1. Zarkon! How did he find us?
Copy !req
2. His commanders must have
radioed him from Olkarion.
Copy !req
3. We need to wormhole, now!
Everyone to your stations.
Copy !req
4. We've got to put some distance
between us and Zarkon.
Copy !req
5. - This could be the fight of our lives.
Copy !req
6. That's sure a lot of fighters.
Copy !req
7. Allura, can you evade these fighters?
Copy !req
8. We can't have them following us
through the wormhole.
Copy !req
9. I can try.
Copy !req
10. Keith, Lance,
let's lay down some covering fire.
Copy !req
11. Lance, incoming, 12 o'clock high!
Copy !req
12. Got it!
Copy !req
13. - Hey!
Sorry! Gotta be quick!
Copy !req
14. - How's that for quick?
- You...
Copy !req
15. Knock it off, you two!
Stay in your zones!
Copy !req
16. - Yeah, Keith!
- Keep calling out those fighters, Pidge.
Copy !req
17. Hunk, how are the defenses holding?
Copy !req
18. I don't know.
Ten percent? Fifteen maybe?
Copy !req
19. Everything's a blur.
I've been up too long. I have tired eyes!
Copy !req
20. I know we just came off an intense battle,
Copy !req
21. but we've got to stay focused,
just until we jump.
Copy !req
22. And when is that?
Copy !req
23. They're still too close!
We need to gain more speed!
Copy !req
24. - I've got an idea! Hold on!
Copy !req
25. Allura, what are you doing?
Copy !req
26. I'm going to use this moon's gravity
Copy !req
27. to gain speed and put some distance
between us and Zarkon.
Copy !req
28. We're clear to wormhole!
Copy !req
29. We got away from Zarkon,
how come we're still on alert?
Copy !req
30. Coran, what's going on?
- Oh, no! Teludav lens malfunction!
Copy !req
31. We're about to exit this wormhole
a lot sooner than we planned!
Copy !req
32. Whoa. Where are we?
Looks like some sort of iceberg graveyard.
Copy !req
33. - Coran, what's the status?
Checking that now.
Copy !req
34. We didn't make it to our exit point,
Copy !req
35. but we're several galaxies
from Zarkon's fleet.
Copy !req
36. - Allura!
Copy !req
37. Oh, no, you look exhausted.
Copy !req
38. You must rest. You've been
exerting way too much energy.
Copy !req
39. I'll go check on the main turbine
and figure out what's going—
Copy !req
40. Whoa! Are you all right?
Copy !req
41. I'm fine.
Copy !req
42. Look, I tell you what, I've probably hit
a slippery spot on the ground there.
Copy !req
43. Someone please wipe that up there!
Copy !req
44. You're sweating. You might have
a case of the slipperies.
Copy !req
45. What? No! No, that's an old person virus,
and I'm not old. I'm young.
Copy !req
46. Well, young-ish.
Copy !req
47. What are the slipperies?
Copy !req
48. It's a common Altean virus
that occurs later in life.
Copy !req
49. It's not harmful and usually
only lasts a couple of days,
Copy !req
50. but it causes one's body
to secrete extremely slick fluid.
Copy !req
51. - Ew!
- Gross!
Copy !req
52. Yes, it is gross,
so it's a good thing I don't have it!
Copy !req
53. Coran, it's nothing
to be embarrassed about.
Copy !req
54. I'm not embarrassed
because I don't have it!
Copy !req
55. And, now, I'm actually going to leave
because I've got to fix the main turbine!
Copy !req
56. Quiznak!
Copy !req
57. All right. Since Zarkon has
no idea where we are,
Copy !req
58. this is the perfect time
to focus on our next step.
Copy !req
59. Maybe we can find that secret group,
the Blade of Marmora.
Copy !req
60. - Pidge, where are those coordinates?
Wait, hang on.
Copy !req
61. - I'm so tired, my brain's not working.
- Yeah, neither is mine.
Copy !req
62. Hello, all.
I've checked the engines.
Copy !req
63. That was fast.
Copy !req
64. Well, I slipped right down—
I mean, hurried down.
Copy !req
65. Anyway, the good news is,
the Galra fighter did minimal damage.
Copy !req
66. I flushed the turbine and it's fine.
Copy !req
67. The bad news is, the teludav,
Copy !req
68. or wormholer, as you Earthlings
call it, is in bad shape.
Copy !req
69. Several scaultrite lens-stones
Copy !req
70. of the magnifying beam
generator are cracked.
Copy !req
71. As you know, the magnifying
beam generator uses a crystal
Copy !req
72. to convert Altean energy
into usable fuel.
Copy !req
73. That supplies the power
needed to wormhole.
Copy !req
74. Well, anyway, I need
to remove the cracked lenses
Copy !req
75. and readjust their trajectory temporarily
until we can replace them.
Copy !req
76. I'll also need to divert power
to make up for the lost energy.
Copy !req
77. Anyway, it's going to take
at least a quintant.
Copy !req
78. All right. We'll hide the ship
and get some rest
Copy !req
79. while Coran comes up
with a work-around.
Copy !req
80. Tomorrow, we'll be sharper and refocused.
Copy !req
81. Huh?
Copy !req
82. What the heck do you think you're doing?
Copy !req
83. Allura said there's a pool.
I'm gonna go check it out.
Copy !req
84. - What do you think you're doing?
Same thing.
Copy !req
85. Look, you stay on one side of the pool
and I'll stay on the other,
Copy !req
86. and we'll be far, far away
from each other.
Copy !req
87. Very... far... away.
Copy !req
88. Hm?
Copy !req
89. I thought you were exhausted.
Why are you making cookies?
Copy !req
90. Because baking clears
my head, Pidge. Okay?
Copy !req
91. I thought you were gonna help Coran
with the wormholer.
Copy !req
92. One mention of the slipperies and he got
all sensitive and kicked me out.
Copy !req
93. I hate not being able to read Altean.
What is this stuff?
Copy !req
94. Are you sure you're making food?
Copy !req
95. You're gonna try and tell me
that these aren't cookies?
Copy !req
96. Okay, I might have overcooked them.
Copy !req
97. Wait, where you going?
You don't want to wait for the next batch?
Copy !req
98. It's right, then left. You're off.
Copy !req
99. - You're off! And shoving too hard!
- You're not shoving hard enough!
Copy !req
100. - I should be at the pool right now!
- Would you stop whining?
Copy !req
101. Huh?
Copy !req
102. - Look!
- Huh?
Copy !req
103. - Huh?
Copy !req
104. What the heck?
Stupid Altean pools.
Copy !req
105. Welcome to introductory Altean.
Copy !req
106. Awesome! I'm finally gonna
learn the Altean language!
Copy !req
107. Level, beginner. Safety, off.
Copy !req
108. Safety? That's weird.
Copy !req
109. Klanm端irl.
Copy !req
110. Klan-mural.
Copy !req
111. - Hm? Uh, what's that?
Copy !req
112. - Klanm端irl.
Copy !req
113. Klan-mirl?
Copy !req
114. - Klanm端irl! Klanm端irl!
Copy !req
115. Huh?
Copy !req
116. Xznly Squiwl.
Copy !req
117. Oh, quiznak.
Copy !req
118. What are you doing here?
You should be resting.
Copy !req
119. I cannot sleep. Zarkon is out there.
He's searching for us.
Copy !req
120. I know how you feel,
but you have to step away for a while.
Copy !req
121. It's what's best for everyone.
Copy !req
122. We are several galaxies away.
How could they find us so soon?
Copy !req
123. Oh, no! My good batch!
Copy !req
124. Huh?
Copy !req
125. Particle barrier up!
Copy !req
126. - Coran, are you there?
- I'm here!
Copy !req
127. - Over here! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Zarkon is back! What's our status?
Copy !req
128. Wormholing will be a problem.
The lenses haven't been readjusted!
Copy !req
129. I don't know if the teludav
will generate enough power.
Copy !req
130. - Do everything you can!
- They found us again?
Copy !req
131. How is that possible? Is that possible?
That doesn't seem possible!
Copy !req
132. Right now, we must figure out
a way to get out of here.
Copy !req
133. Or we can stay and fight.
Now's our chance.
Copy !req
134. Form Voltron. Enough running!
Copy !req
135. It's too dangerous!
Copy !req
136. Allura's right. We can't take on Zarkon
and his entire fleet.
Copy !req
137. Remember what happened
at Zarkon's command center.
Copy !req
138. We wouldn't have escaped if the Blade
of Marmora hadn't shut down the shield.
Copy !req
139. The turbine's up. Still working
on the worm—
Copy !req
140. Uh, guys,
Copy !req
141. I think I'm realizing now that I do,
in fact, have a case of the slipperies.
Copy !req
142. I'm sorry I yelled at you, Pidge.
I may need your help, after all.
Copy !req
143. - I'm coming down.
Let's clear a path.
Copy !req
144. Lance, there's a fighter
advancing on your nine!
Copy !req
145. Thanks for the heads-up! And you've
got one going for the lower barrier.
Copy !req
146. Good eye!
Copy !req
147. What can I do?
Copy !req
148. Help me divert power.
Slide me to that monitor!
Copy !req
149. - Wipe my sweat!
Copy !req
150. Okay, buddy, you're mine.
Copy !req
151. What's going on?
I lost control of my defense drone!
Copy !req
152. I got you covered! Uh, I don't got you.
Oh, there must be a system failure.
Copy !req
153. - Nope, that was us!
Copy !req
154. We're diverting power
from non-essential systems
Copy !req
155. to get the wormhole generator working.
Copy !req
156. Shooting bad guys is pretty essential!
Copy !req
157. We lost secondary controls!
Thermal regulator's offline!
Copy !req
158. Oh, no, there goes the particle barrier!
Copy !req
159. Okay, try it! We should be able
to make one very small jump... I hope.
Copy !req
160. Is it gonna hold?
I guess we're about to find out.
Copy !req
161. The wormhole's open!
Copy !req
162. Oh, no! The lenses are
breaking down even more!
Copy !req
163. We'll be out of the wormhole
even sooner this time!
Copy !req
164. Zarkon keeps finding us.
Copy !req
165. It's like he knows how to track us down.
Copy !req
166. Maybe he planted
some kind of tracking device.
Copy !req
167. Well, it is nothing on the ship.
Copy !req
168. The Castle would have detected
any tracking devices.
Copy !req
169. Until we figure out
exactly how he's doing it,
Copy !req
170. we should assume
that he could show up at any minute.
Copy !req
171. - So, stay alert.
Copy !req
172. Oh, man! Oh, what's going on? What are
you guys doing? What are you looking at?
Copy !req
173. - You woke yourself up snoring.
- My bad.
Copy !req
174. - Coran, what's our status? Any good news?
- Actually, there is a bit of good news.
Copy !req
175. I'm finally getting used
to these slipperies.
Copy !req
176. My mucus glands are working
at an incredible rate!
Copy !req
177. Any good news about the teludav?
Copy !req
178. I'm afraid not. The last jump
overloaded the lens-stones.
Copy !req
179. Now, even more of them are broken.
Copy !req
180. I'm going to try some readjustments
to change the beam trajectory.
Copy !req
181. Until then, wormholing away
will be impossible.
Copy !req
182. Hey, there's a giant metallic storm
ahead of us.
Copy !req
183. I think we can hide
in the eye of the storm.
Copy !req
184. It should give off enough interference
so we can't be tracked.
Copy !req
185. It's worth a shot.
Copy !req
186. Brilliant, Pidge.
Copy !req
187. We're essentially invisible to any radar,
radio waves, universal scans,
Copy !req
188. or any other known technology.
Copy !req
189. No!
Copy !req
190. Send in the fighters, flush them out.
Copy !req
191. When they are within range,
I will take control of the Black Lion.
Copy !req
192. Okay, I don't know how he found us,
Copy !req
193. but it definitely wasn't
with normal instruments.
Copy !req
194. It's me.
Copy !req
195. It's been me all along.
Copy !req
196. That's how they found us
on planet Arus.
Copy !req
197. It doesn't matter, Princess.
Copy !req
198. We're in this together.
We're gonna get out together.
Copy !req
199. Uh, how? We're trapped.
Copy !req
200. We need to form Voltron
and go through the storm.
Copy !req
201. The storm? What are you, nuts?
Copy !req
202. Yeah! What do you mean?
Yeah, why would we do that?
Copy !req
203. It's risky, I know,
but it's our only chance.
Copy !req
204. We have to go through the storm,
then lure Zarkon's ship away,
Copy !req
205. giving Allura some time
to get into open space.
Copy !req
206. - Then, what?
- Then, we wormhole away.
Copy !req
207. Coran, remember how you said getting
this Castle to wormhole is impossible?
Copy !req
208. Well, I need you to do the impossible.
Copy !req
209. Form Voltron!
Copy !req
210. Team, let's draw those fighters out!
Copy !req
211. I think it's working!
They're following us!
Copy !req
212. - How's it coming, Coran?
- In order for this to work,
Copy !req
213. each remaining lens-stone will need
to take the equivalent of five beams!
Copy !req
214. There's no way it can hold
that kind of power!
Copy !req
215. The whole thing will explode!
Copy !req
216. - We've lost them in the storm!
- They won't be in there long.
Copy !req
217. They can't follow us
in this storm! It's tearing them apart!
Copy !req
218. The debris!
Copy !req
219. It's gonna tear us apart
if we don't do something!
Copy !req
220. - Pidge, we're gonna need that shield!
- On it!
Copy !req
221. - And, Keith, the sword!
- Yes, sir!
Copy !req
222. Legs, I need everything you got!
Copy !req
223. - Roger! Engaging lower thrusters!
- I'm right there with ya!
Copy !req
224. Get me closer to the Black Lion.
Copy !req
225. Sire, we have the Princess trapped.
We can finish her now!
Copy !req
226. The Black Lion is all that matters!
Copy !req
227. Coran, here we go!
Copy !req
228. It worked! They escaped!
Copy !req
229. What's going on?
My lion!
Copy !req
230. Zarkon...
Copy !req
231. Zarkon's taking control
of the Black Lion again! Fall back!
Copy !req
232. Paladins, now's your chance!
Get out of there!
Copy !req
233. I forgot how intense Zarkon's
connection to the Black Lion is.
Copy !req
234. We have to keep our distance,
or risk losing Voltron.
Copy !req
235. Let's disband and get back to the Castle.
Copy !req
236. Attack that Castle with everything
we've got! Capture Voltron!
Copy !req
237. Why haven't we wormholed yet?
Copy !req
238. Because we can't! We're missing
several scaultrite lens-stones!
Copy !req
239. They've shattered! Gone! Don't exist!
Copy !req
240. Sloven-day-ho!
Copy !req
241. That's Altean for "gone."
Copy !req
242. Wait, did you say "scaultrite"?
I've seen that somewhere before.
Copy !req
243. I think Hunk was making
some terrible cookies from that stuff!
Copy !req
244. Unbelievable! These cookies do have
trace elements of scaultrite.
Copy !req
245. - Could they work?
- They might be able to hold for one jump,
Copy !req
246. but we'd still need several people
actually physically holding them.
Copy !req
247. And, if the trajectories
were calculated just so...
Copy !req
248. It just warms my heart
that people are enjoying my cookies.
Copy !req
249. Okay, there.
Now, nobody move if you want to live.
Copy !req
250. I think I moved! I think I moved!
Copy !req
251. Well, then move back
to where you think you were!
Copy !req
252. Okay, now, I'm going to monitor
the beam from out there.
Copy !req
253. Wait, Coran! How dangerous is this?
Copy !req
254. Honestly, this is the most dangerous thing
I've ever seen, or heard of,
Copy !req
255. but since we're probably
going to die anyway,
Copy !req
256. what the heck, let's give it a shot!
Copy !req
257. Good luck, gentlemen and gentlelady.
It's been a pleasure.
Copy !req
258. Don't touch the lasers!
Copy !req
259. Uh...
Copy !req
260. They're in position!
Copy !req
261. We're gonna die! We're gonna die!
We're gonna die!
Copy !req
262. Hold tight, Lance!
Copy !req
263. Hm?
Copy !req
264. It's not working!
Copy !req
265. Coran, what's happening?
Zarkon's right on top of us!
Copy !req
266. The stones aren't reflecting properly!
I need something to shine them up!
Copy !req
267. Oh...
Copy !req
268. Wait a second. I think I've got it.
Hit the wormhole in ten ticks!
Copy !req
269. Ten...
Copy !req
270. - What's happening?
- ... nine...
Copy !req
271. No one move!
I've got to shine these stones!
Copy !req
272. Good thing I've got
a case of the slipperies!
Copy !req
273. six...
Copy !req
274. five...
Copy !req
275. four...
Copy !req
276. three...
Copy !req
277. - two...
- Huh?
Copy !req
278. one!
Copy !req
279. Great work, team! We made it! Huh?
Copy !req
280. We were close, sire, but it appears
they were able to make a full jump.
Copy !req
281. There is no place in this universe
beyond my vision's reach.
Copy !req
282. Time is on my side.
Copy !req
283. Set a course for Voltron.
Copy !req