1. It is said that
all endings are merely
beginnings waiting to be born.
Copy !req
2. My beginning was
much the same.
Copy !req
3. Once I was a towering giant,
Copy !req
4. ruler of my own universe.
Copy !req
5. Fearless. Beholden to none.
Copy !req
6. Protector of my people.
Copy !req
7. Until I was betrayed.
Copy !req
8. All that I had been,
Copy !req
9. all that I had known,
was stolen from me
by an ever-present evil.
Copy !req
10. My power stripped away,
Copy !req
11. my people enslaved.
Copy !req
12. I was left powerless
to save them.
Copy !req
13. And yet, a part of me
Copy !req
14. My spirit.
Copy !req
15. Captured and preserved
inside a mask worn
by a Toa warrior,
Copy !req
16. its name echoed my rebirth.
Copy !req
17. The Mask of Life!
Copy !req
18. Sorry, little one.
Copy !req
19. You may have noticed,
I am not steady
on my feet yet.
Copy !req
20. I have the feeling
you're trying to
tell me something.
Copy !req
21. Easy. I will not hurt you.
Copy !req
22. Ah, it's the mask
you're interested in.
Copy !req
23. Magnificent!
Copy !req
24. Which you can
see for yourself.
Copy !req
25. Before this day, I never
needed help from anyone
or anything. Thank you.
Copy !req
26. Well, little one,
I spared your life,
you saved mine.
Copy !req
27. Shall we call it even
and go our separate ways?
Copy !req
28. Okay, easy.
It was just a...
Copy !req
29. State your business.
Copy !req
30. Just a traveler looking
for the nearest city.
Copy !req
31. Well, then, you may
as well start digging.
Copy !req
32. Here on Bara Magna,
you're bound to find the
ruins of one or another.
Copy !req
33. That's a joke.
Copy !req
34. Let me guess.
Not a big laugher?
Copy !req
35. Right. Well, to answer your
question, nearest village
is Vulcanus.
Copy !req
36. I've got some business there,
if you want a ride.
Copy !req
37. That is, unless you'd rather
wind up captured by
a pack of bone hunters,
Copy !req
38. or worse, Skrall.
Copy !req
39. What are bone hunters
and Skrall?
Copy !req
40. No one you ever
want to meet.
Hey, you've got a...
Copy !req
41. Relax! You've got
a filthy Scarabax
on your back!
Copy !req
42. I was just trying to knock
the disgusting thing off.
Copy !req
43. Thanks. But I like
him right where he is.
Copy !req
44. All right. Whatever.
Copy !req
45. I'm Metus.
Copy !req
46. I'm Mata Nui.
Copy !req
47. Hold on!
Copy !req
48. What happened here?
Copy !req
49. Who knows? Been like this
long as anyone can remember.
Copy !req
50. But if I had to make a guess
I'd probably say it was...
Copy !req
51. Evil.
Copy !req
52. I was going to
say "earthquake", maybe
"volcanic eruption",
Copy !req
53. but "evil" works.
Copy !req
54. Not from around here,
are you?
Copy !req
55. No.
Copy !req
56. I figured.
It's clear you can fight
if you can defeat a Vorox,
Copy !req
57. and there aren't many Agori
who can do that.
Copy !req
58. Agori?
Copy !req
59. Me! I'm an Agori.
Copy !req
60. Although most aren't
as good-looking as I am.
Copy !req
61. That's another joke.
Copy !req
62. Truth is, we're just peaceful
villagers trying to survive.
Copy !req
63. Not like the bone hunters,
cutthroats who steal
what little we've got left,
Copy !req
64. when they're not fighting
with the Skrall.
Copy !req
65. Good! Sounds
like we're just in time.
Copy !req
66. For what?
Copy !req
67. You'll see.
Copy !req
68. Back in the day,
the villages settled disputes
the old-fashioned way,
Copy !req
69. by destroying each other.
Copy !req
70. Very messy.
Lot of clean-up.
Copy !req
71. So we came up
with a solution.
Copy !req
72. You Agori use your
best warriors for sport?
Copy !req
73. Not sport,
problem solving.
Copy !req
74. Much more honorable
than slaughtering
each other.
Copy !req
75. And considerably
more profitable.
Copy !req
76. Not that I care about
that kind of thing.
Copy !req
77. Come on, Ackar!
Copy !req
78. Take him down!
Copy !req
79. Get him, Strakk!
Copy !req
80. The red warrior, Ackar,
used to be the greatest
Glatorian in all Bara Magna.
Copy !req
81. Metus. Good, you're here.
Look at Ackar.
Copy !req
82. I'm telling you, his days
are numbered. I practically
had to beg him to fight.
Copy !req
83. Mata Nui, meet Raanu.
He's the leader
of this village.
Copy !req
84. Mata Nui's new in town.
Copy !req
85. Hmm.
Copy !req
86. What do you think?
Copy !req
87. He fights without fear.
That is a rare quality.
Copy !req
88. True enough.
But he's lost his
taste for battle.
Copy !req
89. And once a Glatorian
loses heart,
Copy !req
90. it's not long before
he meets defeat
and must be banished.
Copy !req
91. No doubt that is why Metus
brought you here tonight.
Copy !req
92. I don't understand.
Copy !req
93. Let's not get ahead
of ourselves, Raanu.
Copy !req
94. There's plenty of time to
find a new First Glatorian
to take Ackar's place.
Copy !req
95. By the way, did I mention
that I recruit Glatorians?
Copy !req
96. This red warrior fights
with the courage
of a true Toa.
Copy !req
97. He's done it!
Copy !req
98. Get up, Strakk!
Copy !req
99. Concede.
Copy !req
100. Yield to me,
and this goes
no further.
Copy !req
101. All right. You win.
Copy !req
102. You leave with your honor
intact, and I with your
shield, in victory!
Copy !req
103. Watch out!
Copy !req
104. You call this honor?
He was clearly defeated!
Copy !req
105. We're just Agori.
We're not going to
fight a Glatorian.
Copy !req
106. Did you see that?
Copy !req
107. Interesting.
No wonder he's
so fond of that bug.
Copy !req
108. You're finished, old...
Copy !req
109. I'll cut you down
for that, outsider!
Copy !req
110. Too bad.
I'd hoped he'd bring
a decent price.
Copy !req
111. Strakk, no!
Your fight's with me!
Copy !req
112. You're next, Ackar!
Copy !req
113. He asked for it,
now he's going to get it!
Copy !req
114. How in...
Copy !req
115. Concede!
Copy !req
116. Fine.
Copy !req
117. For all to hear!
Copy !req
118. I concede!
Copy !req
119. Who is that stranger?
Copy !req
120. Whose village
will he fight for?
Copy !req
121. Don't.
Copy !req
122. Your victory,
your shield.
Copy !req
123. You won honorably.
The prize of victory
is yours.
Copy !req
124. Well, in that case...
Copy !req
125. I've got plenty
of shields.
Copy !req
126. How quickly they forget.
I am already an outcast.
Copy !req
127. It's never too late
to win them back.
Copy !req
128. Perhaps.
Copy !req
129. I am in
your debt, stranger.
Copy !req
130. You won all these?
Copy !req
131. Yes. And look what
good they do me.
Copy !req
132. Should have packed it
in long before this.
Copy !req
133. But you stayed.
Copy !req
134. Duty. Pride.
Copy !req
135. But a Glatorian past his prime
is no good to anyone.
Copy !req
136. To be defeated
without a fight
would be dishonor.
Copy !req
137. You carry this truth
inside you, as I do.
You are a true Toa.
Copy !req
138. Toa?
Copy !req
139. Mata Nui! You were brilliant!
Raanu will pay
anything we ask.
Copy !req
140. And if you don't like
this village, no problem!
Copy !req
141. I can get the other
leaders to bid for you.
Copy !req
142. That is very kind,
but no.
Copy !req
143. Are you crazy?
Do you realize what
you're passing up?
Copy !req
144. The life of
a First Glatorian!
Copy !req
145. Oh, yes!
Look how great it
worked out for me.
Copy !req
146. The answer is still no.
Copy !req
147. Okay, okay, I hear you.
Copy !req
148. But when you
change your mind...
Copy !req
149. I will not.
Copy !req
150. Playing hard to get.
I can respect that.
Copy !req
151. Soon enough, you'll come
around, begging for me
to take you back.
Copy !req
152. Okay, that's a joke.
You'd never beg.
Copy !req
153. I'm going now.
Copy !req
154. So, stranger,
what are your plans?
Copy !req
155. I begin searching for a way
back to my homeland.
Copy !req
156. Which is?
Copy !req
157. You will think
it sounds crazy.
Copy !req
158. Well, no crazier
than jumping
into the arena
Copy !req
159. armed with only
a tail and that thing.
Copy !req
160. True.
Copy !req
161. My home is
far from this place,
Copy !req
162. on another world entirely.
Copy !req
163. I was once its protector,
until I lost everything
to a powerful evil
Copy !req
164. that has enslaved my people.
That is why I must
find a way back.
Copy !req
165. I knew it!
Copy !req
166. Proof! Proof of
what I've been
saying for years.
Copy !req
167. Kiina! This is
not the place!
Copy !req
168. But I was right!
Copy !req
169. Who is this?
Wait. No, she's...
Copy !req
170. Name's Kiina,
a Glatorian.
One of the best.
Copy !req
171. And you just won
me a lot of bets.
Copy !req
172. "Kiina's delusional!
There's no such thing
as other worlds!"
Copy !req
173. Yeah?
Well, he proves it!
Copy !req
174. It's okay. Although
I don't always agree
with her methods,
Copy !req
175. such as lurking
in the shadows,
Copy !req
176. as Glatorian go,
Kiina ranks.
Copy !req
177. I was right. I was right.
Copy !req
178. I'd trust her with my life.
I was right. I was...
Copy !req
179. Good to meet you, Kiina.
I have recently discovered
Copy !req
180. what a great gift it is
to find someone you
can truly trust.
Copy !req
181. So what they're
saying is true?
Copy !req
182. Let me guess.
You call him Click?
Copy !req
183. Hey! I was
just kidding.
Copy !req
184. I like it. "Click" it is.
Copy !req
185. Wow. A real other-worlder.
Copy !req
186. Finally! Someone to
convince the Agori
Copy !req
187. there's a place
better than this
miserable wasteland.
Copy !req
188. He needs our help, Kiina.
And I owe him.
Copy !req
189. Help, huh?
I might be able to do
something for you.
Copy !req
190. But I'm going to want
something in return.
Copy !req
191. I want out of this dump!
You have to take me
with you!
Copy !req
192. Kiina!
It's all right.
Copy !req
193. If it's within my power,
I will take you,
Copy !req
194. but the time to
help my people
is running out.
Copy !req
195. No problem.
I work fast.
Copy !req
196. What do you have
in mind, Kiina?
Copy !req
197. Well, I discovered
an enormous cavern
under my village.
Copy !req
198. It's filled with weird,
ancient equipment and tools.
Copy !req
199. It might have
something you can use.
Copy !req
200. A word of warning, though,
don't even think
of pulling a fast one,
Copy !req
201. 'cause you're my
ticket out of here.
Copy !req
202. Is the cavern
in that canyon?
Copy !req
203. No, it's near Tajun,
my village,
just beyond the canyon.
Copy !req
204. The Glatorian
are heading for Tajun.
Copy !req
205. You know what to do.
Copy !req
206. I don't like this.
This canyon's ideal
for an ambush.
Copy !req
207. Please! Even bone hunters
aren't dumb enough
Copy !req
208. to take on three Glatorian.
Copy !req
209. They're getting bolder.
Skrall, too.
Copy !req
210. In the past months
they've seemed to know
our every move.
Copy !req
211. True. But don't worry,
it's not like we've got
much worth stealing.
Copy !req
212. Well, maybe Mata Nui does.
Copy !req
213. I meant his blade, bug face!
I can't believe
I'm talking to an insect.
Copy !req
214. When an enemy knows
too much, it can only
mean one thing. A traitor.
Copy !req
215. I was thinking the
same thing. But who?
Copy !req
216. I think we've
got a bigger problem!
Copy !req
217. Skopio!
Copy !req
218. We should turn back!
Copy !req
219. Can't! They're even deadlier!
Copy !req
220. My village! There's another
Glatorian there!
Copy !req
221. Just got to make it through!
Copy !req
222. Hang on! Tight!
Copy !req
223. Help Kiina.
I'll draw the beast
away from you.
Copy !req
224. Good luck.
Copy !req
225. All right, Click, ready?
Copy !req
226. Mata Nui! We're finished
unless we can make it
to my village.
Copy !req
227. Try and get to the chariot.
I have an idea.
Copy !req
228. Going to be close!
Copy !req
229. Where's...
Copy !req
230. Gutsiest move
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
231. Yes! Those bone hunters
are going to be eating
Skopio belly for weeks.
Copy !req
232. Not bad, other-worlder!
Copy !req
233. Kiina!
Copy !req
234. No!
Is that...
Copy !req
235. Tajun. It's Kiina's village.
Copy !req
236. Well, looks like
the Agori got away.
Copy !req
237. The village! Our homes!
This is my fault!
Copy !req
238. I should have
been here to help.
Copy !req
239. Where's Tarix
We had a training
session today.
Copy !req
240. He's just a rookie.
He wouldn't have
been prepared for...
Copy !req
241. There!
Copy !req
242. Gresh! He's hurt!
Copy !req
243. Easy, son. Easy.
Copy !req
244. I'm fine. I'll be fine.
Copy !req
245. Oh.
Copy !req
246. Just shut up
and let us help you.
Copy !req
247. We need to
get out of sight.
Copy !req
248. Your cavern!
Copy !req
249. Right. The entrance
is this way.
Copy !req
250. Skrall,
Copy !req
251. bone hunters,
Copy !req
252. working together.
Copy !req
253. Impossible.
They're rival tribes.
Copy !req
254. No! Kiina, I watched them
destroy your village.
Copy !req
255. Gresh! He isn't...
Copy !req
256. He's still alive.
Copy !req
257. But not for long,
if that savage sees us.
Copy !req
258. Tuma?
Leader of the Skrall?
Copy !req
259. What the boy says
is true.
Copy !req
260. Bone hunters have
joined forces
with the Skrall.
Copy !req
261. They won't find us in here.
Copy !req
262. This way.
Copy !req
263. Wait. These glyphs. I...
Copy !req
264. Later.
Copy !req
265. First we have to t
ake care of Gresh.
The cavern is just ahead.
Copy !req
266. Look at this.
Copy !req
267. Each chamber
contains elements that
were once plentiful
Copy !req
268. on the surface
of Bara Magna.
Copy !req
269. Lay him down over there.
Copy !req
270. Show yourself!
Copy !req
271. Now!
Copy !req
272. Okay, okay, okay. Look,
everything's okay.
It's just me, Berix.
Copy !req
273. You filthy little thief!
Copy !req
274. I told you if I ever caught
you down here again I'd...
Copy !req
275. Oh, hey. This place
doesn't belong to you.
Copy !req
276. And, hey, look, I am not
a thief. I am a collector.
Copy !req
277. Ooh, I like that mask.
Can I have it?
I just wanna...
Copy !req
278. Come here, you!
Copy !req
279. You know, I have a right to
collect anything I want.
Copy !req
280. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
281. You know, it's just junk
no one wants anyways.
Copy !req
282. Then why do you want it?
Copy !req
283. 'Cause I like fixing things.
Copy !req
284. And I'm really good
at it, too.
Copy !req
285. I mean, come on,
who do you think got the
lights working, huh?
Copy !req
286. I was wondering
about that.
Copy !req
287. Hey! You've got a...
Copy !req
288. He knows!
He knows!
Copy !req
289. Ever fix an
injured Glatorian?
Copy !req
290. No way! He's not
touching Gresh.
Copy !req
291. The boy needs help, Kiina.
Copy !req
292. Well, I've had to patch
myself up a few times.
Copy !req
293. Touchy.
Copy !req
294. Yeah, like every time
you've been pounded
on for stealing!
Copy !req
295. "Collecting"! Maybe you
should let me work
on your ears next, Kiina.
Copy !req
296. He better pull through.
Copy !req
297. You got that?
Copy !req
298. Great. No pressure.
Copy !req
299. What if he's the traitor?
Copy !req
300. Then he'll pay.
Copy !req
301. Something wrong?
Copy !req
302. I don't know.
Copy !req
303. There's a familiarity
about this place.
Copy !req
304. It must have been created
by the old rulers
of Bara Magna.
Copy !req
305. Great Beings.
Copy !req
306. The Great Beings
were here?
Copy !req
307. "Great Destroyers"
is more like it.
Copy !req
308. Why do you speak
against the Great Beings?
Copy !req
309. Because they wrecked
our world, that's why.
Copy !req
310. This was Bara Magna before
the Great Beings
left us here to rot.
Copy !req
311. You have no proof
of this, Kiina.
Copy !req
312. They could've just
as easily ended up
buried in the ruins.
Copy !req
313. No. The Great Beings
did not fall here.
That much I am sure of.
Copy !req
314. What is beyond this?
No idea.
Copy !req
315. Never been able
to get it open.
Copy !req
316. Yeah, me neither.
Copy !req
317. But I bet there's something
good through there, huh?
Copy !req
318. Keep dreaming!
And pay attention to
what you're doing, thief.
Copy !req
319. I recognize this symbol.
Copy !req
320. What is all this?
Copy !req
321. It looks like this could
have been some
sort of laboratory.
Copy !req
322. It cannot be!
Copy !req
323. What's wrong?
You look like you've
just seen a ghost.
Copy !req
324. I have.
Copy !req
325. You know that thing?
Copy !req
326. Yes. A gigantic
mechanical being.
Copy !req
327. Just like the one
now enslaving my people.
Copy !req
328. Wait! You think the
Great Beings had
something to do with it!
Copy !req
329. No. The responsibility lies
on my shoulders alone.
Copy !req
330. This place, these symbols.
Copy !req
331. We are on the right track.
Copy !req
332. You have all the fun.
I get the next two.
Copy !req
333. You can have them.
Copy !req
334. Let's move.
We need to warn the villages
Copy !req
335. about the Skrall
and bone hunters uniting.
Copy !req
336. And that we've got
a traitor on the inside.
Copy !req
337. How are you holding up?
Copy !req
338. I'm fine, thanks to Berix.
Copy !req
339. No problem.
Copy !req
340. But I could use a new weapon.
Skrall shredded my blade.
Copy !req
341. Get in line.
Copy !req
342. I might be able to...
Copy !req
343. Don't even think
about it.
Copy !req
344. I am sorry about your
weapons, but I must
continue my journey.
Copy !req
345. What? You're not
going to help us?
Copy !req
346. I have my own
battles to fight.
Copy !req
347. Trust me, Mata Nui,
I've seen you fight.
You're not ready.
Copy !req
348. Stay, and I'll teach you
everything I know.
Copy !req
349. Wait. What you did
with the Vorox tail,
and Click.
Copy !req
350. Could it work with these?
Copy !req
351. I don't know.
This mask gave me new life,
Copy !req
352. but I still don't
completely understand
its power.
Copy !req
353. I think it only works
on things that are,
or were, alive.
Copy !req
354. No problem. Most Glatorian
weapons are made
of bone or claw.
Copy !req
355. Collected a few,
have you?
Copy !req
356. So funny.
Copy !req
357. It's worth a try.
Copy !req
358. Together as one mind.
Copy !req
359. It's working!
Copy !req
360. What in the...
Copy !req
361. Of course! Fire is
your elemental power.
Copy !req
362. The Mask of Life
has simply ignited it.
Copy !req
363. You have become
a true Toa.
Copy !req
364. Thank you, friend.
Copy !req
365. Strange.
Copy !req
366. I have worn many titles,
been called a lot of things,
Copy !req
367. but never "friend".
Copy !req
368. Me next!
Copy !req
369. Unfair! I score this
clawed-out new blade,
Copy !req
370. Mata Nui tells me
I've got awesome Toa powers,
Copy !req
371. but none of you will even
let me test them out.
Copy !req
372. You mean, like this?
Copy !req
373. Oh, come on!
Just a little test?
Copy !req
374. Patience is the first lesson
in becoming a great Glatorian.
Copy !req
375. I think this is pretty great!
Copy !req
376. Whoo!
Copy !req
377. Whoa.
Copy !req
378. Guess it's a standoff!
Copy !req
379. Looks like
I can blow you both away.
Copy !req
380. Better yet, why not
combine them?
Copy !req
381. Enough! There's more to
winning than fancy weapons.
Copy !req
382. And let me tell you, Mata Nui
here isn't the only one
that could use a few tips.
Copy !req
383. Yeah, he totally got...
Copy !req
384. Ow! Ouch.
Copy !req
385. Stop it, both of you.
Pay attention, and you might
actually learn something.
Copy !req
386. Like this!
Copy !req
387. Learn to read your
opponent's next move
Copy !req
388. before it happens.
Copy !req
389. I'm warning you,
I'll bite back.
Copy !req
390. Study their fighting style,
find their weakness,
Copy !req
391. then use it against them,
Copy !req
392. if you can.
Copy !req
393. Where are we?
Copy !req
394. Twin villages of Tesara,
just over this dune.
Copy !req
395. It's good to be home.
Copy !req
396. Sounds like a Glatorian
battle's about to start.
Copy !req
397. Not if I can help it.
Copy !req
398. Why so jumpy, thief?
Rip someone off
around here?
Copy !req
399. Or just looking
for a Skrall spy
to tell our plan to?
Copy !req
400. I am not a traitor,
or a thief.
Copy !req
401. But, you know, I have done
a little collecting
around here,
Copy !req
402. so I'd best lay low
and just... Hey!
Copy !req
403. I do like that.
Look at that. Pretty.
Copy !req
404. Ow! Would you stop it?
Copy !req
405. This is not the time, Berix.
Copy !req
406. Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
407. I told you, Raanu,
pitting Vastus against
Tarix would pack them in.
Copy !req
408. Hope this means
you're ready to...
What a surprise!
Copy !req
409. Welcome, old friends!
Isn't this great?
A sold-out crowd!
Copy !req
410. It's over!
Copy !req
411. Over?
Copy !req
412. What is he talking
about, Metus?
Copy !req
413. Ackar, with all due respect,
you have no authority here.
Copy !req
414. And you're too late.
Copy !req
415. Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Copy !req
416. Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Copy !req
417. Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Copy !req
418. Vastus! Vastus! Vastus!
Copy !req
419. Tarix! Tarix! Tarix!
Copy !req
420. Tarix! Tarix! Tarix!
Copy !req
421. Fighting between
Glatorian must stop!
Copy !req
422. Our real enemy is out there,
massing as I speak!
Copy !req
423. Wait! What are you doing?
Copy !req
424. Mind your own business,
you old fool!
Copy !req
425. Yeah, sit down!
Copy !req
426. Silence! Let him talk!
Copy !req
427. I agree. Speak, Ackar.
Copy !req
428. Thank you, Vastus.
And you, Tarix.
Copy !req
429. Listen to me, everyone!
Copy !req
430. Bone hunters and Skrall
have formed an alliance!
Copy !req
431. It's true! They destroyed
our village, Tarix.
Copy !req
432. Impossible.
Copy !req
433. Kiina speaks the truth!
Copy !req
434. Tajun is gone,
and it's just
the beginning.
Copy !req
435. We must unite,
not fight each other!
Time is running out!
Copy !req
436. There's no way
we can stand up to
the bone hunters.
Copy !req
437. The Skrall are
too powerful!
Copy !req
438. Calm yourselves!
Your village leaders
know what is best for you!
Copy !req
439. We will do as
we always have.
Copy !req
440. Your old ways
will not work.
Copy !req
441. You are facing
a united army now.
Copy !req
442. They will not stop
until your people
are destroyed!
Copy !req
443. This is crazy.
Let's everyone just think!
Copy !req
444. We have no weapons.
How can we fight back?
Copy !req
445. Enough!
Copy !req
446. Yeah, we kind of thought
that might get your attention.
Copy !req
447. Toa Mata Nui has
offered to help us
build up our defenses.
Copy !req
448. Why should we
trust this stranger?
Copy !req
449. Tarix, give Mata Nui
your weapon.
Copy !req
450. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
451. Show you the power
you already possess.
Copy !req
452. I don't believe it.
Copy !req
453. It's incredible.
Copy !req
454. What more proof
do you need?
Copy !req
455. The time to unite
the villages has come!
Copy !req
456. No! Wait, wait!
Copy !req
457. If we agree,
Copy !req
458. do the Glatorians
and Mata Nui swear
to stay and protect us?
Copy !req
459. You do not need to ask
for the allegiance
of the Glatorian.
Copy !req
460. But we cannot speak
for you.
Copy !req
461. I will not pretend
I have anything
left to teach you,
Copy !req
462. but I'll ask, as a friend.
Copy !req
463. Help us.
Copy !req
464. Then as a friend,
I will stay.
Copy !req
465. We fight together!
We fight together!
Copy !req
466. I have to admit, I was
hoping I was wrong.
Copy !req
467. Don't move, traitor!
Copy !req
468. What? No! You've
got it all wrong!
Copy !req
469. I was following...
Copy !req
470. He was
following me.
Copy !req
471. You?
Copy !req
472. Huh?
Copy !req
473. Berix!
Copy !req
474. Hmm.
Copy !req
475. Ackar! Mata Nui! The Skrall
have kidnapped
Kiina and Berix!
Copy !req
476. What
Copy !req
477. I saw them being dragged away
through the hot springs!
Copy !req
478. We must go after them
before they get too far.
Copy !req
479. I'm going with you.
My wound is healed.
I'm ready!
Copy !req
480. No! You can't leave us!
This is just what the
bone hunters want!
Copy !req
481. They'll lead you away,
then wipe us out like
they did in Tajun Village.
Copy !req
482. He's right!
Copy !req
483. You have to stay.
Copy !req
484. Yeah!
I understand your fear.
Copy !req
485. But we cannot turn our
backs on our friends.
Copy !req
486. Kiina is just one Glatorian,
and the other is
a worthless thief!
Copy !req
487. Yeah!
Copy !req
488. No one is worth sacrificing,
no matter how small.
Copy !req
489. We stand by each other,
as a team.
Copy !req
490. So you'd leave
us defenseless?
Copy !req
491. I was once forced to
abandon my own people.
I will not do it again.
Copy !req
492. The Glatorian
will remain here.
Copy !req
493. I will go, alone.
Copy !req
494. No! You can't!
No! No, you can't.
Copy !req
495. We will see
each other again.
Copy !req
496. Let me go with him.
He doesn't stand
a chance alone.
Copy !req
497. Oh, he's not alone.
Copy !req
498. Thought I might
find you up here.
Copy !req
499. Thank you, Ackar,
for everything.
Copy !req
500. I should be thanking you.
Here, this might help.
Copy !req
501. My guess is they'll be here,
at the Skrall camp.
Copy !req
502. I wish I could go with you.
I know, I know, you're ready.
Copy !req
503. Question is,
are they?
Copy !req
504. Uniting these two
villages is a strong start.
Copy !req
505. Let's hope the rest
of the villages survive
long enough to join us.
Copy !req
506. You've learned well, friend.
Copy !req
507. I had a great teacher.
Copy !req
508. The villages
have been linked.
Copy !req
509. Incredible.
Copy !req
510. What is it?
Copy !req
511. I will explain later.
Copy !req
512. It was my cavern,
and you should
have stayed out of it.
Copy !req
513. Oh, really?
Your cavern?
You stole it!
Copy !req
514. You're a thief, just like me.
Copy !req
515. No!
Copy !req
516. And I thought you said
you were a collector,
you little weasel.
Copy !req
517. Now she remembers!
Copy !req
518. How things change when
the metal claw is
on the other foot.
Copy !req
519. That doesn't even make sense!
Look, that cavern
was my secret place,
Copy !req
520. my private sanctuary
from all the
ugliness outside.
Copy !req
521. Can you even
understand that?
Copy !req
522. Yeah. Yeah, I can.
Copy !req
523. You know, look, I've got
feelings, too, you know.
Copy !req
524. And by the way,
I didn't steal them.
Copy !req
525. No, you just collected them.
Copy !req
526. Did you ever think,
maybe you weren't
the only one
Copy !req
527. that needed to believe
there was something more?
Copy !req
528. I got an idea.
Maybe we could
share the cavern.
Copy !req
529. It could be our secret place.
I mean, once the
Glatorians rescue us.
Copy !req
530. 'Cause they are
going to rescue us,
aren't they?
Copy !req
531. Look where
we are, Berix.
Copy !req
532. I wouldn't count on it.
Copy !req
533. Yeah? Well,
then what's that?
Copy !req
534. Yes!
Copy !req
535. So brave!
Copy !req
536. Is he...
Copy !req
537. Alone.
Copy !req
538. I'd hoped all the
Glatorian would come,
Copy !req
539. but it seems they're
even bigger cowards
than I thought.
Copy !req
540. Either he's a madman
Copy !req
541. or he'd like to join
the winning side.
Copy !req
542. Which is it?
Copy !req
543. I am here to fight
for my friends' freedom.
One on one.
Copy !req
544. I don't believe it.
Copy !req
545. Neither does Tuma.
Copy !req
546. Unless the Skrall leader
is the real coward?
Copy !req
547. I'm going to enjoy
tearing that fancy
mask from your face.
Copy !req
548. Dirty, cheating Skrall!
Copy !req
549. Hey, no fair!
Copy !req
550. All too easy.
Copy !req
551. Come on!
Copy !req
552. I can't watch. I can't watch!
I can't watch!
Mata Nui's getting shredded.
Copy !req
553. No! Don't you see?
He's doing what
Ackar taught us.
Copy !req
554. "Study your opponent,
find his weakness."
Copy !req
555. Well, he'd better
find it fast!
Copy !req
556. Did this pathetic weakling
really believe he could
bring down the mighty Tuma?
Copy !req
557. Be careful.
Arrogance can
topple giants.
Copy !req
558. Trust me,
Copy !req
559. I know.
Copy !req
560. That's it! That's it!
Copy !req
561. That's it! Mata Nui found
a weak spot in Tuma's armor,
Copy !req
562. and now he's using it
against him!
Copy !req
563. I get it!
Would you stop?
Copy !req
564. This cannot be!
Copy !req
565. I am the Mighty Tuma!
Copy !req
566. I... I...
Copy !req
567. No!
Copy !req
568. I claim Tuma's
shield in victory!
Copy !req
569. Release my friends!
Copy !req
570. All right!
Copy !req
571. I could always
pick a winner.
Copy !req
572. Now thrown down your shield
and your weapon.
Copy !req
573. That's not a joke.
Copy !req
574. So you were
the traitor all along.
Copy !req
575. Save yourself, my friend.
Copy !req
576. Cursed insect!
Copy !req
577. You coward!
Copy !req
578. Keeping tabs on the
Glatorian so you could
sell us out to the Skrall?
Copy !req
579. Not a coward,
just a good businessman.
Copy !req
580. You were the one
that convinced
them to unite!
Copy !req
581. Of course I did.
Copy !req
582. You think they'd come up
with that on their own?
Copy !req
583. As rival tribes,
the nomads did
little damage,
Copy !req
584. but together,
under one ruler...
Copy !req
585. You'd lead them
against your own people?
Copy !req
586. What have the Agori
ever done for me?
Copy !req
587. Ah, well, let's see.
We trusted you?
Copy !req
588. The Glatorians will
tear you apart for this!
Copy !req
589. She still doesn't
Copy !req
590. We are the only
ones that know.
Copy !req
591. Exactly. And by the time
the Glatorians realize it,
Copy !req
592. the battle will
already be over.
Copy !req
593. I win.
Copy !req
594. Finish them! I've wasted
enough time here.
I have to get back.
Copy !req
595. Unleash the wretched beasts!
If that giant crushes them,
so be it!
Copy !req
596. Where are you going?
Don't run, you idiots!
Copy !req
597. Hey, Mata Nui!
Up here!
Copy !req
598. Mmm.
Copy !req
599. Are you all right?
Copy !req
600. I am now that
I got this back. Thanks!
Copy !req
601. What is that?
Copy !req
602. I believe we are witnessing
the true power of unity.
Copy !req
603. And loyalty.
Copy !req
604. Here, you may need this.
Copy !req
605. Really?
Copy !req
606. Wow.
Copy !req
607. Nobody's ever given me
anything before.
Can I keep it?
Copy !req
608. Only if you survive.
Copy !req
609. Don't worry,
just stay close to me.
Copy !req
610. Hold up!
Aren't we missing
part of the team?
Copy !req
611. Now we are ready.
Copy !req
612. Hey! Wait for me!
Copy !req
613. Well, you know
what I mean.
Copy !req
614. What? No! No, no, no!
Copy !req
615. Oh, no!
Copy !req
616. No!
Copy !req
617. Look out! Okay. I'm all right.
Copy !req
618. No!
Copy !req
619. Oh.
Copy !req
620. What the heck? No trial,
Copy !req
621. no treasure!
Copy !req
622. Oh, not good.
Copy !req
623. They have us outnumbered
10 to one.
Copy !req
624. More like 20!
Copy !req
625. Yeah,
Copy !req
626. but who's counting?
Copy !req
627. Let it be 100.
We have the true power.
Copy !req
628. We fight with honor
and purpose!
Copy !req
629. So the coward flees.
Copy !req
630. Hold them here!
The traitor is mine.
Copy !req
631. What are you waiting for?
Destroy him!
Copy !req
632. Out of my way,
you filthy Vorox.
Copy !req
633. No!
Copy !req
634. Wait. We can make a deal.
I'll give you whatever
you want.
Copy !req
635. I have what I want.
Copy !req
636. You.
Copy !req
637. Stop! What are you doing?
Copy !req
638. No!
Copy !req
639. Now everyone will see you
for what you truly are.
Copy !req
640. You may have defeated me,
Copy !req
641. but you'll never
defeat my united army.
Copy !req
642. Of course.
Copy !req
643. There's too many!
Copy !req
644. They're still coming!
Copy !req
645. We can win this, together.
Copy !req
646. For unity!
Copy !req
647. For unity!
For unity!
Copy !req
648. Now, as one!
Copy !req
649. We did it!
Copy !req
650. Thank you.
Copy !req
651. And I used to think
Scarabax were just
annoying little pests.
Copy !req
652. My apologies, Click.
I will never doubt
you again.
Copy !req
653. I can't believe it's over.
Copy !req
654. And that all of us
are still in one piece.
Copy !req
655. Wait! Where's Berix?
Copy !req
656. Berix?
Copy !req
657. Berix! Berix!
Copy !req
658. I haven't seen
the little guy since...
Copy !req
659. I told him to stick
close to me.
Copy !req
660. Kiina.
Copy !req
661. No! He was
my responsibility!
Copy !req
662. Berix! Berix!
Copy !req
663. Down here!
Copy !req
664. Little help! Help?
Come on. Please?
Copy !req
665. Mmm.
Copy !req
666. You jerk! I thought...
Copy !req
667. Don't ever do that again!
Copy !req
668. You know, I think I liked it
better when you hated me.
Copy !req
669. You can let go now.
Copy !req
670. Don't like parties?
Copy !req
671. Agori from all over
Bara Magna are pulling
together, literally,
Copy !req
672. uniting all the villages.
And we have you
to thank for that.
Copy !req
673. No. I was only
one piece.
Copy !req
674. It took each of us
to complete the whole.
Copy !req
675. This celebration belongs
to the Agori, and you, Ackar,
Copy !req
676. the first leader
of the new united villages.
Copy !req
677. Look. They've done it.
Copy !req
678. Whoa, you seeing
what I'm seeing?
Copy !req
679. Mata Nui, do you think
that you and that giant
Copy !req
680. might be connected
Copy !req
681. Perhaps.
Copy !req
682. But you are looking
at an empty shell,
Copy !req
683. the remains of
what might have
been a great ruler,
Copy !req
684. the guardian of his people.
Copy !req
685. Wait! I've got something.
No, no, no, hold on.
Copy !req
686. Okay. Where is it?
I know I put it over here...
Copy !req
687. Oh, here! Yeah! Okay.
Copy !req
688. I collected it from the secret
chamber a long time ago.
Copy !req
689. Forgot all about it
until I saw that
thing down here.
Copy !req
690. They match!
Copy !req
691. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
692. And wait till you
see the other side.
Copy !req
693. Hey! It's the
same symbol!
Copy !req
694. No. Not a symbol.
Copy !req
695. A map!
Copy !req
696. To where?
Copy !req
697. That is what I must find out.
Copy !req
698. Don't you mean "we"
have to find out?
Remember your promise.
Copy !req
699. You are welcome
to join me.
Copy !req
700. But I have no idea
how long it might take,
or the dangers that await.
Copy !req
701. Thanks to all of you,
I am closer to becoming
the warrior I must be
Copy !req
702. if I am to reclaim my
empire and free my people.
Copy !req
703. This time, though,
you won't need to
face it alone.
Copy !req
704. Yeah.
Copy !req
705. Then, my friends,
our quest begins.
Copy !req