1. What? What'd I miss?
Copy !req
2. Oh, nothing important. We've just
figured out a way to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
3. Really? I dozed for ten minutes,
Copy !req
4. and you guys figured out
how to defeat the forces of evil?
Copy !req
5. You've been asleep for three hours.
Copy !req
6. I think we've got something here.
Copy !req
7. It's dangerous
and there are a lot of moving parts,
Copy !req
8. but if we can coordinate
everything just right, then—
Copy !req
9. Zarkon's reign will be at an end,
Copy !req
10. and the savagery that's poisoned
our universe can finally be cleansed.
Copy !req
11. - You've done it, Shiro.
- We did it together.
Copy !req
12. As long as we all stick to the plan,
it should work.
Copy !req
13. It will work. Perhaps, then, you'll learn
that not all Galra are as bad as Zarkon.
Copy !req
14. I hope not.
Copy !req
15. Ulaz was right to trust you all.
Copy !req
16. He sacrificed everything
to bring us together.
Copy !req
17. Let's honor him
by taking down Zarkon.
Copy !req
18. So, what's the plan?
- The plan is amazing!
Copy !req
19. First, we infect Zarkon's ship
with a virus.
Copy !req
20. Then, we make an extra-large wormhole
and lure Zarkon inside of it,
Copy !req
21. zapping him a bajillion light-years away.
Copy !req
22. Then, when he pops out on the other side,
all like, "Oh, why doesn't my ship work?"
Copy !req
23. Voltron kicks his butt!
Copy !req
24. Pew, pew, pew!
Womp, womp, womp! Huh! Hi-yah!
Copy !req
25. "I'll form the head!"
Copy !req
26. That's what you say, Shiro.
Copy !req
27. Yeah, yeah. Yeah! We won for all time!
Copy !req
28. Wow. So, this is it.
Copy !req
29. I guess the only question is,
when do we strike?
Copy !req
30. As soon as we build a teludav
big enough to wormhole Zarkon's ship.
Copy !req
31. Oh, man. The teludav again?
Does that mean we need more scaultrite?
Copy !req
32. That's just one
of the many things we'll need.
Copy !req
33. Am I, uh... Am I sensing a trip
back to the space mall here?
Copy !req
34. I'm afraid not.
Copy !req
35. This is gonna take a lot more scaultrite
than we can find in any Unilu shop.
Copy !req
36. For this plan to succeed, we're gonna need
to split up. We all have a task to do.
Copy !req
37. Keith, Hunk, you'll be in charge
of getting the scaultrite.
Copy !req
38. If any one of us fails,
the entire plan fails.
Copy !req
39. So, how about a kiss for good luck?
Copy !req
40. Don't worry, we'll see each other soon.
Copy !req
41. Take care, Coran.
Copy !req
42. Stay safe, Princess.
Copy !req
43. Did you sense the lion?
Copy !req
44. Nothing.
Copy !req
45. - It is wise that you rest.
- I will find that lion.
Copy !req
46. Begin the process again.
Copy !req
47. Why does Allura get to take
a leisurely visit to the Balmera
Copy !req
48. while we have to fly into the belly
of a giant space worm to get scaultrite?
Copy !req
49. You heard Coran.
Building a huge teludav isn't easy.
Copy !req
50. Everyone has a job to do
and this is ours.
Copy !req
51. But I always get the worst jobs.
Copy !req
52. Go to a Galra-occupied planet
to get my lion.
Copy !req
53. Go to a Galra-occupied Balmera
to get a crystal.
Copy !req
54. Go into a belly of a beast
with the only Galra alien team member.
Copy !req
55. I'm not an alien.
Copy !req
56. Well, you're kind of an alien.
You're way more alien than me.
Copy !req
57. You're at least some alien.
I'm-I'm none alien.
Copy !req
58. Let's just concentrate on the job here.
Copy !req
59. Yeah. Was-Was your mom the alien?
Your grandpa? How Galra are you?
Copy !req
60. I don't know.
Copy !req
61. Did the Blade of Marmora, like, teach you
the secret handshake, or something?
Copy !req
62. No. No one said anything.
Copy !req
63. The Blade of Marmora...
They're real tight-lipped, aren't they?
Copy !req
64. I get that your society is secret,
but is everything a secret?
Copy !req
65. Okay, look, it's bad enough that Allura
hates me now. Can you just lay off?
Copy !req
66. Allura doesn't hate you.
Copy !req
67. You just need to give her time
to accept the fact that you're Galra,
Copy !req
68. the race that destroyed her entire planet
and all of her people.
Copy !req
69. Yeah, she might hate you a little bit.
Copy !req
70. Let's just watch the video
Coran uploaded and stay on task.
Copy !req
71. We need to find out
how to collect this stuff.
Copy !req
72. Hello, brave Altean.
Copy !req
73. No way. Is that Coran?
Copy !req
74. So, you're about to go into the belly
of a weblum to harvest scaultrite.
Copy !req
75. Good for you!
Copy !req
76. Scaultrite is an important substance,
Copy !req
77. with thousands of commercial
and industrial uses,
Copy !req
78. including fabrication foam,
Copy !req
79. insect night vision goggles, teludav—
Copy !req
80. Uh...
Copy !req
81. anti-fungal klanmüirl lotion
and other such lubricants.
Copy !req
82. What's wrong with the video?
Copy !req
83. It's ten thousand years old.
It's probably corroded.
Copy !req
84. I could go on for days.
Copy !req
85. But you've got a weblum to enter
and some scaultrite to collect.
Copy !req
86. Oh, look! There's a weblum now.
Hello, big fella!
Copy !req
87. Hey, Coran! I'm off to eat some planets.
There's one now!
Copy !req
88. - Nyum, nyum, nyum, nyum, nyum!
- We'll see you soon!
Copy !req
89. As you probably remember from school,
the weblum is an enormous creature
Copy !req
90. and an integral part
of keeping our universe functioning.
Copy !req
91. It survives off of the—
Copy !req
92. left over from dead planets.
Copy !req
93. It then reconverts
the quintessence remnants by—
Copy !req
94. becoming the building blocks
of new solar systems.
Copy !req
95. Incredible, isn't it?
Copy !req
96. Of course, these are no gentle giants.
Copy !req
97. They're actually giants
that are quite deadly,
Copy !req
98. which leads to rule number one.
Copy !req
99. It's an important one, so listen closely.
Copy !req
100. Stay away from its—
Copy !req
101. - You got that?
- No. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
102. It's like a rhyme. Say it with me.
Copy !req
103. Stay away from its—
Copy !req
104. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
105. Other things to remember
include avoiding the poisonous—
Copy !req
106. eye sockets—
Copy !req
107. could lead to certain death!
Copy !req
108. Whoa. What are those?
Copy !req
109. They look like... dead planets.
Copy !req
110. That's strange.
Copy !req
111. The charts I'm looking at show
these planets should still be thriving.
Copy !req
112. Wow. What do you think happened
to them? Asteroid strike?
Copy !req
113. Something tells me
they died an unnatural death.
Copy !req
114. Look!
Copy !req
115. Guess that ancient Altean
weblum tracker put us right on the money.
Copy !req
116. We gotta get out of here!
We haven't watched the entire video yet!
Copy !req
117. - We don't know what to do!
- We're not leaving.
Copy !req
118. You fly, keep our distance.
I'll skim through the video.
Copy !req
119. So, you've made it
into the weblum's first stomach!
Copy !req
120. Rewind!
I know!
Copy !req
121. So, you've identified a weblum. Great!
Copy !req
122. Now, remember rule number one.
Copy !req
123. Stay away from its face.
Copy !req
124. Wait, that's rule number one?
Copy !req
125. We broke rule number one!
Copy !req
126. Oh, no! What's it doing?
Copy !req
127. Get us out of the way, now!
Copy !req
128. The weblum's natural defense—
venomous laser, deadly acid—
Copy !req
129. total annihilation—
death monster—
Copy !req
130. to find its blind spot on the back
of its neck, just below the gills.
Copy !req
131. That's your way inside!
If I can't see ya, I can't kill ya!
Copy !req
132. This isn't good. This isn't good!
Copy !req
133. We're attached to its back,
in its blind spot.
Copy !req
134. Good. We're going in.
Copy !req
135. Wait, what do we do
when we're inside the beast?
Copy !req
136. A quick recap of what to do
when you're inside the beast.
Copy !req
137. One, avoid things that want to kill you.
Copy !req
138. Two, get to the third stomach
and find the scaultrite gland.
Copy !req
139. Three, activate the weblum's
defense mechanisms
Copy !req
140. and collect the excess material
from the gland.
Copy !req
141. That's the scaultrite!
Copy !req
142. - Seems simple enough.
- Seems under-explained.
Copy !req
143. - Come on.
Copy !req
144. Got it, got it.
Copy !req
145. Why are you tampering with evidence?
Copy !req
146. Commander Thace, I was ordered
to assist you in your investigation
Copy !req
147. into the possible traitors on board.
Copy !req
148. Ordered by whom?
Copy !req
149. Haggar.
Copy !req
150. I've analyzed the sentry
that was destroyed
Copy !req
151. just before the shields went down.
Copy !req
152. The one that was killed by Prorok.
I've already examined him.
Copy !req
153. So, you found the trace elements
of luxite on the wound?
Copy !req
154. It's a very rare metal.
Copy !req
155. If we find others on the ship
in possession of luxite,
Copy !req
156. we will have found our traitors.
Copy !req
157. Then what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
158. Begin the search
starting with the lower block.
Copy !req
159. I'll assign some sentries to that.
Copy !req
160. Is there anything else?
Copy !req
161. As chief investigator,
your life could be in danger.
Copy !req
162. I have been given orders
to remain by your side
Copy !req
163. until we clear all personnel
or find the spy.
Copy !req
164. Uh, yuck!
Copy !req
165. What am I standing on?
A mucus pocket? I do not like mucus!
Copy !req
166. And is that steaming stomach acid?
Lookit, right over there.
Copy !req
167. Oh, man, I really hope
I don't see any blood.
Copy !req
168. Hunk! Knock it off.
You're freaking yourself out.
Copy !req
169. No, standing inches away
from a pus-bubble is freaking me out.
Copy !req
170. Look, we're inside a disgusting worm.
There's no way to sugarcoat it.
Copy !req
171. We're gonna need that big brain of yours
if we want to make it through.
Copy !req
172. - Will you be all right?
Copy !req
173. I said, will you be all right?
Copy !req
174. Uh...
Copy !req
175. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
176. I'll be okay.
Copy !req
177. Good. I gotta be able to count on you.
Copy !req
178. Besides, no one knows
an explosive digestive tract like you.
Copy !req
179. Wait, wait, wait.
Did you just make a joke?
Copy !req
180. Seriously, that was a joke, wasn't it?
Copy !req
181. You're saying I throw up a lot.
I get it. It's funny.
Copy !req
182. I do.
Copy !req
183. Wow. Galra Keith is way funnier
than regular Keith.
Copy !req
184. Okay, we need to find a way
around the stomach acid.
Copy !req
185. Huh?
Copy !req
186. - What are these things?
- Uh... Uh...
Copy !req
187. I don't know. Maybe they're bacteria?
Copy !req
188. - Uh... Oh...
Copy !req
189. Wait, wait, wait. They seem friendly.
Copy !req
190. They seem friendly.
Maybe they're good bacteria.
Copy !req
191. They like me. They're—
They're tickling me.
Copy !req
192. Wait, that's not tickling!
That's hot acid!
Copy !req
193. They want to kill us!
They want to kill us!
Copy !req
194. I think they're part
of the creature's digestive system!
Copy !req
195. They're trying to break down the food
and we're the food!
Copy !req
196. I can't see anything!
Copy !req
197. Hunk!
Copy !req
198. I'm here, surrounded by blood.
I hate blood!
Copy !req
199. You've gotta find a way out
of the circulatory system.
Copy !req
200. Hunk! I'm outnumbered here!
Meet me in the third stomach!
Copy !req
201. Gotta get out of this acid.
Copy !req
202. Huh?
Copy !req
203. What the—?
Copy !req
204. Impossible.
Copy !req
205. I don't like blood-slides!
Copy !req
206. Oh, no.
Copy !req
207. Don't move. I'm here to help.
Copy !req
208. Huh?
Copy !req
209. - You're Galra.
Copy !req
210. Not those things again.
Copy !req
211. What are you doing?
Copy !req
212. You're turning this ship into a bomb.
Copy !req
213. Keith! Keith, are you there?
Copy !req
214. Keith, answer me!
Copy !req
215. I guess you can keep your weapon.
Copy !req
216. - Oh, my gosh, I found it!
Copy !req
217. Oh, my gosh, don't throw up.
Don't throw—
Copy !req
218. Keith! Keith, you made it!
We both made it! Who is this?
Copy !req
219. Someone I found.
He doesn't talk much. Also, he's Galra.
Copy !req
220. What, do you guys all know
each other?
Copy !req
221. Are you sure we should be rescuing
a Galra soldier right now?
Copy !req
222. We're Paladins of Voltron.
Copy !req
223. We can't just leave people to die,
even if they are Galra.
Copy !req
224. Now, come on. Let's get
what we came for and get out.
Copy !req
225. Okay, well, that—
that might be a problem, too.
Copy !req
226. The scaultrite gland somehow secretes
mucus, or saliva, or something gross,
Copy !req
227. which becomes crystallized.
Copy !req
228. The only problem is, I think that we have
to trigger the weblum's defense mechanism.
Copy !req
229. Not again.
Copy !req
230. Uh...
Copy !req
231. They're everywhere!
Copy !req
232. Oh, whoa.
Copy !req
233. I think this thing is getting rid
of the excess gas produced
Copy !req
234. from its multiple stomachs.
Copy !req
235. - What?
- It's farting!
Copy !req
236. Hunk, what do we gotta do
to get that scaultrite gland to goop?
Copy !req
237. Uh, oh. Uh... Wait a second,
wait a second, wait a second.
Copy !req
238. "Stay away from its face."
The blue laser.
Copy !req
239. Ah! I know what to do!
Copy !req
240. What?
Copy !req
241. If we want that third stomach gland
to secrete the ooze,
Copy !req
242. I need to get farted out
of the weblum's butt and attack the face,
Copy !req
243. getting it to fire its laser puke.
Copy !req
244. For the sake of the universe,
I'll provoke the beast!
Copy !req
245. You two stay here and get that scaultrite!
Copy !req
246. Hurry! I don't know how long
we can hold these things off.
Copy !req
247. I'm out!
Copy !req
248. Heading to my lion now.
Copy !req
249. Commander, there you are.
Copy !req
250. The lower block has
been scanned for luxite.
Copy !req
251. - I found nothing.
- Then continue the search.
Copy !req
252. Sir, I must remain by your side.
Haggar's orders.
Copy !req
253. Hunk, whatever you're
gonna do, do it now!
Copy !req
254. Roger that.
Provoking giant space worm now.
Copy !req
255. Come on!
Copy !req
256. Hunk!
Copy !req
257. Let's see you ignore me now.
Copy !req
258. Yoo-hoo! Over here!
Copy !req
259. Yes! Yes, it's gonna do it!
Copy !req
260. Oh, no, it's gonna do it!
Copy !req
261. It's working!
Copy !req
262. I think it's about to get hot in here.
Copy !req
263. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
264. Oh, no!
Copy !req
265. Oh, yeah! He's out!
Copy !req
266. Tell me you got the scaultrite.
Copy !req
267. Grabbing it now.
Copy !req
268. So, you're just like the rest of 'em.
Copy !req
269. I'm coming out.
Copy !req
270. On my way.
Copy !req
271. Where's your buddy?
Copy !req
272. He's long gone by now,
and he got a bag of scaultrite.
Copy !req
273. What? Should we go after him?
Copy !req
274. No. Whatever the Galra are planning
won't matter after we defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
275. Copy that.
Copy !req
276. By the way, Hunk, you really came through
in the clutch back there.
Copy !req
277. Without you, the mission
would have been a failure.
Copy !req
278. Aw, thanks, Galra Keith.
You're all right.
Copy !req
279. I think turning Galra has
made you a better human.
Copy !req
280. I didn't just turn Galra!
Copy !req