1. I loved the smell of the mountain
juniberries in the early morning breeze.
Copy !req
2. As did I, Allura.
Copy !req
3. Remember the summer berry festival?
Copy !req
4. People would come from all over Altea
for the harvest.
Copy !req
5. I remember how the berry juice
stained your favorite dress.
Copy !req
6. You were so upset.
Copy !req
7. It took forever for Mother to calm me.
Copy !req
8. I miss Altea so much.
I miss you, Father.
Copy !req
9. - I wish it didn't have to be this way.
- I know, Allura,
Copy !req
10. but, as leaders, we have to do
what's right for our people,
Copy !req
11. even if it means great sacrifice.
Copy !req
12. I know, Father.
That's what you always say.
Copy !req
13. Princess, there you are.
What are you doing up and about?
Copy !req
14. You should be resting.
Copy !req
15. Oh, Coran, can't I stay?
Copy !req
16. The Balmera rejuvenation ceremony
took a lot out of you.
Copy !req
17. Come along, to your room.
Copy !req
18. Get your rest, darling.
I will be here for you when you're well.
Copy !req
19. I love you, Father. I'll see you soon.
Copy !req
20. Pidge, please come down
to the detainment room.
Copy !req
21. Okay, guys,
Sendak's almost all hooked up.
Copy !req
22. But, look, I have to warn you,
Copy !req
23. this technology was used
to keep Altean memories alive,
Copy !req
24. not to interrogate prisoners.
Copy !req
25. Coran, we understand this isn't
what the technology was meant for,
Copy !req
26. but if we can extract Sendak's memories,
Copy !req
27. we may gain valuable intelligence
on Zarkon's troop locations.
Copy !req
28. Yeah, and then we can just be like,
"Knock-knock."Who's there?"
Copy !req
29. "The avenging fury of Voltron, son!"
Copy !req
30. Fascinating.
So, how exactly does this work?
Copy !req
31. As the memories are extracted,
Copy !req
32. they're written bit by bit on individual
molecules of the micro-storage strands.
Copy !req
33. When I go, I want all the stuff
in my brain stored in a giant ship.
Copy !req
34. The amount of information in your brain
could be stored in a paper airplane.
Copy !req
35. Oh, yeah? Well, the amount of information
you have, Keith, could be...
Copy !req
36. Yeah?
Copy !req
37. - Uh... it's less than what I have!
- Oh, good one, Lance!
Copy !req
38. This is how you incorporated King Alfor's
memories into the Castle of Lions?
Copy !req
39. Precisely, but it's never been attempted
before on an unwilling participant.
Copy !req
40. Uh, is this what's supposed
to be happening?
Copy !req
41. Let's give it some time.
Copy !req
42. Well, I can't wait around anymore.
I'm going to hit the training deck.
Copy !req
43. Okay, if anyone needs me,
I'll be in the lab.
Copy !req
44. Maybe I can pull some information
from Sendak's Galra crystal.
Copy !req
45. Time to feed the beast.
I'm going to go make some breakfast.
Copy !req
46. Well, I'm afraid I can't wait here
any longer, either.
Copy !req
47. I have a million duties to attend to.
Between that Galra crystal
Copy !req
48. infecting our system,
and then fighting off those ships
Copy !req
49. and performing the Balmeran
rejuvenation ceremony,
Copy !req
50. the old Castle of Lions
has taken quite a beating.
Copy !req
51. Every system needs to be
recharged and repaired.
Copy !req
52. I'll stay. Somewhere in Sendak's mind is
the information about Zarkon that we need.
Copy !req
53. Okay, well, while you guys do that,
I think I'm gonna get my chill on.
Copy !req
54. Maybe kick back with a lemonade
or space juice. Something.
Copy !req
55. Hold on there, space juice.
You're going to come and help me.
Copy !req
56. What? Why? Why me?
Copy !req
57. Because you're the last one here
Copy !req
58. and because your activity
isn't very important.
Copy !req
59. Wait, did I say
"chill with a good lemonade"?
Copy !req
60. - I meant I gotta do homework.
- No. Too late.
Copy !req
61. Fine.
Copy !req
62. Let us know if anything happens.
Copy !req
63. Shiro?
Copy !req
64. You got it.
Copy !req
65. Maybe today,
we try a little crème goo-lée.
Copy !req
66. Hmm?
Copy !req
67. My eye!
Copy !req
68. What is going on in here?
Copy !req
69. The goo has me pinned down!
Copy !req
70. Okay, we're going to have
to flank the goo to shut it down.
Copy !req
71. Okay, wait. Wait!
Copy !req
72. It's been a pleasure cooking with you.
Copy !req
73. Go!
Copy !req
74. Probably a malfunction?
Copy !req
75. Yeah, yeah. Guess the kitchen system
needs to be rebooted, too.
Copy !req
76. Leave it for Coran?
Copy !req
77. Since when did "you sleep in it,
you clean it" become a Voltron rule?
Copy !req
78. Also, how is it these pods
Copy !req
79. have the ability to heal
a human from near death,
Copy !req
80. but don't have the ability
to clean themselves?
Copy !req
81. Self-cleaning pods.
Now, that's a good one!
Copy !req
82. This kind of reminds me
of my time as a young cadet.
Copy !req
83. I had just enlisted
in the Altean space squad
Copy !req
84. aeronautics sub-tech
nano-weaponry unit,
Copy !req
85. and I was sent off to boot camp.
Copy !req
86. Our sergeant had us cleaning
cryo-pods day and night.
Copy !req
87. I got so good at it,
I earned my first set of stripes!
Copy !req
88. Coran! Hey!
Copy !req
89. - Oh, those were the days.
- Hey!
Copy !req
90. Anyway, you keep up the good work
Copy !req
91. and maybe someday you'll earn
some cleaning stripes, too.
Copy !req
92. Lance? Lance!
Copy !req
93. Ah, paladins...
Copy !req
94. Start training level three.
Copy !req
95. End training sequence.
Copy !req
96. End training sequence!
Copy !req
97. End training sequence now!
Copy !req
98. I know you're in there, Sendak.
I know you have all the answers.
Copy !req
99. Give them to me.
Copy !req
100. You're a broken soldier!
You can't hold out forever!
Copy !req
101. So, you can hear me.
Copy !req
102. This pod just shut on me
and locked me in,
Copy !req
103. while you were rambling on
about boot camp!
Copy !req
104. You sure you didn't just trip and fall in?
No judgment. It happens.
Copy !req
105. Besides, why would the pod
automatically lock and start
Copy !req
106. the cryogenic freezing process?
Copy !req
107. To kill me!
Copy !req
108. Don't get your boots in a bunch.
My guess is they're malfunctioning.
Copy !req
109. Okay, I'm gonna float this out there.
I think this castle is haunted.
Copy !req
110. The ship might seem like a fantastical,
magical creature to you,
Copy !req
111. but it's really just a big embodiment
of advanced supernatural technology
Copy !req
112. that cannot be explained by science alone.
Copy !req
113. Well, that does make it seem
a bit haunted, doesn't it?
Copy !req
114. But it's not. Trust me, nothing out
of the ordinary is happening here.
Copy !req
115. I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay.
Copy !req
116. Allura?
Copy !req
117. - Allura?
Copy !req
118. Allura, dear daughter...
Copy !req
119. Father, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
120. Huh?
Copy !req
121. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
122. Coran, is that you?
Copy !req
123. Okay, stop messing with me, guys.
This isn't funny.
Copy !req
124. Help! Help!
Copy !req
125. Hello? Coran?
Copy !req
126. Help! Somebody!
Copy !req
127. I'm trapped in the airlock.
Copy !req
128. I'm coming!
Copy !req
129. Huh?
Copy !req
130. Okay, ha-ha. Good joke.
You guys got me. Nice.
Copy !req
131. Airlock opening in 30 ticks.
Copy !req
132. Okay, joke's over! You got me!
Copy !req
133. - ... 29, 28, 27...
- Guys? Guys! Help!
Copy !req
134. What was the first rank
you held in Zarkon's army?
Copy !req
135. Where did you find the Red Lion?
Copy !req
136. What is Zarkon's greatest weakness?
Copy !req
137. What makes you think
you can possibly defeat him?
Copy !req
138. If you were to attack Zarkon,
where would you strike?
Copy !req
139. Why strike at all
when you can join him?
Copy !req
140. I bet if we can modulate
the dynamics of this crystal,
Copy !req
141. we'll be able to reverse engineer
a lot of Galra tech.
Copy !req
142. Don't you think, Hunk?
Copy !req
143. Hunk, are you paying attention?
Copy !req
144. What? No, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
145. That whole food goo ambush
really set me on edge, Pidge.
Copy !req
146. If we can't trust food,
we are lost as a culture.
Copy !req
147. Relax. I'm sure the Castle's just glitchy.
Copy !req
148. It's 10,000 years old.
Copy !req
149. Yeah, it does seem like the ship
is not currently trying to kill us.
Copy !req
150. Okay, so, all the sensors are
on the crystal. Hit the switch.
Copy !req
151. Hunk, did you accidentally hit
the anti-gravity switch?
Copy !req
152. Uh, no. There's no anti-gravity switch.
Uh, is there?
Copy !req
153. Curse my short arms!
Copy !req
154. Oh, I hate those little things!
All right, forget it, Pidge.
Copy !req
155. I'm going to swim toward you.
Just hang on!
Copy !req
156. - That's it. I'm all out of moves.
Copy !req
157. Oh, I'm hungry again. I hope some food goo
comes oozing out of these walls.
Copy !req
158. - Help! Help! Help!
- ... twelve, eleven, ten...
Copy !req
159. nine, eight, seven...
Copy !req
160. - Keith!
- ... six, five...
Copy !req
161. - What are you doing in there?
Copy !req
162. I need help! Because if you don't
get me out of here right now,
Copy !req
163. - I'm going to be sucked out into space!
- Doors opening.
Copy !req
164. I'm getting sucked out into space!
Copy !req
165. Keith! Keith, come on!
Copy !req
166. What were you doing out there?
Copy !req
167. - Who was that guy?
- He was trying to kill me!
Copy !req
168. Well, is he the Castle?
Because that's who's trying to kill me!
Copy !req
169. Altean flowers are the most beautiful.
Copy !req
170. It is sad that I will only
see them in my dreams.
Copy !req
171. But, when I wake, my memories are
like these spores, scattered in the wind.
Copy !req
172. Altea is not merely a dream, Allura.
Copy !req
173. It still exists.
Copy !req
174. The Altean flower, you can see it.
Copy !req
175. You can touch it.
Copy !req
176. I can take you there.
I can take you home.
Copy !req
177. You can?
Copy !req
178. - Would you like to go home?
- Yes. I want to go back to Altea, Father.
Copy !req
179. Then come with me,
and I will show you the way.
Copy !req
180. Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
I have an idea. Grab on!
Copy !req
181. - Yeah! We did it! Now, what?
- Now, kick me as hard as you can!
Copy !req
182. What? No, we're friends.
Copy !req
183. No, no. Kick me so I can fly across
the room and get to the control panel.
Copy !req
184. Oh... oh, oh!
Copy !req
185. No, no, no!
Copy !req
186. How can you guys be taking a nap
while this castle is trying to kill us?
Copy !req
187. Taking a nap? We've been floating around
in Zero G! You know how scary that is?
Copy !req
188. That's not scary! That's fun!
I was almost ejected into space!
Copy !req
189. I got attacked by killer food, and that's
the most horrifying thing you can imagine!
Copy !req
190. The stuff of nightmares!
It'll haunt me to my grave!
Copy !req
191. Well, I had a robot trying to kill me!
Copy !req
192. I don't care what you say, Coran.
This castle has gone apples and bananas!
Copy !req
193. Perhaps the infection
from Sendak's Galra crystal
Copy !req
194. is worse than we thought.
Copy !req
195. - Well, let's get rid of it.
- It's too late.
Copy !req
196. When Sendak plugged it into the ship,
it corrupted the entire system.
Copy !req
197. Sendak? Wait. Has anyone seen Shiro?
Copy !req
198. We're connected, you and me.
Copy !req
199. Both part of the Galra Empire.
Copy !req
200. No! I'm not like you.
Copy !req
201. You've been broken and reformed.
Just look at your hand.
Copy !req
202. That's not me!
Copy !req
203. It's the strongest part of you.
Embrace it.
Copy !req
204. The others don't know what you know.
They haven't seen what you've seen.
Copy !req
205. Face it. You'll never beat Zarkon.
Copy !req
206. He's already defeated you.
Copy !req
207. I'm not listening to you!
Copy !req
208. Do you really think a monster like you
could be a Voltron Paladin?
Copy !req
209. Stop it!
Copy !req
210. I remember how you used to dance
around this very ballroom.
Copy !req
211. I can still hear you giggling.
Copy !req
212. Oh...
Copy !req
213. Those were happy memories.
Copy !req
214. We can create new memories, Allura.
Copy !req
215. Shiro, are you okay?
Copy !req
216. - Where's Sendak?
- I... I had to get him out of here.
Copy !req
217. I was hearing his voice.
He... He can't be trusted on this ship.
Copy !req
218. It is the ship! I got stuck in a cryo-pod,
then, in an airlock.
Copy !req
219. Keith got attacked by a robot,
and Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food.
Copy !req
220. - It's been a weird morning.
Copy !req
221. - What? How is that possible?
- What is it?
Copy !req
222. The ship is starting a wormhole jump!
Copy !req
223. Allura, what's going on?
Copy !req
224. We're going to Altea.
We're going home.
Copy !req
225. My father is taking us.
Copy !req
226. Stay away from my daughter!
Copy !req
227. - Uh...
- Allura, wake up!
Copy !req
228. The crystal must have corrupted
King Alfor's artificial intelligence.
Copy !req
229. It's taking over!
Copy !req
230. We're headed straight for a star
and it's about to explode!
Copy !req
231. Father, I can see Altea.
Copy !req
232. Allura! Allura, wake up!
What you're seeing isn't real.
Copy !req
233. The juniberries,
the most exquisite flower of all.
Copy !req
234. Allura, please!
You've got to listen to me!
Copy !req
235. Is this real?
Copy !req
236. Of course it is real, Daughter.
That flower you're touching is real.
Copy !req
237. But where is the fragrance
of the sweet juniberries?
Copy !req
238. Huh?
Copy !req
239. That's not Altea.
Copy !req
240. When that star goes supernova,
it will destroy the entire system.
Copy !req
241. Allura, you must reset the course
and get us out of here!
Copy !req
242. Father, please, I beg you
to turn this ship around.
Copy !req
243. If we don't do it soon,
we will all perish!
Copy !req
244. I know. That is my intention.
Copy !req
245. What? Why?
Copy !req
246. Don't you see, dear daughter?
Zarkon can never be defeated.
Copy !req
247. He's been ruling for ten thousand years.
Copy !req
248. But we must continue to fight!
Copy !req
249. Fight for what? It is all over for Altea.
Copy !req
250. You don't have to live a lifetime of war.
Copy !req
251. You can be with me
and the rest of your people.
Copy !req
252. Father, please! The paladins and I
can still stop Zarkon!
Copy !req
253. Somewhere in there,
you must want that to happen.
Copy !req
254. Allura, my A.I. has been corrupted.
You must disconnect my power source.
Copy !req
255. We can stroll across the Blossom Canyon
every morning, just like we used to.
Copy !req
256. Remember how much you loved that?
Copy !req
257. I remember. I'll see you soon, Father.
Copy !req
258. I've got to get into the A.I. chamber
Copy !req
259. to disconnect my father's
power source manually.
Copy !req
260. But that means losing King Alfor forever!
Copy !req
261. Paladins, get to your lions! I need you to
slow the Castle's descent into the star.
Copy !req
262. I can try to override the system
to open the hangars.
Copy !req
263. Don't do this!
Copy !req
264. You must.
Copy !req
265. All my memories,
all my knowledge will be lost forever!
Copy !req
266. Do it, Allura. If you are to live,
we must say goodbye.
Copy !req
267. I'm sorry about this, Father.
Copy !req
268. - Huh?
- Oh, my dear daughter...
Copy !req
269. Father...
Copy !req
270. This is not real.
This is all in the past.
Copy !req
271. You don't have to fight, Allura.
Copy !req
272. You don't have to make this sacrifice.
Copy !req
273. Goodbye, Father.
Copy !req
274. Goodbye, Allura.
Copy !req
275. She did it.
Copy !req
276. Paladins, get to your hangars.
We're getting out of here.
Copy !req
277. I'm so sorry about your father, Princess.
Copy !req
278. We all are.
Copy !req
279. Thank you. But that was not my father.
Copy !req
280. The real King Alfor was a great man
and a great father.
Copy !req
281. He may not be here with us anymore,
but his dream lives on through all of us,
Copy !req
282. and his legacy is Voltron.
Copy !req