1. Previously on Young Sheldon...
Copy !req
2. Oh, dear.
You having a hard time
Copy !req
3. adjusting to high school?
Copy !req
4. I'm having a hard time
Copy !req
5. adjusting to Earth.
Copy !req
6. Hey, doofus.
Copy !req
7. Who's going to church
with me tomorrow?
Copy !req
8. I'll go with you, Mom.
Copy !req
9. You don't believe in God.
Copy !req
10. but I believe in Mom.
Copy !req
11. Look at my face.
Copy !req
12. Tell me what you see.
That you're old.
Copy !req
13. I said put me down!
Copy !req
14. I have a tough time
making friends, too.
Copy !req
15. Well, good luck on your quest
Copy !req
16. to find a friend.
Copy !req
17. Tell me where it hurts.
Copy !req
18. "If it's funny, it's a Bazinga."
Copy !req
19. What a charming
young man.
Copy !req
20. Kook.
Copy !req
21. Did you tell my granddaughter
Copy !req
22. she can't
play baseball?
Copy !req
23. Meemaw got a date
with the coach.
Copy !req
24. Why Sheldon Cooper
should go to college.
Copy !req
25. Cheese.
Copy !req
26. You be Spock. I'll be Kirk.
Copy !req
27. Aye, Captain.
Copy !req
28. Greetings, Mother.
Copy !req
29. Are you running a gambling room
Copy !req
30. in the back
of the Laundromat?
Copy !req
31. Please stop running.
Copy !req
32. I love you.
Copy !req
33. Sorry. That was a little hard.
Copy !req
34. I'm Georgie.
Copy !req
35. I'm pregnant.
Copy !req
36. She's here.
Copy !req
37. Dad, we need to get out
of the car.
Copy !req
38. Connie, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
39. I'm going to MIT.
Copy !req
40. Caltech?
Copy !req
41. It had been 27 days
Copy !req
42. since my father's funeral,
Copy !req
43. and everyone was still
understandably out of sorts.
Copy !req
44. Finish up, we got
to get to church.
Copy !req
45. We already went
Wednesday and Thursday.
Copy !req
46. Isn't that enough?
Copy !req
47. Jesus died for you.
Copy !req
48. He didn't ask
if that was enough.
Copy !req
49. Please let us
come live with you.
Copy !req
50. Just give her some time.
She'll settle down.
Copy !req
51. Do we really
have to go?
Copy !req
52. Yes, you really
have to go.
Copy !req
53. Ugh.
Copy !req
54. Even as a child,
I was always doing things
Copy !req
55. to make other people happy.
Copy !req
56. Doing things to make
other people happy?
Copy !req
57. You've got to be
kidding me.
Copy !req
58. Don't read over
my shoulder.
Copy !req
59. Well, are you writing your
memoir or a fantasy novel?
Copy !req
60. For your information, the word
"memoir" comes from "memory,"
Copy !req
61. and these memories
are mine.
Copy !req
62. And since when do you
go out of your way
Copy !req
63. to make other people happy?
Copy !req
64. How about once a year
on your birthday?
Copy !req
65. Other than that, when?
Copy !req
66. All the time.
Copy !req
67. while I was giving birth,
you Zoomed in to a seminar.
Copy !req
68. You were taking forever
to dilate,
Copy !req
69. and I had
already made
Copy !req
70. my contribution
to the project.
Copy !req
71. Which, need I remind you,
was on your birthday.
Copy !req
72. I would love
to dissect your brain
Copy !req
73. to see which part is missing.
Copy !req
74. Or you'll find
an all-new structure
Copy !req
75. no one's ever seen before,
Copy !req
76. an evolutionary leap forward.
Copy !req
77. Don't push me,
I have a bone saw.
Copy !req
78. All these years,
and the passion is still there.
Copy !req
79. Let me remind you that
Copy !req
80. Emmanuel means
Copy !req
81. "God with us,"
Copy !req
82. and I promise you,
Copy !req
83. he is.
Copy !req
84. Now, let's all
bow our heads
Copy !req
85. in silent prayer.
Copy !req
86. What is that?
Copy !req
87. It's my new laptop.
Copy !req
88. Dr. Sturgis and
Dr. Linkletter
Copy !req
89. gave it to me as
a graduation gift.
Copy !req
90. Why is it here?
Copy !req
91. It's a laptop. This
is where my lap is.
Copy !req
92. Does it have
games on it?
Copy !req
93. Solitaire
and Minesweeper.
Copy !req
94. Let me try.
Copy !req
95. Put it away.
Copy !req
96. Uh, Coopers?
Copy !req
97. Is there an issue?
Copy !req
98. No, no. Keep praying.
We'll, uh, catch up.
Copy !req
99. Sheldon, what you got there?
Copy !req
100. An IBM ThinkPad.
Copy !req
101. Does that seem appropriate
for church?
Copy !req
102. It's a miracle
of technology.
Copy !req
103. Luddites, this is
a portable computer.
Copy !req
104. 50 megahertz
Copy !req
105. of processing power,
four megabytes of RAM.
Copy !req
106. Behold and worship.
Copy !req
107. What a mischievous imp I was.
Copy !req
108. We should start getting ready.
Copy !req
109. Oh, hold on.
Copy !req
110. Want to see something neat?
Copy !req
111. Is it you starting to get ready
Copy !req
112. for your son's hockey game?
Copy !req
113. Because that would be neat.
Copy !req
114. Oh, I'm not going to that.
Copy !req
115. But check this out.
Copy !req
116. My first laptop from 1994.
Copy !req
117. Terrific. What do you mean
you're not going?
Copy !req
118. Children on skates hitting
a rubber puck with a stick.
Copy !req
119. Why would I want to see that?
Copy !req
120. Because Leonard is your son,
Copy !req
121. and he is one of those children.
Copy !req
122. This is why I wanted to wait
until cloning was possible.
Copy !req
123. Because the old-fashioned way
got us a hockey player.
Copy !req
124. Get dressed.
Copy !req
125. But I'm busy.
Copy !req
126. I'm writing about my
last few days in Texas
Copy !req
127. before going to Caltech.
Copy !req
128. It's very emotional.
Copy !req
129. I can see that.
Copy !req
130. Hit the showers.
Copy !req
131. I'm right in the middle.
Mom's going off the rails,
Copy !req
132. I'm holding the whole
family together.
Copy !req
133. This is riveting stuff.
Copy !req
134. Well, I am leaving in an hour
Copy !req
135. and you are coming with me.
Copy !req
136. Stop it.
You are not sick.
Copy !req
137. You're not that kind of doctor.
You don't know.
Copy !req
138. Is this what you do
when I'm not here?
Copy !req
139. You could've walked in
on a lot worse.
Copy !req
140. Hey, how's it going over there?
Well, about as good
Copy !req
141. as you could hope.
Copy !req
142. Just worried
about Mary.
Copy !req
143. Is she hitting
the bottle?
Copy !req
144. Hitting the
Bible, hard.
Copy !req
145. Well, that's not that bad.
Copy !req
146. Well, she's pushing away
her children
Copy !req
147. just when they need her
the most.
Copy !req
148. Other than being there for them,
what else can you do?
Copy !req
149. I don't know.
Copy !req
150. Hey, you know, when I was young
Copy !req
151. and lost and mad at the world,
Copy !req
152. picking up a guitar kept me
from going down a bad road.
Copy !req
153. So, what're you saying?
Copy !req
154. Missy and Sheldon
should form a band?
Copy !req
155. Worked for the Carpenters.
Copy !req
156. Put some pants on.
Copy !req
157. Why is there still
a placemat there?
Copy !req
158. That's your
father's seat.
Copy !req
159. But he's not here.
Copy !req
160. He's here in spirit.
Copy !req
161. No, he's not.
Shut up, Sheldon.
Copy !req
162. Chicken's good, Mary.
Copy !req
163. Thank the Colonel.
I wasn't up to cooking.
Copy !req
164. 11 secret herbs and spices.
It's a delicious mystery.
Copy !req
165. Mandy, did you change the topic
to fried chicken
Copy !req
166. because my topic
was awkward?
Copy !req
167. I did.
Copy !req
168. And is it awkward
that I'm bringing it up again?
Copy !req
169. It's getting there.
Copy !req
170. It's not
a magic chair,
Copy !req
171. anyone can sit there,
and even if
Copy !req
172. spirits existed,
which they don't,
Copy !req
173. they can't call dibs
on furniture.
Copy !req
174. If I sit in it, will you please
stop talking about it?
Copy !req
175. I suppose so.
Copy !req
176. Fine.
Copy !req
177. No.
Don't do it.
Copy !req
178. Thank you.
Copy !req
179. There's something
I have been thinking about
Copy !req
180. that I would like
you kids to consider.
Copy !req
181. I want you both
to get baptized.
Copy !req
182. This is some
good chicken.
Copy !req
183. See how I changed the subject
when Mom made it awkward?
Copy !req
184. No, I am serious.
Copy !req
185. This is important.
It is about saving your souls.
Copy !req
186. I'm not doing it.
Copy !req
187. Me neither.
Copy !req
188. It ain't no big deal.
I did it.
Copy !req
189. Really?
Copy !req
190. Yeah, he kissed a girl
in the tub,
Copy !req
191. and she punched him in the face.
Copy !req
192. Really?
Copy !req
193. I'm gonna say pepper's
one of the secret spices.
Copy !req
194. That leaves ten.
Copy !req
195. enough changing
the subject.
Copy !req
196. You two are
getting baptized,
Copy !req
197. and that is the end
of the discussion.
Copy !req
198. You can't make us.
End of discussion.
Copy !req
199. So, tell me about
this girl you kissed.
Copy !req
200. Can we please talk
Copy !req
201. about something else?
Copy !req
202. Her name was
Veronica Duncan,
Copy !req
203. and he was madly in love
with her for years.
Copy !req
204. End of discussion.
Copy !req
205. She kind of looked like you.
Copy !req
206. Except taller and younger.
Copy !req
207. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
208. Hey. What
you watching?
Copy !req
209. Nothing.
Copy !req
210. Where's your mom?
Copy !req
211. I don't know.
Copy !req
212. Probably church, again.
Copy !req
213. Yeah, I guess she's been
a little extra...
Copy !req
214. Nutty?
Copy !req
215. Religious.
Copy !req
216. She dragged me to church
three times this week.
Copy !req
217. You know who goes
to church on Thursdays?
Copy !req
218. Who?
Copy !req
219. Losers.
Copy !req
220. Sorry.
Copy !req
221. Hey, uh, why don't we get out
of here and do something?
Copy !req
222. Like what?
I don't know,
Copy !req
223. something fun.
Copy !req
224. Can we go to a bar?
Copy !req
225. No.
Copy !req
226. Tattoo parlor?
Copy !req
227. No.
Copy !req
228. Do you even know
what fun is anymore?
Copy !req
229. No.
Copy !req
230. You okay?
Copy !req
231. I'm fine. Just talking with God.
Copy !req
232. He say something to upset you?
'Cause I'll give him what for.
Copy !req
233. Georgie, that is disrespectful.
Copy !req
234. Sorry. Just trying
to cheer you up.
Copy !req
235. If you really want
to cheer me up,
Copy !req
236. help convince your brother
and sister to get baptized.
Copy !req
237. I already told them I did it.
Copy !req
238. You treated it
like it was a joke.
Copy !req
239. Everyone in this family
is treating it like it's a joke
Copy !req
240. and it's not.
Copy !req
241. Okay.
Copy !req
242. Sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
243. Meemaw, it's Georgie.
Copy !req
244. I'm worried about Mom.
Copy !req
245. Look, I just want to say
I'm-I'm really sorry
Copy !req
246. for what you're
going through.
Copy !req
247. People keep saying
they're sorry.
Copy !req
248. It's so stupid.
Copy !req
249. Okay. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
250. Sorry.
Copy !req
251. I just want you to know
that I'm here for you
Copy !req
252. if you need anything.
Copy !req
253. I mean, after all,
we are sisters... in-law.
Copy !req
254. Anything?
Copy !req
255. Like a dad who's not dead
and a mom who's not crazy?
Copy !req
256. Okay, now, crazy moms,
that one I know.
Copy !req
257. I actually have
the Girl Scout badge.
Copy !req
258. I can't talk to her
about anything.
Copy !req
259. It's all about
Jesus and God,
Copy !req
260. and now, she wants me
to get baptized.
Copy !req
261. Come on, I mean, she's going
through a tough time, too.
Copy !req
262. Sorry.
Copy !req
263. Okay, that's the last one,
all right? I'm sorry. Sorry.
Copy !req
264. Hey, what ya doing?
Copy !req
265. Packing my things
for California.
Copy !req
266. You're taking your toy trains?
Copy !req
267. They're not toys.
Copy !req
268. They're historically
accurate facsimiles.
Copy !req
269. They go "woo woo"
Copy !req
270. when you press
the button, right?
Copy !req
271. They're not joyless facsimiles.
Copy !req
272. Okay, well,
Copy !req
273. I'll see ya later.
Copy !req
274. Where are you going?
Copy !req
275. To the cemetery
to visit your dad.
Copy !req
276. I don't suppose
you want to join me?
Copy !req
277. He's not there.
Copy !req
278. I know he's not there,
he's in heaven.
Copy !req
279. Because he got baptized.
Copy !req
280. Hmm.
Copy !req
281. Kudos on the rhetorical ambush.
Copy !req
282. Although, if he's in heaven, why
are you going to the cemetery?
Copy !req
283. Ha, gotcha.
Copy !req
284. Sheldon,
if you don't believe in baptism,
Copy !req
285. what's the harm?
Copy !req
286. The harm? You're asking me
to get in a big tub
Copy !req
287. of un-chlorinated human filth.
Copy !req
288. Peg cleans it.
Does she?
Copy !req
289. Peg says she cleans it.
Copy !req
290. And if that is
what is stopping you,
Copy !req
291. I will personally scrub it out.
Copy !req
292. Mother, I can't be a hypocrite.
Copy !req
293. This ritual is just
Copy !req
294. superstitious nonsense
to make you feel better.
Copy !req
295. And you taking
all your things to college
Copy !req
296. isn't just
to make you feel better?
Copy !req
297. You're on your game today.
Copy !req
298. That mean you'll get baptized?
Copy !req
299. I gazed lovingly at her.
Copy !req
300. I thought about
how much she had been through
Copy !req
301. and how much
this would mean to her
Copy !req
302. and then I said...
Copy !req
303. "Not a chance, lady."
Copy !req
304. Pulitzer.
Copy !req
305. I thought you were
taking a shower.
Copy !req
306. I thought I was, too, but
the muse had other plans.
Copy !req
307. What are you wearing?
Copy !req
308. It's a hockey jersey.
Copy !req
309. Here, I got you one.
Copy !req
310. I'm not wearing
this silly thing.
Copy !req
311. When I first met you, you bought
Copy !req
312. all of your shirts
from a comic book store.
Copy !req
313. And I'd still be wearing them
Copy !req
314. if they hadn't
mysteriously disappeared.
Copy !req
315. Sheldon,
Copy !req
316. I know you're
not a fan of sports,
Copy !req
317. but it would mean
so much to Leonard to have
Copy !req
318. his father in the stands
supporting him.
Copy !req
319. He knows I love him
Copy !req
320. despite his foolish
and embarrassing hobby.
Copy !req
321. Sheldon, it is not a hobby—
Copy !req
322. End of discussion.
Copy !req
323. Do not tell—
Copy !req
324. End!
Copy !req
325. March your cute behind upstairs
Copy !req
326. and get in that shower.
Copy !req
327. Fine.
Copy !req
328. But that doesn't mean I'm going.
Copy !req
329. It means I value
good hygiene.
Copy !req
330. Hey.
Copy !req
331. Funny meeting you here.
Copy !req
332. Brought George a Lone Star.
Copy !req
333. That's nice,
but they don't drink in heaven.
Copy !req
334. Oh.
Copy !req
335. Then let's not let that
go to waste.
Copy !req
336. How'd you know I was here?
Copy !req
337. Sheldon.
Copy !req
338. Oh. Yeah.
Copy !req
339. I'm worried about him.
Copy !req
340. He's worried
about you.
Copy !req
341. I'm worried about you.
Copy !req
342. Me? I'm doing fine.
Copy !req
343. Jesus is helping me through.
Copy !req
344. I don't question that.
Copy !req
345. But I do question why
you're not spending more time
Copy !req
346. with your son
Copy !req
347. who's leaving in a few days,
Copy !req
348. and your daughter
Copy !req
349. who may be leaving as we speak.
Copy !req
350. She's doing okay.
Copy !req
351. She's not.
You just don't know that
Copy !req
352. 'cause you're spending
all your time praying.
Copy !req
353. I'm praying for them.
Copy !req
354. Mary...
Copy !req
355. they don't need your prayers.
Copy !req
356. They need their mother.
Copy !req
357. And I need to know
Copy !req
358. that their souls are saved.
Copy !req
359. Oh, I should've brought
more beer.
Copy !req
360. I know that I'm not winning
any popularity contests,
Copy !req
361. but I'm gonna do
whatever it takes
Copy !req
362. to make sure that
my kids are safe.
Copy !req
363. In this life and the next.
Copy !req
364. Damn.
Copy !req
365. I really thought
I was gonna bring ya around.
Copy !req
366. I'm on my game today.
Copy !req
367. Sheldon said so.
Copy !req
368. It's so empty.
Copy !req
369. I know you're eager to turn it
into a ballet studio
Copy !req
370. or a gossip parlor
Copy !req
371. or whatever it is
girls your age enjoy.
Copy !req
372. Everything is just
so different lately.
Copy !req
373. Change is terrible.
Copy !req
374. I've been saying it since I no
longer fit in my high chair.
Copy !req
375. We spent a lot of time
together in this room, huh?
Copy !req
376. We did.
Copy !req
377. Oh, good,
you're both here.
Copy !req
378. Sit down.
Copy !req
379. Why?
Copy !req
380. Yeah, why?
Copy !req
381. Sit.
Copy !req
382. Listen, I talked to your mom
about this baptism thing.
Copy !req
383. You got us out of it?
Copy !req
384. No, you need to do it.
Copy !req
385. But it's against
my well-established atheism.
Copy !req
386. It's not
about you.
Copy !req
387. Your mom needs this.
Copy !req
388. You can't make me.
Copy !req
389. You're right, I can't.
Copy !req
390. But I'm watching my daughter
fall apart right now.
Copy !req
391. I'm-I'm just asking
for 20 minutes of your time.
Copy !req
392. Please.
Copy !req
393. Fine.
Copy !req
394. Thank you.
Copy !req
395. It's weird
when they cry.
Copy !req
396. I do not care for it.
Copy !req
397. Okay. This is where
you can get changed
Copy !req
398. into your bathing suits
and robes.
Copy !req
399. Uh, boys there,
girls there.
Copy !req
400. Let's just get
this over with.
Copy !req
401. I want to say again
how sorry I am for your loss.
Copy !req
402. I know your dad
is real proud
Copy !req
403. of you right now.
Our dad's gone.
Copy !req
404. Screw this.
Copy !req
405. Missy, you said
you'd do it.
Copy !req
406. Yeah, well, I changed my mind.
Copy !req
407. I'm going home.
Copy !req
408. I'll give you a minute.
Copy !req
409. Are you gonna go, too?
Copy !req
410. I know you don't believe.
Copy !req
411. I don't.
But I believe in you.
Copy !req
412. Thank you.
Copy !req
413. Okay, now our next baptism
is for Sheldon Lee Cooper,
Copy !req
414. our soon-to-be brother
in Christ.
Copy !req
415. And, personally,
Copy !req
416. this is a big get for me.
Copy !req
417. Sheldon,
Copy !req
418. we're ready for you.
Copy !req
419. What's important
is he's here.
Copy !req
420. Oh, my.
Copy !req
421. What are you doing?
Copy !req
422. You never told me
you were baptized.
Copy !req
423. Yes. And I got a pretty nasty
ear infection for my troubles.
Copy !req
424. And you went through with it
just to please your mother.
Copy !req
425. Well...
Copy !req
426. she may not have understood me
Copy !req
427. or the things I cared about...
Copy !req
428. but she did
everything she could for me.
Copy !req
429. My dad did, too.
Copy !req
430. Hmm.
Copy !req
431. That must've been great,
Copy !req
432. having parents who supported you
despite all your differences.
Copy !req
433. Oh. Yes.
Copy !req
434. Looking back, that was...
Copy !req
435. that was the ultimate gift.
Copy !req
436. Hey.
Copy !req
437. Smartest man in the world.
Copy !req
438. I brought you to the water.
Copy !req
439. Take a freakin' sip.
Copy !req
440. You're drawing a parallel.
Copy !req
441. Yes.
Copy !req
442. I'm not wearing the jersey.
Copy !req
443. But it is cold there.
Copy !req
444. Fine. I'll wear it.
Copy !req
445. And, by the way,
Copy !req
446. your daughter wants
to take acting classes.
Copy !req
447. I told you we never
should've let Penny babysit.
Copy !req
448. Eventually,
my mom sold the house.
Copy !req
449. My dad's chair was gone.
Copy !req
450. My spot was gone.
Copy !req
451. Where we ate together.
Copy !req
452. But I can still remember it
exactly the way it was
Copy !req
453. the day I left for Caltech.
Copy !req
454. Hey.
Copy !req
455. What are you doing?
Copy !req
456. Taking it all in one last time,
Copy !req
457. so I remember it when I'm older.
Copy !req
458. You gonna remember me?
Copy !req
459. I have an eidetic memory.
Copy !req
460. I have no choice.
Copy !req
461. Ha.
Copy !req
462. You lost?
Copy !req
463. No.
Copy !req
464. I'm exactly where
I'm supposed to be.
Copy !req
465. Captioning sponsored by
Copy !req
Copy !req
467. and TOYOTA.
Copy !req