1. Torchwood.
Copy !req
2. Outside the government, beyond the police.
Copy !req
3. Tracking down alien life on Earth
and arming the human race against the future.
Copy !req
4. The 21 st century is when everything changes.
Copy !req
5. And you've got to be ready.
Copy !req
6. - Diane Holmes.
- How have you done this to me?
Copy !req
7. Love, you're always at its mercy.
Copy !req
8. Hate to break it to you, but you're not my first.
Copy !req
9. Anti-Weevil spray. Hand clamps.
Copy !req
10. Come on, let's make this easy for both of us.
Copy !req
11. This always happens
when I give them the night off.
Copy !req
12. It's not even really medium, let alone well done.
Copy !req
13. French place, you see?
Copy !req
14. Hey, remember that weekend in Paris?
The little place with the wood panelling...
Copy !req
15. They barely even waved
the steak under the grill and you said...
Copy !req
16. - Why are you looking at me like that?
- Sorry, like what?
Copy !req
17. Like you'd rather be somewhere else.
It's becoming the norm, innit?
Copy !req
18. I'm chopsing away,
I look up and you're just absent.
Copy !req
19. - What's happening to us, Gwen?
- I know, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
20. Is it something I've done, or not done?
Copy !req
21. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
22. - Oh, God, what's happened to you?
- Rhys, is it? N ice to meet you.
Copy !req
23. Sorry, dude, kind of an emergency.
I'll have her back for dessert. Come on.
Copy !req
24. Hold on, sunshine. That's my girlfriend.
Copy !req
25. - Rhys, this is Jack...
- Sit down, Gwen.
Copy !req
26. - He's my boss!
- Sit the fuck down!
Copy !req
27. Don't ever speak to me like that.
Copy !req
28. Come on, Gwen. Let's go.
Copy !req
29. Hey, she's with me tonight.
One night off. You promised.
Copy !req
30. Don't you dare.
Copy !req
31. If you go now, Gwen...
Copy !req
32. Sorry for cutting in,
but I've been having a little trouble with this one.
Copy !req
33. Rhys will get over it. He always does.
Copy !req
34. You promised to keep hold of your life.
Don't let it drift.
Copy !req
35. 300 metres on the right, car park.
Copy !req
36. Jack! Over there!
Copy !req
37. Get him in, get him in!
They're fucking...
Copy !req
38. Hey!
Copy !req
39. Who the hell were they?
Copy !req
40. One, since when did other people
know about Weevils?
Copy !req
41. Two, have they done this before and if so,
how come we didn't know about it?
Copy !req
42. Three, what do they want with them anyway?
Copy !req
43. Might not be connected,
Copy !req
44. but we've noticed a surge of unusual injuries
being reported at the A&E unit.
Copy !req
45. Chunks taken out of legs and arms,
deep wounds to backs and stomachs.
Copy !req
46. So we have a wave of Weevil attacks
to add to our problems.
Copy !req
47. Oh, and by the way,
that spray we used on them previously?
Copy !req
48. Looks like they're becoming immune to it.
Copy !req
49. - They're mutating?
- Or evolving.
Copy !req
50. So any sign of the one we lost earlier?
Copy !req
51. I've run a trace on the van's number plate.
It's fake.
Copy !req
52. 2, 500 vans of that type
registered in the Cardiff area.
Copy !req
53. Widen that to a 40 mile radius,
and the number doubles.
Copy !req
54. - So, run a trace on the vehicle...
- Route via traffic cameras?
Copy !req
55. This is Owen's voicemail.
Leave a message if you must.
Copy !req
56. Processing that now.
Copy !req
57. Leave a message for Gwen and Rhys,
and we'll call you back.
Copy !req
58. If we remember.
Copy !req
59. Hi, it's me. I've left three messages now.
Copy !req
60. Look, I've got dozens of excuses,
um, hundreds, thousands!
Copy !req
61. But none of them good enough.
Things have got away from me a bit lately.
Copy !req
62. It's this job. It never lets up.
Copy !req
63. Look, I'll see you later. I'm not sure what time yet.
Copy !req
64. I've got some work to finish off first.
Copy !req
65. Call me.
Copy !req
66. Message deleted.
Copy !req
67. Are you going to answer that?
N inth missed call. Work.
Copy !req
68. - Do you enjoy your job, then?
- Look, if you don't mind, I came out to be alone.
Copy !req
69. - Ah, the old Greta Garbo.
- Something like that.
Copy !req
70. Little bit of advice.
Copy !req
71. Next time you feel like this,
I think you should stay in.
Copy !req
72. Trust me,
the bigger the crowd, the more alone I feel.
Copy !req
73. - I said no chatting up the punters.
- Oh, for God's sake.
Copy !req
74. Tommy, I work in a bar.
It's my job to speak to them.
Copy !req
75. You're never happier than when
you're flashing your tits at a passing dickhead.
Copy !req
76. - Don't speak to her like that.
- You what?
Copy !req
77. We were having a conversation.
Copy !req
78. One day, when you've grown up,
you'll realise that's what human beings do.
Copy !req
79. Tommy, stop it! You'll get me the sack!
Copy !req
80. See, it's about using your opponent's aggression
to your own ends.
Copy !req
81. Now, I'd suggest
you don't pick fights with strangers.
Copy !req
82. And you should really upgrade your boyfriend.
Copy !req
83. What does a man have to do
to get some peace in this city?
Copy !req
84. Owen's still not answering his phone.
Copy !req
85. Well, he's been even more erratic than usual
since that thing with Diane.
Copy !req
86. Since the what?
Copy !req
87. It's none of my business.
Copy !req
88. What thing?
Copy !req
89. What thing, Tosh?
Copy !req
90. Owen and Diane.
Before she took the plane, they had a thing.
Copy !req
91. - You knew that, right?
- Oh, yeah, of course I knew that.
Copy !req
92. I just didn't know they had a "thing" thing.
Copy !req
93. It started 10 minutes ago.
Copy !req
94. What do you think it's doing?
Copy !req
95. - I think it's weeping.
- Why?
Copy !req
96. Owen's been studying this one.
Copy !req
97. He thinks they have a low level of telepathic
ability to share emotion across distance.
Copy !req
98. You mean, it might be feeling the pain
of another Weevil?
Copy !req
99. - I kind of hope we're wrong, though.
- Why?
Copy !req
100. Because that would mean
somebody's not only kidnapping Weevils,
Copy !req
101. they're causing them pain.
Copy !req
102. What can you feel?
Copy !req
103. What do you know?
Copy !req
104. I've tracked the van's route.
Copy !req
105. It went straight from the car park
out to the docks.
Copy !req
106. This was two hours ago.
Copy !req
107. - What happened?
- The CCTV cameras went down.
Copy !req
108. Do you think it was deliberate?
Copy !req
109. I think these guys really don't like to be watched.
Copy !req
110. See, and I know it's a character flaw,
Copy !req
111. but that makes me all the more determined
to find out what it is they're hiding.
Copy !req
112. Looks like we missed them.
Copy !req
113. Yeah, but if you quit places in a hurry,
you tend to be forgetful.
Copy !req
114. You know what they used these warehouses for
during World War II?
Copy !req
115. Storing the bodies of dead GIs.
Copy !req
116. Sometimes you can know too much history.
Copy !req
117. Come on.
Copy !req
118. There's nothing here.
Copy !req
119. So what were they doing here?
Copy !req
120. Why come all this way out?
Copy !req
121. - Psst.
- What is it?
Copy !req
122. Looks human. Male.
Copy !req
123. - Is he alive?
- Hello?
Copy !req
124. You okay there?
Copy !req
125. We're looking for the people
who were here last night.
Copy !req
126. If you saw anything,
now's a good time to speak up.
Copy !req
127. Jack, he's bleeding.
Copy !req
128. Oh, my God.
Weevil marks.
Copy !req
129. - You don't think it's still here, do you?
- No. We'd hear it.
Copy !req
130. Help me with the body.
Copy !req
131. - Is that his?
- You don't think I'd choose that ring tone?
Copy !req
132. Don't answer it.
Copy !req
133. Hello.
Copy !req
134. I don't know who you are,
but stay out of what doesn't concern you.
Copy !req
135. - Who killed this man?
- Did you hear what I just said?
Copy !req
136. I have this selective deafness
when I'm talking to cowards or murderers.
Copy !req
137. Don't interfere in things you don't understand.
Copy !req
138. Oh, I understand this better than you.
'Cause I know how this is going to end.
Copy !req
139. We're going to hunt you down.
Copy !req
140. We're going to ensure
that you're punished for what happened here.
Copy !req
141. And we're going to make you surrender
that creature that you kidnapped.
Copy !req
142. Is that clear enough?
Copy !req
143. Ianto, I need you to trace all calls to and from
this number in the last 24 hours fast as you can.
Copy !req
144. We're on our way back.
Copy !req
145. This is Owen's voicemail. Don't leave a message.
Copy !req
146. Nice try, Owen.
I want you back at the Hub immediately.
Copy !req
147. We've got a Weevil murder,
so get your bony little ass over here now.
Copy !req
148. Dan Hodges. Date of birth, 21 st January, 1979.
Copy !req
149. Salesman for web publishing software.
Copy !req
150. Looks like he was married with a kid.
Copy !req
151. Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.
Copy !req
152. Right, definitely death by Weevil,
Copy !req
153. but he took a right kicking
before the throat was punctured.
Copy !req
154. Weevils go for the kill, straight for the jugular.
Copy !req
155. Look at his face.
Black eye, bruises to the cheekbones.
Copy !req
156. Same across the back and the ribs.
Copy !req
157. Could he have been tortured?
Copy !req
158. Maybe, but I reckon
these wounds were inflicted by humans.
Copy !req
159. But why smack somebody about
and then set the Weevil on them?
Copy !req
160. Why not get the Weevil to do all the work for you?
Copy !req
161. Any joy with the phone records?
- The last incoming number was blocked,
Copy !req
162. and the phone's entire call history
has been erased.
Copy !req
163. God, they move fast.
Copy !req
164. If you ask me, these guys are using Weevils
to carry out the perfect murder.
Copy !req
165. No fingerprints, no traces of recognisable DNA,
Copy !req
166. a quick, guaranteed death.
Copy !req
167. Nothing to connect anyone to the murder.
Copy !req
168. Right. Should be a piece of piss
to find the killer, then.
Copy !req
169. What about this guy? Someone's got to
break it to his wife that he's dead.
Copy !req
170. The shittiest part about being a police officer,
and I can't get away from it.
Copy !req
171. Thanks for your kind words of support.
Copy !req
172. What do you want me to say?
She'll be all right in the end?
Copy !req
173. You can always count on Owen
to make you feel better.
Copy !req
174. Tosh mentioned you and Diane.
Copy !req
175. - Did you...
- I didn't want her to go. She went.
Copy !req
176. Why are we still doing this, me and you?
Copy !req
177. Fine, let's not.
Copy !req
178. I was getting bored of your fuck-tricks anyway.
Copy !req
179. You can be such a wanker sometimes, Owen,
do you know that?
Copy !req
180. I do, as a matter of fact!
Copy !req
181. - Where the hell have you been?
- Walking.
Copy !req
182. Well, in your absence, Toshiko's had a great idea.
Copy !req
183. - Well, it had to happen sooner or later.
- Ignore him, Tosh.
Copy !req
184. Yeah, just ignore me, Tosh.
I can be such a wanker apparently.
Copy !req
185. The van went from kidnapping the Weevil
straight to the warehouse.
Copy !req
186. They must've known it was empty.
Copy !req
187. So either they own it, or they had
previous contact with the estate agents.
Copy !req
188. Owen Harper, you're going into property.
Toshiko's in the middle of fixing you a cover story.
Copy !req
189. Hang on, why me?
Copy !req
190. Jack and Gwen were in the car park,
I was in the warehouse.
Copy !req
191. If they've got access to CCTV, they'll recognise us.
Copy !req
192. We have to get under their guard,
find out what's going on.
Copy !req
193. Yeah, all right.
Copy !req
194. I could do with being someone else right now.
Copy !req
195. - Mr Harper?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
196. Mark Lynch.
You're looking to relocate your business to Cardiff.
Copy !req
197. - Yeah.
- And you export jellied eels. Really?
Copy !req
198. H uge growth market. China, South America...
Copy !req
199. I'm having a nightmare
trying to keep up with demand.
Copy !req
200. - I'll get you a batch if you find me the right gaff.
- I think I'll pass on that.
Copy !req
201. - Any family to relocate?
- Just me. It's better that way.
Copy !req
202. And you're looking for premises out by the docks.
Copy !req
203. H mm, nice big warehouse. That's what I need.
Copy !req
204. I've got a couple that should be perfect.
Copy !req
205. Hang on while I print.
Copy !req
206. Thanks.
Copy !req
207. Oh, we're in.
Copy !req
208. This'll give us everything on his hard drive,
including encrypted files.
Copy !req
209. If I can establish a routing protocol,
Copy !req
210. whatever he does on this computer from now on,
we'll know about it.
Copy !req
211. Owen, you're clear.
Copy !req
212. These have got
the square footage you're looking for,
Copy !req
213. good access, competitively priced.
Copy !req
214. Except... these all look like shitholes to me.
Copy !req
215. Yeah, they are a bit.
Copy !req
216. Didn't I see your sign outside a big place
in the Q section of the docks?
Copy !req
217. We've accepted an offer on it.
Pretty much signed and sealed.
Copy !req
218. He's lying.
Copy !req
219. According to their records,
it only went on the market last week.
Copy !req
220. - Bummer.
- What about a unit on an industrial estate?
Copy !req
221. Save a ton on rent, even after transport costs.
Copy !req
222. And you just happen to have a list
of suitable premises? Nah.
Copy !req
223. There are other possibilities.
You free at the end of the day?
Copy !req
224. - Yeah.
- Why don't we go for a drink?
Copy !req
225. On your own in a strange city,
see, I remember that feeling.
Copy !req
226. Look at you now.
Copy !req
227. Couple of gorgeous birds
answering your phones for you.
Copy !req
228. - If that's not success, I don't know what is.
- It's all bollocks, really.
Copy !req
229. - But if you wanted me to put in a good word...
- No.
Copy !req
230. Thanks.
Copy !req
231. - Good to meet you, Mark.
- Yeah, I'll give you a bell.
Copy !req
232. First, he'll go for the weblink
at the top of the page.
Copy !req
233. Then he'll want to know
what other people say about the business.
Copy !req
234. Now he'll see what Owen has to say about himself.
Copy !req
235. Welcome to the number one supplier
of jellied eels to Britain and Northern Europe.
Copy !req
236. With a client base of more than 150 resellers,
Copy !req
237. we're constantly looking
to expand into new territories.
Copy !req
238. If you're interested in becoming an affiliate
or Harper's franchise holder,
Copy !req
239. please contact our Sales Director
on the number below.
Copy !req
240. Harper's sales, Jenny Long speaking.
Copy !req
241. I'm sorry, wrong number.
Copy !req
242. Job done.
Copy !req
243. I've tracked down another set
of suspicious injuries at the hospital.
Copy !req
244. They sound pretty bad.
Copy !req
245. Tosh, stay here
and monitor Mark Lynch's movements.
Copy !req
246. - Ianto, with me.
- I'll come with you.
Copy !req
247. - Go home.
- But...
Copy !req
248. It's not a request. Remember, don't let it drift.
Copy !req
249. - What you doing?
- You here now, are you?
Copy !req
250. That's your pulling top.
Copy !req
251. - No, it's not.
- It is!
Copy !req
252. That's what you call it,
since I said you looked sexy in it
Copy !req
253. - You off out?
- Aye, Daf's stag do.
Copy !req
254. All day job.
Copy !req
255. - Since when is Daf getting married?
- No, he's not.
Copy !req
256. But he thinks he's missing out on a piss-up.
Copy !req
257. So he's having a Staying Single Stag.
Copy !req
258. Few beers, see what transpires.
Copy !req
259. Strip club, that sort of thing.
Copy !req
260. - What time will you be back?
- Not sure.
Copy !req
261. - But I'm in tonight.
- Well, I'm not.
Copy !req
262. I've already made my statement to the police.
Copy !req
263. According to your chart here,
you nearly had your heart torn from your rib cage.
Copy !req
264. Ooh!
Copy !req
265. A ten-hour operation to repair chest wounds.
Copy !req
266. Why should I talk to you?
Copy !req
267. Let me tell you what did this to you.
Copy !req
268. Six feet high, teeth like a shark, rippled skin
Copy !req
269. and the rage of a wild animal.
Copy !req
270. - Am I close?
- I was mugged.
Copy !req
271. There was three of them, they had knives.
Copy !req
272. So why were your wounds
described by paramedics as bite marks?
Copy !req
273. Look, I can't help it if they got mixed up.
Copy !req
274. They're overworked.
Copy !req
275. There are lots of ways I can get you to talk,
Copy !req
276. but the easiest would be
if you consider the consequences
Copy !req
277. should you not tell me the truth.
Copy !req
278. And that is... this creature will attack again,
Copy !req
279. somebody will die,
Copy !req
280. and it will be on your conscience.
Copy !req
281. - Now tell us the truth.
- I can't.
Copy !req
282. - They'd kill me.
- Who'd kill you?
Copy !req
283. Everyone.
Copy !req
284. What did he mean, everyone?
Copy !req
285. That's all he'd say.
Couldn't get any more out of him.
Copy !req
286. That leaves us one option.
Copy !req
287. Okay, Janet, time for a trip out.
Copy !req
288. - You call it Janet?
- Barbara just never seemed right.
Copy !req
289. You want to release a Weevil
in the middle of Cardiff!
Copy !req
290. Not exactly in the middle, a little to the side.
We placed a tracker in its boiler suit
Copy !req
291. so when they capture it,
we'll know exactly where they are.
Copy !req
292. It could kill any number of people before then.
Copy !req
293. I'm with Tosh.
There's no telling what might happen.
Copy !req
294. We set it loose in the same place
where they took the other one.
Copy !req
295. It's deserted this time of night.
We'll be with it every step of the way.
Copy !req
296. - Tracker working?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
297. Go, Janet!
Copy !req
298. Second right, 200 metres ahead.
Copy !req
299. Shit! Stop the car.
Copy !req
300. She's taken a left. Pedestrian access only!
Copy !req
301. Ianto, take over!
Copy !req
302. Now that's what I call service. Cheers.
Copy !req
303. Yeah, cheers.
Copy !req
304. Shit.
Copy !req
305. - We got a problem here, boys?
- Not with you.
Copy !req
306. Come on then, let's get it over with.
Copy !req
307. No need for you to get involved...
Copy !req
308. Get up!
Copy !req
309. Thanks.
Copy !req
310. Whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
311. The Weevil has landed.
Copy !req
312. - Got a signal?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
313. Just so I know where we stand,
Copy !req
314. we would never deliberately
put a human being through that.
Copy !req
315. - But Weevils are fair game, is that right?
- We need to follow them.
Copy !req
316. This is your gaff?
Copy !req
317. Make yourself at home.
Copy !req
318. I'm in the wrong business.
Copy !req
319. So, what's your outlet?
Copy !req
320. Uh, for what?
Copy !req
321. - The anger.
- Who said I was angry?
Copy !req
322. You're not even living here yet
and you've got people coming after you.
Copy !req
323. Yeah, well, some people need teaching a lesson.
Copy !req
324. I'm not criticising.
Copy !req
325. You're not the only pissed-off bloke out there.
It's what the world does to us.
Copy !req
326. - Fancy a beer?
- Yeah, why not?
Copy !req
327. You work yourself stupid,
get a house, a car, plasma screen...
Copy !req
328. You end up with a workforce, people there
specifically to look after your every whim.
Copy !req
329. You're officially successful,
but what does it bring?
Copy !req
330. Nothing. Success has no worth other than itself.
Copy !req
331. Seriously, I could live without all this.
It doesn't define me.
Copy !req
332. Yeah, nice to have it though, yeah?
Copy !req
333. Ask yourself,
Copy !req
334. what's the point of your life?
Copy !req
335. Mark, mate, I only came here for a beer.
Copy !req
336. There's so much more,
Copy !req
337. if you know where to look.
Copy !req
338. Is that right?
Copy !req
339. It's closer than you think.
Copy !req
340. Something's coming.
Copy !req
341. Out there, in the darkness,
Copy !req
342. something is coming.
Copy !req
343. You drunk?
Copy !req
344. Two pints was all I could get down.
They've gone on without me.
Copy !req
345. - Look, Gwen...
- I need to tell you something.
Copy !req
346. What sort of thing?
Copy !req
347. I've been sleeping...
I've been having sex with someone else.
Copy !req
348. From work.
Copy !req
349. H is name's Owen.
Copy !req
350. I mean, he's a bit of a tosser actually,
and it's all gonna stop but...
Copy !req
351. - Shut up.
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
352. - I'm really sorry.
- You wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
353. But I have.
Copy !req
354. - Then... Why are you telling me?
- Because I'm ashamed.
Copy !req
355. And I'm angry. And I want... I need...
Copy !req
356. I need you to forgive me.
Copy !req
357. And because I've drugged you.
Copy !req
358. - You've done what?
- Just sit down. It's nothing.
Copy !req
359. It's just an amnesia pill. Dash of sedative.
Copy !req
360. You'll wake up tomorrow,
and you'll forget everything.
Copy !req
361. - Rhys?
- God, you selfish bitch!
Copy !req
362. I know, I just thought it would give us a chance...
Copy !req
363. A chance to get everything out in the open,
you know, get everything out.
Copy !req
364. Rhys! Stay with me, Rhys.
Copy !req
365. Say you forgive me. Say, "It's all right, Gwen."
Copy !req
366. "Gwen, it's all right. Gwen..." Say it please, Rhys.
Copy !req
367. Rhys, just say it once. Say it once, "I forgive you."
Copy !req
368. Rhys, please say it!
Copy !req
369. Say you forgive me. Say you forgive me.
Copy !req
370. Say it! Say it, please, say it.
Copy !req
371. Say it, please.
Copy !req
372. Have you found the bathroom yet?
- Yeah. Cheers.
Copy !req
373. Told you there was more to see.
Copy !req
374. Mark, mate, I'm really sorry.
I couldn't resist the padlock.
Copy !req
375. - What do you think?
- What is it?
Copy !req
376. No idea. Don't get too close, though.
Copy !req
377. - Vicious bastard.
- Where did you get it from?
Copy !req
378. I found one on the streets.
It took five of us to bring it in.
Copy !req
379. Other than that, I haven't got a clue.
Copy !req
380. Scientific experiment gone wrong?
Copy !req
381. N uclear victim?
Copy !req
382. One of the lads even reckons it's an alien.
Copy !req
383. - Do you want to know what I think?
- Yeah, go on.
Copy !req
384. I think it's us, Owen, you and me,
in 1000 years' time.
Copy !req
385. This is what we become
when all we have left is our rage.
Copy !req
386. - Not exactly a comforting thought.
- Give it a smack.
Copy !req
387. - You what?
- Punch it.
Copy !req
388. - Why?
- That's what it's there for.
Copy !req
389. - Or do you want me to do it for you?
- It just feels a bit weird, that's all.
Copy !req
390. All right, that's enough!
Copy !req
391. It's not exactly putting up a fight.
Copy !req
392. We all need a punch bag.
Copy !req
393. - So who are you, Owen?
- Sorry?
Copy !req
394. It'd be pretty stupid not to assume
Copy !req
395. you're not connected to those two
in the black SUV.
Copy !req
396. I don't know what you mean.
Copy !req
397. Bloke in the big coat, cute little Asian girl?
I was watching.
Copy !req
398. N ice website by the way.
Kudos to whoever did that.
Copy !req
399. Although, jellied eels?
I'm not sure that was your greatest idea.
Copy !req
400. - I wasn't that bad.
- Pretty much, you were.
Copy !req
401. Whoever you are,
you've royally fucked up my plans.
Copy !req
402. - Didn't want all this getting out.
- What about Dan Hodges?
Copy !req
403. What about his wife and kid?
Copy !req
404. I'm not responsible for people's life choices.
Copy !req
405. Now, why did you lot take the body?
Copy !req
406. Why didn't you go to the cops?
Copy !req
407. Because, Mark, they are parochial pigshits
whose minds would implode if they saw this.
Copy !req
408. Who are you, Owen Harper?
Copy !req
409. Is that who you are?
Copy !req
410. A little kid hiding behind a gun.
Copy !req
411. If you want to know what happens,
you're not going to find out because of a weapon.
Copy !req
412. Good boy, we're finally getting somewhere.
Copy !req
413. Now, you're just you.
Copy !req
414. Stripping things back to the core, Owen.
Now we're just two blokes.
Copy !req
415. Equal.
Copy !req
416. - Why did you murder Dan Hodges?
- I didn't.
Copy !req
417. All right, not technically.
Did you do it here?
Copy !req
418. I mean, you let that thing loose on him.
Copy !req
419. Perfect murder.
Nothing to link you back to the crime.
Copy !req
420. God, you haven't got a clue, have you?
Copy !req
421. Dan wasn't murdered. He was one of us.
Copy !req
422. Tell me what happened.
Copy !req
423. I can do better than that.
Copy !req
424. Come on.
Copy !req
425. Hello?
Copy !req
426. Anyone?
Copy !req
427. So where is it, Tosh?
Copy !req
428. - So what have we got now?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
429. We have no clue where they are
or what they're doing.
Copy !req
430. - So, what am I supposed to be looking at?
- Wait and see.
Copy !req
431. All this lot with you?
Copy !req
432. - What's going on?
- You'll find out.
Copy !req
433. I've never been that keen on surprises.
Copy !req
434. Jack, I've...
Copy !req
435. Yes!
Copy !req
436. Jack, can you hear me?
Copy !req
437. What the hell are you doing there?
I told you to go home.
Copy !req
438. There's a text message that's just come through
on Dan Hodges' phone.
Copy !req
439. Charlie Foxtrot one zero, six Bravo Yankee.
Copy !req
440. Seems to be a postcode for a building.
It's gonna have a Lynch Frost sign outside.
Copy !req
441. - Okay, I've got the location.
- Gwen, we'll pick you up on the way.
Copy !req
442. So people get an alert by text message
and they head to a property.
Copy !req
443. A property Mark Lynch knows is empty.
Copy !req
444. So the question is,
what happens when they get there?
Copy !req
445. - What the hell's going on here?
- Warm-up.
Copy !req
446. - Warm-up? Who are these blokes?
- Same as us.
Copy !req
447. Ordinary blokes just trying to find meaning
in a world that doesn't have any.
Copy !req
448. You don't really believe that, do you?
Copy !req
449. We're the dispossessed now, Owen.
All the certainties our fathers had are gone.
Copy !req
450. We're a generation of no faith.
Copy !req
451. In society, in religion, or in life.
Copy !req
452. everyone into the big hall.
Copy !req
453. All we can do is reduce ourselves to the basics.
Copy !req
454. This is only the warm-up.
Copy !req
455. Come on. You coming or staying?
Copy !req
456. Five, four, three, two, one.
Copy !req
457. Come on, don't just stand there, you muppet!
Copy !req
458. Get me out!
Copy !req
459. N ice one, mate! Costs a grand to enter the cage.
Copy !req
460. Whoever stays in there the longest
across the night, takes home all the money.
Copy !req
461. - You're next.
- Hang on.
Copy !req
462. - These guys are paying to put their lives at risk?
- The ultimate extreme sport.
Copy !req
463. Too much disposable income,
not enough meaning. That's us.
Copy !req
464. So what about Dan Hodges, Mark?
Copy !req
465. He wouldn't come out.
Copy !req
466. Just stood in the middle of the cage
and let it maul him.
Copy !req
467. I think he got in there
and he realised he didn't want to live enough.
Copy !req
468. He surrendered.
Copy !req
469. - None of us could get to him in time.
- And still you all come back.
Copy !req
470. - Well, what else is there?
- This has to stop.
Copy !req
471. More people are gonna die.
Copy !req
472. Five, four, three, two, one.
Copy !req
473. How long are we
going to keep playing this game, Owen?
Copy !req
474. You lie, you bullshit, you sweet talk,
Copy !req
475. but you are hiding, Owen.
Copy !req
476. Get in the cage.
Copy !req
477. - Not if you're gonna point a gun at me.
- Do you want me to shoot you?
Copy !req
478. Lower the gun
Copy !req
479. and then I will get into the cage.
Copy !req
480. Good boy.
Copy !req
481. - What's the longest anyone's been in there?
- That'd be Dan Hodges.
Copy !req
482. When you get in there,
when you're up close with it,
Copy !req
483. - take a look into its eyes.
- Open the door!
Copy !req
484. It's like looking into the darkest recesses
of your own soul.
Copy !req
485. Open the door.
Copy !req
486. Come on, then.
Copy !req
487. Owen!
Copy !req
488. Just open the door!
Copy !req
489. Jack!
Copy !req
490. Open it!
Copy !req
491. - Owen...
- Get off me!
Copy !req
492. - That's enough!
- Help me, Jack. Help me get him out.
Copy !req
493. - Owen, come on. Come one.
- Get a stretcher!
Copy !req
494. - You did this to him.
- He did it to himself.
Copy !req
495. He had no fear.
Copy !req
496. It's over now.
Copy !req
497. These creatures are to be left alone.
Go back to your lives.
Copy !req
498. Jack.
Copy !req
499. - What are you doing?
- It's over.
Copy !req
500. You shouldn't have.
Copy !req
501. No, really, you shouldn't. I hate grapes.
Copy !req
502. Doctors reckon you can go home.
Copy !req
503. Doctors... what do they know, eh?
Copy !req
504. I didn't want saving.
Copy !req
505. You want us to apologise?
Copy !req
506. For a few seconds in that cage,
Copy !req
507. I felt totally at peace.
Copy !req
508. And then you blunder in.
Copy !req
509. Do you always know best, Jack?
Copy !req
510. Is that what you believe?
Copy !req
511. I want you back in work tomorrow.
Copy !req
512. - You sure you'll be all right?
- Give us a moment alone, yeah?
Copy !req
513. Where's the SUV? Has it been stolen?
Copy !req
514. No, we have.
Copy !req
515. They're stuck in the middle
of the Cardiff blitz.
Copy !req
516. Toshiko!
Copy !req
517. It's our duty to get them out.
Copy !req
518. Open the rift now,
and the whole world could suffer.
Copy !req
519. Who knows what will come out?
Copy !req
520. I love you.
Copy !req
521. It's a trap to incite total chaos and destruction.
Copy !req
522. We don't even know who he is.
He's our leader.
Copy !req
523. Not any more.
Copy !req
524. I'm Captain Jack Harkness, 133rd squadron.
Copy !req