1. When you look
at Isaiah in relationship
Copy !req
2. to the New Testament,
Copy !req
3. you get whole
new interpretations of it,
Copy !req
4. don't you?
Copy !req
5. For example,
Jesus wasn't the messiah.
Copy !req
6. He was a messiah.
Copy !req
7. He wasn't even the first,
Copy !req
8. and sure as heck
won't be the last.
Copy !req
9. Messiah comes
from the Hebrew "Mashiach."
Copy !req
10. Who here knows
what that word means?
Copy !req
11. "An anointed one."
Copy !req
12. Good.
Copy !req
13. And many were anointed.
Copy !req
14. King David, Noah, Daniel.
Copy !req
15. There are dozens of messiahs
in the Old Testament.
Copy !req
16. But, but the word
means more than that.
Copy !req
17. A messiah is
a savior, a liberator.
Copy !req
18. "One lamb
you shall offer in the morning
Copy !req
19. and the other lamb
you shall offer at twilight."
Copy !req
20. Meaning...
Copy !req
21. there are only two messiahs.
Copy !req
22. Yashua, or Jesus the Christ,
Copy !req
23. and the Lamb,
Copy !req
24. who will open the scroll.
Copy !req
25. Exodus 29:39.
Copy !req
26. Two Messiahs...
Copy !req
27. not dozens.
Copy !req
28. So you think
the next time we see a messiah,
Copy !req
29. it will be the second lamb
who will open up the seven seals
Copy !req
30. and usher in
the end of the world?
Copy !req
31. I guess that depends
on how you read Revelation.
Copy !req
32. What's your name?
Copy !req
33. Livingstone.
Copy !req
34. Well, Livingstone,
Copy !req
35. you're an obstinate
son-of-a-gun, ain't you?
Copy !req
36. You have no idea.
Copy !req
37. You know,
it's rare I speak to someone
Copy !req
38. with such deep understanding
of scripture.
Copy !req
39. I feel like I've learned more
Copy !req
40. in the last two hours
with you than...
Copy !req
41. in the last
two years at this college.
Copy !req
42. Well...
Copy !req
43. it seems to me like you know
what you need to do.
Copy !req
44. And what's that?
Copy !req
45. I got a place in Texas
Copy !req
46. where there's
a whole group of us.
Copy !req
47. We study scripture together,
Copy !req
48. and we follow
the rules set out by the Bible.
Copy !req
49. It's a pretty great life.
Copy !req
50. You should join us.
Copy !req
51. We could use someone like you,
Copy !req
52. the mind of a theologian.
Copy !req
53. To Texas?
Copy !req
54. Sometimes...
God has bigger plans for us
Copy !req
55. than we could
ever dream up ourselves.
Copy !req
56. Tell you this,
just come for a visit.
Copy !req
57. See if you believe God is there.
Copy !req
58. After we were
forced out of Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
59. we didn't know where to go.
Copy !req
60. We were a lost tribe
like those mentioned
Copy !req
61. in 2nd Kings,
being tested by God.
Copy !req
62. And then we found this place,
Copy !req
63. a place to heal and rebuild.
Copy !req
64. We call it New Palestine.
Copy !req
65. This is right here is where
we have our church services.
Copy !req
66. Nothing too fancy,
but we get by.
Copy !req
67. Uh, you're living
in a real Christian commune,
Copy !req
68. like the Bible teaches.
Copy !req
69. Is this Livingstone?
Copy !req
70. Welcome! Uh.
Copy !req
71. Vernon says
you are the smartest man
Copy !req
72. he's ever met.
Copy !req
73. Oh, I've spent
a lot of years studying.
Copy !req
74. - You're Australian?
- I am.
Copy !req
75. Yeah, we've got people here
from all over the world.
Copy !req
76. People like you who
have been called to this place.
Copy !req
77. So, uh, good news,
Copy !req
78. Lois rang this morning.
Copy !req
79. She's accepted your invitation
to Passover dinner.
Copy !req
80. Really?
Copy !req
81. Maybe she's ready
to bury the hatchet.
Copy !req
82. Well, that's good.
Copy !req
83. That's really good.
Copy !req
84. You're in luck.
Copy !req
85. Came here in an exciting time.
Copy !req
86. Welcome to the Promised Land, Livingstone.
Copy !req
87. Get up.
Copy !req
88. Why?
Copy !req
89. You gotta be strip-searched
Copy !req
90. before you can go exercise
in the yard,
Copy !req
91. same as every day.
Copy !req
92. Fine. I won't exercise, then.
Copy !req
93. Well, that's not up to you.
Copy !req
94. Get up.
Copy !req
95. I said get up.
Copy !req
96. And I said...
Copy !req
97. I will not.
Copy !req
98. theme music plays
Copy !req
99. I met some oddballs in my time,
but none of them
Copy !req
100. ever followed me
into the men's room before.
Copy !req
101. Not unless you were paying them.
Copy !req
102. The guy was kind of
making sense by the end though.
Copy !req
103. What's this guy's name?
Copy !req
104. Uh, the card said, uh, "Noh-vel"
or Novel, or I don't know.
Copy !req
105. Gordon Novel?
Copy !req
106. Oh, he's the real deal.
Copy !req
107. Yeah, he's,
he's CIA from way back.
Copy !req
108. - Bullshit.
- No, really.
Copy !req
109. You know that photo
of J. Edgar Hoover
Copy !req
110. wearing a lady's dress?
Copy !req
111. - Novel leaked it.
- Stop.
Copy !req
112. Hey.
Man's crazy, but he's connected.
Copy !req
113. I wonder how he got it.
Copy !req
114. Hot off the presses!
Copy !req
115. Ah.
Copy !req
116. Monday's discovery list.
Copy !req
117. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
118. What?
Copy !req
119. Jamie Helliver.
Copy !req
120. They're putting him
on the stand on Monday.
Copy !req
121. Helliver is the ATF agent
who claims Livingstone Fagan
Copy !req
122. shot him, our first eyewitness
to attempted murder.
Copy !req
123. Says two white guys
and a Black guy shot him.
Copy !req
124. Can't ID the white guys,
but what do you know,
Copy !req
125. the one Black guy that survives,
that's the one who shot him.
Copy !req
126. Tell me that's a coincidence.
Copy !req
127. I won't,
but I will tell you
Copy !req
128. we're not gonna win
painting the ATF as racist.
Copy !req
129. - You don't know that.
- No, I do know that.
Copy !req
130. You never win these things
from up on a soapbox.
Copy !req
131. This can't be about race.
Not in Texas.
Copy !req
132. No, we just need something
we can use
Copy !req
133. to plant some shred of doubt
Copy !req
134. in the jury's mind
and then move on.
Copy !req
135. Take our lumps on this one.
That's it.
Copy !req
136. Yeah.
Copy !req
137. So, who's doing the cross?
Copy !req
138. Helliver is going to ID
my client.
Copy !req
139. - My client, my witness.
- It's just...
Copy !req
140. you can get a little emotional
up there, Rocket.
Copy !req
141. Look, y'all keep saying
we're a team, right?
Copy !req
142. Well, that means
you guys gotta trust me.
Copy !req
143. No, we do trust you.
Copy !req
144. But maybe I can help you prep.
Copy !req
145. All right?
Now, let me ask you something.
Copy !req
146. What does Livingstone say
about Helliver's claims?
Copy !req
147. Nothing.
Copy !req
148. All he ever does
is quote Bible verses.
Copy !req
149. Doesn't know
how to help himself.
Copy !req
150. Well then, maybe we should head
down there tomorrow
Copy !req
151. and have a little chat, see if
we can't shake something loose.
Copy !req
152. We?
Copy !req
153. Good morning, Livingstone.
Copy !req
154. We need to talk
to you about what happened
Copy !req
155. on the first day of the siege.
Copy !req
156. I told you, I have no interest
in discussing that.
Copy !req
157. You have no interest
in being acquitted?
Copy !req
158. I won't be acquitted.
Copy !req
159. How do you know?
Copy !req
160. Because I've spent
the better part of my life
Copy !req
161. studying the Bible.
Copy !req
162. Never ends well for apostles.
Copy !req
163. They're trying
to silence us
Copy !req
164. because they know
we're speaking the truth.
Copy !req
165. No, there's no conspiracy,
it's a Federal trial.
Copy !req
166. There's always a gag order.
Copy !req
167. Look, you need
to fight this thing
Copy !req
168. in a courtroom
and not through theologians.
Copy !req
169. I will not.
Copy !req
170. So you're just gonna let them
run over you?
Copy !req
171. They've already rolled over me!
Copy !req
172. - Okay.
- You seem to be the only one
Copy !req
173. who doesn't see that.
Copy !req
174. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
175. That's what they want. They...
Copy !req
176. They want me to...
Copy !req
177. fight back,
Copy !req
178. so they can smile
as they watch me suffer.
Copy !req
179. But...
Copy !req
180. I will not give them
that satisfaction!
Copy !req
181. They've killed
everyone I love,
Copy !req
182. but I will never let them
see me suffer!
Copy !req
183. Okay.
Copy !req
184. Never.
Copy !req
185. I appreciate
what you're trying to do.
Copy !req
186. I don't mean
to be obstinate, but...
Copy !req
187. I don't have a lot of time.
Copy !req
188. The Romans are coming.
Copy !req
189. The Romans?
Copy !req
190. St. Paul, who spread
the word of Christ,
Copy !req
191. he was beheaded by the Romans.
Copy !req
192. Okay. Well,
I feel like we're getting
Copy !req
193. a little off topic here.
Copy !req
194. Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.
Copy !req
195. Didn't St. Paul
ask for an appeal?
Copy !req
196. - What?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
197. You know,
after he was thrown in prison,
Copy !req
198. he appealed
his case to the Caesar?
Copy !req
199. You're a biblical scholar now?
Copy !req
200. No, 12 years of Catholic school,
I hated every minute of it.
Copy !req
201. So boring. No offense.
Copy !req
202. What's your point?
Copy !req
203. That even the Apostles
played the legal game
Copy !req
204. when it suited them.
Copy !req
205. Paul bought himself time.
Copy !req
206. He preached
for another couple years,
Copy !req
207. gained followers,
spread Christ's message.
Copy !req
208. Look, Agent Helliver
is gonna get up there
Copy !req
209. on Monday and tell the jury
you shot him.
Copy !req
210. So we just need something
we can use
Copy !req
211. - to argue that isn't true.
- It's not true.
Copy !req
212. You didn't shoot anybody?
Copy !req
213. I didn't say that.
Copy !req
214. I'm saying that...
Copy !req
215. Look, I didn't shoot him.
Copy !req
216. Well, we can't
really say you were too busy
Copy !req
217. shooting other people.
Copy !req
218. Probably not a winning alibi.
Copy !req
219. Can you provide us
with any more details?
Copy !req
220. I don't know what, what,
Copy !req
221. what else I can tell you. It...
Copy !req
222. it was chaos.
Copy !req
223. Well, Helliver says
he was on the north side
Copy !req
224. when the firefight started.
Copy !req
225. Says you shot him
within the first
Copy !req
226. couple minutes
of the exchange.
Copy !req
227. I was never
on the north side. I...
Copy !req
228. When it started,
Copy !req
229. I was on the opposite end
of the building.
Copy !req
230. Peter had been shot and I...
Copy !req
231. I was trying to help him
Copy !req
232. away from the window...
Copy !req
233. before I realized he was dead.
Copy !req
234. You moved the body
by yourself?
Copy !req
235. No. Clive helped me.
Copy !req
236. You were with Clive
when Helliver was shot?
Copy !req
237. My Clive? Clive Doyle?
Copy !req
238. - Yeah.
- Well, hallelujah!
Copy !req
239. We got ourselves an alibi.
Copy !req
240. I don't even know
what you're looking for.
Copy !req
241. Everything we have
on Elohim City.
Copy !req
242. What about this?
Who's Richard Snell?
Copy !req
243. - Do you know?
- Yeah. Why?
Copy !req
244. It says here Pappy Millar
is his spiritual advisor,
Copy !req
245. visits him in prison regularly.
Copy !req
246. I do remember Snell.
Copy !req
247. Bingo.
Copy !req
248. - Huh.
- Huh.
Copy !req
249. "Member of the Covenant,
the Sword,
Copy !req
250. and the Arm of the Lord."
Copy !req
251. He frequented Elohim City.
Copy !req
252. Currently on death row
in Arkansas
Copy !req
253. at Cummins Unit Prison
for killing a pawnshop owner
Copy !req
254. he believed to be Jewish.
Copy !req
255. - Spoiler, he wasn't.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
256. He also killed a black cop.
Copy !req
257. Who do we know
at Cummins Unit Prison?
Copy !req
258. What's this about?
Copy !req
259. We'd like to make a request
to sever my client,
Copy !req
260. Livingstone Fagan's case
from the others.
Copy !req
261. On what grounds?
Copy !req
262. On the grounds
that my client has an alibi
Copy !req
263. during the time Agent Helliver
claims Mr. Fagan shot him.
Copy !req
264. Alibi?
Copy !req
265. Yes, my client, uh,
Clive Doyle, Your Honor.
Copy !req
266. I'm not
gonna waste the public's time
Copy !req
267. and money
trying this case more than once.
Copy !req
268. This is a conspiracy case.
Copy !req
269. Defendants can't testify
on each other's behalf.
Copy !req
270. - It's self-serving.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
271. What do you mean self-serving?
Copy !req
272. Of course it's self-serving.
Copy !req
273. Every person
I put up on the stand
Copy !req
274. is self-serving for my case.
Copy !req
275. - That's why they're up there!
- Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
276. Your Honor, the—we, we—
Copy !req
277. there is a legal precedent...
Copy !req
278. I don't give a fig
about your precedent.
Copy !req
279. I'm not going to let
his best buddy
Copy !req
280. and co-defendant
give him an alibi.
Copy !req
281. Motion denied.
Copy !req
282. Vernon, they're here!
Copy !req
283. They're here.
Copy !req
284. Oh, so good to see you.
Copy !req
285. Vernon.
Copy !req
286. Come here.
Copy !req
287. The story of Passover
tells us that the Israelites
Copy !req
288. were enslaved to the Pharaoh.
Copy !req
289. That Moses delivered them
from that slavery.
Copy !req
290. But that the Jews
wandered the desert
Copy !req
291. for 40 years before being
delivered to the Promised Land.
Copy !req
292. And now all these years later,
Copy !req
293. we find ourselves
like the Israelites,
Copy !req
294. living in Biblical times.
Copy !req
295. And like the Israelites, we also
find ourselves wandering,
Copy !req
296. waiting for the Lord to tell us
how we can help
Copy !req
297. deliver ourselves
and our families
Copy !req
298. back to the Promised Land.
Copy !req
299. Well...
Copy !req
300. you won't have to wait
much longer.
Copy !req
301. I've invited Vernon back to
Mount Carmel
Copy !req
302. under my guidance.
Copy !req
303. Well, Lois, that's mighty kind.
Copy !req
304. I do want to return
to Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
305. I really do.
Copy !req
306. And one day I will.
God has promised me that.
Copy !req
307. But not under
the rule of the Pharaoh.
Copy !req
308. What are you talking about,
Copy !req
309. Look what's happened
to Mount Carmel
Copy !req
310. under your guidance.
Copy !req
311. It's falling apart.
Does anybody look
Copy !req
312. at Mount Carmel
right now and say, "Wow,
Copy !req
313. God has blessed
this place"?
Copy !req
314. Or do they look here,
in these woods,
Copy !req
315. at these passionate believers,
Copy !req
316. and see that this is where God
has chosen to stay?
Copy !req
317. God has left you, Lois.
Copy !req
318. And I can't bring Him
back to you.
Copy !req
319. Look around,
Copy !req
320. He's here with us,
just like He was with Moses.
Copy !req
321. We will return
when the time is right,
Copy !req
322. but not when you tell us.
Copy !req
323. You bastard.
Copy !req
324. I am the Lamb,
Copy !req
325. the Lion
of the tribe of Judah,
Copy !req
326. the root of David.
Copy !req
327. No. No, you're not!
Copy !req
328. You are the serpent!
Copy !req
329. Come on.
Copy !req
330. Ruth?
Copy !req
331. I think I'm gonna stay here
for a bit.
Copy !req
332. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
333. dramatic music plays
Copy !req
334. I'm starting to feel
like an idiot.
Copy !req
335. The guy was supposed to be here
15 minutes ago.
Copy !req
336. Are you sure he's legit?
Copy !req
337. Legit?
Copy !req
338. No, he's a maniac,
but we're desperate.
Copy !req
339. Get in.
Copy !req
340. rock music plays
Copy !req
341. Shotgun.
Copy !req
342. I don't think
I was being followed,
Copy !req
343. but you can't be too careful.
Copy !req
344. I didn't think
I was gonna hear from you.
Copy !req
345. Yeah. Well, uh,
Gordon, things have changed.
Copy !req
346. We're in a little bit of a bind
with some upcoming testimony.
Copy !req
347. Whose? Agent Helliver's?
Copy !req
348. Uh, yeah.
Copy !req
349. Yeah. Looks like you were right
Copy !req
350. about those front doors
being metal.
Copy !req
351. Figured we could see
if we could get a little help.
Copy !req
352. The door is just
the tip of the iceberg.
Copy !req
353. There's a much bigger story
with Waco.
Copy !req
354. Much bigger.
Copy !req
355. Eyes on the road there, boss.
Copy !req
356. Here. Look at this.
Copy !req
357. Did you know that the Davidians,
that none of them
Copy !req
358. had a proper autopsy
because the morgue lost power?
Copy !req
359. Oh God.
Copy !req
360. Or Jimmy Riddle?
Copy !req
361. Dragged back into the fire
after he was shot,
Copy !req
362. arm ripped off by a tank.
Copy !req
363. Wonder who murdered him? Hmm?
Copy !req
364. Gordon, let me ask you
a question.
Copy !req
365. What's in this for you?
Copy !req
366. Why are you so hell-bent
on digging up dirt?
Copy !req
367. Because I hate the ATF
Copy !req
368. with the fire
of a thousand suns, that's why.
Copy !req
369. - I'm getting there myself.
- Yeah, but why?
Copy !req
370. Because they arrested me
four times for fire-bombing
Copy !req
371. the Federation
of Churches building
Copy !req
372. in New Orleans, that's why.
Copy !req
373. Which you didn't do?
Copy !req
374. Oh, no, I did it,
but it was a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
375. I just wanted to get
the World's Fair to New Orleans.
Copy !req
376. Okay. Yeah. Pull over.
Pull the car over.
Copy !req
377. No. Nuh-uh.
Copy !req
378. Oh, no.
Oh, no. Oh, God. Get me out.
Copy !req
379. I think it's best if we just
don't tell anybody about this.
Copy !req
380. First one went in here,
the second here.
Copy !req
381. You can see
where the bullets hit.
Copy !req
382. And those holes
correspond to your wounds,
Copy !req
383. as far as you can tell?
Copy !req
384. The ones on my chest, yes.
Copy !req
385. Uh, two other shots went
through my arm and my shoulder.
Copy !req
386. The second was on its way out
Copy !req
387. when it hit the back
of the vest, went into my chest.
Copy !req
388. The vest appears
to be discolored.
Copy !req
389. What is that discoloration?
Copy !req
390. Blood.
Copy !req
391. My blood.
Copy !req
392. - Now, you've described...
- Hey. It's Novel.
Copy !req
393. what happened to you
in those first moments.
Copy !req
394. Do you have any doubt
as to whether or not
Copy !req
395. Defendant Fagan shot you?
Copy !req
396. No.
Copy !req
397. There's no doubt in my mind
Copy !req
398. that man shot me.
Copy !req
399. Gordon, we're in the middle
of a trial here.
Copy !req
400. I did some digging
into Agent Helliver.
Copy !req
401. Found something.
Copy !req
402. What am I looking at here?
Copy !req
403. This is the lineup card
that the Texas Rangers
Copy !req
404. showed Helliver
when they asked him to ID Fagan.
Copy !req
405. Read the notes in the margin.
Copy !req
406. Is this real?
Copy !req
407. Got it from a Texas Ranger.
Copy !req
408. Crazy son of a bitch.
Copy !req
409. How do we even know it's real?
Copy !req
410. Hmm, fair question,
do we have anything to speak
Copy !req
411. to the veracity
of this document?
Copy !req
412. I have a signed affidavit
from a Texas Ranger
Copy !req
413. saying it is.
Copy !req
414. Hmm. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
415. I withdraw my objections.
Copy !req
416. Great. Thanks, Bill.
Copy !req
417. Admitted.
Copy !req
418. Is this the circle you drew
around Livingstone Fagan
Copy !req
419. to ID him
as the man who shot you?
Copy !req
420. It is.
Copy !req
421. When was
this interview?
Copy !req
422. Um, believe it was
in the summer, June or July.
Copy !req
423. So at least five months
after the siege.
Copy !req
424. Yes.
Copy !req
425. That's a long time.
Copy !req
426. Hey, can you read
what the officer
Copy !req
427. who took your statement wrote
in the margins here?
Copy !req
428. "Unsure if ID
is from shootout or TV."
Copy !req
429. So, you weren't actually sure
Copy !req
430. that Livingstone Fagan
was the man who shot you.
Copy !req
431. Well, um...
Copy !req
432. the, uh, picture is blurry,
Copy !req
433. that's why I was unsure.
Copy !req
434. I know who shot me.
Copy !req
435. How many Black people
lived at Mount Carmel?
Copy !req
436. Do you know?
Copy !req
437. No.
Copy !req
438. Uh, White, Black, Hispanic,
Copy !req
439. I just knew
that there were people there.
Copy !req
440. You remember saying
that two White men
Copy !req
441. and one Black man shot at you?
Copy !req
442. Yes, shot at me.
Copy !req
443. Livingstone was the only one
who actually hit me.
Copy !req
444. But you never identified
the White men, did you?
Copy !req
445. No.
Copy !req
446. So the only person you ID'd
as a shooter
Copy !req
447. happened to be
the only surviving Black guy?
Copy !req
448. I guess so.
Copy !req
449. And is it true
that your ATF Field Office
Copy !req
450. has recently been sued
by its own Black agents
Copy !req
451. for creating
an unsafe work environment?
Copy !req
452. It was not unsafe.
Copy !req
453. The Black agents were, uh,
offended by some jokes,
Copy !req
454. - that's all.
- Right.
Copy !req
455. Like the framed certificate
on the wall that said
Copy !req
456. "Negro Hunting License"?
Copy !req
457. Like that funny joke of yours,
you racist son of a bitch?
Copy !req
458. - Objection!
- Watch yourself, counselor.
Copy !req
459. I'm not a racist.
Copy !req
460. And you can call me names
all you want,
Copy !req
461. but I am standing here now,
by the grace of God,
Copy !req
462. and I'm looking
at that man right now
Copy !req
463. with my own eyes,
Copy !req
464. and I am telling you,
Copy !req
465. that's the man who shot me.
Copy !req
466. Why are you here, Fed?
Copy !req
467. Well,
I, I'd like, if I could,
Copy !req
468. to learn more
about Elohim City.
Copy !req
469. Why would I
talk to you about anything?
Copy !req
470. You guys are putting me down
like a dog on April 19.
Copy !req
471. Do you know that date?
Copy !req
472. The significance?
Copy !req
473. You should.
Copy !req
474. It's the two-year anniversary
of the day you Feds
Copy !req
475. burned 76 innocent women
Copy !req
476. and children alive at Waco.
Copy !req
477. Were you there?
Copy !req
478. Oh, you were, weren't you?
Copy !req
479. Do you hear their screams
when you sleep,
Copy !req
480. the children, those babies?
Copy !req
481. You know, Richard,
Copy !req
482. not that I owe you
an explanation,
Copy !req
483. but I'm gonna tell you
what the problem at Waco was.
Copy !req
484. Okay?
Copy !req
485. On one hand, we had a selfish,
narcissistic cult leader
Copy !req
486. who wouldn't listen
to a goddamn thing anybody said.
Copy !req
487. And on the other,
Copy !req
488. we had some FBI leaders
who chose to take
Copy !req
489. an unfortunately
aggressive approach.
Copy !req
490. But there is plenty of blame
to go around.
Copy !req
491. It wasn't all on us.
Copy !req
492. Do you think they would've
just killed themselves
Copy !req
493. if you didn't push them to it?
Copy !req
494. Guard?
Copy !req
495. I hope you still smell
their burning flesh.
Copy !req
496. Guard?
Copy !req
497. Because I sleep like a baby!
Copy !req
498. And when April 19th rolls in,
and I have my last meal,
Copy !req
499. I will imagine
the look on your ugly face
Copy !req
500. as you realize who we are,
how we punch back!
Copy !req
501. You all right?
Copy !req
502. Yeah. Thanks.
Copy !req
503. Why would he mention
his last meal?
Copy !req
504. What's that?
Copy !req
505. He said he'll be having
his last meal
Copy !req
506. as we realize
how they punch back.
Copy !req
507. Huh.
Copy !req
508. Well, that's odd,
Copy !req
509. seeing as he chose
not to have a meal.
Copy !req
510. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
511. He said he didn't wanna eat,
Copy !req
512. just wanted a TV
so he could watch the news.
Copy !req
513. On April 19th.
Copy !req
514. You gonna sulk
over here at the bar
Copy !req
515. or are you gonna join us
at the big boys' table?
Copy !req
516. They're all pissed at me.
Copy !req
517. Yeah.
Copy !req
518. Yeah, they'll get over it.
Copy !req
519. We all make mistakes, Rocket.
Copy !req
520. Hell, I flipped off the judge
Copy !req
521. first day of the trial.
Copy !req
522. I just wanted to help my client.
Copy !req
523. And that's not a weakness,
that's your strength.
Copy !req
524. You're all heart, Rocket.
Everybody knows it.
Copy !req
525. That's a good thing.
Copy !req
526. You'll find a way
to help Livingstone.
Copy !req
527. Listen, on the plus side,
Copy !req
528. looks like Novel might not
be completely full of shit.
Copy !req
529. Are we gonna start looking
for Jimmy Hoffa now?
Copy !req
530. The second shooter
on the grassy knoll?
Copy !req
531. No, but maybe
we should start looking
Copy !req
532. - for those goddamn doors.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
533. Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Copy !req
534. Hi. Uh, I'm looking for a woman.
Copy !req
535. - She's about, uh...
- Pig's in the mud
Copy !req
536. When he tires...
Copy !req
537. Oh, never mind.
Copy !req
538. Pig's in zen
Copy !req
539. Pig's in zen
Copy !req
540. Pig is nude...
Copy !req
541. - What do you want?
- Unashamed...
Copy !req
542. You weren't easy to find.
Copy !req
543. Pig's in zen
Copy !req
544. Pig's in zen
Copy !req
545. I'm talking
about the pig...
Copy !req
546. Jesus, I told you, Gary,
just leave me alone.
Copy !req
547. I wanted to give you
a second chance.
Copy !req
548. Believe me, I could use
a second chance, too.
Copy !req
549. Look, Carol, I don't think
you're a bad person. Okay?
Copy !req
550. But you do know
some very bad people,
Copy !req
551. and I'm afraid they're gonna do
something really stupid.
Copy !req
552. Maybe on April 19th.
Copy !req
553. And I need your help
to stop them,
Copy !req
554. whatever they're up to.
Copy !req
555. - April 19th?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
556. Pappy Millar mentioned that date
last time I was at Elohim City.
Copy !req
557. He said the revolution
would start by then.
Copy !req
558. That date? You sure?
Copy !req
559. It's my mom's birthday, Gary.
That's why I remembered it.
Copy !req
560. Well, then you really
gotta help me.
Copy !req
561. I don't gotta do shit.
Copy !req
562. Look, if they do
something stupid,
Copy !req
563. that sucks, okay, sure.
Copy !req
564. But they're scary people.
Copy !req
565. They're not messin'.
Copy !req
566. And ain't none of this
is my problem.
Copy !req
567. My whole modus operandi
is, like,
Copy !req
568. not getting myself killed
for shit that isn't my problem
Copy !req
569. in the first place.
Copy !req
570. Especially not for the FBI!
Copy !req
571. I mean, I hate the FBI,
Copy !req
572. fucking bunch of baby killers.
Copy !req
573. Right.
Copy !req
574. Hey, just so you know...
Copy !req
575. sometimes we pay informants.
Copy !req
576. Like, what are we talking?
Copy !req
577. tense music plays
Copy !req
578. I really have to wear this?
Copy !req
579. If you're buying drugs
with federal money,
Copy !req
580. - you have to wear a wire.
- You don't need
Copy !req
581. to overdo it in there.
If he asks a question
Copy !req
582. or you do something that doesn't
feel right, don't push.
Copy !req
583. Thanks for looking out
for me, daddy.
Copy !req
584. No. I'm serious.
Copy !req
585. If you overstep in there,
you make these guys suspicious,
Copy !req
586. this whole thing is over.
Copy !req
587. Gary, how many times
you bought drugs?
Copy !req
588. - Zero.
- Then maybe relax
Copy !req
589. with the advice, huh?
Copy !req
590. Okay. Now, remember,
the objective is to get
Copy !req
591. an invitation to Elohim City
on a later date.
Copy !req
592. - You don't have to rush things.
- Okay.
Copy !req
593. I get it. Just be cool.
Copy !req
594. Jeez, can I just go in there
and buy some drugs already?
Copy !req
595. I mean, shit.
Copy !req
596. These people are dangerous,
Copy !req
597. don't you ever forget that.
Copy !req
598. You really think what
we're doing here is important?
Copy !req
599. I do.
Copy !req
600. Do me a favor,
Copy !req
601. it's just in case.
Copy !req
602. What's this?
Copy !req
603. If anything happens to me,
Copy !req
604. it's a letter for my daddy
explaining things a little.
Copy !req
605. You're gonna be fine.
Copy !req
606. Oh, hey, man.
Can I have a beer?
Copy !req
607. Thank you.
Copy !req
608. I'm the man in the box
Copy !req
609. Buried
Copy !req
610. In my shit
Copy !req
611. - Won't you...
- All the way now. Come on, now.
Copy !req
612. Yeah, good job.
Copy !req
613. I'm sorry.
Let's rewind that.
Copy !req
614. I'll take a drink to that.
Copy !req
615. Hey, Becca.
Copy !req
616. We met at Earl's, remember
through my boyfriend, Wild Bill?
Copy !req
617. Carol.
Copy !req
618. Sure. Yeah.
Copy !req
619. It's, uh, shitty
Copy !req
620. what happened with him
getting busted.
Copy !req
621. Yeah. It's been tough.
Copy !req
622. Hey, you—I'm gonna...
Copy !req
623. Are you holding?
Copy !req
624. Because I, I could really use
a pick-me-up.
Copy !req
625. You a cop?
Copy !req
626. Am I a cop?
Copy !req
627. Jesus, look at me,
I'm too hot to be a cop.
Copy !req
628. I'm actually a superspy.
Copy !req
629. - Oh.
- Got my little own white van
Copy !req
630. outside full of FBI agents
Copy !req
631. just waiting for me
to get my coke on.
Copy !req
632. - What the hell is she doing?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
633. Okay. I-I remember you now.
Copy !req
634. You're the crazy girl.
Copy !req
635. How much you looking for?
Copy !req
636. I don't know,
like 8 ball, maybe.
Copy !req
637. 120, but it's good.
Copy !req
638. Okay.
Copy !req
639. I'm good for that.
Copy !req
640. - I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Copy !req
641. Shove my nose
in shit...
Copy !req
642. What's going on here?
Copy !req
643. - Quarters.
- Quarters.
Copy !req
644. Can I play?
Copy !req
645. By all means.
Copy !req
646. Oh!
Copy !req
647. That was so close.
Copy !req
648. - Oh, shit!
- Oh!
Copy !req
649. That's it. That's it.
All drink. All drink.
Copy !req
650. Oh, shut up, Carol.
Copy !req
651. - Are you enjoying this?
- No.
Copy !req
652. Good, 'cause
this is just stupid.
Copy !req
653. Becca. Becca,
Copy !req
654. over here.
Copy !req
655. All right.
Copy !req
656. - Thank you.
- Tell Wild Bill,
Copy !req
657. - I said, "What's up?"
- I will.
Copy !req
658. Hey, um...
Copy !req
659. you know the other thing that
sucks about the whole situation?
Copy !req
660. I left a bunch of my shit
at his place at Elohim City.
Copy !req
661. You know how crazy
they are about
Copy !req
662. letting people in and all that?
Copy !req
663. - Uh-huh.
- Yeah. You got a trailer there,
Copy !req
664. right? Right?
Copy !req
665. So, you know, maybe
you could vouch for me?
Copy !req
666. Just, just so
I could get in, you know.
Copy !req
667. You know, like a woman
to woman kind of thing?
Copy !req
668. - I don't know.
- Come on.
Copy !req
669. I'm trying to avoid buying
a whole new wardrobe.
Copy !req
670. Okay. Yeah. Maybe we can—
Copy !req
671. I'm not paying you shit.
Copy !req
672. I had to ask my uncle
Copy !req
673. redo the cash out to this shop.
Copy !req
674. That's bullshit.
Dude, no matter what,
Copy !req
675. - you owe me.
- I'm not trying
Copy !req
676. to Jew you out of nothing.
Copy !req
677. - Now, get the fuck out!
- Get back!
Copy !req
678. - Hey, hey, hey.
- Oh, shit.
Copy !req
679. - Put the gun away, man.
- Did she say, "gun"?
Copy !req
680. Stay calm.
Copy !req
681. Whoa. What happened to her mic?
Copy !req
682. Dispatch, this is Agent Gram.
Copy !req
683. Alert local authorities
that there's been gunfire.
Copy !req
684. Come on,
let's blow this shithole.
Copy !req
685. Come on.
Copy !req
686. Keep going.
Copy !req
687. Where is she going?
Copy !req
688. What's happening?
Copy !req
689. Shit.
Copy !req
690. You heading out?
Copy !req
691. Ah. I have to get back
to my family.
Copy !req
692. Well, sure was hoping
you'd stay a little longer.
Copy !req
693. What is it?
Copy !req
694. I know what you meant
the other night,
Copy !req
695. at Passover dinner.
Copy !req
696. The Lamb, the Lion,
Copy !req
697. the root of David.
Copy !req
698. Saying you're a Messiah.
Copy !req
699. You've been here
for a few weeks now.
Copy !req
700. What do you think?
Copy !req
701. I never asked for this.
Copy !req
702. And I'll be honest,
sometimes it feels
Copy !req
703. like a burden too great.
Copy !req
704. But I have been chosen.
Copy !req
705. And then I was led to you, Livingstone,
Copy !req
706. because you've been chosen, too.
Copy !req
707. You've read Revelation.
Copy !req
708. You know how this old story
ends for me.
Copy !req
709. God has chosen you to tell
my story when I'm gone.
Copy !req
710. Why me?
Copy !req
711. Nobody understands my teachings
like you do.
Copy !req
712. Where is he?
Copy !req
713. Where is that son of a bitch?
Copy !req
714. Hey! What's going on?
Copy !req
715. This is all your fault.
Copy !req
716. - You killed her.
- What?
Copy !req
717. - Killed who?
- Mama!
Copy !req
718. She's dead.
Copy !req
719. You are never
coming back to Mount Carmel!
Copy !req
720. Never!
Copy !req
721. You goddamn rapist!
Copy !req
722. Are you okay?
Copy !req
723. It's already begun.
Copy !req
724. The forces of darkness trying
to snuff out the light.
Copy !req
725. Livingstone,
God has asked you to stay
Copy !req
726. and to fight for that light.
Copy !req
727. David is Messiah.
Copy !req
728. The lamb "was slain
Copy !req
729. and has redeemed us
to God by thy blood."
Copy !req
730. He will come again
Copy !req
731. in Judgment...
Copy !req
732. of the living and the dead.
Copy !req
733. And his name is David Koresh!
Copy !req
734. David Koresh.
Copy !req
735. The name of the lamb
is David Koresh!
Copy !req
736. When he returns,
Copy !req
737. he'll bring the kingdom
of heaven to Earth!
Copy !req
738. The seventh seal will open!
Copy !req
739. He will slaughter
the Babylonians
Copy !req
740. and the unbelievers,
Copy !req
741. pulling down the curtain
on mankind!
Copy !req
742. The end days are coming.
Copy !req
743. We will all witness...
Copy !req
744. She played you, Gary.
She's not gonna call.
Copy !req
745. - It happens.
- No. She's not doing that.
Copy !req
746. She's... she's trying.
Copy !req
747. I know you wanna believe that,
but she's not.
Copy !req
748. Look, she gave me this letter
in case something went wrong.
Copy !req
749. Now, why on earth would she do
that if she wasn't serious?
Copy !req
750. I don't know.
Copy !req
751. Maybe you should give it a read,
see what she said.
Copy !req
752. "Hi, Dad.
If you're reading this,
Copy !req
753. then I'm probably dead.
Copy !req
754. But if that's true,
Copy !req
755. it's only because
I was doing something right
Copy !req
756. for once.
Copy !req
757. I know I've been
a real disappointment
Copy !req
758. to you and mom,
but... if you're reading this,
Copy !req
759. then at least
I died for something important.
Copy !req
760. Love, Carol."
Copy !req
761. What if in my blind drive
to make up for the fact
Copy !req
762. that 76 people died
on my watch,
Copy !req
763. I go out and get
another one killed?
Copy !req
764. The people in Elohim City
are scary
Copy !req
765. and this could go
very badly for her.
Copy !req
766. I'm gonna go home
to my daughter.
Copy !req
767. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
768. You heading out?
Copy !req
769. No. I'm gonna stick around,
Copy !req
770. see if she calls,
Copy !req
771. if that's okay.
Copy !req
772. Sure.
Copy !req
773. Hey, I, I know we were
just gonna pop in and out,
Copy !req
774. but I kind of need
a place to crash,
Copy !req
775. so is there any chance
Copy !req
776. I can stay with you
for a few nights?
Copy !req
777. Shit. We ain't even there yet
Copy !req
778. and you're trying
to burrow in like a tick.
Copy !req
779. You got a crush on me
or something?
Copy !req
780. No.
Copy !req
781. - You ain't my type.
- Oh.
Copy !req
782. I like assholes.
Copy !req
783. Well, all right by me,
Copy !req
784. but you'll have to ask
the big guy.
Copy !req
785. I don't remember checkpoints
Copy !req
786. last time I was here.
Copy !req
787. Yeah.
They've been on high alert
Copy !req
788. since your Wild Bill
and his boys went down.
Copy !req
789. They have a second gate?
Copy !req
790. Yeah. This is where
they, uh, search us.
Copy !req
791. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
792. I'm, I'm with Becca.
Copy !req
793. - I was—
- This is not what I asked.
Copy !req
794. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
795. I'm Carol.
Copy !req
796. She's Wild Bill's girl.
Copy !req
797. Get out of the car.
Copy !req
798. Why?
Copy !req
799. So I can search you.
Copy !req
800. Hands up.
You know the deal.
Copy !req
801. Easy there, perv.
Copy !req
802. You guys really know how
to make a girl feel welcome.
Copy !req
803. We do what we can.
Copy !req
804. Morning, Pappy.
Copy !req
805. How's training going
with the new recruits?
Copy !req
806. They'll get there.
Copy !req
807. Uh, that's my friend Carol.
Copy !req
808. She wants to see if
she can stay here for a bit,
Copy !req
809. crash in my trailer.
Copy !req
810. Nice to meet you, Pappy.
Copy !req
811. You're Wild Bill's girl.
Copy !req
812. That's right.
Copy !req
813. Shame what happened to him.
Copy !req
814. Yeah. It was messed up.
Copy !req
815. Yeah. It's just strange,
Copy !req
816. Wild Bill robbed 21 banks
without a hitch.
Copy !req
817. And number 22, the cops were
right there waiting for him.
Copy !req
818. One of his boys was probably
running his mouth.
Copy !req
819. Nein.
Copy !req
820. Sitze.
Copy !req
821. My daddy raised Dobermans,
you know,
Copy !req
822. beautiful dogs
just like these guys.
Copy !req
823. Church is at noon.
Copy !req
824. I wouldn't miss it, Pappy.
Copy !req
825. theme music plays
Copy !req