1. - What just happened?
- Who cares? Wormhole!
Copy !req
2. Coran, what's happening?
Copy !req
3. The integrity of the wormhole
has been compromised.
Copy !req
4. - It's breaking down!
- What does that mean?
Copy !req
5. It means we have no control
over where we're headed!
Copy !req
6. Keith! Shiro!
Copy !req
7. They've vanished
through the temporal rift!
Copy !req
8. The lions are gone!
Copy !req
9. - Come on, come on, come on!
Copy !req
10. You okay, Red?
Copy !req
11. Okay. We'll fix you up.
We had a tough battle.
Copy !req
12. Where are we? Where have we landed?
Copy !req
13. Shiro.
Copy !req
14. Shiro!
Copy !req
15. Huh? What's the matter, girl?
Copy !req
16. Okay, rest a bit. I'll see what I can do.
Copy !req
17. Looks like there's no gravity here.
It's like a trash nebula of some kind.
Copy !req
18. Okay, Pidge, stay calm. You know what
they say. "When you get lost in space,
Copy !req
19. the best thing to do is stay put
and wait for people to find you."
Copy !req
20. This'll be nice.
I'll have some "me" time.
Copy !req
21. No one to annoy me.
Copy !req
22. Let's check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
23. to see where this wormhole is taking us.
Copy !req
24. Coran, look! There appears to be
something on the other end.
Copy !req
25. - We're heading right toward it!
- Scanners show that there's no exit.
Copy !req
26. It's just nothingness. Find an exit
before we run smack into the void!
Copy !req
27. I can't. I've lost control of the Castle.
Copy !req
28. Brace yourself! We're about to hit it!
Copy !req
29. Let's check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
30. to see where this wormhole is taking us.
Copy !req
31. - Coran, we're okay!
- What are you talking about?
Copy !req
32. We've lost all the lions!
Copy !req
33. We've just smashed into a black void.
Don't you remember? Hmm?
Copy !req
34. What happened to the mice?
They've transformed.
Copy !req
35. Coran?
- Why are you looking at me like that?
Copy !req
36. Do I have a boogie stuck
in my mustache again?
Copy !req
37. No. You look younger.
Copy !req
38. Scanners show that there's no exit.
It's just nothingness!
Copy !req
39. You said that already!
Copy !req
40. Find an exit before we run
smack into the void!
Copy !req
41. I'm entering coordinates
to get us out of here.
Copy !req
42. The Castle won't accept an end point.
Copy !req
43. - Just enter any coordinates!
- I tried, but the system is locked.
Copy !req
44. I can't get a signal out
or receive a signal in.
Copy !req
45. Allura!
Copy !req
46. Let's check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
47. to see where this wormhole is taking us.
Copy !req
48. Oh, no! You're even younger now!
Copy !req
49. What's the matter?
You look confused.
Copy !req
50. Don't worry, Princess,
I'll get us out of here.
Copy !req
51. We appear to be
in some sort of time loop
Copy !req
52. that's affecting everyone but me.
Copy !req
53. Scanners show
that there's no exit. It's just...
Copy !req
54. Nothingness, I know.
And we can't find another exit point.
Copy !req
55. Don't just stand there. We've got to find
a way. I'll never give in to nothingness!
Copy !req
56. Keith, are you there? Keith?
Copy !req
57. I've got to get to higher ground.
Copy !req
58. Shiro, can you hear me?
Copy !req
59. Shiro?
Copy !req
60. Shiro, are you there?
Copy !req
61. Shiro, are you there? Answer me!
Copy !req
62. Keith. I'm here.
Copy !req
63. Keith.
Copy !req
64. - Shiro, it's Keith.
Copy !req
65. Keith. Keith, I'm here. I'm okay.
Copy !req
66. Shiro, you made it.
Copy !req
67. It takes more than a glowing alien wound,
Copy !req
68. a fall from the upper atmosphere,
and crashing into a hard pan surface,
Copy !req
69. at what I'm guessing is about 25 meters
per second squared, to get rid of me.
Copy !req
70. - How are you?
- Not good. My lion's busted.
Copy !req
71. Wait, what wound?
Copy !req
72. It's nothing.
Copy !req
73. Hang on, I'm coming.
Copy !req
74. On second thought,
you'd better hurry.
Copy !req
75. Who's there?
Copy !req
76. Hmm? Aw! Hey, little guys!
Copy !req
77. Aw, you guys are so cute.
Too cute to be found in a dump like this.
Copy !req
78. Are you guys the only ones living here?
Copy !req
79. I hope my rough landing
didn't disturb your day.
Copy !req
80. I'll only be here for a short time.
I'm waiting for my friends to find me.
Copy !req
81. We were separated
during a wormhole jump.
Copy !req
82. Yeah, friends!
Copy !req
83. I sure hope they find me soon.
Copy !req
84. Let's check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
85. to see where this wormhole is taking us.
Copy !req
86. This is so boring.
Copy !req
87. Coran, please! I don't need
any of your attitude right now.
Copy !req
88. You don't understand me at all!
You have no idea what I'm going through!
Copy !req
89. I'll be in my control area! Hmmph!
Copy !req
90. I can't manually enter coordinates.
Copy !req
91. But the Castle will automatically
lock on to the lions' whereabouts,
Copy !req
92. if we can locate them.
Copy !req
93. It's not working! I'm unable
to hone in on their location.
Copy !req
94. Coran, turn that down!
Our lives are at stake!
Copy !req
95. I can only express myself through music!
Copy !req
96. Coran, if you don't turn that down,
I swear I'll turn this Castle around and—
Copy !req
97. And what? We're just gonna run
into this void that's coming up here.
Copy !req
98. I hate everybody!
Copy !req
99. Let's check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
100. to see where this wormhole is taking us,
Copy !req
101. whatever that means.
Copy !req
102. We've tried everything
and nothing's worked.
Copy !req
103. A few more trips down this wormhole
and you're going to disappear.
Copy !req
104. - We must find a way out.
- Just blast your way out! Duh!
Copy !req
105. I suppose it's worth a try.
Copy !req
106. The Castle defenses might have
enough firepower to destroy the tunnel.
Copy !req
107. Yeah! And it'll go ker-plooey!
Copy !req
108. It's not working!
It's like we're shooting at ourselves.
Copy !req
109. Where's Voltron?
Copy !req
110. - Shiro, what happened?
- There's several creatures.
Copy !req
111. Huh?
Copy !req
112. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
113. Keith, are you okay?
What happened?
Copy !req
114. Minor delay,
but I'm on my way. How are you?
Copy !req
115. I'm all right, but I'm trapped in a cave,
Copy !req
116. and some nasty-looking creatures
have me cornered.
Copy !req
117. Stay put. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
118. I just have to... figure this out.
Copy !req
119. "My name is Keith. I'm so emo."
Copy !req
120. "Shiro, you're our leader.
What should we do?"
Copy !req
121. "We'll get through this
if we work together. We're a team."
Copy !req
122. "Look at me! I'm Lance.
Hey, is that a cute girl over there?"
Copy !req
123. "I don't feel good. The smell
of this place makes me want to barf."
Copy !req
124. "Paladins, please.
We must defeat Zarkon."
Copy !req
125. "Blah, blah, blah!
Crazy words. Mustache."
Copy !req
126. - Huh?
Copy !req
127. What is it?
Copy !req
128. Hey, you're working again!
Welcome back!
Copy !req
129. No, it's not my friends.
It's just an old, rusty satellite.
Copy !req
130. Hey! Maybe I can find my friends
before they find me.
Copy !req
131. Patience yields focus.
Copy !req
132. That really stayed with you, didn't it?
Copy !req
133. You've given me some good advice.
Copy !req
134. If it wasn't for you,
my life would have been a lot different.
Copy !req
135. Yeah. You wouldn't have crashed
a flying lion on an alien planet
Copy !req
136. and be stuck with little hope of rescue.
Copy !req
137. So, you're welcome.
Copy !req
138. Stay with me, Shiro.
Copy !req
139. Keith! Keith!
Copy !req
140. Hang on. I'm on my way.
Copy !req
141. Good, because these guys
just started digging.
Copy !req
142. Shiro, I have a visual on the Black Lion.
Copy !req
143. Shiro, what happened?
Copy !req
144. Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning
Monitor to see where this worm goes.
Copy !req
145. - I hungry.
Copy !req
146. Coran, no! That is not a toy.
Copy !req
147. You're going to break the Castle
and everything will stop! Wait a second.
Copy !req
148. Perhaps we can simply stop
the Castle from moving.
Copy !req
149. No! Mine!
Copy !req
150. I've shut down all the power.
Why are we still moving towards the void?
Copy !req
151. My control panel!
Copy !req
152. - I know, I know.
Copy !req
153. Who wants to check
the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor
Copy !req
154. to see where this wormhole is taking us?
Copy !req
155. - You do, that's who.
Copy !req
156. We have to get out of this loop
Copy !req
157. before the only thing left of you
is your mustache.
Copy !req
158. Poopies.
Copy !req
159. I know I'm not Shiro, but he's in trouble.
We need to help him.
Copy !req
160. That ought to do it.
Copy !req
161. Now, let's see if we can
get a hold of the Castle.
Copy !req
162. No, no! What's wrong? I need to get
out of here! I need to find my friends!
Copy !req
163. Come on!
Copy !req
164. Thanks. Now, let's see
if this thing works.
Copy !req
165. I hope the signal's strong enough
to reach the Castle.
Copy !req
166. Coran, what are we going to do?
Copy !req
167. If we hit the end of the tunnel again,
you'll cease to exist.
Copy !req
168. I'm sorry. You were like
a second father to me.
Copy !req
169. Coran, look! The Castle has locked
onto a coordinate. Come on. Come on!
Copy !req
170. We made it!
Copy !req
171. Mm?
Copy !req
172. Mom?
Copy !req
173. You saved us, Pidge.
We were stuck in a time loop.
Copy !req
174. You got us out with this giant trash pile.
Copy !req
175. It's a make-shift communications link
that sends out the Green Lion energy.
Copy !req
176. It's similar to the energy that guided
the Blue Lion home.
Copy !req
177. Pidge, you're a genius!
Copy !req
178. I know. Besides, it wasn't just me.
They helped.
Copy !req
179. - Hmm...
- Let's go get the rest of the paladins.
Copy !req
180. Thanks for saving me.
Copy !req
181. You'd have done the same for me.
How's your wound?
Copy !req
182. My wound's great.
It's getting bigger all the time.
Copy !req
183. Just trying to lighten the mood.
Copy !req
184. Hang in there. When Allura and Coran
find us, they'll fix you right up.
Copy !req
185. Keith, if I don't make it out of here...
Copy !req
186. I want you to lead Voltron.
Copy !req
187. Stop talking like that.
You're gonna make it.
Copy !req
188. Huh?
Copy !req
189. Explain to me
how you let Voltron escape.
Copy !req
190. Perhaps it was a mechanical failure, sire.
Copy !req
191. Haggar boosted the solar barrier's power
beyond its normal limits.
Copy !req
192. This was no mechanical failure.
Copy !req
193. The two sentries that were guarding
the barrier control were found destroyed.
Copy !req
194. This was clearly sabotage.
Copy !req
195. Lord Zarkon, I will start
an investigation immediately.
Copy !req
196. I will not rest
until the perpetrators are captured.
Copy !req
197. Perhaps I can save
months of investigating.
Copy !req
198. Who has been trying to chisel Voltron
away from me this entire time?
Copy !req
199. Who sent his fleet out
without my orders to get Voltron?
Copy !req
200. Sire, no!
Copy !req
201. I-I would never do that.
Copy !req
202. Get rid of him.
- No! I'm innocent!
Copy !req
203. Before we dispose of him, the druids
will find out all that he knows.
Copy !req
204. Then, he will receive a punishment
worse than death.
Copy !req
205. Lieutenant Thace...
Copy !req
206. You are now in charge
of the investigation...
Copy !req
207. Commander.
Copy !req
208. Vrepit sa.
Copy !req