1. And we are back, in living color,
with our exclusive interview
Copy !req
2. with the president of the United States,
Richard Milhous Nixon.
Copy !req
3. Mr. President, before the break,
Copy !req
4. we were discussing the pending
impeachment investigation.
Copy !req
5. And I guess we're all wondering,
Copy !req
6. how are you feeling about your ability
to defend yourself against the charges?
Copy !req
7. Well, that's very interesting
to hear you say that, Mr. President.
Copy !req
8. It begs the question,
Copy !req
9. is it paranoia
if indeed everyone is coming after you?
Copy !req
10. If you can just drop it
on the floor for now. Hey, Christine.
Copy !req
11. - Hey.
- Are we interrupting something?
Copy !req
12. No, I... I was just running
some tape on myself.
Copy !req
13. It's the new quad machine. Sorry.
Copy !req
14. - Hey, Jean?
- Yeah?
Copy !req
15. Have you, uh, noticed
that I do this thing when I...
Copy !req
16. I nod a little too sympathetically
when I'm interviewing a subject?
Copy !req
17. - No. How can you be too sympathetic?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
18. It feels forced.
Copy !req
19. I'm gonna cue up the interview
for the zoning piece.
Copy !req
20. - Can you look at the film intro?
- Yes.
Copy !req
21. After we're done here,
I need your help in the studio.
Copy !req
22. - Hey, Chris. Is it cued up?
- Yes, it's cued up.
Copy !req
23. Alright.
Copy !req
24. - Your stomach's still acting up?
- Yeah, it's just stress.
Copy !req
25. So I-I was thinking we'll go film intro,
and then go to graphics,
Copy !req
26. and then jump into this.
Copy !req
27. We don't need that film intro.
Let's cut it.
Copy !req
28. - Are you sure?
- This is good. This is solid as it is.
Copy !req
29. at least put it to vote,
Copy !req
30. because while we wait,
there are kids who are suffering.
Copy !req
31. The whole of Florida suffers...
Copy !req
32. Stop! Rewind.
Copy !req
33. - How come?
- It's that lean-in. I wanna see it.
Copy !req
34. Oh. Hey, I was wondering, um,
Copy !req
35. if you have time after the show tonight,
can you take a look at something?
Copy !req
36. Uh, I took your advice. I've been trying
to put a story together.
Copy !req
37. Well, I have my volunteer shift,
Copy !req
38. and then dinner, but tomorrow maybe?
Copy !req
39. - Yeah, alright.
- OK.
Copy !req
40. or at least put it to vote,
Copy !req
41. because while we wait,
there are kids who are suffering.
Copy !req
42. There. Right there. Stop. See that?
Copy !req
43. You don't think that's... forced?
Copy !req
44. No, it's fine. You're listening to them.
Copy !req
45. Have you noticed Gail has been putting
fake flowers on the table?
Copy !req
46. - Yeah. Mike asked her to.
- Wayne!
Copy !req
47. They're silk or something.
Copy !req
48. How does our new,
very expensive quad look?
Copy !req
49. Uh, don't know yet. It's still in the box.
Copy !req
50. Let me know when you get it
up and running.
Copy !req
51. If it doesn't work, I'm not paying for it.
Copy !req
52. - Ladies, team meeting. Five minutes.
- Copy five.
Copy !req
53. I mean it!
Copy !req
54. - "I mean it!"
- "Five minutes, ladies."
Copy !req
55. Steve, what's going on in your world?
Copy !req
56. Orlando's looking at a big storm tonight.
Copy !req
57. It'd be great to get another ten seconds.
Copy !req
58. It's gonna have
to come in the lead, then, George.
Copy !req
59. The lead-in's ten long as it is,
Copy !req
60. and I got fat to trim
all over the rest of the show.
Copy !req
61. OK. Keep working on it.
Copy !req
62. - This just came in.
- Fire just called.
Copy !req
63. Pickup truck went off the road
on Orangeville.
Copy !req
64. - Chubbuck, can you get out there?
- Uh, no, sorry. I can't.
Copy !req
65. What do you mean, you can't?
Copy !req
66. I'm tucking in that hospital piece.
I need more time.
Copy !req
67. You're shitting me. I thought
you finished with that last week.
Copy !req
68. That was Part One.
Copy !req
69. What is with this
zoning obsession of yours?
Copy !req
70. - It's inane.
- No, it's important.
Copy !req
71. People could be dying out there.
Copy !req
72. Mike, it's fender-bender reporting.
It's demeaning.
Copy !req
73. I have been very clear
Copy !req
74. that I am doing issue-oriented
or character-based pieces.
Copy !req
75. You always make it very, very clear.
Copy !req
76. Thank you for your clearness.
It's too dry!
Copy !req
77. We gotta liven things up around here.
Copy !req
78. The ratings are in the fucking toilet.
Copy !req
79. You know, I can be on that real quick.
Copy !req
80. All the film rigs are out anyway.
Copy !req
81. - Don't.
- Take one of the Akais.
Copy !req
82. The Akais don't work.
Copy !req
83. They work, Chubbuck,
you just refuse to learn them.
Copy !req
84. Which reminds me,
everybody, September the 1st,
Copy !req
85. everybody in this room! September the 1st.
Copy !req
86. Mark it on your calendars.
Copy !req
87. We are all video by then.
There's no excuses.
Copy !req
88. - Yes?
- Yes.
Copy !req
89. No excuses!
Copy !req
90. Jean, d'you mind picking up that footage?
Copy !req
91. - No, I'm on it.
- Mike, Bob's on the phone.
Copy !req
92. - Bob, Ford Dealership Bob?
- No. Bob Bob.
Copy !req
93. - Station owner.
- Fuck.
Copy !req
94. Tell him I'll be right there.
Copy !req
95. Tell him I'll call him right back.
Copy !req
96. Mike, you should go take that.
Copy !req
97. Probably calling to tell me he's gonna
come here to put us out of our misery.
Copy !req
98. Bob Andersen deigning to visit us.
Copy !req
99. That'd be something.
Copy !req
100. Right. Will he be traveling
by spaceship or unicorn?
Copy !req
101. OK, quick. Sports. Kirby. Go.
Copy !req
102. Get your curlers out, Kirby.
We're on in 30.
Copy !req
103. Thank you.
"... quarterback among his two main..."
Copy !req
104. - They're gonna skip that.
- That's good. Thank you, Gail.
Copy !req
105. Anytime, George.
Copy !req
106. In other news, there was a car
accident on the 301 this morning.
Copy !req
107. - What time do we have
Christine in the line-up? 5-20.
Copy !req
108. Five, four, stand by... Take VC1.
Copy !req
109. The erratic flight patterns
of a pelican. End quote.
Copy !req
110. The resulting pile-up
Copy !req
111. fortunately did not result
in any injuries,
Copy !req
112. but did back up south-bound traffic
all the way to Somerset.
Copy !req
113. Driving conditions are now normal.
Copy !req
114. I've changed my mind. We need to add
a film of me walking the county line.
Copy !req
115. I don't think we can.
We're up in three minutes.
Copy !req
116. Goddamn it, Chubbuck!
Copy !req
117. - I'll load it.
- How's that graphic looking?
Copy !req
118. I don't know. I like it.
Copy !req
119. The meeting
will begin promptly at 7:30 pm,
Copy !req
120. and we're told that cookies and coffee
will be served.
Copy !req
121. Ready, camera two.
Copy !req
122. And now,
let's kick it over to Steve Turner.
Copy !req
123. Moving on to weather.
Copy !req
124. Just a couple of seconds off the top.
Let's go.
Copy !req
125. - Cue camera two.
- Tell George to stretch.
Copy !req
126. Tell George to stretch it.
Camera two, go to a two-shot.
Copy !req
127. It really mucked things up
with that rainstorm last week, huh?
Copy !req
128. Well, like any new technology,
it has its kinks.
Copy !req
129. It just kinda makes you look
like a liar, Steve.
Copy !req
130. Well, I think you know
that I'm not, George.
Copy !req
131. I'd like to see you jump to the hot seat
one night. See how it feels.
Copy !req
132. - That sounds like fun, actually.
- I'm sure it does.
Copy !req
133. - Two.
- As always...
Copy !req
134. VT1 is open, ladies.
Whenever you're ready.
Copy !req
135. OK.
Copy !req
136. Here.
Copy !req
137. My asshole is like this right now.
It's like this.
Copy !req
138. I'm going. Copy, copy.
Copy !req
139. - Let's go.
- OK.
Copy !req
140. Load graphic on VT1.
Load film on film two.
Copy !req
141. TRT is 35 seconds. Sound on film.
Copy !req
142. - Go to interview on VT2.
- Sound on film.
Copy !req
143. And now, in a special edition
of the Sarasota Suncoast Digest,
Copy !req
144. an ongoing investigative report
from reporter Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
145. Christine?
Copy !req
146. Thank you, George.
Copy !req
147. As you know, there's been some controversy
Copy !req
148. with several of the hospitals
up near Longboat Key.
Copy !req
149. I sat down with councilman and
zoning Board president Tom D'Esposito
Copy !req
150. and some local healthcare professionals
Copy !req
151. for an exclusive interview
to talk about it
Copy !req
152. and how it ties into what might be
a larger crisis in Sarasota.
Copy !req
153. A zoning crisis.
Copy !req
154. Projector two.
Copy !req
155. You can't see,
but I'm standing on the line
Copy !req
156. that divides
Manatee and Sarasota Counties.
Copy !req
157. There's a proposal on the table right now
Copy !req
158. to move the line up a fifth of a mile,
Copy !req
159. so that the Sunshine Children's Home
and other facilities like it
Copy !req
160. are eligible for more state funding.
Copy !req
161. However, discussions,
like this railway track,
Copy !req
162. have come to a dead end.
Copy !req
163. Mr. D'Esposito, this is the fifth time
in as many months
Copy !req
164. that the re-zone proposal
has gone forth before the board.
Copy !req
165. Is your plan to postpone the vote again?
Copy !req
166. What's your message to residents,
Copy !req
167. and to the workers
at the Sunshine Children's Center,
Copy !req
168. and the children in their care?
Copy !req
169. Hm, but Miss Tangerine...
Copy !req
170. Yes, See Saw, darling?
Copy !req
171. How do you know if it's a stranger?
Copy !req
172. What do you mean?
Copy !req
173. Well, what if you know them,
Copy !req
174. but you don't really know them?
Copy !req
175. Then what?
Copy !req
176. Hm. Well, that's a tricky question,
See Saw, darling.
Copy !req
177. If you've spoken to them more than once,
then they're not a stranger,
Copy !req
178. and it's probably OK.
Copy !req
179. Well, thank you, Miss Tangerine.
Copy !req
180. You're welcome, See Saw.
Copy !req
181. Thanks, kids.
Copy !req
182. Thank you, kids.
Copy !req
183. That was wonderful!
Can everyone thank Miss Christine?
Copy !req
184. - Thank you, Miss Christine!
- Alright, dinner time, everyone.
Copy !req
185. Hey, Stevie,
I have a good one for you today.
Copy !req
186. - Knock knock.
- Who's there?
Copy !req
187. - Harry.
- Harry who?
Copy !req
188. Harry up and let me in, it's cold outside.
Copy !req
189. Alright, it's dinner time, kiddo.
Copy !req
190. - Goodbye, Miss Christine.
- Bye, Steven.
Copy !req
191. - Thanks again, Christine.
- Oh, of course.
Copy !req
192. You know, I was a little torn.
Copy !req
193. I know most of them
don't leave the grounds ever, so...
Copy !req
194. No, it's all helpful.
Copy !req
195. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
196. Hey, Miranda...
Copy !req
197. Uh, I've been,
I've been having these, uh...
Copy !req
198. awful stomach pains, uh, right down here.
Copy !req
199. Could you, uh...
Could you maybe have a look for me?
Copy !req
200. Honey, I'm a pediatric nurse.
I'm not really qualified.
Copy !req
201. That might be in your lady parts.
Copy !req
202. You should call a doctor.
Copy !req
203. Yeah, that... that makes sense.
Copy !req
204. Well, it's... it's probably
just stress anyway.
Copy !req
205. From the NBC News Center
in New York, this is NBC Nightly News...
Copy !req
206. - Sorry I'm late, roomie.
- Oh, hey. It's OK.
Copy !req
207. - Long day?
- Long day.
Copy !req
208. I was stuck behind this guy on the 41.
Copy !req
209. We were not moving
in the left-hand lane. It was crazy.
Copy !req
210. - Don't worry about it.
- Can I have the usual?
Copy !req
211. - The show was great tonight.
- It wasn't.
Copy !req
212. They always put me
to the back of the line.
Copy !req
213. It was great!
Copy !req
214. Hey, who did the graphic
for the zoning crisis? That was wild.
Copy !req
215. Yeah? Well, it was my concept.
Copy !req
216. But Jean did the graphic.
I'm not very good with the tech stuff.
Copy !req
217. So... how were things
with gorgeous George today?
Copy !req
218. Don't be weird.
Copy !req
219. We're still not speaking.
Copy !req
220. - What's all this stuff?
- I know. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
221. We're out of storage at work,
Copy !req
222. and Frank just asked
if I could keep some of it here.
Copy !req
223. Just for a week or so.
Copy !req
224. Rent's due tomorrow.
Don't forget this month.
Copy !req
225. I won't! Jeez!
Copy !req
226. - Hey, Chris?
- Uh-huh?
Copy !req
227. Thought more about what
you might wanna do on your birthday?
Copy !req
228. I'm trying not to think about it.
Copy !req
229. At least let me take you to dinner.
We could go to Davenport's.
Copy !req
230. - Maybe you could invite George?
- I have to get to bed.
Copy !req
231. Oh, come on, Chris,
I was just kidding around.
Copy !req
232. No, it's fine.
Copy !req
233. I just have to get up early tomorrow
to grind out a piece before Friday.
Copy !req
234. Goodnight, Mom.
Copy !req
235. Oh!
Copy !req
236. Frank Delmonaco, Miami Action 6,
got an eight with this.
Copy !req
237. An eight.
He beat out reruns of All in the Family.
Copy !req
238. They got a 7.6.
Copy !req
239. - You're reading the numbers now?
- I always read the numbers.
Copy !req
240. - It's called rounding up.
- Why do I have to be here? I do sports.
Copy !req
241. This is a team meeting.
Copy !req
242. It's a simple concept, guys.
If it bleeds, it leads.
Copy !req
243. There's a reason this idea is
catching fire in the culture right now.
Copy !req
244. But he... They didn't show that, Mike.
They cut out just before it.
Copy !req
245. If they'd had the guts
to show the whole thing,
Copy !req
246. they could've doubled their rating.
Copy !req
247. There aren't sniper standoffs
in Sarasota. We're not in Miami.
Copy !req
248. Also, "if it bleeds, it leads"
is not some concept, Mike,
Copy !req
249. it's a catchphrase that you picked up
at a conference in Cleveland last month.
Copy !req
250. Chubbuck, this is not debate club.
Copy !req
251. Well, this is a joke.
Copy !req
252. This sort of thing, it'll make us a joke.
Copy !req
253. - I gotta side with Chris on this one.
- Steve, you do weather.
Copy !req
254. We're the joke, Chubbuck, OK?
Copy !req
255. We're the joke. You read the numbers?
Copy !req
256. Tell me, Chubbuck. Tell us all.
What did we do last month?
Copy !req
257. We're drowning here, guys.
Copy !req
258. ABC is not kicking in
what they promised this quarter.
Copy !req
259. The last round of local ads didn't hit,
so people aren't re-upping.
Copy !req
260. I know this is all
just fun and games for you.
Copy !req
261. You're all just breezing through here
on your way to a national market.
Copy !req
262. But the situation is getting fucking dire.
Copy !req
263. Hear me when I say that.
Copy !req
264. We need higher ratings.
How do we get them?
Copy !req
265. Juicier stories. It's simple math, guys.
Copy !req
266. That's not math, that's logic.
Copy !req
267. Here we are at the fifth annual
Sarasota Strawberry Festival.
Copy !req
268. - Shit. Ow.
- ... and humid with a high of 96.
Copy !req
269. It's currently 75 degrees.
Copy !req
270. Hey, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
271. You ready?
Copy !req
272. A or B?
Copy !req
273. "The salmonella can seemingly be traced
to poorly packaged chicken from..."
Copy !req
274. or, "The authorities believe
the salmonella originated..."?
Copy !req
275. Are you OK?
Copy !req
276. Why?
Copy !req
277. Do I not seem OK?
Copy !req
278. You're not upset about Nelson, are you?
Copy !req
279. No.
Copy !req
280. You can't let him get inside your head.
Copy !req
281. Can he even hear himself sometimes?
Copy !req
282. He just gets all grumpy,
Copy !req
283. because he's got Mrs. Mike Nelson
back home waiting for him.
Copy !req
284. Use the "authorities" line.
Copy !req
285. Make people feel like someone's
steering the ship, you know?
Copy !req
286. Yeah.
Copy !req
287. You're OK?
Copy !req
288. I'm OK.
Copy !req
289. I'm OK, you're OK, right?
Copy !req
290. Alright.
Copy !req
291. the Sarasota Strawberry Festival.
Copy !req
292. Here we go, folks.
My first strawberry of the season.
Copy !req
293. So, Sharon Davis, what can you tell me
about this...?
Copy !req
294. Well, this is our fifth year.
We've been doing it since 1969.
Copy !req
295. New in town, huh?
Copy !req
296. - Yeah. Uh, uh, about a year.
- Hm.
Copy !req
297. - I used to vacation here as a kid.
- Hm.
Copy !req
298. Yeah.
Copy !req
299. You were, uh...
You were in Boston before this, right?
Copy !req
300. - Hm-hmm.
- Great city.
Copy !req
301. - Yeah, but Ohio originally.
- Hm.
Copy !req
302. So...
Copy !req
303. How long have these pains
been going on for?
Copy !req
304. - I don't know. About a month or two.
- Hm.
Copy !req
305. - Probably just stress.
- Probably.
Copy !req
306. But better safe than sorry, right?
Copy !req
307. We'll take blood and urine,
and do a pregnancy test.
Copy !req
308. A pregnancy test?
Copy !req
309. OK. Sure. Whatever. Good luck with that.
Copy !req
310. - Been a while, huh?
- Oh, you could say.
Copy !req
311. And I think we'll do some x-rays.
Copy !req
312. We'll need to schedule
a follow-up for next week. Alright?
Copy !req
313. Absolutely. Whatever you need.
Copy !req
314. Says here someone's
got a birthday coming up, huh?
Copy !req
315. Oh, yeah, don't remind me.
Copy !req
316. The big 3-0, huh?
Copy !req
317. Can you put your feet up
in the stirrups, please?
Copy !req
318. Oh. Sure.
Copy !req
319. Alright. Now slide down.
Copy !req
320. Slide your hips right down
to the edge of the table for me.
Copy !req
321. - Hm-hmm.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
322. From the NBC News Center
in New York, this is NBC Nightly News,
Copy !req
323. reported by John Chancellor.
Copy !req
324. The House Judiciary Committee
voted today to make public
Copy !req
325. all the classified material
it has amassed in seven weeks
Copy !req
326. into the inquiry into the impeachment
of President Nixon.
Copy !req
327. The vote was 22 to 16,
with 16 Democrats and six Republicans
Copy !req
328. voting to release the evidence.
Copy !req
329. Anything else while you wait?
Copy !req
330. No, no.
Copy !req
331. Long day.
Copy !req
332. - I guess I've been stood up.
- That's rough.
Copy !req
333. I'll just, uh, take the check there.
Copy !req
334. Hi, hi. Sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
335. I, uh, couldn't help
but, uh, notice you back there.
Copy !req
336. Y-Y-You both seem
to be v-very much in love.
Copy !req
337. Thanks. We are.
Copy !req
338. How long have you been together?
Copy !req
339. It's our third anniversary.
Copy !req
340. Oh.
Copy !req
341. Wow.
Copy !req
342. You must think I'm crazy.
My name is Christine.
Copy !req
343. I'm a reporter at WZRB, and I have
a community affairs segment
Copy !req
344. called The Suncoast Digest.
Copy !req
345. And I'm always on the lookout
for a positive, human-interest story.
Copy !req
346. Uh... Here.
Copy !req
347. Let me give you my...
Copy !req
348. You wanna call me.
Copy !req
349. I, uh, I can't guarantee
that you'll make it to air,
Copy !req
350. but, uh, why not give it a shot, right?
Copy !req
351. "OK, lady, we get it.
Let us get back to our dinner."
Copy !req
352. I am... I'm real sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
353. I just... You just made my night.
Copy !req
354. Don't lose sight
of what you have here. OK?
Copy !req
355. Words...
Copy !req
356. matter.
Copy !req
357. Coffee never killed anyone.
Copy !req
358. Chris? I'm so, so sorry I missed dinner.
Copy !req
359. I got a little tied up at work.
Copy !req
360. You could've called the restaurant.
Copy !req
361. I know. I... I got a little distracted.
Copy !req
362. Frank had us do an inventory.
Copy !req
363. Well, you've got to learn
how to stand up to him.
Copy !req
364. I know, I know. You wanna hang out?
Copy !req
365. No, I think I'm gonna get to bed early.
Copy !req
366. You sure?
Copy !req
367. One hundred percent positive.
Copy !req
368. Do better. Better, goddamn it.
Copy !req
369. Can somebody grab the phone?
Copy !req
370. Are you freaking out? I am freaking out.
Copy !req
371. No. Why?
Copy !req
372. Well, it's just the worst
possible time for this to be happening.
Copy !req
373. Is your computer acting up again?
Copy !req
374. My computer is more than
acting up. It's taking over my mind.
Copy !req
375. I'm in the booth, talking it over
with the Japanese tech guy,
Copy !req
376. and that's no small feat.
Copy !req
377. "The circuits are flied."
Copy !req
378. I swear, we are about
to break the whole thing wide.
Copy !req
379. I'm talking countries
coming together here, Chris.
Copy !req
380. And Jean busts in,
like I'm in some sort of bad dream,
Copy !req
381. and tells me that I have to get out,
because Mike is giving Bob a tour,
Copy !req
382. and I'm just like, "Really, Jean?"
Copy !req
383. - Wait. Bob?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
384. Now I gotta stand up
in front of an empty map
Copy !req
385. with nothing to say
like a goddamn birthday clown!
Copy !req
386. Bob Andersen?
Copy !req
387. Yeah. Bob fucking Andersen.
Are we having the same conversation?
Copy !req
388. Jean? Hey, Jean! Jean!
Copy !req
389. Hurry.
Copy !req
390. - Yeah?
- What do you know?
Copy !req
391. - About what?
- About what? About Bob Andersen.
Copy !req
392. Oh, nothing, really. He just came by.
Copy !req
393. It's crazy, right?
I think he's with Mike right now.
Copy !req
394. Hey... I keep meaning
to talk to you about something.
Copy !req
395. Communication.
Copy !req
396. Get someone out there.
See if we can get some shots.
Copy !req
397. Did you see Bob Andersen?
Copy !req
398. Yes, Chubbuck,
can I help you with something?
Copy !req
399. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
400. Uh...
Copy !req
401. I...
Copy !req
402. I just wanted to let you know
that I've been getting a lot of calls
Copy !req
403. about that Strawberry Festival piece.
Copy !req
404. Great! Thank you.
Copy !req
405. Goodbye.
Copy !req
406. I'm serious.
Are we taking a championship this year?
Copy !req
407. This might be the year, George.
Copy !req
408. There you have it, ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
409. a bold prediction
from our own Andrea Kirby.
Copy !req
410. And that's all we have for you, Sarasota.
Copy !req
411. Stay tuned for Police Surgeon,
followed by the national news.
Copy !req
412. Until tomorrow.
Copy !req
413. And we are out.
Thank you, everybody. Great show.
Copy !req
414. Who's thirsty?
Copy !req
415. Oh, yeah, let's go
to that place across the street.
Copy !req
416. Bob Andersen
was watching you from back there.
Copy !req
417. Yeah, I saw him.
Copy !req
418. Everybody's freaked out about it.
Copy !req
419. - Thank you.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
420. - Good one, guys.
- You too, Steve.
Copy !req
421. No, I saw him wave. Did he say
anything to you? Did he talk to you?
Copy !req
422. He didn't talk to anybody.
He spent the whole day with Mike.
Copy !req
423. Oh.
Copy !req
424. So that's how it feels to have
everyone's attention and respect?
Copy !req
425. What's going on here, Mike?
Copy !req
426. Calm down, Steve.
Copy !req
427. What do you mean, calm down, Mike?
Copy !req
428. We are talking about
all of our lives here.
Copy !req
429. Why didn't you tell us that he was here?
Copy !req
430. I didn't know he was coming
any more than you guys.
Copy !req
431. He flew down this morning,
called me at home, asked to have lunch.
Copy !req
432. Mike, are we... are we gonna be shut down?
Copy !req
433. In defiance of any logic,
or common sense I can discern...
Copy !req
434. he's here to see if he can poach
some on-screen talent.
Copy !req
435. - What do you mean, poach?
- He's not shutting us down.
Copy !req
436. He's actually picking up
another station in Baltimore. WKRB.
Copy !req
437. So I guess he's doubling down
on this whole news thing.
Copy !req
438. Wait, so he wants to hire one of us
to work in Baltimore?
Copy !req
439. It's a top 30 market.
Copy !req
440. I love how quickly you've all
moved off your fear of getting fired.
Copy !req
441. If he takes one of you,
Copy !req
442. it's gonna be a royal pain in the ass
for the rest of us.
Copy !req
443. - Who's he gonna take?
- Steve, I have no fucking idea.
Copy !req
444. But he's gonna be hanging around
for a couple of weeks,
Copy !req
445. working on this and a couple of other
real-estate deals he's got going on.
Copy !req
446. He's even offered
to host our 4th of July party.
Copy !req
447. But believe me
when I say he'll be watching.
Copy !req
448. Mike, you always host our 4th party.
Copy !req
449. Yeah, well... Things are gonna be
a little different this year.
Copy !req
450. Goodnight, kids.
Copy !req
451. Baltimore.
Copy !req
452. That's so close to New York.
That'll be huge.
Copy !req
453. Maybe he'd take a couple of us.
That'd be a fun road trip.
Copy !req
454. Almost half of all the meals
we now eat are junk-food meals.
Copy !req
455. Hi, Mike.
Copy !req
456. It's called knocking, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
457. Do you have a minute?
Copy !req
458. Sure.
Copy !req
459. Check this out.
Copy !req
460. I'm watching an Action 6 air check
from last month.
Copy !req
461. They're doing a series on, uh, fat people.
Copy !req
462. You know, people addicted to junk food,
you know, like Twinkies.
Copy !req
463. They're trying shock therapy now.
Can you believe this?
Copy !req
464. OK.
Copy !req
465. We're gonna ask you do a couple of things.
Copy !req
466. I'm gonna turn the machine on.
Copy !req
467. At first, you're not gonna
feel anything at all.
Copy !req
468. As a matter of fact,
the machine is on now.
Copy !req
469. Mike, level with me.
Copy !req
470. I haven't led in over a month now.
Copy !req
471. Tell me what I have to do
to get to Baltimore.
Copy !req
472. Why not try to get me something like this?
Copy !req
473. Because this is totally at odds with
the work that I've been doing, Mike.
Copy !req
474. It's exploitative.
Copy !req
475. Then why are so many people watching it?
Copy !req
476. The people you're so concerned
about representing
Copy !req
477. are the ones
that are gobbling this stuff up.
Copy !req
478. We're supposed to know better than them.
Copy !req
479. That's a pretty superior attitude to take.
Copy !req
480. It's on the job description.
Copy !req
481. You asked me a question,
I'm answering your question.
Copy !req
482. So what, get some footage of
some fat people burning in a car crash,
Copy !req
483. and I'm on a plane to Baltimore,
is that what you're saying?
Copy !req
484. Now you're being a smart-ass.
Copy !req
485. Know what your problem is, Chubbuck?
You're a feminist.
Copy !req
486. You think that the way to get ahead
is by talking louder than the other guy.
Copy !req
487. That's the whole movement in a nutshell.
Copy !req
488. Oh. So you're saying that I'm not fit
for a bigger market 'cause I'm a woman?
Copy !req
489. No, I'm saying that there's no respect
for institutions of authority.
Copy !req
490. You're the smartest person here.
Copy !req
491. If you took half the energy
you use to give me a hard time,
Copy !req
492. and did what I'm asking you to do...
Copy !req
493. - I'm just trying to understand you.
- Jesus Christ! Make your stories juicy.
Copy !req
494. But I thought people
were supposed to like me for who I am.
Copy !req
495. That it's what's on the inside
that counts.
Copy !req
496. They are. But you have to show them
who you are.
Copy !req
497. Well, how do I do that?
Copy !req
498. Well, you do it with your actions.
You act boldly and bravely.
Copy !req
499. You put on nice clothes,
Copy !req
500. and you wake up every day,
and you tell people who you are.
Copy !req
501. You use your body language.
Copy !req
502. You use your words.
Copy !req
503. So what I say can count, too?
Copy !req
504. Yes, it can.
Copy !req
505. Sometimes it can.
Copy !req
506. Thank you, Miss Christine.
Copy !req
507. OK, come on.
Copy !req
508. You seem bigger in real life,
a little taller.
Copy !req
509. I can't believe I didn't recognize you.
Oh, don't mind him.
Copy !req
510. He's on a damn drunk.
Copy !req
511. Maybe I can get your autograph
on the way out, hm?
Copy !req
512. Frank! You have a celebrity visitor.
Copy !req
513. So I'm looking to run
some grittier stuff for my segment.
Copy !req
514. Grittier? OK.
Copy !req
515. Well, you know crime is on the rise.
In Sarasota last month,
Copy !req
516. there were at least two armed robberies
and four burglaries.
Copy !req
517. Well, that was an anomaly. If you
look at the charts, it's pretty even.
Copy !req
518. I wouldn't say it's rising.
Copy !req
519. Well, maybe not rising, but it is here.
Copy !req
520. You know, I think people
are a little too happy to ignore it.
Copy !req
521. Did something happen to someone
you know? 'Cause you can tell me.
Copy !req
522. No. I... I just need to...
Copy !req
523. to show the darker side of Sarasota.
Copy !req
524. - Find a darker angle, you know.
- For what it's worth, Miss Chubbuck,
Copy !req
525. I think your show is great.
Copy !req
526. You do these think pieces.
They're so positive.
Copy !req
527. I love coming on.
Copy !req
528. Well, I appreciate that.
Copy !req
529. Captain, people
are really listening to me.
Copy !req
530. So I just need to make sure
that I'm really saying something.
Copy !req
531. You know, she's paranoid and crazy, right?
Copy !req
532. Oh, hi, honey.
Copy !req
533. - I need a minute, Peg.
- What's in the box?
Copy !req
534. Shh!
Copy !req
535. Can I come in?
Copy !req
536. You were smoking pot out there,
and you know how much I hate that.
Copy !req
537. It's my day off.
Copy !req
538. Please let me come in.
I wanna talk to you.
Copy !req
539. I heard you talking about me.
Copy !req
540. If you have a problem with me,
you can say it to my face.
Copy !req
541. I was talking about Janice.
Janice from the Yarn Barn.
Copy !req
542. I'm sure you were.
Copy !req
543. Chris, will you stop looking at that?
What is that, a HAM radio?
Copy !req
544. It's for work. What?
Copy !req
545. I'm making shark steaks for dinner.
I was hoping to talk to you.
Copy !req
546. Well, we're talking right now. What?
Copy !req
547. Christine...
Copy !req
548. This isn't the start of one
of your moods, is it? You can tell me.
Copy !req
549. I hate to see you go through that.
Copy !req
550. Peg. Jeez. Moods?
Copy !req
551. - What is it?
- It's just...
Copy !req
552. You're sounding a little like you sounded
Copy !req
553. towards the end of your time in Boston.
Copy !req
554. Yeah, well, I'm fine, OK?
Copy !req
555. - What?
- I have some news.
Copy !req
556. I met someone.
Copy !req
557. His name is Mitch.
He came into work a few weeks ago.
Copy !req
558. He, um, he lives in Bradenton.
Copy !req
559. OK. What do you want me to say?
Copy !req
560. I want you to be happy for me.
Copy !req
561. I'd like you to meet him.
Copy !req
562. Well, why don't we,
uh, give it a few weeks?
Copy !req
563. Historically, these things
don't always go as planned with you.
Copy !req
564. Christine, I know that's not you talking.
Copy !req
565. That's whatever
you're carrying around right now.
Copy !req
566. And I think you should apologize to me.
Copy !req
567. Christine!
Copy !req
568. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't say things like that to you.
Copy !req
569. It's just that you don't even ask me
what's going on with... with... with...
Copy !req
570. with George or anything.
Copy !req
571. - And it's like, uh...
- Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
572. I wanted to talk to you about it
the other day, and...
Copy !req
573. And now you're telling me all this,
Copy !req
574. and it, well, it just, uh,
just feels like gloating.
Copy !req
575. Oh! Oh, my God, no! I'm sorry,
I should've checked in with you.
Copy !req
576. Hmm. Do you really see that or are you
just saying that to shut me up?
Copy !req
577. No! I can totally see
where you're coming from. OK?
Copy !req
578. Can I give you a hug?
Copy !req
579. - That usually seems to help.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
580. Oh.
Copy !req
581. Thank you.
Copy !req
582. I don't think I realized
how much I needed this.
Copy !req
583. Thank you.
Copy !req
584. Of course, honey.
You can always talk to me.
Copy !req
585. I'm your mom. That's what moms are for.
Copy !req
586. OK.
Copy !req
587. If you could go over
to Island Park, there's those kids
Copy !req
588. that've been loitering around
the last couple of weeks.
Copy !req
589. If you could shine your flashlight
or whatever. Over.
Copy !req
590. 32-15, show me en route.
Copy !req
591. I'm at Fifth and Pineapple now,
headed back toward Main.
Copy !req
592. Did you get that 11-20 under control
or whatever that was? What was that?
Copy !req
593. 32-15, yeah. Just a couple of kids.
Copy !req
594. We kind of flashed the lights,
pulled up and they took off.
Copy !req
595. You wanna hear something
on a happier note?
Copy !req
596. Yeah, please do.
Copy !req
597. I finally touched
Marie's pussy last night.
Copy !req
598. What else is going on?
I'm bored out of my fucking mind.
Copy !req
599. What can I say?
Copy !req
600. I hate my job, I hate my family,
I hate my fucking brother.
Copy !req
601. Now we're getting somewhere.
Now you're opening up.
Copy !req
602. 10-21, 32-15, 32-75, 32-50,
Copy !req
603. respond to a 10-55 in progress
at Sycamore and Orange.
Copy !req
604. Sycamore and Orange,
there's a 10-55 in progress.
Copy !req
605. Sycamore and Orange.
Copy !req
606. - 32-15, show me en route.
- Yes. I'll come and get you.
Copy !req
607. This is so exciting.
I feel like Bob Woodward.
Copy !req
608. - Uh-huh.
- Is this for the zoning crisis?
Copy !req
609. I am not exactly sure yet, Jean.
We will find out.
Copy !req
610. What's going on?
Copy !req
611. - A fire.
- Oh, my God. Is that a fire?
Copy !req
612. Yeah. Find where
the good angles are, Jean.
Copy !req
613. Copy. You want the Auricon or the Akai?
Copy !req
614. Uh, Auricon. Auricon, color film.
Copy !req
615. I have a feeling
this is going to be special.
Copy !req
616. Hello, sir. Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
617. I'm a reporter at WZRB.
Copy !req
618. This is some fire.
Can you tell me how it got started?
Copy !req
619. I really don't know for sure.
Copy !req
620. I just know bad things
have been happening to me.
Copy !req
621. OK, OK. Can, uh, can you stay here
for... for one second?
Copy !req
622. I will be right back. Jean?
Copy !req
623. - Chris.
- Jean.
Copy !req
624. I'll get an establishing of the trailer.
You want to check framing?
Copy !req
625. No. We don't need it.
We, uh, we need to shoot this guy.
Copy !req
626. OK, but... we can frame him up
with the fire behind him.
Copy !req
627. No, we have to frame up on his face.
Real close.
Copy !req
628. I didn't know I fell asleep last night
with a cigarette in my hand.
Copy !req
629. Um... But I do check the smoke...
smoke detector quite regular.
Copy !req
630. I'm grateful my wife got me
into that habit.
Copy !req
631. I woke up. I heard the alarm go off.
Copy !req
632. I ran quickly outside to the front lawn.
Copy !req
633. Realized I forgot my cigarettes.
Copy !req
634. And I ran back in.
Copy !req
635. And when I ran to the kitchen,
two canisters exploded and ignited.
Copy !req
636. And that's how I did this.
Copy !req
637. You know...
Copy !req
638. That's the third time
this happened this year.
Copy !req
639. I hope they don't, but, uh...
Copy !req
640. I think they're gonna cancel
my homeowner's insurance tomorrow.
Copy !req
641. A man driven back into a burning house
by a primal need to feed an addiction.
Copy !req
642. An entire community imperiled.
Copy !req
643. A sad story,
Copy !req
644. but not one without hope.
Copy !req
645. What does it mean?
Copy !req
646. Real Floridians. Real stories.
Copy !req
647. This is Christine Chubbuck
with your Suncoast Digest.
Copy !req
648. Thank you, Christine, for that story.
Copy !req
649. Next up after the break,
the sports report with Andrea Kirby.
Copy !req
650. And after that, sales of lemons
are on the rise in Western Florida.
Copy !req
651. Bad cars from bad dealers.
Copy !req
652. A special report on
what's looking like an epidemic.
Copy !req
653. And... we're on a break, guys.
Back in 60 seconds.
Copy !req
654. Hey, Mike. What do you think?
Copy !req
655. I was trying to tap
into some real suffering.
Copy !req
656. It wasn't a story. The guy burned
himself going back in for cigarettes.
Copy !req
657. Mike, that's exactly
what you've been asking for. It was...
Copy !req
658. It was raw,
and the man had an irony to him.
Copy !req
659. We're not making irony, we're making news.
Copy !req
660. I mean, where was any footage
of the smoldering house?
Copy !req
661. At least that would be something.
You just showed his face.
Copy !req
662. But his face was burnt!
Copy !req
663. You showed a guy talking.
Mumbling, actually.
Copy !req
664. Guys, I got to get out of here early.
Go pick up my wife for the party.
Copy !req
665. I'll see you all at Bob's.
No-shows will be fired!
Copy !req
666. Darren, you're in charge!
Copy !req
667. That guy was a real pistol, huh?
That was real different, Chris.
Copy !req
668. It wasn't supposed to be different,
it was supposed to be good.
Copy !req
669. And we're back in 30 seconds, guys!
Copy !req
670. From the whole gang here at WZRB...
Copy !req
671. Happy 4th of July, Sarasota!
Copy !req
672. Yeah!
Copy !req
673. Andrea, welcome to the party.
Copy !req
674. I don't know if you remember me,
but I'm Michael's wife.
Copy !req
675. Yeah. Of course, I remember you.
Copy !req
676. Have you seen this place?
It's like their second or third house.
Copy !req
677. I mean, it just sits here
most of the year.
Copy !req
678. I mean...
Copy !req
679. It's just wild.
Copy !req
680. - Oh, God. Are you OK?
- I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
681. - Damn it. Every goddamn time.
- Sorry.
Copy !req
682. Come over here, and drink some coffee.
Copy !req
683. Stop it.
Copy !req
684. Uh-oh, here comes trouble!
Copy !req
685. Steve's had a few.
Copy !req
686. Jean...
Copy !req
687. How bad was that? Honestly?
Copy !req
688. I liked how it came together.
Copy !req
689. I-I thought Mike was way too hard on you.
Copy !req
690. You don't think that...
Copy !req
691. You don't think that Bob Andersen
was watching, do you?
Copy !req
692. I don't know.
Copy !req
693. But it was good. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
694. Hey, Turner, you keeping it together?
Copy !req
695. You know what, George?
Copy !req
696. - One of these days...
- Yeah?
Copy !req
697. I'm gonna test you.
Copy !req
698. Yeah, I'm gonna give you the test,
you'll see.
Copy !req
699. - Well, I'll study.
- Hmm. You should.
Copy !req
700. - I will.
- Good.
Copy !req
701. Hey, Chubbuck,
I found a pool table in the den.
Copy !req
702. - Good.
- Come on.
Copy !req
703. What? Uh...
Copy !req
704. OK.
Copy !req
705. Here you go, Mr. Andersen.
Copy !req
706. That is not Andrea!
Copy !req
707. Now that was some report you gave today.
Copy !req
708. Uh, thank you, George.
Copy !req
709. Strange. Interesting. I liked it.
Copy !req
710. OK. Tell that to Mike.
Copy !req
711. Jeez, just take the compliment, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
712. It's good stuff you do in the field.
Copy !req
713. I wish I could get out there
and do something like that.
Copy !req
714. Make an impression.
Copy !req
715. No one on anchor wants to be in the field.
Copy !req
716. That's what people in the field think.
Copy !req
717. Still stripes.
Copy !req
718. You and I have been working together
for over a year now,
Copy !req
719. and we've never gone out
and had a drink together.
Copy !req
720. Well, I don't really drink.
Copy !req
721. Well, you know what I mean.
Copy !req
722. Well, you've never asked me.
Copy !req
723. You're not always the most
approachable person, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
724. Well, I am approachable.
Copy !req
725. Maybe you just don't know
how to approach me.
Copy !req
726. Oh? And who does know how to approach you?
Copy !req
727. A lot of people. Jean, Steve.
Copy !req
728. You're funny, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
729. People are just so funny.
Copy !req
730. I mean, take Mike and Mrs. Nelson.
Copy !req
731. Something drew them
to each other, you know? But now?
Copy !req
732. God.
Copy !req
733. It's like we all have
these different versions of ourselves
Copy !req
734. competing to be the real us.
Copy !req
735. You ever think about stuff like that?
Copy !req
736. That was George McCrae's "Rock Your Baby".
Copy !req
737. Your turn.
Copy !req
738. Coming up we've got Sonny and Cher,
Copy !req
739. "I'm Leaving It All Up to You".
Copy !req
740. I don't think I'm very good at this.
Copy !req
741. Sometimes I'll be daydreaming at work...
Copy !req
742. and I'll just gaze off,
Copy !req
743. and imagine, like, this big wad
of shoelaces, you know?
Copy !req
744. Like in a box.
Copy !req
745. All tangled up.
Copy !req
746. Different colors, too.
Copy !req
747. Grey, black, red, neon orange.
Copy !req
748. It's a big ugly knot.
Copy !req
749. And that's...
Copy !req
750. my life.
Copy !req
751. I don't think we're so different,
you and me, Chubbuck.
Copy !req
752. I think sometimes maybe we make things
too hard on ourselves.
Copy !req
753. I think you and I might have...
something to offer one another.
Copy !req
754. You know we're not alone out there.
Copy !req
755. Well, hello, you two.
Copy !req
756. - Hey, soldier. Did you just get here?
- Hm-hmm.
Copy !req
757. I-I have, uh...
a lot of work to be doing so...
Copy !req
758. I should... I should go.
Copy !req
759. Chubbuck, just admit
this was a little fun.
Copy !req
760. Sure. Goodnight, George.
Copy !req
761. - So what's the game?
- Pool, dummy.
Copy !req
762. Uh, happy 4th, Mr. Andersen.
Copy !req
763. Chubbuck, aren't you gonna stay and watch?
Copy !req
764. Uh, no, I... I have
to say goodbye to someone.
Copy !req
765. The fireworks are starting.
Copy !req
766. Mom?
Copy !req
767. Are you home?
Copy !req
768. I'm telling you, man,
you got to take it to Tug.
Copy !req
769. I don't trust an outside guy with my gun,
Copy !req
770. especially not Tug Daiss.
Copy !req
771. It's pronounced "dice".
Copy !req
772. It's the Daiss Auto Service Center.
Copy !req
773. You've never seen the "Daiss"
on the side of the building?
Copy !req
774. I dunno about that guy.
Copy !req
775. He fixes cars, he fixes guns,
he just fixes stuff.
Copy !req
776. It's like if I had a sandwich shop
and you came in and I was like,
Copy !req
777. "Today we're selling blowjobs."
Copy !req
778. That's why you see him.
Copy !req
779. He's crazy. He's a real character.
His stories are fuckin' hilarious.
Copy !req
780. I don't find him hilarious.
Copy !req
781. I find him pretty disturbing,
to be honest.
Copy !req
782. That is the Tug Show, my friend.
Copy !req
783. Look, he's there from four to eight.
Copy !req
784. You do what you wanna do.
Copy !req
785. Anyway, let me tell you how it went
with Betty last night, alright?
Copy !req
786. So we go back to her place, but, um...
Copy !req
787. She's raring to go, you know.
Copy !req
788. I-I-I thought I-I was just stressed.
Copy !req
789. Is it from stress?
Copy !req
790. It's hard to say. It could be.
It could be genetic.
Copy !req
791. As we get older, our bodies
do things to us that we can't control.
Copy !req
792. Alright, well, I-I have been stressed.
Copy !req
793. You know, if you're stressed,
we can give you something for that.
Copy !req
794. Give me something?
Copy !req
795. You used to take trazodone
as an antidepressant.
Copy !req
796. I didn't like the way
that they made me feel, OK?
Copy !req
797. And, uh, I would really appreciate it
if we could stay on topic.
Copy !req
798. This is very... unexpected.
Copy !req
799. Look, it's great we caught it so early.
It's very manageable at this stage.
Copy !req
800. We just... We need to take it out
in the next few months.
Copy !req
801. - The cyst?
- The whole ovary.
Copy !req
802. It's the only way
to make sure the issue doesn't recur.
Copy !req
803. But it's a very manageable surgery.
Copy !req
804. It's tantamount
to having your tonsils out.
Copy !req
805. The only issue is, of course,
it can create complications
Copy !req
806. should you want to conceive in the future.
Copy !req
807. Are... are you saying
Copy !req
808. that, uh, if I have this treated that I...
Copy !req
809. that I won't be able to have ch...
Copy !req
810. That I... That I have two months
to have a baby?
Copy !req
811. I'm not saying that at all.
Now, you will only have one ovary,
Copy !req
812. so, it just... might require
a little coordination.
Copy !req
813. We want our residents to partake,
Copy !req
814. but they need to get on
that waiting list quickly.
Copy !req
815. We can't help it if we've turned this
Copy !req
816. into an attractive destination
for retirees and non-retirees alike.
Copy !req
817. You know Florida
is the place you want to be.
Copy !req
818. We've got sun, sand, surf,
Copy !req
819. championship golf, great cuisine, culture.
Copy !req
820. Everything you could imagine.
Copy !req
821. And everybody wants
to come here right now.
Copy !req
822. - People are coming here from...
- Can we stop for a second. Jean?
Copy !req
823. - Yes.
- Jean? Stop.
Copy !req
824. Can you... can you... can you get Gail?
Copy !req
825. I thought she was meant
to get some fresh flowers.
Copy !req
826. Oh, yeah, I told her to.
It must've slipped her mind.
Copy !req
827. It slipped her mind? Well, I can't think
about anything else. Sorry.
Copy !req
828. You're gonna have to...
Someone get some fresh flowers!
Copy !req
829. OK, um, I'm sorry, sir.
Copy !req
830. We're just gonna have to wait
a little bit. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
831. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
832. Chris?
Copy !req
833. Hey, Chris.
Copy !req
834. Are you OK?
Copy !req
835. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
836. It's just, uh... summer allergies.
Copy !req
837. Oh.
Copy !req
838. But... are you, you know...
Copy !req
839. OK?
Copy !req
840. What do you mean?
Copy !req
841. Well, you just seem
a little more wound up than usual.
Copy !req
842. What do you mean?
Copy !req
843. - Like, tense.
- No.
Copy !req
844. You said "more than usual."
Copy !req
845. Well, a little. But you just seemed like
you got really upset out there.
Copy !req
846. Hey... Do you wanna get out of here?
Copy !req
847. Where?
Copy !req
848. Why don't we just go play hookie?
Copy !req
849. Jean, don't be weird.
Copy !req
850. I'm serious. When I get bummed out,
Copy !req
851. I like to go eat ice cream.
It's this little trick I learned.
Copy !req
852. When things are starting to be too much,
I just get a cone, and...
Copy !req
853. This is gonna sound stupid,
but I sing, you know,
Copy !req
854. along with a song on the radio
or whatever, it doesn't even matter.
Copy !req
855. Look, come on. It's my treat.
Copy !req
856. I have a lot of work
to be getting on with,
Copy !req
857. so I should do that.
Copy !req
858. I should get on with my work.
Copy !req
859. And, uh, I'm sorry. Sorry, but, uh...
Copy !req
860. Can you sign the Akai out for me?
Copy !req
861. - Alright.
- I need to learn it.
Copy !req
862. And, you know what?
I'll just... I'll go get the flowers.
Copy !req
863. - OK.
- Uh, sir?
Copy !req
864. I'm very sorry, and we will
pick this up at a later date.
Copy !req
865. OK, thanks, Christine.
Copy !req
866. My source at the police station
called it the Tug Show, actually.
Copy !req
867. - He said that?
- Yes, he did.
Copy !req
868. And, uh, how did you get into this?
Into this business with the police?
Copy !req
869. Officer Jimmy Suskind comes out here
with a busted-up cop car,
Copy !req
870. starts fiddling with his pistol,
says it doesn't shoot straight.
Copy !req
871. I said, "Alright, give me
your keys and your pistol."
Copy !req
872. He said,
"I ain't gonna give you my pistol."
Copy !req
873. I said, "I'll take it for one day,
get it fixed for you.
Copy !req
874. I'll have it shooting
straighter than a pecker in a peepshow."
Copy !req
875. He says, "Alright."
Copy !req
876. Madman, take care of the front office.
I gotta take care of a little business.
Copy !req
877. Here we go. There you are.
Come on in. This is it.
Copy !req
878. And, um... All of these guns,
they belong to other people?
Copy !req
879. About half of 'em
I'm working on for other people.
Copy !req
880. Others I sell to friends.
The rest of 'em are mine, though.
Copy !req
881. Um...
Copy !req
882. Uh, how about, uh, that one there?
Copy !req
883. - What's that?
- What, that one there?
Copy !req
884. What, that bad boy?
Copy !req
885. - Look at that. That's a.44.
- Oh.
Copy !req
886. Yeah, it's loud. It's got a big kick.
Copy !req
887. It's got a lot of weight to it.
It's a damn monster.
Copy !req
888. - Here, hold it.
- Really?
Copy !req
889. Oh, yeah. Come on.
It ain't loaded or nothing.
Copy !req
890. There you go.
Copy !req
891. Oh... Holy cow, that's heavy.
Copy !req
892. Here.
Copy !req
893. I had no idea that
so many people carried guns down here.
Copy !req
894. Oh, sure. Now this is a.38 special.
Copy !req
895. My momma carried that in her purse.
Copy !req
896. It aims for shit,
but it's good for close contact.
Copy !req
897. - Hm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
898. We just got bullets for those,
called wadcutters.
Copy !req
899. They explode on contact.
Copy !req
900. Stop a threat dead in its tracks.
Copy !req
901. I didn't know that Sarasota
was a town known for its threats.
Copy !req
902. Oh, yeah, there's threats everywhere.
Copy !req
903. There's a fever settling
into this country, Miss Chubbuck.
Copy !req
904. Can't you feel it?
Copy !req
905. I mean, you gotta be ready
to protect yourself. Be aware.
Copy !req
906. You're living in Condition White.
Copy !req
907. Condition White?
Copy !req
908. When you're sleeping.
When you're home, tucked in your covers.
Copy !req
909. Condition White sounds nice.
Copy !req
910. Oh, it's a victim's mentality.
Condition White is for sheep.
Copy !req
911. Condition Yellow, that's when you are
aware of your surroundings.
Copy !req
912. You're Yellow when you leave the house.
Copy !req
913. There's a bird. There's a car.
Copy !req
914. Most people live and die
in White and Yellow.
Copy !req
915. Carrying a gun on you
usually jumps you right up to Orange.
Copy !req
916. And that's the next level.
That's where you wanna be.
Copy !req
917. That's when you're aware
of your surroundings and of threats.
Copy !req
918. And...
Copy !req
919. Well, what happens after Orange?
Copy !req
920. Well, that's Red.
Copy !req
921. That's when you see the threat,
and you're ready to take an action.
Copy !req
922. You carry one of these around
with you for a few weeks.
Copy !req
923. You'll see.
Copy !req
924. Changes things.
Copy !req
925. Let me tell you, please!
Copy !req
926. Hi. You've reached Jean Reed.
Copy !req
927. I'm probably not here, or if I am, I'm...
Copy !req
928. That's great, Wayne.
Re-rack it. Cue it up for preview.
Copy !req
929. Will do.
Copy !req
930. - Is Mike in his office?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
931. Oh, that is a great shot.
Copy !req
932. Yeah, I thought so.
Copy !req
933. The shoe's been in evidence for a year,
with blood all over it. They missed it.
Copy !req
934. - I love it. I love it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
935. You've got some pep in your step.
Copy !req
936. I think I've got something.
Look out for it.
Copy !req
937. Michael, I have some footage
that you need to see right now.
Copy !req
938. I think it's really
gonna blow your hair back.
Copy !req
939. We're always fighting, but I actually
think that we're saying the same thing.
Copy !req
940. You want flash and pizzazz,
and that's fine.
Copy !req
941. You know what?
Who am I to say that's not OK?
Copy !req
942. There's drama and tragedy
and suffering all around us.
Copy !req
943. I just wanna get to know these issues
and the people behind them.
Copy !req
944. We need to put it in context, you know?
Copy !req
945. The mistake we've been making
is not doubling down on the idea.
Copy !req
946. We need to go deeper.
Wayne? Where's Wayne? Wayne!
Copy !req
947. I don't follow you.
Copy !req
948. I am saying let's get rid
of this pedestrian idea of the news,
Copy !req
949. so-and-so did such-and-such
at this place and time.
Copy !req
950. It's so cold. Let's really examine it.
Copy !req
951. There's a subjectivity to those stories
that we're not tapping into.
Copy !req
952. We need to go inside people's homes.
Copy !req
953. Really spend some time with them.
Plant cameras.
Copy !req
954. Heck, give them the camera, so we can
see what goes on behind closed doors,
Copy !req
955. 'cause that is the big question
Copy !req
956. that we're running around here
trying to answer.
Copy !req
957. What would it be like to be someone else?
Copy !req
958. They did this, Chubbuck
and it was called American Family.
Copy !req
959. - It was on PBS last year.
- Oh, I've thought about that, Mike.
Copy !req
960. Wayne? I need you... Wayne.
Copy !req
961. So I'm thinking long form docu-journalism
Copy !req
962. with little... little movies
to fill in the gaps.
Copy !req
963. - Movies on the news?
- Yes.
Copy !req
964. Wayne, Wayne, come on.
Copy !req
965. - Stand by. I'm coming.
- Cue it up.
Copy !req
966. People just watch stuff, Mike.
Copy !req
967. You know, a never-ending parade of stuff
Copy !req
968. to distract themselves
from their miserable lives.
Copy !req
969. So I mocked up something like
a domestic dispute and a home invasion.
Copy !req
970. You know... Uh...
Copy !req
971. It's a little... It's a little rough.
So, uh, try to follow me here.
Copy !req
972. The door is unlocked. Hm.
Copy !req
973. Hey, you never leave the door unlocked.
Copy !req
974. Are you home?
Copy !req
975. What you're seeing here
is a sort of dramatic rendering
Copy !req
976. of the moment a roommate comes home
Copy !req
977. and realizes her friend isn't home
when she should be.
Copy !req
978. She's usually home by nine o'clock.
Copy !req
979. This is based on that case last year
Copy !req
980. where that girl in Reno was abducted
from her dorm room,
Copy !req
981. and no one reported it for over a week.
Copy !req
982. We've got more standard talking-head
interview, which will go right in front.
Copy !req
983. But then we just jump into this.
Copy !req
984. We don't make a big thing out of it.
We just do it.
Copy !req
985. What is that, a knife?
Copy !req
986. What am I looking at?
Copy !req
987. The exposure's off. We'll adjust that.
Copy !req
988. Jean wouldn't come out
and run camera with me.
Copy !req
989. It's a little too much to do
for one person.
Copy !req
990. Christine!
Copy !req
991. - Why are you even here?
- Look, Chubbuck, this is...
Copy !req
992. interesting, but I think you need
to, uh, develop the idea more.
Copy !req
993. I'm punting the Chicken Lady tonight.
Why don't you take the rest of...?
Copy !req
994. If you're punting Chicken Lady anyway,
I should go on and announce it.
Copy !req
995. Jesus Christ! I'm punting the Chicken Lady
Copy !req
996. to make room
for the serial killer from Gainesville.
Copy !req
997. - It's gonna lead.
- What?
Copy !req
998. Who?
Copy !req
999. Young Jean Reed here. She's been working
as an extracurricular activity.
Copy !req
1000. Doing really good work. Real grisly.
Copy !req
1001. - Exclusive stuff, too.
- I tried to tell you about it. I swear.
Copy !req
1002. Is this a joke?
Copy !req
1003. We do local news. Gainesville isn't local.
Copy !req
1004. He's at large. He could be anywhere.
Copy !req
1005. Well, I didn't know those were the rules.
Copy !req
1006. There's no rule book, Chubbuck.
And I don't need your permission.
Copy !req
1007. Excuse me.
Copy !req
1008. I never wanted
to do the chicken story anyway!
Copy !req
1009. Good. I'm glad we agree.
Copy !req
1010. You know, Mike, just because
your wife has a drinking problem
Copy !req
1011. doesn't mean
that you get to treat me like this!
Copy !req
1012. That's on you!
Don't put it on me! That's on you!
Copy !req
1013. I'm trying to do my best
for this station! And it isn't easy!
Copy !req
1014. Are you fucking kidding me?
Copy !req
1015. You fucked up. Again!
And now you insult me?
Copy !req
1016. You insult my family?
Copy !req
1017. You know, I got half my savings
invested in this station.
Copy !req
1018. I believe in it. What do you believe in?
Copy !req
1019. What are you doing to make a mark?
Copy !req
1020. OK.
Copy !req
1021. I'll do the Chicken Lady.
Copy !req
1022. But there's gonna have
to be some changes around here.
Copy !req
1023. Christine! Go home!
Copy !req
1024. Have you even seen the flowers
that Gail has put out for us?
Copy !req
1025. They're fake, Mike. Just fake!
Copy !req
1026. Sums up the whole operation!
Copy !req
1027. Running our own cameras in the field.
Copy !req
1028. We're a joke, Mike! We're not real!
Copy !req
1029. We're a joke!
Copy !req
1030. I don't know
what is going on with you right now,
Copy !req
1031. but you need to get the fuck out of here!
Copy !req
1032. Chris, what happened?
Copy !req
1033. You OK?
Copy !req
1034. I'll have the complete
weather picture for you at 5:20
Copy !req
1035. on Channel 30 Weather Watch.
Copy !req
1036. Watch yourself, Sarasota,
with the Channel 30 News team.
Copy !req
1037. Meanwhile, sit back, relax,
and enjoy our afternoon...
Copy !req
1038. Oh, hi, Chrissy. You're home early.
Aren't you on air tonight?
Copy !req
1039. Well, it would, uh, it would seem not.
Copy !req
1040. Uh, we were gonna surprise you.
Making an apple pie. Your favorite.
Copy !req
1041. Um, this is Mitch,
my friend I was telling you about.
Copy !req
1042. Hi, honey. I'm Mitch.
Copy !req
1043. Um, y-your mom's told me
so much about you.
Copy !req
1044. Peg, can I talk to you
for a minute? Alone.
Copy !req
1045. - Nice to meet you, too, sweetheart!
- Mitch.
Copy !req
1046. Christine, we have company.
Copy !req
1047. Now, please.
Copy !req
1048. What is going on with you?
Copy !req
1049. What is going on with me?
Where have you even been?
Copy !req
1050. Mitch surprised me.
We went to Key West. To a hotel.
Copy !req
1051. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
1052. - What about work?
- Honey...
Copy !req
1053. Here I am, just drowning under water,
Copy !req
1054. and you decide to take a romantic
getaway without telling anyone?
Copy !req
1055. - What are you, 15?
- What happened to you?
Copy !req
1056. What happened to me? How about
my mother abandoned me for four days,
Copy !req
1057. and now she shows up out of the blue
with some stranger
Copy !req
1058. that she's gonna have
sex with in my house?
Copy !req
1059. - Our house.
- Our house that I pay all the rent on,
Copy !req
1060. while she stays at home and smokes pot!
Copy !req
1061. - Christine, that is not fair.
- My life is a cesspool!
Copy !req
1062. I'm so, so sorry the smell
is inconvenient for you.
Copy !req
1063. It must be very, very nice
to have an escape hatch.
Copy !req
1064. Christine, you are scaring me.
It's getting to feel a lot like Boston.
Copy !req
1065. What is this?
Bring Up Boston month? I'm...
Copy !req
1066. I'm hurting. I'm in pain here.
Copy !req
1067. And it is... it is that simple.
Copy !req
1068. Baby, I can see that.
Copy !req
1069. What do you want me to do? Tell me
what to do. Look at me. I'm here!
Copy !req
1070. - But he's...
- Forget about him. Never mind him.
Copy !req
1071. Look at me. Look at Mom.
Copy !req
1072. You... You have these moods, baby.
You know you do.
Copy !req
1073. You put all this pressure on yourself,
and this is how it comes out.
Copy !req
1074. Can you see that? For a second.
Copy !req
1075. And I'm not always equipped
to deal with it.
Copy !req
1076. Maybe you should go back
to Dr. Benolken for a little.
Copy !req
1077. You liked him.
Copy !req
1078. That is a temporary solution.
Copy !req
1079. I need to fix my life.
My life is the problem.
Copy !req
1080. What? He's answering the phone now?
Copy !req
1081. Uh, she's indisposed right now.
Can I take a message?
Copy !req
1082. Yes, could you tell her that Jean called?
Copy !req
1083. And that I... uh, wanted to talk to her.
Copy !req
1084. And that I'm her friend, and I'm sorry.
Copy !req
1085. - Alright.
- You know, I guess...
Copy !req
1086. Can you just ask her to call me back?
Copy !req
1087. OK.
Copy !req
1088. Why don't you just invite him
to move in with us, hm?
Copy !req
1089. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll move out.
Copy !req
1090. - Oh, the truth comes out!
- My God! You want me to act like this!
Copy !req
1091. I... I don't know
what to do with you sometimes!
Copy !req
1092. You want me to be your mom,
you want me to be your friend,
Copy !req
1093. you want me to be your punching bag!
Copy !req
1094. I am a person, too, Chris!
We're both adults here!
Copy !req
1095. I'm your child! You were supposed
to figure this all out.
Copy !req
1096. And maybe if you did, and spared me
for one day all your hippie baloney,
Copy !req
1097. I would actually understand
how the world works!
Copy !req
1098. Christine...
Copy !req
1099. I love you. Look, look,
let's just take some breaths.
Copy !req
1100. Why would you love me?
Copy !req
1101. It's weird that we live together.
Just say it.
Copy !req
1102. - I won't say that!
- We both know what's going on here.
Copy !req
1103. I got all turned around in Boston,
Copy !req
1104. and I come here to relax and rehabilitate,
Copy !req
1105. and you're here to babysit me.
Copy !req
1106. - I won't say something that's not true.
- Well, it's not relaxing here, Peg!
Copy !req
1107. It's a trap here!
Copy !req
1108. These people
are ruining me all over again!
Copy !req
1109. - These people...?
- Why won't anyone just listen to me?
Copy !req
1110. Hello, WZRB, This is Gail speaking.
Copy !req
1111. He's in a meeting right now.
Copy !req
1112. Hey, Chris. Did you get my message?
Copy !req
1113. Hi.
Copy !req
1114. WZRB, this is Gail speaking.
How may I direct your call?
Copy !req
1115. Hey, Chris, I, um...
Copy !req
1116. Chubbuck.
Copy !req
1117. You got a minute
to pop into my office with me?
Copy !req
1118. Did you wanna talk?
Copy !req
1119. No, it's just, um...
Copy !req
1120. Mondays, you know.
Copy !req
1121. It's Thursday, Turner.
Copy !req
1122. - It's just a saying, George.
- Right.
Copy !req
1123. Have a seat.
Copy !req
1124. So, how are you?
Copy !req
1125. - I'm fine. You?
- You didn't seem fine yesterday.
Copy !req
1126. Didn't you ever have a bad day?
Copy !req
1127. Sure. I have bad days all the time.
Copy !req
1128. Listen...
Copy !req
1129. Do you... Do you wanna
maybe get some dinner tonight?
Copy !req
1130. What do you mean?
Copy !req
1131. You know,
fork, knife, plate, food. Dinner.
Copy !req
1132. I don't... I don't get it.
Copy !req
1133. Chubbuck, I'm not gonna bite you.
Copy !req
1134. I feel like we're always about
to make some breakthrough
Copy !req
1135. to some new level of connectivity,
Copy !req
1136. but something gets in the way.
Copy !req
1137. - Dinner?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1138. And then maybe afterwards,
I could take you somewhere.
Copy !req
1139. Somewhere where we could talk.
Copy !req
1140. Well, uh...
Copy !req
1141. I'm gonna have to think about my schedule.
Copy !req
1142. Don't think. Just say what you wanna say.
Copy !req
1143. It's a little more complicated than that.
Copy !req
1144. Why don't you just say... yes?
Copy !req
1145. And usually we can harvest
about 200, 300 eggs in a day.
Copy !req
1146. And they go straight out to market.
Copy !req
1147. Well, that's fascinating.
Copy !req
1148. Maybe you can get us some footage
of the chickens having sex,
Copy !req
1149. so people can see
how the eggs are really made.
Copy !req
1150. I'm kidding. That's a joke.
Copy !req
1151. We can edit it out later.
Copy !req
1152. I was gonna say, I've seen it.
It ain't pretty.
Copy !req
1153. Oh, well, I can only imagine.
Copy !req
1154. But before we get into those things,
I got to tell you the story
Copy !req
1155. told me by one of the cameraman
a few minutes ago.
Copy !req
1156. I thought it was a pretty hip story.
It's about this...
Copy !req
1157. I'm, uh... I'm going out, Peg.
Copy !req
1158. Oh, you're talking to me now?
Copy !req
1159. How do I look?
Copy !req
1160. Really nice, actually.
Copy !req
1161. I have a date.
Copy !req
1162. You have a date?
Copy !req
1163. Guess who with.
Copy !req
1164. No!
Copy !req
1165. No!
Copy !req
1166. Baby, I'm so happy for you.
Copy !req
1167. Yeah?
Copy !req
1168. Hi, George.
Copy !req
1169. Why, hello, Christine!
Copy !req
1170. Shall we?
Copy !req
1171. I thought you didn't drink.
Copy !req
1172. For the most part, I don't.
Copy !req
1173. Special occasions.
Uh, like Easter, or, um...
Copy !req
1174. I'm surprised that you,
uh, remembered that about me.
Copy !req
1175. I didn't drink for a really long time.
Copy !req
1176. Just easing back into it.
Copy !req
1177. Sometimes I still slip up and overdo it.
Copy !req
1178. If you'd told me a year ago
that I'd be sitting down
Copy !req
1179. for a one-on-one dinner
with Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
1180. I would have told you you were crazy.
Copy !req
1181. Yeah, well, I-I would have, too.
Copy !req
1182. I mean, I-I... I don't mean me,
I mean about you.
Copy !req
1183. Having dinner with you.
Copy !req
1184. - Right?
- I understood what you meant.
Copy !req
1185. So why haven't we been able
to just sit down
Copy !req
1186. and have a dinner like this together, huh?
Copy !req
1187. Well, I...
Copy !req
1188. I can shut people out,
Copy !req
1189. even when I don't mean to.
Copy !req
1190. I know how that feels, Christine.
Copy !req
1191. Believe me, I know how that feels.
Copy !req
1192. OK.
Copy !req
1193. Thank you.
Copy !req
1194. If you believe it will happen,
it will happen.
Copy !req
1195. Right.
Copy !req
1196. My mom always says stuff like, uh,
"Thoughts become things,"
Copy !req
1197. and mostly I just tune her out.
Copy !req
1198. But I really think that if I just
harness all the energy that I have,
Copy !req
1199. and put it into getting back
into a major market, then...
Copy !req
1200. I'm... I'm rambling.
Copy !req
1201. Uh... I'm rambling.
Copy !req
1202. I'm sorry. I don't know.
Copy !req
1203. I don't usually drink.
Copy !req
1204. This is very pretty. Where are we?
Copy !req
1205. This is where I went to high school.
Copy !req
1206. Really?
Copy !req
1207. Yeah, I'm a Florida boy. Never left home.
Copy !req
1208. Failure to launch.
Copy !req
1209. You can't be hard on yourself.
Copy !req
1210. I was an all-star quarterback here.
Copy !req
1211. Starter, three years.
Copy !req
1212. But then, I took a bad tackle in college
and messed up my shoulder,
Copy !req
1213. and I couldn't play anymore.
Copy !req
1214. After my injury,
I couldn't see the future.
Copy !req
1215. And I felt like a train off the rails.
Copy !req
1216. Not a lot of people know this,
but I got really into cocaine.
Copy !req
1217. It's bad stuff.
Copy !req
1218. It's the only way
I could feel alive anymore,
Copy !req
1219. because, in many ways, I was dead inside.
Copy !req
1220. But then one day,
Copy !req
1221. I met a man named Marvin Lammer
here in town.
Copy !req
1222. You ever heard that name before?
Copy !req
1223. No, no.
Copy !req
1224. Well, Marvin saw what was going on
inside of me as plain as day.
Copy !req
1225. That my definitions were all wrong.
Copy !req
1226. See, I see the same thing
going on with you.
Copy !req
1227. The same thrashing around.
Copy !req
1228. What is this?
Copy !req
1229. We call it TA.
Copy !req
1230. It's short for transactional analysis.
Copy !req
1231. It's sort of like... group therapy.
Copy !req
1232. Don't be scared.
Copy !req
1233. Put your trust in me.
Copy !req
1234. How do, George? We're just about to start.
Copy !req
1235. Hey, everybody, this is my friend,
Christine, who I was telling you about.
Copy !req
1236. Everybody, please say hi
to George's friend, Christine.
Copy !req
1237. Hi, Christine!
Copy !req
1238. We're just about
to start a round of Yes, But.
Copy !req
1239. Um, Crystal, Jim, could y'all split up?
Copy !req
1240. Crystal, you work with Christine,
Copy !req
1241. and Jim, you can work with George.
Copy !req
1242. - Just give it a shot.
- OK.
Copy !req
1243. It's best just to dive right in.
Copy !req
1244. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1245. Um.. maybe we'll set aside
some time later,
Copy !req
1246. so we'll talk a little bit
about the broader process.
Copy !req
1247. - Hm-hmm.
- OK.
Copy !req
1248. - Hi, Christine.
- Hi.
Copy !req
1249. - I'm Crystal.
- Hi.
Copy !req
1250. So...
Copy !req
1251. I know this can seem a little bit funny,
Copy !req
1252. but just try to relax
and let it wash over you, you know?
Copy !req
1253. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
1254. We're gonna play
a little exercise called Yes, But.
Copy !req
1255. I'm gonna be Black,
and you're gonna be White, OK?
Copy !req
1256. Um, basically, you're just gonna tell me
a problem that you've been having,
Copy !req
1257. and I'm gonna try to come up
with a solution to that problem,
Copy !req
1258. and then you'll counter that
by saying, "Yes, but..."
Copy !req
1259. For instance, "I need to lose weight."
Copy !req
1260. I would say, "Why don't you join
an aerobics class?"
Copy !req
1261. And you would say something like,
Copy !req
1262. "Yes, but I can't afford
the membership fee," et cetera.
Copy !req
1263. - Hmm.
- Got it?
Copy !req
1264. And... this is, this is gonna
help... help me?
Copy !req
1265. - Yes, in a way. In time. You'll see.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
1266. Would you like to give it a shot?
Copy !req
1267. Sure.
Copy !req
1268. Whenever you're ready.
Copy !req
1269. Uh, well... I-I really wish
that I could get a job promotion.
Copy !req
1270. Why don't you ask for one?
Copy !req
1271. - I already have.
- Um, yes, but...
Copy !req
1272. Yes, but I already have.
Copy !req
1273. They say I have to do different work.
Copy !req
1274. Then why don't you do different work?
Copy !req
1275. Yes, but if I do different work,
Copy !req
1276. then I won't be doing the work
that I love.
Copy !req
1277. Why don't you try a compromise?
Copy !req
1278. Well, that just makes my stomach hurt.
Copy !req
1279. Um... Yes, but...
Copy !req
1280. Hm, yes, but that just
makes my stomach hurt.
Copy !req
1281. Why don't you see a doctor?
Copy !req
1282. Yes, but I have.
Copy !req
1283. He tells me I have to have an operation.
Copy !req
1284. Well, why don't you have the operation?
Copy !req
1285. Yes, but if I have the operation, then...
Copy !req
1286. I won't be able to have children.
Copy !req
1287. Well, why don't you have a baby, then?
Copy !req
1288. Yes, but I...
Copy !req
1289. I haven't gotten the man I love
to fall in love with me yet.
Copy !req
1290. Why don't you have a different man
impregnate you?
Copy !req
1291. Yes, but I can't have sex
with just anyone.
Copy !req
1292. I-I-I haven't had sex at all.
I'm a virgin.
Copy !req
1293. Oh.
Copy !req
1294. Um...
Copy !req
1295. Why don't you try to adopt a baby?
Copy !req
1296. Yes, but I've always
wanted to have a baby.
Copy !req
1297. And I've always wanted to have a husband,
Copy !req
1298. and I've always wanted to have a job
Copy !req
1299. where I can do the work that I wanna do.
Copy !req
1300. Why don't you manage your expectations?
Copy !req
1301. Maybe, um, adjust your thinking?
Copy !req
1302. I don't... I don't, um...
Copy !req
1303. I don't understand the question.
Copy !req
1304. Christine, it works.
Copy !req
1305. I promise you.
Copy !req
1306. Once you learn your life script...
Copy !req
1307. it really just becomes OK.
Copy !req
1308. Can I tell you something?
I'm gonna tell you something.
Copy !req
1309. I want you to hear it from me first.
Copy !req
1310. I've known for a couple days,
but I haven't told anybody yet.
Copy !req
1311. I'm going to Baltimore.
Copy !req
1312. To anchor.
Copy !req
1313. For Bob Andersen's new station.
Copy !req
1314. Wh... What?
Copy !req
1315. How?
Copy !req
1316. I don't know, Bob Andersen came up to me
at the 4th of July party,
Copy !req
1317. and told me I had
a steady, paternal presence.
Copy !req
1318. Then just like that,
bam, I'm going to Baltimore.
Copy !req
1319. Just like that.
Copy !req
1320. I know you were jockeying
for a spot up there, but...
Copy !req
1321. This just goes to show
if a dumb quarterback like me
Copy !req
1322. can get where he wants to go, so can you.
Copy !req
1323. Believe me, Christine.
Copy !req
1324. You have so much passion and integrity,
Copy !req
1325. you're bound for even greater things.
Copy !req
1326. Chicago. Hell, New York City!
Copy !req
1327. I believe that.
Copy !req
1328. I really hope you can
still help me with my copy.
Copy !req
1329. Maybe we can do phone calls.
Copy !req
1330. Phone calls sound good.
Copy !req
1331. Good.
Copy !req
1332. OK.
Copy !req
1333. I'll see you at work.
Copy !req
1334. Yes, I will see you at work. Goodnight.
Copy !req
1335. OK. Oh, and thank you. For dinner.
Copy !req
1336. - Can I help you?
- Hi... Forgive me.
Copy !req
1337. I-I-I've blown a flat tire
outside of your house, and, uh...
Copy !req
1338. Mr. Andersen?
Copy !req
1339. Uh... Is this? I-I-I didn't realize
this was your house.
Copy !req
1340. I'm sorry. Do I...?
Copy !req
1341. It's me. I'm Christine Chubbuck.
Copy !req
1342. I'm a field reporter at WZRB.
Copy !req
1343. Oh! Oh, hi!
I... I thought I recognized you.
Copy !req
1344. Would you like to come in...
Copy !req
1345. - Yes.
- ... for a minute and use the phone?
Copy !req
1346. Thank you. That'd... That'd be very nice.
Copy !req
1347. Now I was just having
a little midnight snack.
Copy !req
1348. Oh. Uh, excuse the mess.
I haven't had a chance to clean up.
Copy !req
1349. Uh, you wanna use the phone?
Copy !req
1350. Uh, I-I might need
just to take a... second here.
Copy !req
1351. That's... I'm a little shaken up.
Copy !req
1352. Sure, sure.
Copy !req
1353. Did you happen to get to catch
any of our reporting
Copy !req
1354. while you were here
the last couple of weeks?
Copy !req
1355. Not as much as I would've liked.
Copy !req
1356. No, I was mostly tied up
Copy !req
1357. with construction
on the other properties I own down here.
Copy !req
1358. Well, I always try to do
informational pieces, community affairs.
Copy !req
1359. Uh...
Copy !req
1360. I should, uh, show you a clip sometime.
Copy !req
1361. Hmm. Have Michael send me a tape.
Copy !req
1362. You know our anchor, George Ryan?
Copy !req
1363. Well, yes. He's... He's the anchor.
Copy !req
1364. Well, he and I have a terrific chemistry.
Copy !req
1365. I think I should try and find a piece
where we're at the desk together.
Copy !req
1366. You'll know what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
1367. Well, sounds fantastic.
Copy !req
1368. You see that there? The anchor,
he shuffled his papers there?
Copy !req
1369. That seems like a tic, but...
Copy !req
1370. actually he's added that
consciously to his delivery.
Copy !req
1371. I think it makes people
feel more comfortable.
Copy !req
1372. George and I,
we have that same attention to detail.
Copy !req
1373. I guess I never saw that before.
Copy !req
1374. I mostly just keep this on for company.
Copy !req
1375. I feel like you were maybe leading up
to a question there.
Copy !req
1376. Did I miss it? Uh, I've had a few.
Copy !req
1377. I'm going to cut to the chase,
Mr. Andersen.
Copy !req
1378. I'm not supposed to know, but I have heard
Copy !req
1379. that George has been promoted
and is going to Baltimore.
Copy !req
1380. And I want to know...
Copy !req
1381. if you're still looking
for another news person.
Copy !req
1382. If the qualities that I have mentioned
are important to you.
Copy !req
1383. Oh, well... We've already hired our quota.
Copy !req
1384. That... That little blonde number
in Sports...
Copy !req
1385. Uh, um... Oh.
Copy !req
1386. Hm.
Copy !req
1387. - Andrea?
- Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
1388. Andrea. Firecracker.
Copy !req
1389. She's going to Baltimore?
Copy !req
1390. Oh, well, George suggested
that they go together,
Copy !req
1391. and I said, "Well, sounds like fun.
What the hell!"
Copy !req
1392. Uh, but the door is always open.
Copy !req
1393. I always leave the door open as policy.
Copy !req
1394. I just try not to overthink
these things too much, you know?
Copy !req
1395. My wife likes to read the papers,
watch the news.
Copy !req
1396. Uh, she and I took a vacation
down here once.
Copy !req
1397. She liked it.
Copy !req
1398. Bam!
Copy !req
1399. I bought the news station.
Copy !req
1400. Bam! I bought this house.
Copy !req
1401. See what I'm saying?
Copy !req
1402. - Follow your gut.
- Exactly.
Copy !req
1403. And leave the managing to the managers.
Copy !req
1404. Life is hard enough
without dwelling on every little thing.
Copy !req
1405. And... man, is it hard.
Copy !req
1406. And that's... the liquor talking.
Copy !req
1407. Which is another problem I have.
Copy !req
1408. But there's only one way out.
Copy !req
1409. Forward.
Copy !req
1410. Hon?
Copy !req
1411. Honey?
Copy !req
1412. Hi, Peg.
Copy !req
1413. Baby, your alarm's
been going off for an hour.
Copy !req
1414. I don't think
I've ever seen you oversleep.
Copy !req
1415. Was it a late night?
Copy !req
1416. Oh.
Copy !req
1417. Yes.
Copy !req
1418. Well, great!
Copy !req
1419. See, you were just lonely, right?
Copy !req
1420. Bet you feel better already.
Copy !req
1421. You always come through these funks.
Copy !req
1422. Move in circles.
Copy !req
1423. By the way, I made a reservation
at Davenport's for your birthday.
Copy !req
1424. No pressure. We can always cancel.
Copy !req
1425. Miss Tangerine?
Copy !req
1426. Miss Tangerine?
Copy !req
1427. You're not saying anything,
Miss Tangerine.
Copy !req
1428. Well, what would you like me to say?
Copy !req
1429. I don't know.
Copy !req
1430. I like it when you talk to me.
Copy !req
1431. Well, what if I don't have
anything else to say?
Copy !req
1432. You mean it's... it's OK
to be quiet sometimes?
Copy !req
1433. Yes, See Saw, sometimes it is.
Copy !req
1434. Can I be quiet with you?
Copy !req
1435. Yes. See Saw, you can be quiet with me.
Copy !req
1436. - Morning, Jean.
- Hey. Good morning, Chris.
Copy !req
1437. Frank.
Copy !req
1438. George.
Copy !req
1439. George Ryan.
Copy !req
1440. Chris, can you get this VO done by noon?
Copy !req
1441. - Oh, the children's hospital called.
- OK. Sure.
Copy !req
1442. Using it when...
Copy !req
1443. Come in.
Copy !req
1444. Hi, Mike. Uh, do you have a second?
Copy !req
1445. Chubbuck.
Copy !req
1446. - Can we have a talk?
- Hey, I can go.
Copy !req
1447. No, no. Stay, actually. I...
Copy !req
1448. I would rather you stayed.
Copy !req
1449. Uh, so, two things first.
Copy !req
1450. I... I got the scratch VO for that piece
about the campsite from yesterday.
Copy !req
1451. We're kicking the can on that.
Copy !req
1452. I have to run this fucking story
about the bowling alley going under.
Copy !req
1453. OK. Sure. You just... You just tell me.
Copy !req
1454. I will.
Copy !req
1455. Uh, second thing is, um...
Copy !req
1456. I'm just gonna come right out and say it.
Copy !req
1457. I wanna ask your permission
to lead a story from the desk.
Copy !req
1458. You are not leading.
Copy !req
1459. - Mike...
- You know what?
Copy !req
1460. Don't. He's right.
Copy !req
1461. You're right. I know.
I have been a... real bear lately.
Copy !req
1462. I can see that now.
Copy !req
1463. Look, Mike.
Copy !req
1464. I know we're in a less-than-ideal
situation here together.
Copy !req
1465. You're not going anywhere.
Copy !req
1466. And I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
1467. So I would like to wipe the slate clean.
I'll read anything you like.
Copy !req
1468. What is this? What are you doing?
Copy !req
1469. I've been thinking a lot about
Copy !req
1470. your idea of, um...
sensationalizing the news.
Copy !req
1471. - That's not what I'm saying.
- Mike, listen.
Copy !req
1472. I'm agreeing with you.
Copy !req
1473. I just got sidetracked for a second there.
Copy !req
1474. I should've fired your ass
for your tantrum the other day.
Copy !req
1475. You should have, but you didn't.
Copy !req
1476. If I mess this up,
I'll never ask for anything again.
Copy !req
1477. Cross my heart.
Copy !req
1478. I mean, Mike, come on.
Copy !req
1479. Mike.
Copy !req
1480. I don't know.
Copy !req
1481. No one's watching us anyway, remember?
Copy !req
1482. Ha.
Copy !req
1483. You can report whatever comes in
over the weekend. Whatever I say.
Copy !req
1484. Thank you.
Copy !req
1485. I mean...
Copy !req
1486. You say please. It's nice.
Copy !req
1487. "Please" I can work with.
Copy !req
1488. We're not trying to prove psychic powers,
Copy !req
1489. but let's see if you can pick up the image
Copy !req
1490. which I'll tell you
at the end of the program.
Copy !req
1491. Alright? Ready now? Begin.
Copy !req
1492. Concentrate.
Copy !req
1493. - Oh, hi, Chrissy.
- As you were. As you were.
Copy !req
1494. The name which I can see...
on a sheet of paper...
Copy !req
1495. She seems better.
Copy !req
1496. She does, doesn't she?
Copy !req
1497. With your eyes closed, of course.
Copy !req
1498. She's my favorite person.
Copy !req
1499. You're my favorite person.
Copy !req
1500. - Get over yourself.
- Hubba hubba!
Copy !req
1501. - That's great.
- OK. Good.
Copy !req
1502. Let's keep it simple.
Copy !req
1503. Let's use five or ten seconds at the top.
Copy !req
1504. - OK, are you sure?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1505. Can you, uh...?
Copy !req
1506. Can you make sure that Darren
is recording the show tonight?
Copy !req
1507. I'll want it for my reels.
I will go out of pocket for it.
Copy !req
1508. Alright.
Copy !req
1509. Hey, Chris. Do you wanna go to lunch?
Copy !req
1510. Uh...
Copy !req
1511. - Maybe tomorrow.
- OK. Rain check.
Copy !req
1512. OK, everyone, we're getting close.
Copy !req
1513. Let's get ready.
Copy !req
1514. Chubbuck's big night.
Copy !req
1515. This is News Watch at Five
with your anchor, George Ryan,
Copy !req
1516. Steve Turner, weather, Andrea Kirby...
Copy !req
1517. OK, everyone,
We're going live in five, four...
Copy !req
1518. three...
Copy !req
1519. It is Monday, July 15th,
and this is your News Watch at Five.
Copy !req
1520. Good evening, Sarasota. I'm George Ryan.
Copy !req
1521. To begin our broadcast tonight,
we turn to Christine Chubbuck...
Copy !req
1522. Camera two.
Copy !req
1523. with a report on some upsetting
events that occurred over the weekend.
Copy !req
1524. - Christine.
- Take two.
Copy !req
1525. Thank you, George.
Copy !req
1526. An 18-year-old man named James Whitworth
was stabbed this weekend
Copy !req
1527. in the parking lot
of the Starwood Tavern on 27th Street.
Copy !req
1528. The event occurred
at roughly 4:30pm on Sunday.
Copy !req
1529. It is unclear how the altercation
that led to the stabbing began
Copy !req
1530. with conflicting reports
citing a financial disagreement
Copy !req
1531. and an argument over a relationship.
Copy !req
1532. Ready, projector one?
Copy !req
1533. Telecine's down. One is not gonna run.
Copy !req
1534. What? No! No, go fix it.
Copy !req
1535. Go fix it, Kenny! Goddamn it!
Copy !req
1536. an assailant whose name
has not been released...
Copy !req
1537. Tell him, uh, uh, uh...
Flag anything that needs film.
Copy !req
1538. And we'll, uh, bump up anything
that's on the quad.
Copy !req
1539. We go now to exclusive footage
of the crime scene just moments after...
Copy !req
1540. - What do I do?
- Tell George, goddamn it.
Copy !req
1541. It's jammed. It isn't going to roll.
Copy !req
1542. It isn't going to roll.
Copy !req
1543. Here we go. Come on, Kenny!
Copy !req
1544. Uh, it appears that we're having
some technical difficulty.
Copy !req
1545. We had wanted to show you
some film from the scene,
Copy !req
1546. but I'm sure that if you...
Copy !req
1547. Kenny, where are we with the projector?
Copy !req
1548. No...
Copy !req
1549. So...
Copy !req
1550. Now...
Copy !req
1551. In keeping with the WZRB policy...
Copy !req
1552. - Don't give up on it.
- ... of presenting the most immediate
Copy !req
1553. and complete reports
of local blood and guts,
Copy !req
1554. TV 30 presents what is believed
to be a television first.
Copy !req
1555. In living color,
Copy !req
1556. an exclusive coverage
of an attempted suicide.
Copy !req
1557. Go to black. Go to black.
Copy !req
1558. Very funny, Christine.
Copy !req
1559. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1560. Oh, my God! Somebody call an ambulance!
Copy !req
1561. Grab a towel! Grab anything!
Copy !req
1562. Gail! Get on the phone!
Copy !req
1563. Get on the phone right now!
Copy !req
1564. - I need you to try to calm down.
- OK.
Copy !req
1565. I know you're scared. You gotta
stay calm. She needs you to be calm.
Copy !req
1566. Christine. Christine.
Copy !req
1567. Sir, I'm gonna need you to put that down.
That's evidence.
Copy !req
1568. Sir, I'm sorry.
This is an active crime scene.
Copy !req
1569. You're gonna have to put that down.
Copy !req
1570. Respiration is shallow.
Copy !req
1571. Bring it in, bring it in.
Copy !req
1572. - There must be someone with...
- I'm sorry. No.
Copy !req
1573. Mrs. Chubbuck?
Copy !req
1574. - Yes.
- I'm Jean.
Copy !req
1575. You're Jean, from the station?
Copy !req
1576. Yeah.
Copy !req
1577. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
1578. - How's she doing? What's going on?
- I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
1579. - I know. I...
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1580. I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
1581. I'm OK. You're OK. I'm OK. You're OK.
Copy !req
1582. Repeat it. Say it.
Say it, say it! I'm OK...
Copy !req
1583. and shot herself in the head
while the program was on the air.
Copy !req
1584. 30-year-old Chris Chubbuck,
is in critical condition tonight.
Copy !req
1585. Seconds before shooting herself,
Miss Chubbuck told TV viewers,
Copy !req
1586. "In keeping with Channel 30's policy
of bringing you the latest in bloody..."
Copy !req
1587. TV 30 presents what is believed
to be a television first.
Copy !req
1588. In living color,
Copy !req
1589. an exclusive coverage
of an attempted suicide.
Copy !req
1590. The woman host of a television
talk show in Sarasota, Florida,
Copy !req
1591. Chris Chubbuck, today read a news item
about a local shooting,
Copy !req
1592. then told her viewers they were
about to see a television first.
Copy !req
1593. She pulled a gun from a shopping bag
and shot herself in the head.
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1594. She's in critical condition
at a Sarasota hospital.
Copy !req
1595. In other news tonight,
Vice President Ford said today
Copy !req
1596. that Watergate has this country deadlocked
Copy !req
1597. on its major domestic problems,
Copy !req
1598. and that something must be done
to break this impasse.
Copy !req
1599. In California, the vice president said...
Copy !req
1600. Scratch VO
for Christine Chubbuck memorial.
Copy !req
1601. Uh, Christine Chubbuck was born August...
Copy !req
1602. August 24, 1944.
Copy !req
1603. Uh...
Copy !req
1604. OK...
Copy !req
1605. My name is Christine Chubbuck,
Copy !req
1606. and I'm a field reporter at WZRB.
Copy !req
1607. Mrs. Cazacracker do you call her?
Copy !req
1608. You know. Come on.
Copy !req
1609. Uh, chickens are a very serious...
Copy !req
1610. An entire community imperiled.
Copy !req
1611. It begs the question,
Copy !req
1612. is it paranoia if everyone
is indeed coming after you?
Copy !req
1613. You can just drop it on the floor for now.
Copy !req
1614. Hey, Christine.
Are we interrupting something?
Copy !req
1615. No. I was just running
some tape on myself.
Copy !req
1616. Oh, it's a new quad machine. Sorry.
Copy !req
1617. - Hey, Jean?
- Yeah?
Copy !req
1618. Have you, uh, noticed
that I do this thing when I...
Copy !req
1619. I nod a little too sympathetically
when I'm interviewing a subject?
Copy !req
1620. No. How can you be too sympathetic?
Copy !req
1621. Hey, Pepper. Hey, sweetie.
Copy !req
1622. Pss, pss, pss, pss.
Copy !req
1623. Good evening.
Copy !req
1624. President Ford told
a congressional subcommittee today
Copy !req
1625. that there was no deal, period,
involved in the pardon of Richard Nixon.
Copy !req
1626. Mr. Ford's appearance
before a subcommittee
Copy !req
1627. of the House Judiciary Committee
has no precedent in history.
Copy !req
1628. He is the first president ever
to testify voluntarily
Copy !req
1629. before the House of Representatives.
And the message he brought
Copy !req
1630. was that his swift
and unexpected pardon of Mr. Nixon
Copy !req
1631. was done only because resignation
and punishment was enough,
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1632. and because the country had to focus
on other problems facing it.
Copy !req
1633. Here are some of the main points
the president made
Copy !req
1634. in a two-hour session.
Copy !req
1635. Our nation is under the severest
of challenges now
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1636. to employ its full energy and efforts
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1637. in the pursuit
of a sound and growing economy.
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1638. We would needlessly be diverted
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1639. from meeting those challenges
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1640. if we as a people were to...
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1641. and treats its opponents
as enemies must never, never be...
Copy !req
1642. This show was taped
in front of a live studio audience.
Copy !req
1643. Good morning, everyone...
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