1. One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand,
one hundred thousand...
Copy !req
2. Amazing! This solid gold watch is sick!
Copy !req
3. I never would've made enough
to own one
Copy !req
4. on my pitiful salary
at that exploitative company!
Copy !req
5. Oh, man, Akira.
Copy !req
6. Check this out!
Copy !req
7. One hundred thousand, one million...
Copy !req
8. Solid gold...
Copy !req
9. ain't nothing.
Copy !req
Copy !req
11. We're out of water, Kencho.
Copy !req
12. Figures. The power's out too,
and it's pitch black in the city.
Copy !req
13. Guess the water pumps gave out
when the electricity did.
Copy !req
14. Base station's down too.
I can't get online.
Copy !req
15. Our phones are charged,
but we can't get any news.
Copy !req
16. We might be the only people
left in this big city.
Copy !req
17. The number of zombies
are increasing daily.
Copy !req
18. It's getting more difficult
to secure food and water, too.
Copy !req
19. It may be time
we start taking this seriously.
Copy !req
20. A safe place to live and with food, huh?
Copy !req
21. Heroes aren't paid in food.
Copy !req
22. Do we start farming in the country?
Or hunt?
Copy !req
23. Can a ramen shop
survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Copy !req
24. Even after quitting my abusive workplace,
I guess I still have to work.
Copy !req
25. I wonder if there's any job out there
that I'd want to do now?
Copy !req
26. Never mind that. Look, Kencho!
Copy !req
27. This is amazing!
Copy !req
28. Tokyo's not so bad!
Copy !req
29. Major power outages
aren't all that bad, either!
Copy !req
30. This brings back memories.
Copy !req
31. I'm sure they're alive and safe.
Copy !req
32. Yeah!
Copy !req
33. Let's head out to my hometown
that I haven't seen in a while. To Gunma!
Copy !req
34. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
35. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
36. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
37. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
38. From the outset, it's a ban-banging upset!
Copy !req
39. Metamorphose into a classic life
Copy !req
40. Once upon a time
Long, long ago
Copy !req
41. Humankind merely
ate, slept, danced, and laughed
Copy !req
42. Endless suffering and social pressures
pushing people to their limits
Copy !req
43. Are portrayed as part of the norm
on the morning news
Copy !req
44. Wake up again to a coerced routine
Copy !req
45. Hamburgers for breakfast, break up
the status quo with the paranormal
Copy !req
46. Am I a fool for longing for these things?
Copy !req
47. Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
48. I wanna!!
Dancing, dancing
Copy !req
49. Rolling, rolling
Only one, my life
Copy !req
50. Sooner or later, life will come to an end
Copy !req
51. Want more than a sense of futility,
don't you?
Copy !req
52. Dancing, dancing
Morning, morning
Copy !req
53. Go back to the basics
and start something new
Copy !req
54. Do what you wanna do
Copy !req
55. Every night, every time
Copy !req
56. Let's live until we've had our fill of fun
Copy !req
57. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
58. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
59. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
60. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
61. Is that your idea of packing light?
Copy !req
62. I know that!
Copy !req
63. Water and canned foods, tooth brush,
nail clipper, camp stove, cook set...
Copy !req
64. I could just go to a convenience store
when I need a change of underwear, right?
Copy !req
65. No, I need to have some ready on the
off chance I spend the night with a lady.
Copy !req
66. That's packing light?
Copy !req
67. Is that really packing light?
Copy !req
68. Bye-bye, college life.
Copy !req
69. Bye-bye, office life.
Copy !req
70. Bye-bye, Tokyo!
Copy !req
71. How far is it to your parents' home?
Copy !req
72. Normally, it's a three or four hour drive,
but I don't know what the roads are like.
Copy !req
73. It could be a long journey, so there's
something I absolutely want to get!
Copy !req
74. Oh? Are you talking about
a real gun?
Copy !req
75. Nope!
Copy !req
76. Equipped with a kitchen and bathroom!
Copy !req
77. A zombie-free space
where you don't have to worry!
Copy !req
78. A best friend for leisurely trips
where you can sleep whenever!
Copy !req
79. A house on wheels, where dreams
and a sense of adventure are made!
Copy !req
80. An RV is the only way to travel
in a zombie apocalypse!
Copy !req
81. So can we? We only live once!
Copy !req
82. Can we travel in an RV?
Copy !req
83. I think it's a great idea!
Copy !req
84. What?
Copy !req
85. Huh?
Copy !req
86. Shizuka?
Copy !req
87. We sure run into each other a lot.
Copy !req
88. Come to think of it, you did say
you were headed out of the city.
Copy !req
89. What a coincidence.
Copy !req
90. I never expected
to see you again so soon!
Copy !req
91. It happened not just twice,
but three times!
Copy !req
92. This is definitely fate!
Copy !req
93. Since you're here,
would you like to go to Gunma with us--
Copy !req
94. I don't have enough lives
to team up with you.
Copy !req
95. Since I see no benefit
in forming an alliance,
Copy !req
96. thank you for the offer,
but I'll have to decline.
Copy !req
97. Shizuka, do you have a license?
Copy !req
98. No.
Copy !req
99. But this is a state of emergency.
Copy !req
100. I've come to reason that the best way
to travel long distances
Copy !req
101. while avoiding risks would be an RV.
Copy !req
102. You see them in zombie movies
from time to time.
Copy !req
103. I didn't expect you
to be a fan of zombie movies.
Copy !req
104. I'm not. I just watched them
for reference purposes.
Copy !req
105. About 100 movies.
Copy !req
106. That's hard-core fan territory.
Copy !req
107. In any case, an RV is the travel standard
in a zombie apocalypse.
Copy !req
108. Right? I said the same thing!
Copy !req
109. You really should come with--
Copy !req
110. Thank you for the offer,
but I'll have to decline.
Copy !req
111. But you don't have a license, right?
Copy !req
112. Oh, exactly.
Copy !req
113. Isn't it poor risk analysis to do
something unfamiliar like driving?
Copy !req
114. I'm sure you can see the benefits
of forming an alliance.
Copy !req
115. But even so...
Copy !req
116. It'll definitely be more fun
with three people!
Copy !req
117. That has nothing to do
with the issue at hand.
Copy !req
118. It'll be safer together with three people!
Copy !req
119. Let's go!
Copy !req
Copy !req
121. -An RV show! Amazing!
-An RV show! Amazing!
Copy !req
122. That's so cool!
Copy !req
123. That's super cool!
Copy !req
124. This is crazy! What is this?
It's totally crazy!
Copy !req
125. Why does it have treads?
Why are they triangular?
Copy !req
126. This one has a crane attached!
Copy !req
127. Oh my god! What do we pull with it?
What do we pull with it?
Copy !req
128. Tatami mats!
Copy !req
129. Why does it have a Japanese-style room?
Is it for tea ceremonies?
Copy !req
130. How hard is it to do?!
Copy !req
131. A jacuzzi!
Copy !req
132. There's a jacuzzi in the car! Wow!
Copy !req
133. Jacuzzi!
Copy !req
134. Taking into account mobility
and speed in an emergency,
Copy !req
135. four-wheel drive is a must, since it has
the greatest maximum output.
Copy !req
136. If we're going both on and off-road,
a midsize SUV would do the trick.
Copy !req
137. And considering
it might be difficult to refuel,
Copy !req
138. maybe we should go
with a hybrid crossover.
Copy !req
139. Furthermore, in terms of durability,
perhaps we should go with an import
Copy !req
140. rather than a domestic one
for the crumple zone. Which means...
Copy !req
141. something like this seems about right.
Copy !req
142. What the hell is this?
Copy !req
143. T-Twenty million?
Copy !req
144. An RV that costs
more than twenty million!
Copy !req
145. I want this one.
Copy !req
146. -I definitely want this one!
Copy !req
147. How is something that big going to get
through roads full of abandoned vehicles?
Copy !req
148. We're going with this one.
And that's final.
Copy !req
149. What?
Copy !req
150. Well, that one is cool,
but it doesn't look like an RV at all!
Copy !req
151. At all!
Copy !req
152. It's just a regular car, man!
Copy !req
153. Man!
Copy !req
154. We should at least pick one that has
a roof that pops out and becomes a tent!
Copy !req
155. Sleeping under a pop-up roof is like
advertising we're zombie food!
Copy !req
156. Come on now.
Copy !req
157. Life's boring if you only do
what you need to do all the time!
Copy !req
158. Shizuka, I bet there's a ride somewhere
here that'll get you going!
Copy !req
159. Honestly, we're in a crisis. Why would I
stoop to choosing based on...
Copy !req
160. A coordinated dark color scheme
with indirect lighting.
Copy !req
161. A water hyacinth sofa and ikat tapestries.
Copy !req
162. What's with this interior?
It looks like a luxury hotel in Bali!
Copy !req
163. Oh, no. It's wonderful.
Copy !req
164. I think I might want it.
Copy !req
165. I knew there was one you wanted!
Copy !req
166. No! That one doesn't count!
Copy !req
167. Cars are all about dreams
and a sense of adventure!
Copy !req
168. Safety and utility!
Copy !req
169. Oh no! They found us!
Copy !req
170. We were too loud!
Copy !req
171. What should we do?
Copy !req
172. It doesn't matter which one!
Hurry up and get in!
Copy !req
173. What about the keys?
Copy !req
174. It's in the ignition!
Copy !req
175. Hurry, hurry!
Copy !req
176. 17. RIDE IN AN RV
Copy !req
177. Creepy how quiet it is.
Copy !req
178. The highway is usually packed on weekdays.
Copy !req
179. People probably didn't have a chance
to run before the infection spread.
Copy !req
180. No virus in history
has spread this rapidly.
Copy !req
181. Shizuka, do you think this is a virus?
Copy !req
182. Aggression caused by hormonal changes
that affect the brain.
Copy !req
183. The only thing that could do that
is most likely a virus.
Copy !req
184. So analyzing data of the outbreak
and pinpointing ways of transmission
Copy !req
185. can help us work out
a possible countermeasure.
Copy !req
186. And there are
many other potential solutions.
Copy !req
187. If we can create a vaccine, we can
counter any sort of dangerous virus.
Copy !req
188. Theoretically,
the world isn't over just yet.
Copy !req
189. There's still hope.
Copy !req
190. Does that mean, somewhere out there...
Copy !req
191. there are people out there whose job is
to stop the infection and save the world?
Copy !req
192. Who knows?
Copy !req
193. At the very least, it has nothing to do
with those of us who are barely surviving
Copy !req
194. each day dealing with zombies, does it?
Copy !req
195. EXIT
Copy !req
196. We'll be leaving Saitama soon!
Copy !req
197. Gunma's in sight!
Copy !req
198. Before we do that, I'm starving!
Copy !req
199. Let's stop by a truck stop
to find something to eat.
Copy !req
200. It'll be getting dark.
We should also rest for the day!
Copy !req
201. All right!
This is our first night in an RV!
Copy !req
202. Wh-What's going on?!
Copy !req
203. Kencho!
Copy !req
204. Are you all right?!
Copy !req
205. What happened?
Copy !req
206. A spike strip?
Copy !req
207. Wh-What?
Copy !req
208. What's going on here?
Copy !req
209. Well, look who it is!
If it isn't Tendo!
Copy !req
210. What do you think you're doing here,
skipping out on work?
Copy !req
211. Y-You're...
Copy !req
212. Chief Kosugi!
Copy !req
213. I told you, your deadline
was first thing in the morning.
Copy !req
214. Why aren't you done with it, Tendo?!
Copy !req
215. What? But Chief, yesterday,
you said I had until tonight.
Copy !req
216. Did I ask for your damn opinion?!
Copy !req
217. Damn it! You're always
creating more work for me.
Copy !req
218. Are you harassing me?
Are you harassing your superior?
Copy !req
219. If I get depressed,
what are you gonna do?
Copy !req
220. U-Umm...
Copy !req
221. Huh? What's the matter?
Copy !req
222. Cosgies.
Copy !req
223. A baseball team?
Copy !req
224. I didn't expect you
to survive the apocalypse.
Copy !req
225. Ch-Chief, I'm glad to see
you're doing well, too.
Copy !req
226. Huh? What's going on?
Copy !req
227. My stomach is churning
and I can't breathe.
Copy !req
228. I see you've gotten yourself
into a pretty sticky situation.
Copy !req
229. I doubt you can continue
your journey on those tires.
Copy !req
230. You should hurry up
and tend to your friend.
Copy !req
231. Want me to lend you a hand, Tendo?
Copy !req
232. Luckily, our truck stop
Copy !req
233. is fully stocked with food, spare tires,
and medical equipment.
Copy !req
234. We'll change your tires
and get your friend patched up.
Copy !req
235. Chief.
Copy !req
236. I'm just so glad to see you again
Copy !req
237. here at the end of the world.
Copy !req
238. You have nothing to worry about anymore.
Copy !req
239. As your old boss, I'd never
abandon a former employee.
Copy !req
240. Just leave it to me!
Copy !req
241. Ch-Chief!
Copy !req
242. -Thank—
-However, in exchange, Tendo...
Copy !req
243. How would you
like to work for me once again?
Copy !req
244. What?
Copy !req
245. What? Umm... But...
Copy !req
246. I get it now.
So, that's your racket.
Copy !req
247. You rob people of their means
of transportation with those things,
Copy !req
248. injure them, manipulate them
when they're vulnerable,
Copy !req
249. and put them to work cheaply, right?
Copy !req
250. That's a pretty uncharitable
interpretation, little lady.
Copy !req
251. The laws of the land
no longer exist in this world.
Copy !req
252. We had no choice but to lay these traps
to protect our precious friends
Copy !req
253. from ruthless looters.
Copy !req
254. I hope you understand.
Copy !req
255. You don't have much time.
Copy !req
256. All that noise earlier
is drawing them here.
Copy !req
257. Two days, Tendo!
Copy !req
258. You only have to help us
with a few chores for just two days.
Copy !req
259. You'll work for me again,
won't you?
Copy !req
260. Well... U-Umm... But...
Copy !req
261. However... Oh.
Copy !req
262. You don't want your friends
to get eaten, do you?
Copy !req
263. Very well.
Copy !req
264. If it's just for two days,
I'd be happy to work for you again.
Copy !req
265. Atta boy!
Copy !req
266. We've got ourselves a contract!
Copy !req
Copy !req
268. Welcome, to my company!
Copy !req
269. Starting today,
you'll be working the loading dock
Copy !req
270. and reinforcing the barricade.
Copy !req
271. They're simple jobs that anyone can do.
Copy !req
272. It'll be all right!
Copy !req
273. I'm sure it'll be difficult
since you're inexperienced,
Copy !req
274. but with the trust that we've
cultivated over many years,
Copy !req
275. you'll quickly regain a feel for things.
Copy !req
276. Okay.
Copy !req
277. I don't think
you've fractured anything, but...
Copy !req
278. you should rest up for the time being.
Copy !req
279. Damn it.
Copy !req
280. It's my fault Akira's...
Copy !req
281. They had this all planned out.
Copy !req
282. This isn't your fault.
Copy !req
283. Damn it!
Copy !req
284. If we could just change our tires,
we could be outta here!
Copy !req
285. We just have to tolerate this
for two days.
Copy !req
286. I sure hope that's the case.
Copy !req
287. My arms are so swollen!
Copy !req
288. When is this gonna end?
Copy !req
289. This is just like
being back at my old job!
Copy !req
290. No! That's not what this is!
Copy !req
-I'm not who I was before!
Copy !req
292. I decided I was finally going
to live life my way, right?
Copy !req
293. Everyone has been working
so hard in this heat.
Copy !req
294. Beer! Beer!
Copy !req
295. If I chill them now, I wonder
if they'll be ready by dinner?
Copy !req
296. That'll make everyone happy!
Copy !req
297. Hey, Tendo!
Copy !req
298. Ch-Chief.
Copy !req
299. This isn't your station.
Copy !req
300. What are you doing... Huh?
Copy !req
301. Hey! When did I order you to do that?
Copy !req
302. Umm... Uhh...
Copy !req
303. I-I was just doing this for everyone.
Copy !req
304. Again? Why?
Copy !req
305. When the Chief's in front of me,
I can't think straight.
Copy !req
306. Giving them chilled beer is just
a waste of our precious electricity.
Copy !req
307. Try something funny
like this again and you won't—
Copy !req
308. Whoa!
Copy !req
309. What is that, Kosugi?
Copy !req
310. It's beer!
Copy !req
311. Huh? What?
Copy !req
312. That's not for us, is it?
Copy !req
313. You always stick us
with that warm cheap stuff.
Copy !req
314. Why the change of heart?
Copy !req
315. Yeah!
Copy !req
316. I just asked Tendo to chill these
for you guys tonight!
Copy !req
317. Huh?
Copy !req
318. Of course,
there's enough for everyone here!
Copy !req
319. Tonight, we're having a welcome party
for Tendo and his friends
Copy !req
320. so you can rest
and recuperate from the day!
Copy !req
321. This is just a small gesture
of gratitude for all the work you do
Copy !req
322. for the company around the clock!
Copy !req
323. You're so generous, Kosugi.
Copy !req
324. I'm glad I came with you!
Copy !req
325. Cut that out!
Flattery will get you nowhere!
Copy !req
326. What is that?
Copy !req
327. You're making zombies pull cargo?
Copy !req
328. They're a good workforce
if you know how to use them.
Copy !req
329. They're company equipment.
Copy !req
330. Mere equipment with no will of their own,
who can't think for themselves.
Copy !req
331. They just need to shut up
and keep working.
Copy !req
332. Equipment.
Copy !req
333. And Tendo...
Copy !req
334. Like them,
you're merely equipment as well.
Copy !req
335. It seems like you thought you were
capable of achieving something special.
Copy !req
336. But you're far more worthless
than you think.
Copy !req
337. The best you can do
is to just follow my orders
Copy !req
338. and try to be as useful
as those zombies out there.
Copy !req
339. Pieces of equipment like you just
labor away and drink warm, cheap beer.
Copy !req
340. On occasion,
you get an actual ice cold beer.
Copy !req
341. There's no greater happiness
for you, is there?! Am I wrong?
Copy !req
342. If you get it, be a good little cog,
stay quiet, and get back to work.
Copy !req
343. Got it? Damned piece of equipment.
Copy !req
344. Did Akira seem kinda off today?
Copy !req
345. I know the guy's his old boss,
but why is he just taking it like that?
Copy !req
346. You never forget.
Copy !req
347. Even if your mind knows
that they're unfairly controlling you...
Copy !req
348. Your heart...
Copy !req
349. never forgets...
Copy !req
350. the fear.
Copy !req
351. Being bored
Copy !req
352. With nothing but efficient days
Copy !req
353. Sure that's fine
Copy !req
354. But it's kind of a waste, right?
Copy !req
355. When I think today could be my last
Copy !req
356. Steve would start to make a bitter smile;
Let's start something
Copy !req
357. Life & Death
Copy !req
358. How many times has it been already?
And yet...
Copy !req
359. I can't stop; like a junkie
Copy !req
360. One more time, c'mon, one more time
Copy !req
361. Let's go all the way
to the end of the world, yeah
Copy !req
362. C'mon, I want to find happiness
Copy !req
363. You can leave the key behind
Copy !req
364. If I can live and laugh,
that's good enough
Copy !req
365. C'mon, even a place that has nothing
Copy !req
366. Has to have something
Copy !req
367. How about it? All right!
Copy !req
368. Let's get excited about today!
Copy !req
369. C'mon, here in this hell, the earth
Copy !req
370. I want to keep laughing with you
Copy !req
371. Living on a whim
Copy !req
372. C'mon, everything is coming undone
Copy !req
373. So c'mon, let's start anew
Copy !req
374. All right! Let's enjoy today
Copy !req
375. We can take detours
Copy !req
376. If you feel like singing, that's fine
Copy !req
377. Until the day everything ends
Copy !req
378. Next time: Truck Stop of the Dead.
Copy !req