1. What?
Copy !req
2. You woke up with a 100-degree fever?
Copy !req
3. So what about it?
Copy !req
4. Oh man, I wonder
if we'll make our deadline?
Copy !req
5. You feel like you're gonna die
from overwork?
Copy !req
6. Come talk to me
when you're actually dead!
Copy !req
7. No one leaves until we're all done!
Copy !req
8. Quit dozing off, Tendo!
Copy !req
9. Get up, you jerk!
Copy !req
10. I'm sorry, Chief!
Copy !req
11. What the?
Copy !req
12. Oh yeah, I...
Copy !req
13. ...don't have to go to work anymore.
Copy !req
14. Good morning!
Copy !req
15. I'm spending my 3 years worth
of vacation time starting today!
Copy !req
16. I'm gonna have so much fun!
Copy !req
17. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
18. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
19. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
20. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
21. From the outset,
it’s a ban-banging upset!
Copy !req
22. Metamorphose into a classic life
Copy !req
23. Once upon a time
Long, long ago
Copy !req
24. Humankind merely
ate, slept, danced, and laughed
Copy !req
25. Endless suffering and social pressures
pushing people to their limits
Copy !req
26. Are portrayed as part of the norm
on the morning news
Copy !req
27. Wake up again to a coerced routine
Copy !req
28. Hamburgers for breakfast, break up
the status quo with the paranormal
Copy !req
29. Am I a fool for longing
for these things?
Copy !req
30. Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
31. I wanna!!
Dancing, dancing
Copy !req
32. Rolling, rolling
Only one, my life
Copy !req
33. Sooner or later,
life will come to an end
Copy !req
34. Want more than a sense of futility,
don’t you?
Copy !req
35. Dancing, dancing
Morning, morning
Copy !req
36. Go back to the basics
and start something new
Copy !req
37. Do what you wanna do
Copy !req
38. Every night, every time
Copy !req
39. Let’s live
until we’ve had our fill of fun
Copy !req
40. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
41. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
42. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
43. Dystopia to the Song of the Dead!!
Copy !req
44. All right!
Copy !req
45. Three years' worth of cleaning, done!
Copy !req
46. Clean house...
Copy !req
47. ...clean mind, huh?
Copy !req
48. I can't remember the last time
I felt this good!
Copy !req
49. All right!
Copy !req
50. I've been looking forward to this!
Copy !req
51. This is so good! It's too good!
Copy !req
52. Who knew skipping work and drinking beer
first thing in the morning would taste so good?!
Copy !req
53. This is holy water!
Copy !req
54. No! It's the drink of the gods!
Copy !req
55. The guilty pleasure of drinking beer
on what would normally be a work day!
Copy !req
56. The freedom from work and obligation!
Copy !req
57. If this isn't heaven,
then I don't know what is!
Copy !req
58. This is aerial footage of Tokyo!
Copy !req
59. Fires are blazing everywhere!
Copy !req
60. I still can't believe this is happening!
Copy !req
61. Even our studio is in danger
of being overrun by workers
Copy !req
62. who have turned into the living dead!
Copy !req
63. Internet and telecommunications
are down,
Copy !req
64. and there's been no word
from the government!
Copy !req
65. Right now, we have no way of knowing
if the government is still functioning—
Copy !req
Copy !req
67. But... I guess...
Copy !req
68. things are pretty bad in the world.
Copy !req
69. I wonder what's going to happen from now...
Copy !req
70. But for me, today is all about beer!
Copy !req
Copy !req
72. I'm gonna stay put in my room
with a cold one in my hand...
Copy !req
73. ...and embrace my inner degenerate
and rejuvenate myself after three years!
Copy !req
74. That's what I've decided!
Copy !req
75. They're gone!
Copy !req
76. Huh? No way! What?!
Copy !req
77. They're all gone!
Copy !req
78. Don't tell me that was the last one!
Copy !req
79. I'm out...
Copy !req
80. Of all the times to run out!
Copy !req
81. But I was gonna slack off today!
Copy !req
82. Now I have to go on a beer run?!
Copy !req
83. What a pain in the ass...
Copy !req
84. But...
Copy !req
85. I can't bum around...
Copy !req
86. ...without you!
Copy !req
87. I've got no choice...
Copy !req
Copy !req
89. The police... the JSDF...
No one's coming to help us.
Copy !req
90. What are we supposed to do?!
Copy !req
91. Don't give up.
Copy !req
92. If we can hold out
for just one more day...
Copy !req
93. How do we do that in this situation?
Copy !req
94. How do we survive?!
Copy !req
95. It's over.
Copy !req
96. It's the end of the world!
Copy !req
97. Damn it!
Copy !req
98. What the hell do we do?
Copy !req
99. Someone!
Copy !req
100. Anyone! Help...
Copy !req
101. W-What's wrong?! Is it zombies?!
Copy !req
102. Wh-Who are you?!
Copy !req
103. What are you doing?
Copy !req
104. S-Sorry!
Copy !req
105. The stairwell in my building
was crawling with zombies, so...
Copy !req
106. Anyway, come in!
Copy !req
107. We're still safe here.
Copy !req
108. Huh?
Copy !req
109. No, it's okay.
Copy !req
110. I have to go out for a bit...
Copy !req
111. Huh?
Copy !req
112. Oh...
Copy !req
113. I'm Akira Tendo! I live
in the apartment building next door.
Copy !req
114. It must be fate meeting
here like this! Nice to meet you!
Copy !req
115. Huh?
Copy !req
116. Oh, yes... I'm Kosaka.
Copy !req
117. By the way,
I'm going to the convenience store.
Copy !req
118. Want me to bring you some stuff
like some instant noodles? Flashlights?
Copy !req
119. Uh, yes please....
That would be great...
Copy !req
120. If you can... toilet paper!
The two-ply kind!
Copy !req
121. Okay!
Copy !req
122. W-Whoa!
Copy !req
123. Looks like their numbers
have grown since yesterday!
Copy !req
124. Even if I'm on a bike, if a bunch of them
surround me, I may not be able to get away.
Copy !req
125. But even so...
Copy !req
126. I'd rather get eaten by zombies...
Copy !req
127. ...than go a second without beer!
Copy !req
128. Beer! Beer!
Copy !req
129. All you can drink!
Copy !req
130. Beer! Beer!
Copy !req
131. Any and every kind of beer...
Copy !req
132. Huh?!
Copy !req
133. A... survivor?!
Copy !req
134. Wait! I was singing
a super weird song just now!
Copy !req
135. So embarrassing!
Copy !req
136. She must think I'm a weirdo!
Yeah, I'm sure she does!
Copy !req
137. Oh, no! I scared the Kosakas earlier too.
I'd better try not to scare her.
Copy !req
138. H-Hello...
Copy !req
139. Are you out shopping too?
Copy !req
140. It's hard to get out
with all these zombies around, isn't it?
Copy !req
141. Um...
Copy !req
142. Uh...
Copy !req
143. I was gonna loaf around and drink
all day at home, until I ran out of beer.
Copy !req
144. Huh?! Wha—?!
Copy !req
145. Oh!
Copy !req
146. Hey, excuse me!
Copy !req
147. Since we happened to meet like this...
Copy !req
148. Do you want to, uh...
Copy !req
149. Exchange contact info?
Copy !req
150. Oh... Umm... In that case...
Copy !req
151. Not that it's my business or anything...
Copy !req
152. But you deciding to risk it all
and go out to buy
Copy !req
153. something nonessential is definitely
not what I call a high priority task.
Copy !req
154. P-Prio...?
Copy !req
155. I can't see myself teaming up with someone
who doesn't know how to analyze risk.
Copy !req
156. Huh?!
Copy !req
157. I'd prefer not
to lower my chances of survival.
Copy !req
158. Hey!
Copy !req
159. So, I'll have to pass
on giving you my contact info.
Copy !req
160. Miss...! Watch out!
Copy !req
161. What?!
Copy !req
162. Th-Thank you, Miss—
Copy !req
163. Hey, my bike!!
Copy !req
164. Oh...
Copy !req
165. I see...
Copy !req
166. I need to analyze risk, huh?
Copy !req
167. I guess stuff that you see
in zombie movies...
Copy !req
168. ...really does happen.
Copy !req
169. She was badass and pretty, too.
Copy !req
170. I wonder...
Copy !req
171. if I'll see her again.
Copy !req
172. Damn it, now's not the time for that!
Copy !req
173. I gotta make a run for it back home!
Nope, that's impossible!
Copy !req
174. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
175. I gotta find something!
Copy !req
176. Huh?
Copy !req
177. Now this is an upgrade!
Copy !req
178. I forgot this all started during rush hour.
Copy !req
179. It's littered everywhere with bikes
and scooters with keys still in them.
Copy !req
180. With this,
I can travel much easier than a bike.
Copy !req
181. Hold on.
Copy !req
182. Maybe...
Copy !req
183. There's an even better upgrade!
Copy !req
184. Huh?!
Copy !req
185. Yeah!
Copy !req
186. Now this...
Copy !req
187. is the ultimate upgrade!
Copy !req
188. Whew!
Copy !req
189. I'm stocked up on beer, met a cute girl...
Copy !req
190. And even got the motorcycle of my dreams!
Copy !req
191. Today was the best!
Copy !req
192. I'm back, Mr. and Mrs. Kosaka!
Copy !req
193. I got plenty of beer
if you want to join me for a drink...
Copy !req
194. Mr. and Mrs. Kosaka?
Copy !req
195. We could die today...
Copy !req
196. Or we could die 60 years from now.
Copy !req
197. Either way, there's never enough time
to do all the things we want.
Copy !req
198. Life's too short to avoid taking risks.
Copy !req
199. When I was a kid, there were
so many things I wanted to do.
Copy !req
Copy !req
201. But I always found one excuse or another,
and ended up not doing those things.
Copy !req
Copy !req
203. I've decided to take a three year vacation
to have as much fun as I can.
Copy !req
Copy !req
205. If I have to go on living
without doing the things I want to do,
Copy !req
Copy !req
207. I'd rather be eaten by zombies.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
210. 17. RIDE IN AN RV
Copy !req
211. I only have 30?
Copy !req
212. Things I wanna do...
Copy !req
213. Things I wanna do, huh?
Copy !req
214. Now that I've quit...
Copy !req
215. What I’ve really wanted to do is...
Copy !req
Copy !req
217. 32. WITH MY BEST BUD...
Copy !req
Copy !req
219. Okay...
Copy !req
220. Yeah.
Copy !req
221. Done!
Copy !req
Copy !req
223. This is an emergency broadcast
for all city districts.
Copy !req
224. Everyone, please lock your doors securely
and do not leave your homes.
Copy !req
225. -I repeat... This is an emergency broadcast
for all city districts.
Copy !req
226. -...Internet and telecommunications
are down,
Copy !req
227. and there's been no word
from the government!
Copy !req
228. -Everyone, please lock your doors securely
and do not leave your homes.
Copy !req
229. -Right now, we have no way of knowing
if the government is still functioning...
Copy !req
230. Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
231. I can't contact the main office
in L.A. either...
Copy !req
232. Situation's looking critical.
Copy !req
233. Secure food and water.
Copy !req
Copy !req
235. Acquire a sustainable energy source.
Copy !req
236. Maintain mental stability.
Copy !req
237. Continue regular exercise.
Copy !req
Copy !req
239. Minimize sugar intake.
Copy !req
240. Yes!
Copy !req
241. I finally did it!
Copy !req
242. I...
Copy !req
243. I escaped!
Copy !req
244. I got away!
Copy !req
245. I see...
Copy !req
246. So there are two types in movies...
slow and fast zombies.
Copy !req
247. Walking.
Copy !req
248. Walking.
Copy !req
249. Running.
Copy !req
250. That solid body-type
looks extremely dangerous.
Copy !req
251. Walking.
Copy !req
252. Walking.
Copy !req
253. Running.
Copy !req
254. Walking... walking...
Copy !req
255. Dangerous.
Copy !req
256. Both types are in this
current zombie pandemic.
Copy !req
257. If you can identity
Copy !req
258. which type when you encounter one,
your chances of survival increases drastically.
Copy !req
259. I need...
Copy !req
260. raw data after all.
Copy !req
261. I need to gather certain supplies
before the number of infected spikes again.
Copy !req
262. What area is the least risky
in this neighborhood?
Copy !req
263. Camera... check.
Copy !req
264. A survivor?
Copy !req
265. He doesn't seem to be infected.
Copy !req
266. Beer! Beer!
Copy !req
267. Any and every kind of beer...
Copy !req
268. Huh?
Copy !req
269. He seems harmless...
Copy !req
270. Wait, there may be zombies behind him...
Copy !req
271. -I knew it...
Copy !req
272. They're far enough behind, but I should
get what I need quickly and leave.
Copy !req
273. It's hard to get out
with all these zombies around, isn't it?
Copy !req
274. He's a classic case
Copy !req
275. of a short-sighted person who's unable
to think beyond the present moment.
Copy !req
276. How did someone like him
end up surviving this long?
Copy !req
277. It just doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
278. This sound...
Copy !req
279. A car horn?
Copy !req
280. Not good! It'll attract zombies.
Copy !req
281. If I go out now, there's a high possibility
of getting attacked.
Copy !req
282. A barricade?
No, there's not enough time.
Copy !req
283. So, how do I get through?
Copy !req
284. What's going on?
Copy !req
285. They're going wild!
Copy !req
286. This route...
Copy !req
287. is passable!
Copy !req
288. Not that it's my business or anything...
Copy !req
289. But you deciding to risk it all
and go out to buy something nonessential
Copy !req
290. is definitely not what I call
a high priority task.
Copy !req
291. -P-Prio...?
-So now...
Copy !req
292. I'll get as many as possible to follow me...
Copy !req
293. -H-Hey!
-and if I can just get the timing right...
Copy !req
294. Miss...! Watch out!
Copy !req
295. Huh?
Copy !req
296. Don't!
Copy !req
297. That position is...
Copy !req
298. What?
Copy !req
299. A runaway truck driven
by a zombie crashes into them...
Copy !req
300. What a magnificently perfect zombie trope.
Copy !req
301. Well...
Copy !req
302. I guess even crappy blockbusters...
Copy !req
303. can have some useful ideas.
Copy !req
304. Water has been secured.
Copy !req
305. Food, power, and fuel have been secured.
Copy !req
306. I managed to get data too.
Copy !req
307. It could be better, but...
Copy !req
308. this is great.
Copy !req
309. The patterns in the behavior of the zombies
that I encountered today...
Copy !req
310. Beer! Beer!
Copy !req
311. Who knew a single beer could make
someone that happy in a state of emergency?
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
314. Oh well...
Copy !req
315. Maybe I should have grabbed
that sakura mochi after all.
Copy !req
Copy !req
317. Being bored
Copy !req
318. With nothing but efficient days
Copy !req
319. Sure that's fine
Copy !req
320. But it's kind of a waste, right?
Copy !req
321. When I think today could be my last
Copy !req
322. Steve would start to make a bitter smile;
Let's start something
Copy !req
323. Life & Death
Copy !req
324. How many times has it been already?
And yet...
Copy !req
325. I can't stop; like a junkie
Copy !req
326. One more time, c'mon, one more time
Copy !req
327. Let's go all the way
to the end of the world, yeah
Copy !req
328. C'mon, I want to find happiness
Copy !req
329. You can leave the key behind
Copy !req
330. If I can live and laugh,
that's good enough
Copy !req
331. C'mon, even a place that has nothing
Copy !req
332. Has to have something
Copy !req
333. How about it? All right!
Copy !req
334. Let's get excited about today!
Copy !req
335. C'mon, here in this hell, the earth
Copy !req
336. I want to keep laughing with you
Copy !req
337. Living on a whim
Copy !req
338. C'mon, everything is coming undone
Copy !req
339. So c'mon, let's start anew
Copy !req
340. All right! Let's enjoy today
Copy !req
341. We can take detours
Copy !req
342. If you feel like singing, that's fine
Copy !req
343. Until the day everything ends
Copy !req
344. Next time: Best Friend of the Dead
Copy !req