Copy !req
2. Kencho, Shizuka,
have you heard of mindfulness?
Copy !req
3. Immersing yourself in the present,
Copy !req
4. and freeing yourself
from the past and future, right?
Copy !req
5. We went over it a lot
in corporate seminars.
Copy !req
6. That's right.
Copy !req
7. I aspire to maintain that mindset
at all times.
Copy !req
8. Listen, Akira.
Copy !req
9. I'm going to give it to you straight.
Copy !req
10. I don't think you need to do this.
Copy !req
11. You're already there
with your mindfulness or whatever.
Copy !req
12. 27. TRY SUP YOGA
Copy !req
13. Oh man, things are going great!
Copy !req
Copy !req
15. I never expected to achieve
15 out 100 so soon!
Copy !req
16. I may be able to complete
all 100 of them within a month!
Copy !req
17. I feel like you might get eaten
by a zombie once you do.
Copy !req
18. How long until we get
to your parent's place?
Copy !req
19. About an hour, I suppose.
Copy !req
20. That is if nothing happens, right?
Copy !req
21. Do you know how many days it took for us
to get here from Tokyo?
Copy !req
22. We just have to get there
before the end of summer!
Copy !req
23. What's going on?
Copy !req
24. A survivor?
Copy !req
25. They lost a wheel and can't move!
Copy !req
26. All right!
Copy !req
27. It's been a while,
but it's time for my shark suit!
Copy !req
28. You're just gonna charge in there?!
Copy !req
29. Oh, never mind already.
Copy !req
30. Stop right there, you zombies!
Copy !req
31. I won't let you do
whatever you want anymore!
Copy !req
32. Superhero of Justice, Akiraiger is here...
Copy !req
Copy !req
34. CHOP
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
40. Are we in a period drama?
Copy !req
41. That's so cool!
Copy !req
42. Danke schön.
Copy !req
43. I owe you all a debt of gratitude
for your assistance.
Copy !req
44. What?
Copy !req
45. My name is Beatrix Amerhauser.
Copy !req
46. A foreigner?
Copy !req
47. A girl?
Copy !req
48. I don't even know where to begin here.
Copy !req
49. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
50. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
51. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
52. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
53. From the outset, it’s a ban-banging upset!
Copy !req
54. Metamorphose into a classic life
Copy !req
55. Once upon a time
Long, long ago
Copy !req
56. Humankind merely
ate, slept, danced, and laughed
Copy !req
57. Endless suffering and social pressures
pushing people to their limits
Copy !req
58. Are portrayed as part of the norm
on the morning news
Copy !req
59. Wake up again to a coerced routine
Copy !req
60. Hamburgers for breakfast, break up
the status quo with the paranormal
Copy !req
61. Am I a fool for longing for these things?
Copy !req
62. Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
63. I wanna!!
Dancing, dancing
Copy !req
64. Rolling, rolling
Only one, my life
Copy !req
65. Sooner or later, life will come to an end
Copy !req
66. Want more than a sense of futility,
don’t you?
Copy !req
67. Dancing, dancing
Morning, morning
Copy !req
68. Go back to the basics
and start something new
Copy !req
69. Do what you wanna do
Copy !req
70. Every night, every time
Copy !req
71. Let’s live until we’ve had our fill of fun
Copy !req
72. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
73. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
74. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
75. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
76. So, Beatrix, you came here from Germany
because you're a big fan of Japan?
Copy !req
77. Ja!
Copy !req
78. Nippon's culture is so wonderful!
Copy !req
79. Kyoto, Fujiyama, tea ceremony, ikebana...
Copy !req
80. I love this country
and I did much studying on all of them!
Copy !req
81. So that explains the Japanese armor.
Copy !req
82. That said,
it's not a bad anti-zombie strategy.
Copy !req
83. Refrigeration.
Copy !req
84. Fish?
Copy !req
85. I have reasons to see this fish delivered.
Copy !req
86. That is not possible anymore.
Copy !req
87. Seeing that you are all
brave samurai, I have a request!
Copy !req
88. Would you please help me
deliver this fish to Takasaki?
Copy !req
89. I suppose we could stop by
Takasaki City, but...
Copy !req
90. If she's transporting food to survivors,
shouldn't we help?
Copy !req
91. Even so, considering the risks
of going near a city...
Copy !req
92. Why do you want
to transport that fish so badly?
Copy !req
93. Ever since I was exposed
to Nippon's culture on TV as a child,
Copy !req
94. I've dreamed of coming here.
Copy !req
95. I worked many jobs saving up money,
but the morning I landed in Narita,
Copy !req
96. the pandemic was already...
Copy !req
97. The beautiful Nippon I dreamed of
was gone.
Copy !req
98. But after admiring Nippon's culture
for so many years,
Copy !req
99. I just had to see it
and experience it for myself.
Copy !req
100. And at last, I found it!
Copy !req
101. The last surviving sushi chef!
Copy !req
102. Huh?
Copy !req
103. Sushi?
Copy !req
104. The taisho of this sushi-ya told me
that if I could deliver fish to him,
Copy !req
105. he would let me have
my fill of delicious sushi!
Copy !req
106. -She's just in it for sushi?!
-She's just in it for sushi?!
Copy !req
107. Beatrix.
Copy !req
108. It's clear to me that your love of Japan
and it's culture is pure and true.
Copy !req
109. Regarding that fish...
Copy !req
Copy !req
111. We'll deliver it to that sushi place
in Takasaki even if it costs us our lives!
Copy !req
112. -He's only in it for the sushi too!
-He's only in it for the sushi too!
Copy !req
113. Danke schön!
Copy !req
114. You are a true samurai!
Copy !req
115. Now that that's decided,
let's hurry, you two!
Copy !req
116. The fish is losing quality
every second we stand around!
Copy !req
117. It's time to show her
the spirit of hospitality!
Copy !req
118. -Yeah.
Copy !req
119. The sushi-ya is down an alleyway
past Central Ginza.
Copy !req
120. A back alley!
Copy !req
121. I get the feeling
this place has a long history!
Copy !req
Copy !req
123. I get the feeling
that it's a famous place!
Copy !req
124. But the last time I talked to him
over the phone was over three days ago.
Copy !req
125. I sure hope the taisho is all right.
Copy !req
126. Whoa, how many of them are there?
Copy !req
127. Shall we get going, Beatrix?
Copy !req
128. Okay, Akira!
Copy !req
129. Well, it's nice that you're motivated,
but do you have some sort of plan?
Copy !req
130. -Nope!
Copy !req
131. NOPE
Copy !req
132. Is charging in head first
the only thing they can think of?
Copy !req
133. I might have a plan.
Copy !req
134. What?
Copy !req
135. "All under heaven
is not for one man, but for all men."
Copy !req
Copy !req
137. If we're going to do this,
we will all pig out on delicious sushi!
Copy !req
138. We're doing Three Kingdoms now?
Copy !req
139. Hey! This way, you zombies!
Copy !req
140. What do you think of this tasty
piece of ass?! Get a bite, if you can!
Copy !req
141. This way!
Copy !req
142. Come on!
Copy !req
143. Now, Akira!
Copy !req
144. Beatrix!
Copy !req
145. Please leave this to me.
Copy !req
Copy !req
147. Shizuka!
Copy !req
148. I've rounded up as many as I could!
Copy !req
149. Are you ready?
Copy !req
150. Of course.
Copy !req
151. It is just as I planned.
Copy !req
152. All right!
Copy !req
153. The time has come!
Copy !req
Copy !req
155. Now! Unleash the flames!
Copy !req
156. -Okay!
-Time for a barbecue!
Copy !req
157. Hey, isn't this a bit too many?
Copy !req
158. Hurry up and light the fire!
Copy !req
159. -O-Okay!
Copy !req
160. Oh, huh?
Copy !req
161. This match doesn't want to light.
Copy !req
162. Hurry!
Copy !req
163. This is bad.
Copy !req
164. At this rate,
our RV will be buried in zombies!
Copy !req
165. No way.
Copy !req
166. If that happens,
the fish we transported will be...
Copy !req
167. We can't fight that many.
Copy !req
168. It's all over!
Copy !req
169. Fear...
Copy !req
170. is just an excuse not to act.
Copy !req
171. It's not about whether we can or can’t.
Copy !req
172. It's about whether we have a burning
desire right here to "want" to do it!
Copy !req
173. -He just wants to eat sushi.
-He just wants to eat sushi.
Copy !req
174. If we can't eat
at a nice sushi restaurant,
Copy !req
175. I'd rather become a zombie!
Copy !req
176. Incoming!
Copy !req
177. Oshite mairu!
Copy !req
178. Beatrix!
Copy !req
179. I'm sorry about
my shameful behavior earlier.
Copy !req
180. I will no longer waver.
Copy !req
181. Let's do this, Akira!
Copy !req
182. Okay!
Copy !req
183. A-Akira!
Copy !req
184. Leave it to me!
Copy !req
185. Why you...
Copy !req
186. They just keep coming!
Copy !req
187. Akira, at this rate...
Copy !req
188. That's my Walkman!
Copy !req
189. TOYS
Copy !req
190. And we'll do this...
Copy !req
191. What are you going to use it for?
Copy !req
192. We don't know what'll happen,
so we should prepare a backup plan.
Copy !req
193. This is...
Copy !req
194. The zombies are...
Copy !req
Copy !req
196. They're getting lured away!
Copy !req
197. I didn't want to do this because
it would cause more damage,
Copy !req
198. but I guess I have no choice, do I?
Copy !req
199. Once again, the time has come.
Copy !req
200. Release them!
Copy !req
201. Aww, yeah!
Copy !req
202. Tonight we're pigging out
on fancy all-you-can-eat sushi!
Copy !req
Copy !req
204. Delicious!
Copy !req
205. What the hell is this?
Copy !req
206. I don't even have to chew.
It just melts in my mouth!
Copy !req
207. The vinegared rice
gently falls apart in my mouth.
Copy !req
208. And it's prepared with such care.
I have no complaints about this sushi.
Copy !req
209. It's firm and has
the right amount of sweetness.
Copy !req
210. I've never eaten anything like this,
even when entertaining clients in Ginza!
Copy !req
211. I may have moved back home to Gunma,
Copy !req
212. but I've been honing my skills
for about thirty years in Tsukiji!
Copy !req
213. You came to eat my sushi
even at the end of the world!
Copy !req
214. Eat as much as you like today!
Copy !req
215. Perhaps I'll try the gizzard shad next!
Copy !req
216. Another bottle of cold sake!
Copy !req
217. So tasty! It's so tasty
that I could keep eating this forever!
Copy !req
218. Nice sushi restaurants are the best!
Copy !req
219. How is it, Beatrix?
Copy !req
220. I-It's bitter.
Copy !req
221. Bittersweet, but delicious.
Copy !req
222. I'm really happy to be here!
Copy !req
223. Welcome to Japan!
Copy !req
224. I can't believe
you're shedding tears over my sushi.
Copy !req
225. I worked every day, without any days off,
Copy !req
226. even on my daughter's wedding day
and the day my wife died.
Copy !req
227. I've never felt so honored as a chef.
Copy !req
228. You guys are probably my last customers!
Copy !req
Copy !req
230. Tonight, you can drink
all the sake in the restaurant!
Copy !req
231. Are you serious, Taisho!
Copy !req
232. You're so generous!
Copy !req
Copy !req
234. So, this is one of Nippon's heat waves.
Copy !req
235. They are not to be underestimated.
Copy !req
236. We haven't had a proper bath in days now.
Copy !req
237. Bathing in a river
just makes us smell swampy.
Copy !req
238. I just want to bathe in some
pristine hot water once in a while!
Copy !req
239. With that said...
Copy !req
240. We're going to a hot spring!
Copy !req
Copy !req
242. -Whoa! Amazing!
-Whoa! Amazing!
Copy !req
243. Hot water fields are amazing!
Copy !req
244. I knew it.
Copy !req
245. I fear I may fall out
even with the men's one.
Copy !req
246. I wish I had your problem.
Copy !req
247. Uh-huh, you're both looking splendid!
Copy !req
248. When I worked at that exploitative
company every hour of the day,
Copy !req
249. I never dreamed
of taking a vacation like this!
Copy !req
250. So, this is a hot spring town!
Copy !req
251. Most of Europe's cities
are built around a town square.
Copy !req
252. But Nippon's hot springs towns
are a very rare sight.
Copy !req
253. Since they are developed
around the gushing hot springs!
Copy !req
254. I see. As usual,
you're quite knowledgeable, aren't you?
Copy !req
255. Kusatsu Hot Spring was always at the top
Copy !req
256. of the National
Hot Spring Efficacy Record,
Copy !req
257. which was published
during the Edo period to the Meiji period.
Copy !req
258. She knows more about Japan
than any Japanese person.
Copy !req
259. They claimed they could cure
everything but love sickness
Copy !req
260. and drew visitors
from all over the country!
Copy !req
261. Everything but love sickness, huh?
Copy !req
262. Then hopping in one
won't cure my feelings for Bea!
Copy !req
263. Love, huh?
Copy !req
264. Normally, this would've been
a good place to go on a date!
Copy !req
265. Sorry you're stuck with us.
Copy !req
266. Dating is a waste of time and resources
for what amounts to temporary pleasure.
Copy !req
267. Your 20s are better spent
acquiring the knowledge and skills
Copy !req
268. to get promotions and earn more money.
Copy !req
269. You can think about whether you need
a partner once you've done that.
Copy !req
270. That sounds like something
you would say, Shizuka.
Copy !req
271. But for me, life would be more fun
with someone I liked,
Copy !req
272. and I feel like I would work harder too!
Copy !req
273. How ridiculous.
Copy !req
274. You might fall for someone
who doesn't love you back,
Copy !req
275. or become the object of affection
of someone you don't like.
Copy !req
276. Love is an investment
with poor cost performance.
Copy !req
277. An utter waste of time.
Copy !req
Copy !req
279. -A large open-air bath! It's huge!
-A large open-air bath! It's huge!
Copy !req
280. I'm going first!
Copy !req
281. H-Hold on!
Copy !req
282. Weren't you going
to kick back in a hot spring?
Copy !req
283. But I guess I can finally
wash away all the grime!
Copy !req
284. Let's leave the boys
and head to the women's bath!
Copy !req
285. Shizuka, this thing is,
there's no hot water in the women's bath.
Copy !req
286. What?
Copy !req
287. It appears the pump isn't working.
Copy !req
288. You're joking, right?
Copy !req
289. So then, the only hot spring
is this men's bath?
Copy !req
290. These are extreme circumstances.
Copy !req
291. Desperate times
call for desperate measures.
Copy !req
292. There's no need to be ashamed.
Copy !req
293. -Come join--
-Intolerable, obscene, revolting.
Copy !req
294. Every fiber of my being
is repulsed by you.
Copy !req
295. You're wrong about that, Shizuka.
Copy !req
296. Huh?
Copy !req
297. Since ancient times,
this country has had a...
Copy !req
298. Tradition and practice of...
Copy !req
299. In other words, let us not be ashamed!
Copy !req
300. Konyoku bathing is a proud cultural
and historical practice of Nippon!
Copy !req
301. -Thank you for loving our culture!
-Thank you for loving our culture!
Copy !req
302. There's so many of them!
Copy !req
303. This means...
Copy !req
304. we won't be able
to kick back at a hot spring!
Copy !req
305. What a disappointment!
Copy !req
306. I wanted to visit
all the famous locations!
Copy !req
307. Just when Bea
was about to bathe with us too!
Copy !req
308. Damn it! Damn it all!
Copy !req
309. I don't think we can
make it back to the car.
Copy !req
310. We just have to pray
that they'll eventually go away.
Copy !req
311. That aside, what about the hot spring?
Copy !req
312. I still haven't got to kick back at all!
Copy !req
313. At least you got to soak in one
for a little while!
Copy !req
314. I wanted to wash away my grime, too!
Copy !req
315. I'm thirsty.
Copy !req
316. The sound of water?
Copy !req
317. Amazing.
Copy !req
318. There's a hot spring
in the middle of the mountains.
Copy !req
319. This seriously feels great.
Copy !req
320. I bet heaven's got nothin' on this!
Copy !req
321. Sh-Sh-Shizuka?
Copy !req
322. Sorry!
Copy !req
323. I seriously didn't know you were there!
It really was an accident!
Copy !req
324. I-I get it already.
Hurry up and get out!
Copy !req
325. What?
Copy !req
326. That's not fair!
Copy !req
327. I wanted to kick back
in a hot spring this whole time!
Copy !req
328. If I have to leave without getting
in a hot spring after coming all the way,
Copy !req
329. I'd rather be eaten by zombies!
Copy !req
330. He really only cares about
soaking in the hot spring?!
Copy !req
331. I-In that case...
Copy !req
332. Make sure you stay on the other side
of the boulder!
Copy !req
333. Okay!
Copy !req
334. And if you turn around, you're dead!
Copy !req
335. Okay!
Copy !req
336. About earlier...
Copy !req
337. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
338. Huh?
Copy !req
339. When I shot down your ideas about love.
Copy !req
340. My father never approved
of the way I lived my life.
Copy !req
341. When your opinions are always ignored,
Copy !req
342. it makes it difficult
to accept the opinions of others.
Copy !req
343. In order to defend your position,
Copy !req
344. you assert your legitimacy
by rejecting what others say.
Copy !req
345. But you're not concerned
about winning approval.
Copy !req
346. You just say whatever comes to mind.
Copy !req
347. So it made me
a little jealous and frustrated.
Copy !req
348. And the old me slipped out.
Copy !req
349. The truth is, I'm just bad at romance.
Copy !req
350. I'm afraid of getting hurt.
Copy !req
351. That's why I said
work was more important,
Copy !req
352. and I was just trying to act tough.
Copy !req
353. Shizuka, r-right now...
Copy !req
354. you're being very open.
Copy !req
355. If I ever fall in love,
Copy !req
356. I hope it's with someone
I can be this open with.
Copy !req
357. Wait, what I said just now...
I didn't mean it like that.
Copy !req
358. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
359. So, does that mean...
Copy !req
360. Whoa!
Copy !req
361. There's a hot spring
in the middle of the mountains!
Copy !req
362. It's a noyu, a naturally occurring spring!
Copy !req
363. It is said...
Copy !req
Copy !req
365. With nothing but efficient days
Copy !req
366. Since when did you two start hooking up?
Copy !req
367. Sure that's fine
Copy !req
368. No, wait, this is...
Copy !req
369. But it's kind of a waste, right?
Copy !req
370. It's not what you think!
Copy !req
371. I wanted to soak in a hot spring, too.
Copy !req
372. When I think today could be my last
Copy !req
373. How could you two go off by yourselves?!
Copy !req
374. I don't wanna be a third wheel but I won't
forgive you for doing this behind my back!
Copy !req
375. Steve would start to make a bitter smile;
Let's start something
Copy !req
376. Let us soak in there too!
Copy !req
377. Life & Death
Copy !req
378. How many times has it been already?
And yet...
Copy !req
379. Stay out!
Copy !req
380. I can't stop; like a junkie
Copy !req
381. This feels super great!
Copy !req
382. Hot springs are the best!
Copy !req
Copy !req
384. Hot springs are the best!
Copy !req
385. I guess I have no choice.
Copy !req
386. C'mon, I want to find happiness
Copy !req
387. You can leave the key behind
Copy !req
388. If I can live and laugh,
that's good enough
Copy !req
389. C'mon, even a place that has nothing
Copy !req
390. Has to have something
Copy !req
391. How about it? All right!
Copy !req
392. Let's get excited about today!
Copy !req
393. C'mon, here in this hell, the earth
Copy !req
394. I want to keep laughing with you
Copy !req
395. Living on a whim
Copy !req
396. C'mon, everything is coming undone
Copy !req
397. So c'mon, let's start anew
Copy !req
398. All right! Let's enjoy today
Copy !req
399. We can take detours
Copy !req
400. If you feel like singing, that's fine
Copy !req
401. Until the day everything ends
Copy !req
402. Next time: Treehouse of the Dead.
Copy !req