1. Previously on Young Sheldon...
Copy !req
2. Why was Veronica
Duncan hugging you?
Copy !req
3. I'm tutoring her
in trigonometry.
Copy !req
4. Just between us,
she's a little slow.
Copy !req
5. That's not what I heard.
Copy !req
6. There's nobody
at my house.
Copy !req
7. - You want to come over?
- Yes.
Copy !req
8. - What's that?
- Some stupid haunted house
Copy !req
9. my mother's doing
for the church.
Copy !req
10. Mr. Lundy's scene about lust
Copy !req
11. made a deep impact
on my brother's date.
Copy !req
12. She asked to be saved by Jesus.
Copy !req
13. I don't want to live
like this anymore.
Copy !req
14. And as it turns out, she was.
Copy !req
15. Dear Lord Jesus,
set me free.
Copy !req
16. In Conquest
of the Planet of the Apes,
Copy !req
17. we learned how humans taught
the apes to become civilized,
Copy !req
18. which I think should start
with potty training,
Copy !req
19. but I'm not a screenwriter.
Copy !req
20. Can you help me
with my math homework?
Copy !req
21. No.
Copy !req
22. Please. It's really hard.
Copy !req
23. "It" isn't the problem.
Copy !req
24. Sheldon.
Copy !req
25. Fine, what are you working on?
Copy !req
26. There's a number,
then there's a line,
Copy !req
27. then there's another number
under it.
Copy !req
28. Fractions?
Copy !req
29. Yes, fractions.
Copy !req
30. At that moment,
Copy !req
31. it occurred to me if I could
teach mathematics
Copy !req
32. to someone as dull-witted
as my sister,
Copy !req
33. I could create
a race of superhumans
Copy !req
34. that would do my bidding.
Copy !req
35. And who wouldn't want that?
Copy !req
36. Please, Sheldon.
Copy !req
37. You know what, Missy?
I'd be happy to help you.
Copy !req
38. Thank you.
Copy !req
39. Try thinking of it this way:
imagine a pie.
Copy !req
40. The number on the bottom
of the fraction
Copy !req
41. is how many pieces the pie
has been sliced into.
Copy !req
42. What kind of pie is it?
Copy !req
43. Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
44. But it would help me picture it
Copy !req
45. if I knew the kind of pie.
Copy !req
46. Fine, it's banana cream.
Copy !req
47. I don't like banana cream.
Copy !req
48. Okay, what kind of pie
would you like it to be?
Copy !req
49. What about those little
apple pies from McDonalds?
Copy !req
50. - Sure.
- I burned my mouth on one of those.
Copy !req
51. Didn't stop me. I still ate it.
Copy !req
52. Veronica. Hi.
Copy !req
53. Hey, Georgie.
Copy !req
54. You—you changed your hair.
Copy !req
55. I did.
Copy !req
56. It's shorter.
Copy !req
57. It is.
Copy !req
58. I like it.
Copy !req
59. Thank—thanks.
Copy !req
60. You here to see me?
Copy !req
61. I—I'm here for your mom's
Bible study.
Copy !req
62. Oh, sure, of course.
Copy !req
63. I'm glad you could join us.
Copy !req
64. Come in, won't you?
Copy !req
65. You're part of the group, too?
Copy !req
66. Faith, the Bible, God,
I'm nuts for that stuff.
Copy !req
67. So one fourth
of the 12 pieces of pie is...?
Copy !req
68. Three?
Copy !req
69. Yes.
Copy !req
70. And one third
of the 12 pieces is...?
Copy !req
71. Four?
Copy !req
72. Yes. Now how much is one-third
of the pie plus
Copy !req
73. one-fourth of the pie?
Copy !req
74. Well, three plus four is seven,
but there's 12 pieces,
Copy !req
75. so seven-twelve-iths.
Copy !req
76. It's twelfths. And yes.
Copy !req
77. I did it.
Copy !req
78. Actually, I did it.
Copy !req
79. In less than ten minutes,
I taught fractions to a monkey.
Copy !req
80. Welcome, Veronica.
We're so glad to have you.
Copy !req
81. What are you doing?
Copy !req
82. What's it look like?
I'm here for Bible study.
Copy !req
83. Did you just take a shower?
Copy !req
84. No.
Copy !req
85. You did, too.
Copy !req
86. So I want to be clean for Jesus.
Get off my back.
Copy !req
87. Interesting.
Copy !req
88. Georgie, if you want
to be a good Christian,
Copy !req
89. maybe you should stop
lying through your teeth.
Copy !req
90. Just be happy
I brushed them, okay?
Copy !req
91. - Hmm...
- Okay.
Copy !req
92. All done. Thanks.
Copy !req
93. While we're here,
would you like me
Copy !req
94. to introduce you to algebra?
Copy !req
95. Al who?
Copy !req
96. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
97. It's not a person,
it's an ancient Arabic method
Copy !req
98. of finding the value
of variables.
Copy !req
99. Oh. Nah.
Copy !req
100. Clearly, I needed
a more sophisticated technique
Copy !req
101. to motivate my simian sister.
Copy !req
102. Are you sure?
Copy !req
103. If you learn a little algebra,
I'll give you a banana.
Copy !req
104. All right, now we're reading
from Matthew 4.
Copy !req
105. Georgie, why don't you get
us started on verse 17?
Copy !req
106. - Me?
- Yes, you.
Copy !req
107. Oh. Okay.
Copy !req
108. Um... Verse 17...
Copy !req
109. Verse 17...
Copy !req
110. Give me a minute.
Copy !req
111. Here.
Copy !req
112. Bless you.
Copy !req
113. Okay, here we go.
"From that time,
Copy !req
114. Jesus began to preach
and say 'Repent,
Copy !req
115. change your inner self,
your old way of thinking,
Copy !req
116. regret past sins,
Copy !req
117. live your life in a way
that proves repentance:
Copy !req
118. Seek God's purpose
for your life."
Copy !req
119. Powerful stuff.
Copy !req
120. Can I get an amen?
Copy !req
121. Amen.
Copy !req
122. Amen.
Copy !req
123. Need any help there, Sheldon?
I'm looking
Copy !req
124. for some books
on education theory.
Copy !req
125. - What for?
- I'm trying
Copy !req
126. to develop a technique
to teach someone
Copy !req
127. who falls into the conventional
category of "stupid."
Copy !req
128. Oh. Well, now, there's a wide
range of stupid.
Copy !req
129. Can you narrow it down?
Copy !req
130. She wrote a fan letter to Alf.
Copy !req
131. Got it. So you're looking
to make a pretty radical change.
Copy !req
132. Well, ideally, I'd like to wipe
my sister's brain clean
Copy !req
133. and start over,
but my mom wouldn't like that.
Copy !req
134. Yeah. Moms are no fun.
Copy !req
135. Hey, Veronica.
Copy !req
136. - Georgie.
- So, listen,
Copy !req
137. I was doing my prayers
last night and, uh,
Copy !req
138. you won't believe it,
but I think God spoke to me.
Copy !req
139. Really? What did he say?
Copy !req
140. Well, I couldn't
Copy !req
141. all of it, 'cause it was
in an ancient language,
Copy !req
142. but the part I did understand
Copy !req
143. is he wants us to spend
more time together.
Copy !req
144. Doing what?
Copy !req
145. Oh, you know, praying,
helping the needy.
Copy !req
146. Your usual Christian activities.
Copy !req
147. Well, I'm okay with that.
Copy !req
148. Good. So you, me and God,
we'll hang out.
Copy !req
149. Sounds good.
Copy !req
150. Okay. See you later.
Copy !req
151. See you.
Copy !req
152. I may be going to hell.
Copy !req
153. So you're hoping
to create an army
Copy !req
154. of super-intelligent children
who will do your bidding?
Copy !req
155. In a perfect world, yes.
Copy !req
156. You should spend more time
with my mother.
Copy !req
157. That's her goal, too.
Copy !req
158. Ooh, this is interesting.
Copy !req
159. According to Socrates,
all knowledge exists
Copy !req
160. within the student
and just needs to be drawn out
Copy !req
161. through skillful questioning.
Copy !req
162. Are you saying I knew that
before you even said it?
Copy !req
163. - I don't know, did you?
- Well, according
Copy !req
164. to Socrates, you do know
and the answer's inside you.
Copy !req
165. Well, then, ask me a skillful
question to draw it out.
Copy !req
166. Do you know
if I knew before I knew?
Copy !req
167. No.
Copy !req
168. Hey, it works.
Copy !req
169. It does.
Copy !req
170. I'm recording my findings
Copy !req
171. so that future generations
of mankind can understand
Copy !req
172. the steps I took to create
homo novus, "new man."
Copy !req
173. Of course, there's a strong
likelihood that my homo novi
Copy !req
174. might've wiped out
all future generations,
Copy !req
175. so I have no idea
who's watching this.
Copy !req
176. What are you doing in here?
Copy !req
177. I'm keeping a video diary of my
experiment to create homo novus.
Copy !req
178. Homo what?
Copy !req
179. Novus. It's Latin.
It means "new man."
Copy !req
180. Oh. I guess that's okay.
Copy !req
181. Y—Your mom's at church.
W—What do you want for dinner?
Copy !req
182. I believe you know
what I want for dinner.
Copy !req
183. Is that right?
Copy !req
184. It's Thursday.
Copy !req
185. What does Mom always make me
on Thursdays?
Copy !req
186. Spaghetti and hot dogs?
Copy !req
187. Socrates. Got to love him.
Copy !req
188. And now, why don't
we take a moment to pray,
Copy !req
189. keeping in mind
that our prayers
Copy !req
190. should not be
for our own benefit,
Copy !req
191. but for our family, friends,
Copy !req
192. fellow Texans, Americans
of all races and religions
Copy !req
193. and the world.
Copy !req
194. Well, most of the world.
Copy !req
195. Y'all know what countries
to pick.
Copy !req
196. Lord,
please look after my family.
Copy !req
197. Give them everything they need
to be happy and healthy.
Copy !req
198. And this lovely young girl
with me tonight,
Copy !req
199. help her stay on the path
of righteousness.
Copy !req
200. God,
please look after my sister.
Copy !req
201. You can find her at the women's
correctional facility
Copy !req
202. in Lubbock.
Copy !req
203. Help her seek salvation in you
Copy !req
204. instead of cocaine, marijuana
and bass players.
Copy !req
205. Jesus, I'm sure,
even from Heaven, you can see
Copy !req
206. how hot the girl
sitting next to me is.
Copy !req
207. And I know I'm not supposed
to pray for myself,
Copy !req
208. but here's the deal:
If you can get her
Copy !req
209. to fall in love with me,
and, you know,
Copy !req
210. make some bad decisions,
Copy !req
211. I swear I'll come to church
every Sunday.
Copy !req
212. And thank you
for bringing Georgie tonight,
Copy !req
213. even though you and I
both know why he came.
Copy !req
214. Speaking of which, whatever
he's praying for right now,
Copy !req
215. ignore it.
Copy !req
216. And please protect me
from impure thoughts,
Copy !req
217. and teach me to respect
the sanctity of my body.
Copy !req
218. Now if, for instance,
she and I were to go skinny dipping
Copy !req
219. and one thing
were to lead to another
Copy !req
220. under the moonlit sky,
get this:
Copy !req
221. Not only do I become
a devout Christian,
Copy !req
222. I will also bug everybody
I meet to do the same.
Copy !req
223. And you know
I can be real annoying
Copy !req
224. when I set my mind to it.
Copy !req
225. Amen.
Copy !req
226. Amen.
Copy !req
227. I'm gonna take
your silence as a yes. Amen.
Copy !req
228. What are you working on?
Copy !req
229. A list of possible boyfriends
for my Cabbage Patch doll.
Copy !req
230. How do you think Celeste would
look next to Joey Lawrence?
Copy !req
231. I don't know who that is.
Copy !req
232. He's Blossom's brother.
Copy !req
233. I don't know who that is.
Copy !req
234. It's a show. She wears hats.
Copy !req
235. Anyway, I've been
doing some research,
Copy !req
236. and I've come to the conclusion
that I don't need
Copy !req
237. to teach you anything.
Copy !req
238. You already know everything.
Copy !req
239. Cool.
Copy !req
240. Your brain already
contains all the math
Copy !req
241. that will ever be known.
Copy !req
242. I heard you and I said, "Cool."
Copy !req
243. Well, wouldn't you
like to explore
Copy !req
244. that great treasure
trove of knowledge?
Copy !req
245. That depends. What's a trove?
Copy !req
246. We'll circle back to that.
True or false?
Copy !req
247. At times, you have referred
to yourself as being dumb.
Copy !req
248. True.
Copy !req
249. And do you enjoy
feeling that way?
Copy !req
250. No.
Copy !req
251. Well, let me change that.
Copy !req
252. I'm presenting you
with an opportunity
Copy !req
253. to achieve the full potential
of your mind.
Copy !req
254. Are you gonna do some experiment
where we switch brains?
Copy !req
255. No.
Copy !req
256. 'Cause I've seen it
on Gilligan's Island
Copy !req
257. and I've seen it
on The Flintstones
Copy !req
258. and it never goes well.
Copy !req
259. Ooh. Gilligan.
Copy !req
260. Oh, who do you think
you're fooling here?
Copy !req
261. I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
262. Listen to me. Veronica
has a rough family situation,
Copy !req
263. and she's trying
to improve her life.
Copy !req
264. And I admire that.
Very inspirational.
Copy !req
265. Georgie, believe me,
I'm glad to see you in a church,
Copy !req
266. but I do not want you
taking advantage of that girl.
Copy !req
267. Taking advantage? Veronica and I
are Bible buddies, nothing more.
Copy !req
268. - I'm serious.
- Right.
Copy !req
269. Maybe you should ask yourself
what's in you
Copy !req
270. that makes you see sin
in the hearts of others.
Copy !req
271. Okay, now you're pushing it.
Copy !req
272. Lord Jesus, please help
my mother with her anger.
Copy !req
273. - Can I get an amen?
- No.
Copy !req
274. Why do we need the camera?
Copy !req
275. So people in the future
can see your transformation.
Copy !req
276. Where are you going?
Copy !req
277. To put on a dress
for the future people.
Copy !req
278. Hello, people of the future.
Copy !req
279. My name is Missy Cooper
and this is my best friend Celeste.
Copy !req
280. She's dating Joey Lawrence.
Copy !req
281. You want to hang out Saturday?
Copy !req
282. Can't. I signed up
to get baptized.
Copy !req
283. Oh, yeah. I've been
meaning to do that.
Copy !req
284. Well, why don't you join me?
We could do it together.
Copy !req
285. Sure. You and me,
getting double dunked. I like it.
Copy !req
286. Can you imagine afterwards?
Copy !req
287. All of our sins
will be washed away.
Copy !req
288. Yeah, and we can start
cranking out fresh ones.
Copy !req
289. I just don't know
where I went wrong.
Copy !req
290. Are you sure your questioning
was skillful?
Copy !req
291. I thought so, but after
two hours of interrogation,
Copy !req
292. all I could extract
from my sister's brain
Copy !req
293. was that there was some sort
of block with new kids on it.
Copy !req
294. Sheldon, how's your
educational project going?
Copy !req
295. Poorly. I've hit a wall.
Copy !req
296. Have you considered B.F.
Skinner's behavior modification?
Copy !req
297. - What's that?
- It uses punishment
Copy !req
298. and reward to get
the results you want.
Copy !req
299. Ooh, punishment.
I like the sound of that.
Copy !req
300. In the right context, so do I.
Copy !req
301. I took a real beating
at the craps table,
Copy !req
302. and then I won it all back
playing Caribbean Stud Poker.
Copy !req
303. Well, how does
Caribbean Stud Poker work?
Copy !req
304. I have no idea.
I was drunk off my ass.
Copy !req
305. Way to go, Mom.
Copy !req
306. Way to lead a Christian life.
Copy !req
307. Oh, does my daughter
think poorly of me?
Copy !req
308. - Yes.
- Good.
Copy !req
309. I can die happy.
Copy !req
310. Hey, Mom, just a heads-up.
I'm getting baptized tomorrow.
Copy !req
311. Good Lord.
Copy !req
312. That boy's randiness
knows no bounds.
Copy !req
313. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
314. He's only doing it
'cause of that Veronica girl.
Copy !req
315. Oh, sure. That makes sense.
Copy !req
316. What do you mean,
it makes sense?
Copy !req
317. When I was his age,
I hitchhiked to Florida
Copy !req
318. 'cause I had a friend
that had a girlfriend
Copy !req
319. who knew a girl
who might be willing.
Copy !req
320. But then you met my daughter
and you didn't have
Copy !req
321. to travel so far.
Copy !req
322. According to B.F. Skinner,
Copy !req
323. if I can find the appropriate
punishment to motivate Missy,
Copy !req
324. there's no limit to what
she might be able to learn.
Copy !req
325. But what might
that punishment be?
Copy !req
326. Whip her with a rubber hose?
Copy !req
327. No. That sounds like a recipe
for tendonitis.
Copy !req
328. Administer small
electric shocks?
Copy !req
329. Tricky.
Copy !req
330. If I get the voltage wrong,
I could spend the rest of my life
Copy !req
331. in an institution
for the criminally insane.
Copy !req
332. Or I inflict harm
Copy !req
333. on the object she loves
more than life itself.
Copy !req
334. Celeste, you're about to become
part of scientific history.
Copy !req
335. All right, everybody,
welcome to the 1990
Copy !req
336. East Texas Baptist Olympics.
Copy !req
337. 'Cause we're in the pool
of water.
Copy !req
338. Anyway, I want to welcome
Copy !req
339. our little sister
Veronica Duncan,
Copy !req
340. who I will be dunkin'.
Copy !req
341. Sorry.
Copy !req
342. I can't turn it off.
And I also want to welcome
Copy !req
343. George Cooper,
who has recently found
Copy !req
344. his way to the Lord.
Copy !req
345. Howdy. Praise Jesus.
Copy !req
346. Are you ready to learn
some advanced calculus?
Copy !req
347. Nope.
Copy !req
348. Be right back.
Copy !req
349. Take your time.
Copy !req
350. Veronica, do you trust
in Jesus Christ
Copy !req
351. as your personal
Lord and savior?
Copy !req
352. I do.
Copy !req
353. It's upon your
profession of faith
Copy !req
354. that I baptize you, my sister,
Copy !req
355. in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Copy !req
356. Dang.
Copy !req
357. All right,
let's try this again.
Copy !req
358. Would you be ready to learn
some advanced calculus
Copy !req
359. if it saved Celeste's pigtails?
Copy !req
360. What are you doing?
Put her down.
Copy !req
361. Not until I modify
your behavior.
Copy !req
362. In the name of the Father, Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Copy !req
363. Sheldon, I'm warning you.
Copy !req
364. Hallelujah!
Copy !req
365. We did it!
Copy !req
366. Ooh, I'm so happy.
Copy !req
367. I love you.
Copy !req
368. Is it working?
Are you feeling motivated?
Copy !req
369. Very.
Copy !req
370. Care to explain yourself?
Copy !req
371. I was trying
to motivate Missy
Copy !req
372. to expand her
intellectual horizons.
Copy !req
373. By torturing
her Cabbage Patch doll?
Copy !req
374. Well, it's not like I shocked
her with electrodes,
Copy !req
375. - which was an option.
- Enough.
Copy !req
376. To be clear, I meant
to shock Missy, not the doll.
Copy !req
377. - That would be ineffective.
- Enough!
Copy !req
378. And you.
Copy !req
379. Getting baptized just to kiss a girl?
What were you thinking?
Copy !req
380. Sounds like you know
what I was thinking.
Copy !req
381. Well, you are both grounded.
Copy !req
382. Dear Alf,
I'm your number one fan.
Copy !req
383. I like you because you're
an alien but you're funny,
Copy !req
384. unlike my brother,
who's an alien but just a jerk.
Copy !req
385. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying
your time here on our planet
Copy !req
386. and have found things to eat
other than cats.
Copy !req
387. I recommend chicken nuggets.
Copy !req
388. Sincerely, Missy Cooper,
age ten.
Copy !req
389. P.S. My favorite color
is pink. What's yours?
Copy !req
390. Ha. What a cutie pie.
Copy !req
391. Hey, hey, Barbara, we got
any more of those pink T-shirts
Copy !req
392. with my face on them?
Copy !req
393. I want to send one
to this Missy Cooper kid.
Copy !req
394. Oh, oh, and get me
some chicken nuggets, huh?
Copy !req
395. Hello? Anybody out there?
Copy !req
396. Apparently not.
Copy !req
397. Barb!
Copy !req