1. Absolutely not.
Copy !req
2. But we're in Europe,
Copy !req
3. the birthplace of
the modern rail system.
Copy !req
4. It is also the birthplace
of the guillotine.
Copy !req
5. You're not playing
with that, either.
Copy !req
6. But I'm a college senior
and I know more about trains
Copy !req
7. than Richard Trevithick.
Copy !req
8. Who?
Copy !req
9. He built the first
working steam locomotive.
Copy !req
10. I don't care.
Copy !req
11. You are not
gallivanting around Europe
Copy !req
12. on a train by yourself.
Copy !req
13. German children ride trains
by themselves
Copy !req
14. all the time.
Copy !req
15. When you become
Copy !req
16. a German child, we'll talk.
Copy !req
17. Richard Trevithick?
How does he know these things?
Copy !req
18. Oh, George wrote me a letter.
Copy !req
19. Dear Mary,
hope you and Sheldon
Copy !req
20. are having a great time
in Germany.
Copy !req
21. So great.
Copy !req
22. Got the phone bill
the other day.
Copy !req
23. It was a whopper. Oh.
Copy !req
24. I figured maybe,
instead of calling,
Copy !req
25. we should try
the good ol' U.S. mail.
Copy !req
26. Everything here is fine.
Copy !req
27. A little crowded
since the tornado,
Copy !req
28. but it's bringing us together.
Copy !req
29. Missy, I got business
to tend to.
Copy !req
30. I'll be out
in a second.
Copy !req
31. Is she almost done?
I got to shower.
Copy !req
32. There's a line
or a hose out back.
Copy !req
33. Take your pick.
Copy !req
34. Count of three!
Copy !req
35. And our granddaughter is
getting more fun every day.
Copy !req
36. Ah-boo.
Copy !req
37. What is wrong
with you?
Copy !req
38. It was just peek-a-boo.
Copy !req
39. You'll be happy to know
your daughter
Copy !req
40. made a new friend. Taylor.
Copy !req
41. And they've been
hanging out a ton.
Copy !req
42. Where're you going
all dressed up?
Copy !req
43. I'm not dressed up, and I'm
going to the mall with Taylor.
Copy !req
44. When do I get to meet this girl?
Copy !req
45. Soon. Gotta go.
Copy !req
46. Okay, let's do this.
Copy !req
47. Ooh, she wrote back.
Copy !req
48. Saving money already.
Copy !req
49. Dear George,
Copy !req
50. it was really nice
to get your letter.
Copy !req
51. It reminds me of when
you were in Vietnam,
Copy !req
52. except this time, I'm the one
in a foreign country
Copy !req
53. and the enemy is Sheldon.
Copy !req
54. The other day, he wanted to
Copy !req
55. go riding around Germany,
Copy !req
56. by himself, on a train.
Copy !req
57. But I put a stop to that.
Copy !req
58. Good.
Copy !req
59. Shh.
Copy !req
60. Your mom's been
going through a rough patch
Copy !req
61. since she lost the house,
but she's a strong woman.
Copy !req
62. You'd be proud of
how well she's dealing with it.
Copy !req
63. Hey.
Copy !req
64. What are you doing?
Copy !req
65. Taking one of your beers.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
66. Writing Mary a letter.
Copy !req
67. Too cheap for a phone call?
Copy !req
68. You know how much
those things cost?
Copy !req
69. Tank of gas to say,
"I miss you."
Copy !req
70. Besides, this is nice,
writing back and forth,
Copy !req
71. kind of like when
I was in the Army.
Copy !req
72. Oh, she writing you
back, too, huh?
Copy !req
73. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
74. Huh.
Copy !req
75. What?
Copy !req
76. My house blows away,
Copy !req
77. I don't even get
a damn postcard.
Copy !req
78. Well, you should write her
first. That's what I did.
Copy !req
79. Well, I'm not
her cheapskate husband.
Copy !req
80. Heads up,
Copy !req
81. I might kill your mother
before you get back.
Copy !req
82. Oh, 7:19 to Frankfurt.
Copy !req
83. Birthplace of the frankfurter.
Copy !req
84. That's a must-see.
Copy !req
85. Sheldon,
Copy !req
86. can I get you
Copy !req
87. You sure? Cup of tea?
Copy !req
88. - I'm fine.
- Hot chocolate?
Copy !req
89. Why are you badgering me?
Copy !req
90. Whoa, what brought that on?
Copy !req
91. Nothing. Everything's fine.
I just have to study.
Copy !req
92. Is this about the train?
Copy !req
93. What? No. What train?
Copy !req
94. Are you still mad that
I won't let you go alone?
Copy !req
95. Yes.
Copy !req
96. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Copy !req
97. Someday, when you're a parent,
you'll understand.
Copy !req
98. I'm sure I will.
Copy !req
99. Okay, then.
Copy !req
100. Dear Missy,
I'm sure you're surprised
Copy !req
101. I'm writing to you,
Copy !req
102. but I have a secret
and I have to tell someone
Copy !req
103. or my head will explode.
Copy !req
104. Ooh.
Copy !req
105. The other day,
against Mother's orders,
Copy !req
106. I rode a train by myself.
Copy !req
107. What a loser.
Copy !req
108. George tells me you and Sheldon
Copy !req
109. are having a good time
in Germany.
Copy !req
110. Things here are
finally settling down.
Copy !req
111. I moved in with Dale,
which has been great.
Copy !req
112. He's been so
supportive and patient...
Copy !req
113. Could you play another song?
Copy !req
114. I'm working on this song.
Copy !req
115. My last nerve
is what you're working on.
Copy !req
116. Well, you got to practice
if you want to get good.
Copy !req
117. For what? You're 74.
Copy !req
118. You gonna
play that song in hell?
Copy !req
119. Look, this is my house,
Copy !req
120. and in my house,
I play the guitar.
Copy !req
121. I thought you said
your house was my house.
Copy !req
122. And in your house, there's a guy
who plays the guitar,
Copy !req
123. and he's getting
pretty doggone good.
Copy !req
124. Oh.
Copy !req
125. Guide's here.
Copy !req
126. Mmm.
Copy !req
127. Julia Roberts
and Lyle Lovett.
Copy !req
128. What does she see in him?
Copy !req
129. Women love
Copy !req
130. Man, I got to learn
to play guitar.
Copy !req
131. Why?
Copy !req
132. So your love
for me will deepen?
Copy !req
133. Nice save, Romeo.
Copy !req
134. Oh, look.
Another letter from Mom.
Copy !req
135. Aw. I think it's so romantic,
Copy !req
136. you two writing to each other.
Copy !req
137. It's just 'cause
he's a cheapskate.
Copy !req
138. It can be both.
Copy !req
139. Well, I think it's sweet.
Copy !req
140. Well, I can write you
a letter if you want.
Copy !req
141. - Please don't.
- Why not?
Copy !req
142. 'Cause your spelling
makes me sad.
Copy !req
143. I can use small words.
Copy !req
144. Dear George, I really loved
your last letter.
Copy !req
145. Who would have thought
that I would have
Copy !req
146. a love affair in Germany
and that it would be with you.
Copy !req
147. I miss you all so much,
Copy !req
148. but it sounds like
everyone is doing great.
Copy !req
149. By the way,
Missy's new friend Taylor,
Copy !req
150. is that a boy or a girl?
Copy !req
151. Missy!
Copy !req
152. I've included some Polaroids
of your granddaughter
Copy !req
153. and your hot American boy toy.
Copy !req
154. Don't feel bad for being
confused about Missy's friend.
Copy !req
155. He is a boy, but don't worry,
Copy !req
156. I'm on top of it.
Copy !req
157. Taylor's a boy?
Copy !req
158. Yes.
Copy !req
159. So when you went to the movies
with him, he was a boy?
Copy !req
160. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
161. And when you went swimming
at his house,
Copy !req
162. he was a boy with his shirt off?
Copy !req
163. I never said he was a girl.
Copy !req
164. No, I said he was a girl
Copy !req
165. and you didn't correct me.
Copy !req
166. I don't remember who said what.
Copy !req
167. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
168. And that is the last
you're seeing of Taylor.
Copy !req
169. Dad, it's not what you think.
Copy !req
170. He doesn't like me like that.
Copy !req
171. He's a 13-year-old boy.
Copy !req
172. He likes all girls like that.
Copy !req
173. He's 15, and he doesn't.
Copy !req
174. Fifteen?
Copy !req
175. And he really doesn't.
Copy !req
176. The hell does that mean?
Copy !req
177. Oh.
Copy !req
178. Yeah.
Copy !req
179. So, he's like a...
Copy !req
180. gal pal?
Copy !req
181. Bingo.
Copy !req
182. Okay.
Copy !req
183. So, can I go to his house
and watch a movie?
Copy !req
184. No other boys'll be there?
Copy !req
185. Just him and me.
Copy !req
186. All right, then.
Copy !req
187. Thanks, Daddy.
Copy !req
188. It's a different world, Mare.
Copy !req
189. I'm proud of Missy
Copy !req
190. for keeping an open mind,
Copy !req
191. and, shoot, I'm proud of myself.
Copy !req
192. By the way,
I told my dad you're gay.
Copy !req
193. Okay.
Copy !req
194. Hey.
Copy !req
195. Have you seen my guitar?
Copy !req
196. No. Why?
Copy !req
197. I could've sworn
I left it in the bedroom
Copy !req
198. and now
I can't find it anywhere.
Copy !req
199. That's weird.
Copy !req
200. Did you hide it?
Copy !req
201. I can't believe
Copy !req
202. you would accuse me
of such a thing.
Copy !req
203. - Did you?
- Did I what?
Copy !req
204. Hide my guitar.
Copy !req
205. Well, give it back.
Copy !req
206. Only under certain conditions.
Copy !req
207. That guitar
has been here
Copy !req
208. way longer
than you have.
Copy !req
209. You want to
see it again?
Copy !req
210. What conditions?
Copy !req
211. First of all,
if I'm out of the house,
Copy !req
212. you can play it all day long.
Copy !req
213. That's reasonable.
Copy !req
214. I'm a reasonable lady.
Number two:
Copy !req
215. You cannot play the same song
Copy !req
216. for more than five minutes.
Copy !req
217. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
218. That's not how practice works.
Copy !req
219. Repetition is
the key to mastery.
Copy !req
220. - Ten minutes.
- Deal.
Copy !req
221. It's in the closet
behind the rain coats.
Copy !req
222. Well, thank you.
Copy !req
223. Hold on,
let me get my egg timer.
Copy !req
224. Auf wiedersehen.
Copy !req
225. - Where you going?
- Library.
Copy !req
226. In Frankfurt.
Copy !req
227. Have fun.
Copy !req
228. As much as I hated lying,
Copy !req
229. I loved trains
just a little bit more.
Copy !req
230. Dear Mandy, there are
so many things
Copy !req
231. I love about you, it's hard
to know where to start.
Copy !req
232. But I will.
Copy !req
233. Sure, I could go on and on
Copy !req
234. about your beautiful...
Copy !req
235. B-E...
Copy !req
236. Where does the dang "U" go?
Copy !req
237. pretty... boobs.
Copy !req
238. But what's more important
Copy !req
239. is what's underneath:
Your heart.
Copy !req
240. Oh, yeah. That's good.
Copy !req
241. Can I cash out?
Copy !req
242. Oh. Sure.
Copy !req
243. Hey, question—
Copy !req
244. if you sneak into the bathroom
to watch a woman shower,
Copy !req
245. is that romantic or creepy?
Copy !req
246. Romantic.
Copy !req
247. That's what I thought.
Copy !req
248. And when you're alone
in the shower...
Copy !req
249. Ticket?
Copy !req
250. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
251. Ja.
Copy !req
252. No.
Copy !req
253. What— What the hell?
Copy !req
254. - What?
- What are you doing?
Copy !req
255. Wh—
Copy !req
256. I'm just putting nose spray in
'cause you're snoring.
Copy !req
257. Well, that's no reason to stick
something up my nose.
Copy !req
258. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
259. I mean, if anybody snores,
it's you.
Copy !req
260. I mean, just look
at that honker.
Copy !req
261. That's not very nice.
Copy !req
262. What's not nice is you
violating my nose.
Copy !req
263. It's not gonna
happen again.
Copy !req
264. Hey, but listen,
now that you're up,
Copy !req
265. why don't we
just spritz
Copy !req
266. the other nostril—Don't you dare!
Copy !req
267. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
268. And for your information,
you fart all night long.
Copy !req
269. It's 'cause of
your cooking.
Copy !req
270. Quit feeding me fajitas.
Copy !req
271. Dear Missy, I'm currently
on my fifth train ride
Copy !req
272. exploring Germany
and the nations
Copy !req
273. of the former
Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Copy !req
274. It's often referred to
as a dual monarchy
Copy !req
275. because the Hapsburg ruler
was both
Copy !req
276. the emperor of Austria
and the king of Hungary.
Copy !req
277. Speaking of hungry... strudel.
Copy !req
278. Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
279. Warten! Warten!
Copy !req
280. That's German for "wait"!
Copy !req
281. As you can see,
they did not warten.
Copy !req
282. Sheldon Cooper.
Copy !req
283. Hello?
Copy !req
284. I have a collect call
Copy !req
285. from Sheldon Cooper.
Copy !req
286. Do you accept the charges?
Copy !req
287. Sorry, my dad said
it's too expensive and—
Copy !req
288. Missy, please,
it's an emergency!
Copy !req
289. Fine. I accept.
Copy !req
290. Go ahead.
Copy !req
291. What?
Copy !req
292. I'm stranded
in a train station
Copy !req
293. in Weinheim, Germany,
and I can't call Mom
Copy !req
294. because I lied about—Sorry.
Copy !req
295. - I'm getting another call.
- Wait, don't—
Copy !req
296. Hello?
Copy !req
297. Oh, hi, Taylor.
Copy !req
298. Nothing.
What're you up to?
Copy !req
299. Missy!
Copy !req
300. Missy?
Copy !req
301. Missy...
Copy !req
302. and not just 'cause
you're naked in the shower—
Copy !req
303. 'cause you're naked
and all sudsy.
Copy !req
304. It's like watching MTV,
but in the bathroom.
Copy !req
305. Well, I hope that didn't
sound creepy,
Copy !req
306. but you're so pretty
I can't stop looking at you,
Copy !req
307. even with clothes on
covered with CeeCee's spit-up.
Copy !req
308. Oh, you're
reading my letter.
Copy !req
309. I'll come back.
Copy !req
310. Oh, now you want
to give me privacy?
Copy !req
311. So, it was creepy, huh?
Copy !req
312. It was.
Copy !req
313. Where you going?
Copy !req
314. Well, I'm gonna go
take a shower.
Copy !req
315. Maybe I'll leave
the door unlocked.
Copy !req
316. Well, all right.
Copy !req
317. It's okay, young man,
we speak English.
Copy !req
318. But not as well as my German,
so stay with me.
Copy !req
319. Oh God!
- Dad, get out!
Copy !req
320. Why didn't you
lock the door?
Copy !req
321. I didn't want
to miss anything.
Copy !req
322. I've been sitting here
staring at your picture,
Copy !req
323. thinking about all the years
we've been together
Copy !req
324. and how I may have taken you
for granted the last few.
Copy !req
325. I do appreciate you,
I do love you,
Copy !req
326. and I'm sorry
I don't say it enough...
Copy !req
327. or say it at all.
Copy !req
328. So...
Copy !req
329. rest up because when I get back,
Copy !req
330. I'm gonna show you how mu—
Copy !req
331. Hello?
Copy !req
332. Mom, it's me.
Copy !req
333. I know I'm not
supposed to call,
Copy !req
334. but Sheldon called
and said he's in trouble.
Copy !req
335. Sheldon's at the library.
Copy !req
336. No, he's not.
Copy !req
337. He's stuck at a train station
somewhere in Germany.
Copy !req
338. When did he call?
Copy !req
339. I don't know.
Two, three hours ago...
Copy !req
340. What?
Copy !req
341. You know, this is expensive,
I should go.
Copy !req
342. Oh.
Copy !req
343. I'm gonna kill him.
Copy !req
344. What are you doing?
Copy !req
345. I'm gonna go sleep
in the other room
Copy !req
346. so we don't bug
each other.
Copy !req
347. And leave me here all alone?
Copy !req
348. I thought you'd be happy.
Copy !req
349. Well, my nose might be happy,
but the rest of me won't be.
Copy !req
350. Aw.
Copy !req
351. Unless you're leaving
because my snoring is so bad.
Copy !req
352. Alleged snoring.
Copy !req
353. Alleged snoring?
Copy !req
354. I'm going half deaf
in this ear
Copy !req
355. from your alleged snoring.
Copy !req
356. Well, there must be
a way to compromise.
Copy !req
357. Compromise?
There's no compromise.
Copy !req
358. You won't let me spritz
your nasal passages.
Copy !req
359. Even if I did,
that's not gonna stop
Copy !req
360. the tear gas coming out
of your pants.
Copy !req
361. Onions in, onions out—
Copy !req
362. We talked about
this, you know.
Copy !req
363. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
364. Uh, hello? Police?
Copy !req
365. Sprechen English?
Copy !req
366. Good, good. Um...
Copy !req
367. My little boy is lost
at a train station.
Copy !req
368. No, I don't know which one...
Copy !req
369. Um, he's, uh, five foot ten...
Copy !req
370. Well, he's little to me!
Copy !req
371. Never mind.
Copy !req
372. What happened to you?
Copy !req
373. Tough day.
Copy !req
374. At the library?
Copy !req
375. Yes.
Copy !req
376. Where's your other shoe?
Copy !req
377. When I was leaving...
the library,
Copy !req
378. a wild dog attacked me.
Copy !req
379. Oh, sweetie, no.
Copy !req
380. I fought him off,
but at the price of a loafer.
Copy !req
381. Where's your backpack?
Copy !req
382. I guess he got that, too.
Copy !req
383. Well...
Copy !req
384. that all makes
sense, Sheldon,
Copy !req
385. if that's what
really happened.
Copy !req
386. It is.
Copy !req
387. Okay, then.
Copy !req
388. Why don't you
go lie down?
Copy !req
389. I will.
Copy !req
390. I'm tired from all
the things that happened...
Copy !req
391. At the library.
Copy !req
392. At the library.
Copy !req
393. Instead of punishing him,
Copy !req
394. I'm letting him think
he got away with it.
Copy !req
395. The guilt is eating him alive.
Copy !req
396. I wish you were here
to enjoy it with me.
Copy !req
397. Hey.
Copy !req
398. Hey.
Copy !req
399. Is it okay if Taylor and I
Copy !req
400. hang out in my room
and listen to music?
Copy !req
401. Sure.
Copy !req
402. Just keep the door closed
so I don't have to hear it.
Copy !req
403. You got it.
Copy !req
404. Probably gonna listen
to show tunes.
Copy !req
405. Captioning sponsored by CBS,
Copy !req
406. and TOYOTA.
Copy !req