1. You know, I was waiting
for a ride here tonight
Copy !req
2. watching the headlights
go by.
Copy !req
3. And I got to thinking
how different it was
Copy !req
4. back in the old days.
Copy !req
5. Standing in front
of a burger stand and waiting.
Copy !req
6. Yeah, those were the days
Copy !req
7. of the really
important headlights.
Copy !req
8. "That him?"
Copy !req
9. No. Too narrow."
Copy !req
10. "That him? No."
Copy !req
11. "Is that him?
Copy !req
12. No, no."
Copy !req
13. You know, you'd think
after several hundreds cars,
Copy !req
14. you'd lose interest.
Copy !req
15. But that's the one thing
about waiting for drugs.
Copy !req
16. You never lose interest.
Copy !req
17. Yeah?
Copy !req
18. Hey, Martin. What?
Copy !req
19. Uh...
Copy !req
20. Whoa, slow down.
What account?
Copy !req
21. Oh, yeah, that account.
That account, okay.
Copy !req
22. What problem?
Copy !req
23. No, no, no. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
24. No, no, no.
Copy !req
25. That's just a...
You know, the balance on that
Copy !req
26. is gonna shift
from time to time.
Copy !req
27. Yeah.
Copy !req
28. Yeah. Well,
it's a very fluid account.
Copy !req
29. Yeah.
Copy !req
30. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
31. So you're telling me
the whole $80,000...
Copy !req
32. All right.
The entire 92,000 isn't there?
Copy !req
33. Martin, it's there.
Copy !req
34. Are we talking about
the same thing?
Copy !req
35. The escrow account, right?
Copy !req
36. Yeah.
Believe me, it's all there.
Copy !req
37. Check with the bank
on Monday.
Copy !req
38. Check with the bank on Monday,
Copy !req
39. Martin, check with the bank
on Monday, would you?
Copy !req
40. Yeah. No.
Copy !req
41. No problem. It's okay.
Copy !req
42. All right, man.
Copy !req
43. Absolutely. Monday, Martin.
Copy !req
44. Fuck.
Copy !req
45. Mm. Yeah.
Where do you get this stuff?
Copy !req
46. Here.
Copy !req
47. Get your heart started.
Copy !req
48. Mm.
Copy !req
49. Come on,
you little munchkin.
Copy !req
50. Appears to be comatose.
Copy !req
51. Yeah, respiration's shallow.
Copy !req
52. Got anything for me?
Copy !req
53. Where's your coke?
Copy !req
54. Excuse me?
Copy !req
55. Hey, I hardly knew her.
Copy !req
56. Give me a second,
will you?
Copy !req
57. Yeah, but now
is not a good time.
Copy !req
58. It has nothing to do
with the quality.
Copy !req
59. It's just a bad time.
Copy !req
60. No. Don't.
Hey, I won't be here.
Copy !req
61. Hey, I will pay you!
Copy !req
62. Listen...
Copy !req
63. Listen to me, kid.
Copy !req
64. I know you wanna win a bike,
but I already subscribed.
Copy !req
65. Hey, uh,
Copy !req
66. she's gonna be all right,
isn't she?
Copy !req
67. Well, you better hope so,
Copy !req
68. Stay close to home, huh?
Copy !req
69. Absolutely.
Copy !req
70. There will be a 20-minute
weather delay.
Copy !req
71. Attention please.
Attention please.
Copy !req
72. Flight 38 to Boston
is now boarding
Copy !req
73. at Gate 9, terminal...
Copy !req
74. Give me a ticket on the 8:45
to Toronto.
Copy !req
75. Sir, I see a delay in our
connecting flight in Buffalo.
Copy !req
76. Fine. What else you got?
Copy !req
77. What do you mean?
Going where?
Copy !req
78. I don't care. Vancouver,
Ottawa. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
79. I'm afraid we're not getting
an authorization on this card.
Copy !req
80. Bullshit. It's paid.
Come on.
Copy !req
81. I'm sorry.
If you have another...
Copy !req
82. How about cash?
You want cash?
Copy !req
83. You take that, right?
Copy !req
84. Give me the fucking card!
Copy !req
85. Fuck!
Copy !req
86. You always remember
the moment you knew.
Copy !req
87. You know, the time you went,
"This is it."
Copy !req
88. Mine was July 14th, '79.
Copy !req
89. I was in the shower
Copy !req
90. after a little
two-day extravaganza.
Copy !req
91. And I slipped.
Copy !req
92. So I looked in the mirror
Copy !req
93. and my nose
was completely bent
Copy !req
94. all the way over
across my face.
Copy !req
95. All the way to one side.
Copy !req
96. So I decided to fix it.
Copy !req
97. I got a hammer
and began banging it back
Copy !req
98. to right angle with my face.
Copy !req
99. Suddenly,
I saw myself in the mirror.
Copy !req
100. You know, hammer in my hand,
blood on my face.
Copy !req
101. And something inside me
Copy !req
102. "Richard,
Copy !req
103. your life
is no longer manageable."
Copy !req
104. Either gonna go
to the lake of fire
Copy !req
105. or in heaven.
Copy !req
106. God won't force it.
It's your decision.
Copy !req
107. And I pray in Jesus' name that
you need to pray that prayer.
Copy !req
108. You, uh...
You want something to eat
Copy !req
109. or something?
Copy !req
110. Uh, no, thanks.
Do you have any beer?
Copy !req
111. I think so.
Copy !req
112. Wow.
Thanks, honey.
Copy !req
113. You have
the most amazing hands.
Copy !req
114. Seriously.
Copy !req
115. I knew this chick once.
She had...
Copy !req
116. She was a hand model.
Copy !req
117. You know, she used
to get paid 7 grand
Copy !req
118. to hold up a can
of creamed corn.
Copy !req
119. Thanks, Debbie.
Copy !req
120. Yeah, Deb.
Copy !req
121. I'm sorry, man.
Copy !req
122. Some girl had a heart attack
in my bed.
Copy !req
123. What?
Copy !req
124. The cops think
it might have been drugs.
Copy !req
125. Who was she?
I don't know.
Copy !req
126. Some girl I met in a mall.
Copy !req
127. Hey, Martin,
I need a place to stay.
Copy !req
128. Honey.
Copy !req
129. Uh, hey,
I don't mean to be rude,
Copy !req
130. but we have this
tennis thing.
Copy !req
131. You...
Copy !req
132. Go ahead, man, go ahead,
you know.
Copy !req
133. Finish your beer.
Copy !req
134. Hey, Martin.
Just for a couple of weeks?
Copy !req
135. Here?
Copy !req
136. If she dies, they're gonna say
I did a John Belushi on her.
Copy !req
137. Hey, how am I gonna handle
the escrow thing
Copy !req
138. when God knows I'm in a fucking
interrogation chamber?
Copy !req
139. You took the money, didn't you?
Copy !req
140. Well...
Copy !req
141. Look, it's real complicated.
I can't explain it now.
Copy !req
142. Martin!
Copy !req
143. Look, Daryl.
Copy !req
144. I don't think so.
Copy !req
145. You don't look very well,
you know?
Copy !req
146. Maybe you should see
a doctor.
Copy !req
147. Okay, I get it.
Copy !req
148. So then, basically,
it's "Fuck you, Daryl," right?
Copy !req
149. Okay.
Copy !req
150. Hey.
Copy !req
151. You mind giving me another one
of those beers?
Copy !req
152. WCAU news at 10. Philadelphia.
Copy !req
153. Did you know that alcoholism
and drug addiction
Copy !req
154. affect the lives of more than
70 million Americans?
Copy !req
155. Seventy million? Jesus.
Copy !req
156. I'm Dr. Paul...
Who do I believe?
Copy !req
157. Director of Crossroads Center
for chemical dependents.
Copy !req
158. Hi, Paul, Daryl Poynter.
Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
159. lost control of his life
with the disease of addiction,
Copy !req
160. please know effective treatment
is available now.
Copy !req
161. Now! Now! Now!
Copy !req
162. Our 21-day program
is conducted
Copy !req
163. under a caring
medical supervision
Copy !req
164. with absolute discretion
and confidentiality.
Copy !req
165. No one need ever know
you're here.
Copy !req
166. Furthermore, the program...
Copy !req
167. Call the insurance company?
Copy !req
168. Absolutely.
You can write them.
Copy !req
169. It'll just take
a little longer. Um...
Copy !req
170. That's fine.
Copy !req
171. All right. Let me know
if I can be of any help.
Copy !req
172. Hi.
Copy !req
173. How you doing?
Copy !req
174. Good.
Copy !req
175. These your barns?
Copy !req
176. No. Afraid not.
Copy !req
177. Can I help you?
Copy !req
178. Nice barns.
Copy !req
179. Yeah. Um, I heard
about the program
Copy !req
180. and it sounds good to me.
Copy !req
181. I just wanna make sure
I understand the deals
Copy !req
182. as far as the, uh,
confidentiality aspect
Copy !req
183. is concerned.
Copy !req
184. Yes. Well, The program
is completely confidential.
Copy !req
185. So no one
would know I was in here?
Copy !req
186. Not unless you wanted them to.
Copy !req
187. Great. You take Blue Cross?
Copy !req
188. Yes, we do.
Copy !req
189. Good.
Copy !req
190. Let's say someone,
um, found out I was here
Copy !req
191. and tried to call me
Copy !req
192. or wanted to get in here
and bother me or something.
Copy !req
193. Let me tell you why I ask,
Copy !req
194. I'm gonna level with you.
Copy !req
195. Uh, I got the police
after me
Copy !req
196. for some old bullshit
traffic violations.
Copy !req
197. And, you know, I think
it'd be a really good idea
Copy !req
198. if I just avoided any
outside pressure for a while.
Copy !req
199. Well, then, this is probably
the safest place you could be.
Copy !req
200. It's a 21-day program
which begins here in detox.
Copy !req
201. I'll see what chemicals
you've been using,
Copy !req
202. prescribe medicine.
Copy !req
203. Probably Librium
to moderate the effects
Copy !req
204. of detoxification
on your body.
Copy !req
205. Most patients using combination
of alcohol and cocaine
Copy !req
206. remain here detox
for about 48 hours.
Copy !req
207. Wait a minute,
when you say 48 hours...
Copy !req
208. The time necessary
for full detoxification varies
Copy !req
209. with body weight, levels of...
Copy !req
210. but is 48 hours the norm?
Copy !req
211. Give or take.
Copy !req
212. You got a phone I can use?
Copy !req
213. Sorry,
no calls till downstairs.
Copy !req
214. You'll probably suffer
from acute nausea
Copy !req
215. and repeated vomiting.
Copy !req
216. If you don't make it
to the bowl, fine.
Copy !req
217. Just push that button, someone
will come by to clean it up.
Copy !req
218. We keep the room cold, as those
chemicals leave your body,
Copy !req
219. you're gonna begin to sweat.
Copy !req
220. There's a television lounge
down the hall,
Copy !req
221. but most patients end up
spending their time in bed.
Copy !req
222. You'll sleep on and off.
But you'll sleep.
Copy !req
223. Probably have one or two poison
dreams, little nightmares.
Copy !req
224. The thing to keep in mind is
it only last a couple of days.
Copy !req
225. Yes, about 48 hours, right?
Copy !req
226. Because that's what the doctor
said. He says about 48 hours.
Copy !req
227. If you need anything,
have any discomfort,
Copy !req
228. just hit the button.
Copy !req
229. Can I use a phone?
Copy !req
230. Lie down and go to sleep, baby.
It's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
231. 95, Evergreen Streets
of 20 to 25 miles an hour,
Copy !req
232. and the Ben Franklin Bridge
backed up to the 30.
Copy !req
233. Repeating our top story
of the hour.
Copy !req
234. A group
of unidentified terrorists
Copy !req
235. have seized an American
passenger plane in Lima, Peru,
Copy !req
236. and claim
to have set explosives
Copy !req
237. timed to go off approximately
46 hours from now.
Copy !req
238. Turning to local weather...
Copy !req
239. Fucking bitch.
Copy !req
240. Putting me in this rat hole.
Copy !req
241. It's your ass.
Copy !req
242. Even names of the flight crew
at this point
Copy !req
243. are being withheld from us.
Copy !req
244. How are you doing?
Copy !req
245. Any communication
between the jetliner
Copy !req
246. and any government sources,
Copy !req
247. that is to say
any communication of any...
Copy !req
248. And my sources back in America
tell me
Copy !req
249. that nothing is forthcoming
on their end as well.
Copy !req
250. So all we can do
at this point is...
Copy !req
251. Hey.
Copy !req
252. Forty-three hours
until the threatened time
Copy !req
253. when this terrorist group
had let be known
Copy !req
254. that they're prepared
to blow up this jetliner
Copy !req
255. and everyone on board
in order to prove their point.
Copy !req
256. What their point is this point
is a mystery to everyone's...
Copy !req
257. Anybody care
if I change this?
Copy !req
258. We'll keep you informed,
giving you information,
Copy !req
259. as we secure it.
Copy !req
260. Um, it is cold day
here in Lima...
Copy !req
261. That's all right, I guess.
Copy !req
262. Fuck it! Fuck it!
Fuck this goddamn place!
Copy !req
263. Hey!
Copy !req
264. Hey!
Copy !req
265. Open up! Open up!
Open this fucking door!
Copy !req
266. Call the doctor!
Copy !req
267. Open it up!
Copy !req
268. Stop it!
Stop it!
Copy !req
269. Someone call a doctor.
Copy !req
270. Get the hell fuck away
from me!
Copy !req
271. Get the fuck out,
you goddamn it!
Copy !req
272. Get the fuck out of here.
Copy !req
273. Where is that exit?
Copy !req
274. Where is that goddamned door?
Goddamn it.
Copy !req
275. You wanna say it?
You see that?
Copy !req
276. Nurse!
Copy !req
277. Where is that goddamn door!
Copy !req
278. I told you to keep away
from me!
Copy !req
279. Don't touch me!
Don't touch me, goddamn it!
Copy !req
280. Get out of my face,
you motherfucker!
Copy !req
281. Xavier, we're here to help you.
Copy !req
282. Stay away from me!
Stay away from me!
Copy !req
283. Fuck.
Copy !req
284. Nurse!
Copy !req
285. Can I please have a Librium?
Copy !req
286. You are free to move around.
Copy !req
287. And in here,
we normally have TV and coffee.
Copy !req
288. Oh, great.
Copy !req
289. Is that what I'm gonna
look like tomorrow?
Copy !req
290. This word just in.
Copy !req
291. And it has been confirmed
Copy !req
292. by our American ambassador
here in Lima.
Copy !req
293. The passengers
will be released.
Copy !req
294. Here we go.
Copy !req
295. And the passengers...
Copy !req
296. Oh, my God! I don't believe it!
The bomb went off!
Copy !req
297. It's a fireball!
All those lives!
Copy !req
298. So, what's next?
Copy !req
299. Welcome
to the Social Rehab Center.
Copy !req
300. This is the where you'll spend
the rest of your time.
Copy !req
301. Someone will get you
a schedule.
Copy !req
302. All therapy, education,
and activities are mandatory.
Copy !req
303. If you leave the area
for any reason,
Copy !req
304. you'll be tested
for chemicals.
Copy !req
305. If you fail to participate
or comply,
Copy !req
306. you'll be discharged.
Copy !req
307. Now, each patient is given one
24-hour pass during their stay.
Copy !req
308. When their counselor feels
they're ready for the outside.
Copy !req
309. When you return,
Copy !req
310. you'll again be tested
for drugs.
Copy !req
311. If you have any questions,
just ask your counselor.
Copy !req
312. He's a recovering addict
Copy !req
313. His name is Craig
and this is his office.
Copy !req
314. He'll be back in a minute.
Copy !req
315. Okay.
Copy !req
316. Hey, Spence. Big D, man.
How you doing?
Copy !req
317. Yeah. Look, you've gotta do me
a favor, okay?
Copy !req
318. Oh, fuck you.
Copy !req
319. Look, you've gotta send me
some product, okay?
Copy !req
320. I don't know,
about 5 grams, probably.
Copy !req
321. What do you mean
you don't have any?
Copy !req
322. It's your fucking job, man.
Copy !req
323. Of... Hey, come on, man.
Copy !req
324. I'm gonna pay you.
I always pay you.
Copy !req
325. Come on. Hey, Spence.
Copy !req
326. Hey, Spence.
Copy !req
327. You fucking asshole.
Copy !req
328. Coronary Care, please.
Copy !req
329. Yeah.
Copy !req
330. I wanna check the condition
of a Karen Peluso.
Copy !req
331. I don't know
how to spell it.
Copy !req
332. Yeah. No.
Look, I just wanna know
Copy !req
333. if she's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
334. I just wanna check
her condition, please.
Copy !req
335. Fine. What's ICU?
Copy !req
336. Never mind that. Never mind
that. Who's her doctor?
Copy !req
337. What do you mean
you don't know?
Copy !req
338. You wanna hang up the phone,
Copy !req
339. Obviously, I'm a relative.
Of course, I'm a relative.
Copy !req
340. Hang up the phone.
Copy !req
341. Hey, you wanna give me
a fucking minute, man, okay?
Copy !req
342. I'm her uncle, all right?
Copy !req
343. I'm her uncle.
Copy !req
344. We like to get patients
focused on the program
Copy !req
345. before they start dealing
with the outside.
Copy !req
346. You must be Daryl.
Copy !req
347. I'm Craig.
Copy !req
348. Well, it's a real pleasure,
Copy !req
349. Except you interrupted a pretty
important fucking phone call.
Copy !req
350. You can tell me what the big
deal is about the phone here.
Copy !req
351. I don't understand this.
I mean, what's the story?
Copy !req
352. I mean, life goes on,
right, Craig?
Copy !req
353. It's my phone.
Copy !req
354. Oh, fuck.
Copy !req
355. Fine. Here.
Copy !req
356. Tell you what,
Copy !req
357. we're even.
Copy !req
358. I think not.
Copy !req
359. You know what the addict's
least favorite word is?
Copy !req
360. "No."
Copy !req
361. Ask me if you can use
my phone now.
Copy !req
362. Say, Craig,
Copy !req
363. may I use your phone?
Copy !req
364. No.
Copy !req
365. Come on,
I'll show you to your room.
Copy !req
366. Ah.
I'm feeling better already.
Copy !req
367. Hi!
Copy !req
368. I think
I'm your roommate.
Copy !req
369. Is this yours?
Copy !req
370. Go ahead.
Copy !req
371. Your bed?
Copy !req
372. I'm Donald.
Copy !req
373. Donald Towle.
Copy !req
374. Daryl.
Copy !req
375. I was in detox
for five days.
Copy !req
376. Five days is the longest
I've ever been without a drink.
Copy !req
377. Ever.
Copy !req
378. I've been drinking
since I was 9.
Copy !req
379. So how about you?
What's your...?
Copy !req
380. Bob. Alcoholic.
Copy !req
381. I'm with American Cyanamid.
Copy !req
382. And I wanna stop.
Copy !req
383. I know I can stop.
Copy !req
384. I gotta stop.
Copy !req
385. Roger Tiller.
Alcoholic, addict.
Copy !req
386. I'm a hair consultant.
Copy !req
387. Color and whatnot.
Copy !req
388. I promised a friend
I'd do this.
Copy !req
389. Oh, um, Iris.
Copy !req
390. Listen. I gotta run down
the bathroom for a minute.
Copy !req
391. I mean, I don't know what
I'm supposed to be doing here.
Copy !req
392. I take that back. I'm here.
Copy !req
393. And I'm glad I'm here.
Copy !req
394. I guess.
Copy !req
395. Come on, come on, come on.
Copy !req
396. Hey, Spence, how you doing?
Big D again.
Copy !req
397. Listen, I gotta talk to you
for a minute.
Copy !req
398. Don't hang up on me.
Copy !req
399. Fuck you! Fuck you!
Copy !req
400. Here's a healthy liver.
Copy !req
401. It weighs
about 3 and a half pounds.
Copy !req
402. This liver
of a chronic alcoholic
Copy !req
403. weighed 15 pounds.
Copy !req
404. The microscopic picture here
shows healthy liver cells.
Copy !req
405. Alcohol replaces them
with massive deposits of fat
Copy !req
406. which obstruct
the liver's functions.
Copy !req
407. I had been drinking vodka
for a long time.
Copy !req
408. But there was no indication
that I was sick.
Copy !req
409. I didn't consider myself
Copy !req
410. Look, all you gotta do
is go to my desk, okay?
Copy !req
411. There's an envelope, bottom
right-hand drawer in the back.
Copy !req
412. It's a little
recreational stuff.
Copy !req
413. Now you take that envelope,
seal it up,
Copy !req
414. take it to Federal Express,
Copy !req
415. and you tell them
it's a priority delivery.
Copy !req
416. A top fucking priority.
Copy !req
417. Bang that into their heads,
Copy !req
418. Daryl, I'm with clients.
Copy !req
419. All right, all right.
Copy !req
420. Give me the address.
Copy !req
421. It's a hospital?
Copy !req
422. You're in a hospital?
Copy !req
423. Yeah,
I'm having some tests done.
Copy !req
424. I'm just having some tests
Copy !req
425. Exercise.
Copy !req
426. Good for the body,
good for the soul.
Copy !req
427. Helps us build up
a little appetite for dinner.
Copy !req
428. Some of our
chemically-dependent bodies
Copy !req
429. are not used
to a little physical exertion.
Copy !req
430. Huh, Daryl?
Copy !req
431. Best way to break old habits
is to start new ones.
Copy !req
432. One, two...
Copy !req
433. Right, Bob?
Copy !req
434. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
435. Fun, huh?
Copy !req
436. One, two, three, four,
five, six.
Copy !req
437. Focus on the program, huh?
Copy !req
438. Three, four, five, six...
Copy !req
439. "That's right, Daryl.
Thanks for asking."
Copy !req
440. And basically,
Fuck you, Daryl. Okay.
Copy !req
441. Cheryl Ann.
Copy !req
442. I'm an alcoholic,
I'm an addict.
Copy !req
443. I'm a mother too.
Copy !req
444. At least I was
when I got here.
Copy !req
445. I'm having
a pretty hard time here.
Copy !req
446. No shit.
Copy !req
447. I just really
wanna get my life back.
Copy !req
448. Me too.
Copy !req
449. Give me a drink.
Copy !req
450. Come on, come on, come on.
Oh, come on, Gordon,
Copy !req
451. just tell me where we stand
on DW Industries, all right?
Copy !req
452. Fuck it.
Yeah, I'll hold.
Copy !req
453. Craig said
I could use the phone.
Copy !req
454. I don't understand, did Craig
say you could use the phone?
Copy !req
455. Then use somebody else's
Copy !req
456. I gave you $90,000,
for Christ's sake!
Copy !req
457. And you want me not to know
how my money is doing
Copy !req
458. because some asshole spilled a
Tab on your fucking terminal?
Copy !req
459. You're gonna be here long?
A minute, yeah.
Copy !req
460. Come on.
Pardon me, asshole.
Copy !req
461. You're a delicate young thing.
Fuck you!
Copy !req
462. Gordon.
Copy !req
463. Oh, no shit. Really?
Copy !req
464. Yeah. If it went from 60,000
to 40,000 in three fucking days,
Copy !req
465. I guess it is sloping downward.
You fucking jerk.
Copy !req
466. Sell it all
and we'll short it.
Copy !req
467. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
468. Listen, I want you to do me
a favor, okay?
Copy !req
469. I want you to call this guy
at my office.
Copy !req
470. Yeah. His name is Martin.
Copy !req
471. Yeah.
I'll call you back, okay?
Copy !req
472. Thanks.
I just had to make a...
Copy !req
473. I think you better leave.
Copy !req
474. Is there a problem?
Copy !req
475. Just take this
to the front office.
Copy !req
476. Wait a second,
I don't understand, uh...
Copy !req
477. Was there a problem?
Copy !req
478. I want you out of here.
Copy !req
479. Why? Because I used
your fucking phone?
Copy !req
480. That was a 90,000-dollar
phone call, man.
Copy !req
481. Ninety thousand dollars.
Copy !req
482. Ninety grand, man!
Copy !req
483. That's the stock market,
Copy !req
484. It doesn't give a fuck
if I'm in the hospital or not.
Copy !req
485. Hey,
the American Stock Exchange
Copy !req
486. really doesn't care
Copy !req
487. if some asshole
makes $300 a week,
Copy !req
488. says I can't use
the fucking phone!
Copy !req
489. I'm close, right, Craig?
Copy !req
490. Like 310, maybe 315, right?
Copy !req
491. Right? That's about it,
isn't it, Craigy?
Copy !req
492. Yeah.
Oh, boy, big 307 a week.
Copy !req
493. Boy, you gotta allocate
that motherfucker, don't you?
Copy !req
494. What, that lean cuisine?
Maybe some pork and beans?
Copy !req
495. Hey, why don't you get yourself
another pair
Copy !req
496. of those plastic shoes?
Copy !req
497. Fine!
You want me out of here?
Copy !req
498. I'm fucking out of here!
Copy !req
499. I'm gone!
Copy !req
500. Motherfucker,
look at his back.
Copy !req
501. Fuck!
Copy !req
502. Gone, baby. The big fade.
Copy !req
503. Fucking A, baby.
Fucking B, C and D too, man.
Copy !req
504. I'm out of here, asshole!
Copy !req
505. Fuck you!
Copy !req
506. I don't fucking
believe it.
Copy !req
507. Fuck!
Copy !req
508. Fuck.
Copy !req
509. It's okay.
Copy !req
510. I work here.
Copy !req
511. I come back.
Copy !req
512. I got an emergency deal.
Copy !req
513. I need to find this contract,
really. It's okay.
Copy !req
514. This guy, he's nuts.
He never sleeps.
Copy !req
515. I'll come back.
Copy !req
516. Okay. Hey, I'll straight up
all this paper work, okay?
Copy !req
517. By the time you come back,
Copy !req
518. you wouldn't even know
I was here, all right?
Copy !req
519. It's all right, really.
Copy !req
520. It's okay.
Copy !req
521. Okay?
Copy !req
522. It's all right.
Copy !req
523. Hi. Daryl.
Copy !req
524. How are you?
Copy !req
525. Oh, jeez, I'm sorry, Ma.
Copy !req
526. I... Is it really?
Copy !req
527. Yeah, I was working
in the office here
Copy !req
528. and I didn't realize
how late it had gotten.
Copy !req
529. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
530. Yeah.
Copy !req
531. No, I'm fine, really.
Copy !req
532. I just remembered
Copy !req
533. how I hadn't called you
in a while, I thought...
Copy !req
534. No. No, everything's great.
Great. Yeah.
Copy !req
535. How are you, guys?
Copy !req
536. Well, make him get somebody
to do the lawn, Ma.
Copy !req
537. Well, then, you know, you get
somebody to do the lawn, Ma.
Copy !req
538. I mean, the lawn
is not gonna look much good
Copy !req
539. with a dead guy
lying in the middle of it
Copy !req
540. clutching his heart, is it?
Copy !req
541. Yeah.
Copy !req
542. No, everything's fine,
I'm telling you.
Copy !req
543. Yeah. I'm great.
Copy !req
544. Well, you know, I mean,
there is one thing I...
Copy !req
545. I'm in a little bit
of a, uh...
Copy !req
546. I'm in the middle
of a cash-crunch thing here,
Copy !req
547. a little bit.
I was just wondering
Copy !req
548. if I maybe could hit you guys
up for a little advance.
Copy !req
549. Um...
Copy !req
550. About $30,000.
Copy !req
551. Yeah. No, I know.
Copy !req
552. I know how much money that is.
You didn't bring me stupid, Ma.
Copy !req
553. Yeah.
Copy !req
554. Well, as a matter of fact
Copy !req
555. I do know where you can get
that kind of money.
Copy !req
556. Yeah.
Copy !req
557. Well,
I'm talking about the house.
Copy !req
558. Right. You do a second.
Copy !req
559. And then,
you send me the payment book.
Copy !req
560. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
561. Wait a minute... Ma.
Copy !req
562. I know exact...
Copy !req
563. I know how long you've lived
in that house.
Copy !req
564. Yes, this is not... No!
Copy !req
565. Calm down.
Nobody's telling you to move.
Copy !req
566. You don't have to move.
Copy !req
567. You just go to a bank.
Copy !req
568. It's done all the time.
Copy !req
569. Forget that.
Copy !req
570. Forget about that.
Copy !req
571. Let me talk to you
about something else.
Copy !req
572. Do you remember last year
Copy !req
573. when you and Dad went
to Fort Wayne
Copy !req
574. and you had the will
drawn up?
Copy !req
575. Are you gonna leave me anything
in that?
Copy !req
576. Ma.
Copy !req
577. What are you crying for?
Copy !req
578. Ma, what are you crying for?
Copy !req
579. I'm just trying
to figure out a way...
Copy !req
580. Ma!
Copy !req
581. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Copy !req
582. What's gonna give you
more pleasure?
Copy !req
583. What's gonna give you
more pleasure than, you know,
Copy !req
584. give me that money now
while you're still alive,
Copy !req
585. when you get a chance to see me
get some use out of it?
Copy !req
586. Or later
when I may or may not?
Copy !req
587. Ma.
Copy !req
588. Ma, stop crying, would you?
Copy !req
589. Stop crying and put...
Put dad on the phone.
Copy !req
590. Put Dad on the phone.
Copy !req
591. You got somewhere to go?
Copy !req
592. You better go there.
Copy !req
593. Look.
Copy !req
594. Just leave me alone
for a minute.
Copy !req
595. I call police.
Copy !req
596. You got somewhere to go,
Copy !req
597. you better go there.
Copy !req
598. So, yeah, you know.
Copy !req
599. I'm out there driving around
and looking for a program.
Copy !req
600. Thanks.
Copy !req
601. And I say to myself,
"Well, hey, I'm already in one.
Copy !req
602. They got all the paperwork.
Copy !req
603. I know all the people.
Copy !req
604. I really like that counselor,
Copy !req
605. Yeah.
Copy !req
606. They're gonna be pretty happy
with this one, Craig.
Copy !req
607. Pretty fucking happy.
Copy !req
608. How many of you have been
to an AA meeting before?
Copy !req
609. Okay.
Copy !req
610. Now, your job tonight
is to find a sponsor.
Copy !req
611. What's a sponsor?
Copy !req
612. Somebody you can relate to.
Copy !req
613. Somebody who's heard
all your bullshit before.
Copy !req
614. Somebody who...
Copy !req
615. Well, you'll know who.
Copy !req
616. You'll know him right away.
Copy !req
617. Hi, I'm Jane,
Copy !req
618. your Alcoholics secretary.
Copy !req
619. Hi, Jane.
Copy !req
620. Sheila is gonna be leading the
meeting this evening. Sheila.
Copy !req
621. I'm okay.
Copy !req
622. Hi. I'm Sheila.
Copy !req
623. Alcoholic addict.
Copy !req
624. Hi, Sheila.
Copy !req
625. "Rarely have we seen
a person fail
Copy !req
626. "who has thoroughly followed
our path.
Copy !req
627. "Those who do not recover
are people who cannot
Copy !req
628. "or will not completely
give themselves
Copy !req
629. to this simple program."
You wanna be my sponsor?
Copy !req
630. "Usually, men and women
drew a constitutionally..."
Copy !req
631. No, thanks.
Copy !req
632. Hey, I'm serious on this.
Copy !req
633. "They are not at fault..."
It's a good deal.
Copy !req
634. "There are those too
who suffer
Copy !req
635. "from great emotional
and mental disorders.
Copy !req
636. "But many of them do recover
Copy !req
637. if they have the capacity
to be honest."
Copy !req
638. Thank you.
Copy !req
639. We have a 30-day chip
going to Mark
Copy !req
640. for his first 30 days
of sobriety.
Copy !req
641. Hi.
Copy !req
642. Daryl Poynter.
Addict, alcoholic.
Copy !req
643. You know, I thought you did
an amazing job
Copy !req
644. of running the meeting
Copy !req
645. Really.
Copy !req
646. I mean, I... You know,
this is my first meeting
Copy !req
647. and actually, I was...
I was really moved.
Copy !req
648. Really?
Copy !req
649. Truly.
Copy !req
650. Truly. You know, it's funny
we should be talking here
Copy !req
651. because, actually,
I'm, uh...
Copy !req
652. Kind of, you know,
looking for a sponsor.
Copy !req
653. A sponsor?
Copy !req
654. Yeah.
You know, a sponsor, and...
Copy !req
655. Um, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
656. I don't think so.
Copy !req
657. You know,
but I you could help me.
Copy !req
658. See, I think
you could help me a lot.
Copy !req
659. A whole lot.
Copy !req
660. That was very nice.
Very smooth.
Copy !req
661. Yeah. You like that?
Copy !req
662. I got a million of them.
Copy !req
663. Yeah, I'll bet you do.
Copy !req
664. Hey, sorry about that situation
at the phone the other day.
Copy !req
665. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
666. I was kind of wrapped up
on something.
Copy !req
667. Yeah.
Copy !req
668. What's your name?
Copy !req
669. Charlene. Charlie
Copy !req
670. Charlie? Okay.
Copy !req
671. You having any luck, uh,
finding someone?
Copy !req
672. No. Not really.
Copy !req
673. Yeah, well, me neither.
Copy !req
674. I guess guys
aren't supposed to have
Copy !req
675. female sponsors
or something.
Copy !req
676. That's too bad.
Copy !req
677. Tell me about it.
Copy !req
678. You're a newcomer.
Copy !req
679. Excuse me?
Copy !req
680. Sheila said
you're looking for a sponsor.
Copy !req
681. Yeah. Well,
Copy !req
682. I just came out here
to get some fresh air.
Copy !req
683. Really can't wait to get
to that phone, can you?
Copy !req
684. Here. Give me your back.
Copy !req
685. If you're looking
for a sponsor,
Copy !req
686. you phone this number.
Copy !req
687. Name's Richard.
Copy !req
688. Good night.
Copy !req
689. Someone's here to see you.
Copy !req
690. Said it's important.
Copy !req
691. Martin. You dog.
Copy !req
692. How are you?
All right.
Copy !req
693. How are you doing, buddy?
Copy !req
694. I practically had to beg
the guy to let me in here.
Copy !req
695. Yeah, a classy joint.
Copy !req
696. You didn't tell me
what it was.
Copy !req
697. Yeah. Well, how you doing?
How's the office?
Copy !req
698. Good.
Copy !req
699. Well, somebody broke in
a couple of nights ago
Copy !req
700. and trashed the place.
Copy !req
701. Jesus.
Copy !req
702. Mm.
Copy !req
703. Hey, I really appreciate your
coming down here this late.
Copy !req
704. You know, you could have gotten
a messenger to do it.
Copy !req
705. It's empty.
Copy !req
706. It's what?
Copy !req
707. There's nothing in it.
Copy !req
708. What the fuck
are you talking about?
Copy !req
709. I flushed it
down the toilet.
Copy !req
710. Look, Daryl.
Copy !req
711. We had an incident
yesterday morning, okay?
Copy !req
712. Some crazy guy came in
shouting and screaming.
Copy !req
713. What guy?
Copy !req
714. A man named Peluso.
Copy !req
715. He came in, said you gave drugs
to his daughter.
Copy !req
716. But half the staff heard him,
including Kramer.
Copy !req
717. Fucking great.
Copy !req
718. She died, Daryl.
Copy !req
719. What?
Copy !req
720. He said she died.
Copy !req
721. Night before last.
Copy !req
722. He threatened
to make a lot of trouble.
Copy !req
723. And then a guy
from the DA's office came by,
Copy !req
724. and interviewed all of us,
Copy !req
725. Kramer too. I mean, Kramer...
Copy !req
726. Kramer really wants
to talk to you, Daryl.
Copy !req
727. Now, I can tell him you're
in the hospital, but, hey, man,
Copy !req
728. at some point, you're gonna
have to deal with him.
Copy !req
729. And you gotta to come up
with the money you took.
Copy !req
730. Look, I gotta go.
I had to work late.
Copy !req
731. Debbie's waiting.
Copy !req
732. Daryl, you okay?
Copy !req
733. Look, Daryl.
Copy !req
734. I really gotta go now.
Copy !req
735. Shall we?
Copy !req
736. Tell me how happy I'm gonna be
with this one, Daryl.
Copy !req
737. Am I going to be happy?
Copy !req
738. Let me ask you something.
Copy !req
739. What the fuck
are you doing here?
Copy !req
740. You got a problem, Daryl?
Copy !req
741. You don't even know
you've got a problem, do you?
Copy !req
742. You know how long
you've been straight, man?
Copy !req
743. Twelve days.
Copy !req
744. Twelve whole days.
Copy !req
745. Twelve days,
three hours and 20 seconds.
Copy !req
746. Twenty-four seconds.
Copy !req
747. Twenty-six seconds.
Copy !req
748. That's how we do it, Daryl.
Copy !req
749. A second at a time.
Copy !req
750. A minute at a time.
Copy !req
751. One day at a time.
Copy !req
752. But you gotta know
you got problem.
Copy !req
753. Drink up, will you?
Copy !req
754. Hey.
Copy !req
755. All right, uh,
ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
756. can I have
your attention please?
Copy !req
757. Hello?
Copy !req
758. Hello?
Copy !req
759. Good morning.
Copy !req
760. My name is Craig.
Copy !req
761. And I would like to welcome you
to family group.
Copy !req
762. Now, I know how hard this is
for everybody.
Copy !req
763. A lot of us have been...
Copy !req
764. very angry,
Copy !req
765. very worried
for a long time.
Copy !req
766. But don't be afraid
to speak honestly.
Copy !req
767. What do you mean, bitch?
You took my fucking rock!
Copy !req
768. What the hell
do you expect?
Copy !req
769. Your old man steals
your visa,
Copy !req
770. kicks your ass every day!
Copy !req
771. You'd jam his damn freebase
down the sink too!
Copy !req
772. I wanna ask a question.
Copy !req
773. I wanna know
what is she doing here?
Copy !req
774. Jesus, Lenny.
Copy !req
775. They were gonna fire me,
Copy !req
776. And they didn't fire me,
which is good.
Copy !req
777. Because I like buying gas
Copy !req
778. so you can make it to your
probation officer, okay?
Copy !req
779. Good. Thanks.
Copy !req
780. Everybody hear that?
I'm on probation.
Copy !req
781. Way to go, Charlie.
Copy !req
782. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
783. And fuck your job!
Copy !req
784. Hey, no.
Copy !req
785. No, I can't fuck my job!
Copy !req
786. I like having a steel mill
to go to
Copy !req
787. when you're throwing fucking
telephones to the window.
Copy !req
788. Beats throwing her
through the fucking window,
Copy !req
789. Doesn't it?
Copy !req
790. Oh, Christ.
Copy !req
791. Fuck!
Copy !req
792. All right, people,
time for shower.
Copy !req
793. How you feeling, Daryl?
Copy !req
794. I was feeling just dandy,
Craig, old pal,
Copy !req
795. till you shoved your foot
up my ass.
Copy !req
796. Listen.
Copy !req
797. I'm starting to give
some of the people passes.
Copy !req
798. A little time
to be on their own.
Copy !req
799. You think
you can handle that?
Copy !req
800. Possibly.
Copy !req
801. Yeah.
Copy !req
802. You gonna fuck with me?
Copy !req
803. No.
Copy !req
804. All right.
Copy !req
805. This is Spence.
Copy !req
806. I'm out for a while.
Leave your name and number
Copy !req
807. where you can be reached
at the beep.
Copy !req
808. Spence. Daryl.
Pick up, will you?
Copy !req
809. I wanna do some business,
Copy !req
810. Come on, Spence, pick up.
This is Daryl.
Copy !req
811. Shit!
Copy !req
812. We're sorry, you have reached
a number that...
Copy !req
813. Hello?
Copy !req
814. Hey, Larry.
This is Daryl.
Copy !req
815. I'd like to do
some business.
Copy !req
816. You would, huh?
Well, I would too, Daryl,
Copy !req
817. but I think you dialed
the wrong number.
Copy !req
818. This is Richard.
We met the other night.
Copy !req
819. Oh, Richard.
Copy !req
820. Jesus, I got the wrong number.
I was just...
Copy !req
821. Where are you?
Copy !req
822. Daryl, Daryl. Listen to me.
I... I wanna see you.
Copy !req
823. I can't get away now,
but how about 12:30?
Copy !req
824. Why?
Copy !req
825. Why? Why do you think why?
Copy !req
826. Daryl, lets... I want you to do
something for me.
Copy !req
827. Do you know
what an inventory is?
Copy !req
828. It's a list of everything
you've done
Copy !req
829. that caused harm
to other people.
Copy !req
830. I want you to make one.
Copy !req
831. A fearless and searching
moral inventory, Daryl.
Copy !req
832. Write it down
and have it with you at 12:30.
Copy !req
833. Fearless and searching
moral inventory.
Copy !req
834. Hey, look...
Copy !req
835. Daryl, Daryl.
Now, just do it.
Copy !req
836. It will take your mind off
calling Larry.
Copy !req
837. There's a coffee shop
Copy !req
838. at the corner
of Second and Market.
Copy !req
839. Yeah, I'll bet there is.
Copy !req
840. What are you gonna bring?
Copy !req
841. Drugs. Lots of drugs.
Copy !req
842. An inventory.
Copy !req
843. Now, you got an hour
and a half.
Copy !req
844. Go park yourself someplace
and do it.
Copy !req
845. Sorry, I'm late.
Copy !req
846. Addicts are always late.
Copy !req
847. Thanks, hon.
Copy !req
848. No.
Copy !req
849. What is it with you guys
and food?
Copy !req
850. You're like wild dogs.
Copy !req
851. Addicts are compulsive.
Copy !req
852. You got your inventory?
Copy !req
853. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
854. Call Larry?
Copy !req
855. Do you want something to eat?
Copy !req
856. No, it's all right.
Copy !req
857. "Halloween, 1964,
Copy !req
858. "I put a cherry bomb
in this guy's air conditioner.
Copy !req
859. "1970,
I faked a stamp on my hand
Copy !req
860. "to get into a church dance.
Copy !req
861. "1976, I told some girls
Copy !req
862. "I played
in the Pam American Games
Copy !req
863. "when I really didn't.
Copy !req
864. "Two weeks ago,
I borrowed $92,000
Copy !req
865. "from an escrow account.
Copy !req
866. "1981, I guess,
I first moved out here.
Copy !req
867. "Took a blender back to Sears
that I broke.
Copy !req
868. Told them it was fucked up
when I bought it."
Copy !req
869. You asleep yet?
Copy !req
870. What's with this 92,000?
Copy !req
871. I was a little short.
For coke?
Copy !req
872. I needed a few
thousand dollars, so...
Copy !req
873. I put some money
in some stock options.
Copy !req
874. Made a little at first
then the market got weird.
Copy !req
875. How much you lose?
Copy !req
876. Fifty-two thousand dollars.
Copy !req
877. You get along
with your boss?
Copy !req
878. There some way
he'll let you pay it back?
Copy !req
879. I don't know.
Copy !req
880. I don't know.
Copy !req
881. You see,
Copy !req
882. this guy...
Copy !req
883. His daughter had a heart attack
in my bed.
Copy !req
884. And he went into the office,
Copy !req
885. screaming, yelling
how I killed his daughter,
Copy !req
886. because I gave her drugs.
Copy !req
887. Did you?
No. She gave them to me.
Copy !req
888. What about the police?
Copy !req
889. You know,
told me not to leave town.
Copy !req
890. You an addict, Daryl?
Copy !req
891. Funny how the mind works.
Copy !req
892. Proof that you're not an addict
because you're not dead, right?
Copy !req
893. I don't believe this shit.
Copy !req
894. What?
Copy !req
895. That I'm fucking here.
Copy !req
896. Are you an addict, Daryl?
Copy !req
897. Fuck you.
Copy !req
898. Yeah, I tell you, Craig,
old pal.
Copy !req
899. All you're gonna find
in this one,
Copy !req
900. a couple of milkshakes,
Copy !req
901. Well, more than that,
Copy !req
902. Five. Five milkshakes.
Copy !req
903. The chemical equivalent
of nitro-fucking-glycerine.
Copy !req
904. Yeah, I can barely
see straight, man.
Copy !req
905. Get that snake out of there.
Come on, you python.
Copy !req
906. There you go.
Copy !req
907. I got him all coiled up
after lasso practice.
Copy !req
908. Well, we've been together
a long time.
Copy !req
909. It's hard with him,
you know.
Copy !req
910. Why? What makes it hard?
Copy !req
911. I don't know. He's stupid.
Copy !req
912. Like I...
Copy !req
913. He... He... He ripped off
all this cable, you know,
Copy !req
914. from the phone company,
Copy !req
915. You know,
all those spools they've got
Copy !req
916. that lie underground,
you know?
Copy !req
917. I come home one night
Copy !req
918. and there's 152-ton spools
of wire in my backyard.
Copy !req
919. And there was this
Mafia fuck
Copy !req
920. who was supposed to broker
it all for the copper.
Copy !req
921. So Lenny and him,
they got into an argument.
Copy !req
922. and Lenny shoots him
in the foot.
Copy !req
923. Then the cops come
and Lenny goes to jail.
Copy !req
924. You do any drugs
while Lenny was away?
Copy !req
925. How you doing, Daryl?
Copy !req
926. Just groovy, Craig.
Copy !req
927. Iris?
Copy !req
928. Okay.
Copy !req
929. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
930. Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.
Copy !req
931. Where'd you get the stuff?
Copy !req
932. What do you mean?
Copy !req
933. I mean the stuff you took
before you came in here.
Copy !req
934. I can see it in your eyes.
Copy !req
935. My eyes are fine.
Copy !req
936. Then you don't know
what I'm talking about?
Copy !req
937. Afraid not.
Copy !req
938. There are a lot of people
here trying hard
Copy !req
939. to stay clean, Iris.
Copy !req
940. I think you owe it to them
to tell me the truth.
Copy !req
941. All right, Iris,
Copy !req
942. if you're using,
I want you to leave.
Copy !req
943. Right now.
Copy !req
944. Hey, Chuck, what's shaking?
Copy !req
945. Besides you, I mean.
Copy !req
946. Hey, too bad about Iris,
Copy !req
947. Yeah, too bad.
Copy !req
948. She was your roommate,
Copy !req
949. You take two desserts?
Copy !req
950. Okay.
Copy !req
951. So I guess you're gonna be
all alone up there
Copy !req
952. for the last few days.
Copy !req
953. Tough duty, Chuck.
Tough duty.
Copy !req
954. Look. I just want you to know,
you know,
Copy !req
955. if sleeping alone
starts to get you down...
Copy !req
956. You know what I mean.
I mean, sometimes...
Copy !req
957. I just know
how tough it's gonna be
Copy !req
958. to have to sleep alone.
Copy !req
959. I'll bet you do.
Copy !req
960. Come on.
Copy !req
961. Come on.
Copy !req
962. Ooh.
Copy !req
963. Go, girl.
Copy !req
964. A little jerk?
Copy !req
965. Here we go.
Copy !req
966. No.
Copy !req
967. No, I can't do it.
Come on, Bob.
Copy !req
968. Go!
Copy !req
969. Oh!
Copy !req
970. Hipsters.
Copy !req
971. Now, take a little stroll
down memory lane to 1962.
Copy !req
972. Kennedy
was in the White House.
Copy !req
973. Bobby was in
Marilyn's house.
Copy !req
974. Haircuts were a dollar
Copy !req
975. The baby boom was on.
Copy !req
976. And everybody wants
to be happy.
Copy !req
977. You're staring, man.
Copy !req
978. Oh.
Copy !req
979. And she's out of there.
Copy !req
980. What?
Oh, God, it's Ike.
Copy !req
981. Checks in here all the time.
Copy !req
982. Ike Turner.
Copy !req
983. What are you talking
Copy !req
984. Did you read about
what he did to Tina, man?
Copy !req
985. It took her 15 years
to get away from that guy.
Copy !req
986. He's like some fucking
Svengali guy.
Copy !req
987. Tina said he has his tongue
the size of an anteater's.
Copy !req
988. He'd bore it
down her throat.
Copy !req
989. Her whole body would go
into a trance.
Copy !req
990. Fuck you,
the guy's name's Gary.
Copy !req
991. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
992. Oh, God.
Copy !req
993. She told him she doesn't use
birth control.
Copy !req
994. So now Ike's going to Xavier,
Copy !req
995. see if he's got one of those
huge rubbers those guys use.
Copy !req
996. Big lambskin mothers.
Copy !req
997. Look like
Tomahawk missiles.
Copy !req
998. I think I'm gonna move in
while she's still hot.
Copy !req
999. Hey, put it in park,
you little pecker.
Copy !req
1000. You like to dance?
Copy !req
1001. Yeah.
Copy !req
1002. Yeah. I know.
Copy !req
1003. I mean with me.
Copy !req
1004. Oh.
Copy !req
1005. Oh, with you.
Copy !req
1006. Yeah.
Copy !req
1007. Come here.
Copy !req
1008. Oh, wonderful.
A slow one.
Copy !req
1009. You want me to have them
kick it up to '78?
Copy !req
1010. Oh, it's okay.
Copy !req
1011. Jesus.
Copy !req
1012. What?
Copy !req
1013. I haven't done this
in a long time.
Copy !req
1014. Not straight anyway.
Copy !req
1015. Are you scared?
Copy !req
1016. Of what?
Copy !req
1017. I don't know, you know?
Copy !req
1018. Tomorrow, you'll getting out
of here and everything.
Copy !req
1019. Yeah, a little. Are you?
Copy !req
1020. A little.
Copy !req
1021. Yeah, I'm a little...
you know?
Copy !req
1022. So, what do you do?
Copy !req
1023. I run a crane.
Copy !req
1024. A crane?
Copy !req
1025. A gantry crane
in a steel mill.
Copy !req
1026. I'm the token cunt.
Copy !req
1027. No kidding?
Copy !req
1028. No kidding.
Copy !req
1029. So you like it?
Copy !req
1030. I like the union.
Copy !req
1031. I like the medical
and the dental.
Copy !req
1032. I like the job security.
Copy !req
1033. What, a job security
running a crane?
Copy !req
1034. Yeah. Long as once a month
I forget to wear a bra
Copy !req
1035. and show them my high beams
there is.
Copy !req
1036. What do you do?
Copy !req
1037. Real estate. I sell
commercial real estate.
Copy !req
1038. What's so funny?
Copy !req
1039. Nothing. I just knew.
Copy !req
1040. Just knew what?
I knew.
Copy !req
1041. A slick guy like you
had to do
Copy !req
1042. some kind of bogus
tap-dancing for a living.
Copy !req
1043. Why, thank you.
Copy !req
1044. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
1045. So you wanna get together and
do something when we get out?
Copy !req
1046. I live with somebody,
Copy !req
1047. Yeah, I know.
Right. I know.
Copy !req
1048. I'm talking about
something casual, you know.
Copy !req
1049. You bring Lenny.
Copy !req
1050. Ah, you can't talk.
Copy !req
1051. Listen to me. You come
to my house for dinner.
Copy !req
1052. I go to your house for dinner.
You're coming to my house?
Copy !req
1053. Yeah. I wanna come
to your house for dinner.
Copy !req
1054. You, me and Lenny?
Copy !req
1055. People do it all the time.
Copy !req
1056. You're nuts.
Copy !req
1057. Be honest with yourselves.
Copy !req
1058. Go to your meetings.
Copy !req
1059. Talk to your sponsors.
Copy !req
1060. And for Christ's sake,
talk to each other.
Copy !req
1061. If you need a phone number,
Copy !req
1062. call me.
Copy !req
1063. I'll put you in touch.
Copy !req
1064. You'll make it.
Copy !req
1065. Jesus.
Copy !req
1066. You got ants in your tuner.
Copy !req
1067. Where's your stash?
Copy !req
1068. Stash?
Copy !req
1069. What stash? The cops
were all over this place.
Copy !req
1070. You mind if I take a look?
Copy !req
1071. Now, I'm going to assume
Copy !req
1072. that more to your friends
these days
Copy !req
1073. are selling drugs.
Copy !req
1074. So I want you to screen
all of your calls.
Copy !req
1075. What's your situation
at work?
Copy !req
1076. Damn, you don't let up,
do you?
Copy !req
1077. I want you to spend
the next day or two
Copy !req
1078. figuring exactly how you're
gonna straighten things out.
Copy !req
1079. Don't worry,
I'll handle it.
Copy !req
1080. How?
Copy !req
1081. You mean,
you dance around the problem
Copy !req
1082. till it gets so big
you can't handle it?
Copy !req
1083. Pretty good excuse
for getting high, right?
Copy !req
1084. Hey, look...
No, no, no. You look.
Copy !req
1085. Now, what you do
is you sit down
Copy !req
1086. and write out exactly what
you're gonna tell your boss.
Copy !req
1087. If you're afraid of him,
Copy !req
1088. you take the paper
and use it like a script.
Copy !req
1089. But whatever the case,
you tell him everything.
Copy !req
1090. You tell him the truth.
Copy !req
1091. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
1092. And he congratulates me
and give me a raise.
Copy !req
1093. It's an AA schedule.
Don't lose it.
Copy !req
1094. Anytime you wanna go
to a meeting,
Copy !req
1095. look in there.
You'll find one.
Copy !req
1096. Motherfucking...
Copy !req
1097. Motherfucking god...
Copy !req
1098. Hi. Is this Mrs. Towle?
Copy !req
1099. Yeah.
My name's Daryl Poynter.
Copy !req
1100. I was your son's roommate
at the clinic.
Copy !req
1101. Yeah. I'm thinking about going
to one of those AA meetings.
Copy !req
1102. I was just wondering
if Donald wanted to go
Copy !req
1103. or he needed a ride.
I don't know.
Copy !req
1104. Oh, he's not.
Copy !req
1105. No, no. That's all right.
Just tell him I called.
Copy !req
1106. Okay. Thank you.
Copy !req
1107. Hey, Chuck.
Copy !req
1108. I was just
in the neighborhood.
Copy !req
1109. I thought I'd stop by.
Copy !req
1110. Yeah? Well,
Copy !req
1111. I'm fixing dinner.
Copy !req
1112. Yeah, well, uh...
Copy !req
1113. Yeah, I just wanted to see
how you're doing.
Copy !req
1114. How are you doing?
Copy !req
1115. I got an 8:00 shift.
Copy !req
1116. Okay.
Copy !req
1117. Okay. We don't want...
I'll stop some other time.
Copy !req
1118. Hey.
Copy !req
1119. You could join us
if you like.
Copy !req
1120. This is nice.
Copy !req
1121. Are you sure
this is okay?
Copy !req
1122. Sure. Why not?
Copy !req
1123. Lenny!
Copy !req
1124. What?
Copy !req
1125. What?
Copy !req
1126. This is one of the guys
from the clinic.
Copy !req
1127. Hi. How you doing?
Daryl Poynter.
Copy !req
1128. Doing all right.
Copy !req
1129. So why do debutantes
hate group sex?
Copy !req
1130. Oh, Jesus.
Copy !req
1131. They have to write
too many thank you notes.
Copy !req
1132. You live around here?
Copy !req
1133. Oh, yeah. Kind of.
Copy !req
1134. I... Sort of... Yeah.
Copy !req
1135. No. I thought it was,
you know, a good idea
Copy !req
1136. to just keep in touch
Copy !req
1137. with some of the people
in the program.
Copy !req
1138. You wouldn't believe
what a mess this guy was.
Copy !req
1139. Yeah, well.
Copy !req
1140. So, Lenny,
what kind of work are you in?
Copy !req
1141. I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
1142. A brain surgeon.
Copy !req
1143. Hmm.
Copy !req
1144. I'm through.
Copy !req
1145. You know,
I don't know you very well,
Copy !req
1146. and probably
none of my business,
Copy !req
1147. but you figure that's really
a smart thing to do
Copy !req
1148. around Charlie and me,
you know?
Copy !req
1149. Dinner's over.
Copy !req
1150. She's gotta go to work.
Copy !req
1151. Why don't you get
the fuck out of here.
Copy !req
1152. I don't think
you understand...
Copy !req
1153. Lenny,
are you driving me to work
Copy !req
1154. or am driving myself?
Copy !req
1155. Sorry.
It's okay.
Copy !req
1156. It keeps life
Copy !req
1157. It keeps Lenny
on his toes.
Copy !req
1158. It was really
kind of nice.
Copy !req
1159. So, what's next?
Copy !req
1160. What do you mean
what's next?
Copy !req
1161. I don't know.
Copy !req
1162. I wanna take you to a movie
or something.
Copy !req
1163. I... I don't think so.
Copy !req
1164. Come on.
There's a movie theater
Copy !req
1165. right down the street.
Copy !req
1166. Tomorrow's Saturday.
Copy !req
1167. Just tell him you're going
shopping or something.
Copy !req
1168. Tomorrow at 3.
Copy !req
1169. Hi. This is Daryl.
Copy !req
1170. You know what to do
and when to do it.
Copy !req
1171. Daryl? Richard Dirks.
Copy !req
1172. Now, what's the deal
with your boss?
Copy !req
1173. You gotta take care of that
right now.
Copy !req
1174. You know that.
Copy !req
1175. All right, you made it.
Copy !req
1176. Ugh!
Copy !req
1177. They got a good flick today.
Copy !req
1178. The Care Bears Movie
and five color cartoons.
Copy !req
1179. You seen them?
Copy !req
1180. I screwed up.
Copy !req
1181. Matinees, you know.
Copy !req
1182. Yeah, well,
Copy !req
1183. I don't have too much time,
you know, so...
Copy !req
1184. Oh, yeah. I guess
this isn't too cool out here.
Copy !req
1185. Okay. Come on.
Copy !req
1186. No.
Copy !req
1187. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1188. Nothing.
Copy !req
1189. Just looking at you.
Copy !req
1190. It's nice to see you.
Copy !req
1191. Why?
Copy !req
1192. I don't know.
Copy !req
1193. I'm alone all day, you're nice.
I don't know.
Copy !req
1194. Would you stop?
Would you staring at me?
Copy !req
1195. Oh, okay.
All right, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1196. You're right.
Copy !req
1197. I just kind of wanna talk
about something.
Copy !req
1198. Why'd you bring me to a movie?
You don't talk in the movie.
Copy !req
1199. Okay, let's go someplace.
Copy !req
1200. I don't wanna go someplace.
Copy !req
1201. What it is, is...
What? What it is is what?
Copy !req
1202. Well...
Copy !req
1203. What it is...
Copy !req
1204. I'm trying to organize
my life.
Copy !req
1205. You know what I mean?
I am, and I know you are...
Copy !req
1206. Yeah. So?
So, I mean...
Copy !req
1207. Why don't we try
and do it together?
Copy !req
1208. I mean, you know, honestly,
Copy !req
1209. this is not about sex
or anything.
Copy !req
1210. It's not about cooking.
I don't know what it's about.
Copy !req
1211. Wait. What the...?
Copy !req
1212. Charlie!
Copy !req
1213. What? What the fuck
do you want me to do?
Copy !req
1214. If I stay home, I get high.
Copy !req
1215. If I come here,
I get steamrolled by you!
Copy !req
1216. What the fuck
do you want me to do?
Copy !req
1217. I'm getting out of here.
Copy !req
1218. None of your goddamn
Copy !req
1219. Hey!
Copy !req
1220. Fuck.
Copy !req
1221. It's been damn near a week.
Copy !req
1222. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just getting
Copy !req
1223. everything I need to say
on paper.
Copy !req
1224. Like you suggested.
It takes time.
Copy !req
1225. Not a week.
Copy !req
1226. Do you want me
to drive you?
Copy !req
1227. No. No, I'll... I'll go.
Copy !req
1228. I'm going right now.
Copy !req
1229. Hey.
Copy !req
1230. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
1231. Well, I came to apologize.
Copy !req
1232. Will you just
leave me alone?
Copy !req
1233. Here. Let me give you a hand
on some of this.
Copy !req
1234. I got it, I got it.
Copy !req
1235. Look, if I get a little
out of hand sometimes,
Copy !req
1236. it's because...
Yeah, because you don't think
Copy !req
1237. about anybody but yourself.
What am I to do?
Copy !req
1238. Say, "Fuck you" to a guy
I've been with 10 years?
Copy !req
1239. Look, what I'm trying
to say is...
Copy !req
1240. I know what
you're trying to say.
Copy !req
1241. Here. Let me get this.
Copy !req
1242. Look, I admit it.
Copy !req
1243. You know, I'm not functioning
great these days. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1244. Uh, I don't know what for,
but I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1245. I just wanna see you again.
That's all.
Copy !req
1246. Come see where I live,
all right?
Copy !req
1247. There's no hot TVs,
no spools of telephone wire.
Copy !req
1248. What do you say?
Copy !req
1249. You work tonight?
Copy !req
1250. No, I'm off.
Copy !req
1251. Let me cook you dinner.
Copy !req
1252. Call me, all right?
I'm in the book!
Copy !req
1253. I brought some tequila.
Copy !req
1254. Nice touch.
Copy !req
1255. Eighteen, huh?
Copy !req
1256. Eighteen.
Copy !req
1257. Married,
pregnant and happy.
Copy !req
1258. I was.
Copy !req
1259. I mean, that's the way life's
supposed to go, right?
Copy !req
1260. Grade school, junior high,
high school, married, baby.
Copy !req
1261. All right.
So, what happened?
Copy !req
1262. The bump died.
Copy !req
1263. We called it the bump.
Copy !req
1264. I was seven months
Copy !req
1265. I got real sick
and the bump died.
Copy !req
1266. And then Charlie left.
Copy !req
1267. Charlie and Charlie.
Copy !req
1268. Charlie and Charlene.
Copy !req
1269. Oh.
Copy !req
1270. We were a hell
of a couple.
Copy !req
1271. But he left.
Copy !req
1272. And that's
when I moved to Darby.
Copy !req
1273. My uncle got me a job
in the steel mill.
Copy !req
1274. Six dollars an hour to start,
and that was '72.
Copy !req
1275. So here I am.
Copy !req
1276. Here you are.
Copy !req
1277. You want some more coffee
or something?
Copy !req
1278. I think I better go.
Copy !req
1279. Why?
Copy !req
1280. I told Lenny I was working.
Copy !req
1281. So, what if he calls,
I'm not there?
Copy !req
1282. Live with me.
Copy !req
1283. I can't.
Why not?
Copy !req
1284. I can't leave Lenny.
Why not?
Copy !req
1285. Because...
Because why?
Copy !req
1286. Because it's not that easy.
Copy !req
1287. It is.
All you gotta do is want it.
Copy !req
1288. Well, I don't know
if I want it.
Copy !req
1289. Well, you know,
Copy !req
1290. you deserve somebody
who cares about you.
Copy !req
1291. You know,
maybe it's not me.
Copy !req
1292. I mean,
it might be somebody else,
Copy !req
1293. but it sure ain't Lenny.
Copy !req
1294. I can't.
Copy !req
1295. Yes, you can.
All you gotta do is tell him.
Copy !req
1296. Fuck it, I'll tell him.
Copy !req
1297. No! Hey, no.
Copy !req
1298. Hey, I'll tell him!
Copy !req
1299. I can't tell him.
Copy !req
1300. Why?
Because you're afraid?
Copy !req
1301. Don't be afraid.
Don't you get it?
Copy !req
1302. You never gonna have to see
this guy again. Ever.
Copy !req
1303. I'll go to the house.
I'll get your stuff out.
Copy !req
1304. He won't have to deal with you,
he'll have to deal with me.
Copy !req
1305. Just tell him.
Copy !req
1306. You know what?
I've been writing this script
Copy !req
1307. for myself
Copy !req
1308. for this thing
I got at work.
Copy !req
1309. Here.
Copy !req
1310. Let's write one for you.
Copy !req
1311. Jesus.
Copy !req
1312. You really buy
into all this shit, don't you?
Copy !req
1313. Look, let's just try it,
Copy !req
1314. I mean, Christ,
let's just try it.
Copy !req
1315. Okay, here.
Copy !req
1316. That's you and that's Lenny.
Copy !req
1317. "I love you
for what we had,
Copy !req
1318. but now my life
is a lot different."
Copy !req
1319. Give me a fucking break.
Copy !req
1320. Hey, you wanna write it?
Go ahead, put it in your words,
Copy !req
1321. I don't care.
What's that?
Copy !req
1322. That's his probable response,
Copy !req
1323. But if you stick to that,
you can't get confused.
Copy !req
1324. Oh, man.
Copy !req
1325. Here.
You wanna tell him tonight?
Copy !req
1326. Listen, I'm here, okay?
Copy !req
1327. And I wanna help you.
Copy !req
1328. Lenny, hi.
Copy !req
1329. Yeah, it's me.
I'm still at work.
Copy !req
1330. Um, listen...
Copy !req
1331. Listen, I got something
I wanna say to you, okay.
Copy !req
1332. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
1333. Well, will you just listen
just for a second. I got some...
Copy !req
1334. Okay, just listen to this.
Copy !req
1335. Lenny, I've had lot of time
to think lately
Copy !req
1336. and sort out my feelings
Copy !req
1337. and make some hard choices.
Copy !req
1338. "Where are you,
you fucking douche bag?"
Copy !req
1339. I don't see that there.
Copy !req
1340. "Get your ass home now,
Copy !req
1341. Tell him
you're not gonna go home.
Copy !req
1342. Tell him you not gonna do
anything, anything,
Copy !req
1343. until he listens
to what you have to say.
Copy !req
1344. Do it.
Copy !req
1345. Lenny.
Copy !req
1346. Uh...
Copy !req
1347. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
1348. All right.
Copy !req
1349. Fuck.
Copy !req
1350. Charlie!
Copy !req
1351. Hey!
Copy !req
1352. Daryl. Hey, look at you.
Copy !req
1353. Yeah, look at me.
Copy !req
1354. You're back, fella.
Yeah, I'm back.
Copy !req
1355. I'm back, I'm smoking
like a fucking chimney.
Copy !req
1356. I had to go to the can
every 10 minutes but I'm back.
Copy !req
1357. What's it like up there?
Good. It's good.
Copy !req
1358. Yeah?
I told Kramer you were laid up.
Copy !req
1359. Yeah, thanks,
I appreciate it.
Copy !req
1360. No, man. It's nothing.
Copy !req
1361. Uh, you're gonna have
to talk to him, Daryl.
Copy !req
1362. I know. I know that.
Copy !req
1363. What should I say? I mean,
what's the thinking in there?
Copy !req
1364. Come on, Martin,
my ass is on the line here.
Copy !req
1365. I know that. I know that.
Copy !req
1366. Kramer's not a bad guy,
Copy !req
1367. You know,
it'll be okay.
Copy !req
1368. It'll be okay.
Copy !req
1369. They figure
they gonna fool him
Copy !req
1370. and bring in the lead pipes
and bought all kinds of stuff.
Copy !req
1371. He guesses them all.
Then they bring in this hooker.
Copy !req
1372. I'm sorry,
there's a meeting here.
Copy !req
1373. Yeah, I know that.
Copy !req
1374. Uh...
Copy !req
1375. I'm sorry to interrupt,
but I, uh...
Copy !req
1376. I think, uh, I should
kind of clear up
Copy !req
1377. the situation
of the escrow account
Copy !req
1378. before it really gets blown
out of proportion.
Copy !req
1379. But, you know, I can come back
at another time
Copy !req
1380. if it'll be more convenient.
Copy !req
1381. No, Daryl. Not at all.
Copy !req
1382. This is as good a time
as any.
Copy !req
1383. Well, uh, here it is.
I, uh...
Copy !req
1384. I was just in the hospital
for a while and, uh...
Copy !req
1385. The best that I can
put it together is...
Copy !req
1386. What happened was, um...
Copy !req
1387. I had one of the girls
do a telephone transfer for me.
Copy !req
1388. I wanted to consolidate
the 92,000
Copy !req
1389. with another account.
Copy !req
1390. And, uh, by mistake,
it was a stupid thing.
Copy !req
1391. I accidentally gave her
Copy !req
1392. my own personal
checking account number.
Copy !req
1393. And, uh...
Copy !req
1394. Like I said,
I was laid up in the hospital,
Copy !req
1395. and I really didn't know
what had happened
Copy !req
1396. until just a little
while ago.
Copy !req
1397. So you've corrected
the problem?
Copy !req
1398. Yeah. Almost.
Copy !req
1399. Almost?
Copy !req
1400. Well, I owe the IRS
a couple of hundred dollars
Copy !req
1401. and they've frozen
my account.
Copy !req
1402. But as soon as I get a check,
everything will be fine.
Copy !req
1403. Honestly.
Copy !req
1404. Did you take the money, Daryl?
Copy !req
1405. Did you spend it, Daryl?
Copy !req
1406. Did you have
an emergency?
Copy !req
1407. I put most of it
in the stock market.
Copy !req
1408. Why, Daryl?
Copy !req
1409. I had a drug problem.
Copy !req
1410. And I went into a program
at a clinic.
Copy !req
1411. And now I'm back
on my feet again.
Copy !req
1412. Well, that's fine.
Copy !req
1413. But we're still talking
about embezzlement here.
Copy !req
1414. People go to jail
for that sort of thing.
Copy !req
1415. Fuck! You people...
Go to jail?
Copy !req
1416. Hey!
Hank, we could go to jail...
Copy !req
1417. All of us could go to jail,
Copy !req
1418. On a lot of stuff.
Copy !req
1419. Did you ever look at one
of this guy's appraisals.
Copy !req
1420. They're not that bad.
Copy !req
1421. Oh, fuck you!
"Not that bad," man.
Copy !req
1422. This guy, this Vietnam vet,
this All-State athlete,
Copy !req
1423. he gets 90 percent financing
on a $300,000 building
Copy !req
1424. that's only worth 2.
Copy !req
1425. Right?
Then he takes the extra cash
Copy !req
1426. and he buys
an apartment complex.
Copy !req
1427. Sells it for double, gives
the bank back their money,
Copy !req
1428. and then takes what's left,
he puts into a company boat.
Copy !req
1429. Get the fuck out of here,
company boat.
Copy !req
1430. How's the fishing, Ron?
Hank, Bob?
Copy !req
1431. Better
than the stock market.
Copy !req
1432. Yeah? Maybe.
Copy !req
1433. I think we see your point,
Copy !req
1434. Look...
Copy !req
1435. I fucked up.
Copy !req
1436. But, you know...
Copy !req
1437. Hey, you know,
take a look at my sales record.
Copy !req
1438. And I promise you
I'll pay you back
Copy !req
1439. you know,
out of my commissions.
Copy !req
1440. Well, why don't you give us
a few minutes?
Copy !req
1441. All right.
Copy !req
1442. Okay.
Copy !req
1443. Thanks.
Copy !req
1444. Thank you.
Copy !req
1445. Right away.
Copy !req
1446. He sees this naked woman
standing in a window
Copy !req
1447. looking down
and driving a car at night.
Copy !req
1448. I'll tell you later.
Copy !req
1449. We've gone over everything,
Copy !req
1450. And we've decided to give you
a break on the embezzlement.
Copy !req
1451. So long
as you make restitution.
Copy !req
1452. Thank you.
Copy !req
1453. Thank you. Thanks.
Copy !req
1454. However,
Copy !req
1455. we have no alternative
Copy !req
1456. but to terminate you
as of today.
Copy !req
1457. We'll decide whether to report
you to the licensing board.
Copy !req
1458. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
1459. That's all, Daryl.
Copy !req
1460. Whoa! Wait a minute!
Copy !req
1461. You guys know how many
properties I sold last quarter?
Copy !req
1462. Twenty-three.
Twenty-three properties.
Copy !req
1463. Please tell security...
Copy !req
1464. Me! By myself. For you, man!
Copy !req
1465. Charlie,
you got a phone call!
Copy !req
1466. I don't know what happened.
Copy !req
1467. I don't know what I'm doing,
you know.
Copy !req
1468. I don't know
why I called you.
Copy !req
1469. I don't know
what I'm doing.
Copy !req
1470. Listen,
I'm gonna take you home.
Copy !req
1471. I'll drop you off around
the corner from your house.
Copy !req
1472. No, no.
No, don't take me home.
Copy !req
1473. I don't wanna talk about it.
Just drive the car.
Copy !req
1474. Just...
Copy !req
1475. Oh, man.
Copy !req
1476. "Oh, man," what?
Copy !req
1477. Just, oh, man.
Copy !req
1478. Daryl,
I've been through a lot.
Copy !req
1479. Yeah, I know. So have I.
Copy !req
1480. I mean, really a lot.
Copy !req
1481. Are you attracted to me?
Copy !req
1482. Yeah.
Copy !req
1483. You haven't been
through nothing yet.
Copy !req
1484. Hey.
Copy !req
1485. Here's a thought.
Copy !req
1486. Why don't you
call in sick today?
Copy !req
1487. Ha! You're not worth it, babe.
Copy !req
1488. Someday, when you have a job,
you'll understand.
Copy !req
1489. Very funny.
Copy !req
1490. I want you
to know something.
Copy !req
1491. I've had hundreds of offers.
Copy !req
1492. Hundreds of them.
Copy !req
1493. Well, thousands even,
Copy !req
1494. It's really gonna boil down
to who's got the best parking
Copy !req
1495. and the nicest cafeteria.
Copy !req
1496. Is this what you do
with Lenny?
Copy !req
1497. Maybe that's why I'm here.
Copy !req
1498. Flush it down the toilet.
Copy !req
1499. Gonna be some happy rats
in the sewers tonight.
Copy !req
1500. You gonna stay?
Copy !req
1501. Do you wanna stay?
Copy !req
1502. I don't know.
Copy !req
1503. This is pretty much of a dump
you got here.
Copy !req
1504. Why don't you get a job,
you bum?
Copy !req
1505. Uh, Daryl. D-A-R-Y-L.
Poynter, P-O-Y...
Copy !req
1506. Yeah, that's Poynter.
Copy !req
1507. That's a Y, not an I.
Copy !req
1508. Poynter.
What does that mean?
Copy !req
1509. It means, uh...
It means hard worker.
Copy !req
1510. Uh, 34. I was born in 1954.
Copy !req
1511. April 3rd, 1955.
Copy !req
1512. Twenty-seven.
Copy !req
1513. Twenty-seven last month
as a matter of fact.
Copy !req
1514. Yeah, well, the thing is I was
up to 47,500 in my last job.
Copy !req
1515. So I couldn't possibly
take anything less than that.
Copy !req
1516. Low 40s.
Copy !req
1517. You know, that ballpark.
Copy !req
1518. I'm flexible, I guess.
Copy !req
1519. Money? Salary?
Copy !req
1520. I don't know. It isn't really
the main consideration for me.
Copy !req
1521. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1522. If I did stuff
to make it hard for you
Copy !req
1523. it's only because
I was having problems too.
Copy !req
1524. You always have problems.
Copy !req
1525. I know.
Copy !req
1526. I always have problems.
Copy !req
1527. I do always have problems.
Copy !req
1528. But if you're not around,
Copy !req
1529. I don't make it at all.
Copy !req
1530. Somebody wanna to tell me
what's happening here?
Copy !req
1531. Nothing.
Nothing's happening here.
Copy !req
1532. Really?
Copy !req
1533. I'd like him to leave.
Copy !req
1534. Fuck you.
Copy !req
1535. Fuck me?
Copy !req
1536. Fuck me? No, no, fuck you!
Copy !req
1537. You're in my house now,
Copy !req
1538. So get the fuck out!
Copy !req
1539. Where are you going?
You don't need me, Daryl.
Copy !req
1540. Whoa, whoa,
where do this come from?
Copy !req
1541. Look around you.
Look at all you've got.
Copy !req
1542. Your plates match.
Copy !req
1543. You don't drink
out of jelly jars.
Copy !req
1544. Wanna say something,
you sit down
Copy !req
1545. and you figure out
how to say it.
Copy !req
1546. You cut your goddamn grass!
Copy !req
1547. What the hell
do you need me for?
Copy !req
1548. What do you mean?
I do need you! And you need me!
Copy !req
1549. Wait, didn't you see this
coming to you?
Copy !req
1550. He's gonna do this, come back
and work you like this again.
Copy !req
1551. What are you gonna do now?
Copy !req
1552. Go home and light
his fucking pipe for him,
Copy !req
1553. let him snort coke
off your tits?
Copy !req
1554. What part of him
you gonna snort off?
Copy !req
1555. Bye.
Copy !req
1556. Yeah?
Copy !req
1557. Hi. Hey, listen,
I think I've got something.
Copy !req
1558. I mean, you know, it's gonna
take some negotiating.
Copy !req
1559. Daryl,
don't call me anymore.
Copy !req
1560. Six, nineteen to go
in the half.
Copy !req
1561. WIT in Philadelphia
Copy !req
1562. as the Eagles
leave the Cowboys.
Copy !req
1563. Hello?
Copy !req
1564. No, she's not home
right now.
Copy !req
1565. Who's this?
Copy !req
1566. Who was that?
Copy !req
1567. Where are you going?
Copy !req
1568. Cigarettes.
I need cigarettes.
Copy !req
1569. Hello?
Copy !req
1570. I know what you're thinking,
Copy !req
1571. You're thinking you could've
done something for her, right?
Copy !req
1572. That it's your fault, right?
Copy !req
1573. You can give up
on yourself now, right?
Copy !req
1574. That's what you're thinking,
isn't it, Daryl?
Copy !req
1575. But you've gotta understand.
Copy !req
1576. That's absolutely conceited,
Copy !req
1577. It's self-important
and conceited.
Copy !req
1578. Are you getting this?
Copy !req
1579. It's important.
Copy !req
1580. Because a guy who thinks
Copy !req
1581. he can control
somebody else's addiction
Copy !req
1582. needs to know how overblown
his thinking is.
Copy !req
1583. Could anybody make you stop,
Copy !req
1584. No, sir.
Copy !req
1585. Nobody but you can.
Copy !req
1586. Not me.
Copy !req
1587. Nobody.
Copy !req
1588. Sorry.
Copy !req
1589. Maybe we ought to go inside,
Copy !req
1590. We're in the line of fire.
Copy !req
1591. About a month ago...
Copy !req
1592. I had a few problems.
Copy !req
1593. And, um, I figured
Copy !req
1594. the only way to deal
with these problems
Copy !req
1595. was to, uh, disappear.
Copy !req
1596. One of the problems
was I didn't have any money.
Copy !req
1597. So I asked myself,
Copy !req
1598. where could a guy go
to be totally anonymous
Copy !req
1599. and get somebody else
to pay for it?
Copy !req
1600. Well, the answer I came up with
was pretty brilliant.
Copy !req
1601. I, uh...
I figured what I would do
Copy !req
1602. would be I check myself
into a drug clinic.
Copy !req
1603. And the only trick
Copy !req
1604. was I had to convince
the people in the drug clinic
Copy !req
1605. that I was an addict.
Copy !req
1606. So I sat in front of the place
in my car.
Copy !req
1607. And, uh,
I had a couple beers.
Copy !req
1608. And I figured out
all the language
Copy !req
1609. and all the gestures
and moves
Copy !req
1610. so I could give this really
convincing performance.
Copy !req
1611. And, uh, somehow, I did.
Copy !req
1612. And you, fools, bought it.
Copy !req
1613. And now it's 30 days later
and, um...
Copy !req
1614. I've been to a funeral,
Copy !req
1615. I've been throughout
nine million job interviews.
Copy !req
1616. I'm $52,000 in debt.
Copy !req
1617. And I got this chip...
Copy !req
1618. I got this chip.
Copy !req
1619. And I got this
startling belief
Copy !req
1620. that...
Copy !req
1621. Uh...
Copy !req
1622. That I'm an alcoholic
and a drug addict.
Copy !req
1623. God knows what we got going
next month.
Copy !req
1624. But if it's anything like this
last one,
Copy !req
1625. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
1626. So here we go and thank you.
Copy !req
1627. And thanks for my chip.
Copy !req
1628. And thanks for not smoking.
Copy !req