1. hey, candy man
Copy !req
2. all right everybody, gather around
the candy man is here I
Copy !req
3. what kind of candy you want?
Copy !req
4. sweet chocolate
Copy !req
5. chocolate malted candy
Copy !req
6. gum drops, anything you wantj”
Copy !req
7. you've come to the right man
Copy !req
8. because I'm the candy man
Copy !req
9. whool
Copy !req
10. - who can take a sunrise?
- who can take a sunrise?
Copy !req
11. - sprinkle it with dew
- sprinkle it with dew
Copy !req
12. - candy man
- candy man
Copy !req
13. oh, the candy man can
Copy !req
14. the candy man can
Copy !req
15. 'cause he mixes it with love
and makes the world taste good
Copy !req
16. makes the world taste good
Copy !req
17. - who can take a rainbow?
- who can take a rainbow?
Copy !req
18. - wrap it in a sigh
- wrap it in a sigh
Copy !req
19. soak it in the sun
and make a groovy lemon pie
Copy !req
20. the candy man
Copy !req
21. the candy man can
Copy !req
22. the candy man can
Copy !req
23. the candy man can
Copy !req
24. 'cause he mixes it with love
Copy !req
25. and makes the world taste good
Copy !req
26. You're under arrest.
Copy !req
27. Get on your knees.
Copy !req
28. I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
29. Hands! Hands! Hands!
Copy !req
30. William, I know I told you
to take out the laundry.
Copy !req
31. - Billy, where you going?
- Laundry.
Copy !req
32. - Oh, can you do mine?
- No.
Copy !req
33. I hope sherman gets you.
Copy !req
34. If you see him, let us know.
Copy !req
35. We don't need him scaring
any more kids, all right?
Copy !req
36. And that's the lowdown. Them kids.
Copy !req
37. They're still looking for him.
Copy !req
38. Just don't get out after dark. You know?
Copy !req
39. That's what I said.
Copy !req
40. Suspicious noise from inside the building.
We're gonna check it out.
Copy !req
41. - You nervous?
- What?
Copy !req
42. You're doing that thing with the bottle,
with your hands.
Copy !req
43. - Are you a little fidgety?
- No.No.
Copy !req
44. - Yeah.
- Are you nervous?
Copy !req
45. No, I want to become best friends
with your sister.
Copy !req
46. See? How would you feel about that?
Copy !req
47. - I'm fine.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
48. Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
49. What is this wine? Walgreens?
Copy !req
50. We have a moscato in the fridge,
if that's more your taste.
Copy !req
51. I think postmates delivers wine.
Copy !req
52. Is this one of yours?
Copy !req
53. Yes. Very old piece.
Copy !req
54. He hates that I put that up there.
Copy !req
55. - At some point, you gotta move on.
- Except that you haven't though, right,
Copy !req
56. made a piece in, what, two years?
Copy !req
57. It's just that you're my muse,
and I don't see you often enough, Troy.
Copy !req
58. Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.
Copy !req
59. - Oh, my gosh, stop. You are too much.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
60. - Thank you.
- Brat.
Copy !req
61. - Let it breathe.
- Shut up.
Copy !req
62. He's still salty we didn't use him
as our realtor.
Copy !req
63. - As you can tell.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
64. - Horrible. How can you stand that?
- No, no, no, sweetie.
Copy !req
65. You don't know the first thing
about Chicago real estate.
Copy !req
66. He must like you,
Copy !req
67. because he's really showing his ass.
Copy !req
68. - Isn't he always?
- You overpaid, bri.
Copy !req
69. It's not just the inside that counts.
Copy !req
70. - It's close to the gallery.
- Yeah, it's very practical.
Copy !req
71. - Okay, what is wrong with it?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
72. As I told my sister many times,
Copy !req
73. - the neighborhood is haunted.
- Everywhere is haunted.
Copy !req
74. - Troy, do not start with that.
- Sure, sure, sure,
Copy !req
75. but why choose a place
that used to be called smokey hollow?
Copy !req
76. Then, little hell, then what is it?
Combat alley?
Copy !req
77. - What's it called now?
- Cabrini-green.
Copy !req
78. It was the projects.
Copy !req
79. It was affordable housing
that had a particularly bad reputation.
Copy !req
80. - You would never know.
- Because they tore it down
Copy !req
81. and gentrified the shit out of it.
Copy !req
82. White people built the ghetto
and then erased it
Copy !req
83. when they realized they built the ghetto.
Copy !req
84. - Oh, no offense.
- None taken.
Copy !req
85. They took the opportunity
to make it livable.
Copy !req
86. I could've got you a better conversion.
Copy !req
87. They kept telling people
they were gonna make it better,
Copy !req
88. moving 'em from place to place,
but they were just tearing it down,
Copy !req
89. so they could develop
everything around it.
Copy !req
90. Oh, like here.
Copy !req
91. You guys want to hear a scary story?
Copy !req
92. - No.
- Too bad.
Copy !req
93. But I voted no.
Copy !req
94. - Troy...
- Uh-oh.
Copy !req
95. Oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
96. Really?
Copy !req
97. This shit better be good.
Copy !req
98. This is a story
Copy !req
99. about a woman named Helen Lyle.
Copy !req
100. She was a grad student,
a white grad student,
Copy !req
101. doing her thesis
on the urban legends of cabrini-green.
Copy !req
102. For research, she came down
to cabrini a few times, you know?
Copy !req
103. Asking questions,
taking pictures of grahiti of people.
Copy !req
104. And then,
Copy !req
105. one day,
Copy !req
106. she/ust...
Copy !req
107. Snaps.
Copy !req
108. She beheaded a rottweiler
Copy !req
109. By the time the police show up,
Copy !req
110. she's in one of the apartments,
doing snow angels in a pool of blood
Copy !req
111. - ew.
- Bullshit.
Copy !req
112. - Troy.
- Bullshit.
Copy !req
113. - Where do you get this?
- She killed a rottweiler?
Copy !req
114. This is extra, even for you.
Copy !req
115. There are articles written about this.
Copy !req
116. Look it up.
Copy !req
117. The authorities take her in,
Copy !req
118. but she escapes almost immediately.
Copy !req
119. She goes on a rampage,
Copy !req
120. Lea ving a trail of bodies
in her wake and then,
Copy !req
121. the baby of one of the residents...
Copy !req
122. Is abducted.
Copy !req
123. The mother is devastated
everyone is looking for him,
Copy !req
124. and nothing.
Copy !req
125. On the n/ght of the annual bonfire,
Copy !req
126. with all of the residents
of cabrini watching...
Copy !req
127. Helen arrives...
Copy !req
128. With a sacrificial ofi'ering.
Copy !req
129. Baby in her arms,
she runs towards the fire,
Copy !req
130. but the y're on her, quick
Copy !req
131. they say she was in a fugue state,
fighting back blindly.
Copy !req
132. But they got the baby free.
Copy !req
133. While everyone is fussing over h/m,
Copy !req
134. Helen stands up,
Copy !req
135. and walks right into the fire.
Copy !req
136. And it's on that spot that she dies,
Copy !req
137. burns to death,
fight in the middle of cabrini-green.
Copy !req
138. Is my rosé still in the freezer?
Copy !req
139. You don't want the moscato?
Copy !req
140. Moscato's a dessert wine.
Copy !req
141. - Bye, bri-bri.
- Love you.
Copy !req
142. - Nice to meet you.
- And, Anthony, get painting!
Copy !req
143. My sister's not trying to support you
the rest of her life.
Copy !req
144. Put down those weights,
pick up them brushes.
Copy !req
145. - Troy...
- Come on.
Copy !req
146. He's funny.
Copy !req
147. He is ridiculous.
Copy !req
148. He is right.
Copy !req
149. I'm just glad Troy's
finally dating someone normal.
Copy !req
150. I was getting exhausted trying to keep up
with all those European fashion designers.
Copy !req
151. Hello?
Copy !req
152. What time is clive coming tomorrow?
Copy !req
153. 10:00 am.
Copy !req
154. You feeling good
about what you're showing?
Copy !req
155. Uh, I think so.
Copy !req
156. Some stuff he might enjoy.
Copy !req
157. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
158. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
159. Huh.
Copy !req
160. I guess she did kill a rottweiler.
Copy !req
161. Damn.
Copy !req
162. I don't care.
Copy !req
163. I'm not trying to get creeped out
in my new apartment before bed.
Copy !req
164. Your new apartment is ghost-proof.
Copy !req
165. - It was on the zillow listing.
- Our new apartment.
Copy !req
166. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
167. Sorry.
Copy !req
168. Come here.
Copy !req
169. Hmm.
Copy !req
170. Who are you, man?
Copy !req
171. Uh, well...
Copy !req
172. This is Anthony McCoy
of two years ago.
Copy !req
173. I want the Anthony McCoy of the future.
Copy !req
174. I want the great black hope
of the Chicago art scene of tomorrow.
Copy !req
175. That's the guy that I gave a solo show to
straight out of grad school.
Copy !req
176. Look, I really don't want
to have to go through
Copy !req
177. the trouble of replacing you
in the summer show,
Copy !req
178. but you're the only person
who hasn't shown me what I'm putting up!
Copy !req
179. - I'm working on something.
- Dig into that history of yours, dude!
Copy !req
180. I'm thinking about doing something
about the projects.
Copy !req
181. - And about how white supremacy...
- White people.
Copy !req
182. Yeah, how it creates these spaces
Copy !req
183. of rampant neglect
for communities of color,
Copy !req
184. - in particular, black communities.
- Yeah, like where you're from.
Copy !req
185. - Yeah. Bronzeville.
- South side is kind of played.
Copy !req
186. Uh, or cabrini-green.
Copy !req
187. - I'm hungry.
- Me too.
Copy !req
188. Bye, babe.
Copy !req
189. - Don't forget we have your mom's tonight.
- 7:00.
Copy !req
190. Bye.
Copy !req
191. They'd almost never come
round here back in the day.
Copy !req
192. Unless it was to take someone in.
Copy !req
193. But that was a long time ago.
Copy !req
194. Now they can't seem to stay away.
Copy !req
195. At night, they post up where
the last of us still live,
Copy !req
196. a police car on either side of the block.
Copy !req
197. Keeping us safe...
Copy !req
198. Or keeping us in.
Copy !req
199. You've lived around here for a while?
Copy !req
200. Uh, since before the high-rises came down.
Copy !req
201. William. William Burke.
Copy !req
202. Anthony McCoy.
Copy !req
203. You need a hand?
Copy !req
204. Home sweet home.
Copy !req
205. Ah, the more things change,
the more things stay the same.
Copy !req
206. How you doing, brother?
Copy !req
207. Ask the white people around here
about "girl x," dantrell Davis.
Copy !req
208. Blank stares.
Copy !req
209. One white woman dies in the hood,
and the story lives on forever.
Copy !req
210. It's a good story, I guess.
Copy !req
211. You mind if I take some notes?
Copy !req
212. Makes you think about what could make
someone just snap like that.
Copy !req
213. Helen Lyle was out here
looking for Candyman.
Copy !req
214. You ask me, I say she found him.
Copy !req
215. What's Candyman?
Copy !req
216. Forme, Candyman
was a guy named sherman fields.
Copy !req
217. He had a hook for a hand.
Copy !req
218. Neighborhood character.
Copy !req
219. Used to stand there
and hand out sweets when / was a kid.
Copy !req
220. One October,
Copy !req
221. a razor blade shows up
in a little white girl's Halloween candy.
Copy !req
222. Police come around looking for sherman,
but sherman's gone.
Copy !req
223. And one day, I saw him myself.
Copy !req
224. He'd been hiding in the walls.
Copy !req
225. We got a suspicious noise...
Copy !req
226. That's when I saw the true face of fear.
Copy !req
227. Come on, come on. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
228. Go, go! Come on, let's go!
Copy !req
229. Hurry! Come on, go, go, go!
Copy !req
230. Over here.
Copy !req
231. Get out of here! Come on!
Copy !req
232. They swarmed him.
Copy !req
233. Killed him right there on the spot.
Copy !req
234. What shows up a couple weeks later?
Copy !req
235. More razor blades in more candy.
Copy !req
236. That's when we knew
sherman had been innocent.
Copy !req
237. Harmless.
Copy !req
238. But that wasn't the last we saw of him.
Copy !req
239. I don't know what to tell you.
Copy !req
240. Beshaw dropped out of my show.
Copy !req
241. Oh, I told you months ago
to put her in rehab.
Copy !req
242. You fix this.
Copy !req
243. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
244. Uh-huh. Okay.
Copy !req
245. What's up?
Copy !req
246. - You forgot your mother's.
- Shit. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
247. Will you please call that woman?
Copy !req
248. - Tomorrow.
- You said that yesterday.
Copy !req
249. And it's nice that she wants
to spend time with you.
Copy !req
250. Not everyone has that.
Copy !req
251. Is she okay?
Copy !req
252. She implied that I give you money
so you won't visit her.
Copy !req
253. So, she's about the same.
Copy !req
254. - Stop it.
- That's great.
Copy !req
255. I wanna show you something.
Copy !req
256. - Do I need to come upstairs?
- Stay right there.
Copy !req
257. All righty then.
Copy !req
258. Sherman's face was beaten
so badly that it was unrecognizable,
Copy !req
259. and that's where the story started.
Copy !req
260. About them seeing him around cabrini.
Copy !req
261. About him coming to get you.
Copy !req
262. Over time, his name disappears,
and he just becomes the Candyman.
Copy !req
263. What do you think?
Copy !req
264. Well...
Copy !req
265. It's a pretty literal approach.
Copy !req
266. Not much room for viewer
interpretation, you know.
Copy !req
267. Moving from the symbolism of violence
to the actual depiction of it.
Copy !req
268. Okay, but how is it hitting you?
Copy !req
269. It's...
Copy !req
270. Painful.
Copy !req
271. I feel really connected to this.
I've never been this clear before.
Copy !req
272. It's like I know exactly
what I'm meant to be doing right now.
Copy !req
273. Babe, that's great.
Copy !req
274. - And I'm sure clive will be...
- Oh, there's one more thing.
Copy !req
275. Thelegendis
if you say his name five times
Copy !req
276. while looking in the mirror,
Copy !req
277. he appears in the reflection
and kills you.
Copy !req
278. So, I thought
Copy !req
279. that we could...
Copy !req
280. What did you think?
Copy !req
281. Summon him.
Copy !req
282. Hell no.
Copy !req
283. Candyman.
Copy !req
284. Anthony...
Copy !req
285. - Candyman.
- Anthony, no.
Copy !req
286. - Candyman.
- Stop. Stop it.
Copy !req
287. - Candyman.
- Stop it!
Copy !req
288. Okay.
Copy !req
289. - You better not do that last one.
- Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
290. - Candyman.
- Anthony, you play too much!
Copy !req
291. Stop, stop, stop.
Copy !req
292. What happened to your hand?
Copy !req
293. - Fucking bee sting.
- Really?
Copy !req
294. Yeah, that shit hurt.
Copy !req
295. Mmm. Looks like it.
Copy !req
296. - Kiss it.
- Get the fuck outta here.
Copy !req
297. Help, help.
Copy !req
298. - We can go now.
- Finally.
Copy !req
299. Last year, we did a solo booth
at frieze la with Jameson.
Copy !req
300. Phenomenal work.
Copy !req
301. These are related works,
Copy !req
302. but here, he's recreating
and looping archival footage.
Copy !req
303. Just take your time.
Copy !req
304. This is quite a departure
from your previous work.
Copy !req
305. Go ahead, open it.
Copy !req
306. I'm trying to align these moments in time
that exist in the same place.
Copy !req
307. The idea is to almost
Copy !req
308. calibrate tragedy into a focused lineage
that culminates in the now.
Copy !req
309. Bnanna,
tell your boy not to hog the critic.
Copy !req
310. He's got a whole thing.
Copy !req
311. Yeah, no, I know, I heard it.
It's complicated.
Copy !req
312. She's interacting with the piece.
Copy !req
313. The mirror invites you
to attempt the summoning yourself.
Copy !req
314. Huh.
Copy !req
315. Anyway, I don't know why
I'm standing next to my own piece
Copy !req
316. like some kind of asshole.
Copy !req
317. - The work speaks for itself.
- Oh, it speaks, all right.
Copy !req
318. It speaks in didactic knee-jerk clichés
Copy !req
319. about the ambient violence
of the gentrification cycle.
Copy !req
320. But your kind are the real pioneers
of that cycle, you know.
Copy !req
321. Excuse me?
Copy !req
322. Artists.
Copy !req
323. Artists descend upon
disenfranchised neighborhoods
Copy !req
324. divining cheap rent, so they can
dick around in their studios
Copy !req
325. without the crushing burden of a day job.
Copy !req
326. I'm gonna get another drink.
Copy !req
327. - Should we try it?
- What?
Copy !req
328. Summon the Candyman?
Copy !req
329. Uh, yeah, no. Black people don't need
to be summoning shit.
Copy !req
330. - Come on, that is nonsense.
- This isn't the bayou.
Copy !req
331. In Chicago, that's white people shit.
Copy !req
332. Mmm.
Copy !req
333. - Candyman. Candyman.
- Zip it. Hey, stop.
Copy !req
334. - Candyman.
- Stop it.
Copy !req
335. Of course, I did. I owe Brianna one.
Copy !req
336. She introduced me to Thelma golden
three years ago.
Copy !req
337. You still owe me one for that.
Copy !req
338. And, uh...
Copy !req
339. Ah...
Copy !req
340. Tony, is it?
Copy !req
341. I love interventionist strategy.
Copy !req
342. Conventional painting is such a drag.
Copy !req
343. I love that you hid those fucking things
Copy !req
344. in a storage room
with the lights out. 80 smart.
Copy !req
345. Is all your work based on found material?
Copy !req
346. I mean, where'd you
even find those paintings?
Copy !req
347. Thrift store in the desert?
Copy !req
348. I found them in the studio
where I painted them.
Copy !req
349. You goofy-ass fuck.
Copy !req
350. And you, you fucking hyenas.
Copy !req
351. - Oh, what the fuck?
- Hey. Let's go. Clive.
Copy !req
352. - Anthony.
- You think you'd even be here
Copy !req
353. if it wasn't for her?
Copy !req
354. Shouldn't you be stocking up
on morning-after pills
Copy !req
355. to accommodate your summer intern program?
Copy !req
356. That's not spontaneous.
You had that one in the bank.
Copy !req
357. Yeah, I did, bitch.
Copy !req
358. That's fine.
I can take being called a bitch.
Copy !req
359. - It's fine. I'm on a nuvaring.
- I know.
Copy !req
360. Thanks for coming.
Copy !req
361. I'm so fucking over it.
Copy !req
362. Honestly, if she can't control her man...
Copy !req
363. She lost control.
Copy !req
364. It's like, do I get a thank you? No!
Copy !req
365. Do I get an apology for that display?
Copy !req
366. Atrocity exhibition.
Copy !req
367. Shoehorning her boyfriend
into my summer show was her first mistake.
Copy !req
368. - Only mistake.
- She's done.
Copy !req
369. And she has no one to blame but herself.
Copy !req
370. Don't mix curation
with who you're fucking.
Copy !req
371. Love will tear us apart.
Copy !req
372. Jesus, jerrica, we get it.
You like joy division.
Copy !req
373. - What's that thing again?
- What thing?
Copy !req
374. You know.
Copy !req
375. Say what five times in the mirror?
Copy !req
376. You tell me.
Copy !req
377. You proofread the press release, jerrica.
Copy !req
378. "Candyman."
Copy !req
379. But don't do it, okay?
Copy !req
380. I don't want you to die tonight.
Copy !req
381. At least, not until we...
Copy !req
382. Fuck.
Copy !req
383. You're no good for me.
Copy !req
384. You know what? I changed my mind. Do it.
Copy !req
385. Necrophilia's always been
on my bucket list.
Copy !req
386. Mmm.
Copy !req
387. Mmm.
Copy !req
388. Hmm.
Copy !req
389. Let's do it here then.
Copy !req
390. - No, I've been here all day.
- Come on.
Copy !req
391. Mmm.
Copy !req
392. - Candyman.
- Are you serious?
Copy !req
393. Quiet, bitch.
Copy !req
394. Candyman.
Copy !req
395. Candyman.
Copy !req
396. - Candyman.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
397. Candyman.
Copy !req
398. See?
Copy !req
399. Nothing.
Copy !req
400. So much for that.
Copy !req
401. Is this real?
Copy !req
402. This is real?
Copy !req
403. What the fuck?
Copy !req
404. What the fuck!
Copy !req
405. Hello?
Copy !req
406. What...
Copy !req
407. The fuck?
Copy !req
408. Oh!
Copy !req
409. Fuck!
Copy !req
410. Fuck me. Must go faster.
Copy !req
411. Must go faster!
Copy !req
412. Fuck!
Copy !req
413. Fuck! No!
Copy !req
414. No! No!
Copy !req
415. Stop! Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
416. Help! No! No!
Copy !req
417. Fucking assholes.
Copy !req
418. The murders occurred after
n/ght driver gallery's group show opening.
Copy !req
419. The bodies were discovered
in front of a piece
Copy !req
420. from rising staranthon y ll/lcco y
entitled say my name.
Copy !req
421. Law enforcement officers
say fhey are in vest/gating"
Copy !req
422. Say my name.
Copy !req
423. They said my name.
Copy !req
424. And say my name.
Copy !req
425. I don't know, just...
Copy !req
426. It's cool to be mentioned, I guess.
Copy !req
427. I mean, obviously...
Copy !req
428. Obviously, it's... obviously, it's awful.
Copy !req
429. Really?
Copy !req
430. Clive?
Copy !req
431. Dad?
Copy !req
432. Why are you sitting there?
Copy !req
433. Hey.
Copy !req
434. I bet you didn't know
your daddy could fly.
Copy !req
435. Did you?
Copy !req
436. Well, I can.
Copy !req
437. Anthony?
Copy !req
438. Anthony?
Copy !req
439. Are you okay?
Copy !req
440. I had a bad dream.
Copy !req
441. Me too.
Copy !req
442. What was it?
Copy !req
443. What was what?
Copy !req
444. The dream.
Copy !req
445. I'll be out. I'll be out in a minute.
Copy !req
446. Anthony?
Copy !req
447. So, I don't know what this is,
or how you knew it existed,
Copy !req
448. but this is everything
we have under Helen Lyle.
Copy !req
449. I didn't. That's why I had to ask.
Copy !req
450. Well, here it is.
Copy !req
451. Thanks, I appreciate it.
Copy !req
452. Of course.
I found it filed under true crimes.
Copy !req
453. Work-study undergrads are the worst.
Copy !req
454. So, are you a student?
Copy !req
455. Some of the things that
have happened in cabrini over the years,
Copy !req
456. violence just so extreme, so bizarre.
Copy !req
457. It's almost as /f violence
became a ritual.
Copy !req
458. The worst part,
Copy !req
459. the residents are afraid
to call the police.
Copy !req
460. A code of honor, perhaps,
fear of the police themselves.
Copy !req
461. The easy answer is always,
”candyman did it."
Copy !req
462. The summoning game itself
could be connected.
Copy !req
463. I mean, it's clear that
no one person makes this up.
Copy !req
464. This grew from the community's
collective subconscious.
Copy !req
465. A survival tool evolved from the need
to protect itself
Copy !req
466. and its children...
Copy !req
467. From the horrors of the community.
Copy !req
468. Bernadette and I tried the summoning.
Copy !req
469. It's amazing how efi'ective it can be.
Copy !req
470. The suggestion that
you're being fol/o wed or stalked
Copy !req
471. by something lurking
in your own reflection.
Copy !req
472. But / get it.
Copy !req
473. Intoxicating, inexplicably alluring
Copy !req
474. about the promise of seeing a ghost.
Copy !req
475. Almost as if...
Copy !req
476. Come on.
Copy !req
477. Ow!
Copy !req
478. Hey.
Copy !req
479. Excuse me.
Copy !req
480. And she heard a noise.
Copy !req
481. Do you remember her name?
Copy !req
482. I think
her name was ruthie Jean,
Copy !req
483. and she heard th/s banging and smashing...
Copy !req
484. Like somebody was trying to make
a hole in the wall.
Copy !req
485. So, ruthie called 977
Copy !req
486. and she said, ”there's somebody
coming through the walls."
Copy !req
487. And they didn't belie ve her.
Copy !req
488. They thought
the lady was crazy, right?
Copy !req
489. Mm-hmm.
So, she called 977 again,
Copy !req
490. and they still didn't belie ve her.
Copy !req
491. And when they finally got there,
she was dead.
Copy !req
492. Was she shot?
Copy !req
493. No.
Copy !req
494. No, she was killed with a hook.
Copy !req
495. Yeah.
Copy !req
496. Is it true?
Copy !req
497. Yeah, it is.
Lread it in the papers.
Copy !req
498. Candyman killed her.
Copy !req
499. Yeah, bu...
I don't know nothing about that.
Copy !req
500. Hello?
Copy !req
501. I'm going out.
Copy !req
502. We have the dinner tonight.
Copy !req
503. I don't know how long I'll be.
Copy !req
504. Jack Hyde is coming in from New York,
and he never comes to Chicago.
Copy !req
505. So, please don't fuck this up.
Copy !req
506. I'll be fine.
Copy !req
507. For me.
Copy !req
508. Don't fuck this up for me.
Copy !req
509. It's been a crazy couple of weeks.
Copy !req
510. That is putting it mildly.
Copy !req
511. As you can imagine, what I'm writing is
no longer an exhibition review.
Copy !req
512. It's...
Copy !req
513. It's now expanded into a larger article,
Copy !req
514. which impacts both the works
Copy !req
515. and the circumstances around the murders.
Copy !req
516. I see.
Copy !req
517. So, I just wanted to get
a few quotes from you.
Copy !req
518. Well, I don't know much of anything.
Copy !req
519. Your work is so macabre, and that's...
Copy !req
520. Pretty interesting,
considering what happened.
Copy !req
521. That's a coincidence.
Copy !req
522. I'm not saying that you're at fault,
Copy !req
523. and I'm certainly not saying
that a ghost manifested
Copy !req
524. by collective storytelling
killed a prominent art dealer.
Copy !req
525. I'm just saying that...
Copy !req
526. All of a sudden, your work seems...
Copy !req
527. Eternal.
Copy !req
528. What's next?
Copy !req
529. I'm expanding the work into a series.
Copy !req
530. I'm hoping to do a solo show.
Copy !req
531. All about Candyman. Spread the word.
Copy !req
532. Mmm, I love that idea.
Copy !req
533. I'm surprised at how positive
your take on my piece seems to be now.
Copy !req
534. Well, it grew on me.
Copy !req
535. - Seemed like you didn't quite get it.
- No, I get it.
Copy !req
536. It's the hood, gentrification, et cetera.
Copy !req
537. Artists gentrify the hood?
Copy !req
538. Who do you think makes the hood?
Copy !req
539. The city cuts off a community
and waits for it to die.
Copy !req
540. Then they invite developers in
Copy !req
541. and say, "hey, you artists,
Copy !req
542. you young people, you white,
preferably or only...
Copy !req
543. Please come to the hood, it's cheap.
Copy !req
544. And if you stick it out for a couple
of years, we'll bring you a whole foods."
Copy !req
545. You wanna be a part of the story, right?
Copy !req
546. Well, as a critic, I...
Copy !req
547. To really engage with the work,
Copy !req
548. to "get it"...
Copy !req
549. You should say it.
Copy !req
550. - Say what?
- Say his name.
Copy !req
551. Think I need to use the bathroom.
Copy !req
552. Oh, this is as good a time as any.
Copy !req
553. I dare you.
Copy !req
554. Doors open
to the right at state and lake.
Copy !req
555. Transfer to red line trains
at state and lake.
Copy !req
556. Ah!
Copy !req
557. Finley?
Copy !req
558. Are you all right?
Copy !req
559. - I thought...
- What?
Copy !req
560. I gotta go.
Copy !req
561. Really?
No one's buying it, not that I care.
Copy !req
562. Careful.
Copy !req
563. I love being here.
It's so provincial, yet exciting.
Copy !req
564. Oh, my god.
Have you met Danielle harrington?
Copy !req
565. - She's chief...
- Curator at the mca.
Copy !req
566. I find it crazy that
we actually haven't met yet.
Copy !req
567. I've been so eager to meet you.
Copy !req
568. Don't you start already. I get first dibs.
Copy !req
569. Clive literally had to die
for Brianna to be free. Sorry.
Copy !req
570. Jameson's doing a show
at my gallery in New York.
Copy !req
571. I think it's
the perfect opportunity for you
Copy !req
572. to spread your wings a bit more.
Copy !req
573. Come to the big city.
Copy !req
574. I could introduce you to
the women of entre nous
Copy !req
575. if you decide on New York.
Copy !req
576. Wow. Thank you.
Copy !req
577. I've actually been considering
going out on my own.
Copy !req
578. Don't you wanna focus
on working with artists
Copy !req
579. instead of chasing outstanding invoices?
Copy !req
580. You can change the institution
from the inside.
Copy !req
581. You should come by the museum some time.
Copy !req
582. Okay.
Copy !req
583. I think I'd like that.
Copy !req
584. Oh, my god.
Copy !req
585. - What's wrong?
- What's happening?
Copy !req
586. Finley Stephens was found dead
in her apartment.
Copy !req
587. Her husband found her.
Copy !req
588. Poor thing. Oh, her husband's a suspect.
Copy !req
589. - I have to go.
- Anthony.
Copy !req
590. Anthony?
Copy !req
591. What is he?
Copy !req
592. Candyman ain't a he.
Copy !req
593. Candyman's the whole damn hive.
Copy !req
594. There are others?
Copy !req
595. Samuel Evans.
Copy !req
596. Run down during
the white housing riots of the 505.
Copy !req
597. William bell, lynched in the 203.
Copy !req
598. But the first one, where it all began,
Copy !req
599. was in the 78903.
Copy !req
600. It's a story Helen found
the story of Daniel robitaille.
Copy !req
601. He 'd made a living touring the country
paintr'ng portraits for wealthy families.
Copy !req
602. Mostly white, and they loved h/m.
Copy !req
603. But you know how it goes.
Copy !req
604. They love what we make
Copy !req
605. but not us.
Copy !req
606. One day, he's commissioned
Copy !req
607. to par'nt the daughter
of a Chicago factory owner
Copy !req
608. who made his fortune in the stockyards.
Copy !req
609. Well,
Copy !req
610. robitaille committed
the ultimate sin of his time.
Copy !req
611. They fell in love.
Copy !req
612. They had an affair, she got pregnant.
Copy !req
613. The girl tells her father, and, well...
Copy !req
614. You know...
Copy !req
615. He hires some men to hunt robitarlle down,
Copy !req
616. told them to get creative.
Copy !req
617. Chased him through here
in the middle of the day.
Copy !req
618. He collapses from exhaustion
Copy !req
619. right near where the old tower
in Chestnut used to be.
Copy !req
620. They beat h/m. Tortured him.
Copy !req
621. They cut ofi' his arm
and jammed a meat hook in the stump.
Copy !req
622. They smeared honeycomb
from the nearby hives on his chest
Copy !req
623. and let the bees sting him.
Copy !req
624. A crowd started to form to watch the show.
Copy !req
625. The b/g finale:
Copy !req
626. They set him on fire
Copy !req
627. and he finally dies.
Copy !req
628. But a story like that,
Copy !req
629. a pain like that...
Copy !req
630. Lasts forever.
Copy !req
631. That's Candyman.
Copy !req
632. He's real?
Copy !req
633. Bell is real.
Copy !req
634. Samuel, sherman, Daniel robitaille.
They're all real.
Copy !req
635. Candyman is how we deal with the fact
that these things happened.
Copy !req
636. That they're still happening.
Copy !req
637. Get some rest, young blood.
Copy !req
638. You'll feel better in the morning.
Copy !req
639. Don't look at those!
Copy !req
640. What the fuck is this?
Copy !req
641. You shouldn't be looking at this.
Copy !req
642. Anthony, we are beyond
sensitive artist bullshit.
Copy !req
643. What is going on?
Copy !req
644. I think... I think...
Copy !req
645. - I made a mistake, bri.
- What do you mean?
Copy !req
646. - I brought him back.
- Who?
Copy !req
647. You promise you won't think I'm crazy?
Copy !req
648. Anthony, who?
Copy !req
649. Oh, god.
Copy !req
650. - Burke told me...
- God. Who is Burke?
Copy !req
651. From the laundromat.
He knows about all of it.
Copy !req
652. Knows about what?
Copy !req
653. Candyman.
Copy !req
654. - Candyman isn't real.
- I saw him!
Copy !req
655. Candyman isn't real, Anthony!
Copy !req
656. You know what is real?
Copy !req
657. Me, Anthony. Me. This, this is real.
Copy !req
658. - You don't understand.
- Okay.
Copy !req
659. I will show you that... okay.
Copy !req
660. - Candyman.
- No!
Copy !req
661. Candyman!
Copy !req
662. Don't... say his name.
Copy !req
663. - You stay the fuck right there.
- Bnanna_.
Copy !req
664. Don't follow me.
Copy !req
665. Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm.
Let the motherfucker try and come up here.
Copy !req
666. Fucking art ogre, fucking fee-fi-fo-fum.
Grady will stomp on his ass.
Copy !req
667. - Ain't that right, Grady?
- Ifl have to stomp, I'll stomp.
Copy !req
668. I mean, he literally was, like,
Copy !req
669. "I summoned Candyman," and I'm like...
Copy !req
670. Candyman ain't real, nigga.
Copy !req
671. I told you not to start dating
that dapper Dan-ass,
Copy !req
672. ii'i basquiat-ass, fucking no-job sun ra...
Copy !req
673. Troy. Okay.
Copy !req
674. Ain't a dick on the planet good enough
to offset a demonology hobby.
Copy !req
675. Okay, Troy, stop!
Copy !req
676. What? It's the truth.
If Grady came up in here,
Copy !req
677. smashing mirrors.
Copy !req
678. Mirrors.
Copy !req
679. He's right.
Copy !req
680. - All right.
- You...
Copy !req
681. Take care of Lucy.
Copy !req
682. And you are in time-out.
Copy !req
683. Come here.
Copy !req
684. Break it up.
Copy !req
685. I spoke to mom.
Copy !req
686. She wants to close the storage unit out,
Copy !req
687. so we finally have to deal
with dad's work.
Copy !req
688. I was thinking maybe we could
Copy !req
689. sell or...
Copy !req
690. - If you want to keep anything...
- No, I don't want any of that in my house.
Copy !req
691. - Thank you.
- Then, sell or do a show.
Copy !req
692. I think you should open a space.
Copy !req
693. I'm not doing a show
of the thing that killed him, Troy.
Copy !req
694. You can't hide everything, and...
Copy !req
695. - And just hope it goes away.
- Troy...
Copy !req
696. You don't have to be there every time
a tortured artist has a psychotic break.
Copy !req
697. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
698. Bri.
Copy !req
699. I'm glad you're here.
Copy !req
700. You can stay as long as you want,
on the condition you don't try
Copy !req
701. and summon Candyman.
Copy !req
702. Who would do that?
Copy !req
703. What's up?
Copy !req
704. Trina was fooked up this weekend.
Copy !req
705. - Guys, what should I do about my bangs?
- No one cares about your bangs.
Copy !req
706. Annika, look at this.
Copy !req
707. Trina's fucking trashed. Look.
Watch, watch, watch.
Copy !req
708. - Samantha.
- Oh, my god, that's so sad.
Copy !req
709. - Oh, shit.
- Look at this chunky-ass vomit.
Copy !req
710. Oh, my gosh, in front of everyone.
Copy !req
711. Have you guys heard of Candyman?
Copy !req
712. Fuck this. I changed my mind.
I'm not gonna do it.
Copy !req
713. - Come on, boof. Don't be a pussy.
- Why not? It's a warm and wonderful thing.
Copy !req
714. Boof, we're already in formation.
Copy !req
715. - Fine.
- Okay, ready?
Copy !req
716. Candyman.
Copy !req
717. All at once, dumb-ass.
Copy !req
718. Candyman.
Copy !req
719. Candyman.
Copy !req
720. Candyman.
Copy !req
721. - Not today. Not today.
- Come on.
Copy !req
722. Two more times.
Copy !req
723. Candyman.
Copy !req
724. One more.
Copy !req
725. Candyman.
Copy !req
726. Well, we're still alive, so...
Copy !req
727. Hey, trina.
Copy !req
728. Let's go.
Copy !req
729. Hey, triney, how's that hangover?
You're such a mess.
Copy !req
730. - Trina was fucking trashed.
- Don't let her drink that much.
Copy !req
731. That's between her and her god.
Copy !req
732. Trina, you broke the fucking door.
Copy !req
733. Haley, I'm too young to die. Open it.
Copy !req
734. I'm working on it.
Copy !req
735. Guys...
Copy !req
736. What the fuck?
Copy !req
737. - Wait, I forgot my vape.
- Boof.
Copy !req
738. You know, I don't think you should...
Copy !req
739. Boof?
Copy !req
740. Boof?
Copy !req
741. Boof?
Copy !req
742. What are you doing?
Copy !req
743. - Oh, my god, guys. Stop being so stupid!
- Haley!
Copy !req
744. This isn't funny.
Copy !req
745. You guys, what the fuck?
This isn't funny!
Copy !req
746. No!
Copy !req
747. No!
Copy !req
748. We've been trying to move
in a fresher direction
Copy !req
749. for the past few years,
Copy !req
750. and our last curator was a great guy,
but just had a hard time getting there.
Copy !req
751. Well, I've certainly noticed
a shift in programming
Copy !req
752. - since you started here.
- Hopefully for the best.
Copy !req
753. I'm so happy I finally got
to meet you at Jack's dinner.
Copy !req
754. Yes. He's been trying
to get us together before.
Copy !req
755. It's crazy about clive.
Copy !req
756. I heard you were the one
to find the bodies.
Copy !req
757. Yeah...
Copy !req
758. You've really emerged
Copy !req
759. as an interesting figure amidst all this.
Copy !req
760. The show you put together
sounded so good too.
Copy !req
761. You were so brave to embrace formlessness.
Copy !req
762. Actually, there were a lot of bodies...
Figures in the show.
Copy !req
763. Like Arnold's work.
Copy !req
764. For so long, abstraction has been about
indexing a sublimated emotional state,
Copy !req
765. - and I just wanted to focus on the body.
- Of course, but I mean,
Copy !req
766. between the recent tragedies
and your father's legacy,
Copy !req
767. you've got a fascinating story.
Copy !req
768. Right.
Copy !req
769. And your eye for emerging talent.
Copy !req
770. How long have you worked
with Anthony McCoy?
Copy !req
771. Just a couple years.
Copy !req
772. My board members are buzzing
about McCoy's work.
Copy !req
773. Feels like a project room show
is something we could start talking about.
Copy !req
774. And of course, any other artist
you have your eye on.
Copy !req
775. The near north side
community, once known as cabrini-green,
Copy !req
776. is stunned by the vicious mass murder
at golr'n college prep.
Copy !req
777. Police have found a startling link
to the art world murders,
Copy !req
778. r'n particular a piece called say my name,
Copy !req
779. which was written in the victims'blood
on the bathroom wall.
Copy !req
780. Welcome back, Mr. McCoy.
Copy !req
781. What?
Copy !req
782. I saw in your file you were born here.
Copy !req
783. I was born on the south side.
Copy !req
784. No, it says you were born here.
Copy !req
785. Regardless, it's good that
you came in when you did.
Copy !req
786. We need to admit you immediately
for monitoring and do some more testing.
Copy !req
787. Anthony, where have you been?
Copy !req
788. What happened to your hand?
Copy !req
789. Looks bad.
Copy !req
790. Went to river north memorial,
near cabrini.
Copy !req
791. They fixed me right up.
Copy !req
792. You've been painting?
Copy !req
793. Yeah, I've been inspired a lot, actually,
Copy !req
794. by cabrini.
Copy !req
795. You want some tea?
Copy !req
796. I heard a story about a fire.
Copy !req
797. Killed a woman named Helen Lyle.
Copy !req
798. A baby that was taken.
Copy !req
799. Something they used to call Candyman.
Copy !req
800. Don't.
Copy !req
801. Don't say that.
Copy !req
802. You told me I was born on the south side.
Copy !req
803. I did raise you in the home you remember.
Copy !req
804. But you were born in river north memorial
Copy !req
805. and spent the first two years in cabrini.
Copy !req
806. Why did you lie?
Copy !req
807. To protect you.
Copy !req
808. From what?
Copy !req
809. I just wanted you to grow up happy
Copy !req
810. and normal.
Copy !req
811. Do I look normal, mama?
Copy !req
812. I have to know.
Copy !req
813. Now.
Copy !req
814. When you first got taken,
I thought she was the one who did it.
Copy !req
815. When you first got taken,
I thought she was the one who did it.
Copy !req
816. Helen.
Copy !req
817. The way I found her in her apartment,
Copy !req
818. covered in blood.
Copy !req
819. We all thought she was crazy.
Copy !req
820. But it wasn't her.
Copy !req
821. It was him.
Copy !req
822. He had a purpose for you.
Copy !req
823. He chose you to be
Copy !req
824. one of his victims.
Copy !req
825. He wanted you to burn in that fire.
Copy !req
826. But she pulled you out...
Copy !req
827. And gave you back to me.
Copy !req
828. - I thought it ended that night.
- Wait/
Copy !req
829. In the fire.
I thought she ended I't.
Copy !req
830. And we vowed to never say his name again.
Copy !req
831. But...
Copy !req
832. Someone broke the pact and...
Copy !req
833. He found me.
Copy !req
834. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
835. Anthony, wait, wait. Baby, wait.
Copy !req
836. Where are you going?
Copy !req
837. Anthony, baby, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
838. Anthony?
Copy !req
839. It is Troy.
Copy !req
840. Come out immediately where I can see you.
Copy !req
841. - Immediately.
- Troy, stop. Please, oh, my gosh.
Copy !req
842. We are picking up her things
Copy !req
843. and we will...
Copy !req
844. Be leaving with them.
Copy !req
845. I see. Yeah, thanks.
Copy !req
846. He's not with Noah either.
Copy !req
847. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
848. - Maybe Candyman got his ass.
- That's not funny, Troy.
Copy !req
849. Hello?
Copy !req
850. Anthony?
Copy !req
851. Nope.
Copy !req
852. Hello! Excuse me!
Copy !req
853. Please!
Copy !req
854. Go away.
Copy !req
855. - I wanna play.
- No.
Copy !req
856. - Please. I'm not scared anymore.
- Go play with your puppets.
Copy !req
857. I'm gonna pee on your bed
if you don't let me in.
Copy !req
858. You're being so annoying right now.
Copy !req
859. - What are you doing?
- Mind your business.
Copy !req
860. Come on, let me play. Please.
Copy !req
861. This game is for grown-ups,
and you're a big baby.
Copy !req
862. I'm not a baby.
Copy !req
863. Go away!
Copy !req
864. No, this is not gonna work.
Copy !req
865. Candyman.
Copy !req
866. Candyman.
Copy !req
867. Candyman.
Copy !req
868. Candyman.
Copy !req
869. Candyman.
Copy !req
870. I said...
Copy !req
871. Sabnna?
Copy !req
872. [Gasps}
Copy !req
873. Sherman.
Copy !req
874. Now...
Copy !req
875. We have a witness.
Copy !req
876. I think I saw the guy
you're looking for.
Copy !req
877. The "say my name" killer.
Copy !req
878. He's roaming around
the row houses at cabrini.
Copy !req
879. A black man, around 30.
Copy !req
880. He was waving a hook and talking crazy.
I think he's killing people down there!
Copy !req
881. What the fuck?
Copy !req
882. What the fuck?
Copy !req
883. I was baptized here.
Copy !req
884. Isn't it beautiful?
Copy !req
885. A... a... a... Anthony?
Copy !req
886. Oh, uh... yeah, I guess I'm on
some other shit now, huh?
Copy !req
887. When something leaves a stain,
Copy !req
888. even if you wash it out,
Copy !req
889. it's still there.
Copy !req
890. You can feel it.
Copy !req
891. A thinning, deep in the fabric.
Copy !req
892. This neighborhood got caught in a loop.
Copy !req
893. The shit got stained
in the exact same spot,
Copy !req
894. over and over,
Copy !req
895. until it finally rotted
from the inside out.
Copy !req
896. They tore down our homes,
so they could move back in.
Copy !req
897. We need Candyman.
Copy !req
898. 'Cause this time,
he'll be killing their fathers,
Copy !req
899. their babies, their sisters.
Copy !req
900. I knew it was only a matter of time
before the baby came back here,
Copy !req
901. in perfect symmetry.
Copy !req
902. A chance for Candyman to take back
what's rightfully his.
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903. His legend.
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904. Hand.
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905. Wait...
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906. No, no, no, no!
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907. Anthony!
Copy !req
908. See, you can really make
the story your own.
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909. But... Some of the specifics
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910. should be somewhat consistent.
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911. Here we have the story of Anthony McCoy,
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912. artist who lost his mind,
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913. and the cops showed up
and shot him down in cold blood
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914. without even saying a word.
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915. Well, say his name, if you dare!
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916. Say it five times in a mirror.
See what happens.
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917. When it's all done,
they'll tell his story,
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918. and Candyman will live...
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919. Forever.
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920. Here comes the swarm.
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921. Are you ready for the sacrament?
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922. Hey!
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923. Where you going?
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924. Don't you want a sweet?
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925. Fuck!
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926. Where you going?
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927. who can make the sunrise
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928. sprinkle it with dew?
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929. This is as good a place as any, pet.
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930. I think he's dead.
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931. Bnanna.
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932. No, no!
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933. Get up, Anthony. Get up.
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934. Baby, baby, baby...
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935. Please. No. No.
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936. Anthony, baby.
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937. - It's okay.
- Get up, please.
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938. Please.
Please stay with me, Anthony, please.
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939. Please, please, please. Please get up.
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940. Please get up, Anthony.
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941. Don't go.
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942. We're gonna get you help.
We're gonna get you to a hospital.
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943. We're gonna get you to a hospital.
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944. In here!
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945. - Put your hands up!
- He just needs...
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946. Oh, my god.
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947. Hey. Stay on your feet.
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948. - Come on. Move it.
- What's going on?
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949. We got two suspects, one's down.
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950. - Get her in the car.
- Hurry up.
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951. We didn't know what to do.
Copy !req
952. Very unfortunate
what happened to your man in there.
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953. We'd been looking for him.
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954. Got a tip he'd be here.
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955. You know anything about that?
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956. Whatever you tell us helps.
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957. Any cooperation is noted.
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958. Saying what you saw
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959. when he came at Jones...
Copy !req
960. And Jones, obviously knowing
what he'd done before,
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961. seeing his hook,
knowing you were in danger,
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962. had no choice but to discharge his weapon.
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963. Doesn't sound right to you?
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964. She's an accomplice.
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965. She held the victims down, he cut 'em up.
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966. He died coming at a cop.
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967. She goes to jail for the rest of her life.
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968. Which story is it?
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969. Can I see myself?
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970. What?
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971. In the mirror.
Copy !req
972. I'll tell you everything
if you let me see myself.
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973. I'll say whatever you want.
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974. Candyman.
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975. Candyman.
Copy !req
976. What?
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977. Candyman.
Copy !req
978. What the fuck is that?
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979. - Candyman.
- Candyman?
Copy !req
980. What the fuck?
Copy !req
981. Holy shit.
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982. Rooney? Jesus. What the fuck?
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983. 10-1, emergency. Officer down.
Officer down.
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984. What the fuck!
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985. Get on the ground now! Now!
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986. What the fuck!
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987. - Let me in.
- I can't!
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988. Let me in, damn it!
Copy !req
989. - Stop!
- No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
990. Holy shit!
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991. What the fuck?
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992. Who are you?
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993. I am
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994. the writing on the walls.
Copy !req
995. I'm the sweet smell of blood
on the street
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996. the buzz that echoes in the alleyways.
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997. They will say / shed innocent blood
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998. you are far from innocent,
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999. but the y'll sa y you were.
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1000. That's all that matters.
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1001. Tell...
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1002. Everyone.
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