1. Sarah.
Copy !req
2. I'd Iike you to take this.
Copy !req
3. Doc,
Copy !req
4. I don't want it.
Copy !req
5. I don't want it.
Copy !req
6. I wanna be there.
Copy !req
7. Every part of me needs to be there.
Copy !req
8. For both of them.
Copy !req
9. Today I bury my husband.
Copy !req
10. Next to my onIy chiId.
Copy !req
11. Her grave is stiII so...
Copy !req
12. ...new. There's onIy
a IittIe bit of grass on it.
Copy !req
13. Mrs. PaImer, there are things
dark and heinous in this worId.
Copy !req
14. Things too horribIe
to teII our chiIdren.
Copy !req
15. Your husband feII victim
to one of these Iong ago,
Copy !req
16. when he was innocent and trusting.
Copy !req
17. LeIand did not do these things.
Not the LeIand that you knew.
Copy !req
18. No.
Copy !req
19. That man I saw.
Copy !req
20. Long, dirty, disgusting hair.
Copy !req
21. He's gone. Forever.
Copy !req
22. So is everything I Ioved.
Copy !req
23. Sarah.
Copy !req
24. I think it might heIp to teII you what
happened just before LeIand died.
Copy !req
25. It's hard to reaIize here and here
Copy !req
26. what has transpired.
Copy !req
27. Your husband went so far as
to drug you to keep his actions secret.
Copy !req
28. But before he died,
Copy !req
29. LeIand confronted the horror
of what he had done to Laura
Copy !req
30. and agonized over the pain
he had caused you.
Copy !req
31. LeIand died at peace.
Copy !req
32. In his Iast moments, he saw Laura.
Copy !req
33. He kept saying
how much he Ioved her.
Copy !req
34. And I beIieve she weIcomed him,
Copy !req
35. that she forgave him.
Copy !req
36. It's time.
Copy !req
37. Mrs. PaImer, I wouId be honored
to drive you.
Copy !req
38. LeIand aIways found
the other earring.
Copy !req
39. - I don't know about you...
- Excuse me.
Copy !req
40. Get some of this WaIdorf saIad here.
There we go.
Copy !req
41. - Nice to see you too.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
42. I got this for Sarah.
Copy !req
43. Here you go.
Copy !req
44. - WhiIe it's hot.
- Oh, thank you very much.
Copy !req
45. Do they invite peopIe to these things,
or do they just show up?
Copy !req
46. At a time Iike this,
peopIe just naturaIIy come together.
Copy !req
47. It's a time of reaching out.
Copy !req
48. I remember when my mother died,
Copy !req
49. there must have been
a hundred peopIe.
Copy !req
50. Seems Iike the whoIe town
is faIIing apart.
Copy !req
51. Somehow James thinks it's his fauIt.
Copy !req
52. First Laura, then Maddy.
Copy !req
53. Maybe he bIames me, I don't know.
Copy !req
54. Two peopIe in Iove couIdn't have
caused aII this, couId they?
Copy !req
55. Oh, honey.
Copy !req
56. He'II come back.
Copy !req
57. Everything's gonna get better.
Copy !req
58. - WeIcome home, Dr. Jacoby.
- Major.
Copy !req
59. You appear to be fuIIy recovered
from your recent setback.
Copy !req
60. WeII, nothing beats the restorative
powers of HanaIei Bay.
Copy !req
61. - Sheriff, how are you?
- Major.
Copy !req
62. What's the matter?
Copy !req
63. Doesn't she feed you?
Copy !req
64. - You're just jeaIous.
- JeaIous?
Copy !req
65. Oh, I... I... I wouIdn't... I wouIdn't
spend my time changing diapers.
Copy !req
66. What's next for you, sir?
Copy !req
67. WeII, major, I'm not exactIy sure.
Copy !req
68. I've stockpiIed a few weeks
of vacation time.
Copy !req
69. Now might be the time
to cash them in.
Copy !req
70. For starters,
wouId you care to join me
Copy !req
71. for an incredibIy pIeasant evening
of night fishing?
Copy !req
72. Aces.
Copy !req
73. Eddie,
Copy !req
74. can you see my underpants
in my shoes?
Copy !req
75. I Iooked down and I thought
I couId see the refIection.
Copy !req
76. Do you think boys
are Iooking up my dress?
Copy !req
77. Sweetheart, I can't see a thing
in your shoes.
Copy !req
78. I promise.
Copy !req
79. Okay.
Copy !req
80. Donna came over to see Laura.
Copy !req
81. Do you know what they did?
Copy !req
82. It was Iate. We'd made popcorn.
Copy !req
83. And they made this very serious
promise to each other,
Copy !req
84. to be best friends forever.
Copy !req
85. I... I think it was a kind of bond
Copy !req
86. against...
Copy !req
87. Dying.
Copy !req
88. I need to remember aII this.
Copy !req
89. Besides, she's cursed.
Copy !req
90. Boys, take it easy.
Take it easy. Come on.
Copy !req
91. I'm gonna stick his head in the gutter
where it beIongs.
Copy !req
92. Dwayne, now knock it off.
Knock it off.
Copy !req
93. Remember where you are
and why we're here.
Copy !req
94. PIease.
Copy !req
95. They seem to be having fun.
Copy !req
96. The mayor and his brother.
Copy !req
97. Dougie owns the newspaper.
Copy !req
98. They've had a running feud
going for 50 years.
Copy !req
99. Nobody knows how it started.
Copy !req
100. Something about an oId fIame
and a rumbIe seat.
Copy !req
101. I don't even think
they remember anymore.
Copy !req
102. WeII, the nest's a IittIe stirred up
right now.
Copy !req
103. Dougie's engaged to be married
to a babe.
Copy !req
104. For the fifth time.
Copy !req
105. She's stiII in her teens, he's 1 1 0.
Copy !req
106. One of those January-December
sort of deaIs.
Copy !req
107. You remember the first time Dwayne
ran for mayor? When was that?
Copy !req
108. Sixty-two? Yeah, 1 962.
Copy !req
109. Dougie wrote an editoriaI,
came out against Dwayne.
Copy !req
110. And Dwayne was
running unopposed.
Copy !req
111. Harry, I'm reaIIy gonna miss
this pIace.
Copy !req
112. You're asking me to admit
a 35-year-oId woman
Copy !req
113. to the senior cIass.
Copy !req
114. You got me there.
Copy !req
115. Eddie, how much Ionger?
CIass is starting.
Copy !req
116. We'II be right out, Nadine.
Just a few more minutes.
Copy !req
117. Guess what.
Copy !req
118. CheerIeading tryouts today.
Copy !req
119. I just saw a notice
on the buIIetin board.
Copy !req
120. That's great, honey.
Copy !req
121. Why don't you go
practice your spIits?
Copy !req
122. Okay.
Copy !req
123. BeIIman?
Copy !req
124. Customer reIations.
Copy !req
125. Has everything been satisfactory
during your stay with us, Mr. Cooper?
Copy !req
126. Audrey, I have no compIaints.
Copy !req
127. - When are you Ieaving?
- Going fishing.
Copy !req
128. But you are Ieaving.
Copy !req
129. Yes, in effect I am.
Copy !req
130. So this is it? You save my Iife,
then break my heart?
Copy !req
131. Audrey, I've expIained to you
my personaI poIicy about invoIving--
Copy !req
132. Yeah, I know, I know.
I'm a teenager.
Copy !req
133. And you were invoIved
in a case I was working on.
Copy !req
134. Someone must have hurt you once
reaIIy badIy.
Copy !req
135. No. Someone was hurt by me.
Copy !req
136. And I wiII never Iet that
happen again.
Copy !req
137. What happened,
did she die or something?
Copy !req
138. As a matter of fact, she did.
Copy !req
139. You wanna know how?
Copy !req
140. She was a materiaI witness
to a federaI crime.
Copy !req
141. We were supposed to protect her.
Copy !req
142. Twenty-four hours a day.
Copy !req
143. My partner and I.
Copy !req
144. Windom EarIe was his name.
Copy !req
145. He taught me everything I know
about being a speciaI agent.
Copy !req
146. And when the attempt on her Iife
was finaIIy made,
Copy !req
147. I wasn't ready.
Copy !req
148. Because I Ioved her.
Copy !req
149. She died in my arms.
Copy !req
150. I was badIy injured,
Copy !req
151. and my partner Iost his mind.
Copy !req
152. Need to hear any more?
Copy !req
153. Audrey, I Iike you
and I care about you.
Copy !req
154. I'II aIways consider you my friend.
Copy !req
155. Friendship is the foundation
of any Iasting reIationship.
Copy !req
156. It's nice to be quoted accurateIy.
Copy !req
157. WeII, Iet me teII you something,
Agent Cooper.
Copy !req
158. One of these days,
before you know it,
Copy !req
159. I'm gonna be grown-up
and on my own,
Copy !req
160. and you better watch out.
Copy !req
161. Okay, Audrey. It's a deaI.
Copy !req
162. You know, there's onIy
one probIem with you.
Copy !req
163. You're perfect.
Copy !req
164. It's big.
Copy !req
165. But it is bad.
Copy !req
166. Leo just got that suit.
Copy !req
167. Fits him a IittIe tighter.
Copy !req
168. Yeah, it's a shame to Iet good threads
go to waste.
Copy !req
169. What do you think?
Copy !req
170. Green or yeIIow?
Copy !req
171. I gotta Iook good. Ben Horne is a man
who notices these things, you know?
Copy !req
172. Bobby, honey, you Iook great.
Copy !req
173. Can you take me out tonight, pIease?
I'II get aII dressed up.
Copy !req
174. What about Leo?
We just Ieave him here?
Copy !req
175. I don't know. I'II get a sitter.
I've gotta get out of this house.
Copy !req
176. Sweetheart, Iover, Iisten to me.
Copy !req
177. If I Iand this job with Ben Horne,
we're on easy street.
Copy !req
178. I'II take care of you in ways
you never even dreamed of.
Copy !req
179. Hang in there,
Copy !req
180. and Iet Bobby do his thing.
Copy !req
181. It's for both of us, okay?
Copy !req
182. I gotta rambIe.
Copy !req
183. Cross your fingers, cross your toes.
This is the big time.
Copy !req
184. Later.
Copy !req
185. HeIIo, Harry.
Copy !req
186. Forgive my saying so, Catherine...
Copy !req
187. ...but aren't you dead?
Copy !req
188. Does Pete know?
Copy !req
189. My husband and I
wiII be duIy reunited.
Copy !req
190. WeII, aII things considered,
weIcome home.
Copy !req
191. - Any questions?
- Yeah, a coupIe.
Copy !req
192. Am I under suspicion?
Copy !req
193. I guess that depends
on the answers I get.
Copy !req
194. Maybe you'd Iike to caII your Iawyer.
Copy !req
195. That won't be necessary.
Copy !req
196. - I have nothing to hide.
- Good. Good.
Copy !req
197. WeII, for starters,
Copy !req
198. where the heII have you been
the past two weeks?
Copy !req
199. Harry.
Copy !req
200. Do you beIieve in guardian angeIs?
Copy !req
201. Guardian angeIs?
Copy !req
202. Catherine, to teII you the truth,
Copy !req
203. I'm not so sure what I beIieve
these days.
Copy !req
204. I beIieve an angeI saved my Iife.
Copy !req
205. I was home the night of the fire.
Copy !req
206. A man caIIed.
The voice, I didn't recognize.
Copy !req
207. He asked me to meet him
at the drying shed.
Copy !req
208. There was a vague threat impIied.
So I went and I took my gun.
Copy !req
209. And that girI... What's her name?
Copy !req
210. - SheIIy Johnson.
- Johnson. She was there.
Copy !req
211. She was tied up inside.
Copy !req
212. I think a bomb went off. I...
Copy !req
213. I have nothing but impressions after
that, just waIIs of fIame, screaming...
Copy !req
214. I have no idea of how I escaped.
But I found myseIf in the woods.
Copy !req
215. I was afraid.
Copy !req
216. I was afraid for the first time
in my Iife.
Copy !req
217. I dragged myseIf through the night.
Copy !req
218. Then, as the sky Iightened,
Copy !req
219. things began to Iook famiIiar.
Copy !req
220. The woods. The path.
A rock formation.
Copy !req
221. And I was...
Copy !req
222. ...fIooded with...
Copy !req
223. ...memories of my chiIdhood.
Copy !req
224. I thought, ''This is what heaven is.''
Copy !req
225. And that's when I saw
our oId summer cabin in the woods.
Copy !req
226. Heaven was PearI Lakes.
I'd waIked miIes through the night.
Copy !req
227. OnIy a guardian angeI
couId have brought me there.
Copy !req
228. Thank you.
Copy !req
229. Thank God we aIways kept
a weII-stocked pantry.
Copy !req
230. I went in and I...
I opened a can of tuna fish.
Copy !req
231. And I waited for whoever it was that
was trying to kiII me to finish the job.
Copy !req
232. A Ioaded gun by my side.
Copy !req
233. I was terrified that every moment
was going to be my Iast.
Copy !req
234. What made you come back?
Copy !req
235. I ran out of tuna fish.
Copy !req
236. Great news. I quit smoking.
Copy !req
237. - What are you doing here?
- I wanted to see you.
Copy !req
238. I wanted...
Copy !req
239. To be honest, I wanted to taIk
about our bambino.
Copy !req
240. Our bambino?
Copy !req
241. Lucy, I have been in a ghastIy turmoiI,
and do you know what I've discovered?
Copy !req
242. I, Richard Tremayne,
am a terribIe, crashing bore.
Copy !req
243. And what I desperateIy require
in my Iife is something--
Copy !req
244. No, someone. --more important
than myseIf to think about, to care for.
Copy !req
245. So perhaps you can see why that,
as a resuIt, I must say,
Copy !req
246. parenthood is suddenIy
so appeaIing.
Copy !req
247. - Parenthood?
- Fatherhood, more specificaIIy.
Copy !req
248. And since I have no skiIIs
in this area--
Copy !req
249. Nurturing is a reIativeIy
foreign concept.
Copy !req
250. --I've enIisted myseIf in
the Happy HeIping Hand program.
Copy !req
251. Part-time big brother
to some adorabIe, homeIess waif.
Copy !req
252. Excuse me,
are you the same Dick Tremayne
Copy !req
253. that works at
Horne's Department Store?
Copy !req
254. Yes. And, Lucy, I must say,
Copy !req
255. I have absoIute confidence
that the chiId is mine.
Copy !req
256. Lucy.
Copy !req
257. Lucy, Dick, I have something
I'd Iike to say.
Copy !req
258. What is it, Andy?
Copy !req
259. I wouId Iike to say that we're aII
in a very difficuIt position.
Copy !req
260. I come from a Iarge famiIy.
And Mama aIways said
Copy !req
261. she couIdn't have
fussing and fighting around her
Copy !req
262. when she had a bun in the oven.
Copy !req
263. And untiI we know for sure
who's gonna be throwing that basebaII,
Copy !req
264. or buiIding that doIIhouse,
we shouId aII be friends.
Copy !req
265. So you two go right ahead and taIk,
and I'II see you.
Copy !req
266. Andy, are you crazy?
Copy !req
267. Hawk, I know Lucy
and I know what'd get her:
Copy !req
268. MoraIs and manIy behavior.
Copy !req
269. You think I went too far?
Copy !req
270. - Harry?
- Hey.
Copy !req
271. WeII, I guess this is goodbye.
Copy !req
272. Major Briggs says there's a frying pan
fuII of steeIhead trout out there
Copy !req
273. with my name on them.
Copy !req
274. That's why I figure
you're gonna be needing this.
Copy !req
275. Harry...
Copy !req
276. - ...this is unbeIievabIe.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
277. Now, when those steeIhead
are running upstream,
Copy !req
278. they're onIy thinking
about one thing. Sex.
Copy !req
279. A Green Butt Skunk
breaks their concentration.
Copy !req
280. A Green Butt Skunk.
Copy !req
281. Yeah.
Copy !req
282. Tied it myseIf.
My dad taught me how.
Copy !req
283. His dad taught him.
Copy !req
284. Harry, I don't know what to say.
Copy !req
285. Oh, one more thing.
Copy !req
286. I'II recycIe this.
Copy !req
287. Bookhouse Boy patch.
Copy !req
288. We aII agreed.
You're one of us now.
Copy !req
289. Harry, I am honored beyond
my abiIity to express myseIf.
Copy !req
290. You wear that in good heaIth.
Copy !req
291. You ever need us, we'II be there.
Copy !req
292. Deputy Hawk.
Copy !req
293. If I'm ever Iost, I hope you're
the man they send to find me.
Copy !req
294. May the wind be aIways at your back.
Copy !req
295. Deputy Andy.
Copy !req
296. Your bravery is onIy exceeded
by the size of your heart.
Copy !req
297. A rare combination, indeed.
Copy !req
298. Lucy, my best to you and yours.
Copy !req
299. Now, you better invite me
to that wedding,
Copy !req
300. whoever the Iucky man might be.
Copy !req
301. - Sheriff Truman?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
302. This is SpeciaI Agent Roger Hardy
of the FBI.
Copy !req
303. Roger, what are you doing here?
Copy !req
304. DaIe, we've got a probIem.
Copy !req
305. Effective immediateIy, without pay,
Copy !req
306. I regret to inform you
of your suspension from the FBI.
Copy !req
307. Cooper, I suspect you know
why I'm here.
Copy !req
308. - I don't.
- InternaI Affairs.
Copy !req
309. We're the agents
who watch the agents.
Copy !req
310. And his presence refers
to my crossing into Canada.
Copy !req
311. HoId on, that was directIy reIated
to a case we were investigating.
Copy !req
312. Not without my knowing
about it, it wasn't.
Copy !req
313. What's the charge, Roger?
Copy !req
314. ''Mis''-what?
Copy !req
315. The improper and unIawfuI execution
of an act
Copy !req
316. that is in itseIf proper and IawfuI.
Copy !req
317. - The rescue of Audrey Horne.
- In part.
Copy !req
318. There's aIso the disturbing aIIegation
as to your motives and your methods.
Copy !req
319. What aIIegation?
Copy !req
320. WeII, I'm waiting
for some evidence to arrive.
Copy !req
321. We'II convene in one hour.
Copy !req
322. AIone.
Copy !req
323. Come on. Think.
Copy !req
324. Mr. Horne wasn't expecting you.
Copy !req
325. He said that possibIy we couId
set something up for you next month.
Copy !req
326. CouId you teII him it's about the tape
he got in the maiI yesterday,
Copy !req
327. and it's urgent?
Copy !req
328. CouId you teII him that, pIease?
Copy !req
329. A IittIe Iate for HaIIoween, isn't it?
Copy !req
330. What?
Copy !req
331. Oh, what are you supposed to be,
a Iounge Iizard?
Copy !req
332. ShouIdn't you be in schooI?
Copy !req
333. SchooI numbs my buns.
What about you?
Copy !req
334. Oh, I'm just trying to get a meeting
with your father.
Copy !req
335. What on earth do you wanna
taIk to him about?
Copy !req
336. A job. Business. It's personaI.
Copy !req
337. I didn't know
Daddy dearest was hiring.
Copy !req
338. Oh, you know me.
I just gotta taIk to him first.
Copy !req
339. Yeah. You're up to something,
Bobby Briggs,
Copy !req
340. but I'm sure that's
none of my business.
Copy !req
341. Count to ten.
Copy !req
342. One,
Copy !req
343. two,
Copy !req
344. three,
Copy !req
345. four,
Copy !req
346. five...
Copy !req
347. First ruIe of business
is you have to know who to speak to.
Copy !req
348. Audrey.
Copy !req
349. I owe you one.
Copy !req
350. I know you're a busy man,
I respect that. I'II get right to the point.
Copy !req
351. Samantha, bring in a fIy swatter.
There's a bug in my office.
Copy !req
352. Hey! You're making a big mistake.
Let me go!
Copy !req
353. Hey, hey, hey! Leave him aIone.
He's a friend of mine.
Copy !req
354. You couId teII your boss
that that tape was not the originaI.
Copy !req
355. - You okay?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
356. I can't imagine what aII this
is about, Bobby Briggs.
Copy !req
357. You know, that's twice
you saved my bacon, Audrey.
Copy !req
358. CouId be taIking sainthood.
Copy !req
359. Is there anything I can do for you?
Copy !req
360. How about an ice cream?
Copy !req
361. Cup or cone?
Copy !req
362. Cone. I Iike to Iick.
Copy !req
363. What was the purpose of your first visit
to One-Eyed Jack's?
Copy !req
364. To gather information about the death
of Laura PaImer from Jacques RenauIt.
Copy !req
365. Who you apparentIy Iured
back across the border,
Copy !req
366. where he was wounded
whiIe being arrested,
Copy !req
367. and subsequentIy murdered
that night in the hospitaI.
Copy !req
368. RenauIt was a materiaI witness
to events Ieading up to Laura's death.
Copy !req
369. LeIand PaImer confessed to Jacques'
murder, which I beIieve he committed.
Copy !req
370. Am I being heId responsibIe
for this, Roger?
Copy !req
371. Let's taIk about your second visit.
Copy !req
372. To rescue Audrey Horne
from her kidnappers.
Copy !req
373. - And both are dead.
- You know procedure.
Copy !req
374. Crossing the border without contacting
Canadian authorities
Copy !req
375. is a serious breach
under any circumstances.
Copy !req
376. I'm not disputing that, Roger.
Copy !req
377. Is it the Bureau's position
that I'm responsibIe for these deaths?
Copy !req
378. That's what we're trying
to determine.
Copy !req
379. This matter was brought
to our attention
Copy !req
380. because Mountie King was invoIved
in a sting operation
Copy !req
381. to naiI this Jean RenauIt.
Copy !req
382. We worked six months to set this up.
Copy !req
383. One night you march in,
Copy !req
384. RenauIt escapes, two men are dead,
Copy !req
385. and the cocaine we were using
for the setup
Copy !req
386. was stoIen from the premises.
Copy !req
387. I don't know anything about
the cocaine, but you've miscounted.
Copy !req
388. Three peopIe were kiIIed.
Jean RenauIt kiIIed BIackie,
Copy !req
389. I didn't know about
the Battis murder untiI now,
Copy !req
390. and the bodyguard who turned his gun
on me was kiIIed in seIf-defense.
Copy !req
391. So what we have
is crossing jurisdictionaI borders,
Copy !req
392. three dead bodies
and internationaI drug trafficking.
Copy !req
393. I admit to the border crossing.
Copy !req
394. I toId you the extent of my invoIvement
with the kiIIings.
Copy !req
395. Roger, I hope you know me better
Copy !req
396. than to suspect I wouId have anything
to do with a drug transaction.
Copy !req
397. I won't know that
untiI you prove it, Cooper.
Copy !req
398. And I might add, the DEA's been
brought in to investigate.
Copy !req
399. You have 24 hours
to assembIe your defense.
Copy !req
400. In the meantime, I'II require
that you surrender your gun.
Copy !req
401. And your badge.
Copy !req
402. Sheriff Truman.
Copy !req
403. Sheriff, pIease.
I'd Iike to ask you a few questions.
Copy !req
404. I'II stand.
Copy !req
405. WeII, Iet me begin by saying
Copy !req
406. whatever Agent Cooper's guiIty of
wiII not be heId against you.
Copy !req
407. And your cooperation wiII be usefuI
and greatIy appreciated.
Copy !req
408. If I understand the Iaw correctIy,
Copy !req
409. you need extradition papers
in order to get a statement from me.
Copy !req
410. And you need a subpoena
from a judge.
Copy !req
411. Now, unIess you gentIemen
have that paperwork,
Copy !req
412. I suggest you take
your cooperation...
Copy !req
413. ...and stuff it.
Copy !req
414. That attitude wiII not serve you
or Agent Cooper.
Copy !req
415. That's not an attitude.
That's a promise.
Copy !req
416. Agent Cooper is the finest Iawman
I've ever known.
Copy !req
417. I've had nothing but respect for him
since he arrived in Twin Peaks.
Copy !req
418. Now, I don't know
what information you have
Copy !req
419. or where you got it from,
Copy !req
420. but it is dead wrong.
Copy !req
421. Thank you for your time.
Copy !req
422. HeIp yourseIf to a coffee
on the way out.
Copy !req
423. Steeplejacks, Steeplejacks, roll them!
Copy !req
424. Too short.
Copy !req
425. And Nadine.
Copy !req
426. Nadine ButIer.
Copy !req
427. AII right, Nadine. Let's start you off
with a IittIe tumbIing.
Copy !req
428. - Next event, corkscrew.
- My gosh. Did you see her do this?
Copy !req
429. - HoId on. I'm gonna throw you.
- Yeah, sure, you are.
Copy !req
430. Corkscrew!
Copy !req
431. - Can you beIieve that?
- No, I don't.
Copy !req
432. I'm not answering that.
Copy !req
433. AII day and not one word.
Copy !req
434. Johnson's Nursing Home.
Copy !req
435. That's great, Bobby.
I'm gIad things went so weII.
Copy !req
436. Must have been
the Iongest meeting in history.
Copy !req
437. Yeah, I stiII Iove you.
Copy !req
438. Bobby, I've been thinking.
Copy !req
439. We have to do something with Leo.
Put him in a home.
Copy !req
440. It's not worth it.
I don't want the money.
Copy !req
441. Bobby, I want a Iife.
Copy !req
442. He moved.
Copy !req
443. Bobby...
Copy !req
444. ...Leo moved.
Copy !req
445. What's with the tabIecIoths?
Copy !req
446. The critic has spoken.
I feeI Iike a fooI.
Copy !req
447. Norma, pick your Iower Iip up
off the fIoor. It wasn't that bad.
Copy !req
448. Mother, pIease don't teII me
how to feeI.
Copy !req
449. This business is aII I've got.
I wanna keep my reguIar customers.
Copy !req
450. I don't care if anyone new
ever comes in here again.
Copy !req
451. They probabIy won't.
Copy !req
452. Not after, ''If you want IocaI coIor,
stop in.
Copy !req
453. But if it's good food you want,
find a wider berth.''
Copy !req
454. It was ''IocaI charm,'' not ''coIor.''
Copy !req
455. - You memorized that piece of trash?
- No. I wrote it.
Copy !req
456. You might as weII know, so that we
can get this IittIe meIodrama over with.
Copy !req
457. I don't beIieve it.
Copy !req
458. Is that why you came to visit,
so you couId run me into the ground?
Copy !req
459. No. DarIing, I wanted to give you
a good review.
Copy !req
460. This is just not a good restaurant.
Copy !req
461. I can't vioIate my professionaI ethics.
Copy !req
462. Ethics?
Copy !req
463. I'm your daughter.
Copy !req
464. Some standards have to prevaiI.
Copy !req
465. What about the standards
of common decency and kindness?
Copy !req
466. Or don't those standards
fit into your profession?
Copy !req
467. Of course they do.
Copy !req
468. I wouIdn't treat a dog Iike this,
no Iess my own daughter.
Copy !req
469. - Oh, as usuaI you're overreacting.
- Am I?
Copy !req
470. Maybe I am,
Copy !req
471. but they're my reactions.
Copy !req
472. And the hurt I feeI is my hurt,
Copy !req
473. and how I react
is none of your damn business.
Copy !req
474. - Dear, be sensibIe.
- I'm being very sensibIe.
Copy !req
475. I want you out of this pIace.
Copy !req
476. I want you out of my Iife.
I don't wanna be hurt by you anymore.
Copy !req
477. Norma.
Copy !req
478. Goodbye.
Copy !req
479. Go.
Copy !req
480. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
481. - Yes.
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
482. Okay, kids, come on,
we'II take you another time.
Copy !req
483. Go on, go.
Copy !req
484. We bagged our Iimit
and we didn't even fire a shot.
Copy !req
485. - Get off me, man.
- WeIcome to the fighter zone.
Copy !req
486. - I remind you.
- What?
Copy !req
487. I'm a happiIy married man.
RecentIy married.
Copy !req
488. To an extremeIy weaIthy woman.
Copy !req
489. As we discussed, we're reaIIy eager
to do business with you.
Copy !req
490. Look, I wiII not steaI
my wife's money.
Copy !req
491. I feeI guiIty enough about Iying to her
about this hunting trip.
Copy !req
492. - Hey, no harm, no fouI.
- Get off.
Copy !req
493. - She bought it, didn't she?
- I don't know. She doesn't miss much.
Copy !req
494. And I don't Iike
this steaIing business.
Copy !req
495. SteaIing?
Who said anything about steaIing?
Copy !req
496. - I've had enough of this.
- You're the computer expert, buddy.
Copy !req
497. Just hit the keys,
and she won't see a rippIe.
Copy !req
498. - Look at it this way.
- Get off.
Copy !req
499. You don't heIp us, how Iong
you think she'II stay your wife?
Copy !req
500. - I'm getting mad.
- You want me to reIease you?
Copy !req
501. HoId it or I'II have to kiII you.
Copy !req
502. You better get with the program, paI.
Copy !req
503. Get off.
Copy !req
504. So this is him?
Copy !req
505. Ernie,
Copy !req
506. - meet Jean RenauIt.
- Hi.
Copy !req
507. I met him one night in the woods,
when he stuck a pistoI in my ear.
Copy !req
508. Lucky for me, I had my state
prosecutor's badge with me.
Copy !req
509. Never Ieave home without it.
Copy !req
510. Jean, this is the Professor.
Copy !req
511. What he can do with numbers wouId
make a 1 000-doIIar-a-night hooker
Copy !req
512. bIush Iike a nun.
Copy !req
513. WeII, a recent investment opportunity
feII through,
Copy !req
514. Ieave us in a cash-poor position.
Copy !req
515. We need 1 25,000 immediateIy.
Copy !req
516. I understand compIeteIy.
Copy !req
517. - You do?
- Yeah, this wiII not be difficuIt.
Copy !req
518. Just so you know
a IittIe bit more about me,
Copy !req
519. I've been associated
Copy !req
520. with some of the most prestigious
financiaI institutions in this country.
Copy !req
521. I've Iaundered
massive amounts of money.
Copy !req
522. I've brokered tremendous deaIs
for the CoIombian
Copy !req
523. and the BoIivian industries.
Copy !req
524. In other words, I'm wired in, okay?
I mean, I'm hardwired.
Copy !req
525. I'm your man. DefiniteIy.
I'm definiteIy your man. Yeah.
Copy !req
526. - WeII, you say the magic words.
- Good.
Copy !req
527. NiceIy done, Ernie.
Are you making this up?
Copy !req
528. No, no.
Copy !req
529. This is the Professor,
our new broker.
Copy !req
530. Hi.
Copy !req
531. You can handIe a puny IittIe bundIe
Iike this, can't you?
Copy !req
532. Yes, he can take care of it for us,
can't you?
Copy !req
533. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
534. Hank, take the Professor
down to the tabIes.
Copy !req
535. I understand you have
a very good system
Copy !req
536. for the craps and rouIette.
Copy !req
537. Very scientific, eh?
Copy !req
538. I don't gambIe anymore.
I used to, but I don't gambIe anymore.
Copy !req
539. It's a mug's game, you know?
Copy !req
540. No. We aII gambIe here.
Copy !req
541. You must enjoy Iife.
Copy !req
542. - Yeah, I'II try it. Thank you.
- Yes. Come on.
Copy !req
543. Come on. Let's go.
Copy !req
544. I don't Iike the Iook of him.
Too nervous.
Copy !req
545. We'II see, won't we?
Copy !req
546. Four for us, and just a IittIe
to put the Iast naiI in Cooper's coffin.
Copy !req
547. - I'II caII you when I'm done.
- Where wiII you put it?
Copy !req
548. The car.
Copy !req
549. Won't take much,
just a trace of this.
Copy !req
550. I want him crucified.
Copy !req
551. - Josie. Josie.
- HeIp me, Harry.
Copy !req
552. At the time,
I did what I thought was right.
Copy !req
553. I must now face the consequences.
Copy !req
554. You can do no more.
Copy !req
555. You know, major,
I find myseIf thinking a Iot about Bob.
Copy !req
556. If he truIy exists.
Copy !req
557. I've pondered that same question
Copy !req
558. since this horror was reveaIed to us.
Copy !req
559. I try to imagine him
out there incarnate,
Copy !req
560. Iooking for another victim to inhabit.
Copy !req
561. There are powerfuI forces of eviI.
Copy !req
562. It is some men's fate
to face great darkness.
Copy !req
563. We each choose how to react.
Copy !req
564. If the choice is fear,
Copy !req
565. then we become vuInerabIe
to darkness.
Copy !req
566. There are ways to resist.
Copy !req
567. You, sir, were bIessed
with certain gifts.
Copy !req
568. In this respect, you're not aIone.
Copy !req
569. Have you ever heard
of the White Lodge?
Copy !req
570. The White Lodge?
Copy !req
571. No, I don't beIieve I have.
Copy !req
572. Major, I'm gonna take
a moment here.
Copy !req
573. I feeI the caII of nature.
Copy !req
574. There's nothing quite Iike urinating
out in the open air.
Copy !req
575. I Iook forward to hearing more
about this White Lodge.
Copy !req
576. When I return from my journey.
Copy !req
577. Cooper!
Copy !req
578. Cooper!
Copy !req
579. Major Briggs?
Copy !req
580. Major!
Copy !req
0. www.tvsubtitles.net
Copy !req