1. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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2. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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3. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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4. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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5. From the outset, it's a ban-banging upset!
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6. Metamorphose into a classic life
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7. Once upon a time
Long, long ago
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8. Humankind merely
ate, slept, danced, and laughed
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9. Endless suffering and social pressures
pushing people to their limits
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10. Are portrayed as part of the norm
on the morning news
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11. Wake up again to a coerced routine
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12. Hamburgers for breakfast, break up
the status quo with the paranormal
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13. Am I a fool for longing for these things?
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14. Song of the Dead!!
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15. I wanna!!
Dancing, dancing
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16. Rolling, rolling
Only one, my life
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17. Sooner or later, life will come to an end
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18. Want more than a sense of futility,
don't you?
Copy !req
19. Dancing, dancing
Morning, morning
Copy !req
20. Go back to the basics
and start something new
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21. Do what you wanna do
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22. Every night, every time
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23. Let's live until we've had our fill of fun
Copy !req
24. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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25. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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26. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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27. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
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28. Get rid of it.
Copy !req
29. What?
Copy !req
30. What's the point
in taking in a sickly dog?
Copy !req
31. As my daughter, you have a responsibility
to rise above your peers.
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32. In order to do that,
you must toss aside the weak.
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33. Don't waste your time.
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34. Only do what you need to succeed.
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35. Unless you want to end up
on the street, like that pathetic dog.
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36. Everyone!
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37. Today, we're welcoming Tendo and his crew!
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38. Let's go all-out and celebrate!
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39. Cheers!
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40. Cheers!
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41. Drink up everyone!
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42. This is my way of showing
how much I appreciate
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43. all the hard work you put
into the company everyday!
Copy !req
44. Do you think
nailing a zombie would infect you?
Copy !req
45. Are you seriously
after that zombie hipster chick?
Copy !req
46. What can I say, she's totally my type!
Copy !req
47. Hey newbie!
Can't you see I need a refill?
Copy !req
48. Uh, coming!
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49. -Stop tripping everywhere, damn!
-I'm sorry.
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50. -Pull yourself together!
-I'm sorry.
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51. -You're ruining the vibe!
-I'm sorry.
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52. -Weren't you a working professional?
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
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53. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
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54. -Eventually, I'll lead Japan!
-U-Umm, I-I'll fill up your glass.
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55. Idiot!
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56. I don't want some old bag's booze!
Copy !req
57. I only accept drinks from young women.
Copy !req
58. Hey, over there.
Copy !req
59. Pour me a drink.
Copy !req
60. Here. Ditch the water and stop acting
like you're too good for this.
Copy !req
61. Drink.
Copy !req
62. Or are you saying you won't accept
a drink from your boss?
Copy !req
63. Oh, you swallow like a champ.
Copy !req
64. There's something else
I'd want you to swallow.
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65. Try being friendlier.
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66. Be nice or let me fondle your tits.
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67. That's all women are good for anyway.
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68. -Hey newbie, where are our orders?
-Hey, Tendo. Booze.
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69. -I asked for fries, too.
-Hey, Tendo!
Copy !req
70. Yes! I'm sorry.
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71. Umm, what did you want?
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72. Booze. I'm out of booze.
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73. Uh, yes! I'm sorry.
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74. H-Here you go.
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75. It's empty!
Copy !req
76. Why are you giving me
an empty bottle, huh?!
Copy !req
77. Who fixed your car, patched up
your buddy, and let you sleep in safety?!
Copy !req
78. All you need to do is shut up
and do exactly what I tell you!
Copy !req
79. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Copy !req
80. I'll bring you a new one right away!
Copy !req
81. Need to succeed...
Copy !req
82. NEED
Copy !req
83. Need to win...
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84. And to do that, you need to obey me.
Copy !req
85. Even before I could talk,
Copy !req
86. my father kept telling me
what I needed to do
Copy !req
87. so much that I thought
my name was "Anita."
Copy !req
88. In his youth, my father
went to the States alone,
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89. and within his lifetime
built a massive corporation.
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90. He weathered the Lehman Bros. collapse
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91. to become a calculating
and cold-blooded financier
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92. that even the Americans feared.
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93. As his daughter...
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94. perfection was always expected of me.
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95. Sorry to hide you here.
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96. If Daddy finds you, he'll kick you out.
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97. Is that all you can say?
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98. Then I guess I'll name you Roo!
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99. You're not hungry?
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100. Are you not feeling well?
Copy !req
101. Roo?
Copy !req
102. Are you better now?
Copy !req
103. Thank...
Copy !req
104. Thank goodness.
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105. I'm so... I'm so glad!
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106. Oh, Roo!
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107. You want to become a doctor?
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108. There's a high risk of being sued,
and they don't make a lot of money...
Copy !req
109. ...what's the point?
Copy !req
110. Doctors and lawyers
are to be used by people like us.
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111. You need to stand above them.
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112. -But-!
-We're done talking.
Copy !req
113. Oh, regarding your belongings
in the attic...
Copy !req
114. I contacted the humane society
and had them put it down.
Copy !req
115. What?
Copy !req
116. Who do you have to thank for this
life of luxury, here in this house?
Copy !req
117. All you need to do is shut up and obey me.
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118. You need to finish what you've started.
Copy !req
119. What you don't need
is to hang around with your lessers.
Copy !req
120. There's no need to date that boy.
Copy !req
121. Marriage is a means
for peers to reproduce.
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122. -Need, need, need...
-You're in a different class than him.
Copy !req
123. Shut up already.
Copy !req
124. But if I don't obey, I can't survive here.
Copy !req
125. I "need" to obey his every word.
Copy !req
126. Hey! What do you think you're doing
to my precious goods, you idiot?!
Copy !req
127. Looks like you'll need to work tomorrow
and over the weekend to finish this!
Copy !req
128. Huh?
Copy !req
129. But you promised
this was only until today!
Copy !req
130. Hey!
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131. You waste of food!
Copy !req
132. Do you know how much losses
I've incurred because of you?
Copy !req
133. Of course you wouldn't know!
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134. A slow, dim-witted, stupid, and lazy wimp
like you creates losses just by living!
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135. Your breathing
is a waste of company resources!
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136. You could work here your entire life
and it wouldn't be enough!
Copy !req
137. But you know what, Tendo?
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138. That's what I find so charming about you.
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139. Chief?
Copy !req
140. The reason I'm so strict with you
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141. is because I actually
have confidence in your abilities.
Copy !req
142. So, stay.
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143. But...
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144. Think about it, Tendo...
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145. What's driving you to go back out
into a dangerous world like that?
Copy !req
146. Freedom is tough.
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147. You gotta make all the decisions yourself.
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148. What to eat, where to sleep,
when to take a crap...
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149. Try thinking about that all the time.
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150. It's not easy.
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151. It will drive you off the rails.
Copy !req
152. Tendo, I don't want you
to end up that way.
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153. That's why I'll tell you what to do.
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154. Listen to me, and you won't need to think.
Copy !req
155. I'm kinda jealous
of the chance you're getting.
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156. Put your wants aside.
Copy !req
157. All you need to do
is stay and follow my orders.
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158. Shizuka, do you see all those poor people?
Copy !req
159. Those are people who have lived
how they've wanted to.
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160. You're different from them.
Copy !req
161. Put your wants aside.
Copy !req
162. In order to win, follow my orders
and do only what you need to do.
Copy !req
163. As my daughter,
don't become an embarrassment.
Copy !req
164. Are you listening?
Copy !req
165. I'm saying this for your benefit.
Copy !req
166. It's actually...
Copy !req
167. for your benefit, isn't it?
Copy !req
168. All right!
Copy !req
169. I'm gonna drink so much today!
Copy !req
170. You're not done
until you've carried out all of those!
Copy !req
171. O-Okay!
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
175. You're such...
Copy !req
Copy !req
177. a weird guy.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
180. There!
Copy !req
181. Amazing. What a great haul!
We got a lot today!
Copy !req
182. That said, you ever notice Kosugi
Copy !req
183. never helps with any of the dangerous
acquisition runs, does he?
Copy !req
184. Idiot! Just be happy we don't get
treated like laborers like the rest!
Copy !req
185. O-Okay!
Copy !req
186. -Did you close the door?
Copy !req
187. We don't want any zombies
getting into the truck.
Copy !req
188. Got it!
Copy !req
189. -Let's hurry up and pull out!
Copy !req
190. As promised, it's been two days.
Copy !req
191. As we agreed,
we'll be getting out of here.
Copy !req
192. Sorry, Akira.
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193. You went through all that, for me.
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194. But that ends today.
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195. A-Actually...
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196. About that...
Copy !req
197. I-I think I might stay...
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198. and keep working for the Chief.
Copy !req
199. Huh?
Copy !req
200. What are you talking about, Akira?
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201. It's j-just...
Copy !req
202. It's dangerous out there.
Copy !req
203. And I'm not really cut out to survive it.
Copy !req
204. If I stay here,
the Chief said he will look after me.
Copy !req
205. Hey. What the hell happened to you, huh?
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206. Hey, Akira!
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207. Akira!
Copy !req
208. It seems Tendo really like his job here!
Copy !req
209. All right.
Copy !req
210. In that case, we'll be leaving on our own.
Copy !req
211. Let's go, Kencho.
Copy !req
212. H-Hey, hold on!
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213. -There's no way we can do that!
-Why not?
Copy !req
214. He says he wants to stay, after all.
Copy !req
215. I mean, I need to repay the Chief
for everything he's done.
Copy !req
216. In order to do that,
I need to keep working here.
Copy !req
217. Need, need, need, need!
Shut up already!
Copy !req
218. Akira, seeing as how we won't meet again,
let me tell you one last thing.
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219. That man, who is trying to make you
give yourself over to him completely...
Copy !req
220. Do you know what he's really after?
Copy !req
221. Well, he wants to dominate you,
and make you do what he wants.
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222. Your free will, that's yours alone.
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223. Your freedom to choose...
Copy !req
224. The self respect you need to live...
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225. Your soul!
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226. Your pride!
Copy !req
227. He wants you to abandon that
so he can take them from you.
Copy !req
228. He has no self-esteem,
and he's never satisfied.
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229. All he can do is put others down
to make himself seem bigger.
Copy !req
230. That sad man
will do anything to assert himself
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231. and get a brief sense of fulfillment
by demeaning you.
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Copy !req
233. Until today,
I was just like how you are now.
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234. But you were the one
who finally opened my eyes!
Copy !req
235. I'm not handing myself over
to anyone ever again!
Copy !req
236. Do you need to leave?
Copy !req
237. Do you need to stay?
Copy !req
238. With the uncertain state our world is in,
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239. no one can say
what the right answer will be.
Copy !req
240. But at the very least, right now...
Copy !req
241. I want to get away
from this gross shithead
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242. as soon as possible
with every fiber of my being!
Copy !req
243. Honestly, this is why women
are such trouble.
Copy !req
244. They immediately go into hysterics
and there's no use talking to them.
Copy !req
245. Right, everyone?
Copy !req
246. Well, Akira?
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247. What will you do?
Copy !req
248. You're not a machine or a zombie.
Copy !req
249. You're still human, aren't you?
Copy !req
250. What do you actually "want" to do?
Copy !req
Copy !req
252. How long are you gonna keep
spouting nonsense?
Copy !req
253. Give me that!
Copy !req
254. Who cares about what you want to do?!
Copy !req
255. You don't need this!
Copy !req
Copy !req
257. Wh-What do you think you're doing, Tendo?
Copy !req
258. Who gave you permission to...
Copy !req
259. Chief.
Copy !req
260. Thank you for taking care of me.
Copy !req
261. But this is where we part ways.
Copy !req
262. I don't want anything to do with you.
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263. I never want to see you ever again!
Copy !req
264. But you still owe me.
Copy !req
265. I won't be able to make it up to you!
Please accept my apologies!
Copy !req
266. That's irresponsible behavior,
don't you think?
Copy !req
267. My apologies!
Copy !req
268. But I was good to you!
Copy !req
269. My apologies!
Copy !req
270. You'll regret this!
Copy !req
271. Trash like you will be zombie food
the moment you step outside!
Copy !req
272. Even so, that's fine, right?
Copy !req
273. It's better
than being worked like a zombie
Copy !req
274. while not being able
to do a single thing I want!
Copy !req
Copy !req
276. The supply gathering team is back!
Copy !req
277. We pulled in a large haul today!
Copy !req
278. Check it out!
Copy !req
279. Bet you're gonna be surprise...
Copy !req
280. Calm down! It's just one zombie!
Copy !req
281. -This is bad.
-Just stay cool and...
Copy !req
282. -Gotta get away!
-Hey, wait!
Copy !req
283. I don't wanna die!
Copy !req
284. Thank you.
Copy !req
285. Thank you!
Copy !req
286. Kencho!
Copy !req
287. Shizuka!
Copy !req
288. -We're okay!
Copy !req
289. Hey, over here! Hurry!
Copy !req
290. Damn it!
Copy !req
291. Damn it, we can't save them all!
Copy !req
292. S-Stay back! Stay back!
Copy !req
293. Get away from me, you damn zombies!
Copy !req
294. Ch-Chief.
Copy !req
295. The food truck...
Copy !req
296. Hey, delivery team! I have an idea.
Copy !req
297. Will you help?
Copy !req
298. I'm not built for running!
Copy !req
299. T-!
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300. Tendo?!
Copy !req
301. Chief! Now's our chance!
Hurry and get over here! Hurry!
Copy !req
302. That Akira...
Why is he helping that guy?
Copy !req
303. Akira!
Copy !req
304. I thought you didn't want
anything to do with him?
Copy !req
305. I don't, but...
Copy !req
306. Standing by while someone's
about to get eaten by zombies...
Copy !req
307. ...isn't on my bucket list!
Copy !req
308. Now!
Copy !req
309. We're counting on you!
Copy !req
310. All right!
Copy !req
311. Now then...
Copy !req
312. Let's go!
Copy !req
313. G-Go?
Copy !req
314. -We're not gonna jump from here, are we?
Copy !req
315. Two... Three!
Copy !req
316. Akira!
Copy !req
317. You're amazing, Akira!
Copy !req
318. Good job, newbie!
Copy !req
319. That was amazing!
Copy !req
320. Thank you!
Copy !req
321. I only managed to pull it off
thanks to all your help.
Copy !req
322. Don't be so modest!
Copy !req
323. Oh, Shizuka!
Copy !req
324. We managed to pull through!
Copy !req
325. Good grief.
Copy !req
326. Honestly,
Copy !req
327. you're always doing something crazy.
Copy !req
328. It wasn't that great.
Copy !req
329. I wasn't giving you a compliment.
Copy !req
330. As expected from my subordinate!
Copy !req
331. He was a fine example, wasn't he?
Copy !req
332. You need to take after Tendo and,
from now on, be more--
Copy !req
333. Sorry, Kosugi.
Copy !req
334. But I'm done working for you.
Copy !req
335. You're always making people do things
while you do nothing yourself!
Copy !req
336. You're a dictator.
Copy !req
337. That newbie was a better leader than you!
Copy !req
338. We've more than paid our dues.
Copy !req
339. It's about time we leave.
Copy !req
340. Thanks so much!
Copy !req
341. We brought this stuff in,
so we're gonna haul it out!
Copy !req
342. No wait!
Copy !req
343. You guys... Wait!
Copy !req
344. -I treated you well, didn't I?
-Let's go.
Copy !req
345. Wait... Please! Hey!
Copy !req
346. Please wait!
Copy !req
347. You're joking, right?
Copy !req
348. You really don't remember?
Copy !req
349. I don't.
Copy !req
350. I blanked out
whenever the Chief was around.
Copy !req
351. That said, working sucked!
Copy !req
352. Maybe I'm not cut out for it!
Copy !req
353. It feels like
I'll never find the right job for me.
Copy !req
354. Is that so bad?
Copy !req
355. There's no rush to find a job.
Copy !req
356. What?
Copy !req
357. Online personalities,
e-sports athletes, drone pilots...
Copy !req
358. New jobs are created all the time.
Copy !req
359. Ones we couldn't imagine
a hundred years ago...
Copy !req
360. Being bored
Copy !req
361. We don't know
what tomorrow will bring in this world.
Copy !req
362. With nothing but efficient days
Copy !req
363. Or what jobs there will be.
It's anyone's guess.
Copy !req
364. Sure that's fine
Copy !req
365. But it's kind of a waste, right?
Copy !req
366. When I think today could be my last
Copy !req
367. So do what you want to do
and enjoy doing it.
Copy !req
368. Steve would start to make a bitter smile;
Let's start something
Copy !req
369. Enjoy it for all it's worth.
Copy !req
370. Eventually, one day, one of those things
may become a job that only you can do.
Copy !req
371. Life & Death
Copy !req
372. How many times has it been already?
And yet...
Copy !req
373. I can't stop; like a junkie
Copy !req
374. One more time, c'mon, one more time
Copy !req
375. You're right!
Copy !req
376. Let's go all the way
Copy !req
Copy !req
378. to the end of the world, yeah
Copy !req
379. C'mon, I want to find happiness
Copy !req
380. You can leave the key behind
Copy !req
381. If I can live and laugh,
that's good enough
Copy !req
382. C'mon, even a place that has nothing
Copy !req
383. Has to have something
Copy !req
384. How about it? All right!
Copy !req
385. Let's get excited about today!
Copy !req
386. C'mon, here in this hell, the earth
Copy !req
387. I want to keep laughing with you
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388. Living on a whim
Copy !req
389. C'mon, everything is coming undone
Copy !req
390. So c'mon, let's start anew
Copy !req
391. All right! Let's enjoy today
Copy !req
392. We can take detours
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393. If you feel like singing, that's fine
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394. Until the day everything ends
Copy !req
395. Next time:
Sushi & Hot Springs of the Dead.
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