1. I'm stuck.
Copy !req
2. Get back!
Copy !req
3. Mr. Tweedy!
Copy !req
4. What is that chicken
doing outside the fence?
Copy !req
5. I don't know, luv.
- Just deal with it. Now!
Copy !req
6. I'll teach you
to make a fool out of me.
Copy !req
7. Let that be a lesson to you!
Copy !req
8. No chicken escapes from Tweedy's farm!
Copy !req
9. Morning, Ginger.
Copy !req
10. Back from holiday?
- I wasn't on holiday.
Copy !req
11. I was in solitary confinement.
Copy !req
12. It's nice to get a bit of time
to yourself, isn't it?
Copy !req
13. Roll call!
Come along. You'll be late for parade.
Copy !req
14. Pip, pip. Quick march.
Copy !req
15. Left right ...
Copy !req
16. Come on, smarten up!
Copy !req
17. Discipline! Order!
Copy !req
18. Back in my RAF days,
when an officer called for a scramble,
Copy !req
19. you'd hop in the old crate
and chocks away!
Copy !req
20. Keep over, you old fool.
They just want to count us.
Copy !req
21. How dare you talk back
to a senior ranking officer!
Copy !req
22. Back in my RAF days ...
- Fowler, they're coming.
Copy !req
23. Right, right!
Copy !req
24. There'll be a reprimand, lad.
You're grounded.
Copy !req
25. Attention!
Copy !req
26. Welcome back, hen.
ls there a new plan?
Copy !req
27. We've already tried going under.
Copy !req
28. Over. Right.
Copy !req
29. How's the egg count?
- I laid 5 eggs today.
Copy !req
30. Well chuffed with that, I was.
Copy !req
31. Oh no.
Copy !req
32. Why didn't you give her some of yours?
- She didn't tell me.
Copy !req
33. She didn't tell anyone.
Copy !req
34. ls Edwina off on holiday?
Copy !req
35. We've got to get out of here.
Copy !req
36. Are we still on?
- We're on, all right.
Copy !req
37. Spread the word, Mac.
Meeting tonight in Hut 17.
Copy !req
38. You called?
Copy !req
39. Nick and ...
- Fetcher. - At your service.
Copy !req
40. Over here.
Copy !req
41. We need more things.
- Right you are, Miss.
Copy !req
42. How about this quality tea set?
Copy !req
43. A lovely necklace and pendant.
Copy !req
44. Or this number. All the rage in
the fashionable Paris chicken coops.
Copy !req
45. Simply pop it on,
and as the French say: "Voila!"
Copy !req
46. That is French.
Copy !req
47. It's two hats in one, Miss.
For parties. For weddings.
Copy !req
48. Madame, you look like a vision,
like a dream.
Copy !req
49. Like a duck.
- No, thank you.
Copy !req
50. We're making this. We need this.
Can you get it?
Copy !req
51. This is a big job, Miss.
Bigger than the others.
Copy !req
52. This will cost.
- The usual: one bag of seed.
Copy !req
53. You call this pay?
- It's chicken feed.
Copy !req
54. What could we give you?
- Eggs.
Copy !req
55. We can't. Our eggs are too valuable.
Copy !req
56. So are we.
Copy !req
57. After you, Fetcher.
Copy !req
58. After I what?
Copy !req
59. Move!
Copy !req
60. Stupid, worthless creatures!
Copy !req
61. I'm sick and tired
of making minuscule profits.
Copy !req
62. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
63. Those chickens are up to something.
Copy !req
64. Quiet.
I'm onto something.
Copy !req
65. They're organized.
Copy !req
66. Quiet!
- That ginger one
Copy !req
67. is their leader.
Copy !req
68. I may have found a way
to make some real money.
Copy !req
69. What are you on about? Ridiculous
notions of escaping chickens.
Copy !req
70. It's all in your head,
Mr. Tweedy. Say it.
Copy !req
71. It's all in my head.
Copy !req
72. Now you keep telling yourself that,
Copy !req
73. because I won't hear another word
about it. Is that clear?
Copy !req
74. Yes, luv.
Copy !req
75. But the ginger one!
Copy !req
76. They're chickens, you dolt!
Apart from you,
Copy !req
77. they're the most stupid creatures
on the planet!
Copy !req
78. They don't plot,
they don't scheme,
Copy !req
79. and they're not organized!
Copy !req
80. Order! Order!
Copy !req
81. Quiet, everyone.
Copy !req
82. Settle down.
Copy !req
83. I would like to call to order ...
- Quiet!
Copy !req
84. Discipline in the ranks!
What! What!
Copy !req
85. Thank you, Fowler.
- In my RAF days, we never wasted time
Copy !req
86. with unnecessary chitchat.
- Yes, thank you, Fowler.
Copy !req
87. Right.
Copy !req
88. Carry on.
Copy !req
89. Our last escape attempt
was a bit of a fiasco,
Copy !req
90. but Mac and I have a new plan.
Copy !req
91. Show them, Mac. - We tried going
under that wire, and it didn't work.
Copy !req
92. So the plan is: we go
Copy !req
93. over it.
Copy !req
94. This is us, right?
We get in like this
Copy !req
95. and wind her up, and
Copy !req
96. let her go!
Copy !req
97. Good grief!
The turnip's bought it.
Copy !req
98. Farmer's coming!
Copy !req
99. Operation Cover-Up!
Copy !req
100. Mr. Tweedy,
Copy !req
101. where are you?
Copy !req
102. It's all in your head.
Copy !req
103. Think, everyone.
What haven't we tried yet?
Copy !req
104. We haven't tried
not trying to escape.
Copy !req
105. Might work.
Copy !req
106. What about Edwina?
Copy !req
107. How many more empty nests
will it take?
Copy !req
108. Maybe she should have spent more time
laying eggs
Copy !req
109. and less time escaping.
- Laying eggs,
Copy !req
110. then getting plucked and roasted
is good enough for you?
Copy !req
111. It's a living.
Copy !req
112. The fences aren't just
around the farm.
Copy !req
113. They're up here in your heads.
Copy !req
114. There is a better place out there.
Copy !req
115. Somewhere beyond that hill,
Copy !req
116. it has wide open spaces
and lots of trees.
Copy !req
117. And grass. Can you imagine that?
Copy !req
118. Cool, green grass.
Copy !req
119. Who feeds us?
Copy !req
120. We feed ourselves.
- Where's the farm?
Copy !req
121. There is no farm.
- Then where does the farmer live?
Copy !req
122. There is no farmer.
- Is he on holiday?
Copy !req
123. He isn't anywhere.
Don't you get it?
Copy !req
124. No egg count,
no farmers, no dogs,
Copy !req
125. no coops and keys
and no fences!
Copy !req
126. In all my life
I've never heard such a fantastic
Copy !req
127. load of tripe!
Copy !req
128. Face the facts, ducks.
Copy !req
129. The chance of us getting out
are a million to one.
Copy !req
130. Then there's still a chance!
Copy !req
131. Oh, no!
Copy !req
132. Who am I fooling?
I can't lead this bunch of ...
Copy !req
133. Heaven help us.
Copy !req
134. Freedom!
Copy !req
135. Ladies and gentlemen,
you've been a wonderful audience.
Copy !req
136. That's it.
Copy !req
137. lnside, quickly!
Copy !req
138. Here's our way out!
Copy !req
139. We'll make posters?
Copy !req
140. What's on the posters, Babs?
We'll fly out.
Copy !req
141. Must be important to be on a poster.
I wonder what he does.
Copy !req
142. Obviously,
he's a professional flying rooster.
Copy !req
143. Flies around giving demonstrations.
Copy !req
144. Do you suppose?
- Absolutely!
Copy !req
145. No, not in there!
Copy !req
146. Get out!
Copy !req
147. Who are you? Where am l?
What happened to my wing?
Copy !req
148. You took a nasty fall.
- Spraining the anterior tendon
Copy !req
149. connecting the radius to the humerus.
I wrapped it.
Copy !req
150. Was that English?
- She fixed your wing.
Copy !req
151. I made the bandage.
- I carried you in.
Copy !req
152. Back up and start from the top.
Where am l?
Copy !req
153. How rude of us. We're just excited ...
This is a chicken farm.
Copy !req
154. And we're the chickens.
Copy !req
155. With you so far.
Chicken farm, chickens.
Copy !req
156. I don't like his look.
Copy !req
157. His eyes are too close together.
Copy !req
158. And he's a Yank! - Cockfighting's
illegal where I come from.
Copy !req
159. Where is that? - A place I call
home of the free, land of the brave.
Copy !req
160. Scotland!
Copy !req
161. No! America.
Copy !req
162. Poppycock!
Copy !req
163. Pushy Americans.
Always showing up late for every war.
Copy !req
164. Overpaid, oversexed
and over here.
Copy !req
165. What's eating grandpa?
- Don't mind him, Mister ...
Copy !req
166. My name's Rocky, the Rhode lsland Red.
Rhodes for short.
Copy !req
167. Rocky Rhodes!
Copy !req
168. Catchy, ain't it?
Copy !req
169. Mr. Rhodes, is this you?
Copy !req
170. Who wants to know?
Copy !req
171. A group of desperate chickens.
if it's you,
Copy !req
172. you may be the answer to our prayers.
Copy !req
173. Then call me a miracle, dollface,
'cause that's me.
Copy !req
174. What brings you to England,
Mr. Rhodes?
Copy !req
175. All the beautiful English chicks,
of course.
Copy !req
176. Give over!
Copy !req
177. I'm a traveler.
I did that barnyard thing for a while,
Copy !req
178. but couldn't get into it.
Hi. How are you?
Copy !req
179. Nope!
Copy !req
180. The open road is more my style.
Put a pack on my back
Copy !req
181. and point me where the wind blows.
Copy !req
182. Know what they call me back home?
Copy !req
183. You'll love this.
The Lone Free-Ranger.
Copy !req
184. isn't that great?
Copy !req
185. I knew it was possible.
- It's possible!
Copy !req
186. The answer had to come!
- Amen!
Copy !req
187. We'll fly over that fence, and
Mr. Rhodes will show us how. Right?
Copy !req
188. That's ri ... What?
Did you say "fly?"
Copy !req
189. You can teach us.
- No, I can't.
Copy !req
190. Listen! You hear that?
Copy !req
191. The open road's calling,
and I have to answer.
Copy !req
192. Bye.
Copy !req
193. He must have very good hearing.
Copy !req
194. Okay, where's the exit?
This way.
Copy !req
195. Mr. Rhodes? Perhaps I didn't explain
our situation properly.
Copy !req
196. We lay eggs, day in, day out.
Copy !req
197. When we can't lay any more,
they kill us.
Copy !req
198. It's a cruel world, dollface.
Better get used to it.
Copy !req
199. Which part of "they kill us"
don't you understand?
Copy !req
200. I got my own set of problems.
Copy !req
201. Besides, it can't be
that hard to bust out of here.
Copy !req
202. Watch me.
Copy !req
203. It's not so hard for a chicken or two
to get out, but it's about all of us.
Copy !req
204. All of you? - I've been trying
to tell you. - Let's get it straight.
Copy !req
205. You want to get every chicken
out of here at once?
Copy !req
206. Of course.
- You're certifiable.
Copy !req
207. You can't pull that off.
- Where there's a will, there's a way.
Copy !req
208. Couldn't agree more.
And I will be leaving. That way.
Copy !req
209. Mr. Rhodes, please!
Copy !req
210. So that's it.
You're from the circus.
Copy !req
211. You're on the run, aren't you?
Copy !req
212. Keep it down!
I'm trying to lay low here.
Copy !req
213. I should turn you in right now.
- You wouldn't.
Copy !req
214. Would you?
- Why not?
Copy !req
215. Because I'm cute?
Copy !req
216. Hey, hey. You crazy chick!
Copy !req
217. You know what'll happen
if he finds me? - It's a cruel world.
Copy !req
218. I don't like you.
- I don't care.
Copy !req
219. Show us how to fly. - With this wing?
- Teach us, then.
Copy !req
220. He's valuable, you say?
Copy !req
221. Sure.
- Get the torch.
Copy !req
222. Listen here, sister.
I'm not going back to that life.
Copy !req
223. I'm a Lone Free-Ranger.
Emphasis on "free."
Copy !req
224. And that's what we want ...
Copy !req
225. Fancy that, they're coming.
Copy !req
226. Oh, no! They're onto me!
Copy !req
227. Teach us to fly. We'll hide you.
- And if I don't?
Copy !req
228. Was your father by any chance
a vulture?
Copy !req
229. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
230. Time to make good on that deal,
dollface. - The name is Ginger.
Copy !req
231. Comfortable?
- Not really.
Copy !req
232. Maybe this will help.
Copy !req
233. Nice hideout.
I had more room in my egg.
Copy !req
234. We held up our end of it.
Tomorrow you hold up yours.
Copy !req
235. What deal?
- Flying.
Copy !req
236. Oh, yeah. Don't worry.
I'll teach you everything I know.
Copy !req
237. Which bunk is mine?
Copy !req
238. Absolutely outrageous!
Copy !req
239. Asking a senior officer
to share his quarters.
Copy !req
240. And with a non-commissioned Yank,
no less!
Copy !req
241. Why, back in my day ...
Copy !req
242. You weren't exactly
my first choice either.
Copy !req
243. Scoot over. Your wing's
on my side of the bunk.
Copy !req
244. Your side of the bunk?
The whole bunk is my side!
Copy !req
245. What is that smell?
Is that your breath?
Copy !req
246. Absolutely outrageous!
Copy !req
247. So you want to fly, huh?
Copy !req
248. Well, it ain't going to be easy. And
it ain't going to happen overnight.
Copy !req
249. Flying takes three things:
hard work,
Copy !req
250. perseverance and
Copy !req
251. hard work.
- You said "hard work" twice!
Copy !req
252. Because it takes twice as much
hard work as perseverance.
Copy !req
253. Codswallop!
Copy !req
254. Cocky Yanks
think they know it all.
Copy !req
255. The most important thing is
we have to work as a team.
Copy !req
256. Which means,
you do everything I tell you.
Copy !req
257. Let's rock 'n roll.
Copy !req
258. The chickens are ...
Copy !req
259. pecking?
Copy !req
260. And left, two, three.
Copy !req
261. And right, two, three.
Copy !req
262. And stop right there.
Copy !req
263. Yes, down.
Copy !req
264. Make little circles.
Copy !req
265. Faster.
Copy !req
266. Oh, that's the spot!
Copy !req
267. I thought
you were going to teach us to fly.
Copy !req
268. That's what I'm doing.
Copy !req
269. isn't there usually
some flapping involved?
Copy !req
270. Do I tell you how to lay eggs?
Copy !req
271. Relax.
We're making progress.
Copy !req
272. Really? I can't help feeling
we're going around in circles.
Copy !req
273. Hey, cut it out!
You're making me dizzy.
Copy !req
274. They're ready to fly now.
Copy !req
275. Good, 'cause they can't walk anymore.
Copy !req
276. Up and at 'em!
Copy !req
277. Let's flap.
Copy !req
278. Let's see if old Attila the Hen
has come to her senses.
Copy !req
279. It's raining hen!
Copy !req
280. What's this caper, luv?
- We're flying. - Obviously.
Copy !req
281. Flipping hell. Look at this.
- They're going to kill themselves.
Copy !req
282. Want to watch?
- All right.
Copy !req
283. Careful of those eggs!
Copy !req
284. Sunny-side up.
Copy !req
285. Now over easy.
Copy !req
286. Definitely scrambled.
Copy !req
287. Poultry in motion.
Copy !req
288. Birds of a feather
flop together.
Copy !req
289. Great work, ladies.
Copy !req
290. The pain you're feeling
is a good thing.
Copy !req
291. Pain is your friend.
Copy !req
292. Just keep the faith ...
Agnes. You'll get there.
Copy !req
293. You flew four feet today.
Copy !req
294. Yeah, four feet.
From the roof to the ground.
Copy !req
295. All part of the process. Don't worry.
You cheesy little ...
Copy !req
296. That doesn't sound good.
Copy !req
297. The ground's shaking.
Are we worried?
Copy !req
298. Are we worried?
Copy !req
299. The circus! Quick! Hide me!
Copy !req
300. Hide me!
- Come on.
Copy !req
301. One isn't awarded a medal
Copy !req
302. for flapping about like a lunatic.
Copy !req
303. Now see here!
This is an officer's quarters!
Copy !req
304. In here!
- Get out of here now!
Copy !req
305. Give it a rest, Pops!
Copy !req
306. What? I shall have you
on charges within the week!
Copy !req
307. Cheers, mate.
Copy !req
308. It's all in your head.
Copy !req
309. What's all this?
Copy !req
310. This is our future, Mr. Tweedy.
Copy !req
311. No more wasting time
with petty egg collection
Copy !req
312. and minuscule profits.
- No eggs?
Copy !req
313. We've always been egg farmers.
My father,
Copy !req
314. his father and their fathers.
They were always ...
Copy !req
315. Poor! Worthless! Nothings!
Copy !req
316. But that's about to change.
Copy !req
317. This will take Tweedy's farm
out of the Dark Ages
Copy !req
318. and into full-scale
automated production.
Copy !req
319. Melisha Tweedy
will be poor no longer.
Copy !req
320. I'll put it together,
shall l?
Copy !req
321. That isn't good.
Whatever's in those boxes is for us.
Copy !req
322. And I doubt it's softer than hay.
Copy !req
323. I hate to be the voice of doom,
Copy !req
324. but I've been calculating.
I don't think we're built for flying.
Copy !req
325. But I saw him!
He flew in over that fence!
Copy !req
326. I believe you,
Copy !req
327. but if we could see it for ourselves
it might answer some questions.
Copy !req
328. You're right. We've been at this
all week. We're getting nowhere.
Copy !req
329. if his wing were better ...
I'll talk to him.
Copy !req
330. Where is he?
Copy !req
331. They didn't give me this medal
for being a Yank nanny.
Copy !req
332. "l don't know" would suffice.
Copy !req
333. Beware of that one,
young Ginger.
Copy !req
334. That Yank is not to be trusted.
Copy !req
335. That Yank
is our ticket out of here.
Copy !req
336. And the pig says to the horse,
"Why the long face?"
Copy !req
337. Cocktail!
Copy !req
338. Give over!
Copy !req
339. So anyway ...
Copy !req
340. Remember those flying tips.
Copy !req
341. They're very important.
And think flighty thoughts.
Copy !req
342. They're swell chicks.
Copy !req
343. Look what Babs made me. A beak warmer.
isn't that cute?
Copy !req
344. And that Bunty.
She really packs a pun.
Copy !req
345. A problem?
Copy !req
346. Have we flown over the fence?
- Not quite. - There's a problem.
Copy !req
347. Good things come to those who wait.
Copy !req
348. How long did it take you?
- To do what? - To learn to fly.
Copy !req
349. Apples and oranges.
I'm gifted, they're not.
Copy !req
350. You can't compare the two.
These things take time.
Copy !req
351. Which we're running out of. Why
haven't we lifted off yet? - Thrust.
Copy !req
352. I went over my calculations.
What we're missing is thrust.
Copy !req
353. I didn't get a word of that.
Copy !req
354. Thrust. When ducks and geese take off,
what do they have?
Copy !req
355. She ain't using real words.
Copy !req
356. She said we need more thrust.
- Thrust!
Copy !req
357. Sure. Thrust and flying
are like this.
Copy !req
358. Flying and thrust.
Copy !req
359. Will you excuse us?
Copy !req
360. The wing!
Copy !req
361. No results by tomorrow,
and the deal's off.
Copy !req
362. No more hiding. The farmers'll find
you and back to the circus, fly boy.
Copy !req
363. You're the first chick I ever met
with the shell still on.
Copy !req
364. Sleep tight, angel face.
The Rock's on the case.
Copy !req
365. What? What?
Copy !req
366. A beaut. A fine piece of work.
Copy !req
367. if I do say so myself.
Copy !req
368. I say so myself, too.
- Wish I'd seen it.
Copy !req
369. We slipped into the farmer's room.
- Like a fish.
Copy !req
370. And we ...
Copy !req
371. Like a fish?
Copy !req
372. You stupid idiot!
Copy !req
373. Anyway, here it is.
Copy !req
374. El merchandiso!
- That's Spanish.
Copy !req
375. What're these two crooks doing here?
Copy !req
376. So, you know each other!
- She don't think we're valuable.
Copy !req
377. You guys are
Copy !req
378. the sneakiest,
thieving parasites I've ever met.
Copy !req
379. Don't. Stop it.
- I've gone bright red.
Copy !req
380. So, how about the eggs?
Copy !req
381. Eggs? You promised them ...
Copy !req
382. Yep, I promised them
every egg I lay this month.
Copy !req
383. When can we expect
the first one?
Copy !req
384. I'm brewing one up now.
I'll keep you posted.
Copy !req
385. A pleasure doing business
with you.
Copy !req
386. Sucker.
Copy !req
387. What?
- You lied to them.
Copy !req
388. I didn't lie, dollface.
I just omitted certain truths.
Copy !req
389. I'll give them what I promised.
- Nothing. - Which they'll get.
Copy !req
390. And what will you give us?
Copy !req
391. Thrust.
Copy !req
392. You okay, sweetheart? Good, good.
Copy !req
393. Now this will get you going.
It's a thrust exercise.
Copy !req
394. The tension's killing me.
- It's gonna kill her.
Copy !req
395. Release!
Copy !req
396. Come on, flap!
Copy !req
397. You can do it. Flap!
Copy !req
398. Is that your first of-fence?
Copy !req
399. Roll call!
Copy !req
400. I haven't laid any eggs.
Copy !req
401. Three days, not one.
Copy !req
402. Why didn't you tell us?
- I was so busy flying ...
Copy !req
403. They're coming!
- Hide me!
Copy !req
404. Hide yourself!
Copy !req
405. Double their food rations.
Copy !req
406. I want them all as fat as this one.
Copy !req
407. All of my life
flashed before my eyes.
Copy !req
408. It was really boring.
Copy !req
409. Chicken feed!
Copy !req
410. My favorite!
Copy !req
411. Wait!
Copy !req
412. No, wait!
Copy !req
413. Babs, please! Bunty.
Copy !req
414. Stop it! Wait!
Copy !req
415. Stop!
Copy !req
416. Stop it!
Copy !req
417. Something is wrong here.
Can't you see that?
Copy !req
418. Strange boxes arrive.
Babs stops laying,
Copy !req
419. but she isn't taken to the chop.
Extra food.
Copy !req
420. Don't you see?
They're fattening us up.
Copy !req
421. They're going to kill us all!
Copy !req
422. Heavy alert!
Copy !req
423. She didn't mean that, gals.
- Do you mind? - Save some for me.
Copy !req
424. What are you doing?
Copy !req
425. Let go!
Copy !req
426. I've met some hard-boiled eggs before,
but you're about 20 minutes.
Copy !req
427. Meaning what?
- Meaning, lighten up.
Copy !req
428. In America we have a rule:
To motivate someone,
Copy !req
429. don't mention death!
Copy !req
430. Funny. Over here the rule is:
Always tell the truth!
Copy !req
431. It's been working like a charm.
Copy !req
432. You want them to perform,
tell them what they want to hear.
Copy !req
433. You mean lie?
Copy !req
434. Here we go again.
Copy !req
435. Know what your problem is?
You're ... difficult.
Copy !req
436. Why? Because I'm honest?
Copy !req
437. I care about them.
Something the Lone Free-Ranger
Copy !req
438. doesn't know about.
- Then I hope you never care about me.
Copy !req
439. I never will.
- Good. - Fine.
Copy !req
440. What's all this?
Copy !req
441. Here she is.
Ask and you shall receive.
Copy !req
442. That's biblical.
- That's real craftsmanship.
Copy !req
443. Solid as a rock.
Copy !req
444. It's supposed to do that.
Copy !req
445. Perfect, guys.
Copy !req
446. How's that egg coming?
Copy !req
447. This is a double yolker.
Copy !req
448. I don't see what it has to do with ...
- You will.
Copy !req
449. We've been working hard. Let's relax
and shake those tail feathers.
Copy !req
450. Look at him!
Nellpodging around like a ...
Copy !req
451. Good heavens!
Copy !req
452. What's happening?
Copy !req
453. That's called a beat. Feel it
Copy !req
454. pulsing through your body?
Copy !req
455. Oh yes. Who'd have guessed?
Copy !req
456. Then go with it, baby!
Copy !req
457. Look, I'm going with it!
Copy !req
458. Bunty, what's got into you?
Copy !req
459. Same thing that's got into you.
Copy !req
460. Just go with the flow.
Copy !req
461. I don't recall
authorizing a hop.
Copy !req
462. Shut up and dance.
Copy !req
463. What are you sobbing about,
you nancy?
Copy !req
464. Little moments like this ...
Copy !req
465. it's what makes the job
all worthwhile.
Copy !req
466. Want to dance?
Copy !req
467. Yeah, all right.
Copy !req
468. Did you see that? I flew!
Copy !req
469. Atta girl, Babsy! Atta girl.
Copy !req
470. Your wing! It's better!
Copy !req
471. How about that?
- Fantastic!
Copy !req
472. You can fly for us tomorrow.
Copy !req
473. Yeah, so it seems.
Copy !req
474. I flew!
Copy !req
475. I owe you an apology.
Copy !req
476. I didn't think you cared,
but after all this ...
Copy !req
477. Well, it seems I was wrong.
Copy !req
478. Easy, Miss Hard-Boiled.
Copy !req
479. I might think you're turning soft.
Copy !req
480. Listen.
I have to tell you something.
Copy !req
481. No! You'd better wait.
Copy !req
482. That's champion ...
What is it?
Copy !req
483. A pie machine, you idiot. Chickens
Copy !req
484. go in. Pies come out.
- What kind of pies?
Copy !req
485. Apple.
Copy !req
486. My favorite.
Copy !req
487. Chicken pies, you lummox!
Copy !req
488. In less than a fortnight, every grocer
will be stocked with boxes
Copy !req
489. of Mrs. Tweedy's
Homemade Chicken Pies.
Copy !req
490. Just "Mrs."? - Woman's touch.
Makes the public feel comfortable.
Copy !req
491. Oh, right. How does it work?
Copy !req
492. Get me a chicken,
and I'll show you.
Copy !req
493. I know just the one.
Copy !req
494. I've got a score to settle with you.
Copy !req
495. Bloomin' heck! They've got Ginger!
Copy !req
496. We mustn't panic! We mustn't panic!
Copy !req
497. Quiet, I say!
Let's have some discipline!
Copy !req
498. The enemy has a prisoner.
This calls
Copy !req
499. for retaliation! Retaliation!
- What's going on?
Copy !req
500. They got Ginger.
They're taking her to the chop!
Copy !req
501. What are you waiting for, laddie?
Copy !req
502. Fly over there. Save her.
Copy !req
503. Of course! No!
Copy !req
504. Just what they'd expect.
Give them the old element of surprise!
Copy !req
505. And catch Jerry
with his trousers down!
Copy !req
506. I like that. What's the plan?
Copy !req
507. The plan ...
Copy !req
508. The plan ... Babs!
Copy !req
509. Give me that thing.
Bunty, give me a boost.
Copy !req
510. Look at the size of that thing.
Copy !req
511. Oh, no.
Copy !req
512. Chickens go in,
Copy !req
513. pies come out.
Copy !req
514. Chicken pies. Not apple pies.
Copy !req
515. Chicken!
Copy !req
516. Great! Brilliant!
Copy !req
517. Yo! Baby doll!
Copy !req
518. I'm coming!
- Hurry!
Copy !req
519. I'm still coming!
- Come on! Stop this thing!
Copy !req
520. I'm getting there.
Copy !req
521. Shoot!
Copy !req
522. I'll be down before you can say ...
Copy !req
523. mixed vegetables?
Copy !req
524. D'oh! Get it?
Copy !req
525. Dough.
- I'm stuck!
Copy !req
526. Nothing to it.
Copy !req
527. Hang on.
Copy !req
528. Look out.
Copy !req
529. It's like an oven in here.
Copy !req
530. Come on!
Copy !req
531. Wait!
Copy !req
532. Go over to the ...
Copy !req
533. The door! Come on!
Copy !req
534. She's gonna blow! Run!
Copy !req
535. What did you do,
you great pudding? - Nothing.
Copy !req
536. Turn it off!
- It won't turn off!
Copy !req
537. We've got to show the others. Come on!
Copy !req
538. Look. I fixed it.
Copy !req
539. Chicken pies?
Copy !req
540. Yes, but ...
Copy !req
541. I don't want to be a pie!
Copy !req
542. I don't like gravy.
Copy !req
543. Ladies,
let's not lose our heads.
Copy !req
544. Lose our heads?
Copy !req
545. What I meant was, Rocky sabotaged
the machine and bought us more time.
Copy !req
546. And better still,
he's going to fly for us tomorrow.
Copy !req
547. Once we see how,
I know we'll get it.
Copy !req
548. So don't worry. Tomorrow everything
is going to go much smoother.
Copy !req
549. Alright, Pops,
what did I do now?
Copy !req
550. A very brave and honorable deed.
Copy !req
551. In the light of your action today,
Copy !req
552. I dutifully admit
that I misjudged your character.
Copy !req
553. I present you
with this medal for bravery.
Copy !req
554. And I salute you.
Copy !req
555. In honor of this occasion,
Copy !req
556. I surrender the bunk entirely.
Copy !req
557. I shall sleep under the stars.
Copy !req
558. I await tomorrow's flying
demonstration with great anticipation.
Copy !req
559. You and me both, Pops.
Copy !req
560. Oh, were you ...?
- Is this your ...?
Copy !req
561. Since you're here ...
- I'm glad you're here ...
Copy !req
562. You go first.
- You go ahead.
Copy !req
563. I just wanted to say, I may have been
a bit harsh at first ...
Copy !req
564. What I really mean is ...
Copy !req
565. thank you
Copy !req
566. for saving my life.
Copy !req
567. For saving our lives.
Copy !req
568. You know,
I come up here every night
Copy !req
569. and look at that hill, imagining
what it's like on the other side.
Copy !req
570. It's funny ...
Copy !req
571. I've never actually felt grass
beneath my feet. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
572. I'm rambling on about grass,
and you had something to say.
Copy !req
573. It's just that ...
Copy !req
574. life, as I've experienced it,
out there
Copy !req
575. lone free-ranging and stuff ...
Copy !req
576. It's full of disappointments.
Copy !req
577. So grass isn't all
it's cracked up to be?
Copy !req
578. Grass! Exactly.
It's always greener on the other side.
Copy !req
579. And then you get there,
Copy !req
580. and it's brown and prickly.
See what I'm saying?
Copy !req
581. What I'm trying to say is ...
Copy !req
582. you're welcome.
Copy !req
583. You know, that hill is looking closer
tonight than it ever has before.
Copy !req
584. Good night, Rocky.
Copy !req
585. Good night,
Copy !req
586. Ginger.
Copy !req
587. Company, attention!
Copy !req
588. Today's the day, girls.
We're going to fly. I can feel it.
Copy !req
589. Finally, we get to see
a professional in action.
Copy !req
590. Start warming up. I'll go get him.
Copy !req
591. Rocky? Knock, knock.
Copy !req
592. Everyone's waiting, so I told them ...
Copy !req
593. A cannon.
Copy !req
594. That'd give you a thrust.
- I knew he was fake all along.
Copy !req
595. In fact, I'm not even sure
if he was American.
Copy !req
596. What's the next plan?
Copy !req
597. Face it. The only way we get out
is wrapped in pastry.
Copy !req
598. Perhaps he just went on holiday.
- Perhaps he left to get away
Copy !req
599. from your infernal knitting!
Copy !req
600. You always hit him.
See how you like it.
Copy !req
601. Don't push me, four-eyes!
Copy !req
602. Quiet!
Copy !req
603. Quiet, I say! Dissention
Copy !req
604. in the ranks. Just what Jerry wants.
The old divide and conquer.
Copy !req
605. A proper squadron work together,
Copy !req
606. just like we did in my RAF days.
Copy !req
607. Jocko at the stick, Flappy at the map,
and Whizzbang at the tail-end Charlie.
Copy !req
608. Wingco would give the call, hop in
the old crate, chocks away!
Copy !req
609. That's how you get medals!
Copy !req
610. Will you shut up
about your stupid bloomin' medals!
Copy !req
611. How dare you!
Copy !req
612. Forgive me.
As an officer ...
Copy !req
613. Everyone, shut up!
Copy !req
614. What exactly is the RAF?
Copy !req
615. What do you mean?
Copy !req
616. The Royal Air Force is what.
Copy !req
617. Then what's the "old crate"?
Copy !req
618. There she is!
Copy !req
619. Gorgeous, isn't she? - You mean,
you flew? In one of these?
Copy !req
620. Beautifully built. In fact,
there's a bit of a story there.
Copy !req
621. We were on a reconnaissance flight,
when the weather duffed up.
Copy !req
622. Yes ... of course.
Copy !req
623. We may be able to pull this off.
Copy !req
624. We're still flying out of here.
Copy !req
625. Fowler's provided the answer.
- I have?
Copy !req
626. Oh, yes. Of course I have.
Copy !req
627. How have l?
Copy !req
628. We'll make a crate.
Copy !req
629. Mac,
Copy !req
630. you'll handle engineering.
Copy !req
631. Babs, manufacturing.
Copy !req
632. Fowler is
chief aviation adviser.
Copy !req
633. Bunty, eggs.
Copy !req
634. Eggs?
Copy !req
635. Right. Like the ones
the rooster was going to lay.
Copy !req
636. Only roosters don't lay eggs, do they?
Copy !req
637. Don't they? - It's a lady thing,
apparently. Ask your mum.
Copy !req
638. One egg per item on the list.
Copy !req
639. First payment in advance.
- Right. When do we start?
Copy !req
640. What the dickens?
Copy !req
641. Oh, gnomes now!
Copy !req
642. Eggs from heaven!
- No, from her bum.
Copy !req
643. Idiot!
Copy !req
644. That was close. Too close.
Copy !req
645. We can't stop now.
Everyone, go for it.
Copy !req
646. Go, go!
Copy !req
647. Mac! We need the calculations quick.
Copy !req
648. Agnes, that has to be really secure.
Copy !req
649. Careful up there, Fowler!
Copy !req
650. Bunty, give him a hand.
Well done, Babs. Keep it up!
Copy !req
651. No problem, dollface.
Copy !req
652. Ah, boy.
Copy !req
653. Come on.
Copy !req
654. Please!
Copy !req
655. Oh, no.
Copy !req
656. He's fixed it.
Copy !req
657. Get the chickens.
Copy !req
658. Which ones?
Copy !req
659. All of them!
Copy !req
660. My tools!
Copy !req
661. Thieving little buggers.
Copy !req
662. What's the plan?
Copy !req
663. Attack!
Copy !req
664. Nice plan.
Copy !req
665. The chickens are revolting!
Copy !req
666. Finally, something we agree on.
Copy !req
667. Help!
Copy !req
668. Under the hut!
Copy !req
669. What have we done?
- This is it.
Copy !req
670. We're escaping!
Copy !req
671. What? Now?
Copy !req
672. Now!
Copy !req
673. But she's not ready.
- Listen!
Copy !req
674. We either die free chickens
or die trying.
Copy !req
675. Are those the only choices?
- Let's do it!
Copy !req
676. Scramble!
Copy !req
677. The exits are located here and here.
Copy !req
678. In the likely event of an emergency,
put your head between your knees ...
Copy !req
679. and kiss your bum goodbye.
Copy !req
680. Okay, Fowler. Ready for takeoff.
Copy !req
681. Behind you all the way.
Copy !req
682. You're supposed to be up there.
You're the pilot!
Copy !req
683. Don't be ridiculous.
I can't fly this contraption.
Copy !req
684. But back in your day ...
the Royal Air Force.
Copy !req
685. 644 Squadron, poultry division.
We were the mascots.
Copy !req
686. You mean you never flew the plane?
Copy !req
687. Good heavens, no. I'm a chicken.
Copy !req
688. The Royal Air Force doesn't let
chickens fly a complex aircraft!
Copy !req
689. We're all gonna die.
- Fowler, you have to fly it.
Copy !req
690. You always talk about
"back in your day."
Copy !req
691. Well, today is your day.
Copy !req
692. You can do it, you old sausage.
Copy !req
693. Wing Commander T.l. Fowler,
reporting for duty.
Copy !req
694. What're you waiting for?
Let's get this crate off the ground!
Copy !req
695. Fowler, now!
Copy !req
696. Roger! Contact!
Copy !req
697. Cleared for takeoff!
Copy !req
698. Chocks away!
Copy !req
699. Full throttle!
Copy !req
700. We need more power!
Copy !req
701. I can't work miracles.
Copy !req
702. We're givin' her all she's got!
Copy !req
703. Gotcha!
Copy !req
704. Hard right!
Copy !req
705. Oh, mother.
Copy !req
706. Turn her around.
I'll get the ramp.
Copy !req
707. Put the ramp down!
Copy !req
708. You are going to be a pie.
Copy !req
709. Look out!
Copy !req
710. Clear the runway!
Copy !req
711. Let's go!
Copy !req
712. We're flying!
Copy !req
713. That's for leaving.
Copy !req
714. And this is for coming back.
Copy !req
715. Great Scott! What was that?
Copy !req
716. A cling-on!
Copy !req
717. The engines can't take it!
Copy !req
718. My goodness!
Copy !req
719. Babs! Scissors!
Copy !req
720. Lower me down.
- But ... - Just do it.
Copy !req
721. lncrease velocity!
Copy !req
722. What's that mean?
- Pedal your flippin' giblets out!
Copy !req
723. Lower!
- I'm trying!
Copy !req
724. Look out!
Copy !req
725. Fire! Fire!
Copy !req
726. My eggs!
Copy !req
727. More ammo! Hurry!
Copy !req
728. We got no more eggs!
Copy !req
729. Look out!
Copy !req
730. No!
Copy !req
731. Bombs away!
Copy !req
732. Mr. Tweedy!
Copy !req
733. That was good! That was good!
Copy !req
734. The old bird bought it!
Copy !req
735. I told you they was organized.
Copy !req
736. We did it, everyone!
Copy !req
737. Keep pedaling. We're not there yet.
Copy !req
738. You can't see paradise
if you don't pedal.
Copy !req
739. Put your drumsticks into it.
Copy !req
740. That's what I told them. We were
losing altitude, heading for ...
Copy !req
741. A lovely holiday.
I'll be sad to go back.
Copy !req
742. Safety at all times is imperative.
Copy !req
743. Wind her up and let her go.
Copy !req
744. So ...
Copy !req
745. Is it as good as you imagined?
- No.
Copy !req
746. It's better.
Copy !req
747. I'll show you how to play cricket.
Copy !req
748. Here's a thought.
Copy !req
749. Let's get an egg
and start our own chicken farm.
Copy !req
750. We'll have all the eggs we can eat.
- Right.
Copy !req
751. We'll need a chicken then.
- No, an egg first.
Copy !req
752. That's where the chicken comes from.
Copy !req
753. No. Without the chicken
where do you get the egg?
Copy !req
754. From a chicken ...
that comes from the egg.
Copy !req
755. But you need an egg to have a chicken.
Copy !req
756. You got to get the chicken first
to get the egg.
Copy !req
757. Then you get the chicken.
Copy !req
758. Hang on. Let's go over this again.
Copy !req
759. He gets everything. - Everything.
- You said it, mate! - I know.
Copy !req
760. The egg, obviously.
Copy !req
761. Rolling along happily, then crack!
It hatches the first chicken.
Copy !req
762. But where'd the egg come from?
Copy !req
763. What do you mean? - Egg comes rolling
along happily and wonders,
Copy !req
764. where'd it come from without
a chicken? No eggs come rolling along.
Copy !req
765. Without an egg to hatch the chicken
there'll be no chicken
Copy !req
766. to lay the first egg. - Have we got
2 eggs now? - No, still the first egg.
Copy !req
767. What about the first chicken?
- It's in the very first egg.
Copy !req
768. Guys!
Copy !req
769. I'm trying to enjoy paradise.
Copy !req
770. Sorry, guv.
- Won't happen again.
Copy !req
771. Thanks.
Copy !req
772. Gitface.
- Pillock.
Copy !req
773. Thinks he's such a big shot,
'cause his name's on a poster.
Copy !req
774. They're all the same.
- The rats are the stars.
Copy !req
775. Yes, we do all the hard work,
and he gets all the credit.
Copy !req