Say I'm not home.
Copy !req
194. But...
Copy !req
195. Just do it.
Copy !req
196. Um...
Copy !req
197. She told me to say she's not home...
Copy !req
198. Did something happen?
Copy !req
199. Not really.
Copy !req
200. Something happened, right?
Copy !req
201. It's nothing...
Copy !req
202. This isn't the time to be worrying about fights!
Copy !req
203. It's not that!
Copy !req
204. So it is a fight...
Copy !req
205. A-Anyway, isn't it about time now?
Copy !req
206. Taichi, you jerk.
Copy !req
207. This is scary...
Copy !req
208. This is lame...
Copy !req
209. No kidding.
Copy !req
210. Huh? Isn't it going faster?
Copy !req
211. I'm scared!
Copy !req
212. Taichi?
Copy !req
213. The ferris wheel is really going around today...
Copy !req
214. Transfer complete.
Copy !req
215. Agumon!
Copy !req
216. Taichi! Koshiro! We're here!
Copy !req
217. I'm counting on you, Agumon!
Copy !req
218. Tentomon, we have a preemptive strike!
Copy !req
219. He doesn't know we're here yet!
Copy !req
220. Shall we do it?
Copy !req
221. All right!
Copy !req
222. Let's play?
Copy !req
223. What do you mean, "let's play"?
Copy !req
224. Hurry up and beat that thing!
Copy !req
225. Tentomon, evolve!
Copy !req
226. Right!
Copy !req
227. Tentomon, evolve!
Copy !req
228. Agumon, evolve!
Copy !req
229. Kabuterimon!
Copy !req
230. Greymon!
Copy !req
231. Good!
Copy !req
232. That thing's pretty weak!
Copy !req
233. Hold on.
Copy !req
234. He... evolved!
Copy !req
235. Don't worry. He's only at Adult level, like ours.
Copy !req
236. Did we get him?
Copy !req
237. We can't hurt him! What's going on here?
Copy !req
238. Kabuterimon!
Copy !req
239. Greymon!
Copy !req
240. Taichi-san, I got it!
Copy !req
241. He's... at Perfect level.
Copy !req
242. Then, just now...
Copy !req
243. It was a two-level evolution.
Copy !req
244. Not good...
Copy !req
245. Evolve to Perfect level as well!
Copy !req
246. He's attacking during evolution...
Copy !req
247. Are you okay, Agumon?
Copy !req
248. Sorry, Taichi...
Copy !req
249. Tentomon...
Copy !req
250. That guy's unbelievable...
Copy !req
251. We'll have to let them rest for a bit.
Copy !req
252. Damn! Attacking while they're evolving, that's dirty!
Copy !req
253. Taichi-san, we got an e-mail from a guy in Australia.
Copy !req
254. He says it's the first time he's seen a Digital Monster.
Copy !req
255. Those monsters just now were
Copy !req
256. Digital Monsters?
Copy !req
257. I've never seen one of those.
Copy !req
258. Toma
Copy !req
259. He was watching that fight?
Copy !req
260. This one is from Singapore.
Copy !req
261. Jane
Copy !req
262. "It was two on one and you lost, are you that weak?"
Copy !req
263. Shut up!
Copy !req
264. And there's a few more.
Copy !req
265. An e-mail from the jellyfish...
Copy !req
266. "Hello hello hello hello..."?
Copy !req
267. What's that about?
Copy !req
268. We're in big trouble!
Copy !req
269. Look at the address!
Copy !req
270. He's in the NTT system!
Copy !req
271. NTT?
Copy !req
272. We have to contact everyone now!
Copy !req
273. Did you draw the Joker?
Copy !req
274. Don't hide it, Noriko-chan.
Copy !req
275. Hikari-chan...
Copy !req
276. I can't...
Copy !req
277. I can't just leave when I'm the one who's winning.
Copy !req
278. Forget the game and just come home!
Copy !req
279. Next...
Copy !req
280. Busy signal? Damn...
Copy !req
281. Busy again...
Copy !req
282. At Jou's place too...
Copy !req
283. Y... Yamato's too?
Copy !req
284. It's busy everywhere!
Copy !req
285. What about Sora-san's?
Copy !req
286. But we already called there...
Copy !req
287. Hello?
Copy !req
288. Hello-hello-hello-hello-hello...
Copy !req
289. N-Not good...
Copy !req
290. What's going on?
Copy !req
291. He entered the phone switch server and is jamming the lines.
Copy !req
292. He's trying to bring the system down.
Copy !req
293. This is bad...
Copy !req
294. If the phones don't work, we can't contact the others and the internet will also...
Copy !req
295. It disconnected...
Copy !req
296. Now for some breaking news...
Copy !req
297. Currently in Tokyo, the phone system is experiencing difficulties.
Copy !req
298. Lots of things are happening today...
Copy !req
299. Oh? Koshiro-kun, you're leaving already?
Copy !req
300. I'll be back soon!
Copy !req
301. According to NTT, this is due to heavy phone traffic,
Copy !req
302. Mom...
Copy !req
303. What's wrong, Taichi?
Copy !req
304. It's all over...
Copy !req
305. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
306. and some areas have stopped working due to the call volume.
Copy !req
307. Currently, technicians are working to restore the downed switches,
Copy !req
308. and are urging consumers to to refrain from using the phone or cell phone services.
Copy !req
309. That feels good...
Copy !req
310. That Taichi... what did he want?
Copy !req
311. However, if there is a necessity to get in touch with somebody,
Copy !req
312. we recommend using the emergency voice mail system by dialing 171.
Copy !req
313. With the emergency voice mail system, your message will be stored even when the system is down or busy.
Copy !req
314. It was created in 1995...
Copy !req
315. Th... that's it!
Copy !req
316. This is the emergency voice mail system.
Copy !req
317. To record a message, press one.
Copy !req
318. Hello? Yamato?
Copy !req
319. When you hear this, give me a reply. It's important!
Copy !req
320. Jou, when you hear this, give me a reply.
Copy !req
321. Hikari? I told you to come home!
Copy !req
322. Sora, I'll apologize for the other day.
Copy !req
323. So, when you hear this, give me a reply!
Copy !req
324. Taichi, you jerk.
Copy !req
325. Mimi-chan, when you hear this, please give me a call.
Copy !req
326. Oh, I forgot...
Copy !req
327. What?
Copy !req
328. We got a postcard from Mimi-chan.
Copy !req
329. Mimi-chan? Wh-where is she?
Copy !req
330. Hawaii...
Copy !req
331. Hawaii is so nice!
Copy !req
332. Oh, welcome.
Copy !req
333. Thank you.
Copy !req
334. What's wrong, Taichi-san?
Copy !req
335. Hawaii, huh?
Copy !req
336. We're totally done for.
Copy !req
337. It's getting tough to gather everyone, huh?
Copy !req
338. By the way, where did you go?
Copy !req
339. This is a satellite cell phone.
Copy !req
340. Satellite?
Copy !req
341. With this, we don't have to go through an NTT switch,
Copy !req
342. and we can connect directly to a foreign access point.
Copy !req
343. So if we use it to call Yamato and the others...
Copy !req
344. That's not possible.
Copy !req
345. Local calls still go through the switches.
Copy !req
346. What the hell, man...
Copy !req
347. Why don't we check if there are any messages in the 171 system?
Copy !req
348. Right, I forgot.
Copy !req
349. Playing back message.
Copy !req
350. Hello? This is Yamato.
Copy !req
351. What was so urgent?
Copy !req
352. All right!
Copy !req
353. I knew we could count on them.
Copy !req
354. Do you two have your Digivices?
Copy !req
355. Koshiro?
Copy !req
356. We have them.
Copy !req
357. Hey, what's going on?
Copy !req
358. Get to a PC, quickly.
Copy !req
359. A new type of Digimon showed up in the net.
Copy !req
360. We need you to help us fight him again!
Copy !req
361. That's bad...
Copy !req
362. Well... we have our Digivices, but this is Grandma's house, so we don't have a PC...
Copy !req
363. There may not be any around... this is Shimane after all.
Copy !req
364. We're totally done for!
Copy !req
365. Please! Try to find a PC somehow!
Copy !req
366. There has to be a PC somewhere in Shimane!
Copy !req
367. Hurry, Takeru!
Copy !req
368. Okay, it connected!
Copy !req
369. Good job, satellite cell phone!
Copy !req
370. Huh? He's not there.
Copy !req
371. Did he get out of the NTT?
Copy !req
372. Hey...
Copy !req
373. Found him!
Copy !req
374. Not here! Not here! Boo!
Copy !req
375. Not here! Not here! Boo!
Copy !req
376. He's... in America!
Copy !req
377. America?
Copy !req
378. A PC?
Copy !req
379. I have one but it's broken right now.
Copy !req
380. A PC? We don't have anything like that!
Copy !req
381. A P what...?
Copy !req
382. A P what?
Copy !req
383. There's no way we're gonna find a PC in Shimane!
Copy !req
384. There!
Copy !req
385. Sorry, but that computer isn't hooked up to the internet.
Copy !req
386. C'mon, just let them use it.
Copy !req
387. Sho-chan, don't you have deliveries to do?
Copy !req
388. I feel sorry for them.
Copy !req
389. But it's not hooked up to the internet!
Copy !req
390. Then hook it up!
Copy !req
391. Sho-chan, you...
Copy !req
392. Hey, hey, you two!
Copy !req
393. Where are we going?
Copy !req
394. Leave it to me!
Copy !req
395. Stupid thing... he's having fun!
Copy !req
396. Even at Perfect level, he's still a newborn.
Copy !req
397. Who knows what it would do?
Copy !req
398. Can't anyone stop him somehow?
Copy !req
399. There will be adults who will realize they're not dealing with an ordinary computer issue.
Copy !req
400. But they'd have no idea that a Digimon is causing it.
Copy !req
401. So... what do we do?
Copy !req
402. All we can do is let Agumon and the rest fight him...
Copy !req
403. But even then...
Copy !req
404. Yamato!
Copy !req
405. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Copy !req
406. We've got our Digivices!
Copy !req
407. I see... that's good.
Copy !req
408. So you found a PC?
Copy !req
409. Yeah, well...
Copy !req
410. Can we really let those kids use it?
Copy !req
411. Stop complaining and let them use it!
Copy !req
412. They're Kinu-san's grandkids.
Copy !req
413. Life in Tokyo sure is different.
Copy !req
414. Hey! What's wrong, Yamato?
Copy !req
415. Hey!
Copy !req
416. N-No... it's nothing.
Copy !req
417. I was worried for a while there.
Copy !req
418. Taichi-san, can I have your Oolong tea?
Copy !req
419. Aren't you drinking too much?
Copy !req
420. Aren't the others connected yet?
Copy !req
421. If not, it's up to us two to fight him again.
Copy !req
422. Yeah, but...
Copy !req
423. Agumon! Tentomon!
Copy !req
424. Gabumon and Patamon!
Copy !req
425. We're here too!
Copy !req
426. Sorry we're late!
Copy !req
427. We're counting on you, Gabumon!
Copy !req
428. Good luck, Patamon!
Copy !req
429. I'll guide you to him, guys.
Copy !req
430. OK!
Copy !req
431. This time we will beat him!
Copy !req
432. He's messing with us...
Copy !req
433. Yamato, here we go!
Copy !req
434. Straight to Ultimate!
Copy !req
435. Agumon, warp-evolve!
Copy !req
436. Gabumon, warp-evolve!
Copy !req
437. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
438. MetalGarurumon!
Copy !req
439. Nice!
Copy !req
440. Patamon, you evolve too!
Copy !req
441. Patamon, evolve!
Copy !req
442. He evolved!
Copy !req
443. He's fast!
Copy !req
444. Patamon!
Copy !req
445. Patamon!
Copy !req
446. Patamon! Are you okay!
Copy !req
447. Tentomon!
Copy !req
448. I'm okay... but Patamon...
Copy !req
449. Patamon! I'll be right there!
Copy !req
450. Patamon!
Copy !req
451. Patamon! Patamon!
Copy !req
452. How dare you...
Copy !req
453. How dare you do that to Patamon!
Copy !req
454. You're gonna pay!
Copy !req
455. Tentomon, take care of Patamon!
Copy !req
456. WarGreymon, keep attacking!
Copy !req
457. T-Taichi-san...
Copy !req
458. Good, keep going!
Copy !req
459. Ta... Taichi-san...
Copy !req
460. There! Go!
Copy !req
461. All right!
Copy !req
462. Taichi-san!
Copy !req
463. What?
Copy !req
464. I can't hold it...
Copy !req
465. Hold what?
Copy !req
466. I have to go to the toilet...
Copy !req
467. Hey... why now, of all times?
Copy !req
468. Hey!
Copy !req
469. Okay, finish him off!
Copy !req
470. Please hit!
Copy !req
471. Damn it!
Copy !req
472. What's wrong, Taichi? WarGreymon stopped moving!
Copy !req
473. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
474. It's not working!
Copy !req
475. What have you done!
Copy !req
476. I didn't do anything!
Copy !req
477. It's your fault for going to the toilet at a time like this!
Copy !req
478. No good...
Copy !req
479. Why did you freeze the system?
Copy !req
480. I didn't do it on purpose!
Copy !req
481. This is why you and Sora-san get into fights!
Copy !req
482. I just...
Copy !req
483. I only... got her a present.
Copy !req
484. A present?
Copy !req
485. It was her birthday, so I gave her a hairclip.
Copy !req
486. But then she goes "So this hat doesn't suit me?"... and we got into a fight.
Copy !req
487. Just that...
Copy !req
488. But I apologized!
Copy !req
489. It's back to normal!
Copy !req
490. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
491. Taichi! Koshiro!
Copy !req
492. What were you doing, you morons!
Copy !req
493. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
494. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
495. Ta... Taichi...
Copy !req
496. If I...
Copy !req
497. If I had been there, this wouldn't have...
Copy !req
498. "You lost again?"
Copy !req
499. What?
Copy !req
500. That was from Canberra.
Copy !req
501. "You almost won, what were you doing?"
Copy !req
502. That's from Berlin—
Copy !req
503. What's wrong with you, jackass?
Copy !req
504. I was just reading the mails that came in!
Copy !req
505. Koshiro, you...
Copy !req
506. Cut it out! This is no time for fights!
Copy !req
507. Stupid mail!
Copy !req
508. "Who has the clock?"
Copy !req
509. Clock...?
Copy !req
510. He's copying himself...
Copy !req
511. These numbers...
Copy !req
512. Now what?
Copy !req
513. A middle school student in Taiwan who hacked into the Pentagon just told me...
Copy !req
514. 30 minutes ago, a nuclear missile was launched from an American military base.
Copy !req
515. There was a bug in the launch computer...
Copy !req
516. Of course, it's all his doing!
Copy !req
517. Then, this number is...
Copy !req
518. Probably, the time remaining until the missile hits the target.
Copy !req
519. Y-You're kidding me, right?
Copy !req
520. There's one missile, codename Peace Keeper.
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521. Range of 20,000 kilometers, that's pretty much the entire Earth.
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522. Max speed of 15,000 miles per hour.
Copy !req
523. Um, what's that in kilometers?
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524. Parentheses, Mach 23.
Copy !req
525. T... twenty three...
Copy !req
526. But we don't know what the target is, or where the missile is now.
Copy !req
527. It's just going to explode somewhere in the world...
Copy !req
528. In nine minutes.
Copy !req
529. It's getting cloudy.
Copy !req
530. You're right. I should go bring in the laundry right away.
Copy !req
531. Right away.
Copy !req
532. Would you bring this to Kinu-san? Tell her it's from Yasuko.
Copy !req
533. Are you listening?
Copy !req
534. A mail from Indonesia.
Copy !req
535. "Please defeat the enemy."
Copy !req
536. This one is from Armenia.
Copy !req
537. "You're the only ones who can defeat that monster."
Copy !req
538. From Qatar: "Please do your best."
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539. "Do your best..."
Copy !req
540. But we can't defeat all of them!
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541. The missile won't explode as long as the fuse doesn't activate.
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542. If this is a game, only one of them will have the clock.
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543. If we defeat that one, the fuse shouldn't activate.
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544. But how are we going to find that one?
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545. Well... all we can do is defeat them one by one.
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546. That would take too long!
Copy !req
547. But it's the only way.
Copy !req
548. Taichi...
Copy !req
549. Taichi...
Copy !req
550. Taichi!
Copy !req
551. Taichi, be strong, and leave it to us.
Copy !req
552. WarGreymon...
Copy !req
553. Do you know where he is?
Copy !req
554. MetalGarurumon...
Copy !req
555. Everyone...
Copy !req
556. I'll send you the address now!
Copy !req
557. Please.
Copy !req
558. Right... it's the only way...
Copy !req
559. Sorry.
Copy !req
560. It's fine.
Copy !req
561. Seven minutes left.
Copy !req
562. Oh no!
Copy !req
563. So much mail...
Copy !req
564. "Good luck, WarGreymon," from Costa Rica.
Copy !req
565. "Don't lose, MetalGarurumon," from the Philippines.
Copy !req
566. They keep coming in!
Copy !req
567. Big brother... don't give up.
Copy !req
568. I won't give up... not until it's over.
Copy !req
569. There's no way... I'm giving up.
Copy !req
570. How many are there?
Copy !req
571. 4,000... 8,000...
Copy !req
572. He copied himself again! 16,000...
Copy !req
573. He keeps copying himself!
Copy !req
574. MetalGarurumon!
Copy !req
575. Their movement's weird!
Copy !req
576. It's because of the mail from all over the world!
Copy !req
577. It's slowing down our processing speed!
Copy !req
578. They're getting hit really bad!
Copy !req
579. Everyone around the world, WarGreymon and
MetalGarurumon's response time is increasing!
Copy !req
580. Stop sending mails, please!
Copy !req
581. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
582. Koshiro-kun, will you have lunch with us?
Copy !req
583. No good... the mails won't stopping...
Copy !req
584. Less than five minutes left... now what?
Copy !req
585. Looks like I'm in the way...
Copy !req
586. Huh? Where did Taichi go?
Copy !req
587. WarGreymon!
Copy !req
588. Metal...
Copy !req
589. MetalGarurumon!
Copy !req
590. It's me, Yamato. Can you hear me?
Copy !req
591. Open your eyes!
Copy !req
592. Yamato...
Copy !req
593. I'm here! I'm here too!
Copy !req
594. To fight together!
Copy !req
595. I... I won't let you fight alone.
Copy !req
596. I'll be here with you.
Copy !req
597. I'm with you, WarGreymon!
Copy !req
598. Hey, where'd your brother go?
Copy !req
599. Here...
Copy !req
600. WarGreymon and...
Copy !req
601. MetalGarurumon...
Copy !req
602. combined!
Copy !req
603. Amazing!
Copy !req
604. Th-There he is! That's the final one!
Copy !req
605. The one with the clock!
Copy !req
606. Can't find him!
Copy !req
607. We have one minute!
Copy !req
608. One minute left!
Copy !req
609. One minute left.
Copy !req
610. Big brother!
Copy !req
611. Hurry up and find him! There's no time left!
Copy !req
612. Big brother! Hurry!
Copy !req
613. He's got too much speed...
Copy !req
614. Even if we have more power, our response time's hampering us.
Copy !req
615. What can we do?
Copy !req
616. 30 seconds left!
Copy !req
617. That's it... I can redirect them!
Copy !req
618. If I redirect all this mail to his address...!
Copy !req
619. Go!
Copy !req
620. Ten seconds left!
Copy !req
621. Nine!
Copy !req
622. Eight!
Copy !req
623. Seven!
Copy !req
624. Six!
Copy !req
625. Five!
Copy !req
626. Four!
Copy !req
627. Three!
Copy !req
628. Two!
Copy !req
629. One!
Copy !req
630. It's ruined...
Copy !req
631. That's weird, it's all computer-controlled...
Copy !req
632. We didn't make it...
Copy !req
633. To Sora:
Copy !req
634. Sorry about the
Copy !req
635. other day.
Copy !req
636. Don't be mad.
Copy !req
637. Taichi, you dummy...
Copy !req
638. We... we... we...
Copy !req
639. We made it...
Copy !req
640. gokigen na chou ni natte kirameku kaze ni notte
Copy !req
641. ima sugu kimi ni ai ni yukou
Copy !req
642. yokei na koto nante wasureta hou ga mashi sa
Copy !req
643. kore ijou shareteru jikan wa nai
Copy !req
644. nani ga wow wow wow wow wow kono sora ni todoku no darou
Copy !req
645. dakedo wow wow wow wow wow
Copy !req
646. ashita no yotei mo wakaranai
Copy !req
647. mugendai na yume no ato no nanimo nai yo no naka ja
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648. sou sa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni naru kedo
Copy !req
649. stay shigachi na image darake no tayorinai tsubasa demo
Copy !req
650. kitto toberu sa on my love
Copy !req
651. I'll become a happy butterfly, and ride on the sparkling wind
Copy !req
652. I'm going to meet you right now
Copy !req
653. It's best to forget about things that don't matter
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654. There's no time to be fooling around
Copy !req
655. I wonder wow wow wow wow wow, if we'll reach the sky
Copy !req
656. Yet... wow wow wow wow wow
Copy !req
657. I don't even know my plans for tomorrow
Copy !req
658. After an infinite dream in an empty world
Copy !req
659. I feel like our precious memories will disappear
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660. But even with those insecure wings full of images that tend to stay
Copy !req
661. I'm sure we can fly, on my love
Copy !req
662. hirogaru sora nagame hotto hitoiki tsuita
Copy !req
663. time capsule ni wa omoide tsumekonda yo
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664. papa to mama ni wa himitsu ni shite dekakeyou
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665. boku ni wa minna no chikara ga tsuiteru
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666. yukou mirai no boukensha
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667. sagasou tsutsumu hikari-tachi o
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668. ashita ni wa ikutsumo no yume ga matte iru no sa
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669. ima yori mo tsuyoku nareru yo ne bokura wa kitto
Copy !req
670. I take a deep breath under the view of the spreading sky
Copy !req
671. Wrapping my memories in a time capsule
Copy !req
672. Let's go out without telling Mom and Dad
Copy !req
673. I have everybody's strength with me
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674. Let's go! Future adventurers
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675. Searching for the light enveloping us!
Copy !req
676. Many dreams await us tomorrow
Copy !req
677. And that way I know we'll become stronger
Copy !req
678. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
679. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
680. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
681. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
682. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
683. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
684. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
685. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
686. Taichi, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
687. Thanks for
Copy !req
688. Thanks for
Copy !req
689. Thanks for
Copy !req
690. Thanks for
Copy !req
691. Thanks for
Copy !req
692. the present.
Copy !req
693. the present.
Copy !req
694. the present.
Copy !req
695. the present.
Copy !req
696. the present.
Copy !req
697. the present.
Copy !req
698. Sora
Copy !req
699. nigetari akirameru koto wa daremo
Copy !req
700. isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou
Copy !req
701. kimi ni shika dekinai koto ga aru
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702. aoi hoshi ni hikari ga nakusenu you ni
Copy !req
703. hashire! kaze yori hayaku
Copy !req
704. mezase! sora yori tooku
Copy !req
705. atarashii jibun ni aeru sa
Copy !req
706. shiranai yuuki ga nemuru heart ni ki ga tsuitara
Copy !req
707. mune no naka no doshaburi mo kitto yamu kara
Copy !req
708. Show me your brave heart
Copy !req
709. Given time, anyone can give up and run
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710. So just keep on walking instead
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711. There's something only you can do
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712. so the light of this blue Earth doesn't fade away
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713. Run faster than the wind
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714. Aim beyond the sky
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715. You can meet a new "you"
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716. Once you notice the unknown courage sleeping in your heart
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717. the downpour in your heart's sure to stop
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