1. You know how Mother hates it
when we're late.
We should have left earlier.
Copy !req
2. It's the same damn thing
every year. It's always,
"Where are my blue shoes, dear?"
Copy !req
3. Or, "Dad, I can't find
my Marilyn Bronson's CD."
Copy !req
4. Marilyn Manson!
Copy !req
5. Whatever her name is.
Ah, she's a guy, Dad.
Copy !req
6. Marilyn? A guy?
Copy !req
7. Oh, what's the world
coming to?
Copy !req
8. Oh, boy!
You all right, darling?
Copy !req
9. Yeah.
Copy !req
10. Dad! Dad!
Copy !req
11. Oh, God!
Copy !req
12. My God, what happened?
Are we there yet?
Copy !req
13. Is anybody hurt?
Marion, are you okay?
Copy !req
14. Are you crazy?
You almost killed us!
Copy !req
15. I'm sorry.
I must've dozed off.
Copy !req
16. I hope you slept well.
Maybe I should whip you up
some breakfast.
Copy !req
17. Nobody's hurt.
Get off my back, all right?
Copy !req
18. For Pete's sakes, why don't
you let someone else drive?
Don't worry.
Copy !req
19. That woke me up.
Oh, the pie is probably ruined.
Copy !req
20. Oh, Jesus.
What is that?
Copy !req
21. It's pumpkin and chocolate.
Smells like ass.
Copy !req
22. I better go out
and check the car.
Copy !req
23. The son of a bitch
didn't even stop!
Copy !req
24. Where are we?
Copy !req
25. We're on the road!
What does it look like?
Copy !req
26. What happened
to the interstate?
Copy !req
27. I thought we could take
the back way for a change.
Copy !req
28. What's wrong
with the interstate?
Copy !req
29. We've taken it
for years!
I was bored.
Copy !req
30. And I didn't wanna...
fall asleep.
Copy !req
31. Well, that seemed to work.
Copy !req
32. All right!
It's not funny.
Copy !req
33. The car looks okay.
No damage.
Copy !req
34. Do you want me
to take the wheel, Dad?
No, thank you, dear.
Copy !req
35. I'm growing attached
to this car.
Here we go again.
Copy !req
36. Did you or did you not put
the Mercedes in the junkyard?
It wasn't my fault.
Copy !req
37. I'm just teasing you,
Copy !req
38. There certainly aren't
very many people on this road.
Copy !req
39. It's Christmas Eve, darling.
Most people are at home
with their families.
Copy !req
40. I'm starving!
Me too.
Copy !req
41. I hope your mother
doesn't get experimental
with that turkey again.
Copy !req
42. Can we drop the subject?
I don't feel very good.
You okay, honey-bunny?
Copy !req
43. Want us to stop?
Copy !req
44. Long car rides
make me queasy.
Copy !req
45. All this talk of food
isn't helping any.
Copy !req
46. Hey, honey-bunny,
how 'bout a couple of boogers?
Copy !req
47. Shut up, Richard!
Copy !req
48. Or some macaroni
and dick-cheese.
Copy !req
49. Richard, that's disgusting!
But, Mom.
Copy !req
50. There really is a cheese
called dick-cheese.
The Chinese make it.
Copy !req
51. You've had dick-cheese before,
right, Brad?
Copy !req
52. Grow up, Richard.
Copy !req
53. It's 7:30 already, darling.
Copy !req
54. I'm aware of that, Laura.
I thought we'd come
to a junction by now.
Copy !req
55. Jesus, Laura, do you have
to suck on it like that?
Copy !req
56. That's the way I drink.
Copy !req
57. All right, you guys!
Calm down. Take it easy.
Marion's right.
Copy !req
58. When I played baseball,
they taught us this technique
to help us relax.
Copy !req
59. I still use it sometimes.
Copy !req
60. You breathe in deeply
through your nose,
Copy !req
61. and you breathe out
deeply through your mouth.
Copy !req
62. Thank you, Brad.
Copy !req
63. Yeah, thanks, Brad.
Can I ask you a question
Copy !req
64. Sure.
Copy !req
65. Was your entire school gay or
was it just the baseball team?
Copy !req
66. Richard!
Copy !req
67. No, no, Richard,
Copy !req
68. it's a technique we use
to help us get into
what we call "the zone."
Copy !req
69. The homo zone?
Copy !req
70. This is such a beautiful night.
Copy !req
71. Does anybody know the name
of that...
Copy !req
72. really, really bright star
that's right in front of us?
Copy !req
73. God's sake, Laura,
there's 150 billion stars
up there!
Copy !req
74. Um— Well, that one I know.
That bright one
is the North Star.
Copy !req
75. It's the only one I know.
Thank you.
Copy !req
76. Let's sing a song, everybody.
Copy !req
77. We always do that one.
Copy !req
78. Hey, Brad,
how about "Y.M.C.A."?
Copy !req
79. We're not doing "Y.M.C.A."
It's Christmas, so how about...
Copy !req
80. "Jingle Bells"?
Copy !req
81. Come on, come on.
♪ Jingle
Copy !req
82. Ha-ha-ha-ha!
You like that part.
Copy !req
83. Why did you stop?
Copy !req
84. A woman.
I saw a woman in the forest.
Copy !req
85. Cool! Dad's trippin' out.
Copy !req
86. Are you sure, Dad?
Copy !req
87. Dressed in white.
She was holding something.
Copy !req
88. Fuck!
Copy !req
89. Hi there.
We're a little lost.
Copy !req
90. You wouldn't happen to know
the quickest way back
to the highway, would you?
Copy !req
91. Are you all right?
Copy !req
92. Did you have an accident
or something?
Copy !req
93. Anybody got a cell phone?
Copy !req
94. No signal.
Copy !req
95. Okay. We just passed a cabin.
Maybe there's a phone.
Copy !req
96. Richard, be a gentleman,
and make room for her.
Copy !req
97. Why don't you let Brad
be the gentleman?
What's your problem, man?
Copy !req
98. Hey, relax, buddy.
Copy !req
99. Just breathe in slowly
through your nose, and out
deeply through your ass.
Copy !req
100. I'll walk. I could use
the fresh air anyway.
Copy !req
101. Marion, you are not walking
anyplace by yourself!
Copy !req
102. I wanna be alone.
Copy !req
103. Let me tell you something,
smart guy.
Copy !req
104. You keep busting my balls
and I'll take you out
of the game for good.
Copy !req
105. You understand me?
Oh, yes, sir!
Copy !req
106. We'll meet you down there
in a minute. Okay, honey? Okay.
Copy !req
107. All right.
Copy !req
108. Okay, we'll see
you there, honey.
Copy !req
109. Ah, shit.
Copy !req
110. Would you like
a nice hot cup of coffee?
Copy !req
111. I think she's in shock.
We should've asked Marion
what to do.
Copy !req
112. Honey, we don't need a shrink.
We'll call 911.
Copy !req
113. They'll know how
to handle it.
Copy !req
114. Damn! Fucking stinks
in here.
Copy !req
115. It's the baby,
Copy !req
116. jackass.
Copy !req
117. Where are you going,
Away from you guys.
Copy !req
118. Teenagers.
Copy !req
119. What's your name?
Copy !req
120. Where do you live?
Copy !req
121. She's not gonna be
much help.
Copy !req
122. Hello, Miss July.
Copy !req
123. Does anybody live here?
Copy !req
124. Maybe it's one
of those old
forest rangers' stations.
Copy !req
125. Oh.
Copy !req
126. Jesus, Laura.
You scared the shit outta me!
I'm sorry!
Copy !req
127. They have some...
very interesting wall hangings,
these forest rangers.
Copy !req
128. So, what's his name?
Copy !req
129. Do it, baby. Yeah.
Copy !req
130. You got a ring.
You married?
Copy !req
131. Ah, Marion and I
are gettin' married.
Copy !req
132. Actually, uh,
Copy !req
133. don't say anything,
Copy !req
134. but I'm proposing to her
tonight at her grandmother's.
Copy !req
135. Remember
when you said...
Copy !req
136. you would kill yourself
if I ever left you?
Copy !req
137. I hope that was just
a figure of speech, 'cause—
Copy !req
138. Brad, we've had some
great times together, but...
Copy !req
139. I think we need to go on
with our lives separately.
Copy !req
140. Shit.
Copy !req
141. Damn!
Was there no dial tone?
Copy !req
142. No, Laura, I just forgot
the number for 911.
Copy !req
143. It's Amy.
Copy !req
144. Hmm?
Copy !req
145. My little girl.
Her name is Amy.
Copy !req
146. Oh.
Copy !req
147. She's so cold!
Copy !req
148. I'm not surprised.
It's freezing in here.
Copy !req
149. Here, you hold her.
Copy !req
150. No, no. I'm—
Copy !req
151. I'm not really
a baby kind of guy.
Copy !req
152. How does she breathe with all
this blanket on her face?
Copy !req
153. Don't worry.
Copy !req
154. She's dead.
Copy !req
155. Huh, that's a good one.
Copy !req
156. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
157. Ah, ah, shit!
Copy !req
158. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
159. - Richard?
- Yeah, I'm here!
Copy !req
160. Get over here!
Copy !req
161. Where's Brad
and the lady?
Copy !req
162. Are you okay?
I'm fine.
What the hell's going on?
Copy !req
163. Brad?
Hey, dickhead?
Copy !req
164. Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Copy !req
165. Dad!
Copy !req
166. They got Brad!
What are you talking about?
Copy !req
167. I saw Brad in a car!
We've gotta go!
What car?
Copy !req
168. Frank, slow down.
You are gonna kill us all.
Copy !req
169. You saw a car driving by,
and Brad was in the back?
Copy !req
170. Yes.
I don't get that.
Copy !req
171. I'm telling you. I saw him.
They were hurting him.
You have to stop them!
Copy !req
172. Okay! Where in the hell
did they go?
Copy !req
173. Maybe they took a side road.
Did you see one? Me, neither.
Copy !req
174. At least you're not driving
ike a total pussy—
Shut up, asshole!
Copy !req
175. What's goin' on?
Why did you stop?
Copy !req
176. Give me the flashlight,
Copy !req
177. Where is he going?
Copy !req
178. Why did he stop?
Copy !req
179. Just a minute.
Copy !req
180. Stay back. Stay back!
Copy !req
181. Don't come over here
for God's sake!
Copy !req
182. Fuck me.
Copy !req
183. Richard, get your sister
back in the car now.
Copy !req
184. Oh, baby.
You have her?
Copy !req
185. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
186. What is he doing?
Copy !req
187. He's trying to get
Brad's phone.
Copy !req
188. With a stick?
Copy !req
189. You got a better idea?
Copy !req
190. I can't believe
I'm gonna do this.
Copy !req
191. Look out.
Copy !req
192. Oh, God!
Copy !req
193. Good boy, Richard.
Copy !req
194. Give it to me.
Copy !req
195. And drop that thing.
It's dirty.
Copy !req
196. Okay, okay.
You got a signal? Huh?
Copy !req
197. Okay, thank God. Now we can
call the police, and they'll
tell us what to do.
Copy !req
198. Now! Now.
Copy !req
199. Please, somebody help me.
Copy !req
200. Please!
Copy !req
201. I can't feel my legs.
Copy !req
202. I can't feel my legs!
Copy !req
203. Help me!
My baby's bleeding!
Copy !req
204. Who is this?
She won't wake up!
Copy !req
205. Anybody, please help us!
Copy !req
206. Somebody, please—
Copy !req
207. Oh, Jesus!
Um, Frank?
Copy !req
208. We gotta get out of here.
Did you get
the police?
Copy !req
209. The phone,
it was broken.
Oh, shit!
Copy !req
210. Please, let's go.
Copy !req
211. We can't leave him here
like this.
Oh, God.
Copy !req
212. Richard, drag his body
off to the side of the road.
Copy !req
213. Jesus, what do I look like?
Your fucking janitor?
Copy !req
214. Oh, thank God.
Copy !req
215. Oh, Marion, oh.
Copy !req
216. Are you all right?
Copy !req
217. You're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
218. Marion? Marion?
Copy !req
219. Marion?
Wake up.
Copy !req
220. Huh? Wake up.
Copy !req
221. Come on, wake up,
wake up, wake up!
Copy !req
222. Laura, Laura, stop it!
Copy !req
223. Stop it. Can't you see
she's in shock?
Copy !req
224. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
225. Dad, that guy,
Copy !req
226. whoever did that—
Copy !req
227. He must've used an axe
or a chain saw or something.
Copy !req
228. That was the work
of one sick psycho.
Let's get the hell outta here.
Copy !req
229. What about that woman?
Maybe she got away.
Copy !req
230. Yeah, or maybe
the psycho got her.
Copy !req
231. So, you want
to go after him?
Copy !req
232. Richard, get in.
We're going to the police.
Copy !req
233. Why don't we go back
to the interstate?
Copy !req
234. Honey, your mother lives
by the sheriff's.
Copy !req
235. We'll be there
in 15 minutes.
Copy !req
236. Marcott?
Never heard of it.
Richard, check the map.
Copy !req
237. Marcott.
Copy !req
238. Give me a second.
Copy !req
239. There's, there's no Marcott
on this map.
Copy !req
240. Just give it to me.
Copy !req
241. Marcott.
Copy !req
242. I don't see it either.
Copy !req
243. Oh, really? Maybe
that's because it's not there.
Copy !req
244. Laura, give me the local map.
I didn't bring it.
Copy !req
245. You didn't bring it?
We never needed it before.
Copy !req
246. I asked you to.
I had a lot of things
to take care of. The presents—
Copy !req
247. Who gives a fuck
about the presents now?
Would you watch your language?
Copy !req
248. I am sorry, Frank.
Copy !req
249. But how was I supposed
to know you were going to take
a shortcut out of the blue?
Copy !req
250. How was I supposed to know
you were going to forget
the fucking map?
Copy !req
251. We've been coming here
for 20 years, and you have
never taken a shortcut.
Copy !req
252. Next time, I'm just gonna bring
a globe in case you suddenly
feel like driving to Mother's...
Copy !req
253. by way of the North Pole!
Copy !req
254. Is there any coffee left?
Copy !req
255. There's a little.
Copy !req
256. Okay, pour me some.
Copy !req
257. Let's go to Marcott then.
Copy !req
258. Okay, uh, is anybody else
just like the least bit
freaked out...
Copy !req
259. that we are the only car
on the road right now?
Copy !req
260. Well, it is Christmas Eve.
Copy !req
261. Yeah. Okay. How long
have we been driving?
Copy !req
262. Um, it's 7:30.
Copy !req
263. You said it was 7:30
when we took that lady
into the car.
Copy !req
264. That damn thing's broken.
All right,
who's got a watch?
Copy !req
265. I have a watch.
Oh, it's stopped at 7:30.
Copy !req
266. Come on. Don't you guys think
this is just a little wacked?
Copy !req
267. I mean—
Copy !req
268. Look, I know you guys think
I'm, you know, retarded
or whatever,
Copy !req
269. but I have a theory and I want
you to hear me out, okay?
Copy !req
270. Brad is dead.
Copy !req
271. His body is mutilated,
and God only knows
how it got that way.
Copy !req
272. We're the only people out here,
and all the clocks have stopped
at 7:30.
Copy !req
273. This reeks of alien
activity, you guys!
Copy !req
274. Blow me.
Copy !req
275. Nothing.
Copy !req
276. Laura.
♪ Making spirits bright
Copy !req
277. Could you make her
stop that, please?
Let her. Maybe it will help.
Copy !req
278. I can't believe I fell asleep.
Copy !req
279. How long was I out?
I don't know.
Maybe 10 minutes.
Copy !req
280. Are we still on
that same road?
Copy !req
281. Still no Marcott?
Copy !req
282. No. No Marcott.
Copy !req
283. I don't understand.
Did we pass it?
Copy !req
284. No. I haven't seen anything.
No lights, no signs, no nothing.
Copy !req
285. Shit!
Copy !req
286. What is that?
It's a baby carriage.
Copy !req
287. I can see it's a baby carriage!
Copy !req
288. Okay, I'll get out,
and I'll go see.
No, don't.
Copy !req
289. Why?
Let's keep going.
I do not like this.
Copy !req
290. Richard, come back here!
Copy !req
291. Laura, stop yelling
in my ears.
Richard, come back here!
Copy !req
292. Oh, hey, little guy.
Copy !req
293. Richard, no!
Copy !req
294. You guys suck!
Copy !req
295. Son of a bitch!
I'm gonna kill that kid!
Copy !req
296. Whoo! Man, that was good.
What is the matter with you?
Copy !req
297. That was so not funny,
Copy !req
298. It's a baby carriage.
What are you guys so afraid of?
Copy !req
299. It's empty.
Yeah, no shit!
Copy !req
300. That is so not funny!
Copy !req
301. Nice job.
That was dumb!
Copy !req
302. What is it now?
Copy !req
303. I can't stop thinking
about Diane.
Copy !req
304. How are we gonna
tell her about Brad?
He was our responsibility.
Copy !req
305. I don't wanna worry
about that now!
Copy !req
306. I just wanna figure out
some goddamn way to get out
of here. All right?
Copy !req
307. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
308. Talk about
a merry fucking Christmas.
Copy !req
309. You are not gonna open that.
That's my
Uncle Herb's present.
Copy !req
310. Believe me, honey, I need this
a whole hell of a lot more
than Uncle Herb right now.
Copy !req
311. Ohhh!
Copy !req
312. Let's face it.
We're lost, Frank. This road
is not going to Mom's.
Copy !req
313. Let's turn around.
We should turn around, Frank.
Copy !req
314. We just passed a sign.
Marcott can't be too far.
Copy !req
315. Hey, Sis.
Copy !req
316. Mom and Dad are kinda going
off the deep end, huh?
Copy !req
317. They're, uh,
really losin' it.
Copy !req
318. This whole thing
is pretty fuckin' crazy.
Copy !req
319. Mare?
Copy !req
320. Mare!
Copy !req
321. Come on, you gotta
snap out of it, okay?
Copy !req
322. You have to.
We need you back here.
Copy !req
323. I, I need you.
Copy !req
324. Mom's always going on
about what a great fucking
shrink you are,
Copy !req
325. so, so you're the
only person that can figure
a way out of this.
Copy !req
326. Damn it, Marion!
Copy !req
327. You remember when
your hamster disappeared,
Copy !req
328. and I told you it
had been abducted by aliens?
Copy !req
329. Well, I lied. Okay?
Copy !req
330. It was me. Me and Kevin.
We stuck it in the microwave
and we fried it!
Copy !req
331. Marion!
Copy !req
332. Dad?
Copy !req
333. Dad, it's here again.
Copy !req
334. Richard, I am fed up
with your stupid jokes.
Copy !req
335. It wasn't me this time.
Copy !req
336. I swear.
we do not have time—
Copy !req
337. Jesus Christ! I'm telling you
the truth, you fucking assholes!
Copy !req
338. Frank, would you say something
for once?
Copy !req
339. Yeah. I think
we'd better get outta here.
Copy !req
340. Frank, we should've passed
a town or a, a gas station,
Copy !req
341. or a motel or a crossroads,
a junction or something by now!
Copy !req
342. I know. Just calm down.
Copy !req
343. It's probably one
of those closed roads
that forest rangers use.
Copy !req
344. God, I just feel like
we've been driving forever.
Copy !req
345. What is this forest?
Is this like the Amazon?
Copy !req
346. Last year I had to drive to
Lakewood to talk with a client,
and I went a roundabout way.
Copy !req
347. Yeah. Which you seem to do
from time to time.
Copy !req
348. I was driving and driving
till I had no choice but to go
back to the road I came from.
Copy !req
349. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
350. Some roads are designed by
engineers who aren't qualified
to build a birdhouse!
Copy !req
351. So?
So that's that.
Copy !req
352. That is that.
Copy !req
353. Lakewood.
Isn't that where Sally Schmidt
bought her cottage?
Copy !req
354. Yeah. I think so.
Copy !req
355. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
356. What was that?
Some kind of a radio talk show.
Copy !req
357. That was no talk show.
It was, uh, public radio
or something.
Copy !req
358. It was public radio?
All right.
Copy !req
359. No, don't! Damn it!
You just said
it was public radio!
Copy !req
360. I don't know what it was.
I don't want to know
what it was.
Copy !req
361. I just want to get to the police
before anything else goes wrong.
Copy !req
362. And I thought last year's
Christmas was bad!
Copy !req
363. What was wrong with
last year's Christmas?
Let's see. Everything!
Copy !req
364. I thought last year was great!
We took the interstate.
Copy !req
365. I was talking about the
goddamn Christmas dinners.
Copy !req
366. What's wrong with my family's
Christmas dinners?
Your family.
Copy !req
367. Your mother felt you deserved
more than a used car salesman.
Copy !req
368. Now that salesman has become
a respected sales manager.
Copy !req
369. So I'm sorry, baby,
but screw your mother!
Copy !req
370. Well, anything else?
Copy !req
371. Your goddamn brother's
a freak, too!
Copy !req
372. He jerks off
to gun magazines!
That is disgusting!
Copy !req
373. That is disgusting,
and that's not fair!
Copy !req
374. Mikey has had
a lot of hard times.
Poor little Mikey.
Copy !req
375. Poor little Mikey. Why do I have
to suffer every time I talk
to the son of a bitch?
Copy !req
376. You are just so sensitive!
I know it's Christmas,
Copy !req
377. I know it's
the season of giving,
Copy !req
378. but I just don't give a shit
right now about any of that,
all right?
Copy !req
379. I just want to get off
this goddamn road!
Copy !req
380. Jesus Mother of fuck!
Oh, Frank!
Copy !req
381. It's okay, honey.
We just had a blowout.
Copy !req
382. Oh. Okay.
Copy !req
383. I'm pregnant.
Copy !req
384. Marion!
Copy !req
385. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
386. I smoke pot.
Copy !req
387. I'm gonna go change
the tire.
Copy !req
388. You handle that lug wrench
like a whore handles
a baby.
Copy !req
389. Fucking do it yourself then.
Hey, you watch your mouth,
goddamn it.
Copy !req
390. Do you want some help?
Copy !req
391. How's Marion doing?
She's pregnant.
Copy !req
392. How are you?
Oh, frankly, Laura, it's all
been a bit much for one night.
Copy !req
393. I'll say.
Copy !req
394. Where did Richard go?
He's probably out
smoking a joint.
Copy !req
395. That is not funny!
Our son is doing drugs!
Please, Laura.
Copy !req
396. Can't you see that this
is a cry for help?
Christ, Laura!
Copy !req
397. It's just a joint, all right?
Copy !req
398. It's not any worse than those
damn pills that you take.
My pills are legal!
Copy !req
399. Pregnant.
Copy !req
400. Whoa. Oh, man,
I hope it's a boy.
Copy !req
401. "What's up, little critter?
I'm your Uncle Dick.
Copy !req
402. "That means you better show me
some respect, huh?
Copy !req
403. Or I will fuck you up."
Copy !req
404. Okay.
Copy !req
405. You okay, honey-bunny?
Copy !req
406. Don't you ever
call me that again!
Copy !req
407. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
408. That's fine.
Copy !req
409. That's what Brad called me.
Copy !req
410. Yeah. Uncle Dick.
Right on.
Copy !req
411. Fuck!
Copy !req
412. Shh.
Copy !req
413. Shh.
Copy !req
414. I love you.
Copy !req
415. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
416. Okay. I'm done.
Let's go.
Copy !req
417. Richard, we're going!
Copy !req
418. It's the car.
Oh, my God!
Copy !req
419. Oh, no!
Copy !req
420. Laura, Laura!
Copy !req
421. Let's go back
and get the car!
Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
422. Dad! Dad!
Copy !req
423. Richard! Richard!
Richard! Richard!
Copy !req
424. Get in!
Laura, get in the car! Now!
Copy !req
425. Frank!
Get in! We'll get him!
Copy !req
426. Faster!
It doesn't go any faster.
Copy !req
427. Where is he?
I don't know.
I can't see him.
Copy !req
428. The son of a bitch
shut off his lights.
Copy !req
429. They're gonna kill him.
Yes, they are!
No! No, they won't!
Copy !req
430. Calm down, Mom!
He's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
431. I'll get him!
Copy !req
432. That was Richard!
Shut up!
Copy !req
433. Goddamn it!
That was Richard!
Copy !req
434. No!
Copy !req
435. Stop the car! Stop the car.
Copy !req
436. Ohh, my baby!
Copy !req
437. Oh, no! Hold me.
Copy !req
438. What did they do to you?
Copy !req
439. Come on. Come on, baby.
You can wake up.
Copy !req
440. Laura. Laura.
Copy !req
441. What?
Mom, please—
Copy !req
442. No! No. No.
Copy !req
443. This is one of his jokes,
isn't it?
Copy !req
444. You're just like your father.
You remember the time...
Copy !req
445. he took me to New Orleans—
We never went to New Orleans.
Copy !req
446. Of course not.
You're not his father.
Copy !req
447. What?
Copy !req
448. Richard is not your son.
My baby.
Copy !req
449. Mom, what are you
talking about?
Copy !req
450. She's out of her fucking mind.
Copy !req
451. I am not out of my mind.
Don't you remember Alan Rickson?
Copy !req
452. Laura.
What? What?
Copy !req
453. What'd you say?
Copy !req
454. You remember Alan Rickson?
My baby. I don't wanna go.
Copy !req
455. Come on.
I don't wanna go. Please
let me stay with him. Please.
Copy !req
456. Come on.
Copy !req
457. Oh, please.
Don't take me from him.
Copy !req
458. Oh, God! Please,
I don't wanna go.
Copy !req
459. Please, Frank.
Copy !req
460. What are we gonna do?
Copy !req
461. We gotta go to the police.
Copy !req
462. How are we gonna go
to the police?
Copy !req
463. We're in the middle of nowhere.
Copy !req
464. Come on, let's go.
We can't leave him.
Copy !req
465. No, we won't.
Copy !req
466. He was my son.
He goes with us.
Copy !req
467. What is it?
Copy !req
468. It's what Uncle Mike wanted
for Christmas.
Copy !req
469. Thank God for the gun freak.
Copy !req
470. Isn't Michael coming?
Copy !req
471. Michael?
Who the hell is Michael?
That's Richard.
Copy !req
472. But his real name is Michael
because that was what
Alan wanted to call him.
Copy !req
473. Richard is dead!
Copy !req
474. Okay.
Copy !req
475. Would you like some pie?
Copy !req
476. There's that sign again.
Copy !req
477. How far is this fucking town?
We've already been driving
for a hundred miles.
Copy !req
478. What a wonderful Christmas!
Copy !req
479. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
480. I wonder if I should save
some pie for Michael.
Copy !req
481. Do you think
she's gonna recover?
I don't know.
Copy !req
482. She's gonna have to face reality
sooner or later. God only knows
how she'll react then.
Copy !req
483. It can't be any worse.
Copy !req
484. It can be much worse.
Copy !req
485. Look, I finished the pie.
Copy !req
486. Could I have a pen, please?
What for?
Copy !req
487. Yeah, yeah.
I'm gonna do a drawing.
Copy !req
488. Good, good. Here, my pen.
Copy !req
489. You were so beautiful, Marion.
Copy !req
490. Jesus.
Copy !req
491. Let's hope there's
a hospital in Marcott.
Copy !req
492. What if...
we never reach Marcott?
Copy !req
493. What if she gets us first?
Copy !req
494. The lady in white.
Copy !req
495. That woman with the baby?
Copy !req
496. Yeah. I saw her in the woods
right after Richard disappeared.
You saw her?
Copy !req
497. Yeah. Then I remembered
this story my grandfather used
to tell me when I was a kid.
Copy !req
498. It used to creep me out
every time I heard it.
Copy !req
499. Look. I made a drawing of Brad.
Copy !req
500. This was his leg
that was hanging out.
It's for you.
Copy !req
501. Okay, Mom.
Here, wipe your face.
Copy !req
502. So, there was this couple.
Copy !req
503. They were driving home
from a wedding in Rhode Island.
Copy !req
504. It was night. It was raining.
Copy !req
505. And they saw a little girl
standing by the side
of the road.
Copy !req
506. She was just wandering
back and forth clutching
this schoolbook in her hands.
Copy !req
507. And they stopped.
And they let her get into
the backseat.
Copy !req
508. And they tried to talk to her,
but she must have been
in shock.
Copy !req
509. They were driving down the road
for a few miles.
Copy !req
510. All of a sudden
they heard this scream
coming from the backseat.
Copy !req
511. They slammed on the brakes.
They nearly had an accident.
Copy !req
512. Miraculously, they didn't
go over the cliff.
Copy !req
513. When they turned
to look in the backseat,
the little girl had vanished.
Copy !req
514. There was just
her schoolbook there...
Copy !req
515. with her name on it.
Copy !req
516. Barbara Rose.
Copy !req
517. Then they remembered.
Copy !req
518. The entire Rose family
had died...
Copy !req
519. in a tragic car accident
right at that cliff
five years earlier.
Copy !req
520. Oh, come on!
Dad, what are you saying?
That that woman is a ghost?
Copy !req
521. Look! We've got potato chips!
Copy !req
522. If I can get 'em open.
I didn't know we had 'em.
Copy !req
523. Do you want some?
Copy !req
524. Mom, don't eat 'em so fast.
You're gonna make yourself sick.
Copy !req
525. I am not.
Copy !req
526. Oh, God.
Copy !req
527. We better wake up from this
fucking nightmare pretty soon.
Copy !req
528. You feel better, Laura?
Copy !req
529. Dad, who's Alan Rickson?
Copy !req
530. I have no idea.
Copy !req
531. What was Mom talking about?
I never heard
of any Alan Rickson, okay?
Copy !req
532. She's in shock!
She's talking a whole lot
of nonsense.
Copy !req
533. Why would she do that?
You tell me.
Copy !req
534. Wow! Look what I found.
Oh, no!
Copy !req
535. Mom, put the gun down.
It's dangerous.
Copy !req
536. No, it's not. It's a toy!
It's like Michael used to have
when he was a little boy.
Copy !req
537. Laura!
I was just kidding!
Copy !req
538. Laura, that is a loaded gun.
Put it down.
Copy !req
539. You're just trying to scare me.
Copy !req
540. I don't wanna play
with you anymore.
Bang, bang! You're dead!
Copy !req
541. Okay, okay, sweetheart.
Copy !req
542. You win.
Copy !req
543. I'm dead.
Copy !req
544. Do something.
Like what?
Copy !req
545. You're the shrink.
Student shrink.
Copy !req
546. Marion!
Copy !req
547. Yes, darling?
We're gonna play
something else now.
Copy !req
548. Remember when we used
to play house?
Copy !req
549. Yeah.
Copy !req
550. I don't wanna play that anymore.
I wanna play what Michael
and I used to play.
Copy !req
551. Goddamn it, this is not a game!
Our son is dead!
Copy !req
552. No.
Copy !req
553. Richard is dead!
Copy !req
554. No!
Copy !req
555. Holy shit! The bitch
shot me in the leg!
Copy !req
556. Is he hurt?
Mom, go back to the car.
It's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
557. Is he gonna die too?
Copy !req
558. No. No. Nobody's gonna die
anymore, okay?
Copy !req
559. How's it look, Doc?
Copy !req
560. Messy.
Copy !req
561. Hold this. Hold this!
Copy !req
562. All right.
Copy !req
563. I have to get
the pellets out.
Copy !req
564. Light on the wound.
Copy !req
565. Have you
done this before?
Copy !req
566. This is my first time.
Copy !req
567. Light on the wound!
Copy !req
568. All right.
Copy !req
569. Okay. Brace yourself.
Brace yourself!
Copy !req
570. Oh, God!
Copy !req
571. That hurt more
than the shot!
Copy !req
572. Okay, lift your leg up.
Copy !req
573. All right, all right.
You should be all right now.
Copy !req
574. Okay.
Give me the keys.
I'll drive.
Copy !req
575. Hey! Easy
on the bottle there.
Copy !req
576. Oh! Oh. You know of
a better painkiller?
Copy !req
577. Driving isn't helping any.
It helps.
Copy !req
578. I don't understand it.
Copy !req
579. We should've passed
a side road by now.
Copy !req
580. Your grandma's place
is probably miles behind us.
Copy !req
581. That's it!
Copy !req
582. This must be
a military road.
You think so?
Copy !req
583. Yeah! That's why you
never see military trucks,
Copy !req
584. 'cause they're always
on roads like this:
Copy !req
585. Marcott must be
a military base. That's why
it's not even on the map!
Copy !req
586. I guess so.
Copy !req
587. Of course! That's it.
That's it!
Copy !req
588. Dad?
Copy !req
589. Dad!
Copy !req
590. It's okay, honey.
I'm here. I'm here.
Copy !req
591. Oh, God, I thought—
Copy !req
592. Ow, ow, baby.
Oh, your leg.
Copy !req
593. Are you okay?
it's not so bad.
Copy !req
594. I think we finally got
some good news.
Come here.
Copy !req
595. Look.
Copy !req
596. Earlier I showed your mother
the North Star.
Copy !req
597. It was on our right side.
It still is.
Copy !req
598. That means we've been heading
constantly west.
Copy !req
599. So, if we left the interstate
somewhere around here...
Copy !req
600. and we headed constantly west
on this road,
Copy !req
601. the road must go right
straight to the sea.
Copy !req
602. Marcott must be somewhere
on the coast.
Copy !req
603. It makes perfect sense.
It must be a naval base.
Copy !req
604. Okay, okay. So how long
until we get there?
Copy !req
605. Well, we have
about half a tank of gas.
Copy !req
606. That means we've covered
about 150 miles or so
on this damn road.
Copy !req
607. That would leave us about
another 40 or 50 miles
till we get to the coast.
Copy !req
608. We could reach Marcott
within an hour, tops.
Copy !req
609. You're a genius.
Copy !req
610. You know, I'm more than a little
concerned about your mother.
Copy !req
611. Mom?
You're awake?
Copy !req
612. Oh, yeah.
I slept like a log.
Copy !req
613. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
614. I feel... okay,
Copy !req
615. Now,
Copy !req
616. we have got
to stick together,
Copy !req
617. and we have got
to support each other
in our grief.
Copy !req
618. Would you like me
to drive, darling?
Copy !req
619. No.
Copy !req
620. We should
reach Marcott soon.
Oh, good.
Copy !req
621. You look not very well.
Copy !req
622. She's okay.
Oh, Frank.
Copy !req
623. You are a wonderful father.
Copy !req
624. A wonderful husband, too.
Copy !req
625. And I want you to know
that I understand
about you and Sally Schmidt.
Copy !req
626. W-What?
Copy !req
627. I know the whole thing.
I know how you two used to meet
at the Motel 6...
Copy !req
628. and hump each other raw
on your lunch break.
Copy !req
629. It's okay.
I completely understand.
Copy !req
630. I know I have never
been able to fulfill
your sexual fantasies.
Copy !req
631. And I want to promise you,
that as soon as we
get out of here,
Copy !req
632. you can do anything
you want to me, darling.
Copy !req
633. And I mean anything.
Copy !req
634. Anyway, the most
important thing...
Copy !req
635. is that the three of us
come out of this stronger.
Copy !req
636. What do you think?
Copy !req
637. Not much.
Copy !req
638. Good.
Copy !req
639. Now,
Copy !req
640. there's something that's been
bothering me since I woke up.
Copy !req
641. Who are these people
in the woods?
Copy !req
642. Honey, slow down.
They're waving.
Copy !req
643. Hi!
Copy !req
644. Oh, my goodness!
Why do they look so sad?
Copy !req
645. This is Christmas Eve.
Copy !req
646. They teach you what
to do in this situation?
Not to panic.
Copy !req
647. Frank, do you really have to
suck on that bottle like that?
Copy !req
648. Frank! It's, it's Jeannine!
Copy !req
649. Quick! Stop the car!
Who is Jeannine?
Copy !req
650. She's my friend!
Who died 20 years ago.
Copy !req
651. Yes, and, and what
exactly is your point?
Copy !req
652. She's dead.
Copy !req
653. So drop it!
Copy !req
654. Well, if the dead are alive,
maybe we should
check on Richard.
Copy !req
655. Are you crazy?
You think he's comfortable
stuffed in the back?
Copy !req
656. Mom, if he was alive,
don't you think
we would hear him?
Copy !req
657. Your brother was burned alive.
How could he talk?
Copy !req
658. Shut up, Laura!
Easy, Dad.
Copy !req
659. Okay.
She's driving me crazy.
Copy !req
660. Could I go see Jeannine now?
No, you can't.
Copy !req
661. Yes, I can.
No, you can't!
Copy !req
662. Yes, I can.
No, you—
Copy !req
663. I'm gonna go now.
Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
664. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
665. Dad, stop the car!
Copy !req
666. Mom!
Copy !req
667. Laura! Laura?
Copy !req
668. Mom!
Copy !req
669. Mom!
Copy !req
670. Oh, God. God! Laura!
Copy !req
671. Wh— Where the hell
did she go?
Copy !req
672. Mom?
Copy !req
673. Mom!
Copy !req
674. Maybe she ran away.
Copy !req
675. Oh, Marion!
Maybe— Maybe she went
into the woods.
Copy !req
676. Marion, I'm going 60!
She would have broken
her neck.
Copy !req
677. Then where is she?
Copy !req
678. Maybe the lady got her.
Copy !req
679. It's the black car.
Copy !req
680. You son of a bitch!
I'm gonna blow
that bastard's head off.
Copy !req
681. Marion, where's the ammo?
Copy !req
682. It's here.
I hid it from Mom.
Come on!
Copy !req
683. I got him!
Copy !req
684. Mom?
Copy !req
685. Oh, thank God!
Copy !req
686. Mom, are you all right?
Copy !req
687. I'm okay.
My head hurts a little,
but I'm fine.
Copy !req
688. Sweetheart.
Oh, honey.
Copy !req
689. Honey, you've got
something on your—
Copy !req
690. Oh, my God!
Oh, God!
Copy !req
691. Is there something wrong
with my hair?
Oh, God!
Copy !req
692. Alan.
Copy !req
693. Finally!
Copy !req
694. - Alan!
- No, stop!
Copy !req
695. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
696. Laura?
Copy !req
697. I made the
cheerleading squad!
Copy !req
698. This is the happiest day
of my life.
Copy !req
699. Laura.
Copy !req
700. Dad! Dad!
Copy !req
701. Gimme that gun!
Stop it, Dad!
Copy !req
702. Stop it, you bastard!
Stop it!
Copy !req
703. I'm gonna have a baby!
You can't leave us!
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
704. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
705. I already lost
my mother and my brother
and my boyfriend.
Copy !req
706. I don't wanna lose you.
Copy !req
707. I don't wanna lose you.
Copy !req
708. She's gonna get us all anyway.
Copy !req
709. No. No, no,
no one's gonna get us
as long as we keep moving.
Copy !req
710. Every time we have stopped,
someone has gotten killed.
Copy !req
711. We just have to keep driving.
We're going to Marcott.
Copy !req
712. Oh!
Copy !req
713. Let's put your mother
in the car.
Copy !req
714. You got a cigarette?
In my coat.
Copy !req
715. Alan Rickson
was a friend of mine,
Copy !req
716. back in Detroit.
Copy !req
717. You don't have
to say anything, Dad.
Copy !req
718. One day, he came to me
for some advice.
Copy !req
719. He said that...
Copy !req
720. he was in love with a woman.
Copy !req
721. He didn't mention her name.
Copy !req
722. He said that she was married,
and that she loved him too.
Copy !req
723. And he wanted to know
what he should do about it.
Copy !req
724. And I remember
what I said to him.
Copy !req
725. "You only live once, buddy.
Go for it.
Copy !req
726. "Just go!
You go and you see her.
Copy !req
727. "And if she loves you,
she'll leave her husband,
Copy !req
728. and she'll go with you."
Copy !req
729. I'm sorry, Dad.
Copy !req
730. I only talked with him
once more after that.
Copy !req
731. And he said...
Copy !req
732. that the woman had decided
that she didn't want to leave
her husband.
Copy !req
733. She already had a kid,
Copy !req
734. a little girl,
Copy !req
735. and she didn't want
to lose her.
Copy !req
736. Last time I ever saw Alan.
Copy !req
737. Always wondered why
he never kept in touch.
Copy !req
738. Why did you do that?
Copy !req
739. If you're scared,
alcohol will only make it worse.
Copy !req
740. You think I'm scared?
Copy !req
741. You don't need to pretend.
It's okay.
Copy !req
742. No, it's not!
Have you looked
at the odometer lately?
Copy !req
743. Yes.
We've driven 60 miles...
Copy !req
744. since the last time
we checked the map.
I know.
Copy !req
745. We should have reached
the coast by now.
I know.
Copy !req
746. Maybe I miscalculated
a little bit.
Copy !req
747. Maybe.
Copy !req
748. Maybe the North Star
doesn't indicate north.
Maybe the mapmaker was drunk.
Copy !req
749. Maybe the moon's made out
of cheese. Who knows?
Copy !req
750. Everything's so fucked up
on this goddamn road!
Copy !req
751. After all,
we don't have to drive
to get to Marcott.
Copy !req
752. Maybe there's another way out.
Copy !req
753. Like what, Dad?
Copy !req
754. Walking.
Copy !req
755. Through the woods.
This is insane.
Copy !req
756. Agreed. Agreed.
Copy !req
757. You ready?
We should at least wait
until sunrise.
Copy !req
758. Remember what you said?
Every time we stopped,
somebody died.
Copy !req
759. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
760. Of course,
I heard that.
Copy !req
761. What is it?
I don't know.
We're in the woods.
Copy !req
762. It could be anything.
A branch falling,
a rat, maybe a bird.
Copy !req
763. Yeah, but remember
what Laura said?
About the faces in the forest?
Copy !req
764. Okay. Look, are there any ghosts
in the woods tonight?
Copy !req
765. Come on then, I'm waiting!
Copy !req
766. Don't ever, ever do that
again! You hear me?
Copy !req
767. What the hell's
the matter with you?
Copy !req
768. We shouldn't have left
the car. That's what's
the matter with me.
Copy !req
769. The more distance we put between
us and that goddamn road,
the better off we'll be.
Copy !req
770. Oh, God.
Copy !req
771. Damn! Shit!
Shit! Shit!
Copy !req
772. Are you all right?
Yeah. Just dandy.
What the hell was that?
Copy !req
773. You found us a fence.
Copy !req
774. A fence. Good, good.
Copy !req
775. There must be
a farm on the other side.
Copy !req
776. It's not that tight.
I'll hold it up,
you crawl under.
Copy !req
777. Go on.
Hold it for me.
Copy !req
778. Dad, look!
Copy !req
779. Hello?
Copy !req
780. Hello!
We're here!
Copy !req
781. No! No, it can't be!
Copy !req
782. How could it be?
How c—
How could it be?
Copy !req
783. Maybe we got lost.
Copy !req
784. If we were lost,
we'd have come out on
the same side of the road.
Copy !req
785. Somebody's fucking with us.
Calm down.
Copy !req
786. I don't wanna calm down!
I want this shit to stop!
Copy !req
787. It's still locked.
Copy !req
788. So what?
Copy !req
789. So who turned on the lights?
Who turned them on?
Copy !req
790. Laura?
Copy !req
791. I'm not getting back
in that car.
Me neither.
Copy !req
792. What are you writing?
Copy !req
793. Things I wanna do
when this is over.
Copy !req
794. So?
Copy !req
795. Hmm.
You want me to help you?
Copy !req
796. Yeah.
Copy !req
797. What about playing bridge?
Copy !req
798. How old do you think I am?
Copy !req
799. No, I wanna do something,
you know, cool.
Copy !req
800. I wanna buy an Atari computer
and a bunch of video games.
Copy !req
801. If you wanna do something cool,
then I'd go for the Playstation.
Copy !req
802. What's that?
Copy !req
803. Never mind.
Atari's cooler anyway.
Copy !req
804. And, uh,
Copy !req
805. maybe buy some of those
Marilyn Bronson CDs.
Copy !req
806. Manson.
Copy !req
807. Yeah.
Copy !req
808. Yeah.
Copy !req
809. What did you write?
That's none of your business.
Copy !req
810. Stop!
Copy !req
811. What's going on?
I knew it.
Copy !req
812. Somebody's playing with us.
That's the same cabin
as before.
Copy !req
813. There's probably a hundred
ranger stations on this road.
Copy !req
814. It can't be the same one.
No, it can't be.
But it is.
Copy !req
815. Oh, shit!
Go get the flashlight.
Copy !req
816. Go get the flashlight!
Copy !req
817. Marion?
Copy !req
818. What are you doing?
Stop it! Stop it!
Copy !req
819. There's someone in here.
I know there's someone—
Dad, stop it!
Copy !req
820. We're damned.
Copy !req
821. Dad, come on.
Copy !req
822. No road goes on forever.
Copy !req
823. Oh. Where'd
the fog come from?
There's no fog, Dad.
Copy !req
824. No fog? Sounds like somebody
needs to visit Dr. Sacks
to get her eyes checked.
Copy !req
825. Where's the whiskey?
Copy !req
826. I threw it away,
Copy !req
827. You threw away my whiskey?
My whiskey?
Copy !req
828. You ungrateful
little brat.
Dad, calm down.
Copy !req
829. You think because I'm weak
and I let my guard down,
you can start messing with me?
Copy !req
830. Dad, listen to me.
Copy !req
831. What are you doing?
Copy !req
832. That'll teach you to think
twice before you touch my booze.
Dad, please, please.
Copy !req
833. Shut up, shut up, shut up,
shut up, shut up!
Copy !req
834. Goddamn you!
Copy !req
835. Marion?
Copy !req
836. Marion!
Copy !req
837. Marion! My baby?
Copy !req
838. Oh, God, what did I do?
What did I do?
Copy !req
839. Oh, my baby!
Copy !req
840. No! You've come
for her, huh?
Copy !req
841. You'll have to kill me
first, you bitch!
Copy !req
842. Why us, huh? Why?
Copy !req
843. What did we ever do to you?
Copy !req
844. All we wanted
was a nice Christmas!
Copy !req
845. Is that too much to ask?
To have a nice Christmas?
Copy !req
846. Come on out!
Where are you hiding?
Copy !req
847. Come on out!
I'll give you a taste
of your own medicine, you bitch!
Copy !req
848. I'll send you
right straight back—
Copy !req
849. Dad?
Copy !req
850. He's dead!
Copy !req
851. Oh, God! Oh!
Copy !req
852. Come on, please start!
Copy !req
853. Oh, no. No, no, no.
No, no.
Copy !req
854. No, no!
Copy !req
855. Come on. Come on!
Copy !req
856. Fucking start! Come on!
Copy !req
857. Let's end it!
Copy !req
858. Come on!
Copy !req
859. Stop playing with me!
Copy !req
860. Please! Please!
Copy !req
861. No!
Copy !req
862. He's not here for you!
Copy !req
863. No! Dad!
Copy !req
864. No!
Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
865. Don't try to talk.
Copy !req
866. Everything's gonna be okay.
Just try to get some rest.
Copy !req
867. I'm pregnant.
It's all right, Marion.
Copy !req
868. We know. Both of you
are gonna be fine.
Copy !req
869. How is she?
Oh, excuse me. Are you
a member of the family?
Copy !req
870. No, I'm the one who found them.
I reported the accident.
Copy !req
871. Well, she was lucky.
She was thrown out
of the car.
Copy !req
872. She's been in a coma
for a few hours,
but she's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
873. Just a few broken ribs
and a concussion.
But the others died.
Copy !req
874. Do they know
what happened exactly?
Copy !req
875. According to the police,
Copy !req
876. the father must have
fallen asleep and crashed
into an oncoming car.
Copy !req
877. Woman and her baby.
Copy !req
878. They died too.
Copy !req
879. Well, um, thank you.
Copy !req
880. Thank you for what
you did, Doctor—
Copy !req
881. Marcott.
Helen Marcott.
Copy !req
882. Thank you, Dr. Marcott.
Copy !req
883. Not again.
Copy !req
884. Shit.
Copy !req
885. Hey.
Nice car.
Copy !req
886. Yeah. I'm a collector.
Can I give you a lift?
Copy !req
887. Why not?
Copy !req
888. Must've been a messy one, huh?
Broken glass everywhere.
Copy !req
889. I should be at home
stuffing myself today.
Copy !req
890. Yeah. So should they.
Copy !req
891. Yeah.
Copy !req
892. Hmm.
Copy !req
893. Huh. You drop this?
Copy !req
894. No. What
have you got there?
Copy !req