1. Stay back.
Copy !req
2. You have already taken
all our supplies and resources.
Copy !req
3. My people are loaded on that ark,
ready to leave our beloved home...
Copy !req
4. before it dissolves completely.
Don't take our only means of escape.
Copy !req
5. You still have one engine left, Baujal.
Copy !req
6. Not to mention a very viable
collection of parts.
Copy !req
7. If your people are strong enough
to survive, they will.
Copy !req
8. That is the Galra way.
Copy !req
9. Morvok!
Copy !req
10. There's no point
in debating this further.
Copy !req
11. Zarkon is clearly tracking us
through me.
Copy !req
12. Aww, space baloney.
That's not possible.
Copy !req
13. Why would that be so hard to believe?
Copy !req
14. Zarkon's forces showed up on Arus
only after I awoke.
Copy !req
15. She's got a point.
Copy !req
16. I would absolutely
travel across the galaxy to find you.
Copy !req
17. It's not you, Princess Allura. It's me.
Copy !req
18. Because?
Copy !req
19. I just think Zarkon must've imprinted
on me during our fight or something.
Copy !req
20. Look, the fact is,
we don't know how Zarkon is tracking us.
Copy !req
21. It could be through the Black Lion.
Copy !req
22. Every time Zarkon gets close to it,
Shiro has to fight him for control.
Copy !req
23. That's only when Zarkon is nearby.
Copy !req
24. No Paladin has ever been able to connect
with a lion over a vast distance.
Copy !req
25. So what are we going to do?
Copy !req
26. Look, it doesn't matter
how he's tracking us
Copy !req
27. because we're gonna take the fight
to the Galra soon enough.
Copy !req
28. They've been chasing us
from galaxy to galaxy.
Copy !req
29. The last thing they expect
is for us to come after them.
Copy !req
30. The hunter becomes the hunted, hmm?
Copy !req
31. That's the tag line
from like six of my favorite movies.
Copy !req
32. As it happens, I took our list
of recent Galra attacks
Copy !req
33. and analyzed it for both commonalities
and anomalies among the attack sites.
Copy !req
34. I was hoping to create an algorithm
Copy !req
35. that would, within a statistically
acceptable margin of error,
Copy !req
36. provide a list
of target-rich Galra environments—
Copy !req
37. color-coded, of course,
because what are we, animals?
Copy !req
38. Cool!
Copy !req
39. What is it again?
Copy !req
40. It's a Galra finder?
Copy !req
41. Well, "finder" suggests
that it locates the Galra,
Copy !req
42. whereas it would be more accurate to say
that my model predicts their likeliest...
Copy !req
43. Fine. It's a Galra finder.
Copy !req
44. So, where are the Galra?
Copy !req
45. The nearest ones are
right here. A planet called Taujeer.
Copy !req
46. Then that's where we're headed.
Copy !req
47. Everyone should get some sleep.
Copy !req
48. Tomorrow, we'll find that Galra fleet
and take it out.
Copy !req
49. Is everything okay?
Copy !req
50. Yeah. Why?
Copy !req
51. You just seem a bit anxious.
Copy !req
52. I'm fine. Just tired.
Copy !req
53. Like you said, I should get some sleep.
Copy !req
54. - Huh?
Copy !req
55. What's the matter, Red? It's me.
Copy !req
56. I can find you anywhere.
Copy !req
57. - Huh?
Copy !req
58. Princess, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
59. Oh. I might ask you the same thing.
Copy !req
60. Nothing. Just walking.
Copy !req
61. Late at night.
Copy !req
62. Near the pods.
Copy !req
63. In full Paladin armor,
with a bag of your belongings?
Copy !req
64. I have to know if Zarkon is tracking me.
Copy !req
65. This is the only way.
Don't try to stop me.
Copy !req
66. I'm not going to stop you.
I'm going to join you.
Copy !req
67. We should be entering
Taujeer's orbit soon.
Copy !req
68. Raise the particle barrier.
Scan for Galra.
Copy !req
69. Where are Keith and Allura?
Copy !req
70. It appears that one of the pods
launched in the middle of the night.
Copy !req
71. Wait a minute, Keith and Allura?
In the middle of the night?
Copy !req
72. You don't think they're sittin' in a tree?
Copy !req
73. - Contact the pod.
- Yes! Contact that pod!
Copy !req
74. Princess, Keith, where are you?
Copy !req
75. Exactly where we should be,
far away from the Castle.
Copy !req
76. What? Why?
Copy !req
77. We must know
if we are the ones Zarkon is tracking.
Copy !req
78. They're isolating the variable.
Well, isolating two variables.
Copy !req
79. In English, please?
Copy !req
80. In order to test a hypothesis...
Copy !req
81. - I said English!
Copy !req
82. Never mind!
Copy !req
83. Pidge is right. If Zarkon finds you
despite my absence,
Copy !req
84. we will know with total certainty
that we are not the ones he is tracking.
Copy !req
85. Splitting up the group
makes us far more vulnerable.
Copy !req
86. Come back to the Castle immediately.
Copy !req
87. I'm sorry, Shiro, I cannot do that.
Copy !req
88. If Zarkon does find us,
I can pilot us to safety.
Copy !req
89. We're in wide-open space
with plenty of room to maneuver.
Copy !req
90. Plus, we'd be able to outrun him.
Pidge added that booster rocket.
Copy !req
91. That thing's still on there?
Copy !req
92. - We need both of you back here now!
Copy !req
93. What's goin' on?
Copy !req
94. We're in some sort of debris field.
Copy !req
95. I believe it's coming from Taujeer.
Copy !req
96. I think it is Taujeer!
Copy !req
97. Coran, what's going on—
Copy !req
98. Some kind of radiation from the planet
is interfering with communications!
Copy !req
99. Move the Castle away from the planet
and reestablish the link.
Copy !req
100. Everyone else, get to your lions.
Copy !req
101. Something's approaching!
Copy !req
102. I don't see any Galra.
Copy !req
103. Looks like that fancy Galra finder
doesn't work. Nice try, Pidge.
Copy !req
104. Thank goodness you're here!
Copy !req
105. I am Baujal,
the leader of the Taujeerians.
Copy !req
106. The Galra just destroyed
our ship's engines and left.
Copy !req
107. - So the Galra were here. Lance.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
108. They've taken everything.
Copy !req
109. We must get everyone off the planet
before it dissolves completely!
Copy !req
110. Please, help us!
Copy !req
111. - How long do we have?
Copy !req
112. Not long.
Copy !req
113. How did this happen?
Copy !req
114. We've known for years that our planet
would eventually lose its outer layer.
Copy !req
115. Like a snake shedding its skin?
Copy !req
116. Yeah, yeah, that doesn't sound so bad.
Copy !req
117. Beneath that old skin
is a new, healthy layer, right?
Copy !req
118. Nope. No, I— I think
the next layer is acid.
Copy !req
119. The plan was to evacuate the population
to our nearest moon,
Copy !req
120. where we have built a colony
to wait out the shedding process.
Copy !req
121. So we relocated to higher ground
and constructed that ark.
Copy !req
122. What happened?
Copy !req
123. The Galra attacked,
led by a vile commander named Morvok.
Copy !req
124. He robbed us of vital resources and
left us with only one operational engine,
Copy !req
125. stranding us here.
Copy !req
126. You're not stranded anymore.
We will save your people.
Copy !req
127. I believe you, for I have heard
many legends of the valor of Voltron.
Copy !req
128. Five brave Paladins dedicated to this...
Wait, wait.
Copy !req
129. I count only four of you.
Are you not Voltron?
Copy !req
130. Uh... almost?
Copy !req
131. Where is the fifth Paladin?
Copy !req
132. He's not here,
but we can still help you.
Copy !req
133. I would feel more comfortable
with all five Paladins.
Copy !req
134. Duly noted.
Copy !req
135. Pidge, Hunk, take a look at the ark
and see what we're dealing with.
Copy !req
136. Piece of cake.
We'll get it flying in no time.
Copy !req
137. Would you settle for upright?
Copy !req
138. We've been here for hours.
Still no sign of Zarkon.
Copy !req
139. Well, I'm glad
I don't have to wait here alone.
Copy !req
140. You understand,
Copy !req
141. I could never live with myself
if Zarkon was finding us because of me.
Copy !req
142. I must know. We face such a dire threat
from the Galra.
Copy !req
143. Well, sure, they're bad.
No doubt about that.
Copy !req
144. But at the same time, couldn't at least
a few of them be fighting for good?
Copy !req
145. Just look at Ulaz.
He sacrificed himself to save us.
Copy !req
146. For all we know,
his sacrifice was a ploy.
Copy !req
147. One life means nothing to Zarkon.
Copy !req
148. It means something to me. It means
some of them are actually willing to help.
Copy !req
149. And we could use
all the help we can get!
Copy !req
150. Any offer of help from the Galra
is merely a prelude to a trap.
Copy !req
151. I know all too well
how quickly they turn.
Copy !req
152. It just seems crazy
to lump everyone together.
Copy !req
153. Listen, if there are any good Galra,
Copy !req
154. they have had 10,000 years
to take down Zarkon.
Copy !req
155. I would never count on them for help.
Copy !req
156. I have located them.
Copy !req
157. Get me Morvok.
Copy !req
158. Commander Morvok.
Copy !req
159. Aaah! Lord Zarkon!
Copy !req
160. I am sending you coordinates
near your current location.
Copy !req
161. Voltron is there.
Find it and bring it to me.
Copy !req
162. Voltron, sire?
Copy !req
163. Indeed.
Have you received the coordinates?
Copy !req
164. If I may,
I was able to acquire many resources,
Copy !req
165. all to glorify your mighty reign,
may it last a thousand centuries.
Copy !req
166. Your bootlicking
does not impress me, Morvok.
Copy !req
167. I merely meant
that I could be of even more use
Copy !req
168. if I were to bring you
these resources instead of...
Copy !req
169. Are you refusing my order?
Copy !req
170. Of course not!
I will not fail you, Lord Zarkon.
Copy !req
171. See that you don't. Vrepit sa.
Copy !req
172. Vrepit sa.
Copy !req
173. Assuming we can get it
back up, the repairs will still take time.
Copy !req
174. Which would appear to be
the one thing we don't have.
Copy !req
175. We need to slow down the shedding.
Copy !req
176. How do you stop a planet
that's coming apart at the seams?
Copy !req
177. By sewing it back together!
Copy !req
178. What do you mean?
Copy !req
179. That new Green Lion weapon
causes vegetation to grow, right?
Copy !req
180. Well, I was thinking that if you aim it
at the cracks in the planet...
Copy !req
181. the vines could act like stitches.
Copy !req
182. But won't the stitches get dissolved
by the acid?
Copy !req
183. The stitches might hold longer
if they're frozen.
Copy !req
184. It's a plan.
Copy !req
185. Hunk, you and I will take our lions
and get this ark upright
Copy !req
186. while Pidge and Lance buy us some time.
Copy !req
187. My side's clear, Shiro.
Almost done.
Copy !req
188. Yes! It worked!
Copy !req
189. It won't hold forever. Keep going!
Copy !req
190. Come on! Give it all you got.
Copy !req
191. That's it! We're almost there.
Copy !req
192. Thanks, guys.
Copy !req
193. You got it.
Copy !req
194. All right, Hunk,
time to work on those engines.
Copy !req
195. So, what happens
if Zarkon does come after us?
Copy !req
196. You said you could pilot us
to safety, right?
Copy !req
197. Sure, but after that,
could we even go back to the group?
Copy !req
198. And if we don't, who would
pilot the Castle or create wormholes?
Copy !req
199. Well, what about you? Without you,
the team cannot form Voltron.
Copy !req
200. Well, it ain't pretty,
but it should get you airborne—
Copy !req
201. Just in time.
Copy !req
202. What was that?
Copy !req
203. The Galra. They're back.
Copy !req
204. Hunk! Take the Yellow Lion
and hold up the ark.
Copy !req
205. If it falls into the acid,
the Taujeerians are doomed.
Copy !req
206. Not to mention
the guy beneath them.
Copy !req
207. Which would be me,
in this particular scenario.
Copy !req
208. Lance, Pidge,
we've got to draw the cruiser's fire.
Copy !req
209. Coran, we need you here now.
Attack the Galra cruiser!
Copy !req
210. I'm on my way!
Copy !req
211. - Keith, Allura, are you there?
- We're here, Coran. What is it?
Copy !req
212. Zarkon is definitely
not tracking us through either of you.
Copy !req
213. - He's not?
- How do you know?
Copy !req
214. Because you're out there,
and a Galra fleet just showed up here!
Copy !req
215. We need you now!
Copy !req
216. We'll be there in two doboshes.
Copy !req
217. Even faster than that.
Copy !req
218. What is that?
Copy !req
219. It's the booster fuel
Pidge added to this pod.
Copy !req
220. - Aaah!
- Aah!
Copy !req
221. Allura!
Grab my hand!
Copy !req
222. Princess, are you okay?
Copy !req
223. I believe so.
Is your radio still working?
Copy !req
224. Let's find out.
Copy !req
225. Coran, can you hear me?
Copy !req
226. This is going far better
than I anticipated.
Copy !req
227. We could actually capture Voltron!
Copy !req
228. I could get transferred back to the hub.
Copy !req
229. And they said I wasn't good enough
to be in the hub.
Copy !req
230. Maybe Zarkon will invite me to sit
in his box at the gladiator matches!
Copy !req
231. The ultimate honor!
Copy !req
232. Sir! Three Voltron Lions incoming!
Copy !req
233. Fire on them with our full arsenal!
Copy !req
234. - Keep firing!
Copy !req
235. Sir, the lions
are moving too fast for us to hit.
Copy !req
236. Well, let's make them stay in one place!
Copy !req
237. Train the ion cannon on the ark.
Sink the entire thing into the acid!
Copy !req
238. They're aiming
the ion cannon at the ark!
Copy !req
239. Lance! Pidge!
Attack the ship with your jaw blades!
Copy !req
240. We'll never get there at this rate.
Copy !req
241. This was a terrible mistake.
Copy !req
242. Shiro was right.
We never should have left them.
Copy !req
243. Rocks! Big, big rocks!
Copy !req
244. We got you, buddy.
Copy !req
245. What happened?
Copy !req
246. The Black Lion attacked the cannon.
Copy !req
247. He's disabled
our projectile guidance system.
Copy !req
248. We won't be able to aim the cannon
until it's fixed.
Copy !req
249. Fix it! Full attack!
Fire with everything we've got!
Copy !req
250. Way to go, Coran!
Copy !req
251. Hunk, what's your status?
Copy !req
252. Mostly just trying not to fall
into a bubbling pot of acid.
Copy !req
253. Divert all shields to the main hull!
Focus full firepower on their ship!
Copy !req
254. We're being overwhelmed!
We need Voltron!
Copy !req
255. Oh, if only there were another
who could pilot the Red Lion.
Copy !req
256. Finally, Alfor.
I will walk in your footsteps!
Copy !req
257. Oh, Red Lion,
I am unworthy to be your Paladin,
Copy !req
258. but since you have chosen
to bestow this honor upon me,
Copy !req
259. Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe,
Copy !req
260. I humbly accept.
Copy !req
261. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
262. Right. Okay. Just a quick lap.
Copy !req
263. Uh, okay, guys? So, yeah...
Copy !req
264. the— the Red Lion ran away.
Copy !req
265. I can't hold it any longer!
Copy !req
266. Hunk, you have to! If you let go,
the Taujeerians will die!
Copy !req
267. Oh, whoa!
Copy !req
268. Armor claws!
Copy !req
269. Guys, I can keep this thing
from falling any farther
Copy !req
270. but I need your help to get it back up.
Copy !req
271. We're on our way!
Copy !req
272. Keith, look!
- Huh?
Copy !req
273. The Red Lion found you!
Copy !req
274. Sir, the ion cannon's guidance system
is back online.
Copy !req
275. And the lions appear to have gathered
beneath the ark.
Copy !req
276. Perfect! The lions will go down with it.
Copy !req
277. Fire when ready!
Copy !req
278. - All right!
Copy !req
279. Good to have you back, Keith.
Copy !req
280. Good to be back.
Copy !req
281. - Is the Princess with you?
- Yes.
Copy !req
282. Like "with you" with you, or...
Copy !req
283. Uh, Keith? Little help?
Copy !req
284. On my way, buddy.
Copy !req
285. All right, everybody. No time to relax.
Let's show them what they're dealing with.
Copy !req
286. Form Voltron!
Copy !req
287. Sir, our weapons systems are knocked out
completely. Should we retreat?
Copy !req
288. Never! Aim the ship at the ark!
Copy !req
289. We will take it down ourselves.
Copy !req
290. To die for the Galra Empire
is the greatest honor imaginable.
Copy !req
291. Vrepit sa!
Copy !req
292. Vrepit sa!
Copy !req
293. Prepare my escape pod.
Copy !req
294. They're heading for the ark!
They're gonna ram it!
Copy !req
295. We'll have to meet them head-on.
Form sword!
Copy !req
296. Will the sword be able
to cut through an entire battle cruiser?
Copy !req
297. It'll have to!
Copy !req
298. Guys, I think my lion
is telling me something.
Copy !req
299. Yeah, mine too.
Copy !req
300. - I can feel it too.
- Same here.
Copy !req
301. Then do it!
Copy !req
302. - Yes!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
303. Now let's get
the Taujeerians to safety.
Copy !req
304. How are we going to do that?
Their booster rockets are shot.
Copy !req
305. I'm so sorry for leaving.
Copy !req
306. Me too. We thought
we were doing the right thing.
Copy !req
307. But clearly you were correct, Shiro.
We are always stronger together.
Copy !req
308. At least we learned that Zarkon
isn't tracking us through you two.
Copy !req
309. Plus, I learned that my lion can grow
armor and extend its claws like that...
Copy !req
310. Ting! Which will come in handy
if we ever needed to, say,
Copy !req
311. I don't know, slice up a giant steak
while getting beat up.
Copy !req
312. Or fight evil and save innocent people.
That too. That would work.
Copy !req
313. The fact that the Red Lion came
to help Keith from so far away
Copy !req
314. is a vital piece of information.
Copy !req
315. We now have proof that a lion
and a Paladin can, in fact,
Copy !req
316. connect over a far greater distance
than we realized.
Copy !req
317. Which means we finally know
how Zarkon is tracking us.
Copy !req
318. It's through the Black Lion.
Copy !req