1. All right then,
what's the next one?
Copy !req
2. - Two words.
Copy !req
3. Second word.
Copy !req
4. Waves?
Copy !req
5. So I'm close.
Copy !req
6. Ocean? Splash? Drink? Water?
Copy !req
7. Water!
Copy !req
8. All right then. First word.
Copy !req
9. That's a Bytor!
Copy !req
10. Bytor water!
Copy !req
11. - Yes!
Copy !req
12. Hunk was right.
Copy !req
13. These Earth road trip games
do help pass the time.
Copy !req
14. How are you, Princess?
Are you almost at the Balmera?
Copy !req
15. I'm scheduled to arrive
in just a few doboshes.
Copy !req
16. I hope I'm able to find a crystal
big enough for the teludav.
Copy !req
17. Have you heard from the other paladins?
Copy !req
18. I had contact with Lance,
Shiro and Pidge a little bit ago.
Copy !req
19. They've located Slav.
Copy !req
20. - What about Hunk and— and Keith?
- No word from them yet.
Copy !req
21. I have no doubt my scientifically
accurate instructional video
Copy !req
22. was of great help.
Copy !req
23. I'm sure it was.
Copy !req
24. If they collect enough scaultrite
for the lenses,
Copy !req
25. will your teludav structure be complete?
Copy !req
26. It's nearly done.
Copy !req
27. The Olkari and I
have been working on it day and night.
Copy !req
28. It will be ready in time.
Copy !req
29. Oh, I hope so.
Copy !req
30. What's going on, Princess?
You sound worried.
Copy !req
31. I was thinking of my father.
Copy !req
32. He gave his life to try to keep Voltron
out of Zarkon's hands
Copy !req
33. and now we have a chance to defeat him.
Copy !req
34. I... I don't want to fail.
Copy !req
35. You know...
Copy !req
36. Princess,
your father would be proud of you.
Copy !req
37. It wasn't that long ago we found out
Altea had been destroyed.
Copy !req
38. - I've never felt so alone.
- Nor have I.
Copy !req
39. And we could have easily given up.
But we didn't.
Copy !req
40. You didn't. And now look at us.
Copy !req
41. We reformed Voltron.
Copy !req
42. We freed the Olkari and the Balmerans,
and now they're working alongside us.
Copy !req
43. You're right, Coran. We have allies.
Copy !req
44. And that's what's going to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
45. Crack a squizzle on the Balmera, Princess.
Copy !req
46. Thank you, Coran.
Copy !req
47. The Balmera welcomes your return,
Princess Allura.
Copy !req
48. Princess, did Hunk accompany you?
Copy !req
49. I'm sorry, Shay, but I've come alone.
Copy !req
50. The others are on missions of their own,
Copy !req
51. collecting important elements
that we need to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
52. Defeat Zarkon? How can we help?
Copy !req
53. The Balmera and its people
can never thank you enough
Copy !req
54. for all that you've done.
Copy !req
55. If the Balmera will give it,
I need a crystal.
Copy !req
56. Battleship class?
Copy !req
57. Bigger.
Copy !req
58. - Haggar.
- What is it?
Copy !req
59. We found further evidence
of the spy within our fleet.
Copy !req
60. This encrypted chip was in the outbound
quantum entanglement chain.
Copy !req
61. Put the chip back,
and wait to see who retrieves it.
Copy !req
62. Incredible.
Copy !req
63. When the Galra were here,
these caverns were closed off.
Copy !req
64. As if the Balmera was protecting itself.
Copy !req
65. Now that the Balmera is free and healed,
the crystal caverns are opened once more.
Copy !req
66. Of what was that rumble?
Copy !req
67. Perhaps because a crystal this big
has never been asked for.
Copy !req
68. No, this is something different.
Copy !req
69. Shall we stop the ceremony?
Copy !req
70. Let her finish.
Copy !req
71. Thank you.
Copy !req
72. The crystal has been loaded
onto your Castle, Princess.
Copy !req
73. We wish you could stay longer.
Copy !req
74. I made you stickercup stew
for the sky road.
Copy !req
75. Oh, thank you.
I'm sure I shall enjoy this immensely.
Copy !req
76. To all you Balmerans,
thank you once again.
Copy !req
77. What was that?
Copy !req
78. Oh, no!
Copy !req
79. - Take cover in the Balmera!
Copy !req
80. I'll hold it off
with the Castle's defenses.
Copy !req
81. Hurry, hurry!
Copy !req
82. Particle barrier up!
Copy !req
83. Those crystals are acting as shields.
Copy !req
84. I need to lure it away from the Balmera!
Copy !req
85. - I didn't just turn Galra!
Copy !req
86. Are you trying to see
if my skin is purple?
Copy !req
87. - No.
Copy !req
88. Hunk, Keith, are you there?
Can you hear me?
Copy !req
89. Hunk and Keith here.
What's going on, Princess?
Copy !req
90. You must return to the Castle! I need you!
Copy !req
91. We're on our way.
Copy !req
92. All right,
what are we doing now?
Copy !req
93. Let's call Allura
and let her know that we have Slav
Copy !req
94. and we're ready for her
to use the teludav.
Copy !req
95. You didn't say
we'd be traveling by teludav.
Copy !req
96. What's the problem?
We're traveling by teludav.
Copy !req
97. So just count your hair follicles
Copy !req
98. or fluff a pillow,
or whatever you need to do
Copy !req
99. to make sure we survive
the wormhole trip in this reality!
Copy !req
100. I was just going to point out
Copy !req
101. that the teludav
is a very efficient form of travel.
Copy !req
102. Paladins, are you there?
Princess, what's happening?
Copy !req
103. That monster that attacked us
on the Balmera before has returned!
Copy !req
104. - What?
Copy !req
105. I need you
back here immediately.
Copy !req
106. You got it, Princess.
Sharpshooter is on the way.
Copy !req
107. Sharpshooter?
Copy !req
108. It's my new nickname that I gave myself.
Just— Just pass it on.
Copy !req
109. Ready when you are, Allura.
Copy !req
110. Whoa! How is that thing
operational? It doesn't have a head!
Copy !req
111. I don't know, but I'm sure it has
something to do with those crystals.
Copy !req
112. Can't worry about that now.
We have to protect the Castle.
Copy !req
113. How did we beat it last time?
Copy !req
114. We formed Voltron,
then I stuck in my bayard
Copy !req
115. and shot it with my blaster
right in its arm lasers.
Copy !req
116. But that didn't stop it
so then we had to punch it.
Copy !req
117. - So we're gonna need Voltron.
- But we only have two lions.
Copy !req
118. Well, maybe we can form
the legs and kick it?
Copy !req
119. Whoa!
Copy !req
120. That new laser is much more powerful.
We're definitely gonna need all the lions.
Copy !req
121. Hunk, you distract it
so we can fly into the Castle.
Copy !req
122. Once we get our lions out, we'll cover you
so you can fly Keith in for Red.
Copy !req
123. Wait, wait, wait.
I have to hold that thing off by myself?
Copy !req
124. You have Keith.
Copy !req
125. Yeah, but he's in here with me!
Copy !req
126. There's no time to argue.
We got to do this now.
Copy !req
127. Oh, Quiznak.
Copy !req
128. Commander Thace,
did you find what you were looking for?
Copy !req
129. Take him to Haggar's lab.
Copy !req
130. Those crystals
are blocking all of our attacks!
Copy !req
131. Oh, no!
Copy !req
132. The Castle is doomed
unless we distract that beast.
Copy !req
133. Good, it's chasing us.
Copy !req
134. Ahh...
Copy !req
135. The particle barrier
is severely damaged.
Copy !req
136. Lance, get back out to give Hunk cover.
Copy !req
137. - Pidge and I are right behind you.
- You got it, Shiro.
Copy !req
138. Don't worry about me.
I'll just hang out here.
Copy !req
139. Can you help the Princess
restore the particle barrier?
Copy !req
140. Yes.
Copy !req
141. - Now?
- Oh, you mean in this reality. Got it.
Copy !req
142. Oh...
Copy !req
143. Bank left!
Copy !req
144. Barrel roll!
Copy !req
145. - Nose dive!
- Quit back lion driving!
Copy !req
146. - I'll distract it! Go get the Red Lion!
Copy !req
147. Oh ho ho, good timing, Lance!
Copy !req
148. Aaah!
Copy !req
149. Guys!
Copy !req
150. Hunk, do something.
Copy !req
151. I can't move! I'm hit.
Nothing's working!
Copy !req
152. Come on, boy. Come back to me.
Copy !req
153. - We need to protect Hunk.
- I've got him!
Copy !req
154. I'm getting real sick of that crystal.
Let's take it out.
Copy !req
155. On it.
Copy !req
156. Shiro,
it's on its way to the Castle!
Copy !req
157. I got it!
Well, who's got me?
Copy !req
158. Where are you going?
Copy !req
159. I'll jump out and jetpack over
to the Castle.
Copy !req
160. Good one.
Wait, serious?
Copy !req
161. Form jaw blade!
Copy !req
162. Got to hurry!
Copy !req
163. We'll keep the crystals busy.
Shiro, you attack from the other side.
Copy !req
164. On my way.
Copy !req
165. Hey, my lion's working again!
Copy !req
166. I'm back, baby!
Copy !req
167. Okay. Let's go.
Copy !req
168. Oh, whoa. Wait, what?
Copy !req
169. Oh, man! Not again!
Copy !req
170. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
171. Sorry I'm late, guys.
Copy !req
172. Okay, let's form Voltron
Copy !req
173. and take this thing down
like we did last time.
Copy !req
174. I don't think the Robeast
is gonna sit around
Copy !req
175. and wait for us to transform.
Copy !req
176. Keith's right.
We'll need to think of something else.
Copy !req
177. Hey, at least we outnumber
those crystal shields.
Copy !req
178. Yeah, he can only block
two of us.
Copy !req
179. I think I've got an idea.
Copy !req
180. Guys, see if you can get me
an open shot at its chest.
Copy !req
181. Got it!
Copy !req
182. Nice job, Pidge.
Copy !req
183. - Now form Voltron!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
184. Great work, Paladins.
Copy !req
185. Now return to the Castle
so we can get back to Olkarion.
Copy !req
186. Why is there a grand entrance
on the 40th floor?
Copy !req
187. And what's with all the ziplines?
Copy !req
188. You have hover technology.
Copy !req
189. Well, you know what?
Copy !req
190. Ziplines were quite fashionable
10,000 years ago.
Copy !req
191. - Allura, have you heard from Coran?
- Yes.
Copy !req
192. So we ready to pop through the wormhole
and get back to Olkarion?
Copy !req
193. Yes, I've checked in with Coran
and the teludav is nearly complete.
Copy !req
194. Hunk, thank you
for getting the scaultrite.
Copy !req
195. No problem.
Copy !req
196. You know, Keith was there too.
Copy !req
197. We've made great progress
while you were gone.
Copy !req
198. And now that we have the scaultrite,
Copy !req
199. we should be finished
in less than a quintant.
Copy !req
200. Wow.
That is one giant teludav.
Copy !req
201. Nice work, Coran.
Copy !req
202. Good job, Coran. Fist bump.
Copy !req
203. Now blow it up.
Copy !req
204. Oh, don't you dare!
It took forever to build this teludav.
Copy !req
205. And let's not forget it's a pivotal piece
Copy !req
206. that we need for our plan
to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
207. - Aaah!
Copy !req
208. I've made some improvements
to your design.
Copy !req
209. This will increase our chances of survival
in this reality 205 percent.
Copy !req
210. - Is this guy a little—?
- Yes.
Copy !req
211. - No doubt.
- Not a fan.
Copy !req
212. Stop hitting the teludav!
Copy !req
213. - Ow.
Copy !req
214. Princess,
Copy !req
215. there's something
I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Copy !req
216. What is it, Coran?
Copy !req
217. This plan of ours, it's...
Copy !req
218. Well, it's dangerous, you know?
Copy !req
219. We're taking certain risks.
You are taking certain risks.
Copy !req
220. This teludav,
the amount of exertion it will take...
Copy !req
221. I ju— You may not survive.
Copy !req
222. Coran, I know the risks.
Copy !req
223. Your father would be proud of the leader
that you've become.
Copy !req
224. What's everybody thinking about?
Copy !req
225. - Zarkon.
- Calzones.
Copy !req
226. I mean, uh, heck, yeah,
I'm thinking about calzones, okay?
Copy !req
227. I mean, does it always
have to be about Zarkon?
Copy !req
228. He's a bad guy.
We're trying to defeat him. I get it.
Copy !req
229. - I'm hungry.
Copy !req
230. We've come a long way.
Copy !req
231. Yeah, remember when Hunk used
to throw up from riding in the elevator?
Copy !req
232. You guys remember that Arusian?
Klaizap, I think his name was? Cool name.
Copy !req
233. Yeah, Keith tried to beat him
up even though he's the size of a peanut.
Copy !req
234. He was their bravest warrior!
Copy !req
235. How about the time the food goo machines
attacked us in the kitchen?
Copy !req
236. That was the scariest thing
that's happened to me
Copy !req
237. the entire time I've been here.
Copy !req
238. - Oh, come on.
- What? It's the truth!
Copy !req
239. We faced sentries,
a haunted castle,
Copy !req
240. giant Robeasts, a mall security guard.
Copy !req
241. - And don't forget that cool cube thing.
- Yeah, and that awful cube thing.
Copy !req
242. You realize once we defeat Zarkon,
the universe won't need Voltron anymore.
Copy !req
243. - We can return to Earth.
- I can look for my family.
Copy !req
244. I guess I could look for mine.
Copy !req
245. This is it.
Copy !req
246. As long as everything goes
according to plan, we can't fail.
Copy !req
247. No more questions.
Copy !req
248. I'll get the truth out of you
one way or another.
Copy !req