1. Haxus! I want whoever's
in this ship found and terminated!
Copy !req
2. Commander Sendak,
Copy !req
3. I've received a transmission
generating from somewhere inside.
Copy !req
4. There's not much time
before they get the ship running again.
Copy !req
5. You must shut off the particle barrier
so we can get in.
Copy !req
6. You got it. Tell me what to do.
Copy !req
7. The particle barrier generator
is beneath the main hull.
Copy !req
8. She's telling the intruder
how to take down our defenses.
Copy !req
9. Yes, but she's also giving away
his location.
Copy !req
10. Find that room. Kill the paladin.
Copy !req
11. Repair the engine.
Copy !req
12. Emperor Zarkon has commanded us
to bring him Voltron.
Copy !req
13. This ship will rise before day's end.
Copy !req
14. Okay, don't come any closer!
I don't know how to use this very well.
Copy !req
15. Wait a minute. You're not Galra.
Copy !req
16. Nor are you.
Copy !req
17. A patrol!
Copy !req
18. Shay, we must take leave
from these ones, now.
Copy !req
19. Wait, please! We need your help.
Copy !req
20. - If the Galra find us, they'll kill us.
- Or torture us.
Copy !req
21. Or keep us as some sort of creepy pet
to play with how they please.
Copy !req
22. Not our problem, Hairy Lip.
Copy !req
23. Galra see us near you
and they kill both you and us.
Copy !req
24. Shay, exeunt!
Copy !req
25. No! These many years
only Galra have been seen here.
Copy !req
26. I will not turn my back on the skylings.
Copy !req
27. Vex!
Copy !req
28. Grab a side.
In here. Hurry!
Copy !req
29. Thanks for saving us. I'm Hunk.
Copy !req
30. Shay. And this one, my brother Rax.
How did you fall to us?
Copy !req
31. Well, we came looking for something.
Copy !req
32. And you guys might be
the right people to help us find it.
Copy !req
33. Pidge, have you made it
to the generator room?
Copy !req
34. I'm in. This technology is so advanced,
I don't know if I can figure it out.
Copy !req
35. Yes, you can. The lives
of your fellow paladins are at stake.
Copy !req
36. You can't give up.
Copy !req
37. Hope you enjoy
this home-cooked meal, Matt.
Copy !req
38. After our launch to Kerberos tomorrow,
Copy !req
39. we'll be eating freeze-dried peas
for the next two months.
Copy !req
40. Don't lie.
I know you love those peas, Dad.
Copy !req
41. It's true.
Copy !req
42. Those Garrison chefs really know
Copy !req
43. how to genetically manufacture
a delicious vegetable.
Copy !req
44. I wish I was going up with you guys.
Copy !req
45. Just you wait, kiddo.
Copy !req
46. Something tells me that you're going
to have your own crew someday.
Copy !req
47. You're going to fly with them to worlds
so far away, we can't even imagine.
Copy !req
48. I bet my bottom dollar
you're going to be part of something
Copy !req
49. that makes the whole universe
sit up and take notice.
Copy !req
50. The Galaxy Garrison mission to
the distant moon of Kerberos is missing,
Copy !req
51. and all crew members
are believed to be dead.
Copy !req
52. The Galaxy Garrison has said the crash
was presumably caused by pilot error.
Copy !req
53. It is, indeed,
a sad day for all humanity.
Copy !req
54. You again? Get off my computer!
How did you get past the guards?
Copy !req
55. You said the spacecraft went down
due to pilot error.
Copy !req
56. I saw the video feeds from your probes.
Copy !req
57. There's no evidence of a crash
anywhere on Kerberos!
Copy !req
58. Those feeds are classified!
Copy !req
59. I could charge you with treason
for hacking into them.
Copy !req
60. Where's my family?
Copy !req
61. Escort Miss Holt off the premises
and make sure every guard knows
Copy !req
62. she's never allowed
on Garrison property ever again.
Copy !req
63. You can't keep me out!
I'll find the truth! I'll never stop!
Copy !req
64. Okay. Talk me through it, Allura.
Copy !req
65. Shutting down the barrier
from this room can be dangerous.
Copy !req
66. Remember, the barrier is also a weapon.
So, stay away from the energy arcs.
Copy !req
67. Don't touch
the giant lightning bolts. Got it.
Copy !req
68. Now, what I'm going
to need you to do is—
Copy !req
69. —Pidge! Hello? Are you there?
Copy !req
70. Pidge, what's going on?
Copy !req
71. Wait... the mice. Maybe they can help.
Copy !req
72. Friends, I need your help.
Copy !req
73. - My only way out is two floors up?
- Seriously?
Copy !req
74. Let's try this.
Copy !req
75. —There!
Copy !req
76. Whoa! Can't believe that worked!
Copy !req
77. You stay and guard the generator.
Copy !req
78. The invisible maze.
Let's see them get through this.
Copy !req
79. - Rover. Nice save, buddy.
Copy !req
80. Thanks for the delicious soup.
Are these potatoes in here?
Copy !req
81. Grandma's special dish
for special visitors.
Copy !req
82. Cave-root for the skin.
Cave bugs for the soul.
Copy !req
83. —Oh!
Copy !req
84. Thank you for the bugs.
Copy !req
85. - Okay, I think that's too many.
- So, how many of you are down here?
Copy !req
86. There are thousands here on Balmera.
We work and live in these mines.
Copy !req
87. We harvest crystals for Zarkon.
Copy !req
88. Zarkon.
Copy !req
89. That's so sad
that he's enslaved an entire planet.
Copy !req
90. Zarkon may rule, but we still have family.
That's where true happiness comes from.
Copy !req
91. Galra would tear our family asunder
if they found these ones.
Copy !req
92. Everyone comes to Balmera and takes,
but gives nothing in return.
Copy !req
93. In the past,
Copy !req
94. those who took the Balmera's crystals
would replenish her with energy.
Copy !req
95. It was an equal exchange.
Copy !req
96. But the Galra only take.
Copy !req
97. It is no wonder we can feel her suffering.
Copy !req
98. I'm sorry that we put everyone
in this situation,
Copy !req
99. but the faster we get the crystal
and get out,
Copy !req
100. the faster everyone is out of danger.
Copy !req
101. We're looking
for a battleship-class crystal.
Copy !req
102. Battleship-class crystal?
Those are most rare.
Copy !req
103. Galra soldiers guard them ceaselessly
until their harvest.
Copy !req
104. Your quest is in vain.
Copy !req
105. There is one, found only weeks ago.
It is almost excavated.
Copy !req
106. Quiet!
Copy !req
107. Even if they could steal
the crystal from the Galra,
Copy !req
108. battle patrols wait
to take down their ship.
Copy !req
109. These ones have no chance
of getting out of here alive,
Copy !req
110. with crystal or without.
Copy !req
111. Okay, so this crystal we need
Copy !req
112. is basically the hardest thing
in the universe to get.
Copy !req
113. I don't know about the hardest.
Copy !req
114. There is the scaultrite mineral found
only in the stomachs of giant weblums.
Copy !req
115. Collecting that stuff's no picnic.
But, yes, this seems very difficult.
Copy !req
116. You may stay here
until Balmera gives another crystal.
Copy !req
117. - One that is hidden from Galra eyes.
- We don't have that kind of time.
Copy !req
118. I got an injured friend who needs to get
into a magic healing machine, stat.
Copy !req
119. Hunk, you fix the pod.
I'm going to do some reconnaissance
Copy !req
120. and see if I can come up
with another plan.
Copy !req
121. First day of school.
Copy !req
122. Time for a haircut.
Copy !req
123. I made it! I'm a fighter pilot.
Copy !req
124. Hasta la later, Keith!
And look, you're my engineer.
Copy !req
125. Cool. Uh, can I do that from the ground?
Copy !req
126. And our communications officer is...
Copy !req
127. Who the heck is Pidge Gunderson?
Copy !req
128. Right here.
Copy !req
129. Welcome to the team, Gunderson.
I'm Lance, your fighter pilot.
Copy !req
130. Hey, I'm Hunk.
Copy !req
131. We got a lot of great times ahead,
so we should probably start bonding now.
Copy !req
132. Security for the Galaxy Garrison's
mainframe is our first priority.
Copy !req
133. It's been breached once.
And by a little girl, no less.
Copy !req
134. It cannot happen again!
Copy !req
135. Wrong arm, cadet.
Copy !req
136. —Hello? Pizza? Girls? Astronauts?
Copy !req
137. Sorry, I don't have time to mess around
with you guys. See you in the simulator.
Copy !req
138. What's his problem?
Copy !req
139. You know, Rover, I haven't always
been there for my team.
Copy !req
140. But this time I will be.
Copy !req
141. Come on.
Copy !req
142. Tell me, what is the sky like?
Copy !req
143. The sky? You seriously have
never even seen the sky?
Copy !req
144. No... but, at night,
I sneak up as high as I dare,
Copy !req
145. trying to imagine what it is like.
Copy !req
146. Oh, lucky are you to fly in this machine
to worlds far from here.
Copy !req
147. Well, it doesn't have to be like this.
You can be free, too.
Copy !req
148. - Free?
- Yeah, free.
Copy !req
149. It means you can go where you want,
be what you want, do what you want.
Copy !req
150. No Galra masters to tell you what to do.
Copy !req
151. It makes no sense.
Zarkon controls everything.
Copy !req
152. Nope. No, things are changing.
Have you heard of Voltron?
Copy !req
153. A child's tale.
Copy !req
154. It's real. I'm one of the paladins,
and Voltron is going to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
155. You are?
Copy !req
156. Stop filling this one's head
with your shadow show!
Copy !req
157. The cavern is our home.
This will never change.
Copy !req
158. Come.
Copy !req
159. Powering sub panels.
Copy !req
160. Sub panel energy transducer is go.
Copy !req
161. Aye, sir. Opening pathway
to link with bridge.
Copy !req
162. Initializing main cluster reboot.
Copy !req
163. Gotcha.
Copy !req
164. Initializing complete.
I'm set for main power up.
Copy !req
165. - The bridge is go.
- Powering up.
Copy !req
166. And up, and up, and up.
Copy !req
167. I would not want to be touching
a metal surface when this thing overloads.
Copy !req
168. —Sir, something is wrong.
Copy !req
169. You're the one causing
all this trouble? A child?
Copy !req
170. I'm not a child.
I'm a Paladin of Voltron.
Copy !req
171. Let me tell you something, child.
Copy !req
172. I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire.
Nothing stops me but triumph or death.
Copy !req
173. Nowhere left to run.
Nowhere left to hide.
Copy !req
174. - Rover!
Copy !req
175. No!
Copy !req
176. No!
Copy !req
177. Haxus, report in.
Copy !req
178. Haxus is gone, and you're next!
Copy !req
179. You've slowed me down,
but this ship is mine!
Copy !req
180. You will turn yourself
over to me immediately!
Copy !req
181. Never!
Copy !req
182. Well, then, maybe your leader
can convince you.
Copy !req
183. What do you want?
Copy !req
184. Your friend wanted to hear from you.
Copy !req
185. - Shiro?
- Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to—
Copy !req
186. No!
Copy !req
187. You can make it stop.
Turn yourself in.
Copy !req
188. His suffering is in your hands.
Copy !req
189. Is your ship repaired
that you may depart our presence?
Copy !req
190. Uh, are you saying
that you want us to leave?
Copy !req
191. Yes.
Copy !req
192. Well, it's working,
but we can't leave without the crystal.
Copy !req
193. You come up with any ideas
how to get it?
Copy !req
194. Actually, yes.
Copy !req
195. I can't believe I'm the legs again.
Copy !req
196. I'm the one who took down the guard.
I should get to be the head.
Copy !req
197. Shh! Legs don't talk.
Copy !req
198. Oh, hello, gentlemen, shift's over.
Boss needs you back at the guard shack.
Copy !req
199. - Verify identification code.
- Right. I didn't want to have to do this,
Copy !req
200. but I'm going to have to pull rank.
Copy !req
201. You guys are in big trouble, right?
Copy !req
202. So, hand over those blasters
and ID badges.
Copy !req
203. Verify identification code
or be destroyed.
Copy !req
204. Okay, okay. I've got it right... here!
Copy !req
205. What are you doing? We got to hurry!
Copy !req
206. I'm not just going to pry this out of here
like some Galra monster.
Copy !req
207. The Balmera is a sacred being.
You have to communicate with it.
Copy !req
208. Let your life forces connect.
This is the way it was done in our time.
Copy !req
209. Whoa. You really know your Balmeras.
Copy !req
210. - I think I'm broken.
Copy !req
211. Huh?
Copy !req
212. Okay, guys! All right, I hate to do this.
Copy !req
213. Blasters and badges.
Come on. Give them up.
Copy !req
214. I'm impressed
that you managed to escape.
Copy !req
215. Perhaps it would be worth
the trip to your planet
Copy !req
216. to see if the rest of your kind
have your spirit.
Copy !req
217. Of course, they will all end up broken,
just like you.
Copy !req
218. Now that we have Voltron, every planet,
every race, all share the same fate.
Copy !req
219. Quiznak! I can't believe
they saw through our disguise.
Copy !req
220. —Someone's coming.
Copy !req
221. Shay?
Copy !req
222. Make haste to your pod.
The crystal is prepared for departure.
Copy !req
223. How did you get the crystal?
Copy !req
224. I was assigned to take it
to the upper levels,
Copy !req
225. but instead I took it down.
Copy !req
226. Soon, they will discover my ruse.
Time is short.
Copy !req
227. Why are you helping us?
You'll get in trouble.
Copy !req
228. Because your words touched my heart.
Copy !req
229. I wish for freedom for all Balmera.
Perhaps your Voltron can make it so.
Copy !req
230. No. Rax, why?
Copy !req
231. These two bring only trouble
to our family.
Copy !req
232. It was the only way to protect you.
Copy !req
233. —No! The Balmera will save us.
Copy !req
234. Shay, no!
Copy !req
235. - Shay!
- Go! Make haste!
Copy !req
236. - Let her go!
- No, Hunk! We have to go!
Copy !req
237. I'll come back for you, Shay! I promise!
Copy !req
238. If we can't shake these patrols,
we might be back here sooner than we want!
Copy !req
239. - It worked!
- They did it!
Copy !req
240. Shiro, wake up. It's me, Pidge.
Copy !req
241. You really thought your little
hologram trick would work with me?
Copy !req
242. Stand back!
Copy !req
243. No!
Copy !req
244. Keith, now!
Copy !req
245. Lance, are you okay?
Copy !req
246. We did it. We are a good team.
Copy !req
247. We can't shake them!
We're not going to make it!
Copy !req
248. - Uh, it may turn us into a giant fireball.
- Maybe, but it's our only chance.
Copy !req
249. Fine. Fire in the hole!
Copy !req
250. We did it!
Copy !req
251. After a day in here,
he should be fully healed.
Copy !req
252. Pidge, we can't thank you enough
for all you did.
Copy !req
253. I can't help but feel that you were
meant to be a part of our team...
Copy !req
254. but I understand if you want to leave.
Copy !req
255. Dad used to tell me how close he was
with his crew members.
Copy !req
256. They were like family.
Copy !req
257. Now, I understand
what he was talking about.
Copy !req
258. I'm staying with you guys.
Let's stop Zarkon for all of our families.
Copy !req
259. Good to have you back on the team.
Copy !req