1. Now, listen to this one.
Copy !req
2. "The way scum like you helps
people like David Koresh,
Copy !req
3. I hope all your children
die of, uh..."
Copy !req
4. sheesh.
Copy !req
5. Okay. Let's stay focused here,
can we?
Copy !req
6. Why do you insist
on reading that crap?
Copy !req
7. In case one of these maniacs
puts a bullet in my head
Copy !req
8. like they all say
they're gonna.
Copy !req
9. Give the cops
a good place to start.
Copy !req
10. Yeah, I'm not sure
they'd try too hard
Copy !req
11. to solve a case
of the cop-killer defenders.
Copy !req
12. - Oh, yeah.
- That's a dark thought.
Copy !req
13. - Well...
- Shouldn't we be getting
Copy !req
14. - security or something?
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
15. I'll protect you from those
big mean letter writers.
Copy !req
16. See, guys?
Nothing to worry about.
Copy !req
17. Jocelyn's got our backs.
Copy !req
18. Let's get back to it.
Copy !req
19. Wait.
Copy !req
20. - Fan mail?
- What do you think...
Copy !req
21. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
22. - ... about that?
- "Dear fine sirs...
Copy !req
23. I have been very..." all caps,
Copy !req
24. "... interested in your case
defending those Davidians.
Copy !req
25. There are lots of people like me
watching to see how this goes.
Copy !req
26. Thank you for being
such good patriots."
Copy !req
27. Well, this is nice,
isn't it?
Copy !req
28. Let's see. I'm going bankrupt.
Copy !req
29. My wife who I haven't seen
in over a month
Copy !req
30. just filed for divorce.
I'm living in squalor.
Copy !req
31. I'm getting about three hours
of sleep every night
Copy !req
32. to fight a losing case
for a bunch of people
Copy !req
33. who don't even like me,
Copy !req
34. but when I hear the praises
of adoring fans
Copy !req
35. like Tim McVeigh,
Copy !req
36. makes it all worth it,
doesn't it?
Copy !req
37. Now, can we get back to work?
Copy !req
38. tense music plays
Copy !req
39. theme music plays
Copy !req
40. You say you love America,
Copy !req
41. but would you die for it?
Copy !req
42. Would you kill for it?
Copy !req
43. I mean, some things
are worth fighting for.
Copy !req
44. I wanna talk today
Copy !req
45. about making ourselves ready,
Copy !req
46. emotionally steeling ourselves
Copy !req
47. for the coming war.
Copy !req
48. The war against White America!
Copy !req
49. I want you to picture
Copy !req
50. what that's gonna be like. Picture...
Copy !req
51. the tanks rolling up our drives,
Copy !req
52. adrenaline coursing
through your body.
Copy !req
53. I want you to picture yourself
with your gun in your hand
Copy !req
54. and your kids behind you.
Copy !req
55. And I want you
to picture that again,
Copy !req
56. and again, and again
Copy !req
57. until it become real to you.
Copy !req
58. So that when the time comes,
Copy !req
59. you won't hesitate
to pull the trigger.
Copy !req
60. Because having the nerve
to pull the trigger
Copy !req
61. is precisely what...
Copy !req
62. His granddaddy
founded the Nazi party.
Copy !req
63. - No shit.
- ... protect our home...
Copy !req
64. I'd steer clear of 'em.
Copy !req
65. He's not the kind of guy
you wanna mess with.
Copy !req
66. to protect
our God-fearing way of life!
Copy !req
67. We've heard it said
that David Koresh believed
Copy !req
68. he was preparing,
Copy !req
69. planning for a great war.
Copy !req
70. Did he ever express
those beliefs
Copy !req
71. when he purchased
these guns from you?
Copy !req
72. I didn't deal with David,
Copy !req
73. but I was aware
of the philosophy, yes.
Copy !req
74. Who did you deal with?
Copy !req
75. I dealt almost exclusively
with Paul Fatta.
Copy !req
76. And you're referring
to defendant Fatta
Copy !req
77. seated behind counsel over here?
Copy !req
78. Yes.
Copy !req
79. Did Mr. Fatta
seem knowledgeable
Copy !req
80. when it came to guns?
Copy !req
81. Inside and out.
Copy !req
82. And how many guns
did Paul Fatta
Copy !req
83. purchase from you?
Copy !req
84. About $90,000 worth.
Copy !req
85. Exhibit 103.
Copy !req
86. Can you tell us what this is
Copy !req
87. and where you found it?
Copy !req
88. We found it in the compound,
Copy !req
89. in the chapel.
Copy !req
90. And what type
of weapon is this?
Copy !req
91. It's an M-16 rifle.
Copy !req
92. I carried one in Vietnam
Copy !req
93. for 11 months
and seven days.
Copy !req
94. Because it's a military weapon
Copy !req
95. built for war?
Copy !req
96. That's right.
Copy !req
97. Now, Ranger Boak,
Copy !req
98. you've testified about finding
a lot of evidence here.
Copy !req
99. Tell me this.
Copy !req
100. Did you also happen to locate
the building's front doors?
Copy !req
101. No, sir.
Copy !req
102. Help me out here.
Copy !req
103. You were able to find
this BIC lighter
Copy !req
104. but not two seven-foot doors?
Copy !req
105. No.
Copy !req
106. Why not?
Copy !req
107. It must've burned
with the rest of the building.
Copy !req
108. Burned? Both front doors?
Copy !req
109. That's right.
Copy !req
110. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
111. But in the months
leading up to the ATF's arrival
Copy !req
112. at Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
113. what did you observe
regarding their inventory?
Copy !req
114. We observed
a dramatic increase
Copy !req
115. in their stockpile
of weapons.
Copy !req
116. So, they were buying guns
Copy !req
117. but not selling them?
Copy !req
118. Correct.
Copy !req
119. I only have two questions.
Copy !req
120. In your years
of observation and research,
Copy !req
121. did the Davidians ever obtain
a weapon illegally?
Copy !req
122. Not to my knowledge.
Copy !req
123. Okay.
Copy !req
124. And just one more thing.
Copy !req
125. In your examination
of all the evidence,
Copy !req
126. I don't reckon you saw
those pesky missing front doors,
Copy !req
127. did you?
Copy !req
128. Lieutenant Caldwell,
Copy !req
129. could you tell us
what the Mag Bag was?
Copy !req
130. The Mag Bag was
a small tract of land
Copy !req
131. located on Farm Road
outside of Waco.
Copy !req
132. It was where Mr. Koresh
and Mr. Fatta received shipments
Copy !req
133. of weapons,
ammunition, gun parts.
Copy !req
134. And had you had
any previous interactions
Copy !req
135. with David Koresh or Paul Fatta
Copy !req
136. that would lead you
to believe...
Copy !req
137. - Objection! Objection! Approach?
- ... that was the possibility?
Copy !req
138. Judge, this is
a transparent attempt
Copy !req
139. to bring up my client,
Paul Fatta's past,
Copy !req
140. which is
entirely out of bounds.
Copy !req
141. It's germane
to this case, Your Honor.
Copy !req
142. - Okay.
- Mr. Fatta and Mr. Koresh
Copy !req
143. both have a previous charge
of conspiracy to commit murder.
Copy !req
144. And the fact that
he and his compatriots
Copy !req
145. tried to kill a man
in cold blood
Copy !req
146. absolutely informed the ATF's
decision-making process...
Copy !req
147. You mean
your decision-making process.
Copy !req
148. when they decided to stage a
dynamic entry into Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
149. Paul Fatta wasn't even there
when the tanks rolled in.
Copy !req
150. He wasn't there a single day
of the standoff.
Copy !req
151. It doesn't matter
if he wasn't there.
Copy !req
152. And if Mr. Johnston
wants to prove
Copy !req
153. that there was some conspiracy,
Copy !req
154. he should do it
with relevant evidence
Copy !req
155. and not unfounded accusations
from the '80s.
Copy !req
156. Mr. Fatta is
a defendant in this—
Copy !req
157. Stop.
Copy !req
158. I have already ruled
on this, Mr. Johnston.
Copy !req
159. Yes, Your Honor.
Copy !req
160. The defendant's previous charges
Copy !req
161. are not in the purview
of this case.
Copy !req
162. Objection sustained.
Copy !req
163. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
164. You can't keep all
your skeletons in the closet.
Copy !req
165. Neither can you, fucko.
Copy !req
166. No further questions.
Copy !req
167. Your witness.
Copy !req
168. I only have one question.
Copy !req
169. You wouldn't happen to know
where the front doors
Copy !req
170. from Mount Carmel ended up,
would you?
Copy !req
171. No? Okay.
Copy !req
172. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
173. Can I do for you, George?
Copy !req
174. We're gonna settle this now.
Copy !req
175. Settle what?
Copy !req
176. Who's the real prophet.
Copy !req
177. We're gonna see
who can bring her back.
Copy !req
178. Bring who back?
Copy !req
179. My mother.
Copy !req
180. Your lies put her
in the ground.
Copy !req
181. I just took her out.
Copy !req
182. What are you talking
about, George?
Copy !req
183. What do you mean
you took her out?
Copy !req
184. I dug her up.
Copy !req
185. You dug up Lois's body?
Copy !req
186. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
187. Whoever can raise my momma
from the dead...
Copy !req
188. will be the next true prophet
of Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
189. Sheriff,
Copy !req
190. what do you mean
you can't do anything?
Copy !req
191. George dug up
his own dead mother!
Copy !req
192. - It's an abomination!
- Look, Vernon.
Copy !req
193. I drove by Mount Carmel
after you called.
Copy !req
194. I didn't see any dug-up bodies.
Copy !req
195. George told me himself!
Copy !req
196. Yeah, George says
a lot of crazy things.
Copy !req
197. Unless you have actual evidence
Copy !req
198. of corpse abuse
or some other crime,
Copy !req
199. there's not much
that I can do.
Copy !req
200. Maybe the best course of action
is for y'all
Copy !req
201. to stay away from Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
202. Just leave George Roden be.
Copy !req
203. He's the one that called me!
Copy !req
204. I think he's fixing
to come after us.
Copy !req
205. Well, then you might wanna think
Copy !req
206. about getting something
to defend yourself with.
Copy !req
207. Mr. Cogdell. Mr. Cogdell.
Copy !req
208. Do you think it's the doors
that prove who shot first?
Copy !req
209. I do.
Copy !req
210. But, but those doors
are also a symbol
Copy !req
211. for all
the questionable behavior
Copy !req
212. the Federal government
has taken part in.
Copy !req
213. Listen, listen.
Copy !req
214. The ATF shows up
with more cameras
Copy !req
215. than a Hollywood blockbuster,
but there's no footage.
Copy !req
216. They lose power at the morgue
so no autopsies can be done.
Copy !req
217. Christ, they bulldozed
the whole crime scene
Copy !req
218. and then they bleached it
for good measure.
Copy !req
219. This is what happens
when you have the architect
Copy !req
220. of a government raid,
Copy !req
221. the man who demanded the ATF
Copy !req
222. go in with a hard entry,
also prosecuting the same case.
Copy !req
223. You saying
there's some sort
Copy !req
224. - of government cover-up?
- No, I'm just saying
Copy !req
225. that Bill Johnston
has a vested interest
Copy !req
226. in convicting these people,
that's for damn sure.
Copy !req
227. I heard you with the press
saying I'm corrupt.
Copy !req
228. That's way out of bounds.
Copy !req
229. It's called zealously defending
my clients.
Copy !req
230. You can't win with the facts,
Copy !req
231. so you're trying
to turn this thing
Copy !req
232. into a government cover-up,
Copy !req
233. and you're dragging my name
through the mud to do it,
Copy !req
234. like I had
some ulterior motive.
Copy !req
235. I sanctioned that raid
Copy !req
236. because I was trying
to save those kids.
Copy !req
237. Save those kids
with a forcible entry?
Copy !req
238. I'm doing my job
the best way I know how.
Copy !req
239. Now, you don't agree
with it? Fine.
Copy !req
240. But let's fight fair, Dan.
Copy !req
241. You want me to fight fair?
Copy !req
242. You've got the public,
the press,
Copy !req
243. and the United States government
behind you.
Copy !req
244. And all I've got is a booth
at the Polo Lounge.
Copy !req
245. I'm not gonna play with one-hand
tied behind my back.
Copy !req
246. You want me to shut up?
Find those doors.
Copy !req
247. tense music plays
Copy !req
248. Listen, when the prosecutor
starts picking fights
Copy !req
249. with you in the hall, it means
you're doing something right.
Copy !req
250. Hmm.
Copy !req
251. Yeah, yeah, except...
Copy !req
252. Except what?
Copy !req
253. You've been watching
the forewoman?
Copy !req
254. Um...
Copy !req
255. juror number six?
Copy !req
256. She's the poison juror.
Copy !req
257. I can just tell.
She's itching to say the G-word.
Copy !req
258. Yeah. Well, that's why
we have 11 more
Copy !req
259. because all you need is one.
Copy !req
260. Jocelyn, you'd acquit
our clients, wouldn't you?
Copy !req
261. Hell no.
Copy !req
262. They're guilty as shit.
Copy !req
263. Just like their defense lawyers.
Copy !req
264. Ow. Ow.
Copy !req
265. Number six, she's the top dog.
Copy !req
266. - She could sway the rest.
- Listen, don't—
Copy !req
267. don't worry about number six.
I'm gonna focus on her.
Copy !req
268. I'm gonna make her feel
like the prettiest,
Copy !req
269. most special juror in the world.
Copy !req
270. Ask Jocelyn
if I can't sweet-talk
Copy !req
271. the legs off a chair.
Copy !req
272. Dan, if you were half as charming
Copy !req
273. as you think you are,
Copy !req
274. you'd be
the best lawyer on earth.
Copy !req
275. Ooh.
Copy !req
276. Is that flirting?
Is she flirting?
Copy !req
277. - No, that is not—
- Jesus, Gordon!
Copy !req
278. God. God!
I gotta put a bell on you.
Copy !req
279. Think I may have
an answer for you
Copy !req
280. on those front doors.
Copy !req
281. Whoa.
Is this Mount Carmel?
Copy !req
282. What is this, Gordon?
What am I looking at here?
Copy !req
283. This was taken
at 3:55 p.m.,
Copy !req
284. a couple hours
after the fire started.
Copy !req
285. And these are FBI agents
Copy !req
286. loading something into a truck.
Copy !req
287. Something about the size
and shape of a door.
Copy !req
288. Yeah, which was
so daggone important
Copy !req
289. that they had to grab it
Copy !req
290. while the building
was still smoldering.
Copy !req
291. You crazy son of a bitch.
Copy !req
292. - This is it.
- That's it.
Copy !req
293. You think
these are the front doors
Copy !req
294. being loaded into this truck?
Copy !req
295. I do, Your Honor.
Copy !req
296. This is absurd.
Copy !req
297. That's not real evidence.
Copy !req
298. You can hardly see anything
in that photo.
Copy !req
299. I could say
they're loading Bigfoot
Copy !req
300. into the back of that truck.
Copy !req
301. - It's pretty blurry, Counselor.
- Well,
Copy !req
302. uh, either way,
the fact that the FBI
Copy !req
303. was loading anything
into the back of a U-Haul
Copy !req
304. while a building
is still smoldering
Copy !req
305. is information the jury
deserves to know.
Copy !req
306. Your Honor, the defense
has obtained a blurry photo
Copy !req
307. from a conspiracy theorist
who got it from who-knows-where.
Copy !req
308. How do you know
where I got it from?
Copy !req
309. It wasn't in discovery.
Copy !req
310. Are you spying on me?
Copy !req
311. - Judge?
- Cogdell,
Copy !req
312. get ahold of yourself.
Copy !req
313. Besides,
Copy !req
314. we have our own evidence
we'd like to submit
Copy !req
315. which will address
these ridiculous claims.
Copy !req
316. And what's that?
Copy !req
317. We found the door,
Your Honor.
Copy !req
318. The door? What door?
Copy !req
319. - What door?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
320. The one you've been asking
about non-stop.
Copy !req
321. The one you claim is gonna flip
this whole case on its head.
Copy !req
322. We're bringing it in.
Copy !req
323. Should put your concerns
to rest.
Copy !req
324. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
325. May it please the Court,
Copy !req
326. the government
would like to offer
Copy !req
327. Government Exhibit Number 728.
Copy !req
328. Jesus, what a showman.
Copy !req
329. You hear
what he said earlier?
Copy !req
330. That a conspiracy theorist
gave us the photo?
Copy !req
331. Do you think they've got
the Polo Lounge bugged?
Copy !req
332. We found the door in Sector F,
Copy !req
333. approximately 40 feet
away from the building.
Copy !req
334. And did you realize
it was the front door?
Copy !req
335. No, sir.
Copy !req
336. It was located so far away
Copy !req
337. from the front of the building
Copy !req
338. we classified it
as a piece of scrap metal.
Copy !req
339. And when did you come to realize
Copy !req
340. that it was the front door?
Copy !req
341. When we re-canvassed
the evidence warehouse yesterday
Copy !req
342. at your urging
and found it.
Copy !req
343. Now, does this door
Copy !req
344. appear to have
any bullet holes in it?
Copy !req
345. No, sir.
Copy !req
346. So there is nothing here
Copy !req
347. that contradicts any
of the earlier ATF testimony
Copy !req
348. stating that the Davidians
fired first?
Copy !req
349. No.
Copy !req
350. Were you aware
that the cult compound
Copy !req
351. - originally had two front doors?
- Yes.
Copy !req
352. We re-canvassed
for that one as well,
Copy !req
353. but didn't find it,
which wasn't surprising.
Copy !req
354. Why not?
Copy !req
355. It was still attached
to the building.
Copy !req
356. It melted
when the building burned.
Copy !req
357. Objection. Speculation.
Copy !req
358. The witness has
no first-hand knowledge
Copy !req
359. that the other door melted.
Copy !req
360. Uh-hmm. Sustained.
Copy !req
361. All right.
Copy !req
362. Ranger Boak,
Copy !req
363. why do you believe
the other front door melted?
Copy !req
364. Because the doors
were aluminum with foam cores.
Copy !req
365. And it was subjected
to temperatures
Copy !req
366. in excess
of 1300 degrees Fahrenheit
Copy !req
367. during the fire.
Copy !req
368. Aluminum melts at 1200.
Copy !req
369. And why didn't this door melt?
Copy !req
370. You see those marks?
Copy !req
371. They're from
the treads of a tank.
Copy !req
372. And when the tanks penetrated
the compound entryway,
Copy !req
373. we believe the door
got caught in the treads
Copy !req
374. and was dragged
to the place that we found it.
Copy !req
375. Well clear of the fire.
Copy !req
376. Could you go
get something for me?
Copy !req
377. Now, Ranger Boak,
Copy !req
378. you didn't realize
that this was a door initially.
Copy !req
379. Is that common,
to miscategorize evidence?
Copy !req
380. It's not common but it happens,
Copy !req
381. particularly if there's
a large volume of evidence.
Copy !req
382. Final question,
were you and the Texas Rangers
Copy !req
383. part of a massive conspiracy
Copy !req
384. headed by the Federal government
to hide this door?
Copy !req
385. I reckon not, sir.
Copy !req
386. No further questions.
Copy !req
387. Sheriff said
we needed proof of, um,
Copy !req
388. what'd he call it?
Copy !req
389. - Corpse abuse.
- Corpse abuse
Copy !req
390. in order to do
anything about it.
Copy !req
391. Well...
Copy !req
392. what if we gave him some proof?
Copy !req
393. Like a picture?
Copy !req
394. We can't just go to Mount Carmel
and snap a picture.
Copy !req
395. George carries around an Uzi.
Copy !req
396. He's...
Copy !req
397. He's crazy.
Copy !req
398. I mean,
you heard the Sheriff,
Copy !req
399. he said we might need
to arm ourselves.
Copy !req
400. So what if we did?
Copy !req
401. All right.
Copy !req
402. We'll take, uh,
five of the Rugers
Copy !req
403. and, uh, throw in
some of them camo suits too.
Copy !req
404. You got it.
Copy !req
405. We're here.
Copy !req
406. All right.
Copy !req
407. Everybody stay quiet
and stay close.
Copy !req
408. We're just getting a few photos
and then getting out.
Copy !req
409. All right?
Copy !req
410. tense music plays
Copy !req
411. Okay. Come on.
Copy !req
412. Vernon!
Copy !req
413. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
414. No. No, George.
Copy !req
415. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
416. You're trespassing!
Copy !req
417. Sneaking around my property!
Copy !req
418. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
419. George, no!
Copy !req
420. Ah!
Copy !req
421. Oh! Oh!
Copy !req
422. You all right?
Copy !req
423. Guess you got to learn
how to shoot.
Copy !req
424. Won't be the last time
we got to defend ourselves.
Copy !req
425. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
426. Beast is coming.
Copy !req
427. Drop your weapons!
Copy !req
428. On the ground!
Copy !req
429. ATF agents testified
Copy !req
430. that the Davidians shot first
Copy !req
431. and that those shots...
Copy !req
432. went through the front doors.
Copy !req
433. But the Davidians have stated
that it was the ATF
Copy !req
434. who shot at them
through those same doors.
Copy !req
435. But this door has
no bullet holes in it, correct?
Copy !req
436. Not that I see.
Copy !req
437. So it must be the other door,
the still-missing door,
Copy !req
438. that was shot through
and it would be the other door
Copy !req
439. that would prove which side
was telling the truth.
Copy !req
440. Yes. It— it appears that way.
Copy !req
441. Well, that's bad luck, isn't it?
Copy !req
442. Uh, a moment, Judge.
Copy !req
443. - Oh... shit.
- That's all I could find.
Copy !req
444. So, you believe
the other door melted.
Copy !req
445. - Yes.
- Because it was made
Copy !req
446. of aluminum.
Copy !req
447. That's what I said.
Copy !req
448. And those guns
right there didn't melt
Copy !req
449. because they're made of steel,
Copy !req
450. which has a much higher
melting point?
Copy !req
451. Yes.
Copy !req
452. So if the other door
was made of steel,
Copy !req
453. would it have melted?
Copy !req
454. No.
Copy !req
455. Yet that door
seems awfully heavy.
Copy !req
456. Well, I mean, my daddy
was a contractor.
Copy !req
457. Uh, I'd help him demo houses.
Copy !req
458. We pulled down
a lot of aluminum doors.
Copy !req
459. I could carry one
under one arm.
Copy !req
460. Sure didn't take three men
to pick one up.
Copy !req
461. I—I couldn't speak to that.
Copy !req
462. Well, then let me
ask you this, Ranger Boak.
Copy !req
463. Is aluminum magnetic?
Copy !req
464. Objection!
Copy !req
465. Ranger Boak is a lay witness,
not a metals expert.
Copy !req
466. I'll allow it.
Copy !req
467. No, it's not magnetic.
Copy !req
468. How about steel?
Copy !req
469. I believe so, yes.
Copy !req
470. So this refrigerator magnet,
Copy !req
471. would it stick to aluminum?
Copy !req
472. Um, no, it—it wouldn't.
Copy !req
473. tense music plays
Copy !req
474. Do you still believe
this door is made of aluminum?
Copy !req
475. No, sir, it looks
to be made of steel.
Copy !req
476. And if this door
is made of steel,
Copy !req
477. wouldn't it stand to reason
that the other door
Copy !req
478. it was attached to
was also made of steel?
Copy !req
479. The witness needs
to respond verbally.
Copy !req
480. Yes.
Copy !req
481. So then, Ranger Boak,
Copy !req
482. I'll ask you again...
Copy !req
483. where is the missing door?
Copy !req
484. Oh, hey.
Copy !req
485. Do you—do you need
the phone?
Copy !req
486. Because I can wait,
it's not urgent.
Copy !req
487. Hello?
Copy !req
488. No, go ahead.
Copy !req
489. Hello? Hello?
Copy !req
490. Hey, Daddy.
Copy !req
491. Oh, Carol.
Copy !req
492. Oh, it's so good
to hear from you.
Copy !req
493. - Are you safe?
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
494. I, I just wanted you
to know that,
Copy !req
495. that I made it
to my friend's place okay.
Copy !req
496. You know, I didn't—
I didn't want you to worry.
Copy !req
497. Yeah, that's good to hear
because I was worried.
Copy !req
498. Your mom
and I were both worried.
Copy !req
499. When do you think
we'll see you again?
Copy !req
500. Uh, it's hard to say,
you know,
Copy !req
501. but I—but I should go
because there's someone
Copy !req
502. waiting on the phone,
so I, you know,
Copy !req
503. I just didn't want you
to think I got lost.
Copy !req
504. Well, hey,
thanks for calling.
Copy !req
505. You called...
Copy !req
506. Hmm.
Copy !req
507. Ah, that was Carol.
Copy !req
508. She's still in play.
Copy !req
509. You sure she's just not looking
to get more candy money?
Copy !req
510. What's your name?
Copy !req
511. I don't know you.
Copy !req
512. Woo. Good girl.
You taught her well.
Copy !req
513. Okay, kiddo,
we're gonna get you to daycare.
Copy !req
514. Government has charged
my clients with conspiracy.
Copy !req
515. They claim that Paul Fatta
was a blood merchant,
Copy !req
516. the architect
of some violent plot
Copy !req
517. when he was just a man
trying to run a business.
Copy !req
518. But after what we saw today
I can't help but wonder
Copy !req
519. if it's the government
who shouldn't be answering
Copy !req
520. for their actions,
Copy !req
521. if it's the government
who is conspiring against
Copy !req
522. my clients,
whose only crime was leading
Copy !req
523. a life the government
didn't agree with.
Copy !req
524. And now that same government
refuses to take responsibility
Copy !req
525. for its actions,
and in fact is willing to do
Copy !req
526. whatever it takes
to cover it up,
Copy !req
527. even if it means
hurting innocent people.
Copy !req
528. But that malfeasance,
that arrogance
Copy !req
529. has dangerous consequences
Copy !req
530. for my clients
Copy !req
531. and for the rest
of this country.
Copy !req
532. Lori Rae?
Copy !req
533. You're on the Waco jury, right?
Copy !req
534. What?
Copy !req
535. No, I don't wanna talk.
Copy !req
536. The Constitution
of the United States
Copy !req
537. gives jurors great powers.
Copy !req
538. I'm here to inform you
of your choices.
Copy !req
539. Please, leave!
Copy !req
540. Please!
Copy !req
541. I'm calling the police!
Copy !req
542. You can make the right choice.
Copy !req
543. Please!
Copy !req
544. suspenseful music plays
Copy !req
545. Before we get started,
I wanna make you all aware
Copy !req
546. of something,
Copy !req
547. five of our jurors
had letters delivered
Copy !req
548. to their homes this weekend
by a group called FIJA,
Copy !req
549. the Fully Informed
Jury Association.
Copy !req
550. Pamphlets claim
Copy !req
551. the rules of the court
don't apply to the jury
Copy !req
552. and they can make up
whatever verdict they see fit.
Copy !req
553. - To the jurors' homes?
- Yes.
Copy !req
554. One of the jurors,
juror number six,
Copy !req
555. said she
was practically accosted.
Copy !req
556. She's pretty shaken up
about it.
Copy !req
557. Any of you all familiar
with this group?
Copy !req
558. Are you asking us, Your Honor?
Copy !req
559. I'm asking everyone.
Copy !req
560. It just seems like
the implication
Copy !req
561. is that the defense
might benefit from this.
Copy !req
562. I think you're reading
into my question.
Copy !req
563. I'm not implying anything, counselor.
Copy !req
564. I'm just concerned
that if-if the jury thinks
Copy !req
565. these people
are aligned with—
Copy !req
566. I will tell the jury
they have nothing to do
Copy !req
567. with anyone involved
in the trial.
Copy !req
568. That would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
Copy !req
569. So long as they believe
they can remain impartial.
Copy !req
570. - Let's get started.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
571. Your Honor,
the government calls
Copy !req
572. Kathy Schroeder to the stand.
Copy !req
573. So you were a member
of this group,
Copy !req
574. a Branch Davidian?
Copy !req
575. I was. Yes.
Copy !req
576. This must be
very hard for you
Copy !req
577. to testify
against your own people.
Copy !req
578. Yeah, it is.
Copy !req
579. When the ATF arrived
on February 28th
Copy !req
580. to serve their warrant,
Copy !req
581. and a gunfight erupted,
Copy !req
582. were you tasked
with any kind of job?
Copy !req
583. Yes.
Copy !req
584. I was the one
who made sure that everybody
Copy !req
585. had a gun
and made sure that everybody
Copy !req
586. had the right ammunition
to go with it.
Copy !req
587. - No! They're gonna kill you.
- Why?
Copy !req
588. - I don't care!
- Give me that gun!
Copy !req
589. Give me that gun!
Copy !req
590. And why were you
entrusted with this job?
Copy !req
591. I'd been in the Air Force.
Copy !req
592. So it was like
a military exercise?
Copy !req
593. It was something
we'd trained for.
Copy !req
594. And the people
that you were passing out
Copy !req
595. these weapons to,
did they take them
Copy !req
596. - with the intent to use them?
- Objection. Speculation.
Copy !req
597. I'll rephrase.
Copy !req
598. Was it your understanding
that the weapons would be used?
Copy !req
599. Absolutely.
Copy !req
600. And are some of the people
that you passed out
Copy !req
601. these weapons to here today?
Copy !req
602. Yes.
Copy !req
603. Let's get specific.
Copy !req
604. During the raid,
Copy !req
605. did you have any contact
with Ruth Riddle?
Copy !req
606. I gave Ruth
a gun and nine mags.
Copy !req
607. Can you identify
Ruth Riddle?
Copy !req
608. I'm sorry, Ruth.
Copy !req
609. Let the record show
that Mrs. Schroeder
Copy !req
610. has identified Ruth Riddle.
Copy !req
611. What contact did you have
with Clive Doyle
Copy !req
612. concerning firearms?
Copy !req
613. I gave Clive the.308.
Copy !req
614. Can you identify
Clive Doyle?
Copy !req
615. Did you have any contact
with Livingstone Fagan
Copy !req
616. concerning firearms?
Copy !req
617. Livingstone
was already carrying an AK,
Copy !req
618. so I just made sure he had ammo.
Copy !req
619. Did you have any contact
with Paul Fatta
Copy !req
620. concerning firearms?
Copy !req
621. Not on the day
of the raid,
Copy !req
622. but he purchased the guns.
Copy !req
623. So David Koresh
Copy !req
624. instructed you to hand out
Copy !req
625. the weapons Paul Fatta purchased
Copy !req
626. to these defendants?
Copy !req
627. Yes.
Copy !req
628. We all had guns.
You get it? We all had guns.
Copy !req
629. We all—we all knew
what was coming.
Copy !req
630. David always said,
"If you can't kill for God,
Copy !req
631. you can't die for God."
Copy !req
632. And was David Koresh
willing to die?
Copy !req
633. Of course.
Copy !req
634. We all were.
Copy !req
635. We were the army of God.
Copy !req
636. Even, even David's name,
Copy !req
637. David Koresh,
Copy !req
638. that means "Beloved Death."
Copy !req
639. So... when David Koresh
Copy !req
640. believed he was dying
from his gunshot wounds,
Copy !req
641. was there a plan
in case he died?
Copy !req
642. We were supposed to carry David
Copy !req
643. out the front door
on a stretcher.
Copy !req
644. If he wasn't dead yet,
Copy !req
645. we were gonna shoot him
in the head.
Copy !req
646. And then we were supposed
to open fire on the FBI agents.
Copy !req
647. And why
would you want to do that?
Copy !req
648. To-to-to...
Copy !req
649. to draw their fire.
Copy !req
650. So they'd kill us all.
Copy !req
651. See, you had to know
the real David.
Copy !req
652. He was never gonna surrender.
Copy !req
653. Sorry.
Copy !req
654. He was never gonna let us go.
Copy !req
655. And how
did you know that?
Copy !req
656. Because...
Copy !req
657. he'd conditioned us.
Copy !req
658. Oh, he did.
Copy !req
659. He conditioned us for years
Copy !req
660. to believe
that we were headed
Copy !req
661. for an armed showdown
with the—
Copy !req
662. with the forces of the Beast.
Copy !req
663. The Beast?
Copy !req
664. From the Book of Revelation.
Copy !req
665. So,
Copy !req
666. when the ATF arrived
at your door,
Copy !req
667. you believed
they were those forces?
Copy !req
668. And you were ready
for battle.
Copy !req
669. Yeah, we were.
Copy !req
670. And you were conditioned
to believe
Copy !req
671. that it would be a battle
to the death?
Copy !req
672. Yes.
Copy !req
673. So, no matter
what the government did,
Copy !req
674. no matter how many chances
they gave the Branch Davidians
Copy !req
675. to come out of Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
676. you weren't coming out alive?
Copy !req
677. No.
Copy !req
678. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
679. It's not too late,
you know.
Copy !req
680. We could pick a different place.
Copy !req
681. Bet most of those kids
never even heard of Waco.
Copy !req
682. We kill a bunch of kids,
Copy !req
683. who's to say
we're any better than the ATF?
Copy !req
684. Yeah. Hello?
Copy !req
685. Gary, Sanborn here.
Copy !req
686. Oh hey, Alan, what's up?
Copy !req
687. I need you on a plane
in a couple hours.
Copy !req
688. I passed off the negotiations
team to Hendricks.
Copy !req
689. It's not a negotiation.
Copy !req
690. I need you in Texas ASAP.
Copy !req
691. You're being called to testify
in the Waco trial tomorrow.
Copy !req
692. What? The...
Copy !req
693. the prosecution
wants me to testify?
Copy !req
694. No, the defense does.
Copy !req
695. - The defense? Why?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
696. Maybe they caught wind
of your little meltdown
Copy !req
697. with the DOJ,
where you said Waco
Copy !req
698. was all the government's fault.
Copy !req
699. That's not what I said.
Copy !req
700. Well, either way,
Copy !req
701. they want you
on the stand tomorrow.
Copy !req
702. Jesus. No, I—no, no.
Copy !req
703. I don't have time
for that, Alan.
Copy !req
704. Can you make it go away?
Copy !req
705. No, I cannot.
It's a Federal subpoena.
Copy !req
706. I— This is bad timing, Alan.
Copy !req
707. I just got
a CI into Elohim City.
Copy !req
708. What?
Copy !req
709. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
710. Who the hell gave you clearance
to send a CI in there?
Copy !req
711. I sure as hell didn't, Gary.
Copy !req
712. If that unauthorized CI
turns up dead,
Copy !req
713. your career is over.
Copy !req
714. I realize that.
Copy !req
715. That's why I can't leave
right now.
Copy !req
716. I don't like
you testifying
Copy !req
717. any more than you do.
Copy !req
718. You go down there and you show
that you know how to play ball.
Copy !req
719. If you want support
out there in Oklahoma,
Copy !req
720. then you're gonna have to show
us that you are a team player.
Copy !req
721. Are you stupid?
Copy !req
722. You had no right to do this
without talking to us.
Copy !req
723. This right here
is how you lose our whole case.
Copy !req
724. I'm sorry.
Were you in there just now?
Copy !req
725. Because Kathy Schroeder
just destroyed us.
Copy !req
726. Look, our whole case
is built on self-defense,
Copy !req
727. on the idea that the government
attacked the Davidians.
Copy !req
728. But the jury is not gonna give
a shit about that
Copy !req
729. if they think the Davidians
already had a death wish
Copy !req
730. and were gonna kill themselves
no matter what.
Copy !req
731. So our job,
our most important job,
Copy !req
732. is to show the jury
that our clients
Copy !req
733. were actual people,
people who wanted to live.
Copy !req
734. And that the choices
the ATF and the FBI made
Copy !req
735. are what resulted
in all those people dying.
Copy !req
736. We could put their friends
on the stand...
Copy !req
737. - No, no.
- ... their family.
Copy !req
738. Come on. Somebody's mama
ain't gonna convince the jury.
Copy !req
739. But if we can get a badge
up there and he says
Copy !req
740. that these were real people,
people who wanted to live...
Copy !req
741. then we're cooking with gas.
Copy !req
742. So, just to be clear,
you're gonna put
Copy !req
743. a professional negotiator
on the stand
Copy !req
744. and hope you can get him
to crack?
Copy !req
745. It's a Hail Mary at best.
Copy !req
746. Well, we need a Hail Mary
Copy !req
747. and we need it to connect
or we lose.
Copy !req
748. I am so tired of people
spreading lies about David,
Copy !req
749. especially when the lies
are coming from one of our own.
Copy !req
750. How could she say those things?
Copy !req
751. That we wanted this to happen?
Copy !req
752. We wanted all the people
we love to die?
Copy !req
753. - It's insane.
- Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
754. It's like letting Judas
write the Gospel.
Copy !req
755. I'm gonna testify.
Copy !req
756. Your lawyer
is letting you speak?
Copy !req
757. - Mine won't let me.
- Neither will mine.
Copy !req
758. I don't care.
Copy !req
759. I have a legal right
to testify if I want to.
Copy !req
760. - We all do.
- Uh, she's right.
Copy !req
761. It doesn't matter
that the lawyers said no.
Copy !req
762. Legally, they can't stop us.
Copy !req
763. And our lawyers
are not listening to us.
Copy !req
764. No one is listening to us.
Copy !req
765. So we have to make them listen.
Copy !req
766. I don't know.
Copy !req
767. We are good people.
Copy !req
768. Someone needs to say it.
Copy !req
769. We're not monsters.
David's not a monster.
Copy !req
770. The jury needs to hear
that David would never do
Copy !req
771. anything to hurt us.
Copy !req
772. He loved us.
Copy !req
773. - Someone should say something.
- Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
774. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
775. Hey, mama.
Copy !req
776. What the hell
were you thinking,
Copy !req
777. shooting at George Roden
like that?
Copy !req
778. - Well, they let me go.
- And if they didn't?
Copy !req
779. If they kept you in jail,
you think these friends of yours
Copy !req
780. would still be there
when you got out?
Copy !req
781. - God told me that—
- Oh, don't give me that crap!
Copy !req
782. They might buy
this whole messiah thing
Copy !req
783. you've been feeding them,
but I remember
Copy !req
784. when you were still pissing
your bed.
Copy !req
785. Stop!
Copy !req
786. God speaks to me!
Copy !req
787. - Vernon?
- He didn't choose you!
Copy !req
788. He didn't choose Grandma!
Copy !req
789. He chose me!
Copy !req
790. Me!
Copy !req
791. - Vernon!
- Not anymore.
Copy !req
792. You gave me that name.
Copy !req
793. But God's got bigger plans
for me than you could ever
Copy !req
794. even thought of!
Copy !req
795. Just get in the car.
Copy !req
796. God's given me
a new name.
Copy !req
797. David Koresh.
Copy !req
798. From now on,
you will call me by my name!
Copy !req
799. I will call you
by your given name!
Copy !req
800. Your real name!
Copy !req
801. David Koresh is
my real name!
Copy !req
802. Or do you think
you know better than God?
Copy !req
803. And is it God then who told you
Copy !req
804. to impregnate
Rachel's little sister?
Copy !req
805. What is she, 14?
Copy !req
806. You were 14 when you had me!
Copy !req
807. And I remember what it felt
Copy !req
808. like to be
a 14-year-old mother.
Copy !req
809. You know how that felt?
Copy !req
810. Like I was too young!
Copy !req
811. I follow where God leads
Copy !req
812. and if you can't get
with the program, then—
Copy !req
813. well, then you'll never see
these grandkids of yours.
Copy !req
814. How does that sound to you?
Is that what you want?
Copy !req
815. And they'll ask me, "Daddy,
why don't I have a grandma?"
Copy !req
816. And I'll say, "Oh, you do
have one out there somewhere,
Copy !req
817. but she always had to know best,
better than God."
Copy !req
818. Some souls just can't be led
to the spirit,
Copy !req
819. no matter how hard you scream
and shout at them.
Copy !req
820. Fine.
Copy !req
821. Just get back in the car.
Copy !req
822. Get back in the car what?
Copy !req
823. Get back in the car, please.
Copy !req
824. Get back in the car
please, David.
Copy !req
825. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
826. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
827. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
828. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
829. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
830. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
831. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
832. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
833. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
834. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
835. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
836. They're coming
for your kids!
Copy !req
837. They're coming for your guns!
Copy !req
838. - They're coming for your kids!
- Is it always like this?
Copy !req
839. Been a circus since day one.
Copy !req
840. I've been telling them
we need more support,
Copy !req
841. especially after one
of the jurors was followed home.
Copy !req
842. - What?
- These guys are coming here
Copy !req
843. from all over the country.
Copy !req
844. So, you gonna ask Noesner
about the missing door?
Copy !req
845. Yeah, probably.
Copy !req
846. Hey, where is everyone?
Copy !req
847. Hmm,
maybe the bus is late.
Copy !req
848. Oh, shit.
Now what?
Copy !req
849. What's up?
Copy !req
850. It seems we got
a bit of a mutiny on our hands.
Copy !req
851. You're denying us
our constitutional rights.
Copy !req
852. We have a 6th Amendment right
to self-representation,
Copy !req
853. and you're denying us
that right.
Copy !req
854. Is this about testifying again?
Copy !req
855. This is about speaking
the truth!
Copy !req
856. We're, we're good people,
and we just want the chance—
Copy !req
857. Clive, we've talked
about this.
Copy !req
858. There's no way in hell
you're gonna testify.
Copy !req
859. We already
have an opinion on—
Copy !req
860. All right.
Stop. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
861. You wanna testify?
Copy !req
862. You should know
what it's gonna be like.
Copy !req
863. Mr. Fagan, you were a follower
of David Koresh, correct?
Copy !req
864. - Yes.
- Did you believe him
Copy !req
865. when he said
the end times were coming?
Copy !req
866. Yes.
Copy !req
867. Is that why you were preparing
for battle?
Copy !req
868. A spiritual battle.
Copy !req
869. And were people gonna die
in this spiritual battle?
Copy !req
870. Yes.
Copy !req
871. Mr. Fagan,
have you ever shot anyone?
Copy !req
872. Mr. Fagan, you swore
on a Bible to tell the truth.
Copy !req
873. Now, I'll ask you again.
Have you ever shot anyone?
Copy !req
874. - Dan—
- No, no, no. They wanna do this.
Copy !req
875. Mr. Fatta, in 1988,
you were in a gun battle?
Copy !req
876. Yes.
Copy !req
877. A battle led
by David Koresh,
Copy !req
878. for which
you were both arrested.
Copy !req
879. What crime
were you charged with?
Copy !req
880. - Attempted murder.
- Attempted murder!
Copy !req
881. You were prepared to kill
for Mr. Koresh, weren't you?
Copy !req
882. Because you would do
anything Mr. Koresh said.
Copy !req
883. It wasn't like that.
Copy !req
884. We made our own choices.
Copy !req
885. So you had free will?
Copy !req
886. - Yes.
- And what about you, Mr. Doyle,
Copy !req
887. - were you brainwashed?
- No.
Copy !req
888. So you made
your own choices as well?
Copy !req
889. - Yes.
- So you chose to let
Copy !req
890. your 12-year-old daughter
marry a 30-year-old man?
Copy !req
891. You don't understand...
Copy !req
892. - And what about you?
- ... what we—
Copy !req
893. You knew
what was going on.
Copy !req
894. Did you say anything?
Copy !req
895. You have to know the Bible.
Copy !req
896. What about you?
Did you say anything?
Copy !req
897. Did you?
Or maybe you didn't care
Copy !req
898. because you had a son
instead of a daughter.
Copy !req
899. That's not fair!
Copy !req
900. You are all complicit.
Copy !req
901. You all saw, you knew,
and you didn't say anything.
Copy !req
902. Do you know
what the legal term
Copy !req
903. for these marriages
of David's is?
Copy !req
904. It's rape.
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905. It wasn't rape!
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906. It wasn't even sexual!
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907. David married them
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908. in order to have children!
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909. Is that why he married
a ten-year-old girl,
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910. because she was so fertile?
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911. You are not guilty of the crime
you've been accused of.
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912. And what the government did
at Mount Carmel
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913. is an abomination.
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914. But you're not innocent either.
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915. And if you get up there
to testify,
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916. that's all anybody
will be left with.
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917. dramatic music plays
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918. Everybody wants
to go to heaven
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919. Everybody wants to go
to heaven
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