1. Somewhere inside Sendak's memories
we should be able to find
Copy !req
2. the inside information that gives us
the key to take down Zarkon.
Copy !req
3. I don't think your father would approve
of searching through an enemy's memories.
Copy !req
4. I know, but we have to do
everything we can to defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
5. Once we learn all his weaknesses,
Copy !req
6. we can drive up to his front door
and challenge him to a fight.
Copy !req
7. - Winner gets the universe.
Copy !req
8. Anything good yet, Pidge?
Copy !req
9. We were only able to salvage
bits and pieces.
Copy !req
10. We need something to work with.
Copy !req
11. Right now, we don't even have
a decent map of the empire.
Copy !req
12. Who needs a map?
After 10,000 years of conquering,
Copy !req
13. I could probably fire my bayard
at any random point in space
Copy !req
14. and hit a Galra ship.
Copy !req
15. If we could just find troop locations
or supply routes,
Copy !req
16. small targets we could hit-and-run,
Copy !req
17. then we could start to free planets
one by one.
Copy !req
18. Boring. I want the big kaboom.
Copy !req
19. Zarkon's been building his empire
for 10,000 years.
Copy !req
20. We're not going to tear it down overnight
Copy !req
21. with five inexperienced pilots
and one support ship.
Copy !req
22. Hitting him where he lives
would be a huge mistake.
Copy !req
23. Okay, I've cross-referenced
Sendak's memories
Copy !req
24. with the info I got
from the downed ship back on Arus.
Copy !req
25. Most of it was a garbled mess,
but one thing kept repeating,
Copy !req
26. something called a "Universal Station."
Copy !req
27. Universal Station?
Copy !req
28. Like, the kind of station
that controls the entire universe?
Copy !req
29. Well, we are translating it from Galra,
so it could also be "Galactic Hub."
Copy !req
30. Or "Space Base"!
Copy !req
31. What?
Copy !req
32. I'm pulling up the location
of your Universal Hub Station Base
Copy !req
33. on our screens now.
Copy !req
34. So, where is it?
Copy !req
35. I don't know.
Copy !req
36. Our long-range sensors are unable
to find anything at those coordinates.
Copy !req
37. Maybe he remembered it wrong.
Copy !req
38. Or maybe we just stumbled across
a top-secret base in Sendak's memories.
Copy !req
39. Only one way to find out.
Let's go take a look.
Copy !req
40. We should be close enough
to get a good scan,
Copy !req
41. but far enough away
to avoid being noticed.
Copy !req
42. There it is.
Copy !req
43. It appears the gravitation
between the two planets
Copy !req
44. warps the electron
emission spectrum enough
Copy !req
45. to keep the planet off
the deep space scanners.
Copy !req
46. So, you can only see it
if you really know where to look.
Copy !req
47. This place must handle shipments
from all over the Galra Empire.
Copy !req
48. If this is some big airport where
shipments come and go, why is it hidden?
Copy !req
49. There must be more to this
than we're seeing.
Copy !req
50. Then, we'd better go down to take a look.
We'll need to enter here:
Copy !req
51. the central control building.
Copy !req
52. I'm sorry, Princess, did you say "we"?
Copy !req
53. I'm going with you.
Copy !req
54. I've traveled through the Galra
transportation hubs many times
Copy !req
55. with my father before the war began.
Copy !req
56. I know more about them than any of you.
Copy !req
57. Princess, I'd rather you stay here.
Copy !req
58. I'm a part of this fight against Zarkon
as much as anyone. I'm going.
Copy !req
59. Does anyone have a problem with that?
Copy !req
60. - Fine. Suit up.
Copy !req
61. Huh?
Copy !req
62. We'll go in low, fast,
and hopefully undetected.
Copy !req
63. Coming around the dark side
of the nearest planet
Copy !req
64. should keep them
from getting a visual on us.
Copy !req
65. Thanks to Pidge's modifications
to the Green Lion,
Copy !req
66. we'll have 30 seconds of cloaking.
Copy !req
67. I can flood their short-range
sensors with a radiation burst.
Copy !req
68. That should buy you a minute or so, while
they assume it's cosmic interference.
Copy !req
69. But, after that,
it's up to you to be out of sight.
Copy !req
70. Interference clear in three, two, one.
Copy !req
71. Psst! Hey!
- Hmm?
Copy !req
72. - How's it look out there?
- All clear.
Copy !req
73. This shouldn't take too long.
Copy !req
74. We'll have all the information
we need in a few minutes.
Copy !req
75. - Hunk and I have made some improvements
Copy !req
76. since the last time I tried
to download Galra info.
Copy !req
77. We should get a nice,
clean translation immediately.
Copy !req
78. Hunk had a great idea about how to do it.
Copy !req
79. Do you guys remember when
we studied algorithms at the Garrison,
Copy !req
80. and Mr. York told us that joke
about the ghost learning symbolic logic
Copy !req
81. and innumerably infinite sets?
Copy !req
82. Boring!
Copy !req
83. Right, yeah, totally, it was boring.
Copy !req
84. - Anyway, the joke goes—
Copy !req
85. Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt,
but I think we got company.
Copy !req
86. - Think we should get out of here?
- We just need a few more seconds.
Copy !req
87. Stay low. We need this intel.
Copy !req
88. Get down!
Copy !req
89. Huh?
Copy !req
90. He's still looking. I think he's waiting
for a signal or something.
Copy !req
91. I got it.
Copy !req
92. Whew.
Copy !req
93. - Nice job, Hunk.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
94. - Okay, download complete.
- What's it say?
Copy !req
95. Nothing. This place doesn't have
any useful information.
Copy !req
96. Just a schedule of the ships
coming in and out.
Copy !req
97. - Well, I guess this mission was a bust.
- Let's get back to the Castle.
Copy !req
98. Hold on. Pidge, do you know
where that ship is headed?
Copy !req
99. Um, it's scheduled to be here
for about a half an hour,
Copy !req
100. then head off to Central Command.
Copy !req
101. That's where they have
the information we need,
Copy !req
102. and I'm going to sneak aboard
that ship and get it for us.
Copy !req
103. - What? No way!
- How are you going to get in?
Copy !req
104. I'm going to walk right through the front.
Copy !req
105. How the heck did you do that?
Copy !req
106. The Alteans are
a chameleon-like people
Copy !req
107. who can blend in
with the local populations.
Copy !req
108. It's the ability that's made us
great explorers and diplomats
Copy !req
109. throughout our history.
Copy !req
110. So, can you turn into, like, a balloon?
Copy !req
111. How many different colors
can you be at once?
Copy !req
112. Aren't you afraid you'll rip your pants?
Copy !req
113. No, just one at a time,
and I will need a change of costume.
Copy !req
114. - I can use his uniform as a disguise.
- I can't let you go in there alone.
Copy !req
115. Excuse me?
I do not need your permission.
Copy !req
116. It's too dangerous.
I'm going in with you.
Copy !req
117. You will stick out
like a Choferiak's nose.
Copy !req
118. You're going to need that nose, Princess.
Copy !req
119. Shiro's hand is made from Galra tech.
It's the only thing we have
Copy !req
120. that will allow us to interface
with their systems and gather intel.
Copy !req
121. I can monitor the download
remotely from here.
Copy !req
122. - Fine, you can come.
- Uh, you guys better hurry up
Copy !req
123. if you want to get on and off before
the ship leaves for Zarkon central.
Copy !req
124. How are you going to get Shiro on board?
Copy !req
125. Halt.
Copy !req
126. Move along.
Copy !req
127. Whew.
Copy !req
128. They're in.
Copy !req
129. What do you think they have
in all those giant containers?
Copy !req
130. Well, I suspect that it's sporks.
Copy !req
131. This is an advanced race
we're talking about here.
Copy !req
132. Surely, they've learned
that it's foolish to have forks and spoons
Copy !req
133. when one tool will efficiently do the job.
Copy !req
134. Maybe this guy will tell us.
What is coming in and out of this station?
Copy !req
135. Interrogation detected.
Initiating lockdown.
Copy !req
136. Not talking, eh?
Copy !req
137. Whoa. Check out this guy.
Copy !req
138. Whatever's happening here
that requires the base to be kept secret
Copy !req
139. must have something to do
with that scary dude.
Copy !req
140. I'm going to go check it out.
Copy !req
141. How about we just lay low
and you don't blow our cover?
Copy !req
142. Keith, think about what you're doing.
Don't walk through that door!
Copy !req
143. - I think I told him.
- You are a paragon of leadership, Lance.
Copy !req
144. Shiro, are you all right?
Copy !req
145. I just remembered how I escaped
from the Galra prison ship.
Copy !req
146. Listen, most of the ship's personnel
are sentries.
Copy !req
147. So?
Copy !req
148. When I was a prisoner,
I timed their pattern.
Copy !req
149. - Do you remember it?
- Let's find out.
Copy !req
150. Why are you hitting yourself?
Copy !req
151. Stop hitting yourself!
Quit hitting yourself!
Copy !req
152. Stop torturing it, Hunk.
Copy !req
153. I'm sorry. I just...
I need something to keep me busy,
Copy !req
154. so I'm not worried
about Keith getting caught,
Copy !req
155. or Shiro and Allura getting
blasted by robot things,
Copy !req
156. or someone finding us here,
like, right now—
Copy !req
157. Stop it, Hunk!
I think we can teach it to help us.
Copy !req
158. Would you like to help us, Mr. Robot?
Copy !req
159. Whoops.
Copy !req
160. Quick question. Does Allura talk about me
when I'm not in the room?
Copy !req
161. Oh, yeah, all the time.
Copy !req
162. Really?
Copy !req
163. Yeah, yeah. She's all like, "Oh, Lance.
He looks so fine. I'm all atwitter."
Copy !req
164. Then, she turns red and she makes me
swear not to tell anyone.
Copy !req
165. I knew it!
Copy !req
166. Whoops.
Copy !req
167. We only have a few minutes before
the next patrol comes by. Watch the door.
Copy !req
168. Got it.
Copy !req
169. Okay, Pidge, start the download.
Copy !req
170. Generating access code.
Copy !req
171. We're in.
Copy !req
172. - Pidge, I think there's a problem.
- Sit tight.
Copy !req
173. - I'm trying to work around this.
Scanning for information.
Copy !req
174. Pidge?
- I'm on it, I'm on it!
Copy !req
175. What's going on here? Who are you?
Copy !req
176. It's about time you got here.
Where is the rest of your squad?
Copy !req
177. - Uh, what squad?
Hurry up, Pidge.
Copy !req
178. Almost there.
Copy !req
179. The squad that is to escort me
and my associate to our ship.
Copy !req
180. Who's back there? What's going on?
Copy !req
181. We are part of Zarkon's high command.
Our work must not be disturbed.
Copy !req
182. Where's Chief Information Officer Plytox?
Copy !req
183. Uh, he's in there. Say hello, Plyrox.
Copy !req
184. Uh...
Copy !req
185. It's "Plytox"!
Copy !req
186. Oh, sorry. See?
Copy !req
187. Oh. Vrepit sa, sir!
I get his name wrong all the time, too.
Copy !req
188. Whew.
Copy !req
189. Coran, you need to see this.
Copy !req
190. - I've never seen anything like it.
- What is that?
Copy !req
191. - The material is quintessence,
Copy !req
192. the substance with the highest known
energy per unit volume in the universe.
Copy !req
193. Hey, nice job, Pidge!
You made him work for us.
Copy !req
194. What? Impossible.
Copy !req
195. Raw quintessence material is transported
here from throughout the galaxy
Copy !req
196. and refined into standardized
Galra fuel requirements.
Copy !req
197. Did you guys hear that?
Copy !req
198. I can't believe it! They've found
a new way acquire quintessence!
Copy !req
199. Guys, I'm going to steal
some of this quint-whatever.
Copy !req
200. Um...
- Huh?
Copy !req
201. Do you think I could get
assigned to Zarkon's unit?
Copy !req
202. Nothing happens on this ship.
Copy !req
203. Oh, well, I don't know.
Copy !req
204. What's your bloodthirstiness
on a scale of one to five?
Copy !req
205. One being "No, thanks, I'm full,"
and five being "Unquenchable."
Copy !req
206. Hmm...
Copy !req
207. If I'm being honest, about a three.
Copy !req
208. We can work on that.
Copy !req
209. - Huh?
Copy !req
210. Huh?
Copy !req
211. Fugitive prisoner 117-9875 detected.
Copy !req
212. Remain where you are. Security alerted.
Copy !req
213. Uh, help! Intruders!
Copy !req
214. - I think we're in trouble.
- You think?
Copy !req
215. - What?
Copy !req
216. Let's go!
Copy !req
217. Mm?
Copy !req
218. Okay, plan B!
Copy !req
219. Pidge, I need an extraction now! Hurry!
Copy !req
220. Pidge, fire up the Green Lion!
We're coming in hot!
Copy !req
221. What?
Copy !req
222. I thought you said you'd traveled around
the galaxy. I mean, you fly a spaceship.
Copy !req
223. How could you possibly not know
how to hold this correctly?
Copy !req
224. I'm tense! This is a tense situation.
Copy !req
225. Secure hatches. All personnel
take positions for departure.
Copy !req
226. Let's move!
Copy !req
227. Get in! We've got to get Shiro and Allura!
Copy !req
228. Huh?
Copy !req
229. The escape pods are up here!
Copy !req
230. Formulating navigation.
Copy !req
231. All crew assume secure
hyper-speed positions.
Copy !req
232. Hurry! We can't leave once the ship
goes into hyper-speed!
Copy !req
233. It's taking off! Get in the pod!
Copy !req
234. I'm not leaving you!
Copy !req
235. You have to!
Copy !req
236. No!
Copy !req
237. Where's Allura?
Copy !req
238. Shiro?
Copy !req
239. She sacrificed herself to save me.
Copy !req
240. So, she's still on that ship?
Copy !req
241. The ship that's headed
to Zarkon's Central Command?
Copy !req
242. The place that's way too dangerous
for us to attack?
Copy !req
243. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is.
We can't let Zarkon get Allura.
Copy !req
244. But you said going there
would be a huge mistake.
Copy !req
245. You said for us to attack
that place head-on would be
Copy !req
246. the dumbest possible thing
we could ever do.
Copy !req
247. I know, but now we don't have a choice.
Copy !req