1. You're just meeting up to discuss the fact
Copy !req
2. that he knows you're... Spider-Man.
Copy !req
3. So, the only question now, Peter,
is, "What do you need?"
Copy !req
4. Hey, Ma, what's up?
C... Could you please give me a ride home?
Copy !req
5. This isn't how I wanted you
to come over for the first time.
Copy !req
6. Andre was vandalizing a building
with some hoodlums.
Copy !req
7. I'm Big Donovan. Leader of the One Hundred
and Tenth street gang.
Copy !req
8. And nobody leaves this family.
Copy !req
9. - Me for my brother.
- Lonnie.
Copy !req
10. It's a hell of a trade up.
Copy !req
11. Eyes on me, bug boy.
Copy !req
12. Spider-Man versus Bonnie and Clyde.
Copy !req
13. Nothing can go that fast
without some kind of signal.
Copy !req
14. That's the same symbol I saw
on old hothead's flamethrowers.
Copy !req
15. Welcome to the team, Mr. Osborn.
Copy !req
16. Welcome to the One Tenth, Lonnie Lincoln.
Copy !req
17. Um... Right. Uh, so,
energy research division.
Copy !req
18. We've been making pro—
uh, progress on our... project.
Copy !req
19. It's, um...
uh, a magnetic generator
Copy !req
20. that will, hopefully, be able to create
Copy !req
21. a, uh, perpetual magnetic field that—
Copy !req
22. Parker, either put me out of my misery
or stop talking!
Copy !req
23. How do you expect to make it in this field
if you can't properly present your ideas?
Copy !req
24. Well, I... I just—
Copy !req
25. You know what your problem is?
You've got a lazy tongue.
Copy !req
26. If you don't learn to speak up
and speak your mind,
Copy !req
27. you will never be heard
over all the other voices in the room
Copy !req
28. that are much, much louder.
Copy !req
29. Uh... You mean like yours?
Copy !req
30. If you like jokes so much, Parker,
let's talk about your absolute
Copy !req
31. joke of an intern project proposal.
Copy !req
32. Magnetic generator, huh?
Copy !req
33. It sounds unwieldy, unreliable,
and unnecessary.
Copy !req
34. How much power could that
rinky-dink design of yours
Copy !req
35. possibly put out?
Copy !req
36. I doubt enough to power
a child's alarm clock.
Copy !req
37. Oh, it might win you a ribbon
at the science fair,
Copy !req
38. but it certainly won't win you
my approval.
Copy !req
39. But please, proceed.
Maybe you'll dazzle me.
Copy !req
40. Uh... So, I...
In my presentation, I will cover—
Copy !req
41. Enough!
Let Parker be a lesson to you all.
Copy !req
42. If you come to me with weak pitches,
I will tear them to pieces.
Copy !req
43. And I know what you're thinking.
"Oh, the old guy. He's so hard on us!"
Copy !req
44. Yeah. You bet I am. Because I will do
Copy !req
45. what it takes to get you to perform!
Copy !req
46. I will drive you
like sled dogs
Copy !req
47. through a night of holy terror.
Copy !req
48. Because that is how you win
the Iditarod, people!
Copy !req
49. "Night of holy terror." Got it.
Copy !req
50. Sorry to interrupt,
Copy !req
51. but Mr. Osborn is requesting
a meeting in his office.
Copy !req
52. No, Doctor, not with you.
Copy !req
53. He'd like to see Mr. Parker. Again.
Copy !req
54. Raise your hand if you find it bizarre
Copy !req
55. Mr. Osborn always wants
to meet with Peter.
Copy !req
56. You all should be thanking Peter.
He's obviously doing really well here,
Copy !req
57. which gives the entire intern team
a good name.
Copy !req
58. So, since Peter's leaving,
Copy !req
59. I'll just go over our project schematics
with you later, Bentley.
Copy !req
60. Uh, I'm the arbiter here.
Copy !req
61. - I make the decision.
- Of course, you do.
Copy !req
62. And I can't wait for you to tell me how—
Copy !req
63. - Oh, what did you call it? Right.
- Huh.
Copy !req
64. How "unnecessary" all my work is.
Copy !req
65. - Amadeus, why don't you present next?
- Finally!
Copy !req
66. Feel free to take a few notes
on your way out, Pete. Lights!
Copy !req
67. Oscorp engineering
Copy !req
68. will never be the same after this.
Copy !req
69. Prepare to witness the future!
Copy !req
70. An Amadeus Cho Production.
Copy !req
71. Whoa!
Copy !req
72. Sorry, dude. I had no idea you were there.
Copy !req
73. Oh. It's-It's okay.
My face barely hurts.
Copy !req
74. Peter Parker. New intern?
Here to see my dad?
Copy !req
75. Yes. Yeah. Here's to see your—
Oh, whoa. You're Harry.
Copy !req
76. Uh-huh. Cool to meet you, man.
Copy !req
77. Welcome to the top of Oscorp Tower.
You're above it all up here.
Copy !req
78. King of the world!
Copy !req
79. Ah, it's always so freaky getting off
on this floor. I feel so out of place.
Copy !req
80. Hey, if this is the place
you're supposed to be,
Copy !req
81. then you're not out of place. Right?
Copy !req
82. Uh, it's just
your dad is kinda intimidating.
Copy !req
83. Don't let my dad scare you.
Copy !req
84. Look, dude, you're, like,
way younger than him.
Copy !req
85. Anything happens,
you can outrun him.
Copy !req
86. Hope I see you around, Peter!
Copy !req
87. - Hey, Mr. Osborn. I just ran into your—
- Peter! Perfect. You're here.
Copy !req
88. Turn on Do Not Disturb mode.
Copy !req
89. Wow!
Now this is some serious privacy.
Copy !req
90. I wish I had it in my room at home,
Copy !req
91. so I could keep May out
when I have girls over.
Copy !req
92. Well, like, eventually.
If I were to ever have a girl over.
Copy !req
93. Other than Nico, who is a girl,
but more like a bud, not someone I'd—
Copy !req
94. Okay. Peter, this protocol is in place
so we can talk about Spider-Man.
Copy !req
95. So, let's do that.
Copy !req
96. Okay! Uh, awesome. Yeah, a lot—
Copy !req
97. Wait. What're you watching?
Copy !req
98. I'm surprised you haven't been
following this.
Copy !req
99. - With over 100 countries in agreement,
Copy !req
100. the ratification of the Sokovia Accords...
Copy !req
101. means that any super-powered individual
must register
Copy !req
102. with their respective government
or risk a fine or even imprisonment.
Copy !req
103. Most recently, the passage
of the Sokovia Accords has created dissent
Copy !req
104. in the Avengers' ranks.
Copy !req
105. After a skirmish at an airport in Germany,
the group has scattered,
Copy !req
106. and Captain Rogers
and Barnes remain on the run.
Copy !req
107. I mean, I heard things were crazy, but—
I mean, they're the Avengers.
Copy !req
108. They'll patch things up. Right?
Copy !req
109. Maybe. Maybe not.
That's their problem to solve.
Copy !req
110. You're your own hero.
Copy !req
111. But all that Accords stuff
they're fighting about,
Copy !req
112. would that apply to me, too?
Copy !req
113. I will handle it.
That's what I'm here for.
Copy !req
114. Your focus is needed elsewhere, isn't it?
Copy !req
115. Yeah. I mean, I guess it is.
I've been trying to figure out what to do
Copy !req
116. about the tricked-out criminals
I've been fighting.
Copy !req
117. Ah, yes. New York has become
a very dangerous place, that's for sure.
Copy !req
118. Now, before you go digging around in it,
you need to take a look
Copy !req
119. at what my secret projects division
has put together.
Copy !req
120. I can't wait to see their designs!
Copy !req
121. I've actually had a few ideas of my own
that I've been doodling out.
Copy !req
122. We're already past
Copy !req
123. the design phase, Peter.
Copy !req
124. I rushed this operation
into overnight manufacturing.
Copy !req
125. Oscorp's best engineers now work
round the clock for you.
Copy !req
126. And they have no idea who you even are.
Copy !req
127. This is for me?
Copy !req
128. Uh, you know I'm not Thor, right?
Copy !req
129. Because looking at this, all I'm hearing
is, "You are not worthy."
Copy !req
130. You're underestimating yourself.
Think of how much you've changed
Copy !req
131. in your time as Spider-Man already.
You'll grow into this suit.
Copy !req
132. It reflects true strength
and true heroism,
Copy !req
133. - both of which I know are in you.
- Mm.
Copy !req
134. Plus, it tested really well
in all your key demographics.
Copy !req
135. I have demographics?
Copy !req
136. Oh.
Copy !req
137. - Yoink!
- Hey! Stop that thief!
Copy !req
138. Wow!
Copy !req
139. - You guys must really be jonesing...
- Who's that?
Copy !req
140. - ... for some Werther's Originals.
- Huh?
Copy !req
141. Drop the purse.
Copy !req
142. Good. Now I think you—
Copy !req
143. What?
Copy !req
144. Get... Get off.
Copy !req
145. Will you just get this—
Copy !req
146. Are those things supposed
to help get me down?
Copy !req
147. Hey! Ow! Hey! Stop it!
Copy !req
148. - I am— I am not a piñata.
- Mm.
Copy !req
149. Oh. Wow!
Copy !req
150. I'm gonna need to see some other options.
Copy !req
151. - Great job today, everybody!
- Bye.
Copy !req
152. - Yeah. I'll see you guys later.
- Hey.
Copy !req
153. I wanted to be sure to catch you
Copy !req
154. and say thanks
for the ride home the other day.
Copy !req
155. So you waited outside for me
like a stalker? Aw, that's so creepy.
Copy !req
156. I'm touched.
Copy !req
157. I know this isn't much,
but I picked it out from my mom's garden,
Copy !req
158. and if she found out, she'd kill me.
Copy !req
159. So, I must like you a lot, Pearl.
Copy !req
160. It's perfect.
Copy !req
161. So, is everything okay? I dropped you off,
Copy !req
162. and then you kinda went
radio silent on me.
Copy !req
163. Yeah, I didn't mean to.
Really, I just... I just got overwhelmed.
Copy !req
164. It's cool. I understood.
I just didn't know what happened, is all.
Copy !req
165. Right. Sorry.
Copy !req
166. My brother Dre got into a situation,
but he's safe now. So, it's all good.
Copy !req
167. All good? Great. I'm glad.
Copy !req
168. You want another lift back to your place?
No charge.
Copy !req
169. It just so happens cute boys
Copy !req
170. who bring me flowers
ride for free in my car.
Copy !req
171. Nah. I gotta pass, sadly.
Copy !req
172. Still got some errands left to run,
you know.
Copy !req
173. Okay, I'll see you later, then.
Copy !req
174. Just remember, you can always talk to me
if you need to, okay?
Copy !req
175. I know you wanna be a tough guy,
but nobody likes tough guys, Lon.
Copy !req
176. Get here, now!
You on the clock.
Copy !req
177. Hey, hey, look at that!
Copy !req
178. - Huh?
- Yeah! Up there!
Copy !req
179. Whoa!
Copy !req
180. Huh?
Copy !req
181. Whoa! Whoa!
Copy !req
182. What is up with this? O...
Copy !req
183. Okay. This is way harder
to get the hang of than web swinging.
Copy !req
184. The Hornet pack is
a more efficient method of traversal,
Copy !req
185. and it frees up your wrist shooters
for your stingers.
Copy !req
186. My what?
Copy !req
187. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
188. Uh, sorry!
Copy !req
189. Oh! This is a lot of new stuff
to get used to.
Copy !req
190. I mean, am I even technically Spider-Man,
anymore? Whoa!
Copy !req
191. Well, why do you need to be
a Spiderman at all?
Copy !req
192. - Well, uh, because a spider bit me?
- Well, it's quite a narrow niche.
Copy !req
193. You should be open
Copy !req
194. to expanding your identity options.
Copy !req
195. Whoa!
Copy !req
196. Yeah, sure. I just— I don't know
if it's worth changing my whole name
Copy !req
197. so I can use a wing-pack that is,
like, impossible to control.
Copy !req
198. It has a built-in gyroscope.
Quit fighting it, and you'll level out.
Copy !req
199. Okay.
Copy !req
200. Hey. Hey.
All right. Now I get it.
Copy !req
201. This is actually pretty cool—
Copy !req
202. Next please.
Copy !req
203. Whoo!
Copy !req
204. Yeah!
Copy !req
205. The Scorpions are trying
to move in on our turf, Don.
Copy !req
206. We gave 'em a chance to show some respect,
and they won't cough up an ounce of it!
Copy !req
207. They're not the only ones
who owe me some respect!
Copy !req
208. Does it look like a damn study hall
in here to you? Huh?
Copy !req
209. Sorry. I'll put it away.
Copy !req
210. Check out Mr. Einstein
over here. Studying like a big brain.
Copy !req
211. Nah. Yeah.
Copy !req
212. Not like anyone's doing
anything around here, anyway.
Copy !req
213. Excuse me? Sound like Lincoln here wants
somethin' to do. Well, don't worry.
Copy !req
214. I got just the job for you, Superstar.
Copy !req
215. I'm makin' a group order at a place
up in Highbridge called La Fresca's.
Copy !req
216. It's a killer spot.
Copy !req
217. Their burritos are out of this world!
Copy !req
218. Man, it's like they fell
out of a hole in the sky!
Copy !req
219. Yeah, good spot.
Copy !req
220. Yeah, hi. Placing an order.
Copy !req
221. Oh, when they give you hot sauce packets,
can you ask for extra?
Copy !req
222. I have a sauce drawer at home.
Copy !req
223. Oh.
Copy !req
224. Huh?
Copy !req
225. - Honey, wait up.
- Come back.
Copy !req
226. Balloon, come back!
Copy !req
227. Here's your balloon.
Copy !req
228. Oh, no. Hey! I—
No! I'm not scary! I'm just—
Copy !req
229. I'm your friendly
neighborhood flying spider!
Copy !req
230. Hey! That freak
Copy !req
231. scared my daughter! Get him!
Copy !req
232. - Hey!
- Leave her alone.
Copy !req
233. Pick on someone your own size!
Copy !req
234. - Get him outta here!
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
235. Okay. I'm sorry, Mr. Osborn.
This suit is another bust.
Copy !req
236. A little girl just screamed
when she saw me.
Copy !req
237. Damn! I was afraid of that.
Copy !req
238. What if we added
a smiley face to the mask?
Copy !req
239. Okay. That's even creepier.
Copy !req
240. But— No! None of these suits
are right! I feel like an idiot.
Copy !req
241. Okay, okay. Calm down.
Copy !req
242. I know this is frustrating,
Copy !req
243. but it's all part
of the development process.
Copy !req
244. Head back to Oscorp.
Copy !req
245. - Order?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
246. Pickin' up for, uh...
Copy !req
247. Big Donovan?
Copy !req
248. - Hmm?
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
249. Here you go, man. Take care.
Copy !req
250. Tell Big Don we'll be seeing him soon.
Copy !req
251. Well, well, look who's back?
Copy !req
252. You ain't gettin' a tip, kid.
Copy !req
253. Welcome back.
Copy !req
254. Was there a long line
or something, Superstar?
Copy !req
255. I almost got jumped out there.
Copy !req
256. And you knew it would happen, didn't you?
Who was that woman?
Copy !req
257. Yeah, lemme guess. Dark green hair?
Looks that could kill?
Copy !req
258. Also, she looked like she could kill you?
Copy !req
259. Her name's Carmilla Black.
She's lieutenant for the local riffraff.
Copy !req
260. La Fresca's is on her group's turf.
Copy !req
261. They're a crew that showed up recently.
Call themselves the Scorpions.
Copy !req
262. Nasty group. And if you thought
Carmilla was unfriendly,
Copy !req
263. the guy running the whole operation is
an even bigger psycho.
Copy !req
264. And that's coming from you?
Copy !req
265. Boy, Mac Gargan make me
look like the Dalai damn Lama.
Copy !req
266. He ruthless.
Copy !req
267. The guy picks fights with other gangs
just for the sport of it.
Copy !req
268. Your beef with him didn't involve me
Copy !req
269. until you sent me in there
using your name!
Copy !req
270. Wake up, Lincoln! The Scorpions were
always gonna be your problem.
Copy !req
271. The One Tenth is our street.
This is our neighborhood.
Copy !req
272. You might not like the way
I do things, Superstar,
Copy !req
273. but you wouldn't even be able to walk down
to your house if it wasn't for us.
Copy !req
274. You wanna protect your family?
Without us pushing back,
Copy !req
275. Gargan and Carmilla would be
knockin' on their front door.
Copy !req
276. If it gets too bad, I can get my family
somewhere else. Somewhere safe.
Copy !req
277. Where you gonna go, Superstar?
Copy !req
278. Even if you did move out,
the thing about Gargan is,
Copy !req
279. he used to find people for a living.
Copy !req
280. And now, now his go-to gal has
seen your face.
Copy !req
281. Yeah! Because of you!
Copy !req
282. Eh, regardless of the reasons,
Gargan knows you roll with me now.
Copy !req
283. He'd track you down just for fun,
and it wouldn't be too hard
Copy !req
284. with you poppin' up all over
the local sports page every week.
Copy !req
285. Face it, kid, if you're alone,
no one'll be able to help you.
Copy !req
286. With us? At least you got protection.
Copy !req
287. Yeah. That's right.
Copy !req
288. I don't wanna be lied to anymore,
Don. You can't use me like a pawn.
Copy !req
289. Yeah, once I know for sure you're loyal,
you won't be.
Copy !req
290. Now, I suggest you grab a bite to eat.
Copy !req
291. After all, you worked so hard
to get this food.
Copy !req
292. Tsk. Man.
Copy !req
293. You gonna finish that?
Copy !req
294. Hmm.
Copy !req
295. Peter, I owe you an apology.
Copy !req
296. I know I've been throwing a lot at you,
Copy !req
297. but it's only because I want you
to be equipped for whatever's out there.
Copy !req
298. - Like what?
- Like... I don't know exactly.
Copy !req
299. I mean, nobody does.
This city has grown accustomed to loss,
Copy !req
300. - destruction, chaos...
Copy !req
301. all caused by events
we barely even understand.
Copy !req
302. My uncle used to say no one's tougher
than New Yorkers.
Copy !req
303. Your uncle was right. Toughness is
what helped me build this company.
Copy !req
304. But what is Oscorp worth if I can't use it
to give back to the city?
Copy !req
305. Our city?
Copy !req
306. Like,
what it's worth in US dollars?
Copy !req
307. I think several billion.
Copy !req
308. I'm serious, Peter.
Copy !req
309. Now that we're working together,
if you're not the best hero you can be,
Copy !req
310. then I've failed.
Copy !req
311. No pressure.
Copy !req
312. That's why I've been forcing
innovations on your suit,
Copy !req
313. why I've been pushing the envelope.
Copy !req
314. Because we're in the middle
of an arms race that started way back
Copy !req
315. when the Avengers first formed.
Copy !req
316. When they defended the city
from that invasion?
Copy !req
317. I mean, they stepped up
because we needed them.
Copy !req
318. And that need is still there.
We need more heroes than ever.
Copy !req
319. Stronger, better heroes.
Copy !req
320. Heroes that aren't one bad day away
from a gamma-fueled rampage.
Copy !req
321. Heroes that won't decimate
an entire country trying to shut down
Copy !req
322. a mad AI that they themselves created.
Copy !req
323. We need heroes who will take
accountability for their actions
Copy !req
324. and live up to what they represent.
Copy !req
325. I'm scared
I'm never gonna be good enough
Copy !req
326. to live up to what you want
from me, Mr. Osborn.
Copy !req
327. You will. I'll help you.
Copy !req
328. And while those Accords force the Avengers
Copy !req
329. to reckon with their past mistakes
and shortcomings,
Copy !req
330. you and I will be perfecting
what comes next.
Copy !req
331. The first in a new generation of heroes.
Copy !req
332. It doesn't matter what those
other potential suits you tried offered.
Copy !req
333. They weren't you.
Copy !req
334. You're Spider-Man.
Copy !req
335. And this... This...
Copy !req
336. is Spider-Man.
Copy !req
337. Isn't it just how
you always pictured it?
Copy !req
338. I mean, it's... it's amazing,
but I don't know.
Copy !req
339. You will know, though.
As soon as you try it on.
Copy !req
340. Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Copy !req
341. The aerodynamics
are top notch! But—
Copy !req
342. No buts until you see it
in real action.
Copy !req
343. Yeah, too bad it's totally dead.
No one's committing crime right now.
Copy !req
344. It's New York City.
Copy !req
345. Someone's always up to something.
Copy !req
346. - Mikhail, start it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
347. How's the take, Mila?
Copy !req
348. It is enough to get
what we need from the inventor.
Copy !req
349. Well, I should hope so.
Copy !req
350. We're about to have
half the NYPD after us.
Copy !req
351. Enough complaining!
Stick to your role, Dmitri.
Copy !req
352. - This is my role! I'm the brains.
- I am the brains.
Copy !req
353. - Mila is the muscle.
- I am the muscle, too!
Copy !req
354. And you're the wild card,
Copy !req
355. - I am the wild card—
- Shut up, Mikhail!
Copy !req
356. You're the guy with the van. So, drive!
Copy !req
357. If we wasted time
prepping your plan, Dmitri,
Copy !req
358. the Tracksuits would've hit that
stash house first. We don't do quiet.
Copy !req
359. Roxanna's right. We do loud!
Copy !req
360. - Stop, right there!
- Freeze.
Copy !req
361. But a deft touch
Copy !req
362. could've avoided
all this unwanted attention.
Copy !req
363. Who says it is unwanted?
Copy !req
364. Now comes the fun part!
Copy !req
365. - They're chargin'!
- Stop.
Copy !req
366. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
367. Ooh, ooh,
Mr. Osborn, got somethin' here!
Copy !req
368. Of course. Well, we'll have
to debrief later, I'm supposed to meet—
Copy !req
369. Oh, no!
Copy !req
370. Whoa!
Copy !req
371. Move!
Copy !req
372. - Help! Help!
- Oh, man.
Copy !req
373. Mommy!
Copy !req
374. Hey!
Copy !req
375. Someone please help!
Copy !req
376. You're clear!
Copy !req
377. Get to the side of the road!
Copy !req
378. - Help! Here!
- Lemme help you outta there.
Copy !req
379. - Hey. Easy.
- My daughter.
Copy !req
380. I'll get her. Don't worry.
Copy !req
381. - Now, this is living!
- Unless we crash. Then, it is dying.
Copy !req
382. I don't know if we're going to make it
through the bridge.
Copy !req
383. This is a lot of heat.
Copy !req
384. If you're scared of wolves,
don't go in the woods.
Copy !req
385. Hey! Do svidanya.
I will be back for you all.
Copy !req
386. - Did she just...
- With all our...
Copy !req
387. Huh. I guess she was wild card.
Copy !req
388. - Hand in the air!
- Okay.
Copy !req
389. Next time,
we try your quiet thing, Dmitri.
Copy !req
390. Hello? Anyone still out there?
Copy !req
391. Help! Please!
Copy !req
392. Somebody help!
Copy !req
393. This is gonna hurt!
Copy !req
394. - What the— I'm fireproof?
- I'm not.
Copy !req
395. Whoa!
Copy !req
396. - You're safe now.
- Thank you.
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397. - You're... You're amazing.
- Did you see that?
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398. - Thank you for saving us.
- Hey! Catch your breath.
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399. - I'm just glad you guys are okay.
- You're a hero!
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400. Uh, sorry. I gotta run. Stay safe!
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401. Thank you! Thank you!
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402. Okay, I'll admit, I wasn't sold at first,
but it was so awesome!
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403. We have a winner, Mr. Osborn.
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404. Holy crap! You're Spider-Man.
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405. No, I'm n... not.
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406. As we've been
following the high-speed chase,
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407. Mikhail Sytsevich, Dmitri Smerdyakov,
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408. and Roxanna Volkov were all taken
into custody.
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409. Their accomplice, a woman known
as Mila Masaryk, is still at large.
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410. Miss Masaryk,
how can I help you this evening?
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