1. Previously on Young Sheldon... Hello.
Copy !req
2. I'm here for tutoring
with Sheldon.
Copy !req
3. Oh, he's helping you?
Isn't that nice?
Copy !req
4. I'm tutoring him.
Copy !req
5. Come on.
I just gave you a hint.
Copy !req
6. We solve for the geodesics.
Copy !req
7. - Wrong.
- Ow!
Copy !req
8. What?
Copy !req
9. Sorry, just a funny part
of the Bible.
Copy !req
10. Oh, Shelly,
Copy !req
11. you got a package
from your little friend.
Copy !req
12. Dr. Sturgis sent me something?
He's so cute.
Copy !req
13. No, your tutor friend
from Germany.
Copy !req
14. Mei-Tung was not my tutor,
she just assisted me
Copy !req
15. in learning things
I didn't understand yet.
Copy !req
16. What'd you get?
Copy !req
17. It's the latest issue
Copy !req
18. of the International
Physics Review.
Copy !req
19. "Sheldon, check out page 58.
Copy !req
20. "I never thought
I'd be published
Copy !req
21. in such a prestigious journal."
Copy !req
22. Wow, good for her.
Copy !req
23. Good for her?
What kind of monster sends mail
Copy !req
24. across multiple time zones just
to rub their success in my face?
Copy !req
25. Indulging the ramblings
of a child.
Copy !req
26. My respect for this
esteemed journal is plummeting.
Copy !req
27. Oh, my.
Copy !req
28. What is it?
Copy !req
29. It's the paper I wrote
with Mei-Tung.
Copy !req
30. I'm the coauthor
of an article
Copy !req
31. in a highly esteemed
physics journal.
Copy !req
32. Well, that's neat, Sheldon.
Copy !req
33. Neat is a robot that doesn't
look like a truck
Copy !req
34. that turns into a truck.
Copy !req
35. This treatise
Copy !req
36. the theory of manifolds.
Copy !req
37. What word would you
like me to use?
Copy !req
38. How about... transformative?
Copy !req
39. Sheldon, that's transformative.
Copy !req
40. Thank you.
Copy !req
41. - Hey.
- Hey, how was school?
Copy !req
42. Good. I got an "A."
Copy !req
43. That's amazing!
Copy !req
44. She gets an "amazing"?
Copy !req
45. All-all she did was color
inside the lines.
Copy !req
46. She tell you?
Copy !req
47. Yes, so great.
Copy !req
48. Dad, I got published in
International Physics Review.
Copy !req
49. Nice, buddy.
Copy !req
50. Ooh, new boat catalog.
Copy !req
51. An "A"?
Copy !req
52. That's nice, sweetie.
Copy !req
53. It's Medford from the year
I was born.
Copy !req
54. Aren't we going a little
overboard with this "A" thing?
Copy !req
55. Hey, some of us
never got an "A."
Copy !req
56. Really?
Not even one?
Copy !req
57. If only they graded lunch.
Copy !req
58. I'll have you know,
I love my body.
Copy !req
59. Shelly,
Copy !req
60. tell your meemaw
about your fancy article.
Copy !req
61. Gladly. As an alternative
to the Calabi-Yau manifold,
Copy !req
62. we've come up with a new shape
Copy !req
63. to compactify the extra
dimensions in string theory.
Copy !req
64. Well...
Copy !req
65. hot dog.
Copy !req
66. Hot dog?
Copy !req
67. Maybe explain it
a little more simply.
Copy !req
68. She means dumb it down.
Copy !req
69. Hey. But, yeah.
Copy !req
70. You know how
a Moöbius strip generalized
Copy !req
71. to the third dimension is
a Klein bottle?
Copy !req
72. Dumber.
Copy !req
73. A Moöbius strip is
a two-dimensional manifold
Copy !req
74. that's embedded in... Dumber.
Copy !req
75. Do you know what a square is?
Copy !req
76. - Yes.
- Cube?
Copy !req
77. Of course.
Copy !req
78. Then you know what
a C-8 octachoron is.
Copy !req
79. And for your information,
I've lost a little weight.
Copy !req
80. You got to eat them
Copy !req
81. they're good for you.
Copy !req
82. You can tell 'cause there
ain't no cartoon on the box.
Copy !req
83. Now, Cocoa Puffs
Copy !req
84. got that bird on 'em,
and he's cuckoo for 'em.
Copy !req
85. Maybe she'd like some bananas
or some applesauce?
Copy !req
86. She don't like
none of that.
Copy !req
87. Any of that.
Copy !req
88. Any of what?
Copy !req
89. She doesn't like any of that.
Copy !req
90. That's what I said.
Copy !req
91. No, you said,
"She don't like none of that."
Copy !req
92. We're sayin' the same thang.
Copy !req
93. No, we're saying the same thing.
Copy !req
94. Exactly.
Copy !req
95. And we aren't.
Copy !req
96. We ain't?
Copy !req
97. I just think you may want to try
Copy !req
98. speaking more properly
in front of your daughter.
Copy !req
99. Ain't nothin' wrong
with the way I talk.
Copy !req
100. Lotta people talk like me.
Copy !req
101. True, but maybe CeeCee will have
Copy !req
102. better opportunities in life
if she's well-spoken.
Copy !req
103. She don't even talk yet.
Copy !req
104. No, she doesn't.
Copy !req
105. But she's listening
and she's learning,
Copy !req
106. and we don't want her first
word to be "dang it."
Copy !req
107. Better that than whatever
Copy !req
108. the snooty version
of "dang it" is.
Copy !req
109. It's "darn it."
Copy !req
110. Dang it, I knew that.
Copy !req
111. Remarkable work.
Copy !req
112. Well done, lad.
Copy !req
113. Yes, first paper
published at 14.
Copy !req
114. Oh. You're officially
a wunderkind.
Copy !req
115. Did you catch my sly in-joke
about a tesseract?
Copy !req
116. Did I?
Copy !req
117. I did.
Copy !req
118. Did you?
Copy !req
119. I don't know.
Copy !req
120. It's refreshing to talk to
people who appreciate my work.
Copy !req
121. Appreciate it,
understand it,
Copy !req
122. - and are inspired by it.
- Ditto,
ditto and ditto.
Copy !req
123. And I'm sure your family
is very proud.
Copy !req
124. Yes, but not just me.
Copy !req
125. Childish maps, impregnating
a woman out of wedlock—
Copy !req
126. they're proud of all their kids.
Copy !req
127. The important thing is,
that kid belongs to us.
Copy !req
128. He is our cash cow.
Copy !req
129. Okay.
Copy !req
130. Explain this to me
so I sound like I know
Copy !req
131. what I'm talking about
when I shake the donor tree.
Copy !req
132. Well, young Mr. Cooper has
reimagined string theory.
Copy !req
133. And compactified dimensions
Copy !req
134. like nobody's business.
Copy !req
135. You don't understand this,
do you?
Copy !req
136. No.
Not really.
Copy !req
137. I mean, we get
- what he's trying to do.
- Absolutely.
Copy !req
138. No, we don't really
- understand it.
- Not a bit.
Copy !req
139. So two of the top minds
at our school are
Copy !req
140. flummoxed by a 14-year-old.
Copy !req
141. Well, "flummoxed"
is a strong word.
Copy !req
142. - But accurate.
- Accurate.
Copy !req
143. Mm-hmm. Okay, maybe I can
sell this by saying
Copy !req
144. that this is so advanced
Copy !req
145. that even other
brilliant scientists
Copy !req
146. don't understand it.
Copy !req
147. Sexy.
Copy !req
148. Don't do that.
Copy !req
149. Hello?
Copy !req
150. This is she.
Copy !req
151. - Oh, really?
- Who is it?
Copy !req
152. If it's a guy
about a boat, hang up.
Copy !req
153. One moment, please.
It's Princeton.
Copy !req
154. They want to talk about Sheldon
going to grad school.
Copy !req
155. Ooh, what are they offering?
Copy !req
156. - I don't know.
- Full-ride?
Copy !req
157. - I said I don't know.
- Well, ask 'em.
Copy !req
158. I will if you'll shut up.
Copy !req
159. Okay, but I wouldn't
use that tone.
Copy !req
160. I'll get it.
Remember, cash is king.
Copy !req
161. Well, howdy.
Copy !req
162. Is this the Cooper residence?
Copy !req
163. It is.
Copy !req
164. Phil Lambert,
Stanford University.
Copy !req
165. I was just passing
through Medford
Copy !req
166. and I would love to talk to you
about your son's future.
Copy !req
167. Come on in, Phil.
Copy !req
168. Hey, Mare,
Copy !req
169. tell Princeton,
Stanford's passing through.
Copy !req
170. Well, thanks
for stopping by.
Copy !req
171. Well, I was kind of hoping
I could meet Sheldon.
Copy !req
172. All in good time.
Copy !req
173. We still got to whip
some of the lumps
Copy !req
174. out of that offer of yours.
We'll be in touch.
Copy !req
175. Okay.
Copy !req
176. Whip some of the lumps?
Copy !req
177. Point is, Sheldon's
gobbledygook article
Copy !req
178. got us a bidding war.
Copy !req
179. George, what do you know
about grad school?
Copy !req
180. Nothing, but I do know about
recruiting blue chip talent.
Copy !req
181. These schools want him,
and we got him.
Copy !req
182. He's not a prize heifer
to auction off.
Copy !req
183. Mary, we got two average kids.
Let's cash in on the smart one.
Copy !req
184. Do you think
I talk funny?
Copy !req
185. What'd my mom say?
Copy !req
186. Just that I should
speak more proper.
Copy !req
187. You're fine, and she should
mind her own business.
Copy !req
188. Thanks, 'cause she's all worried
CeeCee's gonna sound like me.
Copy !req
189. Oh.
Copy !req
190. What?
Copy !req
191. Nothing.
Copy !req
192. You know,
Copy !req
193. when I was a weather girl,
I took some speech classes,
Copy !req
194. and they really seemed to help.
Copy !req
195. Did you used to
sound like me?
Copy !req
196. Oh, sweetie, no.
Copy !req
197. Incoming, nine o'clock.
Copy !req
198. Well, I hope you two are happy.
Copy !req
199. Sheldon is being
Copy !req
200. by Princeton, by Stanford,
Copy !req
201. MIT, Caltech.
Copy !req
202. We are losing him,
and you two have done nothing.
Copy !req
203. What can we do?
Copy !req
204. Those are some of the
best schools in the world.
Copy !req
205. We have a wonderful
graduate program for physics.
Copy !req
206. Actually...
Copy !req
207. You're the chair
of the department.
Copy !req
208. Yes, and the program
is far from wonderful.
Copy !req
209. That said,
Copy !req
210. our animal husbandry department
is first-rate.
Copy !req
211. Fine.
Copy !req
212. We have other cards
to play. Uh...
Copy !req
213. we're near his family,
and he loves you two—
Copy !req
214. God knows why—
Copy !req
215. and most importantly,
Copy !req
216. he hates change.
Copy !req
217. I changed deodorants once.
He made me change it back.
Copy !req
218. Apparently, I smelled
too outdoorsy.
Copy !req
219. All right, look, we-we've
been catering to Sheldon
Copy !req
220. and his family
for years,
Copy !req
221. so let's
take advantage
Copy !req
222. of what we know
Copy !req
223. and use it
to keep him
Copy !req
224. at East Texas Tech.
Copy !req
225. His mother is very religious.
Copy !req
226. Someone might mention
Copy !req
227. Caltech was founded
Copy !req
228. by a Satanist.
Copy !req
229. Good, good.
Wait-wait, is that true?
Copy !req
230. Actually, I don't care.
We're using it.
Copy !req
231. - It is true.
- And again, I don't care,
Copy !req
232. So, what else we got?
Copy !req
233. Eh, with all the freeways
and traffic in California,
Copy !req
234. he's gonna needa car.
Copy !req
235. George, he's 14.
Copy !req
236. Right.
Copy !req
237. He's gonna need a car
and a driver.
Copy !req
238. We can arrange that.
Copy !req
239. So, what do you say?
Copy !req
240. Stephen Hawking
and Sheldon Cooper
Copy !req
241. together at Caltech?
Copy !req
242. It's very promising.
Copy !req
243. And of course,
some of our alumni
Copy !req
244. include John Kennedy,
Copy !req
245. Franklin Roosevelt,
Copy !req
246. newly appointed
Supreme Court Justice
Copy !req
247. Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Copy !req
248. That's an awful lot
of Democrats.
Copy !req
249. Although Harvard did have
some impressive alumni.
Copy !req
250. Bunch of presidents
Copy !req
251. and that gal
on the court.
Copy !req
252. I thought U.T.
was burnt orange?
Copy !req
253. Oh, no, that's the
University of Texas.
Copy !req
254. We're the University of Toronto.
Go, True Blue.
Copy !req
255. Toronto?
Copy !req
256. Yes, sir, we're the Harvard
of the North, eh.
Copy !req
257. Well, you should
probably get going.
Copy !req
258. Got a long trip
ahead of you.
Copy !req
259. I like everything
I'm hearing, but,
Copy !req
260. at the end of the day,
this'll be Sheldon's choice.
Copy !req
261. - Absolutely.
- Hang on a sec.
Copy !req
262. I see an engineering department,
Copy !req
263. a physics department,
computer lab.
Copy !req
264. What I don't see is a church.
Copy !req
265. Don't worry, we have a beautiful
Copy !req
266. nondenominational chapel
built in 1956.
Copy !req
267. Nondenominational?
Copy !req
268. Everyone's welcome.
Copy !req
269. Hello, Sheldon.
Copy !req
270. There's my guy.
Copy !req
271. Oh, hello.
Copy !req
272. Is everything okay?
Copy !req
273. Does something have to be wrong
Copy !req
274. to hang out with a pal?
Copy !req
275. Here at East Texas Tech,
Copy !req
276. we're not just your faculty,
we're your friends.
Copy !req
277. In the past, you made it
Copy !req
278. very clear that
we're not friends.
Copy !req
279. That's just me
Copy !req
280. giving you the business
the way buddies do,
Copy !req
281. you little scamp.
Copy !req
282. Sorry, that was a little hard.
Copy !req
283. We know this recruiting thing
can be stressful,
Copy !req
284. and we just wanted to see
how you're holding up.
Copy !req
285. It's actually not
stressful at all.
Copy !req
286. My parents have been
handling most of it.
Copy !req
287. That's great.
That's why it's good
Copy !req
288. to have family
close by.
Copy !req
289. Friends and family
Copy !req
290. just a hop, skip
and a jump away.
Copy !req
291. I don't hop, skip or jump.
Copy !req
292. See, that's that
sense of humor
Copy !req
293. that we get but
strangers may not.
Copy !req
294. Yes.
Copy !req
295. Son, I knowyou have
Copy !req
296. a lot of options
for grad school,
Copy !req
297. and I'm sure you'll
make the right choice
Copy !req
298. for yourself and your
sweet, aging grandma.
Copy !req
299. Who will miss you
so much if you leave.
Copy !req
300. Moon Pie— isn't that
what she calls you?
Copy !req
301. - Yes.
- Sweet.
Copy !req
302. So sweet.
Copy !req
303. Hey, what
you doing?
Copy !req
304. Reading.
Copy !req
305. English Grammar and Compositio?
Copy !req
306. It's Missy's.
Copy !req
307. You know, you don't
have to do this.
Copy !req
308. Well, I want to
do it for CeeCee.
Copy !req
309. Well, maybe I can help.
Copy !req
310. Yeah?
Copy !req
311. Yeah, you don't need a book.
Copy !req
312. Let's just
start simple.
Copy !req
313. Um, instead of "ain't,"
try "isn't."
Copy !req
314. That isn't gonna be a problem.
Copy !req
315. There you go.
Now, let's work on "wasn't."
Copy !req
316. Wadn't.
Copy !req
317. Wasn't.
Copy !req
318. Wadn't.
Copy !req
319. See, I'm not hearing the "S."
Copy !req
320. That's 'cause it wadn't there.
Copy !req
321. So, we've narrowed it down to
Copy !req
322. five schools.
Copy !req
323. We got Caltech
and Stanford in California.
Copy !req
324. - The left coast.
- Mom.
Copy !req
325. It is.
Copy !req
326. Can I continue?
Copy !req
327. Also known as
Copy !req
328. the land of
fruits and nuts. Continue.
Copy !req
329. And on the East Coast,
we got MIT,
Copy !req
330. Harvard and Princeton.
Copy !req
331. Damn Yankees.
Copy !req
332. We can't move
the schools, Connie.
Copy !req
333. There's also East Texas Tech.
Copy !req
334. Is that a school
that you're considering?
Copy !req
335. I have friends there,
and it's close to all of you.
Copy !req
336. Why would you want
- to be close to us?
- Missy.
Copy !req
337. This is your decision,
Copy !req
338. but best I understand,
these other schools are
Copy !req
339. the major leagues,
and East Texas Tech is T-ball.
Copy !req
340. Please don't make
sports analogies.
Copy !req
341. Fine.
Copy !req
342. These schools are like...
Copy !req
343. and East Texas Tech is like...
Copy !req
344. regular man?
Copy !req
345. Better, I think.
Copy !req
346. If you're worried
about being far away,
Copy !req
347. they're all
offering to pay for
Copy !req
348. travel expenses
so you can
Copy !req
349. come home for
the holidays.
Copy !req
350. But to be clear,
you don't have to.
Copy !req
351. And we can also
come and visit you.
Copy !req
352. Ooh, free trip. I like that.
Copy !req
353. You were just complaining
about these places.
Copy !req
354. I can complain
on a beach.
Copy !req
355. This is a difficult decision.
Copy !req
356. Which is why we're all
here to help you make it.
Copy !req
357. ♪ Now, this is a story
Copy !req
358. Are we not done?
Copy !req
359. It-it felt done.
Copy !req
360. Come in.
Copy !req
361. What are you doing?
Copy !req
362. I can't sleep.
Copy !req
363. This is the biggest
decision of my life.
Copy !req
364. What's all this?
Copy !req
365. I'm employing
Copy !req
366. an algorithm to
assigns points to
Copy !req
367. each school so I can
statistically decide
Copy !req
368. which is the best.
Copy !req
369. Hmm.
Copy !req
370. How about "Eeny,
meeny, miny, moe"?
Copy !req
371. I won't miss you.
Copy !req
372. Same. What
school's winning?
Copy !req
373. I've narrowed it down
to Caltech and MIT.
Copy !req
374. Geographically
Copy !req
375. so the travel time home
would be about the same.
Copy !req
376. Caltech has Stephen Hawking,
which is exciting,
Copy !req
377. but he hasn't won a Nobel Prize,
Copy !req
378. unlike Henry Kendall at MIT,
who recently did.
Copy !req
379. What's this little guy?
Copy !req
380. Both schools' mascot
is a beaver.
Copy !req
381. Not pertinent
to my needs,
Copy !req
382. but amusing nonetheless.
Copy !req
383. Well, if you want my opinion,
Copy !req
384. I say pick the one that's
near the beach and Hollywood.
Copy !req
385. I hate those. Advantage MIT.
Copy !req
386. Where's that?
Copy !req
387. So, what's your gut say?
Copy !req
388. It doesn't say anything.
It's not a thinking organ.
Copy !req
389. Fine, what's your...
Spidey-sense tell you?
Copy !req
390. Spidey-sense warns Peter Parker
of imminent danger.
Copy !req
391. It doesn't help him
pick schools.
Copy !req
392. Well, the important thing is,
Copy !req
393. no matter where you go,
Copy !req
394. I'm gonna turn this room
into a dance studio.
Copy !req
395. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
396. Howdy.
Copy !req
397. Well, howdy yourself.
Copy !req
398. Is this a bad time?
Copy !req
399. No, but Sheldon's not here,
Copy !req
400. if you were hoping
to talk to him.
Copy !req
401. No, I was fixing to talk
to you and your hubby.
Copy !req
402. Come on in.
Copy !req
403. I brought you
some pecan pie
Copy !req
404. and some beer
to wash it down.
Copy !req
405. You didn't have
to do that.
Copy !req
406. Oh, it's no problem.
Copy !req
407. It's my
ding-dang pleasure.
Copy !req
408. Okay. George?
Copy !req
409. President Hagemeyer.
Copy !req
410. This is a real honor,
having you visit.
Copy !req
411. Oh, stop it with that
President nonsense.
Copy !req
412. It's Linda... y'all.
Copy !req
413. Okay, Linda,
so how can we help you?
Copy !req
414. No, no, no,
how can I help you?
Copy !req
415. Gee, I don't know.
Copy !req
416. Rain gutters
could use cleaning.
Copy !req
417. - George.
- Just a joke.
Copy !req
418. Well, it doesn't have to be.
Copy !req
419. You got a ladder
and some gloves, I'm your gal.
Copy !req
420. And I guess that's
why I'm here.
Copy !req
421. You know, everybody's rolling
out the red carpet for Sheldon,
Copy !req
422. as they should.
Copy !req
423. But, I mean, who's
looking after your needs?
Copy !req
424. Our needs?
I don't understand.
Copy !req
425. Wouldn't you like
all your children
Copy !req
426. to be college graduates?
Copy !req
427. Wait, are
you serious?
Copy !req
428. I'm in a position to offer
Copy !req
429. a full scholarship
to Sheldon's twin sister,
Copy !req
430. his older brother,
and I understand
Copy !req
431. there's a grandchild in the mix.
Copy !req
432. Just imagine how expensive
tuition will be
Copy !req
433. 18 years from now.
Copy !req
434. Wow, that is
very generous.
Copy !req
435. No, no, no, I don't—
I don't think so.
Copy !req
436. No, I think
it's just
Copy !req
437. giving you good,
hardworking folk
Copy !req
438. what you deserve.
Copy !req
439. I don't know what to say.
Copy !req
440. Yeah, we... we'll have
to talk it over a little.
Copy !req
441. At the end of the day,
it's still Sheldon's decision.
Copy !req
442. Oh, of course, but-but
it's also a family decision,
Copy !req
443. and that is what
East Texas Tech is all about.
Copy !req
444. Family.
Copy !req
445. Or, as I like to say, kin.
Copy !req
446. Your mother has been helping me,
Copy !req
447. and it has
not been easy.
Copy !req
448. But I'm going to
Copy !req
449. keep working on it for you.
Copy !req
450. Okay, let's get you cleaned up.
Copy !req
451. See? He's tryin'.
Copy !req
452. Try-ing.
Copy !req
453. It's nice to see.
Who's ready for coffee?
Copy !req
454. I believe you mean,
"Whom's ready for coffee?"
Copy !req
455. Whom's?
Copy !req
456. Oh, let him have this one.
Copy !req
457. Sheldon?
Copy !req
458. Which is better?
Copy !req
459. One or two?
Copy !req
460. One, two?
Copy !req
461. Hat I'll never wear one,
hat I'll never wear two.
Copy !req
462. Are you okay?
Copy !req
463. No, I didn't
sleep at all last night.
Copy !req
464. For the life of me,
I can't decide between
Copy !req
465. Caltech and MIT.
Copy !req
466. No matter how
I analyze it,
Copy !req
467. how I
break it down,
Copy !req
468. they're basically equal.
Copy !req
469. Great, then just pick
the one you want.
Copy !req
470. What I want is to not have
to make this decision.
Copy !req
471. Well, you could always
stay here.
Copy !req
472. Maybe you're right.
Maybe deciding not to decide
Copy !req
473. is the best decision
I can decide.
Copy !req
474. Possibly.
Copy !req
475. After all, an object at rest
Copy !req
476. stays at rest.
That's just physics.
Copy !req
477. The kind of physics
we understand.
Copy !req
478. Very well, I'll stay here,
Copy !req
479. I'll work with you two,
and everything will be...
Copy !req
480. Stop.
Copy !req
481. I can't do this.
Copy !req
482. I'm glad you said that.
I'm also having qualms.
Copy !req
483. - What are you talking about?
- You.
Copy !req
484. We have to do
the right thing for him.
Copy !req
485. And for science.
Copy !req
486. So, we're in agreement?
Copy !req
487. Consequences be damned.
Copy !req
488. Will someone please
tell me what's going on?
Copy !req
489. Sheldon, you can't stay here.
Copy !req
490. - Why?
- You've outgrown us.
Copy !req
491. Me, literally.
Copy !req
492. You deserve the best
education possible.
Copy !req
493. You're going to do
great things, Sheldon.
Copy !req
494. And we're proud to have been
Copy !req
495. a small part of your journey.
Copy !req
496. So, where should I go?
Copy !req
497. Caltech.
Copy !req
498. Mom, Dad, I've made a decision.
Copy !req
499. All right.
Copy !req
500. I'm going to MIT.
Copy !req
501. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
502. Wait for it.
Copy !req
503. I'm so excited to visit MIT.
Copy !req
504. Me, too.
Copy !req
505. Proud of you, son.
Copy !req
506. Thank you, Dad.
Copy !req
507. Caltech?
Copy !req
508. Caltech.
Copy !req
509. Told you.
Copy !req
510. I don't know
what to tell you, Linda.
Copy !req
511. We begged him to stay.
Copy !req
512. I got down
on my knees,
Copy !req
513. and, well, John
was already there.
Copy !req
514. We did everything
we could to keep him.
Copy !req
515. I wore a cowboy hat and
offered a scholarship to a baby.
Copy !req
516. Ooh. You win.
Copy !req
517. Damn straight.
Copy !req
518. I'd like to propose a toast.
Copy !req
519. To our complete and utter
Copy !req
520. lack of integrity.
Copy !req
521. Hear, hear.
Hear, hear.
Copy !req
522. Captioning sponsored by
Copy !req
Copy !req
524. and TOYOTA.
Copy !req