1. What just happened?
Copy !req
2. - I don't know, but we gotta stay together.
Copy !req
3. - Hunk, you okay? Hunk?
Copy !req
4. - I'm fine.
- You just threw up, didn't you?
Copy !req
5. Yeah. You would too if you got sucked
out of a wormhole at light speed,
Copy !req
6. then crash-landed on an ice planet
and ended up underwater.
Copy !req
7. - That is what happened to me!
- Oh, right.
Copy !req
8. My main system is down. The crash must
have screwed it up. Does yours work?
Copy !req
9. I'm on reserve power.
My lion's pretty much dead in the water.
Copy !req
10. This situation's bad enough,
Hunk. Don't make it worse with puns.
Copy !req
11. I'm just shocked we hit a planet.
I thought Pidge said space was 90% empty.
Copy !req
12. Well, apparently,
Pidge's science is wrong.
Copy !req
13. We need to contact the others
and get back to group immediately.
Copy !req
14. Hello, anyone? This is Hunk and Lance
of the Yellow and Blue Lions.
Copy !req
15. - They know the color of our lions!
- Oh, right. Okay, yeah.
Copy !req
16. I always forget that. My bad.
Copy !req
17. We gotta check for damage
and get these lions running.
Copy !req
18. - Copy that.
- Oh, good.
Copy !req
19. The Blue Lion's coming back online now.
Welcome back, beautiful.
Copy !req
20. Uh...
Copy !req
21. Hunk, did... did you just see
something swim by?
Copy !req
22. What? No.
Copy !req
23. No way! This is going to sound crazy,
but I think I just saw a mermaid.
Copy !req
24. Oh, boy. Okay, how hard did you
bang your head when we hit the planet?
Copy !req
25. Dude, I'm serious!
Copy !req
26. Look! There it is again!
Hey, come here!
Copy !req
27. Where you going? Hey, slow down!
Copy !req
28. Lance, knock it off. We have to stay
focused and get to the others...
Copy !req
29. - You're outside of your lion. Great.
- I know we have to find the others.
Copy !req
30. I'm just saying maybe this thing can help.
Copy !req
31. Also, it's a mermaid. A mermaid!
Come on, let's find it.
Copy !req
32. No. No way. Nope. Not going out there.
Copy !req
33. Okay, you stay here,
by yourself, in the dark,
Copy !req
34. all alone in a lion
that's out of commission.
Copy !req
35. Don't leave me!
Copy !req
36. Come on!
Copy !req
37. I can't believe this!
We're really chasing a mermaid.
Copy !req
38. Hey, wait, wait, wait! We're friendly!
Copy !req
39. Whoa!
Copy !req
40. - Hello.
Copy !req
41. Welcome to my village.
Copy !req
42. Here, all are safe and warm.
Copy !req
43. Please, do not startle our guests.
I am Florona.
Copy !req
44. The almighty Queen Luxia, keeper of
our land, would love to meet with you.
Copy !req
45. Wait. How did your queen know
we were here?
Copy !req
46. Queen Luxia knows all.
Copy !req
47. Lance, I know this mermaid thing is
a dream of yours, but we really gotta go.
Copy !req
48. We will, big guy, we will,
but let's meet this queen first.
Copy !req
49. Besides, maybe she can help us.
Copy !req
50. And, if I just happen to find
the future Mrs. Blue Lion,
Copy !req
51. well, then that is all right with me.
Copy !req
52. Space travelers, I am Queen Luxia.
Copy !req
53. I welcome you to our village
as honored guests.
Copy !req
54. The honor's all ours.
I'm La-a-a-ance.
Copy !req
55. Uh, Mrs. Queen,
Your Honor, Your Excellence,
Copy !req
56. I'm Hunk, and me and my buddy here,
we crash-landed on your lovely planet,
Copy !req
57. but we really need to get back in touch
with our friends who are in space.
Copy !req
58. Would you possibly have
any way of doing that?
Copy !req
59. Hunk, Lance,
I can solve all of your problems.
Copy !req
60. - Here, we are all safe and warm.
- You use magic, don't you?
Copy !req
61. I bet this castle's a ship.
This castle is a ship, am I right?
Copy !req
62. - Just don't say anything if I'm right.
- Here, I've brought you these.
Copy !req
63. The bubble coral will provide you
with all the air you need.
Copy !req
64. Whoa-ho-ho!
Copy !req
65. Thank you, Fish Queen.
Copy !req
66. Huh. Cool.
Copy !req
67. And rest assured, your space vessels
will be well protected.
Copy !req
68. Now, please, follow me.
Copy !req
69. What is that?
Copy !req
70. That is the giver of life to our people,
the Baku Garden.
Copy !req
71. When the waters froze over,
we were forced to live down here.
Copy !req
72. The garden provides us the warmth
and food we need to survive.
Copy !req
73. Because of it, we are taken care of.
Here, all are safe and warm.
Copy !req
74. Your Royalness—
if I may, this food is amazing.
Copy !req
75. It's even better
than Balmeran cave bugs.
Copy !req
76. I'm glad you enjoy it.
Copy !req
77. It was picked fresh from the Baku Garden.
And I hope you enjoy the entertainment.
Copy !req
78. Whoa.
Copy !req
79. So, about us getting in contact
with our friends... how can you help us?
Copy !req
80. Please, let's discuss that
after the dance.
Copy !req
81. Whoa, this dance is amazing. It's the...
Copy !req
82. It's the most amazing thing
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
83. I'm glad you enjoy it.
Put your mind at ease.
Copy !req
84. Let your consciousness drift
like the tide.
Copy !req
85. Yes, I will do that.
Copy !req
86. I... Were— Weren't we just
talking about something?
Copy !req
87. You were just telling me
how much you like it here,
Copy !req
88. how much you wanted to stay forever.
Copy !req
89. Oh, that's right.
Here, we are all safe and warm.
Copy !req
90. Lance, I think
we should stay here forever.
Copy !req
91. Okay.
Copy !req
92. I don't need pants. I'm a mermaid.
Copy !req
93. Huh?
Copy !req
94. Who are...?
Copy !req
95. Leave him. We have to get out of here.
Copy !req
96. Hello?
Copy !req
97. - Good morning. Where am I?
- He's awake.
Copy !req
98. Why am I blindfolded?
Is this a game?
Copy !req
99. I like games.
Copy !req
100. Wait, where am I? Why am I blindfolded?
Is this a game? I hate games!
Copy !req
101. It's okay. You were mind-swished,
but now we want to—
Copy !req
102. Kill me? Think again!
Copy !req
103. Wait! Come back!
Copy !req
104. Huh?
Copy !req
105. Aw!
Copy !req
106. - Don't hurt me!
- Please, we are not here to hurt you.
Copy !req
107. We brought you here to ask
for your help. I am Plaxum.
Copy !req
108. - Blumfump.
- Swirn.
Copy !req
109. Are you saying names, or is this some
kind of weird spell you're putting on me?
Copy !req
110. We believe you are our savior.
Copy !req
111. You guys think I'm your savior?
What do you want with me?
Copy !req
112. The queen is mind-swishing everyone,
controlling their thoughts.
Copy !req
113. We believe you can stop her.
Copy !req
114. Lance? Lance, you around?
Copy !req
115. Lance?
Copy !req
116. Is everything all right?
Copy !req
117. I can't find Lance.
Also, there's a hole in our wall.
Copy !req
118. There was a break-in.
Those cave-dwellers must have taken him.
Copy !req
119. Them again? What should we do?
Copy !req
120. Those meddling mermaids are harmless,
Copy !req
121. but the air-breather could
prove troublesome
Copy !req
122. if he doesn't fall back
under our control.
Copy !req
123. Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Who needs to fall
under our control? Is Lance gone?
Copy !req
124. - We gotta find Lance.
- And we will.
Copy !req
125. Don't worry your little mind about it.
Copy !req
126. But first, we need to sit down and eat,
talk, clear our heads.
Copy !req
127. No, I'm not really sure if I can eat
right now. If Lance has been taken...
Copy !req
128. Oh, boy. That... That is good, though.
Copy !req
129. See? That's all you need.
Here, we are all safe and warm.
Copy !req
130. Okay.
Copy !req
131. They are going to come.
Copy !req
132. We must destroy what remains of their kind
and bring Lance under our control.
Copy !req
133. But first, Florona, you were in charge
of watching the air-breathers.
Copy !req
134. So, now, it is time for you
to take a swim in the garden.
Copy !req
135. Yes, My Queen.
Copy !req
136. Wait. Wait a minute. Okay.
Copy !req
137. You're trying to tell me the queen
is brainwashing people?
Copy !req
138. But she's so safe and warm.
Copy !req
139. What do you remember from yesterday?
Copy !req
140. I remember we crashed,
saw the mermaids and the village,
Copy !req
141. then we had dinner,
and then, uh... we, uh...
Copy !req
142. You can't remember
because you were under her control.
Copy !req
143. Our theory is, the queen controls minds
Copy !req
144. by using her voice to strike certain
head switches in your ear pan.
Copy !req
145. And her magnetic stare locks on
to your eye-to-brain pathway plug.
Copy !req
146. Plus, her mind-control sonar is always
broadcasting through the waters.
Copy !req
147. Bong! Bong! Bong!
Copy !req
148. She trains her people to use hypnotic
movements to lull you under her control.
Copy !req
149. I do remember a dancer.
Copy !req
150. Good, because I haven't finished
my picture for that one.
Copy !req
151. But you see, she was infecting your brain!
Copy !req
152. Holy crow! I had a mind-controlling
brain infection!
Copy !req
153. Sit.
Copy !req
154. The entire village
is under the queen's mind control.
Copy !req
155. The only reason we aren't
Copy !req
156. is because we wear these jellyfish
that hide our brains from her powers.
Copy !req
157. It's like we have no brains whatsoever.
Copy !req
158. You can't control what doesn't exist.
Copy !req
159. Right. Of course.
Copy !req
160. - Our heads are completely empty.
- Yeah, I get it.
Copy !req
161. Many years ago, the queen froze over
the surface by blocking the thermal vents.
Copy !req
162. She forced everyone to the depths,
where she began to brainwash them.
Copy !req
163. They became her prisoners.
Copy !req
164. - What size?
- Eight and seven-eighths aquameters.
Copy !req
165. But what's the point?
Why mind-control the mermaids?
Copy !req
166. - To kill them!
- Really?
Copy !req
167. Well, we don't know that for sure,
Copy !req
168. but hundreds of mermaids
have disappeared and never come back.
Copy !req
169. Goodbye, Florona.
It is time to return to the giver of life.
Copy !req
170. We've tried to take out the queen,
but failed several times.
Copy !req
171. And every attempt depletes our numbers.
Now, there are only three of us left.
Copy !req
172. Without you, there is no hope.
Copy !req
173. - Found one!
- What do you want from me?
Copy !req
174. We saw the mer-cat you came in.
Copy !req
175. We think it can stand up
against the queen and her forces.
Copy !req
176. But first, you'll need one of these.
Copy !req
177. Now, they sting pretty bad
and don't smell great.
Copy !req
178. If my theory is correct,
Copy !req
179. the smelliest ones block
the most mind-control rays.
Copy !req
180. - Are you a scientist?
- No.
Copy !req
181. Also, they can sometimes
make your face swell,
Copy !req
182. and you might experience hearing loss.
Copy !req
183. Would you just put it on, already?
Copy !req
184. It burns!
- That means it's working!
Copy !req
185. So, what's the plan?
Copy !req
186. Here's what Blumfump came up with.
Copy !req
187. This is you.
Copy !req
188. You act like you're still thought-swirled
and get past the guards.
Copy !req
189. Get your mer-cat and grab the queen.
Copy !req
190. We'll mount a full-scale attack
on the castle and free the people.
Copy !req
191. Then, I'll be a hero.
Copy !req
192. "Oh, Lance, you're so handsome!"
Copy !req
193. "And modest."
Copy !req
194. "Oh, thank you for saving us.
Copy !req
195. Can I kiss you?"
Copy !req
196. "Maybe just a little."
Copy !req
197. Well, now, you're just
making a tree kiss a turtle.
Copy !req
198. That's a turtle?
But there's an actual turtle right here.
Copy !req
199. We needed the turtle to play the wall.
Copy !req
200. If your acting fails you,
Copy !req
201. this holds three doses of antidote
to use on the guards.
Copy !req
202. It should interrupt
the queen's mind-control long enough
Copy !req
203. for you to escape.
Copy !req
204. I don't think I'll be needing this.
Copy !req
205. I missed 14 days of the third grade
for a stomachache I never really had.
Copy !req
206. Hello, mer-guards! Isn't everything
just so safe and warm here?
Copy !req
207. Anyway, I'm off to my lion—
Oh, come on!
Copy !req
208. I had a feeling you'd come
for your vessel.
Copy !req
209. Servant, take Lance to the Baku Garden.
Copy !req
210. Hunk?
Copy !req
211. Hey, buddy, it's me!
Snap out of it! It's Lance!
Copy !req
212. Darn it!
Copy !req
213. Everyone, capture him!
Copy !req
214. Hunk, please! I don't want to hurt you!
Copy !req
215. Must keep Queen safe and warm.
Copy !req
216. Whoa!
Copy !req
217. Whoa! Where am I? What am I doing?
Is that a jellyfish on your head?
Copy !req
218. Hunk, you've been mind-controlled
by the queen and you're trying to kill me.
Copy !req
219. - Oh, really? Sorry. My bad.
- We're kind of in the middle of a battle.
Copy !req
220. - So, I'm going to need your help.
- Got it.
Copy !req
221. Oh!
Copy !req
222. - Uh... Uh...
Copy !req
223. - Huh?
Copy !req
224. - Now, who are these weirdos?
- Those weirdos are with us.
Copy !req
225. Come, we must hurry to your mer-cats.
Copy !req
226. You hanging on?
- Yes! Let's go!
Copy !req
227. - What's the plan?
- We need to grab the queen
Copy !req
228. and take her to an ice prison
Blumfump built,
Copy !req
229. where her mind-control powers
will be trapped
Copy !req
230. because of the thick ice
and the jellyfish.
Copy !req
231. - Okay, who's that?
- It's Plaxum. Just go with it.
Copy !req
232. There she is!
Copy !req
233. Got her!
Copy !req
234. Where am I? What's going on?
Copy !req
235. What's going on is you're not
mind-controlling these people anymore,
Copy !req
236. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
237. What? Mind-control? Me?
Copy !req
238. No! Please, my people are in danger!
You must go back!
Copy !req
239. - What's going on?
Nothing! It's a ruse.
Copy !req
240. - Are you sure?
- I wasn't controlling anyone.
Copy !req
241. The Baku!
Copy !req
242. - She's lying!
- I'm not. Please!
Copy !req
243. The last thing I remember is that organism
in the garden falling from space.
Copy !req
244. I went to inspect it.
I thought it was a plant.
Copy !req
245. Wait a second.
We've been eating that plant.
Copy !req
246. And it's delicious!
It's so safe and warm.
Copy !req
247. A-ha! Mind-swishing!
It was the plant the whole time.
Copy !req
248. And the queen was the first one
to be mind-controlled.
Copy !req
249. But why?
Copy !req
250. The Baku has been harvesting us all.
We are its food source.
Copy !req
251. No way!
Copy !req
252. I think she's telling the truth.
Look out the window.
Copy !req
253. You two get somewhere safe.
Okay, Hunk, change of plans.
Copy !req
254. The queen is actually good
and that thing is bad. Let's take it out.
Copy !req
255. That thing's too quick for me.
I can't hit it!
Copy !req
256. - My lion's not very good in water.
- Really?
Copy !req
257. My lion's moving better than ever.
Copy !req
258. There's something
about fighting underwater
Copy !req
259. that's making me feel
extra quick and powerful.
Copy !req
260. - I think I know how to stop that thing.
- How?
Copy !req
261. We gotta stop shooting
where the creature is
Copy !req
262. and start shooting
where the creature's gonna be.
Copy !req
263. I got it!
Copy !req
264. Now, the hunter becomes—
Copy !req
265. - Oh, no, he's free!
Copy !req
266. - What?
Copy !req
267. Here goes nothing!
Copy !req
268. This place is coming down!
Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
269. Dude, you just dropped
a sonic boom on him!
Copy !req
270. So, Blumfump, the jellyfish,
the magnetic stare, the hypnotic dance...
Copy !req
271. - You got it all wrong. It was the food.
- Well, I did say they were theories.
Copy !req
272. Mer-science isn't always about
getting the right answer.
Copy !req
273. I want to thank you all
for what you've done.
Copy !req
274. You've freed my people, and I will do
all I can to protect that freedom.
Copy !req
275. I vow to be the voice of my people.
I beg of you to help.
Copy !req
276. - Will you be my advisors?
- Of course, Your Highness.
Copy !req
277. I have some great ideas.
Have you ever heard of electricity?
Copy !req
278. And I wanted to personally
thank you, Lance.
Copy !req
279. - Mwah.
Copy !req
280. Finally, I can remove this thing.
Copy !req
281. Whoa!
Copy !req
282. Queen Luxia, the reason
we came here in the first place
Copy !req
283. was to see if you could help us
find our friends.
Copy !req
284. Of course.
Copy !req
285. It has been many years since we have
activated the energy beacon,
Copy !req
286. but perhaps it is time
to rebuild our civilization
Copy !req
287. and reach out
to interstellar travelers once again.
Copy !req
288. Activate energy beacon!
Copy !req
289. I see the beacon!
Copy !req
290. There is a mer-cat in our system
that appears to be heading our way.
Copy !req
291. It's the Green Lion!
Copy !req
292. See, Hunk? I told you they could help us.
Copy !req
293. Now, the next time I go
swimming after a mermaid,
Copy !req
294. I hope you won't be complaining
the whole time.
Copy !req
295. Lesson learned.
Copy !req