1. Thank you, Ryner, for all you
and the Olkari have done to assist us.
Copy !req
2. Once we defeat Zarkon,
Copy !req
3. it is my hope that we can continue
to unite our forces
Copy !req
4. and rebuild the once great coalition
that my father, King Alfor, began.
Copy !req
5. Princess, it's time.
Copy !req
6. Everyone lock into position.
We're taking this thing up.
Copy !req
7. Princess, we are go for launch.
Copy !req
8. Charging main turbine.
Copy !req
9. Commander Thace, you have sent
encrypted messages to outside forces.
Copy !req
10. Of this, we are keenly aware.
Copy !req
11. Encryptions can be broken, just like you.
Copy !req
12. It was you who destroyed the sentries
and powered down the solar barrier.
Copy !req
13. You allowed Voltron to escape.
Copy !req
14. You betrayed Zarkon!
Copy !req
15. Who else is part of this conspiracy?
Copy !req
16. All right, guys, listen up.
Copy !req
17. I'll use the Black Lion to lure
Zarkon's fleet to our current location
Copy !req
18. and make sure he's within
the teludav's area of effect.
Copy !req
19. Keeping the teludav hidden
behind the space-fold
Copy !req
20. until the last possible second
is essential.
Copy !req
21. We can count on you, right, Slav?
Copy !req
22. Absolutely. I'll be fine.
Copy !req
23. I'm not sure about
the gravity generator, though.
Copy !req
24. What? What was that last thing?
Copy !req
25. Hiding a ship is one thing,
Copy !req
26. but I've never had to build
a gravity generator
Copy !req
27. for something this large before.
Copy !req
28. I know it'll work,
but I'm not really sure for how long.
Copy !req
29. Well, that's a risk we'll have to take.
Copy !req
30. Once Zarkon's ship is in position,
Copy !req
31. Kolivan and Antok
will coordinate with Thace.
Copy !req
32. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's
security system and upload the virus.
Copy !req
33. And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax.
Copy !req
34. What? A du-flax is an Altean creature
with a beak and webbed feet.
Copy !req
35. We'll wormhole Zarkon
500 million light years away,
Copy !req
36. and he'll be in the Yggiz Galaxy
before he knows what's hit him!
Copy !req
37. - What about Thace?
- He should be getting into position now.
Copy !req
38. We received his last communication
three quintants ago.
Copy !req
39. We should hear from him soon.
Copy !req
40. Let's do it.
Copy !req
41. Why do you disturb me?
Copy !req
42. My apologies, sire.
Copy !req
43. - I fear your singular focus has—
- Has what?
Copy !req
44. I've overstepped my bounds.
Copy !req
45. We've apprehended a spy within our ranks.
He plans something with an outside force.
Copy !req
46. I suspect an attack is imminent.
Copy !req
47. Let your druids find out what he knows.
You will stay here.
Copy !req
48. The only thing that matters to me
is getting the Black Lion.
Copy !req
49. I need the power you possess
to search the galaxy.
Copy !req
50. I have found the lion.
Copy !req
51. Get the fleet into hyper drive!
I know where the Black Lion is.
Copy !req
52. Zarkon took the bait.
He's got my location.
Copy !req
53. Is everybody in position?
Copy !req
54. We've not yet heard from Thace.
Copy !req
55. He was supposed to contact us
two vargas ago.
Copy !req
56. He could've been captured.
Copy !req
57. Or killed. We need to abort
the mission immediately.
Copy !req
58. Abort?
Copy !req
59. No! We cannot back away now.
Copy !req
60. The Blade of Marmora
does not take chances.
Copy !req
61. It's how we've survived for so long.
Copy !req
62. It's held you back. Your caution
is the reason Zarkon is still in power.
Copy !req
63. We would rather wait
than jeopardize everything.
Copy !req
64. Besides, it's too late
to get someone else on the inside.
Copy !req
65. - I'll do it.
- What?
Copy !req
66. I'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship.
Copy !req
67. I'm Galra, so I'll be able to interact
with their technology.
Copy !req
68. Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods
with a cloaking device, right?
Copy !req
69. Well, yeah.
Copy !req
70. Going onto Zarkon's ship
is a suicide mission.
Copy !req
71. I would never command
someone so inexperienced
Copy !req
72. to go on a mission so dangerous.
Copy !req
73. No one's commanding me. I'm doing it.
Copy !req
74. Pidge, get that pod ready.
Copy !req
75. Keith...
Copy !req
76. let me know when you're on your way.
I'll give you cover.
Copy !req
77. Okay, the cloaking device is ready to go.
Copy !req
78. Pidge...
Copy !req
79. may I have a moment with Keith, please?
Copy !req
80. Sure thing. Have all the moments you like.
Copy !req
81. Is there something I can help you with?
Copy !req
82. I... I just wanted to say...
Copy !req
83. the Galra, they've done terrible things.
Copy !req
84. Destroyed entire civilizations.
Copy !req
85. They took my family.
Copy !req
86. But, in time, I've grown to consider
you and the paladins my family.
Copy !req
87. So, when I learned you were Galra, I...
Copy !req
88. I didn't know what to think.
Copy !req
89. I wanted to hate you.
Copy !req
90. Allura...
Copy !req
91. - It's—
- But it's not you.
Copy !req
92. It's me. My anger has
blinded me for too long.
Copy !req
93. I'm so sorry I misjudged you.
Copy !req
94. You've proven,
it's not what's in your blood.
Copy !req
95. It's who you are that counts.
Copy !req
96. Please come back to us.
Copy !req
97. I will.
Copy !req
98. They're here.
Copy !req
99. Send the fighters! Surround that lion!
Copy !req
100. Draw him in!
Copy !req
101. I want every ship in the fleet
after that lion. Get me closer!
Copy !req
102. I've got Zarkon on the hook.
Bringing him your way.
Copy !req
103. Keith, you ready?
We've only got one shot at this!
Copy !req
104. Engaging cloaking device.
Copy !req
105. Moving toward the fleet now.
Copy !req
106. Roger that. I don't see you,
but I'm locked on your signal.
Copy !req
107. I'll clear a path.
Copy !req
108. Thanks, Shiro. I'm coming in hot!
Copy !req
109. I'm in.
Copy !req
110. The plan is working. Keith is on board
and Zarkon's fleet is on the way.
Copy !req
111. The Castle of Lion defenses are up
and ready to go.
Copy !req
112. Starting gravity generator now.
Copy !req
113. Commencing cloak.
Copy !req
114. We are tracking the Black Lion.
Copy !req
115. We know this is part of a bigger plan.
Copy !req
116. Where is he going?
Copy !req
117. Okay, you've made it
to the lower communication deck.
Copy !req
118. Head left down that corridor.
Copy !req
119. Based on the schematics from Thace,
Copy !req
120. there should be a large door up ahead.
Copy !req
121. This is the central hub
for the Galra fleet.
Copy !req
122. I see it.
Copy !req
123. I'm two minutes out. Is everybody ready?
Copy !req
124. No, Keith hasn't made it to the hub yet.
Copy !req
125. - We need more time.
Copy !req
126. How much more?
Copy !req
127. I hope not much because my gravity
generator is not going to run forever!
Copy !req
128. I don't know how much longer I can hold
Zarkon's fleet in this position by myself!
Copy !req
129. You won't have to!
Copy !req
130. Good timing.
Copy !req
131. Okay, we've got Zarkon's ship
right where it needs to be.
Copy !req
132. We gotta keep it here
until that virus is uploaded.
Copy !req
133. Let's do it!
Copy !req
134. - All right!
- We got this!
Copy !req
135. Flank the Black Lion! Surround him!
Copy !req
136. Sire, I fear this could be a trap!
Copy !req
137. Get me more power.
I must connect to the Black Lion.
Copy !req
138. Kolivan, I'm in. Now what?
Copy !req
139. Now you need to reset the system,
using the codes that Thace obtained.
Copy !req
140. It'll be down for a dobosh.
That's when we'll upload the virus.
Copy !req
141. - It doesn't seem to be working.
Copy !req
142. - Try it again.
Copy !req
143. Keith, are you there?
Copy !req
144. And now we know you were attempting
to shut down the system.
Copy !req
145. You're too late.
Copy !req
146. No, Thace. You're too late.
Copy !req
147. We already changed the code.
Copy !req
148. Thace, I'm Keith, a Paladin of Voltron.
Copy !req
149. And a fellow Blade, I see.
Copy !req
150. I guess we haven't failed.
Copy !req
151. Not yet.
Copy !req
152. Yeah! That was close.
Copy !req
153. - Somebody! Anybody! A little help here!
- Lure them to me!
Copy !req
154. Zarkon's ship is leaving
the teludav's area of effect.
Copy !req
155. You must guide it back in.
Copy !req
156. This is getting hairy.
How you doing, Keith?
Copy !req
157. The Galra switched the codes.
We're trying a work-around.
Copy !req
158. "We"? Who's "we"?
Copy !req
159. - Thace. I found him. I'll explain later.
Copy that.
Copy !req
160. What exactly are you doing?
Copy !req
161. I'm using the main power
to overload the system.
Copy !req
162. You're turning the room into a bomb?
Copy !req
163. It's the only way.
Copy !req
164. Thace has barricaded himself
in the central hub.
Copy !req
165. We believe he's trying
to shut down the system.
Copy !req
166. He's working
with the paladins. It was a trap.
Copy !req
167. Get the spy. I will end this firefight.
Copy !req
168. Uh, everyone, the gravity generator
won't maintain power much longer.
Copy !req
169. If it goes down, we're just going
to be uncloaked in open space.
Copy !req
170. Do all you can.
We just need to hold out a little longer.
Copy !req
171. That solves one problem,
but now we're trapped in here.
Copy !req
172. No, we're not. There's an exit
through the main power conduit.
Copy !req
173. It leads to the second deck.
Copy !req
174. Go, now.
Copy !req
175. What? No, I'm not gonna leave you.
Copy !req
176. You must. I will shut down the system.
Copy !req
177. Paladin, this is where my journey ends,
Copy !req
178. but, as a member of Voltron,
you have a bigger mission.
Copy !req
179. You must understand that.
Copy !req
180. It was an honor to meet you.
Copy !req
181. Go! Now!
Copy !req
182. - Oh, I hate it when I'm right.
Copy !req
183. The gravity generator just lost power!
Copy !req
184. Now there's no reality
where we all get out alive!
Copy !req
185. Princess, the teludav
is completely exposed!
Copy !req
186. Come on, Keith.
Copy !req
187. - What do we do?
- We can't do anything.
Copy !req
188. If Keith doesn't get Zarkon's ship
shut down, we're done for. It's over.
Copy !req
189. Charge the ion cannon! Take it down!
Copy !req
190. We cannot wait any longer.
Copy !req
191. I'm powering the teludav now!
Copy !req
192. The system is down. Uploading virus now.
Copy !req
193. No!
Copy !req
194. Thace did it.
Copy !req
195. Everyone, hang on! Here we go!
Copy !req
196. Hurry, Paladins!
Copy !req
197. We must make it in
before the wormhole closes!
Copy !req
198. - Coran, how's Allura?
- She's weak, but okay.
Copy !req
199. You take care of her.
We got it from here.
Copy !req
200. We did it! I can't believe we did it!
Copy !req
201. See, I told you we could do it.
Copy !req
202. It's not over yet.
Copy !req
203. Everyone, form Voltron!
Copy !req