1. Previously onX-Men...
Copy !req
2. My psychic abilities
have discovered a creature
with more power
Copy !req
3. than even
you can imagine!
Copy !req
4. Do tell.
Copy !req
5. They call her
the Phoenix.
Copy !req
6. She was the guardian
of the fantastically
powerful M'Kraan Crystal.
Copy !req
7. The Phoenix flew with
the crystal into
the burning heart of the sun!
Copy !req
8. The Phoenix
destroyed herself?
Copy !req
9. No! It lived!
Copy !req
10. After depositing the crystal
in the sun, this primal force
returned to Earth.
Copy !req
11. Phoenix, why do you
still inhabit Jean's body?
Your work is done.
Copy !req
12. You do her harm
by remaining!
Copy !req
13. The Phoenix
could be the source
of limitless power!
Copy !req
14. Tradition demands that
such power be wielded by us,
the Inner Circle.
Copy !req
15. She's asleep.
I'm in her mind.
Copy !req
16. You may now enter.
Copy !req
17. And once
I'm in her mind,
Copy !req
18. I can use my power
of illusion to create
whatever reality I choose.
Copy !req
19. No! Jean!
Copy !req
20. Not Jean.
I am Phoenix!
Copy !req
21. Good work,
my love.
Copy !req
22. Thank you, my husband!
Copy !req
23. Xavier to Cyclops.
Do you read? Over.
Come in. Over.
Copy !req
24. His communicator
must be down.
Copy !req
25. Scott.
Copy !req
26. Respond
if you sense my presence.
Copy !req
27. Who would know
how to block
my psychic probe?
Copy !req
28. Cerebro, help me
break through.
Copy !req
29. Cerebro, why can we
not contact the X-Men?
Copy !req
30. Dual barriers,
one human, one electronic.
Copy !req
31. Together they are confusing,
Copy !req
32. Keep probing.
I need a moment's rest.
Copy !req
33. All right, Shaw.
You have them.
Copy !req
34. Now what are
we going to
do with them?
Copy !req
35. Whatever you like, Leland.
Copy !req
36. You doubted my work.
Admit it,
you were wrong.
Copy !req
37. I admit nothing!
Copy !req
38. Why not just dispose of them
and be done with it?
Copy !req
39. The mighty X-Men?
Are you mad?
Copy !req
40. They'll make nice lab rats,
don't you think?
Copy !req
41. Xavier has been trying
to contact
the X-Men psychically.
Copy !req
42. I blocked the probe,
but I don't know
how long I can hold it off.
Copy !req
43. If your power fails us,
Copy !req
44. we can give the job
to someone else.
Jean, my dear.
Copy !req
45. Or should I say,
Copy !req
46. Get away from her!
Copy !req
47. You cannot escape.
Nor can you hope
to be rescued.
Copy !req
48. The Circle Club is
an impregnable fortress.
Copy !req
49. You X-Men
were allowed to enter,
Copy !req
50. so that I could have
the pleasure
of introducing you
Copy !req
51. to the Inner Circle's
newest member.
Copy !req
52. Jean?
Copy !req
53. No one
could have lived through
a fall like this.
Copy !req
54. Shaw said
to bring back the body.
Copy !req
55. Yeah.
Copy !req
56. Well, come on.
Let's find
an easier way down.
Copy !req
57. Can you see anything?
Copy !req
58. I don't want to have
to go swimming
around in there.
Copy !req
59. What was that?
Copy !req
60. Guess you found the body.
Go on in!
The water's fine.
Copy !req
61. I know what
you're thinking, punk.
Copy !req
62. Question is,
"Can I get Wolverine
Copy !req
63. before he turns me
into shish kebab
with those claws?"
Copy !req
64. Well, bub, seeing as how
these claws are adamantium,
Copy !req
65. the strongest metal known,
Copy !req
66. and can slice through
vanadium steel
Copy !req
67. like a hot knife
through butter, buddy,
Copy !req
68. you got to ask yourself,
"Do I feel lucky?"
Copy !req
69. Now where are the other X-Men?
And you better have an answer.
Copy !req
70. We appear to be at
the mercy of our hosts.
Copy !req
71. Your power and beauty
are awe-inspiring.
Copy !req
72. Look at him,
sniffing after her
like a mongrel dog!
Copy !req
73. Don't worry, my love.
I can control him, too.
Copy !req
74. Why don't you
freshen up in here,
while I order dinner?
Copy !req
75. You say
she loves you, Wyngarde.
Copy !req
76. Is that real,
or just another
Copy !req
77. Jealous, Shaw?
Copy !req
78. Of you and your cheap tricks?
Copy !req
79. Would you two geniuses
think for a second?
Copy !req
80. We can't deceive
and control
the Phoenix forever.
Copy !req
81. Some day she'll discover
the truth, and turn
against the Inner Circle.
Copy !req
82. You worry too much,
Ms. Frost.
Copy !req
83. You saw how easily
she became one of us.
Copy !req
84. Something inside her
hungers for new sensations,
yearns to feel.
Copy !req
85. I've introduced her
to dark emotions
she had never dreamed of!
Copy !req
86. She wants more!
Copy !req
87. And you're sure
we can control that power?
Copy !req
88. I can.
Copy !req
89. We'll see.
Copy !req
90. Bring her back in.
Copy !req
91. Order dinner.
Copy !req
92. Where's my
Chateau Calamari '59?
Copy !req
93. Finally!
Copy !req
94. Lousy year.
Copy !req
95. Turkey!
Copy !req
96. Where do these guys
do their shopping?
Copy !req
97. Don't move, mutant,
or I'll blast!
Copy !req
98. Now to find the fat slob
who dunked me!
Copy !req
99. Uh-oh!
Copy !req
100. Here! Go play
pick-up sticks!
Copy !req
101. To our new queen!
Copy !req
102. Our new queen!
Copy !req
103. Jean. Jean.
Copy !req
104. Thank you.
Copy !req
105. Wyngarde! Quickly!
Engage her mind!
Copy !req
106. Jean. Jean.
Copy !req
107. Can this dark place
be your mind?
Copy !req
108. I thought it was time
we ended our
little game, Mr. Summers.
Copy !req
109. A duel!
No quarter asked,
none given!
Copy !req
110. My eyes!
What happened to my power?
Copy !req
111. Your mutant powers
won't work here.
Copy !req
112. You're in
my world now.
Copy !req
113. A mental arena
of my creating.
Inside Jean's mind.
Copy !req
114. Jean, talk to me!
Copy !req
115. What is this?
Copy !req
116. My world, my rules,
my choice of weapons.
Copy !req
117. Peasant!
Copy !req
118. You can't fight
a whole world,
Copy !req
119. you pathetic
little ex-X-Man.
Copy !req
120. Don't go so soon.
It's very rude.
Copy !req
121. Stop your illusions
and fight like a man!
Copy !req
122. It's not me
that's doing it,
you blind fool!
Copy !req
123. Jean's own mind
is helping me
to destroy you.
Copy !req
124. No, I don't believe it!
Copy !req
125. You did this to her!
Copy !req
126. Wyngarde!
Copy !req
127. Jean, I've come
to free you!
Copy !req
128. I've already been freed.
Copy !req
129. Set free from the constraints
of sympathy and morality
Copy !req
130. that bind ordinary
human beings.
Copy !req
131. The Phoenix force
inside me
aches for sensation.
Copy !req
132. Jason Wyngarde
has shown us the way.
Copy !req
133. Can't you see it
all around you?
Copy !req
134. There's only darkness.
Copy !req
135. This is not your mind!
Wyngarde is deceiving you!
Copy !req
136. The dark joy of destruction!
Copy !req
137. The end of Scott Summers!
Copy !req
138. What?
Copy !req
139. No!
Copy !req
140. My friend,
what's wrong?
Copy !req
141. Scott!
Copy !req
142. Is he alive?
Copy !req
143. When the mind
is destroyed,
the body cannot live.
Copy !req
144. As my loving new bride
has helped to demonstrate.
Copy !req
145. Yes, my queen.
Copy !req
146. You are everything
I had hoped you to be.
Copy !req
147. Cyclops lives!
Copy !req
148. How could he have
survived the shock
Copy !req
149. of the destruction
of his psychic image?
Copy !req
150. I must know!
Copy !req
151. He's still
psychically connected
to Jean Grey!
Copy !req
152. That's why he lives!
Copy !req
153. So, Wyngarde, your powers
over our guest
are less than absolute.
Copy !req
154. They are sufficient.
Test them,
if you doubt me.
Copy !req
155. Agreed.
Copy !req
156. I offer you the pleasure
of annihilating
this useless X-Man.
Copy !req
157. Do not do it!
Copy !req
158. I don't want...
Copy !req
159. For me...
Copy !req
160. Correction.
For the Inner Circle.
Copy !req
161. For new sensations,
my love.
Copy !req
162. For this new sensation,
the rapture of destruction,
Copy !req
163. for the pleasure
of the Phoenix!
The unbound joy of evil!
Copy !req
164. Leland!
You unmitigated fool!
Copy !req
165. You swore to me
that Wolverine had drowned.
Copy !req
166. Here's Johnny!
Copy !req
167. Stop him! Now!
Copy !req
168. Get up, Wolverine!
Copy !req
169. You see, Sebastian.
Copy !req
170. Our new queen is more
powerful than the rest of
the Inner Circle combined!
Copy !req
171. And I control her.
Copy !req
172. Will you yield your place
as chairman
or do I have to take it?
Copy !req
173. Don't make me laugh.
Copy !req
174. The Inner Circle will never
follow a mutant
Copy !req
175. whose only power
is circus trickery!
Copy !req
176. You've called me a fool
once too often.
Copy !req
177. Pierce?
Copy !req
178. What Wyngarde says
about our new
queen's power is true.
Copy !req
179. Will you turn against
me, too, Emma?
Copy !req
180. You wanted a new queen.
Now you have her.
Copy !req
181. You think you people
can get away with this?
Copy !req
182. I'll destroy
you all!
Copy !req
183. Wolverine, you're supposed
to be resting.
Copy !req
184. Even you can't
heal this fast.
Copy !req
185. Don't bet on it, Redd.
Copy !req
186. Sabretooth
nearly killed you.
Copy !req
187. Someday I'll learn
not to let my guard down.
Copy !req
188. Oh, no!
Copy !req
189. Jean?
Copy !req
190. I've got to go.
Copy !req
191. Cyclops
is waiting for me.
Copy !req
192. So am I.
Copy !req
193. Oh, no!
Copy !req
194. Logan!
Copy !req
195. What have I done?
Copy !req
196. What have I let
the Phoenix do to Scott?
Copy !req
197. My queen,
I have a more important
job for you.
Copy !req
198. Destroy Sebastian Shaw!
Copy !req
199. Now wait a minute!
Copy !req
200. Wyngarde, you've lost
your hold over her!
Copy !req
201. No, I couldn't have!
Copy !req
202. No one can control
the power of the Phoenix.
Copy !req
203. Jean, it's you.
Copy !req
204. Talk to me! Help me!
Copy !req
205. I tire
of your squabbling.
Amuse yourselves.
Copy !req
206. I need no help from a woman
to destroy the X-Men.
Copy !req
207. I can absorb
all their powers.
Go ahead. Try it.
Copy !req
208. Thanks, mon ami.
Leave the others
to Gambit.
Copy !req
209. I'll hang on
to this one.
Copy !req
210. She play rough!
Copy !req
211. You're half bronco!
Copy !req
212. Stop them!
Copy !req
213. What in the world?
Copy !req
214. I'll get my queen.
I can still control her.
Copy !req
215. Winds, rise and sweep
the thorns from our path!
Copy !req
216. People, mop up in here.
I have to find Jean.
Copy !req
217. Forgive me, Mr. Shaw,
for dropping in uninvited.
Copy !req
218. There's the fat pig
who dumped me in the sewer.
Copy !req
219. Let's dance.
Copy !req
220. Keep away! Uh-oh!
Copy !req
221. Stop it!
Copy !req
222. You cannot absorb
what is not
focused upon you.
Copy !req
223. Clever, but ineffective.
Copy !req
224. My mutant power absorbs
the energy you use against me.
Copy !req
225. The Inner Circle is
not so easily defeated!
Copy !req
226. Ice, snow,
vent your fury!
Copy !req
227. You can't do this to me!
Copy !req
228. Get out of my way!
Copy !req
229. Jean?
Jean, where are you?
Copy !req
230. Lowlifes, pretenders!
I'll show you!
Copy !req
231. No one can defeat
Sebastian Shaw.
Copy !req
232. You couldn't manage
a heat wave,
by any chance?
Copy !req
233. Thanks for
the hand, sugar!
Copy !req
234. I bet these cybernetic things
cost an arm and a leg.
Copy !req
235. This way!
Copy !req
236. We've lost because of
Wyngarde's incompetence!
Copy !req
237. But the Inner Circle lives.
We will get our revenge.
Copy !req
238. Look like
the hotshot Inner Circle
high-tailed it out of here.
Copy !req
239. But where's Jean
and Cyclops?
Copy !req
240. My dearest, you have
succumbed to your nightmare
again, my darling.
Copy !req
241. But fear not.
Copy !req
242. I have come to rescue you,
to take you back
to your real life.
Copy !req
243. To our life together.
Copy !req
244. Your pathetic attempt
to use me
has opened my eyes!
Copy !req
245. No! Please!
I cared for you! I...
Copy !req
246. You had me do evil
to gain you power.
Copy !req
247. But through this body,
I felt the thrill
of that evil.
Copy !req
248. Now I thirst for more!
Copy !req
249. I am too powerful
for your illusions.
Copy !req
250. Let the world see
how truly ugly you are.
Copy !req
251. Would you like to
see me as I truly am,
Copy !req
252. my love?
Copy !req
253. Jean? Jean?
Copy !req
254. The mortal Jean Grey
is no more.
Copy !req
255. I am fire made flesh!
Copy !req
256. Power incarnate!
Copy !req
257. I am the Dark Phoenix!
Copy !req
258. Jean? No!
Copy !req