1. Previously on Young Sheldon...
Copy !req
2. So, where should I go?
Copy !req
3. Caltech.
Copy !req
4. I'm so excited to visit MIT.
Copy !req
5. Me, too.
Copy !req
6. Proud of you, son.
Copy !req
7. Thank you, Dad.
Copy !req
8. Caltech?
Copy !req
9. Caltech.
Copy !req
10. I always believed
Copy !req
11. my extraordinary life
Copy !req
12. would be chronicled
Copy !req
13. in numerous biographies.
Copy !req
14. I even used
to make up my own titles.
Copy !req
15. My favorites were:
Copy !req
16. From Texas to Success:
the Sheldon Cooper Journey,
Copy !req
17. and Cooper for Kids,
Copy !req
18. a pre-school introduction to
quantum gravity in superstring.
Copy !req
19. The point is,
Copy !req
20. I knew my formative years
would be well-documented,
Copy !req
21. which meant
I needed to polish up
Copy !req
22. some of my early
academic credentials,
Copy !req
23. especially East Texas Tech.
Copy !req
24. Wh-What am I looking at?
Copy !req
25. My proposal
Copy !req
26. for next semester's curriculum
on string theory.
Copy !req
27. I may be leaving,
but that doesn't mean
Copy !req
28. you can attract
more brilliant minds
Copy !req
29. by staying on the cutting edge.
Copy !req
30. Sheldon,
you are not a professor here.
Copy !req
31. Oh, I know.
If I were to teach,
Copy !req
32. it would be at
a much better university
Copy !req
33. than this one.
Copy !req
34. And, in 54 days, you will
no longer be a student here.
Copy !req
35. Not that I'm counting.
Copy !req
36. True,
we should relish these moments.
Copy !req
37. Oh, I'm relishing.
Copy !req
38. Look at me relish.
Copy !req
39. So,
Copy !req
40. what am I supposed to do
with this?
Copy !req
41. Just because I won't be here
doesn't mean
Copy !req
42. I won't forever be associated
with this university.
Copy !req
43. And it would be nice
if people look at my résumé
Copy !req
44. and said "East Texas Tech,"
not "East Texas Tech."
Copy !req
45. You said those
the exact same way.
Copy !req
46. Really? In my head, the second
one was dripping with scorn.
Copy !req
47. "East Texas Tech."
How was that?
Copy !req
48. Dripping.
Copy !req
49. - Mm.
- Sheldon, I appreciate this,
Copy !req
50. but, uh, we have
an excellent faculty here,
Copy !req
51. and they are quite capable of
Copy !req
52. devising their own curriculum
without your help.
Copy !req
53. I suppose
I could spin East Texas Tech
Copy !req
54. as a hardship I had to overcome,
like a hunchback or a club foot.
Copy !req
55. 54 days.
Copy !req
56. I know.
I'm going to miss this, too.
Copy !req
57. Mm.
Copy !req
58. So, this is
the new physics curriculum
Copy !req
59. I've developed for next year.
Copy !req
60. Introduction to
nonlinear sigma models?
Copy !req
61. That's some pretty
advanced stuff.
Copy !req
62. And that's the point.
Copy !req
63. You know,
Sheldon may be leaving,
Copy !req
64. but we can attract
the next brilliant mind
Copy !req
65. if we stay on the cutting edge.
Copy !req
66. Couldn't agree more.
Copy !req
67. In fact, John,
why don't you take point
Copy !req
68. on that nonlinear class
and I'll teach, uh...
Copy !req
69. Ooh, so much here I've heard of,
Copy !req
70. which one do I pick?
Copy !req
71. All right, if this material is
too challenging for you,
Copy !req
72. maybe I should
rethink my faculty.
Copy !req
73. What are you saying?
Copy !req
74. Well, legally I can't say
that I'm replacing you
Copy !req
75. with someone younger,
so I'm not saying that.
Copy !req
76. Uh, legally.
Copy !req
77. Nice try,
but I have tenure.
Copy !req
78. I don't.
Copy !req
79. Tough luck.
Another thing
Copy !req
80. I'm not saying is
Copy !req
81. that I'm going to put
your office at the top
Copy !req
82. of a flight of
very steep stairs.
Copy !req
83. Okay, that won't
be necessary.
Copy !req
84. We may be out of the
loop on this stuff,
Copy !req
85. but we can catch up.
Copy !req
86. Agreed! We can be up to speed
in two shakes of a lamb's tail.
Copy !req
87. Don't say that,
you sound old.
Copy !req
88. Lickety-split?
Copy !req
89. Better.
Copy !req
90. Lickety-split.
Copy !req
91. Hi.
Copy !req
92. - Oh, come to Nana.
- There you go.
Copy !req
93. Oh, you got so big.
Copy !req
94. I said that to her
when she was pregnant.
Copy !req
95. No bueno.
Copy !req
96. So, uh, what movie
y'all going to see?
Copy !req
97. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.
Copy !req
98. Mandy, you want to see that?
Copy !req
99. I don't care,
I'm gonna be asleep
Copy !req
100. before the lights go down.
Copy !req
101. Well, we are
so happy to babysit.
Copy !req
102. In fact,
if you want to go to dinner
Copy !req
103. after the movie,
that's fine with us.
Copy !req
104. Aw, thanks,
Copy !req
105. but we're trying
to save money.
Copy !req
106. George, give them some money
so they can go to dinner.
Copy !req
107. We're already babysitting
for free.
Copy !req
108. But we never get
to see this little one,
Copy !req
109. because her mean Mommy
and Daddy moved her away.
Copy !req
110. Well, Mommy and Daddy have
their own bathroom now, so...
Copy !req
111. Oh, that's the dream
right there.
Copy !req
112. Alrighty. Bye, baby.
Copy !req
113. - Bye, honey.
- Be good.
Copy !req
114. Oh, she'll be an angel
for Nana and Grampy.
Copy !req
115. Grampy?
Copy !req
116. I didn't sign off on that.
Copy !req
117. Okay, let's go, I want
to get this nap started.
Copy !req
118. See you, Grampy.
Copy !req
119. Grant.
Copy !req
120. I finished reading
Ed Witten's article
Copy !req
121. on the Landau-Ginzburg orbifold.
Copy !req
122. I'm almost done with one
on Planckian scattering.
Copy !req
123. I don't know
why we were so reluctant
Copy !req
124. to dive into these new theories.
Copy !req
125. - Agreed.
- Exciting stuff.
Copy !req
126. - Thrilling.
- So thrilling.
Copy !req
127. A little hard to parse.
Copy !req
128. A bit enigmatic.
Copy !req
129. I had to read the same paragraph
four times.
Copy !req
130. I fell asleep on one paper,
drooled all over it.
Copy !req
131. - Huh.
- Is it possible
Copy !req
132. that we're too old
to learn new things?
Copy !req
133. Nonsense. This would have
been over my head
Copy !req
134. even as a young man.
Copy !req
135. Maybe we just need
someone to explain it to us.
Copy !req
136. Are you talking about Sheldon?
Copy !req
137. I'm sure he'd be happy to help.
Copy !req
138. Oh, that's what I'm afraid of.
Copy !req
139. I don't want to give him
the satisfaction of thinking
Copy !req
140. he's smarter than us.
Copy !req
141. But he is smarter than us.
Copy !req
142. I know that and you know that,
but he can never know that.
Copy !req
143. Okay, how about this?
Copy !req
144. We take
one of these papers,
Copy !req
145. buckle down
and figure it out together.
Copy !req
146. Teamwork, I like it.
Copy !req
147. Oh.
Copy !req
148. Actually,
could you move it a bit closer?
Copy !req
149. That's a little fuzzy.
Copy !req
150. Uh...
Copy !req
151. Now it's fuzzy for me.
Copy !req
152. Put on your cheaters.
Copy !req
153. I forgot them on the bus.
Copy !req
154. I have an extra pair,
would you like them?
Copy !req
155. That would be lovely.
Copy !req
156. Teamwork.
Copy !req
157. Say "Nana."
Copy !req
158. Nana.
Copy !req
159. Na-na.
Copy !req
160. Ain't she a little young
for that, Mare?
Copy !req
161. For the record,
I said my first word
Copy !req
162. at four months.
Copy !req
163. It was "hypotenuse."
Copy !req
164. I asked you to get her bottle,
not yours.
Copy !req
165. Two birds, Mare.
Copy !req
166. Get down here
and feed her with me.
Copy !req
167. Why?
Copy !req
168. 'Cause that's how you bond.
Copy !req
169. All right.
Copy !req
170. You're gonna have
to get me back up.
Copy !req
171. Cheers.
Copy !req
172. I'm home!
Copy !req
173. Oh, no, did Dad fall?
Copy !req
174. No, I'm bonding
with the baby.
Copy !req
175. - Isn't she the cutest?
- Hmm.
Copy !req
176. Want to know what else is cute?
Copy !req
177. - Another piercing right up here.
- No.
Copy !req
178. Why? Heather just got one.
Copy !req
179. I thought
you and Heather were fighting.
Copy !req
180. Yeah,
middle school's complicated.
Copy !req
181. You're not getting
another piercing.
Copy !req
182. It's my ear.
Copy !req
183. We made that ear.
It's our ear.
Copy !req
184. I hate this house.
Copy !req
185. I miss when she couldn't talk.
Copy !req
186. Hi, Sheldon.
Copy !req
187. Hello.
Copy !req
188. I was hoping
I could pick your brain
Copy !req
189. about some of
the latest breakthroughs
Copy !req
190. in string theory.
Copy !req
191. And, uh,
Copy !req
192. maybe we keep this between us.
Copy !req
193. Uh, Dr. Linkletter doesn't
need to know.
Copy !req
194. Grant?
Copy !req
195. John.
Copy !req
196. I can't believe you went
to Sheldon behind my back.
Copy !req
197. You're doing
the same exact thing.
Copy !req
198. Yeah, well, you did it first!
Copy !req
199. In or out?
I don't have all night.
Copy !req
200. Well, thanks so much
for watching her.
Copy !req
201. - Was she any trouble?
- No, not at all.
Copy !req
202. How was your nap?
Copy !req
203. I've had better.
Copy !req
204. A guy talks out of his butt,
I laugh.
Copy !req
205. Dr Pepper came out your nose.
Copy !req
206. Yeah, when words came
out of his butt.
Copy !req
207. Okay.
Copy !req
208. Mare, this is where
you hand the baby back
Copy !req
209. and let them leave.
Copy !req
210. I'm just soaking her up.
Copy !req
211. They don't live in Kansas.
Copy !req
212. You can see 'em
whenever you want.
Copy !req
213. Okay, well,
Copy !req
214. Nana loves you.
Copy !req
215. Nana's the best.
Copy !req
216. Nana.
Copy !req
217. Nana, Nana, Nana.
Copy !req
218. All right, Nana.
Take it down a notch.
Copy !req
219. Okay. Bring her back anytime.
I mean it, anytime.
Copy !req
220. I think they got it.
Copy !req
221. We got it.
Copy !req
222. Bye.
Copy !req
223. That was so nice.
Copy !req
224. Yeah, what a sweet deal.
Copy !req
225. You have a little fun,
then hand her right back.
Copy !req
226. I don't know, I like having
a baby in the house.
Copy !req
227. Yeah, well...
Copy !req
228. You know, Russ at work,
he-he's starting all over
Copy !req
229. with wife number two.
Copy !req
230. You should see him.
Copy !req
231. Looks like a walking corpse.
Copy !req
232. That doesn't sound so bad.
Copy !req
233. Are you serious?
Copy !req
234. Well,
Copy !req
235. Georgie and CeeCee live
across town,
Copy !req
236. Sheldon's about to move
to California.
Copy !req
237. The house is gonna feel empty.
Copy !req
238. Whoa, whoa, it ain't empty yet,
you still got Missy here.
Copy !req
239. Missy doesn't let me hug her
Copy !req
240. That is not true.
Copy !req
241. Missy, get out here
- and hug your mother!
- No!
Copy !req
242. Mm, mm.
Copy !req
243. Booth just opened up.
Copy !req
244. Y'all want to move over?
Copy !req
245. Booth?
We're not on a date.
Copy !req
246. I don't want our knees
rubbing up on each other.
Copy !req
247. Well, excuse me
for wanting to be comfortable.
Copy !req
248. George, you believe this guy?
He wants to sit in a booth.
Copy !req
249. What? Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
250. Come on, Wayne
we're not on a date.
Copy !req
251. I just made that joke.
Copy !req
252. Get your head in the game.
Copy !req
253. Sorry, I...
Copy !req
254. I'm a little distracted.
Copy !req
255. All right,
what's going on?
Copy !req
256. We were babysitting
the granddaughter.
Copy !req
257. I'm worried Mary's got
a little baby fever.
Copy !req
258. You tell her about Russ?
Copy !req
259. 'Course I told her about Russ.
Copy !req
260. Poor bastard.
Shuffling around like a zombie.
Copy !req
261. And Russ is in shape.
Copy !req
262. You can't go around
chasing after a baby.
Copy !req
263. Hey, I'll have you know
I got up off the floor
Copy !req
264. all by myself today.
Copy !req
265. Of course you did.
Copy !req
266. Just because
she's having fun
Copy !req
267. with your grandkid doesn't mean
she wants more babies.
Copy !req
268. I don't know.
Copy !req
269. She's definitely
brought it up before.
Copy !req
270. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
271. There's gonna be a new zombie
in town.
Copy !req
272. Chunky zombie.
Copy !req
273. Hey, it isn't all up to her.
I have a say in this.
Copy !req
274. I'm serious. It...
Copy !req
275. It takes two. Mm.
Copy !req
276. Then be honest with her.
Copy !req
277. Or you don't want another one,
do what I did.
Copy !req
278. I'm not getting a divorce.
Copy !req
279. No, I mean, get a little snip.
Copy !req
280. Never worry about it again.
Copy !req
281. Well, you mean like a...
like a down-there snip?
Copy !req
282. I can't believe
I let you teach Health.
Copy !req
283. Well, Mary'd never go for that.
Copy !req
284. I didn't know you got snipped.
Copy !req
285. That's 'cause my balls are none
of your business.
Copy !req
286. Fair point.
Copy !req
287. If W is the Kaähler metric
on the algebraic variety X,
Copy !req
288. and the canonical bundle KX is
trivial, then X is what?
Copy !req
289. - A Zariski space.
- Wrong.
Copy !req
290. Hey!
Copy !req
291. Obviously,
it's an elliptic curve.
Copy !req
292. Wrong.
Copy !req
293. Hey!
Copy !req
294. Why are you hitting us?
Copy !req
295. - Wrong.
- Ow! Why'd you hit me?
Copy !req
296. Pain is the best teacher.
Copy !req
297. I'm teaching you.
Copy !req
298. Well, it feels like
you're hitting us.
Copy !req
299. Like you, I struggled with
these concepts, but eventually,
Copy !req
300. I mastered them,
through hard work, resilience
Copy !req
301. and a healthy dose
of knuckle whacking.
Copy !req
302. Son, we are accomplished
Copy !req
303. We won't be treated like this.
Copy !req
304. Very well.
Copy !req
305. Class, who knows where
the dummkopf went wrong?
Copy !req
306. Dummkopf?
You're calling me a dummy?
Copy !req
307. There's also public humiliation.
That was quite effective.
Copy !req
308. Are you old dummkopfs ready
to learn,
Copy !req
309. or is it past your bedtime?
Copy !req
310. Oh, I'm good
till at least 7:30.
Copy !req
311. Hey.
Copy !req
312. What you doing?
Copy !req
313. - The twins' first birthday.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
314. Look how little they were.
Copy !req
315. - Well, look how little I was.
- Oh.
Copy !req
316. And Georgie
when he lost his first tooth.
Copy !req
317. When he learned
it was worth a quarter,
Copy !req
318. he tried to pull out
the rest of 'em.
Copy !req
319. Guess he's always
been a businessman.
Copy !req
320. Yeah. And an idiot.
Copy !req
321. Tell me you don't miss
their sweet little faces.
Copy !req
322. Mm. That's why
we took pictures.
Copy !req
323. It's not the same as rocking 'em
to sleep at night.
Copy !req
324. Yeah, 'till they wake
you up at 3:00 a.m.
Copy !req
325. And smelling
their little heads.
Copy !req
326. Really? That's the smell
you remember?
Copy !req
327. Come on. It wasn't that bad.
Copy !req
328. It wasn't, but...
we were younger then.
Copy !req
329. I'm not saying
we should try for another one.
Copy !req
330. - Great.
- I'm just saying,
Copy !req
331. if there was an accident,
it might be a happy accident.
Copy !req
332. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
333. I guess it's in God's hands.
Copy !req
334. I guess it is.
Copy !req
335. Hello. Hey.
Copy !req
336. I'm here about a vasectomy.
Copy !req
337. Actually, our earliest
appointment is in three weeks.
Copy !req
338. - Hmm. That long, huh?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
339. I can't do it.
I cannot do it.
Copy !req
340. Something may have
just opened up.
Copy !req
341. Hello?
Copy !req
342. Hello, Meemaw.
Copy !req
343. Well,
isn't this a nice surprise?
Copy !req
344. You're old.
Can you still learn new things?
Copy !req
345. Want to try that again?
Copy !req
346. I need your help.
Copy !req
347. I'm listening.
Copy !req
348. I'm trying to teach
Copy !req
349. Dr. Linkletter
and Dr. Sturgis string theory,
Copy !req
350. and they're struggling.
Copy !req
351. I'm worried that
their advanced age is a factor.
Copy !req
352. And since you're also...
Copy !req
353. Careful.
Copy !req
354. in the winter of your life...
Copy !req
355. You were saying?
Copy !req
356. And since you're also
a wise and mature woman...
Copy !req
357. Go on.
Copy !req
358. you might have some tips
on how best
Copy !req
359. to educate others
in your peer group.
Copy !req
360. So you want me to help you
teach an old dog new tricks?
Copy !req
361. I feel like if I said that
you would have hung up.
Copy !req
362. Look, it can't be easy for them
Copy !req
363. to be taught
by somebody your age.
Copy !req
364. I think you're just gonna have
Copy !req
365. to be a little understanding
and patient.
Copy !req
366. Patient? They could drop dead
Copy !req
367. at any mome—
Copy !req
368. What?
Copy !req
369. Despite this
challenging exchange,
Copy !req
370. you know I love you.
Copy !req
371. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
372. I can't believe you did it
without telling your wife.
Copy !req
373. I didn't call you for a lecture,
Wayne. I called you for a ride.
Copy !req
374. Which you needed
'cause you had a vasectomy
Copy !req
375. without telling Mary.
Copy !req
376. I only went down there
to ask some questions,
Copy !req
377. and they had an opening.
Copy !req
378. So you said,
"Get in there, start snipping!"
Copy !req
379. I panicked!
Copy !req
380. Mary was looking
at baby pictures.
Copy !req
381. Oh. Well, clearly,
you had no choice.
Copy !req
382. I'm in a lot of pain here,
Wayne. You're not helping.
Copy !req
383. What do you think she's gonna
say when she finds out?
Copy !req
384. - She's not gonna find out.
- You can barely walk.
Copy !req
385. You think she's not
gonna notice?
Copy !req
386. You have any idea
how much sitting I do at home?
Copy !req
387. Oh, I can imagine.
I do work with you.
Copy !req
388. Hey, watch out for that...
Copy !req
389. pothole.
Copy !req
390. Oh, I saw it.
Copy !req
391. 26 dimensions.
Copy !req
392. In what world
are there 26 dimensions?
Copy !req
393. When I was
an undergraduate,
Copy !req
394. we made fun
of the old professors
Copy !req
395. who didn't understand
the theory of mesons.
Copy !req
396. Me, too.
I told my thesis advisor,
Copy !req
397. "I'm surprised you don't
understand the physics of time.
Copy !req
398. You were here
for the dawn of it."
Copy !req
399. And now, we've become them.
Copy !req
400. I wish. My mentor was
a Fields Medal winner,
Copy !req
401. taught at Princeton.
What have I done?
Copy !req
402. You wrote that article
on the positron.
Copy !req
403. I did. I was the belle
of the physics ball that year.
Copy !req
404. And you— you've lectured
all over the world.
Copy !req
405. I can ask for Pepto Bismol
in 16 languages.
Copy !req
406. Póro na écho lígo
Pepto Bismol?
Copy !req
407. That was Greek.
Copy !req
408. Clearly, we're not too old
to learn things.
Copy !req
409. And there's no shame
in needing a little help.
Copy !req
410. - Yeah!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
411. But does it have to be Sheldon?
Copy !req
412. - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
413. My meemaw made me realize
Copy !req
414. that Dr. Linkletter
and Dr. Sturgis' failure
Copy !req
415. to learn string theory
was my failure as a teacher.
Copy !req
416. Perhaps the knuckles
that really needed
Copy !req
417. to be rapped were my own.
Copy !req
418. Ow! Lesson learned.
Copy !req
419. Sheldon,
Copy !req
420. we'd like you to teach us again.
Copy !req
421. Understanding and patience.
Copy !req
422. All right, dummkopfs,
let's do this.
Copy !req
423. You don't do that
Copy !req
424. to all the food, do you?
Copy !req
425. I got hurt at practice.
Copy !req
426. Blow your whistle too hard?
Copy !req
427. Funny.
Copy !req
428. Well, you make it easy.
Copy !req
429. George,
Copy !req
430. what happened?
Copy !req
431. Pulled a muscle at practice.
Copy !req
432. Also, I'm never
eating peas again.
Copy !req
433. Is it your...?
Groin, yeah.
Copy !req
434. Let me run you a warm bath.
I bet that'll help.
Copy !req
435. Oh, I'll be fine. I just need
to sit for a while...
Copy !req
436. and not take a shower
for two to three days.
Copy !req
437. I'll get you some BENGAY.
Copy !req
438. No, no! No.
Copy !req
439. Heating pad?
Copy !req
440. I'm good. Got my peas,
just need to sit.
Copy !req
441. You sure you're okay?
Copy !req
442. Oh, yeah, right as rain.
Copy !req
443. So wait a minute.
Are you saying
Copy !req
444. that the particle
should be understood
Copy !req
445. as a sequence of functions
executed in a manifold?
Copy !req
446. He said it, not me.
Copy !req
447. Actually, that's correct.
Copy !req
448. We were both thinking it.
That's what's important.
Copy !req
449. So that would mean...?
Copy !req
450. Gravity is just the residue
of forces within manifolds?
Copy !req
451. Are you asking me or telling me?
Copy !req
452. Telling?
Copy !req
453. You're right.
Copy !req
454. Oh.
Copy !req
455. I'm going to bed. You coming?
Copy !req
456. Nah, I think
I'm just gonna stay here.
Copy !req
457. You sure you're okay?
Copy !req
458. Yeah, I'll be fine.
Copy !req
459. Look at us. It's 9:00,
I'm exhausted.
Copy !req
460. You got hurt watching other
people exercise.
Copy !req
461. I can't believe I thought
we could handle another baby.
Copy !req
462. Really?
Copy !req
463. Oh. CeeCee's all we need.
Copy !req
464. Well, if that's how you feel,
I support it.
Copy !req
465. Good night.
Copy !req
466. Hey, before you go...
Copy !req
467. could you swap me out?
Copy !req
468. Broccoli or corn?
Copy !req
469. Surprise me.
Copy !req
470. Captioning sponsored by
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Copy !req
472. and TOYOTA.
Copy !req