1. Come on. can we finish this?
It's getting late.
Copy !req
2. Yeah. Okay.
Copy !req
3. I assure my esteemed colleague...
Copy !req
4. that since the death of our
friend and coworker...
Copy !req
5. Samuel Norman.
the Auto Workers Alliance...
Copy !req
6. has made a substantial
recovery and will continue—
Copy !req
7. No. new sentence there.
Copy !req
8. We will continue to improve with
the months ahead. Yours truly. Frank—
Copy !req
9. I know who it's from. Frank.
Copy !req
10. You hear that?
Copy !req
11. It's probably my date.
Copy !req
12. Come on. Liz.
Copy !req
13. Come on.
Copy !req
14. Don't be in such a hurry
to get home.
Copy !req
15. You can't possibly have
a better suggestion.
Copy !req
16. So happens I do!
Copy !req
17. Oh. Frank!
Copy !req
18. Boy. I'll tell you.
these things never work.
Copy !req
19. What? You got something
against violence?
Copy !req
20. You dating Santa Claus?
Copy !req
21. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
22. Jesus Christ!
Copy !req
23. Hey. man!
Copy !req
24. No. man!
Copy !req
25. It was a regular fuck- a- rama
at my place last night.
Copy !req
26. Can the shit. Kornblau.
Copy !req
27. There ain't been any pussy at your pad
since your mother helped you move in.
Copy !req
28. They ought to call your place
"The House of Whacks."
Copy !req
29. Check this out.
Copy !req
30. I'm surprised he don't wear
a shirt that says "I steal shit."
Copy !req
31. What's he think we're driving.
an ice cream truck?
Copy !req
32. He's gotta be kidding.
Copy !req
33. This boy would have to...
Copy !req
34. go to college for four years to
reach the level of shit- for- brains.
Copy !req
35. There he goes!
Copy !req
36. You little bastard!
What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
37. We better call the meat wagon.
Copy !req
38. It'd be best to let it
percolate a little.
Copy !req
39. Give me your damn purse!
Copy !req
40. I'll give you my purse where
it'll do you the most good!
Copy !req
41. What's your name?
Copy !req
42. Albert. Albert Smith.
Copy !req
43. Albert...
Copy !req
44. your mother and father weren't. By
chance. Brother and sister. Were they?
Copy !req
45. - What's gonna happen to me?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
46. Nothing much. You might have to endure
a little session with "Action" Jackson.
Copy !req
47. - Who's Actson“?
- Action.
Copy !req
48. Action Jackson.
Copy !req
49. Some say he didn't even
have a mother.
Copy !req
50. That some researchers...
Copy !req
51. at NASA created him to walk
on the moon without a space suit.
Copy !req
52. Others say his mother was
molested by Bigfoot.
Copy !req
53. And Jackson's their mutant offspring.
Copy !req
54. They bring in Jackson when they want
to re- educate some young ne'er- do- well.
Copy !req
55. Such as yourself. Albert.
Copy !req
56. I remember one kid got
re- educated so bad...
Copy !req
57. his testicles climbed back up into
his belly. Wouldn't come out.
Copy !req
58. - They called it a medical miracle.
- Another kid...
Copy !req
59. "handcuffed to a chair.
Copy !req
60. Gnawed his own hand off
like a trapped skunk...
Copy !req
61. or wolverine or something.
Copy !req
62. Jackson is so vicious. We
don't even let him have a gun.
Copy !req
63. Is he here?
Copy !req
64. He gets so riled up...
Copy !req
65. you gotta use tranquilizer darts
just to keep him in his chair.
Copy !req
66. Hey. how you doing man?
Copy !req
67. Hey. what's going on?
Copy !req
68. Where is he?
Copy !req
69. Keep your dick on. kid.
Copy !req
70. They're probably just
cleaning out his cage.
Copy !req
71. Hi. darlin'.
Copy !req
72. How much do you charge
for a hand job?
Copy !req
73. My partner has sprained his wrist.
Copy !req
74. Maybe you'd like to try
a foot job instead?
Copy !req
75. How much is that?
Copy !req
76. For you. It's free.
Copy !req
77. Stop that kid!
Copy !req
78. Stupid son of a bitch!
Copy !req
79. Little shit! I'm gonna
break your legs!
Copy !req
80. Grab him!
Copy !req
81. - Get that little shit!
- Look out!
Copy !req
82. Mellow out.
Copy !req
83. You did it again. Jackson.
Copy !req
84. Jackson. What's on the agenda today?
Copy !req
85. Trying out a new typewriter or
maybe a dangerous Xerox assignment?
Copy !req
86. Sorry! I meant to congratulate
you on that collar you made.
Copy !req
87. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
Copy !req
88. It takes sharp work to track a man
screaming. "I did it! I did it!"
Copy !req
89. You know. Jackson. I can't believe
we stayed partners as long as we did.
Copy !req
90. - Come in!
Somebody had to carry you.
Copy !req
91. File that. Will you?
Copy !req
92. So far we got zilch.
Copy !req
93. It's as if the assailant
was invisible.
Copy !req
94. There wasn't enough left of
Stringer for an autopsy.
Copy !req
95. And his secretary. Miss Massetori. Seems
to have died before the fire started.
Copy !req
96. How was that?
Copy !req
97. No sign of smoke inhalation.
Not even seared lungs.
Copy !req
98. - Interesting.
- It was unusual...
Copy !req
99. for Mr. Stringer and
Miss Massetori to be working so late...
Copy !req
100. but the coroner didn't think he was
slipping her the old protein pickup.
Copy !req
101. Detective Kotterwell. Please keep
a leash on your vocabulary.
Copy !req
102. Yes. sir.
Copy !req
103. Like me to repeat anything?
Copy !req
104. "The old protein pickup."
Copy !req
105. You give this department class. I'm
surprised they don't make you captain.
Copy !req
106. If Armbruster fucked up as bad
as you did. They probably would.
Copy !req
107. Looks like your friend fainted again.
Copy !req
108. Did you threaten to white him out?
Copy !req
109. I just showed him a picture
of your girlfriend.
Copy !req
110. Jackson. Have a seat.
Copy !req
111. Sergeant, how long has it been since
you lost your lieutenant's stripes?
Copy !req
112. Almost two years.
Copy !req
113. And how would you describe
those two years?
Copy !req
114. Uneventful.
Copy !req
115. In my years on the force. I have
never met a more dedicated policeman.
Copy !req
116. I know you're a very proud man.
And you have much to be proud of.
Copy !req
117. High- school track star.
Harvard law degree—
Copy !req
118. Frankly. If I had a Harvard law degree
I never would've become a policeman.
Copy !req
119. I know the duties I assign you are
trivial. But they're crucial...
Copy !req
120. in maintaining the public's goodwill.
Copy !req
121. Like tonight. For example.
Copy !req
122. I need you to represent the department
at the Detroit Businessman League's...
Copy !req
123. Man of the Year fundraiser.
I was scheduled to attend...
Copy !req
124. but I had forgotten that this
is my wife's Parcheesi night.
Copy !req
125. That sounds pretty painless.
Copy !req
126. Won't be that painless.
Copy !req
127. Their Man of the Year
is Peter Dellaplane.
Copy !req
128. Peter Dellaplane is
Man of the Year. Huh?
Copy !req
129. Why not make Charlie Manson
a high- school counselor?
Copy !req
130. Just because the man had a few
family problems—
Copy !req
131. His son's a sexual psychopath. With
problems like that. I'd get neutered.
Copy !req
132. I know you take this matter
very personally—
Copy !req
133. Personally?
Captain. The man cost me my stripes!
Copy !req
134. You cost you your stripes.
no one else!
Copy !req
135. You could've handled Sean Dellaplane
more delicately.
Copy !req
136. How? Send him
an engraved invitation?
Copy !req
137. "Come on down here. Join us at
city jail. Dress casual. RSVP."
Copy !req
138. - You nearly tore that boy's arm off!
- So?
Copy !req
139. He had a spare.
Copy !req
140. Sergeant...
Copy !req
141. I'm not sure I'm getting
through to you.
Copy !req
142. That case not only cost you
your lieutenant's stripes...
Copy !req
143. but also your gun permit and
marriage. And brought this department...
Copy !req
144. publicity we can do without.
Copy !req
145. The public doesn't appreciate charges of
police brutality. Substantiated or not!
Copy !req
146. I'm not asking you to go there
to brownnose Peter Dellaplane.
Copy !req
147. I just need to be sure your Action
Jackson days are far behind you.
Copy !req
148. Then we'll see about getting
those lieutenant's stripes back.
Copy !req
149. On my television I came
acmss a commercial...
Copy !req
150. for Dellaplane's car. The Halley.
Copy !req
151. And I was struck by just
how apt that name is.
Copy !req
152. For Peter Dellaplane
is himself a comet.
Copy !req
153. A man whose bright and blazing tail...
Copy !req
154. leads the way for the few with
the courage to follow.
Copy !req
155. And like Halley's comet.
he's the kind of man...
Copy !req
156. who comes along
only once in a lifetime.
Copy !req
157. Ladies and gentlemen.
our Man of the Year...
Copy !req
158. Mr. Peter Anthony Dellaplane.
Copy !req
159. Thank you.
Copy !req
160. Congratulations!
Copy !req
161. Wonderful. Peter!
Copy !req
162. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
163. I hope the fire marshal isn't
too alarmed by my blazing tail.
Copy !req
164. As a young boy growing up...
Copy !req
165. in my father's house. I spent
a lot of time in the library.
Copy !req
166. One not that much smaller than
the Library of Congress.
Copy !req
167. Pardon me.
Copy !req
168. You can't hear what
he's saying back here.
Copy !req
169. I know. It's the best seat
in the house.
Copy !req
170. I take it your not one of
Mr. Dellaplane's friends.
Copy !req
171. Not unless they changed
the definition.
Copy !req
172. I want you to meet...
Copy !req
173. my most lovely bride...
Copy !req
174. Patrice Dellaplane.
Copy !req
175. Patrice!
Copy !req
176. I bet I can make you change your mind.
Copy !req
177. My most precious wife.
Copy !req
178. Sweetheart. Let's share
this moment together.
Copy !req
179. Didn't Caulfield versus
North Carolina demonstrate...
Copy !req
180. that liability applies to government
as individuals. Not as a unit?
Copy !req
181. Liability applies only if the
individual's acting on his own accord...
Copy !req
182. not as a representative
of the government.
Copy !req
183. Yes. I see that.
But on the other hand—
Copy !req
184. What do you think of our
Man of the Year?
Copy !req
185. I think he is a greedy...
Copy !req
186. conceited. Two- faced.
backstabbing asshole.
Copy !req
187. Yes. I'd say that just
about sums it up.
Copy !req
188. Peter. I'd like you to meet—
I'm sorry. I don't know your name.
Copy !req
189. Jackson. Jericho Jackson.
Copy !req
190. There's a nickname associated
with it. isn't there?
Copy !req
191. Something like "excitement"?
Copy !req
192. "Enthusiasm"? "Esprit de corps"?
Copy !req
193. It's "Action."
Copy !req
194. Well. Of course. That rhymes.
Copy !req
195. How do you know each other?
Copy !req
196. We met through my son.
Copy !req
197. I helped him to relocate.
How's he doing?
Copy !req
198. He's adjusting.
Copy !req
199. The Dellaplanes are adept
at dealing with obstacles.
Copy !req
200. He was a popular boy. I'm sure
he's popular in his new home.
Copy !req
201. I hear all it takes
is the right opening.
Copy !req
202. The car's ready.
Copy !req
203. It's been a pleasure
to see you. Lieutenant.
Copy !req
204. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
205. It's sergeant now. Isn't it?
Copy !req
206. Guess I wasn't able to make
you change your mind after all.
Copy !req
207. What do you call a guy with no arms
and legs. Under a pile of leaves?
Copy !req
208. Russell.
Copy !req
209. A guy with no arms and legs.
who sits on the porch?
Copy !req
210. Matt.
Copy !req
211. A guy with no arms and legs. Who...
Copy !req
212. sits on the wall?
Copy !req
213. Art.
Copy !req
214. Pal. you're trying to unload a whole
field of fertilizer on me here.
Copy !req
215. Stringer's death was neither
tragic nor accidental.
Copy !req
216. Somebody diced the guy.
Copy !req
217. A guy with no arms and legs
that floats in the water?
Copy !req
218. You two assholes...
Copy !req
219. if you don't shut the fuck up!
Copy !req
220. Bob.
Copy !req
221. What's up his ass?
Copy !req
222. I have some Tums. If you need them.
Copy !req
223. What the“?
Copy !req
224. Yeah. Ray. you're talking to
Mr. Security himself here.
Copy !req
225. I got the place tighter than
the Pope's poop chute.
Copy !req
226. What the hell's going on?
Copy !req
227. Yeah. I know. But you're
interrupting an aria.
Copy !req
228. Good night.
Copy !req
229. Later!
Copy !req
230. You better start thinking
about a new career. Pal.
Copy !req
231. Oh. Shit!
Copy !req
232. Hey. sarge! Good evening.
Copy !req
233. To bad about the game. Huh?
Copy !req
234. We lost. Damn!
Copy !req
235. - Put money down on it?
- Clovis. I'm a cop.
Copy !req
236. How much did you lose on that game?
Copy !req
237. Ten bucks.
Copy !req
238. Is that all?
Do they give you enough?
Copy !req
239. You gotta play for higher stakes!
Copy !req
240. That means I'd have to tip less.
Copy !req
241. Stop the presses! You did not
hear it from this mouth.
Copy !req
242. Please be careful—
Copy !req
243. With the car because the parts
are hard to find for a '66 Impala.
Copy !req
244. I don't sound that bad. Do I?
Copy !req
245. No. not at all!
Copy !req
246. I was merely extemporizing.
Copy !req
247. Extemporizing.
Copy !req
248. And please don't peel
away too slowly because...
Copy !req
249. this car's my most prized
Copy !req
250. and should be driven as fast
as possible at all times.
Copy !req
251. This has nothing tn dn with plumbing.
Copy !req
252. Well, n! course it doesn't.
Dun 't be ridiculous!
Copy !req
253. The Halley, fmm Dellaplane.
Copy !req
254. Look for a new star in the sky tonight-
Copy !req
255. The Haffey-
The car of tomorrow can be yours today-
Copy !req
256. Hut.
Copy !req
257. Hatter.
Copy !req
258. Hottest-
Copy !req
259. We're miles abnve the rest.
Copy !req
260. The Halley, fmm Dellaplane.
Copy !req
261. Jericho, this is Tony- Pick up, man-
You there? Pick up!
Copy !req
262. I gut some news, pal.
Same interesting stuff.
Copy !req
263. Ca}! me- You know where
you can reach me-
Copy !req
264. Harbor officials report that
the craft belongs tn Liane! Grantham.
Copy !req
265. An A WA official' who's
been president- - -
Copy !req
266. — - of Local' 132
for the fast five years-
Copy !req
267. Grantham is believed
tn have died in the explosion...
Copy !req
268. with crew members whnse
names are being held...
Copy !req
269. Come on.
There's gotta be more!
Copy !req
270. The coroner's looking at
what's left of Grantham.
Copy !req
271. It's like the Norman case. There
wasn't enough left to put on a pizza.
Copy !req
272. - What evidence connects the deaths?
- Am I hearing correctly?
Copy !req
273. Is the one- man army
really asking for help?
Copy !req
274. - Jackson. Call for you!
- Who is it?
Copy !req
275. Do I look like your secretary?
Copy !req
276. Yeah. It must be your lipstick.
Copy !req
277. Hold on a second. Dale!
Copy !req
278. - Jackson here.
Jr's Tony-
Copy !req
279. Tony. I'm sorry. I—
Copy !req
280. Where have you been?
Come over as soon as you can-
Copy !req
281. This is a matter n! life and death.
Copy !req
282. Hey, Tony?
Copy !req
283. Jesus. Tony.
You don't look too good.
Copy !req
284. How'd you get in here?
Copy !req
285. It was open.
Copy !req
286. What happened? Who did this?
Copy !req
287. I did.
Copy !req
288. You can never be too careful.
Copy !req
289. The walls...
Copy !req
290. The walls have ears. And all of that.
Copy !req
291. I wanna take you to a hospital.
Copy !req
292. Sit down.
Copy !req
293. You sit down and you're gonna listen.
Copy !req
294. All right.
Copy !req
295. Just cool it.
Copy !req
296. - Looks like you haven't slept in days.
- I can't afford to sleep.
Copy !req
297. Norman dead...
Copy !req
298. Grantham dead...
Copy !req
299. Stringer dead.
Copy !req
300. And Tony alive...
Copy !req
301. for now.
Copy !req
302. - Right?
- Who'd wanna kill you. Tony?
Copy !req
303. I'll give you three guesses.
and the first two...
Copy !req
304. you forget about.
All right?
Copy !req
305. Here's a little hint:
Copy !req
306. "Hot. Hotter. Hottest."
Copy !req
307. Peter Dellaplane.
Copy !req
308. I'd like to ref! you a story
Copy !req
309. About a man and the many
Hearts he broke
Copy !req
310. Eye to eye you are no match
Copy !req
311. 'Cause you wanna fa}! in fave
Copy !req
312. Girl's, he 'f! break your heart
Copy !req
313. Do you wrong, tefl you fies
Copy !req
314. 'Cause he's got those
Copy !req
315. Far away eyes
Copy !req
316. Far away eyes
Copy !req
317. I'm a foo}, baby
Copy !req
318. Far away eyes
Copy !req
319. Buy, you're a heartbreaker
Copy !req
320. Stiff, I've got to make you mine
Copy !req
321. Play an this, baby
Copy !req
322. You're the one and onfy
Copy !req
323. open up my door
Copy !req
324. And fave me with your
Copy !req
325. Far away eyes
Copy !req
326. Far away eyes
Copy !req
327. How do you fee}, baby
Copy !req
328. Far away eyes
Copy !req
329. Buy, you're a heartbreaker
Copy !req
330. Stiff, I've got to make you mine
Copy !req
331. I expected a standing ovation.
Copy !req
332. You're getting one.
Copy !req
333. - Will you be leaving now. Miss Ash?
- Yes. she will. Edd.
Copy !req
334. Would you like me to accompany you?
Copy !req
335. No. thank you.
This part I can do on my own.
Copy !req
336. You remember who
pays your salary?
Copy !req
337. You do. Mr. Dellaplane.
And most generously.
Copy !req
338. Right.
Copy !req
339. Working for Springer. My job
was to keep tabs on people.
Copy !req
340. Ask questions. Find out who's planning
what power plays. That kind of thing.
Copy !req
341. Dellaplane. He was...
Copy !req
342. working his way through the union.
Finding who's for him. Who against.
Copy !req
343. Who resented his money. His power.
Who was agreeing with him...
Copy !req
344. and it was all that.
- All right. Look.
Copy !req
345. What does that have to do
with Stringer?
Copy !req
346. Stringer didn't trust him.
Copy !req
347. He hated his guts. In fact.
Copy !req
348. That's the same for Norman and for
Grantham. And because of that...
Copy !req
349. Dellaplane wanted them
out of the way.
Copy !req
350. For what?
Copy !req
351. That's the rickety part.
because I don't know.
Copy !req
352. It's just—
I can't figure that out.
Copy !req
353. Wait. Come on. think about it.
Copy !req
354. You're saying Dellaplane's killing
off AWA leaders...
Copy !req
355. and you don't know why and
you don't have any evidence.
Copy !req
356. Don't tell me you're
afraid of Dellaplane.
Copy !req
357. The Jackson I knew
wasn't afraid of nothing.
Copy !req
358. We all thought he'd make
a name for himself.
Copy !req
359. If I got the wrong Jackson.
please tell me.
Copy !req
360. Come on. you got the right Jackson.
Copy !req
361. He didn't make the name for himself
he thought he would.
Copy !req
362. One person you might try...
Copy !req
363. is Dellaplane's mistress.
She's a singer.
Copy !req
364. Her name is Sydney Ash
and she works at this club.
Copy !req
365. Joey's Club Elite.
All right?
Copy !req
366. - I'm not wasting your time.
- I know.
Copy !req
367. I promise you that I'm on to something.
Copy !req
368. Thanks.
Copy !req
369. Moretti?
Copy !req
370. Delivery.
Copy !req
371. Would you please sign here?
Copy !req
372. It's C.O.D.
Copy !req
373. I saw your wife
in the paper last week.
Copy !req
374. Are you ever gonna tell her about me?
Copy !req
375. Why would I do a thing like that?
Copy !req
376. You know I never mix business
with pleasure.
Copy !req
377. Which of us is business
and which is pleasure?
Copy !req
378. Would you like me to spell
it out for you?
Copy !req
379. You said that you'd come see me more.
Copy !req
380. And you said a man from Motown
was gonna come hear me sing.
Copy !req
381. And you also said that
I could cut a record...
Copy !req
382. and that I'd be going places.
Copy !req
383. Did I say all that?
Copy !req
384. Really?
Copy !req
385. Give me two good reasons why
I'd say all those things.
Copy !req
386. Now I remember.
Copy !req
387. Oh. baby!
Copy !req
388. You're gorgeous.
Copy !req
389. This...
Copy !req
390. is supposed to be
a girl's best friend.
Copy !req
391. What would I ever do without you. Huh?
Copy !req
392. Let's hope you never have to find out.
Copy !req
393. Sweet dreams. Baby.
Copy !req
394. Amphetamines. Malnutrition. Insomnia.
Copy !req
395. If the bullet hadn't gotten him. He
would've dropped dead within the week.
Copy !req
396. That's very consoling.
You got a great bedside manner.
Copy !req
397. In this business. I need a bedside
manner like I need another nose.
Copy !req
398. He's a friend of yours. Huh?
Copy !req
399. From the same high school.
Copy !req
400. We were on the track team together.
Copy !req
401. He was a high- strung kid.
Copy !req
402. I hadn't seen much of him since
he started to work for the union.
Copy !req
403. Kotterwell says it's suicide.
Copy !req
404. He wouldn't know suicide if it
crawled up his ass and died there.
Copy !req
405. They said Tony killed himself
with a 9mm. Bullshit!
Copy !req
406. I saw him packing a.32.
Somebody planted that 9mm on him.
Copy !req
407. You got any leads?
Copy !req
408. I know a woman who might help. But
I gotta get her away from her husband.
Copy !req
409. Story of my life!
Copy !req
410. All right. But if I see
a cake with 63 candles...
Copy !req
411. I'll be out the door
faster than...
Copy !req
412. shit through Secretariat.
Copy !req
413. This should go well with your meal.
Copy !req
414. I didn't know you listed photography
among your interests.
Copy !req
415. Is that all you have to say?
Copy !req
416. The negative's quite poor. Isn't it?
Copy !req
417. The quality of the print
seems excellent.
Copy !req
418. It's a shame the subject
wasn't more cooperative.
Copy !req
419. Who was he?
Copy !req
420. His name was Tony Moretti.
Copy !req
421. He worked for Stringer. They knew
your plans for the AWA...
Copy !req
422. and now they're both dead.
Is that clear enough?
Copy !req
423. What are you planning for the AWA?
Copy !req
424. Ray. I'm sorry. My manners are...
Copy !req
425. Sweetheart.
Copy !req
426. This is Sergeant Jericho Jackson.
one of Detroit's finest.
Copy !req
427. This is Raymond Foss. President
of the Auto Workers Alliance.
Copy !req
428. I'm sure he would be delighted
to hear what I have planned.
Copy !req
429. - Good afternoon. Mr. Foss.
Copy !req
430. Too bad you couldn't find a more
suitable luncheon companion.
Copy !req
431. Mrs. Dellaplane. I hope you'll
forgive the intrusion.
Copy !req
432. Good day.
Copy !req
433. Is he giving you trouble?
Copy !req
434. His kind of trouble
is no trouble at all.
Copy !req
435. Lesson's over.
Copy !req
436. Show him to his car.
Copy !req
437. We're having some problems
with O'Rooney...
Copy !req
438. but we should have him
in shape by this Sunday.
Copy !req
439. Jackson got to Moretti before we did.
Copy !req
440. It doesn't matter. What could
he tell him? He had no proof.
Copy !req
441. Jackson? No need to.
He doesn't know enough...
Copy !req
442. I say that sounds fine.
I believe we can meet that.
Copy !req
443. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
444. I got a meeting in 14 minutes.
I'm on the phone to Italy.
Copy !req
445. It costs more than your diamond brooch.
Copy !req
446. - It's important.
- This is important.
Copy !req
447. I say we can meet that.
Let's go. please.
Copy !req
448. It'll just take a second. Honey—
Copy !req
449. It'll be about a couple
of weeks. I think.
Copy !req
450. Will you be leaving. Madam?
I'll be happy to drive you.
Copy !req
451. No. thank you.
I can do it myself.
Copy !req
452. Sergeant!
- I was just coming to see you.
Copy !req
453. Are you going into town?
Copy !req
454. I am. Would you like a ride?
Copy !req
455. I thought you'd never ask.
Copy !req
456. I couldn't figure out what
they were talking about...
Copy !req
457. but I heard him say
the name Moretti.
Copy !req
458. And he definitely said your name.
Copy !req
459. He also mentioned
a man named O'Rooney.
Copy !req
460. How they were having trouble with him.
but they'd have him in shape by Sunday.
Copy !req
461. That's gotta be Oliver O'Rooney.
Copy !req
462. He used to work for your husband.
but now he's with the AWA.
Copy !req
463. You familiar with the name?
Copy !req
464. What do you know about
Frank Stringer or Lionel Grantham?
Copy !req
465. Only what I read in the paper.
Copy !req
466. Peter never mentioned them. He
doesn't bring his work home with him.
Copy !req
467. Except this weekend. He's giving
a party for that man we had lunch with.
Copy !req
468. Raymond Foss? Aren't he
and your husband friends?
Copy !req
469. No. not at all.
Copy !req
470. In fact. I could've sworn
they hated each other.
Copy !req
471. He's gotta be used to that by now.
Copy !req
472. I know how you feel about Peter.
But you don't know him the way I do.
Copy !req
473. He may seem greedy and arrogant...
Copy !req
474. but you don't make it big
and remained loved by everyone.
Copy !req
475. I met him after his first wife died
and his son went to prison.
Copy !req
476. I think the whole experience
changed him.
Copy !req
477. He's not the man you think you know.
Copy !req
478. What do you think you know about me?
Copy !req
479. I think you're not
so different from Peter.
Copy !req
480. You're both stubborn. Both
intent on getting what you want.
Copy !req
481. You know. I think Peter
admires you a little bit.
Copy !req
482. Not many people cause him so much
trouble and get away with it.
Copy !req
483. Who says I've gotten away
with anything?
Copy !req
484. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
485. - Can you get me into the party?
- Not and keep my marriage.
Copy !req
486. I cut a fine figure
on the dance floor.
Copy !req
487. At least I would. If your husband
didn't have my legs broken.
Copy !req
488. Why do they call you Action—
Copy !req
489. Are you okay?
Copy !req
490. Go to the police station.
I have to catch a cab.
Copy !req
491. Hey. you!
Copy !req
492. I'm talking to you!
Copy !req
493. Come on. asshole!
Copy !req
494. Now I got you!
Copy !req
495. Maybe this wasn't a
good idea after all.
Copy !req
496. Shit!
Copy !req
497. Oh. Shit!
Copy !req
498. Enough is enough!
Copy !req
499. You want to shoot me?
I'm not packing. Don't shoot me!
Copy !req
500. Come on! Come on and get me!
Copy !req
501. Don't shoot me. That's too easy.
Copy !req
502. Be a man!
Copy !req
503. Come and get me!
Copy !req
504. I know you killed Tony!
Come on. chicken shit!
Copy !req
505. Come on!
Copy !req
506. Son of a bitch! Shit.
Copy !req
507. Where did he go?
Copy !req
508. I'm afraid to ask.
Copy !req
509. Dry cleaning.
Copy !req
510. - Ray Foss is on the line.
- I'll take it in my office.
Copy !req
511. It's the Martinizing that does it.
Copy !req
512. Did a woman come by for me?
Twenty- nine. A blond?
Copy !req
513. Christ. I thought I dreamed.
Copy !req
514. What the hell happened to you?
Copy !req
515. She left a note.
Copy !req
516. "I'm gonna tell Peter everything."
How do you do it?
Copy !req
517. It's the clothes.
Copy !req
518. What?
Copy !req
519. Where the hell is Jackson?
Copy !req
520. Ladies and gentlemen!
Copy !req
521. Joey's Club Elite is
proud to present...
Copy !req
522. Sydney Ash!
Copy !req
523. AH my fave is for your fun
Copy !req
524. If you keep me up on the one
Copy !req
525. I'm so in fave with you
Copy !req
526. For fave, honey, f? undo
Copy !req
527. I just might take it nff real slaw
Copy !req
528. Maybe even turn the fights down
Copy !req
529. You contra! my desire
Copy !req
530. Undress ynur lave
Baby. Take me higher
Copy !req
531. Can you kiss me?
Copy !req
532. Baby. Undress me
Copy !req
533. Can you kiss me?
Copy !req
534. Baby. Undress
Copy !req
535. When I wanna rock
Copy !req
536. just put my body on the top
Copy !req
537. You know what I wanna do
Copy !req
538. It's my game if you wanna play
Copy !req
539. There's one thing that I wanna say
Copy !req
540. I never Jose
Copy !req
541. Undo me, baby, don't bofd back
My fave is on tbe one
Copy !req
542. Watch me and we can have some fun
Copy !req
543. You shoufd come and join me, baby
Copy !req
544. Unwind, darling, and drive me crazy
Copy !req
545. Get up aft at that stump, baby
Copy !req
546. Can you kiss me?
Copy !req
547. Baby. Undress me
Copy !req
548. Can you kiss me?
Copy !req
549. Baby. Undress
Copy !req
550. Good evening. Sir.
Copy !req
551. Here's your.357.
It's cleaned and ported.
Copy !req
552. All right.
Copy !req
553. Thank you. I'll test it in the morning.
Copy !req
554. - Cartier?
- Sir.
Copy !req
555. Has madam arrived yet?
Copy !req
556. No. I'm afraid not. Sir.
Copy !req
557. Will you let me know?
Copy !req
558. I was worried about you. Honey.
Copy !req
559. They said you hadn't come home yet.
Copy !req
560. I came in through the back door.
Copy !req
561. Peter. Something's wrong.
Copy !req
562. - What is it? Let's talk about it.
- it's Cartier.
Copy !req
563. I heard him on the phone today.
Copy !req
564. He was talking about
that man Moretti.
Copy !req
565. The one Sergeant Jackson showed
you the picture of?
Copy !req
566. - You must be mistaken.
- No. I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
567. He said Jackson had gotten to him.
but he couldn't tell him anything.
Copy !req
568. Peter. What's going on?
Copy !req
569. Do you trust me?
Copy !req
570. Of course I trust you.
Copy !req
571. I have to hear you say it.
Copy !req
572. For me. Peter. Please!
Copy !req
573. I swear to you. I had nothing
to do with anybody's murder.
Copy !req
574. Not Frank Stringer.
Not Lionel Grantham...
Copy !req
575. or any friend of Jericho Jackson's.
Copy !req
576. Thank you. Peter.
Copy !req
577. I would never do anything
to harm you. Baby.
Copy !req
578. I just hope Sergeant Jackson
will understand.
Copy !req
579. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
580. You didn't tell Jackson
any of this. Did you?
Copy !req
581. He came by right after
I overheard the conversation.
Copy !req
582. But I assured him that you
couldn't have been involved.
Copy !req
583. I knew that you couldn't be.
Copy !req
584. You wouldn't talk to me.
I didn't know what to do!
Copy !req
585. Please don't hate me for it.
Copy !req
586. I don't hate you.
Copy !req
587. I love you!
Copy !req
588. More than life itself.
Copy !req
589. Works fine.
Copy !req
590. Hi. ladies.
Copy !req
591. Knock yourself out. Huh?
Copy !req
592. May I help you?
Copy !req
593. I'd like to speak to Miss Ash.
Copy !req
594. I don't recommend that.
Copy !req
595. I do!
Copy !req
596. You're a big fella.
How much do you weigh?
Copy !req
597. 270 pounds.
Copy !req
598. That's pretty big.
Copy !req
599. You make a good living. Don't you?
Copy !req
600. Good enough. It helps pay
my way through medical school.
Copy !req
601. If I was to hit you again...
Copy !req
602. you'd probably slam my body
through that wall. Wouldn't you?
Copy !req
603. I was thinking about it.
Copy !req
604. But it goes against all
my Muslim beliefs.
Copy !req
605. Good.
Copy !req
606. I take it you liked my act?
Copy !req
607. I'm impressed. It takes
a lot to get through old Edd.
Copy !req
608. Not very much. Just the
end of that table.
Copy !req
609. - He'll be out for a while.
- You don't know Edd.
Copy !req
610. And you don't know me.
Copy !req
611. - You through?
- I'm through singing.
Copy !req
612. It's midnight and the night's
barely started.
Copy !req
613. You wouldn't. By any chance.
be a diabetic?
Copy !req
614. Not the last time I checked.
Copy !req
615. Let's hasten to your chariot.
Copy !req
616. My chariot awaits.
Copy !req
617. Waiting till we're
married or something?
Copy !req
618. I'd just rather a place
a little more romantic.
Copy !req
619. Romantic?
Copy !req
620. Honey. Romance is where you find it.
Copy !req
621. And I find it wherever
and whenever I can.
Copy !req
622. You must be a priest or something.
Copy !req
623. I don't even know your name.
What's your name?
Copy !req
624. It's Jericho.
Copy !req
625. Jericho?
Copy !req
626. See. I knew you was a priest!
Copy !req
627. Ain't you got a nickname
or something?
Copy !req
628. Some folks used to call me Action.
Copy !req
629. Action?
Copy !req
630. Shit! I ain't seen
none of that tonight.
Copy !req
631. Sure wasn't no woman
that gave you that name.
Copy !req
632. If that's for me. don't answer it.
Copy !req
633. This is not good.
Copy !req
634. A parking lot!
Now this is real romantic.
Copy !req
635. Maybe now you'll live up
to your name. Huh?
Copy !req
636. Body's been identified
as Patrice Dellaplane.
Copy !req
637. Wife n! Peter Dellaplane.
Copy !req
638. No sign of Jackson-
Copy !req
639. I don't dig this talk- radio crap.
Ain't you got any rap channels?
Copy !req
640. Now where are we going?
Copy !req
641. Your place.
Copy !req
642. Now you're talking!
Copy !req
643. Well. Where is she?
Copy !req
644. She's in the bedroom.
Copy !req
645. Where's the bedroom?
Copy !req
646. Jesus! You really think
Action Jackson did it?
Copy !req
647. Look. I want to put a lid
on all this. No press!
Copy !req
648. Your old partner seems to be
a magnet for trouble.
Copy !req
649. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Copy !req
650. Women this beautiful
don't come around too often.
Copy !req
651. I've always gotta
see them like this.
Copy !req
652. Come on!
Copy !req
653. Hey. no lights!
Copy !req
654. You're the romantic here.
Copy !req
655. Hope I live to keep it that way.
Copy !req
656. I've got the munchies
like you wouldn't believe.
Copy !req
657. Some cherry pie. Ice cream...
Copy !req
658. So what have we got?
Copy !req
659. Come on!
Later. Okay? Later.
Copy !req
660. What's wrong? Food not
romantic enough for you?
Copy !req
661. - Do you get calls late at night?
- I happen to be a very popular girl!
Copy !req
662. Sweetheart. I'm not kidding!
Copy !req
663. But this is kind of romantic now.
Copy !req
664. Jericho. What's going on?
Copy !req
665. That's why we don't answer the phone!
Copy !req
666. Where we gonna go now?
Copy !req
667. My car. Come on!
Copy !req
668. We gotta go back for my purse.
Copy !req
669. We're going to a hotel.
Copy !req
670. But my makeup!
Copy !req
671. I look terrible.
Copy !req
672. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
673. Pardon me?
Copy !req
674. I said you look fine. We're
not going back for your purse.
Copy !req
675. Jesus. Man! This is
getting to be real shit.
Copy !req
676. Where the hell are we now?
Copy !req
677. You sure travel in weird circles.
Copy !req
678. - I didn't know a hotel was here.
- Neither does anyone else.
Copy !req
679. For the time being. You can consider
the Hotel Hoover your home.
Copy !req
680. Hoover? Nice name.
Copy !req
681. Should be clean anyway.
Copy !req
682. There- There's the hand
that feeds you-
Copy !req
683. Yabba- dabba- doo!
Copy !req
684. I dare you to bite it-
Copy !req
685. Bite him. Dino. Bite him.
Bite him!
Copy !req
686. All right!
Copy !req
687. That'll hold him!
Copy !req
688. They stole the bell.
Copy !req
689. They'd steal me
if I wasn't nailed down.
Copy !req
690. You son of a bitch!
Copy !req
691. The force may fade
but the reflex never dies!
Copy !req
692. If you wanna be alone.
I'll wait in the car.
Copy !req
693. Sydney. I wanna introduce
you to an old friend.
Copy !req
694. Paradise Valley has
produced two great fighters:
Copy !req
695. Joe Louis and Kid Sable.
Copy !req
696. Pleasure to meet you. Mr. Louis.
Copy !req
697. Oh. boy!
Copy !req
698. Gotta real fight fan there.
Copy !req
699. What happened to Detroit's
favorite son?
Copy !req
700. We don't hear your name much anymore.
Copy !req
701. And all them highfalutin
ambitions you had.
Copy !req
702. She divorced me.
Copy !req
703. A wife divorce at the first
sign of trouble ain't much of a wife.
Copy !req
704. Seem to me. nobody asked you.
Copy !req
705. Seem to me. like. You're right.
Copy !req
706. Vinnie Weldon. Remember him?
What was it you did to him?
Copy !req
707. The Sable Surprise!
Copy !req
708. Soften him up with a right. Knock
him flat with a left out of nowhere.
Copy !req
709. But its the footwork
that fooled him!
Copy !req
710. I need a room on an unoccupied
floor. She's got a sweet tooth.
Copy !req
711. Room 214. We call it
the Presidential Suite.
Copy !req
712. Shower works sometimes. No roaches.
Copy !req
713. I'll have Einstein bring some
breakfast first thing in the morning.
Copy !req
714. Wasn't the makeup you wanted. Was it?
Copy !req
715. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
716. Why you doing it?
Copy !req
717. What else is there?
Copy !req
718. That's not a good answer.
Copy !req
719. Jackson. What do you want?
Copy !req
720. There's a whole lot of things I do
that I don't want to think about.
Copy !req
721. A shot a day. Hey.
Copy !req
722. I do all the forgetting I need.
Copy !req
723. Is that good enough for you?
Copy !req
724. One more chance. Wanna fuck?
Copy !req
725. No. thanks.
Copy !req
726. Fine. Good night.
Copy !req
727. Let me in!
Copy !req
728. Open the door. Jackson.
Believe me. they all look the same.
Copy !req
729. I got your fix.
Copy !req
730. Rat poison?
Copy !req
731. Everybody's a comedian.
Copy !req
732. Easy. Kid.
Copy !req
733. You're Action Jackson!
Copy !req
734. Yeah. Right.
Copy !req
735. Some action!
Copy !req
736. Fine- looking woman like me.
and you don't touch me?
Copy !req
737. You either gotta be queer or a cop.
Copy !req
738. I'm not queer.
Copy !req
739. Sergeant Jericho Jackson.
13th Precinct. City of Detroit.
Copy !req
740. I wanna get to Dellaplane.
You can help.
Copy !req
741. What's Dellaplane got to do with me?
Copy !req
742. You kidding? He owns you.
Copy !req
743. - He rents me.
- Six of one. Half dozen of the other.
Copy !req
744. Either way. Consider us joined at
the hip till I close this case.
Copy !req
745. So you need me?
Copy !req
746. What makes you think I need
a junkie like you?
Copy !req
747. If it weren't for me. you'd be
splattered all over.
Copy !req
748. Now hurry up.
We got some people to see.
Copy !req
749. Is it okay if we stop for a fix.
Just a little one?
Copy !req
750. Sorry. Sydney. You're just
gonna have to make due.
Copy !req
751. Sorry. Jackson. You're just
gonna have to make due.
Copy !req
752. Son of a bitch! What the hell
have they done to my car?
Copy !req
753. Do you know how long
I've had this car?
Copy !req
754. Do you know how much work
I've put into it?
Copy !req
755. Do you know how much
a prime- conditioned...
Copy !req
756. '66 Chevy Impala
convertible is worth?
Copy !req
757. Are we gonna play "You Know
How"? Because I got a good one.
Copy !req
758. You know how bad I need a fix?
Copy !req
759. Why not have your police buddies
track the stolen parts?
Copy !req
760. - Be quiet!
- How foolish of me. expecting—
Copy !req
761. Excuse me. man.
Sorry. Man. sorry.
Copy !req
762. Fuck a duck!
Copy !req
763. He was an informant named Papa Doc.
He worked here.
Copy !req
764. Did you take my wallet?
Copy !req
765. You sure are some kind
of a detective.
Copy !req
766. You could teach Mr. T a thing or two.
Copy !req
767. With thinking like that. You'll
be in the A- Team in no time.
Copy !req
768. Let's see what Papa Doc can
tell us about Dellaplane.
Copy !req
769. What can I do for you?
Copy !req
770. I'm looking for Papa Doc.
Wonder if he still works here?
Copy !req
771. Wonder no more.
Copy !req
772. If you'll hold on a moment.
I can lead you to him.
Copy !req
773. Hold up. Hold up.
Copy !req
774. I thought we were attached at the hip.
Copy !req
775. Don't worry. They give me any smack.
I'll be sure to save some for you.
Copy !req
776. Well. I'll be here if you need me.
Copy !req
777. Where is he?
Copy !req
778. Open it up.
Copy !req
779. What is it. a secret passage?
Copy !req
780. Open it up.
Copy !req
781. Jar.
Copy !req
782. That's Papa Doc?
Copy !req
783. It's his balls!
Copy !req
784. Damn!
Copy !req
785. Wake HP!
Copy !req
786. Damn. You a big john!
Copy !req
787. What?
Copy !req
788. You think I'm geechie or something?
Copy !req
789. Don't bogard me. Iightfoot.
There's nothing we'd like better...
Copy !req
790. than to take a Tom Slick like you
and have a blanket party.
Copy !req
791. You know something? I don't
understand what you're saying.
Copy !req
792. You're dissing me.
Copy !req
793. Don't diss me! I'm gonna
break it down to you.
Copy !req
794. See. you be a Charlie Irvine...
Copy !req
795. and we gonna tap dance
on your lips.
Copy !req
796. And then we gonna deprive
you of your...
Copy !req
797. your frick and frack.
Copy !req
798. I don't understand a word
of it. do you?
Copy !req
799. All right. Okay.
Hey. you. old man!
Copy !req
800. He ain't giving up no air. I think
we have to jam him up his shit.
Copy !req
801. Hello. My friend.
Copy !req
802. What he was trying to
ask you is this:
Copy !req
803. Why you looking for Papa Doc?
Copy !req
804. Where is he?
Copy !req
805. We try this one more time. Very slow.
Copy !req
806. And you watch the bouncing ball.
Copy !req
807. Why you looking for Papa Doc?
Copy !req
808. Where is he?
Copy !req
809. You better answer. Man.
Copy !req
810. You piece of shit.
Copy !req
811. Papa Doc was a very valuable
source of information to us.
Copy !req
812. A regular Library of Congress.
Copy !req
813. Unfortunately. Like so many libraries...
Copy !req
814. his books were open to the public.
Copy !req
815. You ever heard the sound a man makes...
Copy !req
816. when he gets his balls cut off?
Copy !req
817. Then you're in for a big treat.
Copy !req
818. Because it's hot dog time!
Copy !req
819. You're gonna sing for us.
But the question is...
Copy !req
820. will you sing as a man?
Copy !req
821. Or a woman?
Copy !req
822. Cut him!
Copy !req
823. What you doing with my brother?
Playing doctor?
Copy !req
824. Get your ass out of here.
Copy !req
825. You're his sister?
Copy !req
826. Of course I'm his sister.
Copy !req
827. Wait a minute! Come here!
Copy !req
828. The boy ain't driving
with a full tank.
Copy !req
829. Spent a year in Bellevue. Got this
delusion he's a holy messenger.
Copy !req
830. He's more oral than Oral Roberts.
Copy !req
831. Listen to him.
Copy !req
832. Yes. I was sent!
Copy !req
833. I was sent to bring you down. Brother!
Copy !req
834. I was sent to bust your asses and
wipe these streets clean!
Copy !req
835. - I am the man!
- Why looking for Papa Doc?
Copy !req
836. You may possess his manhood.
but his soul's free and clear!
Copy !req
837. He's got a plate in his head.
Copy !req
838. Somebody give me an amen!
Copy !req
839. This motherfuckefs crazy. Man.
Copy !req
840. I give myself an amen. Amen!
Copy !req
841. Yes. I can hear it!
Copy !req
842. I can feel it! I can feel it!
Copy !req
843. Allow me. allow me to lay my
healing hand upon you!
Copy !req
844. Hey. brother.
Copy !req
845. Surely you won't leave before
you give me an amen?
Copy !req
846. Amen!
Copy !req
847. Let's get out of here.
Copy !req
848. I saved your life back there.
Copy !req
849. You got it wrong.
We saved each other.
Copy !req
850. Did you think they'd
let us out on a song and dance?
Copy !req
851. I don't know.
I'm a pretty fine singer.
Copy !req
852. Back there you seemed like
a fine dancer.
Copy !req
853. If you're saying we make a team.
I beg to differ.
Copy !req
854. You got something against women?
Copy !req
855. Just against junkies.
Copy !req
856. You got a quick mind.
Ever think you're wasting it?
Copy !req
857. Gotta remind me? Ain't thought
about it in 1O minutes.
Copy !req
858. - Got that taste back in my mouth.
- Come on.
Copy !req
859. Go on upstairs.
Gotta talk to the Kid.
Copy !req
860. You trust me to go
upstairs alone?
Copy !req
861. Yeah. I guess I do.
Copy !req
862. Where have you been?
Copy !req
863. I've been looking for Papa Doc.
Copy !req
864. I could've saved you time.
The man is dead.
Copy !req
865. His balls is in a jar at
Snooker's Pool Hall.
Copy !req
866. I know. They almost had
a little company.
Copy !req
867. You need a new source of information.
Copy !req
868. Tell you what to do. Go down
to Dee Love's Barbershop...
Copy !req
869. on the corner of Custer
and Saint Antoine. Ask for Dee.
Copy !req
870. Dellaplane's former partner was
a multimillionaire...
Copy !req
871. and an all- around deviant
named Enzo Catelli.
Copy !req
872. Catelli lived in Rome. And as a
defense against kidnapping attempts...
Copy !req
873. formed an elite group
of bodyguards...
Copy !req
874. which he called
"The Invisible Men"...
Copy !req
875. due to their
almost demonic ability...
Copy !req
876. to remain completely undetected.
Copy !req
877. - But Catelli's dead. Isn't he?
- Alas. He had no defense...
Copy !req
878. against his bodyguards greed.
Copy !req
879. Dellaplane financed Catelli's demise.
Copy !req
880. And the untimely departure of
the first Mrs. Dellaplane as well.
Copy !req
881. He might even have deployed
them against you...
Copy !req
882. but your demotion
made that unnecessary.
Copy !req
883. Were they also responsible
for the AWA killings?
Copy !req
884. Undeniably so.
Copy !req
885. Norman was decapitated
in an auto accident.
Copy !req
886. Stringer was defenestrated.
Copy !req
887. And Grantham joined the debris
in the Detroit River!
Copy !req
888. It's likely that they intended to
denounce Dellaplane and defy...
Copy !req
889. his determined attempts to devise
a power base in the AWA.
Copy !req
890. But alas. Motives are not
my department.
Copy !req
891. Just the delivery of details.
Copy !req
892. How can I talk to Oliver O'Rooney?
Copy !req
893. He can usually be found late at
night at the Red Devil.
Copy !req
894. Unless I am deceived.
Copy !req
895. Dee. thanks a lot.
Copy !req
896. As I said. I can't pay you but—
Copy !req
897. I'm always delighted
to help a detective.
Copy !req
898. Especially the defiantly...
Copy !req
899. indefatigable Action Jackson.
Copy !req
900. I'm back.
Copy !req
901. Sydney?
Copy !req
902. Damn!
Copy !req
903. Where's Sydney?
Copy !req
904. She didn't go by me.
Copy !req
905. Got a pusher in the building?
Copy !req
906. I run a respectable hotel!
Copy !req
907. Calls himself Mr. Quick. Room 303.
Copy !req
908. Easy on the door!
Copy !req
909. The rabbi says to the Pope—
Copy !req
910. Kornblau. Please.
Put a sock in it. huh?
Copy !req
911. I got roaches that
tell better jokes than you...
Copy !req
912. and they don't laugh during the
punch line all the time. Thank you.
Copy !req
913. Wasn't that Jackson's car back there?
Copy !req
914. Always one when you don't need one.
Copy !req
915. She's with me. motherfucker!
Copy !req
916. Bad career move.
Copy !req
917. Watch your language
in front of the lady.
Copy !req
918. You don't wanna pull that shit
on Action Jackson.
Copy !req
919. This is Action Jackson?
Copy !req
920. This will be easier
than I thought.
Copy !req
921. I'm gonna cut you deep. Fucker!
Copy !req
922. Very good.
You write your own material?
Copy !req
923. Your ass is mine.
Copy !req
924. That's exactly what
I was gonna say!
Copy !req
925. I'm gonna kick your heart and shove
it down your throat. You cocksucking—
Copy !req
926. Fuck you.
Copy !req
927. I warned you about the language!
Copy !req
928. It's his car.
Copy !req
929. Jackson. Stay right there!
Copy !req
930. - Come on.
- There's no fire escape.
Copy !req
931. You gotta learn to leap before
you look. One...
Copy !req
932. Would you like a double bed?
Copy !req
933. Two...
Copy !req
934. three!
Copy !req
935. Why are we running?
You're a cop. Aren't you?
Copy !req
936. Of course I am. That's why we're
taking this. Get in!
Copy !req
937. Stop!
Copy !req
938. Come on!
Copy !req
939. I could recommend a good
bathhouse if you like.
Copy !req
940. Stop the car!
Copy !req
941. Police— !
Jackson! Stop!
Copy !req
942. Police emergency!
We're taking your car!
Copy !req
943. The fuck you are!
Copy !req
944. Should we run after him?
Copy !req
945. You ever have your
head rammed up your ass?
Copy !req
946. I don't think so.
Copy !req
947. Well. Mark it on your calendar.
That day is coming.
Copy !req
948. Why haven't you answered my question?
Why are we running from the cops?
Copy !req
949. Dellaplane shot his wife and
put the body at my place.
Copy !req
950. The cops think I did it.
Are you gonna help me or not?
Copy !req
951. Why should I trust you?
You're a cop!
Copy !req
952. You're wanted for murder.
Your name is Action?
Copy !req
953. I need a fix!
Copy !req
954. Give me a few bucks and drop me off.
Copy !req
955. You won't live long
enough to enjoy it.
Copy !req
956. Dellaplane's gonna kill you too.
Copy !req
957. - What are you doing?
- You want a rush?
Copy !req
958. I'll give you a rush!
Copy !req
959. - What do you want?
- Help me nail him!
Copy !req
960. - I don't have to.
- Wanna let him kill you?
Copy !req
961. Why waste time. This is quicker!
Copy !req
962. - You're crazy!
- I need your help.
Copy !req
963. I can't do it without you.
Copy !req
964. - I'll help you!
- I didn't hear!
Copy !req
965. I said all right! I'll help you!
I'll do it!
Copy !req
966. - That wasn't so bad. Was it?
- Why do I put up with your shit?
Copy !req
967. It must be my charm and my good looks.
Copy !req
968. It sure the hell isn't your driving.
Copy !req
969. He should be in the Red Devil bar.
Copy !req
970. Get him as far away
from Dellaplane as possible.
Copy !req
971. You understand what to do?
Copy !req
972. Of course I understand.
Copy !req
973. But I feel like shit!
Copy !req
974. I feel like my teeth are hollow
and my gums are made of dry rubber.
Copy !req
975. And like someone's trying to start
a bonfire in the back of my head.
Copy !req
976. I think I felt that way once.
Copy !req
977. They called it love.
Copy !req
978. You were married once. Weren't you?
Copy !req
979. - She divorced me two years ago.
- Why?
Copy !req
980. She felt my career was advancing
in the wrong direction.
Copy !req
981. It's her loss.
Copy !req
982. Excuse me.
Copy !req
983. I'm looking for a man named
Oliver O'Rooney.
Copy !req
984. He's over there.
Copy !req
985. Mind if ljoin you?
Copy !req
986. What's a nice girl like you
doing here?
Copy !req
987. I'm not that nice.
Copy !req
988. Even better.
Copy !req
989. Dellaplane sent me.
Copy !req
990. He says he wants to see you.
Copy !req
991. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
992. He says it's about tomorrow night.
Copy !req
993. Here you are. Girls. Two beers.
Copy !req
994. I can't believe Dellaplane
would be up this early.
Copy !req
995. Is he gonna be there or
keep me waiting as usual?
Copy !req
996. Don't worry about it. okay?
He's gonna be there.
Copy !req
997. Why the hell's he wanna
meet me out here?
Copy !req
998. He probably don't want you
smelling up his house.
Copy !req
999. Where the hell is he?
Copy !req
1000. Come on. come on.
Let's go!
Copy !req
1001. How much further?
Copy !req
1002. Couldn't he have met us
on the first floor?
Copy !req
1003. I'm sure your convenience
is one of his main concerns.
Copy !req
1004. He's up there.
Copy !req
1005. Up here.
Copy !req
1006. You're not Dellaplane.
Copy !req
1007. You know who I am?
Copy !req
1008. You're Jackson. The local boy who
didn't make it so good after all.
Copy !req
1009. That's right.
Now what's happening tonight?
Copy !req
1010. Party. Party for Raymond Foss.
Copy !req
1011. What's happening there?
Copy !req
1012. Dinner.
Copy !req
1013. Dancing.
Copy !req
1014. Don't screw around with me!
Copy !req
1015. All right! He's gonna kill Foss.
Copy !req
1016. Why?
Copy !req
1017. So I can take his place.
Copy !req
1018. - So I can be union president.
- Who's gonna kill him?
Copy !req
1019. You sure you wanna know?
Copy !req
1020. Do I look like I can't
make up my mind? Who?
Copy !req
1021. You are!
Copy !req
1022. I would imagine you have
a thousand questions.
Copy !req
1023. So please feel free to ask.
Copy !req
1024. Why do you wanna kill Foss?
Copy !req
1025. Controlling the union won't
help your company that much.
Copy !req
1026. That's true. Really.
If cars were all I cared about...
Copy !req
1027. it wouldn't be worth
the effort. Would it?
Copy !req
1028. But my cars are just a hobby.
Copy !req
1029. See. my real interest. Sergeant...
Copy !req
1030. is power.
Copy !req
1031. And the AWA is more than just
a union. It is a power block.
Copy !req
1032. And don't ever underestimate
their strength.
Copy !req
1033. For instance. In 1976...
Copy !req
1034. they helped elect a peanut farmer
to the highest office—
Copy !req
1035. You're saying we have President
Dellaplane to look forward to?
Copy !req
1036. No. not really.
Copy !req
1037. I'm a kingmaker rather than a king.
Copy !req
1038. There's an old cliché that says:
"True power rests behind the throne."
Copy !req
1039. We have a government that's proven
that cliché true. Time and again.
Copy !req
1040. Of course. To implement that kind
of power. One must have a tool.
Copy !req
1041. And murder is a tool.
Copy !req
1042. You think I may like to murder
just for the entertainment value.
Copy !req
1043. I have to admit. It's a lot
of fun once in a while.
Copy !req
1044. My first wife and my partner had to
die because of financial interests.
Copy !req
1045. Patrice. On the other hand.
was becoming a problem.
Copy !req
1046. She was beginning to
jeopardize my entire operation...
Copy !req
1047. and I couldn't stand for that.
Copy !req
1048. The thing that breaks me up...
Copy !req
1049. is my son.
Copy !req
1050. One day. He may
have to join them.
Copy !req
1051. You know...
Copy !req
1052. an altercation in the old
prison shower.
Copy !req
1053. That sort of thing
happens all the time.
Copy !req
1054. How are you gonna kill
Foss and get away with it?
Copy !req
1055. Good question.
Copy !req
1056. Mr. Gamble here
will take care of that.
Copy !req
1057. And he will be dressed exactly
like you at the time.
Copy !req
1058. To most of my guests...
Copy !req
1059. you all look alike anyway.
Copy !req
1060. They'll assume you're
on a mission to kill me...
Copy !req
1061. after your senseless
murder of my wife.
Copy !req
1062. And the interesting thing is. your
getaway car will crash and burn.
Copy !req
1063. Your charred body will be
discovered among the ruins...
Copy !req
1064. and you'll be identified
from your dental records.
Copy !req
1065. And the case will be neatly closed.
Copy !req
1066. Immaculate.
Copy !req
1067. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I think so too.
Copy !req
1068. That only leaves Sydney.
Copy !req
1069. She will die of an overdose.
Copy !req
1070. But not until I fuck her
one last time.
Copy !req
1071. You really shouldn't wear
your heart on your sleeve.
Copy !req
1072. It's very unbecoming.
Copy !req
1073. What do you want from me. Dellaplane?
Copy !req
1074. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
1075. I want you to die.
Copy !req
1076. One of these days. You're
gonna really piss me off.
Copy !req
1077. Thaw. Get the gasoline. We're
gonna have us a little barbecue.
Copy !req
1078. Tell me where it hurts.
Copy !req
1079. Hello. I'm Mr. Edd!
Copy !req
1080. You called about a paint job?
Copy !req
1081. Chill out!
Copy !req
1082. Looking for me?
Copy !req
1083. Barbecue. Huh?
Copy !req
1084. How do you like your ribs?
Copy !req
1085. Fine. Thank you.
Copy !req
1086. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Copy !req
1087. Thanks.
Copy !req
1088. Why did you have to bring me?
Copy !req
1089. - You remind me of a friend.
- Why not bring him?
Copy !req
1090. He's dead.
Copy !req
1091. Damn. Man! Why'd you
have to tell me that?
Copy !req
1092. I recommend the crab cake.
Copy !req
1093. Peter. I'm scandalized!
There was no one to park our car.
Copy !req
1094. I'm sorry. I'll see to it.
Copy !req
1095. - Please. Nice to see you.
- You look wonderful.
Copy !req
1096. Something's wrong.
Copy !req
1097. I want you to check out front.
Copy !req
1098. Ladies and gentlemen.
can I have your attention?
Copy !req
1099. Ladies and gentlemen!
Copy !req
1100. Your attention. Just for a moment.
Copy !req
1101. I want you to meet our birthday boy...
Copy !req
1102. Raymond Foss! Ray. come on up
here and say a few words.
Copy !req
1103. Raymond Foss.
Copy !req
1104. - Run.
- Run?
Copy !req
1105. Run!
Copy !req
1106. Excuse me. sir!
Copy !req
1107. I'm happy to see old friends here...
Copy !req
1108. to celebrate my birthday with me.
Copy !req
1109. When a man gets to be my age...
Copy !req
1110. all that's left are old friends.
Copy !req
1111. Really. This evening...
Copy !req
1112. is the happiest evening of my life.
Copy !req
1113. Excuse me! Sorry. Ma'am.
Copy !req
1114. Looks like someone else is having
a good time out there.
Copy !req
1115. Someone should tell that man
there's plenty of cake.
Copy !req
1116. Dellaplane did it!
Copy !req
1117. Dellaplane did it!
Copy !req
1118. He planned—
Copy !req
1119. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
1120. Get the chopper.
I'll meet you there!
Copy !req
1121. Going someplace?
Copy !req
1122. You're Kid Sable. Aren't you?
Copy !req
1123. You better believe it. brother!
Copy !req
1124. Excuse me. sir.
Copy !req
1125. I hope this teaches you.
crime doesn't pay.
Copy !req
1126. Where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
1127. You gonna take me in?
Copy !req
1128. Any reason why I shouldn't?
Copy !req
1129. - Fuck it!
- Thanks.
Copy !req
1130. Easy. Baby.
Copy !req
1131. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
1132. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
1133. You lose.
Copy !req
1134. Hot.
Copy !req
1135. Hotter.
Copy !req
1136. Hottest!
Copy !req
1137. Christ!
Copy !req
1138. You haven't learned your lesson?
Copy !req
1139. Teach me.
Copy !req
1140. Just shoot him!
Copy !req
1141. Jackson. What are you doing?
Just shoot the son of a bitch!
Copy !req
1142. Jackson. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1143. Don't do it!
Copy !req
1144. Now you pissed me off!
Copy !req
1145. - How did he miss?
- He didn't.
Copy !req
1146. Are you all right?
Copy !req
1147. Hell. No. I've been shot!
Copy !req
1148. Check him out.
Copy !req
1149. How bad is it?
Copy !req
1150. This is one dead piece-
of- shit car builder.
Copy !req
1151. I want the paramedics and
a meat wagon down here right away.
Copy !req
1152. I want a full report on my desk
first thing in the morning.
Copy !req
1153. In the morning?
Copy !req
1154. In the morning. Lieutenant.
Copy !req
1155. Lieutenant?
Copy !req
1156. - Lieutenant?
- Is there an echo around here?
Copy !req
1157. You said you wouldn't
team with a junkie.
Copy !req
1158. How about an ex- junkie?
Copy !req
1159. Wait a minute. You kidding?
Copy !req
1160. Cold turkey. You can have me
on Thanksgiving. How's that?
Copy !req
1161. Can I have you any sooner?
Copy !req