1. Once
negotiations broke down,
Copy !req
2. we were left with little choice.
Copy !req
3. The decision was made
for us to insert gas
Copy !req
4. in an effort to coerce those
on the inside to come out.
Copy !req
5. We followed protocol to a T.
Copy !req
6. The Davidians were raining
down gunfire on my men.
Copy !req
7. It looked like Christmas out
there with bullets hitting
Copy !req
8. our tanks, and my men
showed such restraint.
Copy !req
9. Not a single shot was
returned from the FBI.
Copy !req
10. Now with that being
said, are there tactics
Copy !req
11. or decisions that you
would've made differently?
Copy !req
12. Not a one.
Copy !req
13. Not a one, huh?
Copy !req
14. This
is not an assault.
Copy !req
15. The siege is over now.
Copy !req
16. The gas you will be smelling
is a non-lethal tear gas.
Copy !req
17. Exit the compound.
Copy !req
18. M60 vehicle,
Copy !req
19. this combat engineering vehicle,
Copy !req
20. uh, pumped tear gas...
Copy !req
21. Gary, the Davidians
had a death wish.
Copy !req
22. That's not on the FBI.
Copy !req
23. This thing was never gonna turn
out any different than it did.
Copy !req
24. If anything, we
should've gone in sooner,
Copy !req
25. once we realized
that negotiations
Copy !req
26. weren't yielding any results.
Copy !req
27. - No results?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
28. You know I seem to recall
negotiating 35 people out
Copy !req
29. of that building safely,
including 21 children.
Copy !req
30. You're acting like we rushed in.
Copy !req
31. We waited 51 days,
we gave you 51 days
Copy !req
32. to try to talk 'em out,
and you couldn't do it.
Copy !req
33. Why isn't anyone coming out?
They should be coming out.
Copy !req
34. No!
Copy !req
35. inside this building.
Copy !req
36. Seventeen of those
95 people, children.
Copy !req
37. Some 30...
Copy !req
38. - We give up. We give up.
- Okay.
Copy !req
39. Somebody help me!
Copy !req
40. We got people down here!
Copy !req
41. Wait! Wait!
Copy !req
42. You failed, you didn't do your
job, so we had to do ours.
Copy !req
43. Gentlemen, why
don't we all take a break?
Copy !req
44. Hmm?
Copy !req
45. Give everyone a
chance to cool down.
Copy !req
46. Gary, you need to get
your shit together.
Copy !req
47. We need to come clean, Alan.
Copy !req
48. - Oh.
- People are angry
Copy !req
49. about what happened in
Waco, and they're scared
Copy !req
50. because they think that
we did it on purpose.
Copy !req
51. And we're too scared
Copy !req
52. to tell them the truth,
that they're wrong.
Copy !req
53. It wasn't part of
some master plan.
Copy !req
54. It was just a bunch of bad
decisions and incompetence.
Copy !req
55. Speak for
yourself, Gary.
Copy !req
56. Your men, they may
have been incompetent.
Copy !req
57. Mine sure weren't.
Copy !req
58. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
59. Well, the
medal is in the mail, Mitch.
Copy !req
60. Sunny
day today. We can expect
Copy !req
61. much, much more of the same
over the next few days.
Copy !req
62. You might wanna do some of
those outdoor activities
Copy !req
63. - you've been saving up for.
- Thanks, Sammy.
Copy !req
64. Coming up next,
Copy !req
65. the trial of the Waco Five
Copy !req
66. begins in San Antonio this week
Copy !req
67. as a federal grand jury
indicted five of the surviving
Copy !req
68. Branch Davidians for unlawful
possession of firearms,
Copy !req
69. and aiding in the murder
of federal officers.
Copy !req
70. You ask me,
Copy !req
71. it's the FBI that should
be standing trial,
Copy !req
72. not those religious nuts.
Copy !req
73. Our government
just went in there,
Copy !req
74. burned those people
alive, women and children.
Copy !req
75. I think every
ATF and FBI agent
Copy !req
76. at Waco should go to jail.
Copy !req
77. Waco.The.Aftermath.S01E01.Truths.and.Consequences.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL. DDP5.1.H.264-NTb :.
Copy !req
78. - Noesner.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
79. It's been awhile.
Copy !req
80. Oh yeah, sure
has, since what?
Copy !req
81. The, uh, Atlanta Prison Riots?
Copy !req
82. No, I feel like
I've seen you since.
Copy !req
83. Oh, yeah? So, uh, what's
on the menu today?
Copy !req
84. Well, we got four guys
wearing ex-presidents masks.
Copy !req
85. Oh, like that movie Point Break?
Copy !req
86. Never said they were original.
Copy !req
87. No, these guys have been
running around all over,
Copy !req
88. robbing banks in Oklahoma,
Copy !req
89. Arkansas, 21 in all.
Copy !req
90. They're efficient, you know,
smart, in and out, 90 seconds,
Copy !req
91. so local authorities had
had a hard time figuring out
Copy !req
92. where they are until today
when we got a last-minute tip
Copy !req
93. that bank was gonna
be their next target.
Copy !req
94. Now, we managed to
grab three of the guys,
Copy !req
95. but one of them has
barricaded himself inside,
Copy !req
96. and he has hostages.
Copy !req
97. We feel all four of
these guys are members
Copy !req
98. of the Aryan Republican Army.
Copy !req
99. Oh, great. Nazis.
Copy !req
100. What?
Copy !req
101. Hi, my name's Gary.
Copy !req
102. Who am I speaking with?
Copy !req
103. People call me "Wild Bill".
Copy !req
104. Well, Wild Bill, I'm
here to help you.
Copy !req
105. Yeah?
Well, you can help me
Copy !req
106. by getting me a helicopter,
Copy !req
107. and I want it now
Copy !req
108. or I'm gonna start
killing people.
Copy !req
109. And don't even think about
trying to come in here
Copy !req
110. because I got a pipe
bomb and I will blow
Copy !req
111. this place sky
high if you try it.
Copy !req
112. Let me look into
getting you that helicopter.
Copy !req
113. I'm serious!
Copy !req
114. I'm taking you
seriously, Wild Bill.
Copy !req
115. - Is Bomb Squad present?
- Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
116. Good. Keep 'em ready.
Copy !req
117. All right. So, uh,
they're gonna need
Copy !req
118. a little time getting
you that helicopter.
Copy !req
119. - No. I want it now!
- I do, too.
Copy !req
120. But right now, the only
available helicopter
Copy !req
121. is 50 miles away.
Copy !req
122. In the meantime,
maybe you can tell me
Copy !req
123. how you got into this mess?
Copy !req
124. Yeah. I got into this mess
Copy !req
125. because somebody
has to fight back.
Copy !req
126. You can only push people so far.
Copy !req
127. That's very true.
Copy !req
128. Who gave you permission
to use that thing in here?
Copy !req
129. I'm a big boy, I gave
myself permission.
Copy !req
130. Machines are not allowed in
here without a court order.
Copy !req
131. Okay. Here's my court order.
Copy !req
132. Funny.
Copy !req
133. I don't see my
signature on that.
Copy !req
134. Judge Smith.
Copy !req
135. I'm Dan Cogdell. I
represent Clive Doyle.
Copy !req
136. You're not defending anybody
with that thing in here.
Copy !req
137. I want it gone by
the time we begin.
Copy !req
138. Uh, but, Your Honor, I
have all my notes in it.
Copy !req
139. Then I
suggest you find a way
Copy !req
140. to get your notes out of it.
Copy !req
141. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
142. Baby killers!
Copy !req
143. How come they hate us so much?
Copy !req
144. They don't even know us.
Copy !req
145. We'll be okay...
Copy !req
146. somehow.
Copy !req
147. You wanted
to present a motion?
Copy !req
148. I did, Your Honor.
Copy !req
149. I would ask to predefine
inflammatory words.
Copy !req
150. Inflammatory words?
Copy !req
151. Yes, Your Honor, we would move
Copy !req
152. to make certain
words inadmissible.
Copy !req
153. Which words would you
recommend we ban, Mr. Cogdell?
Copy !req
154. Well, for example,
Copy !req
155. we would motion to exclude
the word "compound"
Copy !req
156. when referring to the
home at Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
157. as the word "compound" has
militaristic connotations.
Copy !req
158. At this point the word
"compound" has been used
Copy !req
159. a million times to
refer to Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
160. But to the defendants
this was not a compound,
Copy !req
161. this was their home
Copy !req
162. where they lived
and raised children,
Copy !req
163. where they had a God-given
right to practice their...
Copy !req
164. Save it for
the trial, Mr. Cogdell.
Copy !req
165. Denied. Next.
Copy !req
166. We would like
to exclude the term
Copy !req
167. "Branch Davidians".
Copy !req
168. They never call
themselves by that name.
Copy !req
169. Objection.
Copy !req
170. If we can't call them
Branch Davidians,
Copy !req
171. then what are we
supposed to call them?
Copy !req
172. - Out to lunch?
- Well, I think
Copy !req
173. we can all agree that moniker
Copy !req
174. has been thoroughly
tarnished by the media.
Copy !req
175. The
term "Branch Davidian"
Copy !req
176. was tarnished by
their own actions.
Copy !req
177. But, Your Honor,
they are not on trial
Copy !req
178. for their religious beliefs.
Copy !req
179. The defense used the
term "Branch Davidians"
Copy !req
180. in their own filings.
Copy !req
181. I have a motion here filed
Copy !req
182. by Rocket Rosen of the defense.
Copy !req
183. Who's Rocket Rosen?
Copy !req
184. I am, Your Honor.
Copy !req
185. Your name is Rocket?
Copy !req
186. Yes, Your Honor.
Copy !req
187. I was born on the 4th of July,
Copy !req
188. so my daddy named me Rocket.
Copy !req
189. Well, I was born on October 26,
so my daddy named me Walter.
Copy !req
190. - Did you file this motion?
- I did.
Copy !req
191. - But that was a mistake.
- Motion denied.
Copy !req
192. Next.
Copy !req
193. The word "cult".
Copy !req
194. Do they not yet realize
that this was a cult?
Copy !req
195. This was no cult.
Copy !req
196. It was a communal church
Copy !req
197. and David Koresh
was their pastor.
Copy !req
198. Once that pastor takes 20 wives
Copy !req
199. and leads his church
to mass suicide,
Copy !req
200. I would say the word
"cult" is applicable.
Copy !req
201. But the defendants are not
on trial for mass suicide.
Copy !req
202. Nobody thinks that any one
of them had anything to do
Copy !req
203. with any fire or
had multiple wives
Copy !req
204. or took child
brides or any of it.
Copy !req
205. Using the word
"cult" is an attempt
Copy !req
206. to try our clients for
another man's sins.
Copy !req
207. Motion denied.
Copy !req
208. My client Clive Doyle
Copy !req
209. was there 15 years
Copy !req
210. before David Koresh's arrival.
Copy !req
211. Rose and thorn, Karen?
Copy !req
212. My thorn is I didn't sleep
Copy !req
213. very well 'cause Shari kept
stealing all the covers.
Copy !req
214. And rose, I got extra
oatmeal at breakfast.
Copy !req
215. Well, how about you, Shari?
Copy !req
216. Rose, playing.
Copy !req
217. Thorn, Karen.
Copy !req
218. How about you, Dad?
Copy !req
219. Thorn is my back's
been hurting me again.
Copy !req
220. My rose is that I get to
spend this moment right now
Copy !req
221. with my two favorite people
in the entire world, you two.
Copy !req
222. I have never
wavered on this, George,
Copy !req
223. you don't wear a sidearm
for Sabbath service.
Copy !req
224. Why do you think you're
so special, mama?
Copy !req
225. That you get to
make all the rules?
Copy !req
226. Because I am your prophet.
Copy !req
227. Don't mind him.
Copy !req
228. My name is Vernon Howell.
Copy !req
229. I'm looking for the
Prophet Lois Roden.
Copy !req
230. Come in.
Copy !req
231. Service is starting.
Copy !req
232. That's what you don't get.
Copy !req
233. It's about being a patriot
Copy !req
234. 'cause this country
has lost its way.
Copy !req
235. It's turned against the people
Copy !req
236. who made it great
in the first place.
Copy !req
237. So what are we supposed to do?
Copy !req
238. Just wait for things to change
Copy !req
239. or do we fight back?
Copy !req
240. And in your eyes, robbing banks
Copy !req
241. is a way of fighting back?
Copy !req
242. No, robbing
banks was never the point.
Copy !req
243. Then what is?
Copy !req
244. Yeah. You'll see.
Copy !req
245. Yeah, payback's coming.
Copy !req
246. It's coming sooner
than you think.
Copy !req
247. Look, we've been
talking now for 20 hours.
Copy !req
248. And it seems to
me that you and I
Copy !req
249. aren't gonna agree on much.
Copy !req
250. So maybe we could focus
Copy !req
251. on what we do agree on.
Copy !req
252. Yeah, like what?
Copy !req
253. Like you and
your friends have robbed
Copy !req
254. 21 banks successfully,
Copy !req
255. nobody hurt, perfectly executed.
Copy !req
256. No, I'm not admitting
the other banks.
Copy !req
257. I'm not asking
you to do that.
Copy !req
258. But you see to the world
right now, you're a legend.
Copy !req
259. You're Robin Hood, 22
banks and you haven't
Copy !req
260. hurt a single person.
Copy !req
261. Now you'll do a few
years' time for sure.
Copy !req
262. But then, who knows?
Copy !req
263. Maybe you'd sell
your movie rights
Copy !req
264. to Hollywood and go sip
margaritas on a beach.
Copy !req
265. But the second
you take someone's life,
Copy !req
266. you are just another murderer.
Copy !req
267. And nobody will care
Copy !req
268. what you have to say ever again.
Copy !req
269. You come out of that bank and
you're gonna have options.
Copy !req
270. You come out of that bank,
you're gonna have a future.
Copy !req
271. You want people to hear
what you have to say,
Copy !req
272. then come out of the bank.
Copy !req
273. Don't
shoot! Unarmed! Unarmed!
Copy !req
274. Clear!
Get down on your knees.
Copy !req
275. Hands on your head.
Copy !req
276. Interlace your fingers.
Copy !req
277. Our best strategy is
going to be to convince
Copy !req
278. the jury that David
Koresh was misunderstood.
Copy !req
279. We need to humanize
him, make him seem less
Copy !req
280. like the boogeyman,
more relatable.
Copy !req
281. David Koresh was
Copy !req
282. an opportunistic
narcissistic piece of shit.
Copy !req
283. We're not in the business
of defending Koresh.
Copy !req
284. He's dead.
Copy !req
285. Well, if that's how you feel,
Copy !req
286. then why'd you even
take this case?
Copy !req
287. The issue can't
be whether or not
Copy !req
288. Koresh was the messiah.
Copy !req
289. If that's our case,
then they win,
Copy !req
290. because guess what?
Copy !req
291. He wasn't.
Copy !req
292. Our case has to
be about the fact
Copy !req
293. the United States government
Copy !req
294. raided these people's
home without cause.
Copy !req
295. And it was their
overreach, their hubris
Copy !req
296. that led to the deaths of 76
people including 17 children.
Copy !req
297. And in America, you
don't get to do that
Copy !req
298. because, if they can do
what they did to our clients
Copy !req
299. and get away with it,
it'll give everyone
Copy !req
300. with a badge and a gun from
a Wackenhut security guard
Copy !req
301. to Janet Reno the authority
Copy !req
302. to do whatever they want,
Copy !req
303. to whomever they want,
Copy !req
304. however they want.
Copy !req
305. And that's the argument
we need to make.
Copy !req
306. - Amen.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
307. What in the hell is
that asshole doing here?
Copy !req
308. You get lost,
Johnston, or are you,
Copy !req
309. uh, here to beg for mercy?
Copy !req
310. Neither. I've got
an offer for you.
Copy !req
311. They're offering 15 years
with the possibility of parole.
Copy !req
312. What would I have to do
if I did take the deal?
Copy !req
313. You'd have to plead
guilty and then testify
Copy !req
314. against the other
members of your group.
Copy !req
315. No, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
316. Before you close
your mind to it,
Copy !req
317. you should know
that they've offered
Copy !req
318. the same deal to
all five of you.
Copy !req
319. If you don't take it,
you face the possibility
Copy !req
320. of life without parole.
Copy !req
321. But I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
322. Clive, unfortunately,
that doesn't matter.
Copy !req
323. It's a conspiracy charge.
Copy !req
324. If any single one of
you is found guilty,
Copy !req
325. then you're all guilty.
Copy !req
326. If any one of you pulled
the trigger of a gun,
Copy !req
327. then you all pulled the trigger.
Copy !req
328. You're gonna rise
and fall together.
Copy !req
329. You got until opening
statements to decide
Copy !req
330. and then the deal's
off the table.
Copy !req
331. Here is
what is going to happen.
Copy !req
332. Instead of arguing
about this juror
Copy !req
333. or that juror,
Copy !req
334. going back and
forth, you, then you.
Copy !req
335. I am gonna save us
a whole lot of time
Copy !req
336. and the American taxpayer
Copy !req
337. a lot of money and help
pick the jury myself.
Copy !req
338. So you can all relax.
Copy !req
339. Objection, Your Honor.
Copy !req
340. You can't object to
me. I'm the judge.
Copy !req
341. Well, then, uh, exception.
Copy !req
342. Noted.
Copy !req
343. Can he do that?
Copy !req
344. How do you feel about
people who join a cult?
Copy !req
345. Objection.
Copy !req
346. Exception, Your Hon... shit.
Copy !req
347. How do you feel
Copy !req
348. about people who join
Copy !req
349. extremist religious groups?
Copy !req
350. I do have negative
feelings towards people
Copy !req
351. who abuse children if
that's what you're asking.
Copy !req
352. Or people who give
their sense of choice
Copy !req
353. over to false prophets.
Copy !req
354. You can stay.
Copy !req
355. So, Clive, how'd
you come to be here?
Copy !req
356. My mom and I heard some
of Lois's teachings,
Copy !req
357. so we followed that
message all the way here.
Copy !req
358. That was 15 years ago.
Copy !req
359. All the
way from Australia?
Copy !req
360. I don't think I'll ever leave.
Copy !req
361. Wow.
Copy !req
362. How about you? What
brought you here?
Copy !req
363. Me?
Copy !req
364. Well, I learned to read
by reading the Bible.
Copy !req
365. I can't see so well, you
know, all the letters
Copy !req
366. get mixed up and stuff, so I
have trouble reading books,
Copy !req
367. but the Bible.
Copy !req
368. Man, I could just sit
and read it like magic.
Copy !req
369. And you know what struck me?
Copy !req
370. Huh.
Copy !req
371. I mean, for years, I asked
anyone who might know,
Copy !req
372. "Hey, what happened to
all those old prophets?
Copy !req
373. Are there any still living now?
Copy !req
374. Or did they all get stuck
here in this old book?"
Copy !req
375. And they'd say, "Quiet, boy.
Copy !req
376. Sit down and listen to
what we're teachin'."
Copy !req
377. But nobody could
answer that one question.
Copy !req
378. So I turned to God
and I asked Him,
Copy !req
379. "Please, if there's a prophet,
please lead me there."
Copy !req
380. Then three days later,
out of the blue,
Copy !req
381. my grandma tells me about
some prophet out here
Copy !req
382. on the plains of Waco.
Copy !req
383. Her name was Lois Roden,
Copy !req
384. and she lived at a place
called Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
385. Went to my room,
packed my stuff,
Copy !req
386. got here as fast as I could.
Copy !req
387. That's... like a miracle.
Copy !req
388. Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Copy !req
389. Did they offer you
all the plea deal too?
Copy !req
390. My lawyer told me
the worst thing
Copy !req
391. that could happen
is someone else
Copy !req
392. taking the deal if I don't.
Copy !req
393. Man, the government wants
their pound of flesh
Copy !req
394. and they're gonna get it
Copy !req
395. if we don't stay strong
and stick together.
Copy !req
396. Look around this room.
Copy !req
397. Do you expect anyone is
actually going to think
Copy !req
398. Clive shot federal
agents in cold blood?
Copy !req
399. Or Ruth?
Copy !req
400. It doesn't matter
what they think.
Copy !req
401. If they think any of us
did it, then we all did it.
Copy !req
402. I wasn't even there.
Copy !req
403. Do you think any of
this is about truth?
Copy !req
404. Or fairness? Or justice?
Because it's not.
Copy !req
405. It is about anger.
Copy !req
406. They are gonna roll over
us no matter what we do.
Copy !req
407. So we may as well
get through this
Copy !req
408. with our dignity intact.
Copy !req
409. The government can make up
whatever story they want
Copy !req
410. about what happened
inside Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
411. but no one knows what you did
Copy !req
412. or didn't do behind
closed doors,
Copy !req
413. nobody but the
people in this room.
Copy !req
414. So if we stay united
Copy !req
415. and refute their story, then...
Copy !req
416. maybe we have a chance.
Copy !req
417. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
418. Hey, Dusty, mind if I pick
your brain about something?
Copy !req
419. I was looking at
Wild Bill's file.
Copy !req
420. Why? We already
put him in jail.
Copy !req
421. Well, Wild Bill and his friends
successfully robbed 21 banks.
Copy !req
422. But in their files,
Copy !req
423. it doesn't seem as
though they made
Copy !req
424. any conspicuous purchases.
Copy !req
425. That, combined with his
comment about "payback,"
Copy !req
426. it was bugging me
Copy !req
427. and I wanted to make sure
I wasn't missing anything.
Copy !req
428. So I took a closer
look and I found this.
Copy !req
429. What am I looking at?
Copy !req
430. You see that flag?
Copy !req
431. That's the same flag they
flew over at Mount Carmel.
Copy !req
432. David Koresh
designed it himself.
Copy !req
433. Huh.
Copy !req
434. Did Wild Bill have some
connection to Waco?
Copy !req
435. I doubt it.
Copy !req
436. The flag is probably used
more as a recruitment tool
Copy !req
437. to fire people up.
Copy !req
438. Any sense
where that photo was taken?
Copy !req
439. It doesn't say in the file.
Copy !req
440. It looks like Elohim City to me.
Copy !req
441. It's a town of sorts.
Copy !req
442. Started in the early '70s by
a group of former Mennonites,
Copy !req
443. which gave birth to the
Christian Identity movement,
Copy !req
444. which is, basically...
Copy !req
445. Christianity for
White Supremacists.
Copy !req
446. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
447. We'd need a serious warrant and
a small army to go in there.
Copy !req
448. Something which, after Waco, I
don't think any of our bosses
Copy !req
449. would be willing to
take a chance on.
Copy !req
450. Clive Doyle,
you have a visitor.
Copy !req
451. Let's go.
Copy !req
452. Some of the other families
Copy !req
453. mentioned something
about a plea deal?
Copy !req
454. It's true. They've offered one.
Copy !req
455. I'm not sure I'm gonna
take the deal, Karen.
Copy !req
456. Why not?
Copy !req
457. Because they want us to
say it was our fault.
Copy !req
458. And it wasn't.
Copy !req
459. Just get out, Dad.
Copy !req
460. Shari's gone, everything's gone.
Copy !req
461. How much more do you feel
like you have to suffer?
Copy !req
462. I loved David too,
but it's over!
Copy !req
463. I need my father back.
Copy !req
464. I know, but...
Copy !req
465. You've already lost, Dad.
Copy !req
466. There's no more
point in fighting it.
Copy !req
467. Anne...
Copy !req
468. she needs her grandfather.
Copy !req
469. What?
Copy !req
470. Really?
Copy !req
471. There's your rose.
Copy !req
472. Is it?
Copy !req
473. It's 15
years of loyalty,
Copy !req
474. 15 years of putting my life
on the line and then for what?
Copy !req
475. For what?
Copy !req
476. Hey, hey, get your
hands off me, man.
Copy !req
477. Get off me.
Copy !req
478. - Weren't you...
- Yeah.
Copy !req
479. Yeah, yeah, we've met.
Copy !req
480. Right.
Copy !req
481. Do you wanna get a drink?
Copy !req
482. On the fire ants?
Copy !req
483. On the goddamn fire ants.
Copy !req
484. Oh, Jesus.
Copy !req
485. I mean, why anybody would
build their heaven on earth
Copy !req
486. on top of a goddamn fire
ant hill is just beyond me.
Copy !req
487. So, come on, why'd...
why did you...
Copy !req
488. Why did you ask me here?
Copy !req
489. Come on, I know it wasn't
to talk about fire ants.
Copy !req
490. Because my wife thinks
I should talk to someone
Copy !req
491. and, uh...
Copy !req
492. there aren't a lot of people
Copy !req
493. who know what it was
like to be there.
Copy !req
494. You have regrets?
Copy !req
495. I just keep wondering if
I did this differently
Copy !req
496. or if I said that differently,
Copy !req
497. then maybe things could've
turned out different, you know.
Copy !req
498. Yeah, I do that too.
Copy !req
499. And then there are times that
I wonder if you were just...
Copy !req
500. just damned from the start.
Copy !req
501. We weren't damned
from the start.
Copy !req
502. We damned ourselves
through our own stupidity.
Copy !req
503. Mmm.
Copy !req
504. What do you know
about Elohim City?
Copy !req
505. I know they're a bunch
of racist assholes,
Copy !req
506. but other than that, you
know, it's not my department,
Copy !req
507. so I don't really
pay attention to it.
Copy !req
508. But this man from Elohim
City, he was so angry.
Copy !req
509. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
510. And I just keep
thinking about the...
Copy !req
511. people protesting at
the barricades at Waco
Copy !req
512. and I just feel this...
Copy !req
513. this undercurrent
of rage in America.
Copy !req
514. And I think we helped
create the monster
Copy !req
515. we're trying to stop.
Copy !req
516. Look, I know someone working
the Elohim City case.
Copy !req
517. And, uh, I might be
able to set you up.
Copy !req
518. This is blasphemy!
Copy !req
519. I won't stand for it.
Copy !req
520. I speak the truth.
Copy !req
521. God handles the consequences.
Copy !req
522. George, the Holy
Spirit is feminine.
Copy !req
523. We live in a male
dominated society
Copy !req
524. and it has resulted in a
male dominated translation
Copy !req
525. of the Bible.
Copy !req
526. There is the Father,
there is the Son,
Copy !req
527. and the Holy Spirit is mother.
Copy !req
528. Lois is right.
Copy !req
529. What did you just say?
Copy !req
530. I said, "Lois is right."
Copy !req
531. I never saw it before
Copy !req
532. but she's mentioned all
over the Old Testament.
Copy !req
533. Proverbs 31:25,
Copy !req
534. "She is clothed with
strength and dignity,
Copy !req
535. and she laughs without
fear of the future."
Copy !req
536. Proverbs 31:10,
Copy !req
537. "She is far more
precious than jewels."
Copy !req
538. Psalms 46:5,
Copy !req
539. "God is in the midst of her;
she shall not be moved."
Copy !req
540. - Quiet!
- Proverbs 31:26,
Copy !req
541. "She opens her
mouth with wisdom,
Copy !req
542. and the teaching of
kindness is on her tongue."
Copy !req
543. Matthew 11:19, Luke 3:22.
Copy !req
544. There are dozens of
examples in the Bible
Copy !req
545. where the Holy Spirit
is referred to as "she".
Copy !req
546. I mean, George, are you
saying the Bible is wrong?
Copy !req
547. No.
Copy !req
548. Of course, I'm not saying
the Bible is wrong.
Copy !req
549. Probably won't get you laid,
Copy !req
550. but it'll make you
look more respectable.
Copy !req
551. Have you decided
on the plea deal?
Copy !req
552. This is your last
chance to take it.
Copy !req
553. You should be
more careful with George.
Copy !req
554. He can be pretty mean.
Copy !req
555. I'm not worried about
old George Roden.
Copy !req
556. He's not the first
bully I dealt with.
Copy !req
557. I'm sure he won't be the last.
Copy !req
558. "So do not fear,
for I am with you.
Copy !req
559. Do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
Copy !req
560. I will strengthen you
and I will help you.
Copy !req
561. I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand."
Copy !req
562. Isaiah said that.
Copy !req
563. You can go hide all your life,
Copy !req
564. but then the whole world
Copy !req
565. winds up getting run by the
George Rodens everywhere.
Copy !req
566. That's no way to
please the Lord.
Copy !req
567. No.
Copy !req
568. You gotta show that faith.
Copy !req
569. You got to show
it by standing up,
Copy !req
570. by doing what's right,
Copy !req
571. regardless of what
all them bullies
Copy !req
572. tell you what they
think you should do.
Copy !req
573. It's just that
George is sick in the head.
Copy !req
574. He's... he's violent.
Copy !req
575. You don't understand
what he's capable of.
Copy !req
576. He doesn't know what
I'm capable of either.
Copy !req
577. I'm stronger than they realize.
Copy !req
578. And so are you, Clive Doyle.
Copy !req
579. I don't give in to bullies.
Copy !req
580. It's our job to do what's right.
Copy !req
581. And it's God's job
to sort out the rest.
Copy !req
582. Okay, then let's
go give 'em hell.
Copy !req
583. So, I've
just had breakfast
Copy !req
584. with defendant Schroeder,
Copy !req
585. and she's going to be playing
for the home team now,
Copy !req
586. so get some statements
Copy !req
587. But I just wanted to
let you know for now.
Copy !req
588. Good
morning, by the way.
Copy !req
589. Kathy Schroeder just flipped.
Copy !req
590. She took the plea deal
Copy !req
591. and she's turning
state's witness.
Copy !req
592. Kathy's going to
testify against us?
Copy !req
593. Yeah.
Copy !req
594. Now this is
a simple story...
Copy !req
595. with two clear sides.
Copy !req
596. The government agents
Copy !req
597. who went in to serve a
legal search warrant...
Copy !req
598. and the Branch Davidians,
led by David Koresh,
Copy !req
599. who adhered to a
philosophy of death.
Copy !req
600. A philosophy that led Koresh
Copy !req
601. to train his people for battle
Copy !req
602. and arm them for war,
Copy !req
603. so that when those agents
approached Mount Carmel
Copy !req
604. to do their legal duty,
Copy !req
605. the defendants laid in wait
with guns in their hands.
Copy !req
606. And when the agents
got close enough,
Copy !req
607. the Branch Davidians
opened fire,
Copy !req
608. murdering four federal officers
Copy !req
609. in cold blood.
Copy !req
610. These men and women
aren't killers.
Copy !req
611. They're victims.
Copy !req
612. First, they were
victimized by David Koresh,
Copy !req
613. a charismatic con man
who brainwashed them
Copy !req
614. into believing he was
a messiah on earth.
Copy !req
615. And then they were
victimized by the ATF,
Copy !req
616. who led an unnecessary
Copy !req
617. ill-advised assault
on their home
Copy !req
618. that left 76 of their
friends and family,
Copy !req
619. and even their children, dead.
Copy !req
620. You're making
us look like sheep,
Copy !req
621. like we just blindly
followed David
Copy !req
622. with no minds of our own.
Copy !req
623. This isn't the strategy
we talked about before.
Copy !req
624. We weren't brainwashed.
Copy !req
625. We were defending
something real.
Copy !req
626. We all believed in
Copy !req
627. because we saw it
with our own eyes.
Copy !req
628. My husband was shot dead
Copy !req
629. and ripped to pieces
Copy !req
630. by a government tank
because of those beliefs.
Copy !req
631. It's not just the four
of us on trial here.
Copy !req
632. When you say that what
we believe in is stupid,
Copy !req
633. you're saying that the
people that we loved
Copy !req
634. who burned in that
building died for nothing.
Copy !req
635. I don't give a rat's
ass about your religion.
Copy !req
636. And frankly, I don't even
care if you look sane.
Copy !req
637. All I care about is
keeping you out of jail.
Copy !req
638. That's my only focus here.
Copy !req
639. And our defense
tactics have to change,
Copy !req
640. because Kathy Schroeder
flipped on you.
Copy !req
641. Before, you were
all a united front,
Copy !req
642. whatever the prosecutor said
happened at Mount Carmel,
Copy !req
643. was speculation.
Copy !req
644. Now, one of your own is going
to corroborate their claims.
Copy !req
645. Kathy is gonna tell the jury
that she passed out guns
Copy !req
646. to each and every one
of you during the siege.
Copy !req
647. I wasn't even there.
Copy !req
648. Well, then she's gonna
say you bought the guns,
Copy !req
649. make you into an arms
dealer with a death wish.
Copy !req
650. She's gonna turn the rest of
you into an army out for blood.
Copy !req
651. So if-if we can't say
you never held a gun,
Copy !req
652. we have to make the jury believe
Copy !req
653. that you had no choice
but to pick one up.
Copy !req
654. You had no choice but
to protect yourselves,
Copy !req
655. because David Koresh
conditioned you
Copy !req
656. to do whatever he said,
Copy !req
657. and the government charged in
trying to kill your children.
Copy !req
658. But we didn't just do
whatever he told us to do.
Copy !req
659. - We-we made choices.
- Yeah, look,
Copy !req
660. you can be as pissed as
you want at me in here,
Copy !req
661. but when we're in
that courtroom,
Copy !req
662. you need to sit there, and
you need to look sorry.
Copy !req
663. You need to stop
shaking your head
Copy !req
664. and-and stop glowering
at the prosecutors.
Copy !req
665. And you, you need
to wear a dress.
Copy !req
666. Yeah, something that
makes you look softer
Copy !req
667. and more vulnerable.
Copy !req
668. I don't wear dresses.
Copy !req
669. Well, then
we'll get you one.
Copy !req
670. But you need to start
doing your part.
Copy !req
671. You need to start
acting like the victim.
Copy !req
672. You need to be
honest about who you are.
Copy !req
673. Proverbs speaks to this,
Copy !req
674. calling for insight,
Copy !req
675. not being afraid
to ask for help,
Copy !req
676. so that we can better
understand ourselves.
Copy !req
677. Vernon, what are
you struggling with?
Copy !req
678. How can we help you?
Copy !req
679. I struggle with my own desires,
Copy !req
680. which I feel so
strong sometimes.
Copy !req
681. What kind of desires?
Copy !req
682. Pleasure of the flesh.
Copy !req
683. Sometimes it's so strong,
Copy !req
684. I have to relieve that
pressure several times a day.
Copy !req
685. Oh!
Copy !req
686. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
687. You should feel
comfortable to share.
Copy !req
688. You shouldn't feel embarrassed.
Copy !req
689. I never said I was embarrassed.
Copy !req
690. Everyone has their
own struggles.
Copy !req
691. No temptation has overtaken you
Copy !req
692. that is not common to man.
Copy !req
693. God is faithful.
Copy !req
694. He will not let you be tempted
beyond your ability, but...
Copy !req
695. But with that temptation,
Copy !req
696. He will also provide
the way of escape.
Copy !req
697. Corinthians 10:13.
Copy !req
698. But when that temptation
comes over me,
Copy !req
699. I wonder if she's ever known
loving hands on her body,
Copy !req
700. if she's ever felt true pleasure
Copy !req
701. and I'm overcome...
Copy !req
702. with desire until I feel
like I might go mad.
Copy !req
703. You were, uh...
Copy !req
704. You were pretty
honest at Bible study.
Copy !req
705. I promised myself
that when I came here,
Copy !req
706. I wouldn't hold back
any bit of myself...
Copy !req
707. even those little ugly parts
Copy !req
708. that I'd rather sometimes
just sweep under the rug.
Copy !req
709. I... I felt the same
way when I came here.
Copy !req
710. Like I wanted to
give all of myself.
Copy !req
711. Kindred spirits, I guess.
Copy !req
712. - Looks good over here.
- Oh, do you need me?
Copy !req
713. Not just yet.
Copy !req
714. Actually, uh, I just came
over to talk to Vernon.
Copy !req
715. Uh, Vernon,
Copy !req
716. I'm getting ready to go on
my yearly trip to Israel.
Copy !req
717. And I think you
should join me...
Copy !req
718. to study.
Copy !req
719. Nothing would give
me more pleasure
Copy !req
720. than learning right
from your hands.
Copy !req
721. Good.
Copy !req
722. That's settled then.
Copy !req
723. Dramatic music plays
Copy !req
724. Hi. Uh, excuse
me. Are you Angie?
Copy !req
725. Jacob sent me.
Copy !req
726. - Oh, yes.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
727. - Gary?
- Right.
Copy !req
728. - Okay. Hi.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
729. So you drew the
short straw, huh?
Copy !req
730. Yeah. Our informant's
name is Carol Howe.
Copy !req
731. And, um, we didn't know
how seriously to take her
Copy !req
732. because she's not the most
reliable-seeming informant.
Copy !req
733. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
734. How'd she wind up
here in the hospital?
Copy !req
735. Did they find out she was
informing and hurt her?
Copy !req
736. Actually, kind of the opposite.
Copy !req
737. No, Wild Bill actually
beat her up pretty bad
Copy !req
738. - before the robbery...
- Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
739. And she got pissed,
so she tipped us off
Copy !req
740. - as a way to get revenge.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
741. She's not a big
fan of authority,
Copy !req
742. to say the least, and,
uh, she's a bit erratic.
Copy !req
743. How so?
Copy !req
744. God damn it! Come on!
Copy !req
745. TV signal's shit in here, Angie.
Copy !req
746. Hey there, Carol. I'm Gary.
Copy !req
747. How's Wild Bill?
Copy !req
748. Did he ask about me?
Copy !req
749. He lawyered
up pretty quickly,
Copy !req
750. so I honestly don't know
what he's asking about.
Copy !req
751. - Is he doing okay?
- Yeah,
Copy !req
752. for someone who's gonna spend
ten to twenty years in prison.
Copy !req
753. I didn't mean to get
him locked up that long.
Copy !req
754. But that asshole shouldn't have
laid his hands on me like that.
Copy !req
755. You don't mess
with a lady's face!
Copy !req
756. That's right.
Copy !req
757. That's right.
Copy !req
758. Uh-hmm.
Copy !req
759. So Wild Bill had
made some allusions
Copy !req
760. to some kind of payback
against the government.
Copy !req
761. Did he ever speak to you
about anything like that?
Copy !req
762. Gary?
Copy !req
763. I ain't some kind of narc.
Copy !req
764. I'm just a person who's sick
of her boyfriend's shit.
Copy !req
765. Yeah, fair enough.
Copy !req
766. But, uh, I'd say
there's a difference
Copy !req
767. between being a narc
and saving the lives
Copy !req
768. of innocent people.
Copy !req
769. Ain't nobody innocent.
Copy !req
770. Really?
Copy !req
771. Well, what about Elohim City?
Did you hear anyone there...
Copy !req
772. speak about some sort
of planned payback?
Copy !req
773. I don't know about Elohim City.
Copy !req
774. Come on, Carol,
this is important.
Copy !req
775. I'm trying to keep
people from getting hurt.
Copy !req
776. Dammit.
Copy !req
777. I don't... the
people you're asking
Copy !req
778. about at Elohim City,
Copy !req
779. they didn't really
talk to me much, okay?
Copy !req
780. And I never heard anything
specific about anything,
Copy !req
781. but I will tell you...
Copy !req
782. they talk a lot about
how the government
Copy !req
783. has turned on them.
Copy !req
784. They talk about
a holy war that's coming.
Copy !req
785. And they're gonna be
on the frontlines.
Copy !req
786. But that's nothing on its own.
Copy !req
787. You know, I know plenty of
people who talk like that.
Copy !req
788. But the thing about
Elohim City is,
Copy !req
789. it's full of people who
tend to mean what they say.
Copy !req
790. What does
that mean exactly?
Copy !req
791. It means if payback is coming,
Copy !req
792. then I would guess it's
gonna come from there.
Copy !req
793. Yeah.
Copy !req
794. Nowhere
to run to, uh, uh
Copy !req
795. Nowhere to hide
Copy !req