1. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
2. Anhydrous hydrazine.
Copy !req
3. Ammonium nitrate.
Copy !req
4. Nitromethane.
Copy !req
5. Nitromethane.
Copy !req
6. Ammonium nitrate.
Copy !req
7. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
8. Shit.
Copy !req
9. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
10. Come on, man.
We gotta go.
Copy !req
11. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
12. theme music plays
Copy !req
13. Defense calls
FBI Supervisory
Copy !req
14. Special Agent Gary Noesner
to the stand.
Copy !req
15. As the lead negotiator
for the FBI,
Copy !req
16. how many hours
did you spend
Copy !req
17. on the phone
with the Davidians?
Copy !req
18. Uh, it's hard to say,
definitively. Hundreds.
Copy !req
19. Seems like you got
to know them pretty well then.
Copy !req
20. I guess so.
Copy !req
21. Well enough to get
some of them to come out.
Copy !req
22. Yes.
Copy !req
23. Uh, 35 people came out
during the siege
Copy !req
24. including 21 children.
Copy !req
25. How did you do that?
Copy !req
26. Get so many people out?
Copy !req
27. You build trust over time.
Copy !req
28. You start small,
you give them something,
Copy !req
29. in return they give something.
Copy !req
30. You compromise.
Copy !req
31. Trust.
Copy !req
32. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
33. Was it difficult
to build that trust
Copy !req
34. when other members of your team
Copy !req
35. were cutting the power
to the Davidians' home,
Copy !req
36. or rolling tanks
over their cars,
Copy !req
37. or using sleep
deprivation techniques,
Copy !req
38. like, uh, blasting floodlights
or music throughout the night?
Copy !req
39. Yeah, my team,
the negotiation team,
Copy !req
40. worked in conjunction
with the tactical team, HRT.
Copy !req
41. And although our efforts
were coordinated,
Copy !req
42. sometimes we took
different approaches.
Copy !req
43. And that relationship with HRT,
Copy !req
44. would you describe it as, um...
Copy !req
45. adversarial?
Copy !req
46. But just remember,
the ATF's not gonna be around
Copy !req
47. - to take the blame this time.
- I don't give a shit!
Copy !req
48. Uh, it could get heated,
Copy !req
49. but we always had
the same objective.
Copy !req
50. To get everyone out safely.
Copy !req
51. Now, days before
the final raid,
Copy !req
52. you had reached an agreement
with the Davidians
Copy !req
53. regarding their surrender, correct?
Copy !req
54. David had promised to
come out before and never did.
Copy !req
55. It's not uncommon
in situations like this
Copy !req
56. for people to say one thing
and do another.
Copy !req
57. So the FBI didn't believe
Copy !req
58. the Davidians
were gonna come out
Copy !req
59. and a decision
was made to go in.
Copy !req
60. Who made that decision?
Copy !req
61. The Attorney General.
Copy !req
62. In a meeting
on April 12th?
Copy !req
63. Sure.
Copy !req
64. Were you at that meeting?
Copy !req
65. I was not.
Copy !req
66. Was anyone from
the negotiations team there?
Copy !req
67. - No.
- Why not?
Copy !req
68. If you were a team,
Copy !req
69. why wasn't half the team
at this very important meeting?
Copy !req
70. You'd have to ask them.
Copy !req
71. But you supported
the decision they came to,
Copy !req
72. to raid Mount Carmel
on the 19th?
Copy !req
73. Leadership felt
it was the best way
Copy !req
74. to avoid more loss of life.
Copy !req
75. I'm not asking
what leadership thought.
Copy !req
76. I'm asking
for your personal opinion.
Copy !req
77. Be careful, Mr. Cogdell.
Copy !req
78. On April 16th,
Copy !req
79. do you remember Steve Schneider
Copy !req
80. asking you for a computer?
Copy !req
81. Yes.
Copy !req
82. And why did he want that?
Copy !req
83. Uh, he said it would help Koresh
write the Seven Seals out,
Copy !req
84. and once that was done,
they'd come out.
Copy !req
85. This is a request you made
for the computer.
Copy !req
86. Is that your signature there
at the bottom?
Copy !req
87. Yes.
Copy !req
88. And the date
next to the signature?
Copy !req
89. April 16th.
Copy !req
90. So, four days
after a decision had been made
Copy !req
91. to conduct the raid
on Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
92. you requested a new computer
Copy !req
93. - for Steve Schneider?
- Yes.
Copy !req
94. And how long
does it normally take
Copy !req
95. for a request like that
to go through?
Copy !req
96. - A week or so.
- A week.
Copy !req
97. So you ordered a new computer
Copy !req
98. knowing that it wouldn't arrive
until after the raid?
Copy !req
99. - Well—
- Why do that?
Copy !req
100. Why order something
Copy !req
101. knowing that it wouldn't arrive
until after the raid?
Copy !req
102. Unless you didn't know
the raid was coming.
Copy !req
103. I don't recall exactly
when I was told about the raid.
Copy !req
104. You didn't know.
They didn't tell you
Copy !req
105. because they knew
you'd be against it.
Copy !req
106. Leadership made
a tactical decision.
Copy !req
107. It wasn't a tactical decision,
it was an emotional one.
Copy !req
108. They were getting embarrassed
on national TV
Copy !req
109. and they were sick of it.
Copy !req
110. No, they just felt Koresh
wasn't serious about coming out
Copy !req
111. and they believed
they were out of options.
Copy !req
112. Because you failed?
Copy !req
113. I don't believe
negotiators ever fail.
Copy !req
114. We either solve a situation
Copy !req
115. or we create more time
for HRT to prepare.
Copy !req
116. HRT cited and I quote,
Copy !req
117. "Once negotiations failed,
we were left with no choice."
Copy !req
118. That wasn't my assessment
of the situation.
Copy !req
119. They gave you 51 days,
didn't they?
Copy !req
120. That's a pretty long run
to wind up with nothing.
Copy !req
121. I wouldn't call it nothing.
Copy !req
122. We got 35 people out.
Copy !req
123. And who knows?
Copy !req
124. Maybe you could've gotten
another 35
Copy !req
125. if you weren't running
over their cars.
Copy !req
126. - That wasn't us.
- That wasn't the FBI?
Copy !req
127. No, it was the FBI,
but it wasn't my team.
Copy !req
128. Oh, so that doesn't count?
Copy !req
129. For Christ's sake,
why don't you just ask it?
Copy !req
130. Excuse me?
Copy !req
131. I know where you're heading
with all this.
Copy !req
132. Cut to the chase,
just ask the question.
Copy !req
133. Uhm, what question
would you like me to ask?
Copy !req
134. Objection!
Copy !req
135. Overruled.
Copy !req
136. You wanna know
if it was inevitable,
Copy !req
137. if they were planning
to die all along.
Copy !req
138. So you should just ask me.
Copy !req
139. Was it inevitable?
Copy !req
140. No, it was not.
Copy !req
141. They were running out
of water and resolve.
Copy !req
142. And I believe that
without the tactical maneuvers
Copy !req
143. and a little more time,
Copy !req
144. we could have gotten
a lot more of them out,
Copy !req
145. perhaps all of them.
Copy !req
146. Did you tell that
to leadership?
Copy !req
147. I did.
Copy !req
148. And that's why
they didn't bring me
Copy !req
149. to meet the Attorney General.
Copy !req
150. That's why I was rotated out.
Copy !req
151. Some FBI leaders
were tired of the press
Copy !req
152. and the attention.
Copy !req
153. The American public
was tired of it.
Copy !req
154. Everyone was tired.
Copy !req
155. The FBI wanted it over
at any cost.
Copy !req
156. Holy shit.
Copy !req
157. Uh, no further questions,
Your Honor.
Copy !req
158. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
159. I have one question for you
Copy !req
160. and I better like your answer.
Copy !req
161. Why were you in Andy's trailer?
Copy !req
162. That was yours?
Copy !req
163. That was Andy's?
Copy !req
164. I mean, I didn't—
Copy !req
165. I was—I was—I'm stupid,
I was high
Copy !req
166. and then I just went
into the wrong trailer.
Copy !req
167. When I realized I was
in the wrong place, I left.
Copy !req
168. Is that a crime?
Copy !req
169. Go ahead. Search me.
Go search my stuff.
Copy !req
170. I didn't take nothin'.
Copy !req
171. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
172. What's the downside
of killing her right here?
Copy !req
173. I know she saw something
in my trailer
Copy !req
174. she shouldn't have.
Copy !req
175. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
176. Hey, no!
Copy !req
177. You might hit the dogs!
Copy !req
178. Auf! Auf!
Copy !req
179. Blind 'em, I swear to God!
These are good dogs,
Copy !req
180. but call them
or I'll fuck them up!
Copy !req
181. Come on here!
Copy !req
182. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
183. There are 75 ATF agents
Copy !req
184. around our building
and they're shooting at us!
Copy !req
185. There's women
and children in here,
Copy !req
186. and they're—call it off!
Copy !req
187. This is Sheriff Harwell.
Copy !req
188. - Sheriff!
- Wayne.
Copy !req
189. We got women
and children in danger!
Copy !req
190. - Wayne!
- Tell them to pull back!
Copy !req
191. That call was placed
by Wayne Martin
Copy !req
192. moments after
the ATF raid began.
Copy !req
193. Wayne Martin isn't here
to tell you about it today
Copy !req
194. because he was burned alive
51 days later.
Copy !req
195. Every case,
Copy !req
196. every trial asks
a question...
Copy !req
197. and it's up to you the jury
to answer that question
Copy !req
198. for the rest of the world.
Copy !req
199. I thought I knew what
the question of this trial was.
Copy !req
200. See, I thought
the question of this trial was,
Copy !req
201. "Does the United
States government
Copy !req
202. have the right to attack
its own citizens?"
Copy !req
203. It's a scary question
when you say it out loud.
Copy !req
204. But that's not the question.
Copy !req
205. Because the government
already believes
Copy !req
206. it has that right.
Copy !req
207. The real question
Copy !req
208. that you the jury are tasked
with answering today is this,
Copy !req
209. "When the United
States government
Copy !req
210. comes for you and your family
Copy !req
211. with no plan
for peaceful surrender,
Copy !req
212. do you have the right
to defend yourselves?"
Copy !req
213. That is what's
at stake here today.
Copy !req
214. For you...
Copy !req
215. for all of us.
Copy !req
216. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
217. You are really brave.
Copy !req
218. Well, I'm a badass, Gary.
What can I say?
Copy !req
219. Do you know
what tipped them off to you?
Copy !req
220. No, I don't know.
Copy !req
221. Maybe they saw me
at Andy's house.
Copy !req
222. What? Wait.
Copy !req
223. You went to Andy
the German's house?
Copy !req
224. Yeah, I snuck in there
when no one was looking.
Copy !req
225. You shouldn't have done that.
Copy !req
226. Well, I found something,
so you're welcome.
Copy !req
227. He had a notebook, okay?
Copy !req
228. With a bunch of science-type
stuff like chemicals.
Copy !req
229. What kind of chemicals?
Copy !req
230. Nitromethane...
Copy !req
231. anhyzahydrizone.
Copy !req
232. Anhydrous hydrazine?
Copy !req
233. That's racing fuel.
Copy !req
234. And adaman—admantium...
Copy !req
235. Nitrous...
Copy !req
236. Ammonium nitrate.
Copy !req
237. That's it.
Copy !req
238. - Fertilizer.
- Racing fuel and fertilizer.
Copy !req
239. That's the same combination
they use in The Turner Diaries
Copy !req
240. to build their bomb.
Copy !req
241. tense music plays
Copy !req
242. Robert Kling.
Copy !req
243. Hey, happy early birthday.
Copy !req
244. What?
Copy !req
245. April 19th, coming up quick.
Copy !req
246. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
247. There you go.
Copy !req
248. You boys drive safe.
Copy !req
249. I received
another vision from God.
Copy !req
250. That's wonderful.
Copy !req
251. Well, I'm not sure
everyone will agree with you.
Copy !req
252. What He's asking...
Copy !req
253. a lot of people might say
it's wrong.
Copy !req
254. We don't judge you
for what He asks you to do.
Copy !req
255. Thanks, Clive.
That's very comforting.
Copy !req
256. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
257. Clive Doyle, get up.
Copy !req
258. The verdict's in.
Copy !req
259. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
260. Dad,
can I ask you something?
Copy !req
261. Of course.
Copy !req
262. Is everything
David says the word of God?
Copy !req
263. Or sometimes is he wrong?
Copy !req
264. David hears
the voice of God.
Copy !req
265. And you believe
everything he says,
Copy !req
266. even when it's
something strange?
Copy !req
267. All rise.
Copy !req
268. Has the jury reached a verdict?
Copy !req
269. We have, Your Honor.
Copy !req
270. The jury rules as follows.
Copy !req
271. On the first count,
Copy !req
272. conspiracy to murder
federal agents,
Copy !req
273. the jury finds
all four defendants...
Copy !req
274. not guilty.
Copy !req
275. On the second count of aiding
Copy !req
276. and abetting the murder
of federal agents,
Copy !req
277. the jury finds
all four defendants...
Copy !req
278. not guilty.
Copy !req
279. On the count of using
an illegal firearm
Copy !req
280. in the commission of a crime,
Copy !req
281. the jury finds Paul Fatta,
Copy !req
282. Livingstone Fagan,
Copy !req
283. and Ruth Riddle...
Copy !req
284. guilty.
Copy !req
285. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
286. What does that mean?
Copy !req
287. It means you've been cleared
of all charges.
Copy !req
288. You'll be free to go
in a couple of hours.
Copy !req
289. But what about the others?
Copy !req
290. Order in the court. Order.
Copy !req
291. It just doesn't—
there's something.
Copy !req
292. Your Honor,
Copy !req
293. we'd like to ask the court
to reconsider that last verdict.
Copy !req
294. On what grounds?
Copy !req
295. On the grounds that
it doesn't make a lick of sense
Copy !req
296. to be convicted
of using an illegal firearm
Copy !req
297. to commit a crime
Copy !req
298. when you weren't convicted
of the actual crime.
Copy !req
299. Well, that's not for us to say.
Copy !req
300. - The jury ruled—
- Hang on. Hang on.
Copy !req
301. Hang on. Mr. Cogdell is right.
Copy !req
302. How can I be guilty
of using a weapon
Copy !req
303. during a crime
if that crime never happened?
Copy !req
304. Interesting legal paradox.
Copy !req
305. But... I agree
with the defense.
Copy !req
306. I'm vacating the convictions
on the firearms charges.
Copy !req
307. The defendants are
to be released.
Copy !req
308. Yes.
Copy !req
309. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
310. Are you sure?
Copy !req
311. I'll tell David.
Copy !req
312. David. David.
Copy !req
313. George Roden has been put
in a mental hospital,
Copy !req
314. because of his outburst
in court.
Copy !req
315. upbeat rock music plays
Copy !req
316. You know what that means?
Copy !req
317. I think there's
something you should know
Copy !req
318. I think it's time
I told you so
Copy !req
319. There's something
deep inside of me
Copy !req
320. There's someone else
I've got to be
Copy !req
321. Take back your picture
in a frame
Copy !req
322. Take back your singing
in the rain
Copy !req
323. I just hope you understand
Copy !req
324. Sometimes the clothes
do not make the man
Copy !req
325. All we have to do now
Copy !req
326. Is take these lies
Copy !req
327. And make them true somehow
Copy !req
328. All we have to see
Copy !req
329. Is that I don't
belong to you
Copy !req
330. And you don't belong to me
yeah, yeah
Copy !req
331. Freedom
Copy !req
332. Freedom...
Copy !req
333. God has given me this land
Copy !req
334. and everything on it.
Copy !req
335. I'll give you all ten minutes
to get off my property.
Copy !req
336. Or what?
Copy !req
337. Or we do this mean.
Copy !req
338. We're gonna live here
by God's laws,
Copy !req
339. not by man's weakness anymore.
Copy !req
340. Those of you who wanna stay,
can stay.
Copy !req
341. But there's gonna be
some new rules.
Copy !req
342. No drugs, no drinking,
no smoking, no sex.
Copy !req
343. If you stay,
you stay to study your Bible,
Copy !req
344. to find a new way,
a better way.
Copy !req
345. And if that doesn't
interest you,
Copy !req
346. well, it's time you found
a new doorway to darken.
Copy !req
347. Oh, excuse me.
Copy !req
348. Hey, Mitch.
Copy !req
349. I got nothing to say to you.
Copy !req
350. Okay.
Look, I know you're pissed.
Copy !req
351. I need your support
on something.
Copy !req
352. Yeah, well,
you can't have it.
Copy !req
353. Please, just hear me out.
Copy !req
354. You took internal
bureau discussions
Copy !req
355. and you aired it
to the world, Gary,
Copy !req
356. you made us look like amateurs.
Copy !req
357. Indecisive, spiteful little—
Copy !req
358. - I told the truth.
- You made us weaker.
Copy !req
359. People don't expect the
government to be perfect, okay?
Copy !req
360. But they do expect us
to be accountable.
Copy !req
361. You think I'm not accountable?
Copy !req
362. You think
I'm not accountable?
Copy !req
363. You had the luxury
Copy !req
364. of criticizing
from the sidelines, Gary.
Copy !req
365. You got to leave.
Copy !req
366. I didn't. I stayed,
Copy !req
367. made the tough call,
and watched those people die.
Copy !req
368. And I got to live with that.
Copy !req
369. What, you think
you're the only one
Copy !req
370. still dealing
with the consequences of Waco?
Copy !req
371. I still dream about it
every night, Gary.
Copy !req
372. So do I!
Copy !req
373. But you know what, Mitch?
Copy !req
374. I think that's what we deserve.
Copy !req
375. What happened at Waco,
it affected all of us.
Copy !req
376. It affected
the entire country.
Copy !req
377. And I know you understand
what I'm talking about.
Copy !req
378. We both saw the protesters
at Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
379. We saw the increased
militia presence
Copy !req
380. and that has only gotten worse
since the fire.
Copy !req
381. And I believe
that these people
Copy !req
382. are planning an attack,
something big.
Copy !req
383. And I need the bureau's support
to look deeper into it,
Copy !req
384. but I can't get it alone.
Copy !req
385. I need your help.
Copy !req
386. What do you mean by attack?
Copy !req
387. The advantage that we've had
in dealing with these groups
Copy !req
388. is handling them
one at a time, sir.
Copy !req
389. If Gary's right
Copy !req
390. and they started communicating
with each other
Copy !req
391. through extensive fax networks,
Copy !req
392. there's a real chance
they could morph
Copy !req
393. into some kind of headless
terrorist network.
Copy !req
394. If Gary's intel is good,
Copy !req
395. I think we need to take
a closer look.
Copy !req
396. If the Intel is good.
Copy !req
397. That's a pretty big "if."
Copy !req
398. You're asking me
to go way out on a limb here
Copy !req
399. based on the word
Copy !req
400. of an unsanctioned CI
nobody has met.
Copy !req
401. Well, I think
the intel is good.
Copy !req
402. - I trust her.
- I know you trust her.
Copy !req
403. But before I go
deeper into this,
Copy !req
404. I need to meet her myself.
Copy !req
405. Okay.
Copy !req
406. You're gonna do great.
Copy !req
407. So you're this mystery CI
Copy !req
408. I've heard so much about.
Copy !req
409. Yes, sir. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
410. And how did you get
to know this group?
Copy !req
411. The Aryan Brotherhood?
Copy !req
412. Uh, well, I was dating this guy.
Copy !req
413. His name was Wild Bill.
Copy !req
414. Uh, he liked to rob banks,
do all kinds
Copy !req
415. of crazy shit like that.
Copy !req
416. Um, yeah, but then one night
we got into an argument
Copy !req
417. and he beat me up pretty bad.
Copy !req
418. I still can't see super good
out of this eye, you know.
Copy !req
419. And that, that pissed me off.
Copy !req
420. So I narced on him.
Copy !req
421. No offense.
Copy !req
422. None taken. We're not narcs.
Copy !req
423. We're Feds.
Copy !req
424. Oh, yeah, that's much better,
Copy !req
425. sort of.
Copy !req
426. So, this place,
this Elohim City,
Copy !req
427. you think they're building
a bomb of some kind?
Copy !req
428. Yes.
Copy !req
429. Uh, they—there-there
was a bunch of chemicals
Copy !req
430. that could be used
to build a bomb
Copy !req
431. written down
in Andy the German's notebook.
Copy !req
432. Um, and they talk a lot
Copy !req
433. about making the government pay
for what happened at Waco.
Copy !req
434. Have you been in contact
with Wild Bill
Copy !req
435. since he was arrested?
Copy !req
436. No, sir.
Copy !req
437. That's over.
Copy !req
438. Hmm.
Copy !req
439. So if I told you
that I had the phone logs
Copy !req
440. from Arkansas
State Penitentiary,
Copy !req
441. where Wild Bill is incarcerated,
Copy !req
442. would that change your answer?
Copy !req
443. I might have called him
a few times.
Copy !req
444. - How many?
- Um, I don't know for sure.
Copy !req
445. - More than five?
- Maybe.
Copy !req
446. - More than ten?
- Maybe.
Copy !req
447. This Aryan Brotherhood,
Copy !req
448. they just let you live there
Copy !req
449. and read their notebooks
with no problem.
Copy !req
450. No.
Copy !req
451. They almost killed me.
I had to run.
Copy !req
452. Did anyone see this?
Copy !req
453. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did.
- Huh.
Copy !req
454. You know, there's been a lot
of chatter
Copy !req
455. from groups like these,
Copy !req
456. you know, saying things,
Copy !req
457. like, um, they wish the FBI
would dare
Copy !req
458. try something
like we did at Waco.
Copy !req
459. Have you heard
any of those people
Copy !req
460. saying anything like that?
Copy !req
461. I-I don't know.
Copy !req
462. Not-not-not in those words exactly.
Copy !req
463. Did they ask you
to tell us this?
Copy !req
464. Why would they?
I don't understand.
Copy !req
465. To goad us
into maybe another conflict.
Copy !req
466. You know, something
they can all rally around.
Copy !req
467. Did they ask you
to tell us this?
Copy !req
468. No, I'm telling
the truth. Okay?
Copy !req
469. Hey. Uh, could we have
a moment, please?
Copy !req
470. Come on.
What, what are you doing?
Copy !req
471. She's been through a lot for us.
Copy !req
472. - For you.
- No, for all of us.
Copy !req
473. She's a good kid.
Copy !req
474. If I knew you were gonna berate
her like this—
Copy !req
475. It does not matter
Copy !req
476. if everything she says is true
Copy !req
477. if she can't hold it together
on the stand.
Copy !req
478. Well, I can work with her.
I can get her to calm down.
Copy !req
479. We cannot afford another Waco.
Copy !req
480. It's over.
Copy !req
481. I gave you your time.
Copy !req
482. They're not gonna pursue it.
Copy !req
483. Did I screw up?
Copy !req
484. No.
Copy !req
485. No, he had his mind made up
Copy !req
486. before we even walked
in the room.
Copy !req
487. You have somewhere to go?
Copy !req
488. No, I don't.
Copy !req
489. You know, you asked me once
Copy !req
490. how a nice girl like me wound up
Copy !req
491. in a place like Elohim City.
Copy !req
492. Was easy.
Copy !req
493. They're the only ones
that wanted me.
Copy !req
494. And, Gary,
if we ever cross paths again,
Copy !req
495. you act like you don't know me,
Copy !req
496. safer that way, okay?
Copy !req
497. Good luck to you, Carol.
Copy !req
498. upbeat blues music playing
Copy !req
499. I've spent too long
Copy !req
500. Away from home
Copy !req
501. Did all the things
Copy !req
502. I could have done...
Copy !req
503. - Oh.
- Oh.
Copy !req
504. - Let me get four more.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
505. Hey, is Jocelyn working tonight?
Copy !req
506. She, she usually works Tuesdays.
Copy !req
507. - The waitress?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
508. She quit this morning.
Copy !req
509. And I was gonna propose
to her tonight.
Copy !req
510. Yeah. She seemed cool,
Copy !req
511. kind of came out of nowhere.
Copy !req
512. She begged for the job
a couple of months back.
Copy !req
513. - Yeah.
- Then just up and quit.
Copy !req
514. Wait, when did you say
she started working here again?
Copy !req
515. Just after New Year's,
I think.
Copy !req
516. Like January 7th, like
when we started working here?
Copy !req
517. Could have been.
Copy !req
518. That son of a bitch.
Copy !req
519. - Excuse me, Mr. Cogdell.
- What? Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
520. You have a call up front.
Copy !req
521. Hello.
Copy !req
522. Yeah, what's up?
Copy !req
523. The judge did what?
Copy !req
524. But their streets
Copy !req
525. Did not feel
Copy !req
526. Like mine
Copy !req
527. So long...
Copy !req
528. What do you say
we get out of here?
Copy !req
529. It sounds good to me.
Copy !req
530. Goin' home...
Copy !req
531. Wait a sec. Wait a sec.
Copy !req
532. Stop.
Copy !req
533. - What's wrong?
- What's going on?
Copy !req
534. Need to take you back inside,
Copy !req
535. your release has been delayed.
Copy !req
536. Delayed? What do you—
what do you mean?
Copy !req
537. - No, it's over.
- No, they, they said
Copy !req
538. - she was not guilty.
- Hands behind your back.
Copy !req
539. - No.
- Sir, the-the judge
Copy !req
540. - already said that she—
- No. No.
Copy !req
541. No, no, but I'm free.
Copy !req
542. - You can't do this. I'm free.
- Let's go.
Copy !req
543. - I'm free!
- We'll figure it out, Ruth,
Copy !req
544. - it's—
- I'm free.
Copy !req
545. No.
Copy !req
546. I'm free!
Copy !req
547. I'm free!
Copy !req
548. I have had some time to reflect
Copy !req
549. and I believe now
I was too hasty
Copy !req
550. in my initial decision
to vacate the convictions
Copy !req
551. on the weapons charges.
Copy !req
552. Thus, I am reinstating them now
and we'll move on
Copy !req
553. - to sentencing.
- What?
Copy !req
554. Your Honor, this seems
wildly outside of the—
Copy !req
555. Please don't interrupt me,
Mr. Cogdell.
Copy !req
556. But you're finding them guilty
of a—of a non-existent crime,
Copy !req
557. of a crime that you yourself
were willing to vacate.
Copy !req
558. There is no reason to set aside
these guilty findings merely
Copy !req
559. because the verdicts
cannot be rationally reconciled.
Copy !req
560. I'm sorry, are you serious?
Copy !req
561. You're supporting a decision
Copy !req
562. that you're admitting
is irrational?
Copy !req
563. If they were found guilty
Copy !req
564. of using a weapon
in the commission of a crime
Copy !req
565. then by that verdict,
Copy !req
566. they must also be guilty
of the crime
Copy !req
567. the weapon was used in.
Copy !req
568. But they were found not guilty
of that crime.
Copy !req
569. I have made my decision.
Take a seat.
Copy !req
570. But that doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
571. I said I am ready
Copy !req
572. to move on to sentencing.
Copy !req
573. The only person
Copy !req
574. to show any contrition
was Ruth Riddle,
Copy !req
575. and as someone
who was clearly manipulated
Copy !req
576. by Mr. Koresh,
Copy !req
577. you're not entirely to blame
Copy !req
578. for your actions.
Copy !req
579. Therefore, I am ordering you
Copy !req
580. to be committed to the custody
Copy !req
581. of the US Bureau of Prisons
Copy !req
582. for a term of five years.
Copy !req
583. - Five years?
- Paul Fatta.
Copy !req
584. I'm ordering you
committed to the custody
Copy !req
585. of the US Bureau of Prisons
Copy !req
586. for a term of 15 years.
Copy !req
587. - But I wasn't even there!
- Quiet.
Copy !req
588. - I-I wasn't even there!
- Quiet!
Copy !req
589. Livingstone Fagan, 40 years.
Copy !req
590. - Forty? What?
- Your Honor,
Copy !req
591. there's no way this outcome
was the jury's intention.
Copy !req
592. They made their intention clear
with their verdict.
Copy !req
593. You know what?
This isn't justice.
Copy !req
594. This is the government
demanding their pound of flesh.
Copy !req
595. They, they can't stand
to let our clients walk away
Copy !req
596. and they're getting you
to do their dirty work.
Copy !req
597. Another word and I will fine you
a thousand dollars, Mr. Cogdell.
Copy !req
598. I'm already broke.
You can't get blood
Copy !req
599. - from a stone.
- Don't be so sure.
Copy !req
600. That just cost you
a thousand dollars.
Copy !req
601. People will remember this.
Copy !req
602. This will be the first line
on your obituary someday.
Copy !req
603. Don't you wanna be
on the right side of this?
Copy !req
604. Another grand.
The next time you speak,
Copy !req
605. I will ask the bailiff
to remove you
Copy !req
606. from the courtroom.
Copy !req
607. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
608. All right. Okay.
Copy !req
609. Furthermore,
Paul Fatta, Livingstone Fagan,
Copy !req
610. and Ruth Riddle,
upon your release,
Copy !req
611. you must pay
the US government restitution
Copy !req
612. in the amount of $1,131,687...
Copy !req
613. Oh, that is bullshit.
Copy !req
614. The people decided
this was wrong
Copy !req
615. that what the government did
was wrong.
Copy !req
616. If you answer that judgment
by steamrolling them,
Copy !req
617. you're just asking
to have this happen again!
Copy !req
618. - I am applying the law.
- The law is supposed to be fair!
Copy !req
619. I decide what is fair!
Copy !req
620. It is not my job to cater
to the moral fringe—
Copy !req
621. It's not your job
Copy !req
622. - to subvert the will of society!
- Bailiff, please
Copy !req
623. take Mr. Cogdell
out of my courtroom.
Copy !req
624. Who got to you?
We need to be asking questions
Copy !req
625. about how this had to go.
Copy !req
626. We need to question
the government...
Copy !req
627. - Order! Order!
- ... and the people that made
Copy !req
628. the decisions
that led to this tragedy.
Copy !req
629. Who got to you? Who got to you?
Copy !req
630. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
631. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
632. my decision is made
and my decision is final.
Copy !req
633. Court adjourned.
Copy !req
634. Hell of a case,
wasn't it?
Copy !req
635. Are you here to rub it in?
Copy !req
636. Because I'm happy to add
an assault charge to this.
Copy !req
637. No. No, I'm not here for that.
Copy !req
638. You were a worthy opponent.
Copy !req
639. Well, that's a nice consolation,
Copy !req
640. seeing as the wheels of justice
Copy !req
641. just ran right over my clients.
Copy !req
642. Everything I did
was above board.
Copy !req
643. Oh, really? Even Jocelyn?
Copy !req
644. - Who?
- The pretty waitress at the bar.
Copy !req
645. Don't tell me she wasn't a spy.
Copy !req
646. Well, I honestly don't know
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
647. But if she was,
she wasn't with us.
Copy !req
648. Man, what do you want?
Copy !req
649. I'd like to prosecute
the ATF for perjury.
Copy !req
650. And I could use someone
from outside the system
Copy !req
651. to help me.
Copy !req
652. I might be able to make
a little time for that.
Copy !req
653. You might think
that what you see here
Copy !req
654. is a rundown old shell
of what this place used to be.
Copy !req
655. But your eyes lie to you.
Copy !req
656. I alone see the truth.
Copy !req
657. This land right here
under your feet,
Copy !req
658. it's not land at all.
Copy !req
659. It's a doorway
Copy !req
660. through which we will change
the whole world.
Copy !req
661. When I look around
at these old broken buildings,
Copy !req
662. I see the building blocks
of one giant house
Copy !req
663. that we will build
right here together.
Copy !req
664. One giant house that we will
all live in together as one.
Copy !req
665. You believe it, don't you?
Copy !req
666. You believe it still.
Copy !req
667. Don't you, Clive?
Copy !req
668. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
669. Yes...
Copy !req
670. I do.
Copy !req
671. So now the FBI's sending agents
to spy on us as we mourn?
Copy !req
672. No. I'm not here for the FBI.
Copy !req
673. I'm here for me.
Copy !req
674. I care about
what happened to you.
Copy !req
675. That's why I'm here today.
Copy !req
676. Maybe you could say
some words to that effect.
Copy !req
677. Okay.
Copy !req
678. I was the lead negotiator
here at Waco.
Copy !req
679. Sometimes I feel
like I never left.
Copy !req
680. This place,
Copy !req
681. these events...
Copy !req
682. will stay with me forever.
Copy !req
683. Now, I know there may be
some of you here today
Copy !req
684. and there's others that believe
that the FBI came here
Copy !req
685. and just wanted to purposely
see everybody get killed.
Copy !req
686. We didn't want that.
Copy !req
687. None of us wanted that.
Copy !req
688. So if we didn't want
it to turn out this way,
Copy !req
689. and neither did you,
Copy !req
690. then how could it,
Copy !req
691. when nobody wanted it?
Copy !req
692. A religious friend
of mine proposed once
Copy !req
693. that maybe it was
evil that made it happen.
Copy !req
694. And I suppose he was right,
Copy !req
695. but not necessarily
in the way he meant,
Copy !req
696. because I believe
that the whole idea of evil,
Copy !req
697. it keeps us from seeing
a thing clearly.
Copy !req
698. It blinds us,
Copy !req
699. because the evil
is never on our side.
Copy !req
700. It's always the other guys.
Copy !req
701. I think what's closer
to the truth
Copy !req
702. is that we were scared,
Copy !req
703. and you were scared.
Copy !req
704. And then we called you evil
Copy !req
705. and you called us evil,
Copy !req
706. and then we both
stopped seeing each other
Copy !req
707. and communicating.
Copy !req
708. And that's
when the tragedy came.
Copy !req
709. And now, it keeps me
awake at night
Copy !req
710. worrying that if we cannot
find a better way
Copy !req
711. to remember that,
that even though
Copy !req
712. we might disagree
Copy !req
713. or be on opposite
sides of a thing,
Copy !req
714. we are all fallible people.
Copy !req
715. I make mistakes
and so do you.
Copy !req
716. We're more the same
than we are different.
Copy !req
717. A great divide opened
here among us
Copy !req
718. and I'm here today to push
against that divide.
Copy !req
719. And I hope...
Copy !req
720. that each and every one of you
can help me in that effort...
Copy !req
721. or I don't know
what will happen.
Copy !req
722. Your last meal request.
Copy !req
723. Any particular channel?
Copy !req
724. Yeah.
Copy !req
725. The news.
Copy !req
726. Miami Beach police are looking
for a man in his 20s.
Copy !req
727. The shooting took place
in front of several witnesses.
Copy !req
728. Please join us
for a moment of silence,
Copy !req
729. as we toll the bell one time
Copy !req
730. for each life that was lost.
Copy !req
731. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
732. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
733. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
734. The bombing in Oklahoma City
Copy !req
735. was an attack
on innocent children
Copy !req
736. and defenseless citizens.
Copy !req
737. It was an act of cowardice,
and it was evil.
Copy !req
738. The United States
will not tolerate it,
Copy !req
739. and I will not allow
the people of this country
Copy !req
740. to be intimidated
by evil cowards.
Copy !req
741. I have met with our team
Copy !req
742. which we assembled
to deal with this bombing,
Copy !req
743. and I have determined
to take the following steps
Copy !req
744. to ensure the strongest
response to this situation.
Copy !req
745. First, I have deployed
a crisis-management team
Copy !req
746. under the leadership
of the FBI,
Copy !req
747. working with the Department
of Justice...
Copy !req
748. theme music plays
Copy !req
749. MTV
Copy !req