1. Miriam.
Copy !req
2. Go away, Richard!
Copy !req
3. Hey, hey, I just
want to talk to you.
Copy !req
4. I already told the police
Copy !req
5. it was you who ran over
the little boy.
Copy !req
6. - You already told the police?
- Yes!
Copy !req
7. Stay away, Richard!
Copy !req
8. Tell anybody else?
Copy !req
9. No.
Copy !req
10. But I don't know
why you're not arrested,
Copy !req
11. so I also wrote a letter.
Copy !req
12. What do you mean, a letter?
Copy !req
13. I wrote a letter
to the sheriff,
Copy !req
14. Sheriff Truman,
and mailed it,
Copy !req
15. telling him
everything I know,
Copy !req
16. and I told him
if anything happens to me,
Copy !req
17. it was you who did it,
so... there!
Copy !req
18. Sent that letter today?
Copy !req
19. That's right.
Copy !req
20. Come here!
Copy !req
21. Come here!
Come here!
Copy !req
22. - Come here!
Copy !req
23. Shut up!
Copy !req
24. - Chad.
- What's up?
Copy !req
25. Listen,
that little bitch Miriam
Copy !req
26. sent a letter
to the sheriff today.
Copy !req
27. You got to intercept
that motherfucker.
Copy !req
28. Oh, that ain't gonna be
real easy, Richard.
Copy !req
29. What a pussy you are!
Copy !req
30. Don't let that fucking letter
get to the sheriff,
Copy !req
31. you chickenshit,
or I'll fuck you up bad.
Copy !req
32. You're asking
a lot there, pal.
Copy !req
33. I'll try.
Copy !req
34. You do more than try,
fuck face.
Copy !req
35. I'm taking off.
Copy !req
36. Fuck!
Copy !req
37. I will throw all of this shit
out the window.
Copy !req
38. Quit fucking speaking to me,
Copy !req
39. and what I do
or don't fucking do
Copy !req
40. doesn't concern you.
Copy !req
41. It's a fucking nightmare.
Copy !req
42. I don't tell you shit
Copy !req
43. like why the fuck
you don't ask for a raise.
Copy !req
44. How much money do you make,
Copy !req
45. You barely make minimum wage!
Copy !req
46. We can't even afford
this shit hole.
Copy !req
47. I don't tell you to clean
this fucking place up!
Copy !req
48. - Don't you fucking move.
- Ah!
Copy !req
49. - Don't you fucking...
Copy !req
50. Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Copy !req
51. Don't you give me
that fucking innocent look.
Copy !req
52. I know exactly
what you did.
Copy !req
53. Exactly what you did.
Copy !req
54. You fuck...
Ah, shit...
Copy !req
55. - Ah!
Copy !req
56. - Oh!
Copy !req
57. - I've hurt you!
- Candie!
Copy !req
58. What happened?
What happened?
Copy !req
59. I'm so sorry!
I'm sorry!
Copy !req
60. Jesus!
Rodney, let me see that.
Copy !req
61. - It's all right!
- Let me see this.
Copy !req
62. - Candie!
Copy !req
63. What the fuck did you do,
Copy !req
64. - Get off. Get off!
- Keep off of me!
Copy !req
65. - Candie! What the...
Copy !req
66. - Jesus Christ.
- Easy. Easy.
Copy !req
67. It's all right.
It's all right.
Copy !req
68. - It's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
69. Ah, it's bleeding a little bit.
Copy !req
70. Is it all right?
Is it bleeding?
Copy !req
71. I got blood.
Is it bleeding?
Copy !req
72. Get away, Candie!
Candie! Candie!
Copy !req
73. Candie! Candie, let—
Copy !req
74. Dougie, have a seat.
Copy !req
75. All right.
Copy !req
76. I'll, uh, examine you
standing up.
Copy !req
77. Anyway, as I told you, Dr. Ben,
it started last week
Copy !req
78. when Dougie disappeared
for three days.
Copy !req
79. He missed Sonny Jim's
birthday party,
Copy !req
80. which we'd been planning
for six months,
Copy !req
81. and then he shows up
straight from the casino.
Copy !req
82. You know about
his gambling problems
Copy !req
83. and then the drinking,
Copy !req
84. and the drinking feeds
the gambling
Copy !req
85. and vice versa,
and the whole thing
Copy !req
86. is just a downward spiral.
Copy !req
87. Dougie, have you
been exercising?
Copy !req
88. Exercising.
Copy !req
89. You have lost a good amount
of weight, also.
Copy !req
90. - Also.
- Go on.
Copy !req
91. Well, he's just...
I don't know...
Copy !req
92. acting peculiar.
Copy !req
93. Peeee-culiar.
Copy !req
94. Uh, no, no, no.
Dougie, I got to listen here.
Copy !req
95. Dougie.
Copy !req
96. Listen.
No, Dougie. Dougie.
Copy !req
97. Okay.
Copy !req
98. Well...
Copy !req
99. Dougie, your heart and lungs
sound fantastic,
Copy !req
100. so let's check
your blood pressure.
Copy !req
101. How much weight has he lost?
Copy !req
102. I-I-I think he's lost
a lot of weight.
Copy !req
103. In a good way.
Copy !req
104. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
105. Dougie, last time I saw you,
you were quite overweight.
Copy !req
106. - Weight?
- Yes.
Copy !req
107. Overweight and, uh,
headed for trouble.
Copy !req
108. One ten over 70.
Copy !req
109. Perfect.
Copy !req
110. Remarkable.
Copy !req
111. Remarkable.
Copy !req
112. Candie.
Candie, I'm fine.
Copy !req
113. I-I'm okay.
Copy !req
114. - Paul, where do we go next?
- Roll the dice, Sheena.
Copy !req
115. - Local news!
- Well, in local news,
Copy !req
116. major excitement
at a downtown hotel today...
Copy !req
117. Brad. Brad!
Copy !req
118. - Huh?
- They got Ike.
Copy !req
119. "The Spike" Stadtler.
Copy !req
120. No shit.
Copy !req
121. That asshole.
Copy !req
122. Ike finally stepped
on his dick.
Copy !req
123. Brad, remind me to call off
that hit on Ike.
Copy !req
124. Save us a whack o' dough.
Copy !req
125. Stadtler is a suspect
Copy !req
126. in a number
of gangland-related murders,
Copy !req
127. including an attempt
just yesterday
Copy !req
128. on the life
of this local businessman,
Copy !req
129. Mr. Douglas Jones.
Copy !req
130. Victim? Oh, no.
Copy !req
131. That guy didn't act
like any victim.
Copy !req
132. Douglas Jones,
he moved like a cobra.
Copy !req
133. All I saw was a blur.
Copy !req
134. Then we came down,
and I was holding on to Dougie.
Copy !req
135. We were having
a regular conversation
Copy !req
136. about his money
and insurance and-and—
Copy !req
137. No, Dougie, don't do that.
Copy !req
138. And we were just walking along,
Copy !req
139. minding our own business,
and I held on to him,
Copy !req
140. and then, out of nowhere,
Copy !req
141. someone came right at us,
Copy !req
142. pointing a gun at my husband,
Copy !req
143. and we were just—
Copy !req
144. He wa—he started—
the gun went off,
Copy !req
145. and it scared me,
and my Dougie,
Copy !req
146. he gave him a good old
karate chop in the throat,
Copy !req
147. and I punched him
a couple times.
Copy !req
148. I said, "Don't you touch—
just get off him!
Copy !req
149. Get off him!"
And then we—he ran off!
Copy !req
150. I don't know where he went,
and it was... it was just—
Copy !req
151. Freeze it there.
Copy !req
152. You just took care of business,
right, Doug—
Copy !req
153. That's our Mr. Jackpots,
Copy !req
154. I think you're right,
Copy !req
155. Turns out,
Copy !req
156. our Mr. Jones
Copy !req
157. is actually...
Copy !req
158. Mr. Jones.
Copy !req
159. What a fuckin' world.
Copy !req
160. How...
Copy !req
161. can you ever...
Copy !req
162. love me...
Copy !req
163. after what-what I—
what I did?
Copy !req
164. Dougie.
Copy !req
165. Do you find me attractive?
Copy !req
166. Well?
Copy !req
167. Do you?
Copy !req
168. I find you attractive.
Copy !req
169. Dougie.
Copy !req
170. Dougie!
Oh, yes.
Copy !req
171. Oh. Yes, Dougie.
Copy !req
172. Yes.
Copy !req
173. Dougie.
Copy !req
174. Dougie! Dougie!
Copy !req
175. Dougie. Dougie.
Copy !req
176. Dougie!
Copy !req
177. Dougie!
Copy !req
178. Dougie!
Copy !req
179. Dougiiieee!
Copy !req
180. Dougie.
Copy !req
181. Oh, Dougie.
Copy !req
182. Dougie?
Copy !req
183. I love you.
Copy !req
184. Love you.
Copy !req
185. Dougie.
Copy !req
186. And the fucks are at it again!
Copy !req
187. Fuck you who betray the people
you were elected to help!
Copy !req
188. We're sheep to these monsters,
and they don't give a shit!
Copy !req
189. We grow our wool,
Copy !req
190. and just when
we're getting warm,
Copy !req
191. they come along
with their electric clippers
Copy !req
192. and shear our wool off,
Copy !req
193. and we're just naked,
screaming little fucks!
Copy !req
194. No wool for us!
Copy !req
195. Freezing and hungry!
Copy !req
196. In the night.
In the dark.
Copy !req
197. And they don't give a shit!
Copy !req
198. Then when we get sick,
Copy !req
199. the pharmaceutical companies
make billions!
Copy !req
200. They own the fucking hospitals.
Copy !req
201. Filled to the brim.
Copy !req
202. They own the morgues!
Copy !req
203. They own the embalming fluids!
Copy !req
204. They own the mortuaries,
the graveyards!
Copy !req
205. These fucks!
Copy !req
206. Is it the government's business
who we marry?
Copy !req
207. What the fuck do we care
what the government thinks
Copy !req
208. about who we marry?
Copy !req
209. Are we gonna invite them
to the wedding?
Copy !req
210. Fuck no!
Copy !req
211. Oh, they wouldn't come anyway.
Copy !req
212. They're-they're too busy
Copy !req
213. Fucking us
at the grocery store!
Copy !req
214. At the bank!
Copy !req
215. At the gas pump!
Copy !req
216. They're feeding our children
chemical shit
Copy !req
217. coated in sugar!
Copy !req
218. Why don't these monsters
Copy !req
219. bite into those tasty treats
Copy !req
220. 'Cause they'll die
in the streets!
Copy !req
221. Just like us!
Copy !req
222. And then they'll bloat
Copy !req
223. like a big red fucking balloon.
Copy !req
224. Stop!
Copy !req
225. Stop distracting yourself
Copy !req
226. with all this
diverting bullshit,
Copy !req
227. and pay attention.
Copy !req
228. Save the children!
Copy !req
229. Every parent wants
to save their child.
Copy !req
230. Buy yourself a shovel,
Copy !req
231. dig yourself out of the shit,
Copy !req
232. and get educated!
Copy !req
233. Oh, he's so beautiful.
Copy !req
234. Sonny Jim,
Copy !req
235. go get in the car.
Copy !req
236. I can't stop thinking
about last night.
Copy !req
237. You're so wonderful.
Copy !req
238. - Wonderful.
- Mm.
Copy !req
239. I just had to tell you that.
Copy !req
240. Okay. Let's get you to work.
Copy !req
241. You can't fool me!
Copy !req
242. I've been here before!
Copy !req
243. What are you doing
up here, Chad?
Copy !req
244. I'm... thinking
Copy !req
245. what a beautiful day
it is, Lucy.
Copy !req
246. I'll bet you're a girl
who appreciates a beautiful day.
Copy !req
247. - Well...
- I bet you and Andy
Copy !req
248. wake up each morning
and say,
Copy !req
249. "Oh, what a beautiful day
it is."
Copy !req
250. That depends
on what time it is.
Copy !req
251. I mean, sometimes
there's not even enough time
Copy !req
252. to think of anything.
Copy !req
253. One time,
Andy was even thinking
Copy !req
254. that the clock had stopped,
Copy !req
255. and then we realized
that we didn't even know
Copy !req
256. what time it was.
Copy !req
257. It seemed like forever.
Copy !req
258. - When—
- Oh.
Copy !req
259. I'm going out, Lucy.
Copy !req
260. I-I see the mailman.
I'm gonna collect the mail.
Copy !req
261. But he'll bring it in.
Copy !req
262. Well, I'm gonna save him
the trouble
Copy !req
263. and go out and enjoy
this beautiful day.
Copy !req
264. Ah, thank you so much.
Copy !req
265. Beautiful day.
Copy !req
266. This calls
for another doughnut.
Copy !req
267. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
268. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
269. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
270. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
271. - Uh, Mrs. Horne?
Copy !req
272. Your grandson, Richard,
is on his way in.
Copy !req
273. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
274. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
275. Don't even think of getting out
of your car, Richard.
Copy !req
276. - Came to see you, Grandma.
- Stay away!
Copy !req
277. - Or I'll call the sheriff!
- Come on, Grandma.
Copy !req
278. No! Stop it!
Copy !req
279. I just want a couple of dollars.
Copy !req
280. No!
Copy !req
281. Just want
a couple of dollars.
Copy !req
282. No. Go ask your grandfather.
Copy !req
283. He won't give you any more,
will he?
Copy !req
284. Hello, Johnny.
Copy !req
285. I got money, but I want more.
Copy !req
286. You always wanted me
to leave town, right?
Copy !req
287. So help me out,
and I'll be out of here.
Copy !req
288. Don't come any closer, Richard.
I mean it.
Copy !req
289. - Money, Grandma!
- No!
Copy !req
290. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
291. Oh, Johnny!
Copy !req
292. Hello, Johnny.
Copy !req
293. I... I will squeeze the shit
out of you, bitch!
Copy !req
294. - How are you today?
Copy !req
295. You cocksucking bitch!
Copy !req
296. And I'll cornhole
that piece of shit!
Copy !req
297. Now give me some fucking money!
Copy !req
298. In-in my purse!
Copy !req
299. Not your purse, bitch!
Copy !req
300. The safe.
The combination.
Copy !req
301. The combination!
Copy !req
302. - What did you do?
- What?
Copy !req
303. - Four...
- What? Fucking speak up.
Copy !req
304. I cannot understand
a fucking thing you're saying.
Copy !req
305. Nine... zero... four...
Copy !req
306. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
307. seven.
Copy !req
308. Stay there!
Copy !req
309. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
310. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
311. Oh, Johnny.
Copy !req
312. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
313. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
314. - Look at you.
- How are you today?
Copy !req
315. Oh, we can't make him mad.
Copy !req
316. How are you today?
Copy !req
317. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
318. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
319. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
320. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
321. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
322. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
323. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
324. Johnny...
Copy !req
325. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
326. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
327. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
328. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
329. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
330. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
331. Yeah.
Copy !req
332. Yeah, I will take your purse.
Copy !req
333. Here.
Copy !req
334. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
335. Why you have to make something
so simple so fucking difficult?
Copy !req
336. Cunt.
Copy !req
337. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
338. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
339. Oh, Johnny.
Oh, Johnny.
Copy !req
340. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
341. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
342. Hello, Johnny.
How are you today?
Copy !req
343. It's true.
Copy !req
344. It's all over the news.
Copy !req
345. They got Ike.
Copy !req
346. Okay.
Copy !req
347. Thank you, Roger.
Copy !req
348. Anthony, come here.
Copy !req
349. Don't sit down, Anthony.
Copy !req
350. Anthony, I asked you here
Copy !req
351. because you're
a creative individual,
Copy !req
352. and you're gonna need
every ounce of that creativity
Copy !req
353. to do what I'm about
to tell you.
Copy !req
354. What's that, Mr. Todd?
Copy !req
355. Do you recall my business rivals
and bitter enemies
Copy !req
356. the Mitchum brothers?
Copy !req
357. You're gonna visit
the brothers now.
Copy !req
358. You're gonna pin the blame
for the insurance claim
Copy !req
359. that we conspired
to deny for them,
Copy !req
360. a loss of 30 million
that hit 'em hard,
Copy !req
361. on the back of Douglas Jones.
Copy !req
362. You're gonna convince them
that Mr. Jones
Copy !req
363. has it out for the brothers,
a personal vendetta,
Copy !req
364. and then we're gonna sit back,
and we're gonna watch
Copy !req
365. as the Mitchum brothers
Copy !req
366. take care
of our Mr. Jones problem.
Copy !req
367. - But what if—
- Don't speak, Anthony.
Copy !req
368. If you fail to deliver on this,
Copy !req
369. then you'll have to kill
Mr. Jones yourself.
Copy !req
370. Albert
Copy !req
371. and the lady
from the morgue.
Copy !req
372. - Sweet.
- Sweet.
Copy !req
373. Yes. Yes, I...
Copy !req
374. Come on.
Copy !req
375. What's he want?
Copy !req
376. - Who?
- That insurance fuck.
Copy !req
377. It's after midnight.
Copy !req
378. The bastard.
Copy !req
379. I could throw a car farther
Copy !req
380. than I'd trust that rat fuck.
Copy !req
381. Anthony Sinclair here
to see you.
Copy !req
382. Stay put.
Copy !req
383. We'll come get him.
Copy !req
384. Candie.
Copy !req
385. Candie, go get him.
Copy !req
386. Candie!
Copy !req
387. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
388. Candie, go get him.
Copy !req
389. You want me to bring him here?
Copy !req
390. Yeah.
Copy !req
391. What did he just say?
Copy !req
392. You want me to get him
and bring him here?
Copy !req
393. What the fuck?
Copy !req
394. Did we ask her to tell him
her life story?
Copy !req
395. For four fuckin' hours?
Copy !req
396. Warrick?
Copy !req
397. Send Candie in here,
with him, now.
Copy !req
398. - Now!
Copy !req
399. Candie.
Copy !req
400. They're ready.
Copy !req
401. She's on her way.
Copy !req
402. - I know.
- We fire her,
Copy !req
403. - she's got no place to go.
- I know. I...
Copy !req
404. Here he is.
Copy !req
405. What the fuck
were you guys talking about?
Copy !req
406. She was talking.
Copy !req
407. - Candie?
- Hmm?
Copy !req
408. What were you talking about
to him
Copy !req
409. out there on the floor?
Copy !req
410. Candie!
Copy !req
411. Um...
Copy !req
412. Oh...
Copy !req
413. that we're in the version layer,
Copy !req
414. that it's gonna be hot
and smoggy tomorrow,
Copy !req
415. and I told him
that we are so lucky
Copy !req
416. to have air-conditioning
cooling our casino.
Copy !req
417. Okay. Mr. Insurance Man,
what do you want?
Copy !req
418. Mr. Mitchum.
Copy !req
419. Mr. Mitchum.
Copy !req
420. I'm here
to tell you something
Copy !req
421. that you will want
to know about.
Copy !req
422. - Yeah?
- What's that?
Copy !req
423. Your new hotel,
which burned
Copy !req
424. badly down to the ground
a few months back,
Copy !req
425. was ruled arson
Copy !req
426. by an official investigation.
Copy !req
427. Now, I may have sold you
your policy, sirs,
Copy !req
428. but I didn't handle the claim.
Copy !req
429. It was done by Douglas Jones,
Copy !req
430. who works at our firm.
Copy !req
431. - Douglas Jones.
- I thought you should know
Copy !req
432. from me, unofficially,
Copy !req
433. on my own...
Copy !req
434. that this Mr. Jones
did everything in his power
Copy !req
435. to prevent you gentlemen
Copy !req
436. from getting
the insurance relief
Copy !req
437. from the loss you suffered
Copy !req
438. that I believe
to this day you deserved.
Copy !req
439. Douglas Jones
Copy !req
440. seems to have
a personal vendetta
Copy !req
441. against you.
Copy !req
442. And he still insists
Copy !req
443. that that claim
will never be paid out,
Copy !req
444. and he'll do everything
in his power
Copy !req
445. to make sure
that it never happens.
Copy !req
446. - Yeah?
- Is that it?
Copy !req
447. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
448. You have an enemy
in Douglas Jones.
Copy !req
449. That's what I came to tell you.
Copy !req
450. Candie, show him out.
Copy !req
451. Candie!
Copy !req
452. You have an enemy...
in Douglas Jones.
Copy !req
453. Now I know...
how Brando felt.
Copy !req
454. Calling him tomorrow,
Copy !req
455. this Douglas Jones...
Copy !req
456. to set up a meeting.
Copy !req
457. Right you are, Rodney.
Copy !req
458. - Right you are.
- He took us...
Copy !req
459. for 30 million...
Copy !req
460. 447 thousand...
Copy !req
461. dollars.
Copy !req
462. Motherfucker.
Copy !req
463. You fuck us once,
shame on us.
Copy !req
464. You fuck us twice,
Copy !req
465. shame on you.
Copy !req
466. You're dead.
Copy !req
467. Yeah.
Copy !req
468. Laura!
Copy !req
469. Albert.
Copy !req
470. Come on in.
Copy !req
471. Diane received this text
on her phone
Copy !req
472. at 11:13 this morning.
Copy !req
473. "Around the dinner table,
the conversation is lively."
Copy !req
474. Now, that came in
after Cooper escaped.
Copy !req
475. It pinged off a cell tower
in Philly, so at first,
Copy !req
476. I thought it was
one of her boyfriends—
Copy !req
477. seems she has a stable
of male suitors—
Copy !req
478. but Tammy traced this one back
from there
Copy !req
479. to a server in Mexico.
Copy !req
480. Mexico?
Copy !req
481. Did she respond?
Copy !req
482. She sent the following
heavily encrypted message:
Copy !req
483. "They have Hastings.
Copy !req
484. He's going to take them
to the site."
Copy !req
485. Doesn't sound like
boyfriend talk.
Copy !req
486. I felt it when she hugged me,
Copy !req
487. but this confirms it.
Copy !req
488. What should we do?
Copy !req
489. Keep her close.
Copy !req
490. Damn.
Copy !req
491. - Tammy.
- Gordon.
Copy !req
492. Come on in.
Copy !req
493. You remember
the penthouse murders
Copy !req
494. in New York City?
Copy !req
495. Yes?
Copy !req
496. This was just found
on one of the earliest cards.
Copy !req
497. Dale!
Copy !req
498. This is something.
Copy !req
499. This is really something.
Copy !req
500. What did he do?
Copy !req
501. He came in and attacked us
Copy !req
502. and stole all my money!
Copy !req
503. Oh, damn it.
Copy !req
504. Is Johnny okay?
Copy !req
505. No concerns for me, as usual.
Copy !req
506. What do you mean, Johnny?
It was me he attacked.
Copy !req
507. Sylvia, of course
Copy !req
508. I'm concerned about you too.
Copy !req
509. How much money did he take?
Copy !req
510. Everything I had in the safe,
Copy !req
511. thousands of dollars,
Copy !req
512. and you're going
to make this up to me.
Copy !req
513. No, I am not sending you
any more money, Sylvia!
Copy !req
514. Yes, you are!
Copy !req
515. - Sylvia!
- Yes, you are.
Copy !req
516. I'm calling my lawyer
right now.
Copy !req
517. Beverly?
Copy !req
518. Do you want to have dinner
with me?
Copy !req
519. Hawk.
Copy !req
520. Electricity is humming.
Copy !req
521. You hear it
in the mountains and rivers.
Copy !req
522. You see it dance
Copy !req
523. among the seas and stars
Copy !req
524. and glowing around the moon,
Copy !req
525. but in these days,
Copy !req
526. the glow is dying.
Copy !req
527. What will be in the darkness
that remains?
Copy !req
528. The Truman brothers
are both true men.
Copy !req
529. They are your brothers.
Copy !req
530. And the others,
Copy !req
531. the good ones
who have been with you.
Copy !req
532. Now the circle
is almost complete.
Copy !req
533. Watch and listen
Copy !req
534. to the dream of time
Copy !req
535. and space.
Copy !req
536. It all comes out now,
flowing like a river.
Copy !req
537. That which is and is not.
Copy !req
538. Hawk.
Copy !req
539. Laura is the one.
Copy !req
540. You know the one.
Copy !req