1. One minute.
Copy !req
2. One minute.
Copy !req
3. Hi.
Copy !req
4. - How are you?
- You can go right here.
Copy !req
5. Joining us now is Matt.
He's a certified DEI expert.
Copy !req
6. And, Matt, let's start
with what you do.
Copy !req
7. What is a certified DEI expert?
Copy !req
8. Well, that's someone
who takes you on a journey
Copy !req
9. of diversity and inclusion.
Copy !req
10. And, um, speaking
of journeys, you know,
Copy !req
11. it's all about how
you begin the journey.
Copy !req
12. We covered this in the workshop.
Copy !req
13. I'd like to start with
Copy !req
14. what's called a "land
Copy !req
15. I don't know if you're
familiar with those.
Copy !req
16. Um, I brought, uh, one
along for this broadcast.
Copy !req
17. Uh, so, I'd like to
begin by acknowledging
Copy !req
18. that this broadcast is
airing in the traditional lands
Copy !req
19. of the Ute, the Paiute,
Copy !req
20. the Goshute, and
the Shoshone tribes.
Copy !req
21. These are the peoples
who call this land home
Copy !req
22. before it was ravaged and
ransacked by the white man.
Copy !req
23. And this is a lot of things
Copy !req
24. that we don't
necessarily think about.
Copy !req
25. - Mm-hmm.
- And this is part
Copy !req
26. of the journey that you'd
like to teach other folks
Copy !req
27. - in your workshops.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
28. If you wouldn't mind,
Copy !req
29. I'd go through the
exercise right now.
Copy !req
30. - Uh...
- Go ahead. What is it?
Copy !req
31. So, can we all do it together?
Copy !req
32. - Yeah. Do we stand?
- Yeah. Yeah, we stand for it.
Copy !req
33. - Okay.
- Okay.
Copy !req
34. It's very, very simple. I
start every day like this.
Copy !req
35. So what you're doing
is you're stretching,
Copy !req
36. you're stretching, and this is
more for you and less for you.
Copy !req
37. You're stretching up like this,
Copy !req
38. - and you're stretching out.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
39. What you're doing
is you're stretching
Copy !req
40. out of your whiteness.
Copy !req
41. Okay, so you're
decentering your whiteness.
Copy !req
42. You're stretching
out of your whiteness.
Copy !req
43. You're probably
wondering if this is real.
Copy !req
44. The answer is yes. It's real.
Copy !req
45. That's me. Matt
Walsh. In real life.
Copy !req
46. With the man bun
and the skinny jeans
Copy !req
47. on an actual news show
as a certified DEI expert.
Copy !req
48. If you don't know,
Copy !req
49. DEI stands for diversity,
equity, and inclusion.
Copy !req
50. It's all the rage right now.
Copy !req
51. But you're still
probably asking,
Copy !req
52. what am I doing on this TV show?
Copy !req
53. How did I get there?
Copy !req
54. And how did I become
a certified DEI expert?
Copy !req
55. Well, it's a complicated story.
Copy !req
56. I've been a white
guy my whole life.
Copy !req
57. Growing up in the '90s,
Copy !req
58. I never thought much about race.
Copy !req
59. I mean, yeah, sure,
Copy !req
60. you noticed if
somebody was Black
Copy !req
61. or white or Mexican,
or whatever,
Copy !req
62. but it never really seemed
to matter that much.
Copy !req
63. At least not to me.
Copy !req
64. And we think the vast majority
of Americans are racist?
Copy !req
65. That's what I'm trying...
I totally understand.
Copy !req
66. I think that there is
a significant portion,
Copy !req
67. um, that are racist
Copy !req
68. - and you can't...
- These days, though,
Copy !req
69. we're told that racial
tensions are high.
Copy !req
70. It's all over the media.
Copy !req
71. There are a lot of
racists in this country.
Copy !req
72. We're doing a big story
about race in America.
Copy !req
73. Race in America.
Copy !req
74. Black, Latino,
Copy !req
75. and Indigenous people
are suffering and dying...
Copy !req
76. Violent, white supremacy.
Copy !req
77. - White...
- White...
Copy !req
78. - White entitlement.
- This is America.
Copy !req
79. Overnight growing
national unrest.
Copy !req
80. We've gotta do the work.
Copy !req
81. - Coffee?
- Yes. Thank you.
Copy !req
82. How do you take it?
Copy !req
83. Black.
Copy !req
84. That was awkward.
Copy !req
85. Should I not have said "black"?
Copy !req
86. That's how I like my coffee.
Copy !req
87. I don't like cream.
Is that so wrong?
Copy !req
88. I don't think the two
should be mixed.
Copy !req
89. Okay, that does sound racist.
Copy !req
90. Wait, am I racist?
Copy !req
91. What is racism?
Copy !req
92. If I'm gonna sort this out,
I need to talk to an expert.
Copy !req
93. Preferably someone
outside of my bubble.
Copy !req
94. Somebody who can
speak with authority
Copy !req
95. about the Black
experience in America.
Copy !req
96. Or I'll just talk to
this white woman.
Copy !req
97. This is Kate Slater.
Copy !req
98. She's an anti-racist
scholar and educator.
Copy !req
99. - Hi. Nice...
- Nice to meet ya. How are ya?
Copy !req
100. And you are the co-creator
Copy !req
101. of something called
the Anti-Racist
Copy !req
102. - Roadmap.
- Roadmap. Yeah.
Copy !req
103. So, what... what is that?
Copy !req
104. After 2020, we saw
Copy !req
105. a lot of white people saying,
Copy !req
106. "Okay, I know I
need to do the work,
Copy !req
107. "but I don't know
what the work is."
Copy !req
108. So what is the work?
Copy !req
109. 'Cause I wanna do...
Copy !req
110. - The work.
- Do that.
Copy !req
111. I wanna do it too, but
I don't know what...
Copy !req
112. What is the work?
Copy !req
113. I think, for white
folks, the work is
Copy !req
114. reallocating our
resources and privileges
Copy !req
115. to balance out
systemic inequities.
Copy !req
116. So that means there is
a white person who says,
Copy !req
117. "Okay, I'm ready
to interrupt racism,"
Copy !req
118. or, "I'm gonna be really nice
Copy !req
119. "to that Black or brown person,"
Copy !req
120. because that's the work.
Copy !req
121. But they're never
willing to interrupt
Copy !req
122. their shitty racist uncle.
Copy !req
123. That's a powerful
example for me.
Copy !req
124. You mentioned a racist uncle.
Copy !req
125. - I've got one, too.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
126. Well, you're saying,
Copy !req
127. sometimes we have to
confront those people.
Copy !req
128. Oh, absolutely.
Copy !req
129. Because if you're not going
to confront them, who is?
Copy !req
130. When is the right
age to talk to our kids
Copy !req
131. about their racism?
Copy !req
132. Before they can talk.
Copy !req
133. I mean it. I...
Copy !req
134. So my six-month-old
baby, I used...
Copy !req
135. Why the hell not?
Why the hell not?
Copy !req
136. My six-month-old...
Copy !req
137. And honestly, they've gone
through six months of life,
Copy !req
138. I've never talked to
them about racism.
Copy !req
139. So my daughter's four years old.
Copy !req
140. I am an anti-racist
educator, quote-unquote.
Copy !req
141. She's still watching
Disney movies,
Copy !req
142. and she is choosing
a white princess over
Copy !req
143. princesses of color.
Copy !req
144. Have you talked
to her about that?
Copy !req
145. All the time.
Copy !req
146. My three-year-old
daughter is very...
Copy !req
147. Her favorite princess is Moana.
Copy !req
148. - Love it.
- It's a good sign.
Copy !req
149. - Yeah.
- But then I also thought,
Copy !req
150. you know, it's a little bit of
cultural appropriation here.
Copy !req
151. She wants to be
Moana for Halloween.
Copy !req
152. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
153. So, how do we navigate that?
Copy !req
154. Do I go and buy
Copy !req
155. the Pacific
Islander native attire
Copy !req
156. for my white three-year-old?
Copy !req
157. Um, I wouldn't. I wouldn't.
Copy !req
158. But I guess, what we might
call the Moana problem here
Copy !req
159. is what, uh, on one hand,
is cultural appropriation.
Copy !req
160. On the other hand,
Copy !req
161. there's gravitating
towards white characters.
Copy !req
162. - Right.
- So it's almost like
Copy !req
163. no matter which way you go,
Copy !req
164. - you end up back...
- Right.
Copy !req
165. in racism.
Copy !req
166. We think every
space belongs to us
Copy !req
167. because we live in a
white supremacist society.
Copy !req
168. Is America an
inherently racist country?
Copy !req
169. I think the word "inherent"
is challenging there.
Copy !req
170. - If we say...
- Fundamentally.
Copy !req
171. Fundamentally, yes.
Copy !req
172. America is racist to its bones.
Copy !req
173. - All of the...
- So, inherently.
Copy !req
174. Yeah.
Copy !req
175. Just to put it as
bluntly as possible,
Copy !req
176. am I racist?
Copy !req
177. Every white person in America
has grown up in a country
Copy !req
178. where race and racism make
up the fabric of our society.
Copy !req
179. So I don't think anyone
moves through this world
Copy !req
180. with a non-bias,
non-racist world view.
Copy !req
181. So the answer's
yes, I am racist.
Copy !req
182. You said it
Copy !req
183. What do you recommend
to people for resources
Copy !req
184. if they're just starting
on their anti-racist path?
Copy !req
185. Go to the bookstore
Copy !req
186. if you're not
reading these books.
Copy !req
187. And then applying
what you've learned,
Copy !req
188. taking what you read
about and saying,
Copy !req
189. "Hey, racist uncle,
Copy !req
190. "I think we should
talk about this."
Copy !req
191. That you're no good.
Copy !req
192. I've never, uh, confronted
my own racist uncle.
Copy !req
193. I haven't confronted him.
Copy !req
194. But it's not ever too late.
Copy !req
195. No.
Copy !req
196. No.
Copy !req
197. Sometimes it means
having the conversation
Copy !req
198. that you've been
knowing in your heart,
Copy !req
199. you've been
putting off for years.
Copy !req
200. Hmm.
Copy !req
201. If Kate Slater's right, then
it's all worse than I thought.
Copy !req
202. America is racist
down to its bones.
Copy !req
203. And my Uncle Frank,
Copy !req
204. well, I'll deal with him later.
Copy !req
205. For now, I've got a
lot of reading to do.
Copy !req
206. So we do have
books on anti-racism,
Copy !req
207. uh, kind of all
throughout the store.
Copy !req
208. There's a lot of,
like, newer stuff
Copy !req
209. that tends to go on
the main floor first, but...
Copy !req
210. - Yeah.
- ... the bulk of our section,
Copy !req
211. we keep over here.
Copy !req
212. This is all anti-racism?
Copy !req
213. Yeah. This section is really
just books on anti-racism,
Copy !req
214. and a lot of the
history of racism,
Copy !req
215. particularly in
the United States.
Copy !req
216. Am I even allowed
to touch this one?
Copy !req
217. Some of these
books are provocative.
Copy !req
218. Yes. Definitely.
Copy !req
219. So, what... Am I allowed
to even read this one?
Copy !req
220. I think you're
allowed to read it.
Copy !req
221. I would not
perhaps say the title.
Copy !req
222. So I couldn't call you up
and say, "Do you have..."
Copy !req
223. You might say it's a
book that starts with "N"
Copy !req
224. - and it's by this author.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
225. If you were looking
for that in particular.
Copy !req
226. That's probably a level up
Copy !req
227. from where I am.
Copy !req
228. How many of these do
you think we need to...
Copy !req
229. need to get through before
we can really understand?
Copy !req
230. Start with one book, let
it sit, see how you feel.
Copy !req
231. I feel like reading one
book kind of gets you
Copy !req
232. into a place where it's like,
Copy !req
233. "You know what? I do
want to do more about this."
Copy !req
234. These are all staff
Copy !req
235. Uh, they're all fiction,
written by diverse authors,
Copy !req
236. and they're all pretty fun.
Copy !req
237. Dumb question. You
said diverse authors.
Copy !req
238. What's a diverse person?
Copy !req
239. Uh, that would be basically
people who aren't white,
Copy !req
240. essentially.
Copy !req
241. - So, Black, Latinx...
- So we can't...
Copy !req
242. Native American, Asian...
Copy !req
243. So everybody who's
not white is diverse.
Copy !req
244. Well...
Copy !req
245. Unless you're... say, gay.
Copy !req
246. Yeah. I mean,
Copy !req
247. it's not just reading Black
people, but, you know,
Copy !req
248. every... Like, there are
a lot of different groups
Copy !req
249. that have faced persecution,
and have had a hard time,
Copy !req
250. and, you know,
just being a white,
Copy !req
251. straight, cisgender
person, usually a man,
Copy !req
252. it's like kind of
the top of the pile.
Copy !req
253. - But, uh...
- That's me.
Copy !req
254. So I'm on the top of the pile.
Copy !req
255. - Uh... You know...
- Where should I start?
Copy !req
256. White Women, uh,
Copy !req
257. by Regina Jackson and Saira Rao.
Copy !req
258. Race 2 Dinner is a
thing that they do, uh...
Copy !req
259. Basically, this
book is saying, like,
Copy !req
260. "We need to stop
being nice about racism,"
Copy !req
261. 'cause nothing has been
advanced by being nice.
Copy !req
262. White Fragility by
Robin DiAngelo.
Copy !req
263. Hearing from
another white person
Copy !req
264. about ways to have
these conversations,
Copy !req
265. and ways to break through
your own white fragility,
Copy !req
266. I think, is a really
good place to start.
Copy !req
267. Well, a lot to learn,
Copy !req
268. but we have all
the materials here,
Copy !req
269. I think...
Copy !req
270. to start the journey.
Copy !req
271. Beautiful bookstore.
Copy !req
272. Thank you. We're fond of it.
Copy !req
273. Thank you.
Copy !req
274. Have a good day.
Copy !req
275. Robin DiAngelo's 2018
book, White Fragility,
Copy !req
276. catapulted to the top
Copy !req
277. of the New York
Times best sellers' list.
Copy !req
278. Robin DiAngelo is a sociologist,
Copy !req
279. and she's author of this book.
Copy !req
280. Everyone, please check
out her book, White Fragility.
Copy !req
281. Everyone else in the world has.
Copy !req
282. White Fragility, which
is, in many cases,
Copy !req
283. the Bible for white people...
Copy !req
284. This is the book
that we'll be reading.
Copy !req
285. - White Fragility.
- Crucial and seminal book.
Copy !req
286. New York Times best-selling list
Copy !req
287. for the third year.
Copy !req
288. "Racism is the norm
rather than an aberration.
Copy !req
289. "Anti-Blackness is foundational
Copy !req
290. "to our very identities
as white people."
Copy !req
291. As a white person,
Copy !req
292. I was just raised to
expect the world to be mine.
Copy !req
293. That's how difficult we are.
Copy !req
294. Wow.
Copy !req
295. That's how big,
uh, a-holes we are.
Copy !req
296. Yeah.
Copy !req
297. "White identity is
inherently racist.
Copy !req
298. "White people do not exist
Copy !req
299. "outside the system
of white supremacy."
Copy !req
300. When we say "I'm not
racist," what we're conveying
Copy !req
301. is that we're clueless
about what racism is.
Copy !req
302. And I would just
ask white Americans
Copy !req
303. to remove that phrase
from their vocabulary.
Copy !req
304. "I'm not racist."
Copy !req
305. "Anger, fear, and guilts,
Copy !req
306. "and behavior such as
argumentation silence
Copy !req
307. "and withdrawal.
These responses work to
Copy !req
308. "maintain our dominance
within the racial hierarchy.
Copy !req
309. "I conceptualize this
process as white fragility."
Copy !req
310. Robin DiAngelo was right.
Copy !req
311. Coming to terms
with my whiteness
Copy !req
312. was not going to be easy.
Copy !req
313. Fortunately, I found
a support group
Copy !req
314. that can help me
with my white privilege,
Copy !req
315. run by an anti-racist expert
who specializes in grief.
Copy !req
316. Her fee was $30,000
to host this workshop,
Copy !req
317. so, obviously, she
must be the best.
Copy !req
318. But I'm worried that, as a
well-known conservative,
Copy !req
319. the support group may not
welcome me into their fold.
Copy !req
320. Maybe I'll use a different name
Copy !req
321. to help me blend in.
Copy !req
322. Whatever it takes to
continue this journey.
Copy !req
323. All right. So, typically, I like
Copy !req
324. to open up the space
with a brief meditation,
Copy !req
325. so if you feel comfortable,
Copy !req
326. please ground
yourself in your seats.
Copy !req
327. Close your eyes
Copy !req
328. and just allow yourself to
be fully present in the space.
Copy !req
329. Whatever that means.
Copy !req
330. Are we meditating?
Copy !req
331. Okay. Sorry.
Copy !req
332. When you are
ready, open your eyes
Copy !req
333. and rejoin the space.
Copy !req
334. All right. So is
everybody excited
Copy !req
335. to talk about
anti-racism and grief?
Copy !req
336. Absolutely.
Copy !req
337. Okay.
Copy !req
338. So, I usually like
to get this started
Copy !req
339. by just introducing ourselves.
Copy !req
340. If you could please
pronounce your name.
Copy !req
341. Uh, please share your pronouns,
Copy !req
342. how you're feeling today,
Copy !req
343. as well as the
weirdest compliment
Copy !req
344. you have ever received.
Copy !req
345. My name is Dan. Uh,
my pronouns are he/him.
Copy !req
346. I'm feeling excited today.
Copy !req
347. And then the weirdest compliment
Copy !req
348. I think I've ever received...
Copy !req
349. I was in the online
dating sphere,
Copy !req
350. and I've gotten the "you
look much better in person."
Copy !req
351. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
352. Um...
Copy !req
353. If you wanna stand, you can,
Copy !req
354. - totally, it's okay.
- Okay, I'll just sit down.
Copy !req
355. Uh, I'm Steven.
Copy !req
356. Uh, pronouns, I'll...
Copy !req
357. you know, I'll have to
get back to you on that.
Copy !req
358. Um, I'm feeling
excited, uh, nervous.
Copy !req
359. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
360. Uh, present.
Copy !req
361. A little hungry. But...
Copy !req
362. The strangest
compliment I've ever gotten
Copy !req
363. is I've been complimented, uh,
Copy !req
364. on the number of Black
friends that I have...
Copy !req
365. Hmm... in the past.
Copy !req
366. So, it's 17, um...
Copy !req
367. it's a number, but, you know...
Copy !req
368. Sometimes it
comes up, but, um...
Copy !req
369. That's what people
have said, so...
Copy !req
370. Hmm.
Copy !req
371. Thank you, everybody,
Copy !req
372. for being willing to participate
Copy !req
373. and for, first and
foremost, being here.
Copy !req
374. We will not end systemic racism.
Copy !req
375. It is not possible for us
to dismantle a system
Copy !req
376. that has been
around for 400 years,
Copy !req
377. and has effectively
and efficiently
Copy !req
378. destroyed the lives
of millions of people.
Copy !req
379. You all have been
grandfathered into the system.
Copy !req
380. We are here to focus on you
Copy !req
381. and your experience
and your grief
Copy !req
382. because that is the source
Copy !req
383. of downstream
anti-Blackness and racism.
Copy !req
384. And quite frankly, I pray to God
Copy !req
385. you all feel this uncomfortable.
Copy !req
386. I will be so happy if you all
feel extremely uncomfortable,
Copy !req
387. if you are truly looking
at what white supremacy
Copy !req
388. has done to not only, um,
Copy !req
389. African Americans,
but to yourselves.
Copy !req
390. You are here to sit
amidst whatever suffering
Copy !req
391. and pain you are experiencing
Copy !req
392. for the sake of the
liberation of others.
Copy !req
393. That is love.
Copy !req
394. I don't know if
any of you grew up
Copy !req
395. with a Christian
background. I did.
Copy !req
396. Uh...
Copy !req
397. But love is also not
always patient and kind.
Copy !req
398. When we are talking
about systemic oppression,
Copy !req
399. and the role that we
are playing to mitigate it,
Copy !req
400. patience is not needed.
Copy !req
401. People are dying.
Copy !req
402. Kindness is not
what is called for.
Copy !req
403. We are here to
talk about the fact
Copy !req
404. that Black Americans
are not safe.
Copy !req
405. If I'm going to be quite frank,
Copy !req
406. when I do this work,
and these types of circles,
Copy !req
407. I'm not safe.
Copy !req
408. But I do them out of necessity.
Copy !req
409. Why are you...
Copy !req
410. Why are you not
safe in the circle?
Copy !req
411. Being an African American
Copy !req
412. in primarily white spaces
is not safe for me mentally
Copy !req
413. or emotionally.
Copy !req
414. We will go into more
depth about that,
Copy !req
415. but I appreciate that question.
Copy !req
416. These topics may be
difficult, and at times,
Copy !req
417. you may feel overcome
by emotions. That's okay.
Copy !req
418. There is a room to the left.
Copy !req
419. If you find that your
emotions are, um,
Copy !req
420. interfering with
the group process,
Copy !req
421. I kindly ask you to step aside.
Copy !req
422. Um, so can we start with you?
Copy !req
423. I'm here because...
Copy !req
424. I feel like I've been
socialized to be an asshole,
Copy !req
425. and that doesn't feel good.
Copy !req
426. And my promise to
the Black community
Copy !req
427. is to lean into
Copy !req
428. being brave and uncomfortable,
Copy !req
429. and to love in
inconvenient ways.
Copy !req
430. Thank you.
Copy !req
431. Well, I'm here on
a journey towards
Copy !req
432. a brighter future,
uh, for myself
Copy !req
433. and for, you know,
hopefully, the world.
Copy !req
434. My promise to myself is love.
Copy !req
435. To love myself.
Copy !req
436. Which is so important,
Copy !req
437. and I've struggled
so much with that.
Copy !req
438. I've struggled so much with it
Copy !req
439. in my life, to
find myself. Um...
Copy !req
440. My promise to the
Black communities...
Copy !req
441. to be so much better.
Copy !req
442. So much better than
I have been to them.
Copy !req
443. To be better in so
many better ways.
Copy !req
444. To better myself.
To better the world.
Copy !req
445. And I know that I
haven't been better.
Copy !req
446. I haven't been.
Copy !req
447. But I'm going to be.
Copy !req
448. That's my promise.
Copy !req
449. Thank you.
Copy !req
450. Oh.
Copy !req
451. I am here with the intention
Copy !req
452. to understand
Copy !req
453. and learn and, um...
Copy !req
454. - dig a little bit into...
- I'm sorry, can I...
Copy !req
455. I forgot one other thing
I wanted to promise
Copy !req
456. - the Black community.
- Um...
Copy !req
457. It's really important
that we don't interrupt
Copy !req
458. each other during the group.
Copy !req
459. - Oh, I'm sorry.
- But I appreciate...
Copy !req
460. I have one other
promise for the Black...
Copy !req
461. - We can circle back around.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
462. Are we going to
circle back around?
Copy !req
463. No. No. Uh...
Copy !req
464. Other things will come up.
That's part of the process.
Copy !req
465. But I want to be very sure
Copy !req
466. that we respect
everybody's time.
Copy !req
467. Okay. I didn't want someone
else to take my promise
Copy !req
468. to the Black community
that I was gonna make.
Copy !req
469. Well, thank you.
Please continue.
Copy !req
470. The promise that I
am making to myself
Copy !req
471. is to be elastic.
Copy !req
472. To use my voice
and my privilege,
Copy !req
473. to be heard.
Copy !req
474. Uh, to...
Copy !req
475. That's what I was
gonna say, but...
Copy !req
476. - Please allow her to finish.
- Sorry.
Copy !req
477. If we think about the
construction of whiteness
Copy !req
478. as an identity,
Copy !req
479. it makes sense that the
seeds of white supremacy
Copy !req
480. are buried within
your subconscious,
Copy !req
481. whether or not you realize
it, and without your consent.
Copy !req
482. It is often uncommon
for white Americans
Copy !req
483. to be aware of their privilege,
Copy !req
484. let alone how it's functioning
on a day-to-day basis.
Copy !req
485. You said, a moment ago...
Copy !req
486. - Um, there'll be an oppor...
- Can I say something?
Copy !req
487. Uh, yes. Ask a question.
Copy !req
488. You said, a moment ago,
Copy !req
489. that the seeds of
white supremacy
Copy !req
490. - are in all of us.
- Yes.
Copy !req
491. How do we get them out?
Copy !req
492. That's what the presentation...
Copy !req
493. We're going through the
presentation to discuss that.
Copy !req
494. If there is another
Copy !req
495. I'm going to have to
respectfully ask you
Copy !req
496. to step out and go to the
second room to the left.
Copy !req
497. But next time, I am gonna
have to ask you to leave, okay?
Copy !req
498. Leave for good?
Copy !req
499. Just until you're able
to rejoin the group
Copy !req
500. and participate
without interruption.
Copy !req
501. - Yeah?
- That's fair.
Copy !req
502. Okay. Thank you.
Copy !req
503. White supremacy has
essentially created a system
Copy !req
504. driven by grief,
Copy !req
505. and that is why we
are here to discuss
Copy !req
506. white grief in particular.
Copy !req
507. I would like you
to close your eyes
Copy !req
508. and spend the next 30 seconds
Copy !req
509. thinking about,
Copy !req
510. what does that loss
feel like in your body?
Copy !req
511. It feels like a thousand knives
Copy !req
512. plunging into my soul.
Copy !req
513. And a sack being...
Copy !req
514. hit by bats and bricks.
Copy !req
515. And the whole sack is
thrown into the ocean.
Copy !req
516. Thank you.
Copy !req
517. That's what it feels like.
Copy !req
518. And it's very... it's...
Copy !req
519. - Oh, um...
- What?
Copy !req
520. We're moving to her now.
Copy !req
521. I... I didn't finish.
Copy !req
522. Please finish.
Copy !req
523. Um...
Copy !req
524. The sack's thrown
into the ocean,
Copy !req
525. then the sack's taken out,
Copy !req
526. and it's set on fire.
Copy !req
527. - Thank you.
- That's what it feels like.
Copy !req
528. I have spent a lot of time
in primarily white spaces.
Copy !req
529. For better or worse. So...
Copy !req
530. And that has come with a cost.
Copy !req
531. How long will it take until
Copy !req
532. the next microaggression
comes up?
Copy !req
533. These are things
that I carry every time
Copy !req
534. I am in a room with
primarily white people.
Copy !req
535. You're safe here.
Copy !req
536. I think I speak for
all of us when I say,
Copy !req
537. in this room...
Copy !req
538. I...
Copy !req
539. - One more interruption...
- White folks.
Copy !req
540. I'm gonna have to
ask you to step out again.
Copy !req
541. Okay. I just wanted
to reassure you.
Copy !req
542. Thank you. I appreciate that.
Copy !req
543. - I just want to.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
544. So, what do you
feel in your body
Copy !req
545. when you hear the
term "white people"?
Copy !req
546. I feel, like, a cringe about it.
Copy !req
547. "Cringe" is a good word.
Copy !req
548. - Cringe? Yeah?
- I couldn't pick a word,
Copy !req
549. - but that's a very good one.
- Okay.
Copy !req
550. As soon as you asked
the question, I felt,
Copy !req
551. inside, like a gut...
Copy !req
552. a little bit of a poke. "Ugh."
Copy !req
553. And I think it's for
all of the reasons,
Copy !req
554. - but also a little anger...
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
555. at whiteness
as, um, that lie.
Copy !req
556. Just, "ugh!"
Copy !req
557. Mm-hmm. Thank you.
Copy !req
558. The thing about...
Copy !req
559. I'm gonna step out for a moment.
Copy !req
560. Thank you. Appreciate that.
Copy !req
561. The thing about...
Copy !req
562. Which one is the cry room?
Copy !req
563. The second door to the left.
Copy !req
564. Thank you.
Copy !req
565. My time in the cry room
Copy !req
566. allowed me some much-needed
reflection and self-care,
Copy !req
567. but with me out of the room,
Copy !req
568. the group put two and
two together and realized
Copy !req
569. who I actually was.
Copy !req
570. Not a guy named Steven.
Copy !req
571. When I finally returned,
Copy !req
572. things were
drastically different.
Copy !req
573. When I do this work,
the, uh, white participants
Copy !req
574. in the group feel that there's
something in themselves
Copy !req
575. that they have to overcome.
Copy !req
576. When all that's
Copy !req
577. being requested of you...
Copy !req
578. is that you be.
Copy !req
579. - Hello.
- Hi.
Copy !req
580. How are you?
Copy !req
581. - Sorry about that.
- Oh, no problem.
Copy !req
582. - You good?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
583. Remind me of your name again?
Copy !req
584. Uh... Uh, Steven.
Copy !req
585. Steven? Yeah? Okay.
Copy !req
586. Um...
Copy !req
587. - Did you want to come up?
- Come up?
Copy !req
588. Yeah. Do you wanna come
up and share anything?
Copy !req
589. Sure. What do you
want me to share?
Copy !req
590. Whatever's on your mind.
Copy !req
591. I just want to know that,
like, my physical safety
Copy !req
592. and yours and everybody
else's here is okay.
Copy !req
593. Why would your physical
safety not be okay?
Copy !req
594. Did I miss something?
Copy !req
595. I don't feel comfortable.
Copy !req
596. What... Can you guys
Copy !req
597. catch me up to speed
on what's going on here?
Copy !req
598. You don't need to be caught up.
Copy !req
599. We're gonna be silent.
Copy !req
600. Is it because I said I
had 17 Black friends?
Copy !req
601. It might have been 15. I...
Copy !req
602. It depends on how
you count them.
Copy !req
603. I would really
appreciate it if you left,
Copy !req
604. so that the people who
actually want to be here
Copy !req
605. and deserve to be here
can get what they need.
Copy !req
606. - I do want to be here.
- Can you please leave?
Copy !req
607. I would like it if you left.
Copy !req
608. I'm trying to learn.
I'm on this journey.
Copy !req
609. Come with me.
Copy !req
610. - Well...
- Thank you.
Copy !req
611. I didn't... I didn't
consent to be touched.
Copy !req
612. I'm not offering to touch you.
Copy !req
613. I'm offering to walk you out.
Copy !req
614. Will you walk with me, and
I'll answer your questions?
Copy !req
615. Okay. I'll admit it.
Copy !req
616. I'll admit it. My
name's not Steven.
Copy !req
617. Hmm.
Copy !req
618. Maybe you already knew that.
Copy !req
619. My name is Matt Walsh.
Copy !req
620. - Mm-hmm - Mm-hmm. We know.
Copy !req
621. I just was here on this...
Copy !req
622. on this journey that
I'm just starting, but...
Copy !req
623. I see that I'm not wanted.
Copy !req
624. If you were on your journey,
Copy !req
625. then you would've
told us who you were
Copy !req
626. and your real
name, but you didn't.
Copy !req
627. - Please leave.
- Are you saying
Copy !req
628. I need a better disguise?
Is that what you...
Copy !req
629. I don't know. Maybe.
Copy !req
630. But you can figure that
out as you walk out the door.
Copy !req
631. How did you get in here?
Copy !req
632. We all had an invitation.
Copy !req
633. - Maybe.
- Yeah. Maybe.
Copy !req
634. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
635. I really had a transformative
experience myself.
Copy !req
636. And my pronouns are he/him.
Copy !req
637. I did everything
I could to fit in.
Copy !req
638. I opened up.
Copy !req
639. I was raw and emotional.
Copy !req
640. I told them about
my Black friends.
Copy !req
641. It was no use. They rejected me.
Copy !req
642. And they called the police.
Copy !req
643. My mere presence in the
room caused them pain.
Copy !req
644. I'll never be accepted
if I look like this.
Copy !req
645. If they know that
I'm Matt Walsh,
Copy !req
646. I'll always be an outsider.
Copy !req
647. I need to go deeper undercover.
Copy !req
648. A whole new identity.
Copy !req
649. If I want to be an ally,
I need to look like one.
Copy !req
650. Like someone who is progressive,
Copy !req
651. tolerant, enlightened.
Copy !req
652. Let me think.
Copy !req
653. Have I ever met
anyone like that?
Copy !req
654. Ah, yes.
Copy !req
655. Yes, I have.
Copy !req
656. What is a woman?
Copy !req
657. Why do you ask that question?
Copy !req
658. It's time to get serious
about my anti-racist training.
Copy !req
659. And it's not gonna be cheap.
Copy !req
660. - Nice to meet you.
- I'm Matt. How are you?
Copy !req
661. - Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
662. I guess I'll take my seat here.
Copy !req
663. What is race?
Copy !req
664. So it emerged in the
late 1600s essentially.
Copy !req
665. Did race exist as
a reality before?
Copy !req
666. We made race exist.
Copy !req
667. Now that we've talked a
little bit about what race is,
Copy !req
668. then what is racism?
Copy !req
669. Robin DiAngelo,
so she's the author
Copy !req
670. of the book, White Fragility.
Copy !req
671. She talks about
the system of racism
Copy !req
672. that we have in the US is
based on white supremacy.
Copy !req
673. This is why a conversation
about reparations
Copy !req
674. and about repair is important.
Copy !req
675. Ultimately, should we be
a colorblind society is what
Copy !req
676. Martin Luther King
said, not to judge people
Copy !req
677. by the color of their skin.
Copy !req
678. Um, so Martin Luther
King said a lot of stuff,
Copy !req
679. but he knew about institutional,
Copy !req
680. interpersonal and
internalized racism.
Copy !req
681. I've been told, because
I'm a white male,
Copy !req
682. I'm kind of at
the top of the pile.
Copy !req
683. How do I get down from the top
Copy !req
684. if I say I don't want
that advantage?
Copy !req
685. Um...
Copy !req
686. I don't think you
necessarily can.
Copy !req
687. The reason we cannot
be colorblind now
Copy !req
688. is because we're still
working on the problem.
Copy !req
689. I'm DEI certified. How are you?
Copy !req
690. DEI certified. I'm here to help.
Copy !req
691. DEI certified. If you need
some help, let me know, sir.
Copy !req
692. I'm DEI certified.
Copy !req
693. - What?
- What?
Copy !req
694. Let me know if you need
some help. I'm DEI certified.
Copy !req
695. Oh, good.
Copy !req
696. If you need any
help, just let me know.
Copy !req
697. My name's Matt.
I am, uh, certified
Copy !req
698. in diversity, equity,
and inclusion.
Copy !req
699. Just got my certification.
Copy !req
700. Just letting you know
I am DEI certified.
Copy !req
701. - DEI certified.
- What is DEI?
Copy !req
702. You're in good hands
here. I am qualified to have
Copy !req
703. these kinds of
important dialogues.
Copy !req
704. So I guess I'll start with,
Copy !req
705. where are you guys in
your anti-racist journeys?
Copy !req
706. Just talk to me about, uh,
decentering your whiteness
Copy !req
707. and where you
are on that journey.
Copy !req
708. - "Decentering my whiteness."
- Yeah.
Copy !req
709. Why do I have to go
away from my whiteness
Copy !req
710. and decentralize it?
Copy !req
711. I recently actually took
a masters level course,
Copy !req
712. um, about inclusion
and diversity.
Copy !req
713. Have you heard of
Copy !req
714. I have not.
Copy !req
715. Couple of different
prestigious institutions.
Copy !req
716. We all go to different
schools, but go ahead.
Copy !req
717. There were some things that,
Copy !req
718. you know, kind of brought
to my thought process
Copy !req
719. during that course
that I had never...
Copy !req
720. - Like what?
- ... thought about before.
Copy !req
721. Um, just about my own thinking.
Copy !req
722. When you start thinking
about how you feel,
Copy !req
723. but you maybe
don't want to feel.
Copy !req
724. Does that make sense?
Copy !req
725. It does make sense.
What do you mean?
Copy !req
726. Um...
Copy !req
727. All I know is that, like,
Copy !req
728. I am white, and I am not racist.
Copy !req
729. That's how we, uh,
deal with racism?
Copy !req
730. We just... We just say,
"Oh, it's not happening."
Copy !req
731. Yeah, the more
you talk about it,
Copy !req
732. the more you are blatantly
acknowledging race.
Copy !req
733. And if you wanna forget it...
Copy !req
734. - We have to acknowledge it.
- You need to shut up about it.
Copy !req
735. I don't want to forget about it.
Copy !req
736. It's cool, like, you can
flash your card all you want,
Copy !req
737. but you gotta be a real
human at some point in your life.
Copy !req
738. - Did you see the card?
- I don't give a damn
Copy !req
739. - about your card, bro.
- Let's see it.
Copy !req
740. Look, we're not gonna solve
racism in this conversation,
Copy !req
741. but we can all agree
Copy !req
742. that you guys have
some things to learn.
Copy !req
743. I feel like you're the
most racist person
Copy !req
744. I've ever talked to.
Copy !req
745. One of us got the license,
the other one didn't, so...
Copy !req
746. You just sound like
a really racist person.
Copy !req
747. That I am. I've realized that.
Copy !req
748. - I've been told that.
- Why do you admit that?
Copy !req
749. Because denying it
doesn't make it go away.
Copy !req
750. We can't all be
certified experts.
Copy !req
751. I mean, I am,
Copy !req
752. but we can't all be.
Copy !req
753. All right.
Copy !req
754. We're still on a journey,
all of us together.
Copy !req
755. - Yeah.
- That's my motto.
Copy !req
756. I think you got some
journeying to do.
Copy !req
757. I know I make this look easy,
Copy !req
758. but DEI work is
harder than you think.
Copy !req
759. I still have a lot to learn.
Copy !req
760. A viral video from September
Copy !req
761. at ASU's multi-cultural
center ignited a firestorm.
Copy !req
762. - What'd I do wrong?
- You have a bag...
Copy !req
763. You're... You're offensive.
Copy !req
764. You're making this
space uncomfortable.
Copy !req
765. uncomfortable.
Copy !req
766. But you're white.
Copy !req
767. This white man thinks
he can take up our space,
Copy !req
768. and this is why we need
a multi-cultural space.
Copy !req
769. You are racist! Your
sticker's racist because
Copy !req
770. you can choose to be a cop,
Copy !req
771. you can choose to kill
people with a badge,
Copy !req
772. and you're protecting that shit,
Copy !req
773. which means that you're racist!
Copy !req
774. Meet the charming
young lady from that video.
Copy !req
775. Sarra Tekola.
Copy !req
776. Founding member of
Black Lives Matter, Phoenix.
Copy !req
777. She has a Ph.D. in
Sustainability, which means
Copy !req
778. something really
important, I'm sure.
Copy !req
779. She's agreed to help me
learn how to decolonize myself.
Copy !req
780. For a $1,500 fee, of course.
Copy !req
781. So let's just get
this kicked off.
Copy !req
782. I'm a white guy myself.
Copy !req
783. What's up with white people?
Copy !req
784. Um, where do we start?
Copy !req
785. Let me reframe the
question a little bit.
Copy !req
786. What's wrong with white people?
Copy !req
787. A lot of it has to do
with cognitive dissidence
Copy !req
788. which allows, um, white people
Copy !req
789. to feel okay about
what happened.
Copy !req
790. There's actually a lot of
studies on Nazi doctors,
Copy !req
791. and how they were able
to, um, live with themselves.
Copy !req
792. Um, and it's not that much
different than white Americans
Copy !req
793. or white people
around the world, right?
Copy !req
794. It's this splitting of the self.
Copy !req
795. And so, um,
Copy !req
796. you have this part
of you that knows
Copy !req
797. that they did wrong,
the shadow self,
Copy !req
798. and that you have to split that.
Copy !req
799. And you have the
other self that's like,
Copy !req
800. "Oh, I didn't do anything wrong.
Copy !req
801. "Racism? Why are you blaming me
Copy !req
802. "for what my ancestors
did? It's not my fault."
Copy !req
803. Is racism inherent to whiteness?
Copy !req
804. I would say so.
Copy !req
805. I would say that we
need to abolish whiteness.
Copy !req
806. It's always been rooted in
othering the other people
Copy !req
807. who don't fit into whiteness,
Copy !req
808. but when we look
at white culture,
Copy !req
809. the only thing
about white culture
Copy !req
810. is buying things
and stealing things.
Copy !req
811. How do I...
Copy !req
812. confront my shadow,
my shadow self?
Copy !req
813. Acknowledging the
parts of you that are racist,
Copy !req
814. and then being able to
unpack and unlearn those.
Copy !req
815. Could I say, if someone
called me racist,
Copy !req
816. could I say, "Well,
I'm not racist."
Copy !req
817. "My shadow self
is, but I'm not"?
Copy !req
818. It's the splitting of the self.
Copy !req
819. Like I said in the beginning
about Nazi doctors.
Copy !req
820. The fact that you have
two selves is a problem.
Copy !req
821. The more that you
can merge it together,
Copy !req
822. then you could be able to
acknowledge these dark sides.
Copy !req
823. But I don't want to merge it,
Copy !req
824. because the
shadow self is racist,
Copy !req
825. so I don't want to be
merged, right? I want to...
Copy !req
826. - separate.
- No. You have to.
Copy !req
827. Yeah, because, uh, the thing is,
Copy !req
828. when you don't
merge them together,
Copy !req
829. your shadow self is
out here being racist,
Copy !req
830. and you're not even aware of it,
Copy !req
831. because that self, right...
Copy !req
832. So I gotta pull him in. I
gotta merge him with mine.
Copy !req
833. - Yeah.
- But then make it all...
Copy !req
834. - Yeah.
- ... not racist.
Copy !req
835. Yes.
Copy !req
836. I'm wondering, where do I
go from here as an individual
Copy !req
837. on this anti-racist journey?
Copy !req
838. You just know
whose land you're on.
Copy !req
839. Our existence as Americans
Copy !req
840. is predicated on other
people's suffering.
Copy !req
841. Learn about who is suffering
Copy !req
842. because of our existence
on... on this stolen land.
Copy !req
843. It is important to feel bad,
Copy !req
844. um, about what
your ancestors did.
Copy !req
845. - Embrace the pain.
- Yes.
Copy !req
846. To be a good ally, I
need to be an activist.
Copy !req
847. Our nation is littered with
relics from our racist past.
Copy !req
848. I'm on a mission to
right historical wrongs.
Copy !req
849. I needed some
help, so I asked Ben,
Copy !req
850. one of my 17 Black friends,
Copy !req
851. to join me on my quest
to change the world.
Copy !req
852. We have a petition.
Copy !req
853. Uh, we're hoping that maybe
you'd be willing to sign it.
Copy !req
854. We have a petition.
We want to rename
Copy !req
855. the George Washington Monument.
Copy !req
856. To?
Copy !req
857. To the George Floyd Monument.
Copy !req
858. Because, of course,
Copy !req
859. George Washington
was a slave owner.
Copy !req
860. - Yep.
- And so in some ways,
Copy !req
861. this is symbolic. Symmetry,
it's George for George,
Copy !req
862. you might say. Would
you mind signing?
Copy !req
863. - I don't see why not. I will.
- Okay.
Copy !req
864. - Yeah. Sure.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
865. Oh, man. I love that.
Copy !req
866. We're talking about
painting it black.
Copy !req
867. We're gonna raise it 30%,
Copy !req
868. um, increasing it in height.
Copy !req
869. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
870. Sir, we have a petition. Sir?
Copy !req
871. For historical
inequities to redress...
Copy !req
872. Is there a Black
person around here?
Copy !req
873. I would hug them
and apologize to them
Copy !req
874. all day long for what happened.
Copy !req
875. There's a Black
person right here.
Copy !req
876. Does he not exist?
Copy !req
877. I'm sorry. I just didn't
look that direction.
Copy !req
878. Sounds like you're in
the habit of overlooking
Copy !req
879. marginalized communities.
Copy !req
880. Brother.
Copy !req
881. You are an American. I love you.
Copy !req
882. I'm sorry for what happened
in the past. I really am.
Copy !req
883. Let's just sign it and move on.
Copy !req
884. You don't have an opinion,
but you'll sign it anyway?
Copy !req
885. If that's what you'd
like me to, I can help.
Copy !req
886. - I would like you to.
- I can help you guys out.
Copy !req
887. Yeah. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
888. - Sign here?
- Yes. Absolutely.
Copy !req
889. I think it's a beautiful idea.
Copy !req
890. You think it's a beautiful idea?
Copy !req
891. I do.
Copy !req
892. We've got an encouraging
number of signatures so far.
Copy !req
893. We have a petition for the...
Copy !req
894. to redress
historical inequities.
Copy !req
895. Would you mind signing it?
Copy !req
896. You will?
Copy !req
897. Uh, we want to rename the
George Washington Monument
Copy !req
898. to the George Floyd Monument.
Copy !req
899. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
900. Would you be willing to?
Copy !req
901. I can't agree with that.
Copy !req
902. - Will you sign it?
- No.
Copy !req
903. So are you gonna
erase all of them?
Copy !req
904. Yes.
Copy !req
905. No.
Copy !req
906. - Can you sign it anyway?
- Nope.
Copy !req
907. Getting people to agree
Copy !req
908. to change the George
Washington Monument
Copy !req
909. to the George Floyd
Monument seemed ambitious.
Copy !req
910. I'm pleasantly surprised
Copy !req
911. people are willing to erase
our problematic history.
Copy !req
912. I spend way too
much time cleaning.
Copy !req
913. Oh, the broom shaka lakas
Copy !req
914. for more than just...
Copy !req
915. It's come with a full 60-day...
Copy !req
916. There's a controversial
documentary out
Copy !req
917. entitled Destructing Karen.
Copy !req
918. How many of you
would trade places
Copy !req
919. with a Black person
in this society?
Copy !req
920. Raise your hand.
Copy !req
921. Today, on an all-new Dr. Phil,
Copy !req
922. Regina Jackson and Saira Rao.
Copy !req
923. Now, they are co-founders
of Race 2 Dinner.
Copy !req
924. What did you expect
at these dinners?
Copy !req
925. Basically, exactly what
we expect is what we get.
Copy !req
926. Some women are
ready to do the work.
Copy !req
927. But pretty much when
they come to the dinners,
Copy !req
928. "It's not me. I'm not racist."
Copy !req
929. Hold on a minute.
Copy !req
930. I've heard of
these ladies before.
Copy !req
931. Race 2 Dinner is a
thing that they do, uh...
Copy !req
932. Basically, this
book is saying, like,
Copy !req
933. "We need to stop
being nice about racism."
Copy !req
934. Stop being nice about racism?
Copy !req
935. What a concept!
Copy !req
936. Apparently, you just pay
these ladies thousands of dollars
Copy !req
937. to come over for dinner
and call you racist.
Copy !req
938. It's genius!
Copy !req
939. I absolutely need to
attend one of these dinners.
Copy !req
940. But there's a big problem.
Copy !req
941. Only white women
are allowed to attend.
Copy !req
942. Why do white women
get to have all the fun?
Copy !req
943. I need to find another way
to earn a seat at the table.
Copy !req
944. Okay.
Copy !req
945. So, at these dinners,
we only have one rule.
Copy !req
946. And the rule is that
if you have to cry,
Copy !req
947. you have to leave the table.
Copy !req
948. Generally, we will have
the host just set up a room,
Copy !req
949. you know, with lots of tissue
Copy !req
950. and everything...
Copy !req
951. so you can go in there
and sob your heart out.
Copy !req
952. When a white
woman starts crying,
Copy !req
953. it draws all the attention
Copy !req
954. - from the room...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
955. onto that poor,
Copy !req
956. - white woman.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
957. Even the language of
whiteness softens everything.
Copy !req
958. White fragility, so
what that is, is...
Copy !req
959. And by the way, a white woman,
Copy !req
960. you know, your
hero, Robin DiAngelo,
Copy !req
961. coined that term,
Copy !req
962. and it's for when people...
Copy !req
963. when Black and brown
people talk about racism
Copy !req
964. and then white people
get upset, you know, angry,
Copy !req
965. and then deflect
the conversation.
Copy !req
966. By not wanting to
address your racism
Copy !req
967. and your white supremacy,
Copy !req
968. that is upholding
white supremacy.
Copy !req
969. That is not fragile. So just
think about how even language
Copy !req
970. to describe your
violent behavior
Copy !req
971. is couched in ways to
make you all seem delicate.
Copy !req
972. And to make you comfortable.
Copy !req
973. So...
Copy !req
974. tell us one instance
Copy !req
975. that your racism has
shown up recently.
Copy !req
976. And that's either something
Copy !req
977. - you did...
- Didn't do.
Copy !req
978. thought or an action.
Copy !req
979. So, my husband's Black,
Copy !req
980. so it can be an everyday
white supremacist thing.
Copy !req
981. Like, if I'm out in public,
Copy !req
982. and he's, like, really
loud or something
Copy !req
983. and I'll shush him.
Copy !req
984. Why do you do that?
Copy !req
985. Uh, usually because
we're in a space
Copy !req
986. that I think should be
quiet, which is probably
Copy !req
987. my white supremacy talking.
Copy !req
988. So, that's basically
tone policing
Copy !req
989. - a Black person...
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
990. who happens to
be your husband.
Copy !req
991. - Yeah.
- Okay. Who's next?
Copy !req
992. This one mom
starts going on about
Copy !req
993. how her white son is so screwed.
Copy !req
994. Been rejected here, and
"white boy, white boy."
Copy !req
995. All right, white
entitlement, white centering,
Copy !req
996. tone policing, white silence.
Copy !req
997. White women owned slaves.
Copy !req
998. Period. That's what it is.
Copy !req
999. Let's be clear what's
happening in this country.
Copy !req
1000. - It's Nazism.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1001. Republicans are Nazis.
Copy !req
1002. I assume it sounds
like everyone here
Copy !req
1003. is probably not a
Republican. I might be wrong.
Copy !req
1004. Am I wrong about the...
Copy !req
1005. Is there any
Republican at this table?
Copy !req
1006. You cannot separate yourselves
Copy !req
1007. from the bad white people.
Copy !req
1008. The proliferation of
guns has happened
Copy !req
1009. every time whites feel terrified
Copy !req
1010. of Black and brown people,
Copy !req
1011. which is literally
every 10 seconds,
Copy !req
1012. but also, um, when
there's an event like Obama.
Copy !req
1013. Like Ferguson. Like 9/11.
Copy !req
1014. Like COVID-19. Like
George Floyd. Thank you.
Copy !req
1015. Um...
Copy !req
1016. You've been killing
all of us, right?
Copy !req
1017. Primarily Black folks,
and we're just right behind.
Copy !req
1018. Right? There's the hierarchy.
Copy !req
1019. Whiteness is even
more insidious than I...
Copy !req
1020. than I even knew
even a year ago.
Copy !req
1021. And whiteness also
robs you of your brain.
Copy !req
1022. You know, you all have gave up
Copy !req
1023. your reproductive
health rights without...
Copy !req
1024. You wouldn't even get
off your Peloton bike
Copy !req
1025. for 10 minutes
to go protest that.
Copy !req
1026. Did you want a second roll?
Copy !req
1027. No, thank you.
Oh, okay. I'm good.
Copy !req
1028. Black people know
Copy !req
1029. that white people believe
they need their guns
Copy !req
1030. to protect yourselves from us.
Copy !req
1031. We've decided that it's okay
for the Second Amendment,
Copy !req
1032. which is literally synonymous
with white supremacy,
Copy !req
1033. to be our bible.
Copy !req
1034. You want some?
Copy !req
1035. This is what anti-racism is.
Copy !req
1036. It's actually what
anti-whiteness is.
Copy !req
1037. - It has to burn.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1038. The entire system has to burn.
Copy !req
1039. And I'm not looking to
you to save this country.
Copy !req
1040. This country is
not worth saving.
Copy !req
1041. This country is a piece of shit.
Copy !req
1042. Oh, my goodness!
Copy !req
1043. Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
1044. Um, but yes.
Copy !req
1045. Uh, aren't you all tired of
living like this? Seriously.
Copy !req
1046. I mean, I used to
be a white woman.
Copy !req
1047. An unsuccessful one...
Copy !req
1048. for many decades.
Copy !req
1049. And it was a
miserable experience.
Copy !req
1050. And really, the... the...
the hatred of yourselves
Copy !req
1051. and each other
is like the most...
Copy !req
1052. The not seeing your power.
Copy !req
1053. The being afraid, like,
Copy !req
1054. all you do is talk
shit about each other,
Copy !req
1055. talk shit about yourselves,
"Oh, my God, I'm so fat."
Copy !req
1056. That's all they do.
That's all they do.
Copy !req
1057. I'm telling you.
Copy !req
1058. These white women.
Copy !req
1059. But it's... it's... That's it.
Copy !req
1060. It's "I'm so fat. I'm so stupid.
Copy !req
1061. "I'm blah blah blah."
Copy !req
1062. Sorry.
Copy !req
1063. Your kids are watching you.
Copy !req
1064. And they're watching you
talking shit about each other.
Copy !req
1065. You know, raging against
a machine or being silent
Copy !req
1066. or whatever the hell it is
Copy !req
1067. that you're doing or not doing.
Copy !req
1068. And they know that you're
not doing shit for them.
Copy !req
1069. That's so important.
Copy !req
1070. That is so important,
what she just said.
Copy !req
1071. It's real... It's
really important.
Copy !req
1072. That's...
Copy !req
1073. We may have to
add you to our team.
Copy !req
1074. Oh! I would love to
take a seat and join you.
Copy !req
1075. - No. You're not allowed to.
- Oh, okay.
Copy !req
1076. - Definitely not allowed.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1077. I do have my DEI certification
Copy !req
1078. - that I... that I got.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1079. - Okay.
- So...
Copy !req
1080. Not saying I'm an expert,
but I'm also not a novice.
Copy !req
1081. So...
Copy !req
1082. Okay.
Copy !req
1083. White people are starved
for these conversations.
Copy !req
1084. We are. We are so starving.
Copy !req
1085. - Yeah.
- We are so starving for this.
Copy !req
1086. Anyone else?
Copy !req
1087. Want to say anything?
Copy !req
1088. I'll just say one thing.
Copy !req
1089. I'm so glad we can
have these conversations.
Copy !req
1090. And I'll be done. But,
uh, I'm just so glad
Copy !req
1091. that we could all get together
to have these conversations.
Copy !req
1092. That's all I wanted to say.
Copy !req
1093. - Thank you.
- Is he an actor?
Copy !req
1094. - Are you an actor?
- Oh, no.
Copy !req
1095. Can you let us...
We're trying to listen
Copy !req
1096. and trying to have
this conversation.
Copy !req
1097. Okay. You know,
Copy !req
1098. we're all acting all
the time in our lives,
Copy !req
1099. and, uh, and I think that
that's part of the problem.
Copy !req
1100. You know?
Copy !req
1101. And it's like we're
all trying to play a part
Copy !req
1102. rather than just being real
Copy !req
1103. and having these
uncomfortable conversations.
Copy !req
1104. And that's what I'm
always trying to tell people.
Copy !req
1105. Especially, you know,
white women. No offense.
Copy !req
1106. - But...
- No,
Copy !req
1107. but, see, like,
you're a white dude.
Copy !req
1108. There's power positions
Copy !req
1109. - and, uh, you know...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1110. it's pointing... pointing...
Copy !req
1111. white people pointing fingers
at each other is not helpful.
Copy !req
1112. You know, I've been on
this journey for so long,
Copy !req
1113. and just to see you
guys at the table
Copy !req
1114. having this conversation
has been really
Copy !req
1115. enlightening for me.
Copy !req
1116. Anyway, I got the
DEI certification.
Copy !req
1117. And I'm just on the journey.
Copy !req
1118. All right. You
ladies have a great...
Copy !req
1119. Thank you. All right.
Copy !req
1120. - Decolonize yourself.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1121. Do your own white
supremacy dismantling.
Copy !req
1122. And then you can start
to bring in other people.
Copy !req
1123. Can I just... Can I
just say one last thing?
Copy !req
1124. Can I just propose a toast?
Copy !req
1125. Uh, I mean, just raise
a glass if you're racist.
Copy !req
1126. And that's the thing.
Copy !req
1127. Cheers. Oh, I'm not racist.
Let me put my glass down.
Copy !req
1128. All the rest of you.
Copy !req
1129. To racists.
Copy !req
1130. What a charming group of ladies.
Copy !req
1131. I've learned a lot from
my fellow anti-racists.
Copy !req
1132. But now it's time to evangelize.
Copy !req
1133. To go to white America
Copy !req
1134. and teach them
about their privilege.
Copy !req
1135. This biker bar
will do just fine.
Copy !req
1136. I'm sure these people
Copy !req
1137. would love to have
an honest dialogue
Copy !req
1138. about the perils of whiteness.
Copy !req
1139. What are you doing,
Copy !req
1140. personally, in your life to
decenter your whiteness?
Copy !req
1141. What do you mean,
decenter it? Well...
Copy !req
1142. Take it away from
the center of...
Copy !req
1143. Who's making it the center?
Why are they doing that?
Copy !req
1144. Why race has to be
thrown in on everything?
Copy !req
1145. Well, you're
white... you're white.
Copy !req
1146. So? Who cares?
Copy !req
1147. I mean, really, the way that
the world is going right now,
Copy !req
1148. people need to be concerned
Copy !req
1149. with how they're going
to feed their families.
Copy !req
1150. Not what color
is that man's skin.
Copy !req
1151. I got Black friends,
I love them, too.
Copy !req
1152. - But they know they're Black.
- Do you know they're Black?
Copy !req
1153. Of course I do, and I
like it. Good for them.
Copy !req
1154. Well, you know, one
thing I've learned is that
Copy !req
1155. if you meet a Black person,
Copy !req
1156. you want to forget
that they're Black.
Copy !req
1157. But don't forget
that they're Black.
Copy !req
1158. Why would you want to
forget that they're Black?
Copy !req
1159. - Well, don't. But also don't.
- Are they a friend?
Copy !req
1160. Then you should
embrace them being Black.
Copy !req
1161. I think Black men should
have pride in being Black.
Copy !req
1162. And I think you should
have pride in being white.
Copy !req
1163. - What's wrong with that?
- I agree with the first part.
Copy !req
1164. Hello, sir.
Copy !req
1165. Hi.
Copy !req
1166. What's your name?
Copy !req
1167. Pat.
Copy !req
1168. - Pat?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1169. What about you? Do
you have, uh, kids?
Copy !req
1170. - Do you have a wife?
- Yeah, I've got...
Copy !req
1171. two or three kids...
Copy !req
1172. - Two or three kids?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1173. You don't have to
give me the whole list,
Copy !req
1174. but what are some ways
Copy !req
1175. that you're, um,
confronting your whiteness?
Copy !req
1176. - My whiteness?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1177. I get along good
with Black people.
Copy !req
1178. I used to have... I used
to have a Black brother.
Copy !req
1179. I called him my brother.
He called me his brother.
Copy !req
1180. Was he really your brother?
Copy !req
1181. No, he wasn't.
Copy !req
1182. You were calling a
Black man brother?
Copy !req
1183. Yeah. I had more Black friends
Copy !req
1184. living in Huntsville
than I had white friends.
Copy !req
1185. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1186. So that's in your own
life, but systemically...
Copy !req
1187. Considering the
way things is at now?
Copy !req
1188. Yeah.
Copy !req
1189. Just to summarize. But
what do you think about
Copy !req
1190. this issue of heteronormativity
Copy !req
1191. and how it intersects
Copy !req
1192. with the broader structures
of racism in society?
Copy !req
1193. Huh?
Copy !req
1194. I mean, ultimately, how
do we get to a point of,
Copy !req
1195. let's say, racial harmony?
Copy !req
1196. I don't know.
Copy !req
1197. But I'm just telling
you what I said.
Copy !req
1198. That's a lot to think
about on my own journey.
Copy !req
1199. - It's good to talk to you.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1200. Uh, I'm a vegetarian as well.
Copy !req
1201. Uh, just started on the
vegan, uh, journey also,
Copy !req
1202. - so I'm glad...
- That don't say "vegetarian."
Copy !req
1203. That's a...
Copy !req
1204. - "Vaginatarian."
- "Vaginatarian."
Copy !req
1205. What is that?
Copy !req
1206. That's a little bit
of a sexist joke.
Copy !req
1207. Well, you know.
It is what it is.
Copy !req
1208. What do you think
about racism in society?
Copy !req
1209. Is it... Do you think
it's a big problem?
Copy !req
1210. I was born in 1960.
Copy !req
1211. My dad, my uncle,
Copy !req
1212. my granddaddy, were Klansmen.
Copy !req
1213. It never affected me.
Copy !req
1214. But you don't... You're not...
Copy !req
1215. - No.
- ... racist?
Copy !req
1216. - No. Not at all.
- And how do you know?
Copy !req
1217. How do either of
you know that you're...
Copy !req
1218. Because I... I accept
people as they are.
Copy !req
1219. Exactly.
Copy !req
1220. If you approach me
as a human being,
Copy !req
1221. then I'm gonna be
a human being too.
Copy !req
1222. We all bleed the same way.
Copy !req
1223. What do you think
about systemic racism?
Copy !req
1224. Systemic? What the hell is that?
Copy !req
1225. Is the system
constructed in such a way
Copy !req
1226. as to marginalize
people of color?
Copy !req
1227. You wanna do away with racism?
Copy !req
1228. Quit labeling people
as Black and white.
Copy !req
1229. - Exactly.
- But that's colorblindness,
Copy !req
1230. which is problematic.
Copy !req
1231. If I meet you as a
Black man, and you...
Copy !req
1232. you approach me,
I shake your hand.
Copy !req
1233. We go in here, we
have a conversation,
Copy !req
1234. we have a beer or ride down
the road on a motorcycle.
Copy !req
1235. What the hell does your
color got to do with it?
Copy !req
1236. It's all right here, bubba.
Copy !req
1237. If you treat people
right, they treat you right.
Copy !req
1238. And...
Copy !req
1239. I don't care what
color they are.
Copy !req
1240. You gotta treat
each other right.
Copy !req
1241. I was expecting these bikers
Copy !req
1242. would be a bunch of racists.
Copy !req
1243. And obviously, I was right.
Copy !req
1244. These people
haven't even started
Copy !req
1245. to decenter their whiteness.
Copy !req
1246. Now I need to go deeper
into the racist south,
Copy !req
1247. so that I can talk
to people of color
Copy !req
1248. about their lived
experience with racism.
Copy !req
1249. I was in the drug game
for 18 years of my life, man.
Copy !req
1250. And 14 and a half years
went all, uh, to incarceration.
Copy !req
1251. So how did you get out?
Copy !req
1252. I got out through, uh, the
pages of the Word of God.
Copy !req
1253. My parents always taught
me to love everybody.
Copy !req
1254. Don't allow skin color to ever
become a problem for you.
Copy !req
1255. We didn't... We
didn't see colors, baby.
Copy !req
1256. Because we grew up together.
Copy !req
1257. And you know, it
was a lot of love.
Copy !req
1258. Inherent dignity,
it's in all of us.
Copy !req
1259. Though we're different
in so many ways,
Copy !req
1260. we're still alike in
so many more ways.
Copy !req
1261. - So we all one in God's sight.
- Yes.
Copy !req
1262. So how long have you
owned this shop here?
Copy !req
1263. I came here August 15,
1971, from British Guyana.
Copy !req
1264. Did you start a
family and all that?
Copy !req
1265. Yes. Altogether I
have 53 grandchildren.
Copy !req
1266. - Wow.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1267. You think the country
has been good to you?
Copy !req
1268. Yeah. Yeah, very
good. Very good, yeah.
Copy !req
1269. How do you feel
about America today?
Copy !req
1270. America, man, is
a beautiful country.
Copy !req
1271. A beautiful country. I
don't have no problem here.
Copy !req
1272. A lot of people,
pretty critical of, uh...
Copy !req
1273. of this country,
and, you know...
Copy !req
1274. I don't know why.
Copy !req
1275. It can be kind of
a racist country.
Copy !req
1276. No. No, no, no.
Copy !req
1277. Do you experience a lot of
microaggressions out here?
Copy !req
1278. Nah. Not out here.
Copy !req
1279. No.
Copy !req
1280. Well, what about
the systemic issue?
Copy !req
1281. - Systemic...
- What you mean by "systemic"?
Copy !req
1282. Well, the whole
country. The system.
Copy !req
1283. The system is... You
know, the system is racist.
Copy !req
1284. Mm...
Copy !req
1285. Not to me.
Copy !req
1286. - Not to you?
- No. Not to me, man.
Copy !req
1287. I don't think
about those things,
Copy !req
1288. racism and all that stuff.
Copy !req
1289. I've been reading a
lot of books recently.
Copy !req
1290. Robin DiAngelo, White
Fragility, obviously.
Copy !req
1291. Uh, been reading a lot
of anti-racist literature.
Copy !req
1292. Mm-hmm. I don't
read them things.
Copy !req
1293. What do you read?
Copy !req
1294. The only thing I
read is the Bible.
Copy !req
1295. I got it in the car right there.
Copy !req
1296. If you looked in my car,
Copy !req
1297. you'll see it right
there on the seat.
Copy !req
1298. So you haven't read
any Robin DiAngelo?
Copy !req
1299. Uh, no. No, no. Robin
DiAngelo, who is that?
Copy !req
1300. Well, she's a anti-racist, uh...
Copy !req
1301. - Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no.
- ... expert.
Copy !req
1302. I never read them
kind of books, man.
Copy !req
1303. If I get a book like that,
Copy !req
1304. I put it down. I don't want it.
Copy !req
1305. I got a couple copies in
my car. I can give you one.
Copy !req
1306. No. I don't want
it. I don't want it.
Copy !req
1307. I don't want it.
Copy !req
1308. No. 'Cause that is
not in my heart. No.
Copy !req
1309. I've kind of been working on,
uh, decentering my whiteness.
Copy !req
1310. Oh, your whiteness?
Copy !req
1311. Right now, baby. We all
bleed the same thing, dude.
Copy !req
1312. If I cut you right there,
you will bleed just like me.
Copy !req
1313. I...
Copy !req
1314. It's just the
color of your skin.
Copy !req
1315. How do we get past all the, uh,
Copy !req
1316. talk about racism and the...
Copy !req
1317. Oh, we gotta love
each other, like I said.
Copy !req
1318. We have to love each other.
Copy !req
1319. That's how you get past racism.
Copy !req
1320. Well, it can't be that simple.
Copy !req
1321. - Huh?
- Is it that simple?
Copy !req
1322. Well, yeah. I mean, to me.
Copy !req
1323. Something's not right.
Copy !req
1324. These people said the
same thing as those bikers.
Copy !req
1325. White supremacy
is more pervasive
Copy !req
1326. than I ever imagined.
Copy !req
1327. I need to talk to someone
Copy !req
1328. who has stared directly
into the face of racism.
Copy !req
1329. - July 16th...
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1330. - ... 2022.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1331. - Difficult day for you.
- Very.
Copy !req
1332. And for America.
Copy !req
1333. The popular kids amusement park
Copy !req
1334. apologized after
a video went viral
Copy !req
1335. that appeared to show
a costumed character
Copy !req
1336. snubbing two Black girls.
Copy !req
1337. Okay, you see the
character coming,
Copy !req
1338. high-fiving everybody as
he goes down the street.
Copy !req
1339. Gets to those two little girls.
Copy !req
1340. And appears to
just flat out say no,
Copy !req
1341. and you see the little girls,
Copy !req
1342. and their faces, and
they're heartbroken.
Copy !req
1343. Meet Jodi Brown.
Copy !req
1344. The mother who was victimized
Copy !req
1345. at the hands of Rosita, the
Sesame Street character.
Copy !req
1346. She was reluctant to talk
about the traumatic incident,
Copy !req
1347. but for $50,000,
Copy !req
1348. she was willing to
tell her tragic story.
Copy !req
1349. Now, you have described
this moment as disgusting.
Copy !req
1350. Because I feel like if you
are able to acknowledge
Copy !req
1351. someone before my
children and after my children,
Copy !req
1352. you could've stopped two
seconds just to say hello.
Copy !req
1353. This was something targeted
at your... you and your child.
Copy !req
1354. It was a very
intentional racist act.
Copy !req
1355. We don't want some explanation
that, "Oh, the performer
Copy !req
1356. "didn't see these
two young girls."
Copy !req
1357. Which one of them
is in isolation today
Copy !req
1358. from the harm that is being
caused by this company.
Copy !req
1359. So we're gonna demand
Copy !req
1360. that they take care of
any type of healthcare
Copy !req
1361. or mental care expenses
Copy !req
1362. that these children
have realized.
Copy !req
1363. And who is Rosita?
Who's in that costume?
Copy !req
1364. Mel Gibson.
Copy !req
1365. I think that person needs to be,
Copy !req
1366. you know, held accountable.
Copy !req
1367. - Fired and held to account.
- Absolutely fired.
Copy !req
1368. Well, before you fire 'em,
Copy !req
1369. teach 'em why
they're being fired.
Copy !req
1370. And then let them go.
Copy !req
1371. And then let them go.
Copy !req
1372. How do we fix the endemic
racism among mascots?
Copy !req
1373. Mascots, I feel, like,
need to be trained better.
Copy !req
1374. Do you know who the
employee is that was
Copy !req
1375. - in the costume?
- No.
Copy !req
1376. That information was
never given to me.
Copy !req
1377. Uh, do we know if they're white?
Copy !req
1378. Um, that information
was also not given to me.
Copy !req
1379. Do you think American
society is racist?
Copy !req
1380. There is an epidemic of hate
Copy !req
1381. in the United States of America.
Copy !req
1382. Threats of violence.
Copy !req
1383. Threats of death
and destruction.
Copy !req
1384. Hate and racism are
alive and well in America.
Copy !req
1385. This is just absolutely crazy.
Copy !req
1386. She was verbally
attacked by a group of men.
Copy !req
1387. And I heard
Copy !req
1388. distinctly them saying
"Donald Trump."
Copy !req
1389. where a hate crime
Copy !req
1390. is being investigated...
Copy !req
1391. third consecutive year
Copy !req
1392. a noose has been
found on campus.
Copy !req
1393. Bitter, brutal hate
crimes that are on the rise.
Copy !req
1394. 17% increase.
Copy !req
1395. 20% increase.
Copy !req
1396. 55%.
Copy !req
1397. Hate crimes have surged...
Copy !req
1398. More than 7,200 hate crimes.
Copy !req
1399. A noose was found
in Bubba's garage.
Copy !req
1400. It's not about racing.
Copy !req
1401. It's about race.
Copy !req
1402. The Jussie Smollett
hate crime case
Copy !req
1403. shows what appears to be a noose
Copy !req
1404. around the Empire actor's neck.
Copy !req
1405. You could not get more
reprehensible than a noose.
Copy !req
1406. We have a media that's saying
it's a debate whether or not
Copy !req
1407. what just happened
to Jussie Smollett
Copy !req
1408. is a hate crime. It's absurd.
Copy !req
1409. I've been truthful
and consistent
Copy !req
1410. on every single
level since day one.
Copy !req
1411. Right now, there is a domestic
terrorism prevention bill
Copy !req
1412. moving through the house.
Copy !req
1413. The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act.
Copy !req
1414. Thank you.
Copy !req
1415. The hate crimes task
force is investigating...
Copy !req
1416. - Hate crimes.
- Hate crimes.
Copy !req
1417. - Hate crime.
- Hate crime.
Copy !req
1418. Hate crime.
Copy !req
1419. Hate crimes.
Copy !req
1420. Thoughts?
Copy !req
1421. I think that hate
crimes are bad.
Copy !req
1422. Hate in general,
uh, is not good.
Copy !req
1423. But they're everywhere now.
Copy !req
1424. - No.
- It's an epidemic.
Copy !req
1425. No, it's... it's not.
Copy !req
1426. Well, out of, what,
Copy !req
1427. 20 million index crimes a year,
Copy !req
1428. there are 6,000,
7,000 hate crimes.
Copy !req
1429. No, there's no epidemic.
Copy !req
1430. This is one of those things
Copy !req
1431. where there's a huge disconnect
Copy !req
1432. between media presentation,
Copy !req
1433. and this really is something
I research professionally.
Copy !req
1434. And one of the reasons
that you're probably
Copy !req
1435. talking to me also is I wrote
the book, Hate Crime Hoax,
Copy !req
1436. and I mean, I noted that
over a period of maybe...
Copy !req
1437. You wrote the book called what?
Copy !req
1438. Uh, Hate Crime Hoax.
Copy !req
1439. I pointed out that a
lot of these incidents,
Copy !req
1440. Jussie Smollett, uh,
Copy !req
1441. Covington Catholic,
Yasmin Seweid,
Copy !req
1442. Duke lacrosse, Bubba Wallace...
Copy !req
1443. Terrible story.
Copy !req
1444. Uh, but they didn't
happen. That's the thing.
Copy !req
1445. None of those stories that
I'm mentioning happened.
Copy !req
1446. I mean, you can just
go on and on with this.
Copy !req
1447. Uh, Kansas State, the
horrible racial epithets
Copy !req
1448. written on upscale vehicles...
Copy !req
1449. Okay. Let... Let's...
Copy !req
1450. Let's slow down
here for a moment.
Copy !req
1451. So you wrote the
book, Hate Crime Hoax?
Copy !req
1452. Yes.
Copy !req
1453. We're missing a word
in our notes on that.
Copy !req
1454. Uh...
Copy !req
1455. That's an issue from
the producer there
Copy !req
1456. if it just says "Hate Crimes,"
Copy !req
1457. or "Hate Crime Epidemic,"
or something like that.
Copy !req
1458. Yeah.
Copy !req
1459. Uh, and you say
that you're Black?
Copy !req
1460. Yes.
Copy !req
1461. Don't the statistics
Copy !req
1462. show that anti-Black hate crimes
Copy !req
1463. are a huge problem?
Copy !req
1464. If you break
down the statistics.
Copy !req
1465. Well, I think that
depends on your definition
Copy !req
1466. of a huge problem.
I mean, so the...
Copy !req
1467. One of the biggest problems.
Copy !req
1468. No. The statistics
absolutely do not show that.
Copy !req
1469. What are the statistics?
Copy !req
1470. If you go into the
FBI numbers annually,
Copy !req
1471. there are maybe 7,000
Copy !req
1472. actual reported,
documented hate crimes
Copy !req
1473. - in a typical...
- In a day?
Copy !req
1474. No, in a typical year.
Copy !req
1475. But the total number of
crimes in the United States,
Copy !req
1476. more than 2 million committed
by African Americans.
Copy !req
1477. Almost a million committed
against African Americans.
Copy !req
1478. This is just violent crimes.
Copy !req
1479. And it's just the case
Copy !req
1480. that there are way more crimes
than there are hate crimes.
Copy !req
1481. No one thinks that
direct racial conflict
Copy !req
1482. is one of the biggest
problems in the country
Copy !req
1483. unless they've been
told by the media that it is.
Copy !req
1484. Uh, why are we
talking about statistics?
Copy !req
1485. This is not a
matter of statistics.
Copy !req
1486. Well, you asked me
about the statistics.
Copy !req
1487. Every week practically,
Copy !req
1488. we hear another story about
Copy !req
1489. someone reporting a hate crime.
Copy !req
1490. Let's say, they find a noose.
Copy !req
1491. Uh, they found a
racist note on a receipt.
Copy !req
1492. So, saying there's a
hate crime every week
Copy !req
1493. is absolutely meaningless.
Copy !req
1494. If you really wanted
to solve crime,
Copy !req
1495. you'd talk about
Black-on-Black crime,
Copy !req
1496. you'd talk about addiction
in poor white communities.
Copy !req
1497. You'd talk about almost anything
Copy !req
1498. but what the major media
seems intent on focusing on.
Copy !req
1499. Most of those stories turn
out to be complete fakes.
Copy !req
1500. It seems like the real
conversation to have
Copy !req
1501. would be about
something like hysteria
Copy !req
1502. and neuroticism among Americans.
Copy !req
1503. It becomes an opportunity
for a conversation
Copy !req
1504. about race in America.
Copy !req
1505. And we can always
use more of that.
Copy !req
1506. I absolutely disagree...
Copy !req
1507. With what part?
Copy !req
1508. That we can... I
disagree with all of that.
Copy !req
1509. Have you heard yet that
I'm a certified DEI expert?
Copy !req
1510. Here's my certification.
Copy !req
1511. "Diversitylnclusion
Copy !req
1512. "Making compliance
fast, easy, and painless."
Copy !req
1513. You don't need
to read that much.
Copy !req
1514. - Just... Yeah, give it back.
- I... I don't know...
Copy !req
1515. - something...
- That's not the point.
Copy !req
1516. The demand for racism
in society right now
Copy !req
1517. greatly outweighs the supply.
Copy !req
1518. We've attached a sort
of value to being a victim.
Copy !req
1519. People report these crimes
Copy !req
1520. because they know the
response will be immediate.
Copy !req
1521. It will be sensationalistic.
It will be very supportive.
Copy !req
1522. Why would Jussie
Smollett say what he did?
Copy !req
1523. The entire thing was
complete nonsense,
Copy !req
1524. and I think most serious people
Copy !req
1525. knew this from the beginning.
Copy !req
1526. If it was such an
obvious hoax, then why...
Copy !req
1527. why didn't we hear
it from the media?
Copy !req
1528. From, uh, Kamala Harris,
all the late night talk shows.
Copy !req
1529. The question is not,
why would they ever
Copy !req
1530. say something that's not true?
Copy !req
1531. It's, sort of, why
do we believe?
Copy !req
1532. Because this had a
major national impact.
Copy !req
1533. This itself impacted
race relations
Copy !req
1534. by a couple of points.
Copy !req
1535. Despite what the statistics say,
Copy !req
1536. this country isn't safe
for people of color.
Copy !req
1537. I've heard it over and over.
Copy !req
1538. If only I could
walk in their shoes,
Copy !req
1539. then I'd really know
what they go through.
Copy !req
1540. Looks cold out there.
Copy !req
1541. It's two o'clock in the morning.
Copy !req
1542. Man, I'm hungry.
Copy !req
1543. You're going to Subway.
Copy !req
1544. Where can I get
food at this hour?
Copy !req
1545. Subway is open 24 hours.
Copy !req
1546. Like, people kill me when
they say things like that.
Copy !req
1547. Because it's like, Subway is
open 24 hours for a reason.
Copy !req
1548. So that when you hungry at night
Copy !req
1549. and you ain't got no
food, you go to Subway.
Copy !req
1550. What happened
that night, Jussie?
Copy !req
1551. I went to the Subway
and got the order.
Copy !req
1552. You have to understand
also that it's Chicago. In winter.
Copy !req
1553. I, uh, heard as I was
crossing the intersection,
Copy !req
1554. I heard, "Empire."
Copy !req
1555. Daily Wire.
Copy !req
1556. And I don't answer to "Empire."
Copy !req
1557. My name ain't Empire. Uh...
Copy !req
1558. And I didn't answer.
Copy !req
1559. I kept walking,
and then I heard,
Copy !req
1560. " Empire..."
Copy !req
1561. So I turned
around, and I said...
Copy !req
1562. "The did you just say to me?
Copy !req
1563. And I see...
Copy !req
1564. the uh, attacker.
Copy !req
1565. Uh, masked.
Copy !req
1566. that I had said that
they were wearing
Copy !req
1567. MAGA hats, I never said that.
Copy !req
1568. And... he said,
Copy !req
1569. - " This MAGA country."
- This MAGA country.
Copy !req
1570. Punches me right in the face.
Copy !req
1571. So I punched his ass back.
Copy !req
1572. Hmm?
Copy !req
1573. And then, um, we
started tussling,
Copy !req
1574. you know, it was very icy.
Copy !req
1575. Fighting, fighting, fighting.
There was a second person
Copy !req
1576. involved, who was
kicking me in my back.
Copy !req
1577. And then I... I smelled bleach.
Copy !req
1578. I know the smell of bleach.
Copy !req
1579. Hit him with the bleach!
Hit him with the bleach!
Copy !req
1580. Then it just stopped.
Copy !req
1581. And...
Copy !req
1582. they ran off.
Copy !req
1583. And I... Then I
looked down, and I see
Copy !req
1584. that there's a rope
around my neck.
Copy !req
1585. You hadn't noticed it before...
Copy !req
1586. No. 'Cause it was so fast.
Copy !req
1587. I noticed the rope
around my neck,
Copy !req
1588. and I started screaming.
Copy !req
1589. And I said, "There's a
rope around my neck.
Copy !req
1590. If the attackers
are never found,
Copy !req
1591. how will you be able to heal?
Copy !req
1592. Um...
Copy !req
1593. I don't know.
Copy !req
1594. Let's just hope that they are.
Copy !req
1595. You know what I'm saying?
Copy !req
1596. Like, let's... let's
not go there yet.
Copy !req
1597. On second thought,
Copy !req
1598. I don't really feel like Subway.
Copy !req
1599. Hi, Robin.
Copy !req
1600. Robin DiAngelo.
Copy !req
1601. It's an honor.
Copy !req
1602. It's an honor to meet you.
Copy !req
1603. It... Damn it.
Copy !req
1604. It's nice to meet
you, Robin DiAngelo.
Copy !req
1605. Dr. Robin DiAngelo.
Copy !req
1606. Is there a, uh, Mr. DiAngelo?
Copy !req
1607. Asking for a friend.
Copy !req
1608. Someone of your esteemed...
Copy !req
1609. Stupid.
Copy !req
1610. Robin. Would you sign my book?
Copy !req
1611. Your book. Would you sign
my book I have of yours?
Copy !req
1612. I'm pleading with
you to sign my...
Copy !req
1613. Please, would you sign my book?
Copy !req
1614. "To your friend, uh, Matt."
Copy !req
1615. Okay.
Copy !req
1616. This is it.
Copy !req
1617. Don't screw this up.
Copy !req
1618. Don't mess this up.
Copy !req
1619. Let's do the work.
Copy !req
1620. - Hi, Robin.
- Hi.
Copy !req
1621. And what's your name?
Copy !req
1622. - I'm Matt.
- Matt. Hi, Matt.
Copy !req
1623. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
1624. I just had to ask
who you are because
Copy !req
1625. you have to be careful.
Copy !req
1626. You can never be too careful.
Copy !req
1627. Let's... Let's start
with the book.
Copy !req
1628. One of the most important
books of the past century,
Copy !req
1629. I would say, for my
money, White Fragility.
Copy !req
1630. Uh, you've been in
this field for a long time.
Copy !req
1631. You've done a lot.
Copy !req
1632. What sort of organizations
have you, uh, worked with?
Copy !req
1633. Do you want me to name?
Copy !req
1634. Oh, sure. I mean...
Copy !req
1635. Should I name it? I...
Copy !req
1636. Okay. Well, but I don't
want to be held responsible
Copy !req
1637. for what they do.
Copy !req
1638. Netflix.
Copy !req
1639. Google. Amazon. Snapchat.
Copy !req
1640. And what do you do for them?
Copy !req
1641. Sometimes it's a
workshop, or it's interactive.
Copy !req
1642. Maybe it would take place
over several hours or a day.
Copy !req
1643. Let's start with
some definitions.
Copy !req
1644. And probably the biggest
one to define is racism.
Copy !req
1645. Well, if you're talking
about a white person,
Copy !req
1646. and you say this
person is racist,
Copy !req
1647. you're basically, to
me, saying this person
Copy !req
1648. is a product of their society.
Copy !req
1649. Is it possible for
a white person
Copy !req
1650. to be not racist?
Copy !req
1651. I think, in a given moment,
we can be more or less racist.
Copy !req
1652. We're... And so I think of it
Copy !req
1653. more as a continuum
than an either-or.
Copy !req
1654. Is there any way to get
rid of, uh, white privilege?
Copy !req
1655. If an individual says,
Copy !req
1656. "I don't want to have this
privilege, it feels unfair."
Copy !req
1657. Is there any way
for a man to say,
Copy !req
1658. "I don't want this privilege"?
I mean, we live in patriarchy.
Copy !req
1659. And you can't just opt out.
Copy !req
1660. You can do your
best to challenge it.
Copy !req
1661. That, in a way, is opting out.
Copy !req
1662. That confuses me too,
Copy !req
1663. because I don't
want to mansplain
Copy !req
1664. - or whitesplain...
- Yeah. Well, okay.
Copy !req
1665. What is... Maybe
that's important.
Copy !req
1666. - Yeah.
- Segue. What is "mansplain"?
Copy !req
1667. Well, it would be
you explaining to me
Copy !req
1668. either why what you
just did wasn't sexism?
Copy !req
1669. Or explaining...
Copy !req
1670. I don't think that's what it is.
Copy !req
1671. I think "mansplain" is
to make an assumption.
Copy !req
1672. To say something
in an assuming way.
Copy !req
1673. You talked about
the problem of, uh...
Copy !req
1674. of over-smiling...
Copy !req
1675. which
Copy !req
1676. really resonated with me.
Copy !req
1677. Sometimes smiling
at a Black person
Copy !req
1678. can... can be racist.
Copy !req
1679. It's a reminder. You know,
those thousand daily cuts.
Copy !req
1680. It's a reminder of your position
Copy !req
1681. in relation to that
other person, right?
Copy !req
1682. Because that person likely knows
Copy !req
1683. why I'm smiling at them.
Copy !req
1684. When I go to the grocery store,
Copy !req
1685. I don't really look at anybody,
Copy !req
1686. I just do my thing, but
I see a Black person,
Copy !req
1687. I... I feel almost
an uncontrollable
Copy !req
1688. sense of urgency
to signal to them
Copy !req
1689. that I'm okay, and
that I'm not racist,
Copy !req
1690. and that they're welcome.
Copy !req
1691. Is it the right
strategy to be...
Copy !req
1692. for a white person to say,
Copy !req
1693. "Well, hey, I'm just
going to operate
Copy !req
1694. "in this situation
as a normal person.
Copy !req
1695. "I'm not gonna think about race.
Copy !req
1696. "I'm not gonna
notice." Just see people
Copy !req
1697. as human beings. Is
that the way it works?
Copy !req
1698. Yeah, no. First of all, you do
see them as a Black person.
Copy !req
1699. You do. I mean, I'm
not gonna pretend
Copy !req
1700. I don't notice that
there's a Black person
Copy !req
1701. - in the grocery store.
- So we want to notice race,
Copy !req
1702. but not... not too much.
Copy !req
1703. We want to be honest that we do.
Copy !req
1704. We do notice race.
Copy !req
1705. We don't notice
it. Don't focus on it.
Copy !req
1706. - Yeah. Okay.
- But think about it.
Copy !req
1707. But...
Copy !req
1708. I mean, you notice it.
Copy !req
1709. Focus on it a little
bit, but not too much.
Copy !req
1710. Yeah. You know, there's
a... It's a balance, right?
Copy !req
1711. 'Cause I hear
"forget that I'm Black.
Copy !req
1712. "Don't forget that I'm Black.
Copy !req
1713. "Notice. Don't notice.
Copy !req
1714. "Don't deny that you're racist.
Copy !req
1715. "But also try not to be racist.
Copy !req
1716. "But don't... But also
don't realize that you..."
Copy !req
1717. It makes me...
Copy !req
1718. - Yeah.
- It makes me, uh...
Copy !req
1719. I'm sorry. I...
Copy !req
1720. - It's okay.
- It just...
Copy !req
1721. - It makes me feel overwhelmed.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
1722. Just take your time.
Copy !req
1723. I know you work on
this in your seminars.
Copy !req
1724. People, uh, workshopping
actual real-life scenarios.
Copy !req
1725. So would you mind,
kind of a role play where...
Copy !req
1726. - Okay.
- ... I will, in this scenario,
Copy !req
1727. be the person of color
who's bringing concern to you,
Copy !req
1728. and then you'll show
how to navigate that?
Copy !req
1729. Sure.
Copy !req
1730. Okay. So, workplace scenario.
Copy !req
1731. - Hi, Robin.
- Hi.
Copy !req
1732. I noticed, uh, you
passed by me in the hall
Copy !req
1733. earlier today
Copy !req
1734. and you were really
overdoing the smile,
Copy !req
1735. and it made me feel, um,
Copy !req
1736. patronized and it felt racist.
Copy !req
1737. And...
Copy !req
1738. I'm thinking about
going to HR about it.
Copy !req
1739. Well, I appreciate
you letting me know,
Copy !req
1740. and I imagine that's
not without its risks.
Copy !req
1741. I certainly would
not have intended
Copy !req
1742. to have that impact on
you, but I'm very clear
Copy !req
1743. that I did have
that impact on you.
Copy !req
1744. I would love to
offer you a repair,
Copy !req
1745. if... if that's something
you're ready for.
Copy !req
1746. I don't want to talk
about it right now.
Copy !req
1747. - Okay.
- Because I'm too... I'm hurt.
Copy !req
1748. Okay. Understood.
Copy !req
1749. Um, if that changes,
let me know.
Copy !req
1750. When I'm ready to
talk, I'll talk to you.
Copy !req
1751. Yeah. Understood.
Copy !req
1752. What I would like
to do, could we...
Copy !req
1753. Let's fast-forward
to another day.
Copy !req
1754. - Next day.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1755. Hi, Robin.
Copy !req
1756. Passed by in the
hall again and...
Copy !req
1757. this time, you didn't
even smile at all at me...
Copy !req
1758. - Okay.
- ... and it made me feel
Copy !req
1759. otherized, excluded,
marginalized, um...
Copy !req
1760. vaporized...
Copy !req
1761. Now I'm really thinking
about going to HR.
Copy !req
1762. - I don't feel comfortable...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1763. with you in this
workplace with me.
Copy !req
1764. Okay. And yesterday,
Copy !req
1765. we had the
over-smiling incident.
Copy !req
1766. - Yeah. Now it's under.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1767. It's under-smiling.
Copy !req
1768. I would say, um,
Copy !req
1769. "I'm a little bit...
I'm a little bit, um,
Copy !req
1770. "confused about
how best to proceed.
Copy !req
1771. "I can't deny that I am, um...
Copy !req
1772. "Would you be willing to
give me some guidance..."
Copy !req
1773. I don't think it's up to me
Copy !req
1774. - to educate you.
- Understood.
Copy !req
1775. Is there anyone you
trust, uh, that I can talk to?
Copy !req
1776. Maybe another white
person whose understanding...
Copy !req
1777. At this point, I think
Copy !req
1778. we should take
separate hallways.
Copy !req
1779. Okay.
Copy !req
1780. - So...
- Understood.
Copy !req
1781. That was a very
nuanced, uh, situation.
Copy !req
1782. Yeah, uh, I did my best.
Copy !req
1783. Probably what I would
do in that situation.
Copy !req
1784. The very last thing
that I want to do,
Copy !req
1785. and, uh, it doesn't
even feel right to me
Copy !req
1786. to end this conversation,
Copy !req
1787. uh, especially when
there are people of color
Copy !req
1788. - in the room.
- Okay.
Copy !req
1789. Ben, if you're willing
Copy !req
1790. to come and sit with
us for just a moment.
Copy !req
1791. - Sure.
- Um...
Copy !req
1792. So is Ben...
Copy !req
1793. Yeah. This is Ben, uh,
producer on the film.
Copy !req
1794. And, um...
Copy !req
1795. I thought it would be a
powerful opportunity to
Copy !req
1796. speak directly to a
person of color and
Copy !req
1797. confront our racism
and also apologize for
Copy !req
1798. the white supremacist
systems that oppress Ben,
Copy !req
1799. so do you want to go first?
Copy !req
1800. Well, on behalf of myself
and my fellow white people,
Copy !req
1801. I apologize.
Copy !req
1802. Uh, it is not you, it is us.
Copy !req
1803. As long as I'm
standing, I will do my best
Copy !req
1804. to challenge it.
Copy !req
1805. I want to pay you
reparations right now.
Copy !req
1806. Um, will you accept?
Copy !req
1807. I... I won't turn it down.
Copy !req
1808. Okay. I don't know...
Copy !req
1809. um...
Copy !req
1810. is 20... well...
Copy !req
1811. This is all I have. Um...
Copy !req
1812. I, uh...
Copy !req
1813. - I know that's not...
- Um...
Copy !req
1814. That's not gonna...
Copy !req
1815. That doesn't make up for
400 years of oppression,
Copy !req
1816. but, um, it's all
that I have to give.
Copy !req
1817. Um...
Copy !req
1818. I... I don't know if
it's ever enough.
Copy !req
1819. Uh, but what I can say
is I appreciate the fact
Copy !req
1820. that you're putting in the work.
Copy !req
1821. Um, you know, I...
I think you're right.
Copy !req
1822. I don't think... I don't
think it'll ever end.
Copy !req
1823. But, uh, there is...
Copy !req
1824. there is small progress
I think we made today.
Copy !req
1825. Um...
Copy !req
1826. Did you... Did you want to...
Copy !req
1827. - That...
- ... pay any, uh...
Copy !req
1828. That was really weird.
Copy !req
1829. Why was it weird?
Copy !req
1830. Uh... Uh, 'cause it
seemed really weird to me.
Copy !req
1831. Why?
Copy !req
1832. Um, because you just
took out your wallet,
Copy !req
1833. and I don't know, it...
Copy !req
1834. 'Cause I think
reparations is like a...
Copy !req
1835. a systemic, um...
Copy !req
1836. dynamic and approach
and so, I mean, I think that
Copy !req
1837. there may be some people
who would be offended by, uh...
Copy !req
1838. Clearly, you were
not offended by that.
Copy !req
1839. I... I won't turn down cash.
Copy !req
1840. - Um...
- Hmm.
Copy !req
1841. I think, are we gonna...
Copy !req
1842. Are we gonna allow ourselves
to be uncomfortable and...
Copy !req
1843. and just do what
we can personally,
Copy !req
1844. or we gonna sit around,
Copy !req
1845. waiting for the
system to catch up?
Copy !req
1846. Yeah. They go together, right?
Copy !req
1847. Yeah. But this...
this is something
Copy !req
1848. that I can do right now.
Copy !req
1849. Why wouldn't I do it?
Copy !req
1850. Well, clearly, I
mean, you did it,
Copy !req
1851. and he... he was
comfortable with it.
Copy !req
1852. I just, it seems like it's...
Copy !req
1853. uh, not a systemic approach.
Copy !req
1854. - Or it just seemed...
- It's not.
Copy !req
1855. 'Cause I'm not
waiting for the system.
Copy !req
1856. - I'm acting as an individual.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1857. I can go get some
cash, for sure.
Copy !req
1858. In my... Yeah.
Copy !req
1859. If that's something
you... you think...
Copy !req
1860. Yeah. I don't mind.
Copy !req
1861. Um...
Copy !req
1862. If that would be something
Copy !req
1863. that would be
comfortable for you.
Copy !req
1864. - Yeah.
- Okay. Cool.
Copy !req
1865. - That's all the cash I have.
- Oh, well, you know.
Copy !req
1866. I don't usually carry cash.
Copy !req
1867. - Thanks.
- You're welcome!
Copy !req
1868. Um...
Copy !req
1869. This is powerful to
me. I thank you for...
Copy !req
1870. Sure.
Copy !req
1871. for doing that.
Copy !req
1872. Well, the last thing is,
will you sign my book?
Copy !req
1873. Oh, of course.
Copy !req
1874. If you don't mind.
Copy !req
1875. I'm definitely
gonna process that.
Copy !req
1876. The student has
become the teacher.
Copy !req
1877. My moment has finally arrived.
Copy !req
1878. It's time to show
other white people
Copy !req
1879. how to do the work.
Copy !req
1880. And make a little
money in the process.
Copy !req
1881. I'm taking everything
I've learned
Copy !req
1882. on my anti-racist journey
Copy !req
1883. and turning it into my
own online DEI course.
Copy !req
1884. Now anybody can earn
their own DEI certificate.
Copy !req
1885. And I've already made $3,248.
Copy !req
1886. But for a more
in-depth approach,
Copy !req
1887. I'm rolling out an
in-person workshop.
Copy !req
1888. I'm calling it the Do
the Work! Workshop.
Copy !req
1889. With the purpose of providing
practical and innovative,
Copy !req
1890. long-lasting solutions
Copy !req
1891. to promote equality
in our society,
Copy !req
1892. Do the Work! Workshop was born.
Copy !req
1893. Our next guest offers a bold
and uncompromising workshop
Copy !req
1894. that aims to bring
lasting change.
Copy !req
1895. So what you're doing
is you're stretching,
Copy !req
1896. you're stretching,
Copy !req
1897. and this is more for
you and less for you.
Copy !req
1898. You're stretching up like this,
Copy !req
1899. - and you're stretching out.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
1900. What you're doing
is you're stretching
Copy !req
1901. out of your whiteness.
Copy !req
1902. Okay, so you're
decentering your whiteness.
Copy !req
1903. You're stretching
out of your whiteness.
Copy !req
1904. And you're bringing those
Copy !req
1905. other experiences into yourself.
Copy !req
1906. What exactly does it mean
Copy !req
1907. to do the work with Do
the Work! Workshop?
Copy !req
1908. What does it mean
to you to do the work?
Copy !req
1909. There's a reason
we say "do the work."
Copy !req
1910. And it is a work
that you have to do.
Copy !req
1911. It's right there in the name.
Copy !req
1912. You know, what is the work?
Copy !req
1913. It's the work that we're doing.
Copy !req
1914. It's about the doing, and
it's also about the work.
Copy !req
1915. What is to do? It
is to do the thing.
Copy !req
1916. We might also use the analogy,
Copy !req
1917. another one I like,
of raking leaves.
Copy !req
1918. Uh, the leaves of
racism are falling.
Copy !req
1919. We're raking them,
they keep falling.
Copy !req
1920. We rake them.
Copy !req
1921. Uh, but you don't get
to a point where you say,
Copy !req
1922. "Well, I'm done
with the leaves."
Copy !req
1923. Then you have
leaves all over the yard.
Copy !req
1924. How can somebody get involved
Copy !req
1925. if they're watching
this right now?
Copy !req
1926. Where can people
get ahold of you
Copy !req
1927. and see you for
your next workshop?
Copy !req
1928. We're doing the
work as we speak.
Copy !req
1929. The workshop is happening
Copy !req
1930. this fall if you
would like to sign up.
Copy !req
1931. You don't need to
bring anything with you
Copy !req
1932. but an open mind.
Copy !req
1933. We're not letting anyone in
who doesn't have an open mind.
Copy !req
1934. Uh, also, there's a fee,
of course, uh, as well.
Copy !req
1935. That's described in the...
Copy !req
1936. on the website but, you know,
Copy !req
1937. the open mind is the main thing.
Copy !req
1938. Matt, the certified DEI.
Copy !req
1939. Thank you so
much for being here.
Copy !req
1940. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
1941. Finding white people
willing to do the work
Copy !req
1942. isn't exactly easy.
Copy !req
1943. So I also advertised my
workshop on craigslist
Copy !req
1944. which, as we know,
is the best place
Copy !req
1945. for finding white people
who are willing to do
Copy !req
1946. just about anything.
Copy !req
1947. Who's ready to do
the work? Anybody?
Copy !req
1948. I know I am.
Copy !req
1949. Welcome to the Do
the Work! Workshop.
Copy !req
1950. Thank you all for being here.
Copy !req
1951. Listen, let's get
the credentials
Copy !req
1952. out of the way upfront.
Copy !req
1953. Um, I am a certified
Copy !req
1954. diversity, equity,
and inclusion expert.
Copy !req
1955. Um, I have the
card and all that,
Copy !req
1956. but I keep the card
in the back pocket
Copy !req
1957. for this because I'm just
a person on a journey,
Copy !req
1958. just like many of you.
Copy !req
1959. But by the end
of the nine steps,
Copy !req
1960. you're gonna start to feel
more like an anti-racist ally.
Copy !req
1961. That ultimately
is our goal here.
Copy !req
1962. Let's dive in right
away with step one.
Copy !req
1963. And here's what we reflect
Copy !req
1964. both externally and internally.
Copy !req
1965. It's all about adopting
an appropriate,
Copy !req
1966. uh, attitude of humility,
Copy !req
1967. and also realizing
that racism lurks,
Copy !req
1968. uh, many places in
society we don't expect it.
Copy !req
1969. This may seem a little strange.
Copy !req
1970. So I look around
the room and point to
Copy !req
1971. who we believe, just by looking,
Copy !req
1972. is the most racist
person in the room.
Copy !req
1973. If you could point.
Copy !req
1974. I'm out, guys.
Copy !req
1975. - Appreciate y'all.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
1976. - Have a lovely day.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
1977. I appreciate it, but this
is definitely not my...
Copy !req
1978. That's uncomfortable.
Copy !req
1979. This is where I'm pointing.
Copy !req
1980. 'Cause why don't we think
about pointing at ourselves?
Copy !req
1981. Why would we rather get
up and leave the room?
Copy !req
1982. Let's go to step two.
Copy !req
1983. This is a pretty simple,
basic anti-racism concept.
Copy !req
1984. Racism is non-binary.
What does that mean?
Copy !req
1985. It means racism
is on a spectrum.
Copy !req
1986. What does that mean? It
means that racism is fluid.
Copy !req
1987. You might move up or down.
Copy !req
1988. So you might say, "Well,
Copy !req
1989. "I'm kind of a three
on the racism scale."
Copy !req
1990. Uh, but there may be
moments when you're a six,
Copy !req
1991. when you're a nine, God forbid.
Copy !req
1992. You all have numbers
on your desks,
Copy !req
1993. and those are magnetized.
Copy !req
1994. Where do you think that you are
Copy !req
1995. on this scale right now?
Copy !req
1996. Wherever you
would judge yourself.
Copy !req
1997. Hmm.
Copy !req
1998. So, everybody wants to be...
Copy !req
1999. obviously, we've got a
little bit of a traffic jam
Copy !req
2000. over at zero, one, two.
Copy !req
2001. Let's just keep that,
we'll keep that up there.
Copy !req
2002. We're gonna keep that
in mind as we move on.
Copy !req
2003. Now, next we move on to
what this whole workshop
Copy !req
2004. is really about, which is
uncomfortable conversations.
Copy !req
2005. Because until we're willing
to talk about these things,
Copy !req
2006. um, healing can't really begin.
Copy !req
2007. So I want you to think back
Copy !req
2008. to a racist moment in your life.
Copy !req
2009. Just something that you remember
Copy !req
2010. you did or said.
Copy !req
2011. You wish you could take it back.
Copy !req
2012. But how does the healing start
Copy !req
2013. if we're not willing to
admit and talk about it?
Copy !req
2014. I'll give you a racist
moment of mine
Copy !req
2015. from two months ago.
Copy !req
2016. And I'll tell you
exactly what happened.
Copy !req
2017. I was at a traffic light,
Copy !req
2018. in my car,
Copy !req
2019. I see a Black man, man of color,
Copy !req
2020. appears to be
walking up to my car.
Copy !req
2021. What'd I do, I
check to make sure
Copy !req
2022. the doors are locked.
Copy !req
2023. And immediately I thought,
Copy !req
2024. I hope he didn't hear
that little click sound.
Copy !req
2025. Why did I do that?
Copy !req
2026. I thought he might be
trying to carjack me.
Copy !req
2027. Unconscious bias.
Copy !req
2028. Now, in this case, the guy
behind me did get carjacked.
Copy !req
2029. But does that mean
Copy !req
2030. that the assumption was fair?
Copy !req
2031. Anybody else
would like to share?
Copy !req
2032. Number eight? Racist moment.
Copy !req
2033. When I was getting my
license when I was 16,
Copy !req
2034. I was in the DMV, and I
was really stressed out.
Copy !req
2035. It was, like, a terrible day.
Copy !req
2036. Despacito was a song
playing on the radio,
Copy !req
2037. and I was just, like,
so annoyed by it.
Copy !req
2038. I was like, "Oh my
God, I've heard this song
Copy !req
2039. "so many times," and I
just sort of, like, blurted out,
Copy !req
2040. and I was like, "Oh God, like,
Copy !req
2041. "can you please
turn off the song?"
Copy !req
2042. The guy at the DMV
was a Puerto Rico guy,
Copy !req
2043. and he just got really, like,
Copy !req
2044. offended by it, and I was like,
Copy !req
2045. "I'm so sorry, like, I
really didn't mean that.
Copy !req
2046. "I just kind of
yelled at the song
Copy !req
2047. "just 'cause I was
feeling bad inside,
Copy !req
2048. "but it just came
off really bad."
Copy !req
2049. And I still feel bad
about that every day.
Copy !req
2050. It was racist.
Copy !req
2051. We're not here
to lie to ourselves.
Copy !req
2052. Now things are
getting heated up.
Copy !req
2053. Now we move on to step six.
Copy !req
2054. Over-smiling.
Copy !req
2055. When you're in a room
with a Black person
Copy !req
2056. or person of color,
there's this compulsion
Copy !req
2057. that people have
to smile too much.
Copy !req
2058. You're overcompensating.
Copy !req
2059. I like to put words into action,
Copy !req
2060. so Ben, if you
wouldn't mind. Ben.
Copy !req
2061. Uh, let's... for Ben
here. Thank you.
Copy !req
2062. Thanks, Ben. Now, Ben
is going to stand here, and
Copy !req
2063. let's try to look at Ben
Copy !req
2064. in the least racist
way that we know how.
Copy !req
2065. Well, number two, you're
not even looking at him.
Copy !req
2066. I think he's not looking at
us, so it's kind of awkward
Copy !req
2067. to look at someone
like they're a specimen.
Copy !req
2068. If that makes sense.
Copy !req
2069. Like the... the exercise itself
Copy !req
2070. is a little awkward, and...
Copy !req
2071. It's not his job as a Black man
Copy !req
2072. to make us feel
comfortable in this moment.
Copy !req
2073. That's not what I
was saying though.
Copy !req
2074. Hmm.
Copy !req
2075. Thanks, Ben.
Copy !req
2076. Now we're gonna
really take the gloves off.
Copy !req
2077. This is where things get real.
Copy !req
2078. White silence.
Copy !req
2079. White silence is
when we remain silent
Copy !req
2080. in the face of
bigotry and racism.
Copy !req
2081. Now, what we like
to tell ourselves is that
Copy !req
2082. as long as I'm not
using the N-word, okay?
Copy !req
2083. As long as I'm not
voting for Donald Trump,
Copy !req
2084. I'm not racist.
Copy !req
2085. By not taking action
in the face of racism,
Copy !req
2086. we are participating
in that racism.
Copy !req
2087. But here's the good news,
Copy !req
2088. it's never too late to
break the white silence
Copy !req
2089. and speak up against racism.
Copy !req
2090. Things are gonna really
get uncomfortable now
Copy !req
2091. especially for me.
Copy !req
2092. Because what I want
to do is lead by example.
Copy !req
2093. My uncle Frank is here today.
Copy !req
2094. Come on, bring
my uncle Frank out.
Copy !req
2095. Thank you, Ben.
Copy !req
2096. Uncle Frank.
Copy !req
2097. It was 20 years ago
Copy !req
2098. that you sat at the
dinner table with us,
Copy !req
2099. and not a day has gone by
Copy !req
2100. that I haven't
thought about this.
Copy !req
2101. You sat at that dinner table,
Copy !req
2102. and you made what
you said was a...
Copy !req
2103. "joke."
Copy !req
2104. You asked the question,
what's the difference
Copy !req
2105. between a Mexican
man and a picnic table?
Copy !req
2106. And the answer was,
Copy !req
2107. a picnic table can
support a family of five.
Copy !req
2108. You're still laughing.
Copy !req
2109. We all laughed at the table.
Copy !req
2110. I laughed.
Copy !req
2111. But I was scared and confused.
Copy !req
2112. And I was a coward.
Copy !req
2113. But I'm not gonna be a
coward anymore, uncle Frank.
Copy !req
2114. You had no right
to make that joke!
Copy !req
2115. Latinx Americans, they
come to this country
Copy !req
2116. and they work hard!
Copy !req
2117. And your little
joke dehumanizes.
Copy !req
2118. It is not funny!
Copy !req
2119. Uncle Frank,
Copy !req
2120. it is not funny to mock
marginalized people!
Copy !req
2121. It's not a joke!
Copy !req
2122. It's not funny...
Copy !req
2123. Uncle Frank.
Copy !req
2124. Okay. Who wants to go next?
Copy !req
2125. Does anybody have some
words for Uncle Frank?
Copy !req
2126. We're breaking the
white silence here today.
Copy !req
2127. Uh, number six, you're
of Hispanic descent.
Copy !req
2128. What are your thoughts?
Copy !req
2129. Mm, I have a lot of thoughts,
Copy !req
2130. but I just feel like it
would be wasted on him.
Copy !req
2131. But I do have one thing to say.
Copy !req
2132. If... With your permission.
Copy !req
2133. You.
Copy !req
2134. Yeah, man. You.
Copy !req
2135. Mm.
Copy !req
2136. I don't talk to
anyone in my family
Copy !req
2137. because they're all
racist white pieces of trash
Copy !req
2138. in a lot of different ways,
Copy !req
2139. but the racism is
the biggest reason.
Copy !req
2140. I have cut off every
person in my life,
Copy !req
2141. including my mother and father,
Copy !req
2142. grandparents,
everything. I do not give a.
Copy !req
2143. Powerful.
Copy !req
2144. The message, it's clear.
Copy !req
2145. Okay, Ben.
Copy !req
2146. Uh, if you wouldn't mind.
Copy !req
2147. Thanks, Uncle Frank.
Copy !req
2148. See you this weekend.
Copy !req
2149. All right. Emotions are high,
Copy !req
2150. and this is where we
finally get to step nine.
Copy !req
2151. We have to ask
ourselves, are we ready for
Copy !req
2152. the healing pain?
Copy !req
2153. Now,
Copy !req
2154. this is when we get to
the self-flagellation portion,
Copy !req
2155. which is the final step.
Copy !req
2156. - Wow.
- Would you mind taking a whip?
Copy !req
2157. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
2158. What is...
Copy !req
2159. Dude, this is ridiculous.
Copy !req
2160. - I'm outta here. You're nuts.
- Me too.
Copy !req
2161. - I can't do this.
- Um...
Copy !req
2162. I tried, man. I tried.
I'm seriously done.
Copy !req
2163. I said it was gonna
be uncomfortable.
Copy !req
2164. Why weren't they willing
to whip themselves?
Copy !req
2165. Wait. Why were these people
willing to whip themselves?
Copy !req
2166. None of this feels right.
Copy !req
2167. Um...
Copy !req
2168. Hang on.
Copy !req
2169. This is probably too far.
Copy !req
2170. Okay, the workshop's
over. It's over.
Copy !req
2171. That was... That's
step nine, so...
Copy !req
2172. Yeah, it's over. Seriously.
Copy !req
2173. Yep. Thanks. Okay.
Copy !req
2174. What am I doing?
Copy !req
2175. What have I become?
Copy !req
2176. Am I making the world better
Copy !req
2177. or am I just profiting
on people's racial guilt?
Copy !req
2178. This is all wrong.
Copy !req
2179. I followed the
anti-racist playbook,
Copy !req
2180. and it led to disaster.
Copy !req
2181. All across America,
Copy !req
2182. many companies have
implemented a division
Copy !req
2183. of diversity, equity,
and inclusion.
Copy !req
2184. And it's important to
have this in the workplace
Copy !req
2185. no matter how big or small
the organization may be.
Copy !req
2186. Joining us this morning is Matt,
Copy !req
2187. a certified diversity,
equity, and inclusion expert.
Copy !req
2188. Good morning.
Copy !req
2189. Morning.
Copy !req
2190. Tell us about your journey.
Copy !req
2191. It hasn't been
great, honestly. Um...
Copy !req
2192. Yeah.
Copy !req
2193. And what led you to
host this workshop?
Copy !req
2194. Why is this an
important initiative,
Copy !req
2195. and how did you go about
putting the workshop together?
Copy !req
2196. We just did a workshop,
Copy !req
2197. uh,
Copy !req
2198. you know, it didn't
go well. Honestly, I'd...
Copy !req
2199. It...
Copy !req
2200. I think it's doing
more harm than good.
Copy !req
2201. This whole thing's
a scam, I don't know.
Copy !req
2202. So when we think
about diversity, equity,
Copy !req
2203. and inclusion, as we
mentioned, there are,
Copy !req
2204. um, keys to what an
organization should focus on.
Copy !req
2205. So what would you say is,
uh, the key for the learning
Copy !req
2206. that we may want to be doing?
Copy !req
2207. Even if we're not
quite there yet, right?
Copy !req
2208. Just, uh...
Copy !req
2209. Just go live your life.
Copy !req
2210. I gotta go.
Copy !req
2211. Black, right?
Copy !req
2212. Yeah. Thanks.
Copy !req
2213. Haven't seen you
around here in a while.
Copy !req
2214. Yeah. I been out doing the work.
Copy !req
2215. Huh?
Copy !req
2216. Been doing the work.
Copy !req
2217. What does that mean?
Copy !req
2218. Well...
Copy !req
2219. White Fragility
Copy !req
2220. is a really great
place to start.
Copy !req
2221. The reason we cannot
be colorblind now,
Copy !req
2222. we're still working
on the problem.
Copy !req
2223. I'm not going to
pretend I don't notice
Copy !req
2224. that there's a Black
person in the grocery store.
Copy !req
2225. DEI certified. I'm here to help.
Copy !req
2226. We live in a white
supremacist society.
Copy !req
2227. Whiteness is even more
insidious than I even knew.
Copy !req
2228. The only thing
about white culture
Copy !req
2229. is buying things
and stealing things.
Copy !req
2230. And whiteness also
robs you of your brain.
Copy !req
2231. America is racist to its bones.
Copy !req
2232. - Um...
- It has to burn.
Copy !req
2233. The entire system has to burn.
Copy !req
2234. "Why are you blaming me
for what my ancestors did?
Copy !req
2235. "It's not my fault."
Copy !req
2236. We want to rename the
George Washington Monument.
Copy !req
2237. This country is a piece of shit.
Copy !req
2238. Love is also
Copy !req
2239. not always patient and kind.
Copy !req
2240. It's not that much
different than Nazi doctors.
Copy !req
2241. Republicans are Nazis.
Copy !req
2242. Kindness is not
what is called for.
Copy !req
2243. It's not funny, Uncle Frank!
Copy !req
2244. You.
Copy !req
2245. I can go get some
cash, for sure.
Copy !req
2246. Raise a glass if you're racist.
Copy !req
2247. Okay.
Copy !req
2248. Let me know if you
need anything else.
Copy !req
2249. You know, this experience
has really taught me something.
Copy !req
2250. The anti-racist industry
says that America is racist
Copy !req
2251. down to its bones.
Copy !req
2252. And if that were true,
Copy !req
2253. there wouldn't be anything
we could do about it.
Copy !req
2254. White people could
only wallow in their guilt,
Copy !req
2255. and Black people
in their victimhood...
Copy !req
2256. But it's a lie.
Copy !req
2257. It's a lie meant
to manipulate us.
Copy !req
2258. Look, we'll never
live in a utopia.
Copy !req
2259. We all know that.
Copy !req
2260. But we don't have
to be held hostage
Copy !req
2261. by these race-baiting
con artists
Copy !req
2262. who want us to
be bitter and angry
Copy !req
2263. and resentful.
Copy !req
2264. They're selling us the disease.
Copy !req
2265. They're telling
us there's no cure.
Copy !req
2266. They don't say that I'm racist,
Copy !req
2267. and you're a victim, because
that's what they think we are.
Copy !req
2268. They tell us that
Copy !req
2269. because that's what
they want us to be.
Copy !req
2270. Well, it's time
for us to say no.
Copy !req
2271. Yeah! Yeah!
Copy !req
2272. Well, bless your heart.
Copy !req
2273. I got a lot of tables.
Copy !req
2274. Hey. You wanna hear a joke?
Copy !req
2275. Thank you for calling
the Boulder Bookstore.
Copy !req
2276. How can I help you?
Copy !req
2277. Hi. I was just in the other day,
Copy !req
2278. and I saw a certain
book that, uh,
Copy !req
2279. I wasn't ready to
read at the time,
Copy !req
2280. but I think I'm ready. I
wanted to see if you guys
Copy !req
2281. still have it in stock.
Copy !req
2282. Yeah, what was the title?
Copy !req
2283. Uh, it starts... So
it starts with an "N."
Copy !req
2284. Um...
Copy !req
2285. I don't remember the...
Copy !req
2286. I don't remember the author.
Copy !req
2287. Um...
Copy !req
2288. It... It's...
Copy !req
2289. You don't know the
title of the book either?
Copy !req
2290. Well, it... it's, uh...
Copy !req
2291. 'Cause it got... It's kind of...
Copy !req
2292. It starts with an "N"
and there's kind of, uh...
Copy !req
2293. Well, there's...
Copy !req
2294. It's like there's... there's a
vowel, there's consonants,
Copy !req
2295. there's a vowel. Um...
Copy !req
2296. It... It's one word.
Copy !req
2297. I really... I don't
know how to look it up
Copy !req
2298. without the title or the author.
Copy !req
2299. Well, it's got kind of...
So it starts with an "N."
Copy !req
2300. And then it's got kind
of, sort of, it's got an "I,"
Copy !req
2301. uh, there, it... it's...
Copy !req
2302. I guess... I mean, we've
got thousands of books,
Copy !req
2303. so I don't really
know how to look it up
Copy !req
2304. with just knowing the
two... first two letters.
Copy !req
2305. It's "N-I..." So
it's like an "N-I..."
Copy !req
2306. There's the... It's a "G..."
Copy !req
2307. is in there, and
there's another one.
Copy !req
2308. Let me put you on a
brief hold and go check.
Copy !req
2309. Thanks for holding. Um,
I'm not seeing anything.
Copy !req
2310. I mean, maybe try
to think of the title
Copy !req
2311. - if you can and call back?
- Well, it's...
Copy !req
2312. Sorry, sorry. I...
I know the title.
Copy !req
2313. I just can't... I
can't say the title.
Copy !req
2314. - And I...
- Okay.
Copy !req
2315. I don't know. I don't
think you can say it either,
Copy !req
2316. so I don't...
Copy !req
2317. It's a very... It's
a triggering title.
Copy !req
2318. Uh, it actually rhymes
with "trigger," actually,
Copy !req
2319. and, uh, so...
Copy !req
2320. but that's what I was wondering,
Copy !req
2321. if it was there.
Copy !req
2322. Um, I mean, I didn't see it
when I just went and looked.
Copy !req
2323. Okay. But you know
what I'm talking about?
Copy !req
2324. Yeah.
Copy !req
2325. It... It's that book.
Copy !req
2326. - Yeah.
- Okay.
Copy !req
2327. - Okay. Have a good day.
Copy !req