1. Come on, Tyler.
Copy !req
2. Tyler, just stop it.
I haven't got time to muck around.
Copy !req
3. Tyler!
Copy !req
4. All right! I'll just leave you there.
Is that what you want?
Copy !req
5. - If I leave you in the middle of town?
- Suzette!
Copy !req
6. Suzette, we're going to be late.
Copy !req
7. Suzette! Stop it.
You're just looking silly.
Copy !req
8. Do you want other people
to see you looking silly?
Copy !req
9. If he gives you any more trouble,
Copy !req
10. your dad's going round
his house to punch his face in.
Copy !req
11. I'll punch his bloody mother.
You got that, David?
Copy !req
12. I've booked the car for 7:30
but I might have to leave it on standby.
Copy !req
13. If Baxter starts talking he never stops,
so I can't guarantee what time...
Copy !req
14. Tell you what,
I'll send you a text from the motorway.
Copy !req
15. Steven,
if you leave the front door open,
Copy !req
16. those cats are gonna get in.
Copy !req
17. Darling, don't just stand there,
you're gonna be late.
Copy !req
18. Steven!
Copy !req
19. Steven?
Copy !req
20. Stop playing games! Get out of the way!
Copy !req
21. Oi! I said bloody shift, man!
Copy !req
22. David? Are you listening to me?
Copy !req
23. Mica, oi! You two, look at me.
Copy !req
24. See you, then.
Copy !req
25. And you can shut up and all.
Copy !req
26. You were the one crying.
You were like a baby.
Copy !req
27. - I seen you.
- Was not.
Copy !req
28. - Was!
- Not.
Copy !req
29. You two, you're gonna be late.
Copy !req
30. We're going, look!
Copy !req
31. I'm going round to Polly's later.
See you! Bye!
Copy !req
32. What?
Copy !req
33. You are pushing it, you are, young man.
Come on!
Copy !req
34. All right, Glyn? What's occurring?
Copy !req
35. I've been watching the bay.
No sea monsters!
Copy !req
36. Ah! Still early.
Copy !req
37. Anyone in?
Copy !req
38. You two having shenanigans in the dark?
Copy !req
39. Jack?
Copy !req
40. Morning!
Copy !req
41. - Clear!
- Yeah.
Copy !req
42. - And again.
- Charging 200.
Copy !req
43. Clear!
Copy !req
44. I think we should call it.
Everyone agree?
Copy !req
45. - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
46. Okay, time of death, 09:17.
Copy !req
47. Sally, I can leave it with you, yeah?
Copy !req
48. I'll go and tell them.
Copy !req
49. Sorry.
Copy !req
50. We did everything we could,
but he didn't make it.
Copy !req
51. Oh, that's a shame.
Copy !req
52. - It's very sad.
- Poor old Mr Williams.
Copy !req
53. It's very sad, indeed.
Copy !req
54. There'll have to be an autopsy
Copy !req
55. but I'd say his heart gave out.
Copy !req
56. Brave old heart.
Copy !req
57. You were neighbours, is that right?
Copy !req
58. We live next door.
Copy !req
59. He's got no family to speak of.
Copy !req
60. All on his own.
Copy !req
61. We'd just keep an eye on him, you know.
Copy !req
62. Well, I'm sure he appreciated it.
Copy !req
63. If only there were more like you two
in the world.
Copy !req
64. I know it's an imposition, but with us
being such good neighbours...
Copy !req
65. Can we see the body?
Copy !req
66. Bless him.
Copy !req
67. God rest his soul.
Copy !req
68. Say, do you think we could, uh...
Just on our own...
Copy !req
69. Of course you can.
Copy !req
70. Just come and find me once you're done.
And I'm sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
71. Thank you.
Copy !req
72. He thought we were together,
like a couple.
Copy !req
73. He said, "You two."
Copy !req
74. The way he said it, huh, "You two."
Copy !req
75. Well, we are. Does it matter?
Copy !req
76. Don't know.
It's all a bit new to me, that's all.
Copy !req
77. - Laser saw.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
78. Tongs.
Copy !req
79. Almost.
Copy !req
80. - Got it.
- Sorry, one more...
Copy !req
81. thing.
Copy !req
82. - There!
- What?
Copy !req
83. Ooh. Now, look at it.
Copy !req
84. That's not human, is it?
Does that look human? No, it does not.
Copy !req
85. It's just a hitchhiker he picked up.
Didn't kill him.
Copy !req
86. Some say they're positively beneficial.
Copy !req
87. They release endorphins
into the bloodstream.
Copy !req
88. He died a happy man.
And I've got Tupperware.
Copy !req
89. And we're very considerate,
we don't leave any mess.
Copy !req
90. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
91. We'll just get out of your way.
Copy !req
92. Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Copy !req
93. Whatever it was...
Copy !req
94. That was mutilation,
I should report you.
Copy !req
95. Then why don't you?
Copy !req
96. Well, that thing...
What the hell was it?
Copy !req
97. That hitchhiker?
Copy !req
98. Try putting it into a report.
Copy !req
99. - You're Torchwood?
- Never heard of 'em.
Copy !req
100. There are bodies going missing.
Copy !req
101. How many?
Copy !req
102. This whole city talks about you.
Copy !req
103. What bodies? Where?
Copy !req
104. It started two months ago.
Copy !req
105. Bodies taken down to the mortuary,
then the records just stop.
Copy !req
106. Five of them. Five in two months.
Copy !req
107. And none of them white.
Copy !req
108. One of West Indian descent,
one African, three Chinese.
Copy !req
109. All male.
Copy !req
110. What was your name again?
Copy !req
111. Rupesh.
Copy !req
112. Rupesh Patanjali.
Copy !req
113. - What do you think?
- NHS.
Copy !req
114. Yeah, too much red tape.
Copy !req
115. Sorry, but good luck with it.
Copy !req
116. Don't... Look... Wait a minute!
Copy !req
117. - See you.
- Sir.
Copy !req
118. Oh, Christ!
Copy !req
119. - Good morning, sir.
- Morning.
Copy !req
120. Good morning to you, too.
Copy !req
121. Colonel Oduya for you, sir. Unscheduled.
Copy !req
122. I'd remind you, you've got
a category meeting at quarter past.
Copy !req
123. - You'd better come through.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
124. I'm late. I'm sorry.
Oh, my God! I'm really, really sorry.
Copy !req
125. Good morning.
Copy !req
126. - Bridget Spears.
- Lois Habiba.
Copy !req
127. Right. This will be your desk.
Copy !req
128. Just tell me it's something small.
Copy !req
129. Tell me it's a meteorite
or a shadow on the moon.
Copy !req
130. Just for once, tell me it's easy.
Copy !req
131. It might be nothing, sir.
Copy !req
132. But it's my job
to inform the government,
Copy !req
133. even if it turns out
to be a false alarm.
Copy !req
134. Then what is it?
Copy !req
135. Children, sir. It's the children.
Copy !req
136. You are going to get us killed.
Copy !req
137. No, you get killed, not me.
You die like a dog, like an ugly dog.
Copy !req
138. Oi, Chuckle Brothers.
Think I've found something.
Copy !req
139. Yeah, well, I want you to do a check
on St Helen's Hospital,
Copy !req
140. specifically the morgue.
Copy !req
141. Well, there's a computer.
Do it yourself.
Copy !req
142. Meanwhile, I've been getting reports
of 17 road traffic accidents
Copy !req
143. happening right across the country,
all the way from Glasgow to St Ives.
Copy !req
144. Is that above average?
Copy !req
145. Well, they all occurred
between 8:40 and 8:41.
Copy !req
146. Seventeen road traffic accidents
happening at exactly the same minute.
Copy !req
147. And every single one of them
involving children.
Copy !req
148. That'll be the school run.
Copy !req
149. All of them were just
standing in the road.
Copy !req
150. Not crossing the road, just standing.
Copy !req
151. I saw it myself, Jack.
Copy !req
152. Two kids on Market Street.
Well, they just stopped.
Copy !req
153. But the accidents
are just one part of the picture.
Copy !req
154. Because every other child
stopped at the same time.
Copy !req
155. And not just in Britain.
Copy !req
156. Same reports from France,
15 road traffic accidents.
Copy !req
157. All timed around 9:40.
Copy !req
158. They're an hour ahead,
so it was simultaneous.
Copy !req
159. All involving children?
Copy !req
160. Yeah, hold on, still cross-referencing.
Here we go.
Copy !req
161. Reports coming in, RTAs in Norway,
Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg.
Copy !req
162. Germany, India, Egypt, Guyana.
Copy !req
163. Spain, Portugal, Bosnia, Tokyo.
Copy !req
164. Singapore.
Copy !req
165. At 8:40 GMT, most of America was asleep.
Copy !req
166. But even there,
I'm beginning to get reports.
Copy !req
167. I think we can assume
it's all of them, sir.
Copy !req
168. As far as we can tell,
at 8:40 this morning,
Copy !req
169. every single child in the world stopped.
Copy !req
170. Seen anything like this before, Jack?
Copy !req
171. No way. Kids.
Copy !req
172. Until we receive further information,
Copy !req
173. we don't know
if it's extraterrestrial in origin,
Copy !req
174. though the United Nations have taken
UNIT up to yellow alert, just in case.
Copy !req
175. Bloody hell.
Copy !req
176. And, uh, Colonel Mace,
how is he getting on?
Copy !req
177. He's fine.
Copy !req
178. Wouldn't mind a post
in Vancouver myself.
Copy !req
179. - Wonderful countryside, so they say.
- Nice for some.
Copy !req
180. Sorry, my name's Lois. Lois Habiba.
Copy !req
181. Just started today.
Copy !req
182. I'm helping out Miss Spears while
they introduce the new computer system.
Copy !req
183. - Thank you.
- All right.
Copy !req
184. All done.
Copy !req
185. What's his uniform?
That's not British Army, is it?
Copy !req
186. If you could start transferring
the names and addresses.
Copy !req
187. - You have two daughters, is that right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
188. Maybe I should get them
home from school.
Copy !req
189. I'd be careful, sir.
Copy !req
190. I wouldn't do anything
to draw any attention.
Copy !req
191. Right now, this thing's random enough
to go unnoticed,
Copy !req
192. and if anyone files a news report,
we'll be crushing it.
Copy !req
193. But so far,
we're the only ones with the software
Copy !req
194. clever enough
to piece this all together.
Copy !req
195. Well, us and Torchwood.
Copy !req
196. Do you want me to talk to them?
Copy !req
197. They're a pain in the backside,
but they can be helpful.
Copy !req
198. We're on to them right now.
Copy !req
199. Okay, find out anything,
let me know, immediately.
Copy !req
200. Of all the times
for Martha Jones to go on holiday.
Copy !req
201. I get Sergeant Grunt.
I'm talking to a sergeant.
Copy !req
202. Don't you dare phone her.
She's on her honeymoon.
Copy !req
203. What did they say?
Copy !req
204. UNIT base in Washington
has run some tests on a couple of kids,
Copy !req
205. brain scans, blood sugar,
checking for radiation.
Copy !req
206. Nothing.
Copy !req
207. You were right, he's back.
Copy !req
208. I said so.
Copy !req
209. Who's back?
Copy !req
210. What's he doing?
Copy !req
211. Waiting, just like you said.
He's been there 20 minutes.
Copy !req
212. - Persistent.
- Good sign.
Copy !req
213. - Dogmatic.
- Always a plus.
Copy !req
214. Oh, Christ, never work with a couple,
you two talk like twins!
Copy !req
215. Now tell me who he is.
Copy !req
216. Rupesh Patanjali, he saw the hitchhiker.
Copy !req
217. He's the bodies-going-missing man.
Copy !req
218. Dr Patanjali.
Copy !req
219. We need a doctor.
Copy !req
220. What, and you just let him follow you?
Copy !req
221. Ask about Torchwood
and most people point towards the bay.
Copy !req
222. Oh.
Copy !req
223. You bastards.
Copy !req
224. That's exactly what you did to me
the first time we met.
Copy !req
225. Well, sod that!
Copy !req
226. I'm promoting myself
to recruitment officer.
Copy !req
227. She's calling us a couple now.
Copy !req
228. What's your problem?
Copy !req
229. Just saying.
Copy !req
230. I hate the word "couple".
Copy !req
231. Me, too.
Copy !req
232. Hey!
Copy !req
233. Rupesh, isn't it?
Copy !req
234. Yeah.
Copy !req
235. Gwen Cooper. I'm Torchwood.
Copy !req
236. Three of the bodies were Chinese.
Copy !req
237. - Were they related?
- No, one was 27 years old.
Copy !req
238. And the other two were in their fifties.
But not from the same family.
Copy !req
239. Bit odd, though, statistically.
Copy !req
240. - In a city this small.
- That's what I thought.
Copy !req
241. Mind you,
nothing compared to that hitchhiker.
Copy !req
242. Freak you out?
Copy !req
243. - Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, me, too.
Copy !req
244. Apparently, anyone could have one.
Copy !req
245. - Don't, I know.
- This place...
Copy !req
246. Ever since I moved here,
it's just weird.
Copy !req
247. Where you from, then?
Copy !req
248. - Me? I'm from Chesterfield.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
249. I came down here 18 months back.
Copy !req
250. - Enjoying it?
- Very much, yeah.
Copy !req
251. I bet it doesn't pay you much, though.
Copy !req
252. Not at first. Could be worse.
Copy !req
253. Torchwood's paid by the Crown.
Copy !req
254. First pay cheque, I almost fell over.
Copy !req
255. I had to hide it from my boyfriend,
I was buying clothes,
Copy !req
256. had to stash 'em under the bed.
Copy !req
257. What's it like, inside Torchwood?
Copy !req
258. I mean, what do you do?
Copy !req
259. - Why are you so interested?
- Well...
Copy !req
260. From what I've heard, it just sounds...
I don't know.
Copy !req
261. - Exciting?
- I suppose.
Copy !req
262. - Glamorous?
- No, more sort of...
Copy !req
263. The thing is, we've all seen it now,
Copy !req
264. the past few years, alien life.
Copy !req
265. Even though half the world's
still denying it.
Copy !req
266. For me...
Copy !req
267. Okay.
Copy !req
268. It's the suicides.
Copy !req
269. The past few years,
suicide rates have doubled
Copy !req
270. and that's ever since the first alien.
Copy !req
271. My first case,
my first death, was a suicide.
Copy !req
272. Do you know why she did it?
Copy !req
273. 'Cause she'd written
all these letters...
Copy !req
274. She'd been a Christian all her life,
Copy !req
275. and then alien life appears.
Copy !req
276. She wrote this bit, she said,
"It's like science has won."
Copy !req
277. Lost her faith.
Copy !req
278. More than that.
Copy !req
279. She said she saw
her place in the universe,
Copy !req
280. and it was tiny.
Copy !req
281. She died because
she thought she was nothing.
Copy !req
282. I went through that,
even now I get terrified.
Copy !req
283. But at the same time, it is brilliant.
Copy !req
284. And beautiful.
Copy !req
285. And completely bloody magic.
Copy !req
286. It's bigger, you know. It's like...
Copy !req
287. It's like the whole
wide world is bigger.
Copy !req
288. My life is bigger.
Copy !req
289. Shit!
Copy !req
290. Sasha, love, come on.
Copy !req
291. Look, I haven't got time,
I gotta be in work.
Copy !req
292. Jack, get up here right now!
It's happening again!
Copy !req
293. The children!
Copy !req
294. They're doing it again!
Copy !req
295. Are you all right?
Copy !req
296. We're fine, she's just playing a game.
Copy !req
297. Okay.
Copy !req
298. Now, come on, sweetheart.
People are staring at you.
Copy !req
299. Sasha, stop it!
Copy !req
300. What's she doing? What's that noise?
Copy !req
301. - I don't know.
- Sasha, stop it.
Copy !req
302. Sasha! Please help her.
Copy !req
303. There's another one.
Copy !req
304. It's all right. It's all right.
I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
305. We. We. We. We.
Copy !req
306. We. We. We.
Copy !req
307. - We.
- Whoa!
Copy !req
308. We are.
Copy !req
309. We are. We are.
Copy !req
310. We are coming. We are coming.
Copy !req
311. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
312. We are coming. We are coming.
We are coming.
Copy !req
313. Who's got children? Find me a kid.
Find me a bloody kid, now.
Copy !req
314. We are coming.
Copy !req
315. He won't stop. He keeps saying
the same thing over and over.
Copy !req
316. We are coming. We are coming.
Copy !req
317. - We are coming.
- Sasha, please!
Copy !req
318. - We are coming.
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
319. We are coming!
Copy !req
320. Who are you? Who's coming?
Copy !req
321. Come on, then.
Copy !req
322. Why is that man filming us?
Are we going to be on telly?
Copy !req
323. You all right?
Copy !req
324. They've found me.
Copy !req
325. Gwen, I'll get on to the Home Office,
Copy !req
326. this thing's gone public,
they're gonna need us.
Copy !req
327. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
328. Um... I don't know. I could help.
Copy !req
329. - Doing what?
- You're bleeping.
Copy !req
330. Shit, yeah. Sorry!
Copy !req
331. Whole city's come to a standstill,
they're going to need you in A&E.
Copy !req
332. We'll get back to you, I promise.
Copy !req
333. What's in there?
Copy !req
334. Big science-fiction superbase.
Copy !req
335. Honestly! See you.
Copy !req
336. Sorry, we've got no comment.
Copy !req
337. Can we leave it for now? All right.
Copy !req
338. He's not seeing anyone at the moment.
Copy !req
339. The Home Secretary
is demanding information, sir,
Copy !req
340. and if you're liaising with UNIT...
Copy !req
341. No, I'm sorry, I don't know who that is.
I'm new.
Copy !req
342. Anybody else, just tell them no,
Bridget. No more calls.
Copy !req
343. Bridget, sorry...
Copy !req
344. Uh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
345. You can come with them.
Copy !req
346. I'll have to abandon the press list.
Copy !req
347. Can you setup an auto-reply?
You'll have to get into my account.
Copy !req
348. That's the user name, Spears.
Password, Hastings.
Copy !req
349. - Capital H, rest of it lower case.
- Right.
Copy !req
350. Bridget, I want to see Mr Frobisher.
Copy !req
351. Will you excuse me?
Copy !req
352. - Sir.
- I said no one.
Copy !req
353. Mr Dekker, sir.
Copy !req
354. 456.
Copy !req
355. I warned you.
Copy !req
356. Just tell him
it's Captain Jack Harkness,
Copy !req
357. he'll take the call.
Copy !req
358. I'm sorry, I can't.
Copy !req
359. If you could just leave a number or...
Copy !req
360. Tell him it's Torchwood.
Copy !req
361. Right, and how do you spell that?
Copy !req
362. You're working for the Home Office
and you've never heard of Torchwood?
Copy !req
363. I'm new, started today.
Copy !req
364. Just what I need. Sorry, not your fault.
Copy !req
365. Picked a hell of a day.
Copy !req
366. Listen, just tell him Torchwood.
Copy !req
367. We might be able to help, okay?
Copy !req
368. - What was your name?
- Lois. Lois Habiba.
Copy !req
369. Good luck to you, Lois Habiba.
Copy !req
370. Right, too many people...
Copy !req
371. Been a while
since we had visitors down here.
Copy !req
372. Thought you'd forgotten about us.
Copy !req
373. It's hardly the glamorous side
of Thames House,
Copy !req
374. my little domain.
Copy !req
375. We converted the readings
onto digital years ago.
Copy !req
376. But I kept the original equipment.
Copy !req
377. Call it nostalgia.
Copy !req
378. Then this morning, it woke up.
Copy !req
379. 8:40 and again at 10:30,
Copy !req
380. transmitting on the 456.
Copy !req
381. Just five seconds in duration,
but that's enough.
Copy !req
382. What's it saying?
Copy !req
383. Well, I think it's a burst
of compressed information.
Copy !req
384. I'm running it through the translators,
it might take a while.
Copy !req
385. But the point is, the 456 was open.
Copy !req
386. But why would they change?
Copy !req
387. That's your job to find out.
Copy !req
388. I'll have to tell the Prime Minister.
Copy !req
389. Elected officials?
They just come and go.
Copy !req
390. The 456 was here before him
and it'll be here long after he's gone.
Copy !req
391. So will we.
Copy !req
392. The civil service, John.
Copy !req
393. The cockroaches of government.
Copy !req
394. Have you got kids?
Copy !req
395. Too busy working.
Copy !req
396. Turns out to be a godsend.
Copy !req
397. So I think it's a transmission,
a pulse, a broadcast.
Copy !req
398. Like the mosquito alarm,
the one that only kids can hear.
Copy !req
399. Something unique to prepubescence.
Copy !req
400. Maybe testosterone interferes
with the signal and oestrogen...
Copy !req
401. - We are coming.
- Oh, no, no, no, hold on!
Copy !req
402. We're dumbos, we're missing
the bleeding obvious here, look!
Copy !req
403. Recorded in Taiwan. Point being, anyone?
Copy !req
404. We are coming.
Copy !req
405. - It's English.
- Exactly.
Copy !req
406. And all the footage is the same.
Copy !req
407. So every single child in the whole
wide world is speaking English.
Copy !req
408. So, why is that?
Copy !req
409. I guess if you scan the Earth
from the outside,
Copy !req
410. you'd register English
as the dominant language.
Copy !req
411. Actually, that would be Chinese.
Well, Mandarin.
Copy !req
412. There's about a billion people
speak Mandarin,
Copy !req
413. - that's three times more than English.
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
414. - What?
- Okay, ready?
Copy !req
415. So, every single child in the world
is talking in unison, yeah?
Copy !req
416. - Yeah.
- Every single child...
Copy !req
417. - We are coming.
- ... and one man.
Copy !req
418. We are coming.
Copy !req
419. What the hell, who's he?
Copy !req
420. Name's Timothy White,
he's a patient in a psychiatric ward,
Copy !req
421. the Duke of York Hospital,
East Grinstead.
Copy !req
422. How did you get this footage?
Staff emailed it to the police.
Copy !req
423. Well, every police force is swamped
Copy !req
424. with mums and dads
going absolutely mental.
Copy !req
425. So it was just waiting in line.
Copy !req
426. I reckon no one else
has noticed him yet.
Copy !req
427. East Grinstead.
Copy !req
428. - That's what, two hours?
- I'm on it.
Copy !req
429. I know I promised.
shut up. Change of plan.
Copy !req
430. Oh, it's all right.
I thought you'd be busy.
Copy !req
431. "We are coming!"
Copy !req
432. Eh, but what's it like?
Copy !req
433. The estate agent hasn't turned up.
Ah, fair do's, she's probably got kids.
Copy !req
434. - So, what do you think's causing it?
- Ah, I can't say. Top secret.
Copy !req
435. - You haven't got a clue, have you?
- No idea.
Copy !req
436. Tell you what,
looks nice from the outside.
Copy !req
437. I reckon we could knock
10 grand off the asking price.
Copy !req
438. Three bedrooms, one could be a nursery.
Copy !req
439. - Oh, stop it.
- Well, one day.
Copy !req
440. You can, uh, adopt a Filipino
and get her to clean the chimneys.
Copy !req
441. Thing is, I was thinking though, right,
those kids went off at 8:40,
Copy !req
442. when everyone's on their way to school,
then at 10:30, that's break time.
Copy !req
443. It's like it was timed, you know?
Copy !req
444. So you'd get maximum kids
out in the open, visible to everyone.
Copy !req
445. I suppose.
Copy !req
446. Yeah, but that means
it's timed around Britain.
Copy !req
447. Specific British hours, yeah?
Copy !req
448. It might be worldwide,
Copy !req
449. but I reckon someone's
looking right at us.
Copy !req
450. That's brilliant.
Copy !req
451. That is brilliant.
You're not bad, you, are you?
Copy !req
452. - I'm bloody superb.
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
453. Severn Bridge!
Copy !req
454. I'm going into England.
Farewell forever.
Copy !req
455. Good luck. Have you got currency?
Copy !req
456. Yes, and I've had my injections.
See you!
Copy !req
457. Lunchtime.
This place should be buzzing with kids.
Copy !req
458. - Everyone's taken them home.
- We need a child.
Copy !req
459. 'Cause we need to test
those frequencies.
Copy !req
460. Find the right frequency and we can
find out who's transmitting.
Copy !req
461. Where do you get a child, though?
Copy !req
462. I can find you lasers and
Weevils, hitchhikers.
Copy !req
463. But kids...
Copy !req
464. See you later.
Copy !req
465. Where are you going?
Copy !req
466. Now who's a couple?
Copy !req
467. When I was a kid, it was the bomb.
Copy !req
468. Iron Curtain, Reds under the bed,
it was all so bloody simple.
Copy !req
469. Now it comes raining down
from the skies,
Copy !req
470. made of metal,
Copy !req
471. stinking green and God knows what.
Copy !req
472. I find myself running a country
under siege from above.
Copy !req
473. - What do you recommend that we do?
- You tell me.
Copy !req
474. Given that this is now worldwide,
Prime Minister,
Copy !req
475. it might be best if certain...
Copy !req
476. historical events
were taken off the record.
Copy !req
477. - So Britain gets a clean sheet?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
478. How do we know if these...
Copy !req
479. What do we call them?
Copy !req
480. The 456, they never gave a name.
Copy !req
481. We just called them the 456
after the frequency allocation.
Copy !req
482. Well, how do we know
that the 456 will keep quiet?
Copy !req
483. We don't.
Copy !req
484. All we can do
is hope to cover ourselves.
Copy !req
485. You'll have to issue a Blank Page.
Copy !req
486. No.
Copy !req
487. Then, what do we do?
Copy !req
488. I'm not having my name on this.
Copy !req
489. You never told me.
I was never a part of it.
Copy !req
490. I never knew.
Copy !req
491. Is that understood?
Copy !req
492. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
493. Then I take it that that...
Copy !req
494. leaves the Blank Page with me?
Copy !req
495. Just don't tell me about it.
Copy !req
496. Darling, it's in the bottom drawer.
I put them there yesterday, yeah?
Copy !req
497. Ah, I thought so.
Copy !req
498. Good to see you. How's things?
Copy !req
499. - Terrifying.
- Uncle Jack!
Copy !req
500. Steven! Hey, soldier! How you doing?
Copy !req
501. I was talking like an alien,
everyone was!
Copy !req
502. - It was brilliant!
- You'd better come in.
Copy !req
503. Only me.
Copy !req
504. Oh, bloody hell! We must be in trouble.
Copy !req
505. - Or is it Christmas?
- How are they?
Copy !req
506. Yeah, it was a bit of a scare.
Copy !req
507. I brought 'em home, just in case.
Copy !req
508. But I reckon it's that
group hysteria thing.
Copy !req
509. Like when lots of girls
all faint at the same time.
Copy !req
510. - Did you say thanks to your uncle?
- I did.
Copy !req
511. David, your uncle Ianto's here!
Copy !req
512. I was thinking I missed Mica's birthday,
Copy !req
513. thought I could take her
to McDonald's or something.
Copy !req
514. That's all of ã3.95, you big spender.
Copy !req
515. - All right, cinema.
- Yeah, that'd be nice.
Copy !req
516. You'd like that wouldn't you, Mica?
Copy !req
517. I thought maybe this afternoon?
Copy !req
518. No chance. What about Saturday?
Copy !req
519. I'm kind of busy on Saturday.
Copy !req
520. You're a civil servant.
They don't work weekends,
Copy !req
521. they invented weekends.
And I'm not having her going out.
Copy !req
522. Not today,
not with all that voice thing.
Copy !req
523. I want 'em where I can see 'em.
Copy !req
524. - She'll be with me.
- She's staying put.
Copy !req
525. Right, fine. Just an idea.
I won't bother you.
Copy !req
526. Oh, that's it, is it?
You're just going to go now.
Copy !req
527. Oh, sit down, you daft sod.
Copy !req
528. I got some of that spinach dip.
Copy !req
529. And you and me, well...
Copy !req
530. We got things to talk about.
Copy !req
531. - What things?
- You've been seen.
Copy !req
532. It said on the news that we should
send them back to school tomorrow.
Copy !req
533. Do you think it's safe?
Copy !req
534. Well, I don't know any more than you.
Copy !req
535. - Oh, come on.
- I don't!
Copy !req
536. Any word from Joe?
Copy !req
537. In Italy, with her.
Copy !req
538. They finally got married.
Copy !req
539. He, uh...
Copy !req
540. He phones every now and then
and sends Steven postcards,
Copy !req
541. remembers his birthday.
Copy !req
542. There are worse fathers.
Copy !req
543. How are you off for money?
Copy !req
544. Don't worry about that,
you give me enough.
Copy !req
545. Kind of easy writing cheques, huh?
Copy !req
546. Alice, you're the one
who asked me to stay away.
Copy !req
547. I'd come round here every week
if you wanted me to... Every day.
Copy !req
548. Yeah.
Copy !req
549. I just can't stand it, Dad.
Copy !req
550. I look older than you do
and it's never gonna stop.
Copy !req
551. I get older and older
and you stay the same.
Copy !req
552. One day, you're gonna be
standing at my funeral,
Copy !req
553. looking just like you did
when you were standing at Mum's.
Copy !req
554. No wonder she was so furious.
You make us feel old.
Copy !req
555. Actually, I found a grey hair.
Copy !req
556. Oh, well, that is the end of the world.
Copy !req
557. You ever going to tell him?
Copy !req
558. What do I say,
that you're his grandfather?
Copy !req
559. Well, he's too young to notice right now
that I don't age.
Copy !req
560. But one day he's gonna realise...
Copy !req
561. And that's another good reason
for you to stay away.
Copy !req
562. I suppose.
Copy !req
563. I could make the most of it
while he's still young.
Copy !req
564. Take him out, buy him stuff.
Copy !req
565. Me and him sort of thing.
Copy !req
566. You mean today?
Copy !req
567. While I'm here, may as well.
Copy !req
568. Oh, you bastard.
Copy !req
569. Something happens to the kids,
Copy !req
570. and you want to spend time
with him on the same day.
Copy !req
571. You are not experimenting on that boy,
Dad, not ever.
Copy !req
572. That's why I want you to stay away,
because you're dangerous.
Copy !req
573. Dr Patanjali, you were paging me?
Copy !req
574. Rupesh, Captain Jack Harkness.
Copy !req
575. You've got a children's ward,
haven't you?
Copy !req
576. I need a kid.
Copy !req
577. Susan on the corner was in town
and it was their anniversary.
Copy !req
578. So they went to that posh French place
in town, by the memorial.
Copy !req
579. And there was you.
Copy !req
580. So...
Copy !req
581. There was you,
having dinner with a man.
Copy !req
582. So?
Copy !req
583. Having dinner with a man,
in a restaurant.
Copy !req
584. - So? You have dinner with Tina.
- Not in town.
Copy !req
585. Susan said he was gorgeous.
Copy !req
586. Like a film star.
Copy !req
587. - Like an escort.
- He's my boss.
Copy !req
588. Well, she said it was intimate.
Copy !req
589. I said, "Well, he's had girlfriends."
Copy !req
590. And she said, "Well, no girl was getting
her feet round that table.
Copy !req
591. "No chance."
Copy !req
592. Have you gone bender?
Copy !req
593. Mica's hearing this.
Copy !req
594. She's not bothered.
Her friend Sian's got two mothers.
Copy !req
595. Go on.
Copy !req
596. You never tell me anything these days.
Copy !req
597. Dad died, that was it.
Copy !req
598. You were off, you couldn't wait.
Copy !req
599. Like I did something wrong.
Copy !req
600. I didn't, did I?
Copy !req
601. It's not that.
Copy !req
602. It's my job.
Copy !req
603. It's difficult.
Copy !req
604. It's...
Copy !req
605. He is very handsome.
Copy !req
606. - No!
- Now, stop it.
Copy !req
607. You're kidding me!
Copy !req
608. Really, though?
Copy !req
609. Really...
Copy !req
610. Christ almighty.
Copy !req
611. He's nice, though, is he?
Copy !req
612. Is he? Oh, my...
Copy !req
613. I mean, since when?
Copy !req
614. It's weird.
Copy !req
615. It's just different.
Copy !req
616. It's not men, it's...
Copy !req
617. It's just him.
Copy !req
618. It's only him.
Copy !req
619. And I don't even know
what it is, really, so...
Copy !req
620. So, no broadcasting it.
Copy !req
621. Oh, no, honest. I won't say.
Copy !req
622. If you want it kept quiet...
Copy !req
623. I swear, I won't say a word, I promise.
Copy !req
624. Aye, aye, gay boy.
Copy !req
625. She says you're taking it up the arse.
Copy !req
626. Mica, will you get off that thing?
Copy !req
627. Thanks.
Copy !req
628. How have you been, then,
you smart bastard?
Copy !req
629. Hey, who's car is that outside,
is that you? Black thing.
Copy !req
630. Oh, that's the company car.
Copy !req
631. You want to watch it
on this estate, boy.
Copy !req
632. No, it's fine, top of the rain.
it's got a triple deadlock.
Copy !req
633. Oh, aye, sounds like it.
Copy !req
634. Oh!
Copy !req
635. But it's got a triple deadlock,
they can't have!
Copy !req
636. No, 'cause what they do is, see,
Copy !req
637. they drive round the block,
then come back for a lap of honour.
Copy !req
638. The victory parade, we get 'em.
Copy !req
639. - We should phone the police.
- No, it's more fun this way.
Copy !req
640. Right, here they come, get ready.
Copy !req
641. David, get inside now!
Copy !req
642. That's my car!
Copy !req
643. Close the window,
I'm not telling you again! Get inside!
Copy !req
644. I'll take your computer off you, get in.
Copy !req
645. That's my car.
Copy !req
646. Timothy White, 52 years old,
he's been with us three months.
Copy !req
647. But he's got a history of being
in and out of care all his life.
Copy !req
648. Timothy White's,
my mum used to shop there.
Copy !req
649. Well, if he's got a different name,
he's never said.
Copy !req
650. He spent 40 years living in Leeds.
That's where he first came on record.
Copy !req
651. Found homeless,
living on the streets at the age of 11.
Copy !req
652. 11? Bloody hell.
Copy !req
653. No one ever reported him missing.
Copy !req
654. Apparently, though,
he did have a Scottish accent back then.
Copy !req
655. Gone now, but...
Copy !req
656. He was a long way lost.
Copy !req
657. Can you remember the voice?
Copy !req
658. You said, "We are coming."
Copy !req
659. Can you remember why?
Copy !req
660. Do you know what I think it was?
Copy !req
661. Aliens.
Copy !req
662. There's no such thing.
Copy !req
663. Those days are gone.
Copy !req
664. I don't mean to scare you
because you're perfectly safe,
Copy !req
665. but I think aliens are using you
to speak. What do you think?
Copy !req
666. No such thing.
Copy !req
667. Isn't it, isn't it?
Copy !req
668. I've met aliens.
Copy !req
669. It's part of my job.
Copy !req
670. But I'm not the authorities
or the police or the army,
Copy !req
671. so anything you say
is just between me and you
Copy !req
672. and I will believe you.
Copy !req
673. Give me your hand.
Copy !req
674. You're telling the truth.
Copy !req
675. - How can you tell?
- I can smell it.
Copy !req
676. You've... met them?
Copy !req
677. Dozens of them.
Copy !req
678. Still not safe.
Copy !req
679. Isn't it, isn't it?
Copy !req
680. They're watching.
Copy !req
681. Well, I can do something about that.
Copy !req
682. Shh, shh.
Copy !req
683. What's that thing?
Copy !req
684. The technical name is a gizmo.
Copy !req
685. Isn't it?
Copy !req
686. I think you've seen aliens, too.
Copy !req
687. What's your name? What's your real name?
Copy !req
688. When did you last say your name?
Copy !req
689. - Never.
- Then tell me.
Copy !req
690. I was a kid.
Copy !req
691. What happened?
Copy !req
692. They... They took us out,
Copy !req
693. in the night,
Copy !req
694. in the dark.
Copy !req
695. Isn't it, isn't it?
Copy !req
696. They told us... They said we were
going to a new home.
Copy !req
697. Who did? Who said?
Copy !req
698. The staff.
Copy !req
699. A care home?
Copy !req
700. They...
Copy !req
701. drove us away for miles and miles.
Copy !req
702. They were there, in the sky.
Copy !req
703. What did they look like?
Copy !req
704. Light.
Copy !req
705. The light...
Copy !req
706. took them.
Copy !req
707. Took who?
Copy !req
708. My friends.
Copy !req
709. But not you.
Copy !req
710. I ran.
Copy !req
711. Hmm.
Copy !req
712. There was something,
there were people, there was...
Copy !req
713. Isn't it, isn't it,
isn't it, isn't it...
Copy !req
714. You're all right.
Copy !req
715. You're safe, okay? You're safe now.
Copy !req
716. But they're coming back.
Copy !req
717. I've been smelling them for months.
Copy !req
718. In the air.
Copy !req
719. - Long time coming.
- Tim, I can help.
Copy !req
720. Look at me, I can help.
Copy !req
721. If kids went missing, something's gotta
be written down and I will find it.
Copy !req
722. But to do that,
I need to know your name.
Copy !req
723. I was Clem.
Copy !req
724. Clement McDonald.
Copy !req
725. Hi, Clem.
Copy !req
726. Hi.
Copy !req
727. Where were you from?
Copy !req
728. It was somewhere in Scotland,
do you remember?
Copy !req
729. Holly Tree.
Copy !req
730. Holly Tree. Now, then,
is that a town or a place or...
Copy !req
731. The Holly Tree.
Copy !req
732. The Holly Tree,
is that where it happened, Clem, is it?
Copy !req
733. What was the Holly Tree?
What was the Holly Tree?
Copy !req
734. You're pregnant.
Copy !req
735. - Sorry?
- Yes, you are.
Copy !req
736. No, I don't think so.
Copy !req
737. Yes, I can smell it.
Copy !req
738. Three weeks.
Copy !req
739. Oh!
Copy !req
740. Bloody hell, I've been running.
Copy !req
741. That camera's gone off.
It just went dead.
Copy !req
742. Still, no harm done, eh?
Copy !req
743. Is everything all right?
Copy !req
744. Yes, I'm fine, thank you.
Copy !req
745. Well, I think we've had long enough.
Copy !req
746. Time for your meds, isn't it, Tim?
Copy !req
747. - If you don't mind?
- No, not at all.
Copy !req
748. Congratulations.
Copy !req
749. Ianto, I need a search
on Clement McDonald.
Copy !req
750. It could be M-C or M-A-C.
Copy !req
751. And try the words
"Holly Tree" and "Scotland".
Copy !req
752. We're looking at the 1960s.
Got that?
Copy !req
753. Yup.
Copy !req
754. Then try the words Timothy White,
Copy !req
755. with the option of Timothy White's,
apostrophe S, like the shop.
Copy !req
756. I lost the car.
Copy !req
757. Yeah, and if you find anything
let me know straight away.
Copy !req
758. Don't wait for me to get back.
Copy !req
759. These kids nicked it.
Copy !req
760. Yeah, see you later.
Copy !req
761. I've got a red flag
on a Torchwood intercept.
Copy !req
762. The name Clement McDonald.
Can you trace it?
Copy !req
763. Roger, Ashton,
Control initiating trace now.
Copy !req
764. You'll find the names under 456.
Copy !req
765. And what do you want me to do?
Copy !req
766. I promise,
we can zap these kid's memories
Copy !req
767. so they won't remember a thing.
No side effects.
Copy !req
768. Look, there's been another death.
Copy !req
769. Mr Chow Lee Jee, Chinese again.
Copy !req
770. He came in with a nosebleed
that wouldn't stop.
Copy !req
771. Next thing you know, it's been diagnosed
as a brain haemorrhage.
Copy !req
772. He died at 16:25.
Copy !req
773. Sorry, he's with me. Dr Patanjali, A&E.
Copy !req
774. We just need to check Mr Chow Lee Jee.
Copy !req
775. - Well, he hasn't gone missing.
- I can see that.
Copy !req
776. Need to run a toxicology scan,
not on the NHS,
Copy !req
777. we've got much better equipment.
Copy !req
778. Pupils blown. That corresponds
with a brain haemorrhage,
Copy !req
779. though it could be induced artificially.
Copy !req
780. No sign of trauma to the skin
apart from bruising but that's...
Copy !req
781. Get them in. Seal off the area.
Copy !req
782. Permission to move out.
Copy !req
783. The name Clement McDonald
hasn't been active for 44 years.
Copy !req
784. Here he is.
Copy !req
785. Torchwood's found him
under the name of Timothy White.
Copy !req
786. That's way beyond coincidence.
Bring him in.
Copy !req
787. Who changed the plan?
Copy !req
788. I spent months researching that.
Copy !req
789. And they believed me!
Copy !req
790. Perfect infiltration. I thought
you wanted me inside Torchwood,
Copy !req
791. to see what they've got in there.
Copy !req
792. Who killed the Chinese man?
Copy !req
793. I did. I had to.
Copy !req
794. It was perfect timing,
he just fitted the story.
Copy !req
795. Then get off your high horse, yeah?
Copy !req
796. Any sign yet?
Copy !req
797. Not so far.
Copy !req
798. Do you think it's true?
What they say about him?
Copy !req
799. - He was dead.
- Now he's dead again.
Copy !req
800. And we'll keep killing him
till he's ready.
Copy !req
801. - Get him prepared.
- Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
802. How the hell does he do it?
Copy !req
803. No one knows.
Copy !req
804. Theory would suggest
it's connected to the Torchwood Hub,
Copy !req
805. that rift thing,
which makes the whole place a target.
Copy !req
806. What changed the orders?
Copy !req
807. The children.
Copy !req
808. Sealing him up.
Copy !req
809. Closing down. Everybody out.
Copy !req
810. Put him back where he was.
Copy !req
811. He's gonna wonder where I've gone.
How are we going to cover that?
Copy !req
812. How do you mean?
Copy !req
813. Well, he's gonna try and trace me.
Copy !req
814. You're not disappearing.
Copy !req
815. Yeah, but I've got to. He's gonna...
Copy !req
816. Sides!
Copy !req
817. Oh, no.
Copy !req
818. Result!
There was a Holly Tree Lodge
Copy !req
819. just outside Arbroath.
Copy !req
820. It's a hotel now, but up until 1965
it was a state-run orphanage.
Copy !req
821. And they had a Clement McDonald.
Copy !req
822. He was taken into care,
April 1965, after his mother died.
Copy !req
823. No father on record.
Copy !req
824. In November 1965,
he was transferred, along with...
Copy !req
825. Oh.
Copy !req
826. Five to Control, Harkness now
approaching door one, over.
Copy !req
827. He's inside.
Copy !req
828. We don't know how deep that place goes,
give it five. Over.
Copy !req
829. We need damage control at St Helen's.
Copy !req
830. One body, Dr Rupesh Patanjali,
shot in the back.
Copy !req
831. - What happened?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
832. He was just left there right beside me,
like someone's gloating.
Copy !req
833. Did they kill you?
Copy !req
834. Yeah.
Copy !req
835. Maybe we we're being targeted.
Copy !req
836. Whether it's him or me,
we should be careful.
Copy !req
837. Better tell Gwen.
Copy !req
838. She's back, she's in the lab.
Copy !req
839. Gwen!
Copy !req
840. Boy, have I had a day.
Copy !req
841. Oh, my God, is that...
Copy !req
842. - How long?
- Three weeks.
Copy !req
843. That's good, isn't it?
Copy !req
844. From where I'm standing,
it looks good to me.
Copy !req
845. Yeah.
Copy !req
846. Bloody hell.
Copy !req
847. It's brilliant.
Copy !req
848. Ianto, we're having a baby.
Copy !req
849. You told Rhys?
Copy !req
850. I've only just found out myself.
Copy !req
851. Oh, you told me before you told him,
he is gonna love that.
Copy !req
852. Congratulations.
Copy !req
853. Would now be a good time to tell you
I lost the car?
Copy !req
854. You did what?
Copy !req
855. That is just bloody spectacular!
Copy !req
856. But what about this place and my job?
Copy !req
857. We'll manage. We always do.
Copy !req
858. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
859. Oh, my God! It's a bomb.
Copy !req
860. There's a bomb inside your stomach.
Copy !req
861. - Get out, both of you, right now!
- No, no!
Copy !req
862. Blast radius, one mile.
Copy !req
863. Right now, get out!
Copy !req
864. There's got to be something we can do.
Look, we can stop it!
Copy !req
865. We can fix this, okay?
We can rip it out of you!
Copy !req
866. I'm telling you, get out!
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867. It's active, two minutes.
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868. Yeah, well, I can't just run, Jack.
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869. You're pregnant.
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870. We are coming.
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871. - John! John!
- We are coming. We are coming.
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872. We are coming.
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873. - We are coming.
- Stop it.
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874. We are coming.
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875. We are coming. We are coming.
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876. Lockdown.
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877. Ianto,
you're going to get locked inside.
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878. Torchwood lockdown.
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879. - Ianto!
- We can override the mechanism!
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880. - For God's sake, get out!
- There'll be nothing left of you!
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881. I can survive anything.
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882. Torchwood lockdown.
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883. I'll come back, I always do.
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884. Stop it, Steven, stop it!
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885. We are coming.
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886. - Stop it!
- We are coming.
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887. - Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
- We are coming.
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888. - Stop it! Stop it!
- We are coming.
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889. Torchwood lockdown.
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890. We are coming... back.
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891. - What's going on like?
- Listen, someone is trying to kill me
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892. and if they're after me,
they're gonna come after you.
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893. Call me when you've got them.
And get them quick.
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894. Gwen!
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895. It's all to do with aliens,
and that they'll be here tomorrow.
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896. We are coming.
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897. And why do they want you dead?
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898. We're building something
and we don't even know what it is?
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899. It's for them.
Copy !req