1. Next subject: Kowalski, Leon.
Copy !req
2. Engineer, waste disposal.
Copy !req
3. File section: New employee, six days.
Copy !req
4. Calling Mr. Webber...
Copy !req
5. Come in.
- ... please report to Zone A Sector 9.
Copy !req
6. Replication Center Level 9,
we have a B1 security alert.
Copy !req
7. Stand by for ID check, please.
Copy !req
8. Sit down.
Copy !req
9. Replication Center Level 9,
we have a B1 security alert.
Copy !req
10. Stand by for...
Copy !req
11. Care if I talk?
Copy !req
12. I'm kind of nervous when I take tests.
Copy !req
13. Just please don't move.
Copy !req
14. Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
15. I already had an IQ test.
I don't think I've had one of these.
Copy !req
16. Reaction time is a factor,
so pay attention.
Copy !req
17. Now, answer as quickly as you can.
Copy !req
18. Sure.
Copy !req
19. 1187 at Hunterwasser.
Copy !req
20. That's the hotel.
Copy !req
21. - What?
- Where I live.
Copy !req
22. - Nice place?
- Yeah, sure, I guess.
Copy !req
23. Is that part of the test?
Copy !req
24. No. Just warming you up. That's all.
Copy !req
25. It's not fancy or anything.
Copy !req
26. You're in a desert,
walking along in the sand, when—
Copy !req
27. Is this the test now?
Copy !req
28. Yes. You're in a desert,
walking along in the sand...
Copy !req
29. - ... when you look down—
- What one?
Copy !req
30. - What?
- What desert?
Copy !req
31. Doesn't make any difference.
It's completely hypothetical.
Copy !req
32. - But how come I'd be there?
- Maybe you're fed up.
Copy !req
33. Maybe you wanna be by yourself.
Who knows?
Copy !req
34. You look down and see a tortoise.
Copy !req
35. - It's crawling towards you—
- Tortoise? What's that?
Copy !req
36. - You know what a turtle is?
- Of course.
Copy !req
37. Same thing.
Copy !req
38. I've never seen a turtle.
Copy !req
39. But I understand what you mean.
Copy !req
40. You reach down,
you flip the tortoise over on its back.
Copy !req
41. Do you make up these questions,
Mr. Holden?
Copy !req
42. Or do they write them down for you?
Copy !req
43. The tortoise lays on its back,
its belly baking in the sun...
Copy !req
44. beating its legs,
trying to turn itself over, but it can't...
Copy !req
45. not without your help.
Copy !req
46. - You're not helping.
- What do you mean I'm not?
Copy !req
47. I mean, you're not helping.
Copy !req
48. Why is that, Leon?
Copy !req
49. They're just questions, Leon.
Copy !req
50. In answer to your query,
they're written down for me.
Copy !req
51. It's a test designed to provoke
an emotional response.
Copy !req
52. Shall we continue?
Copy !req
53. Describe in single words only the
good things that come into your mind...
Copy !req
54. about your mother.
Copy !req
55. - My mother?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
56. Let me tell you about my mother.
Copy !req
57. A new life awaits you
in the Off-world colonies.
Copy !req
58. The chance to begin again...
Copy !req
59. in a golden land of opportunity
and adventure.
Copy !req
60. A new life awaits you
in the Off-world colonies.
Copy !req
61. The chance to begin again...
Copy !req
62. in a golden land of opportunity
and adventure.
Copy !req
63. The custom-tailored...
Copy !req
64. genetically engineered
humanoid Replicant...
Copy !req
65. designed especially for your needs.
Copy !req
66. So come on, America.
Let's put out...
Copy !req
67. Give me four.
Copy !req
68. No, four. Two, two. Four.
Copy !req
69. And noodles.
Copy !req
70. Hey.
Copy !req
71. He say you under arrest, Mr. Deckard.
Copy !req
72. Got the wrong guy, pal.
Copy !req
73. He say you Blade Runner.
Copy !req
74. Tell him I'm eating.
Copy !req
75. Captain Bryant...
Copy !req
76. Bryant, huh?
Copy !req
77. Yellow 3.
Copy !req
78. Climb and maintain 4000.
Copy !req
79. Final descent.
Copy !req
80. Now on glide path. Mark course.
Copy !req
81. Over the landing threshold.
Copy !req
82. Hi, Deck.
Copy !req
83. Bryant.
Copy !req
84. You wouldn't have come
if I just asked you to. Sit down, pal.
Copy !req
85. Come on, don't be an asshole, Deckard.
I've got four skin-jobs walking the streets.
Copy !req
86. They jumped a shuttle Off-world,
killed the crew and passengers.
Copy !req
87. They found the shuttle drifting
off the coast two weeks ago...
Copy !req
88. so we know they're around.
Copy !req
89. Embarrassing.
Copy !req
90. No, not embarrassing. No one's ever
gonna find out they're down here.
Copy !req
91. Because you're gonna spot them
and air them out.
Copy !req
92. I don't work here anymore.
Copy !req
93. Give it to Holden.
Copy !req
94. - He's good.
I did.
Copy !req
95. He can breathe okay
as long as nobody unplugs him.
Copy !req
96. He's not good enough.
Not good as you.
Copy !req
97. I need you, Deck.
Copy !req
98. Now, this is a bad one, the worst yet.
Copy !req
99. I need the old Blade Runner.
Copy !req
100. I need your magic.
Copy !req
101. I was quit
when I come in here, Bryant.
Copy !req
102. I'm twice as quit now.
Copy !req
103. Stop right where you are.
You know the score, pal?
Copy !req
104. If you're not cop, you're little people.
Copy !req
105. No choice, huh?
Copy !req
106. No choice, pal.
Copy !req
107. I already had an IQ test this year.
Copy !req
108. I don't think I've ever
had one of these.
Copy !req
109. Reaction time is a factor,
so please pay attention.
Copy !req
110. - Answer as quickly as you can.
- Yeah, sure.
Copy !req
111. 1187 at Hunterwasser.
Copy !req
112. Yeah. That's the hotel.
Copy !req
113. What?
- Where I live.
Copy !req
114. Nice place?
- Yeah, sure, I guess.
Copy !req
115. There was an escape from
the Off-world colonies two weeks ago.
Copy !req
116. Six Replicants:
three male, three female.
Copy !req
117. They slaughtered 23 people
and jumped a shuttle.
Copy !req
118. An aerial patrol spotted
the ship off the coast.
Copy !req
119. No crew, no sight of them.
Copy !req
120. Three nights ago they tried to break
into Tyrell Corporation.
Copy !req
121. Two of them got fried running
through an electrical field.
Copy !req
122. We lost the others.
Copy !req
123. On the possibility they might try
to infiltrate as employees...
Copy !req
124. I had Holden go over and run
Voight-Kampff tests on the new workers.
Copy !req
125. Looks like he got himself one.
Copy !req
126. So you look down and you see
a tortoise. It's crawling towards you.
Copy !req
127. - Tortoise? What's that?
That's Leon.
Copy !req
128. Ammunition loader
on intergalactic runs.
Copy !req
129. He can lift 400-pound atomic loads
all day and night.
Copy !req
130. The only way you can hurt him
is to kill him.
Copy !req
131. I don't get it. What do they risk coming
back to Earth for? That's unusual. Why...?
Copy !req
132. What do they want
out of the Tyrell Corporation?
Copy !req
133. Well, you tell me, pal.
That's what you're here for.
Copy !req
134. - What's this?
- Nexus 6. Roy Batty.
Copy !req
135. Incept date: 2016.
Copy !req
136. Combat model.
Optimum self-sufficiency.
Copy !req
137. Probably the leader.
Copy !req
138. This is Zhora.
Copy !req
139. She's trained for
an Off-world kick murder squad.
Copy !req
140. Talk about Beauty and the Beast.
She's both.
Copy !req
141. The fourth skin-job is Pris,
a basic pleasure model.
Copy !req
142. The standard item for military clubs
in the outer colonies.
Copy !req
143. They were designed to copy human beings
in every way except their emotions.
Copy !req
144. The designers reckoned
after a few years...
Copy !req
145. they might develop
their own emotional responses.
Copy !req
146. Oh, hate, love, fear, anger, envy.
Copy !req
147. So they built in a fail-safe device.
Copy !req
148. - Which is what?
- Four-year lifespan.
Copy !req
149. Now, there's a Nexus 6
over at the Tyrell Corporation.
Copy !req
150. - I want you to go put the machine on it.
- And if the machine doesn't work?
Copy !req
151. Do you like our owl?
Copy !req
152. It's artificial?
Copy !req
153. Of course it is.
Copy !req
154. Must be expensive.
Copy !req
155. Very. I'm Rachael.
Copy !req
156. Deckard.
Copy !req
157. It seems you feel our work
is not a benefit to the public.
Copy !req
158. Replicants are like any other machine:
They're either a benefit or a hazard.
Copy !req
159. If they're a benefit,
it's not my problem.
Copy !req
160. May I ask you a personal question?
Copy !req
161. Sure.
Copy !req
162. Have you ever retired a human
by mistake?
Copy !req
163. No.
Copy !req
164. - But in your position, that is a risk.
Is this to be an empathy test?
Copy !req
165. Capillary dilation
of the so-called blush response?
Copy !req
166. Fluctuation of the pupil.
Copy !req
167. Involuntary dilation of the iris.
Copy !req
168. We call it Voight-Kampff for short.
Copy !req
169. Mr. Deckard, Dr. Eldon Tyrell.
Copy !req
170. Demonstrate it.
Copy !req
171. I wanna see it work.
Copy !req
172. Where's the subject?
- I wanna see it work on a person.
Copy !req
173. I wanna see a negative
before I provide you with a positive.
Copy !req
174. What's that gonna prove?
Copy !req
175. Indulge me.
Copy !req
176. On you?
Copy !req
177. Try her.
Copy !req
178. It's too bright in here.
Copy !req
179. Do you mind if I smoke?
Copy !req
180. It won't affect the test.
Copy !req
181. All right, I'm gonna ask you
a series of questions.
Copy !req
182. Just relax and answer them
as simply as you can.
Copy !req
183. It's your birthday.
Someone gives you a calfskin wallet.
Copy !req
184. I wouldn't accept it.
Copy !req
185. Also, I'd report the person
who gave it to me to the police.
Copy !req
186. You've got a little boy.
He shows you his butterfly collection...
Copy !req
187. plus the killing jar.
Copy !req
188. I'd take him to the doctor.
Copy !req
189. You're watching television.
Copy !req
190. Suddenly you realize
there's a wasp crawling on your arm.
Copy !req
191. I'd kill it.
Copy !req
192. You're reading a magazine. You come
across a full-page nude photo of a girl.
Copy !req
193. Is this testing whether I'm a Replicant
or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?
Copy !req
194. Just answer the questions, please.
Copy !req
195. You show it to your husband.
Copy !req
196. He likes it so much
he hangs it on your bedroom wall.
Copy !req
197. —bush outside your window?
Copy !req
198. I wouldn't let him.
Copy !req
199. —orange body, green legs?
Copy !req
200. Why not?
Copy !req
201. I should be enough for him.
Copy !req
202. One more question.
Copy !req
203. You're watching a stage play,
a banquet is in progress.
Copy !req
204. The guests are enjoying
an appetizer of raw oysters.
Copy !req
205. The entrée consists of boiled dog.
Copy !req
206. Would you step out
for a few moments, Rachael?
Copy !req
207. Thank you.
Copy !req
208. She's a Replicant, isn't she?
Copy !req
209. I'm impressed.
Copy !req
210. How many questions
does it usually take to spot one?
Copy !req
211. - I don't get it, Tyrell.
- How many questions?
Copy !req
212. Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
Copy !req
213. It took more than a hundred for Rachael,
didn't it?
Copy !req
214. She doesn't know.
Copy !req
215. She's beginning to suspect, I think.
Copy !req
216. Suspect?
How can it not know what it is?
Copy !req
217. Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell.
Copy !req
218. "More human than human"
is our motto.
Copy !req
219. Rachael is an experiment,
nothing more.
Copy !req
220. We began to recognize in them
a strange obsession.
Copy !req
221. After all, they are emotionally
inexperienced, with only a few years...
Copy !req
222. in which to store up the experiences
which you and I take for granted.
Copy !req
223. If we gift them with a past, we create
a cushion or a pillow for their emotions...
Copy !req
224. then consequently
we can control them better.
Copy !req
225. Memories.
Copy !req
226. You're talking about memories.
Copy !req
227. Reaction
time is a factor, so please pay attention.
Copy !req
228. - Now, answer as quickly as you can.
Copy !req
229. 1187 at Hunterwasser.
- Yeah. That's the hotel.
Copy !req
230. What?
- Where I live.
Copy !req
231. Nice place?
- Yeah, sure, I guess.
Copy !req
232. - Is that part of the test?
- No.
Copy !req
233. Kowalski.
Copy !req
234. Time...
Copy !req
235. enough.
Copy !req
236. Did you get your precious photos?
Copy !req
237. Someone was there.
Copy !req
238. Men?
Copy !req
239. Policemen?
Copy !req
240. Aha.
Copy !req
241. Fiery the angels fell
Copy !req
242. Deep thunder rolled around their shores
Copy !req
243. Burning with the fires of Orc
Copy !req
244. You not come here! Illegal!
Copy !req
245. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
246. Cold! Those are my eyes! Freezing!
Copy !req
247. Yes.
Copy !req
248. Questions.
Copy !req
249. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
250. Morphology. Longevity. Incept dates.
Copy !req
251. Don't know.
Copy !req
252. I don't know such stuff.
Copy !req
253. I just do eyes.
Copy !req
254. Just eyes, just genetic design.
Copy !req
255. Just eyes.
Copy !req
256. You Nexus, huh?
Copy !req
257. I design your eyes.
Copy !req
258. Chew...
Copy !req
259. if only you could see
what I've seen with your eyes.
Copy !req
260. Now...
Copy !req
261. questions.
Copy !req
262. I don't know answers.
Copy !req
263. Who does?
Copy !req
264. Tyrell.
Copy !req
265. He knows everything.
Copy !req
266. Tyrell Corporation?
Copy !req
267. He big boss. Big genius.
He design your mind.
Copy !req
268. Your brain, huh?
Copy !req
269. Smart.
Copy !req
270. Very cold.
Copy !req
271. Not an easy man to see...
Copy !req
272. Give me coat.
Copy !req
273. I guess?
Copy !req
274. Sebastian.
Copy !req
275. He take you there.
He take you there.
Copy !req
276. Sebastian who?
Copy !req
277. J.F...
Copy !req
278. Sebast...
Copy !req
279. Now...
Copy !req
280. where...
Copy !req
281. would we find this...
Copy !req
282. J.F. Sebastian?
Copy !req
283. Let's continue, shall we?
Copy !req
284. Describe in single words...
Copy !req
285. only the good things that come
into your mind about your mother.
Copy !req
286. My mother?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
287. I'll tell you about my mother.
Copy !req
288. Voice-print identification.
Your floor number, please.
Copy !req
289. - Deckard, 97.
- Ninety-seven. Thank you. Danke.
Copy !req
290. I wanted to see you.
Copy !req
291. So I waited.
Copy !req
292. Let me help you.
Copy !req
293. What do I need help for?
Copy !req
294. I don't know why
he told you what he did.
Copy !req
295. Talk to him.
Copy !req
296. He wouldn't see me.
Copy !req
297. You want a drink?
Copy !req
298. No?
Copy !req
299. You think I'm a Replicant, don't you?
Copy !req
300. Look.
Copy !req
301. It's me with my mother.
Copy !req
302. Yeah?
Copy !req
303. Remember when you were six?
Copy !req
304. You and your brother snuck into an empty
building through a basement window.
Copy !req
305. You were gonna play doctor?
Copy !req
306. He showed you his, and when it got
to be your turn, you chickened and ran.
Copy !req
307. Remember that?
Copy !req
308. Did you ever tell anybody that?
Your mother, Tyrell, anybody, huh?
Copy !req
309. You remember the spider that lived
in the bush outside your window?
Copy !req
310. Orange body, green legs?
Copy !req
311. Watched her build a web all summer?
Copy !req
312. Then one day, there's a big egg in it.
Copy !req
313. The egg hatched...
Copy !req
314. - The egg hatched...
- And?
Copy !req
315. and a hundred baby spiders
came out.
Copy !req
316. And they ate her.
Copy !req
317. Implants.
Copy !req
318. Those aren't your memories,
they're somebody else's.
Copy !req
319. They're Tyrell's niece's.
Copy !req
320. Okay.
Copy !req
321. Bad joke.
Copy !req
322. I made a bad joke.
Copy !req
323. You're not a Replicant.
Copy !req
324. Go home.
Copy !req
325. Okay?
Copy !req
326. No, really. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
327. Go home.
Copy !req
328. Want a drink?
Copy !req
329. I'll get you a drink.
Copy !req
330. I'll get a glass.
Copy !req
331. Hey!
Copy !req
332. You forgot your bag.
Copy !req
333. I'm lost.
Copy !req
334. Don't worry, I won't hurt you.
Copy !req
335. What's your name?
Copy !req
336. - Pris.
- Mine's J.F. Sebastian.
Copy !req
337. - Hi.
- Hi.
Copy !req
338. Oh, where were you going?
Copy !req
339. Home?
Copy !req
340. I don't have one.
Copy !req
341. We scared each other pretty good,
didn't we?
Copy !req
342. We sure did.
Copy !req
343. I'm hungry, J.F.
Copy !req
344. I got stuff inside.
Copy !req
345. You wanna come in?
Copy !req
346. I was hoping you'd say that.
Copy !req
347. Do you live in this building
all by yourself?
Copy !req
348. Yeah, I live here
pretty much alone right now.
Copy !req
349. No housing shortage around here.
Copy !req
350. Plenty of room for everybody.
Copy !req
351. Watch out for the water.
Copy !req
352. Must get lonely here, J.F.
Copy !req
353. Not really. I make friends.
Copy !req
354. They're toys. My friends are toys.
I make them.
Copy !req
355. It's a hobby. I'm a genetic designer.
Copy !req
356. Do you know what that is?
Copy !req
357. No.
Copy !req
358. Now.
Copy !req
359. Oh.
Copy !req
360. Yoo-hoo, home again.
Copy !req
361. Home again, home again, jiggidy-jig.
Copy !req
362. - Good evening, J.F.
- Evening, fellas.
Copy !req
363. They're my friends. I made them.
Copy !req
364. Where are your folks?
Copy !req
365. I'm sort of an orphan.
Copy !req
366. Oh. What about your friends?
Copy !req
367. I have some, but I have to find them.
Copy !req
368. I'll let them know
where I am tomorrow.
Copy !req
369. Oh?
Copy !req
370. Can I take those things for you?
They're soaked, aren't they?
Copy !req
371. Enhance 224 to 176.
Copy !req
372. Enhance.
Copy !req
373. Stop.
Copy !req
374. Move in.
Copy !req
375. Stop.
Copy !req
376. Pull out, track right.
Copy !req
377. Stop.
Copy !req
378. Center and pull back.
Copy !req
379. Stop.
Copy !req
380. Track 45 right.
Copy !req
381. Stop.
Copy !req
382. Center and stop.
Copy !req
383. Enhance 34 to 36.
Copy !req
384. Pan right and pull back.
Copy !req
385. Stop.
Copy !req
386. Enhance 34 to 46.
Copy !req
387. Pull back.
Copy !req
388. Wait a minute. Go right.
Copy !req
389. Stop.
Copy !req
390. Enhance 57-19.
Copy !req
391. Track 45 left.
Copy !req
392. Stop.
Copy !req
393. Enhance 15 to 23.
Copy !req
394. Give me a hard copy right there.
Copy !req
395. Fish?
Copy !req
396. I think it was manufactured locally.
Copy !req
397. Finest quality. Superior workmanship.
Copy !req
398. There is the maker's serial number.
Copy !req
399. 9906947-XB71.
Copy !req
400. Interesting.
Copy !req
401. Not fish. Snake scale.
Copy !req
402. Snake.
Copy !req
403. Try Abdul Ben Hassan.
He make this snake!
Copy !req
404. Abdul Hassan?
Copy !req
405. I'm a police officer.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Copy !req
406. Artificial-snake license XB71,
that's you?
Copy !req
407. This is your work, huh?
Who did you sell it to?
Copy !req
408. My work? Not too many
could afford such quality.
Copy !req
409. How many?
Copy !req
410. - Very few.
- How few?
Copy !req
411. - Look, my friend—
- Taffey Lewis'.
Copy !req
412. Down in Fourth Sector, Chinatown.
Copy !req
413. Cross now. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
414. Cross now. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
415. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
416. Bartender.
Copy !req
417. Taffey Lewis?
Copy !req
418. - Taffey.
Copy !req
419. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Copy !req
420. Blow.
Copy !req
421. You ever buy snakes
from the Egyptian, Taffey?
Copy !req
422. All the time, pal.
Copy !req
423. You ever see this girl, huh?
Copy !req
424. Never seen her. Buzz off.
Copy !req
425. Your licenses in order, pal?
Copy !req
426. Hey, Louie.
Copy !req
427. The man is dry. Give him one
on the house, okay? See?
Copy !req
428. Hello?
Copy !req
429. I've had people walk out on me before,
but not when...
Copy !req
430. I was being so charming.
Copy !req
431. I'm in a bar, here now,
down in the Fourth Sector.
Copy !req
432. Taffey Lewis is on the line.
Copy !req
433. Why don't you come on down here
and have a drink?
Copy !req
434. I don't think so, Mr. Deckard.
Copy !req
435. That's not my kind of place.
Copy !req
436. Go someplace else?
Copy !req
437. Ladies and gentlemen...
Copy !req
438. Taffey Lewis presents
Miss Salome and the snake.
Copy !req
439. Watch her take the pleasure
from the serpent...
Copy !req
440. that once corrupted man.
Copy !req
441. Excuse me, Miss Salome,
can I talk to you for a minute?
Copy !req
442. I'm from the American Federation
of Variety Artists.
Copy !req
443. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
444. I'm not here to make you join.
No, ma'am. That's not my department.
Copy !req
445. Actually...
Copy !req
446. I'm from the Confidential Committee
on Moral Abuses.
Copy !req
447. Committee of Moral Abuses?
Copy !req
448. There's been reports
that the management...
Copy !req
449. has been taking liberties
with the artists.
Copy !req
450. I don't know nothing about it.
Copy !req
451. Have you felt yourself to be
exploited in any way?
Copy !req
452. How do you mean "exploited"?
Copy !req
453. Well, like to get this job.
Copy !req
454. I mean, did you do, or were you
asked to do, anything that's...
Copy !req
455. lewd or unsavory or...
Copy !req
456. otherwise repulsive
to your person, huh?
Copy !req
457. - Are you for real?
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
458. I'd like to check
your dressing room, if I may.
Copy !req
459. - For what?
- For holes.
Copy !req
460. Holes?
Copy !req
461. Well, you'd be surprised
what a guy would go through...
Copy !req
462. to get a glimpse of a beautiful body.
Copy !req
463. No, I wouldn't.
Copy !req
464. Little...
Copy !req
465. dirty holes they drill in the wall
so they can watch a lady undress.
Copy !req
466. - Is this a real snake?
- Of course it's not real.
Copy !req
467. Think I'd be working in a place like this
if I could afford a real snake?
Copy !req
468. So if somebody does try to exploit me,
who do I go to about it?
Copy !req
469. - Me.
- You're a dedicated man. Dry me.
Copy !req
470. The only thing they care about—
Copy !req
471. Hey!
Copy !req
472. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
473. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
474. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
475. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
476. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
477. Don't walk. Don't walk.
Copy !req
478. Don't walk. Don't walk.
Copy !req
479. Don't walk. Don't walk. Don't walk.
Copy !req
480. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
481. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
482. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
483. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
484. Cross now. Cross now.
Copy !req
485. Move! Get out of the way!
Copy !req
486. Deckard.
Copy !req
487. B26354.
Copy !req
488. Move on. Move on.
Copy !req
489. Move on. Move on.
Copy !req
490. Move on. Move on.
Copy !req
491. A minute.
Copy !req
492. Yeah, what do you want?
Copy !req
493. Tsingtao.
Copy !req
494. This enough?
Copy !req
495. Yeah.
Copy !req
496. Bryant.
Copy !req
497. Christ, Deckard, you look almost as bad
as that skin-job you left on the sidewalk.
Copy !req
498. I'm going home.
Copy !req
499. Could learn from this guy, Gaff.
Copy !req
500. He's a goddamn one-man
slaughterhouse, that's what he is.
Copy !req
501. Four more to go.
Copy !req
502. - Come on, Gaff, let's go.
- Three.
Copy !req
503. There's three to go.
Copy !req
504. There's four.
Copy !req
505. That skin-job you VK'd
at the Tyrell Corporation...
Copy !req
506. Rachael, disappeared, vanished.
Didn't even know she was a Replicant.
Copy !req
507. Something to do with a brain implant,
says Tyrell.
Copy !req
508. Come on, Gaff.
Drink some for me, huh, pal?
Copy !req
509. Leon.
Copy !req
510. How old am I?
Copy !req
511. I don't know.
Copy !req
512. My birthday's April 10, 2017.
How long do I live?
Copy !req
513. Four years.
Copy !req
514. More than you.
Copy !req
515. Painful to live in fear, isn't it?
Copy !req
516. Nothing is worse than having
an itch you can never scratch.
Copy !req
517. I agree.
Copy !req
518. Wake up. Time to die.
Copy !req
519. Shakes?
Copy !req
520. Me too.
Copy !req
521. I get them bad.
Copy !req
522. It's part of the business.
Copy !req
523. I'm not in the business.
Copy !req
524. I am the business.
Copy !req
525. What if I go north?
Copy !req
526. Disappear.
Copy !req
527. Would you come after me?
Copy !req
528. Hunt me?
Copy !req
529. No.
Copy !req
530. No, I wouldn't.
Copy !req
531. I owe you one.
Copy !req
532. But somebody would.
Copy !req
533. Deckard...
Copy !req
534. you know those files on me?
Copy !req
535. The incept date. The longevity.
Copy !req
536. Those things.
Copy !req
537. You saw them?
Copy !req
538. They're...
Copy !req
539. classified.
Copy !req
540. But you're a policeman.
Copy !req
541. I...
Copy !req
542. didn't look at them.
Copy !req
543. You know,
that Voight-Kampff test of yours...
Copy !req
544. did you ever take that test yourself?
Copy !req
545. Deckard.
Copy !req
546. I dreamt music.
Copy !req
547. I didn't know if I could play.
Copy !req
548. I remember lessons.
Copy !req
549. I don't know if it's me
or Tyrell's niece.
Copy !req
550. You play beautifully.
Copy !req
551. Now you kiss me.
Copy !req
552. I can't rely on my—
Copy !req
553. Say, "Kiss me."
Copy !req
554. Kiss me.
Copy !req
555. I want you.
Copy !req
556. I want you.
Copy !req
557. Again.
Copy !req
558. I want you.
Copy !req
559. Put your hands on me.
Copy !req
560. - What you doing?
- I'm sorry. Just peeking.
Copy !req
561. Oh.
Copy !req
562. - How do I look?
- You look better.
Copy !req
563. - Just better?
- Well...
Copy !req
564. you look beautiful.
Copy !req
565. Thanks.
Copy !req
566. How old are you?
Copy !req
567. Twenty-five.
Copy !req
568. - What's your problem?
- Methuselah syndrome.
Copy !req
569. What's that?
Copy !req
570. My glands, they grow old too fast.
Copy !req
571. - Is that why you're still on Earth?
- Yeah. I couldn't pass the medical.
Copy !req
572. Anyway...
Copy !req
573. I kind of like it here.
Copy !req
574. I like you...
Copy !req
575. just the way you are.
Copy !req
576. Hi, Roy.
Copy !req
577. Hi.
Copy !req
578. Gosh, you...
Copy !req
579. really got some nice toys here.
Copy !req
580. This is the friend I was telling you about.
Copy !req
581. This is my savior, J.F. Sebastian.
Copy !req
582. Sebastian.
Copy !req
583. I like a man that stays put.
Copy !req
584. You live here all by yourself, do you?
Copy !req
585. Yes.
Copy !req
586. How about some breakfast?
Copy !req
587. I was just gonna make some.
Copy !req
588. Excuse me.
Copy !req
589. Well?
Copy !req
590. Leon...
Copy !req
591. What's going on?
Copy !req
592. There's only two of us now.
Copy !req
593. Then we're stupid and we'll die.
Copy !req
594. No, we won't.
Copy !req
595. No.
Copy !req
596. Knight takes queen, see?
Copy !req
597. Won't do.
Copy !req
598. Why are you staring at us, Sebastian?
Copy !req
599. Because...
Copy !req
600. you're so different.
Copy !req
601. You're so perfect.
Copy !req
602. Yes.
Copy !req
603. What generation are you?
Copy !req
604. Nexus 6.
Copy !req
605. Ah. I knew it.
Copy !req
606. Because I do genetic design work
for the Tyrell Corporation.
Copy !req
607. There's some of me in you.
Copy !req
608. Show me something.
Copy !req
609. Like what?
Copy !req
610. Like anything.
Copy !req
611. We're no computers, Sebastian.
We're physical.
Copy !req
612. I think, Sebastian...
Copy !req
613. therefore, I am.
Copy !req
614. Very good, Pris. Now show him why.
Copy !req
615. We've got a lot in common.
Copy !req
616. - What do you mean?
- Similar problems.
Copy !req
617. Accelerated decrepitude.
Copy !req
618. I don't know much
about biomechanics, Roy. I wish I did.
Copy !req
619. If we don't find help soon...
Copy !req
620. Pris hasn't got long to live.
Copy !req
621. We can't allow that.
Copy !req
622. - Is he good?
Copy !req
623. - Your opponent.
- Oh, Dr. Tyrell?
Copy !req
624. I've only beaten him once in chess.
He's a genius.
Copy !req
625. He designed you.
Copy !req
626. Maybe he could help.
Copy !req
627. I'd be happy to mention it to him.
Copy !req
628. Better if I talk to him in person.
Copy !req
629. But I understand
he's a sort of hard man to get to.
Copy !req
630. Yes.
Copy !req
631. Very.
Copy !req
632. Will you help us?
Copy !req
633. I can't.
Copy !req
634. We need you, Sebastian.
Copy !req
635. You're our best and only friend.
Copy !req
636. We're so happy you found us.
Copy !req
637. I don't think
there's another human being...
Copy !req
638. in the whole world
who would've helped us.
Copy !req
639. 66,000 Prosser & Ankovich. Hm.
Copy !req
640. Trade.
Copy !req
641. - Trade at two—
Blue entry.
Copy !req
642. A Mr. J.F. Sebastian.
Copy !req
643. 16417.
Copy !req
644. At this hour?
Copy !req
645. What can I do for you, Sebastian?
Copy !req
646. Queen to bishop six. Check.
Copy !req
647. Nonsense.
Copy !req
648. Just a moment.
Copy !req
649. Queen to bishop six, ridiculous.
Copy !req
650. Queen...
Copy !req
651. bishop six.
Copy !req
652. Hm.
Copy !req
653. Knight...
Copy !req
654. takes queen.
Copy !req
655. What's on your mind, Sebastian?
Copy !req
656. What are you thinking about?
Copy !req
657. Bishop to king seven.
Copy !req
658. Checkmate.
Copy !req
659. Bishop to king seven.
Checkmate, I think.
Copy !req
660. Got a brainstorm, huh, Sebastian?
Copy !req
661. Milk and cookies
kept you awake, huh?
Copy !req
662. Let's discuss this.
Copy !req
663. You better come up, Sebastian.
Copy !req
664. Mr. Tyrell?
Copy !req
665. I...
Copy !req
666. I brought a friend.
Copy !req
667. I'm surprised
you didn't come here sooner.
Copy !req
668. It's not an easy thing
to meet your maker.
Copy !req
669. And what can he do for you?
Copy !req
670. Can the maker repair what he makes?
Copy !req
671. Would you like to be modified?
Copy !req
672. Stay here.
Copy !req
673. Had in mind something
a little more radical.
Copy !req
674. What...?
Copy !req
675. What seems to be the problem?
Copy !req
676. - Death.
- Death.
Copy !req
677. Well, I'm afraid that's
a little out of my jurisdiction. You—
Copy !req
678. I want more life...
Copy !req
679. father.
Copy !req
680. The facts of life.
Copy !req
681. To make an alteration in the...
Copy !req
682. evolvement of
an organic life system is fatal.
Copy !req
683. A coding sequence cannot be revised
once it's been established.
Copy !req
684. Why not?
Copy !req
685. Because by the second day
of incubation...
Copy !req
686. any cells that have undergone
reversion mutations...
Copy !req
687. give rise to revertant colonies
like rats leaving a sinking ship.
Copy !req
688. Then the ship sinks.
Copy !req
689. What about EMS recombination?
Copy !req
690. We've already tried it.
Copy !req
691. Ethyl methane sulfonate is an
alkylating agent and a potent mutagen.
Copy !req
692. It created a virus so lethal...
Copy !req
693. the subject was dead
before he left the table.
Copy !req
694. Then a repressor protein
that blocks the operating cells.
Copy !req
695. Wouldn't obstruct replication, but it
does give rise to an error in replication.
Copy !req
696. So that the newly formed DNA strand
carries a mutation...
Copy !req
697. and you've got a virus again.
Copy !req
698. But this, all of this, is...
Copy !req
699. academic.
Copy !req
700. You were made
as well as we could make you.
Copy !req
701. But not to last.
Copy !req
702. The light that burns twice as bright
burns half as long.
Copy !req
703. And you have burned
so very, very brightly, Roy.
Copy !req
704. Look at you.
Copy !req
705. You're the prodigal son.
Copy !req
706. You're quite a prize.
Copy !req
707. I've done...
Copy !req
708. questionable things.
Copy !req
709. Also extraordinary things.
Copy !req
710. Revel in your time.
Copy !req
711. Nothing the god of biomechanics
wouldn't let you in heaven for.
Copy !req
712. Sorry, Sebastian.
Copy !req
713. Come. Come.
Copy !req
714. Body identified with Tyrell...
Copy !req
715. is a 25-year-old male Caucasian.
Copy !req
716. Sebastian, J.F. Sebastian.
Copy !req
717. Bradbury Apartments,
Ninth Sector, NF46751.
Copy !req
718. I want you to go down there and—
Copy !req
719. This sector's closed to
ground traffic. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
720. - I'm working. What are you doing?
- Arresting you, that's what I'm doing.
Copy !req
721. I'm Deckard, Blade Runner.
26354. I'm filed and monitored.
Copy !req
722. Hold on. Checking.
Copy !req
723. Okay. Checked and cleared.
Have a better one.
Copy !req
724. Hello.
- Hi. Is J.F. there?
Copy !req
725. - Who is it?
- This is Eddie, old friend of J.F.'s.
Copy !req
726. That's no way to treat a friend.
Copy !req
727. Home again, home again, jiggidy-jig.
Copy !req
728. Good evening, J.F.
Copy !req
729. Tea?
Copy !req
730. More tea?
Copy !req
731. Tea?
Copy !req
732. More tea?
Copy !req
733. Tea?
Copy !req
734. More tea?
Copy !req
735. More tea?
Copy !req
736. More tea?
Copy !req
737. Not very sporting to fire
on an unarmed opponent.
Copy !req
738. I thought you were
supposed to be good.
Copy !req
739. Aren't you the good man?
Copy !req
740. Come on, Deckard.
Copy !req
741. Show me...
Copy !req
742. what you're made of.
Copy !req
743. Proud of yourself, little man?
Copy !req
744. - This is for Zhora.
- Ah!
Copy !req
745. - This is for Pris.
- Ah!
Copy !req
746. Come on, Deckard.
Copy !req
747. I'm right here,
but you've gotta shoot straight.
Copy !req
748. Straight doesn't seem
to be good enough!
Copy !req
749. Now it's my turn.
Copy !req
750. I'm gonna give you a few seconds
before I come.
Copy !req
751. One.
Copy !req
752. Two.
Copy !req
753. Three.
Copy !req
754. Four.
Copy !req
755. Pris.
Copy !req
756. Ah!
Copy !req
757. I'm coming.
Copy !req
758. Deckard!
Copy !req
759. Four, five
Copy !req
760. How to stay alive?
Copy !req
761. I can see you!
Copy !req
762. Not yet!
Copy !req
763. Not...
Copy !req
764. Ah!
Copy !req
765. Five.
Copy !req
766. Five.
Copy !req
767. Yes.
Copy !req
768. You better get it up.
Copy !req
769. Or I'm gonna have to kill you.
Copy !req
770. Unless you're alive, you can't play.
Copy !req
771. And if you don't play...
Copy !req
772. Six, seven
Copy !req
773. Go to hell or go to heaven
Copy !req
774. Good, that's the spirit!
Copy !req
775. That hurt.
Copy !req
776. That was irrational of you.
Copy !req
777. Not to mention...
Copy !req
778. unsportsmanlike.
Copy !req
779. Where are you going?
Copy !req
780. Quite an experience to live in fear,
isn't it?
Copy !req
781. That's what it is to be a slave.
Copy !req
782. I've...
Copy !req
783. seen things
you people wouldn't believe.
Copy !req
784. Attack ships on fire
off the shoulder of Orion.
Copy !req
785. I watched C-beams...
Copy !req
786. glitter in the dark
near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Copy !req
787. All those...
Copy !req
788. moments will be lost...
Copy !req
789. in time...
Copy !req
790. like...
Copy !req
791. tears...
Copy !req
792. in rain.
Copy !req
793. Time to die.
Copy !req
794. You've done a man's job, sir.
Copy !req
795. I guess you're through, huh?
Copy !req
796. Finished.
Copy !req
797. It's too bad she won't live.
Copy !req
798. But then again, who does?
Copy !req
799. Rachael?
Copy !req
800. Rachael?
Copy !req
801. Rachael?
Copy !req
802. Do you love me?
Copy !req
803. I love you.
Copy !req
804. Do you trust me?
Copy !req
805. I trust you.
Copy !req
806. Rachael?
Copy !req
807. It's too bad she won't live.
Copy !req
808. But then again, who does?
Copy !req