1. Easy, son. This ice is delicate.
Copy !req
2. Amazing. Isn't this exciting, Shiro?
Copy !req
3. You guys get a little more excited
about ice samples than I do.
Copy !req
4. This is history in the making.
Copy !req
5. Not only have we traveled farther
than any human ever has,
Copy !req
6. but this ice could hold microscopic clues
about the existence of life outside Earth.
Copy !req
7. Think of it, Dad. We could use those clues
to become the first people to meet aliens.
Copy !req
8. My life's work would be complete.
Copy !req
9. What is that? Seismic activity?
We should get back to the ship.
Copy !req
10. What? What is that?
Copy !req
11. It can't be.
Copy !req
12. Run! Come on, run!
Copy !req
13. Emperor Zarkon,
Copy !req
14. we were scouting System X-9-Y as ordered
when we found these primitive scientists.
Copy !req
15. I don't think they know anything useful.
Copy !req
16. Take them back
to the main fleet for interrogation.
Copy !req
17. The druids will find out what they know.
Copy !req
18. Please, we come from a peaceful planet!
We mean you no harm!
Copy !req
19. We're unarmed!
Copy !req
20. Look, they brought in another one.
Copy !req
21. - Who is it?
- Over there. It's another one.
Copy !req
22. Huh?
Copy !req
23. Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14.
Copy !req
24. Begin descent to Kerberos
for rescue mission.
Copy !req
25. Lance, can you keep this thing straight?
Copy !req
26. Relax, Hunk, I'm just getting a feel
for the stick. It's not like I did this!
Copy !req
27. - Or this!
Copy !req
28. Okay, unless you want
to wipe beef stroganoff
Copy !req
29. out of all the little nooks
and crannies in this thing,
Copy !req
30. you'd better knock it off, man!
Copy !req
31. We've picked up a distress beacon!
Copy !req
32. All right, look alive, team!
Pidge, track coordinates.
Copy !req
33. Copy.
Copy !req
34. - Knock it off, Lance! Please!
Copy !req
35. This one's on you, buddy.
We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out.
Copy !req
36. - Oh, no.
- Oh, no. Fix now, puke later.
Copy !req
37. I lost contact. The shaking
is interfering with our sensors.
Copy !req
38. - Come on, Hunk!
- It's not responding.
Copy !req
39. Never mind, fellas. Thar she blows.
Preparing for approach on visual.
Copy !req
40. I don't think that's advisable
Copy !req
41. with our current mechanical
and gastrointestinal issues.
Copy !req
42. Agreed.
Copy !req
43. Stop worrying. This baby can take it,
can't you, champ?
Copy !req
44. - See? She was nodding. She was nodding.
Copy !req
45. Pidge, hail down to them
and let them know their ride is here.
Copy !req
46. - Attention, lunar vessel—
Copy !req
47. What are you doing? Buckle your belt.
And, Hunk, stop that shaking!
Copy !req
48. I'm try— Oh, no.
Copy !req
49. Attention, lunar vessel,
Copy !req
50. this is Galaxy Garrison Rescue Craft
One Victor Six Three Tango.
Copy !req
51. Coming in for landing and extraction,
against crew recommendations.
Copy !req
52. No time for your mutinous comments now.
They're going under and we're going in.
Copy !req
53. - Look out for that overhang!
- No worries.
Copy !req
54. My first year in flight school,
know what they called me?
Copy !req
55. They called me "The Tailor"
because of how I thread the needle.
Copy !req
56. Come around, come around!
Come on, come on!
Copy !req
57. - We lost a wing!
Copy !req
58. - Oh, man.
Copy !req
59. Simulation failed.
Copy !req
60. Nice work, Tailor.
Copy !req
61. Roll out, donkeys!
Copy !req
62. Let's see if we can't use
this complete failure
Copy !req
63. as a lesson for the rest of you students.
Copy !req
64. Can anyone point out the mistakes
these three so-called cadets made
Copy !req
65. in the simulator?
Copy !req
66. The engineer puked in the main gearbox.
Copy !req
67. Yes. As everyone knows,
Copy !req
68. vomit is not an approved lubricant
for engine systems. What else?
Copy !req
69. The comm spec removed
his safety harness.
Copy !req
70. The pilot crashed!
Copy !req
71. Correct. And worst of all, the whole jump,
they're arguing with each other.
Copy !req
72. Heck, if you're going to be
this bad individually,
Copy !req
73. you'd better at least be able
to work as a team!
Copy !req
74. Galaxy Garrison exists to turn
young cadets like you
Copy !req
75. into the next generation
of elite astroexplorers,
Copy !req
76. but these kinds of mental mistakes
Copy !req
77. are exactly what cost the lives
of the men on the Kerberos Mission.
Copy !req
78. That's not true, sir!
Copy !req
79. What did you say?
Copy !req
80. Sorry, sir. I think he hit his head when
he fell out of his chair. But point taken.
Copy !req
81. I hope I don't need to remind you
that the only reason you're here
Copy !req
82. is that the best pilot in your class had
a discipline issue and flunked out.
Copy !req
83. Don't follow in his footsteps.
Copy !req
84. Next!
Copy !req
85. Lights out in five!
Everyone back to their dorms, now.
Copy !req
86. We shouldn't be doing this.
Copy !req
87. You heard Commander Iverson.
We need to bond as a team.
Copy !req
88. We're going to grab Pidge, hit the town,
loosen up, meet some nice girls—
Copy !req
89. I'm just saying this here, right now,
on the record. This is a bad idea.
Copy !req
90. You know, for someone
in a space exploration program,
Copy !req
91. you don't have much
of a sense of adventure.
Copy !req
92. All of your little adventures end up
with me in the principal's office.
Copy !req
93. Oh, man.
Copy !req
94. L-5 north all clear.
Copy !req
95. I'm fine.
Copy !req
96. Where is he going?
Copy !req
97. - You come up here to rock out?
Copy !req
98. Oh, Lance, Hunk.
No, um, just looking at the stars.
Copy !req
99. Where'd you get this stuff?
It doesn't look like Garrison tech.
Copy !req
100. - I built it.
- You built all of this?
Copy !req
101. Stop it! With this thing, I can scan all
the way to the edge of the solar system.
Copy !req
102. That right? All the way to Kerberos?
Copy !req
103. You go ballistic every time
the instructors bring it up.
Copy !req
104. - What's your deal?
- Second warning, Hunk!
Copy !req
105. Look, Pidge, if we're going to bond
as a team, we can't have any secrets.
Copy !req
106. Fine. The world as you know it
is about to change.
Copy !req
107. The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because
of some malfunction or crew mistake.
Copy !req
108. Stop touching my equipment!
Copy !req
109. So, I've been scanning the system
and picking up alien radio chatter.
Copy !req
110. - Whoa. What? Aliens?
- Okay. So, you're insane. Got it.
Copy !req
111. I'm serious. They keep repeating
one word, "Voltron."
Copy !req
112. And tonight, it's going crazier
than I have ever heard it.
Copy !req
113. How crazy?
Copy !req
114. Attention, students. This is not a drill.
Copy !req
115. We are on lockdown!
Security situation Zulu Niner.
Copy !req
116. all students are to remain
in barracks until further notice.
Copy !req
117. What's going on? Is that a meteor?
Copy !req
118. A very, very big meteor?
Copy !req
119. - It's a ship.
- Holy crow!
Copy !req
120. I can't believe what I'm seeing!
That's not one of ours.
Copy !req
121. No. It's one of theirs.
Copy !req
122. So, wait.
There really are aliens out there?
Copy !req
123. We've got to see that ship!
Copy !req
124. Hunk, come on!
Copy !req
125. Oh, this is the worst
team-building exercise ever.
Copy !req
126. Whoa! What the heck is that thing?
Copy !req
127. - And who the heck is she?
Copy !req
128. Ow!
Copy !req
129. Right, alien ship. Man, we'll never get
past all of those guards to get a look.
Copy !req
130. Aw, man.
Copy !req
131. Yeah, yeah, I guess there's nothing to do
but head back to the barracks, right?
Copy !req
132. Wait. They set up a camera in there
and I grabbed its feed. Look!
Copy !req
133. - Hey! What are you doing?
Calm down, Shiro.
Copy !req
134. We just need to keep you quarantined
until we run some tests.
Copy !req
135. You have to listen to me!
They destroy worlds!
Copy !req
136. Aliens are coming!
Copy !req
137. That's Shiro!
The pilot of the Kerberos Mission!
Copy !req
138. That guy's my hero!
Copy !req
139. - Guess he's not dead in space, after all.
- Where's the rest of the crew?
Copy !req
140. Do you know how long
you've been gone?
Copy !req
141. I don't know. Months? Years?
Look, there's no time.
Copy !req
142. Aliens are coming here for a weapon.
They're probably on their way.
Copy !req
143. They'll destroy us.
We have to find Voltron.
Copy !req
144. - Voltron!
Sir, take a look at this.
Copy !req
145. It appears his arm has been replaced
with a cyborg prosthetic.
Copy !req
146. Put him under until we know
what that thing can do.
Copy !req
147. Don't put me under!
No! There's no time!
Copy !req
148. They didn't ask
about the rest of the crew.
Copy !req
149. What are they doing? He's a legend.
They're not even gonna listen to him?
Copy !req
150. - We have to get him out.
- I hate to be the voice of reason, always,
Copy !req
151. but weren't we watching on TV because
there was no way to get past the guards?
Copy !req
152. That was before
we were properly motivated.
Copy !req
153. We've just got to think.
Could we tunnel in?
Copy !req
154. Maybe we could get some hazmat suits
and sneak in like med techs.
Copy !req
155. Or we dress up like cooks, head back
to the dorms, sneak into the commissary—
Copy !req
156. little late-night snack.
Copy !req
157. No. What we need is a distraction.
Copy !req
158. Is that the aliens? Is that the aliens?
Are they here? They got here so quick!
Copy !req
159. No, those explosions
were a distraction, for him.
Copy !req
160. The Garrison's headed toward the blast,
and he's sneaking in from the other side.
Copy !req
161. No way! Oh, he is not going
to beat us in there!
Copy !req
162. That guy is always trying to one-up me!
Copy !req
163. - Who is it?
- Keith!
Copy !req
164. - Who?
- Are you sure?
Copy !req
165. - Oh, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!
- Who's Keith?
Copy !req
166. These readings are off the chart.
Copy !req
167. Hey!
Copy !req
168. Shiro?
Copy !req
169. Nope. No, you— No, no, no.
No, you don't. I'm saving Shiro.
Copy !req
170. - Who are you?
- Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance.
Copy !req
171. We were in the same class
at the Garrison.
Copy !req
172. Really? Are you an engineer?
Copy !req
173. No, I'm a pilot! We were, like, rivals.
You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck.
Copy !req
174. Oh, wait. I remember you.
You're a cargo pilot.
Copy !req
175. Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now,
thanks to you washing out.
Copy !req
176. Well, congratulations.
Copy !req
177. Oh, man. They're coming back
and they do not look happy.
Copy !req
178. We've got to go.
Copy !req
179. Uh, do you mind
if we catch a ride with you?
Copy !req
180. Is this thing going
to be big enough for all of us?
Copy !req
181. No.
Copy !req
182. - Why am I holding this guy?
- Hey, we did all fit.
Copy !req
183. Can't this thing go any faster?
Copy !req
184. We could toss out
some non-essential weight.
Copy !req
185. Oh, right!
Copy !req
186. - Okay, so that was an insult. I get it.
- Big man, lean left!
Copy !req
187. Whoa!
Copy !req
188. Aw, man! Mr. Harris just wiped out
Professor Montgomery! No, no. He's fine.
Copy !req
189. Big man, lean right!
Copy !req
190. Guys?
Is that a cliff up ahead?
Copy !req
191. Oh, no, no, no!
Copy !req
192. - Yup.
- No, no, no!
Copy !req
193. What are you doing?
You're going to kill us all!
Copy !req
194. Shut up and trust me!
Copy !req
195. - It's good to have you back.
- It's good to be back.
Copy !req
196. So, what happened out there?
Where were you?
Copy !req
197. I wish I could tell you.
My head's still pretty scrambled.
Copy !req
198. I was on an alien ship,
but somehow I escaped.
Copy !req
199. It's all a blur.
Copy !req
200. How did you know to come save me
when I crashed?
Copy !req
201. You should come see this.
Copy !req
202. What have you been working on?
I can't explain it, really.
Copy !req
203. After getting booted from the Garrison,
Copy !req
204. I was kind of lost and found myself
drawn out to this place.
Copy !req
205. It's like something... some energy,
was telling me to search.
Copy !req
206. For what?
Copy !req
207. Well, I didn't really know at the time...
until I stumbled across this area.
Copy !req
208. It's an outcropping of giant boulders with
caves covered in these ancient markings.
Copy !req
209. Each tells a slightly different story
about a blue lion,
Copy !req
210. but they all share clues
leading to some event,
Copy !req
211. some arrival happening last night.
Copy !req
212. Then, you showed up.
Copy !req
213. I should thank you all
for getting me out. Lance, right?
Copy !req
214. The nervous guy's Hunk. I'm Pidge.
Copy !req
215. So, did anyone else
from your crew make it out?
Copy !req
216. I'm not sure. I remember the mission
and being captured.
Copy !req
217. After that, it's just bits and pieces.
Copy !req
218. Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back
to the aliens. Where are they now?
Copy !req
219. Are they coming? Are they coming for us?
Where are they at this very moment?
Copy !req
220. I can't really put it together.
I remember the word "Voltron."
Copy !req
221. It's some kind of weapon
they're looking for, but I don't know why.
Copy !req
222. Whatever it is, I think we need
to find it before they do.
Copy !req
223. Well, last night, I was rummaging through
Pidge's stuff, and I found this picture.
Copy !req
224. Look, it's his girlfriend.
Copy !req
225. Hey, give me that!
What were you doing in my stuff?
Copy !req
226. I was looking for a candy bar.
But, then, I started reading his diary.
Copy !req
227. What?
Copy !req
228. I noticed the repeating series of numbers
the aliens are searching for
Copy !req
229. - looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line.
- Frown who?
Copy !req
230. It's a number describing
the emission spectrum of an element,
Copy !req
231. only, this element doesn't exist on Earth.
I thought it might be this Voltron.
Copy !req
232. I think can build a machine to look
for it, like a Voltron Geiger counter.
Copy !req
233. Hunk, you big, gassy genius!
Copy !req
234. It's pretty fascinating, really.
The wavelength looks like this.
Copy !req
235. Give me that!
Copy !req
236. Okay, I admit it. This is super freaky.
Copy !req
237. - I'm getting a reading.
Copy !req
238. Whoa.
Copy !req
239. Whoa.
Copy !req
240. What are these?
Copy !req
241. These are the lion carvings
I was telling you about.
Copy !req
242. They're everywhere around here.
Copy !req
243. Hmm.
Copy !req
244. Whoa. Whoa!
Copy !req
245. What?
Copy !req
246. They've never done that before.
Copy !req
247. They are everywhere.
Copy !req
248. Is this it? Is this the Voltron?
Copy !req
249. It must be.
Copy !req
250. This is what's been causing
all of this crazy energy out here.
Copy !req
251. Looks like there's
a force field around it.
Copy !req
252. Does anyone else get the feeling
this is staring at them?
Copy !req
253. No.
Copy !req
254. Yeah. The eyes are totally following me.
Copy !req
255. I wonder how we get through this.
Copy !req
256. Maybe you just have to knock.
Copy !req
257. - Whoa.
- Whoa.
Copy !req
258. Uh, did everyone just see that?
Copy !req
259. Voltron is a robot.
Voltron is a huge, huge, awesome robot!
Copy !req
260. And this thing is only one part of it!
I wonder where the rest of them are.
Copy !req
261. - This is what they're looking for.
- Incredible.
Copy !req
262. Hmm.
Copy !req
263. Huh. Hmmph. Mmm... hmm.
Copy !req
264. Here we go.
Copy !req
265. Uh? Huh.
Copy !req
266. Whoa.
Copy !req
267. All right! Very nice!
Copy !req
268. Okay, guys, I feel the need to point out,
just so that we're all aware.
Copy !req
269. We are in some kind of
futuristic alien cat head right now.
Copy !req
270. - Whoa. Did you guys just hear that?
- Hear what?
Copy !req
271. I think it's talking to me.
Copy !req
272. Hmm... Um...
Copy !req
273. Okay. Got it. Now, let's try this.
Copy !req
274. You are the worst pilot ever!
Copy !req
275. What in the Sam Hill is that?
Copy !req
276. It appears to be a flying blue lion, sir.
Copy !req
277. - Isn't this awesome?
- Make it stop. Make it stop.
Copy !req
278. I'm not making it do anything.
It's like it's on autopilot.
Copy !req
279. Where are you going?
Copy !req
280. I said it's on autopilot! It says
there's an alien ship approaching Earth.
Copy !req
281. - I think we're supposed to stop it.
- What did it say, exactly?
Copy !req
282. It's not like it's saying words. It's more
like feeding ideas into my brain, kind of.
Copy !req
283. If this thing is the weapon
they're coming for,
Copy !req
284. why don't we just, I don't know, give it
to them? Maybe they'll leave us alone.
Copy !req
285. - Sorry, lion. Nothing personal.
- You don't understand.
Copy !req
286. These monsters spread
like a plague throughout the galaxy,
Copy !req
287. destroying everything in their path.
Copy !req
288. There's no bargaining with them.
They won't stop until everything is dead.
Copy !req
289. Oh. Never mind then.
Copy !req
290. Uh...
Copy !req
291. Holy crow! Is that really an alien ship?
Copy !req
292. They found me.
Copy !req
293. - We've got to get it out of here!
- Hang on!
Copy !req
294. All right. Okay,
I think I know what to do.
Copy !req
295. Be careful, man.
This isn't a simulator.
Copy !req
296. Well, that's good.
I always wreck the simulator.
Copy !req
297. Let's try this.
Copy !req
298. Nice job, Lance.
Copy !req
299. I think it's time to get
these guys away from our planet.
Copy !req
300. Lord Zarkon, the escaped prisoner
and his people found the lion.
Copy !req
301. It attacked us
and is heading out of the system.
Copy !req
302. Follow that lion and alert all ships
in the area to intercept.
Copy !req
303. Capturing that lion
is your first and only priority.
Copy !req
304. Yes, Your Majesty.
Full power after the lion!
Copy !req
305. Oh, no!
They're gaining on us.
Copy !req
306. It's weird. They're not trying
to shoot us. They're just chasing.
Copy !req
307. Okay, seriously, now we think
having aliens follow us is good?
Copy !req
308. I am not on board
with this new direction, guys.
Copy !req
309. Where are we?
Copy !req
310. Edge of the solar system.
There's Kerberos.
Copy !req
311. It takes months for our ships
to get out this far.
Copy !req
312. We got out here in five seconds.
Copy !req
313. What is that?
Copy !req
314. This may seem crazy, but I think
the lion wants us to go through there.
Copy !req
315. - Where does it go?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
316. Shiro, you're the senior officer here.
What should we do?
Copy !req
317. Whatever is happening,
the lion knows more than we do.
Copy !req
318. I say we trust it, but we're a team now.
We should decide together.
Copy !req
319. All right. Guess we're all
ditching class tomorrow.
Copy !req
320. Whoa. That was...
Copy !req
321. - So sorry.
- I'm just surprised it took this long.
Copy !req
322. I don't recognize
any of these constellations.
Copy !req
323. We must be a long,
long way from Earth.
Copy !req
324. The lion seems to want
to go to this planet. I think...
Copy !req
325. I think it's going home.
Copy !req
326. Guys, personal space.
Hunk, your breath is killing me.
Copy !req
327. Um, is it just me or is anyone else
having second thoughts
Copy !req
328. about flying through
a mysterious wormhole?
Copy !req
329. Why are we listening
to a robotic lion anyway?
Copy !req
330. It got us away
from that alien warship, didn't it?
Copy !req
331. I don't know if you noticed,
but we're in an alien warship.
Copy !req
332. - Oh, are you scared?
- With you at the helm? Terrified.
Copy !req
333. All right, knock it off.
Copy !req
334. No one's happy to be in this situation,
but we're here now.
Copy !req
335. If we want to get through this,
we've got to do it together.
Copy !req
336. So, what do we do?
Copy !req
337. First, we find out where we're headed.
Copy !req
338. Lance?
Copy !req
339. I don't know.
Copy !req
340. I'm sorry. The lion's not talking to me
anymore. Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Shh!
Copy !req
341. Listen. I think I hear something.
Copy !req
342. - I'm hearing it, too.
Copy !req
343. It's, uh— It's kind of a—
a high-pitched squeal?
Copy !req
344. Come on, Lance!
Copy !req
345. But seriously,
there's a castle up ahead.
Copy !req
346. Wow.
Copy !req
347. - Keep your guard up.
- Something wrong?
Copy !req
348. My crew was captured by aliens once.
I'm not going to let it happen again.
Copy !req
349. No! I knew it was going to eat us! No!
Copy !req
350. Oh, the door is open.
Guess I was wrong about you.
Copy !req
351. Hello?
Copy !req
352. From the size of the lion,
I expected these steps to be bigger.
Copy !req
353. Hold for identity scan.
Copy !req
354. What?
Copy !req
355. Why are we here?
What do you want with us?
Copy !req
356. Whoa!
Copy !req
357. I guess we're going that way.
Copy !req
358. Hello?
Copy !req
359. Hello?
Copy !req
360. Hello?
Where are we?
Copy !req
361. It's some kind of control room.
Copy !req
362. Are these guys... dead?
Copy !req
363. Father!
Copy !req
364. Hello.
Copy !req
365. Who are you? Where am I?
Copy !req
366. I'm Lance.
And you're right here in my arms.
Copy !req
367. Your ears.
Copy !req
368. Yeah?
Copy !req
369. They're hideous.
What's wrong with them?
Copy !req
370. Nothing's wrong with them!
Copy !req
371. They heard exactly what you said
about them!
Copy !req
372. Who are you? Where is King Alfor?
What are you doing in my castle?
Copy !req
373. A giant blue lion brought us here.
That's all we know.
Copy !req
374. How do you have the Blue Lion?
What happened to its paladin?
Copy !req
375. What are you all doing here? Unless...
Copy !req
376. - How long has it been?
- We don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
377. Why don't you tell us who you are?
Maybe we can help.
Copy !req
378. I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea.
Copy !req
379. I've got to find out where we are
and how long we've been asleep.
Copy !req
380. Okay, that's how that works.
Copy !req
381. Enemy combatants!
Copy !req
382. Quiznak! You're lucky I have a case
of the old "sleep chamber knees."
Copy !req
383. Otherwise, I'd grab your head like this,
wrap you up like so—
Copy !req
384. One, two, three—
Sleepy time!
Copy !req
385. Well, before you did that, I'd—
Copy !req
386. Like that.
Copy !req
387. Really? How could you do that
when I've already come at you with this?
Copy !req
388. Ha, ha, ha, hey!
Copy !req
389. - Man, these guys are good.
Copy !req
390. It can't be.
Copy !req
391. - What is it?
- We've been asleep for 10,000 years.
Copy !req
392. Zarkon.
Copy !req
393. Your fleet has been destroyed, Alfor.
I will be there shortly to claim Voltron.
Copy !req
394. Father, we must form Voltron
and fight before it's too late!
Copy !req
395. It's already too late.
We must send the lions away.
Copy !req
396. We can't risk them
falling into Zarkon's hands.
Copy !req
397. - We can't give up hope!
- I'm sorry, daughter.
Copy !req
398. If all goes well,
I will see you again soon.
Copy !req
399. - Father!
- I love you.
Copy !req
400. Planet Altea and all of the planets
in our solar system have been destroyed.
Copy !req
401. Coran, Father is gone.
Our entire civilization...
Copy !req
402. Zarkon.
Copy !req
403. Zarkon?
Copy !req
404. He was the King of the Galra.
Copy !req
405. A vile creature
and enemy to all free people.
Copy !req
406. I remember now...
I was his prisoner.
Copy !req
407. He's still alive? Impossible!
Copy !req
408. I can't explain it, but it's true.
Copy !req
409. He's searching
for a super weapon called Voltron.
Copy !req
410. He's searching for it because he knows
it's the only thing that can defeat him,
Copy !req
411. and that's exactly
why we must find it before he does.
Copy !req
412. Ah...
Copy !req
413. The Blue Lion has returned, and now
I feel a resurgence of Altean energy.
Copy !req
414. Alfor's daughter lives? How?
Copy !req
415. I know not, but it is time to reclaim
what is rightfully ours.
Copy !req
416. Yes. I shall wipe that foul race
from the universe forever
Copy !req
417. and take back Voltron.
Copy !req
418. Contact my commanders.
Copy !req
419. Emperor Zarkon requests an audience.
Copy !req
420. Commander Sendak, the Princess of Altea
is alive and hiding in your sector.
Copy !req
421. We believe she alone holds
the whereabouts of the remaining lions.
Copy !req
422. Your battle fleet
is the closest to her location.
Copy !req
423. Retrieve her and the lions.
Copy !req
424. With them all,
the Galra Empire will be unstoppable.
Copy !req
425. I fight for the empire.
I conquer in the name of Galra.
Copy !req
426. No foe has ever stood in my way
and none ever will.
Copy !req
427. Vrepit sa!
Copy !req
428. Set a course for Arus.
Copy !req
429. Princess, you must eat.
It's been 10,000 years.
Copy !req
430. I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
431. Man, 10,000 years?
That's like one thousand plus ten.
Copy !req
432. - That's times ten.
- Whatever, dropout.
Copy !req
433. I haven't eaten since breakfast
and I'm starving.
Copy !req
434. Yeah, but you've thrown up,
like, five times.
Copy !req
435. Hmm, good point.
Copy !req
436. I can't believe your civilization created
such advanced technology 10,000 years ago.
Copy !req
437. - It must have been an incredible place.
Copy !req
438. Yes, it was... but now it is gone
and we're the last Alteans alive.
Copy !req
439. Looks like we're not the last, after all.
Copy !req
440. A Galra battleship
has set its tracker to us!
Copy !req
441. How did they find us?
Copy !req
442. I'm not sure,
but I bet it's Keith's fault.
Copy !req
443. Say whatever you've got to say
to make yourself feel better.
Copy !req
444. After getting us stuck
on the other side of a wormhole!
Copy !req
445. I'll stick you in a wormhole!
Copy !req
446. Stow it, cadets!
This is no time to place blame.
Copy !req
447. It's time to work as a team.
How long before they arrive?
Copy !req
448. At their speed? Oh, well, carry the two...
I'd say probably a couple of days.
Copy !req
449. Good. Let them come!
Copy !req
450. By the time they get here,
you five will have reformed Voltron,
Copy !req
451. and together, we will destroy
Zarkon's empire!
Copy !req
452. Sorry. Food goo.
Copy !req
453. Princess, there are five of these lions.
How are we going to find the rest?
Copy !req
454. King Alfor connected the lions
to Allura's life force.
Copy !req
455. She alone is the key
to the lions' whereabouts.
Copy !req
456. Whoa!
Copy !req
457. These are coordinates.
Copy !req
458. The Black Lion looks like it's in
the same location as the Blue Lion.
Copy !req
459. Look at your primitive synapses
firing away in their little brain cage.
Copy !req
460. Very observant. That's because
the Black Lion is in the castle.
Copy !req
461. To keep the Black Lion
out of Zarkon's hands,
Copy !req
462. King Alfor locked it in the castle.
Copy !req
463. It can only be freed
if the other four lions are present.
Copy !req
464. As you have found,
the lions choose their pilots.
Copy !req
465. It is a mystical bond
and cannot be forced.
Copy !req
466. The quintessence of the pilot
is mirrored in his lion.
Copy !req
467. Together, they form something greater
than science can explain.
Copy !req
468. The Black Lion
is the decisive head of Voltron.
Copy !req
469. It will take a pilot who is a born leader
and in control at all times,
Copy !req
470. someone whose men will follow
without hesitation.
Copy !req
471. That is why, Shiro,
you will pilot the Black Lion.
Copy !req
472. The Green Lion has
an inquisitive personality
Copy !req
473. and needs a pilot
of intellect and daring.
Copy !req
474. Pidge, you will pilot the Green Lion.
Copy !req
475. The Blue Lion—
Copy !req
476. Hold up, let me guess. Takes the most
handsome slash best pilot of the bunch?
Copy !req
477. The Yellow Lion is caring and kind.
Copy !req
478. Its pilot is one who puts
the needs of others above his own.
Copy !req
479. His heart must be mighty.
Copy !req
480. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift
the team up and hold them together.
Copy !req
481. The Red Lion is temperamental
and the most difficult to master.
Copy !req
482. It's faster and more agile
than the others, but also more unstable.
Copy !req
483. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies
more on instincts than skill alone.
Copy !req
484. Keith, you will fly the Red Lion.
Copy !req
485. What? This guy?
Copy !req
486. Unfortunately, I cannot locate
the Red Lion's coordinates yet.
Copy !req
487. There must be something wrong
with the castle.
Copy !req
488. After 10,000 years,
it might need some work.
Copy !req
489. Don't worry, we'll find it soon.
Copy !req
490. They don't call me
"The Coranic" for nothing.
Copy !req
491. It's because it sounds like "mechanic."
So... Coranic, mechanic.
Copy !req
492. It's not— It doesn't sound...
exactly like it. It's similar.
Copy !req
493. Once all the lions are united,
you will form Voltron,
Copy !req
494. the most powerful warrior ever known,
the Defender of the Universe.
Copy !req
495. Awesome!
Copy !req
496. Oh...
Copy !req
497. Wait. Okay, we're going to be in there
and flying lions. Got that part.
Copy !req
498. How do lions turn into legs?
Is this going to be a long trip?
Copy !req
499. I have to pee. Do you people pee?
Copy !req
500. We don't have much time.
Pidge and I will go after the Green Lion.
Copy !req
501. Lance, you take Hunk
and get the yellow one.
Copy !req
502. Keith, you stay here.
If you locate that Red Lion, go get it.
Copy !req
503. In the meantime,
I'll get this castle's defenses ready.
Copy !req
504. They'll be sorely needed.
Copy !req
505. I'll ready a pod and load the coordinates
so that you can reach the Green Lion.
Copy !req
506. We can only keep the wormholes
that lead to the other lions
Copy !req
507. open for two of your Earth hours, so
you'll have to be quick about your work.
Copy !req
508. The good news
is that according to my readings,
Copy !req
509. both planets are relatively peaceful.
Copy !req
510. So, if you do get stuck,
they could be relaxing places
Copy !req
511. to live out the rest of your lives.
Copy !req
512. - Enjoy the trip!
Wait! What? No!
Copy !req
513. I did not receive the memo on this.
Copy !req
514. Look!
Copy !req
515. - It's just a...
Copy !req
516. whatever that thing is.
Copy !req
517. I... I think he wants us
to get in his canoe.
Copy !req
518. - Then I guess we should go.
- Huh.
Copy !req
519. I've been locked up by aliens for a year.
This is nothing.
Copy !req
520. I wonder if Hunk and Lance are having
as good a time as us.
Copy !req
521. Oh, no! No, no, no! Oh! Oh, no!
Copy !req
522. I thought Coran said
these planets were peaceful!
Copy !req
523. Maybe "peaceful" means
something else in Altean!
Copy !req
524. According to the coordinates,
we're right on top of the Yellow Lion.
Copy !req
525. It's below there,
where they're mining for the ore.
Copy !req
526. They don't even know the lion is there.
Copy !req
527. Or maybe they just got here
and they're digging for the lion?
Copy !req
528. - What do you think, Lance?
- Who cares? Just go get it!
Copy !req
529. - I'm dropping you down there.
- Me? Down there? No. No, no, no.
Copy !req
530. Yes, I'll cover you!
Copy !req
531. What if the Yellow Lion doesn't work?
What if I can't get in the mine?
Copy !req
532. What if I start crying?
Too late. I'm already crying!
Copy !req
533. Sorry, no time for questions.
Copy !req
534. Yeah, sure, just drop me off
in an alien planet. That's cool, man.
Copy !req
535. It's only occupied by mean purple aliens
that want to kill me, but whatever.
Copy !req
536. Just ignore them and go connect
with a big, yellow, mechanical cat.
Copy !req
537. Easy-peasy. Yeah.
Copy !req
538. - That all makes a ton of sense to me.
Copy !req
539. Cool.
Copy !req
540. Okay, I'm in a giant hole.
Now what, Hunk?
Copy !req
541. Huh?
Copy !req
542. Whoa. Pretty.
Copy !req
543. How am I going to get through that?
Hmm? Hmm...
Copy !req
544. Oh, no!
Copy !req
545. Hunk!
Copy !req
546. I know the Princess said this is supposed
to be my lion, but what if she's wrong?
Copy !req
547. She's probably not wrong.
She's a princess,
Copy !req
548. but I'm not a pilot, even though
I've always wanted to be a pilot.
Copy !req
549. I read all the fighter manuals,
but never got to fly the simulator.
Copy !req
550. But I can't be that worse than Lance.
He crashed all the time.
Copy !req
551. What if I get in there
and it doesn't respond?
Copy !req
552. What if I get in there and it's too big
and my feet don't touch the pedals?
Copy !req
553. - What if there aren't even pedals?
- You're rambling. Listen...
Copy !req
554. Our commander on the Kerberos Mission
is the smartest man I ever met,
Copy !req
555. and he always said, "If you get
too worried about what could go wrong,
Copy !req
556. you might miss a chance
to do something great."
Copy !req
557. Go. Be great.
Copy !req
558. Uh?
Copy !req
559. - Uh?
Copy !req
560. Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
561. Hunk, come on! Please, buddy!
Copy !req
562. Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
Going down! We're going down!
Copy !req
563. Oh, no.
Copy !req
564. You okay, Lance?
Copy !req
565. Hunk! I thought you were dead! You jumped
in front of those shots to save my life!
Copy !req
566. Actually, I was trying
to get out of the way.
Copy !req
567. Thankfully, what this lacks in speed,
it more than makes up for in armor.
Copy !req
568. Man, can it take a beating! Ooh.
Copy !req
569. We've got incoming!
Copy !req
570. Paladins, please hurry back.
I can't hold the wormhole much longer.
Copy !req
571. Let's get out of here!
Copy !req
572. Not this again.
Copy !req
573. Quit screwing around, Hunk!
The wormhole is closing!
Copy !req
574. You made it.
Copy !req
575. Yeah, just barely.
That was a nightmare.
Copy !req
576. I almost puked out there.
I felt like Hunk!
Copy !req
577. Think how I felt. I am Hunk.
Copy !req
578. Yeah. We had a tough time, too.
Copy !req
579. Did we find the Red Lion yet?
Copy !req
580. Allura just located it.
There's a bit of good news and bad news.
Copy !req
581. The good news is,
the Red Lion's nearby.
Copy !req
582. The bad news is, it's on board
that Galra ship now orbiting Arus.
Copy !req
583. But wait, good news again.
We're Arus!
Copy !req
584. They're here already?
Copy !req
585. Yes. Guess my calculations
were a bit off.
Copy !req
586. Finger counting— It's more of an art
than a science. Hmm?
Copy !req
587. Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak
of the Galra Empire.
Copy !req
588. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon,
Lord of the Known Universe.
Copy !req
589. I am here to confiscate the lions.
Copy !req
590. Turn them over to me,
or I will destroy your planet.
Copy !req
591. All right, let's not panic.
Copy !req
592. Not panic? The scary purple alien thing
is driving his battleship toward us.
Copy !req
593. - We only have four lions.
- Technically, only three working lions.
Copy !req
594. That's right. Thank you, Pidge.
Copy !req
595. Three working lions and a castle
that's, like, 10,000 years old.
Copy !req
596. Actually, it's 10,600 years old.
You see, it was built by my grandfather—
Copy !req
597. Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that.
See? Now is the perfect time to panic!
Copy !req
598. Wait! This castle has a particle barrier
we can activate.
Copy !req
599. Girl, you've already activated my par—
Copy !req
600. Lance!
Copy !req
601. The particle barrier won't hold
Sendak's ion cannon forever.
Copy !req
602. The Galra technology must have advanced
since we fought them last.
Copy !req
603. Panic now?
Copy !req
604. No. We've just got to figure out our plan
of action, and figure it out quickly.
Copy !req
605. I say we pop through a wormhole
and live to fight another day.
Copy !req
606. I second that. Yes.
We tried to find all the lions, right?
Copy !req
607. We gave it the old college try.
Couldn't do it.
Copy !req
608. We only have three.
We can't form Voltron.
Copy !req
609. I guess we could form a snake.
Or a worm!
Copy !req
610. To go through that hole, Lance,
that you were talking about.
Copy !req
611. Then, it's settled.
Copy !req
612. Allura, you ride with me.
One of you take the old guy.
Copy !req
613. We can't just abandon Arus.
Copy !req
614. The Galra will keep destroying planets
and capturing prisoners
Copy !req
615. until we stop them.
Copy !req
616. Okay. If we run, then maybe Sendak will
follow us and leave this planet alone,
Copy !req
617. like when we left Earth.
Copy !req
618. We form the snake-worm thingamajig
and we— out of here.
Copy !req
619. Sendak could destroy the planet
then come after us anyway.
Copy !req
620. Staying is our only option.
Copy !req
621. Here's an option: shut your quiznak.
Copy !req
622. I don't think you're using
that word correctly.
Copy !req
623. What do you know, Mullet?
Copy !req
624. - We're staying.
- Leaving!
Copy !req
625. - Staying!
- Snake!
Copy !req
626. Guys, stop!
Copy !req
627. Princess Allura, these are your lions.
You've dealt with the Galra Empire before.
Copy !req
628. You know what we're facing
better than any of us.
Copy !req
629. What do you think
is the best course of action?
Copy !req
630. I... I don't know.
Copy !req
631. Perhaps your father can help.
Copy !req
632. My father?
Copy !req
633. Coran, what is this?
Copy !req
634. King Alfor knew there was a chance
he might never see you again.
Copy !req
635. So, his memories, his very being,
were stored in this computer for you.
Copy !req
636. Father!
Copy !req
637. Father, it is so good to see you.
Copy !req
638. Allura, my only child,
how I've missed your face.
Copy !req
639. I'm so frightened.
Copy !req
640. A Galra ship is set to attack,
and I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
641. Please, Father, I need your help.
Copy !req
642. I would do anything
to take this burden from you.
Copy !req
643. I don't know if we should run
to preserve what we have
Copy !req
644. or stay and risk everything.
Copy !req
645. I want to fight,
but the paladins of old are gone.
Copy !req
646. I know what you would do.
Copy !req
647. I scattered the Lions of Voltron
to keep them out of Zarkon's hands.
Copy !req
648. You urged me to keep them and fight,
Copy !req
649. but, for the greater good
of protecting the universe,
Copy !req
650. I chose to hide them.
Copy !req
651. I think I understand.
Copy !req
652. No, daughter, you were right.
Copy !req
653. I made a terrible mistake,
Copy !req
654. one that cost the universe
countless lives.
Copy !req
655. Forming Voltron
is the only way to stop Zarkon.
Copy !req
656. You must be willing
to sacrifice everything
Copy !req
657. to assemble the lions
and correct my error.
Copy !req
658. You five paladins were
brought here for a reason.
Copy !req
659. The Voltron Lions are meant to be
piloted by you and you alone.
Copy !req
660. We must fight and keep fighting
until we defeat Zarkon.
Copy !req
661. It is our destiny.
Copy !req
662. Voltron is the universe's only hope.
Copy !req
663. We are the universe's only hope.
Copy !req
664. We're with you, Princess.
Copy !req
665. Your suits of armor.
Copy !req
666. - Cool!
- Outstanding.
Copy !req
667. - Nice.
- Oh, neat!
Copy !req
668. Hmm...
Copy !req
669. Mmm... hmm.
Copy !req
670. Princess, are you sure about this?
Copy !req
671. They aren't exactly the best and brightest
the universe has to offer.
Copy !req
672. No, but they're all we've got.
Copy !req
673. Boys, it's time to suit up!
Copy !req
674. The bayard is the traditional weapon
of the Paladins of Voltron.
Copy !req
675. It takes a distinct shape
for each paladin.
Copy !req
676. Whoo!
Copy !req
677. Aw, you got a cute little bayard.
Copy !req
678. - Yeah, it is pretty cute.
Copy !req
679. Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard
was lost with its paladin.
Copy !req
680. I guess I'll just have to make do.
Copy !req
681. You'll need to retrieve
the Red Lion from Sendak's ship.
Copy !req
682. That's a pretty big ship. How are we
gonna know where the Red Lion is?
Copy !req
683. It's not a matter of "we."
It's a matter of "you."
Copy !req
684. Pidge is right. Once we get you in,
Copy !req
685. you'll be able to feel its presence
and track it down.
Copy !req
686. Yeah. You know how you felt that
crazy energy while we were in the desert?
Copy !req
687. Yeah. You made fun of me for that.
Copy !req
688. And I'm proud of that, but turns out
it's exactly like that mumbo-jumbo.
Copy !req
689. Keith, remember, the Red Lion
is extremely temperamental.
Copy !req
690. You'll have to earn its respect.
Copy !req
691. All right. Here's our plan of attack.
Copy !req
692. The Galra Empire knows
about the Blue and Yellow Lion,
Copy !req
693. but they don't know
we have the Green Lion, too.
Copy !req
694. Hunk, Lance, you'll act as a decoy
by pretending to give yourselves up.
Copy !req
695. Attention, Galra ship. Do not fire.
We're surrendering our lions.
Copy !req
696. Hope this works.
Copy !req
697. While Sendak is distracted,
Copy !req
698. Keith, Pidge, and I will sneak
onto the ship in the Green Lion.
Copy !req
699. Keith and I will find the Red Lion
while Pidge guards our exit.
Copy !req
700. Hunk, Lance, find some way
to take down that ion cannon.
Copy !req
701. Pidge, what's your ETA?
Copy !req
702. We're in.
Copy !req
703. Activate tractor beam.
Copy !req
704. What's that thing?
Copy !req
705. I think that's our signal
to get out of here!
Copy !req
706. They lied to us. Launch fighters!
Copy !req
707. Hunk, you dismantle the ion cannon
while I take these jerks on a space ride!
Copy !req
708. Ten-four!
Copy !req
709. I've been here before.
Copy !req
710. After I was taken by the Galra cruiser
off Kerberos, they brought us here.
Copy !req
711. So, that means your other crewmembers,
they might be held captive here.
Copy !req
712. We... We've got to rescue them.
Copy !req
713. Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get
the Red Lion and get back to Arus.
Copy !req
714. But we can't just leave prisoners here!
Copy !req
715. Look, no one understands that
more than me,
Copy !req
716. but, in war, we have
to make hard choices.
Copy !req
717. Now, let's get moving.
Copy !req
718. No!
Copy !req
719. Commander Holt is my father.
Copy !req
720. He and my brother were the ones
on the Kerberos Mission with you.
Copy !req
721. Commander Holt is your father?
Copy !req
722. Yes. I've been searching everywhere
for him and my brother.
Copy !req
723. And I'm not going to give up looking
when I'm this close. I won't!
Copy !req
724. I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
725. What?
Copy !req
726. I remember where the prisoners are held.
Keith, you go find the Red Lion.
Copy !req
727. By myself?
Copy !req
728. Minor change of plans. You'll be fine.
Copy !req
729. Just remember, patience yields focus.
Copy !req
730. - So— Run!
Copy !req
731. Great. Now, which way?
Copy !req
732. What the quiznak?
What is that? A force field?
Copy !req
733. Particle barrier up!
Copy !req
734. Is that what's supposed to happen?
Copy !req
735. All the barrier crystals
are out of alignment.
Copy !req
736. We have to fix it immediately.
Copy !req
737. Without the particle barrier,
we'll be defenseless.
Copy !req
738. We're both too big. What can we do?
Copy !req
739. - The mice!
- How do they know how to do this?
Copy !req
740. I can hear them talking to me.
I think our minds are connected.
Copy !req
741. It must be from sharing
the sleep pod for 10,000 years.
Copy !req
742. - Thank you, friends.
Copy !req
743. Coran, what are you doing?
Copy !req
744. I'm trying to get them
to make me a sandwich.
Copy !req
745. You've got to be kidding me!
Copy !req
746. Patience yields focus.
Copy !req
747. Gotcha.
Copy !req
748. Huh?
Copy !req
749. That thing saw us.
We should get out of here.
Copy !req
750. Wait. I think this might come in handy.
Copy !req
751. Now, I'll just reset the controls...
Copy !req
752. and it's working for us.
Copy !req
753. I'm going to call you "Rover."
Follow me!
Copy !req
754. Open up.
Copy !req
755. Excellent, Pidge.
Copy !req
756. Dad?
Copy !req
757. Don't be afraid.
We're here to help you escape.
Copy !req
758. It's you... It's you, the Champion.
Copy !req
759. If anyone can get us out of here, he can.
Copy !req
760. - Wh... What did you call me?
- We don't have much time.
Copy !req
761. - Let's get to the escape pods.
- Let's go. Come on!
Copy !req
762. Whoa-ho-ho! Yeah, buddy! This is
way more fun without Hunk's barfing!
Copy !req
763. Bingo.
Copy !req
764. Let's get out of here. Open up.
Copy !req
765. It's me. Keith. Your buddy.
Copy !req
766. It's me!
Copy !req
767. Keith, your—
Copy !req
768. I am your paladin!
Copy !req
769. I'm bonding with you!
Copy !req
770. Hey! Come on! We're connected!
Copy !req
771. You're not getting this lion!
Copy !req
772. Good kitty. Let's roll.
Copy !req
773. Hurry!
Copy !req
774. Shiro, what's wrong?
Copy !req
775. Thank you, Shiro.
Copy !req
776. Wait! How do you...?
Copy !req
777. Shiro, that was amazing!
Where did you learn to fight with that?
Copy !req
778. No idea.
Copy !req
779. Come on, just break, you stupid thing!
Copy !req
780. Score one for Hunk!
Copy !req
781. You guys made it!
Copy !req
782. - Kitty Rose has left the stage!
- Let's get the heck out of here!
Copy !req
783. I hope I stopped that cannon.
I could barely make a dent in it.
Copy !req
784. - They stole the Red Lion!
- After them!
Copy !req
785. Either we get those lions or we blow
this whole planet to cosmic dust!
Copy !req
786. Fire the ion cannon!
Copy !req
787. Sir, the ion cannon has been damaged.
Copy !req
788. Then, send the drones to fix it!
Copy !req
789. - Oh...
Copy !req
790. - Huh?
Copy !req
791. Oh, quiznak!
Copy !req
792. Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere.
We need Voltron now!
Copy !req
793. The ion cannon is back online!
Copy !req
794. Fire!
Copy !req
795. Man, those Galra guys
repair things fast.
Copy !req
796. The barrier gets weaker
with every blast.
Copy !req
797. Once that shield goes down,
the castle will be defenseless.
Copy !req
798. I can give you cover
with the castle defenses for a while,
Copy !req
799. but you have to form Voltron now
or we'll all be destroyed!
Copy !req
800. Jeez, no pressure.
Copy !req
801. Listen up, Team Voltron! The only way
to succeed is to give it all you've got!
Copy !req
802. This looks bad, but we can do this!
Are you with me?
Copy !req
803. - I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?
- Yes.
Copy !req
804. Let's do this!
Copy !req
805. Uh, how?
Copy !req
806. Good question. Does anyone have
any ideas of how to form Voltron?
Copy !req
807. I don't see
a "combine into giant robot" button
Copy !req
808. anywhere on my dashboard.
Copy !req
809. This is insane!
Copy !req
810. Can't they just cease fire for one minute
so we can figure this out?
Copy !req
811. Is that too much to ask?
Copy !req
812. We've got to do something.
Copy !req
813. Combine!
Copy !req
814. Hey!
- Okay, that didn't work.
Copy !req
815. Quickly, Paladins!
Our energy levels are getting low!
Copy !req
816. Maybe if we fly in formation,
we'll just combine.
Copy !req
817. Take off on my cue.
Copy !req
818. One, two, three, Voltron!
Copy !req
819. Here we go!
Come on, come on!
Copy !req
820. Nothing's happening.
Copy !req
821. Hey, wait, wait, wait!
I feel something!
Copy !req
822. I do, too. I feel it. It's like we're all
being pulled in the same direction!
Copy !req
823. Uh, guys, I think I know why. Look up.
Copy !req
824. What the cheese?
Copy !req
825. Sendak's ship
is sucking us in like a black hole!
Copy !req
826. Send a report to Emperor Zarkon:
"The day is ours."
Copy !req
827. Oh, no!
Copy !req
828. I don't care what you say, Shiro.
I'm panicking now!
Copy !req
829. It can't end here!
This is it!
Copy !req
830. It's been an honor
flying with you boys.
Copy !req
831. Oh, no!
Copy !req
832. No! We can do this.
We have to believe in ourselves.
Copy !req
833. We can't give up.
We are the universe's only hope.
Copy !req
834. Everyone is relying on us.
We can't fail! We won't fail!
Copy !req
835. If we work together, we'll win together!
Copy !req
836. Yeah!
Copy !req
837. Voltron!
Copy !req
838. - I can't believe it!
- We formed Voltron!
Copy !req
839. - I'm a leg!
- How are we doing this?
Copy !req
840. I don't know,
but let's get that cannon!
Copy !req
841. Good work, Paladins!
Copy !req
842. - Thanks, pretty lady.
- We did it.
Copy !req
843. - Heck yeah, we did.
- How did we do it?
Copy !req
844. I was just, like, screaming
the whole time. Maybe that did it.
Copy !req
845. We're not going to stop searching
until we find your brother and father.
Copy !req
846. Wherever they are,
I know they'd be proud of you.
Copy !req
847. We won the battle,
but the war has only just begun.
Copy !req
848. I'm afraid Zarkon will not stop
until he gets these lions.
Copy !req
849. Good thing you paladins know
what you're doing,
Copy !req
850. because you're going to have
to form Voltron again and again.
Copy !req
851. Totally. Wait, what?
Copy !req
852. We barely survived
forming Voltron this one time.
Copy !req
853. And you only had to fight one ship.
Copy !req
854. Wait until you have to fight
a whole fleet of them!
Copy !req
855. It's not going to be easy
being the Defenders of the Universe.
Copy !req
856. Defenders of the Universe, huh?
That's got a nice ring to it.
Copy !req