1. All right, guys, we're ready to fire.
Copy !req
2. Be careful, you've only got one shot.
Copy !req
3. Don't worry, Pidge, I'm an excellent shot.
Copy !req
4. - You are?
- Yes! That's my thing!
Copy !req
5. - Since when?
- Just get ready.
Copy !req
6. Pidge!
Copy !req
7. Nice catch.
Copy !req
8. This seems like an awfully large place
Copy !req
9. to hold only one prisoner.
Copy !req
10. Let's hope this Slav guy
Copy !req
11. is as good
as the Blade of Marmora said he is.
Copy !req
12. Beginning phase two of the plan.
I'm blocking the sensors.
Copy !req
13. Lance, you've only got four doboshes
to scan the base
Copy !req
14. and land your lion
before they're back online.
Copy !req
15. Copy that.
Copy !req
16. Initializing sonic scan now.
Copy !req
17. Sonic scan complete. Uploading the data.
Copy !req
18. Perfect. We're right on top
of your entry point.
Copy !req
19. Get to my location.
Hurry, you've got 60 ticks.
Copy !req
20. On my way.
Copy !req
21. Okay, phase two complete.
Copy !req
22. Welcome to Beta Traz.
Copy !req
23. More! Give me more!
Copy !req
24. Why have you stopped?
Copy !req
25. My lord, Haggar ordered us
to limit your—
Copy !req
26. Remember who your master is.
Now, give me more!
Copy !req
27. I've compiled the data
from the Blue Lion's sonic scan
Copy !req
28. and created this map.
Copy !req
29. It appears the prison is comprised
of three concentric levels.
Copy !req
30. Each level is showing
different types of security. That's weird.
Copy !req
31. The Blade of Marmora said
this prison was made just for Slav,
Copy !req
32. but I'm showing two cells.
Copy !req
33. Who else would be held here?
Copy !req
34. I'm guessing a space ninja.
Or maybe someone with magical powers?
Copy !req
35. You know, just spit-balling here.
I don't know.
Copy !req
36. Let's just keep tossing out ideas.
Copy !req
37. - Can you get a visual on the cells?
- No, not from here.
Copy !req
38. And even if I could,
we don't know what Slav looks like.
Copy !req
39. Then we're just going
to have to check both.
Copy !req
40. Dibs on the closer one!
Copy !req
41. What? My legs are tired.
Copy !req
42. I'll go to the command center
to try and access the security system.
Copy !req
43. Let's get moving.
Copy !req
44. Already, your mind is rendering me
weapons and genetic modifications.
Copy !req
45. - It must be eating you up.
Copy !req
46. Your brain turned against you
and those who would oppose Zarkon.
Copy !req
47. Ow!
Copy !req
48. - That's enough for one day.
Copy !req
49. You're not the only one
that needs my special attention.
Copy !req
50. With your mind,
the Galra Empire will be unstoppable.
Copy !req
51. I'm in.
- Guide us through.
Copy !req
52. It looks like the top level
is patrolled by the sentries.
Copy !req
53. The second level is patrolled
by floating drones.
Copy !req
54. - Oh, wow, that's interesting.
- Good interesting?
Copy !req
55. The second level
also has immobilizing foam.
Copy !req
56. - Oh, so bad interesting.
- And the third level?
Copy !req
57. Closed system. I can't get in from here.
Copy !req
58. You can't get in from the command center?
Copy !req
59. No single location can access
the entire prison.
Copy !req
60. It's a security measure.
Copy !req
61. When you reach that level,
you'll have to link me in.
Copy !req
62. We're on our way down.
Copy !req
63. Okay.
Copy !req
64. While you do that...
Copy !req
65. I'll find you, Matt.
Copy !req
66. How are we going to get by this guy?
Copy !req
67. Good teamwork on that one.
Copy !req
68. Uh-oh, we're spotted.
Copy !req
69. No, no, no, that's mine!
Copy !req
70. He's going to be your escort
through this hallway.
Copy !req
71. He'll scramble the monitors.
Copy !req
72. Shiro, you go left. Lance, go right.
Copy !req
73. Affirmative.
Copy !req
74. Okay, open the panel next to you.
Copy !req
75. Connect your gauntlet so I can hack in.
Copy !req
76. Now, I have access to level three.
Opening the entrances.
Copy !req
77. Huh?
Copy !req
78. Pidge, you have any idea how
I'm gonna get through these giant doors?
Copy !req
79. Lance, be quiet. Someone's coming.
Copy !req
80. Okay, but seriously,
those are some heavy-duty doors.
Copy !req
81. Don't play innocent. I know what you did.
Copy !req
82. All right, I made it to the cell.
Open the doors, Pidge.
Copy !req
83. Uh, I can't from here.
Copy !req
84. The door over here
scanned that guy's face.
Copy !req
85. Oh, facial recognition. Shiro, hold tight.
Copy !req
86. Lance, you're gonna need
to get a scan of his face.
Copy !req
87. - Copy that.
- Copy that.
Copy !req
88. I'll be back soon.
Copy !req
89. Face on the way, Pidge.
Copy !req
90. Creating 3D render.
Copy !req
91. Sending to you.
Copy !req
92. Are you Slav?
Copy !req
93. Are you here to torture me?
Copy !req
94. No, I'm here to save you.
I'm a Paladin of Voltron.
Copy !req
95. Oh, no, even worse.
Copy !req
96. In 98 and 3/100ths of a percent
of realities with a prison break, I die!
Copy !req
97. And your chances are even worse!
Copy !req
98. Mm-hm. Mm... hm.
Copy !req
99. Are you—?
Copy !req
100. Are you Slav?
Copy !req
101. Yup.
Copy !req
102. Don't worry, Slav. I'm here to rescue you.
I'm with Voltron. Do you know Voltron?
Copy !req
103. Yup.
Copy !req
104. Great. Then you know
what the Blue Lion is.
Copy !req
105. Yup.
Copy !req
106. - Pidge, I've got Slav.
- Pidge, I've got Slav.
Copy !req
107. - What?
- I said I have Slav.
Copy !req
108. No, I have Slav. Wait, hold on.
Copy !req
109. - Tell me the truth. Are you Slav?
- Yup.
Copy !req
110. We don't have time for this.
Copy !req
111. You're just gonna have to bring
both of them back.
Copy !req
112. Okay. Give us the route out of here.
Copy !req
113. - Yeah, we're ready to go, too.
- Yup.
Copy !req
114. Hello?
Copy !req
115. Lance, looks like we're on our own.
Copy !req
116. We've gotta get back to Pidge.
Copy !req
117. Wait, what?
I have no idea where I'm going.
Copy !req
118. - Slav, do you know how to get back?
- Yup.
Copy !req
119. What am I talking about?
Of course, you do. You're a genius.
Copy !req
120. - Come on. We've got to hurry.
- No, thanks.
Copy !req
121. What? We're finally going to stop Zarkon.
Copy !req
122. We have the Olkari
and the Blade of Marmora on our side.
Copy !req
123. But, without you, we can't do it.
Copy !req
124. Mm.
Copy !req
125. I can have you on the Blue Lion
and gone in no time, but we must hurry!
Copy !req
126. Oh, the Blue Lion. Why didn't you say so?
Copy !req
127. Blue light has a frequency
between 606 to 608 terahertz.
Copy !req
128. Is that gonna jam their scanners
or something?
Copy !req
129. No, that's just my lucky range
of terahertz.
Copy !req
130. Let's go!
Copy !req
131. Okay, uh, more to the left. Mm...
Copy !req
132. This needs to be right. Um...
Copy !req
133. Oh, but not too right.
Copy !req
134. - Oh, come on!
Copy !req
135. Oh! Now, I gotta start over.
Copy !req
136. Sir, Laika has escaped.
Copy !req
137. Oh, no!
Copy !req
138. Guard this station.
Copy !req
139. Come on, get outta here.
Copy !req
140. Are you sure you know
where you're going?
Copy !req
141. Yup.
Copy !req
142. - Whoa! You're really savage!
Copy !req
143. No wonder the Marmorites think
you're so awesome.
Copy !req
144. That's what I'm calling
the Blade of Marmora. "Marmorites."
Copy !req
145. That sound good?
- Yup.
Copy !req
146. - Great minds.
- Yup.
Copy !req
147. Perfect!
Copy !req
148. Okay, now, there's a two percent chance
Copy !req
149. this mission won't result
in a horrific, deadly fireball.
Copy !req
150. Let's leave!
Copy !req
151. - Let's go back!
Copy !req
152. - Just take the blanket with you.
- What? No, the blanket's perfect.
Copy !req
153. Don't touch the blanket!
Copy !req
154. It's that!
Copy !req
155. That's a tiny puddle. You'll be fine.
Copy !req
156. There's a 12 percent chance I could slip.
Copy !req
157. There are even realities in which I drown
Copy !req
158. because, in those realities,
I never learned to swim!
Copy !req
159. What about this reality?
Did you learn to swim in this one?
Copy !req
160. I can't remember!
There are infinite possibilities!
Copy !req
161. It's a tiny puddle!
Copy !req
162. I can already feel myself
not being able to breathe.
Copy !req
163. My lungs are filling with water.
Copy !req
164. How did you escape?
Copy !req
165. I'll find you, my pet.
Copy !req
166. Pidge is the hacker of our group.
Copy !req
167. - Shiro's our awesome leader.
- Yup.
Copy !req
168. Hunk's our mechanic.
Copy !req
169. He's also a chef and just
a pretty cool dude to hang out with.
Copy !req
170. Yup.
Copy !req
171. And Keith is always doing things
like flying into asteroid fields
Copy !req
172. and black holes and cool junk like that.
Copy !req
173. Yup.
Copy !req
174. And I thought
I was the team's sharpshooter,
Copy !req
175. but I guess no one else thinks that.
Copy !req
176. Maybe I don't have a thing.
Copy !req
177. Yup.
Copy !req
178. You don't have to agree
with me so quickly.
Copy !req
179. They wouldn't keep me on the team
if I didn't contribute in some way,
Copy !req
180. would they?
Copy !req
181. - Yup.
- Maybe you're right.
Copy !req
182. Maybe I'm just a fifth wheel.
Seventh if you count Coran and Allura.
Copy !req
183. That's a horrible wheel to be.
Copy !req
184. Yup.
Copy !req
185. You're so strong. Must be that robot arm.
Copy !req
186. But doesn't it bother you
that you only have one?
Copy !req
187. - Oh, what? What?
Copy !req
188. Look at all those cracks!
I can't step on those.
Copy !req
189. I was carrying you!
Copy !req
190. Oh, I guess no one cares
about their mothers' backs anymore!
Copy !req
191. Wait, you know that nursery rhyme?
Copy !req
192. Nursery rhyme?
I'm talking about quantum realities here.
Copy !req
193. Cracks initiate space-time
temporal fissures,
Copy !req
194. which mathematically make higher
probabilities for alternate realities
Copy !req
195. in which your mother has a broken back.
Copy !req
196. Is there a different route we can take?
One without cracks?
Copy !req
197. Well, sure,
we could go out the scree duct,
Copy !req
198. but, you know, it's all full of scree.
Copy !req
199. Ugh!
Copy !req
200. There's the vlaxenator, but you can hear
the water dripping in there.
Copy !req
201. - And you're worried about drowning.
- Now, you're getting it!
Copy !req
202. Pidge, are you there?
We need an alternate route.
Copy !req
203. Pidge?
Copy !req
204. Okay, sorry about that. I'm back.
Copy !req
205. I'll find you a new route, Shiro.
Copy !req
206. - Yeah, can you tell me where I am?
- Just a sec. Pulling it up now.
Copy !req
207. How about I cover your eyes
and carry you across?
Copy !req
208. - I'll know.
Let's just give it a try.
Copy !req
209. No screaming!
Copy !req
210. I was screaming?
Copy !req
211. Uh, I don't see an alternate route, Shiro.
Copy !req
212. - Lance, look out!
- Quick, somebody's coming.
Copy !req
213. What are you doing?
Copy !req
214. - Are you trying to get us caught?
- Yup.
Copy !req
215. I've found you.
Copy !req
216. Stay away from my friend!
Copy !req
217. There's your kidnapper.
Put the prison on lockdown!
Copy !req
218. Huh?
Copy !req
219. Pidge, you've gotta shut off
this foam for me!
Copy !req
220. On it!
Copy !req
221. Huh?
Copy !req
222. Matt?
Copy !req
223. Pidge!
Copy !req
224. Just reversing
the targeting system, and...
Copy !req
225. - This ought to slow him down.
Copy !req
226. What? No!
Copy !req
227. Stick around!
Copy !req
228. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
229. - Huh?
Copy !req
230. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
231. Come back here!
Copy !req
232. Find out where they're headed!
Lock down all exits!
Copy !req
233. - We've got to go!
Copy !req
234. My friends are in trouble.
We have to go now!
Copy !req
235. We are walking over those cracks.
It's our only option.
Copy !req
236. Why don't we just turn the gravity off
and float over them instead?
Copy !req
237. Honestly, that's our best shot
of getting out of here in one piece.
Copy !req
238. I ran the numbers.
Copy !req
239. Pidge, any chance
you can turn the gravity off?
Copy !req
240. Oh, that's a great idea!
Copy !req
241. Then the sentries won't be able
to maneuver, but we have our jetpacks.
Copy !req
242. It's genius!
Copy !req
243. That robot arm is fantastic!
Now, imagine if you had two.
Copy !req
244. Our chances of survival
would go up 300 percent
Copy !req
245. from totally doomed to highly unlikely.
Copy !req
246. Oh, wow, you have Laika.
The warden will not be happy about that.
Copy !req
247. - Who's Laika?
- She's the warden's pet yupper.
Copy !req
248. - Wait, what? You're an animal?
- Yup.
Copy !req
249. Oh, I see where the confusion was for you.
Copy !req
250. Gravity's back online in three, two, one.
Copy !req
251. I'm headed for the hangar.
Copy !req
252. Uh...
Copy !req
253. - Get to the lion!
Copy !req
254. I had him!
Copy !req
255. Let's go. Slav!
Copy !req
256. Be right with you!
Copy !req
257. - Slav!
Copy !req
258. You steal my yupper and my prisoner?
Copy !req
259. Okay, I'm ready— What is that?
Copy !req
260. You're not going anywhere.
And neither is the lion.
Copy !req
261. See what I was saying
about those robot arms?
Copy !req
262. Lance! No!
Copy !req
263. - No!
- Wait, I got this.
Copy !req
264. Come on...
Copy !req
265. Nice, Lance!
That's why we bring our sharpshooter.
Copy !req
266. Yup.
Copy !req
267. At least you're okay.
Copy !req
268. That's a good girl. Yes, you are.
Copy !req
269. Who's a good little yupper?
Who's the good little yupper?
Copy !req
270. The information I found on my brother
says he was taken by a group of rebels.
Copy !req
271. He's still out there.
Copy !req
272. Matt's a lot like you. He's a survivor.
Copy !req
273. We'll find him.
Copy !req
274. Sire, I believe
there's a spy in our ranks.
Copy !req
275. Our communications may be compromised.
Copy !req
276. None of that matters.
Copy !req
277. Once the Black Lion is recaptured,
no one will stand against me.
Copy !req
278. Have you made any further progress
with my armor?
Copy !req
279. None of the tests have been successful.
Each time, the subject was killed.
Copy !req
280. I need it ready.
Copy !req
281. If your beasts will not defeat Voltron
for me, I will do it myself.
Copy !req